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KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th November 2013

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

Dec 27, 2015



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Page 1: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

Welcome MEDEA

Kick-off meetingRiga, 27th -29th November


Page 2: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.



With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Page 3: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.


With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

• 1 -LEGAL DOCUMENTSA. Grant Agreement /Consortium Agreement

• 2 -MANAGEMENT STRUCTUREA. CompositionB. Roles and ResponsabilitiesC. MEDEA Committees

• 3 -FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTA. Budget overviewB. Organisation of the mobilityC. Implementation of the mobility

– Subsistance costs– Travel costs– Participation costs– Insurance costs

D. Organisation and Implementation of the mobilityE. Management invoices

• 4 -ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUESA. Important documents -PartnersB. Documents for the mobilityC. ReportingD. Checks and Audits


A. Communication toolsB. Key documentsC. Communication and networkD. Sustainability – Erasmus +

Page 4: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.


Grant Agreement

Signed between EACEA and the coordinating HEI.Contract between UPS and EACEA.Agreement for the period from the 14th july 2013 to 14th july 2017.Legal and financial aspects, duties of UPS and EACEA.

Consortium Agreement

Signed by all partners2 signed copiesStructures and officialises the consortiumDefines the rules of the consortium:

– Management structure– Financial and legal aspects– Roles of partners– Organisation of the mobility– Settlement of disputes

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Page 5: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

2.Management structureA. Composition

Coordinating institution: Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

Coordinator: Oksana KOUNDOUZOVA

Coordinating institution: Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

Coordinator: Oksana KOUNDOUZOVA

Co-coordinator institution: Tbilisi, Georgia

Coordinator: Ia IAVALIANI

Co-coordinator institution: Tbilisi, Georgia

Coordinator: Ia IAVALIANI

Project manager: Elodie Balonas Constantino

Project manager: Elodie Balonas Constantino

MEDEA consortium committee (MCC)

MEDEA Joint Selection Committee (MJSC)

MEDEA Quality Committee (MQC)


PARTNER and Associated Partners TEAM

Academic and/or Administrative representativesAcademic and/or Administrative representatives


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Management of the project by Coordinator and Co-coordinator

2.Management structure B.Roles and responsabilities of each structure

Day-to-day managementPromotion material and websiteImplementation of proceduresMEDEA documents – TemplatesFinancesInsuranceReporting to EACEAProblem solving

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

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Administrative and financial management

Local implementation of the project Financial management of local budget Local promotion of the project Designate a person referent for project Reporting to the coordinating Team Advise their representatives in consortium


Mobility management

Overall management of the selection procedure

In charge of evaluating students / staff Practical organisation and follow up

mobilities Supervise the training procedures and

their contents Collect all documents related to the

student mobility

Partner Institutions

2.Management structureB.Roles and responsabilities of each structure

Page 8: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

2.Management structure B.Roles and responsabilities of each structure

Associate Partners

Associates play an active role in the action but they are not beneficiaries.

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Aims of assiciate partners:o Facilitate and contribute to the transfer of knowledge.oInnovation process.oPromotion.oIdentifying and providing placement facilities to incoming students.

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With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

• MEDEA Joint Selection Committee (MJSC)

Composition: One representative by partner university chaired by coordinator

Role: Decides final selection of the granted candidates

Meeting frequency: Once a year

Decision rules:Consensus or simple majorityImpartial and no conflicts of interest

Responsabilities: Overall management of the recruitment

process Selection procedures Respect of the mobility scheme


Coordination of training activity Dissemination of the results Verification of the availability and follow

up of the student

2.Management structure C.MEDEA Committees

Page 10: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

2.Management structure C.MEDEA Committees

Composition: One representative by partner university chaired by coordinator

Role: Consortium’s decision making and arbitration body

Meeting frequency: Once a year

Decision rules: Consensus or simple majority Binding decision for all partners

Responsabilities: Promotion Dissemination of results Sustainability Valorisation Political and strategic orientation Selection Procedures Mobility implementation Mobility Recognition

• MEDEA Consortium Committee (MCC)

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With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

• MEDEA Quality Committee (MQC)

Composition: 2 members representing EU partners.2 members representing TC partners.1 independent member of associate partners.

The MQC aims to:Work on the weakness of the project .Propose measures for improvement.Define forces and failures of the project through quality reports.Work on the sustainable development of MEDEA.

2.Management structure C.MEDEA Committees

Page 12: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

3.Financial ManagementC.Implementation of the mobility

Subsistence costs

Transfer of the total subsistence allowances proportionally to the number of grant holders after each selection committee. Partners will have to send an invoice to receive the payment.The susbsistence allowance is a monthly allowance for costs of living.This lump sum will be transferred directly to hosting institution.The hosting university will have to transfer money on a monthly basis.In duly justified cases the payment periodicity can cover up to a maximum of three months.Subsistence costs should be provided upon arrival to cover installation costs. (After signature of the scolarship contract)If a portion of a month is more than 15 days, a full month allowance is to be paid.

Mobility type Monthly allowance

Undergraduate 1000€

Post-graduate 1000€

Doctorate 1500€

Post-doctorate 1800€

Staff 2500€

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Page 13: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

3.Financial ManagementD.Organisation&Implementation of the mobility – Recap

Organization of mobility(HOME & HOST)

Individual scholarship (HOST)

Lump sum3500 euros

Participation cost Travel Cost Insurance cost


Eligible Costs

-Human resources -Meeting expenses :KOM,selection committees-Project’s promotion

-Permit residence-Language courses-Tuition fees -Laboratory consumable -Specific needs for the formation-Public transport

-One return flight ticket-Extra cost due to visa process-Visa cost

Insurance managed by UPS

Monthly allowance

Recording - An administrative platform soon ready, until then, please send to UPS a scanned copy of all the invoices and proofs (boarding pass, invoices, etc.) - Send UPS detailed table of expenditure-Keep all original copies

-Invoice (original)-Boarding pass

Copy sent directly to students, if required can be sent to Host

Endorsement letter signed by the student. Template provided by coordinator

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Page 14: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

3.Financial ManagementE. Management of invoices

Type of expenses Management required Partners concerned (sending or hosting)

Organisation of mobility Activities report All partners

Subsistence costs

•Each granted will have to sign a monthly allowance receipt •A proof that the money has been transfered

Hosting institution

Travel costs

•Invoices and boarding cards must be kept •Certificate of arrival must be signed by all granted

Hosting institution

Participation costs Proof of registration, invoices of expenditure

Hosting institution

Insurance Contract signed by all granted Hosting institution

For all expenses, keep the invoicesWe can have an audit during the 5 years after the end of the project !!

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Page 15: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

4.Administrative issuesA. Important Documents - Partners

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KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

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4.Administrative issues B-Documents for the mobility

• Letter of acceptance in the MEDEA project

Sent by the coordinator at the end of the selection process when the student agrees to integrate the project

• Welcome letter in the hosting university

Sent by the hosting university, giving the name of the tutor, accommodation, visa information, etc.

• Student/staff agreementSigned by the coordinating institution and the student/staff : duties, rights, fundings, etc.

• Student/staff learning agreement

Filled by the student/staff and approved by the hosting and home institutions

• Certificate of arrival & monthly allowance receipt

Signed by the student at the hosting institution

A template is provided by

the coordinating


With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European UnionKOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Page 17: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

4.Administrative issuesC.Reporting

Event Deadline

Starting date of eligibility period July 2013

Submission of Minimum Requirement for the selection procedure

Submission of the lists of selected candidates

15 days before the 1st mobility


Submission of the 1st Progress report 01/09/2014

Submission of the 2nd Progress report 01/02/2015

Submission of the 3rd Progress report 01/02/2016

Ending date of the eligibility period 14/07/2017

Submission of the Final report 14/09/2017

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KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

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4.Administrative issuesC.Reporting

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

1st cohort

Submission of the lists of grant holdersMobility flow latest start


2nd cohort

Submission of the lists of grant holdersMobility flow lastest start


3rd cohort

Submission of the lists of grant holdersMobility flow lastest start



Boarding passes Learning agreement Arrival notice Student agreement / contract Student registration proof

Satisfactory survey regular appointment

Attendance certificateScholarship reportTranscript of record

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With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

4.Administrative issuesD. Checks and Audits

All EU funded projects may be checked through:• A desk control (a review and analysis of the contractually

required supporting documents)• Monitoring and on the spot visits by the Agency

• Audit visits by the Agency's external Auditors• Audit visits by the European Court of Auditors


• any time during implementation• up to 5 years after the date of the financial closure (date of the

final payment/recovery order)

Page 20: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

4.Administrative issuesD. Checks and Audits – Documents to be kept

-Passport.-Student agreement.-Travel documents (bording passes, e-tickets), …-Bank statements –for the transfer of subsistence allowance.-insurance agreement/invoice/annex to the insurance contract. with the name of the grantee and the period clearly stated.-Any other documents relevant for the respective mobility.

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KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Page 21: KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013 With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union Welcome MEDEA Kick-off meeting Riga, 27th -29th.

6.Communication and disseminationB.Key documentation

Documents :

Programme guide Guidedlines to call for proposals Administrative and financial hanbook Minimum requirements for selection procedure Minimum health insurance requirements Visibility of Erasmus Mundus projects (website /logo) Reporting templates Financial information kit

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KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

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6.Communication andDissemination C. Communication and Networking


Website: www.ema2.medea

EACEA national agencies

Institutional cooperation agreements


Newsletters, articles

With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

Associated Partners

Student Network

Institutional contacts

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With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union

KOM Riga 27th-29th November 2013

6.Communication and Dissemination D. Sustainability

Intra- partnership agreementsBetween Balkan statesBetween EuropeanBetween EU / Balkan

Staff exchanges Even if not in the framework of MEDEA

Joint Programmes / Doubles Diploma

Cooperation Agreements

Signature of MOU’s

Erasmus + : Future coopération

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