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Knox County 4-H Hilite December 2019/January 2020 I PLEDGE...MY HEAD TO CLEARER THINKING Dear 4-H Families and Friends, Happy Holidays from your 4-H Extension Team! This newsleƩer covers December 2019-January 2020; so, Happy New Year to you! In the newsleƩer there are many scholarships, conferences and contests that you can take part in. Think about taking advantage of all that 4-H has to offer. There are several local, state, and naƟonal 4-H workshops or conferences that you can aƩend for a reduced fee due to the local 4-H Scholarships. Make sure you talk to the office before you register online. In addiƟon, please read all the deadlines and if you have any quesƟons, please contact us. You must be enrolled in all livestock and companion animal projects by January 1 st ! Again, Happy Holidays and enjoy your Ɵme with your families! Please remember that the Extension Office will be closed December 23rd through January 1st and will resume normal business hours January 2nd. This means if you have quesƟons about registering for your livestock project, we wont be available. Please dont delay. RegistraƟon is open now! Yours in 4-H, Shelby R. Carlson To Make the Best BETTER Lisa Torrance County Director Shelby R. Carlson 4-H Youth Development Educator [email protected] Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator [email protected] Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator [email protected] Avis Skinner Office Support Staff [email protected] Knox County Extension Office 180 S Soangetaha Rd, Ste 108 Galesburg, IL 61401-5595 Phone: 309-342-5108 Monday Through Friday 8 am Noon 1 pm — 4:30 pm University of Illinois United States Department of Agriculture Local Extension Councils CooperaƟng University of Illinois provides equal opportuniƟes in programs and employment. If you need a reasonable accommodaƟon to parƟcipate in this program, please contact your county Extension Office 4-H Steer Weigh-In Scheduled If you are planning on bringing a steer to the County 4-H Show or to the State Fair, please plan to weigh-in at the Knox County Fairgrounds—Saturday, February 1 from 10- 11:30 am. If you have issues with the Knox Fairgrounds date, please contact the office. Abingdon FesƟval Grounds will be doing a weigh –in the following weekend and need headcounts of who will be aƩending. Please call the Extension office to specify how many you plan to weigh-in and with a number to call in case of bad weather. We would like to remind members that weigh-in should be done in the county of your enrollment.

Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator [email protected] Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator [email protected] Avis Skinner Office

Aug 23, 2020



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Page 1: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office

Knox County 4-H Hilite

December 2019/January 2020


Dear 4-H Families and Friends, Happy Holidays from your 4-H Extension Team! This newsle er covers December 2019-January 2020; so, Happy New Year to you! In the newsle er there are many scholarships, conferences and contests that you can take part in. Think about taking advantage of all that 4-H has to offer. There are several local, state, and na onal 4-H workshops or conferences that you can a end for a reduced fee due to the local 4-H Scholarships. Make sure you talk to the office before you register online. In addi on, please read all the deadlines and if you have any ques ons, please contact us. You must be enrolled in all livestock and companion animal projects by January 1st! Again, Happy Holidays and enjoy your me with your families!

Please remember that the Extension Office will be closed December 23rd through January 1st and will resume normal business hours January 2nd. This means if you have ques ons about registering for your livestock project, we won’t be available. Please don’t delay. Registra on is open now!

Yours in 4-H,

Shelby R. Carlson

To Make the Best BETTER

Lisa Torrance County Director

Shelby R. Carlson 4-H Youth Development Educator

[email protected]

Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator [email protected]

Avis Skinner Office Support Staff [email protected]

Knox County Extension Office 180 S Soangetaha Rd, Ste 108

Galesburg, IL 61401-5595 Phone: 309-342-5108

Monday Through Friday 8 am — Noon

1 pm — 4:30 pm

University of Illinois ● United States Department of Agriculture ● Local

Extension Councils Coopera ng

University of Illinois provides equal opportuni es in programs and

employment. If you need a reasonable accommoda on to par cipate in this program, please contact your county

Extension Office

4-H Steer Weigh-In Scheduled If you are planning on bringing a steer to the County 4-H Show or to the State Fair, please plan to weigh-in at the Knox County Fairgrounds—Saturday, February 1 from 10-11:30 am.

If you have issues with the Knox Fairgrounds date, please contact the office. Abingdon Fes val Grounds will be doing a weigh –in the following weekend and need headcounts of who will be a ending.

Please call the Extension office to specify how many you plan to weigh-in and with a number to call in case of bad weather. We would like to remind members that weigh-in should be done in the county of your enrollment.

Page 2: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office



Ge ng a jump on the 4-H dog project! Get a jump on all that’s possible in the 4-H dog project at a NEW workshop 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Granny Rose K-9 Enrichment Center in Dixon. The workshop will include a live agility demonstra on, hands-on grooming lessons specific to your breed, health and nutri on ps, and a live rally demonstra on. The event is sponsored by the Illinois State 4-H Livestock Ambassador Team. Pre-registra on is not required. Think summer and make plans for 4-H camp Camping at 4-H Memorial Camp will open February 3. Spaces fill up immediately, so save the date on your calendar! There are 5 weeks of youth camp this year.

Week 1: June 2-6 Week 2: June 7-11 Week 3: June 14-18 Week 4: July 5-9 Week 5: July 26-30

Take the next step in your leadership journey February 22 & 23 | Effingham, IL You’ll laugh. You’ll make new friends. You’ll even learn cool ideas to take back to your own 4-H Club at this year’s Illinois 4-H Junior Leadership Conference. The conference is open to 4-H members in 7th and 8th grade. Registra on closes when we reach 100 par cipants, so don’t wait to the Jan. 24 deadline. Do it now! REGISTER: This year’s conference will be held at the Holiday Inn in Effingham! In addi on to cool things to do, you’ll each par cipate in these fun workshops:

Flying into the Virtual World: Explore STEM with 4-H! Take a trip to Europe, South America, and Africa through the world of Virtual Reality. Put your problem solving skills to work and help solve interna onal problems in the form of fun engineering challenges! Come work with 4-H to explore the world of technology that surrounds us and those in other countries. Tacky Tourist Trivia: Explore the world of trivia with your tacky tourist guides. Throughout the trivia tour, you will test your knowledge of the world, 4-H, pop culture, and more as you work with your team to win the Tacky Tourist Trivia Tournament. Weathering the Storm of Agriculture: Are you experiencing the calm before the storm? Do you know how weather and agriculture affect one another? Come and see the impact of both agriculture and weather across the globe. Follow Our Lead: Follow our lead as we take a trip to India to learn and prac ce dancing fusion style. On our journey, we will experience the cul-ture and rich history this dance has to offer. Pass the Plate: This workshop is your gateway to nutri on around the world. We will be exploring interna onal diets, learning about the components of proper nutri on and comple ng a food science experiment.

Everyone will also help package meals as they learn more about food insecurity in Illinois.

Page 3: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office



Nomina ons open for 2020 Salute to Excellence Volunteer awards The Illinois 4-H program is built on the work of amazing volunteers, and we look forward to recognizing our volunteers for what they do! The Na onal 4-H Council sponsors the Salute to Excellence Award Program that targets 4-H volunteers who demonstrate exemplary service to 4-H, while promo ng service through volunteerism. Nominate outstanding local volunteers for considera on by contac ng the Extension office. The two categories for nomina ons are:

Volunteer of the Year – recognizing individuals who have served as 4-H volunteers for less than 10 years at the local, county, region and state level Outstanding Life me Volunteer – recognizing individuals who have served 10 or more years at the local, county, region or state level.

Nomina ons are due to the County Office by January 3rd, which will allow us to meet the Thursday, January 9, 2020 submission deadline set by the State 4-H Office. Submission criteria is available at the Extension Office.

Explore the na on’s capital For over 50 years, thousands of 4-H members have traveled to Washing-ton, DC to par cipate in Ci zenship Washington Focus, a life-changing week that empowers 4-H’ers to take their leadership skills to the next level for themselves and their communi es. The trip is July 4 – 11, 2020. You must be at least 14 by May 1, 2020. During the week, you will ex-plore the federal legisla ve process through workshops and hands-on sessions, tour historical sights and museums, give your voice on issues, visit federal legisla ve offices, and meet teens from other states. The 2020 cost is es mated to be $1,305, with financial assistance being pro-vided from the Illinois 4-H Founda on. Registra on deadline is Friday, January 3, 2020. Register at h ps:// zenship-washington-focus. Interested? Ask your program coordinator about poten al financial assistance!

Be a true leader in service Join 4-H members and clubs across Illinois and the na on on Saturday, April 25 as part of True Leaders in Service! 4-H clubs serve their commu-ni es all year long however the month of April has been selected as a

me for ALL 4-H clubs to join together to roll up their sleeves in service to local communi es. This could mean helping a person or family in need doing yard work or minor home repairs, cleaning up streets or parks, plan ng trees or gardens, suppor ng your local food pantry or any other project that supports a local need.

Make your plans now on how you’ll help others. Find resources @ Later in 2020, you can register your projects there! The goal of the 4-H True Leaders in Service day is to encourage 4-H members in every county to make a posi ve difference. Service projects can be done by individuals, by 4-H clubs, or as a countywide service project. No ma er what the project is, this will be a day to make a difference.

Page 4: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office

Unit-Wide Policies The new year begins September 1. Please make sure you read and understand the policies. We are trying to keep the deadlines consistent so it is easier for everyone to remember the dates. If a deadline lands on a weekend the paperwork needs to be turned in the drop box on Monday prior to 7:59 a.m. before the office opens. October 11 - RISK forms need to be turned into the office to be eligible to par cipate in 4-H ac vi es. Medical forms need to be turned into your leader. December 1 - Re-enrollment, project selec on, and RISK form need to be completed. If you were a member last year, and you miss the December 1 re-enrollment deadline, you will not be eligible to par cipate in the 2020 4-H shows at the fair. Check with your club leader about the $20 program fee. Each club will be invoiced for the total amount due. Please go online to re-enroll at h p:// Members will need to a end at least four mee ngs a year to be eligible to par cipate in your county’s 4-H fair. You have to be physically present at the 4-H mee ng. Excused absences do not count as a ending. At minimum members must complete a talk or demonstra on. However, clubs may require both. Secretaries are required to send a endance sheets to the Extension Office monthly a er each 4-H mee ng. A endance reports may be emailed, scanned, mailed, or dropped off. We ask that you use the online Secretary Record Book. You may print it out. Treasurers need to make sure they are balancing accounts monthly and providing reports during each mee ng. Also, make sure you are using the required online Treasurer Record Book. January 1 – Livestock and Companion Animal (dogs and cats) Project Enrollment deadline. This is the last date you may add ANY livestock project and s ll be eligible to show that project at the county 4-H fair. March 1 – General Project enrollment deadline. This is the last date you may add a general project and s ll be eligible to show that project at the county 4-H fair. Remember that you already turned in your enrollment in December, but if you need to add a general project you may do so before this deadline. May 1 - Horse project members’ ownership/lease papers and pictures due to the office. May 1 – Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) yearly cer fica on is required of all livestock project members (aside from cats, dogs, horses, poultry, and rabbits). For all other animals, QAEC will s ll be required. If you plan to show livestock at the county and/or state fair, this is now a state requirement for all of us at the county level. Ask your local extension office about ways to complete this training online or in person. For all other animals (cats, dogs, horses, poultry, and rabbits), QAEC will s ll be required. June 8 – Online entries will be due at the close of the day. This is where you tell us what projects you are bring to the fair. Keep in mind—do not delay!



Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) 4-H members exhibi ng animals entering the food produc on system will be required to complete the Youth for the Quality Care of Animal cer fica on (YQCA). It will replace former trainings: PQA and QAEC. This program is the industry-standard cer fica on. The training must be completed each year. We will be hos ng in person trainings on the following dates and youth are able to a end any of them: February 17-Knox | February 19 –Henderson | February 25 - McDonough | February 27 –Warren

Horses, dogs, cats, poultry, and rabbits will s ll be required to take the Quality Assurance and Ethics (QAEC) training. This training is only required once in the member’s career.

Page 5: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office

Change lives, be a 4-H camp counselor It may be cooling off now, but summer will return, and we need you to help mentor the campers at 4-H Memorial Camp near Mon cello. Applica ons will be available in January on the state 4-H website. We’re looking for cer fied lifeguards and young adults interested in fishing, shelter building, tree and wildlife iden fica on, and other outdoor adventures. We also need counselors interested in STEM programming. For informa on, contact Andy Davis @ [email protected] or call 217-762-2741.

Project Highlight: Livestock I will admit, I am “gilty” of a bad pun from me to me, but “ewe” know we can’t help ourselves when it comes to livestock. In fact, I could keep them up ‘ l the cows come home. In our county, many members enroll in livestock projects during their 4-H experience. If you think you will be taking a livestock or companion animal to the fair this year, you must be enrolled in the project in 4-H online by January 1st. This includes, beef ca le, cats, dogs, dairy ca le, goats, horses, poultry, rabbits, sheep, and swine.

Members interested in livestock can expect to learn about nutri onal needs of animals, basic care and grooming, ethical treatment, how to prepare for shows, how to make financial decisions, how to evalua on livestock and more! To help ensure members are learning the latest informa on about livestock produc on and management, members are required to complete an Ethics cer fica on such as YQCA or QAEC. The rules for these are found on page 4.

Careers in livestock can range from being a veterinarian, an animal trainer, a produc on manager, a nutri on specialist, a meat inspector, and more. Par cipa ng in a livestock project helps members learn good record keeping and organiza onal skills. These will always be helpful! Want to learn more about a livestock project? Visit to learn more!

Aim high for the Illinois State Fair Make plans now to a end the Illinois State Fair. The 4-H General Project Show will be three days, Aug. 14-16 in Springfield. Our exhibit day is August 16.

4-H Fair Book Cover Contest Any 4-H member (age 8-18 only) interested in crea ng an original design for the 2018 Knox County 4-H Fair Book must submit their entry to the Extension Office by February 14 at 4:30 pm. The entry that is selected for the cover will receive a prize and will have their art on display. To be considered for the contest and to receive the prize, entries must meet the following requirements: Title: Knox County 4-H Fair Book Paper: 8.5x11 piece of paper with at least 1/2 inch border on all sides. Ink: Black ink or Black Marker (pencil isn’t dark enough and the book is printed in black and white) Originality: Everything must be freehand. You may not use a computer or copyright graphics. Fair Date: Leave a 1x3 inch space for the Extension Office to insert the dates and loca ons of the 4-H Show and Project Show. 4-H Clover: The 4-H Clover may not be distorted or rotated. Do not place text or pictures over the 4-H Clo-ver. For a list of guidelines regarding the 4-H Clover, please contact your local Extension office. Deadline: Friday, February 14



Page 6: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office


SCHOLARSHIPS Here’s help to pay for college

FARM CREDIT ILLINOIS SCHOLARSHIPS High school seniors planning careers in agriculture may apply for a $2,000 scholarship. Farm Credit Illinois will provide 30 scholarships to youth who live or farm in one of the 60 coun es in their service area. The first $1,000 will be distributed for the Fall 2019 semester, and the second $1,000 will be applied during the Fall 2021 semester. Apply online at before March 1. Are you going to University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences? The college is MATCHING this scholarship, dollar for dollar! Double your money while ge ng a great ag educa on!

TEACH OUTDOOR SCHOLARSHIP A $500 Scholarship will be awarded to a student who will be a freshman or sophomore in college or trade school during the 2020-2021 school year. Applicants must be a current high school or home school student. Applica ons are due January 1 and can be downloaded @ h p://

JOYCE BETZ MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A $1,000 Scholarship will be awarded to a 4-H member who will be a freshman or sophomore in college or trade school during the 2020-2021 school year. Applicants must be a current high school or home school student. Applica ons are due January 1 and can be downloaded @ h p:// Joyce was a 4-H club leader in Will County.

IAA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP The IAA Founda on offers 76 awards ranging from $1,000 to $7,500. While applicants may apply for mul ple awards, they can only receive one scholarship. Certain scholarships may have more specific requirements. Online applica on and guidelines are found at www.iaafounda, along with a full lis ng of eligibility requirements and a FAQ sec on. For addi onal informa on please contact the IAA Founda on office at 309.557.2232 or email jsmith@il .org Applica on period opens on December 1, 2019 and closes February 1, 2020. Completed applica ons must be electronically submi ed on or before February 1, 2020.

KNOX COUNTY 4-H AND EXTENSION FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP The Knox County 4-H and Extension Founda on offers scholarships each year to incoming freshman and sophomores a ending a university, college, junior college, or technical school Criteria for selec on will be achievements and leadership in 4-H, community service, academic record and usage of scholarship. Applica ons must be submi ed to the Knox County 4-H and Extension Founda on, 180 S. Soangetaha Road, Suite 108, Galesburg, IL 61401 by May 14 each year. Past recipients of this scholarship are not eligible to reapply. Applica on can be found at h ps:// under “Resources”

DON TEEL SCHOLARSHIP Applicants must have a home address within Knox County and be a past or present 4-H member. They must be enrolled as a full me student in a university or community college with a declared agriculture or related course of study. An applicant may only be awarded this scholarship once. Completed applica ons must be received no later than June 1st . Submit completed applica ons to: Knox County Farm Bureau, 180 S. Soangetaha Road Galesburg, IL 61401, (309) 342-2036. Applica on can be found at h ps:// under “Resources”

Like us on Facebook @ Knox4H


Page 7: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office


Follow us on Instagram @4h_hkmw

Save the date for 2020 Illini Summer Academies The college explora on event of the year is set for 2020. Illinois 4-H Illini Summer Academies will be held June 21 – 27 on the University of Illinois campus. Registra on opens March 16 and runs through April 17 for par cipants. Youth reques ng financial assistance should apply January 31 thru March 1. Look for new informa on soon.

Create a winning video The World of 7 Billion video contest challenges you to think cri cally about some of the planets most pressing issues and to come up with solu ons. Share what you’ve learned in a 60-second video. The contest is currently open for the 2019-2020 school year! The contest is open to all middle and high school students worldwide, and the deadline for submissions is February 27, 2020. Up to $1,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to 80 student winners.

There’s a place for you at 4-H House Young women a ending University of Illinois may wish to consider 4-H House Coopera ve Sorority as their home away from home in the Fall of 2020. 4-H House is a coopera ve, which means they do all of their own cooking and cleaning. Tasks are split between members who encourage teamwork and coopera on. Living coopera vely means they can provide an extremely affordable housing op on; nearly half the cost of the dorms. Their values are philanthropic, recrea onal, and scholas c achievement, and they pride themselves on their strong sisterhood bond. Eligible students must have three or more years of experience in a na onally-recognized leadership organiza on, such as 4-H, FFA, Na onal Honor Society, Student Council, and others. Legacy Of Leadership Scholarship Awardee

The Illinois 4-H Founda on provided $29,000 in college scholarships and awarded another $20,000 in na onal conference travel scholarships to 4-H members honored at a ceremony held Oct. 5 in Champaign. The annual celebra on recognized over 100 of the top par cipants in the state’s most successful youth development program. Illinois 4-H Founda on presents the Legacy of Leadership Scholarship to 4-H members who demonstrate and maintain a high standard of 4-H excellence and mastery during their membership tenure. One of our very own was recognized this year, Cooper Wilt. “Our awardees embody the true spirit of 4-H, having made a difference not only in their communi es, but also Illinois and the na on,” said Lisa Diaz, University of Illinois Extension assistant dean and director of Illinois 4-H. “We are proud of the dedica on, service, and for tude of the young men and women who have developed through our 4-H programs.” Cooper was ac ve on the Knox County Federa on which built important leadership skills. He volunteered at the local rescue mission, conducted county events, and a ended state fair. Cooper plans to study accoun ng at Bradley University. “4-H means everything to me. It was a highly influen al part of my life that immensely helped my leadership and interpersonal skills.” Congratula ons, Cooper! And good luck in all your future endeavors!


Page 8: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office


Meeker Competes at Na onals! Blake Meeker competed on November 9th at the Eastern Na onal 4-H Horse Roundup Individual Presenta on contest held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky. This was the Na onal contest for those 4-Hers that qualified at each states' speech contest. Blake did a ten minute speech on Temperature, Pulse and Rate (TPR) for a horse. Although Blake wasn't in the top five, he learned a lot and is ready to go back and compete again!

2019 Livestock Judging Team

Livestock Judging will be star ng back up again soon! If you are interested in joining, contact Bill Hennenfent at [email protected] or 309-368-3634. Mee ngs will be at the Knox Agri Center at 6 PM on the following dates:

January: 6, 13, 20, 27 February: 3, 10, 24 March: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30



The Knox County Horse team would like to invite you to join us for an awesome learning experience about horses. Would you like to know more about horses? Do you want to learn how to judge horses? Do you want to know how to take care of a horse and get it ready to show?

What is Horsebowl? Horsebowl is trivia about horses. There is a team of five kids that compete against several teams from other coun es at a Regional compe on and hopefully qualify to go onto State.

Examples of Ques ons: What is the stages of parasites? Which country has the biggest dra horse? What is Showmanship with a horse?

What is Hippology? The study of the horse. The kids compete individually at the Regional compe on iden fying horse related items (example parts of saddle, breeds, or colors). The top eight go to State compe on.

Horse Judging: Each year there are two compe ons we compete at. We work with the kids to show them the proper way for a horse to travel and proper confirma on. Please join us for answers to all these ques ons and many more!!! The horse team will have orienta on on January 6th at 6 pm at the Knox Agri Center in Galesburg, IL.

For more informa on, please contact the Extension office at 309-342-5108.

Page 9: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office



Federa on wants YOU to get involved! Knox County 4-H Open House Do you want to learn more about what Knox 4-H has to offer? Do you like winning prize packs full of amazing treats? Do you maybe just want to learn a li le bit more about the projects you can bring to the general show this summer? Or even curious about what your first year in the organiza on might look like? Then look no further than the Knox County 4-H Open House on January 26 from 2-5 pm at the Knox Agri Center! Knox County 4-H Federa on invites our members of all experiences and age levels, as well as interested community youth, to an event where all of these ques ons will be addressed and more! There will be a project fair, booths of clubs and SPIN clubs we offer, informa on for new members, as well as giving away some cool free stuff! Join us to see what might spark your inspira on this year! More informa on will be posted here h ps://, so make sure to follow the event for more updates!

Galesburg Rescue Mission Meal Service Join us for an evening of service at the Galesburg Rescue Mission on January 19, 2020. We will once again be preparing and serving a meal beginning at 4 PM. Mark your calendars now! There will be a Federa on Mee ng prior to the meal service at 3 PM in the Galesburg Rescue Mission Chapel.

Loving Bo oms Diaper Bank Diaper Drive The Knox County 4-H Federa on will be collec ng diapers to donate to the Loving Bo oms Diaper Bank . Once again, we will be making it a compe on between clubs. The first place club will be awarded a special surprise treat party courteous of your Federa on Board! The winner will be chosen based on the number of diapers brought in by a club. 1 diaper equals 1 point. Clubs can also get points for a ending the Federa on service event at the diaper bank, 30 points for every member (excluding Federa on members). All sizes and brands of diapers are welcome, although they must be in the original packaging. Diapers can be brought to the office now up un l the week of our ser-vice trip to Loving Bo oms (TBA). A firm deadline will be announced soon. More informa on, dates, and deadlines will be coming to our Facebook page and website soon!

Knox County 4-H Adver sement Compe on Knox County Federa on is hos ng an Adver sement Compe on this Winter. Each Club can submit one entry that promotes and publicizes Knox County 4-H. The winning club will get the chance to record their adver se-ment at WGIL and win $100 for their club! Get pumped Knox County 4-H! So here are the details. Compe tors need to submit a script and a self made recording of their adver sement that is no longer than 30 seconds. Submissions will be judged by Federa on members and a panel of community experts. There will only be one winner chosen, so get your team together and get crea ve! All compe on entries are due to the office by Friday, February 14, 2020 @ 4:30 PM. Feel free to drop your recording and script off at the office or send it to Nicole at [email protected]. We can’t wait to see what you come up with! See you on the radio, Knox County 4-H!

Federa on Mee ngs The Knox County 4-H Federa on Board would like to welcome you to their next mee ng happening December 15th @ 6 pm in the Farm Bureau Board Room. Member and Club input is crucial to help decide what events and contests the board will hold for the 2019-2020 year! Everyone is invited to a end. If you are one of the two designated Federa on Board Delegates for your club, please join us! Designated delegates can vote on the deci-sions the board makes. And if you need more incen ve, Federa on members have agreed to bring snacks to every mee ng, so you won’t want to miss out! Our January mee ng will be held at the Galesburg Rescue Mission Chapel on January 19 @ 3 pm.

Page 10: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office


4-H FIRST Robo cs teams

The RoboStorm (FIRST LEGO League) are working hard preparing for their regional compe on on December 14TH at the Bradley University. Every year FIRST LEGO League sets a challenge for robo cs teams. This year it is “City Shaper”. During the tournament, teams are judged in four areas: project research, core values, robot

design, and table runs. This team has a long tradi on of snagging awards at this compe on and moving on to state compe on at the University of Illinois in Champaign -Urbana.

The Binary Bullets (FIRST Tech Challenge) team had their first meet at Orion High School on November 16th. At the end of the compe on the Binary Bullets, placed first. The Binary Bullets has their second meet on December 7th at Fulton High School. The team will once again showcase their 30 second autonomous, followed by their two-minute tallies-op with their alliance.

Good Luck Robo cs teams and thank you for par cipa ng in this year’s veteran Day parade!

Please submit all Farmer’s Forecast ar cles and JPG photos to [email protected]. Ar cles are due no later than the 26th of the month at 11:59 PM. Need Ideas about what to write? Just ask!

2020 Schedule


January: Union February: Victoria Cloverleaf

March: Walnut Grove Progressors April: Wataga Trailblazers

May: Williamsfield Town & Country June: Willing Workers

July: Backcountry Braves August: Bracken Busy Bees September: Cameron Kids October: Delong Livestock November: Hague Hustlers December: Happy Hustlers

Registering for Events: 4-H has so many opportuni es for its members to take part in. Did you know the local exten-sion office will help cover the cost of state conferences and events? It’s true! Make sure you follow the correct procedure so you don’t miss out on any opportuni es. The Extension office will cover half of the registra on fee up to a total of $300 per year per member! The local 4-H Founda on may choose to cover more of the cost. *Contact your local program coordinator and let them know you are interested in a ending the event before registra ons are due.

Premium Checks: Premium checks have been mailed out! Make sure to cash them before the end of the year. Checks that have not been cashed by the end of the year will be forfeited.

Page 11: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office


Club Report Submissions are due by the 26th of each month by 11:59 PM to Nicole, [email protected]

Bracken Busy Bees Report by Haley Brooks The November mee ng of the Bracken Busy Bees 4H Club was held at the Abingdon Grade School on November 3, at 7:00. Zoe called the mee ng order and lead the club in the pledges. Avery Stegall took role and gave the Secretary's Report. Asa gave the Club Treasurer's Report. Clark girls told club how Abingdon Banking Center was excited to receive the 4H cookie jar. Club discussed important dates coming up and to be sure and mark their calendar. Deadline for enrollment is December 1 Talked about the Diaper Drive for January and the 4H Adver sement Compe on. Club voted to have a Christmas potluck on December 1 at 5:30. Club will be shopping for groceries at Hi Lo on December 1 at 4:30 and dona ng to the Food Pantry. Club will also be making e blankets for the Children's Hospital Cancer pa ence. Zoe will provide the meat for the potluck and the Clark family will bring punch. Reminded members about the Recogni on for Excellence Awards Program at the Lake Story Pavilion on November 7th at 6:00. Alexandria gave a talk/demonstra on on using sign language. Juliana gave a talk on the Dwarf Planet Pluto. Avery moved to adjourn the mee ng and Alexandria seconded the mo on. Next mee ng will be December 1, 5:30 at the Abingdon Banking Center.

Delong Livestock Report by Cora Buchanan

The club was held on Sunday, November 10 at Orange Chapel. It was called to order at 6:01 P.M. by Kit Hopkins. Alex Parrish led us in pledges. Paige Nimrick gave the secretary's report. Treasurer Dylan Nimrick gave the treasurer's report. Old business was discussed. Katelyn and Dalton Engel a ended the Recogni on For Excellence Awards Program Katelyn will be going to Washington D.C. to report to the legislators about 4-H.In new business, a reminder that the enrollment for new members and re-enrollment for current members is due December 1st. Risk forms also have to be done by December 1st, or you won't be able to show at the 2020 4-H fair. Be aware of when the extension office may be closed over the Thanksgiving holiday, as it will not be able to help with any registra on problems. Be sure to take part in upcoming workshops listed in the November highlight such as Gentlemen's Guide to Style workshop, Office and leadership training, and DIY Code and Build workshop. Our club will par cipate in the Angel Tree purchasing one gi each for a boy and girl. Our club dona on to Orange Chapel was discussed. Cookies for the cookies for the cookie jar will be done by the Hopkins. Our club will have a gi exchange at our next mee ng. (girl for a girl, boy for a boy) We discussed the Galesburg Rescue Mission Meal Service, Loving Bo oms Diaper Bank Diaper Drive, and the Knox County 4-H Adver sement compe on. Demos and talks were done by; Zach Hopkins on care for sheep, Andy Bates, Dylan Nimrick showed how to make a homemade bird feeder, Kit Hopkins talked about washing and trimming the sheep, Alex Parrish showed how to make chocolate chip cookies (with extra chips!), and Aurora Buchanan spoke about bee keeping. Mee ng was adjourned by Dalton Engel at 6:58 P.M. Our next mee ng will be Sunday, December 8 at 5:00 P.M. It will be a potluck and gi exchange.

Federa on Report by Paige Nimrick

The Knox County 4-H Federa on board held its November mee ng on November 15, 2019, at the Knox Agri Center. The mee ng was called to order at 6 pm. The federa on board discussed what we will be doing for the 4-H Open House. We will have a mee ng on January 19, 2020 at 3 pm at the rescue mission and we will be serving a meal a erwards. The Diaper Drive work day will happen this winter. The collec ons for the Diaper Drive will begin on December 1st and go through the week of the event (TBA). The winning club will receive a surprise treat party at their next mee ng. The next board mee ng will be held on December 15, 2019 at 6 pm at the Knox Agri Center.


Page 12: Knox County 4-H Hilite - U of I Extension · Nicole Nelson 4-H Program Coordinator Julian Inniss 4-H SPIN Coordinator Avis Skinner Office

Mark Your Calendar With 2020 Dates December 15 Federa on Mee ng (p. 9) December 27 & 30 DIY Code & Build Workshop

January 1 DEADLINE: Livestock Project Enrollment January 1 DEADLINE: Teach Outdoor Scholarship (p. 6) January 1 DEADLINE: Joyce Betz Scholarship (p. 6) January 3 DEADLINE: Ci zenship Washington Focus registra on (p. 3) January 3 DEADLINE: Salute to Excellence (p. 3) January 6 Horse Bowl & Hippology Orienta on (p. 8) January 6 Livestock Judging First Prac ce (p. 8) January 18 Dog Clinic, Dixon, IL (p. 2) January 19 Federa on Mee ng (p. 9) January 19 Service Event: Meal Service @ Galesburg Rescue Mission (p. 9) January 24 DEADLINE: Junior Leadership Conference Registra on Due (p. 2) January 26 Knox County 4-H Open House (p. 9)

February 1 DEADLINE: IAA Founda on Scholarships Due (p. 6) February 1 Steer Weigh In (p. 1) February 3 Memorial Camp Registra on Opens (p. 2) February 14 DEADLINE: Adver sement Compe on (p. 9) February 14 DEADLINE: Fair Book Cover Contest (p. 5) February 16 Federa on Mee ng February 17 YQCA Training (Knox) (p. 4) February 19 YQCA Training (Henderson) (p. 4) February 22 – 23 Junior Leadership Conference, Effingham (p. 2) February 25 YQCA Training (McDonough) (p. 4) February 27 YQCA Training (Warren) (p. 4)

March 1 DEADLINE: General Project Enrollment March 1 DEADLINE: Farm Credit Scholarship (p. 6) March 15 Federa on Mee ng March 14 2020 Awards Banquet *by invita on only*

April 4 NW Regional Horse Bowl & Hippology Contest April 18 & 19 State Horse Bowl & Hippology Contest April 19-25 Na onal Volunteer Week April 25 Na onal 4-H Day of Service (p. 3)

May 1 DEADLINE: Horse Paperwork Due May 1 DEADLINE: YQCA & QAEC Due (p. 4) May 9 State Robo cs Compe on May 14 DEADLINE: Knox County 4-H & Extension Founda on Scholarship Due (p. 6)

June 1 DEADLINE: Dog Paperwork Due June 1 DEADLINE: Don Teel Scholarship Due (p. 6) June 8 DEADLINE: FairEntry Enrollment Due June 15 State Livestock Judging Contest June 21 – June 27 Illini Summer Academies (p. 7)

July 4 – 11 Ci zenship Washington Focus (p. 3) July 27-31 Sate Junior Horse Show August 16 Our day at the State Fair August 31 DEADLINE: Officer Books Due