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Kits House Program Guide Template v3-Expanded-Winter-Spring2011

Apr 09, 2018



Kitsilano House
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  • 8/8/2019 Kits House Program Guide Template v3-Expanded-Winter-Spring2011


    Winter/Spring 2011Program Guide

    family youth childcare seniors support groupscommunity leadership collaboration opportunity

    Serving the Westside since 1894

    Kitsilano Neighbourhood House2305 2325 West 7th AvenueVancouver, BC

    V6K 1Y4604 736-3588

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 20112

    About Kits House

    Since 1894, Kitsilano Neighbourhood House has been the hub of theWestside. Its a place where all ages, from toddlers to seniors, cometogether to enjoy programs and services that make this a good placeto live and do business.

    Our Vision

    The Westside of Vancouver is a healthy, safe and vibrant communitywhere everyone thrives.

    Our MissionWe are dedicated to strengthening our community through leadership,collaboration and opportunity.

    Annual Membership

    Family Membership - $10.00

    Individual Membership - $5.00

    Volunteer Membership - $1.00

    Kitsilano Neighbourhood House membership enables you to partici-pate in our programs. Annual memberships help to support the admin-istrative cost of programs and entitles you to our program guide and

    e-newsletters on special events. If you choose, your Kits House mem-

    About Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 2011 Program Guide 3

    bership includes membership for the Association of NeighbourhoodHouses of Greater Vancouver (ANH),to which Kits House belongs. Youwill receive notices of Annual General Meetings and Special Meetingsof ANH, and have the opportunity to vote in the ANH Board of Gover-nors. For more information, please visit

    All membership fees are non-refundable and need to be updatedannually in April.

    Privacy Statement

    We collect personal information in order to maintain contact with you,to invite you to KNH & ANH General Meetings and to provide you withinformation on future programs, services and events.


    Catherine Leach

    Executive Director, [email protected]

    Susan Coburn

    Relocation Coordinator, [email protected]

    Deanna Canning

    Childcare Coordinator, [email protected]

    About Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 20114

    Julie WallSeniors Coordinator, [email protected]

    Emily Palmer

    Volunteer & Literacy Coordinator, [email protected]

    Sandra PetrozziFamily Programs Coordinator, [email protected]

    Vinyse Barber

    Seniors Support Worker, [email protected]

    Julie Rieter Community & Front Desk Support Worker

    [email protected]

    Kate Costelo

    Youth Programs Facilitator & Building Welcoming Communities

    Coordinator, [email protected]

    Gord McGee

    Food Security Coordinator, [email protected]

    Kendal Gerus

    Front Desk Support Worker, [email protected]

    About Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 2011 Program Guide 5

    Building Welcoming Communities

    Community Development Tables

    Westside Food Security Collaborative

    The Westside Food Security Collaborative is a neighbourhood groupworking on food issues on the Westside. The group is made up of serviceproviders and community members. We meet monthly and welcome newmembers. For more information contact Catherine at Kitsilano Neigh-

    bourhood House 604-736-3588 ext. 23, [email protected] or Lisaat Jewish Family Services Agency 604-257-5151

    Westside Seniors Empowerment Coalition

    The coalition represents seniors living on Vancouvers Westside. It is anumbrella group of individuals, community health providers, communityorganizations, churches, businesses, and agencies. The mandate is to

    promote healthy ageing through physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. For more information email [email protected]

    Westside Youth Networking Table

    The Westside Youth Networking table meets three times a year to shareinformation, network, and collaborate on initiatives that will support youth,those working with youth and youth leaders. For more information email

    [email protected]

    Westside ECD Network 4

    A network for those who are interested in working together to build thecapacity of the Westside by providing high quality, accessible EarlyChildhood Development (ECD) services. This group is made up of orga-nizations that provide childcare, preschool, family drop-in and other ECDrelated programs. For more information contact [email protected]

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 20116

    Building Welcoming Communities

    In support of Newcomers on VancouversWestside: Community Development Updates

    In consultation with a wide variety of newcomer community membersand service providers, Kitsilano Neighbourhood House has identi ed theabsence and need for accessible, affordable supports for newcomers onVancouvers Westside.

    Newcomer priorities on the Westside have been identi ed as: Language practice & learning

    Support and inclusion opportunities

    Increased community literacy for newcomers

    Access to activities, information, resources & referral

    Kitsilano Neighbourhood House is working to collaborate with settle-ment agencies and service providers to develop newcomer supports onVancouvers Westside, in accordance with ndings from the WestsideCommunity Literacy Plan and Newcomer Asset-Mapping Dialogues

    We would love to talk to you about these community needs & opportuni-ties!

    Contact: Kate at 604-736-3588, [email protected]

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    Building Welcoming Communities

    Newcomers Guide to the Westside &Community Resources Website!

    Findings from newcomers dialogue workshops helped to create aNewcomers Guide to the Westside of Vancouver in 5 languages and anonline Community Resources page.

    The guide is available:

    In person: Visit Kits House at 2325 W. 7th Ave & Vine to pick up your freecopy available in 5 languages (English, Chinese, Korean, Farsi &Spanish)

    Online: Visit to download printable guides

    Paper: To receive additional copies please contact 604-736-3588

    and include your name, contact information, mailing address & thelanguage(s) and quantity of guides you are requesting

    Sponsorship: Kits House is seeking sponsorship to print further runs of the Newcomers Guide. Supporters will have their logos & acknowledge-ment in the guide. If you or your organization are interested in providing

    nancial or in-kind support for this valuable community resource, pleasecontact [email protected]

    PLUS visit the NEW Kits House Community Resources web page to ndinformation about community services, settlement, education, health &more!

    Translation available at

    See our previous Westside Guides: 2008 Check it Out: Youth Guide tothe Westside and the 2009 Seniors & Elders Guide to the Westside

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 20118

    Building Welcoming Communities

    Community PotlucksOnsite at 2305 W. 7th Ave


    Bring a vegetarian dish to share, enjoy a casual atmosphere and get toknow your neighbours! Upcoming topics: Embracing stories: Multicul -tural Quilt Making (January), Celebrating Childrens Literacy (February),

    Celebrating International Womens Day (March).

    First Wednesday of the month (unless otherwise noted)

    6.00pm - 8.00pm

    Contact: Patricia, Welcoming Neighbours Facilitator at 604-736-3588 or [email protected]

    Welcoming Neighbours ProgramOnsite at 2325 W. 7th Ave

    Out-trips and socials for newcomers who want to be more involved in thecommunity, make new friends, practice English and have lots of fun!

    ThursdaysJan 27th, Feb 10th & 24th, March 17th & 31st, 2011


    Cost: $5 per adult, $2 per child 5 years +, children under 4 FREE

    Contact: Patricia, Welcoming Neighbours Facilitator at 604-736-3588 or [email protected]

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    Building Welcoming Communities

    English Conversation CirclesOnsite at 2325 W. 7th AveWe are offering volunteer-led English Conversation Circles for Newcom-ers. Practice your English, meet your neighbours & learn about your community.

    Starting February 2011

    Cost: $15 registration fee

    Times are based on volunteer and space availability.

    Contact: Emily, Volunteer & Literacy Coordinator at 604-736-3588 ext.27 or [email protected]

    Lunch-Time Meditation GroupOnsite at 2325 W. 7th Ave

    Join community members and staff to share some moments of stillnessand re ection in the middle of your day. Sessions are volunteer led andwill include: inspirational reading and a quiet sacred space to just be.


    Noon- 12:30pm

    Cost: Free

    Everyone Welcome! Chairs, cushions & tea provided.

    Contact: 604-736-3588.

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 201110

    NEW Kits House is working with community to offer low-cost or no-cost educational workshops. The series this winter are for parents andcaregivers.

    Setting Children Up for SuccessOnsite at 2305 West 7th Ave.

    By: Nicola Lott, Notch Hill Learning

    The workshop series includes the following topics:

    - Supporting Your Young Learner

    - Choosing A Great Toy For Your Child

    - Prepare Your Preschooler for Kindergarten

    - Starting Your Child in Reading & Writing

    Thursdays February 3rd to 24th, 2011

    7:00pm 8:00pm

    Cost: $10 per workshop, $30 for workshop series, 4 workshops

    + $10 annual family membership

    **All proceeds from these workshops will be donated to Kits HouseFamily Programs!

    Contact: Sandra, Family Programs Coordinator at 604-736-3588 ext.25, [email protected]

    Building Welcoming Communities

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    Active LifestylesOnsite at 2305 West 7th Ave

    By: PhysioWorks

    Parent workshop topics include:

    Core strengthening exercises

    Managing neck and back pain

    Relaxation and stretching techniques

    Proper ergonomic techniques in caring for a child e.g. carrying,

    lifting, holding

    Upcoming Workshop: Saturday February 26th, 2011 *workshops willbe offered seasonally

    Cost: $5 per participant**All proceeds from these workshops will be donated to Kits HouseFamily Programs! Thanks for your support!

    Contact: Sandra, Family Programs Coordinator at 604-736-3588 x-25,[email protected]

    Building Welcoming Communities

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 201112

    Building Welcoming Communities

    Food Recovery Project

    Did you know that there is a signi cant amount of healthy, nutritiousproduce and other food goods (called surplus foods) that go to wasteeach year for lack of nding an appropriate food user? At the sametime, there are number of Westside social service agencies thatprovide daily and weekly meal programs for hundreds of vulnerable

    individuals in our community. Programs such as MPA, Kits CommunityCentre Breakfast Shower Program and St. Marks struggle annually toraise the funds necessary to provide free or low-cost meals critical tothe health and social well-being of our most vulnerable neighbours.

    Kits house is working to connect these meal programs with freehealthy surplus food generated at grocery stores, bakeries and coffeeshops, food recovery programs & online food search programs.

    If you would like to get involved in the project or if you have questions,connections or ideas, please get in touch.

    Contact: Gord, Food Security Coordinator 778-686-5701,[email protected]

    Westside Garden Collaborative

    We are neighbours and community members who come together withthe vision to connect people, plants and food while learning from eachother and with each other. We grow food for ourselves and our com-munity. We will be organizing our garden this March for the upcomingseason.

    Contact: Gord, Food Security Coordinator at [email protected]

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    Childcare Programs

    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 2010 Program Guide13

    Community PreschoolOffsite at Jericho Military Base at 4th and Highbury

    We offer a child-centred curriculum for 3 & 4 year olds that is play-based with focused questions and activities. The program supportschildren in their emotional, social, creative, cognitive and physicaldevelopment. The teachers focus is to support the child in being self

    con dent, expressive and co-operative to build the foundation for cog -nitive learning. We have ten centres that offer opportunities for childrento interact with others: blocks and building, art, music, story theatre,literacy, math, science, dramatic play and sensory and physical devel-opment. The children go outside everyday, and participate in 2-3 eldtrips per year.

    Morning Session:Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:30am-12:00pm

    Afternoon Session:Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:30pm-4:00pm

    Cost:$190.00/month + $50.00 registration fee + $10.00 annual membership.

    Sept & June fees to be paid at time of registration.

    Registration is on a rst come rst serve basis.

    Contact: Deanna, Childcare Coordinator 604-736-3588 ext. 35, dean [email protected]

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    Kitsilano & Dunbar Kids Club Out of SchoolCare Program (OSC)Offsite at 2690 Larch Street & 3776 W. 28th Ave

    Kitsilano & Dunbar Kids Club are committed to providing quality pro-grams that encourage children to learn and expore their interests andideas. We follow a child-oriented, play-based philosophy. This programis designed for children 5 to 12 years old, attending one of the schoolsthat we serve. We also provide all day care during the Winter, Springand Summer breaks at an additional cost.

    Monday to Friday


    Out of School Care- Kits House

    PM Care (3:00-6:00pm) 305/ month

    AM & PM Care (7:30-9:00am & 3:00-6:00pm) $405/ month

    Kindercare (Dunbar location only)

    AM Session (9:00am-noon) $305/ month

    PM Session (noon- 3:00pm) $305/ month

    PM with OSC Session (noon- 6:00pm) $440/ month

    Professional days extra $35/ day (registered participants) $40/ day(community members). Available at Kits House and Dunbar locations.

    Contact: Deanna, Childcare Coordinator at 604-736-3588 ext 35 or [email protected]

    Childcare Programs

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    Licensed ChildmindingOffsite- at Jericho Military Base at4th and Highbury

    Need a Break? We have playactivities, messy hands-on crafts,outside play & early literacy singsong circle time for your child.Stimulating educational activi-ties to help children prepare for preschool and pre-kindergardenschool readiness. This program isfor children 18 months to 4 yearsold. We are staffed by trained andexperienced childcare workers.

    Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayOR Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm


    1 day a week care:

    $144.00 monthly fee + $50.00non-refundable registration fee +$10.00 annual family membership.First and last months fees to bepaid at time of registration.

    2 days a week care:$288.00 monthly fee + $50.00non-refundable registration fee+ $10.00 annual family member-ship. First and last months feesto be paid at time of registration.

    3 days a week care:$432 monthly fee + $50.00non-refundable registration fee+ $10.00 annual family member-ship. First and last months feesto be paid at time of registration.

    Contact: Deanna, Childcare Co -ordinator at 604-736-3588 ext.35, [email protected]

    Childcare Programs

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    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 201116

    Family Programs

    Nobodys PerfectOffsite at 2707 Tennis Crescent, UBC Campus (Acadia Park Com -monsblock)

    The Nobodys Perfect program provides parenting education andsupport to parents of children 5 years of age and under . A warm andwelcoming group to share parenting stories, discuss parenting tech-niques, learn and share tools for handling discipline, potty training, bedtime and more! A great way to meet new friends and strengthen your support network.

    Snacks, refreshments and child minding provided.

    Saturdays Jan. 22nd - Mar. 5th, 2011 (6 sessions)

    *please note: there will be no session on Saturday February 12th

    10am to 12pm

    Cost: FREE

    Contact: Patricia, Strengthening Connections Facilitator at 604-736-3588, [email protected]

    For all parenting workshops you can also register in person at Kits

    House Front Desk Mon to Fri 9:30am-4:30pm.

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    Family Programs

    Parent and Tot Drop-in: UBCOffsite at 2707 Tennis Crescent, UBC Campus

    Come and participate in multicultural celebrations, play-based learn-ing activities, circle time, arts & crafts, story time circles (in English,Mandarin, Spanish & Farsi), and borrow toys, books & resources.Meet new friends, have fun playing and bonding with your child, andget connected with your community!

    Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays10:00am 11:30am

    Cost: FREE

    Contact: Patricia at 604-736-3588, [email protected]

    3rd Annual MULTICULTURAL FAMILY RESOURCEFAIROffsite at 2707 Tennis Crescent, UBC Campus

    Friday March 18th

    10:00am- Noon

    A fun and informative event for parents, caregivers & childrenfeaturing:

    FREE Vision Checks for 3 year olds

    FREE Dental Checks


    Story Time for Tots

    Face Painting and much more!

    Contact: Sandra, Family Programs Coordinator at 604-736-3588 ext.

    25, [email protected]

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    Family Programs

    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 201118

    Caregivers Drop-in: Westcoast Child CareResource CentreOnsite at 2305 West 7th Ave

    A monthly drop-in program for caregivers and children 0-5 years . Jointhe program to meet other local caregivers, make friends and receivesupport from knowledgeable staff & peers.

    2nd Wednesday of each month

    9:30am 11:30am

    Cost: $2 per family / visit

    Contact Vesna at 604-709-5661 or [email protected]

    Parent and Tot Drop-in: Kits HouseOnsite at 2305 West 7th Ave

    Our Kits House family resource program supports families withchildren 0-5 years . Come and participate in our spacious play-basedlearning program offering messy art activities, circle time, outdoor playand hands-on child activity centres.

    Mondays & Fridays

    9:30am 11:30amCost: $2 drop-in fee per family / visit + $10 annual family membership

    NEW: Purchase a book of 10 tickets for $20 and get 1 free visit

    *please follow the ramp over the bridge until you reach the Red Door on the side of the building.

    Contact: Sandra at 604-736-3588 ext. 25, [email protected]

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    Family Programs

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    Mama and Papa Goose ProgramOnsite at 2305 West 7th Ave

    This program creates a buzz around the neighbourhood! Come andparticipate with other local parents and their children for an hour of rhymes, songs and stories to help support early literacy. This pro-gram stimulates a healthy bond between you and your child. Meet

    new friends and have fun!

    For Parents & Infants 0-12 months

    Thursdays January 13th to March 17th, 2011

    Time: 11:30am to 12:30pm

    Cost: $60 + $10 annual family membership

    New! For Parents & Toddlers 1-3 years

    Thursdays January 13th to March 17th, 2011

    Time: 10:00am to 11:00am

    Cost: $60 + $10 annual family membership

    Contact: Deanna at 604-736-3588 ext. 35, [email protected]

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    Youth Programs

    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 201120

    Youth Advisory Group(Ideal for grades 7-12 )

    Onsite at 2305 W. 7th Ave.

    Contribute in your community,develop your leadership skills,gain volunteer hours, plan youthevents, get creative, have fun!Youth learn about issues in their community and engage with thecommunity to plan events anddesign projects that positivelyimpact the issues that matter.This winter, youth will be in-volved in a community mappingproject in partnership with theCity of Vancouver.

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK KitsHouse Youth Advisory GROUPto keep updated on activities.

    Contact: Kate, Youth Program

    Facilitator at 604-736-3588,[email protected]

    Youth Volunteer Skills(Ideal for grades 10-12 )

    Offsite at 3338 Wesbrook Mall(UBC)

    Kits House hosts a 10 weekYouth Volunteer Skills TrainingProgram focusing on leader-ship, con ict resolution, teambuiliding,stress managementand lots more! Youth will gainmore than 15 volunteer hours,get involved in community vol-unteer service, learn games andactivities and gain references

    for the future.

    Wednesdays 4:00-6:00pm

    Starts January 19th, 2011

    Registration Fee: $15 which in -cludes the annual member fee.Space is limited!

    Contact: Emily, Volunteer Coor -dinator at 604-736-3588 ext. 27,[email protected]

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    Older Adult Programs

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    Seniors Drop-inOnsite at 2305 W. 7th Ave.

    The Seniors Drop in for older adults brings together neighbourson the West Side! It providesactive seniors a place to socializeand meet people. During the rsthour, soup & sweets are served.In the latter hour, there may beeducational speakers, artistic per-formances, entertaining games,cultural activities or intergenera-tional connections.

    Tuesdays- 11:00- 1:00pmCost: $3.00 + $5.00 annual mem -bership

    Contact: Vinyse, Seniors SupportWorker 604-736-3588, [email protected]

    Seniors AdvisoryGroupOnsite at 2305 W. 7th Ave.

    The Seniors Advisory Committeesupports the drop-in program.

    New members are welcome!

    3rd Tuesday of the month


    Contact: Vinyse, Seniors SupportWorker 604-736-3588, [email protected]

    Tai Chi for Older AdultsOnsite at 2305 W. 7th Ave.

    Drop-In Tai Chi as taught byShou-Low, who has designed aseries of eight exercises usinga variation of Chi Gong and TaiChi Chuan moving meditation.These gentle stretching move-ments have been developed for older adults to help with exibility,balance and coordination,

    Fridays 1:00 2:00 pm ongoing

    Cost: $3.50 (drop-in fee)

    Contact: 604-736-3588.

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    Older Adult Programs

    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 201122

    Westside Seniors Links Program

    Are you a senior who wants some help around the house? The West -side Seniors Links Program provides you with a small list of studentsto interview. You hire whomever you choose and pay the student $10/hour directly. There is a 2 hour minimum. Students can help with anumber of tasks including light housework, odd jobs and gardening.

    Contact: Julie, Seniors Coordinator at 604-736-3588 ext. 24 between9am & 10.30am Monday to Thursday or [email protected]

    Westside Seniors Peer Counselling Program

    This program offers con dential no-cost peer counseling and supportservices to older adults. Peer counselling volunteers offer listeningsupport to seniors who are feeling lost, depressed, or lonely due to:relocation or a new living situation, separation from family members,bereavement, health and aging concerns or anxiety.

    Contact: Vinyse, Seniors Support Worker 604-736-3588, [email protected]

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    Older Adult Programs

    Osteo t for Life

    Onsite at 2305 W. 7th Ave.

    Reduce your risk of falling,strengthen muscles, improvebalance and coordination anddecrease the rate of bone loss!

    Instructor: Keno Kinoshita (Os -teo t instructors have taken spe -cial training given by BC Wom-ens Hospital and Health Centre.They can help modify exercisesto suit individual needs).

    Tuesdays & Thursdays ongoing

    8:45am - 9:45am

    Cost: $49.00 for 14 sessions +$5.00 annual membership.

    Contact: Julie, Seniors Coordi -nator at 604-736-3588 ext. 24,

    [email protected]

    Seniors Out-trips

    Interesting and affordable out-trips once a month. Please regis-ter and prepay for all trips at theof ce (2325 W. 7th Ave).

    For more information, pleasecontact Julie, Seniors Coordinator at 604-736-3588 ext. 24, [email protected]

    Knitting Group

    Onsite at 2325 W. 7th Ave.

    The knitting circle provides muchneeded items such as hats,scarfs, socks, sweaters, etc. thatare donated to local shelters. Newmembers welcome.

    Fridays 1:30pm to 3:00pmongoing

    Cost: Free

    For more information or to makea donation of wool, contact Julie,Seniors Coordinator at 604-736-3588, [email protected]

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    Older Adult Programs

    Steeves Manor Resource CentreOffsite at 1985 Wallace Street

    In partnership with BC Housing, the Resource Centre offers support,recreational activities and resources to Steeves Manor tenants withsome programs open to the local community.

    Resource Centre Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4pm

    Ongoing Core Programs:

    Lunches: Mondays Soup & Sandwich $3 (tenants) & Thursdays Catered Lunch $3 (tenants)

    Community Kitchen:The last Tuesday of every second month, a group of tenants get to-gether to cook multicultural meals, learn new skills, and share stories!

    Osteo t Classes:

    No impact exercise to help improve bone density, strength and exibili -ty. Registration is required: $22 per month. Drop-in fee: $5 per session.Priority is given to Steeves Manor tenants.

    Tuesdays 10:15-11:00am starting January 11th, 2011.

    Contact the Resource Centre at 604-224-4302, [email protected]

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    Income Tax Program

    We will be offering a volunteer income tax assistance program for those on a low income and who are unable to complete their own taxreturn.

    Please call after February 1st to see if you are eligible and to make anappointment.

    Contact: 604-736-3588

    Community Access Computers

    Community Access Program (CAP) has two public access computersavailable in the Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, each equipped withOpen Of ce suite and Internet free of charge!

    9:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday

    Contact:Julie, Community and Front Desk Support Worker at 604-736-3588, [email protected]

    Multicultural Womens Support GroupAre you new to Canada? Do you want to be part of a community, butyou dont speak the language? Do you have the skills, but dont feelcon dent? This is the program for you!

    Starting in April 2011

    Time and dates TBA

    Contact: Patricia at 604-736-3588, [email protected]

    Services & Support Programs

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    Get Involved: Support KNH

    DonateWe welcome donations to support the programs and community work.Corporate and personal donations will be recognized on our websitefor donations over $100.

    Mail a cheque or money order to:

    Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

    2325 West 7th Ave., Vancouver, BC, V6K 1Y4Or you can donate online at by clicking on the donate now button.

    Tax receipts can be issued upon request of donations over $30.


    At Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, we greatly value our volunteers.Volunteer placements are made consensually based on the needs of the community and our organization. We take into consideration thevolunteers interests, skills, experience and availability. Volunteers arerespected, valued and treated as equal co-workers. As a volunteer atKits House, you can expect to have fun, meet new people and have an

    enjoyable volunteer experience.Current volunteer postings can be found at

    Orientation Sessions

    3rd Monday of the month


    Contact: Emily, Volunteer Coordinator at 604-736-3588 ext. 27,[email protected]

    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 201126

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    Get Involved: Stay Connected

    WebsiteOur website is the best way to stay connected to Kits House and whatis happening in the community. Check out our new look and stay up-dated on re-development news, upcoming events & Kits Blog. You caneven ask Kit a question!

    Social Media: Facebook & Twitter

    We are on Facebook and Twitter. You can access our pages throughthe main page of our website:

    E-newsletter Subscribe to our e-newsletter at You can also pickup a copy at the of ce 2325 W. 7th Ave. Contact 604-736-3588 for more information.

    Kitsilano House Winter/Spring 2011 Program Guide 27

  • 8/8/2019 Kits House Program Guide Template v3-Expanded-Winter-Spring2011


    Kitsilano Neighbourhood House2305 2325 West 7th Avenue

    Vancouver, BCV6K 1Y4

    Phone: 604 736-3588Fax: 604

    [email protected]

    Kits HouseWinter/Spring 2011

    Program Guide

    Serving the Westside since 1894

    family youth childcare seniors support groupscommunity leadership collaboration opportunity