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Lead Story Headline Term 1 2012 Secondary Arts Day Tues 26 June Secondary Final Assembly 11:30-12:30 Weds 27 Primary Final Assembly 1:30-2:30 Weds 27 End of Year Celebration @ Godavari 6pm Weds 27 Staff Training Days Thu 2– Mon 6 August Staff Parent Worship 12:15pm Mon 6 Aug All Classes Begin Tue 7 Aug 25th Anniversary Celebrations Thu 9—Sat 11 Aug CIE Examination Results Released Thu 14 Aug Whole School Parents Meeting Wed 22 Aug 6pm—8pm End of Term 1 Fri 5 Oct Thank you from Simon and Wendy Term 4 Issue 4 22 June 2012 KISC Community Celebration John 1:14 ―The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbour- hood‖ (The Message). One of KISC‘s values is community. On June 9, a wonderful KISC community wedding took place between two of its teachers, Simon from the UK and Wendy from the USA. They met two years ago and God worked in their lives to bring them to this great occasion. They chose to share their wedding with the KISC com- munity creating great excitement and joy among students, staff and parents. They chose to do a ―janti‖ which is a Nepali tradition where the groom collects his bride along with the entourage of a band and guests processing and dancing along- side. (see picture). The wedding in the KISC hall carried on this joyous celebra- tion. For many of the students (the whole secondary school of 84 students was in- vited!), it was their first experience of a Christian wedding and reception in which the gospel was clearly shared. The students enthusiastic response to the ―I do‘s‖ of the traditional vows was reminiscent of the recent royal wedding and reflected the students‘ love for these two members of staff. The recurring theme in the service and speeches was the important presence of the 3rd person, Jesus, in this joining of two. (Ecclesiastes 4:12b ― A cord of three strands is not easily broken‖) Two of the gifts presented in the speeches were an eraser and a permanent marker. The mark of a Christian marriage is forgiveness (erasing each other‘s weaknesses and failings) and edification (remembering permanently the strengths that were part of the initial attraction). End of Year Celebration Wed 27 June 6pm Godavari Tickets on sale until Mon 25 June 12 noon Tickets include transport We would like to say an enormous thank you to everyone who helped in making our wedding so spectacularly amazing. We have been blown away by the support we have been given, by the friendships that have grown, and by the immense blessing it is to be a part of this community. We have poured over the book of memories that was so kindly given to us. It is beautiful. We will take it with pride to our home countries. We thank you, too, for the generous gift. of money. Finally, may we also thank you for making Larry and Joanne Cornelius so wel- come. I know that they were impressed by the transformation from school to wedding venue, and the giving hearts of all those that helped, in particular the students that stayed behind to clean up. We are looking forward to returning and continuing our walk with Jesus at KISC. God Bless, Simon and Wendy

KISC Newsletter

Mar 23, 2016



KISC Nepal

Term 4, Issue 3
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: KISC Newsletter

Lead Story Headline

Term 1 2012

Secondary Arts


Tues 26 June

Secondary Final



Weds 27

Primary Final



Weds 27

End of Year

Celebration @



Weds 27

Staff Training


Thu 2– Mon

6 August

Staff Parent



Mon 6 Aug

All Classes


Tue 7 Aug




Thu 9—Sat

11 Aug



Results Released

Thu 14 Aug

Whole School

Parents Meeting

Wed 22 Aug


End of Term 1 Fri 5 Oct

Thank you from Simon and Wendy

Term 4 Issue 4 22 June 2012

KISC Community Celebration

John 1:14 ―The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbour-

hood‖ (The Message).

One of KISC‘s values is community. On June 9, a wonderful KISC community

wedding took place between two of its teachers, Simon from the UK and Wendy

from the USA. They met two years ago and God worked in their lives to bring

them to this great occasion. They chose to share their wedding with the KISC com-

munity creating great excitement and joy among students, staff and parents.

They chose to do a ―janti‖ which is a Nepali tradition where the groom collects his

bride along with the entourage of a band and guests processing and dancing along-

side. (see picture). The wedding in the KISC hall carried on this joyous celebra-

tion. For many of the students (the whole secondary school of 84 students was in-

vited!), it was their first experience of a Christian wedding and reception in which

the gospel was clearly shared. The students enthusiastic response to the ―I do‘s‖ of

the traditional vows was reminiscent of the recent royal wedding and reflected the

students‘ love for these two members of staff. The recurring theme in the service

and speeches was the important presence of the 3rd person, Jesus, in this joining of

two. (Ecclesiastes 4:12b ― A cord of three strands is not easily broken‖)

Two of the gifts presented in the speeches were an eraser and a permanent marker.

The mark of a Christian marriage is forgiveness (erasing each other‘s weaknesses

and failings) and edification (remembering permanently the strengths that were

part of the initial attraction).

End of Year Celebration

Wed 27 June 6pm


Tickets on sale until

Mon 25 June 12 noon

Tickets include transport

We would like to say an enormous thank you to everyone who helped in making our wedding so spectacularly

amazing. We have been blown away by the support we have been given, by the friendships that have grown, and

by the immense blessing it is to be a part of this community. We have poured over the book of memories that

was so kindly given to us. It is beautiful. We will take it with pride to our home countries. We thank you, too,

for the generous gift. of money. Finally, may we also thank you for making Larry and Joanne Cornelius so wel-

come. I know that they were impressed by the transformation from school to wedding venue, and the giving

hearts of all those that helped, in particular the students that stayed behind to clean up. We are looking forward

to returning and continuing our walk with Jesus at KISC.

God Bless, Simon and Wendy

Page 2: KISC Newsletter

Primary House Competition


Page 2

We have had an amazing year of house competi-

tions. It has been a close battle between the hous-

es throughout the year‘s events: Splash Day,

Football, Primary Picnic and Sports Day. When

all the scores were tallied there was a 3-way tie!

Congratulations to Black, Blue & Green Houses

for their excellent effort displayed throughout the

year in all 5 events!


Tuesday, 26 June - Primary End of the Year Celebration—We want to celebrate the end to a fantastic

school year. To celebrate Year 1-4 students will go swimming and Year 5-6 students will go bowling.

Permission slips are arriving on Thursday, please have them in by Monday, 25 June.

Wednesday, 27 June - Primary Final Assembly: Please come join us at 1:30-2:30 in KISC Hall. We will

be rejoicing in God‘s blessings over the past year, celebrating the Year 6 students graduating from primary and

saying farewell to students: Sally and Bea Cho, Nikolas Ilomaki, Nelson Braaten, Ruth Hnamler and to staff:

Whitney Fairchild, Sara Snead, Sarah Kernohan, Nina Ilomaki, Kristi Loper (1 year furlough). Refreshments to


Welcome to new staff

We warmly welcome the following staff to KISC:

Seung-Hun Park - Korean and Korean Math

Tara Malycha - Year 2 Class Teacher, Australia

Kelsi McGillivray - Year 4 Class Teacher, USA

Stephanie Fast - Year 5 Class Teacher, USA

Gretchen Schlie - Vice Principal, USA

Primary Summer

Reading Program

Come join in the summer reading pro-

gram. Record books that you have

read over the summer that are in Eng-

lish, or your first language, and that

are the right level for you or that chal-

lenge your reading skills.

Collect your record booklet from Re-


KISC library is open each Wednes-

days during the holidays from

10am to 12noon.

Michael Gaunt & family - Math, UK

Andreas Bartschi, - Math/IT, Switzerland

Andrew Bleakley - Faculty Head of Humanities, UK

Katie Phillips - ESL, UK

Melissa Smith - ESL & Year 7 Spanish, USA

Angus Doulas & family - Project Development Manager, UK

Brenden Connell - English, UK

Isabelle Monnier - French, France

Page 3: KISC Newsletter

EQUIP Update

Term 4 Issue 4 Page 3


Register for the various activities for the 25th Anniversary celebration. NOW!

Registration forms are available at KISC Reception or online at

Please return the completed forms to Reception or email them to [email protected]

Sign-up sheets for KISC staff are available at the staff room. The registration will enable us to know how many chairs

and meal bookings we need to make for each activity.

Buy Tickets for the Special Anniversary Dinner that will be on Saturday, August 11 at 5:30 p.m. at Godavari.

Tickets are NR 1000 each for adults and NR 600 each for students. Tickets will be on sale during the June 27 End of

Year Celebration.

For schedule of events for the celebration go to:

KISC 25th Anniversary Update

KISC Facebook Page

Please click on this page to like it!!

Thanks to so many who have done so already

Thank you for your support and prayers. We have had many answers to prayers as we move forward with agree-

ments with the Nepal government and setting up the Transformational Education College (TEC). The development

day for KISC and the TEC went well and we are all excited about the curriculum framework being designed. A

photo of the training is below.

Two new members will be joining the Teacher Trainers team from July, Sally Bollis and her husband and Amber

Hohensee. They will be doing intensive Nepali and visiting EQUIP projects from August to December. Pray for

their transition and as they learn about the education, culture and language of Nepal. The aim for Sally, Amber and

Melissa Smith is to set up a Nepali school in Pokhara, starting August 2013.

I would like to share a testimony from one of our English Teachers in Lamjung.

―I am very grateful with KISC EQUIP for all the trainings and constructive feedback on my teaching performance.

I am very satisfied with my lesson now compared to before. I started to feel like I have to do lots more hard work

to meet the national goal. However, nothing is impossible. I will motivate the students and promote the students‘

English language and vocabulary building as well‖ (A photo

of Krishna interviewing a teacher can be seen below).

Amrit, Dil and Krishna are doing follow up training in Tan-

sen this weekend, please pray for safe travel and open hearts

and minds.

Thank you, Nisha

Page 4: KISC Newsletter

Kathmandu International

Study Centre

P.O. Box 2714






[email protected]

PTA Update

Blue Sky Concert:

Melissa Otto

Saturday 23 June



Tickets available at Reception 200Rps per


700Rps per family

Proceeds go to Nepali chil-

dren’s scholarships

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance

Ephesians 1 v 18

The PTA would like to conclude this school year with a big thank you to

all parents! Thank you for being a blessing and making KISC a great


Let us join together in giving thanks to God for His:

Protection, provision and sustaining power throughout this school year.

The amazing staff that He provides year after year.

Faithfulness over the past 25 years.

Leading and guiding of us into our future dreams and visions for KISC

and EQUIP.

Let us pray together for:

Those who will be remaining at KISC that they will have a refreshing

& renewing summer which enables them to return to KISC in eager

anticipation for the year ahead.

Those staff that are leaving KISC & for those that are coming to KISC,

that God would be central to all their plans. The ability to experi-

ence the grace & patience they will need for all the adjustments

that are required of them. God to grant them good health & protec-


Those students who have completed their secondary education and are

moving onto further education or careers. Pray that they would

draw on the strong foundation that was built for them educational-

ly, emotionally & spiritually at KISC which has enabled &

equipped them for their future. Pray that they would be people

who are willing to go against the grain of popular culture & press

on for all that Christ has for them, knowing unreservedly their pur-

pose on earth & taking hold of that.

The ‗behind the scenes‘ staff that are the crucial cogs that make KISC

work. Pray that they would feel valued and see their role as part of

belonging to the body of KISC.

KISC & EQUIP to be a real & tangible reflection of Christ in Nepal.

The ability to attract & draw many to HIM. Pray that we would be

ambassadors for HIM in Nepal bringing transformation to individu-

als, communities & the nation.

May you have a blessed holiday, The PTA

KISC Library

Holiday Opening



10am to 12pm