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kirbie productio n meeting

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting


    Tuesday, 5 March 13

  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting


    Day 1!Of FilmingDay 1 of filming went very well as we

    managed to capture usable and highquality footage. This enabled us to seehow the structure of the film looked not

    just in storyboard form but now inmoving image. This also allowed us tosee what footage could be re-shot and alsowhat else needed to be filmed.

    Tuesday, 5 March 13

  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting


    Day 2 Of Filming

    During this day, the filming process didnt go very well. Whilstfilming the fight scene we faced many problems with the scipt as wefelt that although it sounded okay when written down, when being readaloud by the characters it felt very scripted which made the argument

    very unrealistic. So because of thiswhilst filming we decided tochange the script, and we let the actors make up the argument as theywent along. Although this did seem to work better than our writtenscript, after playing back our footage we decided that we werent happywith any of the two hours of footage that we had shot.

    Tuesday, 5 March 13

  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting



    We uploaded and edited the footage that

    we had shot to see how the footage lookedwhen placed in sequence and had theeffects such as black and white and alsothe web camera effect on them.

    We are currently waiting for anotherday to shot more footage.

    Tuesday, 5 March 13

  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting


    Filming- The Smoking SceneToday we filmed the smoking scene. This

    proved to be the easiest scene that we had to shoot

    so far as we had no script and the framing ofthe shot was very easy to capture but was alsovery effective. However, the background noisedid become a problem during filming which

    lead to a break during filming in order for thenoise to be reduced. Once the noise level hadreduced filming then restarted and the footage

    was ca tured.

    Tuesday, 5 March 13

  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting


    Filming- The Fight Scene

    Today, on set we had planned our script

    and what we wanted to be shot. Althoughit took all day and we also struggledwith the natural light, we managed to

    capture everything that we needed tofinally put into our final cut and editthe entire film together.

    Tuesday, 5 March 13

  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting


    Editing- First Cut

    Our first cut enabled us to see what ourfinal cut will look like and influencedus to change parts that we feel could bemade better. The addition of the non-

    diegetic background music is also beingadded.

    Tuesday, 5 March 13

  • 7/29/2019 kirbie productio n meeting



    Non-Diegetic audio to fade in and out of our

    filmThe arrangement of footage

    The colouring will not all be black and white

    like originally plannedMaybe the addition of another scene? herreading a poem Empty to her classmates

    Tuesday, 5 March 13