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King’s Kids Lesson 1 April 7/8 1

King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

Oct 06, 2018



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Page 1: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Page 2: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


King’s Kids Series at a Glance for Kid-O-Deo

About this Series:

Hear ye! Hear ye! The King is looking for brave kids to undertake a perilous quest. It won’t be easy, but God, the King, will give you everything you need to charge fearlessly into this

adventure. Come and train for God’s great quest: living for him!

Memory Verse:

Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, let the Lord make you strong. Depend on His mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor.”

Weekly Overview:

Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Lesson 1: April 7/8 Lesson 2: April 14/15 Lesson 3: April 21/22 Lesson 4: April 28/29 Lesson 5: May 5/6 Lesson 6: May 12/13

The Belt of Truth Deborah: Judges 4 The Armor of Godliness Daniel: Daniel 6 Good News Shoes Philip: Acts 8:4-8, 26-40 The Shield of Faith Gideon: Judges 7 The Helmet of Salvation Esther and Mordecai: Esther 4-8 The Sword of God’s Word Paul: Acts 17:16-34

I can believe what God says is true. I can choose what God says is right. I can share God’s good news. I can always trust God. I can follow God. I can learn more about God.

Page 3: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


King’s Kids Series at a Glance for Kid-O-Deo (continued)

Lesson 1: The Belt of Truth Deborah, a prophetess and leader of God’s people, got a message from God, saying that Israel’s army would win a big battle. When Deborah told the leader of the army, he wasn’t so sure. He said that he wouldn’t go to fight unless Deborah came to the dangerous battlefield along with him. Deborah knew that what God said was true, and she was willing to risk everything to prove it. As King’s kids, we can trust that what God says is true just as much as Deborah did! Lesson 2: The Armor of Godliness People were setting traps for Daniel. They watched him day after day, trying to catch him doing something wrong. Daniel’s armor protected him, but not the metal kind of armor. Daniel had armor that only God can give! When we choose to do what is right, God can protect us from sinful choices, just like he did for Daniel. Lesson 3: Good News Shoes How fast can you run? In this week’s story, Philip does a lot of running. He runs from town to town, and even through the desert to tell everyone the best news ever: Jesus is alive! We can share the same news that Philip did, because Jesus is still alive today. Lesson 4: The Shield of Faith God asked Gideon to do something that didn’t make much sense. He told Gideon to defeat a huge army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful the shield of faith can be when we choose to trust in God. Lesson 5: The Helmet of Salvation Esther had a chance to save all of God’s people, but she also might have lost everything. The king of Babylon had decided to get rid of God’s people, and no one argued with the king, but Esther, the queen, had to try to convince him to change his mind. Through her story, we can see that when we follow God, his plans are always for the best. Lesson 6: The Sword of God’s Word When Paul arrived in a city called Athens, there weren’t many people that believed in God. In fact, the people there worshipped idols, or fake gods. Paul didn’t fight or threaten them, though. Instead, he used a much more powerful weapon, God’s Word! Paul taught the Athenian people about the true God, and his son, Jesus. When we learn more about God every day, we can tell others about him, like Paul did!

Page 4: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


King’s Kids Lesson Outline for Kid-O-Deo

Lesson 1: The Belt of Truth

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Kid-O Playtime Transition Time Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video (3:00) 0:00-15:00

Welcome (2:00) Value (:30) Worship Song: Shout (3:00) Bible Adventure (5:00) Memory Verse (3:00) Worship Song: Go (3:00) Application (5:00) Big Idea Video (2:00) Kid-O-Whampus (2:00) Take-Home Reminders (1:00) Prayer (2:00) Transition Time (2:00) 15:00-45:00

Group Time (15:00) 45:00-60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

Page 5: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Opening Song 3:00

Welcome 2:00 Hello Kid-Os! Welcome to Kid-O-Deo! I’m super excited to be here with all of you! My name is _____________. If this is your first time in Kid-O-Deo, we are extra happy that you are here with us! Today we will sing about God, hear a Bible story, and get to go Kid-O-Whampus together! Before we get started, let’s practice saying the three rules we have here in Kid-O-Deo!

Rule #1: When I’m talking, you are listening! Everyone put on your listening ears, and on the count of three, let’s practice listening! Rule #2: Keep your hands and feet to yourself! Do a little clap and place your hands in your lap! Rule #3: Stay in your spot! Let’s take our special glue sticks and put some glue on our spot to help us stay in the right place!

Nice job! Kid-Os, those rules are very important because they help us remember to listen and be respectful to others, so that we can all learn a lot and have fun!

Value :30 Kid-Os, today is a big day. We’re going to learn a lot! Did you know that you can learn more about God every day? It’s true! Can you repeat that after me? I can, I CAN LEARN, more about God, MORE ABOUT GOD, every day! EVERY DAY!

(Roll when directed) Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video

(Auto advance) Kid-O-Deo Slide

Page 6: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Worship 3:00 Awesome! Kid-Os, I hope you choose to learn about God every day. God is wonderful and I hope everyone learns about him! Did you know that we can tell others about God? Let’s sing a song about that now.

Bible Adventure 5:00 Singing with you is so much fun! Kid-Os, listen closely for a moment.

Kid-Os, that is our Royal Trumpet! Every time you hear that sound, it means we’re moving on to a new part of our lesson. Now that we’ve heard the first trumpet blast, let’s get started with something that we like to call…the Bible Adventure!

Going on a Bible Adventure is awesome, but something is missing. What do we really, really need for a Bible Adventure? A BIBLE!

Do This: Show kids the Bible.

Right! We need a Bible for our Bible Adventure! Kid-Os, I have an important question for you. Are the stories in the Bible real or pretend? REAL! Yes! What we read about in the Bible really, truly happened.

Do This: Get the Bible storybook out and sit down in the chair.

This story I’m going to tell you comes from the Bible, but we use this storybook because the pictures help us imagine what it might have looked like back when the

Song 1: Shout

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “King’s Kids”

“Royal Trumpet” SFX

Bible Adventure Jingle

Page 7: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Bible was written. The pictures you see in here are the same as the ones on the screen. Let’s get started!

Do This: Have kids help you “turn” the pages on the screen with an exaggerated arm wave.

There was once a woman named Deborah. She was a prophetess. This means that she would give people important messages from God. Deborah was also a judge. This means people went to her to help them with their problems.

One day, Deborah called for a man named Barak (bah-rock) because she had a special message for him. Deborah told Barak that he needed to take his soldiers to go fight an army that wanted to hurt God’s people. Deborah told Barak that God would help Barak’s soldiers to win.

Barak did not trust what Deborah said. He didn’t want to lead the army alone, and thought he needed Deborah to go with him. He said to Deborah, “If you go with me, I’ll go. But if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.” Deborah agreed to go with him, but told Barak that it wasn’t really God’s plan.

Deborah did go with Barak, and God helped Barak’s army defeat the enemy’s army. Deborah knew that what God said was the truth, and this was proof!

That was a great story! Just like Deborah, we can always trust that what God says is the truth. We’ll learn more about that in a little while. But for now, we’re done with our Bible Adventure.

Picture 1: Deborah

Picture 2: Deborah and Barak

Picture 3: Barak looking worried

Picture 4: Deborah and Barak go to battle/army wins

Series Title Slide: “King’s Kids”

Page 8: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Ah! This trumpet blast means it’s time for our Memory Verse!

Memory Verse 3:00

Here in Kid-O-Deo, we practice a memory verse because knowing words that are in the Bible helps us learn things about God! This is the first time we’re learning this memory verse, so let’s turn on our listening ears!

Do This: Read the verse from the screen.

Kid-Os, let’s all stand up on our feet and practice our Memory Verse!

Since this is the first time we are learning this verse, listen and watch me do the actions once. Then we can all start practicing it together!

Do This: Practice the verse with the Kid-Os 2-3 times. Great job practicing your Memory Verse, Kid-Os! Our verse tells us to put on all of God’s armor. We’ll learn more about God’s armor soon!

Worship 3:00 Kid-Os, stay standing! We can learn about God every day, and there are many ways to do that. Right now, let’s learn about God by singing this song together.

“Royal Trumpet” SFX

Memory Verse Jingle

(Auto advance – Memory Verse) Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, let the Lord make you strong. Depend on His mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor.”

Song 2: Go

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “King’s Kids”

Page 9: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Application 5:00 I love singing with you, Kid-Os! Please sit down. Today we are talking about how what God says is true. To get started, I would like to play a little game with you. Kid-Os, will you play a game with me? YES! Oh good. To play this game, if what I’m saying is the truth, I want you all to clap your hands like this, and say, “true!” If what I say is not true, then I want you to pound your hands on your knees like this, and say, “not true!” Are you ready? YES! Let’s play!

This is the sound that dogs make. TRUE!

Birds fly underwater. NOT TRUE!

A hamburger is a fruit. NOT TRUE!

We wear our shoes on our feet. TRUE!

This is a picture of a spider. NOT TRUE!

Image: dog and “woof” SFX

Image: bird

Image: hamburger

Image: shoes

Image: horse

Image: water

Page 10: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Water is wet. TRUE!

This is a picture of an ear. NOT TRUE!

A car can go faster than a person. TRUE! Great job, Kid-Os! You sure know the difference between what is true and what is not! That was a fun game about the truth. Remember our memory verse says that we should put on all of God’s armor, but what does that mean?

Armor is something people can use to protect themselves like a shield or a helmet. But we are not really talking about putting on a real helmet or holding up a big shield. You might be wondering, “What is God’s armor, anyway?”

Kid-Os, God’s armor is different than other armor, because we can’t see or feel most of it. Today we are learning more about God’s armor because when you use his armor, you can make wise choices and live the best way! When we put on God’s armor, we do things that will help us get to know God better and help us be better friends with him. We will learn all about the many pieces of God’s armor in the next few weeks, but today we’re going to talk about the Belt of Truth, which is one piece of God’s armor.

Do This: Remove the belt from the box on the shelf and show it to the kids.

Kid-Os, are any of you wearing a belt, maybe one like this, today? Raise your hand if you know what a belt does.

Do This: If you feel your Kid-Os can handle it, ask Kid-Os to tell you the purpose of a belt. If not, simply continue on.

Image: nose

Image: car and person

Image: pile of armor

Series Title Slide: “King’s Kids”

Page 11: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Now, the Belt of Truth won’t keep your pants from falling down, but it does do something very important. The Belt of Truth helps us to know the truth about God. When we put on the Belt of Truth, we believe that what God says is true. When we choose to believe the truth about God, we know that God loves us, made us, and has good plans for us. We also know that God is real and powerful, and nothing can stop him. Wearing the Belt of Truth means believing in God’s truth and living your life how God wants you to by telling the truth. You can put on the Belt of Truth by spending time reading your Bible and praying, and getting to know God better.

Big Idea 2:00

The Royal Trumpet brought us to our Big Idea! Our Big Idea helps us remember and think more about what we have been learning today. To help us learn it, our friend Ranger Ron is going to come onto our screens! Let’s say “Hi Ranger Ron!”

Know This: The Big Idea is, “I can believe what God says is true.”

Thank you, Ranger Ron! Kid-Os, like Ranger Ron reminded us, we can believe what God says is true! Each one of us can put on the Belt of Truth and live God’s way!

Kid-O-Whampus 2:00

“Royal Trumpet” SFX

Big Idea Jingle

Big Idea Video

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “King’s Kids”

“Royal Trumpet” SFX

Kid-O-Whampus: Animal Moves

Page 12: King’s Kids… · army using only torches and trumpets. Gideon didn’t have armor or weapons, but he had something way better, the armor of God! Gideon’s story shows us how powerful

King’s Kids

Lesson 1

April 7/8


Prayer 2:00 That was so much fun! You can all sit down.

Do This: Show kids the family connection card and the memory verse card.

This is the family connection card. As you leave, make sure your grown-up gets one of these, so they can learn about all the fun we’ve had in Kid-O-Deo! We also have a new memory verse card for you. This will help you remember the verse we learned today while you are at home!

Now it’s time to talk to God. Do you know what we call it when we talk to God? PRAYER. That’s right, we call talking to God “praying.” God is the best friend we could ever have, and he loves it when we talk to him. God will always listen when you pray, because he created you and he loves you. You can pray anytime and anywhere, but here in Kid-O-Deo we fold our hands in our laps and close our eyes, to help us only think about the words we are saying to God. If you want, you can repeat the words of this prayer after me. Dear God, we love you. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for giving us the Belt of Truth! Amen.

It’s been super spending time with you, Kid-Os. Now it’s time for you to go back to your classrooms where you will get into groups with your leader and other Kid-Os, have a snack, and do a fun activity. See you later!

(Auto-Advance) “Take Homes.”

“Let’s Pray”

Kid-O-Deo Slide