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1 CHEMICAL STANDARD Version: 2016 v1 Date: 20 January 2016

Kingfisher Ethical and Environmental Audit Policy · 7 laws from applicable jurisdictions where the product will

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Page 1: Kingfisher Ethical and Environmental Audit Policy · 7 laws from applicable jurisdictions where the product will



Version: 2016 v1 Date: 20 January 2016

Page 2: Kingfisher Ethical and Environmental Audit Policy · 7 laws from applicable jurisdictions where the product will


Table of Contents



1.1. Summary and objectives 3

1.2. Definitions 3

1.3. Who should use this Chemical Standard 3

1.4. How should this Chemical Standard be communicated across the Kingfisher companies 4

1.5. Main points of contact 4


2.1. Scope 4

2.2. Strategic principles 5

2.2.1. Apply EU REACH requirements globally 5

2.2.2. Define a ‘complex’ article to mean any product which is made up of more than one component part 6

2.2.3. Apply most stringent legislation applicable to Kingfisher Group Business Units to unified products 6

2.2.4. Provide a framework to develop positions on unregulated Substances 7

2.2.5. Use of recycled materials in product 7

2.3. Specific policy points 8

2.3.1. Risk based approach 8

2.3.2. Achieve transparency 9

2.3.3. Deliver Sustainable Substitution 10

2.3.4. Define responsibility, accountability and governance 10




4.2. APPENDIX 2 Definitions 12

4.3. Appendix 3 Main contacts 16

4.4. Appendix 4 Chemicals of Concern List 16

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1. Introduction 1.1. Summary and objectives

Kingfisher is committed to protect and promote the environment and health of our customers, colleagues and those working in our supply chain. There are extensive regulations in place to manage a range of Chemical Substances including, Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), pesticides and, biocides. These regulations impose certain requirements on Kingfisher, adherence to which is managed by Kingfisher’s Quality Assurance (QA) function. However, these regulations do not cover all hazardous Chemical Substances. As a responsible retailer, Kingfisher recognises the need and potential benefits of going beyond the minimum requirements set out by regulations, and therefore Kingfisher commits to:

• meet its legal and regulatory obligations for all relevant regulated Substances;

• look beyond regulations where the need meets Kingfisher’s objective to protect and promote the environment and health of our customers, colleagues and those working in our supply chain;

• systematically identify relevant Substances of concern and address these based on material considerations; and

• work with Suppliers and other stakeholders to ensure our requirements are understood and acted on in a timely manner.

Kingfisher’s Objectives are to:

• understand which Substances of concern are in our ‘high risk’ own brand, unbranded or exclusively branded products; covering regulated Substances, and unregulated Substances;

• set out high level principles and methodology Kingfisher will apply when deciding how to manage Substances beyond the requirements of current legislation;

• create common tools and processes for use by Kingfisher Group Business Units to gather, store and manage detailed information and data from Suppliers;

• set out Kingfisher’s governance processes and the consequences of failing to meet regulatory and position statement compliance; and

• set out roles and responsibilities to ensure compliance with this Chemical Standard. This Chemical Standard should be read in conjunction with the appendices, the Kingfisher Code of Conduct and the Group-wide process documentation, including the regulatory process documentation produced by Group QA and the Kingfisher Eco Guidelines.

1.2. Definitions Terms are defined in Appendix 2.

1.3. Who should use this Chemical Standard

a) Within the Kingfisher Group

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This Chemical Standard is applicable to all Kingfisher Group Business Units; specific roles and responsibilities are set out and assigned within it. Unless otherwise stated, all obligations or actions are assigned to QA. This Chemical Standard only references specific procedures which are outside the usual scope of QA.

b) External to Kingfisher This Chemical Standard, or aspects contained within, may be published externally (e.g. online), with prior written consent from the Document Owner. It may also be made available to service partners and other relevant entities as deemed necessary. Requirements on suppliers to meet this Chemical Standard will be integrated into VBAs and contracts and communicated to suppliers as necessary.

1.4. How should this Chemical Standard be communicated across the Kingfisher companies

This Chemical Standard shall be published on the Kingfisher Intranet and distributed to Kingfisher’s Heads of Compliance. All other processes and procedures exist within QA; any changes required through this Chemical Standard shall be communicated through QA management to the main points of contact.

1.5. Main points of contact See Appendix 3.

2. Standards

2.1. Scope The scope for this Chemical Standard is defined as:

• The type of Substances that are included: this Chemical Standard covers all types of Substances and Chemical Mixtures, regulated and unregulated; and

• The type of products that are in scope: this Chemical Standard applies to GFR, GNFR, and Packaging; and

Please note Chemical Mixtures are managed through the Chemical Safety Data Sheet process. This excludes them from further consideration as (potential) Substances of concern, it does not exclude them from the Kingfisher Position Methodology (Appendix 1). International & vendor branded products: International & vendor brands are required to – on request – produce a Declaration of Conformity (DOC). The Quality Management Tool (QMT) is configured to “request” a DOC for international and vendor brands. The DOC is a template generated in QMT when the QA process is activated. The DOC is stored in QMT, in line with document storage requirements. Kingfisher will therefore exclude International & vendor branded products from further analysis once a DOC has been received, unless there is a change in the product.

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Process flow 1 – Clarification on processes that apply

2.2. Strategic principles This Chemical Standard defines the strategic principles which each Kingfisher Group Business Unit shall apply as part of their QA processes which aid Kingfisher to comply with legislation and look beyond legislation in certain circumstances when it meets Kingfisher’s strategic principles. The strategic principles are to:

• apply EU REACH requirements globally;

• define a ‘complex’ article under EU REACH to mean any product with more than one component part;

• apply EU REACH requirements at material level;

• apply the most stringent legislation applicable to Kingfisher Group Business Units for unified products, irrespective of the selling country;

• provide a framework to develop positions on unregulated Substances; and,

• recycled Materials will need to be assessed on a case by case basis. 2.2.1. Apply EU REACH requirements globally EU REACH aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment through evaluation of risks posed by Chemical Substances, including those incorporated into consumer products. The legislation places obligations and responsibilities for understanding and managing the risks associated with the use of Chemicals on organisations who place those Chemicals, or products made using those Chemicals, onto the market. The legislation is particularly focussed on identifying and reducing exposure to SVHCs. These are Substances that have hazards with serious consequences, e.g., they cause cancer, or they have other hazardous properties and/or remain in the environment for a long time with their amounts in animals gradually building up. Substances meeting these criteria may be placed on one or both of two lists that are defined in the EU REACH Regulation: the so called ‘Candidate List’ and the ‘Annex XIV List’ (the EU REACH Authorisation List). It is possible though that some Substances that meet the criteria will not appear on either list. Further information on EU REACH lists can be found via these links

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• Candidate List of SVHCs for Authorisation

• Substances requiring Authorisation

• Substances restricted under EU REACH

Chemical substances which require an authorisation under EU REACH within the EU can continue to be used by manufacturers that operate outside of the EU. However, as a business with a global supply chain Kingfisher will require all manufacturers of own brand, exclusive and unbranded products to comply with the chemical restrictions in the EU REACH regulations irrespective of location of manufacture. Kingfisher shall Make the requirements of EU REACH a contractual obligation with all its own brand, exclusive branded or unbranded products suppliers irrespective of the location of the manufacturer. QA shall Ensure processes to manage regulatory EU REACH are extended and applied in a consistent way, irrespective of the location of the manufacturer. 2.2.2. Reporting requirements for a ‘complex’ article

EU REACH Notification obligations to the ECHA when the following two conditions are met:

(1) the SVHC concentration in the article exceeds a threshold of 0.1% weight by weight;


(2) the total amount of the SVHC in the article exceeds a threshold of one tonne per year.

A ‘complex’ article is being any product with more than one component part. 2.2.3. Apply most stringent legislation applicable to Kingfisher Group Business Units to

unified products Different countries may have different regulations which could require different product specifications. Where Offer and Supply Chain purchases goods for more than one Kingfisher operating company, the requirements of the country/countries with the most stringent regulation(s) shall be adopted. Commercial shall:

• inform its suppliers of requirements on a case by case basis; and

• ensure these requirements are contractually agreed. QA shall:

• Inform the Kingfisher Group Business Unit: o of the regulation(s) that apply; and o which regulations (could be more than one regulation) it considers the most

stringent and therefore applicable for the product specification. As a minimum, all

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laws from applicable jurisdictions where the product will be sold shall be satisfied. It is QA which sets specification for products and will be the arbiter in case of conflicting regulations. It is the responsibility of QA to enforce both regulatory and policy requirements and to escalate where necessary. 2.2.4. Provide a framework to develop positions on unregulated Substances Net Positive shall:

• develop a framework against which requests for a position (and subsequent action) on specific unregulated Substances can be evaluated (Appendix 1); and

• gather stakeholder views which feed into the position formulation framework. Sustainability, Offer & Supply Chain shall:

• develop and maintain a Chemical Of Concern List (Appendix 4) to inform Kingfisher’s priority when taking action on Kingfisher’s unregulated Substances;

• complete the position methodology process;

• produce business cases for specific unregulated Substances for presenting to Document Owner;

• convene a Chemicals Steering Committee on a 6 monthly basis, including chemicals experts from the UK and France, plus representatives from QA and Net Positive; and,

• work with Chemicals Steering Committee to identify and allocate responsibility for priority actions.

Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer shall:

• review business case for action on proposed Substances identified through the Kingfisher Position Methodology and either sign off or reject; and

• request clarification / further business impact assessment in order to determine best outcome.

QA Shall:

• Enforce any signed off positions on unregulated Substances. Commercial shall:

• inform its suppliers of requirements on a case by case basis; and

• ensure these requirements are contractually agreed. 2.2.5. Use of recycled materials in product Kingfisher supports the concept of a circular economy and promotes the use of recycled materials. Kingfisher currently makes use of recycled materials and has produced Eco Product Guidelines, defining what constitutes ‘target’ or ‘desirable’ recycled content per material type (Eco Product Guidelines, Appendix 4: Recycled content). However, due to the non-transparent nature of some recycled material supply chains –particularly in plastic - Kingfisher recognises the need for a case by case assessment to ensure regulation and policy requirements are still met.

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For new products Kingfisher Group Business Units shall accept the use of recycled Materials where:

• it is able to obtain a Bill of Materials (BOM); and

• the material is from a traceable source that is unlikely to contain ‘contamination’. Under certain circumstances, the use of recycled material may also be possible if there is no exposure to the user or it is a low risk material, however, it shall be at the discretion of and with guidance from QA to accept recycled Material under these circumstances and it shall be noted that the use of such recycled Material(s) might still have a detrimental impact on the environment at point of disposal. QA shall:

• give timely consideration to the request made by Kingfisher Business Units as to the use of specific recycled materials.

2.3. Specific policy points This Chemical Standard adopts a unified approach to Chemical and Substance management. The delivery of Chemical and Substance management is the responsibility of QA. The application of the strategic principles requires a unified understanding of some of the specifics i.e.:

• a ‘risk based’ approach is used to identify likely products that contain Substances of concern;

• transparency is achieved through the systematic collection of BOMs and the requirement on suppliers to translate these into BOSs;

• sustainable substitutions meet Kingfisher’s definition & principles of ‘Sustainable Substitution’; and,

• clearly defined responsibility, accountability and governance 2.3.1. Risk based approach Kingfisher Group Business Units shall apply a risk based filtering process to identify products that require priority investigation due to the high likelihood of containing Substances of concern. QA shall:

• build and maintain a database of likely Substances of concern per product category (i.e. ‘library’);

• use the library to assess new own brand, exclusive brand and unbranded products,

• based on the outcome of this assessment, o Any products that are flagged as having the potential to contain Substances of

concern then trigger a request to the vendor to translate the BOM into a likely BOS; or,

o Any products not flagged as having the potential to contain Substances of concern drop out of the process at this stage.

• The receipt of a BOS triggers the action for QA to investigate the product in more detail to indicate if the product user is likely to be exposed to a Substance of concern.

• The outcome of this examination may trigger further actions, for example a request to the supplier to remove or restrict a substance or a decision by the commercial team to cease buying that product.

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Please note: for regulatory breaches, QA might under certain circumstances deploy product recall procedures. Table 2: Kingfisher’s risk-based filter approach

2.3.2. Achieve transparency Kingfisher seeks to achieve transparency through the systematic collection of BOMs and the requirement on suppliers to translate these into BOSs. Offer and Supply Chain shall: make the collection of BOMs a mandatory condition of supply as part of the VBA or contracting process. QA shall:

• manage the collection and storage of BOMs in a structured way;

• inform Commercial and Sourcing Offices in a timely way of requirements on suppliers to translate a BOM into a likely BOS;

• manage the collection and storage of BOS in a structured way;

• examine exposure to Substances of concern for a given product;

• manage the implementation of resulting actions; and

• communicate the findings, requirements and ultimate conclusion to internal and external stakeholders.

Table 3: Illustration of point in process where Transparency is achieved

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2.3.3. Deliver Sustainable Substitution In order to ensure that the effects of the substituted substance is known and proven to be as good or better as previous substance, QA shall:

• ensure that the substituted substance meet the following criteria: o not be on a banned list; o not be on a list of future banned chemicals; o not be more detrimental to health, environment, etc.; or o have equal or better product performance and/ or life span.

Kingfisher shall take a due diligence approach and;

• assure ourselves of the technical competency of the supplier making the substitution or removal; and,

• seek advice where necessary to understand & quantify potential cost impact on products. Developing a process of “Sustainable Substitution”, which will require due consideration being given to the following:

• building technical competencies and processes to identify Substances that meet the criteria; and,

• building relationships with suppliers and other stakeholders to identify opportunities and potential solutions.

2.3.4. Define responsibility, accountability and governance Policy ownership This Chemical Standard is owned by Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer. Day to day management of policy requirements With the exceptions as noted within the body of this Chemical Standard, QA is responsible for the day to day management of the policy requirements, including, but not limited to:

• spot testing products;

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• recalling products; and

• any other steps that are necessary for the delivery of the intent of this Chemical Standard.

3. Recap of Mandatory Notifications and Approvals

Mandatory Notifications and Approvals

Action / Situation Communication

(prior) Notification to (prior) Approval by

Regulatory breach – product recall

Banned substances detected in own brand, exclusive brand or unbraded products.

Op Co Quality Director / CSR Director Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer Legal and Compliance or their nominated delegates


Product recall by International brand / vendor brand regulatory breach OR International brand / vendor brand makes Kingfisher aware of breach

Op Co Quality Director / CSR Director Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer Legal and Compliance or their nominated delegates


Legislative changes – risk to non-compliance / fines

Changes current regulations Op Co Quality Director / CSR Director Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer Legal and Compliance


Additonal / new legislation Op Co Quality Director / CSR Director Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer Legal and Compliance


Commercial risk – risk to product quality

Changes to products due to substitution of substances (regulatory driven or not) result in customer complaint(s)

Quality Director / CSR Director Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer Legal and Compliance

Commercial risk due to NGO activity – risk to

Potential risk to lost sales due to NGO activity on specific substances

Quality Director / CSR Director Chief Offer and Supply Chain Officer

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Intelligence gathering:Via experts and horizon


List of chemicals nominated and prioritised

Selected chemicals rated against criteria

Substitution plan and timeline developed per


Review progress updates regularly

Process supported by chemicals working group

Reviewed on 6 monthly basis

Consider:- Kingfisher Chemicals of

Concern List- Latest science- NGO position- Risk to consumer- Difficulty of change- Business risk- Market examples- Move to global reach

Consider:- Chemicals for change to

be limited to enable focus

- Cost of change

Criteria for ranking:- Exposure to customer- Risk to supply chain- Ease of change- NGO activity- Business exposure- Environmental impact- Alternative chemicals

Planning:- Timeline different per

chemical- Communicate across

working group

Appraisal:- Review progress- Revise where required- Feed learnings into

other chemicals

Internal Factors External Factors Technical Factors TOTAL

Ratings 1-5(1: low)

Business exposure

Supply chainrisk

Environmental impact

Customer exposure

NGOAlternate chemicals

Ease of change

Substance A 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 14/35

Example of chemical rating:

4.2. APPENDIX 2 Definitions

Articles An object which during production is given a special shape, surface or design which determines its function to a greater degree than does its chemical composition. EU REACH definition.

Bill of Materials (BOM) This is required for all items supplied for sale or, where appropriate use (Stocking Keeping Units in the case of items for sale) and is a list of the parts and components that a supplier needs to be able to make the Finished Good (i.e. each Finished Good has its own BOM). There are many formats of BOM (e.g. electronic, hand-written, and so on), some are simple and some have a great level of detail but as a minimum the following should be provided:

• Vendor name

• Production site

• Product / SKU description

• Detail each unique part and component including quantity

• Detail specific Substances and Materials for each unique part and component

• Weight of each unique part and component

• Total weight of the product / SKU

Bill of Substances (BOS)

A hierarchical list of Chemical Ingredients that are contained in the parts and assemblies that make up a BOM. In other words a BOS is the most detailed level of a BOM where information on individual Substances is given. As a minimum this should include for each unique part and component:

• Substance Name

• CAS Number

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• EC Number

• Percentage Content (% Weight for Weight)

• Concentration (PPM or mg/kg)

CAS Number Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) maintains the most comprehensive list of Chemical Substances. Each Substance registered in the CAS Registry is assigned a CAS Registry Number. The CAS Registry Number (commonly referred to as CAS Number) is widely used as a unique identifier of Chemical Substances.

Chemical Ingredient Means an individual Substance present within a part or component of a product.

Chemical A distinct Substance or Mixture which is usually represented by a single CAS Number where one has been assigned.

Chemicals of Concern Substances and Mixtures identified that pose or have the potential to pose significant risks to customers, suppliers, employees or the environment and warrant inclusion on the Kingfisher Chemicals of Concern List.

Chemicals of Concern List

the Chemicals of Concern List, identifies: • Substances that have a complete ban within the scope of the Kingfisher Chemical Standard (i.e. EU REACH applied globally, and other global bans). • Substances that are regulated in certain products only, with a View to possibly extending the requirements to other products (e.g. IKEA Model – toy regulations applied to flooring and to lighting with child appeal). • Substances that are not regulated but are on the List due to hazard Or “NGO pressure” criteria, with a view to putting them through the Kingfisher Position Methodology.

Chemical substance Means a Chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of the Substance or changing its composition.

Code of Conduct

A set of standards concerning ethical and environmental practices adopted by Kingfisher and applied to its Suppliers, Employment Sites, and their subcontractors.

EC Number European Community number, also known as EC No., EINECS No., and EC#, is a unique seven-digit identifier that is assigned to Chemical Substances for regulatory purposes within the European Union by the regulatory authorities. The list of Substances having an EC Number is called the EC Inventory.

Employment Site For the purposes of this Chemical Standard, all upper tier Employment Sites used in connection with producing and supplying items to Kingfisher Group Business Units should be disclosed (e.g. in the case of Employment Sites this would be final finishing and assembly location. We are also including any subcontractors and homeworkers that are used and locations used to store and distribute Finished Goods). An employment site could be an individual / specific production site, farm, quarry, mine, service site etc. (including where applicable subcontractors / homeworkers) producing, distributing or supplying products and services to Kingfisher’s Supplier.

Finished Good Goods that have completed the manufacturing process ready for distribution, sale or use. There is no processing required in term of the goods after this stage by the Kingfisher Group Business Unit.

Group Business Units

All business entities and subsidiaries of Kingfisher plc, including Operating Companies, Unified Offer, KS&O, Joint Ventures where Kingfisher plc has a has a holding of 50% or more. ‘Kingfisher Group Business Units’ has been used at the preferred term throughout.

Hazard Information Information providing detail on each Chemical Ingredient including intrinsic properties to make an assessment of the hazard in the following areas:

• Human health hazard assessment

• Human health hazard assessment of physicochemical

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• Environmental hazard assessment

• PBT and vPvB assessment

Hired or Leased Items: Asset items which already exist on the market (i.e. Kingfisher are generally not the first user) and are acquired from a hirer or leaser or for Group Companies to use for a defined period of time before being returned to them. Examples may include temporary buildings or cabins, leasing of office space, furniture or other items for corporate events, and temporary fences and signage.

Materials Solid matter (e.g. metals and alloys, ceramics and glasses, organic polymers, textiles, and so on) which is made or composed of Substances and Mixtures.

Mixtures Mixtures (or preparations) are defined as a mixture, mixtures or solutions composed of two or more Substances (e.g. lubricating oils, paints, cleaners). EU REACH definition. For the purpose of this Chemical Standard – Mixtures are defined as products requiring a Data safety sheet, and are therefore managed outside of this Chemical Standard and its associated processes.

Non-Compliance A confirmed breach of a local, national or international law or regulation.

Parts Per Million (PPM) A way of expressing very dilute concentrations of Substances. Just as per cent means out of a hundred, so parts per million or PPM means out of a million. For example, 1,000ppm is equivalent to 1,000 mg/kg and 0.1% weight for weight.

Persistent Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT)

PBT pollutants are Chemicals that are toxic, persist in the environment and bioaccumulate in food chains and, thus, pose risks to human health and ecosystems. The biggest concerns about PBTs are that they transfer rather easily among air, water, and land, and span boundaries of programmes, geography, and generations.

Prior Informed Consent Regulation

The Prior Informed Consent Regulation (PIC, Regulation (EU) 649/2012) administers the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals and places obligations on companies who wish to export these chemicals to non-EU countries. It implements, within the European Union, the Rotterdam Convention on prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade.

Precautionary Principle Where action is decided where there is the possibility of significant harm is compelling but extensive scientific knowledge maybe lacking or inconclusive.

Product Categories Product Categories: Products are classified according to the following categories within Kingfisher: International Brand: Supplier of branded products not unique or exclusive to Kingfisher or its Group Companies and sold internationally (more than one jurisdiction) such as Black & Decker, Bosch, and so on. Should Group Companies wish to apply more stringent criteria for any of the identified International Brands, they are welcome to do so. Where an International Brand provides own-branded as well as its own branded products, they must be treated as an own-branded product suppliers. The criteria are 1. At least 30% of revenue must come from outside the brand’s home region and it must have a significant presence in Asia, Europe and North America, there must be sufficient publicly available data on the brand’s financial performance. If in any doubt please contact the Net Positive team for a definitive decision Manufacturer / Vendor Brand: branded products not unique or exclusive to Kingfisher or its Group Companies, the brands do not operate in more than 1 geography , i.e. Croydex, Stormguard Own-Brand: products owned by Kingfisher or Group Companies (e.g. Diall, Mac Allister, Castorama, Screwfix etc.) and/ or products with the name of the brand or Kingfisher / Group Companies identifiable on the product and / or packaging. Exclusive Brand: branded products made exclusively for Kingfisher or its Group Companies for sale in stores either indefinitely or a defined period of time.

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Unbranded: often referred to as ‘No Name’ a product with no brand or has no major national presence. For the sake of this Chemical Standard we intend to treat unbranded products on a par with own-brand & exclusive brand products Goods Not for Resale (GNFR): Otherwise known as ‘indirect procurement’ and refers to goods and services that enable Group Companies to function and operate (i.e. anything that is not sold to customers). Packaging: Materials used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery and preservation of goods from the producer to the user or consumer.

EU REACH EU REACH is a regulation of the European Union, adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry. It also promotes alternative methods for the hazard assessment of Substances in order to reduce the number of tests on animals. Unambiguous substance identification is a pre-requisite to most of the EU REACH processes. Actors in the supply chain must have sufficient information on the identity of their substance.

Remove Actively substitute and remove all deliberate use of a Chemical of Concern by a given date.

Restriction Deliberate use of a Chemical of Concern is permitted but there is an upper limit within the item. Also known as ‘Allowable Limits’ within the Kingfisher Chemicals of Concern List.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Sometimes known as a Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). The SDS is the main tool used in industry for communicating information on the hazard of dangerous Substances and preparations through the supply chain. Safety Data Sheets include information about the properties of the Substance (or Mixture), its hazards and instructions for handling, disposal and transport and also first-aid, fire-fighting and exposure control measures. These sheets should be available in a language that can be understood by Kingfisher Group Business Units. These sheets should also be no more than 3 years old.

Secondary Substances and Materials

Substances and materials that have been manufactured and used at least once and are to be used again (i.e. those that are reused or recycled) to produce a Finished Good.

Supplier Any contracted partner which supplies a Kingfisher Group Business Unit with products or services. Existing Supplier: those Suppliers are where there is a ‘live’ contract in place and are actively producing and supplying products and services to Kingfisher Group Business Units.

Substance Means a Chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of the Substance or changing its composition.

Substances Name Substance name, chemical name or IUPAC name. Generally this is the name of the Substance according to the rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

Substances of concern Those Substances, regulated or unregulated that are of concern to Kingfisher.

Substances of very high concern (SVHC)

Substances that may have serious and often irreversible effects on human health and the environment can be identified as Substances of very high concern (SVHCs). For EU REACH: if a substance is identified as an SVHC, it will be added to the Candidate List for eventual inclusion in the Authorisation List.

Substitution Avoiding use of a Chemical of Concern by replacing it with another Substance (a substitute), by changing production methods, or offering alternative goods which achieve the same or similar outcomes and represent a lower risk to human health and the environment where issues surrounding the Chemical Ingredient are significant but are not

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able to be resolved.

SKU Is a distinct item, such as a product or service, as it is offered for sale that embodies all attributes associated with the item and that distinguish it from all other items. For a product, these attributes include, but are not limited to, manufacturer, product description, material, size, colour, packaging, and warranty terms.

Very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative (vPvB)

Substances of very high concern, which are very persistent (very difficult to break down) and very bio-accumulative in living organisms.

Virgin Substances and Materials

Substances and materials that have not been previously used or consumed, or subjected to processing other than to produce a Finished Good.

4.3. Appendix 3 Main contacts Internal

Kingfisher Company

Name Title e-mail Telephone

Kingfisher G Brierly Sustainability Director, Offer and Supply Chain

[email protected]

+44 (0) 20 7644 1037

Kingfisher JC Ferrer Quality Director [email protected]

+44 (0) 20 7644 1295

Kingfisher P Ellis Environmental Regulation Manager

[email protected]

+442380 690539 Mobile: +447785 315853

Kingfisher B Ventosa Assitente en Calidad · Sede (Subject Matter Expert)

[email protected]

93 374 15 17 - 665 124 769

Kingfisher B Coffin Head of Net Positive Delivery

[email protected]

+44 (0)20 7644 1092

Kingfisher C Laurie Head of Net Positive Delivery

[email protected]

+44 (0)20 7644 1165


External Partners

Name Title e-mail Telephone

Eurofins General Info [email protected]

The REACH Centre

General The REACH Centre Limited. Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancashire, LA1 4YQ, UK

[email protected]

+44 (0) 1524 510278 F +44 (0) 1524 510588

The REACH Centre

Sandra Meijer Director of Business Development

[email protected]

+44 (0)1524 510278 direct: +44 (0)1524 510481

4.4. Appendix 4 Chemicals of Concern List

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The Kingfisher Chemicals of Concern List (‘the List’) has two key functions:

1. Provide focus on key regulated substances when expanding scope (i.e. global EU REACH and most stringent, local regulation)

2. Provide input into the Kingfisher Position Methodology (Appendix 1). The List will be prepared by external experts at the REACH Centre in collaboration with Kingfisher’s Main contacts listed in Appendix 3. Sustainability Director, Offer and Supply Chain: shall periodically review the suitability of the Reach Centre and identify and engage a suitable alternative if necessary. The REACH Centre shall:

• provide the List with the following key parameters:

• Level of regulation e.g. regulated (including bans/restrictions/declarable) vs proposed vs hazard based.

• Scope of the regulatory requirement e.g. mixtures vs articles vs both • Product type that is being regulated e.g. toys/ food contact / general consumer

product etc. • Relevance for Kingfisher products, using our internal expertise of the typical uses and

applications of the substance in question.

• assign a relevance score to each substance. Expected outputs are: • Substances that have a complete ban within the scope of this Chemical Standard (i.e.

EU REACH applied globally, and other global bans).

• Substances that are regulated in certain products only, with a view to possibly extending the requirements to other products (e.g. IKEA Model – toy regulations applied to flooring and to lighting with child appeal).

• Substances that are not regulated but are on the List due to hazard or “NGO

pressure” criteria, with a view to putting them through the Kingfisher Position Methodology.