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KHARIF SEASON 2015 - WELCOME TO Working Paper Draft 27 April... · 2 Contents Item Page No. ITEM NO. 1 POSITION OF INPUTS FOR KHARIF CROPS

Feb 06, 2018



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Page 1: KHARIF SEASON 2015 - WELCOME TO Working Paper Draft 27 April... · 2 Contents Item Page No. ITEM NO. 1 POSITION OF INPUTS FOR KHARIF CROPS




APRIL, 2015





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Item Page No.


Water Position 5

Anticipated Water Availability 5

Review Rabi 2014-15 5

Anticipated Kharif 2015 (Apr – Sep) 5

Agro-meteorology Position 6

Past weather: Jan-Feb-March, 2015 6

Weather outlook: Apr-Jun, 2015 6


Paddy Seed 8

Maize/ Corn Seed 8

Mungbean Seed 9

Cotton Seed 10

Future Plans for FSC&RD 11


Fertilizer Off take 12

Fertilizer Situation During Current Rabi 201-15 12

Fertilizer Off take in Rabi 2014-15 12

Estimated fertilizer situation during kharif 2015 13

Supply Demand Situation 13

Agricultural Credit Review 2015-16 14

Province-wise Disbursement 15

Disbursements to Farm and Non-Farm Sector 15

SBP Init iatives For Promotion Of Agricultural Credit 16

Plant Protection (Availability Of Pesticides And Herbicides) 17

Pesticides 17

Locust Survey & Control Section 17


Wheat Crop (2014-15) Area, Production and Procurement Targets: 18

Efforts to achieve the targets of wheat crop (2014-15) 18

Achievements of area during wheat crop (2014-15) 19

Punjab, Sindh, Khyber –Pakhtunkhwa Balochistan. 19

Wheat stock position 20

Wheat Export and Import: 20

Points For Consideration 20


Procurement against Assigned Target - Year 2014 21

Target Assigned by the Government for Year 2015 21

Maintenance of Strategic Reserves 21

Procurement Plan / Areas 21

Punjab Procurement Plan / Areas 21

Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 22

Detail of PASSCO Zones, Projects and Purchase Centers. 22

Specifications of Wheat 22

Purchase Price and Delivery Charges 23

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Purchase Price: 23

Delivery Charges: 23

Bardana Issuance / Procurement Schedule 23

Issuance of Bardana to Farmers/Growers 23

Logistics Arrangements 24

Purchase of Wheat 24

Supervisory Committees 24

Monitoring / Supervision by Ministry and PASSCO Management 24

By Ministry 24


Maintenance of Complaint Box 25


Achievements of Gram Area during (2014-15) 26

Achievements of Gram Production during (2014-15) 26

Points for consideration 26


Lentil Crop (2014-15) Area, Production and Yield Targets 27

Achievements of Lentil Area during (2014-15) 27

Points for consideration 27


Targets and Achievements for 2014-15 28


Potato Crop (2013-14) Area, Production and Yield Targets 29

Achievements of Potato Area during (2013-14) 29

Points for consideration 29


Onion Crop (2014-15) Area, Production and Yield Targets 30

Achievements of Onion Area during (2014-15) 30

Achievements of Onion Production during (2014-15) 30

Points for consideration 30

Moong and Mash 31

Area, Production and Yield of Mungbean and Mash during last four years 31

Area, Production and Yield of Mungbean and Mash Targets During 2015-16 31


Sugarcane Targets for Area and Production 32

Performance of Sugarcane 2014-15 Crop 32

Review of Sugarcane Crop 2013-14 and 2014-15 32

Sugarcane Kharif 2015-16 Targets for Area and Production 32


Rice Targets for Area and Production 34

Points for the consideration 34


Maize Targets for Area and Production 35

Points for Consideration 35

Chillies Targets for Area and Production 36

Points for consideration 36

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Tomatoes Targets for Area and Production 36

Tomato Production 37

Tomato Targets for 2015-16 37

Points for consideration


Pakistan Agricultural Research Council 38

Research and Development Plans 2015-16 PSDP 38


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ITEM NO. 1 POSITION OF INPUTS FOR RABI CROPS 2014-15 Water Position Anticipated Water Availability Review Rabi 2014-15

At the start of Rabi 2014-15 anticipated shortage was 4% in maximum scenario. After review of the water situation on October 30, 2014 shortages were reduced to 0%. Indented supplies were being released to the Provinces.

Anticipated Kharif2015-16 (Apr – Sep)

Present trend of flows shows that shortages are likely to remain between 5 to 10 %.

Table-1: Anticipated Water Availability Kharif 2015 (Apr – Sep) (MAF)

Period 10-Year Average Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Anticipated

Early Kharif 27.25 26.60 31.42

Late Kharif 76.57 76.39 89.67

Total Kharif 103.82 102.99 121.09

Table-2: Anticipated Criteria Kharif 2015-16 (Apr 01 – Jun 10, 2015) MAF)

1. Rim station Inflows 31,42

2. Storage -4.02

3. System Losses -6.01

4. Total Availability (1+2+3) 21.39

5. Kotri Below 0.00

6. Canal Availability (4-5) 21.39

7. Less KPK + Balochistan 0.68

8. Balance for Punjab & Sindh (6-7) 20.71

Table-3: Anticipated Criteria Kharif 2015 Late Kharif (Jun 11 – Sep 30, 2015) MAF)

1. Rim station Inflows 89.67

2. Storage -5.70

3. System Losses -11.90

4. Total Availability (1+2+3) 72.08

5. Kotri Below 20.01

6. Canal Availability (4-5) 52.07

7. Less KPK + Balochistan 2.71

8. Balance for Punjab & Sindh (6-7) 49.36

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Agro-meteorology Position

During the past month, the country as a whole, recorded abnormally above rainfall (+72%). Almost whole of the country experienced more than normal monthly rainfall except GB where it was moderately below normal. The province of Punjab recorded extremely heaviest rainfall of the month during last 55 years. During the period Punjab &Balochistan received highly above–average rainfall, Sindh & KPK received slightly above-average rainfall whereas GB & AJK received below-average rainfall.

Table-4: Past weather: Jan-Feb-March, 2015


January February March* Jan-Mar*














18.9 5.9 -69 24.9 23.8 -4 30.5 19.7 -35 74.3 49.4 -34

AJK 52.6 10.6 -80 72.6 51.3 -29 93.2 66 -29 218.4 127.9 -41

BAL 18.1 9.3 -49 18.9 19.4 3 20.5 7.5 -63 57.5 36.2 -37

GB 17.6 8.5 -52 20.9 0.7 -97 29.7 14.4 -52 68.2 23.6 -65

KP 45.5 7.2 -84 70.7 89.1 26 96.1 69.3 -28 212.3 165.6 -22

Punjab 15.6 2.2 -86 23.2 23 -1 28 24.6 -12 66.8 49.8 -25

Sindh 2.8 0.2 -94 5.3 0.3 -93 4.7 4.2 -9 12.8 4.7 -63

Weather outlook: Apr-Jun, 2015

April 2015 Punjab have above normal rainfall is expected in most parts of the province. In KPK above normal rainfall expected. In Sindh above normal in northern parts while below normal in central parts of the province. In case of Baluchistan above normal in north & north-eastern parts below normal in South-Western parts. AJK and GB will have above normal. Overall above normal rainfall is expected most parts of the country except southern-west parts of Baluchistan, while below normal rainfalls is expected. May 2015 In Punjab almost normal rainfall is expected. KPK will have normal rainfall in central parts, below normal in extreme north & some southern parts. Sindh will observe above normal rainfall while Baluchistan will have normal to above normal in most parts with slightly below normal in north-eastern parts.AJK will have slightly above normal whereas GB will observe normal to below normal in central & western parts. Overall normal to below normal rainfall expected in northern parts, while normal to above normal rainfall expected in the southern parts of the country. June 2015 Punjab will observe above normal in south-eastern parts, normal elsewhere in the province. KPK will receive normal to below normal whereas Sindh will have above normal. Baluchistan will have normal to above normal in central to eastern parts, below normal in north-western

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and south-western parts adjacent to Afghanistan and Iran borders AJK will receive above normal and GB will observe below normal in most parts. Overall normal to above normal rainfall is expected in central & eastern parts comprising to Southern Punjab & Sindh Province. Below normal rainfall is expected in extreme north & the areas along the western border. Due to prevailing uncertain weather conditions, hail storm, dust storm, heavy rainfall is expected, which could destroy Rabi Crop & delay the sowing of cotton crop. Above normal snowfall occurred during winter, can play an important role to overcome water stress in Kharif season.

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SEEDSITUATION Seed Requirement and availability position of Paddy, Maize and Mungbean crops for Kharif 2015-16 is summarized as under: Table-5: PADDY SEED (Fig. in MT)

Province/ Region


2014-15 2015-16

Total Seed Req.

Target Seed Req.

Seed Availability

Total Seed Req.

Target Seed Req.


Punjab Public 1716.00 1861.00

(Fine) Private 6993.50 6846.00

Total 17,580 5,274 8709.50 17,580 5,274 8707.00

%age of TSR 49.54% 50%

Punjab Public 1803.52 1835.10

(Coarse) Private 15182.00 18559.00

Total 7,060 2,118 16985.52 7,060 2,118 20394.10

%age of TSR 240.59% 288%**

Punjab Public 3519.52

Fine+ Coarse Private 22175.50

Total 24,640 7,392 25695.02 24,640 7,392 29101.10

%age of TSR 104.28% 118%**

Sindh Public 175.50

Private 4742.26

Total 12,840 3,852 4917.76 12,840 3,852 5512.74

%age of TSR 38.30% 43%

KPK Public 3.20

Private 70.00

Total 1,200 360 73.20 1,200 360 78.00

%age of TSR 6.10% 6.5%

Balochistan Public 0.00

Private 0.00

Total 3,800 1,140 0.00 3,800 1,140 1583.00

%age of TSR 0.00% 42%

Pakistan Public 3698.22 4149.18

(Fine+Coarse) Private 26987.76 33806.00

Imported 3840.69 (9.04%)


Total 42480 12,744 34526.67 42480 12,744 38852.18

%age of TSR 81.28% 91%***

* Seed Testing figures are in progress ** Additional quantity of coarse paddy seed (Punjab) is distributed in Sindh and

Balochistan Province. *** Availability has reasonably been enhanced due to induction of new vars i.e. PS-2 and

PK-386 into seed system Table-6: MAIZE / CORN SEED *

Province/ Region


2014-15 2015-16

Total Seed Req.

Target Seed


Availability MT

Total Seed Req. MT

Target Seed Req. MT

Availability MT

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Punjab Public 0.00 1.87

Private 997.00 3057

Total 15,768 4730.40 997.00 15,768 4730 3059

%age of TSR 6.32% 19.4%

Sindh Public 84 25.20 0.00 84 25 0.00

Private 0.00 0.00

Total 0.00 0.00

%age of TSR 0.00 % 0%

KPK Public 35.90 53.90

Private 0.75 0.75

Total 15,900 4770 36.65 15,900 4770 54.65

%age of TSR 0.23% 0.34%


Public 0.00 0.00

Private 0.00 0.00

Total 180 54 0.00 180 54 0.00

%age of TSR 0.00% 0%

Pakistan Public 35.90 55.77

Private 997.75 3058**

Import 11617.83 (36.38 %)

13512 (42%)



31932 9,579.60 12651.48 31932 9,579 16626

%age of TSR 39.62% 52%

* Seed prices were reduced by multinational companies on the intervention of M/o NFS&R. ** Share of local production increased appreciably from 997MT to 3000 tons

Table-7: MUNGBEAN SEED * (Fig. in MT) Province/ Region


2014-15 2015-16

Total Seed Requirement

Target Seed Req.

Availability Total Seed

Req. Target

Seed Req. Availability

Punjab Public 17.31 151.81

Private 632.50 1061.50

Total 3,770 754 649.81 3,770 754 1213.31

%age of

TSR 17.24% 32.18%

Sindh Public 0.00 0.00

Private 0.00 0.00

Total 254 50.8 0.00 254 50.80 0.00

%age of

TSR 0.00% 0.00

KPK Public 0.00 0.00

Private 0.00 0.00

Total 142 28.4 0.00 142 28.40 0.00

%age of

TSR 0.00% 0.00


Public 0.00 0.00

Private 0.00 0.00

Total 228 45.6 0.00 228 45.60 0.00

%age of

TSR 0.00% 0.00

Pakistan Public 17.31 151.81

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Private Sector

632.50 1061.50

Total 4,394 878.8 649.81 4,394 878.80 1213.31

%age of

TSR 14.79% 27.61%

* Both Maize and Mungbean seed testing figures are in progress. COTTON SEED *

Table-8: Position of input for Kharif 2015-16 (Fig. in MT) Province/



2014-15 2015-16

Total Seed Req.

Target Seed Req.

Availability Total Seed

Req. Target

Seed Req. Availability

Punjab Public 696.87 843.64

Private 18336.31 24249.10

Total 31,000 31,000 19033.18 31,000 31,000 25092.74

%age of

TSR 61.39% 81%

Sindh public 0.27 118.59

Private 1178.00 3177.81

Total 8,300 8,300 1178.27 8,300 8,300 3296.40

%age of

TSR 14% 40%

KPK Public 0.00 0.00

Private 34.00 0.00

Total 50 50 34.00 50 50 0.00

%age of

TSR 68% 0%


Public 0.00 0.00

Private 358.00 0.00

Total 620 620 358.00 620 620 0.00

%age of

TSR 57.74% 0%

Pakistan Public 697.14 962.23

Private 19906.31 27426.91

Total 40,000 40,000 20603.45 40,000 40,000 28389.14

%age of

TSR 51.5% 71%

71% quality cotton seed is available which is the highest in last 10 years.

27% certified seed is available which for the last few years was less than 3% only

Bt. testing of all the certified cotton seed lots has been carried out. Table-9: Availability of Cotton Seed of Last Five Years

Year Area

(Million Ha) Total Seed Requirement

(MT) Total Seed Availability (MT)

2010-11 2.70 40,000 7366 (18%) *

2011-12 2.80 40,000 5446 (1.4)

2012-13 2.90 40,000 4630 (1.3)

2013-14 2.80 40,000 20603 (2.4)**

2014-15 2.90 40,000 28389 (27%)***

* Share of certified seed ** During last five years, certified seed was only less than 3%

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*** During 2014-15, certified seed share reached to 27%

Future Plans for FSC&RD

1. Passage of the Seed Amendment Bill 2014 Betterment of the seed sector is being focused in a holistic manner. The passage of the Seed (Amendment) Bill 2014 by the National Assembly is one of the key developments. The department would undergo strengthening in many areas with respect to infrastructure and technical capacity of the professionals. New rules and regulations would be required to implement the provisions of the Seed (Amendment) Bill 2014. Similarly, an early approval of the Plant Breeders’ Rights Law from the Parliament is anticipated. The promulgation of that law will usher in a new era of research and development of the seed sector. After the promulgation of that law, foreign investment worth billions of rupees is expected.

2. National Seed Policy: Consultation process on the draft Seed Policy has been completed and working group is being constituted to finalize the Seed Policy.

3. Accreditation of Central Seed Testing Laboratory The Department is in the process of getting its Central Seed Testing Laboratory accredited. Through accreditation of CSTL, opportunities for seed trade at regional and International level are expected to open up.

4. New Developmental Schemes The Department has submitted new developmental schemes mainly for strengthening of its infrastructure and technical capacity to render services to the private sector which has expanded manifold

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FERTILIZER SITUATION FERTILIZER OFFTAKE DURING KHARIF 2014 Fertilizer offtake during Kharif 2014 is given in table below. Urea consumption was 2716 thousand tonnes against 2,853 thousand tonnes of previous season showing a decrease of about 4.8 per cent over last Kharif 2013. DAP offtake also decreased by 5.4 per cent over Kharif 2013. The overall offtake was 3,317 thousand tonnes that shows 4.8 per cent decrease over previous Kharif. Table-10: Fertilizer Offtake (000 tonnes) during Kharif 2014

Province Urea DAP TSP/MAP SOP/MOP Total

Punjab 1,771 422 - 12 2205

Sind 679 111 - 2 792

KP 160 33 - 1 194

Balochistan 105 20 - 1 125

Pakistan 2716 586 - 15 3317

Kharif 2013 2853 620 - 10 3483

Percent Change over Kharif 2013

-4.8 -5.4 - 48.7 -4.8

1. REVIEW OF FERTILIZER SITUATION DURING CURRENT RABI (2014-15) Fertilizer Offtake During Rabi 2014-15, total urea offtake was 3,100 thousand tonnes, which is 0.5 per cent higher than Rabi 2013-14. The DAP offtake also increased by 6.4 per cent up to the level of 1140 thousand tonnes. There was increase in offtake of potash (SOP/MOP) fertilizers. The overall offtake is estimated to increase by 2.1 per cent. Table-11: Fertilizer Offtake (000 tonnes) in Rabi 2014-15 (Oct-Mar) (Estimated)

Province Urea DAP TSP/MAP SOP/MOP Total

Punjab 2230 760 - 9 2999

Sind 550 225 - 3 778

KP 210 115 - 1 326

Balochistan 110 40 - 1 151

Pakistan 3100 1140 - 14 4254

Percent Change over Rabi 2013-14

0.5 6.4 - 40.0 2.1

Rabi 2013-14 3084 1071 - 10 4165

Supply Demand Situation during Rabi 2014-15 Rabi 2014-15 opened with a balance of about 184 thousand tonnes of urea. Domestic production was 2,493 thousand tonnes. Total availability remained around 3,253 thousand tonnes. The total offtake was around 3,100 thousand tonnes. The availability of DAP was 1266 thousand tonnes including 436 thousand tonnes of opening balance, 332 thousand tonnes of local production and 498 thousand tonnes of imported supplies. The offtake was 1,140 thousand tonnes leaving an inventory of 124 thousand tonnes as closing balance. Total availability of potash fertilizers (SOP/MOP) was 18 thousand tonnes against offtake of 14 thousand tonnes, thus leaving closing balance of 4 thousand tonnes.

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Table-12: Fertilizer Supply/Demand (000 tonnes) in Rabi 2014-15 (Oct- Mar) (Estimated)

Product Urea DAP TSP/MAP SOP/MOP Total

Opening Inventory 184 436 0 8 628

Imported Supplies 576 498 0 10 1084

Domestic Production 2493 332 0 0 2825

Total availbility 3253 1266 0 18 4537

Offtake 3100 1140 0 14 4254

Write on/off -2 -2 0 0 -4

Estimated inventory 151 124 0 4 279

Supply Demand Situation during Kharif 2015 Kharif 2015 is expected to start with inventory of 151 thousand tonnes of urea. Total availability of urea will be about 2740 thousand tonnes comprising of 151 thousand tonnes of opening balance, 39 thousand tones of imported supplies and 2550 thousand tones of domestic production. Urea offtake is expected to be around 2900 thousand tones. Total availability of DAP will be 490 thousand tonnes against expected offtake of 600 thousand tonnes. Supply/ Demand gap in DAP will be met by imports through Private Sector during Kharif 2015. Table-13: Fertilizer Supply/Demand (000 tonnes) in Kharif 2015 (Apr- Sep) (Estimated) Product Urea DAP TSP/MAP SOP/MOP Total

Opening Inventory 151 124 0 4 279

Imported Supplies 39 0 0 0 39

Domestic Production 2550 366 0 0 2916

Total availbility 2740 490 0 4 3234

Offtake 2900 600 0 10 3510

Write on/off 0 0 0 0 0

Estimated inventory -160 -110 0 -6 -276

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AGRICULTURAL CREDIT REVIEW The Agricultural Credit Advisory Committee in its meeting held on July 12, 2014 approved the indicative agriculture disbursement target of Rs. 500 billion for FY 2014-15. The allocated target is 28% higher than Rs 391 disbursed in 2013-14. The performance of banks during the first eight months of FY 2014-15 remained encouraging. During the period the banks disbursed Rs. 288.7 billion which is 57.8% of the overall annual target of Rs. 500 billion and 32.3% higher than disbursement of Rs. 218.3 billion made during the corresponding period last year. The outstanding portfolio of agri. loans has increased by Rs 34.2 billion i.e. from Rs 273.4 billion to Rs 307.6 billion at end February 2015 as compared to same period last year. Five major banks as a group have disbursed Rs. 150.9 billion or 59.8% of its annual target and two specialized banks (ZTBL & PPCBL) also disbursed Rs 51.5 billion or 50.7% of their targets of Rs 101.5 billion. Fifteen Domestic private banks collectively disbursed Rs 64.9 billion or 56.2% against their target of Rs. 115.6 billion. Seven Microfinance banks have disbursed Rs 18.9 billion or 67% of their annual targets, however; the four Islamic banks as a group have already surpassed their annual targets by disbursing Rs 2.5 billion against the target of Rs 2.3 billion during the period under review. The group wise performance of banks during the period (Jul- February 2015) is summarized as below: Table-14: Indicative Agri. Credit Targets and Disbursements

(Rs. in billion) Banks

Targets 2014-15

Disbur. July-Feb


% Achieved

Share in Total


Target 2013-14

Disbur. Jul- Feb


% age achieved

5 Big Comm. Banks

252.5 150.9 59.8 53.6 188.0 113.1 60.1

Specialized banks (2)

101.5 51.5 50.7 14.9 79.5 43.1 54.2

DPBs (15) 115.6 64.9 56.2 21.6 90.4 47.2 52.2

MFBs (7) 28.2 18.9 67.0 7.0 21.6 14.6 67.6

Islamic Banks (4)

2.3 2.5 107.0 0.2 0.5 0.3 47.6

Total 500.0 288.7 57.8 100.0 380.0 218.3 57.4

Amongst the five major banks, MCB has achieved 76.3% of its annual target, UBL achieved 72.2%, HBL 66.6%, NBP 46.2% while ABL could achieve only 43.1% of its individual annual target. Under the specialized banks category, ZTBL disbursed Rs. 46.1 billion or 51.3 % against its target of Rs. 90.0 billion while PPCBL disbursed Rs. 5.4 billion i.e. 46.9 % against its target of Rs. 11.5 billion during the period under review. Within Fifteen Domestic Private Banks, Bank of Khyber has achieved 86.9%, Faysal bank achieved 72.3%, Bank Alfalah 53%, Bank Al Habib 48.3%, NIB bank 47.5%, Summit bank 45.4%, Sindh Bank 45%, Silk bank 43.5 %, Soneri Bank 43%, Bank of Punjab 36.6% while Askari bank could achieve only 35% of their annual targets during Jul-Feb 2015, however Standard Chartered Bank has disbursed Rs 3.8 billion against its annual target of Rs 2.5 billion for 2014-15.

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a) Province-wise Disbursement The major share of agricultural credit of Rs. 237.5 billion was disbursed in Punjab during July-February 2014-15 against the target of Rs. 390 billion, thus achieving 60.9 % of the assigned targets. In Sindh Banks disbursed an amount of Rs. 44.6 billion or 63.6 percent as against their indicative target of 70.1 billion during July–February 2014-15. The KPK received Rs. 5.8 billion or 19.3 % of indicative target allocated to banks for agricultural lending. The rest of the provinces collectively received a fractional amount of merely Rs. 0.8 billion against the allocated Rs. 9.9 billion. Table-15: Province-Wise Indicative Agricultural Credit Targets and Disbursements

(Rs. in billion) Province/ July- February 2014-15 July- February 2013-14

Region Targets Disburs. Targets


Share in Total

Disburs. Targets Disburs.

Targets Achieved

Share in Total


Punjab 390 237.5 60.9 82.3 294.7 186.3 63.2 85.4

Sindh 70.1 44.6 63.6 15.4 55 25.4 46.2 11.6

KPK 30 5.8 19.3 2.0 21.3 5.6 26.3 2.6

Balochistan 7.5 0.225 3.0 0.1 5.7 0.2 4.1 0.1

AJK 1.2 0.354 29.5 0.1 2 0.4 21.6 0.2

GB 1.2 0.234 19.5 0.1 1.3 0.2 15 0.1

Total 500 288.7 57.7 100 380 218.3 57.4 100

b) Disbursements to Farm and Non-Farm Sector Sector-wise classification reveals that out of disbursements of Rs. 288.7 billion, Rs. 148.3 billion or 51.4 percent were disbursed to farm-sector and Rs. 140.4 billion or 48.6 percent to non-farm sector. However, during corresponding period last year, a total amount of Rs 218.3 billion was disbursed out of which Rs. 118.7 billion or 54.4 percent was disbursed to farm sector and non farm sector received Rs. 99.6 billion or 45.6 percent of total disbursements by banks. Under non-farm sector credit, disbursement remained concentrated to large farms, especially in the poultry and livestock sectors. Table-16: Disbursement to Farm & Non Farm Sector (Rs. In billion)

Sector July- Feb 2014-15 July-Feb 2013-14

Disbursement Share in total Disbursement Share in total

A Farm Credit 148.3 51.4 118.7 54.4

1 Subsistence 82.2 28.5 69.6 31.9

2 Economic Holding

35.5 12.3 29.9 13.7

3 Above Eco.

Holding 30.7 10.6 19.2 8.8

B Non-farm Credit 140.4 48.6 99.6 45.6

1 Small Farms 46.1 16.0 32.6 14.9

2 Large Farms 94.3 32.6 67.0 30.7

Total (A+B) 288.7 100.0 218.3 100.0

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SBP INITIATIVES FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE FINANCING DURING THE YEAR 2014-15 Issuance of Guidelines on Value Chain Contract Farmer Financing State Bank of Pakistan issued Guidelines on Value Chain Contract Farmer Financing in October 2014 to encourage banks to extend credit to small and marginalized farmers by leveraging on the strengths of inter-relationships that exist in the agriculture value chain. The guidelines would benefit farmers in terms of enhanced productivity in variety of ways such as availing quality input facilities, adopting new technologies, insurance coverage for crop/non-crop activities and most importantly assurance of buyer in advance. Credit Guarantee Scheme for Small and Marginalized Farmers (CGSSF) SBP has finalized Credit Guarantee Scheme for Small and Marginalized Farmers (CGSSF) where SBP shares 40% of credit losses of lending banks on their loans to Small & Rural Enterprises. The scheme will be launched shortly. SBP-FAO Technical Assistance Program SBP in collaboration with Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations arranged a Program on innovative agriculture and Value Chain financing to provide technical assistance to banks. This capacity building program would enable banks to shift the business dynamics from conventional lending to innovative and globally acceptable value chain financing models. Implementation of Livestock Loan Insurance Scheme SBP has successfully implemented the Livestock Loan Insurance Scheme on the parameter announcements in the budget 2014-15. The Scheme would safeguard the interest of farmers in case of loss of animals due to death and provide banks with a risk mitigating tool, thus encouraging them to enhance the flow of credit to this highly potential and underserved sector.

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PLANT PROTECTION (AVAILABILITY OF PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES) Pesticides Business of import and distribution of agriculture pesticides is with private sector, which is

entrusted for availability of pesticides in the country. As per departmental record on the basis of Pre-shipment inspection companies reports

which has been endorsed by the Department of Plant Protection, total import comprising of insecticides/ herbicides/ fungicides is 71267 MT, in the year 2014, total number of following pesticides registration has been granted according to the each commodity is given below:


Cotton 3102

Wheat 713

Rice 790

Maize 288

Sugarcane 365

Vegetables 899

Citrus 111

Orchard 524

Locust Survey & Control Section Pakistan remained free from gregarious locust activity. The routine fortnightly locust survey was carried out in the potential locust breeding areas of Sindh. Punjab and Baluchistan during the period under report. During the survey no significant locust activity was observed. Only mature solitary adults with population ranging from 06-25 adults/hectare were observed at 10 localities of Bahawalpur and 06 in Rahimyar khan.

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ITEM NO. 2 REVIEW OF RABI CROPS 2014-15 Wheat Crop (2014-15) Area, Production and Procurement Targets The FCA had fixed the targets for Wheat area and the production during its last meeting in 2014. According to the targets for Area, 8.900 million hectare was fixed for the country, while 6.600 million ha for Punjab and 1.15million ha for Sindh. As per the 2nd estimates from the provincial governments, the achievement in area sown has surpassed the target in the Punjab by 4.48% (6.907 million ha), while in Sindh the estimates (1.109 million ha) show a fall by 3.71 %. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, however, wheat has been sown on more than the target area by 2.25% (i.e 0.777 million ha). In Balochistan, wheat area has been reported considerably declined, 0.383 million ha against the target of 0.400 million ha (-4.38%). The country-wide Area under the crop is reported to cross the target by 1.43 per cent. Similarly, Targets were also determined by the FCA for the Wheat production for 2014-15. As per these targets, around 19.500 million tonnes of wheat production was fixed as target for the Punjab and for Sindh, 4.200 million tonnes. For the KPK, the production target was 1.400 million tonnes while for Balochistan, it was 0.900 million tonnes. The data on production estimates has not yet been generated as the crop harvest is not completed. The details are given as follows: Table-17: Wheat Crop (2014-15) Area, Production and Procurement Targets Province/Crop Proposed Targets for 2014-15

Wheat Area (000 Hect.)

Production (000 tons)


Punjab 6600 19500 2955

Sindh 1150 4200 3652

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 760 1400 1842

Balochistan 400 900 2250

Pakistan 8910 26000 2918

ECC of the Cabinet in its meeting held on 12-11-2014 fixed wheat procurement price @1300/-per 40Kg for Wheat crop 2014-15. Later in a meeting held in the Ministry of National Food Security and Research on 17th February 2015, the Provincial Government and the PASSCO agreed to recommend procurement targets for wheat crop 2014-15. The ECC in its meeting held on 18th March 2015 accordingly fixed the wheat procurement targets as per following details:

PASSCO 0.8 million tons Punjab 4.5 million tons Sindh 0.9 million tons KPK 0.3 million tons Balochistan 0.1 million tons Total 6.6 million tons

Efforts to Achieve the Set Target of Wheat Crop 2014-15 During Rabi season 2014-15, against a system usage of 36.386 MAF, actual water release was 33.10MAF which was 9.0% less than last year’s actual relases for the rabi season. 20% more than normal winter rains have been reported by the Met department. On provincial scale, the seasonal rainfall was below normal over GB, Sindh and Baluchistan and above

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normal over KPK and AJK whereas exceptionally above normal in Punjab. The rains situation appreciably improved during months of February and March, 2015 and had a positive impact on the standing crop particularly in Barani areas. However, the hailstorm and frequent rains late in rabi season have adversely affected wheat crop in some parts of the country. Availability of Urea (Nitrogen) during October to March was 3.253 million tons against demand of 3.1 million tons. Similarly availability DAP (Phosphate) during the same period was 1.27 million tons against demand of 1.1 million tons. Availability of certified seed for wheat crop 2014-15 has been 32% against total wheat seed requirement of 1.085 million tons which showed an increment of 8% over last year’s availability of certified wheat seed of 24%. It is observed that large scale use of certified seed of approved varieties and balanced use of fertilizers by the progressive farmers have resulted in good wheat crop. This year (by the end of rabi season), agricultural credit disbursement has been reported 326 billion rupees against a target of 500 billion rupees. This shows an increment of 28% against last year’s disbursement of 256 billion rupees Area Sown During Current Year (2014-15) According to the second estimates of the Provincial Crop Reporting Services wheat crop 2014-15) area is 9.179 million hectares which shows an enhancement of 1.01% over last year’s area achievement of 9.038 million hectares. The details are given as follows: Table-18: Province-wise details of Wheat Crop

Province Target 2014-15

(000) Ha

Area Sown (000)Ha % Target Achieved

% Inc./ Dec. over last

year 2013-14 2014-15

Punjab 6600 6778 6909.9 104.68 2.74

Sindh 1150 1122 1106.9 96.25 - 2.4

Khyber –Pakhtunkhwa 760 740 777.6 102.31 2.77

Balochistan 400 399 385 96.25 -0.24

Total: 8910 9038 9179.4 103.02 1.01

The province wise details are given as follows:- Punjab: Area sown in Punjab is 6.909 million hectares. There is improvement of 2.74 % against last year’s area sown achievement of the province. Sind: Area sown in Sindh is 1.106 million hectares showing a decline of -2.4 % against the last year’s area sown achievement of the province. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wheat area sown is the province is 0.777 million hectares, which shows improvement of 2.77% compared to the last year’s wheat area sown achievement of the province.

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Balochistan: Wheat area sown in Balochistan is 0.385 million hectares, which shows decline of - 0.24 % compared to the last year’s wheat area sown achievement of the province. Wheat Stock Position The Overall wheat stock position (Annex-A) as on 20-4-2015 is 4.267 million tons viz. Punjab 2.010 million tons, Sindh 0.854 million tons, KPK 0.126 million tons, Balochistan 0.112 million tons and PASSCO 1.165 million tons. The public sector at the end of the year has a carry forward stock of 1.177 million tons. In view of wheat position and lower prices in the international market the private sector has imported wheat. The Government has taken following measures regarding wheat’s stock management: i) Imposed 25% regulatory duty on import of wheat and wheat products

ii) Allowed export of 800,000 M.tons wheat by the Government of Punjab at a rebate of USD 55 per M/ton. (including transportation charges @ USD 10/ton).

iii) Allowed export of 400,000 M.tons wheat by the Government of Sindh at a rebate of USD 45 per M/ton.

iv) The Provincial Governments has decreased the release price of wheat from R.1330/- to Rs.1280/- per 40Kg in order to accelerate wheat releases to the flour mills.

Points for Consideration Provinces may update information on the following: i) Estimates of area and production ii) Wheat marketing iii) Inputs position iv) Credits availability v) Water position WHEAT STOCK POSITION Table-19: Wheat Crop (2014-15) Area, Production and Procurement Targets

(Fig: Million Tons) Province/ Agency Carry forward

01/05/2014 Procurement

Target (2014)

Procurement (2014)

Current Wheat Stocks As on


Punjab 0.135 4.50 3.743 2.010

Sindh 0.006 1.30 1.204 0.854

Khyber –Pakhtunkhwa

0.064 0.45 0.071 0.126

Balochistan 0.024 0.15 0.090 0.112

PASSCO 0.948 1.60 1.011 1.165

Total: 1.177 8.00 6.119 4.267

WHEAT PROCUREMENT PLAN OF PASSCO – 2015 PASSCO, since its inception, has been assigned the task of procuring wheat to maintain/build-up National Buffer Stocks and to meet the annual requirements of wheat-deficient Provinces/Areas/Agencies. PASSCO also meets the wheat requirements of Pak Army, Air Force and United Nations World Food Programme. PASSCO has the capacity to intervene local market to stabilize the flour prices through local sale of wheat to flour mills/

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traders as and when deemed necessary by the Federal Government. PASSCO has finalized its wheat procurement policy 2015 well in advance which has also been approved by BODs in meeting held on 20thMarch 2015. The salient of the procurement policy / plan are covered in the succeeding paragraphs. Procurement against Assigned Target - Year 2014and Carry-over Stocks During wheat procurement operation 2014, PASSCO procured 1.011 million tons wheat against assigned target of1.6 million tons. At that time, PASSCO had carried over stocks of 0.947 million tons which made the total quantum of available stocks as 1.958 million tons. However, after lifting of wheat by various dependent agencies, the carry-over stocks of wheat as on01.04.2015 are 1.202 million M.Tons. Target Assigned by the Government for Year 2015 M/o NFS&R, Govt. of Pakistan has assigned PASSCO’s wheat procurement target for the year 2015-16(ex-crop 2015) upto 0.8 Million Tons. Therefore, by virtue of aforesaid target, PASSCO shallhave approximately 2.00 million tons stocks after closure of wheat procurement operation 2015 Maintenance of Strategic Reserves PASSCO is to maintain 1.00 million tons wheat as the “Federal Strategic Reserve” and 0.04 million tons as “SAARC Food Bank Reserve” till March 2016. These reserves cannot be disposed-off without prior permission of Federal Government. Procurement Plan / Areas Wheat Procurement Plan for Crop 2015, has been formulated on the basis of existing wheat producing areas which have been allocated to PASSCO by the respective Provincial Governments as under:- Table-20: Punjab Procurement Plan / Areas

S.No PASSCO ZONE Operational Area allotted to PASSCO

District Tehsil

(1) PindiBhattian Hafizabad



T.T. Singh Gojra

(2) Sahiwal Okara Okara

Pakpattan Pakpattan

(3) Vehari Vehari Burewala


(4) Khanewal Khanewal MianChannu

(5) Multan Lodhran Lodhran


(6) Bahawalnagar Bahawalnagar Bahawalnagar


(7) Alipur Muzaffargarh Alipur

(8) Khanpur Rahimyar Khan Khanpur

(9) Layyah Layyah Layyah

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Table-21: Sindh Procurement Plan / Areas

(10) Khairpur

Khairpur Sobodero

NausheroFeroz Kandiaro

Nawab Shah Sakrand

Table-22: Balochistan Procurement Plan / Areas

(11) Dera Allah Yar Jaffarabad Jaffarabad

Nasirabad Nasirabad

Table-23: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procurement Plan / Areas

(12) Charsada Charsada Charsada

PASSCO ZONES, PROJECTS AND PURCHASE CENTRES Table-24: Detail of PASSCO Zones, Projects and Purchase Centers.

Zone No. of Projects No. of Centres

a. PindiBhattian 4 29

b. Sahiwal 4 36

c. Vehari 4 37

d. Khanewal 2 17

e. Multan 3 19

f. B.Nagar 4 22

g. Alipur 2 18

h. Khanpur 2 14

i. Layyah 2 15

j. Khairpur 4 12

k. D.A.Yar 2 8

Total:- 11 33 227

Specifications of Wheat

Specifications of “Fair Average Quality” (FAQ) wheat to be purchased are given below. Wheat not conforming to the specifications will not be purchased at any cost and under any circumstances, from anybody:- Table-25: Specifications of Wheat

Sr. # Item of Refraction Acceptance/

Permissible Limit Rejection Limit

a. Moisture Contents 10 % Above 12 %

b. Foreign Matters

(dirt/dust & other non-edible matter) 0.5 % Above 1 %

c. Other Food Grains 3 % Above 5 %

d. Damaged &Shrivelled grains 3 % Above 5 %

e. Weavilled grain Nil -

Note:- a. If the black spot on the grain extends to the germinating end or exists on any

other part of the grain, it will be got analysed from laboratory and classified accordingly.

b. Broken grains will be treated as sound if they do not show any sign of injury or damage as a result of discoloration or moulds, fungi, over heating or insect attack etc.

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Use of Newly Purchased Moisture Meters Every year PASSCO procures Fair Average Quality (FAQ) wheat having varying moisture contents from farmers on support price. In order to check the moisture contents, 215 x moisture meters worth 5.59 million rupees have been purchased and provided at every PC-cum-RV/ Storage points. Purchase Price and Delivery Charges

a. Purchase Price: The support price of wheat has been enhanced by the Federal Government, @ Rs.1300 /- per 40 Kgswhose payment will be made to the grower within one week of receipt of his offered/accepted wheat.

b. Delivery Charges:Will be Rs. 7.50/bag. However, involved labour charges (being work components related to unloading, katla and stacking of wheat at PCs or Storage Points) will be borne by the growers at uniform rates at all the PASSCO points @ Rs.7.50/ bag.

Bardana Issuance / Procurement Schedule Issuance of bardana in Sindh commenced during 1st week of April 2015 and Punjab will commence tentatively during last week of April. However, 70% of the bardana will be issued within the first 15 days of wheat procurement drive. Remaining 30 % will be issued afterward. Issuance of Bardana to Farmers/Growers PASSCO being Federal entity will ensure the following during wheat procurement drive 2015:-

a. Bardana will be issued to the genuine farmers / growers as per revenue record @ 8 Jute bags or 16 PP bags per acre only by the Centre Incharge after deposit of security @ Rs.140 / Jute bag & Rs.35 / PP bag. No bardana will be issued without prior deposit of security except small farmers.Bardana security / instrument will be returned to the farmer on same day when jute bags filled with wheat are tendered at PCs-cum-RVs.

b. Farmers / Growers having ownership / wheat cultivated land upto 25 acres will be supplied 200 gunny bags once for all during 1st week of procurement drive. Small farmers will be accorded priority over big farmers/ zamindars;

c. The big Zamindars will be provided upto 500 gunny bags at one time as per

revenue record. However, further demand, if any, may be met according to their verified revenue record;

d. Bardana can also be issued to the persons who have cultivated land on Lease/Mustajri on production of documentary proof duly verified by Revenue Department.

e. The bags filled with wheat are required to be delivered at Purchase Centres by

farmers/growers within 15 days. f. In order to facilitate small farmers, 50 jute bags cab be issued on personal

guarantee of member(s) of supervisory committee. However, the recommendations of Centre Incharge in this regard are mandatory.

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g. After two weeks of the close of procurement drive, if bardana is not received back, security deposited with PASSCO shall be forfeited.

Logistics Arrangements Pre-arrangements viz hiring of sites / land, construction / repair of plinths and provision of logistics will be completed by 25th March in Sindh / Balochistan and 20th April 2015 in Punjab. Purchase of Wheat FAQ wheat will be purchasedas per support price from growers / farmers on principle of “first-come first-served”basis.As soon as tendered wheatis accepted (after inspection), the Officer/official Incharge Purchase Centre will issue purchase bill in the name of grower who will present it to the designated bank branch and receive the payment. Supervisory Committees Supervisory Committees consisting of Members Kissan Board / Anjuman-e-Kashtkaran, Notables of the area and Lambardar of the village/town will be formulated for each Purchase Centre.Main functions of the Supervisory Committee will be as under:-

a. Assist/ensure smooth and problem free procurement at PASSCO Wheat Purchase Centre(s).

b. Creation of congenial atmosphere for the growers of wheat/PASSCO officials.

c. Provision of all lawful and required facilities to the growers of wheat.

d. Fair and just distribution ofbardanato growers exactly in accordance with the laid down instructions and ensure that growers are not harassed by the procurement staff.

e. Ensure that quality of wheat purchased is of the prescribed standard (FAQ).

f. Ensure that price of wheat & delivery charges are paid correctly and promptly to the farmers/growers.

g. Ensure that bags are returned by the growers of wheat either filled or empty within the specified period.

h. Settle dispute (if any) between farmers/growers and PASSCO staff.

i. Assist/ensure effective security at PC-cum-RV. Monitoring / Supervision by Ministry and PASSCO Management By Ministry. Ministry of NFS&R may like to constitute committee comprising various officers. Members of the committee may visit all PASSCO zones and oversee / monitor the procurement activities. By PASSCO.In order to ensure fair/transparent and problem free procurement, all procurement activities will be monitored earnestly in true spirit by teams constituted as under:-

Team No Headed By Zones

(1) GM(A&I) PindiBhattian&Sahiwal

(2) GM(Comm) Bahawalnagar&Khanewal

(3) GM (S&C) Multan &Vehari

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(4) Capt (R) Ijaz Mahdi, DGM Khanpur, Layyah&Alipur

(5) Mr. SikandarAbbasi, DGM Khairpur&D.A.Yar

Note: All above mentioned Teams will be directly reporting to MD. Mandate / Tasks of Teams: Teams will monitor following activities:-

a. Issuance of bardana (particularly during first 15 days) as per policy. b. Inspection of plinths and their dunnage. c. Purchase of FAQ wheat and its proper stacking in gunjies. d. Preparation / issue of purchase bills. e. Functioning of supervisory committees. f. Re-addressal of complaints received from farmers / growers.

Maintenance of Complaint Box Sealed Complaint Box /Register will be maintained at each Purchase Centre and observations/complaints so received/recorded/dropped shall be kept under lock & key and respective Zonal Head during the course of his visit will open it and will ensure to redress the complaints / grievances. In addition, Telephone numbers of GM (Field) and Managing Director PASSCO will be displayed at each Purchase Centres for complaints by farmers / growers (if any) and will be addressed promptly to solve their problems.A complaint cell with Toll Free Number 0800-72772 will also be established at PASSCO Head Office during operation. Conclusion All concerned staff of PASSCO will be instructed to implement the plan in its true letter and spirit.

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GRAM Gram is the largest Rabi pulse crop, accounting for 76 percent of the total production of pulses in the country and it occupies about 5 percent of the cropped area. Punjab produces more than 80 percent of overall production in the country. The details of gram area and production during 2013-14 and 2014-15 are given in following table. Table-26: Area, Production and Yield of Gram during 2013-14


Province Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) Yield (tons/ha)

Punjab 857.9 330.7 0.39

Sindh 15.9 15.6 0.98

Khyber Pukhtunkhawa 39.7 22.9 0.58

Balochistan 36.1 32.8 0.91

Total 949.6 402.0 0.42

Achievements of Gram Area during (2014-15) The provincial agriculture crop reporting services has provided following figures of gram area achievements during the current year. Table-27: Achievements of Gram Area during (2014-15)

Area (000 ha)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 900.0 875.4 -2.73

Sindh 22.0 14.7 -33.18

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 35.0 33.0 -5.71

Balochistan 38.0 36.4 -4.21

Pakistan 995.0 959.5 -3.57

Table-28: Achievements of Gram Production during (2014-15)

Production (000 Tons)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 650.0

Sindh 19.0

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 21.0

Balochistan 25.0

Pakistan 715.0

Points for consideration

The provinces may confirm the 1st estimates on the Area achievements during 2014-15.

The provinces may provide the information on production scenario of the gram crop. LENTIL (MASOOR) The lentil is an important Rabi pulse of the country. Punjab contributes 56.5% country’s lentil production. The Sindh contributes 16.7% in its production while Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan together have a share of 26.8% in lentil production. The lentil area and production over time is given in following Table.

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Table-29: Area, Production and Yield of Lentil (Masoor) during 2013-14

Province 2013-14

Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) Yield (ton/ha)

Punjab 11.5 4.3 0.374

Sindh 1.5 0.9 0.600

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 3.4 1.7 0.500

Balochistan 1.8 1.2 0.667

Total 18.2 8.1 0.445

Achievements of Lentil Area during (2014-15) The provincial agriculture crop reporting services has provided following figures of lentil area achievements during the current year. Table-30: Achievements of Lentil Area during (2014-15)

Area (000 ha)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 13.0 10.7

Sindh 3.5 1.4

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 4.0 3.4

Balochistan 2.8 1.7

Pakistan 23.3 17.2

Achievements of Lentil Production during (2014-15) Table-31: Achievements of Lentil Production during (2014-15)

Production (000 Tons)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 5.5

Sindh 2.0

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 3.5

Balochistan 1.8

Pakistan 12.8

Points for consideration

The provinces may confirm the 1st estimates on the Area achievements during 2014-15.

The provinces may provide the information on production scenario of the lentil crop.

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OIL SEED Targets and Achievements for 2014-15 Canola harvesting has been slightly delayed due to coutrywide rains. The targets set out for oilseed crops in FCA (Rabi Season 2014-15) meeting and provisional achievement estimates are as under: Table-32: Targets and Achievements of Oilseed Crop for 2014-15



2014-15 2014-15


Targets Achievements*

Area Prod. Yield

(kg/ha) Area Prod

Yield (kg/ha)

Punjab 8.5 10.7 1,259 7.8 10.03 1,291

Sindh 2.6 3.1 1,192 2.8 3.3 1,192

KPK** 2.0 0.3 150 - - -

Baloch. 2.4 1.6 666 3.5 2.3 657

Pakistan 15.5 15.7 - 14.1 15.6



Targets Achievements

Area Prod. Yield

(kg/ha) Area Prod.

Yield (kg/ha)

Punjab 35.0 60.00 1,712 23.88 46.52 1948

Sindh 130.00 147.00 1,104 118.6 130.7 1,102

KPK** 0.5 0.5 1,000 - - -

Baloch. 0.5 0.6 1,200 0.5 0.64 1,280

Pakistan 154.91 189.23 - 142.98 177.86



Targets Achievements

Area Prod. Yield (kg/ha

Area Prod. Yield


Punjab 155.0 149.3 963 129.9 119.60 921

Sindh 48.0 51.0 1,063 49.24 52.34 1,063

KPK** 18.0 8.5 472 - - -

Baloch. 16.0 9.6 600 14.4 8.7 604

Pakistan 237.0 218.4 - 193.54 180.64

* Provisional/estimated ** Estimates awaited from KPK. During Rabi 2014-15 about 69 ton canola hybrid seed was available against the requirement of 68 ton. Private sector arranged 40 M.ton hybrid canola seed while 29 M.ton hybrid canola seed was available with NARC. PODB arranged the sale of 557 kg canola hybrid of NARC in Potohar and its adjoining areas and distributed 400 kg in FATA through FATA Directorate, KPK. Private sector had also arranged 700 M.ton Mustard seed during the Rabi 2014-15. PODB pursued the Seed Companies Association of Pakistan (SCAP) to arrange required quantity of sunflower hybrid seed for current year’s targets. Due to slump in international market, the local market is offering Rs.2050 to Rs.2100/- per 40 kg for canola crop produce 2014-15. PODB is pursuing the All Pakistan Solvent Extractors Association (APSEA) to offer a competitive. APSEA has assured that as soon as international oilseed market improves, it will offer a competitive procurement price to growers. Last year average price of canola produce was Rs.2500-2800/- per 40 kg.

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Research and Development Plans 2015-16 PODB is coordinating with all stakeholders including research institutes for Research and Development Plans of oilseed crops.PODB is collaborating with NARC in Soybean seed production to revive this crop particularly in FATA areas. NARC had cultivated Soybean crop on 320 acres in its research fields during last season. It is expected that good quality Soybean sowing seed will be available to growers in coming season. Besides, Canola & Sunflower PODB is carrying out massive olive cultivation campaign in ICT. During current season PODB has fixed a target of 20,000 olive saplings plantation in collaboration with CDA, NUST, PIMS, HEC, FDE and various NGO’s. During last season POTATO Potato is an important vegetable crop. The area under the crops during 2013-14 the area and production of potato is given as follows;. Table-33: Area, Production and Yield of Potato Crop: 2013-14


Province Area

(000 ha) Production (000 tons)

Yield (tons/ha)

Punjab 148.6 2743.3 18.46

Sindh 0.5 4.4 8.80

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 7.2 105.6 14.67

Balochistan 2.0 30.5 15.25

Total 158.3 2883.8 18.22

Achievements of Potato Area during (2014-15) The provincial agriculture crop reporting services has provided following figures of potato area achievements during the current year. Table-34: Achievements of Potato Area during (2014-15)

Area (000 ha)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 165..0 156.0

Sindh 0.42 0.5

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 9.11 7.2

Balochistan 2.23 2.0

Pakistan 176.76 165.7

Table-35: Achievements of Potato Production during (2014-15)

Production (000 Tons)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 3400.0

Sindh 4.13

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 126.85

Balochistan 33.57

Pakistan 3564.55

Points for consideration

The provinces may confirm the 1st estimates on the Area achievements during 2014-15.

The provinces may provide the information on production scenario of the potato crop.

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ONION The onion year in Pakistan starts from Balochistan crop available in July. The commercial supplies are mainly concentrated in the month of September and October that contributes almost 31% of the total crop in the country. The province Sindh crop starts coming in November and it contributes major share of almost 47%. This is the time when Balochistan crop is at its last legs. The crop from Khyber Pukhtunkhawah arrives in monsoon and is available mostly from hilly areas; its share is 9% Punjab share in onion production is 13.4% and the crop is available in the market from May to July. Table-36: Area, Production and Yield of Onion Crop: 2013-14

Province 2013-14

Area (000 ha)

Production (000 tons)

Yield (tons/ha)

Punjab 43.7 358.8 8.21

Sindh 62.9 697.3 11.08

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 11.2 191.4 17.08

Balochistan 26.1 492.7 18.87

Pakistan 143.9 1740.2 12.09

Achievements of Onion Area during (2014-15) The provincial agriculture crop reporting services has provided following figures of Onion area achievements during the current year. Table-37: Achievements of Onion Area during (2014-15)

Area (000 ha)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 45.79 42.6

Sindh 53.48 49.8

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 11.56 9.2

Balochistan 30.15 27.3

Pakistan 141.97 128.9

Achievements of Onion Production during (2014-15) Table-38: Achievements of Onion Production during (2014-15)

Production (000 Tons)

% Target Achieved Province Target Achieved

Punjab 385.21

Sindh 829.82

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 193.87

Balochistan 558.02

Pakistan 1966.92

Points for consideration

The provinces may confirm the 1st estimates on the Area achievements during 2014-15.

The provinces may provide the information on production scenario of the onion crop.

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1. PRODUCTION PLAN OF KHARIF CROPS 2015-16 Moong and Mash Mungbean is one of the important kharif pulses of Pakistan. It is also grown during spring season mainly in southern Punjab and Sindh province. Punjab is the major mungbean growing province that alone accounted for 88% area and 85 percent of the total mungbean production. Although it is grown in different crop rotations, about 75 percent cultivation follows mungbean – wheat crop rotation. With the development of short duration and uniform maturing varieties, mungbean can be fitted in various cropping systems. Research activities on mungbean have mainly been focused on the development of high yielding varieties with wider adaptability, resistant to diseases like mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) and Cercospora leaf spot (CLS), early maturity and insensitivity to photo period. Mash occupies an important position in Pakistan's agriculture. It grows on marginal land where other crops perform poorly. The worldwide yield of mash (including Pakistan) is very low because mostly indigenous land races are cultivated and also because the crop is often grown on marginally fertile land with insufficient water. The lack of suitable and high-yielding varieties and basic information about production technology are major inhibiting factors. Change in area and production of mungbean and mash for the last four years are given in the following table. Table-39: Area, Production and yield of Mungbean and Mash during last four years in Pakistan

Year Mung Mash

Area (000 Ha)


(000 Tons)

Yield (Kg/ha)

Area (000 Ha)


(000 Tons)



2014-15 124.6 21.4

2013-14 130.9 92.9 710 20.9 10.2 488

2012-13 136.1 89.3 656 23.2 10.6 457

Table-40: Area, Production and yield of Mungbean and Mash Targets during 15-16

Mung Mash

Area (000 Ha)

Product (000 Tons)

Yield (tons/ha)

Area (000 Ha)

Product (000 Tons)

Yield (tons/ha)

Punjab 115 90 0.78 17.5 7 0.40

Sindh 2 1 0.50 0.3 0.1 0.33

KPK 9 6 0.67 1 1.1 1.10 Baluchistan 7 5 0.71 3.5 3.2 0.91

Pakistan 133 102 0.77 22.3 11.4 0.51

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Sugarcane Targets for Area and Production 2015-16 Sugarcane is one of the major cash crops of Pakistan. In terms of area it ranks fourth, in production fifth and in yield tenth in the country. According to the provincial data sugarcane area, yield and production during 2014-15 decreased by (-4.1, -1.1 and -5.2 %) against 2013-14 in the country. Currently sugarcane growers and sugar industrialists have conflicting interests. Sugarcane growers consider that price of sugarcane is low while sugar industry feels cane prices high and writ petitions are launched by a number of sugar mills against the Indicative price announced by the Provincial Governments. Due to persistent shortage of electricity tube well water use has considerably reduced due to which sugarcane cultivation is shrinking and the area is diverting to maize crop. It needs to be considered that demand for sugar in comparison with maize is more strong and if sugarcane crop have so much difficulties, for maize it seems hard to sustain after a couple of years. Problems like under-weighment, quality deduction and exploitative role of the middlemen are inherent to sugarcane crop. These were frequently reported by the framers during the sugarcane survey held in last week of January this year. Performance of 2014-15 Crop Following data describe performance of the 2014-15 sugarcane crop: Table-41: Area, yield and production of sugarcane: 2013-14 and2014-15 crops


Area (000 Hect.) Yield (Tonnes./Hect) Production (000 Tons.)

2013-14 2014-15 Change

(%) 2013-14 2014-15

Change (%)

2013-14 2014-15 Change


All Pakistan 1172.5 1123.9 -4.1 57.5 56.9 -1.1 67460.1 63942.1 -5.2

Punjab 756.8 683.9 -9.6 57.7 58.1 0.6 43704.0 39735.0 -9.0

Sindh 297.6 316.7 6.4 61.7 58.5 -5.2 18362.5 18530.7 1.2

KPK 117.4 122.6 4.4 45.7 46.0 0.8 5361.4 5644.8 5.2

Baluchistan 0.7 0.7 0.0 48.1 47.2 -1.9 32.2 31.6 -1.9

During 2014-15 at the national level sugarcane production decreased against 2013-14.

The Proposed Area and Production Targets for 2015-16 are as follow; Table-42: Sugarcane Area and Production Targets 2015-16 Crop

Country/ Province Area

(000 ha) Production (000 tons)

Yield (kg per ha)

Pakistan 1140 70035 61.40

Punjab 690 45000 65.22

Sindh 320 19000 59.38

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 130 6000 46.15

Balochistan 0.7 35 50.00

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Rice Rice position as second amongst the staple food grain crops in Pakistan and it has been a leading source of foreign exchange earnings in recent years. Rice production comprises more or less 30% of basmati (fine) types and 70% of coarse types. During the last few years, production of coarse types is increasing as the farmers are bringing more areas under coarse hybrid types. According to the Second estimates provided by the respective provincial agriculture departments rice production at national level is estimated at 6.9 million tons in 2014-15, higher by 1.5 per cent than last year’s production of 6.8 million tons. The increase in production has mainly resulted in by increase in area by 2.1 per cent seeing that yield has decreased rather by 0.5 percent. The changes in area, yield and production by province and variety wise in 2014-15 compared to 2013-14 are given below: Table-43: Area, Yield and Production of Rice by Variety: 2013-14 and 2014-15 Crop

Country/ Province

Area Change Yield Change Production Change

2013-14 2014-15 %

2013-14 2014-15 %

2013-14 2014-15 %

--- 000 Hect. -- -- Kgs/hect.. --000 Tonnes -

Pakistan 2789.3 2846.9 2.1 2437 2424 -0.5 6798.0 6900.8 1.5

Basmati 1192.6 1297.4 8.8 1725 1775 2.9 2057.0 2303.2 12.0

IRRI 795.7 768.9 -3.4 2980 2847 -4.5 2371.2 2189.2 -7.7

Others 801.0 780.6 -2.5 2959 3085 4.3 2369.8 2408.4 1.6

Punjab 1808.9 1825.9 0.9 1924 1944 1.0 3480.9 3549.7 2.0

Basmati 1192.6 1297.4 8.8 1725 1775 2.9 2057.0 2303.2 12.0

IRRI 189.4 171.2 -9.6 2625 2626 0.0 497.2 449.5 -9.6

Others 426.9 357.3 -16.3 2171 2231 2.8 926.7 797.0 -14.0

Sindh 745.6 781.7 4.8 3510 3385 -3.6 2617.3 2646.2 1.1

IRRI 426.8 423.4 -0.8 3013 2760 -8.4 1286.1 1168.5 -9.1

Others 318.8 358.3 12.4 4176 4124 -1.2 1331.2 1477.7 11.0

KPK 55.3 65.0 17.5 2024 2057 1.7 111.9 133.7 19.5

Balochistan 179.5 174.3 -2.9 3275 3277 0.1 587.9 571.2 -2.8

The reasons/causes for ups and downs in area and production of rice during 2014-15 over last year vary from province to province. For example, in Punjab, at overall level area and yield both increased by 0.9 and 1.0 per cent respectively resulting in higher rice production of around 2.0 percent. However, in some districts i.e. Sargodha, Jhang, Chinot, Gujrat, M. B. Din, Sialkot, Norowal, Gujranwala, Hafizabad etc. Area of IRRI and Others Rice varieties was damaged by heavy rain/flood while production of basmati remained higher than last year because of corresponding increase in area and comparative better yield. In Sindh area and production remained higher by 4.8 % and 1.1 % over last year area and production, however yield smashed by 3.6 %. Increase in area of rice is reported due to safety from flood and heavy rain and shifting of cotton area to paddy crop in Sindh. In KPK, rice crop positioned its area and production at 65.0 thousand hectare and 19.5 thousand tones respectively, showing increases of 17.5 & 19.5 % respectively over last year’s area and production. Whereas, in

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Balochistan both area and production of rice stood behind the previous area and production by 2.9 & 2.8 per cent respectively. Table-44: Rice Area and Production Proposed Targets 2015-16 Crop

Country/ Province Area

(000 ha) Production (000 tons)

Yield (tons/ha)

Pakistan 2890 7040 2.44

Punjab 1850 3600 1.95

Sindh 790 2700 3.42

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 70 150 2.14

Balochistan 180 590 3.28

Points for consideration:

Provincial Governments may inform the Committee about the targets of area, yield and production of rice 2015-16 crop.

Low plant population is a fundamental cause of enhancing rice production and productivity of rice crop. The Provincial Governments may take the possible measures to achieve the optimum plant population per unit area.

Issue of aflatoxin and Khapra Beetle that affect our rice export may be discussed by the committee members to find a workable solution to combat the problem.

Provinces may discuss the status of hybrid seed. The hybrid rice import, release and provincial seed council’s role.

Ecological rezoning of rice in the country in the scenario of future climate change.

Identification of low water requiring and BLB disease resistant lines of rice.

Commercialization of direct dry seeding of rice cultivation system in the country. MAIZE Maize is an important cereal crop of Pakistan. It is grown on an area of 1.12 million hectares with annual production of 4.036 million tons. The average productivity of maize achieved in Pakistan is 3611kg/ha which is the highest among all the cereals in the country. In Pakistan maize is the third most important cereal crop after wheat and rice. Maize yields have significantly improved during the last decade due to hybrid varieties use by the growers. Maize is being utilized about 54% in poultry feed, 28% in wet milling, 10% in direct human food and remaining in others. The details of maize areas and Production for the year 2012-13 and 2013-14 are given in Table 44. It indicates that production and area for both the years remained at the same level. Table-45: Area and Production of Maize 2012-13 And 2013-14 Crop


2012-13 2013-14

Area (000 ha)

Production (000 tons)

Area (000 ha)

Production (000 tons)

Kharif Maize Punjab 399.8 2016.7 500.5 2686.5

Sindh 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5

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Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 463.4 858.3 470.9 914.8

Balochistan 4.8 5.1 4.8 5.1

Sub Total 871.6 2883.7 979.7 3609.9

Spring Punjab Maize only 187.9 1336.4 188.8 1434.3

Pakistan 1059.5 4220.1 1168.5 5044.2

Maize productivity has appreciably improved during the last three years. The provincial representative may apprize the FCA about the area, production of Maize 2014-15 crops. Table- 46: Maize Area and Production for Kharif 2014-15 Crop Country/ Province Area

(000 ha) Production (000 tons)

Pakistan 937.5 Punjab (Kharif) 442.0 Sindh 3.1 Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 488.9 Balochistan 3.5 Spring Punjab Maize only

Table-47: Maize Area and Production Targets 2015-16

Country/ Province Area

(000 ha) Production (000 tons)

Yield (tones per ha)

Pakistan 1008.0 3708.9 3.68 Punjab 500.0 2700.0 5.40 Sindh 4.0 4.5 1.13

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 500.0 1000.0 2.00

Balochistan 4.0 4.4 1.10

Points for Consideration:

Provinces may provide data on area and production

Provinces may confirm the targets for Kharif 2015-16 Chillies Targets for Area and Production Two crops of red chilies are gown in Pakistan viz. Kharif and Rabi. Chillies crop is mainly concentrated in Sindh particularly Tharparkar areas. During 2012-13 the area under the crop was 63.6 thousand ha and production was 147.2 thousand tons. Table-48: Area, Production and Yield of Chillies for 2013-14 and 2014-15 Crop

2013-14 2014-15

Province Area (000

ha) Production (000 tons)

Yield (tons/ha)

Area (000 ha)

Production (000 tons)

Yield (tons/ha)

Punjab 6.1 9.6 1574 5.8 9.4 1621

Sindh 35.1 103.3 2943 35.2 97.6 2773

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

0.4 0.5 1250 0.4 0.5 1250

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Balochistan 4.6 6.8 1478 4.2 6.2 1476

Total 46.2 120.2 2602 45.6 113.7 2493

Table-49: Chillies Area and Production Targets for Kharif 2015-16 Crop

Country/ Province Area (000 ha)

Production (000 tons)

Yield (kg per ha)

Punjab 6.20 10.0 1613 Sindh 36.0 110.0 3056

Khyber Pukhtunkhawah 0.5 0.6 1200 Balochistan 4.5 6.5 1444

Total 47.2 127.1 2693

Points for consideration

Provincial Governments may intimate final area and production for Chilies crop 2013-14.

Provincial Governments may confirm targets for area and production of Chilies crop 2014-15.

Program for production and distribution of quality seed. Tomatoes Targets for Area and Production Tomatoes crop year starts when the crop of Balochistan which comes during July-October period and it contributes 43 % in total tomato market. Khyber Pukhtunkhawah (KPK) contributes 32% of total tomato crop and the main crop comes in May-June and some tomato is also available during November-March from Dargai – Malakand area. In Punjab shares 13% to the total tomato market. Southern Punjab crop is available from April-May. In May-June crop comes from central Punjab and from Dec-Jan crop is arrived from Rahim Yar Khan. Sindh supplies 12 % of tomato crop in winter and has good profitability to the farmers due to shrunken size of crop in winter. Table-50: Tomatoes Availability Calendar of Pakistan Tomatoes Availability Calendar of Pakistan

Province Share % Major Producing Areas Sowing Season Availability



Southern Punjab Central Punjab Rahim Yar Khan Khushab


April – May May – June Nov – Dec Jan – March

Khyber Puktunkhwa


Mardan, Swat, Deer, Malakand, Chitral, Mansehra, Haripur, Charsada

Kharif June – Sept

Peshawar, Charsada, Noshera, Mardan, Malakand, Swat, Tanak, D.I.Khan.

Rabi Nov – Mar



Bolan, KharanLasbella, Turbet, Sibi. Rabi Nov – Mar

Quetta, Loralai, QilaSaifullah, Mastung, Khuzdar, Pishin.

Kharif Jul - Oct


12 Badin, Thatha, Karachi, Noshera, Feroze, Nawabshah, Umerkot, Hyderabad, Nasrpur, Mirpurkhas, Jamesabad

Rabi Nov - March

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Tomato Production The tomato crop area and final production estimates for 2013-14 are as under: Table-51: Tomato area and Production 2013-14

Year Area/Prod. Punjab Sindh KPK Balochistan Pakistan

2013-14 Area (Ha) 7.8 27.0 14.0 14.4 63.2

Production (Ton) 100.1 200.6 135.7 163.3 599.7

Source: Provincial Crops Reporting Services Centers.

Area shows an increase of 1.71% which is due to attractive market rates while production shows a decrease of 0.65% which is due to heavy rains/flood. Tomato (Kharif) Targets for 2015-16 Table-52: Tomato Area and Production Targets for 2015-16

Country/ Province Area (ha) Production ( tons) Yield (kg per ha)

Targets Kharif 2015-16

Pakistan 18.5 149.6 8086

Punjab --- -- ---

Sindh --- -- --

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 11.0 95.0 8636

Balochistan 7.5 54.6 7280

Points for consideration

Provincial Governments may intimate final area and production for tomato crop 2014-15.

Provincial Governments may confirm targets for area and production of tomato crop 2015-16.

Program for production and distribution of quality seed.

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ITEM NO. 4 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS 2015-16 Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Table-53: Research and Development Plans 2015-16 Public Sector Development Program




1 Research for Agricultural Development Program

(RADP) (2006-7 to 2016-17)

60 2963.000

2 National Institute for Genomics and Advanced

Biotechnology, NIGAB), NARC, Islamabad (2007-8 to 2014-15)

60 482.701

3 Pak-China Cooperation for Agricultural Research and Development (PCCARD), NARC (2008-9 to 2015-16)

60 255.712

4 Indigenization of Hybrid Seed Production for Enhanced

Crop Production, NARC (2011-12 to 2016-17)

60 665.313

5 Establishment of Livestock Research Institute, Turbat,

Balochistan (2013-14 to 2015-16)

36 58.725

6 Establishment of Horticulture Research Institute,

Khuzdar, Balochistan (2013-14 to 2017-18)

60 53.391

7 Strengthening of Coastal Agriculture Research Station,

Bhawani, Balochistan (2013-14 to 2017-18)

60 51.740

8 National Pesticides Resides Residues Monitoring

System in Pakistan (2013-14 to 2017-18)

60 447.998

9 Kitchen Gardening - A way to Safe & Nutritious

Vegetables (2014-15 to 2016-17)

36 36.738

10 Establishment of American Channel Catfish

(IctalurusPunctatus) Hatchery at NARC (2014-15 to 2016-17)

24 27.608

11 Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Summer

Agricultural Research Station of PARC. (2014-15 to 2015-16)

24 33.119

12 Capacity Development of Agriculture Extension

Services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (PARC) (2014-15 to 2016-17)

36 120.878 (3.400)

13 Promotion of olive cultivation on commercial scale in

Pakistan (2014-15 to 2018-19)

36 2480.063

14 Up-gradation of Arid Zone Research Institute to the 36 455.493

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level of Arid Zone Research Centre,, D.I. Khan and Establishment of New Satellite Research Institute at South & North Waziristan Agencies (FATA), KPK,

(2014-15 to 2016-17)


1 Establishment of Improvement in Fruit

OrchardsTechnology (Approved by DDWP on 08.04.2011)

36 56.430

2 Technology Transfer for Safe Vegetable Production

under High Tunnels in Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 08.04.2011)

36 56.835

3 Establishment of Food Safety Research Institute,

Quetta, Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 24.10.2012)

36 59.90

4 Development of clean and true to type fruit plants

nurseries at National level (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

36 49.750

5 Monosex (All Male) Tilapia Seed Production and

Culture in Pakistan (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

60 54.525


Studies on the prospects of introducing pangasiushypophthalmus in pond fish culture system of

Pakistan (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

60 51.582

7 Aquafeed Production in Pakistan for Commercially

Important Cultureable Fishes (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

60 55.307


Research and Development in Trout Fish (RDTF) Farming to Reduce Food Security and Poverty Risks in

Gilgit-Baltistan (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013

60 56.045

9 Commercialization of Soyabean Crop (Glycine max L)

on Pilot Scale in Pakistan (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

36 47.046

10 Strengthening of BARDC for Dryland Agriculture

Research and Development in Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

60 55.110


Agriculture Productivity Improvement through Bio-fertilizer and Minimum Chemical Fertilizer Approaches

in Irrigated Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

36 49.475

12 Strengthening and Accreditation (ISO-17025) of

Research Laboratories in PARC System (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

36 59.000


1 Construction of Additional Office Block at PARC

Headquarters, Islamabad 24


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Integrated Resource Management & Value Chain Development in High Value-Horticultural & Livestock

System for Improvement of Livelihood in Rural Areas of District Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

60 143.430

3 Development and Indigenization of Small Scale

Processing Technologies 60


4 Development of Pakistan collection of Microorganism

and Cell cultures Institute 36


5 Construction of 36 A-Type Flats for PARC Low Paid

Employees 36


6 Value Addition in Agriculture - Cluster Development

approach. 60


7 National Program for Conservation of Animal Genetic

Resources (FAnGR) in Pakistan 60


8 Introduction of Exotic Fruit Crops in Different Ecological

Zones of Pakistan 36


9 Establishment of Demonstration Orchards of Different

Fruit Crops at High Density Plantation 36 ,’?: P



S. No.

Title of the Projects Total Cost (Rs.million)

Demand (2015-16)


01. Construction of Additional Office Block

at PARC Headquarters, Islamabad 358.545


Submitted to Planning



Integrated Resource Management & Value Chain Development in High

Value-Horticultural & Livestock System for Improvement of Livelihood in Rural

Areas of District Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

485.015 143.430

Submitted to Planning


03. Development and Indigenization of

Small Scale Processing Technologies 165.234


Considered Pre-CDWP on

27.03.2015. PC-I is being revised

04. Development of Pakistan collection of

Microorganism and Cell cultures Institute

319.780 129.610

Submitted to Planning

Commission. PC-I is being revised

05. Construction of 36 A-Type Flats for

PARC Low Paid Employees 103.860


Submitted to Planning


06 Value Addition in Agriculture - Cluster

Development approach. 1675.236


Submitted to M/o NFS&R

07 National Programme for Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR)

in Pakistan 561.275


PC-I is being revised

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08 Introduction of Exotic Fruit Crops in

Different Ecological Zones of Pakistan 48.289


Submitted to M/o NFS&R

09 Establishment of Demonstration

Orchards of Different Fruit Crops at High Density Plantation

43.301 16.245

Submitted to M/o


Total: 3760.535 801.095


S. No.

Title of the Projects Total Cost (Rs.million)

Demand (2015-16)

1. Post Harvest Management and Processing in

Dates for Quality Improvement 200.000 40.000

2. Evaluation of Plasticulture for off-season

Vegetable Production 77.670 15.000

3. Cattle Population Improvement in Nasirabad

Division through A.I. 549.293 110.000

4 Seed Production and Dissemination of

Improved Crop Varieties in Irrigated Plains of Balochistan

419.169 84.000

5. Thal Agriculture Research and Development

Polytechnic Institute Khushab 2500.0,00 500.000

6. Establishment of Mobile Unit Facility for

Agriculture Research. 20.000 20.000

7. Evaluation of Production Performance of

Saanen Goats under Pakistani Environments 58.010 34.590

8. Boosting Beef Production through Bio-

intensive fodder and forage production in Pakistan

265.270 81.660

9. Setting up an Agricultural Television (Agri.

TV) Channel for Rural Community 170.433 108.723

10. Saffron Production in Pakistan 204.704 45.809

11. Plant Tissue Culture Laboratories Network

(PTCLN) 351.029 136.391

12. Progressive Control of Foot and Mouth

Disease in Pakistan 13627.000 357.000

13. Introduction and Mass Scale Propagation of

Bamboo as a High Value Crop for the Riverine Belt of Southern Punjab

31.068 15.577

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14. Vicuna (Vicugnavicugna) Farming in Pakistan in collaboration with Argentina for Fine Wool

Production 261.187 52.515

15. Fresh Water Aquaculture Development in

Balochistan 57.377 21.820


Up-gradation of Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI) Umerkot to the Level of Arid Zone

Research Centre (AZRC) and Establishment of New Adaptive-cum-Demonstration Stations

at Chhachharo, Mithi, Nangarparkar and Head Jamarao-Sindh

592.947 226.428

17. Up-gradation of Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI) Bhawalpur to the Level of Arid Zone

Research Centre (AZRC) 500.000 200.000

18 Establishment of OSTRICH Breeding Facility

at NARC, Islamabad 50.000 20.000

19. Conservation and Commercial Production of

Freshwater TURTLE Species in Pakistan 50.000 20.000

20 Strengthening of Mountain Agricultural

Research Centre (MARC) Gilgit-Baltistan 50.000 20.000

21. National Program for Surveillance of Major

Livestock Diseases in Pakistan 1051.999 214.630

22. Establishment of a Mini Slaughter House at

NARC for Capacity Building 36.000 24.000

Total: 21785.643 2547.959


S.No. Name of project Total Cost

(Rs. million)

Demand for PSDP 2015-16 (Rs. million)

1. Establishment of Improvement in Fruit

OrchardsTechnology (Approved by DDWP on 08.04.2011)

56.430 25.294

2. Technology Transfer for Safe Vegetable Production

under High Tunnels in Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 08.04.2011)

56.835 21.377

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3. Establishment of Food Safety Research Institute,

Quetta, Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 24.10.2012)

59.90 9.620

4. Development of clean and true to type fruit plants

nurseries at National level (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

49.750 25.650

5. Monosex (All Male) Tilapia Seed Production and

Culture in Pakistan (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

54.525 7.835


Studies on the prospects of introducing pangasiushypophthalmus in pond fish culture

system of Pakistan (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

51.582 7.680

7. Aquafeed Production in Pakistan for Commercially

Important Cultureable Fishes (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013)

55.307 4.204


Research and Development in Trout Fish (RDTF) Farming to Reduce Food Security and Poverty

Risks in Gilgit-Baltistan (Approved by DDWP on 19.09.2013

56.045 14.233

9. Commercialization of Soyabean Crop (Glycine max

L) on Pilot Scale in Pakistan (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

47.046 18.292

10. Strengthening of BARDC for Dryland Agriculture

Research and Development in Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

55.110 11.310


Agriculture Productivity Improvement through Bio-fertilizer and Minimum Chemical Fertilizer

Approaches in Irrigated Balochistan (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

49.475 19.705

12. Strengthening and Accreditation (ISO-17025) of

Research Laboratories in PARC System (Approved by DDWP on 27.01.2015)

59.000 28.795

Total 651.005 193.995

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List of PARC operational projects

Sr.# Project Title (Duration) Cost Allocation

2014-15 Release


Actual Expenditure


Demand (2015-16)

1 Research for Agricultural

Development Program (RADP) (2006-7 to 2016-17)

2963.000 328.804 131.522 93.900 500.00


National Institute for Genomics and Advanced Biotechnology,

NIGAB), NARC, Islamabad (2007-8 to 2014-15)

482.701 150.000 30.00 10.522 0.00


Pak-China Cooperation for Agricultural Research and Development (PCCARD),

NARC (2008-9 to 2015-16)

255.712 30.000 12.00 8.088 40.00


Indigenization of Hybrid Seed Production for Enhanced Crop

Production, NARC (2011-12 to 2016-17)

665.313 47.770 19.108 13.850 120.432


Establishment of Livestock Research Institute, Turbat,

Balochistan (2013-14 to 2015-16)

58.725 21.434 8.574 2.139 14.476


Establishment of Horticulture Research Institute, Khuzdar,

Balochistan (2013-14 to 2017-18)

53.391 16.796 6.718 3.472 8.149


Strengthening of Coastal Agriculture Research Station,

Bhawani, Balochistan (2013-14 to 2017-18)

51.740 15.562 6.224 1.678 9.848


National Pesticides Resides Residues Monitoring System in

Pakistan (2013-14 to 2017-18)

447.998 52.024 20.810 0.043 271.233

9 Kitchen Gardening - A way to Safe & Nutritious Vegetables

(2014-15 to 2016-17) 36.738 11.939 4.776 0.233 11.939


Establishment of American Channel Catfish

(IctalurusPunctatus) Hatchery at NARC

(2014-15 to 2016-17)

27.608 23.574 9.43 0.012 16.216


Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Summer

Agricultural Research Station of PARC.

(2014-15 to 2015-16)

33.119 11.152 4.46 0.015 20.00

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Capacity Development of Agriculture Extension Services

in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (PARC)

(2014-15 to 2016-17)

120.878 (3.400)

1.110 0.444 0.000 39.072

13 Promotion of olive cultivation on

commercial scale in Pakistan (2014-15 to 2018-19)

2480.063 100.000 0.00 0.000 720.736


Up-gradation of Arid Zone Research Institute to the level

of Arid Zone Research Centre,, D.I. Khan and Establishment of New Satellite Research Institute

at South & North Waziristan Agencies (FATA), KPK, (2014-15 to 2016-17)

455.493 20.000 0.00 0.000 224.856

Total: 930.165 254.066 133.952 1996.957