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Keys to Getting Around

Feb 23, 2016




Keys to Getting Around . This button allows you to return back to the home screen at any time as you are working through the program. This button allows you to move forward to the next slide. This button allows you to move backwards to the slide you were just viewing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Keys to Getting Around


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+ 100 points

1. Jeopardy Game2. What Are Feelings?3. Different Types of FeelingHappySadExcitedMadScaredSillyHurt4. Feelings QuizTable of Contents


Happy is a fun emotion to be feeling. Usually when we are feeling happy something is going well, we might be having a good day or maybe we could be happy because the sun is out and shinning. When we are happy we usually have a smile on our face and sometimes even laugh a lot.

Click the forward button to move onSad

Being sad is not always a fun emotion to be feeling, but it is normal. We can feel sad when something doesnt go the way we planned, when we lose something, or even when something bad happens, like your bike tire popping, or something more serious like a family member passing away. Lucky for us we can feel many other emotions than just being sad. Has there ever been a time youve felt sad?

Click the forward button to move to the next slide1. What do we usually do when we are feeling happy?

CryScreamStomp our feetSmile

Question 1MadMad can be a scary emotion to have at times, and even scary to watch. When we are mad we usually get hot and sometimes sweaty. We may yell and scream or hit and throw things. We can get mad when someone calls us a mean name or takes something of ours that may not belong to them. We could also get mad if something doesnt go the way we planned, or we dont agree with something. Being mad can sometimes get us in trouble, so we should always be careful when we notice ourselves starting to get mad.

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Along with mad, scared can be strange emotion to feel. Most of the time we scared it is because something caught us off guard; like a loud noise or something walking around a corner. We can also get scared when we are in new situations or when we are around new people. When we get scared we may scream, our eyes may get really big, and maybe even cry.

Click the forward button to move to the next slideSilly

Silly is a fun emotion to feel. We can feel silly when we want to joke around with friends, or maybe just when we are in a really good mood. When we are feeling silly we may talk in funny voices, make funny faces, or even act funny. Being silly is fun! Have you ever felt silly?

Click the forward button to move to the next slideHurt

Like other emotions, hurt is one that isnt fun to feel. When we feel hurt it is often because someone might have said something or did something that hurt our feelings and make us hurt inside. That is why we have a band aid on the smiley face; because just like when we get hurt on the outside we can also get hurt on the inside.

Click the forward button to move to the next slide.To make this a little more exciting and helpful, we are going to play a game! After each learning objective you will be given a question about the emotion you just learned. You will start off the game with 300 points and for each right answer you choose you will earn points, but for every wrong answer you can also loose points. Make sure to keep track of your points. Are you ready? Click on the forward arrow to move to the next slide.Jeopardy Game

Feelings or Emotions are things everyone feels everyday, and all throughout the day. They are a state of mind we feel, or a general emotional condition. Examples of these feelings would things such as feeling happy, sad, excited or scared.

Now that you know what feelings are, lets take a look a couple specific ones. Click the forward arrow to move to the next slide.What Are Feelings?What is another name for our feelings?

Smiley facesEmotionsUpsetJumping aroundFeelings QuizYou just unwrapped a brand new bike you got for your birthday and you are jumping around with a huge smile on your face. What emotion are you feeling?


QUESTION 3What situation below would cause you to feel mad?

Your little brother knocking over your LEGO tower you had been working on for 3 daysGetting to go to an amusement park over the summer on a family vacationSeeing an old friend you havent seen in awhileLearning a new trick on your skateboardQUESTION 4If someone jumped out in front of you and yelled BOO what emotion would you feel?


QUESTION 5What kind of face would you make if you were feeling silly?

Face with a frownFace with a smileFace with gritted teethFace with your tongue sticking outQuestion 6While you were playing outside at recess a bully told you that your new sweatshirt was ugly. What emotion would that make you feel?

ScaredExcitedHurtHappyQUESTION 7Well Done, Youre a Winner!You did awesome, look at all the points you got! Now we are going to move on and take a quiz. This quiz will have 10 questions over all the information you just learned. Take your time and have fun!

Your mom and dad just told you that this summer the family is going to Disney World on a family vacation. What emotion are you probably feeling?

ScaredHurtExcitedMadFeelings QuizWhat actions do you usually do when you are feelings excited?

Jump around, smile really big, yell or screamCryRun awayStomp your feet and scream as loud as you canFeelings QuizWhen you are feeling scared what type of facial expression are you going to have?

A face with big eyes and an open mouthA face with a big smile from ear to earA face with a frownA face with you tongue sticking outFeelings QuizWhen do we feel our emotions?

Once a weekOnce a dayOnly on the weekendDuring our whole dayFeelings QuizYoure Done!Well done, you did a great job!Click on the end button to exit and close out of the program.

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