Keyera special workbook

May 06, 2015



John Spence

Workbook for the John Spence leadership session.
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Keyera Leadership Team Workshop

THE FOUR I’S OF BANKRUPTCY: HOW TO AVOID THE FOUR I’S •Aggressive external market focus. •Ridiculously high level of customer focus. •Keep the “Main Things” the main things. •Bullish on knowledge sharing and learning. •Teamwork is mandatory – not optional •Passion and commitment at all levels. •Foster a healthy paranoia. •Revel in change.

McKinsey: 1,077 Global Companies

•90% of well-formulated strategies fail due to poor execution. •Only 5% of employees say that they understand their corporate strategy. •As much as 75% of business improvement (change) initiatives to solve execution problems fail due to lack of sustainability. •Only 3% of executives think that their company is very successful at executing its strategy, while 62% report that they are only “moderately successful” of worse. Gartner Research: 443 Global Company Leaders

Major Obstacles to Strategy Execution 1. Inability to overcome internal resistance to change. 2. Trying to execute a strategy that conflicts with the existing power structure. 3. Poor or inadequate information sharing between business units/people responsible for strategy execution. 4. Unclear communication of responsibility and/or accountability for execution decisions or actions. 5. Lack of feelings of “ownership” of the strategy or execution plans among key employees.

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THE 4 + 2 FORMULA The Four Primary Management Practices 1 = Not at all 3 = Poor 5 = Fair 7 = Good 10 = Superior /Excellent 1. Strategy: Devise and maintain a clearly stated, focused strategy: ________ Whatever your strategy, it will only work if it is sharply defined, clearly communicated, and well un-derstood by employees, customers, partners, and investors. 2. Execution: Develop and maintain flawless operational execution: ________ You might not always delight every customer, but make sure that you never disappoint them. Win-ners consistently meet the expectations of their customers by delivering on their value proposition. Bad quality surely will hurt. 3. Culture: Develop and maintain a performance-oriented culture: ________ One of the best indicators of being performance-oriented is the way you deal with your own poor performers. It is easy to reward good performers. What matters is whether you have the courage to get rid of poor performers. 4. Structure: Build and maintain a fast, flexible, flat organization: ________ What really counts is whether structure reduces bureaucracy and simplifies work. Simpler and faster - such are the best goals for all organizations. The Four Secondary Management Practices 1. Talent: Hold on to talented employees and find more: ________ Winning organizations pay great attention to finding, growing, developing, and rewarding very tal-ented people. 2. Leadership: Key leaders are truly committed to the business: ________ The research data clearly showed that the leadership effectiveness of the top executives, on aver-age, influenced 15% of the variance in corporate performance, for better or for worse. 3. Innovation: Make innovations that are industry transforming: ________ Agile companies that were highly innovative and able to anticipate rather than react to disruptive events in the marketplace, were always the winner. 4. Mergers and Partnerships: Make growth happen with mergers, alliances, and partnerships: _________ Internally generated growth is essential, but companies that can also master mergers and partner-ships are much more likely to be winners.

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2. Respectful

3. Approachable

4 Highly Professional

5. Team Player


CULTURE COUNTS 1-10 Fun ______


Friends _______

Fair _______

Freedom _______

Pride _______

Praise _______

Meaning _______

Accomplishment _______

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Study of most important leadership skills 7,000+ managers from 1,600 large organizations

•Must have superb communication skills _______

•Lead by example to demonstrate character and competence _______

•Establish and maintain clear and meaningful vision _______

•Provide motivation to create ownership and accountability for results _______

•Clarify performance expectations _______

•Foster teamwork and collaboration _______

•Develop clear performance goals and metrics _______

•Consistently deliver superior customer service ________

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Anne Mulcahy Recommendations…











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High Low


THE BASIC 4 + 1 THE SIX UNIVERSAL DRIVERS OF ENGAGEMENT 1. Caring, competent, and engaging leaders _______

2. Effective managers who keep employees informed, aligned and engaged _______

3. Effective teamwork at ALL levels _______

4. Job enrichment and professional growth _______

5. Valuing employee contributions _______

6. Concern for employee well being _______

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WHAT DO ENGAGE EMPLOYEES LOOK LIKE… 1. They give more discretionary effort _______

2 They consistently exceed expectations _______

3. They take more responsibility and initiative _______

4. They receive better customer service ratings _______

5. They offer more ideas for improvement _______

6. They promote and model teamwork _______

7. They volunteer more for extra assignments _______

8. They anticipate and adapt better to change _______

9. They persist at difficult work over time _______

10. They speak well of the organization _______







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11 Team Competencies

1. Setting clear, specific and measurable goals _______

2. Making assignments extremely clear and ensuring required competence _______

3. Using effective decision making processes within the team _______

4. Establishing accountability for high performance across the entire team _______

5. Running effective team meetings _______

6. Building strong levels of trust _______

7. Establishing open, honest and frank communications _______

8. Managing conflict effectively _______

9. Creating mutual respect and collaboration _______

10. Encouraging risk-taking and innovation _______

11. Engaging in ongoing team building activities _______

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PROTOCOL FOR AN EFFECTIVE TEAM MEETING •Clarity: question, probe, seek data and evidence. Make sure you truly understand the issue _______

•Authenticity: no posturing, politics, games _______

•Vulnerability: admit you do not know or that you made a mistake _______

•Accuracy: facts, verified data, observable behavior – no guessing _______

•Efficiency: get to the point – now _______

•Completeness: the aim is to inform – not finesse. Full disclosure _______

•Timeliness: what is the real deadline? _______

•Focus: stay on track, stick to the topic, drive for optimal outcomes _______

•Openness: discuss the un-discussible. Put it on the table _______

•Consensus: not complete agreement ______


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DISCIPLINED EXECUTION 1 = Strongly Disagree 3 = Disagree Somewhat 5= Not Sure 7= Agree Somewhat 10 = Strongly Agree

We have a clear vision for exactly where we are trying to take our organization _______ We have a detailed and specific plan to accomplish the key objectives we are trying to execute _______ Our senior leaders are all 100% committed to executing the key objectives _______ The key leaders/employees in our organization are all superb at execution ______ All of the major objectives we are pursuing are fully aligned and mutually reinforcing _______ We have excellent systems and processes in place to ensure consistently superb execution ______ There is continuous and transparent communication throughout he entire organization about exactly where we stand on executing on our key objectives _______ Every employee has all of the training, support, equipment and resources they need to deliver the results required of them _______ We are superb at adjusting and adapting our strategy and objectives when truly necessary _____ We do a great job of celebrating both small and big wins and praising great performance _______ We refuse to tolerate mediocrity or lack of accountability and deal decisively with people who are not able to meet the clear standards of performance in our organization _______

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LEADING PEOPLE Rosen & Brown Penguin Books

This is compiled from more than a dozen studies, focusing on leading companies from the Forbes 500, Fortune 500, 700 privately-held firms, and interviews at the 3,000 largest companies in America. Successes depend on people - and in order to achieve success,

people depend on leaders.

It is a simple idea, but one with sweeping consequences. It opens up tremendous opportunities, but also gaping pitfalls. In order to succeed, leaders will have to reinvent their organizations to get the most from their people. But to do that, leaders must take a deep look inside and discover the ways they influence their enterprise and their people. More importantly, they will need to reinvent themselves. A recent national survey of more than 10,000 workers found that current leadership is costing American companies more than half their human potential. To put that another way, improved leadership alone could double worker productivity. This translates directly to the bottom line. The single biggest influence on employee commitment and performance, according to another sweeping national study of more than 25,000 workers, is the leadership skills of their managers! To be effective and successful, leaders must build organizations that help employees strengthen their competence, creativity, and commitment. Leaders must create healthy environments where people are excited about their work, take pride in their accomplishments, and contribute to their colleagues doing the same. Their task, in short, is to foment ideas, skills, and energy. This is leading people.

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VISION Leaders see the whole picture and articulate that broad perspective with others. By doing so, leaders create a common purpose that mobilizes people and coordinates their efforts into a single, coherent, agile enterprise.

TRUST Without trust, vision becomes an empty slogan. Trust binds people together; creating a strong, resilient organization. To build trust, leaders are predictable and they share information and power. Their goal is a culture of candor.

PARTICIPATION The energy of an organization is the participation and effort of its people. The leader’s challenge is to unleash and focus this energy, inspiring people at every level of the enterprise to pitch in with their minds and hearts.

LEARNING Leaders need a deep understanding of themselves. They must know their strengths and shortcomings, which requires a lifelong process of discovery, and they must be able to adapt to new circumstances. They must promote constant innovation, and leaders must encourage their people to refresh their skills and renew their spirits.

DIVERSITY Successful leaders know the power of diversity and the poison of prejudice. They understand their own biases, and they actively cultivate an appreciation of the positive aspects of people’s differences. In their organizations, they insist on a culture of mutual respect.

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CREATIVITY In a world where smart solutions outpace excessive work, creativity is crucial. Leaders pay close attention to people’s talents, leaning on their strengths and managing around their weaknesses. They encourage independent, challenging thinking and they invest in technologies that facilitate the efforts of their people.

INTEGRITY A leader must stand for something. As a public citizen and a private person, he/she knows what is important in life and acts by deep-seated principles. Every wise leader has a moral compass, a sense of right and wrong. Good leaders understand that good ethics is good business.

COMMUNITY Community is mutual commitment and it inspires the highest performance. It’s human nature to go the extra mile for one’s neighbors and fellow citizens, and a mature leader stresses the organization’s responsibility to the surrounding society. A leader also acts as a steward of the natural environment.

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This book is based on an extensive research study that began in 1987 and has continued through 2006. More than 450,000 respondents on four continents were asked: “What values (personal traits and characteristics) do you look for and admire in your leaders?” They were also asked to select the seven qualities they most look for and admire in a leader – someone whose direction they would willingly follow. The top four responses, by a very wide margin, were as follows:

BEING HONEST Honesty was selected more often than any other leadership characteristic; it consistently emerged as the single most important ingredient in the leader-constituent relationship. That nearly 90% of the respondents want their leaders to be honest above all else is a message that all leaders must take to heart. Just how do constituents measure honesty? By observing the leader’s behavior. In other words, regardless of what leaders say about their own integrity, people wait to be shown; they watch and observe carefully. Consistency between word and deed is how we judge someone to be honest. Honesty is also related to values and ethics. We appreciate people who take a stand on important principles. We resolutely refuse to follow those who lack confidence in their own beliefs. Confusion over where the leader stands creates stress; not knowing the leader’s beliefs contributes to conflict, indecision, and political rivalry. We simply don’t trust people who won’t tell us their values, ethics and standards. Even worse, though, is someone who tells us they hold a certain value – then acts in complete disagreement with that value.

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BEING FORWARD-LOOKING We expect our leaders to have a sense of direction and a concern for the future of the organization. Leaders must know where they are going if they expect others to willingly join them on the journey. In a separate study of 300 senior executives, “a leadership style of honesty and integrity” and “a long-term vision and direction for the company” were ranked as the number one and two most important characteristics in a successful leader. In a joint study with Columbia University, 98% of the respondents (8,500) ranked “the ability to convey a strong vision of the future” as a very important quality for effective leaders. We want to know what the organization will look like, feel like, be like when it arrives at its goal in six months or six years. We want to have it described to us in rich detail so that we’ll know when we’ve arrived and so that we can select the proper route for getting there.

BEING INSPIRING We also expect our leaders to be enthusiastic, energetic, and positive about the future It’s not enough for a leader to have a dream about the future. A leader must be able to communicate the vision in ways that encourage us to sign on for the duration. Some react with discomfort to the idea that being inspiring is an essential leadership quality. In the final analysis, though, leaders must inspire our confidence in the validity of the goal. Enthusiasm and excitement are essential and signal the leader’s personal commitment to pursuing that goal. If a leader displays no passion for a cause, why should anyone else?

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BEING COMPETENT To enlist in another’s cause, we must believe that the person is competent to guide us where we are headed. We must see the leader as capable and effective. Leadership competency doesn’t necessarily refer to the leader’s abilities in the core technology of the operation. In fact, the type of competence demanded is value-added competence. Functional competence may be necessary, but it’s insufficient; the leader must bring some added value to the position. Expertise in leadership skills themselves is another dimension of competence.

PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER What we found in our investigation of admired leadership

qualities is that, more than anything, we want leaders who are credible. We must believe that their word can be trusted, that

they’ll do what they say, that they’re personally excited and

enthusiastic about the direction in which we’re headed, and that they have the knowledge and skill to lead.

THE FIVE FUNDAMENTAL PRACTICES OF EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP As we looked deeper into the dynamic process of leadership, through case analysis and survey questionnaires, we uncovered five fundamental practices that enable leaders to get extraordinary things done. The best leaders in the world are able to:

Challenge the process

Inspire a shared vision

Enable others to act

Model the way

Encourage the heart

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Based on an in-depth diagnosis of more than 3,000 organizations to assess their strategic architecture (vision, strategy, structure, information feedback and control systems, reward systems); their culture and functional areas (marketing and sales, operations, HR, and financial); and a variety of key outcomes (revenue, profit, community image, morale, turnover, etc.) The diagnosis regularly reveals problems in six specific areas where “responsibility” in the organization is rated low.

CREATING A CLEAR, MEANINGFUL SENSE OF DIRECTION People want to know where they are heading. A clear understanding of the organization’s vision, mission, goals and strategy not only gives people comfort; it lets them share in the excitement of the journey. It gives them a context for their own decisions and lets them be creative contributors. Within this framework, employees can contribute their own solutions and use their own common sense, experience, skills and judgment, and they can take pride in their contributions. The tools to communicate direction include:

A clear statement of purpose and core values

An inspiring and specific vision of an exciting future

A clear statement of our core business and position in the

marketplace A focused set of strategic initiatives that we follow to

achieve the vision in the shorter term (1-3 years)

Processes and documents that communicate the vision,

strategies and goals and translate them into meaningful,

concrete terms for those who will make them happen

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HAVING AND LIVING BY VALUES PEOPLE RESPECT Core values may drive a company’s strategy and decisions and may be major determiners of its success. But they are not the only values by which companies are judged. There are a number of other values, real or imagined, long-term or short-term, that affect whether people will choose to be responsible to a given organization. Most people believe that a person’s or company’s behavior is in some way reflective of their values. Human beings have a very strong tendency to read intent into behavior. Employees regularly infer the values of the organization from the behavior of its leaders.

RESPECTING PEOPLE AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION People want to work in an environment where they and their contributions are respected. When there is no respect, each day is demeaning. There is little sense of self-worth and contribution. Confident, optimistic, capable people will not stay in an environment that offers little respect.

HAVING A COMPATIBLE CULTURE The culture of an organization is the embodiment of its true values and philosophy. It is expressed in the typical behavior of its employees and its policies, procedures, systems, structures, decisions, and day-to-day actions. Employees need to feel compatible and comfortable with the corporate culture.

BEING A SOURCE OF PRIDE People like to take pride in their organization. Motivation increases naturally as people see their organization doing things they believe will make it more successful. The reciprocal is also true; people lose all motivation when they witness their organization behaving in ways that are contradictory to stated values, goals or strategies.

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JOHN WILEY & SONS From a global study of leading CEO’s, these were identified as the key characteristics for organizational success:

Service to the customer is the keystone of the

company’s mission.

Core values shape the culture and provide liberating

support to associates.

Value is placed on community service in the

communities in which the corporation operates.

The enterprise is viewed as a learning organization.

Everyone is challenged to stretch toward his or her

individual potential.

Value is placed on the initiatives of associates to

continuously improve the system.

Emphasis is placed on teamwork and alignment.

From the CEO and throughout the organization,

extreme importance is placed on walking the talk.

The leadership growth model that emerged from this study includes the following stages: 1. First, the leader must achieve a high level of self-mastery. This stage also requires a self-assessment of one’s own personal system including the values that shape the individual’s unique approach to leadership. 2. The second stage includes attention to a deeper level of communications. This means a serious commitment to cooperation and behaviors congruent with core values. 3. At the next level, the leader must practice transformational leadership. This dimension of leadership includes attention to releasing human potential and high levels of interaction and alignment.

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Modesty Honesty


Courage True courage—noble courage, the authentic, spontaneous act of self-sacrificial concern for the defenseless—is not fanaticism but character. Courage is not the feeling of fearlessness. It is rather the willingness of mind necessary to act out of conviction rather than feeling. I have coached many leaders who feel quite fearless but act in sometimes a cowardly manner. Conversely, I have worked with many executives who are fearful yet behave with incredible courage. Great leaders are courageous. It is beyond valor—in fact, heroism and courage are not synonymous, since there are acts of heroism every day that are acts of impulse rather than true character. The measure of true character is consistency—as we all know business heroes, public heroes, sports heroes who were bold enough to make a heroic mark but could not sustain it over time—as they misstep, fall prey to controversy, financial ruin and criminal activity. These people were never truly courageous—only brave at a point in time. Courage is the greatest character element any leader must possess—as it is the catalytic agent that mobilizes every other virtue in the face of crisis. Knowing right from wrong is one thing; taking the right action based on this knowledge is yet another. Courageous leaders inspire their people and teams to achieve incredible new heights—it is the foundation for creating the “will do” and “must do” in people. Loyalty Where is the loyalty? Where has all the loyalty gone? Loyalty is the very fabric of community. Relationships cannot be developed, nurtured or prospered when there is no trust to glue mutuality of commitment. When loyalty is lost, the fabric of relationship unravels. Loyalty is the willingness—because of relationship commitments—to deflect praise, admiration and success onto others. Loyalty is a two-way street—it must function both upwardly and downwardly. Upward loyalty is shown to your boss. Are you willing to allow your boss to take credit while sometimes taking the blame? If a mid-level executive shows any disloyalty—either upward or downward—the fabric of community in that organization will begin to erode.

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Diligence In my coaching work, I sometimes encounter an executive who is looking for the quickest, shortest way….the easiest way….the way that will produce the greatest returns for them….and on and on. I tell them directly there are none that exist. There are no short-cuts to achieving anything worthwhile and there are countless stories of CEO’s, senior executives, and entrepreneurs who are quick to reinforce this undeniable notion that there is no substitute for hard work. When I encounter these executives, I get them connected with leaders who can share their experiences in vivid detail so they begin to vicariously experience both the positive and negatively charged references that give them a dose of reality and perspective. Diligence is a necessary—but not sufficient—condition for achieving leadership excellence but it does provide the leader with a solid foundation that will serve to minimize the depth of their setbacks. The diligent leader is a steady performer, and the steady performer is a finisher. Great leaders want accountability and are serious about their obligations—unfortunately there are many managers who are spiraling to lower maturity because of their unwillingness to finish—to be held accountable and follow-through on their obligations. Modesty Modesty means living within limits. It is the opposite of being “bold”—putting oneself forward in the sense of aggressiveness or presumptuous. It is the opposite of arrogance. The greatest leaders are confident but they recognize that they are also not too good, too big, too rich, too powerful to be open to the views and perspective of others all aimed at self-improvement and organizational improvement. Modest leaders see fiscal and operational constraints as safeguards—not hindrances. Modest leaders are able to invoke their own limits as they begin to realize again through positively charged references that greater individual and team results will be realized. Modesty is also a key counter-balancing mechanism that keeps a leader’s emotions in balance. I have coached countless executives in how to accept and adopt a more immodest, prudent view of themselves and the operations they run and the absolute key in getting them to transform is helping them see that it is their own need for attention that drives their arrogance and the results they are achieving are less than if they had adopted a more calm self-acceptance approach in handling challenges.

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Honesty There is a line between shrewd business and dishonesty. However, it is not nearly as fine as we think. Great leaders work hard to bend over backward for honesty as they realize truth and honesty are the pillars upon which relationships, teamwork, and positive energy are built. Great leaders are comfortable missing out on deals rather than to use deception to win. Great leaders would rather make a minor profit with honesty than a major one without it. Exaggerations, padded expense accounts, deliberately shaved tax forms submitted without hesitation, showing up for work late, leaving early, and theft of company property (which now reaches into the billions annually) are all acts of dishonesty. Mature leaders create an environment in which they themselves live and promote a truthful, above-board, honest existence. Gratitude Great leaders demonstrate enormous respect and appreciation for the sum of all their references (both positive and negative) as they know in their mind and heart that the very essence of who they are is inextricably tied to the sum of their experiences. They know and respect that they have learned to grow and mature as leaders through the highs and lows and they appreciate their reference reservoirs as nothing more than a ratio of positively charged references divided by all of their experiences. It’s a batting average. Just like a batting average, the higher the better but much can be learned by striking out every now and then. In fact, it keeps us in balance and we appreciate the hits all that much more with a healthy dose of setback. This is one of the great challenges I see with younger executives who desire way too much, too fast—as many are just unwilling to see the value in experiencing setbacks—it slows them down but the setback teaches contrast, it teaches gratitude for all experiences and special gratitude when the “hit” actually occurs. Gratitude as an element of character is also at the root of providing praise and recognition to others (more on this later when we discuss Demarcation). Saying “thank you,” “I appreciate you hard work,” originates from this element—it requires selflessness but showing honest gratitude to your people and your team will propel them to new heights.

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HERE’S WHAT LEADERS MUST PAY ATTENTION TO Strategic Clarity – leaders must constantly assess how well their organization’s strategy is understood across operations staff. Com-munication and reinforcement of the declared strategy will lead to clear understanding by all staff. Goal Alignment – Once strategic clarity is reached, leaders must constantly assess the degree to which projects, goals, tasks are aligned to your organization’s declared strategy. Expectations Clarity – Next, leaders must ensure that everyone in the organization has formalized ends goals (performance stand-ards) and means goals (values defined in behavioral terms). In ad-dition, leaders must ensure that all staff proactively commit to their performance and values goals. Consistent Accountability – leaders must hold all staff accounta-ble, day in and day out, for meeting performance expectations and values expectations. Accountability means the prompt application of POSITIVE consequences (when folks do the right things the right way) and NEGATIVE consequences (when they don’t).

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LEADING A HIGH PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATION: INDIVIDUAL WORKSHOP Based on the presentation, all of the materials you have just read, your scores on ALL of the various audits and your personal experience, please create a detailed outline of what YOU —as a leader at Keyera — should focus on in order to build and sustain a high performance teams in a high-performance organization. What is your “Personal Leadership Philosophy” that will guide the way you will lead this organization into the future? Take your time and give this some very serious thought and effort.

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Now that you have each completed you own individual “Personal Leadership Philosophy” — as a group I would like you to compare and contrast what you have each written. Look back over the workbook together, what were your high scores? What were your low scores? How do they compare across the group? What parts of the reading were especially meaningful to you, why? Now is also the time to study the survey results together. What were the high Scores? What were the low scores? What do you feel the results mean? How do they impact the way you - both individually and as a group —will lead and manage Keyera going forward? The goal of this workshop is for each team to synthesize all of their individual models and feedback into one focused ”Leadership Competency Model” that all of you all feel represents the most important elements of being a successful leader at Keyera. In other words, combine all of your individual models to create one overarching “Ideal Leader” model for Keyera. Please have someone on your team take careful notes and assist with creating a clear and specific list of the FOUR to SIX MOST IMPORTANT attributes, characteristics, behaviors and skills that you all believe make up an “Ideal Leader” in your organization. At the end of this workshop each team will be responsible from making a brief presentation on their model. I want to see that you have given this a good deal of thought and honest debate and created a solid framework that is focused, realistic and challenging — and that each of you would be willing to personally commit to.

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IDEAS TO ACTIONS WORKSHOP This is an extremely important workshop, so please take it very seriously. Keeping the “Ideal Leader” model we have just created for your organization clearly at the front of your mind, discuss the model in your group, talk specifically about areas for needed improvement—and exactly how to make REAL positive changes in those areas. The goal of this workshop is for each group to develop a list of THREE very specific action steps that your organization can commit to in order to make real and significant progress in improving your organizational leadership and teamwork effectiveness. Remember: What gets measured gets done; so every action item must be clear, specific, measurable and realistic == with an owner and a due date!!! Push yourselves VERY hard on this workshop to develop some truly meaningful action items.

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