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K EY FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOM ER PURCHASING BEHAVIOR An Academic presentation by Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Phdassistance Group Email: [email protected]

Key Factors Influencing Customer Purchasing Behavior

Jan 12, 2023



PhD Assistance

Consumer purchasing behavior describes the steps consumers take before purchasing a good or service, both online and offline. It’s challenging to categorize anything as complex as consumer purchasing behavior into four orderly groups.


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Presentation PowerPointOperations, Phdassistance
Email: [email protected]
Today's Discussion
customer purchasing behaviour?
Consumer Purchasing Process has Five
customer purchasing behaviour?
they view products.
3.Pers ona l Fa ctors - Age, ma rita l position, fina nc ia l situa tion, a s well as
one's own personal convictions, morality, and values, are a few examples.
4.Psychological Factors - The way a person is feeling when they are
presented with a product will frequently affect how they feel about both
the product and the brand as a whole.
What are the four types of
3.The Driver purchaser - Most significant to drivers is how other people
see them and whether they are being followed. Drivers are the
trendsetters in the industry, and they are more focused in how they
appear than the relationships that are built via transactions.
are essential. They are unable to tolerate being ignored or feeling
alone throughout a transaction. They prefer to feel like your most
valuable asset, nevertheless.
purchasing behavior into four orderly groups.
The majority of people will discover that they exhibit a mix of these
kinds of consumer purchasing behavior.
It 's critica l to c om prehend the ste ps involve d in the c ustom er
purchasing process in order to better comprehend this behavior.
obtaining data, identifying solutions, making a purchase, and
reviewing the transaction.
investigate the potential causes of their issue and potential
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