Top Banner Page 1 Keeping you informed - Bradford December 2018 This newsletter updates you on the work we have been continuing with our partners. It provides information on how you can be prepared for future flooding and get involved in work to protect and maintain the riverside environment. The Bradford Flood Programme In partnership, Bradford Council, the Environment Agency and suppliers are continuing to work hard to reduce flood risk in Bradford. Bradford Aire Catchment Flood Alleviation Scheme For the River Aire in Bradford, we have now started to develop a business case which will help us to identify a short list of the most viable options to reduce flood risk for communities including Keighley, Bingley, Baildon and Shipley. These options will look at direct interventions and more catchment wide solutions. Keighley & Stockbridge - River Worth model update We are on schedule for the River Worth model update, which will improve our understanding of flood risk for this catchment and explore options for ‘advanced works’ to reduce the risk of flooding from surface water in Keighley. Having a better understanding of flood risk in the area will enable us to develop a business case to identify viable and affordable options for reducing flood risk for communities in the wider Worth catchment. Silsden Flood Alleviation Scheme The work on the Silsden Beck model continues, which will improve our understanding of flood risk. This will also help us to: assess surface water risk in the town, explore the possibility of using the Yorkshire Water Reservoir upstream to manage flood risk, test scenarios on culverts and what impact blockages would have. For all three projects, the initial assessment of options indicate that there will be funding gaps, so we will be working with others to explore what wider benefits can be provided by the options and what other funding sources may be available. We have reviewed the flood risk management programme of works for Bradford. In this initial submission we have identified a number of areas where we would like funding to manage surface water risk, including Goose Eye, Morton Beck and Baildon. Harden Moor Natural Flood Management (NFM) Pilot Project Natural Flood Management (NFM) measures can help slow, store and filter floodwater, and can be a cost effective and sustainable way to manage flood risk alongside traditional engineering, while creating habitat for wildlife and helping regenerate rural and urban areas through tourism. Leeds City Council and the Environment Agency, in partnership with Bradford Council are undertaking a NFM project on Harden Moor as part of the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme phase 2. Harden Moor was identified as one of five pilot NFM projects funded by Leeds City Council and being implemented throughout the River Aire catchment. The design for Harden Moor was developed by Bradford Council through the White Rose Forest and includes interventions aimed at 'slowing the flow' of water into Harden Beck, which is a major tributary to the River Aire. The proposals use natural methods, to provide improvements to the site which are sensitive to the surrounding landscape. These include: blocking drainage features and leaky dams to reduce water run-off and re-wet land;

Keeping you informed - Bradford · The design for Harden Moor was developed by Bradford Council through the White Rose Forest and includes interventions aimed at 'slowing the flow'

Aug 11, 2020



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Page 1: Keeping you informed - Bradford · The design for Harden Moor was developed by Bradford Council through the White Rose Forest and includes interventions aimed at 'slowing the flow' Page 1

Keeping you informed - BradfordDecember 2018

This newsletter updates you on the work wehave been continuing with our partners. Itprovides information on how you can beprepared for future flooding and get involvedin work to protect and maintain the riversideenvironment.

The Bradford Flood ProgrammeIn partnership, Bradford Council, the EnvironmentAgency and suppliers are continuing to work hardto reduce flood risk in Bradford.

Bradford Aire Catchment FloodAlleviation SchemeFor the River Aire in Bradford, we have nowstarted to develop a business case which will helpus to identify a short list of the most viable optionsto reduce flood risk for communities includingKeighley, Bingley, Baildon and Shipley. Theseoptions will look at direct interventions and morecatchment wide solutions.

Keighley & Stockbridge - RiverWorth model updateWe are on schedule for the River Worth modelupdate, which will improve our understanding offlood risk for this catchment and explore optionsfor ‘advanced works’ to reduce the risk of floodingfrom surface water in Keighley. Having a betterunderstanding of flood risk in the area will enableus to develop a business case to identify viableand affordable options for reducing flood risk forcommunities in the wider Worth catchment.

Silsden Flood AlleviationSchemeThe work on the Silsden Beck model continues,which will improve our understanding of flood risk.This will also help us to:

• assess surface water risk in the town,

• explore the possibility of using the Yorkshire

Water Reservoir upstream to manage floodrisk,

• test scenarios on culverts and what impact

blockages would have.

For all three projects, the initial assessment ofoptions indicate that there will be funding gaps,so we will be working with others to explore whatwider benefits can be provided by the options andwhat other funding sources may be available.

We have reviewed the flood risk managementprogramme of works for Bradford. In this initialsubmission we have identified a number of areaswhere we would like funding to manage surfacewater risk, including Goose Eye, Morton Beckand Baildon.

Harden Moor Natural FloodManagement (NFM) PilotProjectNatural Flood Management (NFM) measures canhelp slow, store and filter floodwater, and can bea cost effective and sustainable way to manageflood risk alongside traditional engineering, whilecreating habitat for wildlife and helpingregenerate rural and urban areas throughtourism.

Leeds City Council and the Environment Agency,in partnership with Bradford Council areundertaking a NFM project on Harden Moor aspart of the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme phase2. Harden Moor was identified as one of five pilotNFM projects funded by Leeds City Council andbeing implemented throughout the River Airecatchment.

The design for Harden Moor was developed byBradford Council through the White Rose Forestand includes interventions aimed at 'slowing theflow' of water into Harden Beck, which is a majortributary to the River Aire. The proposals usenatural methods, to provide improvements to thesite which are sensitive to the surroundinglandscape. These include:

• blocking drainage features and leaky dams toreduce water run-off and re-wet land;

Page 2: Keeping you informed - Bradford · The design for Harden Moor was developed by Bradford Council through the White Rose Forest and includes interventions aimed at 'slowing the flow' Page 2

• woodland creation and sphagnum planting toincrease water absorption;

• land management to maximise woodlandcover through natural regeneration and re-wetting of heathland where feasible, so thatthe runoff is reduced and the landscape canhold more water in times of flood.

Existing habitats will be kept and minoramendments will be made to reduce surfacewater runoff and erosion and improve waterabsorption in the area. The proposed works forthe pilot scheme at Harden Moor will take placewithin the Local Authority owned boundary, butadjacent landowners have also been consulted.

The Environment Agency and Bradford Councilhave worked with the local community andinterested groups and provided opportunities forthem to input into the overall scheme design.

Aire Rivers Trust - Restoringour RiverThe Aire Rivers Trust (ART) helps to improve thequality and condition of the river for people andwildlife. ART leads on 'Aire River Stewardship forBradford' which has the overall aim of creating asustainable and active network of citizens lookingafter Bradford’s rivers and supporting flood riskand resilience activities on behalf of thecommunity. The flood of 2015 had a devastatingeffect on the river with the waste and debrisdeposited along its length. Initial work cleared theworst eyesores and flood risk.

There is still a great deal to do to restore the riverto its prime condition and we are determined toachieve it. Together with volunteers we have noworganised over 30 clean up days and been joinedby 250 people. We have removed large itemsincluding washing machines, car parts andgarden furniture. The smaller items like rags,plastic bottles and wet wipes that cling to thetrees have also been tackled. On two occasionswe used a boat to access the litter. We still needmore volunteers and people to help us restore theRiver Aire.

For more information contact Nick Milsom

[email protected]

Using boat to clear the River

Section of River Aire after clean-up

Some items removed in July 2018

Page 3: Keeping you informed - Bradford · The design for Harden Moor was developed by Bradford Council through the White Rose Forest and includes interventions aimed at 'slowing the flow' Page 3

Our work on the WharfeThe Wharfe Flood Partnership continues tosupport joint initiatives and projects inAddingham, Ilkley and Burley.

Backstone Beck NFM ProjectAn NFM project on Backstone Beck in Ilkley willbegin in 2019. This approach to managing floodrisk is also referred to as 'Working with NaturalProcesses' (WwNP). The two terms mean thesame thing however; NFM is often used to referto land management, planting and creatingstructures using natural materials but does notexclude the use of engineered solutions.Although the measures vary in approach andscale, the underlying idea is to slow, store andfilter water to reduce flood peaks and limitdamage. The project will engage with residents,businesses, schools and local groups in Ilkley,particularly those living or working within theBackstone Beck catchment.

Addingham 4 Becks Project

The Addingham 4 Becks project is beingundertaken by the Addingham 4 Becks Group.The project is facilitated by the Yorkshire DalesRivers Trust, with a steering committee thatincludes representatives of Bradford Council, theEnvironment Agency, Yorkshire Water and theWild Trout Trust alongside members of the villagecommunity from the Addingham AnglersAssociation, the Parish Council and the CivicSociety’s Environment Group. The group havesuccessfully obtained Local Levy communityresilience funding through the Wharfe FloodPartnership.

The project aims to:

• Raise awareness about the value ofAddinghams becks

• Develop a plan to reduce flooding by slowingthe flow of water upstream

• Enhance biodiversity by improving habitat forplants, fish, birds and mammals

• Reduce nutrient pollution by improving landmanagement.

Central to the project are the volunteer BeckStewards. Working in pairs or small groups,stewards are keeping the becks clear of litter andrubble and they are keeping an eye on specificreaches of the becks. They are also meeting upwith beckside and other village residents todocument their experiences of flooding and enlisttheir help in monitoring wildlife and water quality.

Burley-In-WharfedaleLocal levy funding of £30k has been approved toproduce a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) toassess flood risk in Burley in Wharfedale ingreater detail. The funding will be used todevelop an integrated hydraulic model to assessordinary watercourse and surface water risks inBurley in Wharfedale and its interaction with theRiver Wharfe. This will enable the FloodProgramme Board to determine whether thereare technically viable and affordable mitigationmeasures that can be implemented to reduceflood risk.

Are you Winter Ready?Only 36% of properties within the Bradford floodwarning areas are registered to receive floodwarnings. There are some simple measures thatyou can take to make sure you are Winter Ready.To check if you are at risk, you can or call Floodline 0345 9881188. You can receive a warning message as aphone call to your house, place of work or mobile,as well as an option to receive a text message,fax or e-mail. It is a simple service that can saveyou from losing your home. You can also findWinter Ready information, including how to makeyour own flood pack via the 'winter and gritting'button on the Bradford Council website homepage or this link: