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Keeping Safe on Social Media and Online

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 Keeping Safe on Social Media and Online


    Staying Safe.....on social media and online

  • 8/12/2019 Keeping Safe on Social Media and Online


    What is this guide about

    This booklet is about how to keep safe when youare using social media and the internet.

    Some people get called names, are bullied or are

    taken advantage of when they use the internet.

    People do not always know how to keepthemselves safe when they are on the internet.

    We want people to enjoy using the internet andsocial media as it is a good way to be in touch withpeople and nd out about things.

    Words in BOLDand CAPITALletters are explainedat the end of each section.

    We have used examples in this guide of how tokeep safe on social media using a computer, but

    the ideas will also work on a phone or tablet.

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    When you join up to some websites on theinternet you are asked to write a Prole.

    A prole is where you put information aboutyourself. For example, your name, your age, thetown you live in and a photo of yourself.

    This page is all about YOU and what you writecan be seen by anyone else who has joined thiswebsite.

    Be careful how much information you put onyour prole. You dont want to tell strangers toomuch about yourself.

    On sites like Facebook and Skype it can be easyfor people you dont know to see your prole.Think carefully about what you put on them andthe photos you use.

    Useful Tip!

    Always write as little as you can on your prolepage when you join a website.You can always add more later once you have gotused to how the website works.


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    How to write a safeprole:


    Put informationlike your date ofbirth, addressor telephonenumber on your


    Put pictures ofyourself on yourprole unless youcan choose whocan see these.

    Ask someonewho you trust tohelp you writeyour prole, ifyoure not sure

    what to write.

    Find out howto make yourprole privateso everyonecannot see it.

    Keep yourpassword safeand dont tellother peoplewhat it is.

    Dont: Do:



    Dont use yourdate of birth,pets names orwhere you live inyour password.These are easyto guess.


    Useful Tip!

    Use a mixture of numbers and letters in yourpasswords to make them harder to guess.

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    Facebook is a free, social networking websitethat anyone can use.

    This means it is a website that helps people keep

    in touch with other people wherever they are.

    You can use Facebook to send MESSAGEStofriends and family, share photos and videos andto keep in touch with people.

    Why use Facebook?

    What is Facebook?

    How to use Facebooksafely


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    Setting up your prole page onFacebook

    Be careful what messages and photos you put onFacebook.

    People can get into trouble for the things theywrite on Facebook if they make other people upsetor angry.

    Think about what you write and if you are not surethen ask someone what they think before yousend it.

    Using Facebook

    Ask a friend who uses Facebook to help you setup your PROFILEpage (see pages 1 and 2 foradvice).

    Once you have a prole page you can nd friendsand post things on Facebook.

    Make sure you learn how to make things privatebefore you start using Facebook.


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    Useful Tip!How to make what you post onFacebook private

    1.Write what you want to say onFacebook.

    2.Underneath what you havewritten it should have a buttoncalled FRIENDS.

    3.Click on the downward arrow anda list of choices will come up.

    Choose who you want to seewhat you have written:

    Public - anyone on Facebookcan see it. FRIENDS - only people

    who you have accepted asFRIENDS on Facebook will seeit.

    Only me - only you will be ableto see it.

    A good rule is not to post anythingyou would not want your family orpeople you work with to see.


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    Facebook sometimes suggests FRIENDS for you.

    They call them People you may know.

    If you do not know them, do not say yes to thesepeople.

    If you are not sure who to trust on Facebook, ask afriend to help you look at peoples proles beforeyou say yes to being FRIENDS with them.

    If someone is treating you badly on Facebookthen you can stop them getting in touch with you.This is called unfriending (see how on Page 8).

    If someone is treating you badly on Facebook,talk to someone you trust for help.

    Who to have as friends


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    You can tell the police if someone is upsettingyou or threatening you because of your learningdisability (this is called Hate Crime).

    If people do write things that make you feel badon Facebook, keep these messages so you canshow them to someone who can support you tomake it stop.

    If someone is upsetting you, do not write backwith things that can hurt them as this can beused against you.

    What to do if you have aproblem on Facebook


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    Type in the persons name in thesearch bar to get to their prole page.

    On the page there will be a buttoncalled Message with an arrow nextto it.

    Click on the arrow and a list of optionswill come up on your screen.

    Click on unfriend, or report/block

    A box will come up.

    Click on what you want to do: Unfriend - stops them being able

    to write on your TIMELINEor seewhat you post on Facebook.

    Block - they wont be able tocontact you at all.

    Submit a report - lets Facebookknow that they have been causingyou a problem.

    Useful Tip!How to unfriend, block orreport someone


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    I have not put too much information about meon my prole page (such as my address, emailaddress, telephone number).

    My password is safe and not easy for someone toguess.

    I have made my prole and the things I postprivate so they can only be seen by my FacebookFRIENDS.

    I know how to unfriend or block/report someonewho is upsetting me.

    I know not to write unkind or upsetting thingsabout other people on Facebook.

    I have someone I can talk to when I am not sureor worried about things on Facebook.

    Facebook Checklist:




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    FriendA person you know on Facebook and aperson who knows you. If you want to seeand write on someone elses Facebookpage you have to send them a friendrequest.

    LikeThe Like button is used to tell people thatyou like something on Facebook.

    News feedThis is a shared space where anything thatyou or your friends do or write will showup.

    If you add some new photos or share avideo or like something, this will go on thenews feed so your friends can see it.

    For example if you Like your favouritebands Facebook page, news from themwill show up on your News Feed.

    Useful words on Facebook


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    MessageThis is a good way to get in touch withpeople. Only you and they can see themessage. Its like an email.

    You can also send messages to lots ofpeople at the same time, called groupmessages.

    Privacy settingsThis is where you choose who can seewhat you put on Facebook. It is veryimportant.

    ProleEveryone who joins Facebook has a prole.

    This prole page is like a story about you.Everything you write, photos you post,people you are friends with are all kept.


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    StatusThis is an update where you can say whatyou have been doing or any news you have.

    This is a message that goes out to everyone

    you are friends with. Think carefully aboutwhat you write here.

    TagIf you are friends with someone onFacebook they can tag you in posts or inphotos.

    This will show your name and let people linkto your prole page.

    Facebook will send you a notication to tellyou if someone tags you.

    You can untag yourself if you dont want thisto show up on your prole page.

    TimelineThe timeline is your personal space wherepeople can write messages to you, send youpictures, or post things you are interested in.It is on your prole page.


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    How to use emailsafely

    What are emails

    Emails are messages that are sent by computerfrom one person to another person or to a groupof people.

    Why use emails

    They can help you keep in touch with people youknow.

    Lots of businesses and places now send emails

    instead of sending letters - for example, councils,doctors and landlords.

    . . . . . . .


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    You can send information or important papers topeople for free instead of paying to post them.

    If you buy things on the internet you need anemail address so the company can get in touchwith you.

    Your emails are saved so you know what you saidand when.

    Emails can be safer to use than social networking

    websites as you have to give people your emailaddress before they can get in touch you.

    Instant messenger

    Instant messenger can be used with emails. Thisis when you send someone a message and if theyare on the internet they can see it and write backto you straight away.

    This can be good for keeping in touch with friends,but do not message people you do not know.

    Food shopPay



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    How to keep your emails safe

    The main rule to keep your email safe is dont openan email or an ATTACHMENTif you do not knowwho it is from.

    Having a goodANTI-VIRUSprogramme can helpstop viruses getting to your computer.

    It is also a good idea not to give your emailaddress out to people you do not know well.

    If you are getting unwanted or nasty emailsfrom someone, save them as proof of what has


    If people you do not know are asking for personalinformation about you, you can move these to the

    JUNK box to get rid of them.

    [email protected]




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    Tell someone you trust if you are gettingnasty emails.

    Do not write upsetting things back tosomeone as this may get you into trouble.

    If someone is sending you threats by emailthen you need to tell the police.

    You can also report the person sending theemails to the company who runs your email(for example, Google, Yahoo, Hotmail).

    Each email company is dierent. If you arending it hard to nd out how to reportsomeone or block them, ask a friend to help.



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    Useful Tip!How to report people who are sendingyou upsetting emails

    To report someone, look on youremail account for a help button.

    This will probably be under yoursettings.

    Click on the help button.

    Each email company is dierent butthey should have a section about

    reporting people.

    Your email may look dierent to this.

    Ask a friend to help you if you cannotnd out how to report someone.


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    Email Checklist

    I have a good anti-virus programme on mycomputer.

    I know to only give my email address to peopleI know and trust.

    I know not to reply to emails that are askingme for information about myself.

    I know how to block and report emails frompeople that are nasty or scam emails.

    I have someone I can talk to when I am notsure or worried about my emails.

    [email protected]



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    Anti-virusAnti-virus is a program for your computer whichhelps it to spot viruses and warns you if you areabout to open something that may be a virus.

    AttachmentThis is a document or photo that you want to

    send to someone else. It goes with an email tothe person.

    JunkThis is usually a folder in your emails whereemails are sent if they look like they may bescams or if the person sending you the email isnot in your contact list.

    Scam/phishingA scam is a lie someone has written which triesto get money or information from you.

    Some common examples are:

    An email from your bank asking you forinformation as there is a problem with youraccount.

    An email saying you have won a big prize in acompetition you have not entered.

    VirusThis is something that gets into your computerfrom another computer that stops it workingproperly.

    Useful words on email


    Youve just won1 MILLIONPounds!!!

    Phone this number toget your winnings!


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    SkypeTMis a free service that lets people get intouch with each other over the internet.

    You can talk to each other (using a microphoneto hear each other like on a phone). These areoften built into the computer so you wont beable to see them.

    You can video call each other (where you can seeand hear each other using a web camera andmicrophone).

    Or you can just type messages to each other.

    You can pay to do extra things on SkypeTMbut

    most people dont need to do this.

    What is SkypeTM?

    How to use SkypeTMsafely


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    SkypeTM is free to use so it can save money ontelephone calls.

    If you use a WEB CAMERAyou can see your family

    and friends and they can see you.

    This is great if they live a long way away or you cantsee each other very often.

    Why use SkypeTM?

    How to keep safe on SkypeTM

    Most people use SkypeTMsafely and dont have anyproblems.

    But it is good to keep your SkypeTMprole private.

    If someone is being mean to you on SkypeTMor isasking you to do things you dont want to do, youshould block them from contacting you and reportthem to SkypeTM. (See how on page 23).



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    Only use WEB CAMERASwith good friends andfamily.

    Even if you know someone well, keep yourclothes on. Do not take o your clothes when youare on SkypeTMwith someone.

    A few people have been photographed aftertaking their clothes o on SkypeTM.Just because you are not in the same room, itdoesnt mean they cant take photos of you.

    People can then use these photos to threatenpeople or embarrass them.

    There may also be other people in the room whoyou cant see, but they can see you.

    Using a web camera

    Useful Tip!

    Dont do anything on Skype


    that you would beembarrassed for other people to see, for exampleyour family or people at work.


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    Useful Tip!How to block someone on SkypeTM

    If someone has got in touch with you andyou dont want to hear from them again,right-click on their name.

    A box appears on the screen with a list ofchoices, click Block this person.

    If this person has said something unkindto you, you can report them to SkypeTM.

    When you have clicked Block an optionwill come up asking if you would like toReport abuse.

    Reporting abuse is for serious things,(not for reporting an argument witha friend or when you are annoyed atsomeone).

    If you arent sure whether to reportsomeone, ask someone you trust to helpyou.


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    I know not to accept someone I dont know asa SkypeTMcontact.

    I have not put a picture or personalinformation in my prole.

    I know not to use a web camera with people Idont know well.

    I know to keep my clothes on when I am usinga WEB CAMERA.

    I have someone I can talk to when I am notsure or worried about my SkypeTMcontacts ormessages.






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    MicrophoneA microphone helps you to hear each other onSkypeTM. Most computers have this built into thecomputer so you may not be able to see it.

    Video callA video call is when you call someone on SkypeTMand you want to be able to see and hear them.

    Web CameraA web camera helps you to see each other on aSkypeTMcall.

    It is usually built into your computer at the topcentre of the screen.

    Some older computers may not have a built inweb camera. You may need to buy a separatecamera that you plug into your computer.

    Useful words on SkypeTM

    The SkypeTMlogo and Word Marks are trade marks of SkypeTMand the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities is notaliated, sponsored, authorised or otherwise associated with the SkypeTMgroup of comanies.


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    How to use Twittersafely

    What is Twitter?

    Twitter is a website where people can shareshort messages, pictures or links to other


    Why use Twitter?

    Most people use Twitter to nd out whatother people or groups are doing.

    You do this by FOLLOWING them.

    You do not need to know a person or group toFOLLOW them.

    You can FOLLOW people who like the samethings as you or a well-known person.


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    Useful Tip!How to block or report someone onTwitter

    To block or report someone on Twitter goto the top of your Twitter page.Click on the gear icon (the one that lookslike a wheel).

    Click on Help.

    A page will come up with several boxes.At the bottom of the page is a box titledSafety and Security.

    Click on online abuse.

    This will tell you how to block or reportpeople and when to do this.

    You may need someone to support youwith this.


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    How to use Twitter safely

    Some people say mean things to each otheron Twitter. People who say mean things toother people on Twitter can be called trolls.

    Its best to only FOLLOW people you knowand trust in real life or well-known people.

    Well known people are likely to be quite safe toFOLLOW as they are in the public eye and sowill want to be nice to people who FOLLOWthem.

    If someone is saying things you dont like onTwitter then you can block or report them.

    You can make your TWEETSprivate or public.

    When you set up your Twitter page it willusually make your TWEETSpublic. There is anoption to make your Twitter account private.

    You can nd out more about this under theSettings section on Twitter.


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    Good ways to use Twitter:

    My boss was really annoying today


    I will be away from home all next weekon holiday.

    I went to a great meeting todayat our local advocacy group#advocacyisgood

    I had fun with my friends at thecinema last night

    Examples of good and bad


    This is a good TWEET as it tells people about

    something you are interested in.

    This is a good TWEETas it tells people aboutwhat you did AFTER you did it. This is a good way

    to keep safe on Twitter as it doesnt let peopleknow where you are at that moment.

    Bad ways to use Twitter:

    This is not good as your boss may see this and youmay get into trouble.

    This is not good as it tells people your house willbe empty next week. It is best not to tell peoplethings like this on Twitter.


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    Useful words on Twitter


    If you follow someone on Twitter, you will see allthe things they write on their Twitter page and getupdates from them. They are the people you havechosen to see information from.

    HandleThis is the name you use on Twitter so peopleknow who you are. It will start with the @ symbol.You choose your own handle, it could be your name

    or something you make up.For example the Foundation for People withLearning Disabilities uses the handle@FPLD_tweets.

    If someone writes your handle in a message, otherpeople will be able to click on this and it will takethem to your prole.

    HashtagThis is how messages are linked on Twitter.Sometimes people make up their own hashtagsand sometimes groups or organisations decidewhat these will be.

    For example, to talk about something theFoundation had done, we may use #FPLD. Anyother Tweets where this hashtag is written will be

    linked together.

    TrendingThis is when lots of people are talking about thesame issue or thing and they all use the samehashtag. The thing that is talked about the most iscalled trending. They are usually about things thathave happened in the news or programmes thathave been on.

    TweetThis is what messages are called on Twitter.Instead of saying that you sent someone amessage, you would say you Tweeted them.




  • 8/12/2019 Keeping Safe on Social Media and Online


    This guide was funded by the EsmeFairbairn Foundation as part of the Voiceand Community project.

    Two other resources are also available aspart of this project:

    Keeping safe out and about

    We want to be seen!Tips and a video for people in the mediaabout how they should show people withlearning disabilities in a more positive way.

    See our website for more

    This guide was written with the Voice andCommunity reference group.
  • 8/12/2019 Keeping Safe on Social Media and Online


    Registered Charity No.England 801130Scotland SC039714Company Registration No. 2350846

    Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities 2014

    Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

    Colechurch House1 London Bridge WalkLondon SE1 2SXUnited Kingdom

    020 7803 1100

    Part of the