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g f Ji- c M r tL v r SO YOU GET UP BACKI Sidney Trouble Makes You Miserable newsI Almost everybody who reads the papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr Kilmers SwampRoot the great kidney = remedyIt cal triumph of the nine- teenth century dis- covered after years of byDr nent kidney and bl1dI der specialist I wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou- ble ¬ and Brlghts Disease which Is the worst form of kidney trouble Dr Kilmers SwampRoot is I not rec ¬ i ommended for everything but If you have kid ¬ ney liver or bladder trouble It will be Lund just the remedy you nc d I It has been vested In so many ways In hospital work in private practice nmonfIh helpless too poor to pur- chase provM s cscful In evry ense that a Rr + nl arrrn rT has been made by which all readers d tlui raper who have not air aiy trJ it ray have a sample bottle sent free by mail aso a book telling more about Sw mpRoot and how to find out If you have kidney or Maddc trouble When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and rand your address to Ill Dr Kilmer Co Blnc hamton N Y The liver regular fifty cent and iiomnnf swMtp1toot dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists 00 UNTY iXIlWS I NOTES o JW To i insure ui riliuii AM enrrcsAx bySlondny 1 a y that nearby tin Monday innrnini r I Our currlJ 1111 Ill t art derelict in duty and wo waul to sat but hniorfirtli they nill nut reeoivo impers exeept fur the week they havu news letter Ue ore ikpeiidenL upon them for the news and nheii they full ti + n i irig favorc Cliey put DM In Crest incoiiveniftuo u laving a Groat Run on Chamberlains Cough Remedy Munai or Martin of tin IMTSOII drug storo informs us hut ho iH braving u grunt runt on ham llbnr luinH Cough Remedy Hi nills 1 iivo hottltH of Unit miMlioim 10 OliO of any othor kind nnd it gives grout μ ntiHfnelion In tho I > days of la grippe HUTU i in nothing like i ClmmbyrlainH Cough Itonnuly to I Ilit ° I the cough hPUI up the sore tlirout and lungs nod give roHcf 3 within I n veryshort tine i Tin1 HiilH ant Kniwini nml till who try it arc plwisod with its prompt no ¬ tion South Chicago Daily Calu toot 1uI sumo l lIy I IT I Day Drug ¬ gist I tnole Hull NMkll flf t taw Xiok ell fork of Jrnswy lust I trolksold to lofT Coopor of Magoirui orally n nuiro 11 lilttolt for 7i + cash in f hunt and Mr I Cooper paid situ 150 Lo th livi r it to him ill Mn ffollln county Iht loll i is liy W T I Suangos lack J null was foaled list May It is ono of the finest Hpcoimons of the alum family over seen in this 1IIkII ada and we doubt vary much if I the blur gross f OIltltlyCIUt prodiuo an equal to it uortainly i not n superior The Eagle Klijn ut AU Birds is noted for its kec < n sight clear and distinct vision So ore t those persons who use Sot horlnnds Kaglo Eye Salvo for weal eyes ntyos Rare eyes of may kind or granulated lids Sold I l y nil dealers at Lfx Jolts M I Uoso returned bunt Mt Sterling Tuesday nndsays tho market was about till same as i last mouth Fat stock solda little hotter perhaps but there was no change in stock cattle Tho horse nnd niuio market however was Iwttor and a good deal of trading was dono in that class Stock hogs wore rather a glut on till market nnd those disposed of wont at dis ¬ count pricey Vfoak Epee Am Made Strong f dill vision made clear styes rc Vi ovod and granulated lids l or soro oyoA of troy kind speedily and olVec tiuillv Cured by I the use of Suthor landn Eagle I Kyi Salvo its put up in tubes and sold on a guaran too by all good druggists a rMrR Ida Kash wife of Dr Me Olollan Kash of Salyorsvillo wns the guest of V Dr Silns Kush nod- trifo Saturday night Slip was en ronto to Maytown to visit hor K lti v father Alox Patrick and family of i L d H ilnytown v t > t 1 l 1t > 1 i f rJ t r 1 t l I r t t I rl rcr r Bank Report l llcport of the condition of the Wfnchrster Dank of Wlnchoitcr Ky ht the close of business December 30 1819 UAHII1TIKS- CapHnl Stock 100000 00 Individual Deposits 117001 25 Tax Account liiaaO 2 Surplus Fund 3080 06 Profit and Loss 2119 IS Due Hanks 3304 89- IlentAocounti 350 00 542iTS 7i- 1tt9OUfCRS Loans rind > hrounuSOIO 32 flue from l1atlkllOaadi 79 Casl 361101 51 t tat 2CS i Heal EstatehC3i uI OHie Vault ami Fixtures I S9 Stoeks 1ti51 10 ItlVIIIIIH Slllllllll TSO1- 1SIltpel1e se i 1 Overdrafts 1351 UI JJii 27- I N II Wltlicrspoon President of the above named Hank do solemnly swenr that the above sliiUMiiiMit iii true to the heft of III p knowledge and belle N II WlTllKlistOON President Subsrrllied and supra to belnre me De eenilier30 1SIM lUFfs IlSti X I P My I CoiiiiuiMdon expires I Imh 13 lt 00 Correct Attest J W Joxsos W M MITNKII Direeturs W D STKOIH i Head our great oHor n KNOWS EVERY LOG IN TOWF Former Lightningj Calculator of the Treas- ury Can Tell the Ownership of Washington Cnrs the titan who knows everybody and the way to every place ill the town whore ho lives i is quite com ¬ mon Hut tliMr IB a man in Wash inton who was horn and raised hero as the native Washiigtonian speaks it who knows everybodys dog and the dogs noon Ho will stand on a corner and point them out as they travel hither and you Ho was in trout of Willards the other day Whoa a cur of low de ¬ gree poked his nose around till corner Rays the Now York Sun dogho also l prides himself upon knowing a good doal about everything in Washington Riluylog I Jim Kileys dog dont wear an yIn collar replied the authority Cause that dog wears a Colln- itH I no Hign hon Jlorinh Wilkins I log l No tliatfl BO Hut Heriahfl dog has got n goitre in his nock ftixl is a little oil in ono eye The authority whistled to th e cur hail when ho cattle up famil ¬ iarly the authority showed hi friend the marks of Mr Vilkini dog This led to a hot that tin authority could name tho owner of every dog that passed the corner and in HO minutes lit called the ownership of fourteen lead of ¬ frI as testimony 1 of his claim t follow the dogs homo I Itmayhav been a Mull but people who know say it wasnt t Not only dos In declare that he knows these t tiling but he ollers to wager I that hIll It toll the ownership of the dogs by their burl This man was at one t time I known as the lightning r of tli treasury department and now < Il1 I dogs for a livolihnod I thus been demonstrated repeat ¬ wily in every state in lhl Tnion and in many foreign countries I that I Chamberlains Cough Homedy i is t u certain preventive and cur 1 for croup It hits become the univer ¬ sal remedy for that disease M I V Fisher of Liberty Wa only I repeats what has been Raid around 1 the globe when ho writes 1 have usod Chamberlains Cough Rem ¬ oily in my family for several years slid always I with perfect success NVo believe t that it i is not only tilt best rough remedy but I that it ii i- ia is sure euro for croup It has saved I the lives of our children a number of times This remedy is for sale bylT I 1 Day Druggist To Whom It Way Coiicoru Notice I is hereby fivcn that on No vonilwr IS ISMi at rt ideiuc rat luifc lliihli + near KiiiiiiMtlc I Ivy I Mitvl Ii gallons of apple homily one still cip nail copper for violation of Section lt 8I cad aIM K S V S Any person or persons claiming tail 1 I daytrots penfllI I cum of 20 00 otherwic th property will be Sold as the law directs This December lath I SOD II W ATKKSOS D n yANTKI SKVKUAL PKHSOXS fill District Ofllco Managers in this stot surrotuldIIIg payable weekly Desirnblu etnploymunt l with unusual importunities References ex < chnuccd Enclose selfaddressed stnmped I envelope S A PA11K 320 Cnxton Hiilld rig Chicago 2CCm r i h1L 11 Ya f wit t 571- l FOR SALE 1J la Ja mtl Near Hazel Green 000 0Ieiring to change my plnce of resi ¬ dence Iotler my farm adjoining the town of Hazel Green at private sale fur limited time 1200 ACRES Nearly all ofwhich is in n good state of cultivation 100 acres being rich buttons 1 land j Large Two Story Dwelling justbeen Two Ii riOtlln stock barns and all neces spry outbuildings Tliore is a Good Orcluml anti a never hailing well nt the house IIII Kentucky1t I I nearly new and Vill bo Sold at a Bargain For further information sec or write to WSSWAXOO Hazel Green Ky u GIVES STRENGTHt ANDVIGOR ihl t SO Days Trial The uinrrrlim power einrted br ray metric llwll nnd AppliancesInducre tilt to ofT r It to lutTprtna run In t IIIJ + Trial tIOrll11Iln nut r that tt wlllcurn and that JTIHI will if Inillr pay for tluutenof It To men who hose twttrreil thnlr rtotuicti with drugs 1 want theralooixrclixt their JuilKrmvnt and consider that Klcctrlclty l tlii KriiitoKt power eehaterert ci on current inits IKo nml force Into myNew TroublIArir Lltevitality WLAF rl POL2 t3O DAS you will then rcnlitn whrl hrn each cnnflitxnra lloed168tlloonllllll todator eureloper InventorhlOO Mich CHAS W BUCHANAN PRACTICAL + iCC fC T j tJ r 4 r c EW + rQ l t lr r r i QI r > T eJ L s rO s u toI repairing of all kinds and satis faction guaranteed respectfolly ¬ appreciated rfJSOrdors taken for Ladies Y slid Gouts Fine Footwear storeI i Ky Fine Farm Ito S r Ti JO 1 Having tlctermineil to locate at 111 I 1I privlltoI county Ky containing 8 acpes 10 ogres of which is i timber land of goo quality On the place i is a modern 5 room rosi deuce anti nil necessary outbuildings I a never failing well of tine water n store- room ¬ I HxiM 1 feet with full length ware room along side vf AN ORCHARD 4 S Sof 40 Young Trees t1 rrprosentini covornl varieties of fruit is i 1nos I retenues Schoolu neigltlHtrhtntrl i I sobriety etc BfflK SlOOOOO WILL BUY IT af anil the terms be made to suit any reasonable purchaser P M LONG or SPENCER COOPER hazel Green Ky GET NOTIIILAU9 OatnlnKeabale 9 V A DIAMOND FOR A DOLLAR A Limited Special Offer Which Will Last for Ton Days Only Genuine Pomona Diamonds have n world ¬ wide reputation It Is almost Impossible to distinguish them from > emiiiic diamonds cutting hundreds of dollars ench They are worn Ity the best people We will for ¬ word a tjKMlNK POMONA DlAMOND mounted in u heavy tiiiir pin or stud to receiptafprireplQOcactiherrings settings are made of one continuous piece of thick shelled gold nail tire warranted nut to tnrni > h tipefiii coiiiliination otter for ten days only WilL mid stud sent to ad- dress ¬ iinnii receipt ot1 I10 Send for cata ¬ logue In oidering rinc give linger measure iiient l II v using 11 piece ofIIlrlnglIlo full particular Address pliilnly TllK IOMOXA Co 11811183 Ilrodwuy New York OUIN A KAMI h- ATTORNEY at LAW HAZEL GREEN KY Will practice In the court of Wolfe and the adjoining counties and nttcnd promptly to rnllretionseatrastrd to him i ci 1131 I I jtJL1 1iR1 I I I Tg IllOllEBS Jlurs rios Oiler TTtliirir tor the Lawn nod inrden fullstock uf Fruit and Oriuiiiieiitii Trees < J rape Small Fruits A pariiiiis Shrubs mill everything kept In such an establish ¬ ment W r employ no ngents Descriptive catalogue on IIF1111IENMEi hI Telephone 270 Icxiniion Ky v MIST OF WATCHES We carry in stock I STIESI j i Solid Xickol open face Watches fancy dial at 500 plnindiad yoar14hunting Waltlwtn im vomonts- Goldfilled open face warranted Compnnys11ntches I oldfilled u Par hunting eases I Walthani moviMiicnt t J1 7r l 2ill Silid Gold Walthani Watches 1 2200 t to n55501 FRED J HEINTZ I < Manufacturing Ifwplor LEXINGTON KY 1I TnB llluslralea I SflfiuSIIeq iII i is hiijterhly illustnited monthly the xllllslIII j and SiMitiiiicntiil Stdof Kciiliirky h i is inililiolicil I at luiiisville liy Yriuxtiiu tv Iiitsiiitnlt nt 1 c MIi a yiiir if vim hnven i I 11111I t for a trille nitre than the price of your home paper If you will renew or send us n cash siihseription 1 111 we will send yon this paper and the I liirKriATii 1 KnsTiiKiAN both po > tpaid for our year Address SIKNcrK COOITK laurel iriMii Ky JT Dav driiijcist guarantees every bottle nininlierhiiiiNCiitiKli Keiiiedyniidwlll i re fund the money to any one wlm Is nut sat istied after using two tlfinU of the contents IIIrlJlIH I eolith nllill ih pleasant and safe to tithe It prevents any tendency of n cold to result I In pneumonia No III tills I I 1joI llIlhl il l lI I MRS S B KASH I Fashionable liIillincfI HAZEL GREEN KY j J ± I I ± J- i = I ICE HARTRELD HiiiiliiiartiTs Sit SlrrlliiK Ky j jmImslors GUGCENHEIRflER Co IYNCHHtHtS VA- Imporlers and Jobbers of Dry Goods No nutnufncturethe InntstuidOveralls secIII IIIYour pnltlno eavotrouble U F PIEHATT D S 0 1 rld 0 > < rr W HEa- A i Book forYoung and Old OUR KA RECORD i EsUL 1878 K 250000 is DISEASED MEN CURED K j WE CURE 6 h NERVOUS y BLOODSKIN ff g SKINPRIVATE PRIVATEDISEASES i k 7 asoooo CURED I Stfvlicn t oqttCrucntntultIIn ol Jot- I Iho I ttttrlbto f torulr l traa 7 l j lIti11IIarllAeeiirau jJI1JJOWII l I1110llt rare you P1rry In tnr P scat con I rIIIlTUE1tI 1 t I a t fnltiri vithyouonnccnuntof IIny Teak 11114 rnuerl ty early abueo or later ex l lIno Fou been Ilrll Ct1 IT latittouttoyItharettlteoftlunerimrsnn t4 out hmrour IW 111 1 TTllulrltl lT + II l will llOithcl emo you it I tbrI i I IjtAltAllm CUIlE I tsl tIIt NO lAY 4l Vie wear and earn1510 S t r OIEkrnhT llllllLAIJDER1z11 CURES GUARANTEED Tim Vnges of Sin rent fire br rnrieing Ye ftaml CON IITATIOi I Ir I It I I if nun to to enll write for llOUErullrtiuaT DR9j- 1 i KENNEDY KERGAN 122 W FOURTH STREET I I CINCINNATI O I The New York World ThriceaWeek Edito ALMOST A DAILYAT THE PRICE Of A WEEKLY The most widely circulated wtelly newspaper ill America is theTlirlcea Wtir edition of The New York World and tilt 4 the Presidentiiil campaign now at hand of eannot do without it Here one some of lit reasons why it I is easily the lender In dollw a journalismIt other day and is titH purpose n deity Every week each subscriber receives pages and I often during thebusysetot 14 panes each week I he price is pulp 100 per year It is virtually a tinilyat the price ofi weeklyIts covers every known part oftli world Nweekly ncwspnixr could itui1 alone and tornili sarhernir i The Tlirieen Week Vorld hnsatitsdii Pocttl niluf the resniirees of the rultl t l newspaper in eslstenee tin under of mod ¬ ern joimialiMii Amerieii i icitc t DIrt i j termedIbeNraett itnpartiilIhc I l Irrsiiletit enniiaiiii cnihinv on The best ofeurrent Jletinn is amid mitt I eoltininsTheie nfl only sunn ut llhl rrasoni thtrt nrr nihers llrinl it and M iheiil idl We oflVr this unrmiilfl l nivspipfrul Tin II vi iinN I IMIAII I it together o- nto r fur > liM I InI I l II I I InnpurelllllCIIrlrJn writeI V< Monev to patent Cnod ideas may heiHUred l ht our aid The Patent Iteeord Httltloortj Md 1 Ah aa V HAZEL GREEN- ACADEMY The fourteenth annual sea Mon of Hael been Academy will begin on JIONi11ePt I thuroughdi 1 1 Princlpnl1Iurl I LY V V V V7 rl 1 VY G7 3T 9 1 PAT 1 T STR OBTAINED DESIGNS COPYRIGHt DEMARII t > > 1 FREESotlcu T Chargtf Tralt1 No foe till patent iaeetated lettern strictqconRdcntial AddrosJ- SICGERS E C Palant Laster Warhington 0t T J TAYLOR DAY Wholesale and Retail dealer In General Merchandise imm Real Estate o J Also President Hazol Green Tj and Driving Part Association WOff Formers Exchange vJI i i fa

k ACRES asoooo JJii i ttttrlbto torulr oqttCrucntntultIIn ... · slid Gouts Fine Footwear i Ky FineItoFarm Sr Ti JO 1 Having tlctermineil to locate at 111 privlltoI I 1I county8 Ky

Aug 01, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: k ACRES asoooo JJii i ttttrlbto torulr oqttCrucntntultIIn ... · slid Gouts Fine Footwear i Ky FineItoFarm Sr Ti JO 1 Having tlctermineil to locate at 111 privlltoI I 1I county8 Ky

g fJi-

cM r

tL v



BACKISidney Trouble Makes You Miserable

newsIAlmost everybody who reads thepapers Is sure to know of the wonderful

cures made by DrKilmers SwampRootthe great kidney


cal triumph of the nine-teenth century dis-covered after years ofbyDrnent kidney and bl1dIder specialist I

wonderfully successful In promptly curinglame back kidney bladder uric acid trou-


and Brlghts Disease which Is the worstform of kidney trouble

Dr Kilmers SwampRoot isI not rec¬

i ommended for everything but If you have kid ¬

ney liver or bladder trouble It will be Lundjust the remedy you nc d IIt has been vestedIn so many ways In hospital work in privatepractice nmonfIh helpless too poor to pur-

chase provM s cscful Inevry ense that a Rr+ nl arrrn rT hasbeen made by which all readers d tlui raperwho have not air aiy trJ it ray have asample bottle sent free by mail aso a booktelling more about Sw mpRoot and how tofind out If you have kidney or Maddc troubleWhen writing mention reading this generousoffer In this paper andrand your address toIll Dr Kilmer Co Blnchamton N Y The


regular fifty cent and iiomnnf swMtp1tootdollar sizes are sold by all good druggists


JWToi insure ui riliuii AM enrrcsAx



that nearby tin Monday innrnini rIOur currlJ 1111 Ill t art derelict in duty

and wo waul to sat but hniorfirtli theynill nut reeoivo impers exeept fur theweek they havu news letter Ue oreikpeiidenL upon them for the news andnheii they full ti + n iirig favorcCliey put DM In Crest incoiiveniftuo


laving a Groat Run on ChamberlainsCough Remedy

Munai or Martin of tin IMTSOII

drug storo informs us hut ho iH

braving u grunt runt on ham llbnrluinH Cough Remedy Hi nills1iivo hottltH of Unit miMlioim 10 OliO

of any othor kind nnd it givesgrout µ ntiHfnelion In tho I > daysof la grippe HUTU iin nothing like

i ClmmbyrlainH Cough Itonnuly toIIlit °

I the cough hPUI up the soretlirout and lungs nod give roHcf

3 withinI n veryshort tinei Tin1HiilH antKniwini nml till who tryit arc plwisod with its prompt no ¬

tion South Chicago Daily Calutoot 1uI sumo llIy IITI Day Drug ¬

gistI tnole Hull NMkll flft taw Xiok

ell fork of Jrnswy lustI trolksoldto lofT Coopor of Magoirui orallyn nuiro 11 lilttolt for 7i + cash in

f hunt and MrI Cooper paid situ150 Lo th livi r it to him ill Mn

ffollln county Iht loll iis liy WTI Suangos lackJ null was foaledlist May It is ono of the finestHpcoimons of the alum family overseen in this 1IIkII ada and wedoubt vary much if Ithe blur grossf OIltltlyCIUt prodiuo an equal toit uortainlyi not n superior

The Eagle Klijn ut AU Birds

is noted for its kec< n sight clearand distinct vision So ore tthosepersons who use Sot horlnnds KagloEye Salvo for weal eyes ntyosRare eyes of may kind or granulatedlids Sold Il y nil dealers at Lfx

Jolts MI Uoso returned bunt MtSterling Tuesday nndsays thomarket was about till same asi lastmouth Fat stock solda littlehotter perhaps but there was nochange in stock cattle Tho horsennd niuio market however wasIwttor and a good deal of tradingwas dono in that class Stock hogswore rather a glut on till marketnnd those disposed of wont at dis ¬

count pricey

Vfoak Epee Am Made Strong

f dill vision made clear styes rcVi ovod and granulated lidsl or sorooyoA of troy kind speedily and olVec

tiuillv Cured by Ithe use of Suthorlandn Eagle IKyi Salvo its putup in tubes and sold on a guarantoo by all good druggists

a rMrR Ida Kash wife of Dr MeOlollan Kash of Salyorsvillo wnsthe guest of VDr Silns Kush nod-

trifo Saturday night Slip was enronto to Maytown to visit hor

K ltiv father Alox Patrick and family of

iL d H ilnytown v

t >t 1




rJ tr 1


I rt t I rl rcr r

Bank Report l

llcport of the condition of the WfnchrsterDank of Wlnchoitcr Ky ht the close ofbusiness December 30 1819

UAHII1TIKS-CapHnl Stock 100000 00Individual Deposits 117001 25Tax Account liiaaO 2Surplus Fund 3080 06Profit and Loss 2119 ISDue Hanks 3304 89-

IlentAocounti 350 00

542iTS 7i-

1tt9OUfCRSLoans rind >hrounuSOIO 32flue from l1atlkllOaadi 79

Casl 361101 51t tat 2CS i

Heal EstatehC3i uIOHie Vault ami Fixtures I S9Stoeks 1ti5110

ItlVIIIIIH Slllllllll TSO1-1SIltpel1e se i 1

Overdrafts 1351 UI

JJii 27-

II N II Wltlicrspoon President of theabove named Hank do solemnly swenr thatthe above sliiUMiiiMit iiii true to the heft ofIII p knowledge and belle

N II WlTllKlistOON PresidentSubsrrllied and supra to belnre me De

eenilier30 1SIM lUFfs IlSti X IPMyI CoiiiiuiMdon expires IImh 13 lt 00

Correct AttestJ W JoxsosW M MITNKII DireetursW D STKOIH i

Head our great oHor n


Former Lightningj Calculator of the Treas-ury Can Tell the Ownership of

Washington Cnrs

the titan who knows everybodyand the way to every place ill thetown whore ho lives iis quite com ¬

mon Hut tliMr IB a man in Washinton who was horn and raisedhero as the native Washiigtonianspeaks it who knows everybodysdog and the dogs noon Ho willstand on a corner and point themout as they travel hither and youHo was in trout of Willards theother day Whoa a cur of low de ¬

gree poked his nose around tillcorner Rays the Now York Sundoghoalso lprides himself upon knowinga good doal about everything inWashingtonRiluylogI

Jim Kileys dog dont wear anyIncollar replied the authority

Cause that dog wears a Colln-itH


no Hign hon Jlorinh Wilkins I


No tliatfl BO Hut Heriahfldog has got n goitre in his nockftixl is a little oil in ono eye

The authority whistled to th ecur hail when ho cattle up famil ¬

iarly the authority showed hifriend the marks of Mr Vilkinidog This led to a hot that tinauthority could name tho ownerof every dog that passed the cornerand in HO minutes lit called theownership of fourteen lead of ¬

frI as testimony1 of his claim tfollow the dogs homo IItmayhavbeen a Mull but people who knowsay it wasntt Not only dos Indeclare that he knows these ttilingbut he ollers to wager Ithat hIll Ittoll the ownership of the dogs bytheir burl

This man was at one ttimeI knownas the lightning r of tlitreasury department and now < Il1I

dogs for a livolihnod

I thus been demonstrated repeat ¬

wily in every state in lhl Tnionand in many foreign countriesI thatIChamberlains Cough Homedy iis tucertain preventive and cur 1forcroup It hits become the univer ¬

sal remedy for that disease MI

V Fisher of Liberty Wa onlyIrepeats what has been Raid around1

the globe when ho writes 1 haveusod Chamberlains Cough Rem ¬

oily in my family for several yearsslid alwaysI with perfect successNVo believe tthat it iis not only tiltbest rough remedy butI that it iii-


issure euro for croup It has savedI

the lives of our children a numberof times This remedy is for salebylTI 1 Day Druggist

To Whom It Way CoiicoruNotice Iis hereby fivcn that on No

vonilwr IS ISMi at rt ideiuc rat luifclliihli + near KiiiiiiMtlc IIvy I Mitvl Iigallons of apple homily one still cipnail copper for violation of Section lt8I cad aIM K S V S

Any person or persons claiming tail1IdaytrotspenfllI Icum of 20 00 otherwic thproperty will be Sold as the law directs

This December lath I SOD


yANTKI SKVKUAL PKHSOXS fillDistrict Ofllco Managers in this stotsurrotuldIIIgpayable weekly Desirnblu etnploymuntlwith unusual importunities References ex <

chnuccd Enclose selfaddressed stnmpedI

envelope S A PA11K 320 Cnxton Hiilldrig Chicago 2CCm


h1L 11 Ya f wit t 571-



1J la Ja mtlNear Hazel Green

0000Ieiring to change my plnce of resi ¬

dence Iotler my farm adjoining thetown of Hazel Green at private sale furlimited time

1200 ACRESNearly all ofwhich is in n good state ofcultivation 100 acres being rich buttons1land j

Large Two Story Dwelling

justbeenTwo Ii riOtlln stock barns and all necesspry outbuildings

Tliore is a Good Orclumlanti a never hailing well nt the house IIII



nearly new and

Vill bo Sold at a BargainFor further information sec or write to

WSSWAXOOHazel Green Ky





ihl t

SO Days TrialThe uinrrrlim power einrted br ray metric llwllnnd AppliancesInducre tilt to ofT r It to lutTprtnarun In tIIIJ + Trial tIOrll11Iln nut r that tt wlllcurnand that JTIHI will if Inillr pay for tluutenof It To menwho hose twttrreil thnlr rtotuicti with drugs 1 wanttheralooixrclixt their JuilKrmvnt and consider thatKlcctrlclty l tlii KriiitoKt power eehaterertci on current inits IKo nml force IntomyNewTroublIArirLltevitalityWLAF rl POL2 t3O DASyou will then rcnlitn whrl hrn each cnnflitxnra

lloed168tlloonlllllltodatoreureloperInventorhlOO Mich



iCC fC Tj tJ r4 r cEW+ rQ l

t lr r r i QI r >T eJ L s rO sutoIrepairing of all kinds and satisfaction guaranteed

respectfolly ¬

appreciatedrfJSOrdors taken for Ladies Y

slid Gouts Fine FootwearstoreIi


Fine FarmItoSr TiJO


Having tlctermineil to locate at 111

I 1IprivlltoIcounty Ky containing

8 acpes10 ogres of which isi timber land of gooquality

On the place iis a modern 5 room rosideuce anti nil necessary outbuildings Ianever failing well of tine water n store-room


IHxiM1 feet with full length wareroom along side

vf AN ORCHARD4 SSof 40 Young Trees


rrprosentini covornl varieties of fruit isi

1nos IretenuesSchooluneigltlHtrhtntrli I

sobriety etcBfflK SlOOOOO WILL BUY ITaf anil the terms be made to suitany reasonable purchaser


hazel Green Ky


9 V


A Limited Special Offer Which Will Last

for Ton Days Only

Genuine Pomona Diamonds have n world ¬

wide reputation It Is almost Impossible todistinguish them from > emiiiic diamondscutting hundreds of dollars ench Theyare worn Ity the best people We will for ¬

word a tjKMlNK POMONA DlAMONDmounted in u heavy tiiiir pin or stud to

receiptafprireplQOcactiherringssettings are made of one continuous pieceof thick shelled gold nail tire warranted nutto tnrni > h tipefiii coiiiliination otter forten days only WilL mid stud sent to ad-dress


iinnii receipt ot1I10 Send for cata ¬

logue In oidering rinc give linger measureiiient lII v using 11 piece ofIIlrlnglIlo fullparticular Address pliilnly

TllK IOMOXA Co11811183 Ilrodwuy

New York



Will practice In the court of Wolfe and theadjoining counties and nttcnd promptly tornllretionseatrastrd to him

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Tg IllOllEBS Jlurs rios

Oiler TTtliirir tor the Lawn nod inrdenfullstock uf Fruit and Oriuiiiieiitii Trees

< J rape Small Fruits A pariiiiis Shrubsmill everything kept In such an establish ¬

ment W r employ no ngents Descriptivecatalogue on IIF1111IENMEi hI

Telephone 270 Icxiniion Ky


We carry in stock

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Goldfilled open face warranted

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2200 tto n55501


Manufacturing IfwplorLEXINGTON KY1ITnB llluslralea ISflfiuSIIeq

iII iis hiijterhly illustnited monthly thexllllslIIIj and SiMitiiiicntiil Stdof Kciiliirky h iisinililiolicilI at luiiisville liy Yriuxtiiu tv

Iiitsiiitnlt nt 1 cMIi a yiiir if vim hnven i


for a trille nitre than the price of your homepaper If you will renew or send us n cashsiihseription 1111 we will send yon thispaper and the IliirKriATii 1KnsTiiKiANboth po > tpaid for our year Address

SIKNcrK COOITKlaurel iriMii Ky

JT Dav driiijcist guarantees every bottlenininlierhiiiiNCiitiKli Keiiiedyniidwllli refund the money to any one wlm Is nut satistied after using two tlfinU of the contentsIIIrlJlIHI

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In pneumonia

No IIItillsI I1joIllIlhl il llII


Fashionable liIillincfIHAZEL GREEN KY j

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HiiiiliiiartiTs Sit SlrrlliiK KyjjmImslorsGUGCENHEIRflER Co


Imporlers and Jobbers of Dry Goods No

nutnufncturetheInntstuidOverallssecIIIIIIYourpnltlnoeavotroubleU F PIEHATT D S


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asoooo CUREDIStfvlicntoqttCrucntntultIInol Jot-

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tI at fnltiri vithyouonnccnuntof IIny Teak11114 rnuerl ty early abueo or later exl lIno Fou been Ilrll Ct1

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Tim Vnges of Sin rent fire brrnrieing Ye ftaml CON IITATIOi

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The New York World

ThriceaWeek Edito



The most widely circulated wtellynewspaper ill America is theTlirlcea Wtiredition of The New York World and tilt4the Presidentiiil campaign now at hand ofeannot do without it Here one some of litreasons why it Iis easily the lender In dollwa journalismIt other day and is titHpurpose n deity

Every week each subscriber receivespages andI often during thebusysetot14 panes each week

I he price is pulp 100 per yearIt is virtually a tinilyat the price ofi

weeklyItscovers every known part oftli

world Nweekly ncwspnixr could itui1alone and tornili sarherniri

The Tlirieen Week Vorld hnsatitsdiiPocttl niluf the resniirees of the rultlt l

newspaper in eslstenee tin under of mod ¬

ern joimialiMii Amerieii i icitc t DIrtij termedIbeNraettitnpartiilIhcI l

Irrsiiletit enniiaiiii cnihinv onThe best ofeurrent Jletinn is amid mitt


nfl only sunn utllhl rrasoni thtrtnrr nihers llrinl it and M iheiil idl

We oflVr this unrmiilfl l nivspipfrulTin II vi iinN IIMIAIIIit together o-nto r fur > liM




InnpurelllllCIIrlrJnwriteI V<

Monev to patent Cnod ideas may heiHUredlht our aid The Patent Iteeord HttltloortjMd


ACADEMYThe fourteenth annual sea

Mon of Hael been Academywill begin on JIONi11ePtI




LY V V V V7 rl 1 VY G7 3T









1 FREESotlcuT Chargtf Tralt1 No foe till patent iaeetated

lettern strictqconRdcntial AddrosJ-SICGERSE C Palant Laster Warhington 0t


J TAYLOR DAYWholesale and Retail dealer In

General Merchandise immReal Estate o J

Also President Hazol Green Tjand Driving Part Association WOffFormers Exchange vJI

i i fa