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AFP photo shows a boy play- ing in a Battery Park fountain in Lower Manhattan on June 21, 2012 in New York. A heat wave continued for a second day in the northeast US as temperatures are forecast to hit 98 degrees F (37 C) in New York. Hot air -- often in excess of 90 degrees -- stretched from Maine to North Car- olina, with the highest tem- peratures hitting parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Penn- sylvania and Maryland, ac- cording to the National Weather Service. introduce the pre-paid meter to the general public. functions. Within a matter of days, ELMAR will officially resentatives of Utilities Aruba N.V. This presentation was the company’s official intro- duction of their newest prod- uct, the pre-paid electric meter. ELMAR announced that they will introduce the pre-paid meter in the Noord and San Nicolaas barrios as a pilot project with the inten- tion of expanding this service the soonest possible to the other districts across the is- land. Both the Minister and exe- cutives of Utilities Aruba N.V. had different questions and remarks concerning the new meter. They were able to identify the positive benefits of this type of meter. The biggest be nefit is that the client will have full control of his personal budget. The client will be able to monitor his own use of electricity both in the Kwh as well as in the investment of money. ELMAR’s executive team presented the operational plan of how these meters will be installed and how they in- tend to market this new prod- uct to their clients. The Minister and others were impressed by the simple way that the pre-paid meter a special presentation for the Minister of Finance & En- ergy, Mike de Meza and rep- Friday, June 22, 2012 ELMAR’s Pre-Paid electric meters are here and ready for installation Last Wednesday morning Aruba’s electric distribution company, N.V. ELMAR, held Heat wave sweeps across U.S. Northeast

June 22, 2012

Mar 25, 2016



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Page 1: June 22, 2012

AFP photo shows a boy play-ing in a Battery Park fountainin Lower Manhattan on June21, 2012 in New York. A heatwave continued for a secondday in the northeast US astemperatures are forecast tohit 98 degrees F (37 C) inNew York.

Hot air -- often in excessof 90 degrees -- stretchedfrom Maine to North Car-olina, with the highest tem-peratures hitting parts ofConnecticut, Massachusetts,New York, New Jersey, Penn-sylvania and Maryland, ac-cording to the NationalWeather Service.

introduce the pre-paid meterto the general public.

functions. Within a matter ofdays, ELMAR will officially

resentatives of Utilities ArubaN.V. This presentation wasthe company’s official intro-duction of their newest prod-uct, the pre-paid electricmeter. ELMAR announcedthat they will introduce thepre-paid meter in the Noordand San Nicolaas barrios as apilot project with the inten-tion of expanding this servicethe soonest possible to theother districts across the is-land.

Both the Minister and exe -cutives of Utilities ArubaN.V. had different questionsand remarks concerning thenew meter. They were able toidentify the positive benefitsof this type of meter. Thebiggest be nefit is that theclient will have full control ofhis personal budget. Theclient will be able to monitorhis own use of electricityboth in the Kwh as well as inthe investment of money.

ELMAR’s executive teampresented the operationalplan of how these meters willbe installed and how they in-tend to market this new prod-uct to their clients.

The Minister and otherswere impressed by the simpleway that the pre-paid meter

a special presentation for theMinister of Finance & En-ergy, Mike de Meza and rep-

Friday, June 22, 2012

ELMAR’s Pre-Paid electric meters are here and

ready for installation

Last Wednesday morningAruba’s electric distributioncompany, N.V. ELMAR, held

Heat wave sweeps across U.S.Northeast

Page 2: June 22, 2012

10.2%, Barbados 10.2%, Ja-maica, 12.8% and Bahamaswith 13.7%, Aruba is faringthe current global financial sit-uation better than most. In2011 the number of unem-ployed residents was reducedby 15.2%

Mr. Kock stipulated that asthe Valero people are still onsalary, it is difficult to fullypredict the impact of the finaland full closure of the refinery.Minister Oduber announcedthat this first in-depth study orAruba’s labor market will berepeated in another three years,but until then, an annual studywill be conducted to determinethe unemployment rate onAruba.

by Rosalie Klein

The Minister pointed outthat compared to otherCaribbean nations, such as Cu-racao, with 9.7 % unemploy-ment and a much largerpopulation, Sint Maarten with

on information from the CBS,which would provide a repre-sentational cross section ofAruban society. Final resultsare based on contact with 1609of these households, which isconsidered sufficient informa-tion from which to draw accu-rate conclusions.

years. The global financial crisis

of 2008-2009 would be ex-pected to be felt here as well,and in 2009 unemploymentpeaked at 10.6%. The ArubanResort, now Tropicana, hadclosed, along with the ValeroRefinery, though as is the caseat present, Valero employeeswere kept on salary. However,several sub-contractors toValero closed their doors ordownsized.

2010 showed a lessening ofunemployment as these work-ers moved into other industrialsectors, and the final figuresfor 2011 show the unemploy-ment rate reduced to 8.9%,which Minister Oduber findsvery encouraging.

The study sent a team tocanvas 2000 households based

A team from the Bureau ofLabor Research, a departmentwithin the Labor Administra-tion headed by Director NickKock, joined Aruba’s Ministerof Tourism, Transport &Labor, Otmar Oduber to in-form on the results of an in-depth study conducted over theperiod from October 31,through November 28 2011.

Team members from theBureau of Labor Researchpresent for the announcementof preliminary findings wereJudelca Brinceno, JasonLejuez, Kindra De Cuba andAnthony Lee, with head of thebureau, Yvonne Lee-Perez,who presented the figures.

Mrs. Lee-Perez and Mr.Kock admitted there is muchmore analyses to be made ofthe results by her departmentto fully interpret the ramifica-tions on Aruban society oflandmark actions, such as theclosing of the refinery, or theconstruction of new resorts.

However, the encouragingnews from this study was thatlocal unemployment ratesshowed a decline in 2011 over2010, confirming a trend pro-jected by the Central Bank ofAruba predicated on the resultsof the island census conductedby the Central Bureau of Sta-tistics (CBS) in 2010, part ofthe and worldwide census con-ducted by the UN every ten

2 Friday, June 22, 2012

OIL TANKERSI have been coming to

Aruba every year since

1994, every morning be-

fore daylight I go for a

long walk on the beach,

and I look out to sea and

it looks like city out there

with the lights from the

Ships, I was very happy to

read in your June 20th ad-

dition that the goverment

of Aruba is going to do

something about it.

Thank you very much for

that article.

Dan Tompkins

We Get Mail

In-depth study of labor market has positive

information at first glance

Labor Study team with Department Director Nick Kock

Page 3: June 22, 2012

see how much is left on yourCard. Also at all rechargingstations you can request the at-tendant to check the reader foryour balance.

What to do in the event ofan emergency?

* If you lose the SmartCard. Call the Arubus head of-fice immediately (588-2300)to report the lost Card. In theevent someone finds it andtries to use it on the bus, thedriver will note that the photodoesn’t match and will confis-cate the Card.

* If your Smart Card breaksor gets damaged because ofcareless handling, you will berequired to pay Afls.25 for areplacement Card. The SmartCard is valid for 2 years andthe first issue is free of charge.

* If you encounter whateverproblem with your Smart Cardduring use or in recharging it,you may always call 588-2300for information.

using the Card immediatelyupon receiving it. To continueusing the Card, you will haveto charge it by depositingmoney on the Card at any ofthe recharge stations they willindicate later. There will beposted lists of the recharge lo-cations everywhere, in thenewspapers and on television.At one of these locations, sim-ply present the Card and theamount you want to charge tothe Card and this will be auto-matically added to your Card.

In the event your Card doesnot have sufficient money on itto get on the bus you will berequired to pay in cash, whichwill cost more than if you hadswiped your Card. Hence, it isimportant to always check thatyou have enough on the Cardbefore getting on to the bus.

How to see what amount ison the Card?

When you step into the busyou can always ask the driverto check the reader for you to

paign to be announced shortly.Smart Cards will be valid for 2years for everyone. For 60plussers and school childrenthey will expire after one year.

How to obtain a SmartCard?

In order to get a SmartCard, you will be required toregister at Arubus. With a validID and photo taken at Arubus,they will prepare and issue theSmart Card. Arubus will gointo every barrio with theSmart Card system whereeveryone wanting the Cardcould go and register for theirCard. In the upcoming regis-tration campaign they will beannouncing in which barriosthey will be and when. It willalways be possible to go di-rectly to the Arubus head of-fice to register and get theSmart Card. There is no chargefor the Card. Once made, aftershowing the ID and gettingyour photo taken, the Card willbe mailed to you.

How to recharge the SmartCard?

The Smart Card will be re-ceived with 20 free trips on theCard so that you can begin

else from using someone else’sCard to get unto one of thebusses. Smart Cards can becharged with cash which willbe stored in the memory of theCard. Upon entering the bus,the Card must be swiped in areader next to the Chauffeur ofthe Bus. The reader will readthe Card and automaticallydeduct the amount for the trip.

Smart Cards can be pickedup at the main office at SabanaBlanco 67. They will also beavailable at other locationsduring the registration cam-

Aruba’s Public TransportationBusses will soon be equippedwith Smart Card facility. Theuse of Smart Cards will be-come the primary paymentmethod on these public busses.Arubus informs the public onhow the system works.

What is the Arubus SmartCard?

The Smart Card is verysimilar to an ATM card or aCredit Card. Everyone will re-ceive a personalized photo IDCard. This will prevent anyone

Friday, June 22, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                        3                              

Soon Smart Cards will be required to get on Public Busses

Page 4: June 22, 2012

posing no threat to land, USexperts said yesterday

The storm was expected totake a turn to the north beforeheading northwest and west asit weakens today.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Tro -pical Storm Chris has streng -thened to become the firstAtlantic hurricane of 2012, butis way off the coast ofCanada's Newfoundland and

cooperation and presence onAruba for the occasion.

Promotion Agencies, CarlosBronzatto, was recognizedand thanked for his excellent

This past week, the ArubaMinister of Economic Affairscelebrated together withmany invited guests the inau-guration of ARINA, theAruba Investment Agency.ARINA is a brand new de-partment with a very impor-tant function, that ofattracting more investmentsfrom both local and interna-tional entrepreneurs.

During the symbolic cut-ting of the red ribbon, theMinister remarked that thered ribbon which was cut toopen the ARINA Bureausymbolizes the “red tape”that has accompanied thelong process of establishing abusiness here. With this newdepartment the red tape mustbe eliminated to make theprocess much more simpleand efficient on Aruba hence-forth. This will be so, obvi-ously within the confines ofthe law and local rules.

According to the Minis-ter,“Aruba must receiverecognition not only as atourist destination but also asan ideal county to do busi-ness. A place where it is easyto do business and wherebusiness is successful.”

ARINA will present whatAruba has to offer to the localmarket and in our region.They will also present Arubato investors who may want touse Aruba as their regionalhead office or their hub fromwhich they do business in theregion.

ARINA must serve as thecatalyst between the privateand public sectors. Thisagency will promote Arubaas an investment destination,and will work diligently to at-tract investors and facilitatethe process of acquiring per-mits and getting establishedon Aruba.

According to the go -vernment, one of the primarygoals of ARINA is to have anactive role in the diversifica-tion of Aruba’s eco nomy.Minister Hooyboer- Winklaaralso emphasized that Arubamust continue to market her-self, define and identify whatexactly Aruba wants to de-velop, then share this with fu-ture investors.

Sharon Erasmus, ARINA’sdirector and her team, werepraised by the Minister forthe work they did in gettingthe department up and run-ning. The director of WorldAssociation of Investment

4 Friday, June 22, 2012

Government cuts out red tape for a

one-stop-shop experience for


Chris becomes season's first

Atlantic hurricane

Page 5: June 22, 2012

cool `ambiente' of the super,five-day happening.

Photo shows Divi Resort'sAlex Nieuwmeijer putting hissignature beneath the spon-soring contract, while Sjoerdde Vries of the organizingcommittee of the Aruba Inter-national Beach Tennis eventis smiling happily.

world-ranked players fromItaly, the US, Belgium, Ger-many, Holland, Brazil,Venezuela and Colombia willshowcase their incrediblemoves in the sand. Expecta-tions for the upcoming tour-nament are running high, notonly for the excellent gamesthat can be watched, but alsobecause of the sizzling, yet

With a bold stroke of the penMr. Alex Nieuwmeijer ofDivi Resorts puts his signa-ture beneath the sponsoringcontract between for theAruba International BeachTennis Event, which will beheld from November 14 - 18,2012. Divi Resorts is goingbe the host hotel for the play-ers: a perfect location, as thetournament will be held atEagle Beach.

“Divi Resorts is happy tosupport the event,” said Mr.Nieuwmeijer. “Beach tennisis the ultimate sport to pro-mote the island, combiningsun, fun and sand witha greatsport.”

The tournament organiza-tion expects more than 600local and international play-ers to register for the event,which allows participants toplay at all levels. The mainfocus for spectators will lieon the Pro division in which

Friday, June 22, 2012 5

Recently, Mr. Dale and Mrs. Lezlee Leman were honoredas Distinguished Visitors of Aruba. They have been vi -siting out island for 10th consecutive years. Ms.Marouska Heyliger, representing the Aruba Tourism Au-thority, conducted a small ceremony on their behalf atthe Aruba Beach Club and handed them a handsomecertificate and a bottle of champagne as a ‘thank yougesture.’ According to the couple, they love Aruba forits friendly people and delicious food. Picture shows thehonorees with Amanda Singh of Aruba Beach Club andATA rep Marouska Heyliger.

Recently ATA representative Marouska Heyliger had thegreat pleasure in honoring two loyal Aruba families asDistinguished Visitors of Aruba. The honorings are away to say“Masha Danki” to them for continuouslychoosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination.The honorees are Cynthia and Frank Urbani Jr. fromMarlborough, Massachusetts and Mark, Robin, Livi andAbby Everly from Frisco, Texas. Both families have beenvacationing on Aruba for more than 10 consecutiveyears.

Mr. and Mrs. Leman honored

at Aruba Beach Club

Loyal visitors honored at

Marriott Surf Club

Divi Resorts is main sponsor ofInternational Beach Tennis Event

Page 6: June 22, 2012

"The county police haveeven begun to make amends,offering to pay my brother forsome of the furniture theybroke during the vengeful at-tack on his family after theydiscovered my escape," hewrote.

In his article, Chen calls forthe release of his nephew ChenKegui, whom he says was de-tained on April 26 for defend-ing himself against 30 armedthugs linked to "local offi-cials," during a raid on thefamily's farmhouse.

WASHINGTON (AFP) --Chen Guangcheng, the blindChinese activist whose flightto the US embassy in Beijingsparked a major diplomatic in-cident, said yesterday thatsanctions against his family arewaning.

"The extraordinary officialsurveillance and restrictionsimposed on my family mem-bers who remain in our homevillage reportedly have startedto abate," Chen said in an opi -nion piece in The WashingtonPost.

I assume that if asylum is notgranted then he will leave theembassy and will be arrested,"Hrafnsson said.

Assange, 40, turned up inthe embassy on Tuesday andsought asylum in a dramaticbid to avoid extradition toSweden over allegations ofrape and sexual assault.

Scotland Yard says Assangehas breached his bail conditionsand is now subject to arrest if hesteps out of the embassy.

for information from the UK,the US and the Swedish author-ities," Hrafnsson said. "He willstay until this matter is settled."

But he said reports onWednesday quoting Ecuador'sdeputy foreign minister MarcoAlbuja as saying that Correawould give his instructionswithin 24 hours were "basedon a misunderstanding by Aus-tralian media."

"It could take hours, itcould take days. I have no idea.

LONDON (AFP) - WikiLeaksfounder Julian Assange will re-main inside Ecuador's embassyin London until his case is re-solved, in a process that couldtake "hours or days", aspokesman for the whistle-blower website said yesterday.

The vow came afterEcuador's president RafaelCorrea said his governmentwould take its time in decidingwhether to grant asylum to theAustralian anti-secrecy cam-paigner, who spent a third dayholed up in the embassy.

Kristinn Hrafnsson, themain spokesman for Wiki -Leaks, told reporters after vi -siting Assange at the embassyacross the road from the fa-mous Harrods departmentstore that his colleague was "ingood spirits."

"The request is beingprocessed by the Ecuadorianauthorities. They are waiting

a five-year term in 2008.But presidential secretary

general Miguel Lopez saidLugo "hopes that the time re-quired to prepare his defensewill be respected."

Lugo spokesman RubenPenayo earlier said "the presi-dent will, as always, respectthe institutions of the state."

Meanwhile in Rio deJaneiro South American na-tions attending the Rio+20summit plan to send a ministe-rial mission to crisis-hitParaguay to defend democ-racy, Brazilian Foreign Minis-ter Antonio Patriota saidyesterday.

"The presidents of UNA-SUR agreed to send a missionof foreign ministers which willleave at 7:00 pm from Rio,"Patriota said after a meeting ofleaders and ministers from theregional bloc.

groups that are always op-posed to change so that thepeople are the protagonists ofdemocracy."

Lugo also accused his op-ponents of trying to "rob thepeople of their supreme deci-sion" when they elected him to

ASUNCION (AFP) - Para -guay's House of Representa-tives backed a surprisemeasure yesterday to impeachPresident Fernando Lugo for"poor performance of his du-ties" after deadly clashes toevict landless peasants.

The move was approved by76 votes, with only one law-maker voting against. A violentconfrontation on Friday left atleast six police officers and 11peasant farmers dead whenLugo's security forces tried toremove squatters from a pri-vately-held farm in the coun-try's northeast.

But Lugo fought back, say-ing in a national address: "I re-fuse to renounce my functionsand vow to abide by the politi-cal process with all its conse-quences."

He said the people's will is"under relentless attack by

risation of the Libyan prose -cutor general.

He added that the main pur-pose of the visit was to give thedelegation an opportunity tomeet Seif al-Islam in his placeof detention in the city of Zin-tan southwest of Tripoli, and tohelp him choose a defencelawyer.

"Miss Melinda Taylorhanded the accused documentswhose contents undermine thenational security of Libya,"Kib said, reiterating the linetaken by other officials.

"The act... is considered anoffence punishable by Libya'scriminal law.

"The documents have noth-ing to do with the proceduresof the International CriminalCourt. And they are not linkedin any way with the carryingout of legal consultations re-lated to the case of the ac-cused."

The ICC wants to try Seif,39, for crimes against human-ity during his father's rule.Tripoli insists he should betried locally, and on May 1filed a motion challenging theICC's jurisdiction to try him inThe Hague.

TRIPOLI (AFP) - Libya saidyesterday it is committed tocooperating with the Interna-tional Criminal Court in thecase of Seif al-Islam Kadhafias it seeks to resolve the issueof four detained ICC envoys.

The government "remainscommitted to cooperate withthis court in what relates to theproceedings of the accusedSeif al-Islam Kadhafi and hisfull rights to a defence," in-terim Prime Minister AbdelRahim al-Kib said.

Kib told journalists his go -vernment hoped to find a solu-tion that "respects Libyan andinternational laws" in the caseof four ICC envoys who weredetained after visiting the deaddictator's captured son.

"In return, the Libyan go -vernment expects the ICC toguarantee the professionalethics of its delegates who visitLibya, to respect Libyan lawsand the sovereignty of thestate," he added.

Kib said that the June 6 visitby Australian lawyer MelindaTaylor and three other ICC del-egates had been arranged incooperation with The Hague-based court and had the autho-

6 Friday, June 22, 2012


Libya 'committed to co-

operate with ICC on Seif'

Paraguay president Lugo facesimpeachment trial

Fernando Lugo

WikiLeaks: Assange won't move from

Ecuador embassy

Chen says China sanctions

against family abating

Page 7: June 22, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012 7

OSLO (AFP) - AndersBehring Breivik, who killed77 people in Norway lastJuly, should be locked up in a

psychiatric ward instead ofprison, the prosecution saidThursday, arguing his sanityhad not been proven beyonda reasonable doubt.

"Our request is that he beobliged to undergo psychi-atric treatment" in a closedunit, prosecutor SveinHolden said, wrapping up theprosecution's three-hour clos-ing arguments on the next-to-last day of the trial.

He added though that ifthe Oslo district court's fivejudges instead opted to findBreivik criminally sane, theyshould sentence him to Nor-way's harshest penalty: 21years in prison, but with thepossibility to extend the sen-tence for as long as he is con-sidered a danger to society.

In defiance of Holden, the33-year-old rightwing ex-tremist stood up and toucheda clenched right fist to hischest before stretching hisarm out in a nationalist salutehe had made on the first daysof his trial in April but hadstopped doing at the requestof his lawyers.

Breivik is intent on beingfound sane to ensure his Is-lamophobic ideology is notwritten off as a crazy rant.

The five judges are ex-pected to announce their ver-dict on either July 20 orAugust 24.

Prosecutors want insanity verdict for Breivik

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheSupreme Court on Thursdayinvalidated fines leveled for ablurted broadcasting of cursewords and TV series' barebuttocks shots, effectivelyquashing American TV inde-cency standards.

The justices said in aunanimous 8-0 decision thatthe Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC)'s policyagainst vulgarity on televi-sion was "vague" and threwout fines against TV net-works Fox and ABC.

"Because the FCC failed togive Fox or ABC fair noticeprior to the broadcasts in ques-tion that fleeting expletivesand momentary nudity couldbe found actionably indecent,the commissions' standards asapplied to these broadcastswere vague," the SupremeCourt said in its ruling.

The court, however, saidthat the FCC is "free to mod-ify its current indecency pol-icy" in light of the ruling.

Top court quashesUS broadcastindecency rules

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) -International envoy KofiAnnan and the major powershave launched a final drive tofind a diplomatic solution tothe Syria crisis while prepar-ing sanctions and emergencyplans for UN observers in theconflict-stricken state.

Annan wants to get Rus-sia, President Bashar al-Assad's last major ally, andthe United States, which hascalled for the Syrian leader tostep down, and other key na-tions behind an effort to bringAssad into talks, diplomatsand officials said.

The UN-Arab Leagueenvoy hopes to unveil hisnew plan at a meeting inGeneva on June 30, accord-ing to UN diplomats.

Annan held talks withBritain's Foreign SecretaryWilliam Hague in London onThursday and Hague said itwas "urgent" to hold a Syria

meeting soon.UN leader Ban Ki-moon

discussed Syria on the side-lines of a UN summit inBrazil with Iran's PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad,whose country also has influ-ence on Assad, and China'sPremier Wen Jiabao, a UNspokesman said.

US Secretary of StateHillary Clinton, who spokewith Annan on Wednesday,said the envoy is working ona "political transitionroadmap" for Syria, whereactivists say 15 months ofconflict have left more than15,000 people dead.

Annan would be making aproposal to Russia, Turkeyand other interested groups"to try to get them to agree onthis roadmap" and to putpressure on Assad and theSyrian opposition, Clintontold reporters.

Annan and major powerslaunch last bid for Syriapeace

WASHINGTON (AFP) -The top US House Democ-rat warned Thursday thatRepublican lawmakers were"frivolously" going after At-torney General Eric Holderin a bid to suppress votesahead of November's gen-eral election.

A House panel votedalong party lines Wednesdayto hold Holder in contemptfor failing to turn over doc-uments linked to a failedgun-smuggling probe.

Minority Leader Nancy

Pelosi said she was alarmedthat Republicans were using"contempt of Congress tofrivolously use that reallyimportant vehicle to under-mine the person who is as-signed to stop the votersuppression in our country."

"It is no coincidence. It isa plan on the part of Repub-licans" to monopolizeHolder's time and "under-mine his name" in the midstof a presidential campaign inwhich some states are grap-pling with claims of votersuppression efforts.

Pelosi: Republicans attackHolder for voter suppression

International News

BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro :British primatologist, etholo-gist, anthropologist, and UNMessenger of Peace JaneGoodall speaks during the"Avoided Deforestation"event, within the frameworkof the UN Conference onSustainable Development,Rio+20, in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, on June 21, 2012.World leaders attending theUN summit in Rio weighedsteps to root out poverty andprotect the environment asthousands of activists heldseveral protests to de-nounce Amazon rainforestdeforestation, the plight ofindigenous peoples and the"green economy" being ad-vocated at the UN gathering.AFP PHOTO / ZULMAIRROCHA

Page 8: June 22, 2012

2003, according to the UnitedNations.

"The response has been veryoverwhelming as the MPscame out in large numbers,"said Dube.

More lawmakers were ex-pected to undergo tests on Fri-day when they take thecampaign to a public square inthe capital.

Blessing Chebundo, a law-maker from Prime MinisterMorgan Tsvangirai's party, saidtaking part in the campaignwas his way of leading fromthe front.

"By knowing my status, Iam trying to fight discrimina-tion. What we are doing here isunique," said Chebundo.

Zimbabwe has 1.1 millionpeople living with HIV, includ-ing 150,000 children, accord-ing to the National AIDSCouncil.

"I tested negative and I amvery happy. The sad thing isthat although women MPs arehere in full force, our malecounterparts have been slow inhaving tests," said Sarah Ma-hoka, a lawmaker from Presi-dent Robert Mugabe's party.

In March, Mugabe told par-liament that some of his politi-cal allies had died of AIDS, ina rare open talk about the dis-ease.

HARARE (AFP) - Dozens ofZimbabwean lawmakers onThursday underwent HIV testsat parliament, with manypledging to undergo circumci-sion the following day, at thestart of a new anti-AIDS cam-paign.

At least 60 members of par-liament from the country's twomain political parties tookturns to receive counselling,before getting tested in amakeshift clinic set up insidethe parliament building.

"Tomorrow we will proceedwith circumcision. So far about60 MPs have been tested," saidPatience Dube, spokeswomanfor Population Services Inter-national, the organisation con-ducting the tests.

Zimbabwe has made gainsin fighting HIV, which infected14 percent of the population in2009, down from 23 percent in

Zimbabwe lawmakersget tested for HIV

milestone" for the country. "We are very happy about

this development," SEATCAdirector Bungon Rit-thiphakdee said, adding thatthe final version of the lawwas strong and in line withthe WHO-Framework Con-vention on Tobacco Control.

According to SEATCA,there are currently 15.3 mil-lion smokers in Vietnam.Some 47.4 percent of adultmales smoke.

Tobacco kills 40,000 peo-ple per year in Vietnam andthat figure is expected to riseto 70,000 per year by 2030,according to local media re-ports.

in the capital Hanoi.The anti-smoking cam-

paign group Southeast AsiaTobacco Control Alliance(SEATCA) welcomed thenew law -- the full text ofwhich has not yet been re-leased -- saying it was a "his-toric and important

(AFP) - Vietnam has passed alaw banning smoking in pub-lic places and all tobacco ad-vertising.

The law, passed by 440 outof 468 national assemblydeputies this week, alsomakes it illegal to sell to-bacco products to anyoneunder 18 years old, said theparliamentary official, whodid not want to be named.

Smoking in public places -- including schools, hospitals,office buildings and on publictransport -- was banned oncealready in 2010 by a govern-ment decree, which alsoraised tax on tobacco and re-stricted the sale of cigarettes.

But that order was widelyignored, with smoking inpublic places widespread andcigarettes available at smallkiosks on nearly every street

8 Friday, June 22, 2012

Health & Living Vietnam law bans smoking in public

Page 9: June 22, 2012

recognition technology andimproved voice-activated con-trols as well as a more power-ful processor that lets userswatch video and write emailssimultaneously.

It can detect eye move-ments and override the phone'sautomatic shutdown if the useris looking at the screen.

Samsung is now pinning itshopes on the S III to furthererode its rivals' market sharebefore the expected new ver-sion of Apple's iPhone 5 thisyear.

More competition will becoming from new Windows-based phones, and Google isexpected to expand its offer-ings though its newly acquiredMotorola Mobility.

But Apple last week backedaway from a bid for a tempo-rary restraining order to blockthe import of the Galaxy S IIIinto the United States, eventhough the patent case is stillpending in a California federalcourt.

The newest Galaxy is beingoffered by several US carriers,and Samsung hopes to winover some loyal iPhone own-ers with the smartphone's fea-tures.

The Galaxy S III has so farbeen launched in more thantwo dozen countries, mainly inEurope and the Middle East. Itwill be available in 145 nationsby July.

The third version of theGalaxy S series offers face-

(AFP) - Samsung launched itsGalaxy S III smartphone in theUnited States Thursday afterfending off a legal challengefrom rival Apple, whichclaimed it infringed on iPhonetechnology.The phone, which uses the

Android operating system, re-ceived generally positive re-views but analysts said it maynot be an "iPhone killer" forthe South Korean manufac-turer that leads the global mo-bile phone market.

Apple and Samsung arefighting patent battles in morethan half a dozen countries.Each company accuses theother of infringing on patentedtechnology in smartphones ortablets.

are often resort-bound, butCWR and Aruba’s tourismboard would work on strate-gies to make Aruba a morewalkable environment. Newlow emission technologiesand emission reductionstrategies would also reduceAruba’s dependence on fossilfuels while cleaning the air.

CWR’s vision was an-nounced today in Rio deJaniero at a joint appearanceof PM Eman and Sir RichardBranson. The Aruba govern-ment will find ways to attracttechnologies companies thatcould help make this visionfor Aruba a reality. BesidesBranson’s involvement, theplan seeks additional fundingthat could eventually sparkprivate investment.

Friday, June 22, 2012 9

Aruba’s government, led byPrime Minister Mike Eman,announced ON June 19 at theRio+20 Conference that thecountry is partnering with theCarbon War Room (CWR) totransition to an energy port-folio of 100 percent renew-ables. CWR, one of RichardBranson’s many sustainabil-ity initiatives, will also workwith the New America Foun-dation to design and imple-ment a strategy that couldtransform Aruba into the firstcountry entirely free of fossilfuels.

For Aruba and its 107,000citizens, such a bold proposalis an opportunity to improvetheir standard of living, al-ready relatively high for theCaribbean and Latin Amer-ica. But despite its overallsuccess, Aruba has enduredperiods of high deficit spend-ing and inflation, and thevolatile energy prices can un-dercut Aruba’s economy atany moment. Once an oil pro-ducer, Aruba now produces20 percent of its energy viasolar and wind power, butmust import the rest of its en-ergy. The partnership withCWR, if possible, could be-come a model of how coun-tries can succeed on theirquest for energy independ-ence.

According to CWR,Aruba’s sustainable growthmodel will include the fol-lowing action areas:

Agriculture: Like manyCaribbean nations, Aruba im-ports almost 100 percent ofits food, adding drastically toits carbon footprint and de-pendence on fossil fuels. TheCWR plan would researchthe viability of reviving

Aruba’s once-marginal farm-ing sector without causingwater shortages. CurrentlyAruba desalinates 100 per-cent of its water, and hencethis sector would have toovercome another hurdle.

Energy efficiency: As partof an urban renewal plan, thecurrent government woulddevelop strategies to weath-erize homes, retrofit commer-cial buildings and researchthe potential for smart gridtechnologies. Could Jeju Is-land in Korea be a model forAruba?

Expand renewables: Sinceall of Aruba’s petroleum isimported, its high price onAruba actually makes the ex-pansion of solar and wind acost-effective solution. OtherCaribbean islands have foundsuccess through harvestingthe most effective means ofclean energy sources. Aruba’sabundant sun is one key to-wards weaning the islandaway from fossil fuels.

Sustainable Tourism: TheAmericans, Europeans andVenezuelans who flock toAruba’s all-inclusive resortsand white sandy beacheshave been both a boom, anda painful bane for the island.CWR and Aruba’s govern-ment will tackle the toughbalance of developing moreeco-friendly tourism whilemaintaining Aruba’s destina-tion as a friendly destinationfor visitors. The challenge ishuge: the point of vacationsfor most tourists is to behavein a way that they would notat home. Sustainability willhave to be at the core ofAruba’s pitch for thosetourism dollars.

Transportation: Tourists

Rio+20: Aruba To Turn Off

the Fossil Fuel Switch


Samsung launches new phone inUS, taking on Apple

Page 10: June 22, 2012

10 Friday, June 22, 2012

JUNE 16 - JUNE 23

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Page 11: June 22, 2012

THE HAGUE(AFP) - Mex-ican telecoms giant AmericaMovil announced yesterdayit has raised its stake inDutch firm KPN to 20.9percent as part of an unso-licited offer.

"As a result of the trans-actions entered into today,both in and outside regularmarket trading," AmericaMovil will hold more than299 million ordinary sharesin KPN "representing a cap-ital interest of 20.92 per-cent" in the Dutch group, itsaid in a statement.

remarkably responsible spirit,"he said at a press conference.

Shares in Air France-KLM,one of the world's largest air-lines in which the French stateholds a 15 percent stake, shotup by over 7.0 percent after thejob cuts announcement.

The group said that the newframework agreement is "a ma -jor condition of the company'srecovery" and the carrier needsto increase economic efficiencyby 20 percent by the end of2014.

tion in staff numbers," it said.The Franco-Dutch carrier

Air France-KLM has launcheda major cost-saving programafter posting a loss of 809 mil-lion euros ($1.0 billion) for2011 and a first quarter net lossin 2012 of 368 million euros.

Union leaders warned thatmajor job cuts were unlikely toreceive backing from the work-force if there were no furtherguarantees that the companywould not resort to layoffs.

"This does not satisfy us.We want a formal undertakingon the entire plan," or guaran-teeing jobs up to 2015, saidMichel Salomon of the CFDTunion.

Air France-KLM CEOAlexandre de Juniac howeversaid he was confident that theplan would move forwardswiftly. "As recently as thismorning, the unions showed a

PARIS (AFP) - Air France saidyesterday it is to slash over5,000 jobs or around 10 per-cent of its workforce in volun-tary departures by 2014 as partof a vast plan to make thestruggling French airline pro -fitable.

A total of 5,122 jobs will beshed and the carrier said in astatement that all departureswould be voluntary provided anew framework agreement canbe signed with unions.

"Air France has chosen towork in complete transparencyand to privilege social dialogueto find structural and sustain-able solutions, included in cor-porate agreements," it said.

If new agreements aresigned by staff then "AirFrance has pledged not tomake redundancies and to im-plement various measures tosupport the necessary reduc-

ish economy is not in the bestsituation," he said.

In Germany, the other mainfavourite, the better economicposition also appears to havetranslated into shirt sales. Withmore than one million sold, itis "the bestselling shirt in thehistory of the brand," saidHainer.

Adidas is also supplying theball for the championship andexpects to break records in thissegment as well, with aroundseven million likely to be sold.

Of the eight teams currentlyleft in the competition, Adidassupplies three of the shirts(Germany, Spain, Greece),Nike two (Portugal andFrance), Puma two (Czech Re-public and Italy) and Umbrosponsors England.

Hainer said he was hopingfor a Spain-Germany final, asthis would further boost replicashirt sales.

WARSAW (AFP) - Germansports equipment firm Adidassaid yesterday it was likely toscore record sales this year dueto the European football cham-pionships as fans defy the re-cession to snap up replicashirts.

Adidas boss Herbert Hainertold reporters here that the firmwas likely to book sales ofmore than 1.6 billion euros($2.0 billion) in football shirtsalone this year, smashing theprevious record set during the2010 World Cup.

The firm's total sales, in-cluding its Reebok and Taylor-Made golf brands, amounted to13 billion euros last year.

Even in crisis-wrackedSpain, Adidas has sold nearlyone million replica shirts of theSpanish team, one of thefavourites to win the tourna-ment, a result Hainer describedas a "surprise."

"We all know that the Span-

similar to the Irish crisis.Fitch, however, said it did

not actually expect Spanishbanks' credit losses to be ashigh as those in Ireland.

"I am wondering reallywhether markets are going tofind these figures sufficientlycredible," said Edward Hugh,independent economist basedin Barcelona.

"Markets are going to won-der especially if we are lookingat a three-year term whetherthis has gone far enough."

Bank of Spain deputy go -vernor Fernando Restoy, pre-senting the audits to journa -lists, said the stressed scenarioassumed a 6.5-percent slumpin activity, a 26.4-percent divein home prices and an 85-90-percent collapse in land prices.

"The agreed figure of 100billion euros gives us amplemargin," the central bank offi-cial said.

The audit did not breakdown the capital needs of indi-vidual banks, but the evidenceindicated that the extra moneywould be concentrated inbanks already being helped bythe state-backed bank restruc-turing fund, he said.

MADRID( AFP) - Spain an-nounced yesterday its crisis-torn banks need up to 62billion euros ($78 billion) tosurvive a severe financialslump, well within the scope ofa vast eurozone rescue loan.

Spain released the results oftwo banking audits just daysbefore formally requesting aeurozone loan of up to 100 bil-lion euros for banks hammeredby a 2008 property marketcrash.

The audits, one by the Ger-man firm Roland Berger, theother from the US firm OliverWyman, tested 14 top bankinggroups in a likely "baseline"scenario and a "stressed" out-come of a slumping economyand real estate sector.

They found that in astressed scenario lasting threeyears, the banks would need51-62 billion euros in extracapital. In a baseline case theywould need 16-26 billioneuros.

On the eve of the audit's re-lease, Fitch Ratings said it es-timated the Spanish banks'capital needs at 50-60 billioneuros in a base case and 90-100 billion euros in a scenario

Friday, June 22, 2012 11


Crossword Answer



Dutch Antilles









(per 100)

















































Current as of:


All rates for amounts up to AWG 100.00 per item.

Spain says stricken banksneed up to 62 billion euros

Adidas eyes record saleson Euro 2012 shirts

Air France to shed over 5,000 jobs

by 2014

Mexico'sAmericaMovil raisesstake in DutchKPN to 20.9%

Page 12: June 22, 2012

Shakira is pregnant, according to a Colombian maga-zine. The sexy Colombian singer, 35, was featured onthe cover of Gente magazine's June issue, entitled"Shakira Pregnant." According to the report Shakira issix weeks into her pregnancy and is waiting for the rightmoment to make the news public. Her boyfriend, Span-ish soccer star Gerard Piqué, is the father. Mexicantabloids have also reported that Shakira is pregnant butthat she is keeping the news to herself because she issuffering from a rare illness that increases the risk ofmiscarriage.The celebrity site TV Notas reports thatShakira has Toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by eat-ing raw or undercooked meat or carelessly handling thelitter of contaminated cats. Shakira and Pique went pub-lic with their relationship in March 2011.

Paris to launch low cost funerals PARIS (AFP) - The city of Paris is launching low cost funeral services from nextmonth but will not skimp on quality for the final journey, officials said Thursday."Funerals are very expensive.... costing 3,098 euros (around $4,000) on aver-age," said Marinette Bache, the head of the city's funeral services, adding thatit's cheapest offer would be 789 euros before taxes. The package comprisescharges for a coffin, headstone and hearse and does not include charges for afinal resting place and the actual burial costs, she said. The service will belaunched on July 2. "We will ensure quality service with the same vehicles, thesame personnel used in classic services ... the coffins are of very good qualityof solid pine," said Francois Michaud Nerard, another official.

Donationsgo viral forbullied USbus monitor NEW YORK(AFP) - A 10-minute video of an elderlyschool bus monitor in NewYork state jeered by cussingchildren has provoked out-rage and online fundraisingthat will now pay her$176,000 for a vacation.

In the video, shot on a cellphone on Monday andposted subsequently onFacebook and YouTube,Karen Klein tries her best toignore taunts such as "fatass" and "asshole" from kidsin the town of Greece, nearRochester.

The 12- and 13-year-oldstease the 68-year-old grand-mother of eight about herweight, her hearing aid, herhairdo. One leans in andsays he will "piss on yourdoor," while others makerude gestures and laugh.

Klein did not report theharassment but the video --captured by a kid on theGreece Athena MiddleSchool bus -- was viewed bymore than two million peo-ple online and led to an out-pouring of support for thebullied monitor.

Fundraising website started accept-ing donations, aiming toraise $5,000 to send Kleinon a vacation. By Thursdaymorning, it had collected awhopping $176,000 frommore than 8,800 people.

Klein told broadcasterNBC that this incident,which came at the end of theschool year, was not the firsttime she had been picked onby the children. "They justcould be really nasty," shesaid.

"I want the boys punishedbut I don't know how."

She said she is "amazed"by the support she has re-ceived. "I've got, I don'tknow, the nicest letters,emails, Facebook messages.And it's like, wow, there's awhole world out there that Ididn't know. It's just reallyawesome."

12 Friday, June 22, 2012

Renoir's 1888 'Baigneuse',was sold privately before theauction.

'Les jours gigantesques' byRene Magritte smashed pre-sale expectations after sellingfor £7,209,250, the secondhighest price for the artist atauction.

"There were particularlynotable prices for Surrealistworks, reflecting the currentfervour for this field," saidJay Vincze, Christie's Inter-national Director.

"These were led byMagritte's 'Les jours gigan-tesques' which sparked afierce battle between 10 bid-ders and which sold for al-most five times its highestimate," he added.

There were also artistrecords set for Italian painterand printmaker GiorgioMorandi and German painterKurt Schwitters.

LONDON (AFP) - Pablo Pi-casso's 'Femme assise', whichdepicts the Spanish artist'slover Francoise Gilot whileheavily pregnant with theirdaughter Paloma, sold forover £8 million at a Londonauction on Wednesday.

The Impressionist andModern Art Evening Sale atChristie's realised£92,583,550 ($145,541,340,114,618,435 euros) in totalwith the 1949 Picasso worktopping the public lots aftergoing under the hammer for£8,553,250.

Gilot was aged 21 whenshe met Picasso, then 61, in arestaurant in the spring of1943.

The couple never marriedbut had two children together.Their son, Claude, was bornin 1947 while Paloma wasborn in 1949.

The evening's most antici-pated work, Pierre-Auguste

Painting of Picasso'spregnant lover sells for£8.5m

Page 13: June 22, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012 13

and drop-off; they even boasta shopping service to stockyour shelves before arrival.

Gold Coast accommoda-tions are elegant and spa-cious, offering privacy forparents or a few couples.

Beautifully appointedkitchens and bathrooms graceeach abode; barbecues andlounges are provided forfriendly cookouts and trulysavoring the island life. Allhomes come with cable TV,

high-speed fiber-optic Inter-net connection, individualwasher/dryer, and are fullyair-conditioned. Cribs, highchairs and hair dryers areavailable for a modest fee.Concierge ser vices to arrange

rental cars, spa appointments,activities and restaurant reser-vations are all part of thepackage.

Check-in for your holidayescape is conducted in thecomfort of your vacationhome, not while waiting online at check-in desk. In everyway, Gold Coast seeks topamper their guests whileproviding them with the feel-ing of being in a cozy com-munity, not the normallybustling resort, particularlyexperienced during the majorholidays. If you wish an opti-mal vacation experience withgreat savings, visit their web-site: to get acquainted withthe community and the lay-out, details and availability ofaccommodations, or call 586-2200 to talk personally to aGold Coast representative.

Aruba’s newest and most in-novative gated communityhas enjoyed steady sales sincebreaking ground, as many arefinding the secure surround-ings and outstanding ameni-ties are just what they werelooking for before conside -ring purchasing property onthe island. Some owners areusing the villas or townhomes as vacation retreatsrather than full time and aretaking advantage of GoldCoast’s rental services to turntheir investment into ready in-come.

“The greater portion ofhome owners are using their“home away from home” inAruba to escape the wintermonths, or spend holidayswith the family on the is-land,” noted Gold Coast de-veloper Fito Croes. To assistin the demand for more com-plete facilities for groupsand fa mi- lies, famed hote-lier Ed Ma-lone has beenplaced in charge of the rentalprogram.

Staying at Gold Coast is avery attractive proposition forthose traveling with groupsthat would require multiplehotel rooms. Two and threebedroom Villas or TownHomes accommodate largenumbers and offer extensiveamenities along with a finalcost resulting in considerablesavings. The community isminutes to the best beachesand all the casino action, andoffers a quiet and secludedgetaway with two swimmingpools and specialized serviceswith more on the way, such asa fitness room, tennis courtsand mini-mall. Ed canarrange maid service, babysit-ters, caterers, airline pick-up

Gold Coast Aruba:Great savings for large familieson holiday rentals

Idaho potatoes, is enough tobe shared by two. He wasvery amused to watch a fa-mous French chef demon-strating the best way tomake fried potatoes on agourmet cooking show andcould only comment “Hestole my recipe!” Try themthe English way-with vine-gar, and you’ll wonder howyou ever ate fries without it.This same 5-star chef alsoswears by Gouda as the besttopping for the ideal gour-

met cheeseburger. If you are a fan of crispy

friend onion rings, as we are atTHE MORNING NEWS, youcannot leave there without try-ing their secret recipe batter-dipped gourmet rings, madefrom fresh, not frozen onions.Unquestionably, the best wehave had anywhere, and forthose that like a little spice, thefried jalapeños are a real treat.Aaron and Rosie have ex-panded their menu to accom-modate certain tastes anddietary needs; they offer a tastygrilled chicken sandwich aswell.

5 Burgers Aruba is openfor lunch & dinner – dailyhours are Noon to 10-ish; de-livery is available to both thehigh-rise and low-rise hoteland beach district for ordersover $50. Enjoy a great lunchwithout ever leaving thebeach by calling 586-3904.However, we suggest youstop by and enjoy their au-thentic, heartfelt hospitality; itis not unusual for the ownerswhen things are not too busy,to sit and chat while sharingtheir knowledge of the island.Totally yummy and fun plus agreat deal for a quality burger,they are definitely worth avisit

Expatriates from Boston,Massachusetts,residingon Aruba, Aaron andRosie Walisever are liv-ing their dream: a homeon paradise while wel-coming all and sundry totheir proud undertaking, 5Burgers Aruba. Somemay be quite well ac-quainted with a nationallyknown U.S franchisebearing the name “5”,and patrons can expectthe same great quality be-tween the buns, but an ex-panded menu and Rosieand Aaron’s fanaticaldedication to giving theircustomers what they re-ally want has resulted ina unique menu.

“You never get a secondchance to make a first impres-sion,” comments Aaron; andupon entering 5 BurgersAruba in The Village Mall inPalm Beach, one is struck byutterly spotless surroundingsand a smiling, friendly, atten-tive service crew. Of course,the main item on the menu isburgers-the way they weremeant to be, thick and juicy,made fresh daily and 100%pure beef, the kind that madethe hamburger a traditionalAmerican treat.

Prices vary only slightlybetween regular and small(basically 2 patties or 1) withspecialty items such as GoudaBurger, Farmer’s Burger, ManBurger (almost 12 ounces ofchoice beef), and a WesternBurger with crispy onionrings and BBQ sauce. All ofthese can be personalizedwith an incredible array oftoppings, (mushrooms,jalapeño peppers, bacon,cheese, lettuce, tomato…whatever the list goes on) atabsolutely no extra cost.

5 Burger portions areENORMOUS! Aaron sug-gests that even their smallserving of fries, which aremade from hand-cut fresh

Adorable and affordable;5 Burgers Aruba offersan island twist to thegreat American Burger

Rosie and Aaron love their Burger


Gouda Burger 2

Page 14: June 22, 2012

when he stepped down afterthose finals.

"Sometimes we have to playwith pressure, but there will betimes when there will be 10players packed around thepenalty area.

"We have to have a bit ofpatience to get those chances."

Having finished second atEuro 2008 and finished third atthe last two World Cups, Ger-many are considered one ofthe favourites to win the tro-phy, but Loew insists the'favourites' tag is worthless inthe knock-out phase.

"The knock-out games havetheir own character and itdoesn't mean the favouritegoes through automatically tothe next round," he said.

"We thought the Russianswere the big favourites againstthe Greeks, but we all sawwhat happened there.

"I think when the matchstarts, what anyone has said orwritten doesn't play a role.

"If we play to our strengths,keep faith in our own qualityand play our own game, thenwe are strong enough to beatthe Greeks.

"We don't have to look atour opponent, we need to lookat our own game.

"Over the 90 minutes, wehave to stick to what we aregood at and if we do that, wewill leave the pitch as the vic-torious team."

problems, so against theGreeks it is very important tohave a killer instinct.

"We will be hitting a rockand they will be strong in de-fence, but we will find ways tocreate chances.

Loew said he expects San-tos' team to hit the Germanshard on the break and packtheir defence around thepenalty area.

"I think the Greeks will notwant to concede and will taketheir chances on the counter-attack, but our chances willcome if we take an early lead,"said Loew, who stepped upfrom being Jurgen Klins-mann's assistant at the 2006World Cup to replace him

GDANSK (AFP) - CoachJoachim Loew has said hewants Germany to show a"killer instinct" and take theirchances against "survival-ex-perts" Greece in Friday's Euro2012 quarter-final.

Having inflicted a shock 1-0 defeat on Russia last Satur-day, Greece come to ArenaGdansk as Group A runners-upwith a reputation for tough de-fending and effective counter-attacking football as they lookto claim the Germans' scalp.

The Germans - who areseeking their first trophy in 16years - are the only team witha 100 percent record, havingbreezed through the qualifyingrounds with 10 wins from 10games, but Greece are eager totear up the form book.

After conceding anequaliser to Denmark in Sun-day's final group game, theGermans needed an 88th-minute winner to seal a 2-1victory and Loew has said histeam must take their chancesand learn from the Danishgame.

Especially as Fernando San-tos' Greece showed their tradi-tional resilience against Russiaand are aiming to emulate theirEuro 2004 final victory againstPortugal.

"It will be a very tightmatch, because the Greeksaren't a team that you can ripapart easily," said the 52-year-old after his team beat Portu-gal, Holland and Denmark inGroup B.

"For a quarter-final, youhave to fight for everything.

"If we run a lot and play at ahigh tempo, we will get ourchances in the last third of thepitch.

"Against Denmark, we hada few chances, but didn't takethem, which caused us a few

14 Friday, June 22, 2012

Loew wants killer instinctfor survivors Greece

LVIV : Danish defender Simon poulsen (R) vies with Germanmidfielder mesut Oezil during the match Denmark vs. Ger-many, on June 17. AFp pHOTO

THU, JUNE 21, 2:45 p.m. FRI, JUNE 22, 2:45 p.m


Czech Rep. 0



SAT, JUNE 23, 2:45 p.m. SUN, JUNE 24, 2:45 p.m.





Quarter-Finals Quarter-Finals

Quarter-Finals Quarter-Finals



WED. JUNE 27 - 2:45 p.m.



THU. JUNE 28 - 2:45 p.m.


“It felt like a dream.” – Przemyslaw Tyton the Polishkeeper after his penalty saveagainst Greece.

Page 15: June 22, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012 15

the game in Donetsk,Ukraine, trying to down playthe angry exchanges that tookplace in the dressing roomafter their 2-0 defeat to Swe-den, which ended their 23-game unbeaten run.

The last quarter-final takesplace in the Ukrainian capi-tal, Kiev, on Sunday, withEngland taking on Italy.

Meanwhile, Hungarianreferee Viktor Kassai admit-ted that he should haveawarded a goal to tournamentco-hosts Ukraine in theirfinal group match with Eng-land, when John Terry madean acrobatic clearance withthe score at 1-0.

"After the match, welooked at and evaluated thesituation. We realised straightaway that we made a mis-take," Kassai said on the of-ficial website of theHungarian football federation(MLSZ).

in the European champi-onship final four years agoand in the World Cup semi-finals two years later, will onSaturday be looking to endtheir losing record againstFrance in major tournaments.

"Les Bleus" have beensomething of a bogey teamfor "La Roja", with Francewinning five and drawingone of six competitive en-counters to date.

Coach Vicente Del Bosquesaid the country's 3-1 defeatin the 2006 World Cup is ayardstick and a warning, asthey go for unprecedentedback-to-back wins.

"I retain this image of the2006 tournament -- we un-derestimated the French asthey were getting long in thetooth. It is a very Spanishtrait not to pay attention toopponents," said Del Bosque,who took over in 2008.

France, though, come into

happy for his team to be castas underdogs, with JoachimLoew's Mannschaft one ofthe tournament favourites.

"If we see it from a histor-ical point of view, David ver-sus Goliath is a good thingfor us, because ultimatelyGoliath lost to David," hesaid.

"It is something true thatthe size of the Germany sideis really impressive, they area good team who often makeit to the semis or finals oftournaments.

"They are a very stable andconcrete side, I am willing toaccept the role of David... aslong as history repeats itself."

Crucially though Euro2004 champions Greece willbe without talismanic captainGiorgos Karagounis, who issuspended after picking uptwo bookings in the groupstages.

Spain, who beat Germany

The Real Madrid starbroke the deadlock in the79th minute at the NationalStadium in Warsaw, findingspace in the area from a JoaoMoutinho cross to fire afierce header past Petr Cech.

The goal was Ronaldo'sthird of the tournament andan indicator that PauloBento's Selecao were comingto the boil after an initialgroup stage defeat to Ger-many.

And striker Nani said afterthe match that the team couldeven go all the way.

"I think if we keep ondoing what is necessary wecan achieve anything. Wehave reached the semi-final.That's a dream and we willkeep on working for ourgoal," he said.

Attention now switches tothe so-called "Derby of Debt"between Germany andGreece in the Baltic port cityof Gdansk, northern Poland,on Friday, with an intenselypolitical backdrop addingextra interest to the tie.

German Chancellor An-gela Merkel, who is sched-uled to attend the game, isdeeply unpopular in Greecefor her attempts to imposeharsh austerity measures onthe recession-hit nation toease debt repayments thatthreaten the eurozone.

Greece have played Ger-many eight times but havenever won and coach Fer-nando Santos says he is

WARSAW (AFP) - CristianoRonaldo edged a step closerto winning his first majorpiece of silverware with Por-tugal on Thursday as hescored the only goal in the 1-0 win against the Czech Re-public to reach the Euro 2012semi-final.

WARSAW : Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo (C) heads

to score past Czech goalkeeper Petr Cech during the quar-

ter-final match AFP PHOTO

Ronaldo heads Portugal into Euro 2012 semis

Page 16: June 22, 2012

16 Friday, June 22, 2012