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DISABILITY LESOTHO JUNE 2013 ISSUE 12 From the Editor Dear Partner, Welcome again to the twelfth edition of Disability Lesotho, the monthly email newsletter from Lesotho National Federation of the Disabled. This newsletter will cover news for June, 2013. This e-newsletter is a platform whereby partners in the disability sector share the good work they do and learn from the work of others. This includes news, events, updates, activities and all issues affecting people with disability in Lesotho. We therefore welcome contributions of any nature from all organizations working to improve the lives of people in Lesotho, including those with disability. I would like to take the opportunity to thank people that are contributing to this newsletter. Like we indicated the platform is for all people who have interest in disability issue, it can be private company, individuals with disabilities, organizations of people with disabilities and ministries in general we accept your contributions. If you would like to contribute to the next issue or have received this newsletter from a third party and wish to be included on the mailing list please contact Pascalina a Letsau on 5905 5406 or [email protected] We welcome any feedback which may improve the quality and content of this free service. Best regards, The Editor

JUNE 2013 ISSUE 12 DISABILITY LESOTHO - Lesotho … · wheelchair access and as a result, physically disabled patients are compelled to seek medical assistance at the national hospital

May 18, 2018



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Page 1: JUNE 2013 ISSUE 12 DISABILITY LESOTHO - Lesotho … · wheelchair access and as a result, physically disabled patients are compelled to seek medical assistance at the national hospital


From the Editor

Dear Partner,

Welcome again to the twelfth edition of DisabilityLesotho, the monthly email newsletter fromLesotho National Federation of the Disabled.This newsletter will cover news for June, 2013.

This e-newsletter is a platform whereby partnersin the disability sector share the good work theydo and learn from the work of others. Thisincludes news, events, updates, activities and allissues affecting people with disability in Lesotho.We therefore welcome contributions of anynature from all organizations working to improvethe lives of people in Lesotho, including thosewith disability.

I would like to take the opportunity to thankpeople that are contributing to this newsletter.Like we indicated the platform is for all peoplewho have interest in disability issue, it can beprivate company, individuals with disabilities,organizations of people with disabilities andministries in general we accept yourcontributions.

If you would like to contribute to the next issue orhave received this newsletter from a third partyand wish to be included on the mailing list pleasecontact Pascalina a Letsau on 5905 5406 [email protected]

We welcome any feedback which may improvethe quality and content of this free service.

Best regards,The Editor

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JUNE 2013

The aim of this article is to offer a generaloverview of the current progress of disabilityissues in Lesotho. For many years the issue ofdisability has been set aside, overshadowed byother seemingly more pressing issues such asthe HIV epidemic. Little by little, through theefforts of many brave and vocal self advocatesand the support of international partners, issuesof disability are creeping on to the developmentagenda.

First and foremost, I must admit there is a keenlack of data and statistics on the disabilitysector in Lesotho. This lack of data negativelyimpacts the initiatives undertaken by thegovernment, development partners anddisabled people’s organisation that are gearedtowards improving the lives of people withdisabilities. That is why article 31 of the UNConvention on the Rights of Persons withDisabilities (UNCRPD) calls upon memberstates to collect data and statistics on disabilityin all aspects of development. However, prior tothe adoption of the convention, the LesothoBureau of Statistics’ Census Report of 2006 forthe first time included statistics related todisability, claiming that 3.7% of Lesotho’s 1.8million population have some form of disability.However, the census report does not include amore detailed breakdown of numbers of peoplewith different types of disability.Lesotho ratified UNCRPD on 2nd December2008. The purpose of the convention is topromote and protect people with disabilities andto ensure that all people with disabilities enjoytheir human rights on par with other membersof society.

Ever since Lesotho ratified the Convention,disabled peoples’ organisations (DPOS) ofLesotho have made it their mission to remind thegovernment of its international obligations to applythe Convention. Despite the fact that this has beena long and cumbersome process, DPOs have notstopped advocating for the full participation andmeaningful inclusion of people with disabilities inall issues affecting them in society.

In 2011, the Parliament of Lesotho adopted theNational Disability and Rehabilitation policy as aworking document of the government of Lesothowith the purpose of mainstreaming disability issuesall government ministries. It is intended to be usedas a blue print for designing, planning,implementing, monitoring and evaluating disabilityinclusive laws, policies and annual action plans.However, LNFOD discovered in March 2013 thatthe Ministry of Social Development has not yetsensitised or disseminated the Policy to the otherrelevant Ministries as originally promised.

In addition to that, the regulations of the policyhave not yet been developed. The regulations willhelp government Ministries facilitatemainstreaming in their annual action plans. Duringthe development of this paper, it was not clearwhen the process of making regulations for thepolicy will begin.

In 2012, the government of Lesotho establishedthe Ministry of Social Development which has nowbecome the entry point by which disability issuescan be coordinated among all governmentministries. Contrary to popular belief, the Ministryof Social Development does not deal with disabilityalone. Rather, the role of Social Development is tocoordinate all disability related activitiesimplemented by other ministries.

Since the inception of this ministry, LNFOD hasliaised with the Ministry to achieve a cabinet memoauthorising the Social Development to draw updisability specific legislation to domesticate the UNConvention on the Rights of Persons withDisabilities.


ADVOCACY ASPECTFinding our place on the agenda

By: LNFOD Advocacy desk

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At the time of writing the Ministry of SocialDevelopment is in the process of advertisingfor a consultant to develop the law. WhilstLNFOD congratulates the Ministry for takingthis step, we urge the Ministry of SocialDevelopment to speed up the process ofdeveloping disability specific legislation.

There exists some confusion amongst thepublic regarding the issue of a disability grantwith some people mistakenly believing thatthe public assistance scheme offered by theMinistry of Social Development is a disabilitygrant. After clarifying with the Ministry,LNFOD can now confirm that Lesotho doesnot offer any disability specific social welfare.The public assistance scheme offered bySocial Development is eligible to everyMosotho who qualifies, regardless ofdisability. As PWDs are amongst the poorestin society, the public has come to associatethe social welfare scheme with people withdisability.

The reasons behind the demand for adisability specific social safety net are clear.The government does not currently have afunctioning disability specific developmentprograms to close the gap between peoplewith disabilities and the rest of society.Although in theory the Community BasedRehabilitation Program was established in2005 and piloted in two districts, it hasessentially collapsed due to lack of humanresources and commitment from thegovernment. The pilot project has languishedfor 7 years without prospects of extension.

Supporters of the disability movement, as youcan see, our battle is by no means over.However, we can take comfort in the fact thatafter years of fighting we have cemented ourplace on the development agenda. And it ishere that we will stay until we achieve ourgoal of equal rights and opportunities for allMosotho, regardless of disability.


Basotho people at public gathering on education of disabledchild

JUNE 2013

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as well as being offered council and optionaltests for HIV/AIDS and other diseases. Theyalso tested for TB and checked on problems ofeyes and teeth and many more.

“People with disability struggle to access healthservices on an equal basis with others, despitethe fact it is a human right. People withdisabilities are being denied access to basicservices such as healthcare.”

“We are pleading the Ministry of Health toinclude the concept of disability access in theirpolicy document so that the needs of peoplewith disability may be taken into account in allfuture infrastructure development projects, inorder for people with disabilities to accessquality services. The majority of community anddistrict health facilities are not equipped withwheelchair access and as a result, physicallydisabled patients are compelled to seek medicalassistance at the national hospital in Maseruwhich raises the cost of healthcareconsiderably.” said Pascalina Letsau, theExtension officer, Itjareng.

The chief Rehabilitation Officer from the Ministryof Social Development, Ms. MahlapaneMakhakhole – Adiba, was invited butunfortunately apologized due to the meeting shewas not expecting to take long time. LNFOD andother member affiliates participated in this andknew about their health as people withdisabilities and secretariat for offices.

The follow – ups will be taken by the Extensionofficer and District HIV / AIDS officer Ms.‘Mamokonyana Chaolane to ensure qualityhealth to people with disabilities.

“Better Health Care to people withdisabilities”

Ministry of Health in collaboration with ICAP andItjareng Vocational Training Center (IVTC) willlaunch a campaign on mainstreaming Healthservices for people with disabilities. The launchtook place at Itjareng Masianokeng on the 20thJune, 2013

On behalf of Health services, Dr. ‘Nyane Letsiesaid; ‘the objective of the campaign is to bringservices by providing better health care topeople with disabilities, this campaign has beenimplemented to other groups like elderly,orphanage homes and communities that needsthe same services, so it is now time that we givethese services to people with disabilities.

People with disabilities cried for quality servicesfor a long time and did not receive the healthcare they need as their counterparts who are notdisabled and continued to have poorer health.People with disabilities are more than twice aslikely to find healthcare providers’ skills andfacilities inadequate; nearly three times morelikely to be denied health care; and four timesmore likely to be treated badly, e.g. deaf peopledo not access health care services as healthcare workers do not know sign language,therefore they denied to their right to healthright.

During this event; people with disabilities havebeen checked for sugar diabetes and high bloodpressure,


General News

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By Likopo Lesoetsa

HIV & AIDS Awareness Campaignand Deaf people

On the 23rd May, NADL was invited toparticipate in a march held in Hlotse Leribe toraise awareness of the challenges facing thedeaf community in accessing information onHIV & AIDS.

The event was organized and sponsored byHelp Lesotho, an organisation which focuseson HIV & AIDS prevention through education,gender equity and youth leadershipdevelopment. Deaf people are ofteninadvertently excluded from HIV & AIDSawareness communications due to the fact thatmuch of the communication is verbal.

The event kicked off from the DistrictAdministrator’s office (DAs), where the DistrictAdministrator addressed the public about theimportance of including people with disability incommunity activities. In his remarks Mr.Morahanye thanked Help Lesotho for theirefforts to include people with disability in theiractivities, in particular helping deaf people toaccess information on HIV & AIDS throughsign language. He further encouraged otherorganizations to follow this good example andofficially opened the event.

The crowd marched from the DA’s office to theHelp Lesotho campus where they weregreeted by the sounds of a brass band andperformances by various schools in Leribe. Inhis welcome speech, the Director of HelpLesotho commented on the importance ofincluding deaf people in Help Lesothoprograms, particularly given the close proximityof Help Lesotho to deaf schools.

The speech was followed by a presentation insign language by a Help Lesotho programofficer currently studying sign language whoassured the audience that their services andactivities would now be available in deafaccessible formats.

Nkhasi Sefuthi, LNFOD Human Rights andAdvocacy Officer also spoke about issuesfacing the disability movement in Lesotho,specifically pointing out challenges faced bydeaf people in accessing equal education.

He commented that the Ministry of Educationand Training were being unrealistic in their wishto hire interpreters who are also qualifiedteachers, when the work of an interpreter is tohelp deaf learners’ access information on equalbasis with others, not to teach. Having said thishe further argued that unless the SpecialEducation unit succeeds in convincing theMinistry of Education and Training to employSign Language Interpreters in school, theeducation system will continue to fail deaflearners.

In response, the Special Education UnitInspector in Leribe, Mrs. M. Lehloenya said heroffice will ensure that it convinces the Ministryand Teaching Service Department (TSD) toemploy more Sign Language Interpreters basedon the performance of students with access tointerpreting services compared to thosewithout.

‘M’e Regina Lephoi, an openly HIV positivedeaf woman, spoke to encourage the audienceto know their status in order to live a long andhealthy life.


General News

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Ms. Likopo Lesoetsa, Programmes Managerat the National Association of the DeafLesotho (NADL) presented about thechallenges faced by Deaf people in accessinghealth services such as counseling andtesting.

She noted with concern that while there is acall for all people to know their status, havinga third party sign language translator facilitatecommunication between HIV counselors anddeaf client’s compromises their right toconfidentiality. She urged service providers inthis area to learn basic sign language to betterservice the deaf community.

She also commented on the need for moreaccurate information regarding HIV infectionrates amongst the deaf community in order toenable NADL to lobby for better support in thisarea. She concluded by commending HelpLesotho on their success at mainstreamingdisability issues urging other organisations tofollow in their example.

Deaf pupils of St. Paul’s` School for the Deafentertained the audience with a dance byfollowing their instructor as they did not hearthe lyrics. After the National Anthem all wereinvited for Lunch.

Throughout the event counseling and testingservices were being carried by PSI.

Capacity building to DPO officers

Palesa Mphohle a staff member of Secretariat of African Decadeduring her presentation

Lesotho National Federation of Organisations ofthe Disabled (LNFOD) in partnership with thesecretariat of African Decade for persons withdisabilities held a training on management andrunning of federation mainstreaming at Lancersinn on the 11th – 12th June. LNFOD staffmembers and other Disabled People’sOrganization’s (DPOs) Directors andprogramme officers were equipped on themainstreaming disability issues in theprogrammes, policies and laws of thegovernment.

The national strategic development plan wasfound to be the significant document as itcontains disability issues on education,employment and other social services for peoplewith disabilities. The indicators which will enableDPOs to see whether the issues are taken careof were identified.

This workshop was held under the newprogramme of LNFOD namely, Communities ofpractice for disability advocacy andmainstreaming. The aim of the program is todevelop the mainstreaming action plan for thegovernment of Lesotho, Award the governmentof Lesotho what is called ambadossorial awardcountry status.

JUNE 2013 ISSUE 12

General News

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Opinion pieceJUNE 2013


Right to Education……Is it real toPWDs?

Ernestina Ramathinyane, a Teacher by profession

I completed COSC and in the year 2007, I appliedto Lesotho College of Education and wasadmitted. Hearing about my admission, I went tothe college to find out whether the infrastructurewill accommodate me. I was very concerned aboutthe residential houses, I also want to hear fromthe management whether can be allowed to staywith my personal assistant in the campus or what?

I started going up and down looking for the rightperson to talk to. I ended up getting to the DeputyRegistrar but failed to get the decision explainingthat I am the first person on a wheelchair – user tobe admitted at the college and he referred me tothe Registrar.

Reaching the Registrar’s office they apologized foradmitting me to the college, saying that thecollege was not aware that I stated that I havedisability in my application. The college would nothave admitted me as all infrastructures areinaccessible and I should reapply after four yearsas the college would have included specialeducation programme by then.

There were some questions asked by thisofficer like; “why did you choose LEC instead ofItjareng as this centre is an Institution for peoplewith disability? How would you teach sitting in awheelchair unless you opt for more advancedschools where you will use computers?”“As much as Itjareng is an Institution for peoplewith disability; I do not want to do vocationalskills myself, I want to do something different.On the issues of how I would teach sitting in awheelchair, I will cross the bridge when I got toit.” That was my reply to the officer.I got hard times going to many people whom Ithink would help me, relatives, friends anddisabled people’s organizations. There weremany meetings trying to make the managementof this college to understand how they couldhelp me but I was denied to stay in the campus.I stayed outside just because I wanted what isbest for my life. I did ask myself a stupidquestion likes,” Right to Education is a real topeople with disability?” I know it is a right toeveryone but people with disability to get to thatcollege was a difficult as I was not the firstperson. One of my friends who are alsodisabled was not admitted some years ago dueto the status of disability.I graduated in 2011 but still unemployed. Iapplied to many schools and private companiesfor a job but only regrets.“I am pleading to our government especially theMinistry of Education and Training to takeissues of disability into consideration. I amaware that there are some changes within theMinistry but it is not enough as long as theinfrastructure is inaccessible. I think the bestthing to get a solution is to familiarize with theBuilding Control Act: 1985, so learners withdisability from the nursery schools to collegescan access quality education just like theircounterparts that are non – disabled.” I wouldlike to wish for the best to learners with disabledas the Ministry has introduced a newprogramme to benefit them.


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Opinion pieceWhen do you think can have the great dayand what?

In October this year, the Taekwondotournament that will be held in Pretoria toselect Southern Africa representatives inCroatia

What do you wish in your life?

I want to prove myself and become theWorld’s best Taekwondo player

Do you have any plans for this year?

Yes I do. I want to get a permanent job andstart my own company.

What do you do for fun?

I spent most of the time with my family; I go togym and later hangout with friends

Do you have friends?

Yes I do, but I wouldn’t call them close friendssince I am always busy with Taekwondotraining

What is your marital status?

No I have a tight relationship with the motherof my child and have a boy child. I mean mybeautiful boy.

What do you do for a living?

I am unemployed but usually do part-time jobsto help provide for my family and also doingsome savings that will help start my ownbusiness


Liteboho Mahase

The Secretary General at National

Association of the Deaf Lesotho

I am 25 years

Can you tell us about who are you?

I am Liteboho Mahase, I am a humble young

man who strives for better things in life

What inspires you being disabled?

I am inspired by the fact that I am disabledbecause it creates awareness to the nation thatDisability does not mean Inability

What is your favorite sport?

Taekwondo and I have won fourteen medals

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Upcoming events / Announcements


The conference will be held on the 7August, 2013 at Indaba Hotel, Fourwaysin Johannesburg

Objectives of the conference

To identify effective literacy strategies inearly childhood development

To seek possible solutions to earlychildhood development challenges

To acquire knowledge on how to build &implement programmes for youngchildren

Networking opportunities betweenindustry players

To register or seek any informationconducts these;

TEL: 011 039 4550FAX: 086 564 3978

EMAIL: [email protected]
