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CARRIGROHANE UNION OF PARISHES CARRIGROHANE UNION OF PARISHES St Peter’s, Carrigrohane St Senan’s, Inniscarra The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney SPAN SPAN June 2010 June 2010 year of Ian (quickly) finding his feet and beginning to hear God for a new direction for the parish. We have all really appreciated his vi- sion and energy in seeking new ways to be church. The develop- ment of Cafe Church, the explor- ing about how Open to God can develop, the exciting plans for Kingdom Engage are all part of this process. We are also approaching the first anniversary of The Lighthouse in Blarney. Based on the concept of Messy Church in the UK, it has taken time to gain its feet in Blar- ney but is now welcoming families from the Mothers and Toddlers group, which is really exciting. It is a wonderful testament to April’s hard work. It will be really interesting to see how well the celebration on June 13 th will link in with the community fun day in Blarney. Exams– a Herald of Change May and June are also exam season, that particu- larly stressful time in every student’s life – not to mention everyone around them too. We remember you all in prayer. We also realise that exams often herald a time of change too – leaving school or col- lege particularly. We remember you in this proc- ess, particularly those who will be seeking employ- ment. Supporting one Another Change can also be that difficult place of uncer- tainty. This is true for people in the church and in our wider society. With all the difficult economic and employment news that impacts all of us, many peo- ple live with the deep uncertainty and fear about changes that are happening. It is in this context that change highlights what is important to us and what we like, but don’t need. It is a time when we need to be able to support one another practically, emotion- ally and spiritually. Let us be available to ask for help in whatever way we need as well as to be able to help one another. This is a feature of the Church that was born out of Pentecost and should be a real feature of our church too. Ruth Heavenly Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit, come and fill us. Fill us with praise and hope, send us out with your healing and love to help and en- courage all those we meet. May we have your vi- sion for our church and our role within it. May we know the security of your love in times of change and your strength in times of uncertainty, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Letter from Ruth... Firstly, Alan and I would like to say a big thank you for all your support and prayers for us both over the last six months. Thank you for your very generous gifts and the wonderful welcome home. We are still work- ing our way through boxes of stuff, deciding what needs to go to the attic and which of Ruth’s bits and pieces really should go to the charity shop! All Change I write this as we prepare to celebrate Pentecost, that in- credible moment of change for the disciples, for the Church – and in our own lives. That moment when the Holy Spirit of God was poured out on the first disciples, filling them with praise, sending them out onto the streets, into the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. How they were changed so deeply, flooded with the strength and courage, with power and hope that made them into the small group who would change the world. The really exciting thing is that the same Holy Spirit seeks to be poured out on us as individuals, families and a church, seeking to bring the change that he brought to the first disci- ples into our lives and church. Filling us with praise, sending us out onto the streets to tell others the Good News, bring- ing God’s healing and peace to those we meet, these are exciting things, but can be challenging too. Change is a part of being human. Most of us like what we have become accustomed to, even if at times, it won’t make sense to other people. There are often valid reasons for how we do things the way that we do, some of which may not survive logical enquiry. Things left stationary tend to slowly rot and disintegrate. Change, no matter how exciting it can be, is challenging. Most of us value the quiet life. Change involves energy and learning how to do things new ways but also letting go of other things. However, change is central to growth. The Wisdom to know the Difference We pray for all of us in the different processes of change in our lives and our church. May we be open to the leading and challenging of the Holy Spirit, that we may know the excitement of God’s plan for us, that we may be filled with his vision for our church at this particular time. We pray for wisdom in knowing when we need to let go of previously precious things and how we can be used differently in God’s purposes at this time. It was this time last year that we were looking forward to welcoming Ian and his family to the parish. It has been a PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0
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CARRIGROHANE UNION OF PARISHESCARRIGROHANE UNION OF PARISHESSt Peter’s, Carrigrohane St Senan’s, Inniscarra The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney

SPANSPAN June 2010June 2010

year of Ian (quickly) finding his feetand beginning to hear God for anew direction for the parish. Wehave all really appreciated his vi-sion and energy in seeking newways to be church. The develop-ment of Cafe Church, the explor-ing about how Open to God candevelop, the exciting plans forKingdom Engage are all part ofthis process.We are also approaching the firstanniversary of The Lighthouse inBlarney. Based on the concept ofMessy Church in the UK, it hastaken time to gain its feet in Blar-

ney but is now welcoming families from the Mothersand Toddlers group, which is really exciting. It is awonderful testament to April’s hard work. It will bereally interesting to see how well the celebration onJune 13th will link in with the community fun day inBlarney.Exams– a Herald of ChangeMay and June are also exam season, that particu-larly stressful time in every student’s life – not tomention everyone around them too. We rememberyou all in prayer. We also realise that exams oftenherald a time of change too – leaving school or col-lege particularly. We remember you in this proc-ess, particularly those who will be seeking employ-ment.Supporting one AnotherChange can also be that difficult place of uncer-tainty. This is true for people in the church and inour wider society. With all the difficult economic andemployment news that impacts all of us, many peo-ple live with the deep uncertainty and fear aboutchanges that are happening. It is in this context thatchange highlights what is important to us and whatwe like, but don’t need. It is a time when we need tobe able to support one another practically, emotion-ally and spiritually. Let us be available to ask forhelp in whatever way we need as well as to be ableto help one another. This is a feature of the Churchthat was born out of Pentecost and should be a realfeature of our church too. Ruth

Heavenly Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit,come and fill us. Fill us with praise and hope, sendus out with your healing and love to help and en-courage all those we meet. May we have your vi-sion for our church and our role within it. May weknow the security of your love in times of changeand your strength in times of uncertainty, throughJesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Letter from Ruth...Firstly, Alan and I wouldlike to say a big thankyou for all your supportand prayers for us bothover the last six months.Thank you for your verygenerous gifts and thewonderful welcomehome. We are still work-ing our way throughboxes of stuff, decidingwhat needs to go to theattic and which of Ruth’sbits and pieces reallyshould go to the charityshop!All ChangeI write this as we prepare to celebrate Pentecost, that in-credible moment of change for the disciples, for the Church– and in our own lives. That moment when the Holy Spirit ofGod was poured out on the first disciples, filling them withpraise, sending them out onto the streets, into the worldwith the Good News of Jesus Christ. How they werechanged so deeply, flooded with the strength and courage,with power and hope that made them into the small groupwho would change the world.The really exciting thing is that the same Holy Spirit seeksto be poured out on us as individuals, families and a church,seeking to bring the change that he brought to the first disci-ples into our lives and church. Filling us with praise, sendingus out onto the streets to tell others the Good News, bring-ing God’s healing and peace to those we meet, these areexciting things, but can be challenging too.Change is a part of being human. Most of us like what wehave become accustomed to, even if at times, it won’t makesense to other people. There are often valid reasons forhow we do things the way that we do, some of which maynot survive logical enquiry. Things left stationary tend toslowly rot and disintegrate. Change, no matter how excitingit can be, is challenging. Most of us value the quiet life.Change involves energy and learning how to do things newways but also letting go of other things. However, change iscentral to growth.The Wisdom to know the DifferenceWe pray for all of us in the different processes of change inour lives and our church. May we be open to the leadingand challenging of the Holy Spirit, that we may know theexcitement of God’s plan for us, that we may be filled withhis vision for our church at this particular time. We pray forwisdom in knowing when we need to let go of previouslyprecious things and how we can be used differently inGod’s purposes at this time.It was this time last year that we were looking forward towelcoming Ian and his family to the parish. It has been a

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Carrigrohane Union Youth

June 2010

The Youth Café opens in June in the Parish Centre on Tuesday and Friday after-noons beginning on June 8th, from 2-4pm with basketball, table tennis, time to playthe Wii, darts, room to chill out and chat – and enjoy the Tasty Things Café! It issimply a space for local young people in secondary school (or just about to be) tocome and hang out 2 afternoons a week.

Heather, Katie and a group of girls recently had a fun girls-only evening chatting about the Twilight series ofbooks that we’ve all been devouring—and all the issues they raise for us as Christians.

‘Glow’From this September the age group for ‘Glow’ is going to change to 4th to 6th class in primary school. This isbecause we are getting so many people coming to ‘Glow’ we can’t fit everyone in and also because it is quite abig age range to cater for together. We are really sorry for anyone going into 3rd class in September who waslooking forward to coming – we can’t wait to have you the following year! The last ‘Glow’ for this term is on Fri-day 18th June—a trip out to SuperNova Ice Skating rink in Ballincollig.

‘Glow Max’ & ‘Glow’ will be back in September! Sunday PM continues 5.30-7.30pm every Sunday eve-ning in the Parish Centre—until the end of the secondary school term.

Prayers please!We would really value your prayers especially as we prepare for the Youth Café which will be running in June,July and August and the Holiday Club from 20-23 July. Please pray for enough leaders for both these importantventures—people who love the Lord and are willling to help! If that’s you—please contact Matt & Katie! Sign upsheets for volunteers to bake for the Youth Café will be available too—or again, just give us a ring. Thanks tothose who have already volunteered!

More Summer dates:Blarney Holiday Club leaders preparation day 19th July Blarney Holiday Club, 20th—23rd July

Summer Madness, 4th—7th July New Wine Holiday Conference in Sligo, 11th—16th JulyScripture Union Camps & Holidays for 2010—see, phone 01-2802300 for more details offamily weeks, parenting weekends or camps for young people of 10-12, 13-15 & 16-19 years old.

Matt’s mobile: 085 1080067Katie’s mobile: 085 1080030 SPANSPAN

Happy Birthday Lighthouse!On Sunday, June 13th, The Lighthouse will celebrate its first birthday with a special Lighthouse party.This will coincide with another community day in Blarney and we hope that we will be able to attractnew people to come and join us for the day. It was great that a number of Mother and Toddler fami-lies joined us in May and really enjoyed the experience.Thank you to everyone who has had a part to play in the development and success of Lighthouse todate, especially April who has taken such a central role in its development. It would be great to welcome morepeople onto the team, particularly men. It is a time of real fun for all who are involved.

Paint n’Picnic at the RectoryEveryone is invited to put on their overalls and bring a paint brush/roller for a painting party at therectory, and if you are here for lunch we’ll supply a picnic on the lawn in glorious sunshine – wellwe hope! For the external walls of the rectory need a lick of paint and many brush strokes makelight work! Here are the dates – come for as much as you can. Paint and fun supplied – pleasepray about the weather! Saturdays: 19th and 26th June 9.00am to late!

TWO FIRSTS for Mothers’ Union!1. The appointment and commissioning of Jennifer Kingston as MU Development Officer for our United

Dioceses is a highlight, not only for MU but for the whole area. Already working with young people in schoolsand colleges, Jennifer adds on the role of another link in the chain of family ministry. Funded by Mary Sum-ner House plus a generous legacy, and in partnership with Mothers’ Union, the Youth Council and the Dioce-san Council, Jennifer will further project and development work, dealing with issues relevant to today’s soci-ety. She will be enabling us to promote the purpose of the MU to strengthen relationships in marriage andfamily life. Married to Gordon, with two daughters, Chloe and Kathlyn, Jennifer is vibrant and enthusiasticand we prayerfully wish her well in this role.

2. CORK SUMMER SHOW: 18, 19, 20 June at Greenfield, Ballincollig. Visit the Mothers’ Union stand—our firsttime to have a presence at this show which promises to have something for everyone! We are the first tooffer an important service for parents and babies—facilities for nappy changing and also for breast-feeding incomfort. We look forward to meeting lots of you and welcoming you to our marquee over the weekend.

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Church Family PrayerFor one hour – come and go asyou wish:-Tuesday 8th June 11.00am—InniscarraTuesday 15th June 7.00pm Blarney.Tuesday 22nd June 7.00pm St Peter’s

‘Open to God’—informalSunday evening worship will be in the ParishCentre at 7.30pm on 20th June and 27th June.27th June will have a special focus on prayer andcelebration.

Wednesday 9th June inParish Centre

11am House Group12.15pm Holy Communion

12.45pm Seniors’ Lunch

The Book Club summer reading isas follows:June 9th: The Time Traveller's Wife byAudrey Niffenegger at Ruth'sJuly 7th: The Poisonwood Bible by BarbaraKingsolver at Helen'sAugust 11th: The Help by Kathryn Stockett atJanice's

Kingdom Engage …expressing “the kind-ness and love of God our Saviour …” (Titus 3 v 4)

Prayer Focus for June:Michael O’Shea helps theCork Simon Community.On Wednesday morninghe assists in the kitchenand on odd nights walksaround the city centre,”bringing God’s comfort”to the homeless. Whilemany appreciate thecontact, you also have tohave your wits about you,as some can be unpredictable, fuelled as they arewith alcohol and drugs. Michael finds there is aconstant tension with befriending and getting tooclose to individuals, but its always rewarding to seesome come right through the Simon residential pro-gramme to independent and purposeful living.

Some of us from Carrigrohane are already booked to go to‘Unstoppable’ – the Sligo

Summer New Wine conference from 11-16 July.We’re all booked in an accommodation blockand people can be added in singly or in familygroups. Car sharing for the journey is also a

possibility. So if you’re interested, please get intouch with the parish office.

See for more details.

Urgent request!!!The Parish office would be very grateful if the people who used boxes:

54, 30, 28, 27, 23, 22, 21 & 31 (for 2009)would identify themselves for the records. Just leave a

message on the office phone or drop us an email:[email protected]

St Fin Barre’s National School, Gillabbey Street,Cork, welcomes applications for enrolment for children inthe Carrigrohane/Ballincollig/Waterfall area for September2010.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Coffee Morning &Cake Sale in aid of The Hosford Foundation for Eradication of Povertyin Kilembe, Uganda. We raised €1485! Thanks to everyone who cameor contributed. The monies are being spent on mattresses for the localhospital, bees and members with revolving loans for " small industries"projects.


Useful Helplines to have to hand…• Console: 24-hour helpline offering support for those

bereaved by suicide 1800 201 890• 1Life: 24-hour helpline offering support and practical

interventions for the suicidal 1800 247 100• Samaritans: 24-hour helpline offering listening service

for the depressed, suicidal and lonely 1800 60 90 90• Aware: Helpline for those suffering depression. Mon-

Wed 10am-10pm, Thurs-Sun 10am-1am 1890 303 302• Childline: 24-hour helpline for children and teenagers

who are lonely, anxious or depressed 1800 666666• Treoir: National Federation of Services for Unmarried

Parents. Confidential advice available 9.30-5pm Mon-Fri on 1890 252 084

• Citizens information: confidential information on allstate services including welfare and legal rights 1890777 121 from 9am-9pm Mon-Fri

• National Office for Suicide Prevention: offers booklets,information on services, and details of how to contactregional suicide resource offices 01-6352139 or 016352179 office hours

• Women’s Aid 1800 341900• Sexual Violence Centre (formerly Cork Rape Crisis

Centre) 1800 496496

The Church of Ireland Marriage Council is conscious ofeconomic difficulties for many families at this time, causingadded pressures on relationships. They offer subsidisedcounselling services to couples or individuals experiencingrelationship difficulties.Cork diocese contact: Deirdre Whitley 086 2612442

Ladies’ Guild/Mothers’ UnionFollowing a visit to the beautiful Flower Festival in Fermoy,we had our AGM at Helen’s house and enjoyed superbhospitality—thank you to Helen for that and for the pastyear’s gracious leadership.At our AGM we’ve decided to be different for the comingyear, and run our activities as a team effort with differentmembers being responsible for the various meetings.Programmes will be available during August.

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Tuesday 1st June 10am-12 noon—Blarney Toddlers

Wednesday 2nd June8pm—final session of Marriage CourseThursday 3rd June8pm– Alpha, Parish CentreFriday 4th June10.15-11.45am—Carrigrohane ToddlersSaturday 5th June10.30am-5pm—Alpha day away in Enismore Retreat Centre,Mayfield.

Tuesday 8th June10am-12 noon—Blarney Toddlers11am—an hour of prayer in St Senan’s, Inniscarra (come andgo as you wish)2-4pm—Youth Café opens today in the Parish CentreWednesday 9th June11am House group in Parish Centre followed by HolyCommunion at 12.1512.45—Seniors’ Lunch in Parish Centre8pm—Book Club @ Ruth’sThursday 10th June8pm—Alpha, Parish CentreFriday 11th June10.15-11.45am—Carrigrohane Toddlers2-4pm—Youth Café

Saturday 12th June8.30pm—Table Quiz at Griffins’ Garden Centre (see overleaf formore details!)

Monday 14th June8pm Select Vestry meeting—Parish Centre

Tuesday 15th June10am-12 noon—Blarney Toddlers2-4pm—Youth Café7pm—an hour of prayer in Blarney (come and go as you wish)

Friday 18th June10.30-11.45—The Big Toddle in Ballincollig!2-4pm—Youth Café7-9pm Glow—outing to SuperNova, BallincolligCork Summer Show opens today—Greenfield, Ballincollig!

Tuesday 22nd June2-4pm—Youth Café7pm—an hour of prayer in St Peter’s, Carrigrohane (come andgo as you wish)

Friday 25th June2-4pm—Youth Café

Tuesday 29th June2-4pm—Youth Café

Carrigrohane Union of Churches ….Doing the Doable with Jesus in the

Church and Community

Sunday 6th June9am, Holy Communion, St Peter’s, Carrigrohane

10.30am Refreshments in the Parish Centre followed by11am United Celebration of Worship

5.30-7.30pm Sunday PM in the Parish Centre

Sunday 13th June9am Morning Prayer, Carrigrohane

10am Holy Communion, Carrigrohane11am A Service of the Word, Blarney

11.30amn Holy Communion, Inniscarra3.30-5pm Lighthouse, Blarney

Sunday 27th June9.00 am Holy Communion, Carrigrohane

10 am All-Age Service of the Word, Carrigrohane.11am A Service of the Word, Blarney11.30am Morning Prayer, Inniscarra7.30pm ‘Open to God’, Parish Centre

Sunday 20th June9.00 am Holy Communion, Carrigrohane10 am Service of the Word, Carrigrohane.

11am Holy Communion, Blarney7.30pm ‘Open to God’, Parish Centre

NOTE: Ian’s day off will now be Monday(mostly!) - and Ruth’s continues to be Friday.

Parish Contacts:Rector: Rev Ian Jonas – 4871106email: [email protected]

Curate: Ruth Jackson – 4383103email: [email protected] Office: 4877260 (Mon-Fri mornings)email: [email protected] Workers: Matt Gould: 085 1080067 Katie Gould: 0851080030 email: [email protected] website: www.carrigrohaneunionofparishes.ieWe change the answer machine message at the beginning of eachweek—and include the times of the services for the followingSunday.

Sunday 30th May(no 9am service this week)

10pm A service of wholeness & healing, Carrigrohane11am A service of wholeness & healing, Blarney

5.30-7.30pm Sunday PM in the Parish Centre

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Carrigrohane Toddlers, Blarney Toddlers and Ballincollig Toddlers will be toddling in theBallincollig Regional Park on Friday 18th June 10.30am - 11.45am to raise money for thewell known children's charity Barnardos. We will be using the area beside the Rugby Pitchwhich is accessed through the Innishmore Estate behind the Scoil Barra Primary school.

We will also have a bouncy castle, face painting and games and all are welcome. We will need lots of help so ifyou are available that morning, please contact Lucia O'Donovan 021 4318356 or 087 2942285. Also, if youwould like to sponsor our toddlers, you can do so online at or individual toddlers will havesponsorship forms that you can sign. Thank you for your support.

Jim and Ben to Luweero Uganda

Jim Casey and Ben Jonas will be flying to Kampala inJune to join eight others on a short mission project. Ledby the Diocesan Youth Worker, Mark Dunwoody, ateam whose ages range from the 20’s to the 60’s, over atwo to four week period, will as time allows, be involvedwith the Healthy Vine Trust in the Diocese of Luweero in:

• Visiting homes conducting health surveys.• The construction of latrines in the homes of those

unable to manage themselves.• Building a secondary school classroom.The visit of these teams is more than a shot in the arm

from a short visit. What they leave behind is encourage-ment and motivation for locals to do something for theircommunities and hope for the future. Moreover, it is anopportunity for the team to witness at first hand the faithof local Christians and see the impact the church ishaving on the needs of the local community. And ofcourse the presence of the team is a great opportunity towitness to God’s presence of Christ in their lives –mission is always a two way sharing of gifts andexperiences.Please pray that the team will accomplish what they set

out to do, will be kept well and that in everything theKingdom of God will reign.In the meantime, there will be a Table Quiz on Satur-

day 12th June at 8.30 pm in Griffins Garden Centre,Dripsey. The restaurant in the garden centre will be openfor light refreshments. It would be great if people would letus know in advance whether they are going. Jim can becontacted at 087 9685479 or Sarah at 087 9972863.ALL THE MONEY from this will go to the Healthy VineTrust for assisting with the above initiatives. A team fromCork that went out two years ago raised enough moneyto equip a clinic. From what had simply been a shell of abuilding, it is now transformed into a well equippedmedical facility, with a competent paediatrician acting as

Clinic Supervi-sor. Now theclinic is beingmore widelyused wi t hmothers at-tending ante-natal classesand bringingchildren forinoculat ions.

So your participation in the quiz is enormously helpful.

The June 2010 Friends of Luweero Team:Mark Dunwoody, JimCasey, RichardLynch, Richard Wood*,Bob Cooke, Ben Jonas,Ruth Buttimer, FrankieStanley, EveisaKingston, LouiseRiordan, Sarah Gray* Unfortunately Richardhas had to withdraw.

Seniors’ Lunch- What’s cooking?As a response to meeting a need of the “senior”members of the church family, the seniors’ luncheshave to date been much appreciated. So the idea is toplan a few in the year and that of course means weneed cooks. In fact we need teams of cooks – not thatwe are looking for cordon bleu standards!We have found that when three people preparetogether, a meal for around 20 becomes manageable.So if you fancy having a go, please ring Patsy in theoffice and let her have your name. With us havingthese seniors’ lunches once a quarter, we won’t becalling on you too often, particularly if lots offer to help– too many won’t “spoil the broth!” And by the way, wemake a small charge and so your expenses arecovered, and much of the practical side will be takencare of. We just need cooks to either come on the dayor prepare something beforehand and drop it in! But ifcooking is not your thing, practical offers of help arealways appreciated. So please let us know how youmay be able to be part of this ministry of friendship.

Calling all “Seniors?” – Lunch is servedYes, seniors with a question mark, for how do webegin to define these much valued members of thechurch? Well we won’t be looking for senior citizensbus passes and with the age of 70 being the new 60and being 60 the new 50 (or are we kidding our-selves?!) “seniors” can mean all things to all men, andwomen. So if you are trying to decide if you are eligi-ble, simply follow your taste buds – and come! Pleasering the office (4877260) and put your name at thetable by the day before, please.Please note that the next Seniors’ Lunch will be onWednesday 9th June and that there is a warmwelcome also to the “home group” and the Holy Com-munion Service which takes place beforehand in themeeting room of the Parish Centre.


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