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Jump Point Zulu

Mar 10, 2016



Mario Cordova

An original Military SF home brew for the savage worlds RPG
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    By Mario Cordova


    By the end of the 21st century faster than light travel was developed allowing for mankinds first extrasolar colonies. Now it is the 23rd century we have established hundreds of colonies, outposts, and deep space habitats all connected via an FTL Transit Network allowing for safe and

    affordable FTL travel.

    Even at FTL speeds travel can take hours, days, or even weeks and when disaster or some kind of crisis appears, speed is key. To

    facilitate this rapid response Quantum Data Transit was developed allowing for the instantaneous transportation of personnel and goods to a fixed

    position connected via the FTL network. Quantum Transit is controversial due to the high potential for death and or injury. There have also been

    instances of Data Corruption.

    You are a member of a Jump Team, a group of specially trained individuals trained to teleport into hazardous situations with little

    operational support or supplies. Prepare for TRANSIT.


    Big Damn Heroes: A hero can spend a Benny to gain the use of any Edge for one scene. They have to meet the Rank and any other Edge

    requirements but can ignore Trait requirements. Multiple Bennies can be spent to gain multiple Edges, counting as requirements for

    other Edges gained. Example 1: Samuel has to carry his buddy across a wasteland, but between the weight of his friend and the water

    they need, he can barely move. He spends a Benny to gain Brawny for the scene, increasing his Load Limit to x8. He grits his teeth and

    begins the long walk. Example 2: Samuel has taken two wounds, but needs to sneak into the camp of the Insurgents to rescue his friend.

    He knows the penalties from his wounds will make it nearly impossible, so he spends one Benny to get Nerves of Steel and another to get

    Improved Nerves of Steel. Focusing past the pain, Samuel silently moves in. Example 3: With the orc marauders' dire hounds chasing him

    while he pulls a cart with his friend in it, Samuel spends a Benny to get Fleet-Footed. As he begins to out-distance the creatures, his

    player asks the GM if he can trade his Loyal Hindrance for a different one.

    Critical Failures

    Gritty Damage

    Heroes never die

    I know a guy: In a game of deniable assets its good to know someone who can possibly help out without asking too many questions. WCs begin play with 3 contacts these individuals can provide short term or minor help once per mission. Contacts are very different from the

    connections edge as they can only provide limited help and have very little influence. A few hundred in cash, a quick ride to a location,

    limited medical care. Make sure to discuss with the GM the type of services these contacts are able to provide. New contacts can be

    acquired via role play, and missions.

    Jokers Wild

    Multiple languages

    Swift Learner: Your insight and intelligence grants you unique advantages. You may convert two raises from a Trait test into a Benny.

    You may not go over your total Benny count.


    Background Training: Everyone started out as something else, before they began a life of adventure. All WC's begin play with 2 skill

    specializations. Select 2 skills these skills gain a +1 bonus

    Initiative: Initiative is handled by using a d12 instead of using a card deck. Any edge or hindrance that requires you to pull an additional

    card, changes to rolling an additional d12. If a 12 is rolled that character/npc gains the effects of pulling a joker.

    Reputation: Reputation affects how NPCs react to a character. It starts at a value of zero and can be modified via edges. Strain: SFC p 29




    o Jump fatigue: Any time a TRANSIT jump is conducted all participants must make vigor roll on a success no ill results, on a

    failure the character/npc is Shaken. On a snake eyes the character becomes incapacitated

    o Data Corruption: whenever a transit jump is made roll a d100 on a roll of 80-100 the jumper suffers 2d6 damage. A person

    with a Jump stabilizer implant reduces their chance of data corruption to 90-100

    Starting Funds: 2000$

    o If the players begin the campaign higher than Novice the funds are multiplied by x2 per tier

    Novice: standard Seasoned: x2 Starting Veteran: x4 Starting Heroic: x8 Starting Legendary: x16 Starting





    Though we have discovered extensive alien flora and fauna, we have yet to encounter another sentient species. There are rumors of Alien ruins on

    the fringe worlds.

    The only race available for players is Humans and a few variants. Variant Humans sacrifice the free edge for being human for an attribute increase

    if theyre re-write or advanced skill training if they are a bioroid.

    Base-Line Humans: As per the SWDX

    Re-Writes: Re-Writes are humans that have undergone extensive genetic/cybernetic enhancement while they were still children. Re-Writes are

    very common among the various corporate enclaves.

    Enhanced: they may select one attribute; it starts at a d6 instead of the standard d4.

    Bioroids: Bioroids are a classification of human that were artificially created in a bio-printing/Clone facility. During the grow phase bioroids are

    pre-programed with a certain set of skills. Bioroids have full rights affored to humans and Re-Writes at least on paper

    Purpose Built: A bioroid is designed with a particular profession/aptitude in mind. They gain two pre-determined skills at a d6

    for free

    o Administrative

    Kn: Politics, and one social skill o Combat

    Fighting or shooting, notice o Law Enforcement

    Investigation, Notice o Support

    Any Technical Skill, Notice o Academic

    Any Knowledge, o Entertainment

    Kn: Perform, Persuasion

    New & Modified Skills

    Lockpicking has been renamed Security and is now linked to smarts. It now includes knowledge of various security measures, such as

    laser grids, or thermal scanners and the best way to counteract them.

    Knowledge: Robotics: Understand the workings of various robotics ranging from drones to sophisticated androids




    Removed Edges

    All core Arcane Backgrounds from the SWDX, and arcane edges have been removed

    Science Fiction Companion Edges and Hindrances

    Some edges and hindrances from the science fiction companion are available for selection. Make sure to clear with the GM before


    New Hindrances

    Infamous (minor or major)

    You are known for some majorly bad deeds, whether it is true or not. You start with -2 reputation if minor or -4 if major.

    Jump Sickness (Major)

    You have issues going through TRANSIT. You suffer a -2 to your vigor roll to resist jump fatigue; in addition fatigue incurred from a jump lasts twice

    as long.

    New Edges

    Background Famous

    Requirements: Novice, WC

    You are famous for some act whether you did it or not. You start with a +2 to your reputation.

    Hidden Cache

    Requirements: Novice, WC

    You have made certain preparations for when those SHTF moments. You may access once per campaign, a hidden cache of supplies and funds worth

    x5 the starting funds. New caches can be set up in game or by investing money gained from missions into your current cache.

    Combat Bring the Rain

    Requirements: Heroic, Shooting d12

    You flood the battle field with lead. You gain a +2 to your shooting rolls when using rapid attack maneuver.


    Requirements: Veteran, Agility d8, shooting d10 or fighting d10

    Your skill in combat is tough to match. If you hit with a raise you may sacrifice the bonus damage to gain a +2 to the AP value of the weapon.

    Concentrated Fire

    Requirements: Heroic, Agility d10, shooting d10

    When making attacks with a ranged weapon with a ROF higher than 1, you gain a +1 to damage with each shot after the first impact

    (More than one shot has to hit)

    Hard Hitting

    Requirements: Heroic, Trademarked weapon

    You make every shot count. You gain a +1 to AP when using your trademarked weapon.

    General Cover Identity

    Requirements: WC

    You have established a working cover identity, any data searches focused on your character will be instead routed to this identity first. Any one

    conducting a data search on you suffers a -4; if they fail they are routed to your cover ID. This edge may be taken numerous times, each time

    providing a -1 successive penalty on all searches to find out your true identity.




    Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8

    You deductive reasoning is superb. You gain a +2 to all common Knowledge rolls

    Jump Conditioning

    Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8, Smarts d6

    You have undergone extensive mental and physical conditioning to prepare you for the trauma associated with TRANSIT jumps.

    You gain a +2 vigor tests to resist the effects of TRANSIT fatigue, in addition your chance of data corruption is decreased to 5% percent instead of

    the normal 20%

    Man with no Name

    Requirements: WC, Seasoned, No reputation

    You went off the grid a long time ago. As long as you maintain a zero reputation score any data searches suffer a -4 to locate any information

    regarding your existence.

    Silent Running

    Requirements: veteran, agility d8+, Stealth d10

    You may move your full speed when trying to be stealthy.

    Professional Gunslinger (Professional)

    Requirements: Novice, Quick draw Shooting D10

    When using any pistol weapons you receive a +2 to your shooting roll when performing a rapid attack action.

    Hacker (Professional)

    Requirements: Novice, Computers D8

    When performing any hacking action you gain a +2 to the roll.

    Rifleman (Professional)

    Requirements: Novice, Shooting d8, Fighting D6

    When using a rifle of some kind you gain a +1 to called shots, you also may use rifles in Close Quarters.

    Rigger (Professional)

    Requirements: Novice, Pilot/Driving/Boating D8, KN: Computers d8

    You are well versed in the operation of URVs. You gain a +2 to all rolls to operate a URV. You may also spend bennies to attempt to soak damage on

    any URV under your control.

    Robotics Expert (Professional)

    Requirements: Novice, KN: Robotics d8, Repair d8

    You're well versed in the field of robotics. You gain a +2 to repair and damage VS robotic constructs.

    Weird Fortunate One (weird)

    Requirements: Novice, luck, great luck, Wild Card

    Karma Smiles upon you. You start play with an additional Benny.

    True Believer (Weird)

    Requirements: Belong to a belief system, Spirit D8

    Your belief keeps you going in the face of adversity. You gain a +2 to spirit rolls to resist fear.

    Social Youre breathing my Air boy. (Social) Requirements: Seasoned, Intimidate d8, WC,



    *Must maintain a positive or negative Karma Score. Whether good or bad you have an air of menace around you. You gain a bonus to intimidate rolls

    equal to your reputation score.




    Jump Point Zulu is a cinematic Sci-Fi adventure/thriller setting as such it puts weapon realism on the bench. Weapons and armor are fairly generic

    but cinematic. Ammo is simplified into small, medium, large

    Ammo Costs: Small: 15 per box of 50 3lbs, Medium: 30 per box of 50 5lbs, Large: 50 per box of 50 8lbs

    Special Ammo:

    Micro RPG 1500 per box of 20, 1 box is 12lbs

    Energy weapons do not use ammo but Disposable battery packs known as E-packs. Sold in packs of 4

    small 50$

    medium 100$

    large 150$

    Plasma Weapons uses plasma tanks. A box of 4 PTs cost 250

    Crossbows: Use bolts a pack of 10 bolts cost 20, bolts are able to use advanced ammo types

    New Weapons Quality

    Knock-back: on a successful hit the target must make strength check or be knocked back 1d4 yards. If they impact with an obstacle they

    take 1d6 damage.

    Kickback: -2 to shooting rolls when firing 1 handed

    Firearm Descriptors: A firearm can support up to 1 descriptor. A descriptor can be applied to a firearm upon purchase.

    Cheap: Weapon cost is cut by , but due to poor construction the weapon breaks easily. It suffers a -2 to agility tests to determine if the gun is


    Superior Quality: Increases cost by 100%, the weapon has been reinforced to take damage. The gun gains a +2 bonus to agility tests to determine

    if the weapon is damaged.

    Modular: Increases the number of total modifications by +1, cost is increased by 50%

    Damaged Weapons: Firearms and melee weapons can be damaged v called shots, explosive/fall damage, or rolling a snake eyes. To check if the

    weapon is damaged roll an Agility check, on a failure the weapon has been damaged and incurs a -2 to attack. On a snake eyes the weapon is

    destroyed and cant be used until repaired. Successive attacks or critical failures can destroy a weapon. To repair a weapon it takes time and money. Roll a repair check on a success the weapon has been repaired to a prior tier. It costs the price of the weapon to attempt a repair.





    Revolver Sm 100 12/24/48 2d6 8 S Ap 1, Revolver, 2lbs, Reload 2 actions 1 if using moon clips

    Revolver Med 200 12/24/48 2d6+1 6 S Ap 2, revolver, 3lbs. Reload 2 actions 1 if using moon clips

    Revolver HP 300 12/24/48 2d8 5 S Ap 2, revolver, 4lbs, kickback: -2 to shooting rolls when firing 1 handed, Reload 2

    actions 1 if using moon clips



    Pistol Sm 125 12/24/48 2d6 18 S AP 1, SA, DTP, 1lbs, reload 1 action

    Pistol Med 250 12/24/48 2d6+1 10 S AP 2, SA, DTP, 2lbs, reload 1 action

    Pistol HP 400 12/24/48 2d8 8 S AP 2,SA, DTP, kickback: -2 to shooting rolls when firing 1 handed, reload 1 action

    Machine Pistol 400 12/24/48 2d6 18 S AP 1, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3RB, SA, DTP, reload 1 action



    Hand Cannon 400 5/10/20 3d6-1 5 M Shotgun rules, revolver, kickback: -2 to shooting rolls when firing 1 handed, reload 2


    Pump-action 200 24/48/96 3d6-1 8 M Shotgun rules, reload 2 action

    HC Pump-Action 350 24/48/96 3d6-1 16 M Shotgun rules, reload 3 action

    Defense Shotgun 350 24/48/96 3d6-1 6 M Shotgun rules, SA, DTP, reload 1 action

    Combat Shotgun 700 24/48/96 3d6-1 16 M AP 2, Shotgun rules, SA, DTP, reload 1 action

    Auto-Shotgun 1200 24/48/96 3d6-1 30 M AP 2, Shotgun Rules, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3RB, SA, DTP, reload 1 action



    PDW Sm 175 12/24/48 2d6 60 S AP 1, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3rb, SA, DTP, reload 1 action

    PDW Med 300 12/24/48 2d6+1 45 S AP 2, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3rb, SA, DTP, reload 1 action

    PDW HP 450 15/30/60 2d8 30 M AP 2, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3rb, SA, DTP, reload 1 action



    Carbine 400 24/48/96 2d8 30 M AP 2, SA, DPT, reload 1 action

    Battle Rifle Light 600 24/48/96 2d8 45 M AP 2, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3rb, SA, DTP, reload 1 action

    Battle Rifle 750 24/48/96 2d8+1 30 M AP 3, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3rb, SA, DTP, reload 1 action

    Sniper LAMP 1100 30/60/120 2d8+1 15 L AP 3, SA, DTP , reload 1 action, comes with x2 scope

    Sniper HP 5k 50/100/200 2d10 6 L AP 4, HW, SA, DTP , reload 1 action, comes with x2 scope



    Launcher Pistol 2.5k 15/30/60 - 3 MRPG Sbt, revolver, kickback: -2 to shooting rolls when firing 1 handed, reload 2 action

    Auto-Launcher 5k 20/40/80 - 18 MRPG SBT, Full-Auto, Rof 3, 3rb, SA, DTP, reload 1 action

    Launcher HP 10k 30/60/120 - 6 MRPG Mbt, SA, DTP, reload 3 action



    Crossbow 350 10/20/40 2d6+1 12 Bolts Ap 2, SA, DPT, Quiet -2 to notice the weapon being fired. reload 1 action

    Chain Gun 5k 24/48/96 2d8 125 M AP 4, Full-Auto Only, Rof 5, reload 4 action

    Plasma Rifle 6k 24/48/96 2d6+4 80 PT AP 4, Full-Auto Only, Rof 4, reload 3 action

    LMG 2k 24/48/96 2d8+1 80 M AP 3, Full-Auto, Rof 4, 3rb, reload 2 action

    HMG 10 24/48/96 2d10 100 L AP 4,HW Full-Auto Only, Rof 3, reload 3 action

    Pulse Emitter 1500 10/20/40 3d8-1 20 E-pack M Shotgun rules, Knock-Back, Lethal & Non-Lethal modes, reload 1 action

    Stunner 100 5/10/20 n/a 8 E-pack S Target must make a vigor test or become incapacitated. On a raise the target

    suffers a -2 to the roll, reload 1 action, ignores armor

    Ballistic Knife 150 6/12/24 2d4+1 1 Throwing


    AP 1, A ballistic launches a small knife blade at a target at hi-speed. Ammo is

    similar to throwing knifes



    Firearm Modifications

    A firearm can support 3 modifications. To install a mod make a simple repair roll. You have +2 to the roll if you have access to a work shop.


    Accurate 500 n/a Universal +1 to aim actions

    Increased Damage 500 n/a Universal +1 to damage

    Stabilized 500 n/a Automatic Only The weapon only suffers a -1 when using Full-Auto

    Hard Hitting 500 n/a Ballistic +1 to AP

    Light Weight 750 n/a Universal Reduce weapon weight by 25%

    Focused 750 n/a Energy

    Weapon +1 to damage & +1 to AP

    Increased Range 500 n/a Universal Base range is increased by 25%

    Bayonet 250 +2lbs Universal allows the user to make melee attacks with a firearm with no penalty. Damage

    is as follows: D4+str for small d6+str for medium, or d8+str for large

    Biometric lock 1000 1lbs Universal Only designated users may fire this weapon. Up to 4 users may be imprinted

    on the scanner.

    Suppressor 250 1lbs Ballistic

    Reduces the flash and noise output of weapon. Notice rolls to detect the shot

    fired suffer a -2. Range is reduced by cannot be applied to revolvers, the

    chain gun, HMG, or energy weapons

    Extended Magazine 150 2lbs Ballistic Increase base ammo by , cannot be applied to the revolver

    Non-Metallic 1200 n/a Universal This mod renders the firearm near invisible to metal detectors. Metal

    detectors suffer a -4 to notice rolls to detect this firearm.

    Reflex Sight 500 1 lbs. Universal +1 to shooting rolls against targets in the first range increment

    LR Scope 500 2lbs Rifles only Negates Aim penalties up to long range

    XR Scope 1200 3lbs Rifles Only Negates up to -4 penalties from cover

    Light 75 2lbs Universal Attaches a basic flash light to the weapon

    Power Management

    System 500 2lbs


    Weapon Acts as an extended magazine for energy weapons



    Advance Ammo Types

    Advanced Ammo types are based off standard ammo but have unique properties and abilities.

    Ammo Types (Ballistic)

    Armor Piercing

    Cost: x3 base cost

    Effects: -1 damage +2 AP

    Anti-Personnel Micro-Charge

    Cost: x20

    Effects: +2 damage +2 AP


    Cost: x5 base

    Effects: On a Raise target must make a vigor check or suffer a -2 to pace and agility based checks for a duration or 3 rounds.


    Cost: x4 Base Cost

    Effects: +2 damage vs synthetics and cyborgs, NL vs Organics on a raise Organic targets suffer a -2 to soak damage

    Gello Shot (Non-Lethal Ballistic gel rounds)

    Cost: x2 base

    Effects: Damage is converted to Non-Lethal


    Cost: x8 base

    Effects: Target must make an agility roll to check if they catch fire. They suffer a -2 on a raise


    Cost: x8 base

    effects: NL, Target must make a vigor check at -2 or suffer a -2 to all Agility and Strength based actions. If the target rolls a snake

    eyes the target falls unconscious for 2d4 hours


    cost: x8 base

    effects: ignores penalties up to -4 from lighting and cover


    Cost: x6 base

    effects: -2 to notice checks to hear/see the weapon discharge, reduces range by half


    Cost: x4 base

    effects: +2 damage vs organic targets -2ap



    Ammo Types (Launcher)

    M-RPG (Gyrojet rounds)

    From the SFC p21

    Armor piercing


    Heat seeker




    Effects: 2d6 damage SBT, -2 to agility tests to escape the blast zone.


    Cost: x8 base

    Effects: 2d10, SBT, targets must make an agility roll to check if they catch fire. They suffer a -2 on a raise

    ARC Burst

    Cost: x6

    Effects: NL, LBT, Targets must make a vigor test or become incapacitated. On a raise the target suffers a -2 to the roll, reload 1 action, ignores

    armor. +2 damage vs robots & cyborgs


    Cost: x20

    Effects: 2d8, MBT, Nano-disasemblers are released in small area attacking anything with in. Targets must make an agility roll to avoid nanite

    exposure, if they fail the roll they suffer damage every round until the cloud disapates. Duration 3 rounds

    Narcozyne ABG

    Cost: x20 base

    Effects: MBT, Targets must make a vigor check at -2 or suffer a -2 to all Agility and Strength based actions for 3 rounds. If the target rolls a snake

    eyes the target falls unconscious for 2d4 hours



    Melee Weapons

    Melee weapons are composed of 3 categories, and can support 1 melee descriptor






    Blade Sm 50 5/10/20 Str+d4


    - Ap 1, can be thrown

    Blade Med 100 5/10/20 Str+d6 D6 Ap 1, can be thrown

    Blade Lrg 250 - Str+d8 D8 Ap 1

    Throwing Blade Sm 50 5/10/15 Str+d4 Cost is for pack of 3, can be using melee combat but suffers a -1 to

    fighting rolls



    Bludgeon Sm 50 5/10/20 Str+d4


    - Can be throne

    Bludgeon Med 100 - Str+d6 D6 +1 damage vs inanimate objects

    Bludgeon Lrg 250 - Str+d8 D8 +1 damage vs inanimate objects, -1 to parry

    Melee Descriptors

    Cheap: Weapon cost is cut by , but due to poor construction the weapon breaks easily. It suffers a -2 to agility tests to determine if the weapon is

    damaged. A cheap weapon becomes damaged automatically if a snake eyes is rolled on a shooting attempt.

    Superior Quality: Increases cost by 100% the weapon has been reinforced to take damage. The gun gains a +2 bonus to agility tests to determine if

    the weapon is damaged.

    Melee Mods

    A melee weapon can support 2 mods

    SFC melee mods p 19: Chain/Vibro blade, Molecular blade, Power weapon, Stun charge


    Weighted Head 500 Bludgeon

    The bludgeon has had its weight increased, this provides a +2 to damage but at a

    cost of -1 to fighting. This can only be applied to Bludgeon weapons. Increases

    weight by 25%

    Fitted Grip 250 Universal This mod allows a better grip, it provides the user a +1 to resist disarm attempts.

    Increased Damage 500 Universal +1 to damage

    Light Weight 300 M/L only Using better materials the weapon is 25% lighter than its normal weight and

    decreases its strength requirement by 1 step.

    Balanced 500 Universal Grants a +1 to throwing and fighting

    Breaching 250 Bludgeon

    The weapon has been hardened to better damage inanimate objects. It gains a +2

    to damage vs Inanimate objects. Breaching tools also provide a +1 equipment

    bonus to strength checks to pry open doors, weight also increases by 25%

    Collapsible 200 Universal The weapon can be compacted down for easy concealment and storage. Anyone

    searching for a collapsed weapon suffers a -2 to their notice roles.

    Non-Metallic 1000 Universal This mod renders the weapon nearly invisible to metal detectors. Metal detectors

    suffer a -4 to notice rolls to detect this firearm.

    Extended Grip 250 Universal

    M/L +1 to reach




    Grenades are thrown explosive charges that affect an area. They have a delay until they detonate. A delay of 2 for instance is 2 rounds before

    detonation. Explosions bypass armor. A character may choose to cook off the grenade for one round and throwing it in the second with a -2 to

    attack. Grenades are considered Small objects for the purpose of called shots.

    Cost is per box of 4

    The following grenades from the SFC are also available. P 20

    EMP Fragmentation Smoke Thermal



    Choker 250 5/10/20 - -

    Impact release, A Choke grenade releases a strong gas iritant in a MBT,

    Targets must make a vigor roll at -2 or become blinded and shaken as

    they are racked by coughing fits. The Cloud lingers for 2 rounds. Anyone

    wearing a gas mask is immune to the effects.

    Narcozyne 300 5/10/20 - -

    Impact release, MBT, The Narcozyne produces a sleep/amnesiac gas all

    targets affected must make a vigor roll at -4 or suffer a level of fatigue.

    On a failure the target is rendered unconscious for a duration of 2d4

    hours. Targets wearing a gas mask or rebreather are immune this effect.

    TAG 500 5/10/20 - 2

    LBT, The Tag grenade tags enemy locations on any friendly Augmented

    Reality systems keyed to its channel. This negates up to -4 in penalties

    from either low-light, or concealment. Duration 3 rounds

    Hunter/Killer 1000 5/10/20 2d8 2

    SBT, The seeker grenade is equipped with a low-level VI, and micro

    maneuvering thrusters that allow them to find enemy targets. This

    provides a +2 bonus to hitting the target.

    Nano-Swarm 3000 5/10/20 2d8 2

    MBT, Nano-disasemblers are released in small area attacking anything

    with in. Targets must make an agility roll to avoid nanite exposure, if they

    fail the roll they suffer damage normally the first round , but the damage

    decreases a die type the following rounds, from 2d8 to 2d6 to finally 2d4

    the last round of exposure. Duration 3 rounds




    Jump Operatives wear and use a wide variety of gear and equipment

    The Following Armors and Clothing are available from the SFC

    glide suit p 17 polymer shield p 17 smart suit p 17 spacesuit p17 Spacesuit, Combat p17

    New Armor

    Ballistic Nano-Weave Undercover Body Suit

    Cost: 450 Armor Value: +2 Weight: 3lbs Modification slots: 1 Covers: ATL

    Notes: Composed of lightweight ballistic nano-weave this body suits are able to provide a small amount of protections, and is very popular among

    the Jump Team circuit. The BNW body suit is near invisible under normal clothing as such trying to detect it as anything other than clothing suffer a

    -4 to notice rolls.

    Armored Vest

    Cost: 350 Armor Value: +3 Weight: 5lbs Modification Slots: 1 Covers: T

    Notes: Composed of light weight N-weave cloth and ballistic plating it provides a small amount of protection to the wearer. Common among LE and

    corporate security.

    Operations Suit

    Cost: 800, LE/M Armor Value: +4 Weight: 8lbs Modification slots: 3 Covers: ATL

    Notes: Composed of light weight N-weave cloth and ballistic plating it provides a decent level of protection to the wearer. Common among jump

    teams, LE, and military. Equiped with an 5k radio and medium level gear/backpack harness

    Covert Operations Suit

    Cost: 1200, LE/M Armor Value: +3 Weight: 4lbs Modification Slots: 2 Covers: ATL

    Notes: The COS is equipped with the Advanced Cloaking System, which adapts to its suroundings and also decreases the users noise output. . It

    imposes a -4 penalty to notice rolls to detect your presence when active. When the ACS is active you are restricted to your movement speed.

    Tactical Assault Light Operations Suit

    Cost: 1500, LE/M Armor Value: +5 Weight: 15lbs Modification slots: 4 Covers: ATLH

    Notes: The Latest in military powered body armor designed to make the user faster and stronger, comes equipped with Ambient Cloaking System

    imposing a -2 to notice rolls to detect you when active. When the ACS is active you are restricted to your movement speed. 20k range encrypted

    radio, Intergrated Exo-Frame +2 to movement, +1 die to strength. Equipped with a Rapid Deployment Helmet provides a +1 to shooting roles, and low-

    light detection software.

    Armor Mods


    Cost: 500 Weight: +3lbs

    Notes: The AV value is increased by +1, weight is doubled

    Environmental Protection

    Cost: 400 Weight: +2lbs

    Notes: +2 to resist the effects of the evironment. Such as the cold or extreme heat. The type of the environment must be selected at time of


    Hazard Seals

    Cost: 1k Weight: +2lbs

    Notes: +2 to resist radition, poisonous atmosphere, Nanite exposure



    Light Weight

    Cost: 5k Weight: -

    Notes: Decreases weight by

    Load Bearing Gear

    Load bearing gear helps to distribute the load a person is carrying on their person, it allows you to ignore a certain amount of weight.

    Load Bearing Gear

    Tiny 5lb

    Small 10lbs

    medium 25lbs

    Large 50lbs

    URVs (Unmanned Remote Vehicles): URVs are operated via remote control. A character must have Knowledge: Computers skill and the appropriate

    vehicle skill (Driving for cars, boating for aquatic and the like.) and uses the lower of the two.

    Noise Maker

    Range: 5/10/20 25 Weight: 1lbs Cost: 250 for a pack of six

    Notes: +2 to smart checks to distract a unassuming target, can be placed as a motion-detection device

    EMP Emitter

    Range: 5/10/20 Weight: 2 Cost: 5k

    As per the EMP grenade in the SFC

    Sticky Camera

    Range: - 2k 1 A sticky camera can be placed on a flat surface to act as a second pair of eyes.

    Camera Cable

    Range: - Cost: 500 Weight: 1lbs

    Notes: A length of 3ft cable, the camera can be used to look under doors and around corners. The Camera is considered tiny and incurs a -4 penalty

    to notice it.


    Range: - Cost: 1k Weight: 5lbs

    Notes: A modular drone platform that can be outfitted for land, aquatic, and air operations. Has a range of 50m, Can be loaded with a light weapons

    or surveillance package.

    Micro Smart-Turret

    Range: 24/48/96 Cost: 2k Weight: 5lbs

    Notes: A semi-autonomous stationary turret that can be placed on a flat surface and can engage enemy targets. It has a ROF of 3 and does 2d6

    damage, ap 1, with a 45 round mag.

    Augmented Reality Glasses

    Cost: 600 Weight:-

    Notes: AR glasses provide a +1 to notice rolls. These are also available in contacts for x2 the price

    Modes of operation


    Low light


    EM Emmision


    Cost: 600



    Notes: The watch-top serves as both a communication device and fully functional mini-frame computer system. It uses a holographic user interface

    and can loaded with a variety of entertainment & utility/hack programs. It counts as a tool when using the hacking option of the computer skill and

    for computer based investigation skill checks. For x3 the price the watch top provides a +2 to hacking and Common Knowledge attempts

    A Standard Watch-top can support 3 utility programs, the advanced model supports up to 5

    o A utility program grants a +1 to any one technical or knowledge skill check they cost 250

    Jump Box

    Cost: Restricted (LE/Mil), Black market 25k Weight: 4lbs

    Notes: The jump box is restricted tech that allows one to access the TRANSIT network with out the use of a jump bay. This method of transit is very

    dangerous and has a higher chance of causing Data Corruption. Using a Jump box requires Smarts check to dial in a known destination a box can

    store 10 jump points. Users suffer a -2 to resist the effects of Jump Fatigue and the chance of data corruption is increased to 25%

    Electro-Kinetic Reflex Shield

    Cost: - Weight: -

    Notes: These arm mounted devices function exactly like regular shields, but produce a portable electro-kinetic barrier. They provide the following

    bonuses to AV against attacks. The protection bonus only applies when the shield is active. Requires and action to activate. Operatives have been

    known to use the shield as an improvised weapon. The damage for a shield bash is equal to your strength + the armor value of the shield

    Small: +2, 1 lbs, $300

    Medium: +3, 2 lbs, $500

    Large:+4, 3 lb, $700


    Cost: 150 pack of 3 Weight: -

    Notes: A med-stick is a cocktail of medical grade nanites, anti-bacterials, and immune-boosters designed to be easy to use, and to treat wounds

    when no advanced care is available. Takes an action to use, duration instant, allows a counsious recipient to make an immediate healing roll minus

    wound penalties to recover. On a success they gain a wound level back, and gain an additional wound level for every raise. If used on a incapacitated

    or dying character on a success the character is stabilized, for every raise they gain a wound level back.

    Trauma Stick

    Cost: 300 pack of 2 Weight: -

    Notes: Acts exactly as a Med-Stick with the following changes the recipient ignores up to 2 points of wound penalties when making their healing roll.

    Also the effects last longer, having a duration of 2 rounds.


    Cost: 500 pack of 4 Weight: -

    Notes: A adhesive patch laced with a variety of pain-supressors, and combat grade neural stimulants. The Stim-Patch requires an action to apply,

    and must be applied to bare skin, the side of the neck is a common site. The patch provides the following effects: It grants the Hardy Ability for a

    duration of a scene or 3 rounds of combat whichever comes first. Following the scene the user must make a vigor check or suffer a level a level of




    Cyberware & Viral Therapies

    Cybernetics in the JPZ setting uses the strain system presented in the SFC, p 29.

    Viral-Therapies: A new form of custom gene-modification that are theoretically safer than standard cyberware but more expensive.

    o Strain is cut by 50% to a minium of 1, but the costs are increased by 50%, a viral therapy causes flu like symptoms for a

    several days (During this time the implant is non active) a character must make a vigor check for each day or suffer a level

    of fatigue, if they are incapacitated during this time they must make a vigor check or die.

    The Following Implants from the SFC are available. P 30-31

    Adrenal Surge, armor, attribute increase, combat specialty, auto-doc, communicator, cyber jack, Filters, leg enhancement, mule, skill

    chip, trait bonus, vision enhancement, weapon: melee, weapon: ranged,

    The following are available as Viral Therapies

    Adrenal Surge, attribute increase, auto-doc, Filters, leg enhancement, mule, trait bonus, vision enhancement

    New Cyberware

    Jump Stabalizer

    Cost: 10k Strain: 1

    Notes: A jump stabilizer is linked directly into a persons nervous system and acts as a buffer to the trauma associated with a TRANSIT Jump. A person with no implant has a 20% chance of experiencing data corruption.