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July 8th, 2015

Aug 05, 2016



Bilingual English and Punjabi Newspaper for Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley
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  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 2The Patrika

    PAGE 2

    The Prime Minister of Canada and the Premier of Quebec announce a new

    infrastructure agreement

    The Prime Minister of Cana-da, Justin Trudeau, and the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, today confirmed the ratification of the Canada-Quebec Agreement on the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund and the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund.

    This agreementwith funding provided by the Government of Canada, the Province of Quebec, and municipalitieswill support public transit projects, as well as projects that will provide improved water and wastewater systems, in order that Quebec families may benefit from modernized infra-structure.

    Both governments are committed to investing in local infrastructure to make sure that families have access to reliable and high-quality services. Investing in infrastructure is vital for creating middle class jobs today, and

    sustained economic growth for years to come.

    The agreement will allow Quebec municipalities and public transit or-ganizations to access more than $1.2 billion in federal funding over the next three years to implement projects in all

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 3The Patrika

    PAGE 3

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    regions of Quebec. Combined with funding from the province and municipalities, more than $2.5 billion will be invested in infrastructure projects.

    In practical terms, nearly $924 million in federal funding will go to public transit projects, while $364 million will be earmarked for projects related to clean water and wastewater treatment.

    These investments throughout our regions will ensure that all Quebecers have access to modern infrastructure that will enable them to, among other things, save time on their commute and optimize their work-life balance, while encouraging job creation, particularly among the middle class.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 4The Patrika

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    sfry sMsfr dI sFJI jMg hY dihsLqgrdI

    bIqy sLuwkrvfr aqy sLnIvfr dI ivckfrlI rfq bMglfdysL ivwc Auh kuJ vfpr igaf, ijhVf kdy Bfrq dy muMbeI ivwc vfpiraf sI qy iPr keI hor QFeI vfpr cwukf sI. vIh qoN vwD bygunfh lokF dy kql krn ipwCoN awqvfdI mfry jfx qoN ieh qswlI qF ho skdI hY ik jy Auh ijLMdf rihMdy qF hor lok mfry jfx df zr sI, Auh zr KLqm ho igaf, pr KLqrf eyny nfl nhIN tl jFdf. jdoN qwk sMsfr Br ivwc koeI iewk vI dihsLqgrd ijLMdf hY, ijs df mksd mfrnf, mrnf aqy dihsLq pfAuxf hY, EdoN qwk KLqrf tl igaf smJxf vI byvkUPI hY. iksy QF kuJ dihsLqgrd mfry jfx qF KLqrf isrP EQy df tldf hY, bfkI QfeIN kfiem rihMdf hY. hux ieh KLqrf ivsLv-ivafpI bixaf ipaf hY. Zfky vflI Gtnf dI isafhI suwkx qoN pihlf ierfk dI rfjDfnI qoN aglI KLbr af vI geI ijwQy 200 dy lgBg lok mfry gey.

    bMglf dysL dI pRDfn mMqrI sLyK hsInf dI ies gwl ivwc kuJ hwd qwk swcfeI ho skdI hY ik Zfky dI Gtnf vfly awqvfdI bfhr dy nhIN, bMNglf dysL dI jmfqy-ieslfmI dy bMdy ho skdy hn, pr dUsrI gwl ieh vI hY ik AunHf dy sMbMD afeI[aYWs[afeI[aYWs[ nfl vI ho skdf hY. hfly Zfky df kYPy pUrI qrHF AunHF dihsLqgrdF qoN mukq nhIN sI krvfieaf jf sikaf ik sosLl mIzIaf nfl juVy lok ieh kihx lwgy sn ik afeI[aYWs[afeI[aYWs[ vfilaF ny Aus kYPy aMdr hoey KUn-KLrfby dIaF keI qsvIrF vI ieMtrnYWt AuWqy cfVH idwqIaF hn. ies qrHF Auh qdy kr skdy sn. jy iswDy jF aiswDy sMprk rfhIN AunHF df Zfky ivwc golIaF vrHf rhy dihsLqgrdF nfl joV juVdf hovygf. aiswDy joV dy sbMD ivwc sB nUM pqf hY ik pfiksqfn KuPIaf eyjMsI dy rfhIN ieh qflmyl ho skdf hY.

    ijhVI jmfqy-ieslfmI df nFa sLyK hsInf lY rhI hY, Auh pfiksqfn pwKI AunHF jnUMnIaF dI jQybMdI hY, ijhVy bMglf dysL dy bxn vyly bMgflI lokF dy kql krn ivwc pfiksqfnI PLOj nfl juVy rhy sn qy ijnHF dy kuJ afgUaF nUM hux EQy PFsI lfieaf jf irhf hY. Auh EdoN qNo pfiksqfnI KuPIaf eyjMsI dy kfirMdy bxy af rhy sn qy hux vI Esy dy iesLfry aqy mdd nfl bMglf dysL ivwc KUnI kFz krdy rihMdy hn. ipCly idnF ivwc Drm-inrpwK lyKkF, blfgrF qy Gwt igxqI DrmF dy afgUaf nUM ijwdF kql krn dI lVI EQy cwldI rhI hY, Auh iesy df nqIjf sI. hux vI Auh cuwp nhIN bYTy hoey.

    sMsfr Br ivwc ijhVI dihsLqgrdI cwl rhI hY, Auh Aus df aMg bxy hoey hn aqy ieh gwl Auh Kud vI kihMdy hn qy sMsfr pwDr dI dihsLqgrdI dI mohrI bxI hoeI afeI[aYWs[afeI[aYWs[ dI isKLr vflI kmfn vI ies df spwsLt aYlfn krdI hY. aglI gwl ieh hY ik Aus kmfn dy nfl pfiksqfnI KuPLIaf eyjMsI dy sMbMD vI sfrI dunIaF jfxdI hY. ies qrHF vlfvyNdfr sMprk EQy jf juVdf hY.

    ivsLv nyN kuJ hPqy pihlF bYljIam dI rfjDfnI brwsljL dy hvfeI awzy AuWqy dihsLqgrdI df kihr vyiKaf sI. Aus qoN bfad qurkI dy sB qoN vwzy sLihr iesqFbul ivwc Auho ijhf iewk kFz hox dI KLbr af geI. agly idn do kFz iekwTy ho gey. iewk pfsy Zfkf ivwc dihsLqgrdF ny iewk kYPy ivwc vV ky ivdysLI lokF nUM mfrn df kMm sLurU kr idwqf qy dUsry pfsy aPLgfinsqfnI rfjDfnI kfbul dI rfKI vflI Pors dy nvyN kYiztF dI bws AuWqy hmlf kr ky keI lok mfr idwqy. jdoN Zfky dI golI cwlxI bMd hoeI qF isrPL cOvI GMty bIqy sn ik ierfk dI rfjDfnI bgdfd ivwc bMb cwlx qy lokF dy mrn dI KLbr af geI hY. EQy Zfky qoN ds gxy lok mfry gey hn. lok jdoN ies qrHF dIaF GtnfvF dI crcf krdy hF qF ieh socdy rihMdy hn ik gwl mwukx qwk pqf nhIN hor kI kuJ ho jfvy.

    ies vkq sMsfr iewk bhuq vwzI ieho ijhI jMg dy dhfnuy AuWqy KVHf hY, ijs ivwc dusLmx df morcf idwsdf nhIN, Auh sfzy ivcfly iPrdf ho skdf hY qy jdoN qwk Auh vfr nhIN krdf, pCfx vI nhIN kr skdy. muMbeI qNo pYirs qwk geI ieh KLUnI Kyz brwsljL qoN huMdI iesqFbul phuMcI qy Zfky dy nfl hI kfbl ivwc iewk hor kFz ho igaf, ijwQy inwq idn ieh kuJ huMdf hY. hux bgdfd ivwc vI ho igaf hY qy Blk qwk AuzIkx jF nf, dihsLqgrd aglf kFz vI krn dI Auh iqafrI krdy pey ho skdy hn, ijs bfry sMsfr dy lokF ny ajy soicaf vI nhIN huMdf. dUsrI sMsfr jMg vyly ihtlr dy KLUnI ierfdy nUM dunIaF dI qbfhI qwk jFdf vyKx ipwCoN afps dy sO ivroDF vfly dysLF nUM iekwTy hoxf qy iml ky lVnf ipaf sI. dihsLqgrdI vI sMsfr jMg hY. rUs, amrIkf, qurkI, ibRtyn jF iksy hor dy afpo ivwc ivroD ho skdy hn, pr ieh gwl sB nUM smJ lYxI cfhIdI hY ik ies mOky ies qrHF dy mwqByd Cwz ky iekwTy nf hoey qF iksy df vI bcfa krn dI koeI gfrMtI nhIN.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 5The Patrika

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    gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrF nUM dyxnOvIN pfqfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI ieiqhfs c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHf vwloN iqMn sfQIaf BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nfl idwlI ivwc nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKf dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy julmf iKlf afvf bulMd krn aqy hIdI pRfpq krn dy mMqv ipCly asl qy Aucycy arQf bfry ajy qwk shI aiDaYn nhIN kIqf igaf aqy nf hI shI pirpyK qoN GoiKaf igaf hY. ipCly kuJ dhfikaf qoN mnuwKI hwkf bfry aflmI aMdolnf dy AuBfr nfl hux sfnUM mhfn gurU dI hIdI ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrf dy arQf dI Koj krn df mOkf imilaf hY.

    mnuwKI aiDkfrf nUM do nrIaf nfl dyiKaf jfdf hY- shfiek jf kfnUMnI phuMc aqy suBfivk phuMc. pihlI qrHf dI phuMc dOrfn mnuwKI aiDkfrf nUM kuJ isafsI tIicaf nUM hfsl krn leI hiQafr vjoN vriqaf jfdf hY aqy mnuwKI hwkf dI rfKI bfry crcf krdy smy iPrkUvfd Puwt pYdf hY. iPrkU soc pnpx df nqIjf ieh huMdf hY ik mnuwKI hwkf dy rKvfly afpxy BfeIcfry, afpxI kOm, ivcfrDfrf aqy isafsI sihXogIaf dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfdy hn. hwd qf AudoN ho jfdI hY jdoN ies soc qihq iksy ivroDI dy mnuwKI aiDkfrf dI AulMGxf nUM axgoilaf kr idwqf jfdf hY jf ivroDIaf dy mnuwKI hwkf dI rfKI df ivroD hox lwg pYdf hY.

    ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI aiDkfrf dI ibnf iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI jfdI hY. Auh Bfvy afpxy hox jf ivroDI Kymy dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik mnuwK hox dy nfqy sfry iensfn ivy hwkf dy hwkdfr hn. ieh phuMc mnuwKI hwkf dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, ilMg jf ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI hIdI iesy aMqrIvI soc nUM qfkq bKdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI hwkf dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY.

    gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly kfrnf AuWqy Jfq mfrnf rUrI hY. kmIrI pMizqf (bRfhmxf) nUM Aus smy dy mugl bfdfh aOrMgyb dy julmf df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey sn. Auh ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn ik rUhfnI KsIaq vjoN AunHf df aihm ruqbf hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdfh nUM smJf ky AunHf nUM musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN smJ skdy hf ik kmIrI pMizqf vwloN gurU jI dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHf leI bhuqIaf muklf Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHf jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn aqy AunHf ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHf dIaf iswiKafvf bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIaf sn. iswK Drm ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nUM Auqfhq kIqf. ies rfhIN AunHf CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. iswK Drm dIaf ienHf sfrIaf iswiKafvf krky kmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qOr qy gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxf dy Dfrimk

    hwkf dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIaf dy hwkf dI rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIaf dI rwiKaf leI AunHf nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI.

    mnuwKI ieiqhfs aijhIaf keI imsflf nfl Biraf hoieaf hY ijwQy lokf ny afpxy BfeIcfry, kOm jf ivcfrDfrf leI jfnf vfrIaf. afpxy ihwqf qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokf ny nYiqk kfblIaq df pRdrn kIqf pr gurU qyg bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIaf dy hwkf dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bulMdI nUM Coihaf, Aus dI imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs c ikqy nhIN imldI. ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkf dI bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIaf coN iek igixaf jf skdf hY.

    gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM dyKidaf aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfr sMsQfvf vI AunHf nUM afpxy moZIaf ivwcoN iek df drjf dy rhIaf hn.

    lMzn afDfrq mnu wKI aiDkfr jQybMdI amnYstI ieMtrnYnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI hIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkf dI mhwqqf nfl joV ky Aus bfry ivcfr-vtfdrf vI kIqf sI. amnYstI ieMtrnYnl Aus smy mnuwKI aiDkfrf dy ivv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI mOky aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrf dy ieiqhfs bfry iek ikqfb iqafr krvf rhI sI. jQybMdI vwloN ies pRfjYkt df Audy hryk sdI c mnuwKI hwkf dy alMbrdfrf dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb df isrlyK id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy ies c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrf dy rfiKaf c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI fml hY. bfkI cfrf c jOhn illbrn (1617-57), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) fml hn.

    kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI hfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ihMd dI cfdr` bd vrqy jfdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI aijhI ivafiKaf AunHf dy bRihmMzI nrIey nUM CuitafAux vfg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huMdf qf gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh hI qurnf sI. AunHf dI hfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, Auh iksy Drm ivy qwk sImq nhIN sI. iehI qwQ AunHf dI hfdq nUM vwD mhfn bxfAuNdf hY.

    iesy nrIey qoN idwlI dy ieiqhfsk cfdnI cOk ijs Qf qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM isrP iswKf jf ihMdUaf leI aihm Dfrimk asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn nUM qf ivv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkf vfly idRtIkox nUM mfnqf qy akIdq dyx vwl dyr nfl cuwikaf, pr aiqaMq Zukvf kdm hovygf.

    - lyKk afksPorz bruks XUnIvristI, afksPorz (XU[ky[) ivwc ieknfimks df pRoPYsr hY.

    Friday, December 25th, 2015 PAGE 5The Patrika

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    mlyrkotlf kFz dI jFc nUM aFc ipCly idnIN mflyrkotlf ivwc kurfn sLrIPL dI byadbI nfl juVy mfmly ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI(afp) dy ivDfiek nrysL Xfdv df nF afAux nfl ijwQy pMjfb dI isafsq grmf geI hY, AuWQy pulIs dI BUimkf AuWqy vI svfl KVHy ho gey hn. pulIs vwloN ies Gtnf nfl sbMDq hox dy dysL ivwc 28 jUn nUM ivjY kumfr smyq iqMn ivakqIaF nuM igRPqfr krky Aus dy ivsLv ihMdU pRIsLd nfl sbMD hox df ieMksLfPL krn qoN ielfvf Aus AuWqy gfjIafbfd aqy amrIkf ivwc vI aijhIaF GtnfvF nUM aMjfm dyx dy dosL lfey gey aqy nfl hI gurdfspur ivwc jfalI KLfd vycx dy dosL hyT drj krn dI gwl khI geI sI. dUjy pfsy kuJ ihMdU jQybMdIaF ny vI ivjY kumfr nUM afpxf bMdf aYlfinaf sI. hux do idnF bfad acfnk pulIs vwloN ies mfmly nfl afp dy idwlI pRdysL dy ivDfiek nrysL Xfdv dy sbMD hox df Kulfsf krn aqy Aus ivrwuD kys drj krn nfl ieh mfmlf isafsI rMgq Dfrn kr igaf hY. afm afdmI pfrtI ny pRqIkrm pRgt kridaF pulIs kfrvfeI nUM isafsq qoN pRyirq dwisaf hY ik jdoN ik sLRomxI akflI dl ny afp qy iPrkU BfvnfvF BVkfAux dy dosL lfey hn. dUjy pfsy kFgrs ny sLRomxI akflI aqy afp nUM sOVy isafsI ihwqF leI pMjfbIaF dy Dfrimk jLjLbfq nfl Kyzx qoN guryjL krn leI ikhf hY.

    iewk Gwt igxqI iPrky dIaF BfvnfvF nfl juVI Gtnf hox krky srkfr aqy pulIs nUM ies dI sMjIdgI nfl AuWc pwDrI jFc krvfey jfx dI jLrUrq sI, pr srkfr ny kyvl sfDfrn pulIs jFc nUM hI vfjb smJ ilaf. pulIs vwloN hPLqy dy aMdr aMdr do afpf-ivroDI KLulfsy krn dy nfl afp dy ivDfiek nrysL Xfdv iKLlfPL kys drj kIqy jfx ny pulIs dI BUimkf AuWqy svfl

    KVHy kr idwqy hn aqy mfmly nUM hwl krn dI QF pUrI qrHF isafsI bxf idwqf igaf hY. ZfeI sfl pihlF mflyrkotlf ivwc hI swqvIN jmfq ivwc pVHdy iewk bwcy nUM idn-idhfVy ijLMdf jlf dyx dI Gtnf dI pMjfb pulIs hfly qwk vI AuWG-suwG nhIN kwZ skI. pulIs BUimkf AuWqy svfl ies krky vI AuWT rhy hn ikAuNik ies Gtnf dI jFc dI ingrfnI krn vfly AuWc aiDkfrI AuhI hn ijnHF dI pihlF PrIdkot ivwc sLrUqI kFz, ipCly sfl burj jvfhr isMG vflf aqy brgfVI ivwc gurU gRMQ sfihb dI byadbI dIaF GtnfvF aqy bihbl klF qy kotkpUrf ivc vfpry golI kFz ivwc sLwkI BUimkf rhI sI.

    nrysL Xfdv dy ivjY kufmr nfl sbMDF qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf pr pMjfb pulIs vwloN kIqy jf rhy Kulfsy vI Brosf pYdf krn vfly nhIN. ieh KLulfsy afpf-ivroDI vI hn. AuNj vI byadbI nfl juVIaF GtnfvF ivwc pMjfb pulIs dI kfrgujLfrI aqy swqfDfrI iDr dI BUimkf iksy qoN BwulI hoeI nhIN. ieh sMqusLtI vflI gwl hY ik lgpg do dhfky awiqvfd df sMqfp Bog cwuky pMjfb dy lok hux Dfrimk aqy isafsI afgUaf dy iPrkU BfvnfvF BVkfAux vfly hwQkMizaF qoN jfxU ho cwuky hn aqy BVkfht pYdf krn vflIaF koisLsLF nUM nkfrdy af rhy hn. hux jdoN mflyrkotlf mfmlf Dfrimk dy nfl-nfl isafsI rMgq Dfr igaf hY aqy pulIs dI BUimkf sLwk dy Gyry ivwc af geI hY qF srkfr nUM ies kFz dI AuWc pwDrI jFc dy afdysL dyx dI jLrUrq hY. ies qoN ielfvf srkfr, isafsI afgUaf dy nfl-nfl pRsLfsink aqy pulIs aiDkfrIaF nUM aijhyy nfjLuk mfmilaF pRqI gMBIrqf idKfey jfx dI jLrUrq hY ikAuNik aijhIaF isafsI KyzF df KfimafjLf pMjfb aqy pMjfbIaF nUM Bugqxf pYNdf hY.

    mdoky dy pRIvfrF dI iekwqrqf 30 julfeI sLinwcrvfr nUM

    ipMz mdoky ijLlHf mogf dI hr sfl dI qrHF ies vfr vI iekwqrqf 30 julfeI idn sLinwcrvfr nUM aYbtsPorz aqy imsLn dy ivckfr dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy lfgy aqy pihlF vflI pfrk ivKy 10[30 qoN sLfm dy 6[30 qwk hovygI. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk nMbr: jsvMq isMG igwl aYbtsPorz -778-549-7714, ieMdrjIq isMG srF imsLn-604-768-0196, gurjoq isMG igwl aYbtsPorz-604-217-8411, idlrfj isMG srI -604-866-1798

    aYbtsPorz ivwc mylf 21 agsq nUM aYbtsPorz dy rotrI styzIam ivKy 21 agsq nUM mylf ho irhf hY| ies ivwc cotI dy klfkfrF dy nflL igWDy BMgVy dIaF pysLkfrIaF hoxgIaF| ies myly dI koeI itkt nhIN hovygI| myly ivwc phMc rhy klfkfrF sbMDI vDyry jfxkfrI afAux vflLy smyN ivwc idwqI jfvygI| myly sbMDI hor jfxkrI leI Pon kro: hrjoq isMG sMDU : 778-240-9959 jF jiqMdr isMG (hYpI) igwl: 604-832-4000 jF sipMdr isMG mFgt: 604-825-1755

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 6The Patrika

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    The surprising person helping your child develop positive relationships

    (NC) Every parent wants the best for their child. This means giving them every tool to succeed in life, school and relationships. And while we usually think of teachers as helping kids in the school and book-learning departments, did you know that educators also play a key role in sup-porting childrens internal capacity to self-regulate their behaviour and engage in positive interactions with other children and adults?

    Developing caring and nurturing relationships that support childrens learning is one of the core competen-cies that early childhood educators bring to early learning programs in Ontario. The College of Early Child-hood Educators, which regulates Ontarios early childhood educators, recently released a guideline to help its members support positive interac-tions with children.

    The colleges new practice guide-line highlights ways registered early childhood educators (RECEs) can better support positive interactions with children, through techniques like forming positive perspectives and nurturing responsive relation-ships, says Melanie Dixon, direc-tor of professional practice at the college. Being responsive means working with children to reduce their stress and anticipate moments in their day that might lead to chal-lenging behaviour.

    The college requires RECEs to remain knowledgeable about cur-rent evidence-based research and to

    transfer that knowledge into practice, and the new guideline directs them to research on brain development and self-regulation. It also teaches new ways of dealing with any challenging behaviours requiring more attention.

    We used to use the term behav-iour management to describe how educators would address challenging behaviours, but now we know that just trying to manage and direct a childs behaviour isnt effective and isnt enough, Dixon reveals.

    Another important part of creating positive interactions is the role REC-Es play in helping children develop the skills to self-regulate, and the guideline talks about helping them become aware of their emotions, and how to offer them strategies for coping, Dixon adds.

    We can look forward to further improvements in the care our chil-dren receive from early childhood educators this September, when the College implements a mandatory on-going learning program for RECEs to upgrade their skills.

    Additional information on the role early childhood educators play in your childs growth and develop-ment is available at

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 7The Patrika

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    Vancouver tech company teams up with Google to counteract challenges

    Online virtual tour part of strat-egy highlighting opportunities for international tech talentVancouver, BC Struggling to meet its hiring demand amidst a period of rapid growth, local tech company Canada Drives is introducing an online virtual office tour powered by Google street view technology to support an aggres-sive recruitment campaign.

    As documented in a press release last week, the company, along with Van-couvers entire tech community, is having great difficulty attracting and retaining international and local tech professionals due to the high cost of living in the city.

    Already occupying an entire floor in downtown Vancouvers famed Two Bentall Centre, and scheduled to take over another floor within the next week, Canada Drives is using this on-line walkthrough as a way to stand out from other tech companies, according to company founder Cody Green.

    We are facing significant recruit-ment challenges due to all the local, national and even international news coverage about Vancouvers housing market, explains Green. Because we are conducting a lot of international Skype interviews, Google street view gives us a powerful visual tool to use in our conversations with candidates who are often located on the other side of the globe.

    Metro Vancouver is quickly emerging as Canadas premier tech hub, with hundreds of thriving start-ups and ma-jor players like Amazon and Microsoft setting up shop in the past year.

    However, companies looking to meet their HR needs are being faced with an exodus of young tech workers from the city, and the inability to compete with other international tech centres with a lower cost of living, particularly when it comes to housing.

    Tech entities currently occupy nearly 40 per cent of downtown Vancouvers commercial real estate, and across BC, the tech sector employs 86,800 people, which is more than forestry, mining and oil and gas combined. Vancouver is driving BCs tech boom, with about 250 new tech companies emerging every year. Yet in comparison to cit-ies like Seattle, which is considered to have one of the most mature tech sec-tors in the world, tech talent is harder to come by. This gap is being widened by Vancouvers out of control housing prices, which have risen by 30 per cent over the past 12 months.

    The partnership with Google offers context and information that just isnt possible through verbal descriptions or still images. With competition for tech talent taking place not only with international locales, but also local companies looking to fill similar voids, every aspect that differentiates Canada Drives is meaningful, adds Green.

    We have a young dynamic work force, a beautiful open concept office with a fully catered kitchen, and are located in a stunning part of the city near the water, says Green. It is im-portant that we highlight every advan-tage we have as a company and a city in such a competitive marketplace.

    Swinging into Summer with the Frank David Jazz Band in the Envision

    Financial Concert SeriesAbbotsford, BC At 7:00 pm on July 9th, Mill Lake (2387 Ware Street) will be bopping with the old-timey rhythm of the Frank David Jazz Band as the Envision Financial Concert series continues on the deck of the Kariton Art Gallery.

    Specializing in Sinatraesque jazz stan-dards, the Frank David Jazz Band will take you back to a timeless era; it will make you feel like youre watching

    a live show in a 1960s Vegas Club or Lounge. So wear something hip, ready your best nostalgic flashbacks, and swing your way over for a night of footloose ragtime jiving.

    The Envision Financial Concert Series is excited to welcome these series fixtures back to the stage. For more information about the series, including the full concert schedule, please visit the Abbotsford Art.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 8The Patrika

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    iesqFbul df duKFq qy ivsLv dIaF qfkqF bIqy idnIN iewk hor kulihxI KLbr lY ky afeI hY. ies vfrI qurkI dy iesqFbul sLihr nUM dihsLqgrdF ny insLfnf bxfieaf hY. qurkI dI rfjDfnI BfvyN aMkfrf hY, pr aMkfrf qoN iqMn guxF afbfdI vflf iesqFbul sLihr ies dysL dI aslI sfh-rg igixaf jFdf hY. EQy hvfeI awzy AuWqy kIqy gey hmly ivwc cflI qoN vwD iensfnF dI mOq ho geI hY. ies dy nfl hI EQy do sO qoN vwD lok eynI burI qrHF jKLmI hoey hn ik mOqF dI igxqI df aMkVf hor vI vwD skdf hY. ies nfl sfry vwzy dysL afpo-afpxy surwiKaf pRbMDF dI GoK leI iPLkrmMd ho gey hn.

    jdoN ipCly sfl PrFs ivwc ieho ijhy kuJ hmly hoey sn qF ies nfl dunIaF Br ivwc kMbxI mihsUs kIqI geI sI. ies sfl bYljIam ivwc aqy kuJ hor QfeIN hmly hox nfl Eho ijhI kMbxI iPr mihsUs kIqI geI qy ies qoN bfad sMsfr Br ivwc ieh rfey jLor PVn lwgI sI ik mnuwKqf

    dy bcfa leI dihsLqgrdI dy iKlfPL lVfeI iml ky lVI jfvy. eydF dI rfey jdoN pysL huMdI hY qf sfry sihmq ho jFdy hn, pr jdoN aml krnf huMdf hY qF bdiksmqI nfl sB dy GoVy vwKo-vwK pfsy vwl dOVdy idKfeI dyNdy hn qy dihsLqgrd afpxy ierfidaF ivwc kfmXfb ho jFdy hn. hr vfrI dI qrHF ies vfrI iPr sfry sMsfr dy amn-psMd dysLF qy lokF ny iesqfbul ivwc hoey DmfikaF dI jLor nfl inKyDI kIqI hY, pr agly kdm iml ky pwutx df XkIn hfly vI nhIN bwJdf. BfrqI lok bVI vfrI eydF dI dihsLqgrdI dy hwilaF df isLkfr ho cwuky hn. muMbeI vfly hux qwk dy sB qoN vwzy hmly ivwc iewko vfrI iewk sON iCafhT lok mfry gey sn, ijnHF ivwc Bfrq dy nfl keI hor dysLF dy nfgirk vI mOq dI JoLlI pY gey sn. amrIkf dy kuJ nfgirk vI mfry gey sn aqy iesrfeIl vfly vI kuJ lok Aucycf insLfnf bxf ky mfr idwqy

    gey sn. bfad ivwc ienHF kqlF dy ipwCy ijhVy dihsLqgrdF df hwQ inkilaf sI, AunHF df sfry sMsfr nUM pqf lwgx dy bfvjUd iksy dI pfiksqfn nUM ieh kihx dI ihMmq nhIN sI peI ik Auh AunHF dy iKlfPL kfrvfeI kry. hmly dy leI ijhVy zyivz kolmYn hYzlI ny muMbeI dIaF glIaF ivwc GuMm ky kwcIaF prcIaF AuWqy insLfny imQy qy nksLy bxf ky dihsLqgrdF nUM idwqy sn, Auh smF pf ky vfadf muafPL bx igaf qy Aus dy sfQI dihsLqgrdF Aus qoN bfad vI Ausy rfhy pey rhy. AunHF vwloN Bfrq nUM muV-muV insLfnf bxfieaf jf irhf hY.

    PrFs ivwc hoey dihsLqgrd kFzF qoN bfad jdoN sFJI lVfeI df mqf pfs kIqf igaf sI qF ieh qurkI ivwc bYT ky hI kIqf igaf sI, pr jdoN sIrIaf ivwc rUsI PLOj lV rhI sI, qurkI qoN hI golf mfr ky rUsI jhfjL zyg ky dishLqgrdF dI aiswDI mdd kIqI geI sI. amrIkf dI sLih kfrn qurkI

    keI icr qwk ies dI ijLMmyvfrI lYx qoN vI ienkfr krdf irhf sI. sIrIaf aqy ierfk ijhVy dihsLqgrd gruwpF dI DfV hyT kucly jf rhy hn, iesqFbul ivwc awj kIqy gey hmly dI ijLMmyvfrI vI AunHF hI toilaF dy isr afAuNdI hY. qurkI dy pRDfn mMqrI ny vI ieho ikhf hY.

    sMsfr awj dihsLqgrdI nfl ies leI jl irhf hY ik sMsfr kUtnIqI ivwc amrIkI hfkm iek smyN pfiksqfn ivwcoN jhfd dy nFa AuWqy ieho ijhI DfV afp iqafr krdy rhy sn. pfiksqfn dy hfkm Aus vkq amrIkf dy cftVy huMdy sn aqy lMmf smF cftVy dI BUimkf adf krdy-krdy hux amrIkf nUM vI dihsLqgrdI df insLfnf bxfAux vfly lokF dI mdd krn lwgy hn. aPLgfinsqfn dy ivwc ijs hwkfnI nYWtvrk ny amrIkIaF df nwk ivwc dm kIqf ipaf hY, amrIkI srkfr vwloN keI vfr khy jfx dy bfvjUd pfiksqfn srkfr

    Aus dy iKlfP kfrvfeI ies leI nhIIN kr rhI ik Auh asl ivwc afjLfd grwup nhIN, pfiksqfnI eyjMsIaf dI KVI kIqI hoeI tIm hY. amrIkf dI srkfr hI nhIN, Aus ny nfto grwup dy BfeIvfl vI pfiksqfnI PLOj nfl nyVlI sFJ rwK ky cwlx leI Xqn krdy hn aqy ies ivwc AunHF df koeI Pfiedf hox dI QF pfiksqfnI PLOj nUM AunHF dI hr iksm dI nIqI aqy hiQafrF bfry jfxkfrI iml jFdI hY. ies df lfB dihsLqgrdF nUM huMdf hY.

    iesqFbul ivwc eyzf vwzf kFz hoieaf hY,kwlH nuM iksy hor QF ho skdf hY qy Auh QF iksy vI dysL df koeI hvfeI awzf jF koeI hor BIV vflf Kyqr ho skdf hY. sO PLIsdI cOksI ikqy vI nhIN kIqI jf skdI. bcfa df aslI rsqf dusLmx dI pYV nwpxf aqy AunHF dy mddgfrF dI nkyl kwsxf hI huMdf hY. sMsfr dIaF qfkqF nUM hux ies bfry iewk rfey hoxf pvygf.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 9The Patrika

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    cOks rihx dI loV hY pMjfb dy lokF nUM bVy icr qoN AuzIkI jf rhI jsits jLorf isMG kimsLn dI irport kwlH pysL ho geI hY. ies irport nUM pysL hoeI nfloN vwD bdobdI pysL kIqI geI kihxf cfhIdf hY. hfeI kort dy syvf-mukq jwj sfihb afpxy vwloN kIqI jFc dI iewk aihm irport lY ky jdoN gey qF pMjfb dI aPLsrI msLIn df iewk vI mhwqvpUrn aiDkfrI AunHF qoN irport lYx vfsqy mOjUd nhIN sI. hyTly pwDr dy aiDkfrIaF ny irport lYxI cfhI qF jsits jLorf isMG ny ieh kih ky ienkfr kr idwqf ik mslf ijMnf mhwqvpUrn hY, ieh cIjL quhfnUM nhIN idwqI jf skdI. koeI cfrf nf cwldf vyK ky afKr ivwc irport dI PfeIl iewk protokol aPLsr dy hvfly kr ky afAuxf ipaf.ies qoN sfPL jfpdf hY ik srkfr nUM ies irport dy afAux jF nf afAux nfl koeI Prk hI pYNdf nhIN jfpdf.

    iehnF hflfq ivwc pMjfb srkfr ny jsits jLorf isMG kimsLn sQfipq kIqf sI, ijs nUM pihly iqMn mhIny dPLqr qy stfP hI nhIN sI idwqf igaf. iPr jdoN kuJ jQybMdIafFdf bxfieaf jsits mfrkMzy kftjU kimsLn jFc krn qur ipaf qF jsits jLorf isMG kimsLn nUM vI srgrmI leI qurdf vyiKaf igaf. iPr vI jsits jLorf isMG dI irport

    muqfbk puls qy pRsLfsn ny AunHF nUM bxdf sihXog nhIN idwqf.

    ies sfry kuJ nuM vyiKaF srfkr clfAux vfilaF dy ivhfr bfry keI ivsivsy pYdf huMdy hn. awgoN coxF sfhmxy af rhIaF hn. EDr mlyrkotly ivwc hoeIaF GtnfvF dy leI ivsLv ihMdU pRIsLdf nfl sMbMDq kuJ bMidaF nUM pMjfb puls vwloN igRPLqfr kIqy jfx nfl siQqI ivwc iewk nvF moV afAuNdf ipaf hY. ijhVy lok srkfr ivwc sLfml hn, AunHF dy sfQI hI srfkr qy puls ivrwuD ies gwloN ros pRdrsLn kr rhy hn ik mlyrkotlf mfmly ivwc ivsLv ihMdU pRIsLd dy bMidaF nUM gLlq Psfieaf jf irhf hY. ies qrHF pMjfb dI srkfr dy GoVy vwKo-vwK idsLff ivwc Bwj rhy njLr afAuNdy hn. coxF nyVy af rhIaF hn qy GtnfvF dI hI nhIN, aPLvfhF dI qor vI iqwKI huMdI jFdI hY. srkfr df ivhfr ijLMmyvfrfnf nhIN. pMjfb isafsI pfrtIaF df nhIN, lokF df hY. ies leI ieh vI PrjL lokF df hY ik Auh agly idnF ivwc ijAuN-ijAuN coxF nyVy af rhIaF hn, iqAuN-iqAuN Auh hor cOks rihx qy pMjfb vsdf rwKx leI BfeIcfrf hor mjLbUq krn.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 10The Patrika

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    Save your livelihood from the destructive power of hungry birds. RejeX-it Migrate is an effective bird repellent. It is a taste repellent that, when sprayed on ripening blueberries, makes the fruit unpalatable

    to birds. Blueberries can be harvested within 1 day of application, and there will be no effect on the quality or the taste of the fruit.

    Contact us today at 1-800-661-4559 to find out more about what RejeX-it Migrate can do for you and your crop.

    Tired of birds eating your crop?

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 11The Patrika

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    4 surprising reasons for eating locally-grown produce (NC) Canadians are wisely increas-ingly on the lookout for food that is grown or produced close to home or at the very least, in the same country. And as soon as the warm weather hits, anticipation grows for the first fresh-picked berries, asparagus and corn. But while fruit stands and farm-ers markets often come to mind this time of year, did you know the widest variety of local produce can be found at the grocery store?

    At Loblaw, we have a Canadian-first buying policy, which means that dur-ing our peak growing season, close to half the produce you find in our stores is grown right here at home, says Frank Pagliaro, vice president, pro-duce at Loblaw Companies Limited. When you think about it and take out the exotic fruit or citrus things we cant grow here we buy pretty much everything we can locally during this time.

    In case you needed yet an-other reason to become a local-food shopper, check out top benefits of eating produce that is grown near you.

    1. It reduces the carbon footprint. Greenhouse gas emissions are cut down sig-nificantly since food does not have to be flown in. Also, transport trucks travel a shorter distance and spend less time on the

    road when delivering products to producers and grocery retailers.

    2. You support local farmers. Buying local produce helps ensure the livelihood of local farmers who rely on their business to support their families. This also helps keep viable farmland and green land from

    being used for less environmentally-friendly purposes.

    3. You get off-the-farm fresh quality. You might be getting produce that was only picked a day before it landed in your shopping cart, versus having been picked a week or two earlier. This allows for produce to be ripened for a longer period of time. Visit your local grocery store and look out for products that were grown near you to get that fresh and juicy flavour.

    4. You enjoy great nutrients. Fresh pro-duce is full of es-sential nutrients that provide your body with the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy diet. Including more pro-duce in your meal routine will provide you with the energy you need to make the most of the long summer days ahead.

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  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 12The Patrika

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    Conservatives Condemn Bloody Attacks in Saudi Arabia and Iraq at Close of

    Ramadan Conservative Party Foreign Affairs critic, Tony Clement, strongly con-demns the recent terror attacks in Saudi Arabia and Iraq at the close of the holy month of Ramadan and in the lead-up to the celebration of Eid.

    On Monday, suicide bombers launched attacks in Medina, Qatif and Jeddah killing multiple people. The violence erupted as Saudis prepared to break their Ramadan fast at the end of the holy month. The attack in Medina took place outside the Prophet`s tomb, one of the most holy sites in the region. One day earlier, 175 people were killed by bombs set off in the Karada neighbourhood of Baghdad by Islamic State terrorists.

    Clement issued the following state-ment on behalf of the Conservative caucus:

    These attacks mark the most deadly in the region in some time, and we join with the government in condemning

    them and those responsible for this senseless act of terrorism and loss of innocent lives. It is a reminder that we must remain vigilant against those who want to destroy our way of life and have no respect for freedom of religion. We continue to urge the gov-ernment to stand with our allies, and step up our efforts to combat ISIS.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 13The Patrika

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    amlF qyy hoxgy inbyVy amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI bfrfk Ebfmf, mYksIko dy rfsLtrpqI aYnrIk pInf nIato iewk idn dy leI Etfvf ivKy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo dy mihmfn sn. iqMny lIzr QRI aYmIgo (iqMn amrIkn srkfrF) dy sMmyln ivwc ihwsf lYx leI iekwqr hoey ijs dOrfn AuhnF ny kuJ gMBIr muwidaF AuWqy sihmqI bxfeI ijs nfl smwucy nOrQ amrIkf dy jn jIvn AuWqy gihrf asr pY skdf hY. ijwQy qwk kYnyzf df suafl hY, ieh sMmyln suafl KVf kr igaf hY ik kI kYnyzf afAux vfly sflF dOrfn amrIkf AuWqoN afpxI tryz inrBrqf nUM KLqm krn leI mYksIko nfl vDyry ivAupfrk imlvrqx nUM qrjIh dyvygf? ieh gwl ies ipCokV ivwc ivsLysL krky mfany rwKdI hY jdoN amrIkf aqy mYksIko drimafn irsLqf koeI bhuqf suKfvF nhIN hY. ies axsuKfvyNpx df zOnlz trMp dy mYksIko dI srhwd nfl kMD Ausfrn df koeI qfaluwk nhIN hY. hF jykr trMp

    amrIkI rfsLtrpqI dI cox ijwq jFdf hY qF kYnyzf-mYksIko-amrIkf irsLqy df iqRkox hor vI vDyry guMJldfr aqy idlcsp ho jfvygf.

    iqMny mulkF vwloN ibjlI dy Auqpfdn df 50% ihwsf sfPL sRoqF qoN pYdf krn f aq y a Mqr-mulk(ieMtr-kMtrI) ibjlI splfeI dIaF lfeInF ivCfAux leI rfh pwDrf krn df a Yl fn k Yn yz f leI lfhyvMd ho skdf hY. kYnyzf ivwc 80% ibjlI df Auqpfdn pfxI dy sfPL sRoqF qoN kIqf jFdf hY jdoN ik amrIkf aqy mYksIko imlf ky 37% hI sfP ibjlI pYdf krdy hn. ies df arQ hY ik BivwK ivwc kYnyzf iehnF mulkF nUM sfPL sRoqF qoN pYdf hoeI ibjlI vyc skygf.

    kYnyzf ny mYksIko vfsIaF leI kYnyzf afAux vfsqy vIjLf lYx

    dI sLrq nUM Kqm krn df aYlfn kIqf hY ijs dy bdly mYksIko vwloN kYnyzf ivwc Auqpfdn hoey bIP AuWqy lfeIaF rokF htf idwqIaF

    jfxgIaF. ipClI srkfr aijhy iksy vI ieMqjLfm dy ivruwD sI ijs nfl kYnyzIanF dI surwiKaqf nfl smJOqf hox df afsfr vwDdf hovy aqy kYnyzf nUM mnwuKI aiDkfrF dI rfKI vfsqy nf KVn bfry suaflF df jvfb dyxf pvy. mYksIko ivwc aOrqF ivrwuD zrwg mfPIaf aqy

    horF vwloN kIqy jfdy awiqafcfr koeI nvIN gwl nhIN hn. ipCly iewk sfl dOrfn mYksIko ivwc 10 qoN 17 sfl drimafn Aumr

    dIaF 840 aOrqF df kql hoieaF aqy 1285 q o N v wD a OrqF g u Mm hoeIaF dwsIaF jFdIaF hn. kYnyzf aqy amrIkf dy mnwuKI aiDkfrF dy irkfrz nUM vyKdy hoey AumId krnI bxdI hY ik tryz nUM AuqsLfihq krn dy cwkr ivwc mnwuKI aiDkfrF dI gwl nUM mwDm nhIN pYx idwqf jfvygf.

    mYksIko dy rfsLtrpqI dI ies gwloN isPLq krnI

    bxdI hY ik Aus ny amrIkf nUM PrI tryz dy rfh ivwc roVy atkfAux leI ijLMmyvfr TihrfAuNdy hoey krVy hwQIN ilaf. kI jsitn trUzo afpxy bromYNs qoN awgy vD ky bfrfk Ebfmf nUM dws skxgy ik myz ien amrIkf dy nfm Qwly jo tryz bMdsLF kYnyzIan vsqF AuWqy lfeIaF jf rhIaF hn,

    AuhnF nUM drusq kIqy jfx dI loV hY. hfly ipCly idnIN hI kYlgrI afDfirq Prm trFs-kYnyzf ny 8 lwK 30 hjLfr bYrl pRqI idn qyl Zox vflI kIston aYks aYl tfr sYNzjL nUM asvIkfr krn kfrn amrIkf nUM nfPtf ivwc 15 iblIan amrIkn zflrF dI cuxOqI idwqI hY.

    trFs pYsiPk pfrtrnisLwp bfry qOKilaF nUM vI sMmyln dOrfn shI qrIky spwsLt nhIN kIqf igaf hY. ipCly idnIN tPts XUnIvristI dI iewk stwzI ivwc sfhmxy afieaf hY ik tI[ pI[ pI[ nfl kuwl 58 hjLfr jObF dy cly jfx dy afsfr hn. PYzrl srkfr dy aMkiVaF anusfr 1000 qoN vwD kYnyzIanF ny eI-mylF ilK ky kYnyzf srkfr nUM tI[ pI[ pI[ bfry sucyq kIqf hY.

    ienHF kOVIaF hkIkqF dy snmwuK trUzo srkfr nUM agly idnF dOrfn kfPI soc smJ ky kdm cwukxy hoxgy qF jo kYnyzIanF dy tryz hwk aqy jObF mihPUjL rih skx.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 14The Patrika

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    Rower Roman off to Rio: First Cascades alum to be selected for Olympics

    When Lisa Roman stepped into the boat at her very first University of the Fraser Valley rowing team practice in the fall of 2007, she had no inkling that the sport would carry her all the way to the Olympic Games.

    And yet, thats the heady posi-tion she finds herself in as of Tuesday, when she was one of 26 athletes nominated by Rowing Canada to represent Canada at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The rowing events will take place at Lagoa Stadium, Aug. 6-14, and Roman will be part of the Canadian entry in the womens eight.

    Its been an incredible ascent in the sport for the 26-year-old Langley product. Shed never tried rowing prior to joining Cascades head coach Liz Chisholms learn-to-row program as an 18-year-old

    UFV freshman. Now, shes poised to become the first-ever Cascades alum across all sports to compete in the Olympics.

    Its awesome, but it hasnt really set in yet, I dont think, Roman said with a chuckle. Weve been training so hard lately that we havent been able to take it all in yet. But its pretty amazing. I cant wait to get there and represent Canada.

    Romans Olympic selection is a thrill for Chisholm, who be-lieves that her former pupils competitive spirit is what sets her apart as an athlete.

    Its just so exciting to see all her hard work and time pay off, Chisholm marveled. Its been her dream to compete at the Olympics.

    For me as a coach, to have somebody like Lisa end up at this pinnacle of sport, its

    exciting to see a young person realize their dream. You work with so many athletes, and you dont know which ones will embrace it and be willing to work that hard.

    She isnt the biggest woman on the Canadian team shes worked for all the strength and boat movement she has.

    Roman may have lacked row-ing experience when she ar-rived at UFV, but athleticism wasnt an issue she had 14 years of competitive figure skating under her belt, along with eight years of dance. The biggest challenge was build-ing her upper-body strength she already had plenty of power in her legs thanks to figure skating.

    Within a year, Roman was the Cascades top female rower, and during her sopho-more season, she tried out for and made Team B.C. for the Canada Summer Games

    in Charlottetown, PEI. After winning three medals (gold in womens pairs and fours, silver in the eight), she began seeking out scholarship op-portunities south of the border and ended up at Washington State University.

    Roman fashioned a highly decorated career with the Cougars, highlighted by sec-ond team All-America hon-ours as a senior; last month, she was named to the Pac-12 conferences all-century team.

    In 2011, Roman landed a spot on Canadas womens eight for the U23 World Rowing Championships, and helped the team set a world age-class record. After graduating from Washington State in 2012, she was invited to join Rowing Canadas national training centre in London, Ont.

    Each year, the national team is re-selected from the pool of athletes at the training

    centre, and Roman has been chosen to represent Canada in international competition for four straight years. Her accolades include 11 interna-tional medals in the womens eight, including three from the World Rowing Champion-ships (bronze in 2013, silver in 2014, bronze in 2015).

    Everyones striving for gold, so thats our biggest goal right now, she acknowledged. Getting a medal for Canada would be amazing. Weve just got to get on the right track and tidy up all the work weve put in these last four years, and keep moving in that direction.

    Team Canadas rowers have already visited Rio multiple times and are familiar with the rowing venue, but the Olympic veterans on the team have told Roman that nothing compares to the atmosphere that awaits.

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    Plan to come up to Manning Provincial Park this July 16th, 2016 to celebrate the 75th An-niversary of the Park.

    The date was chosen to mark 75 years of EC Manning Provincial Park, and is also Canadas Parks Day there is never a better time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful parks around us!

    The majority of the festivities begin at Lightning Lake Day Use Area in Man-ning Park, from 11am-3pm, where a number of community booths will be up with displays, interactive games and crafts to interest kids and adults alike.

    Some of the fun includes Hope Mountain Centre and the Freshwater Fisheries Society with fishing gear for kids to try. BC Hydro is attending with their Electric Vehicle and energy conservation fun tips.

    A number of hiking, naturalist, and outdoors groups will be on hand with displays and info about their group.

    Manning Park is thrilled to have Murray Phillips, renowned Artist for

    Conservation artist, attend for an op-portunity to Meet the Artist.

    Mr. Phillips has created a painting showcasing the iconic Three Broth-ers mountain range viewed from the Alpine Meadows, and is donating it to Manning Park to commemorate the 75th anniversary of EC Manning Park.

    Manning Park Resort has teamed up with BC Parks to support a poster re-production of his painting. Mr. Phillips will be there to sign the posters.

    Under the main tent, Princetons own Hi-way #40 will grace our ears with some family-friendly rock and roll music.

    We will also have kids crafts, face painting and even some visits from BC Parks Jerry the Moose. The BBQ will be on from 11:30-2pm.

    A ceremony will begin at 1pm, with special guests, to say a few words recognizing the history, the dedicated people and the continued conservation of our beautiful EC Manning Provin-cial Park.

    EC Manning Park 75th Anniversary CelebrationIf youd rather celebrate the day by getting closer to nature, you can join a Park Interpreter on a guided hike on one of Mannings beautiful trails.

    Later the same evening, the Great Parks Day Quiz Show will be hosted at the Lightning Lake Amphitheatre as part of the Interpretive Programs that run seven days a week throughout the summer.

    Please join us to celebrate this special day!

    EC Manning Provincial Park has hundreds of kilometers of hiking trails, biking, camping and boating. Manning Park Resort is within the provincial park and has a variety of accommodations, food facilities and the Loon Lagoon pool and hot tub to support all the fun activities available in the park.

    More information for the 75th An-niversary celebration, and other sum-mer events can be found on the event calendar at

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    pMjfbI sUby df vfijb ijLkr qF nvMbr dy pihly hPLqy hI krnf bxdf hY jdoN ieh lMmy sMGrsL aqy kurbfnIaF bfad bixaf sI pr hux jdoN pMjfb dy mwuK mMqrI pRkfsL isMG bfdl ny pMjfbI sUby dI jwdojihd ivwc jylHF kwtx vfly sMgrfmIaF nUM pYnsLnF dy rUp ivwc snmfinq krn df PLYslf ilaf hY qF ies df ijLkr krnf jLrUrI ho igaf hY. adflq ny bfdl srkfr dy ies PYsly qy ikMqU-pRMqU kIqf hY. ies leI asl ivwc vyKx vflI gwl hY ik pMjfbI sUby dI awDI sdI lMG jfx ipwCoN hux srkfr nUM ieh cyqf acfnk ikAuN afieaf hY? pihlF qF ies ny kdI cwj nfl pMjfbI sUbf idvs vI nhIN mnfieaf. hF, ieh gwl jLrUr hY ik jdoN ieh sUbf bixaf sI qF kuJ sfl ieh idvs mnfieaf jFdf irhf aqy 1966 ivwc ies dy hoNd ivwc afAux qy iewk-do sfl srkfrI iemfrqF AuWqy dIpmflf vI kIqI geI pr jdoN cfr-cuPyirEN ies dI aflocnf hox lwgI aqy srkfr

    nUM vI soJI afeI ik Aus nUM qF ies nfl Pfiedy dI QF nuksfn ho igaf hY qF ies ny ieh idn mnfAuxf Cwz idwqf. iPr kI ieh mMn ilaf jfvy ik hux jdoN hor Cy-swq mhIinaF nUM pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxF hox vflIaF hn qF bfdl srkfr vwloN isafsI lfhf lYx leI Kyzy gey hor pwiqaF vFg ieh vI iewk pwqf hI hovy?

    ijs pMjfbI sUby dy GulftIaF nUM srkfr snmfnxf cfhuMdI hY, Aus dI sQfpnf df sMKyp ijLkr krnf vI lfjLmI bx jFdf hY. asl ivwc jdoN mulk dI afjLfdI ipwCoN lgpg pOxy pMj sO irafsqF nUM iekwTf kIqf igaf qF awgoN ienHF dI nvyN sUibaF ivwc vMz krnI jLrUrI sI. pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU dI agvfeI vflI srkfr vwloN ieh PLYslf kIqf igaf ik nvyN sUby BfsLf dy afDfr qy bxfey jfxy ibhqr rihxgy. ieh gwl iewk hwd qwk mn nUM poNhdI vI sI ikAuNik ies qrHF dysL dy Auicq iKwqy bx jfxy sn ijvyN hux AuWqrI Bfrq, dwKxI

    Bfrq aqy AuWqrI pUrbI Bfrq hn. nvyN sUby bxfAux leI pMizq nihrU srkfr nUM bhuq musLikl vI nhIN afeI. hYrfnI qF AudoN hoeI jdoN dysL nUM afjLfd krfAux vfly qy mohrI rol inBfAux vfly pMjfbIaf vwloN pMjfbI sUby dI mMg BfsLf dy afDfr qy kIqI geI qF kyNdr srkfr iewk pfisEN dI nFh ivwc isr Pyr geI. ijhVf pMzq nihrU pMjfbIaF dIaF kurbfnIaF dI sLlfGf krdf nhIN sI Qwkdf, mgroN dVH hI vwt igaf. kyNdr srkfr ny iewko hI nMnf PVH ilaf ik pMjfb nUM pMjfbI sUbf dyxf hI nhIN. ieh ies leI vI sI ik iewk qF AunHF idnF ivwc pMjfb df mwuK mMqrI pRqfp isMG kYNro sI, ijs dy pMizq nihrU nfl bhuq suKfvyN sbMD sn aqy Auh BfsLf dy afDfr qy pMjfb nUM vMz ky Cotf nhIN sI krnf cfhuMdf. pRqfp isMG kYroN mhF-pMjfb dy hwk ivwc sI, ijs ivwc pUrf hirafxf qF hY hI sI sgoN Auh ihmfcl dy bhuq sfry ihwisaf nUM vI mhF-pMjfb ivwc sLfml krnf cfhuMdf sI. dUjf

    pMjfb dI Aus vyly dI jnsMG pfrtI(awj dI Bfjpf) vI pMjfbI BfsLf dI ivroDqf krdI sI.

    iewQy ieh ijLkr dI kuQF nhIN hovygf ik ijs vyly pMjfbIaF vwloN pMjfbI sUby dI mMg cuwkI geI, Aus vyly pMjfb df jo ivsLf BUgoilk idRsL sI, pMjfbI sUbf bxn ipwCoN Auh musLikl nfl awDf rih igaf hY. imsfl vjoN Aus vyly pMjfb vfhgf srhwd qoN lY ky idwlIEN vI awgy lMG ky mQurf qoN QoVHf ijhf pihlF kosI qwk sI. iewk pfsy ieh awj df guVgfEN sLihr lMG ky awgy qwk jFdf sI. ihmfcl vfly pfisEN qF ieh AUnf, kFgVf, DrmsLflf, isLmlf qNo ikqy dUr agFh lfhOr sipqI qwk PYilaf hoieaf sI. awj bdiksmqI ieh hY ik ieh sfry ielfky ies koloN Kuws gey hn aqy ies kol iewk vI phfVI sYr-spfty vflI QF nhIN.

    pMjfbIaF df smuw ucf ieiqhfs kurbfnIaF Biraf hY. pMjfbI sUby dy morcy smyN awj vFg KyqI bhuq afDuink nhIN sI, ies leI

    iksfn kxk, kpfh bIj jF vwZ ky lgpg ivhly ho jfdy sn. sLRomxI akflI dl vwloN jdoN vI iksy morcy leI ienHF nUM afvfjL mfrI jFdI qF ieh qurMq JoilaF ivwc afpxy kwpVy-lwqy pf ky morcy qy af hfjLr huMdy sn. Aus vyly mfstr qfrf isMG iswKF df vwzf lIzr sI. pMjfbI sUby df morcf bhuqf AuhdI agvfeI hyTF hI liVaf igaf. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik iesy dOrfn ies ivwc rfjsQfn df bwuZf jOhV gurduafry ivwc bYTy sMq Pqih isMG dI vI sLmUlIaq ho geI sI. pMjfbI sUby nUM keI AuWcy-nIvyN pVfvF ivwcoN vI lMGxf ipaf ijs ivwc sMq Pqih isMG vwloN akfl qKLq ivKy aMgITf bxf ky jIAuNdy jIa sV ky mrn dI idwqI geI DmkI vI sI. ies mOky idwlI dI iqhfV jylH pMjfbI sUby dy aMdolnkfrIaF nfl Br geI sI. idwlI jf rhy jQy dI agvfeI krdy mfstr qfrf isMG nUM idwlI qoN pihlF nrylf ivKy hI igRPLqfr kr ilaf sI. hYrfnI ieh hY ik eynf kuJ hox dy bfvjUd

    pMjfbI sUby coN kI Kwitaf qy kI guafieaf? sLMgfrf isMG Bwulr

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    ijMnf icr pMzq nihrU gwdI qy rhy aqy iewDroN pRqfp isMG kYroN df vws cwilaf, pMjfbI sUbf nhIN sI bx sikaf. 1964 ivwc pMzq nihrU df dyhFq aqy QoVHf icr pRDfn mMqrI rih ky lfl bhfdur sLfsqrI dI vI qfsLkMd ivwc BydBrI hflq ivwc mOLq hox qwk pMjfbI sUbf awD ivcfly ltkdf irhf. ies smyN dOrfn kyNdr srkfr pMjfbI sUby bfry keI mIitMgF jLrIey lukxmIcI jLrUr KyzdI rhI. jdoN 1966 ivwc ieMdrf gFDI pRDfn mMqrI bxI qF Aus ny iekdm pMjfb aqy pMjfbIaF dy hflfq aqy hwT df aMdfjLf lfAuNidaF POrI gwlbfq df rfh kwZ ky pMjfbI sUbf bxf idwqf.

    ibnF sLwk pMjfb nUM pMjfbI sUbf qF iml igaf pr kOVf swc ieh hY ik imilaf ieh duwD ivwc mINgxf pf ky dyx vFg. pihlF ivsLfl pMjfb sI hux CotI ijhI pMjfbI sUbI rih geI ikAuNik ies nUM CFg idwqf igaf sI. ies coN pUry df pUrf hirafxf sUbf inkl afieaf. ies ivwc do rfvF nhIN ik hirafxf sUby bfry vI aMdoln cwilaf pr Auh eynf jLordfr nhIN sI. ihmfcl dy ijMny vI Kyqr pihlF pMjfb kol sI,

    Auh sfry ies dy hwQoN inkl gey. PrIdfbfd vrgf snawqI sLihr vI pMjfb koloN clf igaf. pMjfbI boldy kfPLI ielfky hirafxy ivwc rihx idwqy gey aqy aiqaMq aihm gwl ieh sI ik dirafeI pfxIaF dI vMz vI glq ho geI aqy nfl hI eysLIaf df ijhVf KUbsUrq sLihr cMzIgVH pMjfb dI rfjDfnI sI, pMjfb dI DrqI AuWqy aqy pMjfbIaF dy pYsy nfl AuWsiraf sI, ies nUM vI pMjfb koloN Koh ilaf igaf aqy cMzIgVH nUM pMjfb aqy hirafxf dovF dI rfjDfnI bxf idwqf igaf. ipClI awDI sdI qoN cMzIgVH qy pMjfb aqy hirafxf dovyN afpxf hwk jmfAux leI ies nUM isafsI Puwtbfl vFg vrq rhy hn. hflFik ies qy pUrf hwk pMjfb df hY pr ies hwk nUM njLraMdfjL kIqf igaf. AuNJ vI jdoN koeI nvF sUbf bxdf hY qF kyNdr Aus dI nvIN rfjDfnI leI mdd krdf hY. dysL dI afjLfdI qoN bfad kyNdr ivwc ijMnIaf vI srkfrF afeIaF iksy ny vI pMjfb aqy pMjfbIaF dIaF kurbfnIaF df mwul nhIN pfieaf. hflFik ieh pMjfb hI hY ijhVf hmysLF dysL dI KVg Bujf bx ky irhf hY. ieh vI pMjfb

    hY ijhVf awj afp qF brbfd ho igaf hY pr ies ny dysL nUM anfj ivwc svY-inrBr krn ivwc mohrI rol inBfieaf hY.

    jLfihr hY ik vwzIaF kurbfNnIaF ipwCNo pMjfbI sUbf Bly hI pMjfbIaF nUM iml igaf hY pr ieh Auh sUbf nhIN jo pMjfbI sUby leI aMdoln krn vfly akflI afgUaF ny icqivaf sI. dUjf ijnHF akflI nyqfvF nUM lwgdf sI ik pMjfbI sUbf bxn nfl akflIaF, ivsLysL krky iswKF dI srkfr bxygI, AunHf dy supny vI aDUry hI rhy. pMjfbI sUbf bxn ipwCoN isrP iewk vfr pMjfb ivwc inrol akflI dl dI srkfr bxI sI jo afpxI imafd pUrI nhIN kr skI sI. ies nfl pMjfb df nuksfn ijLafdf hoieaf hY, nPLf Gwt. jdoN pMjfb dy nyqfvF nUM ies nuksfn dI smJ afeI, Ausy idn qoN ieh iewk qrHF pMjfbI sUby nUM Bwul hI gey. ies sUby ny AunHF dy gl cMzIgVH, pfxIaF dy msly aqy pMjfbI boldy ielfikaF df pYNKV pfieaf hoieaf sI. ies pVfa qy pMjfbI sUby dy GulftIaF nUM snmfnx vflI kQf sfPL smJ afAuNdI hY.

    nyto imsLn leI knyzf POjF Byjygf rwiKaf mMqrI swjx

    Etvf: nfto dy imsLn ivwc ihwsf lYx leI kYnyzf afpxIaF POjI tukVIaF pUrbI XUrp Byjx dI iqafrI kr irhf hY. ies dI pusLtI rwiKaf mMqrI hrjIq swjx ny bIqy vIrvfr nUM kIqI.

    kYnyzIan hiQafrbMd sYnfvF jld hI amrIkI, XU[ky qy jrmnI dIaF sYnfvF nfl rl ky rUs dy nyVly dysLF ivwc nfto dI hoNd nUM drsfAux leI mltInYsLnl bYtl gruwp kfiem krngIaF. iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc swjx ny afiKaf ik hux sLkqI pRdrsLn krn df smF af igaf hY. asIN ies bYtl grwup dI agvfeI krFgy qy hor mulk vI sfzy nfl sLfml hoxgy.

    keI irportF ivwc ies imsLn leI lYtvIaf nUM ZukvI QF dwisaf jf irhf hY. pr swjx ny afiKaf ik pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo hI vfrsfa, polYNz ivwc agly vIkYNz hox jf rhI isKr vfrqf ivwc ies sbMD ivwc vyrvy jfrI krngy. kYnyzf ies imsLn leI 500 qoN1000 sYink Byj skdf hY. aprYl 2014 ivwc rUs ny jdoN ikRmIaf AuWqy kbjLf jmfieaf sI qF Aus vyly afprysLn rIaY-isLErYNs sLurU kIqf igaf sI qy AudoN qoN hI kYnyzIan POjI tukVIaF polYNz ivwc qfienfq hn. kYnyzIan syvfvF dy 200 mYNbr XUkryn ivwc sQfnk sYink nUM isKlfeI dyx leI qfienfq hn.

    swjx ny afiKaf ik ieh rUs hI hY ijs ny ikRmIaf nUM kbjLy ivwc lY ky afpxf gwusy df iejLhfr kIqf qy CyVf CyiVaf. asIN qF AuhI kr rhy hF ijs mksd leI nfto nUM kfiem kIqf igaf hY. ijLkrXog hY ik swjx ies mhIny dy sLurU ivwc brwsljL ivKy hoeI nfto mMqrIaF dI mIitMg ivwcoN hI prqy hn. ies gwl df ijLkr Etvf dOry dOrfn amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf ny vI bIqy bwuDvfr nUM kIqf sI.

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    Destination China export market opens up for fresh B.C. blueberries

    British Columbias fresh blueberries are known as small wonders and now they are being welcomed in a big market.

    This is the first full season that B.C. blueberries are being shipped to China. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick visited Blueridge Produce in Langley today as workers are busy packaging fresh blueberries for the journey to China.

    Last summer, a small amount of fresh blueberries were sent to the country to ensure that the packing-and-shipping process met all the requirements in the agreement between the governments of Canada and China. The test run was a success. Now British Columbia will increase the amount of fresh blueberry shipments to China this season and B.C. blueberry growers could be look-ing at the potential of up to $65 million

    in exports a year, once the agreement is fully implemented.

    British Columbia is one of the largest highbush blueberry-growing regions in the world, producing about 96% of the Canadian production of cultivated blueberries. In 2015, B.C. farmers harvested about 70,000 tonnes of blue-berries, an increase of 7%. Exports of B.C.s blueberries accounted for $218 million, up more than 29% from 2014.

    The British Columbia government is focused on increasing agrifoods exports to other countries and build-ing the overall B.C. agrifoods sector to a $15-billion-a-year industry by 2020. Building markets is one of the key priorities in the BC Agrifood and Seafood Strategic Growth Plan. The effort is being supported by a network of 13 international trade offices, B.C. trade missions and the development of direct-cargo flights out of YVR.

    Local foods support local farmers, local jobs and local communities

    Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick visited the White Rock Farmers market with local resident, Surrey-White Rock MLA Gordon Hogg, to get a taste of the fresh local flavours that were available for the day and meet with some of B.C.s farmers and producers.

    Farmers markets are bringing residents and visitors out to community events to showcase the wonderful and delicious array of locally grown and produced

    goods made right in British Columbia. Summer fruits and vegetables have arrived at most markets and community events are connecting producers and consumers together for the opportunity to learn more about where food comes from and how its produced.

    Besides being fresh and nutritious, buying locally benefits the economy, creates jobs for British Columbians and helps ensure hard earned dollars stay in the community, supporting those farmers who are dedicated to the agrifoods industry. The B.C. agrifoods sector continues to thrive, providing jobs for over 55,000 hardworking individuals in the province.

    The provincial government is helping local companies expand their presence through funding, giving them the opportunity to launch or expand their own buy local mar-keting campaigns. Since 2012, $8 million has been distributed to local businesses throughout B.C., leading to continual suc-cess for farmers, ranchers and food proces-sors.

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    Statement on Trudeau preparing to lift Romanian and Bulgarian visas

    Disturbing trend toward abandoning evidence

    OTTAWA Today, Hon. M i c h e l l e R e m p e l , Critic for Im-m i g r a t i o n , R e f u g e e s , and Citizen-ship issued a statement on the repor ts

    that the Liberal government plans to lift the visa on Romanian and Bulgar-ian nationals:

    Last week the Liberals chose to lift the visa restriction on Mexico and turn a blind eye to concerns raised by department officials regarding national security and the integrity of our immi-gration system. Today, the Liberals are once again choosing to treat visa-free entry into our country as a bargaining chip to be used in a deal, said Rempel.

    The Prime Minister seems deter-mined to depart from the objective,

    evidenced-based system that evaluates security and immigration indicators to determine whether a visa should be in place or not.

    Now that the Liberals said they would lift the visa requirement for Mexico, based exclusively on a political deci-sion, other countries that dont meet the criteria are lining up for the same special treatment.

    The United States has visas on sev-eral EU member states, and they are unlikely to lift them. In fact, their cri-teria for visa exemption are set in law.

    Trade is an integral part of our economy, but the stability of our im-migration system also needs to be pro-tected. The government can do both by working through the long established, formal review process.

    Conservatives call on the Liberal Government to uphold the integrity of our immigration system, and make its visa decisions based on evidence and sound planning.

    Reckless Liberal spending means higher taxes: Carrie and Raitt

    TORONTO, ONTARIO Official Opposition Health Critic Colin Carrie and Official Opposition Finance Critic Lisa Raitt are warning middle-class families that the Liberal governments out-of-control spending will result in more tax hikes or cuts to health care.

    Last Tuesday the Parliamentary Bud-get Officer (PBO) issued a report that said public finances in Canada have become unsustainable due to perma-nent increases in federal spending and ongoing provincial shortfalls. The PBO pointed to health care as the greatest challenge facing future government budgets.

    The Liberal governments reckless spending shows a complete disregard for the fact that the costs of health care keep rising, said Carrie. The PBOs findings confirm that the Liberals out-of-control spending is causing public debt to grow uncontrollably, and he is sounding the alarm about how govern-ments will pay for essential health care services in the future.

    The PBO report comes as the Liberal government plans to run deficits worth more than $100 billion over the next four years.

    Provinces and territories will eventu-ally need more money for health care, but at this rate the Liberal government wont have anything left to give them. That means theyll either have to raise taxes on Canadians or cut their health care services, added Raitt.

    The PBO estimates that in order to meet health care costs and keep public debt under control, governments will need to collectively hike taxes or cut spending by $11 billion per year.

    One way or another, Canadians are going to foot the bill for Liberal mismanagement, concluded Carrie. In just six months, the Liberals have already raised taxes on middle-class families, students and small business owners.

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    iksy vI BfsLf ivclI afpxI mUl sLbdfvlI Aus BfsLf df ivlwKx pCfx-icMnH huMdI hY. jykr Aus ivwc bfhrI/ivdysLI BfsLfvF dy sLbdF dI Brmfr hox lwgy qF Aus BfsLf dI ivlwKx hoNd leI smwisaf KVHI ho jFdI hY. ivsLvIkrn dy dOr ivwc dysI BfsLfvf nUM afpxI mUl sLbdfvlI bcfeI rwKx ivwc vzyrI smwisaf af rhI hY. sfmrfjI mulk afpxy vpfrk kfrjF dy mMqv dy nfl-nfl swiBafcfrk qOr qy vI aivkisq aqy ivkfssLIl mulkF nUM afpxf gulfm bxf rhy hn. BfsLf iewk aijhI smrwQf hY ijs duafrf iewk pRfxI, ivakqI ivwc qbdIl huMdf hY qy smfj ivwc afpxy-afp nUM swiBafcfrk, rfjsI, BfeIcfrk qy ivcfrDfrk pihlUaF qoN sQfpq krdf hY. BfsLf rfhIN hI ivakqI jnm qoN mOq qwk sfry kfrj inBfAuNdf hY, vrqfry nUM pRBfivq krdf hY, ihwqF dI lVfeI lVdf hY qy afpxy iKwqy dI pRqIinDqf krdf hY. ies qrHF BfsLf iksy vI kOm df ivlwKx srmfieaf hox dy nfl-nfl ihwqF dI ivcfrDfrk jMg leI kfrgr hiQafr sfbq huMdI hY.

    sfmrfjvfd afpxy iksy vI kOm dy smfijk, rfjsI, af-riQk afid pRbMDF nUM afpxy ihwqF anusfr vrq skdf hY. sfmrfjvfd dy vwK-vwK lksLF ivwcoN iewk lksL ieh vI huMdf hY ik Auh iksy vI dysL (aivkisq/ivkfssLIl) dI

    BfsLf qy swiBafcfr Aupr vI kbjLf kIqf jfvy. ies aDIn hI sfmrfjvfd mfVy mulkF dy swiBafcfr qy ivcfrDfrf nUM vwK-vwK rUpF rfhIN pRBfivq krdf hY. kmjLor dysLF dIaF BfsLfvF Aupr ho rhy hmilaF nUM ivdvfnf ny BfsLfeI bsqIvfd df nfm idwqf hY qy ies nUM vwK swiBafcfrk sMkt mMinaf hY. BfsLf ivdvfn zf[bUtf isMG brfV dy sLbdF ivwc BfsLfeI bsqIvfd, BfsLfeI lfcfrI pYdf krdf hY, jdoN quhfzI BfsLf, quhfzy swiBafcfr dy smwucy ivkfs df afDfr hI nf hovy, jd AucyrI pwDr dy sMcfr leI quhfnUM ivdysLI BfsLf vwl qwkxf pvy qF ieh BfsLfeI lfcfrI hI qF hY. BfsLfeI lfcfrI bhuq vwzf swiBafcfrk sMkt hY jo ik ivsLvIkrn dy awj nvyN pVfa ny pYdf kIqf hY. awj dy dOr ivwc aMgryjLI BfsLf nUM dunIaF dI iewko-BfsLf bnfAux dy hr sMBv Xqn ho rhy hn. ivsLvIkrn dIaF nIqIaF nUM iswDy ivdysLI invysL dI jugq rfhIN bVy DVwly nfl lfgU kIqf jf irhf hY. ies leI hr adfry df inwjIkrn krky srmfeydfrI hwQF ivwc sONipaf jf irhf hY.

    pMjfbI dy bfkI pRcfr qy pRsfr dy XqnF dy nfl-nfl pMjfbI dI qknIkI sLbdfvlI Ausfrn dI vI ivsLysL loV hY pr ies df pRcln iekdm hoxf vI bysLwk lfjLmI nhIN hY pr ieh qrk dyxf vI Auicq nhIN ik pMjfbI df hfjmf bhuq vwzf hY qy ieh hr BfsLf dy sLbdF nUM afpxy ivwc smfAux dI smrwQf rwKdI hY. aijhf krn nfl asIN pMjfbI ivwc PflqU df ivdysLI sLbdfvlI df dKLl dyx dI mnjLuUrI idMdy hF. msLInF dy nfm nfl qF sfnUM iKlvfV nhIN krnf cfhIdf pr AunHF dy aMgF dy nfvF qy hor sLbdF

    nUM pMjfbI sLbdF ivwc Zfl lYxf cMgf hY. vDyry pVHy-ilKy afm pfTk/sroqy aMgryjLI dI sLbdfvlI dy ho rhy ajoky dKLLl nUM hr jgHf jI afieaF nUM afKdy iml jFdy hn. sfzy ijLhn ivwc pwCmI qknIkI sLbdfvlI pwCmI cmk-dmk dI qrHF smfeI hoeI hY ik Ausy nUM hI AuWqm mMn ky qur pYNdy hF jdik iksy vI BfsLf ivwc Aus dI sLbdfvlI df mUl sLbd vI mOjUd huMdf hY. pMjfbI BfsLf ivwc qknIkI sLbdfvlI isrjx dI sLkqI ivwc bFJ nhIN hY. ies sLkqI bfry pMjfbI BfsLf-ivigafnI zf[jogf isMG ny aMgryjLI dy Dfqu qoN pMjfbI ivwc qwq ivwc anuvfd krky 19 pMjfbI sLbdF nUM drsfieaf hY. AunHF anusfr hr BfsLf dI sLbd smrwQf ieko ijhI huMdI hY ikAuNik iksy vI BfsLf dI sfrI sLbdfvlI kuJ mUl qwqF qoN GVI jFdI hY aqy ienHF mUl qwqF dy pwK qoN BfsLfvF ivwc koeI aMqr nhIN.

    pMjfbI ivwc vI bhuq sfrI qknIkI sLbdfvlI isrjI geI hY pr nvIN qknIk dy afAux dy nfl-nfl qurMq hI ieh hor vDyry rcI jfxI loVINdI hY. kuJ sLbdF nUM Cot iml skdI hY jo vDyry lMmy smyN qwk lokF ivwc rUVH ho jfx pr ienHF sLbdF dy pRcln df pVHy ilKy qy afm ivakqI dy pwDr df hoxf vI lfjLmI sLrq hY. ieh TIk nhIN ik cMd ku vDyry pVHy-ilKy lok ivdysLI qknIkI sLbdfvlI qoN jfxU hox qF ieh mMn ilaf jfvy ik PlfxI qknIkI sLbdfvlI qF rUVH ho cuwkI hY imsfl vjoN jykr zfieaflfg bfks sLbd rUVH nhIN hoieaf qF ies leI jld BfsLf sLfsqrIaF aqy kMipAUtr mfihrF nUM iml-jul ky sMvfdI bksf sLbd rcx qy pRcwilq krn ivwc dyr nhIN lfAuxI cfhIdI.

    pMjfbI c qknIkI sLbdfvlI dI smwisaf df hwl kI hovy? iekbfl somIaF (KojfrQI pMjfbI ivBfg, pitaflf XUnIvristI)

    moh c ipGl ky

    rUh qwk iBwj ky

    iksy ny Aus nUM

    KMz-imsLrI ikhf

    qF Auh ijLMdgI dI

    sfrI qlKI, sfrf jLihr

    iewko sfh nfl zIk geI

    hux Auhdy ivhVy c inMm nUM

    nmolIaF nhIN

    pqfsy lwgdy ny.

    imrg Cl


    psLUaF vrgI jUn hMZfAuxI

    jy ipCly krmF df Pl hY

    qF iPr

    agly jnm df lfrf

    lokF nfl inrf DoKf hY

    imrg iqRsLnf

    imrg Cl hY.

    KMz imsrImdn vIrf

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 21The Patrika

    PAGE 21

    bMglf dysL dI rfjDfnI Zfkf dy sPLfrqI Kyqr ivwc siQq iewk rYsqrF AuWqy dihsLqIaF dy hmly df asr nf isrPL Aus mulk blik bfkI dI dunIaF vwloN vI mihsUs kIqf jf irhf hY. hmlfvrF ny rYsqrF dy aMdr bhuq sfry lokF nUM bMDk bxf ilaf aqy 20 nUM mfr idwqf. bfad ivwc surwiKaf blF dI kfrvfeI ivwc Cy hmlfvr mfry gey aqy 13 bMdk Cuzf ley gey. imRqkF ivwc 9 ieqflvI, 7jpfnI, iewk amrIkI aqy iewk BfrqI sLfml hn. bMglf dysLI aiDkfrIaF anusfr bMDkF nfl hmlfvr bVy vihsLIafnf ZMg nfl pysL afey aqy mfrn qoN pihlF keI bMDkF nUM jLflmfnf ZMg nfl qsIhy idwqy gey. aijhy jLflmfnf kfry qoN AunHF mulkF qoN lokF ivwc ros hoxf suBfivk hI hY, ijnHF dy nfgirkF nfl Auprokq Bfxf vfpiraf.

    bMglfdysLI aiDkfrIaF df kihxf hY ik 1971 dy afjLfdI sMgrfm qoN bfad ieh pi-hlI vfr hY jdoN inrdosL lokF AuWqy vihsLI ansrF vwloN aiqaMq jLflmfnf ZMg nfl kihr Zfihaf igaf. hr imRqk dI dyh qy aijhy insLFn sn ijnHF qoN ieh qwQ sfhmxy afAuNdf hY ik Aus nUM koh-koh ky mfiraf igaf. asflt rfeIPlF nfl lYs dihsLqI bIqy sLuwkrvfr rfqIN Zfkf dy gulsLn Kyqr ivwc holI bykrI ivwc jbrI dfKLLl hoey aqy AuWQy mOjUd ivdysLIaF nUM sB qoN pihlF afpxf insLfnf bxfieaf. jLfihr hY ik AunHF dI kfrvfeI df mksd lokF, KLfs krky ivdysLIaF dy aMdr sihm pYdf krnf sI. hflFik iksy vI dihsLqI jQybMdI ny ies kFz dI ijLMmyvfrI nhIN leI, iPr vI ieh dosL lfey jf rhy hn ik pfiksqfnI KuPLIaf eyjMsI afeI[aYWs[afeI[ df ies hmly ivwc hwQ hY. bMglf dysL srkfr pihlF vI keI vfr iswDy-aiswDy qOr qy ieh ieljLfm lf cuwkI hY ik afeI[aYWs[afeI[, bMglfdysL dI ieMqhfpsMd jQybMdI, jmfq-ey-ieslfmI nUM mfiek mdd vI idMdI afeI hY aqy ies dy kyzr nUM isKLlfeI qy hiQafr vI pRdfn krdI afeI hY qF jo Aus dysL dI mOjUdf srkfr nUM asiQr krky pfiksqfnI-pwKI srkfr vjUd ivwc ilaFdI jf sky.

    bMglfdysL ivwc BfvyN bygLm sLyK hsInf vfijd dI srkfr ivDfnk pwKoN pwky pYrIN hY, iPr vI ies AuWqy afpxy ivroDIaF nfl gLYrjmhUrI ZMg nfl pysL afAux aqy qfnfsLfhfnf qOr-qrIky apnfAux dy dosL afm hI lwgdy afey hn. ieh vI dosL lwgy hn ik afpxy aflockF, KLfs krky bwuDIjIvIaF nUM ivcfr-pRgtfvy dI KwulH dyx dI QF ieh srkfr gLYr-jmhUrI ZMg qrIikaF nfl afpxy ivroDIaF df dmn krn ivwc XkIn rwKdI hY. ipCly svf sfl qoN ies mulk ivwc inrpwK qy bybfk ivcfrvfnF dIaF idn-idhfVy hwiqafvF aqy alpsMiKak ihMdUaF AuWqy hmilaF dIaF GtnfvF ny vI siQqI AuWqy sLLyK hsInf dI srkfr dy kMtrol pRqI sLMky qy KLdsLy pYdf kIqy hn. Auprokq GtnfvF nUM kOmI srkfr kdy-kdfeI vfprn vflIaF GtnfvF dwsdI afeI hY aqy kuJ ivdysLI mulkF qy kupRcfr krn dy dosL lfAuNdI rhI hY. hux holI bykrI kFz ny drsf idwqf hY ik jo avyslfpx

    Zfkf c dihsLq dI dsqk Auprokq mfmilaF dI qPLqIsL dOrfn idKfieaf igaf, Aus nUM iqafgy ibnF dihsLqI ansrF iKLlfPL lVfeI lVnI sMBv nhIN.

    jfrj mYkI lfiebryrI c sLfierI dI sLfm

    zYLltf: hr mhIny dy qIjy mMglvfr, jfrj mYkI lfiebRyrI zYltf ivwc, pMjfbI sfihq nUM smripq mnfeI jFdI kfiv-sLfm, 21 jUn nUM DUm-Dfm nfl mnfeI geI. ies vfr dy sLfier sn, rfjvMq isMG rfj pRiswD ZfzI qy sL-fier igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL. jsivMdr, jfpfn qoN afey primMdr soZI, pI[ey[XU[ luiDafxf qoN zf[srujIq isMG igwl, zf[bldyv isMG Kihrf, zf[ gurimMdr iswDU, zf[rGbIr isMG isrjnf, suqIsL gulftI, jrnYl isMG syKf, jrnYl isMG afritst, kyvl isMG inrdosL, bKLisLMdr, kivMdr cFd, ikRsLn Bnot, ieMdrjIq isMG DfmI, amrIk plfhI, hrdm isMG mfn, bldyv isMG bfT, igwl mnsUr, hrcMd bfgVI, brijMdr iZwloN, gurcrn twlyvflIaf kfiv sLfm c sLfml hoey.igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL ny afpxI jIvnI qy lyKx pRikiraf bfry gwl kridaF dwisaf ik AuhnF afpxf sfihqk sPr pRXogvfdI kivqf qoN afrMB kIqf sI. AuhnF pRXogvfdI kivqf sux ky kfiv-pfT sLurU kIqf. AuhnF BwuK, prvfs, 84 df sMqfp qy rfjnIqIvfnF dI mIsxI rfjnIqI nUM pRgtfAuNdIaf kivqfvF suxf ky zyrydfrF dIaF blfqkfrI krqUqF nUM pRgtfAuNdI iewk gLjLl vI suxfeI. kuJ dohy vI sroiqaF nfl sFJy kIqy.

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 22The Patrika

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    jdoN mYN ipCly aYqvfr pRIqm aMkl dy akfl clfxy bfry suixaf qF mYnUM bVf aPsos hoieaf prMqU nfl hI AuMnHF vwloN afpxy ipwCy smUh knyzf invfsIaF leI Cwzy ivrsy qy gOrv vI mihsUs hoieaf sfnUM ieMz-knyzIan stwzI sYNtr dy sfry

    stfP nUM mfx hY ik sfnUM ies mhfn ivakqI nUM jfnx aqy AuMnHF dy jIvn aqy ieiqhfs nUM sFB ky rwKx df suBfg pRfpq hY

    hr vfr jdoN mYN AuMnHF dI afqm kQf bfry jfnx leI AuMnHF dy Gr jf ky AuMnHF dI ieMtrivAU krdI qF AuMnHF dI sLKsIaq, rihmidlI aqy isafxp qoN pRBfvq huMdI| AuMnHF cmqkfrI jIvn jIivaf| Auh dysL, pirvfr aqy afpxy sMgI-sfQIaF dI syvf aqy dysL syvf leI smripq mfnmwqf jIvn jIvy| brqfnvI aqy BfrqI Poj ivc inBfeI syvf bdly AuMnHF nUM 14 mYzl imly; Auh ieMglYNz dI rfxI nUM vI imly sn; AuMnHF nUM ibRitsL kolMbIaf acIvmYNt avfrz nfl vI invfijaf igaf sI aqy Auh ipwCy ijhy 2012 ivc kueIn dy zfiemMz jublI avfrz nfl snmfinq kIqy gey sn| pRIqm

    isMG dy jIvn dIaF bhuq sfrIaF pRfpqIaF aqy sPlqfvF ivcoN Auprokq kuJ df hI ijLkr kIqf igaf hY| kYnyzf ivc rihMidaF bhuq vzyrI Aumr ivc vI Auh irtfierz BfrqI POjIaF leI keI sMGrsL krdy rhy

    ijMnHF ivc dMd ickqsf dy lfB sLfml hn| ieh sB kuJ ies krky hoieaf ikAuNik Auh loVvMdF dIaF loVF qoN aiBwj rih ky bYTx vfly ivakqI nhIN sn| Auh swc muwc sMGrsLmeI iensfn sn| Auh idlI qOr qy swcy ispfhI sn|

    AuMnHF ny afpxy muwZly jIvn, afpxy POjI jIvn, aqy knyzf ivcly afpxy jIvn smyN hF-pwKI, idaflU, soJI-BrI mnoibrqI bxfeI rwKI | AuMnHF nUM iksy iksm df pC-qfvf nhIN sI;iewko iek cfh sI ik AuMnHF df jIvn afpxy BfeIcfry, Drm aqy hwkF leI lVn dI imsfl hovy|

    1993 ivc jdoN Auh inAUtn lIjLIan ivc pwg bMnH ky jfx dI lVfeI lV rhy sn qF AuMnHF nUM mIzIaf, kimAuintI mYNbrF aqy isafsqdfnF dI vwzI hmfieq hfsl hoeI| prMqU jdoN mYN aMkl jI dIaF ilKqF pVHIaF aqy AuMnHF dI njLrsfnI kIqI qF pqf lwgf ik AuuMnHF ipwCy aigafnqf dI rMgq sI; kuJ spwsLt rUp ivc nslvfdI sI aqy AupwdrI sI | mYnU mihsUs hoieaf ik pwg qy ikMqU krn vfilaF nUM pwg dI smuwcI mhwqqf df igafn nhIN sI; Auh pwg bMnx dy ZMg aqy ies nUM isr Aupr rwKx dy mhwqv qoN Auwkf hI kory sn ;AuMnHF nUM pqf nhIN sI ik iswKI

    ivc ieMnHF donF ikirafvF nUM iek dUjy qoN vwK nhIN kIqf jf skdf| aijhy lok ieh gwl nf smJ sky ik iswK vI iksy hor gruwp, Drm, afsQf vFg knyzIan pCfx df iek vwzf Bfg hn| asl ivc iehI knyzIan pCfx df aniKVvF aMg sI ies pCfx df koeI monotfeIp nhIN | XkInI qOr qy bhuq lMmf smF pwg iek buJfrq/rhws bxI rhI -- bhuiqaF nUM smJ nf lwgI ik pgVI dI Dfrimk mhwqqf kI hY ; ieh ikAuN bMnHI jFdI hY aqy ikvyN bMnHI jFdI hY|

    inAUtn bRFc aOP dI vYtrfnjL lIjIan nUN cxOqI dy ky pRIqm isMG knyzIan af-eIzYNttI dI aslI qsvIr pysL krn ivc sPl hoey | asl ivc pgVI knyzIan pCfx df Auho ijhf hI ihwsf hY ijMnI koeI hor icMnH jF pdfrQ|

    afE afpF sfry pRIqm aMkl aqy AuMnHF vwloN smfjk ainafey ivruwD kIqy sMGrsL nUM Xfd krIey|

    afE sfry afpxy aflLy duaflLy dy smfjk ainafvF ivruwD ztx df sfhs, dlyrI, ihMmq aqy soJI jutfeIey.

    anuvfdk ipafrf isMG Buwlr

    surgvfsI pRIqm isMG jOhl sLrnjIq sMDrf (XU aYP vI)

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016 PAGE 23The Patrika

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    sweIn Aqy

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    AsIN nvyN GrW dy plYn Aqy cY`k vI ipRMt krdy hW[

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    byrI stYNf dy sweIn

    vI bxwauNdy hW[

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    design on

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    AsIN h

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    dy hW[

    AsIN h

    r qrW

    dIAW m

    ohrW v



    dy hW[

    When I heard of the passing of Pritam Uncle Ji this past Sunday, I was struck with sadness, but also immense pride in the legacy that he has left behind him for all Canadians to follow. We are so honoured and privileged at the Centre for Indo Canadian Studies to have known this amazing man, and to have been able to preserve his life and history.

    Each time I visited Pritam in his home to interview him for his auto-biography, I was always struck by his immense presence, his kindness and his intellect. He lived an amaz-ing and full life. He lived a life full of honour, service to his country, service to his family, and service to his fellow people. He had no regrets. He was awarded with 14 medals for his service in the Army (both British and Indian), he had met the Queen of England, he was awarded the British Columbia Achievement Awarded and more recently the Queens Dia-mond Jubilee Medal in 2012. These

    are just a small example of the many other achievements and accomplish-ments in Pritams life. Even when he was much older, while living in Canada, Pritam continued to fight a number of struggles for Indian War Veterans; including assisting Indian Military Pensioners to receive den-tal benefits. This is because Pritam Singh was not one to sit down idly when he saw that someone needed his help-he was a true fighter and a true soldier at heart.

    Throughout his early life, his mili-tary life, and his life in Canada, Pri-tam continued to imbibe a spirit of positivity, kindness and intellect. He had no regrets and only hoped that his life could serve as an example to others as well to serve for their com-munities, their faith, and their rights.

    In 1993, while Pritam was embroiled in his struggle to wear his pagh in the Newton Legion branch, he had the majority of support from the media, community members and politicians.

    But as I read and reviewed Uncles materials, I realized that there was an undertone of ignorance. Some were clearly racist and violent in nature, and others less so. I came to realize that many did not understand the meaning of the pagh and that its entire being, the material, the process of tying and placing it on ones head is so intrinsic to Sikhi-that the two could not be separated. It seemed that these same people failed to under-stand that Sikhs were just a much a part of Canadian identity as any other group, religion, ethnicity, etc. In fact, that is what Canadian Identity entailed-there was no monotype of what this identity included. Certainly for so long the pagh had remained a mystery-many didnt understand the religious significance for the turban, why it was worn and how it was worn.

    What Pritam was able to do by chal-lenging the Newton Branch of the Veterans Legion was challenge the concept of what a Canadian iden-

    tity meant. In fact, the turban is just as much a part of this identity as is anything else.

    Let us all remember Pritam Uncle Ji and his fight against social injustice. Let us all have the same strength, valour, courage and intellect to chal-lenge social injustices that we may see around us.

    Pritam Singh JauhalSharanjit Sandhra

  • Friday, July 8th, 2016PAGE 24The Patrika

    PAGE 24

    kYnyzf zya jsLnf mOky pRDfn mMqrI trUzo dy ivcfr Etvf, 3 julfeI sLuwkrvfr nuM kYnyzIanF ny afpxy dysL dy 149vyN jnm idn dI vrHygMZ dy jsLn mnfey. hjLfrF dI igxqI ivwc lok pfrlIafmYNt ihwl dy lfan ivwc iekwTy hoey.

    vwzI igxqI ivwc lokF ny lfl qy icwty rMg dIaF tI-sLrtjL pfeIaF hoeIaF sn, mUMh rMgy hoey sn qy kYnyzIan JMzy qy kyp pfey hoey sn. ieh sfry kYnyzIan vwK-vwK klfkfrF dI sYNtr blfk AuWqy ivKfeI jfx vI klf dy jOhr vyKx leI iekwTy hoey. sfiraF ny rl ky kOmI gIq vI gfieaf.

    ies mOky sfiraF ny pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo vwloN idwqy gey pihly kYnyzf zya BfsLn nUM vI suixaf. afpxy BfsLn dI

    sLUrUafq ivwc trUzo ny afiKaf ik AunHF ivwcoN keIaF vFg Auh vI afpxy bcpn qoN hI pfrlIafmYNt ihwl afAuNdy rhy hn. AunHF afiKaf ik ijhVf Brosf sfiraF vwloN AunHF ivwc pRgtfieaf igaf hY Aus leI Auh sB dy sLuwkrgujLfr hn. trUzo ny afiKaf ik kYnyzf dunIaF dy sB qoN vMn-suvMny mulkF ivwcoN iewk hY qy KusLhfl vI hY. AunHF afiKaf ik sfzf mulk aijhf hY ijwQy asIN sB brfbr hF iPr BfvyN sfzf ijnsI Jukfa jF sfzI ijnsI pCfx kuJ vI hovy.

    ies qoN pihlF trUzo ny kYnyzIan vfr imAUjLIam ivKy AunHF sYinkF nUM sLrDFjlI idwqI ijnHF pihlI ivsLv jMg dOrfn somy qy ibEmONthYml dI jMg ivwc PrFs ivwc sLhfdq idwqI sI.

    XUnIan dIaF mMgF sfzy vws qoN bfhr: kYnyzf post Etvf: kYnyzf post df kihxf hY ik kYnyzIan XUnIan afP postl vrkrjL nUM AunHF vwloN mOjUdf lybr ivvfd dy cwlidaF ijhVI qfjLf pysLks kIqI geI hY Aus nUM PfeInl mMinaf jfvy.

    somvfr nUM jfrI iewk ibafn ivwc kYnyzf post df kihxf hY ik postl kfimaF dI numfieMdgI krn vflI XUnIan nfl AunHF nUM ajy vI gwlbfq krky msly df hwl kwZ ley jfx dI afs hY. pr kfrporysLLn vwloN ieh vI afiKaf jf irhf hY ik 25 jUn nuM

    AunHF vwloN ijhVI pysLksL kIqI geI hY Auh vfijb hY.

    ies dy nfl hI kfrporysLn ny afiKaf ik sI[XU[pI[zbilAU[ dIaF mMgF mMnxf AunHF dI phuMc qoN bfhr hY. ies nfl kFtrYkt dIaF sLrqf afid dI kImq ivwc iewk iblIan zflr hor juV jfvygf. dUjy pfsy XUnIan kYnyzf post AuWqy asiQrqf pYdf krn qy kfimaF nUM kMm krn qoN rokx df dosL lf rhI hY. kYnyzf post qy sI[XU[pI[zbilAU[ ny 72 GMitaF vflf nots hI jfrI kIqf hY.

    kfimaF dI hVqfl kfrn lfiebRyrIaF hoeIaF bMd imsIsfgf: sLihr dy aiDkfrIaF qy lfiebRyrI vrkrjL dI numfieMdgI krn vflI XUnIan drimafn gwlbfq iksy qn pwqx nf lwg skx kfrn lfiebRyrI kfmy hVqfl AuWqy jfxgy qy imsIsfgf ivwc somvfr nUM lfiebRyrIaF bMd rihxgIaF.

    ieh kdm Aud o N c w u ikaf igaf jdo N sI[XU[pI[eI[ lokl 1989 dy 96 PIsdI mYNbrF, ijnHF ny hVqfl krn sbMDI hoeIaF iqMn vwK-vwK mIitMgF ivwc ihwsf ilaf sI, ny hVqfl krn df mn bxfieaf. iewk ibafn jfrI krky XUnIan ny afiKaf ik asIN sikwlg kfmy hF, sfzy vwloN idwqIaF jfx vflIaF syvfvF bysLkImqI hn qy

    imsIsfgf dy lok ienHF nUM ipafr krdy hn. asIN cfhuMdy hF ik sfzy nfl vI afdr nfl pysL afieaf jfvy qF ik asIN afpxf qy afpxy pirvfr df gujLfrf shI ZMg nfl kr skIey.

    XUnIan anusfr Aus dy 56 PLIsdI mYNbr pfrt tfeIm stfP df ihwsf hn, ijnHF nUM nf qF koeI pyz iswk tfeIm imldf hY, nf hI koeI hor Pfiedy qy nf hI koeI CwutI jF vYkysn afid dI shUlq hY. ies qoN ielfvf mihMgfeI dy muqfbk qnKfh nhIN vD rhI. sLihr dy aiDkfrIaF ny afiKaf ik agly hukmF qwk lfiebRyrIjL bMd rihxgIaF.

    gurBjn isMG igwl dI pusqk imrgfvlI lok arpxpMjfbI brfz kfst aYsosIeysLn vwloN torFto ivKy pMjfbI kvI gurBjn isMG igwl dy nvyN Cpy gjLl sMgRih imrgfvlI nUM lok arpx kIqf igaf. ies mOky afpxI ies pusqk bfry dwsidaF pRo: igwl ny ikhf ik ies ikqfb ivwc 102 gLjLlF pRkfisLq kIqIaF geIaF hn. ies ivwc pMjfb dy qbdIl ho rhy swiBafcfr df muhFdrf

    vyiKaf jf skdf hY. kYnyzIan pMjfbI brfzkfst aYsosIeysLn dy pRDfn rfxf iswDU ny ikhf ik Auh BivwK ivwc vwK-vwK tI[vI[ cYnlF qy ryzIE pRogrfm pysL krn vfly dosqF nUM pRyrnf dyxgy ik sfihqk srgrmIaF dI pysLkfrI vDf ky ies sLihr df adbI muhFdrf sMvfiraf jfvy.

    ieMzo-kYnyzIan sInIar sYNtr c kYnyzf-zy mnfieaf ieMzo-kYnyzIan sInIar sYNtr srI-zYltf ivKy kYnyzf df 149vF jnm idvs DUm-Dfm nfl mnfieaf. sB qoN pihlF pRDfn s: hrpfl isMG brfV ny kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs dI ivsQfr pUrvk jfxkfrI idwqI. iPr sfiraF ny KVHy ho ky rl ky E kYnyzf[[[df rfsLtrI gIq piVHaf. ies qoN AuprMq sYNtr dy lyzIjL ivMg dI sInIar mYNbr mYzm gulsLn kOr ny vI kYnyzf dy sLfnfmwqy ieiqhfs aqy sLfndfr rvfieqF bfry cfnxf pfieaf. s: vIr isMG DflIvfl aqy mfstr amrIk isMG lyhl, sYNtr dI vfeIs pRDfn bIbI rivMdr kOr bYNs, bIbI avqfr kOr bYNs ny kivqf pysL kIqI. s: hrcMd isMG igwl ny vI iewk kivqf pysL kIqI. susfietI dy sB qoN sInIar mYNbr sO sflF dy s: Piqh isMG jI srfey ny kyk kwtx dI rsm adf kIqI.

    ivhtbI dI aOrq nUM mMgyqr ny hI mfiraf ivhtbI: ikRstInf bYnyt, mYiQAu kusOnjL nfl afpxy ivafh dI Xojnf bxf rhI sI. iewQoN qwk ik Aus ny afpxy ivafh vflI zrYWs dI cox vI kr leI sI pr Aus df kql kr idwqf igaf. kusOnjL nUM bYnyt dy sYikMz izgrI mrzr leI cfrj kIqf igaf hY qy Auh jylH ivwc hI rhygf. kql krn qoN bfad Aus ny afp hI afqm smrpx kr idqf sI.

    bYnyt nUM jfnx vflI Aus dI dosq ny dwisaf ik Auh bhuq hI AUrjf nfl BrI mihlf sI qy afpxy inwky byty nUM bhuq ipafr krdI sI. Auh sfrf idn KusL rihx vflI, mjLfkIaf, ijLMdgI df BrpUr afnMd mfnx vflI mihlf sI. kusOnjL nfl Aus dI mMgxI

    ho cwukI sI. Aus ny dwisaf ik Auh afpxy ivafh nUM lY ky bhuq AuqsLfhq sI qy Aus ny afpxy ivafh vflf joVf vI KrId ilaf sI.

    29 sflf kusOnjL nUM hfl dI GVI ihrfsq ivwc rwiKaf igaf hY qy Aus nUM 20 jul-feI nUM vIzIE rfhIN adflq sfhmxy pysL kIqf jfvygf. bIqy sLnIvfr svyry kusOLnjL EsLfhf dy puils stysLn afieaf qy Aus ny afiKaf ik Aus dI grlPrYNz nUM kuJ ho igaf hY. ieh jfxkfrI drhfm puils ny idwqI. puils ny ies gwl dI pusLtI kIqI ik bYnyt nUM cfkU mfr ky mOq dy Gft Auqfr idwqf igaf hY. puils ny ielfky nUM sIl krky mfmly dI jFc sLurU kr idwqI.

    mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI jfmf pihnfAux leI tfsk PorsEtvf: mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI jfmf pihn-fAux dIaF PYzrl srkfr dIaF koisLsLF dI JMzf brdfr mihlf df kihxf hY ik kYnyzf nUM ies sbMD ivwc afpxf njLrIaf bdlxf hovygf. sfbkf ilbrl jsits minstr qy pbilk syPtI mMqrI aYny mYklyln ny afiKaf ik mOjUdf hflfq shI ZMg nfl kMm nhIN kr rhy, sfnUM hor ZMg-qrIky vrqxy hoxgy. ies sbMD ivwc tfsk Pors qoN kMm ilaf jfxf ibhqr bdl hY.

    iewk pRYWs kfnPrMs nUM sMboDn kridaF mYklyln ny afiKaf ik mYrIjuafnf sbMDI kfnUMn ilaFdy jfx leI PYzrl srkfr ny tfsk Pors kfiem krky shI PYslf ilaf hY. ies sbMD ivwc inaF mMqrI jozI ivlsn ryabolz qy ishq mMqrI jyn iPlpOt ny aYlfn kridaF mYrIjuafnf dI vrqoN nUM inXMqirq krn dI loV AuWqy jLor

    idwqf. ilbrlF df mMnxf hY ik mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc ilaf ky nfbflgF nUM ies dy pRBfv qoN dUr rwiKaf jf skdf hY qy sMgTq jurm krn vfilaF nUM ies dI ivkrI qoN hox vfly Pfiedy qoN vI roikaf jf skdf hY.

    ipCly isaflF ivwc ivlsn ryabolz dy pfrlImfnI skwqr qy torFto puils dy sfbkf muKI ibwl blyar nUM ies muihMm dy mUhry lfieaf igaf sI pr rsmI qOr AuWqy mYklyln qy tfsk Pors dy mYNbrF dy nF aYlfnx ivwc keI mhIny df smF lwg igaf. tfsk Pors dy mYNbrF ivwc zf[pYrI kYNzFl, ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy pRoivMsLIal hYlQ mMqrI, sfbkf afr[sI[aYm[pI[ izptI kimsLnr rPIk sOkfr qy zf[ kYQrIn jfhn, jo ik sYNtr POr aizksLn aYNz mYntl hYlQ dI pRYjLIzYNt qy sI[eI[E[ hY, sLfml hn.

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    Abbotsford, BC - Travel from the depths of space back to historic Ab-botsford and explore some famous artists in between with our summer art Camps at The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford, 32388 Veterans Way.

    In these camps kids will enjoy ex-ploring various mediums inspired by contemporary art, heritage, and First Nations culture. Children will hands-on engage and hone their skills

    in painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and collage while having a blast along the way! The will have fun creating their very own paper mache creatures such as: out-of-this world aliens, ferocious monsters, and quirky gnomes!

    The Reach has designed the summer camps for children ages 6-12, and offers 2 or 3 day camps, as well as 5 day ones at a discount fee. Class sizes

    are limited to allow children to receive more personal instruc-tion and create more detailed projects. Each summer camp will stimulate their imagination with a different artistic style or technique, and with room for children to develop the styles into their own individual works of art!

    Camps available for children ages 6-12; Scheduled 10:30am to 2:30pm;

    Cost: 2 days $60, 3 days $90 or sign up for all 5 and receive a 10% discount.

    Painting Palooza July 4-6 July 5-8

    Absolutely Abstract July 11-13 July 14-15

    Legends of the Valley July 18-19 July 20-22

    Art Journaling July 25-27 J u l y 28-29

    Art and Nature- A Natural Combo August 2-3 August 4-5

    Spaced Out Sci-Fi August 8-9 August 10-12

    Learning From the Masters A u -gust 15-17 August 18-19

    Anything Antique August 22-23 August 24-26

    To register for the summer camps at The Reach Gallery Museum Abbots-ford, or for more details including schedule, visit: or call 604-864-8087.

    Children will love to explore new artistic techniques this summer at The Reach!

    A division of 1454 B Riverside Rd. Abbotsford, BCPh.: 604-850-9500



    Choose from BERRY RED,


    (available in 20 LT Pails, 208 LT Drums, or TOTES)

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    vYnkUvr ivwc pRogrYisv ieMtrklcrl kimAuintI srvisjL vwloN bIqy sflF dOrfn srkfr dI mdd nfl gurU nfnk sInIar hom bxfieaf igaf sI. ies hom ivwc awj kwlH 260 sfAUQ eysLIan sInIar rih rhy hn. Auh iswK, ihMdU, muslmfn aqy eIsfeI kOmF dy sInIar jo afpxy pirvfrF ivwc keI kfrnF krky nhIN rih skdy, iewQy 24 GMty shUlq mfxdy hn.

    brYNptn, imsIsfgf aqy torFto dy kuJ sInIar homF ivwc AuWQy mOjUdf shUlqF aqy mfhOLl aYsf hY ijwQy sfAUQ eysLIan sInIarF df dm Gwutx lwgygf. vwzI igxqI ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan sInIarF nUM aMgryjLI bolx aqy smJx ivwc aOiKafeI hY. iewk Kfs iksm df Kfxf KFdy hoey AuhnF dI Aumr gujLrI hY aqy buZfpy ivwc iehnF homF ivwc imldf Kfxf AuhnF nUM rfs nhIN afAuNdf. mwuK Dfrf dy sInIarF nUM iKafl ivwc rwK ky bxfey gey

    iehnF sInIar homF nUM XUro-sYNtirk hom ikhf jFdf hY. XUro sYNtirk df arQ hY Auh shUlqF aqy syvfvF jo XUrpIan vwsoN nUM iDafn ivwc rwK ky KVIaF kIqIaF geIaF hn.

    ipCly sflF ivwc kYnyzf srkfr dy aMkVf ivBfg ny iewk irport ivwc dwisaf ik hor sInIarF dy mukfbly sfAUQ eysLIan sInIarF vwloN afpxy pirvfrF(bwicaF, poqy poqIaF jF irsLqydfrF) ivwc rihx dI sMBfvnf

    awT guxF vwD hY. aijhIaF irportF dy afDfr AuWqy srkfry drbfry iswtf kwZ ilaf jFdf hY ik ies kimAuintI dy sInIarF nUM iksy iksm dy shfry jF shUlq dI loV nhIN hY. pr swc ies qoN vwKrf hY.

    rIjn afP pIl, XUnfeItz vya afP pIl aqy sosLl plfinMg kfAuNsl afP pIl ny sFJy qOr AuWqy iewk irport iqafr krvfeI sI. ies irport anusfr pIl dI vwsoN ivwc 80% vfDf prvfsIaF dy afAux kfrn ho irhf hY ijs ivwc bjLurgF dI vwzI igxqI hY. prvfsIaF dI afmd kfrn hI pIl ivwc sInIarF dI igxqI bfkI AuNtyrIE dy 65 sfl jF ies qoN vwD Aumr dy sInIarF nfloN iqMn guxf rPqfr nfl vD rhI hY. 2018 qwk pIl rIjn ivwc sInIarF dI kuwl igxqI 2 lwK ho jfvygI. irport muqfbk pIl rIjn ivwc vsdy kwul sInIarF df 70% ihwsf prvfsI hn. ies df arQ hY ik 2018 ivwc iekwly pIl rIjn ivwc 1 lwK 40 hjLfr prvfsI sInIar hoxgy. ijhnF ivwc bhu-igxqI sfAUQ eysLIan sInIarF dI hovygI.

    grytr torFto jF pIl rIjn ivwc aYnI vwzI igxqI ivwc vwsdy sfAUQ eysLIan sInIarF dIaF loVF nUM pUrf krn vfly iewk vI sInIar hom df nf hoxf duwKdfeI gwl hY.

    sLwk nhIN ik sfAUQ eysLIan kimAuintI ivwc bjLurgF nUM byhwd siqkfr idwqf jFdf hY aqy AuhnF dy afrfm nUM XkInI bnfAux ivwc lok mfx mihsUs krdy hF. ies dy bfvjUd kOVf swc ieh hY ik awj kwlH kfPI hwd qwk kimAuintI dIaF smfijk jVF ivwc kmjLorI af cwukI hY. jdoN iksy smfj ivwc ivGtn dy hflfq pYdf huMdy hn qF Aus df sB qoN vwD mfrU asr bjLurgF AuWqy pYNdf hY ikAuNik pirvfr dy kfbl jIa AuhnF nUM boJ smJx lwg pYNdy hn.

    ies kOVy swc dy snmuK ieh shI smF hY ik EntfrIE aqy PYzrl srkfrF lokl kimAuintI nfl iml ky ivcfr vtFdrF krn ijs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan sInIarF nUM iewk guwt vjoN pihcfx dy ky syvf sMBfl dI rxnIqI bxfeI jfvy. ies dy nfl hI XUro sYNtirk homF ivwc bxdI qbdIlI krky AuhnF nUM aijhf bnfAux dI vI loV hY ijs ivwc sfzy sInIarF dIaF BfsLf, Dfrimk, smfijk aqy swiBafcfrk loVF pUrIaF ho skx.

    sfAUQ eysLIanF vfsqy vI sInIar homF dI loV

    pfeIplfeIn pRojYkt adflq vwloN rwd

    vYnkUvr: albrtf dy aielsYNzjL nUM ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy AuWqrI qwt nfl joVn vfly pRojYkt nUM PYzrl srkfr vwloN idwqI geI mnjLUrI nUM adflq vwloN rwd kr idwqf igaf. ies nfl iewk dhfky qoN vI vwD smyN qoN ies pfeIplfeIn nUM ivCfAux leI idwqy pRsqfv nUM vwzf Jtkf lwigaf hY. adflq ny afpxy PYsly ivwc afiKaf hY ik Etvf mUlvfsI lokF nUM Brosy ivwc lYx ivwc asPl irhf hY.

    vIrvfr nUM jfrI kIqy gey ies PYsly ivwc PYzrl kort afP apIl ny aYnibRwj dy 79 iblIan zflr dI lfgq nfl iqafr hox vfly nfrdrn gytvya pRojYkt dI mnjLUrI rwd kr idwqI. adflq ny afiKaf ik srkfr ny Pst nysnjL leI KfsI aihmIaq rwKx vfly ies mfmly nUM AunHF nfl hI cMgI qrHF nhIN ivcfiraf. ies qrHF srkfr pRojYkt dy keI nfkfrqmk pRBfvF nUM njLraMdfjL kr geI. srkfr vwloN ies pRojYkt dI mnjLUrI df PYslf qwqpVwQI qy ibnF ZwukvyN ivcfr vtFdry dy ilaf igaf.

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    brqfnIaf dy XUrp nfloN tuwt ky afpxy tuwtx dy afsfr ibRtyn ny XUrp coN inklx dy hwk c vot idwqI hY. 23 jUn nUM hoeI rfiesLumfrI c votF df Prk qF ieMnf nhIN sI, pr ies nfl jo nuksfn hoieaf hY, Aus dI kImq dysL nUM lMby arsy qwk cukfAuxI pvygI. ajy jKLm qfjLf hY. smF afAux qy ies dI pIV pqf lwgygI. ijLkrXog hY ik 51[9 PIsdI lokF ny XUrp Cwzx dy pwK ivwc aqy 48[1 PLIsdI ny XUrp nfl rihx leI vot idwqI.

    kdy smF sI jdoN ibRtyn dy sfmrfj df sUrj pUrI dunIaF c nhIN zwubdf sI sI, pr ies sfmrfj df hOlI-hOlI pqn hox dy lwCx kfPI smF pihlf njLr afAuxy sLurU ho gey sn. aMgryjL hfkm aqy lok ies gwl leI afpxy-afp nUM mfnisk qOr qy iqafr kr cwuky sn ik ijhVy dysLF qy AunHF ny kbjLf kIqf hoieaf hY, AuWQoN hux AunHF nUM inklxf pvygf.

    iPr vI ijs qrHF hux ibRtyn nUM XUrp coN inklxf ipaf hY, Auh bhuq duKdfeI hY. ijhVy dysL

    kdy ibRtyn dy aDIn sn, AuWQoN qF aMgryjLF nUM AunHF dysLF dy lokF ny afpxI afjLfdI leI bfhr kwiZaf sI, pr XUrp coN aMgryjLF nUM XUrp ny nhIN, sgoN Kud ibRtyn dy afpxy lokF ny hI kwiZaf hY.

    gYroN sy Blf ikaf isLkvf, hmyN qoN apnoN ny hI mfrf hY

    ibRtyn leI ieh d