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July 26th, 2013

Mar 06, 2016



Bilingual English and Punjabi Newspaper for Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley
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  • B.C. Steals the Show at Digital Media Conference

    British Columbia rep-resentatives are in the spotlight as tens of thousands of participants con-verge on Anaheim for SIG-GRAPH 2013, the place to be if you work with computer graphics and interactive tech-nologies.

    B.C. is preparing to host the 40th anniversary edition of the influential event next year in Vancouver.

    SIGGRAPH, short for Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques, is an annual conference and trade exhibition where leaders from film, games and broad-casting share ideas with com-puter scientists and academics.

    British Columbia boasts a thriving cluster of innova-tive digital media companies fuelled by programmers, art-ists and researchers from the provinces world-class post-secondary institutions. Simon Fraser University and the Uni-

    versity of British Columbia both have sizable contingents delivering technical papers this week at SIGGRAPH, which is recognized as the most prestigious forum for the publication of computer graphics research.

    To promote the provinces competitive advantages and SIGGRAPHs return to Van-couver in 2014, British Co-lumbias Ministry of Inter-national Trade is partnering with the federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada; the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles; Creative BC; the Vancouver Economic Com-mission; and DigiBC to pres-ent a comprehensive market-ing and outreach program this week in Anaheim. It includes:

    Pixar Canadas Amair Nas-rabadi is headlining a break-fast seminar for roughly 100 world leaders in digital media. Nasrabadi is the vice-president

    and general manager of Van-couver-based Pixar Canada, which produces animated shorts and television specials featuring characters from Pixars films.

    The seminar is titled Doing Business in Canada and fea-tures a panel of experts and opening remarks from David Fransen, Canadian Consul General, Los Angeles.

    B.C.s booth showcases original works by local digital media artists and studios. It features a theatre-style semi-nar space that will host 26 presentations about the prov-inces digital media sector, including Life of Pi Storm Sequence by MPC Films Guillaume Rocheron, The Visual Effects of the Pacific Rim by Hal Hickel of In-dustrial Light & Magic, and Made in Kelowna: British Columbias Digital Hotspot by business development of-ficer Corie Griffiths.

    The booth includes a private meeting room and British Columbias trade and invest-ment representatives for the United States will be on hand to help B.C. attendees make connections.

    This past Sunday, British Columbia sponsored a net-working event after the SIG-GRAPH Business Sympo-sium, which draws 250 stu-dio executives and investors. B.C.s international trade and investment representatives provided greetings and invited guests to SIGGRAPH 2014.

    Vancouver became the first location to host SIGGRAPH outside the United States in 2011. That event welcomed 15,872 artists, research scien-tists, game developers, film-makers and researchers from 74 countries. SIGGRAPH 2011 broke the citys previous conference attendance records and, according to the Van-couver Convention Centre,

    generated an estimated $38.5 million in direct spending for the local economy.

    Teresa Wat, Minister of Inter-national Trade and Minister Responsible for the Asia Pa-cific Strategy and Multicul-turalism

    B.C. is an international hub for cutting-edge digital media and animation. Through our international trade and in-vestment network, we make connections at the worlds best trade shows that result in investment and job creation right here in British Colum-bia.

    Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

    Digital media and computer animation are growing in-dustries in our province that provide thousands of jobs for British Columbians. As we continue to grow this critical

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  • B.C.s Royal Baby Guest Book Opens

    The guest book has opened at Government House, online and in Victoria, for people to send their greetings to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their son.

    Lieutenant Governor Ju-dith Guichon announced Monday that a signing table is available at her of-ficial residence. Messages may also be sent online

    via theGovernor Generals website.As third in line, he is the future King of Canada, Guichon said in a statement. Let us join together in celebration across the province to mark the birth of our future King.

    The Lieutenant Gover-nors full statement fol-lows:

    Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon is the official representative of the Queen in British Columbia.

    On behalf of the people of British Columbia, I offer my congratulations and best wishes to Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their son. This is a special time for the Duke and Duchess and I wish them much health and happiness as they embark on their parenting journey.As the third in line, he is the future King of Canada. For Canadians, this historic occasion is an opportunity to reflect on our strong and enduring connection to the Crown - an institution that embod-ies the stable character of our democracy. It is an important symbol of unity and stability and repre-sents the vitality of our traditions, the permanence of our institutions and the continuity of national life.

    Let us join together in celebration across the province to mark the birth of our future King.

    industry, the SIGGRAPH event will allow us to showcase the skills that British Columbians have in this field. We look forward to welcoming pro-grammers, researchers, and artists to Vancouver in 2014.

    Joan Elangovan, acting chief executive officer, Vancouver Economic Com-mission

    The digital media industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in Vancou-ver. More than 800 companies gener-ate over $3 billion in revenue annually. The VEC is pleased to be part of the

    B.C. team on the ground in Anaheim and we look forward to once again being the host city for this world-class event in Vancouver next year.

    Richard Brownsey, president and chief executive officer, CreativeBC

    CreativeBC works with the prov-inces creative industries to capitalize on the sectors strengths and iden-tify new opportunities for the future. SIGGRAPH is the perfect forum to showcase the province and the work we are doing there this year will help make next years event an even bigger success.

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  • z

    aPLgfinsqfn dy mwudy ` qy amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf dy pihly kfrjkfl `c rUs nfl amrIkf dy jo kMm clfAU cMgy sbMD bxy sn Auh Ebfmf dy dUjy kfrjkfl `c iPwky pYNdy jf rhy hn. AuWqrI afierlYNz ` c jI-8 smUh dI isKr vfrqf dOrfn ijs qrHF Ebfmf nfl afey cotI dy aiDkfrIaF ny kfbul dI krjLeI srkfr vwloN ros pRgtfAux dy bfvjUd jyqU dI Bfvnf nfl dohf ivwc aPgfn sLFqI vfrqfvF sLurU hox dy sbMD `c aYlfn kIqf, Aus df mfsko ny bhuq burf mnfieaf. amrIkI aiDkfrIaF aqy qfilbfn dy numfieMidaF ivcfly vfrqf 20 jUn nUM sLurU hoxI sI pr kqr ivc qfilbfn df dPLqr KuwlHx ivrwuD aPgfn srkfr dy guwsy nUM dyKidaF ies vfrqf nUM rwd krnf ipaf. sInIar amrIkI aiDk-frIaF ny ieh aMdfjLf lgfieaf sI ik rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf kol vfrqf sLurU krn leI iewk aijhf PfrmUlf hY ijs nfl sfiraF nUM Pfiedf hovygf. AunHF ny ipCly iewk sfl dOrfn jrmnI, nfrvy aqy ibRtyn vwloN asfDfrn Xogdfn leI AunHF dI ivsLysL qOr `qy qfrIPL kIqI jd ik mwuK iKzfrI aPLgfinsqfn , kqr, pfiksqfn aqy amrIkf dIaF srkfrF hn. ijwQoN qwk vfisLMgtn df sbMD hY, aMiqm rUp ivwc aPgfinsqfn dI Kyz ivwc rUs nUM gMBIr iKzfrI nhIN mMinaf jFdf. amrIkI aiDkfrIaF df kihxf hY ik vfisLMgtn bIqy mhIinaF ivwc qfilbfn sLFqI pRikiraf leI rfjLI krn vfsqy pfiksqfn dI BUimkf dI ivsLysL slfGf krdf hY. AunHF df mMnxf hY ik pfiksqfn dI nIqI `c swcmuwc qbdIlI afeI hY aqy Auh sLFqI pRikiraf `c shfeI ho irhf hY jd ik aqIq ivwc Aus df smrQn nUM sLwkI smiJaf jFdf irhf hY. hfl hI dy mhIinaF `c aijhy sbUq imly hn ik Aus ny dohf vfrqf leI qfilbfn nUM gwlbfq dI myjL qk ilafAux afpxy pRBfv dI bfKUbI vrqoN kIqI hY. spwsLt hY ik ies mfmly `c amrIkf aqy pfiksqfn ivcfly gUVHf qflmyl irhf hY.

    amrIkI ivdysL mMqrI jfn kYrI bIqy mhIinaF `c Gwto-Gwt do vfrI pfik POjI dy muwKI asLPfk ikafnI nUM imly hn. AunHF dy ivsLysL numfieMdy jyms zfibnjL 15 idn pihlF rfvlipMzI `c ikafnI nUM imly sn. jfn kYrI ny 17 jUn nUM pRDfn mMqrI nvfjL srIPL nfl tYlIPon `qy gwlbfq kIqI sI aqy hux AunHF dy ieslfmfbfd dOry dI iqafrI cl rhI hY.

    pfiksqfn dy rvweIey `c swcmuwc dI qbdIlI dwKxI eysLIaf ` c sLFqI dI sOdybfjLI sMbMDI am-rIkf nUM kfPI hOslf idMdI hY. amrIkf nUM AumId hY ik ies Kyqr `c hornF dysLF qoN vI Aus nUM iesy qrHF hmfieq imlygI. kYrI nUM AumId hY ik afKLr ` c idwlI aqy ieslfmfbfd dIaF AunHF dIaF aglIaF PyrIaF dI bdOlq Bfrq aqy pfiksqfn dI aPLgfn mwudy `qy nIqI `c kfPI ieksurqf af jfvygI. iPr vI hwkfnI nYWtvrk nUM dohF vfrqf ` c sLfml kIqy jfx dy muwdy ` qy rUs aqy Bfrq vrgIaF KyqrI qfkqF nUM afpxIaF ipClIaF mfnqfvF nUM kuJ hwd qwk Cwzxf pvygf. idwlI df KLfs qOr `qy ieh mMnxf hY ik hwkfnI DVy dy awqvfdIaF ny hI kfbl `c siQq BfrqI

    dUqGr `qy do vfr hmly kIqy sn ijnHF `c do sInIar BfrqI rfjdUqF dI mOq ho geI sI. AudoN amrIkf ny Bfrq nLfl hmdrdI pRgtfeI sI pr hux Aus ny acfnk pltI mfr leI hY. ies ivruwD idwlI ivwc iswDy qOr `qy guwsy dI Bfvnf hY. aijhI siQqI `c amrIkI aiDkfrI hwkfnI nYWtvrk nfl gwlbfq krn leI bYTx dy Eb-fmf pRsLfsn dy PLYsly nUM iewk qrHF nfl jfiejL TihrfAuNdy hn. AunHF ny kihxf sLurU kr idwqf hY ik amrIkf smwucy qfilbfn aMdoln dy sMdrB ivwc hwkfnI nYWtvrk nUM ivsLysL qOr ` qy KLqrnfk qwq smJdf irhf hY. iesy qrHF hwkfnI vI Kud nUM ivafpk qfilbfn aMdoln df aMg aYlfndf irhf hY. Aus dy dfavy dy sfry sbUq mOjUd hn. iesleI Aus nUM pUrI qrHF qfilbfn bLgfvq df iewk shfiek aMg smJdy hn. iesy leI jdoN qfilbfn kqr ivwc afpxf dPLqr KolHdf hY aqy AuQy siQq isafsI kimsLn ies dI numfieMdgI krdf hY qF ieh kimsLn hwkfnI nYWtvrk df vI numfieMdf hI hY.

    ijs qrHF muwlf Aumr ny ies nUM aiDkfrq kIqf hY, Aus dy mwdy njLr ieh hwkfnI DVf pUry qfilb-fnI aMdoln dI numfieMdgI krdf hY. ies dlIl ivwc sLbdF dI jfdUgrI sfP JlkdI hY. aMiqm rUp `c ieh qsvIr AuBr ky sfhmxy afAuNdI hY ik Ebfmf pRsLfsn ny rsmI vfrqf sLurU hox qoN pihlF qfilbfn `qy jo sLrq lgfeI sI ik alkfiedf nfl Auh afpxy mqByd dUr kry, Aus nUM qfilbfn ny ihkfrq nfl rwd kr idwqf hY aqy ieh sMklp duhrfieaf hY ik Auh isrPL aPLgfn sMivDfn dy cOKty `c hI kMm krygf aqy smfj ivwc aOrqF dI BUimkf vrgy muwidaF dy sbMD `c Auyh mnwuKI aiDkfrF dI mwDkflI AulMGxf vrgIaF hrkqF nhIN krygf. sInIar amrIkI aiDkfrI ies gwl `qy kfPLI qswlI pRgtf rhy hn ik qfilbfn ny afpxy nyk ierfidaF dI pusLtI kridaF ibafn jfrI kr idwqf hY. AunHF leI ieh gwl koeI arQ nhIN rwKdI ik iksy vI kfnUMn nUM nf mMnx vfly pfiksqfn dy kbfielI KyqrF ivc qfilbfn df koeI hukm nhIN cwldf aqy pUrbI aPLgfinsqfn dy phfVF ivwc hwkfnI DVf aqy alkfiedf dovo hI srgrm hn pr alkfiedf afpxy kMm `c iksy dI dKLlaMdfjLI sihx krn leI iqafr nhIN.

    iewQoN qk ik Ebfmf pRsLfsn qfilbfn nfl iswDI vfrqf sLurU krn leI jfxbwuJ ky afpxI iv-vyksLIlqf nUM iCwky tMgx leI iqafr hY. afKr Ebfmf pRsLfsn aijhf ikAuN kr irhf hY?

    ibnF sLwk amrIkf guaFtfnfmo jyl ivwc bMd qfilbfn dy cotI dy nyqfvF dI irhfeI dI mMg mMn ky qfilbfn nUM hwlfsLyrI dyx df ierfdf rwKdf hY aqy amrIkf nUM AumId hY ik kYdIaF df afdfn-pRdfn hox nfl ihMsf ` c kmI afvygI. qfilbfn ny vI ieh mMnxf sLurU kr idwqf hY ik Auh sMDI `qy gwlbfq clfAux leI iqafr hY. ies nfl ieh klpnf AuBrdI hY ik qfilbfn amrIkI POjF dI sLFqmeI vfpsI dI iejfjLq dy dyxgy. Bfv amrIkf aPLgfinsqfn ivwc afpxy POjI awzy qfilbfn dy hvfly krn dI Xojnf bxfeI bYTf hY.

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  • pirvfr smfj dI mwuZlI kVI hY. pirvfr dI hoNd nfl hI smfj isrijaf igaf. jdoN mnuwK nUM afpxy irsLiqaF dI soJI hoeI qF Aus jMglF ivwcoN inkl pirvfr dy rUp ivwc rihxf sLurU kIqf. sfry hI mYNbrF ny pirvfr ivwc rihMidaF kuJ nf kuJ kMm qF krnf hI sI, ieMJ iewk dUjy AuWqy inrBrqf qy afpsI sFJ vDI. ies sFJ ny pirvfr df rUp Dfiraf ijhVf pirvfr nUM afps ivwc joVI rwKx df afDfr bixaf. pirvfrF dy smUh nfl bsqIaF hoNd ivwc afeIaF qy bsqIaF df smUh gxrfj bixaf. iesy ny smfj ivc kOmF nUM jnm idwqf. iksy vI smfj jF kOm dI mjLbUqI, ivkfs jF afpsI ipafr Aus dy pirvfrF AuWqy inrBr krdf hY. mnuwKI vsIly hI iksy kOm, smfj jF pirvfr dy ivkfs dy ijLMmyvfr bxdy hn. ivksq pirvfrF ivc hI mnwuKI vsIly ivksq hoxgy. aqy ivksq mnwuKI vsIly hI kOmF dy ivkfs nUM awgy qordy hn. iesy krky ijs pirvfr kol vwD qoN vDIaf mnuwKI vsIly huMdy sn, Ausy pirvfr nUM ivksq aqy mjLbUq smiJaf jFdf sI. iesy krky sFJy pirvfrF dI prMprf sI. bhuigxqI pirvfr KyqI krdy sn qy KyqI ivwc vwD bMidaF dI loV pYNdI hY, iesy qrHf vpfr vI bMidaF dI igxqI AuWqy inrBr krdf sI. nOkrIaF qF bhuq Gwt lokI krdy sn. jy twbr ivwcoN koeI nOkrI krdf vI sI qF Auh sFJy pirvfr ivwc hI rihMdf sI. sFJy pirvfrF dy anykF lfB hn qy nuksfn koeI vI nhIN. sFJy pirvfr dy mYNbrF dy zr qy iPkr kdy nyVy nhIN Zukdf, rl rihx dI afdq pYNdI hY. duwK qy suwK dI sFJ nfl mnoivigafnk rogF qoN mukqI imldI hY. afpsI ipafr qy sihxsLIlqf ivwc vfDf hUMdf hY. pirvfrk prMprfvF qy smfjk kdrF-kImqF dI soJI hI nhNIN sgoN ieh jIvn df sMg bxdIaF hn. bwicaF ivwc asurwiKaf jF afpsI mfrU mukfbly dI Bfvnf pYdf nhIN huMdI.

    ipCly kuJ smyN qoN sFJy pirvfr tuwt rhy hn. ies df sfzy pirvfrk qy smfijk jIvn AuWqy burf pRBfv pY irhf hY. iekwlqf df zr rog bxdf jf irhf hY. ies iekwlqf dI mfr sB qoN vwD bwicaF qy bjLurgF nUM JwlxI pY rhI hY. mfipaF dy jIvn dI Bwj-dOV ivc vfDf hoieaf hY, ijs nfl Auh hmysLf qxfa dI mfr Jwldy hoey rogI bxdy jf rhy hn. purfxy simaF ivwc bhuq sfrIaF ibmfrIaF df kfrn gLrIbI jF CUq huMdf sI pr hux bhuqIaF bImfrIaF df afDfr qxfa hY. sFJy pirvfr dy tuwtx df muwK kfrn afriQk jF awgy vDx dI lflsf nUM hI mMinaf jf skdf hY. pirvfr df jy koeI bwcf sLihr pVHn af igaf qF Aus muV ipMz vwl mUMh nhIN kIqf. iesy krky sLihrF dI afbfdI ivwc lgfqfr qyjLI nfl vfDf ho irhf hY qy hjLfrF ipMz, sLihrF ny Kf ley hn. pirvfr dy iksy mYNbr dI ijwQy vI nOkrI lwg geI, Auh AuWQoN df hI ho ky rih igaf. afpsI myl kdy-kdfeI iksy duwK-suK dy mOky hI huMdf hY. bjLurg ipMz iekwl df sMqfp Bogdy hn. pihlF qF koeI pwuq vI AunHF nUM afpxy kol rwKx leI rfjLI nhIN huMdf pr jy iksy nUM aijhf krnf pY jfvy qF AuWQy bjLUrgF df dm Gutx lwgdf hY qy Auh muV afpxy ipMz af jFdy hn. nvIN pIVHI ivwc vD rhI bYcynI, asuwriKaf, sihxsLIlqf dI Gft df muwK kfrn iekwlqf hY. Coty bwcy df

    muZlf gurU Aus df pirvfr hUMdf hY. Auh bjLurgF qoN smfijk prMprfvF, irsLiqaF dI mihmf qy iekwT dI sLkqI bfry igafn pRfpq krdy hn. bjLurgF qy bwicaF dovF nUM sfQ dI loV sB qoN vwD huMdI hY. iesy krky bjLurgF nUM afpxy poqy-poqIaF nfl vDyry lgfE huMdf hY. Auh bwicaF nfl Kyzdy hn. godI ivwc ibTf ipafr krdy hn qy khfxIaF suxfAuNdy hn. ipCly simaF ivwc bwcy rfq nUM khfxI suxy bgYLr sON hI nhIN skdy sn. hux qF Auh mF-ipE nfl gwl krn nUM vI qrsdy hn. ijhVy GrF ivwc mF qy ipE dovyN nOkrI krdy hn, AuWQy qF siQqI hor vI BYVI hY.

    Coty bwicaF nUM krwc ivwc jF nOkrF dy kol Cwizaf jFdf hY. bhuq nOkr iksy nf iksy nsLy df syvn krdy hn. bwcf jy vwD prysLfn kry qF Auh Aus dy bwulHF nUM nsLf luaf ky suafAux df Xqn krdy hn. keIaF krYcf ivwc vI aijhf huMdf hY. jdoN idn df bhuq smF bwcf suwqf rihMdf hY qF Auh rfq nUM jfgdf hY qy mF nUM prysLfn krdf hY. AudoN bwcy nUM ipafr nhIN iJVkF imldIaF hn. skUloN af ky bwcf mF-ipE dI vfpsI leI AuzIk krdf hoieaf iekwl Bogdf hY. keI vfr Gr dI nOkrfxI jF nOkr AunHF nUM gLlq rfh vI qor idMdf hY. Gr ivc hor bwcy huMdy hI nhIN, ieMJ rl ky Kyzx df suBfg pRfpq hI nhIN huMdf. Aus nUM iekwlqf df sMqfp Bogx leI mjLbUr hoxf pYNdf hY., bwcy nUM duinafvIN jfxkfrI lYx leI mF-ipE nfl gwlF krn dI loV pYNdI hY pr mfipaF kol smF hI nhIN hY. jy bwcf vwD gwlF krn df Xqn kry qF Aus nUM iJVk df sfhmxf krnf pYNdf hY. ieMJ bwicaF ivwc bolx aqy suxn dI afdq GtdI jf rhI hY. iesy krky Auh iksy dI gwl suxn nUM iqafr nhIN huMdy. Coty-Coty hfsy mjLfk dy sLbdF qoN Auh BVk AuWTdy hn qy ihMsk ho jFdy hn. afps ivwc rl bYT hwsxf Kyzxf AunHF leI iewk supnf bxdf jf irhf hY. AuhnF ivwc sihx sLkqI Gt rhI hY.

    Gr ivc bwicaF leI mfipaF kol smF nhIN hY, skULl ivwc aiDafpk AunHF nUM afpxy bwcy nhIN smJdy kyvl ivsLy nfl sbMDq jfxkfrI hI idwqI jFdI hY. nYiqk qy Dfrimk iswiKaf skUlF ivcoN mnPLI ho rhI hY. GrylU mfhOl nUM TIk rwKx dI loV hY qF jo Gr, Gr bixaf rhy qy iksy hotl df rUp Dfrn nf kr sky. Gr AudoN hI Gr bxdf hY jdoN pirvfr dy mYNbr ivwc afpsI ipafr hovy qy duwK-suwK dI sFJ hovy. afpxy bjLurg mfipaF nUM nfl rwKIey, AunHf df siqkfr krIey qy ipafr leIey. bwicaF leI kuJ smF jLrUr rwiKaf jfvy. rfq dI rotI jLrUr sfry pirvfr nUM iekwTy bYT ky KfxI cfhIdI hY. AudoN Gr ivwc tI[vI bMd kr idwqf jfvy, afpo ivc KwulH ky gwlF kIqIaF jfx, bwicaF nUM jLrUr suixaf jfvy. AunHF nUM iJVkx dI QF qy cMgf kMm krn leI AuqsLfihq kIqf jfvy. ies ivwc koeI sLwk nhIN ik ienHF mihMgfeI dy idnF ivc dOlq kmfAux dI loV hY pr afpxIaF iewCfvF AuWqy lgfm jLrUr lfeI jfvy. kyvl idKfvy leI kIqy jf rhy KrcF nUM roikaf jfvy. jo kol hY Aus df afnMd mfixaf jfvy, jo nhIN hY Aus leI JUiraf nf jfvy. mfieaf dI aMnHI dOV ivwc mn df cYn, suwK qy ipafr dI kurbfnI nf dyeIey. afE pirvfr nUM joVIey , ipafr qy KusLIaF dy pl nfl ies nUM isMjIey qy afnMdmeI jIvn jIvIey.

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  • Provincial debt and hidden debt on the rise in B.C., say

    New DemocratsNew Democrats are call-ing for a plan to address the provinces rising hidden debt, which has reached nearly $100 billion under the B.C. Liberals.

    The government has locked British Colum-bian taxpayers into nearly $100 billion in contrac-tual obligations, many of which we know very little about, said New Demo-crat finance critic Mike Farnworth. British Co-lumbians deserve to know how the government came to rack up a hidden debt that eclipses the official provincial debt, and what it plans to do to fix this.

    In a 2011 report, B.C.s Auditor General warned the government about the escalating cost of these contracts and recommend-ed providing more disclo-sure, said Farnworth.

    Public accounts from the 2012/13 financial year, released today, revealed that the government is dramatically off track on their election promises to eliminate B.C.s debt and balance the provinces budgets.

    This governments fact-free election campaign promised British Columbi-ans real action on the pro-

    vincial debt. But that debt rose faster than ever before last year, climbing by $5.6 billion, and is on track to break that record next year, said Farnworth.

    This years deficit was $178 million higher than expected with a surplus of only $153 million pro-jected in bogus budget 2013, it appears the Lib-erals are on the road to their fifth straight deficit budget.

    This government, which campaigned on debt elimi-nation and fiscal prudence, is quickly proving that these commitments were just words on the side of their campaign bus, not a plan for B.C.s future, said Farnworth.

    New Democrats are call-ing for a plan to address B.C.s hidden debt, and will continue to hold the government to account for its escalating debt and out-of-control spending.

    Manning Park Resort presents the 2013 Lights on Lightning Lake

    FestivalBy Jo Hughes

    Manning Provincial Park: Manning Park Resort is back in business as your four seasons destination for Fresh Air Experiences! The new owners are ready to light up the park and invite you to join them for the 2013 Lights on Light-ning Lake Festival.

    Saturday, August 3 will see the park come alive with people building lan-terns during the day and then floating them out onto

    beautiful Lightning Lake in the evening. Come be part of this spectacular event!

    Lantern construction will take place at the Lightning Lake Day Use Area from 10am-3pm. Lantern kits are available at a cost of $15 which provides access to the materials needed to build your very own floating lantern. If all the creative construction makes you hungry, there will be a barbecue on the go from 11-2pm.

    Lantern lighting will take place at the Spruce Bay Beach, just down the hill from the Lightning Lake Campground. Lantern builders and spectators alike will begin to gather on the beach at 8:30 as the sun goes down, ready to light and launch the lanterns around 9pm as the sky goes dark. Staff volunteers will be on hand to rescue lanterns and return them to shore after everyone has enjoyed the magical display.

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper Congratulates The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge ON the

    Birth of Their first child

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement after Buckingham Palace announced the birth of Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridges first child:

    Canadians are delighted to learn of the birth of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridges son, and we offer our heartfelt congratulations to the Royal Couple and the entire Royal Family.

    The arrival of the newest member of the Royal Family, a future Sovereign of Canada, is a highly anticipated mo-ment for Canadians given the special and warm relationship that we share with our Royal Family.

    This new beginning reminds us of the remarkable and enduring relation-

    ship our country has enjoyed with generations of the Royal Family. We recall with fondness the years of unfailing service by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh and their deep affection for and loy-alty to this country. We also recall the Royal Tour by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who were so warmly received in Canada only two years ago. We look forward to their return to Canada and to being able to introduce their child to Canada and all Canadians.

    Laureen and I send our best wishes of health and happiness to the new parents as they embark on this excit-ing chapter in their lives.

    Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 6Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 6

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    Minister of Justice Participates in Vancouver Consultation to discuss Victims Bill of Rights

    The Honourable Peter MacKay, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Central Nova, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today met with stakeholders to discuss key priorities for the creation of a Canadian Victims Bill of Rights.

    The Government continues to demon-strate its commitment to giving victims of crime a greater voice in the criminal justice and corrections systems, said Minister MacKay. As we develop a Canadian Victims Bill of Rights, it is essential that we hear the stories and experiences of those directly involved with our criminal justice system.

    Todays consultation follows the Gov-ernments commitment in February to entrench the rights of victims of crime by bringing forward legislation to imple-ment a Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. Views expressed by stakeholders will add to information provided through other in-person consultations and to the public consultation being hosted on the Depart-ment of Justice website until September 3, 2013. The public consultation is available at . This will all contribute to increasing the strength of victims rights.

    The development of a Victims Bill of Rights builds on the Governments record

    of achievements in giving victims a stron-ger voice in the criminal justice system. These achievements include:

    the establishment of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime;

    the creation of the Federal Victims Strat-egy in 2007 and its permanent renewal in 2011;

    the allocation of more than $120 million to give victims a more effective voice in the criminal justice and corrections systems through programs and initiatives delivered by the Department of Justice Canada;

    the allocation of more than $10 million for new or enhanced Child Advocacy Centres since 2010 to address the needs of child and youth victims of crime;

    the introduction of legislation to double the victims surcharge and make it manda-tory; and

    the elimination of the faint-hope clause, which allowed murderers to obtain early parole.

    The consultations are part of the Govern-ments Plan for Safe Streets and Communi-ties, which is one of four priorities identi-fied by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. This Plan focuses on tackling crime, enhancing victims rights, and ensuring a fair and efficient justice system.

    Friday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 7Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 7

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    Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 8Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 8

    jfdUgr mombwqI bfldf hY. drsLkf nUM sMboDn krky afKdf hY ik afh ivBUqI Dur igafnoN ilaFdI hY. iesnUM mombwqI dy iCVkx nfl mnmohk lft pYdf huMdI hY. jo sB nUM anMidq kr idMdI hY. jy qusIN mnmohxI lft nUM vyK ky pRsMn ho jfvo qF qfVIaF jLrUr mfr dyxIaF. Pyr Auh iewk brIk imsLrx ivBUqI numf mombwqI dy AuWqy iCVkdf hY. bhuq hI ajIb rMg dI lft pYdf huMdI hY. drsLk pUry jLor nfl qfVIaF mfrdy hn. keI mMdrF dy pujfrI sLrDflUaF nUM dUr phfVI qoN iksy ivsLysL smyN qoN ivsLysL idhfVy qy iesLt dy ies qrHF mnmohk rMg dI lft vjoN drsLn dyx df ZONg vI krdy hn.drasl ieh koeI ivBUqI nhIN huMdI. alUmInIam iespfq aqy lfeIkopozIam dy imsLrn nUM bldI mombwqI Auqy suwtx nfl ieMj ajIb rMg dI rosLnI pYdf huMdI hY.

    jI hF mYN quhfnUM hI ikhf hY ik qusIN afpxf rumfl mYnUM dy dyvo. mYN Aus nUM ies bl rhI mombwqI dy nfl mcfAuxf hY. QoVHf ijhf GbrfeI hoeI drsLkF dI mUhrlI kqfr ivwc bYTI muitafr iJjkidaF idl dI qsvIr Aukiraf afpxf rysLmI rumfl jfdUgr nUM PVf idMdI hY. iewk ipafly ivwc pey pfxI ivwc Do ky jfdUgr qrkCUh GumfAuNdf hoieaf rumfl nUM pivwqr krn leI qrkmMqr df jfp vI krdf hY. Pyr rumfl nUM bldI

    gAU sPYd rMg dI huMdI hY. Ausdy duwD nUM hor gfvF dy duwD nfloN vwD mhfnqf idwqI jFdI hY. jfdUgr iewk glfs drsLkF nUM ivKf ky afKdf hY ik beI afh lAu ieh hY ivigafn vwloN iqafr kIqI geI kiplf gAU. kiplf gAU rihMdI ikwQy hY mYnUNM qF nhIN pqf pr myrf ieh qrkCUh Ausdf duwD jLrUr quhfzy leI ilaf skdf hY. qrkCUh nUM glfs dy AuWqy GumfAuNdf hoieaf jfdUgr Aus ivwc dUroN AuproN hor glfs nfl pihly glfs ivc pfxI pfAuNdf hY. iPr mMqr pVHn dI mudrf ivwc KVHf ho ky afpxy buwl PrkfeI jFdf hY. swcI-mwucI glfs qF duwD nfl Br igaf huMdf hY. drsLk kiplf gAU df duwD vyK ky pRsMn ho jFdy hn.

    jfdUgr ny glfs ivwc pihlF hI corI iCpy mYgns slPyt kfrbonyt pfey huMdy hn. jdoN pfxI pfieaf jFdf hY qF Ausdf rMg duwD vrgf ho jFdf hY.

    hoeI mombwqI dI Aupr itkfeI rwKdf hY. drsLk hYrfn ho jFdy hn aqy muitafr suwK df sfh lYNdI hY ieh vyKky ik Ausdf ipafr insLfnI vflf rumfl mwcx qoN bc igaf hY.

    keI socdy hoxgy ik muitafr df ipafr swcf sI ijs krky rwb ny awg nfl vI Ausdf rumfl nhIN mwcx idwqf. nhIN gwl ieMJ nhIN ijs pfxI ivwc rumfl Do ky pivwqr kIqf igaf Auh pfxI hI nhIN sI sgoN sozIam hfeIpo slPyt df Gol sI ijsny rumfl nUM sVn nhIN idwqf sI.

    huisLafrpur ijLlHy ivwc mfihlpur dy njLdIk ipMz ivwc iewk bwcf bfbf rihMdf hY ijsny mfihlpur iekfeI dy qrksLIl susfietI dy pRDfn nirMdr isMG nUM dfavf kIqf ik Auh afpxI sLkqI nfl lohy dy grm kIqy lfl surK sMgl nUM hwQF nfl cuwk skdf hY. rYsLnyilst susfietI pMjfb (rij:) ny cYlMj svIkfr kIqf aqy bfby nUM lokF dy iekwT ivwc puwj ky afpxI sLkqI df pRgtfvf krn df swdf idwqf. ies idn susfietI vwlo ipMz ivwc qrksLIl myly dy rUp ivwc jfdU dy tirwkF df pRogrfm vI afXoijq kIqf igaf. afly-duafly dy ipMzF ivwcoN vI lokIN ies dMgl nUM vyKx leI pwujy. pr bfbf vfr vfr bynqIaF krn qy vI lokF dy iekwT ivwc sLkqI df pRgtfvf krky iewk lwK df ienfm ijwqx leI nf bhuiVaf.

    ies bfby dI qrHF hor vI bhuq sfry sfDU-sMq hn jo grm sulfKF afid cuwk ky iksy sLkqI dy AuhnF koloN vws hox df ZONg krdy hn. ies ivwc koeI sLkqI nhIN huMdI. sB qoN pihlF sPYd rMg dI pYtrolIam jYLlI nUM cMgI qrHF hwQ AuWpr ml ilaf jFdf hY. sulfK nUM grm krky jdoN ies AuWqy hwQ Pyrdy hn qF icV icV dI afvfjL pYdf huMdI hY. lokI socdy hn ik hwQ jl igaf jdik jl rhI huMdI hY pYtrolIam jLYlI.

    ieh tirwk bhuq hI sfvDfnI nfl aqy mukMml aiBafs nfl krnf cfhIdf hY. nhIN qF hwQ jl jfvygf sLlfK jF sMgl nUM PVnf nhIN cfhIdf isrP AusnUM grm krky Aus AuWqy hwQ Pyrdy rihxf hY. iewk QF hwQ KVf nhIN krnf. pYtrolIam jYLlI dI cMgI motI prq hwQF qy cVHf lYxI cfhIdI hY.


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    Friday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 9Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 9

    srHI :ipCly h&qy Zdr pwrtI SqwbdI smwroh kmytI v`loN aulIky hoey swry pRogrwmW dI s&lqw auprMq Aw^rI poRgrwm jnqk rYlI bY`l pRPwimMg Awrt sYNtr ivKy kIqI geI ijsnUM sMboDn krn leI fw: virAwm isMG sMDU, ieMglYNf qoN rwDw fI sUzw Aqy ShId Bgq isMG dy BqIjy ikrnjIq sMDU ivSyS qOr qy phuMcy hoey sn[ Zdr pwrtI SqwbdI smwroh kmytI v`loN A`j q`k krvwey gey poRgrwmw bwry jwxkwrI id`qI, rYlI iv`c ienklwbI gIq-kivqwvW pVHIAW geIAW[ivdvqw BrpUr poRgrwm iv`c mu`K bulwry sroiqAW dy iDAwn dw kyNdr bxy[rYlI smyN ZdrI bwibAw dIAW qsvIrW dI pRdrSnI bhuq izAwdw iK`c dw kyNdr rhI[

    mShUr khwxIkwr qy dyS Bgq Xwdgwr hwl jlMDr dy tr`stI fw: virAwm isMG sMDU ny Awpxy kuMjIvq BwSx rwhIN Zdr pwrtI dy ieiqhws bwry roSnI pwauNidAW ikhw ik Zdr pwrtI Drm inrp`K, kOmI qy kOmWqrI soc lYky hoNd iv`c AweI sI[iesdw mksd Bwrq coN bsqIvwd ^qm krky au`Qy AzwdI, brwbrqw qy BrwqrIBwv vwlw rwj sQwpq krnw sI[AMZryzW v`loN Bwrq C`f jwx dy 66 swlW bwAd vI au`Qy ku`J nhIN bdilAw sgoN hwlwq A`gy nwloN vI bdqr hoey hn[ inAw pRxwlI, ividAk FWcW qy pulIs AiDkwr AMgryz rwj smyN vwly hI brkrwr hn[ZdrI bwibAW dIAW kurbwnIAW dI g`l kridAW aunHW ikhw ik ZdrIAW dIAW mwvW, BYxW Aqy pqnIAW ny jo sMqwp hMFwieAw auh iksy vI kurbwnI qoN G`t nhIN pr A`j q`k aunHW dw iksy ny ijkr q`k nhIN kIqw[

    dUsry bulwry vYst imnstr XUnIvristI lMfn dI pRoP: fw: rwDw fI sUzw ny Zdr lihr dy kOmWqrI p`K bwry bolidAW ikhw ik Zdr lihr Bwrq iv`c bsqIvwd ivru`D pihlI AijhI kOmWqrI lihr sI ijsny kOm-WqrI p`Dr qy c`l rhIAW bsqI vwd ivroDI lihrW AwierlYNf, rUs, imsr qy mYksIko dI ftvIN hmwieq krky bhuq v`fw Xogdwn pwieAw[aunHW ikhw ik aus vkq au`qrI AmrIkw iv`c d`Kx eySIAweI lok 10,000 sn pr A`j ausqoN 400 guxw v`D cwlI l`K lok vsdy hn[aunHW ieh vI ikhw ik ZdrI bwibAW dw supnw jwq pwq rihq qy Drm inrp`K rwj ilAwauxw sI pr qRwsdI ieh hY ik dyS dI AzwdI dI SurUAwq hI iPrkU btvwry qy Kun ^ rwby nwl hoeI[aunHW ny ZdrI bwibAW dy nzrIey dI g`l kridAW Awm lokW nUM suAwl kIqw ik A`j swfw nzrIAw kI hY[

    Bwrq qoN Awey mnu`KI AiDkwrW dy kwrkun Bgq isMG sy dosqI jQybMdI dy AwgU ikrnjIq isMG sMDU (BqIjy ShId Bgq isMG) ny rYlI nUM sMboDn kridAW ikhw ik Zdr lihr ny bwkI AzwdI dIAW lihrW bbr AkwlI lihr, ikrqI lihr, ihMdusqwn soS-ilst irpbilkn pwrtI Aqy nOjvwn Bwrq sBw nUM vI pRBwivq kIqw jo ie`k hI lVI dy mxky sn[ inrBY isMG Fu`fIky ny vI Awpxy ivcwr pyS kIqy[ZdrI bwibAw dy pRvwrW nUM styj qy bulwky snmwn icMnH id`qy gey Aqy aunHW bwry jwxkwrI id`qI geI[

    Zdr pwrtI dI 100 vIN vrHy gMF qy s&l pbilk rYlI

  • Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 10Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 10

    gLjLl dy isLar iksy swjrI svyr vyly iKVy hoey PuwlF vrgy huMdy hn. PuwlF dIaF pwq-IaF `qy pey qRyl dy qupikaF vrgy huMdy hn. phfVF qoN lih-Mdy hoey swucy pfxI dy Jrny vrgy huMdy hn. hvf dI qfl qy ik-wklI pf rhIaF ruwKF

    dIaF lckIlIaF tihxIaF vrgy huMdy hn, aMbF nfl lwdIaF aqy ilPLIaF hoeIaF tihxIaF ` qy bYTI ibrhf rfg alfp rhI koiel dI kuhU-kuhU vrgy huMdy hn, iswp dy mUMh ivwc pY ky svFqI bUMd dy moqI bx jfx vrgy huMdy hn. ryigsqfn df sPLr kr rhy kfPLly dy AUTF gl ltk rhIaF twlIaF dI tuxkfr vrgy huMdy hn, iksy sUPLI PLkIr dI drgfh ivcoN af rhI awlf hU dI afvfjL vrgy huMdy hn.

    smF bIqx aqy ruwq bdlx nfl pMjfb dy ivhiVaF ivcly gLmilaF ivwcoN koml klIaF vI PuwtxIaF sLurU ho geIaF. ienHF klIaF ivwc msq kr dyx vflI KusLbU vI sI aqy bhu-arQI rMg vI. ienHF dIaF pwqIaF dy ryisLaF AuWqy ilKI hoeI iebfrq gLjLLl dy isLarF df rUp Dfr ky lokF sfhmxy afeI. iehnF klIaF dy gLjLLl-kfiPLly ivwc sLfml hox nfl isrjxf df nvF sMsfr hoNd ivwc afieaf ijs dI ijLafrq krky rUh srsLfr ho jFdI hY.

    pMjfb ivwc vsdy pMjfbI gLjLlgo sLfierF ivwc gur-Bjn igwl df nF iksy jfx-pCfx df mohqfjL nhIN hY. gurBjn igwl ny lgfqfr ipClI sdI dy swqvyN dhfky dy sLurU qoN lY ky njLmF vI ilKIaF hn aqy gIq vI, jo isrkwZ gfiekF ny gfey hn aqy cMgf nfmxf Kwitaf hY. pMjfb dI qRfsdI bfry iliKaf hoieaf AuhnF df

    gIq sfnUM moV idE rMglf pMjfb asIN nhIN kuJ hor mMgdy aqy BrUx hwiqaf qy iliKaf gIq mfey nI iewk lorI dy dy ijs nUM jsbIr jwsI gurdfspurIey ny gfieaf hY, bhuq mkbUl hoey hn. rUbfeI, twpy, bYNq, bfrf mfh, vrgy sfihq-rUp vI Aus dIaF bfkI ikqfbF ivwc pRkfsLq huMdy rhy ny.

    gurBjn igwl dI BfsLf DrqI dI BfsLf hY. sOKI, purasr aqy ZukvIN kfiv-BfsLf kivqf df isLMgfr huMdI hY. DrqI dI BfsLf ivwcoN imwtI dI sugMD afAuNdI hY jo iswDf idl aqy rUh `qy asr krdI hY. sOKI jLbfn ivwc khy gey isLar lokF nUM jLbfnI Xfd ho jFdy hn. ieh sOKI jLbfn nUM imlI sLfbfsL hY.

    gLjLLl dy isLarF ivwc ibafn df bVf mhwqv hY. ibafn df arQ lPLjLF dI qrqIb hY. lPLjLF dI cox aqy AuhnF dI cox qy jVq bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn aml hY jo ivsLy nUM duwD ivwc iesLnfn krf dyNdf hY.

    ivsLf muitafr dI qrHf huMdf hY ijsdy srIr dI bxqr anusfr kwpVy isAuN ky puafAuxy huMdy hn. drjLI df ieh kMm jLbfn qy ibafn kr skdy hn. Auh afpxI klf nfl kfmnI dy srIr dI bnfvt anusfr vyqr kfqr krdy hn qy Aus muitafr nUM sIqy hoey kwpVy puafey jFdy hn qF Aus dy srIr df hr aMg KusLnumf lwgdf hY. Aus df jobn TfTF mfrdf hoieaf njLr afAuNdf hY. jLbfn aqy ibafn dI ieh sPLlqf vI gurBjn igwl dy hI ihwsy afeI hY.

    gurBjn igwl ny hr pRkfr dIaF bihrF df iesqymfl kIqf hY. iewk hI gLjLLl gLYr murwdPL hY ijs nUM pVHidaF hoieaF Enf hI rs-svfdn huMdf hY ijMnf bf rdIPL gLjLLl pVHidaF mihsUs ho skdf hY. jLrf ieh dovyN sLyar vyKo:

    srdfr pMCI

  • Friday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 11Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 11

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    aYvyN krI jfvyN kfhnUM afAux dI AuzIk. kdoN DrqI ny cuMmI tuwty qfiraF dI lIk.

    ivdysLF ivc keI vfr XfqrI dy qOr qy ivcrn qoN bfad afpxy vqn prq ky afpxy idl dy jLjLbfq aYsI KUbI nfl ibafn krdf hY ik afp muhfry mUMh ivcoN vfh-vfh inkl jFdI hY:

    hMJUaF nfl smuMdr swqy Br afieaf hF.

    drd suxf ky pfxI KLfry kr afieaf hF.

    sLfier dI njLr ivwc mihbUb nUM pihlI vfrI imlx vflI QF bhuq ipafrI hY. Auhny afpxy mihbUb dy pYrF dI Coh pRfpq QF nUM pivwqr krfr dyx leI kIh kIqf hY, Ausdy afpxy lPLjF ivwc suxo:

    ijwQy afpF dovoN pihlI vfr imly sI,

    Es jgHf cOmuKIaf dIvf Dr afieaf hF.

    mukMml isLar dI iewk pihcfx ieh vI hY ik Aus dy dovyN imsry do ijsm pr iewk rUh jfpx. ieMj jfpy ik imsrf AUlf df imsrf sfnI ibnF sr nhIN skxf. ies df nmUnf vyKo:

    TokrF nf mfr sLIsLf cUr nf kr,

    aks nUM qUM afpxy qoN dUr nf kr.

    ies sLfier kol bVI bfrIk njLr hY. ieh ndI ivwc qfry jFdy arIijLaF vrgy dIivaF dI BUimkf nUM iblkuwl invykly aMdfLjL nfl vyKdf aqy ibafn krdf hY:

    inrml nIr ivcfrf rsqf Buwl nf jfvy,

    vgdy pfxI AuWpr dIvy qfr ley ny.

    afpxy mihbUb dy ijsm dI KusLbU nUM amfnq vFg sMBfl ky rwKxf muhwbq df isr AuWcf krnf hY. muhwbq ivc iksy cIjL dy pRfpq hox dI rsId dyx df iewk anoKf ZMg ieh vI hY:

    qYnUM Coh ky afeI, ijs nUM pOx ilafeI,

    Aus KusLbU nUM kuMzy jMdry mfr ley ny.

    prdysF ivwc vwsdy lokF leI afpxy vqn dI imwtI nfl moh kudrqI huMdf hY. lMmf smF afpxy vqn qoN dUr rihxf AunHF dI mjLbUrI huMdI hY. eys bybsI ivwcoN ijhVI pIV jnm lYNdI hY Aus df nfmkrn koeI sOKf kMm nhIN qy jykr Aus nUM ibafn krn leI iksy qsLbIh nUM knfey dy qOr `qy kihxf hovy qF ieh sLfier dy PLn df iemiqhfn huMdf hY:

    mF bolI, mF jnxI, DrqI mfqf koloN,

    tuwt ky bMdf mrdf mrdf mr jFdf hY.

    sfzy smfj ivwc qyjLI nfl bdl rhIaF kdrF kImqF ny mnwuK dy aihsfs df mUMh dUjy pfsy kr idwqf hY. hux ies dI sMvydnf pwQr bxdI jf rhI hY. ies qwQ vwl sfzf iDafn iKwcdf hoieaf ieh sLyar vyKo:

    lokF dy mn AuWqy ies df Bfr nhIN hux.

    ikAuN ibrKF qy bihMdI af ky zfr nhIN hux.

    mnwuK leI KusLhfl aqy siqkfrXog ijLMdgI leI sMGrsL krdy lok mOjUdf injLfm dI hnyrI rfq nfl qulnf krdy hn. Auh ies injLfm nUM bdl ky aYsf injLfm sQfpq krnf cfhuMdy hn ijs ivc mnwuK hwQoN mnwuK df sLosLx nf hovy. jdoN qwk aYsf injLfm kfiem nhIN ho jFdf Aus leI sMGrsL jfrI rhygf:-

    icrfgF ny hY ikhf, jdoN qwk rfq bfkI hY.

    asF qF bldy rihxf hY, jdoN qwk.......

    gurBjn igwl dIaF gLjLlF ivwc BrpUr isLWdq hY aqy Aus dIaF qsLbIhF nvIaF, knfey aqy iesiqafry vI qfjLy PuwlF vrgy hn. ajokI ijLMdgI nfl sbMDq smwisafvF pRqI AuhnF df vrqfrf hmdrdI, eImfnd-frI, suhj aqy inaF Biraf hY. ies dy nfl hI AuhdI klm mihbUb dy husn, adfvF aqy nfjL nKLiraF nUM awKoN Auhly nhIN krdI ikAuNik ieh aml vI mnuwKI BfvnfvF df suBfvk pRgtfvf hY aqy gLjLl df isLMgfr vI. ies sbMD ivwc gurBjn igwl dy ieh do isLar slfhuxXog hn:

    AuhdI Coh ijAuN Coh ibjlI dI qfr geI ey.

    qVp irhf idl kr Auh TMzf Tfr geI ey.

    gurBjn igwl dy sLyar ies qrHf dy imjLfj dy hn jo virHaF qIkr lokF dI jLubfn df suafd bxy rihxgy. mYnUM pUrf Brosf hY ik pMjfbI gLjLLl dy cfhvfn pfTk gLjLlF df rs-svfdn krky srsLfr hoieaf krngy.

    isvf sLfier, muswivr ky

    iksI ko BI nhIN afqf,

    iksI kfgjL sy, rMgo kI

    juLbF sy guPqugU krnf.

    For Better Results CALL Today!604. .852 2288Advertise n hei t Punjabi Patrika

  • ieMfIAw klcrl sYMtr AwP kYnyfw dw nwnk invws gurdvwrw (nMbr pMj rof ircmMf) vihSq dy hweIvy(hweIvy tU hYvn) aupr sQwpq hox vwlw pihlw Drm AsQwn hY [ ies vihSq nUM jwx vwly hweIvy dI isrP kYnyfw ivc hI nhIN sgON sMswr ivc BI bhuq crcw hY [ hr swl AnykW hI lok ies hweIvy aupr qkrIbn vIh v~Kry v~Kry Dwrmk AsQwnW nUM dyKx AwauMdy hn[ ds eykV jmIn dy plOt dy nMbr pMj nwl lgdy ih~sy ivc ieh bhuq hI KUbsUrq Aqy Swndwr guru Gr irc-mMf Sihr dI Swn nUM cwr cMn lwauMdw hY[ies dy KulHy dIvwn hwl ivc iek hjwr qk SrDwlU smw skdy hn[bhuq hI suMdr lwbI ivAwhW vyly imlxI leI shUlq prdwn krdI hY[ mu~K dvwr dy bwhr inklidAW iek suMdr PulvwVI hY [ies suMdr pwrk ivc pwxI dy PuAwi-rAW dy nwl Kwlsy dy iqMn sO swlw dI Xwdgwr-ivrwsqy Kwlsw-BI SoBw idMdI hY[ gurUu Gr dw stwP Aqy prbMDk hr vyly ipAwr Aqy siqkwr nwl sMgq dI syvw krdy hn[ gurdvwrw nwnk invws

    ivKy AnykW hI progrwm cl rhy hn[ iehnW ivc Awrt AwP ilvMg Xogw klwsW, kuMdwlInI Xogw klwsW, bjurgW leI Xogw klwsW, cwey cupwl Aqy pMjwbI klwsW hn[ ies qoN ibnW nOjvwnW leI KyfW Aqy bhu sIBAWcwrk qwl myl ( ieMtr-PyQ birijMg) sYmInwr Awid BI

    kIqy jWdy hn[28 julweI nUM do vjy pMjwbI skUl dy b~cy skUl swl dw AMq hox dy jSn ivc ih~sw lYxgy[ Agsq mhIny leI pMjwbI skUl bMd rhygw[ nvW skUl swl 8 sqMbr qoN cwlU hovygw[ nwnk invws gurU Gr dy prbMDk hr swl AnykW hI skUlW, kwljW Aqy

    XUnIvrstIAW dy ivdiAwrQIAW nUM jI AwieAW kihMdy hn[ies qoN ibnW hr swl ieh gurU Gr ircmMf dy drjxW hI Dwrmk sQwnW Aqy hor AdwirAW nwl forj apn (KulHy drvwjy )ivc v~D cVH ky ihsw lYMdw hY[ ieh guru Gr kimauintI dy kMmW ivc vD cVH ky ihsw lYMdw hY[ bI.sI dy b~icAW dy hspqwl Aqy nrgs d~q kYMsr PwaUMfySn leI PMfryijMg qoN ibnw ieMfIAw klcrl sYMtr ny guru nwnk imSn hspqwl jlMDr ivKy iek mobweIl hspqwl Aqy sI.tI. skYnr BI id~qw hY[ ies qoN ibnw 30 dy krIb kYMsr kilink pMjwb dy v~Kry v~Kry QWvW qy prdwn kIqy jWdy hn[ iehnW kilinkW vwry hor jwxkwrI guru Gr nMU Pun (604-274-7479) kr ky kIqI jw skdI hY[ ipCly qIh swlW qoN ies gurUu Gr dy prbMDk,stwP Aqy vlMtIAr bhuq hI lgn nwl syvw kr rhy hn[ aunHW vloN guru Gr dIAW syvwvW nUM hor BI ibhqr bxwaux leI suJwvW dw siqkwr kIqw jwvygw[ ies vwry gurUuU Gr nUM 604-274-7479 aupr Pon kIqw jw skdw hY[

    nwnk invws gurdvwrw (nMbr pMj rof ircmMf)

    srI, kYnyfw - is`KW dw gVH mMny jWdy kYnyfw dy Sihr srI ivKy is`K motrsweIkl kl`b bI sI vloN s. moqw isMG JIqw Aqy fw rGbIr isMG bYNs nUM aunHW dIAW smwj pRqI pRdwn kIqIAW syvwvW krky BrpUr sMgqW dI hwzrI iv`c siq sRI Akwl dy jYkwirAW nwl snmwn icMnH Byt kIqy gey[ ieh snmwn s. pRIqm isMG AOlK hurW nUM pihloN hI id`qw igAw sI [Xwd rhy ik kYnyfw, AmrIkw Aqy sMswr dy bhuqy mulkW iv`c is`KW nUM motr sweIkl clwaux vyly kwnUMnn qOr qy loh top pi-hnxw pYNdw sI [ is`K BweIcwry vloN ies kwnUMn dw keI dhwky pihlW kYnyfw iv`c ivroD SurU kr id`qw igAw sI pr hr vyly loh top pihnx vwlw kwnUMn is`KW dy rsqy iv`c roVw bx ky KVw ho jWdw sI [ koeI cwr dhwky pihloN kYnyfw invwsI s. Avqwr isMG iF`loN ny dsqwr dI AzwdI leI lVweI AwrMB kr id`qI sI pRMqU aunHW nUM hr vyly mwXUsI hI imldI rhI sI ikauNik lohtop pihnx vwly kwnUMn nUM pihloN Kqm krwaux dI loV sI[ AwKrkwr ies lV-

    weI nUM ij`qx leI kimaUintI vloN smwj dy mwhr syvIAW dI ie`k au`c pwey vwlI kmytI dw gTn kIqw igAw ijs iv`c s. moqw isMG JIqw, rGbIr isMG bYNs Aqy s. pRIqm isMG AOlK nUM izMmyvwrI sONp id`qI geI ik auh s. Avqwr isMG iF`loN vloN bI sI mnu`KI AiDkwr tRweIbUnl iv`c kys dwier krvwauxgy Aqy hr hIly kys dI kwnUMnn qOr qy pYrvI krngy ijs iv`c smu`cI kimaUintI aunHW dw ft ky swQ dyvygI [ aus vyly bI sI dy tRWsport mMqrI s. hrBjn isMG (hYrI) lwlI sn

    [ ieh kys keI swl srkwrI dPqrW Aqy kort-ichrIAW dy gyVy KWdw irhw ijs iv`c is`KW dI srv au`c hsqI SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI Aqy sRI Akwl qKq swihb ny is`KI h`kW leI ft ky si-hXog id`qw [ is`K kimaUintI vloN bxweI geI au`c p`DrI kmytI ny kwnUMnn lVweI bVI sUJ-bUJ nwl lVI [ AwKr kwr bI sI ihaUmn rweIts tRweIbUnl dI mwnXog j`j PrWiss gorfn ny 11 meI, 1999 nUM ies kys dw PYslw dsqwr DwrI Avqwr isMG iF`loN dy h`k iv`c krky srkwr nUM

    hdwieq kr id`qI ik dsqwr is`KW dw Dwrimk h`k hY, icMn hY Aqy is`KW dI buinAdI pCwx vI hY [ aunHW ny PYsly iv`c ikhw ik dsqwr DwrI is`K loh top qoN ibnw motrsweIkl clw skdy hn [ PYslw sunx aupRMq is`K jgq iv`c KuSI dI BwrI lihr PYl geI sI [ dsqwr dy h`k iv`c kimaUintI vloN bxweI geI kmytI dy h`k iv`c mwnXog AYlks fYNzr qy hor vkIl tRweIbUnl iv`c pyS hoey sn[ ies ij`q dy is`ty vjoNy hI bI sI ivKy sMn 2002 iv`c is`K motr sweIkl kl`b hoNd iv`c Aw geI sI ijs dy hux koeI 135 mYNbr hn [ hux is`K cwlk (pRYktisMg is`K) dsqwr sjw ky motrsweIkl clw skdy

    hn ijs sdkw is`K dsqwr motrsweIklW dI Swn bx geI hY[ snmwn smwroh mOky is`K motrsweIkl kl`b dy pRDwn jgdIp isMG DwlIvwl, srpRsq Avqwr isMG iF`loN, kulivMdr isMG KMgUVw, jskrn isMG bwT, BuipMdr isMG hMs, kulivMdr isMG iF`loN, AmndIp isMG grcw, Avqwr isMG ig`l, mlkIq isMG rwey, pRIqpwl isMG iF`loN Aqy hor pqvMqy hwzr sn [

    dsqwr sjwA ky motrsweIkl clwaux dI ij`q dI 14vIN vrHy gMF! is`K motrsweIkl kl`b bI sI vloN fw. bYNs, AOlK qy s.JIqw dw snmwn

    blvMq isMG sMGyVw (mYNbr, ieMfIAw klcrl sYMtr AwP kYnyfw, gurdvwrw nwnk invws,ircmMf,bI.sI. )

    Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 12Punjabi Patrika

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  • 75%

    Tahir Malik Ahmad Malik R.C.C.

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    i p a f r i k M J pfeIdf nI ipafr ikMJ pfeIdf gIq ieMdrjIq hsn-purI qoN bhuq lokF

    ny suixaf hovygf. mYnUM vI iewk rfq suBfg pRfpq hoieaf. crnjIq afhUjf horF ny idwlI siQq irkfrizMg stUizAU ivwc krIb 14 sfl pihlF asIN iqMny hI sI. hsnpurI ny dwisaf ik ikvyN Auh ies gIq dy jLrIey pyNtr qoN iPlm inrmfqf bxy. ieh kmfl dI dfsqfn hY ijs AuWpr vDIaf pMjfbI iPlm bxfeI jf skdI hY. AunHF ikhf: mYN cfr sfl skUtr dI sit-wpnI qy qyrI myrI iewk ijLMdVI iPlm df tfeItl ilKf ky luiDafxy iPrdf irhf.ies iPLlm dI khfxI aqy gIq hsnpurI ny ilKy hn. AunHF df gIq jy muMizaf myrI qor qUM vyKxI, gVvf lY dy cFdI df lwk ihwly mjfjx jFdI df suirMdr kOr aqy hrcrn gryvfl dI afvfjL ivwc bhuq mkbUl ho cuwikaf sI. aYWc[aYWm[vI[ kMpnI vfly AunHF dy gIqF nUM irkfrz krn leI hmysLf iqafr rihMdy sn. Aus vyly dI msLhUr gfiek jOVI cMdI rfm, bIbf sLFqI dyvI dI afvfjL ivwc hsnpurI df gIq lY jf CwlIaF BuMnf leI dfxy vI pMjfbI sroiqaF `c mkbUl hoieaf. hsnpurI dy dwsx muqfbk AunHF kol Aus vkq bhuq Gwt pYsy sn pr iPLlm bxfAux df Kuafb Auh vyK cuwky sn. AunHF ikhf myrI

    idRVqf vI sI. mYN ryl dI itkt ktfeI aqy bMbeI puwj igaf. Aus vkq pMjfbI iPLlmF ivwc aYWs[ mihMdr df sMgIq kfPLI mkbULl sI aqy myrI Aus nfl imwqrqf sI. jd mYN Aus nfl storI aqy gIq sFJy kIqy qF AunHF ikhf ik rfj kpUr sfihb nfl qyrI mulfkfq iPks krf idMdf hF ikAuNik Auh pMjfbI iPlmF leI kMm krn vfly dI mdd krdy hn. bs Pyr kI mulfkfq iPks ho geI. mYN jf ky afpxy bfry dwisaf aqy afpxy gIq ipafr ikMJ pfeIdf nI, ipafr ikMJ pfeIdf dI pRozI suxfeI. Auh bhuq KusL hoey, kihx lwgy dwso srdfr jI mYN afp leI kI kr skdf hF. mYN ikhf ik iPLlm ivwc gYst rol leI DrimMdr jI nUM kih dyvo. AunHF myry sfhmxy hI POn kr idwqf aqy dUjy idn mYN DrimMdr horF dy Gr phuMc igaf. AunHF nUM mYN afpxI storI dwsI aqy gIq dIaF kuJ sqrF suxfeIaF qF kihx lwgy, hsnpurI sfihb mYN gYst rol krUMgf, nfl afsLf pfirK nUM vI lY ky afvFgf, pr hIro myrf ieh irsLqydfr muMzf bfsI XfnIky virMdr bYTf hY. ies nUM lY lvo, koeI pYsf vI nhIN lYNdf. mYN swq bcn ikhf qy hIro dI icMqf vI KLqm ho geI. hux gwl af ky KVH geI gIqF dI irkfrizMg AuWpr. mYN muhMmd rPI sfihb qo ibnF hor iksy gfiek qoN gIq nhIN sI irkfrz krv-fAuxf cfhuMdf pr Aus vkq rPLI sfihb 1100 rupey pMjfbI gIq dy lYNdy sn.

    mYN aqy aYs[mihMdr AunHF dy Gr gey. mYN dwisaf ik iewk gLrIb gIqkfr hF. pMjfbI iPLlm bx-fAux df BUq svfr hoieaf hY. gIq quh-fzI afvfjL iv wc irkfrz krny hn pr pYsy dyx leI aYny hY nhIN. AunHF nUM afpxy gIqF dy mwuKVy suxfey qF AunHF ny KusL ho ky hF kr idwqI. aYWs[mihMdr jI nUM ikhf ik itAUnF bxf lvo mYN jLrUr gfvFgf. gIqF dI irkfrizMg dI z yt iPks ho geI. stUizE buwk kr ilaf. jdoN rPLI sfihb afey qF myry sfhmxy hI afpxy sYktrI nUM kihx lwgy: srdfr jI jo ilPfPf dygyN KolHxf mwq. mYN ilPLfPy ivwc 100 rupieaf hI pfieaf sI. hsn-purI horIN iPLlm dy iqMn gIq irkfrz krky luiDafxy af gey. iewQy jd kuJ gfiekF nUM pqf lwigaf ik rPLI sfihb dI afvfj ivwc iPLlm dy gIq irkfrz ho gey qF nirMdr bIbf kihx lwgy, hsnpurI jI myrf dogfxf rPLI sfihb nfl irkfrz krf dyvo. hsnpurI jI ny ikhf ik 1500 rupey df ieMqjLfm kr lE. nirMdr bIbf jI ny ikhf ik koeI gwl nhIN. bws Pyr kI sI AunHF ny aYWs[mihMdr nUM Pon kIqf. rPLI sfihb dI qfrIK leI aqy ryl `qy luiDafxy qoN bMbeI nUM cwl pey. Aus ivc stUizE df Krcf, rPLI sfihb dI PIs, sfrIaF it-ktF, rihx-sihx, Kfx-pIx sfrf KuwlHf sr igaf. hsnpurI ny dwisaf, bIbf df sLONk ik rPLI sfihb nfl gf ilaf. myrI

    kfkf mwdd ho geI. nfly puMn qy nfly PlIaF. mYN iqxkf-iqxkf joV ky iPLlm bxfeI sI. hsnpurI ny ikhf, iPLlm dI sUitMg sLurU ho cuwkI sI. iewk sIn ivwc kuJ bdmfsLF kolo iewk pMjfbI PLOjI virMdr dI jfn bcfAuNdf hY. mYN cfhuMdf sI ik vwzf iPlmI aYktr ies gYst rol nUM kry. mYN iPr rfj kpUr sfihb kol phuMc igaf. iewk sIn sI. Auh kihMdy pihlF srdfr jI ipafr ikMJ pfeIdf dy bol suxfAu. myry gIq qoN bfad AunHF rijMdr kumfr nUM Pon kIqf ik Xfr iewk sIn hY bMbeI ivwc hI sLUt kr lYxgy. qyry kol Byj irhf hF sIn sux leIN qy kr dyvIN. mYN AuWQoN iswDf rijMdr kumfr dy dPLqr puwjf. sIn bfry dws ky PLOjI CuwtI af irhf hY. rsqy ivwc ipMz nUM jFdf afrfm krdf hY. kuJ bdmfsL hIro nUM mfrn lwgdy hn. qusIN Aus df bcfa krnf hY. PfeIt sIn hY.AunF mYNnUM zyt dy idwqI. kYmrf aqy lokysLn df pRbMD ho igaf. sfry klfkfr nON vjyN nUM phuMc gey. mykawp surU ho igaf. rijMdr kumfr POjIaF vflI vrdI pf ky, dfVHI lf ky, pwg bMnH ky pUry srdfr sj gey. 11[30 vjy qwk myakwp ho igaf. kihx lwgy, srdfr jI tyk lvo. asIN ikhf, QoVHf ijhf hor tfeIm lwgygf. kihx lwgy, E[ky. iewk GMty qoN vwD smF ho igaf pr sfzf rol df zwbf ijs ny lY ky afAuxf sI Auh nhIN sI awpiVaf. kfkf mubfielF df vkq nhIN sI. Pon ijwQy igaf sI Auh

    sfnUM nhIN sI pqf. asIN lMc bryk kr idwqf.Auh qkrIbn zyZ vjy zwbf lY ky af igaf. dyrI dI sfrI khfxI rijMdr kumfr dy sYktrI ny AunHF nUM dws idwqI sI. mYN myakwp lfAux qoN bfad rijMdr kumfr df DMnvfd krn AunHF dy kmry ivwc igaf qF kihx lwgy srdfr jI ijwQy qusIN mykawp aqy vrdI puaf ky cfr GMty mYNnUM ieMqjLfr krvfieaf. mYnUM hI kih idMdy mYN rol df zwbf vI nfl lY afAuNdf.kmfl sI hsnpurI sfihb dI idRVqf ik bMdy kol BfvyN pYsy nf hox pr jy rwb myhr kry qF jLrUr rfh KuwlH jFdy hn. hsnpurI horF dy gIq bVy nfmI klfkfrF ny gfey pr mYnUM Xfd hY ik 2007 ivwc Auh kYnyzf gey. AuWQoN mYnUM Pon kr ky ikhf, qyrf gIq pwgF ivwcoN pwg pitaflf sLfhI ey tI[vI `qy suixaf. pMmI qYnUM vDfeI qyrf gIq bVf cMgf lwgf. hux mYN iewQy PLYslf kIqf hY ik iewk gIq afpxI iPLlm ivwc qyry qoN gvfAuxf hY. nfly rol krvfAuxf hY. mYN ikhf jI, myry isr mwQy. qusIN hukm kro pr Auh vkq nhIN afieaf ik mYN Aus isrmOr pMjfbI iPLlm inrmfqf aqy lyKk hsnpurI df gIq afpxI afvfjL ivwc irkfrz krvfAuNdf. Auh hmysLf leI sfQoN ivCV gey. AunHF dIaF XfdF aqy gIq hmysLF iPjLf ivwc gUMjdy rihxgy.

    z pMmI bfeIFriday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 13

    Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 13

  • Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 14Punjabi Patrika

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  • Jas Kular, CGA, MA

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    is Here!

    Need Advice?


    It is great news for the well-wishers of the third most spoken language in Canada that Simon Fraser Uni-versity will be offering two Punjabi classes in the fall at its Surrey campus. Two Introduction to Pun-jabi 1 sections named Lang 148 will be offered as the campus begins its fall session in Septem-ber, 2013. It is a special topic language course for up to 24 students each. These classes will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 2:20 (daytime) and Mon-days and Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:20 (eve-ning). SFUs Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) has similar plans for the Spring semester.

    If there is sufficient inter-est, FASS will, in future consider re-establishing LANG 106 (Introduc-tion to Punjabi 1) and Lang 156 (Introduction to Punjabi 2).

    Punjabi Language Educa-tion Association (PLEA) is very thankful to Dr. Andrew Petter, President of SFU and his team for responding positively to our request. Also, PLEA would like to thank Herb Dhaliwal for his assis-tance in this regard. Rep-resentatives of PLEA met with Dr. Petter recently and had requested him to look into the possibility of offering Punjabi class-es at SFUs Surrey cam-pus. We are pleased that our request has received favourable consideration.

    In our brief presented to Dr.Petter, we have also requested SFU to look into the possibility of offering four year degree program as well as teach-er training for teachers of Punjabi. Also, we have urged SFU to work with PLEA and the Punjabi community in establish-ing a chair in Punjabi language and literature. Initiatives like these will go a long way in promot-ing mutual co-operation between the Punjabi community and one of the foremost academic institutions in Canada. Moreover, Surrey being the centre of Punjabi lan-guage and culture will be an ideal location for such endeavours.

    Weddings, parties and summer fun anyone?

    Summer is finally here! That means well all be find-ing ways to get outdoors to enjoy everything that B.C. has to offer. Our highways will be busier than ever as more people are travelling through-out the province for day trips, weekend getaways or longer vacations by the water.

    Here at home, many of us will be soaking up the sun at local beaches, patio restaurants and outdoor festivals, and enjoying alcohol to cel-ebrate summer. Whether youre heading to a fun destination or kick-ing back in town, we hope youll enjoy your summer and keep road safety top of mind by always planning a safe ride home before you start drinking.

    Even though weve seen vast reductions in the number of impaired driving crashes in B.C., there are still people who take chances or make excuses for drink-ing and driving. For this reason, police have stepped up impaired driving enforcement throughout the sum-mer with CounterAttack roadchecks throughout the province. If you get caught, youll face some of the stiffest penalties in Canada, which will definitely put a damper on your summer fun. Remember its always best to plan ahead for a designated driversomeone who wont be

    drinking any alcohol. Share the responsibility of being a designated driver; have you taken a turn recently?

    With the summer weath-er many people will be attending and host-ing outdoor parties like wedding and family re-unions. If youre hosting and serving alcohol, you need to be mindful of your guests safety and make sure your guests have a plan to get home safely. For large-scale events with alcohol, here are some options to help you keep it safe and fun for everyone:

    Before the event:

    Apply for a special occasion licence from any BC Liquor Store outlet.

    Hire security as well as a certified Serving it Right bartender.

    Borrow a desig-nated driver ban-ner by calling ICBC at 604-982-4612 (Lower Mainland) or 250-729-3505 (elsewhere in B.C.).

    At the event:

    Cordon off the li-censed area and have controlled en-trances.

    ID anyone who looks under 19.

    Offer food, snacks and non-alcoholic drinks or mock-tails. Provide des-ignated drivers with

    free, non-alcoholic drinks.

    Remind your guests to arrange a desig-nated driver or sug-gest they take a cab or transit, or stay overnight.

    You can also order one of our free special occa-sion support kits to use at your event. Each kit contains posters, tent cards, alcohol-free drink tickets and tips to help remind your guests to get home safely.

    So for all of the fun activities you take part in that involve alcohol this summer, make sure you and everyone in-volved has a designated driver or another safe way home. If you find yourself without a safe ride home, remember its never too late to call a taxi, take transit or call a friend.

    Get out there and enjoy your summer by making it a safe and memorable one.

    ICBCs Harvey Kooner is passionate about helping to raise road safety awareness in the community. In 2012, Harvey was awarded the

    Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his many years of community service.

    Friday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 15Punjabi Patrika

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  • High Street Mall

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    aYbtsPorz ivKy nvyNvflmfrt aMdr nvFklIink KWul igaf hY

    vfk ien aqy PYmlI pYRkits

    nvy aqy vfk ien mrIj dI pRvfngI

    apuieMtmYNt jrUrI nhI

    stfP pMjfbI vI boldf hY


    . AuWGy afjLfdI GulftIey mrhUm hridwq isMG BwTl afjLfdI qoN pihly smyN dy AunHF lfsfnI XoiDaF ivcoN sn. ijnHF ny afpxIaF ijLMdgIaF hI afpsI brfbrI AuWqy aDfrq mnwuKI smfj dI isrjxf krn dy lyKy lf idwqIaF sn. Auh sMn 1919 ivc jLilHaFvflf bfg sfkf vfprn qoN bfad pMjfb dy dUr-durfzy iKwiqaF dy sDfrn pyNzU lokF dy mnF aMdr rfjsI cyqnf dy jfgirq hox dy dOr dOrfn srgrm smfijk qy isafsI jIvn ivwc afey. ienHIN idnIN iswKI dy pRcfr leI cIPL Kflsf dIvfn aqy isMG sBf lihr dy hoNd ivwc afAux kfrn DnOly ivwc sLbd kIrqn lihr sLurU ho cwukI sI. jQydfr BwTl ies lihr dy pRBfv hyT afey. sMn 1922 ivwc jdoN gurduafrf suDfr lihr dy islisly ivwc gurU ky bfgL morcf lwigaf qF AunHF swiqafgRih ivwc sLfml ho ky igRPLqfrI idwqI.AunHf nUM iewk sfl leI mulqfn jylH ivwc njLrbMd kr idwqf igaf sI.

    jdoN Auh jylH qoN bfhr afey qF Aus smyN jYqo df morcf isKLrF `qy sI. DnOly ivc ros jlUs kwZy gey ijsdI agvfeI Auh KudL kr rhy sn. AunHF nUM nMd isMG DnOlf nfl igRPLqfr kr ky hkUmq ny iewk sfl dI sjLf suxfeI. AunHf dI jfiedfd jLbq kr leI geI aqy irafsq nfBf qoN jlfvqn krn dy afdysL vI idwqy gey. sMn 1927 ivwc irafsq dy rfjsI kfrkunF ny irafsqI prjf mMzl nfm df sMgTn kfiem kIqf. bfad ivwc jINd irafsq ny iksfnF nUM jLmIn dy aslI mflk krfr dyx leI morcf lfieaf qF nfBf irafsq dy akflIaF ny jQydfr BwTl dI agvfeI hyT morcy ivwc ihwsf ilaf. ienHI idnIN iksfnF dIaF musLklF dy KLfqmy leI iksfn sBf kfiem hoeI sI. jQydfr BwTl nfBf irafsq dI iksfn sBf dy mIq pRDfn cuxy gey. ies qoN bfad Auh pMjfb iksfn sBf dy mIq pRDfn cuxy gey. sMn 1946 ivc prjf mMzl

    ny irafsq nfBf ivc iksfnI mMgF nUM lY ky morcf lfieaf pr morcf asPLl huMdf vyK ky prjf mMzl ny iksfn sBf nfl sMprk kIqf. iksfn sBf ny 13 iksfnI mMgF nUM lY ky morcf lfieaf jo kfPLI sPLl hoieaf. jQydfr BwTl dI agvfeI hyT sfry igRPLqfr sfQI irhfa kIqy gey. jylH ivwc jQydfr BwTl ny Aumr kYd 14 sfl krn aqy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy drsLnF leI BuwK hVqfl kIqI. srkfr nUM AunHF dy idRV ierfdy awgy Jukxf ipaf aqy iksfnF dIaF mMgF prvfn kr leIaF geIaF.

    suqMqrqf pRfpqI qoN bfad vI AunHF QoVH-icry suwK jF munfPLy dI prvfh nf kridaF iksfn-mjLdUrF dy hwkF dI bhflI leI sMGrsL jfrI rwiKaf. sMn 1959 ivwc pRqfp isMG kYroN dI srkfr dy smyN KusL-hYsIaq tYks ivruwD morcy dI agvfeI jQydfr BWTl ny hI kIqI sI. AunHF dI pqnI mfqf jfgIr kOr BWTl ny vI aOrqF dy jQy iljf ky igRPLqfrIaF idwqIaF. srkfr ny AunHF dI sfrI jfiedfd kurk kr leI aqy Gr vI Zfh idwqf pr Auh lokF dy jQydfr BwTl ivcly idRV ivsLvfs nUM KLqm nf kr skI. jQydfr BWTl idRV ierfdy nfl gupq rih ky jQy Byjdy rhy aqy srkfr nUM Jukxf ipaf. ies morcy qoN bfad lok ihwqF Kfqr 1962 qy 1965 ivc afp nUM afjLfd Bfrq dIaF jylHF ivwc vI njLrbMd rihxf ipaf. Auh 1954 qoN lgpg do dhfky pMjfb asYNblI dy DnOlf hlky qooN numfieMdgI krdy rhy. Auh ivDfn sBf ivwc mjLdUrF, mulfjLmF, iksfnF aqy drimafny vrg dy lokF leI afvfjL AuTfAuNdy rhy. pMjfb dI lok lihr df ieh srgrm afjLfdI GulftIey 20 julfeI 1980 nUM idl df dOrf pYx kfrn sfQoN sdf leI ivCV igaf. 29 agsq 2007 nUM mfqf jgIr kOr vI ies jhfn qoN kUc kr geI.

    Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 16Punjabi Patrika

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  • (bfdl pwKI pMjfbI aKLbfr ajIq dI sMpfdkI)akflIaF bfry aksr ieh ikhf jFdf hY ik jdoN AunHF df rfj afAuNdf hY qF Auh pMjfb dIaF mMgF Buwl-Bulf jFdy hn aqy jdoN Auh ivroDI iDr ivwc huMdy hn qF AunHF nUM ieh mMgF Xfd afAuNdIaF hn. iPr Auh ienHF sbMDI aMdoln clfAux dIaF DmkIaF idMdy hn aqy aijhy aMdoln Auh clfAuNdy vI rhy hn. dhfikaF qoN akflIaF dI lIzrisLp dy aijhy dvMd aqy aijhI nIqI krky hI pMjfb dIaF mMgF aqy msly pyqly pYNdy gey. hux ieh isrPL nfarybfjLI krn qwk hI sImq rih gey jfpdy hn.

    ijwQoN qwk cMzIgVH df svfl hY, ies sbMDI akflIaF dI mMg hmysLf doglI rh hY. ies nfl Auh sdf isafsq Kyzdy afey hn. 1966 ivwc pMjfb dy punrgTn smyN Auh sucwjy ZMg nfl ies sbMDI afpxf kys pysL krn qoN asmrwQ rhy sn. AuproN kyNdr srkfr dI mfVI nIaq krky cMzIgV, jo pMjfb dy pMjfbI boldy ipMzF dI QF lY ky pMjfb dI rfjDfnI bxfieaf igaf sI, df mfmlf ltkdf rih igaf hY. ieh gwl rfjIv-logoNvfl smJOqy ivwc vI drj sI ik iewk insLicq smyN ivwc cMzIgVH pMjfb nUM sONp idwqf jfvygf. pr Aus smyN dy akflI muwK mMqrI s:surjIq isMG brnflf aqy AunHF dy sfQI blvMq isMG dI rfj krn dI aqy gwdI ` qy bxy rihx dI hvs

    ny cMzIgVH dy msly nUM hor vI hOlf kr idwqf. s: surjIq isMG brnflf Aus smyN koeI sKLq stYNz lYx qoN asmrwQ rhy. AunHF ny cMzIgVH lYx dI bjfey kuJ smF hor gwdI `qy bYTx nUM qrjIh idwqI. bfad df sfrf Gtnfcwkr ieh spwsLt krn leI kfPLI hY ik akflI ies sLihr nUM pRfpq krn leI gMBIr nhIN sn, isrPL afpxI isafsq hI KyzxI cfhuMdy sn. awj hfl ieh hY ik pMjfb dI DrqI ` qy bixaf ieh afDuink sLihr cMzIgVH prfieaf hoieaf njLr afAuNdf hY. ieQoN jLbfn, pMjfbI swiBaf-cfr qy pMjfbI vsybf, gwl kI pMjfbI nFa dI hr cIjL alop huMdI jf rhI hY. isqmjLrIPLI ieh hY ik akflI aqy akflI srkfr ies `qy afpxf dfavf puUrI qrHF CwzdI njLr af rhI hY. srkfr ny pMjfb nfl sbMDq afpxy bhuqy dPLqr muhflI (ajIqgVH) qbdIl kr ley hn. ies sLihr dy pRbMD ivcoN hOlI-hOlI srkfr afpxf dfavf CwzdI njLr af rhI hY. hux nvF cMzIgVH bxfAux dI gwl jLor-sLor nfl AuTfeI jf rhI hY. kOx nhIN jfxdf ik cMzIgVH dy nyVy dy pMjfb dy ies ielfky `c pihlF hI srkfrI aqy gLYr-srkfrI smrwQ lokF ny iksfnF dI jLmIn bVy ssqy Bfa AunHf nUM loB-lflc dy ky KLrId leI sI. ienHF isafsqdfnF, aPsrF aqy AunHF dy hor sfQIaF ny ies jLmIn dy vwzy ihwsy `qy kfbjL hox qoN bfad srkfr vwloN bxfeI geI qYas-Ludf nIqI aDIn ies smuwcy ielfky nUM ivkisq krnf sLurU kr idwqf. bVy hI ajIb ZMg nfl

    vwzIaF kMpnIaF aqy adfiraF nUM iewQy il-aFdf igaf. vwzy-vwzy hotlF dIaF iqafrIaF afrMB kIqIaF geIaF aqy hux ies nUM nvyN cMzIgVH df nF dy idwqf igaf hY. aijhf nFa dyx nfl pMjfb df cMzIgVH `qy dfavf pyqlf pY igaf hY. jdoN lflsf vwzI huMdI jfey qF pRqIbwDqf df Gtxf lfjLmI hY. aijhf kuJ hI pMjfb dI ies mMg nfl hoieaf jfpdf hY.

    hirafxf dy muwK mMqrI sRI BuipMdr isMG huzf ny ies sbMDI bVIaF spwsLt gwlF khIaF hn.AunHF ikhf hY ik jykr cMzIgVH dy nyVy muwlFpur dy ielfky nUM pMjfb dy kursIaF `qy bYTy isafsqdfnF vwloN nvyN cMzIgVH df nF idwqf jf irhf hY qF ies leI AunHF nUM ieqrfjL nhIN, pr pMjfb srkfr nUM cMzIgVH ` qy afpxf dfavf Cwz dyxf cfhIdf hY. AunHF ny ieh vI ikhf ik hirafxf ny cMzIgVH dy nyVy pMckUlf dy ielfky df vwzf ivkfs kIqf hY aqy hux cMzI mMidr dy ielfky ivwc afDuink AusfrI kIqI jf rhI hY. pr hirafxy ny ies df nFa cMzIgVH dy nfl joVn df Xqn nhIN kIqf.iewQy ieh gwl vrnxXog hY ik ijwQy pMjfb ny cMzIgVH dy nyVy muhflI (ajIqgVH) df ies sLihr dI qrjL ` qy ivkfs krnf sLurU kIqf sI, AuQy hirafxf ny ies qrjL ` qy hI pMckUlf df ivkfs kIqf sI. pr awj ienHF dovF sLihrF ivwc jLmIn-afsmfn df PLrk hY. pMckUlf df hr pwKoN ivkfs dyK ky hYrfnI huMdI hY. asIN muhflI(ajIqgVH) df ivkfs krn dI QF `qy afpxIaF imQIaF KfhsLF pUrIaF krn leI

    nvyN cMzIgVH dI AusfrI vwl qur pey hF. nvyN cMzIgVH bfry bVy vwzy-vwzy dfavy kIqy jf rhy hn aqy ies nUM cMzIgVH qoN vI ikqy vDyry suMdr bxfAux dy supny ivKfey jf rhy hn. pr socx vflI gwl ieh hY ik pMjfb ivwc aMimRqsr, jlMDr aqy luiDafxf afid sLihrF dI hflq kI hY? ienHf purfxy aqy ieiqhfsk sLihrF dI qrsXog hflq dyKidaF hI afpxy-afp `qy qrs afAuNdf hY.

    bhuqf kuJ kfhlI nfl krn dy aYlfnF dI QF `qy sfnUM afpxy ipwCy rih gey sfry kuJ nUM pihlF cMgI qrHF sMBflx dI vDyry loV hY. afpxIaF imwQIaF XojnfvF aDIn nvyN sLihrF dy ivkfs dI QF ` qy purfxy sLihrF nUM muwZlIaF shUlqF pRdfn krn aqy AunHf nUM ienHF nvIaF XojnfvF qoN pihlF suMdr bxfieaf jfxf jLrUrI hY. ipClIaF guafAux aqy BulfAux aqy aglIaF nUM gly lfAux dI nIqI amlI rUp ivc Tos aqy cMgy nqIijaF dI DfrnI nhIN ho skdI, nf hI aijhIaF nIqIaF nUM iksy qrHF pMjfb dy ihwq ivwc mMinaf jf skdf hY. awj afpxI DrqI `qy Ausry cMzIgVH dI mMg nUM ivsfr idwqf igaf hY pr sLfied smF bIqx qoN bfad byhI kVHI ivwc iPr Aubfl afAuxf sLurU ho jfey pr AudoN qwk cMzIgV df supnf vI CU-mMqr ho cuwkf hovygf .

    (brijMdr isMG hmdrd muwK sMpfdk ajIq jlMDr)

    !smkflI JroKy `coNFriday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 17

    Punjabi Patrika

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  • Spending controls keep fiscal plan on track

    Spending controls brought in midway through last year to address falling revenues helped government re-duce total spending by $668 million compared to the Budget 2012 fore-cast, Finance Minister Michael de Jong an-nounced today with the release of the 2012-13 Public Accounts.

    The Province ended the fiscal year with a deficit of $1.146 billion.

    Government revenues were $1.1 billion lower than forecast in Budget 2012, primarily due to declining revenues in resource sectors includ-ing petroleum and natural gas, natural resources, and minerals. Govern-ment increased spend-ing on health by $585 million, education by $300 million and social

    services by $50 million compared to 2011-12. Total program spending increased only 2.6 per cent over the previous year.

    Government invested $3.3 billion in capital projects throughout the province such as schools, universities, health-care facilities and other capital infrastructure. Projects included the Fort St. John Hospital and Residential Care Centre, expansions to Kelowna General and Vernon Jubilee hospitals, the Centre for Drug Re-search and Development Building for the Univer-sity of British Columbia, and the South Fraser Pe-rimeter Road.

    Total provincial debt in-creased by $5.6 billion to $55.8 billion as the Province continued to invest in capital projects.

    This includes an increase in taxpayer-supported debt of $3.5 billion to fund capital infrastruc-ture and support working capital requirements for programs and services. The increase in taxpayer-supported debt was $427 million less than forecast in Budget 2012 due lower borrowing requirements for capital projects and for government operating purposes. Self-supported debt increased $2.1 bil-lion, $418 million less than budget.

    The Provinces ratio of taxpayer-supported debt to GDP, a key measure of affordability, ended the year at 17 per centone of the lowest in North America and below the 17.6 per cent forecast in Budget 2012.

    British Columbia contin-ues to maintain the high-

    est credit rating possible with Standard & Poors and Moodys Investors Services Inc. at Triple-A. Dominion Bond Rating Service has affirmed the Province at a rating of AA (high).

    The Balanced Budget and Ministerial Account-ability Act requires a 20 per cent ministerial salary holdback for all members of cabinet to ensure ministries operate within their own budgets and government meets its overall financial commit-ment. As the government posted a deficit for 2012-13, cabinet members take a 10 per cent pay cut.

    All ministers achieved their individual ministry fiscal targets and will receive the other 10 per cent of their salary hold-back. The Ministerial Ac-countability Report, re-

    leased today, outlines the specific financial targets ministers must achieve to receive their ministerial salary holdback.

    Online versions of the public accounts and re-lated documents can be found at the following link:

    Unaudited Public Ac-counts supplementary data sets including sal-ary information, travel expenses and payments to suppliers are available on the Data B.C. website at:


    Michael de Jong, Minis-ter of Finance -

    We acted quickly in the face of declining rev-enues to control spending and keep the fiscal plan on track.

    By maintaining fiscal discipline year after year, we have significantly re-duced spending growth across government while protecting the public ser-vices that British Colum-bians rely on.

    Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 18Punjabi Patrika

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  • $2M supports expanded farmers market coupon program

    A successful pro-gram that pro-vides lower-in-come families, pregnant women and seniors with coupons for locally pro-duced food is receiving an additional $2 mil-lion investment, Health Minister Terry Lake an-nounced today.

    We know that having access to healthy, fresh foods makes a huge dif-ference in health, said Lake. Unfortunately, for some British Co-lumbians, it can be hard to access these nutri-tious necessities. This program will help us improve the health of B.C. families by offer-ing improved access to locally produced food for those most in need.

    The Farmers Market Nu-trition Coupon Program runs from July through October 2013 and is ad-ministered by the BC Association of Farmers Markets. The program offers $15 worth of cou-pons each week to indi-viduals and families en-rolled in the nutrition and skills building programs offered by community agencies associated with each participating mar-ket participants must be enrolled with these community agencies to participate in the pro-gram.

    Here in B.C., we are fortunate to have ac-cess to diverse, vibrant farmers markets, which provide a wide variety of healthy, local foods, said Agriculture Min-ister Pat Pimm. This program helps us to sup-port those local markets and farmers, while also improving access to lo-cal, fresh food for low-income families.

    This year, the program has added 13 new mar-kets for a total of 34 participating markets located throughout the province. Coupons are treated like cash at the participating markets and can be used to pur-chase a variety of B.C. food products including fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, dairy and herbs.

    This program had great success last year, and we are thrilled that it is expanding this year, with additional markets and communities par-ticipating, said Jon Bell, president, BC Associa-tion of Farmers Markets. The program is really a win-win, for both lo-cal producers and local families.

    The program is expected to support about 1,300 families and 400 seniors in 2013 and will continue to expand. The $2 mil-lion in funding provided through the Provincial Health Services Author-ity in 2013 builds on an initial $2 million invest-ment in 2012.

    The BC Association of Farmers Markets ac-cepts joint applications from farmers markets and community agencies on a yearly basis for the Farmers Market Nutri-tion Coupon Program.

    We are so pleased to be participating in the Farmers Market Nutri-tion Coupon Program, said Suzan Goguen, ex-ecutive director with the Seniors Outreach Society. Each week, our seniors are able to use the coupons to visit their local market, where they can access fresh, nutri-tious food and engage with their community this helps their overall health and well-being tremendously.

    To participate in the pro-gram, farmers markets partner with a commu-nity agency that works to provide nutrition, cook-ing, or healthy lifestyle skills building programs to lower income British Columbians. Participants then gain the skills and knowledge needed to help them eat healthier and make the most of their local farmers mar-kets.

    The BC Association of Farmers Markets is a provincially registered, non-profit association, which represents farm-ers markets throughout the province. At member markets, the focus is on selling locally grown or processed farm-fresh foods and vendors must either make, bake or grow the products they sell.

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    vsIaq jLmInF dy ieMqkfl

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    Friday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 19Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 19

  • ivdvfnF muqfbk sMgIq BrpUr kfiv nUM gIq ikhf jFdf hY qy lokF duafrf rcI geI rcnf lok gIq aKv-fAuNdI hY. lok gIq iksy vI kOm df vzmuwlf srmfieaf huMdy hn. ieh lok gIq hI huMdy hn ijhVy virHaF purfxI Xfd nUM kwuCV cwukI iPrdy hn aqy smyN dy hfxI vI bxy ri-hMdy hn. BUq aqy vrqmfn df shI qy suMdr sumyl huMdy hn lok gIq.

    pMjfbI lok gIqF ny pMjfbI jn-jIvn dy hr pihlU nUM afpxy aMdr smoieaf hoieaf hY. pMjfbI ijLMdgI df koeI pwK nhIN ijhVf pMjfbI lok gIqF ivwc nsLr nf hoieaf hovy. pMjfbI lok gIqF ivwc ivaMg ivDI vrqI imldI hY. aYnsfeIklopIz-Iaf ibRtYinkf muqfbk ivaMg gwlbfq dI Auh ivDI hY ijs ivwc Bfv arQ jF qF sLbdF dy ipwCy luky huMdy hn jF iPr Auh pRcwlq arQF

    dy asloN Ault huMdy hn. ivaMg, TwTf, tFc, mKOl, mOjU, msLkrI, mjLfk, iKwlI, Auphfs, ktfKsL, qnj,cot, tkor, msLkUlf,chyz, itwcr, rmjL, vkRokqI afid mfVy-moty PLrk nfl ivaMg dy smfnfrQk sLbd hI hn.

    jy sws dI gwl cwldI hY qF nUMhF sws ` qy ivaMg ksidaF iksy qrHF dI ksr nhIN Cw-zdIaF. vMngI vyKo:

    suinafiraF idaF muMizaF vy

    myrI mClI GV dy

    AuWqy qF pf dy mornIaF

    asIN sws muklfvy qornI aF.

    hfsy TWTy ivwc hI gwl sws df Gwgrf PUkx qwk vI jf puwjdI hY:

    vIr myry ny gMny ilaFdy

    koTy cVH ky cUpFgy

    sws cMdrI df

    Gwgrf PUkFgy

    gwlIN-bfqIN sws dy muMzf jMmx aqy pMjIrI Kfx df viKafn vI ivaMgfqmk ho jFdf hY:

    sws myrI ny muMzf jMimaf

    nfAuN rwiKaf guridwqf

    pMjIrI KfvFgy

    vfihgurU ny idwqf.

    pMjfbI lok gIqF ivwc ijs vI pfqr nUM ivaMg df kyNdr bxfieaf igaf hY, Aus df icqrx vI bVf kfivk qy klfqmk kIqf igaf hY. CiVaF `qy ivaMg krdIaF afpxI invyklI hI nuhfr rwKdIaF kuJ aijhIaF bo-lIaF ies qrHF hn:

    jy CiVE Qozf ivafh nhIN huMdf

    qVky AuWT ky nHfieaf kro

    rMnF vfilaF dy drsLn

    pfieaf kro

    ilsLk ilsLk myrf lihMgf krdf

    hwQ nf lfieE Kwbf

    iksy dI afeI `qy

    cwk CiVaF nUM rwbf

    jy gwl jIjf-sflI dI cldI hY qF sflIaF vwloN jIjy nUM aijhf qvf lfieaf jFdf hY ik Aus dI hflq ivcfrgI vflI bx jFdI hY. hfsy-mjLfk dI hwd eynI ku pfr kr idwqI jFdI hY ik Aus koloN goBI qwk ivkvf idwqI jFdI hY.

    horF dy jIjy lMm-slMmy

    myrf jIjf mycdf nIN

    nf pitafly nf ckrfly

    gVHdIvfly goBI vycdf nIN.

    pMjfbI lok gIqF ivwcoNN ivaMg df sB qoN qyjL qrfr rUp kuJ CMdF qy bhuqIaF iswTxIaF dy ivwc imldf hY. lok gIqF dy ienHF rUpF ivwc ieh gwlF

    vI agly nUM mKOl ijhy nfl kih idwqIaF jFdIaF hn, ijnHF nUM afm krky kihx leI vwzf jyrf kIiqaF vI gwl nhIN bxdI. keI vfr CMdF ivwc qF aijhIaF gwlF khIaF jFdIaF hn ik jy lfVf motI buwD vflf hovy qF Aus dI akl df bugqU Jwt hI vwj jFdf hY qy Auh hIN hIN krky jF afpxy iksy sfQI dI mdd nfl hI buwqf sfrdf hY. CMd lfVy dI hfjLr juafbI rfhIN Aus dI akl prKx df sB qoN kfrgr ZMg smiJaf jFdf hY pr keI lfVy bVy qyjL huMdy hn. sflIaF vwloN pfey suafl df juafb CMNd ivwc kuJ aijhf ivaMg BrpUr idMdy hn ik kuJ plF leI sB kuJ Diraf Drfieaf rih jFdf hY.

    iswTxIaF vI sohxf rMg bMn-HdIaF hn. isry dI msLkrI huMdI hY iswTxIaF ivwc. ims-fl vjoN:

    korI qF qOVI asIN

    irMnHIaF gwulIaF

    BwuK qy lwgI lfVy

    kwZIaF buwlIaF

    rotI KvfAuxI peI

    inlwijEN lwj quhfnUM neIN.

    pYsf pYsf sfzy ipMz idE pfE

    lfVy jogf qusI vfjf mMgfE

    jMJ qF sjdI neIN

    inlwijE lwj quhfnUM neIN.

    sfkfdfrI ivwcoN shurf vI ivaMg dI mfr qoN nhNIN bc sikaf. pMjfbI nUMh ny afm qOr `qy GuMz shury jF jyT qoN hI kwZxf huMdf hY. bxI PwbI muitafr nUMh leI ieh iewk smwisaf ho inbVdI hY. ies smwisaf df ivaMgfqmk hwl pMjfbI lok gIqF ivwc kuJ ieAuN afieaf hY:

    korI korI kUMzI ivwc

    hrmIq isMG atvflFriday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 20

    Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 20

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    imrcf mYN rgVF

    shury dI awK ivwc pf dynI aF

    GuMz kwZxy dI alK

    mukf dynI aF

    BfvyN ieh koeI AusfrU hwl nhIN pr ivaMg ivwc kfPLI kuJ muafP huMdf hY. pMjf-bI lok gIqF ivwc axjoV ivafhF bfbq vI ivaMg imldy hn. jy iksy df Grv-flf pwky rMg df hY qy muitafr gorI-icwtI hY aqy jy iksy df Grvflf mDry kwd df hY qy muitafr AuWcI-lMmI hY, AuWQy vI ivaMg hY. gwl kI ijwQy vI axjoV hY, kjL hY, Gft hY, AuWQy hI ivaMg hY. ijvyN pwky rMg dy kMq bfry ikhf jFdf:

    bfbl vr ikhf idwqo eI

    kflf mYN nf Bfvy

    cVH koTy `qy vyKx lwgI

    sfvx dI Gt afvy.

    sohxI kuVI nUM

    klMk kfly kMq df

    cMd nUM klMk bwdlI

    mDry kMq bfry:

    bfbl vr ikhf idwqo eI

    mDrf mYN nf Bfvy

    cVH koTy `qy vyKx lwgI

    gIhtf ruVHdf afvy.

    BwuKV qy nIaq dy hOly kMq bfry:

    bfbl vr ikhf idwqf eI

    mYN nf myry jyhf

    ds pkfvF vIh pkfvF

    tuwkr nf rihMdf byhf.

    keI vfrI Gr dy bjLurgF dI Gr ivc axdwsI afmd Gr dIaF qRImqF leI aOiKafeI ijhI mihsUs krn df kfrn bx jFdI hY, ijs nUM pMjfbI lok gIqF ny kuJ ieAuN pRgt-fieaf hY:

    bfby gl twl pf idAu

    ivhVy vVdf KLbr nhIEN krdf.

    pMjfbI lok gIqF ivwc pysL hoieaf sws-shury df moh-iqAu AunHF dI nUMh dI ivaMg-fqmk idRsLtI qoN dyKx vflf huMdf hY:


    shurf bImfr ho igaf

    sws kUMj vFg kurlfvy

    lwqF bfhF GutdI iPry

    mMjy joV ky cubfry zfhvy

    duwD `c Cuhfry irMnH ky

    sws Br ky iglfs iplfvy

    dohF df ipafr dyK ky

    myrf mfhI sLrmdf jfvy

    sws dI duKwlI juwqI nUM

    shurf inwq pitafly jfvy.

    idEr-BrjfeI df irsLqf vI afpxI hI iksm df huMdf hY. lok gIqF dy kriqaF ny ies ivwc iewk vwKrI iksm dI qnj BrI hY. iewko bolI ivwc hor bhuq kuJ sihj rUp `c hI kih idwqf igaf hY:

    qfvy qfvy qfvy

    zMzIaF krf dy imwqrf

    jIhdy ivwc dI mnuwK lMG jfvy

    zMzIaF df Bfa sux ky

    muMzf pwlf JfVdf afvy

    jMJ GuimafrF dI

    ivwc gDf rINgdf afvy

    gDy qoN GuimafrI izwg peI

    myrf hfsf inkldf jfvy

    BfbI idEr ibnF

    Puwl vFgUM kumlfvy.

    iksy pMjfbI vwloN prdysI jf ky iksy mym nfl ivafh krvf lYxf iksy morcf mfrn qoN Gwt nhIN smiJaf jFdf. aMgryjLF dI DI nUM cMn dy

    cfnxy ivafhuxf koeI inwkI ijhI gwl nf mMndy hoey ies nUM lok gIqF ivwc bVI rmjLI ZMg nfl vizafieaf igaf hY. ijvyN:

    muMzf sfzf igaf vlYq

    bx ky lMzn df rfhI

    DI aMgryjLF dI

    cMn dy cfnxy ivafhI[[[[[[[.

    jyT nfl sbMDq vI kf-PLI ivaMg imldy hn. jdo drfxI-jTfxI dovoN qIrQF nUM jFdIaF hn qF jyT dy duhwQVI mfr ky rox dI koeI vjHf qF jLrUr hoAU. iesy vjHf ivwc hI ivaMg hY:

    mYN qy jyTfxI dovyN

    qIrQF nUM cwlIaF

    jyT BYVf afKy

    dovyN kwlIaFikAuN cwlIaF

    tYm gwzI df hox lwigaf

    jyT mfr ky duhwQVIN

    r o x l w i g a f , n I N jyT[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[.

    zf: nfhr isMG ny lok gIqF df iewk rUp mfhIaf dy bhuq hI idlcsp mfzrn twpy iekwqr kIqy hn. ijvyN:

    koTI nUM cUnf ey

    bflo dy muMzf jMimaf

    cMzIgVH df nmMUnf ey[[[[[[

    aMdry qwkVI aMdry pMsyrI

    aMdry bih ky qoldf nIN

    qoqf ivwc ipMjry dy boldf nIN[[[[[[[[[[[[

    sfr rUp ivwc sihjy hI afi-Kaf jf skdf hY ik pMjfbI lok gIqF ivwc ivaMg dy vMn suvMny rUp pMjfbI jn-jIvn dy bhu-BFqI pwKF df sucwjy rUp ivwc pRgtfvf krdy hn. pMjfbI lok gIqF dI ieh amIrI pMjfbIaq dy mfx nUM sdf cfr cMn lfAuNdI rhygI.

    AE silMdr isMG igWl sUcnf dy rhy hn ik gdrI pfrtI dI sflfnf sLqfbdI nUM smripq lok ivrsf mylf 15 sqMbr nUM mnfieaf jf irhf hY. ies dIaF iqafrIaF sLurU ho geIaF hn. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro 604-807-2581, 778-861-7741

    -- KLfn sfihb dy nF nfl mkbUl, sLfsqrI sMgIq, ipwTvrqI gfiek, gLjLl aqy hrmonIam dy mfihr, gfiekI dy byqfjL bfdsLfh mihdI hsn nUM afgy bVy nf iksf-ie-iesLk ,afj qwk Xfd hY voh ipafr kf mMijLr, aFKo sy imlI aFKy, afp kI aFKo ny, idl myN qUPfn Cupf ky bYTf hUM vrgIaF sdf bhfr gLjLlF leI awj vI Xfd kIqf jFdf hY. mihdI hsn df jnm sMgIqk Grfxy klfvMq kbIly dI 16vIN pIVHI ivwc 18 julfeI 1927 nUM lUnf, JunJun(rfjsQfn) ivc vfild Ausqfd ajLIm KLfn dy Gr hoieaf. Aus dy ipqf aqy cfcf Ausqfd iesmfeIl KLfn rv-fieqI DrUpd gfiekI nfl sbMDq hn.

    gfiekI aiBafs df pwlU Gwut ky PVHI rwKx vfly mihdI hsn nUM dysL dI vMz mgroN pfiksqfn ivc idn ktI leI pihlF iewk sfeIklF dI dukfn ` qy aqy iPr kfr, trYktr mkYink df kMm krnf ipaf. Aus dI sKLq imhnq nUM pey bUr sdkf 1957 ivwc pfiksqfn ryizE stysLn qoN bulfvy smyN pysL kIqI TumrI nUM KUb sLlfihaf igaf. ies smyN dy nfmI gLjLLl gfiekF qo AuqsLfhq ho ky mihMdI hsn ny AurdU sLfierI aqy gLjLl gfiekI vwl vDyry iDafn idwqf. ies kMm leI jLYWz ey buKfrI aqy rPLIk anvr vI Aus dy nfl sn.

    1980 ivwc ibmfrI kfrn srgrm gfiekI qoN lFBy hoey mihdI hsn dy 9 lVikaF qy 5 lVkIaF df Jukfa vI gfiekI vwl hY. afisP mihdI nUM KLlkq jfxdI hY. akqUbr 2010 ivwc aYcaYmvI kMpnI ny srhdyN rfhIN qyrf imlnf izAUt gIq sroiqaF leI pysL kIqf,

    jo mihdI hsn aqy lqf mMgysLkr df sLfied pihlF aqy afKrI izAUt sI. ies gIq nUM Kud mihdI hsn ny sMgIqbD kIqf sI aqy PLrhd sLihjLfd ny iliKaf sI. ieh gIq 2009 `c pfiksqfn ivc irkfrz hoieaf sI, pr lqf mMgysLkr ny 2010 ivwc ieh gIq suixaf qF ies ivwc sLmUlIaq kr leI.

    mfx-snmfn ivwc sroiqaF dy rwjvyN ipafr qoN ielfvf, jnrl aXUb Kfn ny qmgf-ie-ie-miqafjL qy sfbkf sdr jnrl prvyjL musLwrPL ny hlfl-ie-iemiqafjL avfrz nfl gLjLl smrft df snmfn kIqf. cVHdy pMjfb dy sLihr jlMDr ivKy 1979 ivwc sihgl aYvfrz , 1983 ivc nypfl `c gorKf dkisLnf bfhU aYvfrz aqy iPr dubeI ivc snmfinq kIqf igaf. ishq lgfqfr nfsfjL rihx sdkf aKLIr bIqy sfl 13 jUn nUM krfcI, isMD (pfiksqfn) ivKy mihdI hsn df ieMqkfl ho igaf. afpxI jfndfr gfiekI aqy XfdF sdkf ieh gLjLLl gfiek awj vI sfzy ivwc jIvq hY ikAuNik qM-drusq kfrjF vfly hmysLf jIvq irhf krdy hn.

    Friday, July 26th, 2013 PAGE 21Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 21

  • amrIkf dI KuPIaf eyjMsI sI[afeI[ey[ dy sfbkf mulfjLm 29 sflf aYzvrz snyzyn ny amrIkf dy ichry qoN iewk hor nkfb Auqfr ky rwK idwqf hY. inwjI afjLfdI dy pihrydfr snozn vwloN sIs qlI `qy Dr ky kIqy gey ieMksfPLF nfl Kud nUM dunIaF Br dy lokF dI mnuwKI afjLfdI, pRgtfvy dI afjLfdI aqy inwjLqf dI afjLfdI dy alMbrdfr qy Tykydfr vjoN amrIkf vwloN kIqy jFdy dfavy Dry-Drfey rih gey hn. brqfnIaF dI aKLbfr id gfrzIan rfhIN 5 jUn nUM snyzyn ny amrIkf dy ivdysLI sUhIaf ingrfnI kfnUMn aDIn kfiem adflq Pfrn ieMtYlIjYNs srvylYNs kort dy iewk aiq gupq hukm nUM nsLr kIqf hY ijs ivc Aus ny amrIkf dI iewk tYlIPon kMpnI vyrIjLon kimAUnIkysL-njL nUM hukm idwqf hY ik Auh rojLfnf Aus rfhIN amrIkf ivwc hox vflIaF lokl kflF qy amrIkf qoN dunIaF dy hor dysLF qy AuWQy afAux vflIaF kflF dy vyrvy kOmI surwiKaf eyjMsI nUM dyvo. ieh hukm iewk imwQy smyN leI hY pr sYnyt ieMtYlIjYNs kmytI dy mYNbr izafny iPMstIn anusfr aijhy hukm amrIkf dIaF lgpg sfrIaF hI pRmwuK tYlIPon kMpnIaF nUM jfrI kIqy

    jFdy hn aqy ieh afpxy qOr `qy hI nivafey jFdy hn.

    Cy jUn nUM id gfrzIan aqy am-rIkI aKLbfr vfisLMgtn post rfhIN snyzn ny amrIkf dI kOmI surwiKaf eyjMsI vwloN ipRjLm nfm nfl clfey jf rhy gupq ielYktRfink ingrfnI pRogrfm df ieMksLfP kIqf sI, ijs rfhIN amrIkf gUgl, XfhU, Pysbuwk, skfeIp, tivwtr afid smyq 9 ieM-trnYWt qMqrF rfhIN Byjy vflIaf eI-mylF, gwlbfq, ieMtrnYWt bRfAUjLrF dy vyrivaF qy ies rfhIN afdfn-pRdfn hox vflIaF PfeIlF qy dsqfvyjLF qk phuMc bxfAuNidaF rojLfnf kroVF aijhy sunyihaF qy dsqfvyjLF nUM gupq rUp ivwc irkfrz krdf hY. nO jUn nUM id gfrzIan aKLbfr rfhIN ieMksLfP krdy hoey snyzyn ny dwisaf ik amrIkf dy kOmI surwiKaf eyjMsI bfAUNzlYWs ienPorsmYNt nfm dI iewk pRxflI rfhIN kMipAUtr qy tYlIPon nYWtvrkF rfhIN iekwTI kIqI geI mxF-mUMhIN sUcnf dI ivsQfr nfl CfxbIn krdI hY. bfrHF jUn nUM id sfAUQ cfeInf mfrinMg post aK-Lbfr ivwc Cpy ieMksLfP ivwc dwisaf igaf hY ik kOmI surwiKaf eyjMsI sfl 2009 qoN hI cIn aqy hFgkFg dy

    kMipAUtrF nUM hYk kr rhI hY. sqfrHF jUn nUM id gfrzIan ivc Cpy iewk ieMksLfP rfhIN pqf lwigaf hY ik brqfnIaF dI sUhIaF eyjMsI gvrn-mYNt kimAUinkysLnjL hYWzkuafrtrjL ny sfl 2009 ivwc jI-20 isKLr sMmyln leI iekwTy hox vfly ivdysLI rfjnIqkF dIaF tYlIPon kflF qy hor sUcnfvF dI jfsUsI kIqI sI.

    jUn dy aMqly idn jrmnI dy aKLbfr zyr spIgl ny snozyn vwloN lIk kIqy gey dsqfvyjLF dy afDfr `qy dwisaf hY ik amrIkf XUrpI XUnIan dy bRsyljL siQq mwuK dPLqr ivc bg plFt kr ky aqy ipRjLm rfhIN Aus dy sMcfrF dI hI jfsUsI nhIN kr irhf sgoN Aus dy aiDkfrIaF drimafn hox vflI gupq gwlbfq nUM vI sux irhf hY. aYzvrz snozyn vwloN kIqy gey ieMk-sLfPF dy sfhmxy afAuNidaF hI dunIaF Br dy jmhUrIaq aqy iensfPL-psMd lokF ivc qrQwlI mc geI hY.

    amrIkf dI surwiKaf eyjMsI aiq ivsLfl pwDr AuWqy rojLfnf sUcnfvF aqy hor sMcfrF nUM irkfrz krdI hY. snozyn anusfr lgpg 1 arb qoN vwD tYlIPOn kflF qy ieMtrnYWt sMcfr rojLfnf irkfrz kIqy jFdy hn.

    ieMtrnYWt rfhIN hox vfly sMcfr nUM irkfrz krnf qF amrIkf leI hor vI afsfn hY ikAuNik ies nUM sMcflq krn vflIaF lgpg sfrIaF hI kMpnIaF amrIkf afDfirq hn qy sB qoN qyjL ieMtrnYWt bYMzivzQ vI AunHF kol hI hY. ieMtrnYWt rfhIN hox vflf smwucf sMcfr-eI-myl, cYitMg aqy hr qrHF dIaF PfeIlF df afdfn-pRdfn AuWQy siQq srvrF rfhIN hI huMdf hY. ienHF srvrF rfhIN hox vfly hr qrHF dy sMcfr nUM pulfV ivwc amrIkf dy GuMm rhy sUcnf AupgRih PVdy hn aqy 20 QFhIN siQq zftfbys nUM Byjdy hn, ijwQy ieh sUcnfvf qy sMcfr jmHF huMdIaF hn. sfl 2013 ivwc stor kIqIaF geIaF sUcnfvF aqy sMcfr nUM awj qoN 10-20 sfl bfad vI vyiKaf-suixaf jf skdf hY. ies KuPIaf qMqr dI ivsLflqf aqy Gfqkqf df aMdfjLf ies gwl qoN hI lgfieaf jf skdf hY ik ies ny isrPL mfrc 2013 ivwc hI Bfrq dy nYWtvrk qoN hox vfly 6[3 arb sMcfrF nUM irkfrz kIqf hY. ies mfmly ivwc Bfrq 5vyN nMbr `qy hY. amrIkf vwloN aYlfny gey dusLmx dysL-eIrfn, korIaf aqy ikAUbf vI ies KuPLIaf qMqr dy hmly df isLkfr ho rhy hn.

    snyzn vwlo kIqy gey ieMksLfPF dy sf-hmxy afAuNidaF hI amrIkf dy hfkmF ny afpxy ies iGnfAuxy kfrnfimaF nUM TIk TihrfAuNdy hoey ies nUM kOmI surwiKaf aqy aiqvfd ivrwuD jMg leI jLrUrI dwisaf hY. Aus nuy ies dI mdd nfl dunIaF Br ivc 20 aiqvfdI hmly rokx df vI dfavf kIqf hY. amrIkf dIaF dovF hI pfrtIaF ir-pbilkn aqy zYmokryitk dy afgUaF ny snyzyn nUM dysL DrohI dwsidaF Aus nUM sjLf dyx dI gwl kIqI hY.

    amrIkf aqy dunIaF Br ivwc snozyn nUM BrpUr smrQn iml irhf hY. Aus nUM nfiek dwsdy hoey Aus vwloN jfn qlI `qy rwK ky kIqy gey ieMksLfPLF leI pRsMsf kIqI jf rhI hY. amrIkf ivwc Aus dy hwk ivwc bxy vYbsfeIt AuWqy 30,000 qoN vwD lokF ny Aus df DMnvfd kIqf hY. amrIkf dy hfkmF dIaF dlIlF df juafb idMdy hoey id gfrzIan dI iewk irport anusfr sfl 2008 dy afriQk mMdvfVy qoN bfad surwiKaf eyjMsIaF awgy qoN vDyry rfjnIqk kfrkuMnF qy KLfs

    rvI kMvr

    (bfkI pMnf 49qy)

    Friday, July 26th, 2013PAGE 22Punjabi Patrika

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  • nvyN izjLfien aqy PYsLndy sUt (sIqy/ axsIqy hoey)

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    Action plan released for B.C.s Liquified Natural Gas sector

    British Columbia will need more than 75,000 per-manent skilled workers once liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects are fully operational in B.C., according to a new BC Natural Gas Workforce Strategy Committee re-port. In addition, 60,000 workers will be needed during peak construc-tion in 2016 and 2017.

    To make sure our prov-ince seizes the full op-portunity of LNG, our first priority is build-ing a strong and skilled B.C. workforce, said Premier Christy Clark. The committees report is a first step towards charting the course for LNG, and we will con-tinue to work with all partners to make sure British Columbians re-main first in line for the best opportunities.

    Premier Clark will out-line the LNG opportuni-ties and lead a discus-sion on the need to build a skilled workforce with other jurisdictions at the next Council of the Federation meeting on July 25-26 at Niagara-on-the-Lake, where Pre-miers will discuss skills training, j