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Juhani Anttila - TQM at Sonera Corporation

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Juhani Anttila - TQM at Sonera Corporation


    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 1


    Realizing Innovatively RecognizedTQM Principles and ReferenceModels in a Rapidly Changing

    Competitive Business Environment Case Sonera Corporation


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  • 8/3/2019 Juhani Anttila - TQM at Sonera Corporation


    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 2




    Juhani AnttilaVice President Quality Integration

    Sonera Corporation, Finland


    Sonera Corporation is the leading Finnish telecommunications company which hasevolved from a traditional national governmental telephony operator to an internationalexchange-listed company specialized now in wireless telecommunications (mobileservices) and internet media services. Quality management has been exercised anddeveloped in the company for three decades. Soneras approach for Total QualityManagement (TQM) is based on developing its own superior implementation solutionsby utilizing the best general international TQM principles, practices and recognizedreference models including ISO 9000:2000 standards and quality awards models. Ageneral principle in this respect is the integration of TQM measures with the companysnormal management and leadership practices instead of creating distinct quality

    systems and ensuring continual organizational learning. The positive results thusachieved provide encouragement to proceed with the strategies selected. Also generalconclusions and lessons learnt can be drawn from Soneras experiences.


    Over the last two decades, Sonera has changed completely from a centrallyadministered, state owned civil service organization, into a corporation which functionsaccording to business principles in a tight competitive environment. Events which markthis change, and which have also had a profound effect on the development of Sonerasquality orientation, include:

    ending Soneras domestic monopoly status and confronting consequentrequirements of development to total competition,

    new growth through economic reorganization and structural changes including astrong down-sizing,

    customer focus and improvement of business competitiveness,

    complete redirection of product portfolio, development of supplier and distribution channel cooperation and partnership,

    internationalization, and privatization and listing in the stock exchange.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 3

    Along with changes in the companys business, the essence and contents of thequality concept adopted in the company as well as the overall attitude towards qualityhas also altered correspondingly. At a rough level, one can discern the followingpredominant emphasis pertaining to quality development in past decades:

    1960: Technical specifications, ensuring the problem free functioning of the

    telephone network, reliability of technical equipment and systems 1970: International standards (ITU Recommendations) for telephony services,

    requirements for and control of suppliers of telephone network equipment andsystems

    1980: Customer perception and satisfaction

    1990: Total Quality Management (TQM) combined with business performanceimprovement

    2000: Integrating TQM seamlessly with business management, benefits to andsatisfaction of all stakeholders, sustained superiority in business excellence

    The aim of TQM approach in Sonera is to strive for the companys strategic and

    operational goals. TQM is a special expertise with which business leadership can besupported.

    In addition to understanding the quality issue in a modern way, its development hasalso been significantly influenced by utilizing professional TQM tools and resources aswell as organizational framework and solutions to spread strategic quality initiativesthroughout the organization.


    Genuine realization of Sonera's quality and TQM practices takes place only in real

    business activities both in the companys strategic leadership as well as in theoperational realization of telecommunications services. In this approach all relevantstakeholders e.g. equipment and software suppliers for telephone networks andservices as well as mobile service distribution companies are also associated with thecompany's business in accordance with their appropriate roles.

    In a competitive situation, the only goals that a company can have arecompetitiveness and the business excellence which this is built upon. Bringing aboutexcellence in activities and results depends on how the business in its entirety has beenorganized in practice. These arrangements are always implemented as company-specific decisions and solutions. The point of departure for all such arrangements and

    organizations is always comprised of the guiding ideas and principles of the business.These can be partly explicitly documented, and thus something which one is aware of,and partly subconsciously influencing ideas. This amounts to comprehensiveorganizational understanding and it also embodies the companys quality conception.There is no real quality management system distinct of the companys actualmanagement and leadership system. Nowadays the value of a company is constitutedmore significantly by its intellectual capital rather than its physical assets. This is whymutual understanding and shared mental models are being emphasized to anincreasing degree in company leadership. These are also profound bases for theintegrated TQM approach.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 4

    The guiding principles of business activities include a business-orientedunderstanding of the concept of quality. Today, quality is described as a broad conceptof corporate success, as business performance excellence. In this approach overallbusiness performance is viewed as a balanced combination of financial performance,customer satisfaction and value, and internal performance (processes and people).There is more to excellence than good performance in general, as there must be

    evidence of good improvement trends in relation to the relevant reference levels (owngoals, competitors achievements, and benchmarks in the world).

    The evolution of business culture has been linked to development pertaining to thecompanys values. Naturally, values exist only at the level of individual actors in thecompany, i.e. employees, foremen, and managers. However, so-called valuemanagement has also been implemented in Sonera. In this approach, the topleadership has defined values that promote the companys business orientation. In thisview the following emphases have been defined for "Soneras way of acting":

    customer relationships

    productiveness reliability pioneering spirit, and

    respecting the individual.

    Ever since the companys name change (Sonera was called Telecom Finland until1998), a lot of sustained development effort has been put into creating a new Sonerabrand. A brand is a concept that describes how outsiders, especially customers, viewSonera comprehensively. A brand also lends corporate identity to company employees.It does not have merely advertising value. Substance to the brand is provided bySoneras corporate values and concrete business activities, and this provides a link to

    TQM objectives and measures. The challenge for TQM is to create, for its own part,tangible contents for the company brand. One can influence this especially throughSoneras quality policy and with the TQM realization model and practical procedures. Inthis connection it is imperative that one is able to adopt ones own company-specificbusiness orientation and avoid copying standard solutions, as the latter will not be ofany real use in distinguishing oneself positively in a competitive situation.

    In comparison with traditional telephone companies, developing the Sonera brandhas been a very challenging task and it has had a positive effect on the evolvement ofthe corporate image in practice. The American Communication Internationalpublications granted the World Communications 1999 award to Sonera for best brand

    development. The World Communications Award is presented to companies in the fieldof business for excellent performance.

    The basic challenge for TQM is to promote the so-called Smart Partner objectivesof Soneras business through various different means which are consistent both withrespect to one another and with the companys strategic course. In this respect, thecatch phrase used by Sonera, Make Things Click, is most appropriate also for qualitypurposes. As regards TQM, the main principles in this Soneran implementation are thefollowing which also reflect well known Quality Management Principles (QMP) of ISO9000:2000 standards and Core Values and Concepts of quality awards models :

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 5

    Focus on supporting the strategic goals of the business and consistency ofdifferent TQM measures in order for them to strengthen one another

    Comprehensiveness and a scope which covers the entire company

    Integrating TQM measures with business functions Systematic approach, systematicity, instead of building separate systems such

    as quality systems

    In Sonera, TQM is understood as an area of special expertise for which there arequality experts on the corporation level as well as in different business areas. Externalconsultants are not used remarkably. Quality experts form an internal network in thecompany. This network also has contacts with significant external TQM experts all overthe world. Thus, the aim of TQM resourcing is to maintain a virtual and network-likequality organization. In practice, however, the realization of TQM takes place inbusiness processes at the initiative of managers, foremen, and performing personnel.Thus, the responsibility and duty to implement TQM principles and tools in everydaybusiness lies on their shoulders. Quality experts act as advisors and facilitators.


    In order to realize TQM objectives in all parts of a company and at all levels ofbusiness, what is needed is an organization-wide management structure, a leadershipinfrastructure framework. The goal of TQM, i.e. business excellence, can be reachedonly through innovative management and leadership practices. In order to implementTQM, a framework model (see fig. 1) was created in Sonera in the early 1990s. Thismodel covers all company functions in a natural and flexible manner. Over the years,the model has also been able to accommodate efficiently various organizationalchanges as well as various new emphases in the business and in quality thinking. Thishas made it possible to develop TQM in a more sustained manner than being

    continually dependent on numerous organizational changes. This framework modelutilizes the most exemplary international ideals and is based on what has been learntover decades with e.g. business partners.

    There are no distinct quality systems or TQM systems in use in Sonera, and norshould there be anything of the sort, as the aim is that TQM is an integrated part ofbusiness. Indeed, quality management system (cf. ISO 9000:2000 standards) isunderstood as a concept for systematic approach. At the corporate level this isreflected by Sonera's TQM realization framework (see fig. 1). In business functions andat the operational level, this is realized through the systematicity of business processes,which has been gradually developed for Sonera's needs over the last ten years.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 6

    Figure 1: Soneras TQM realization model: The framework of four levels of TQMlearning and competence within the organization



    Even if a company has a clear idea concerning quality and TQM as well as acomprehensive, company-wide realization model for organizing the idea, it would stillbe difficult to realize anything excellent in practice unless there are superior practicalmeans, tools, methods, etc. available. For this purpose, a collection of managementtools has been created in Sonera. Some of these tools have been created and aremaintained by quality experts. All in all, in addition to TQM field, the BusinessExcellence Tool Kit includes also tools for financial, human resource, and riskmanagement, as well as acquisitions and marketing. A systematic procedure has beendefined for the maintenance and development of the tools (including tool hierarchy, tool

    descriptions, tool owners, and tool management process). The most important quality-related tools of Sonera are:

    the process management model,

    the Malcolm Baldrige self-assessment procedure, process auditing (assessment procedure of process performance),

    the benchmarking procedure, the Sonera Smart Scorecard procedure,

    the project management model, and problem solving and improvement procedures.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 7

    The most important general sources for TQM methodology used in Sonera are:

    the ISO 9000 family of standards,

    quality award criteria, especially the American Malcolm Baldrige quality awardcriteria,

    benchmarks and best practices learnt from successful companies world-widely,

    and the wisdom of acclaimed mentors, Great Teachers, in TQM

    The overall intention in Sonera has generally been to seek actively original sourcesof information and thus be able to avoid e.g. too extensively using the services ofconsultants. For example, the ISO 9000 standards have been utilized throughparticipating right from the start (1980) in their drafting as Finlands nationalrepresentative and expert in the international standardization committee ISO TC 176 forquality management and quality assurance.

    Soneras TQM approaches are used in accordance with international practices to

    support two interrelated areas of quality activities which are familiar from the ISO 9000standards (see fig. 2):

    Quality Management (QM), which refers to the internal systematicity of acompany to promote business performance excellence through TQM means and

    Quality Assurance (QA), which refers to all those measures through which onecan promote and strengthen confidence and trust in outsiders, especiallycustomers, towards the company and its products.

    In practice, QA constitutes a part of QM. There is, however, no intention to doanything "extra" concerning business activities in order to implement QualityManagement or Quality Assurance. Instead,

    they are based on the continually improved business processes and activitieswhich support companys strategic direction,

    they strive towards customer-focused solutions which provide added value tocustomers, and

    they utilize principles and practices which are internationally regarded assuperior.

    Measures pertaining to business processes have a central place in theimplementation of Soneras TQM. Indeed, process improvement measures constitutethe most important area of operations in TQM. There is a particular process

    management model in Sonera. This model has been developed vigorously for the pastten years on the basis of practical experiences and numerous international examples.Soneras benchmarking procedure is also primarily aimed to increase processperformance. In benchmarking, an organization learns from best practices already usedin other organizations, especially in other fields of business. The most importantbenchmarking efforts have been bilateral benchmarking projects, for which guidelineshave been drawn up in Sonera. However, Sonera has also participated in groupbenchmarking projects (Benchmarking clubs) organized amongst several companies.Case-specifically oriented studies provided by organizations specializing inbenchmarking services have also been utilized.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 8

    Figure 2: General principles of Soneras integrated TQM and quality assurance

    Concerning quality assurance, it has been understood in Sonera that this, too,should be utilized innovatively. When striving for business excellence, QA cannot bebased solely on customers stated requirements. Quality assurance should beunderstood as services which provide added value to customers. In a competitivesituation, the aim here, too, is to create superior solutions. A general point of departurein quality assurance is provided by the clauses of the ISO 9001:2000 standard.However, as regards real life situations these are too general in nature. This is why theemphasis in Sonera is on bilateral quality assurance plans and agreements instead ofthird party certifications. Another reason for this emphasis is that no formal obligationspertaining to certification have yet evolved in the field and thus neither there is any realneed for general certifications in general. Generally speaking, and as indicated by e.g.the European Commission, it has been clearly demonstrated in several studies thatcertifications have not in fact had any real effect on companies business performanceor competitiveness, such as product quality, delivery reliability, or number of customercomplaints. This is why the European Vision of Quality and Quality Promotion Policyemphasize striving for business performance excellence instead of mere conformanceto requirements.


    When understood comprehensively, improving TQM is closely linked to thedevelopment of corporate culture. Over the years the challenge in Sonera has been totraverse from an old-fashioned, traditional, introverted, and regulation-directedmonopolistic telephone company culture to a customer focused and innovativecompany. This has also been promoted by changes in the business principles andconditions in the overall business field of telecommunications a development in whichFinland has been a forerunner country in many respects as well as consistentmeasures to alter the companys internal structures, modes of action, and businessthinking.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 9

    The considerable internationalization which has taken place during the last fewyears also constitutes a significant change in Soneras corporate culture. The objectiveis to increase Soneras revenue and market value particularly from internationalactivities within a few years. The fact is that the company is facing an increasinglytough competitive and very dynamically changing situation in the communicationsindustry at the international level.

    TQM issues are so deeply integrated into the companys business e.g. in the areasof strategic leadership and operative business processes that the aspects of corporateculture cannot be neglected in developing TQM measures. One example is provided bychanges which has taken place during the recent years in commitment to thecompanys stakeholders, i.e.


    customers, employees,

    partners, and


    Modern TQM principles and practices (based on e.g. quality award criteria) provideexcellent possibilities to consider all stakeholders in a balanced manner, but situationsshould always be handled company- and case-specifically. The responsibility here lieson the shoulders of business leaders. The quality of leadership will gain more and moreemphasis in TQM.


    Based on the above, everyday Domain of Action and achieved business

    performance results depends on the following factors at the practical level:

    understanding the issue, i.e. the ideas and principles directing business activities, innovativeness of the leadership system, and

    effective tools.

    A change in existing performance can be brought about only by enhancing thesefactors (see fig. 3). This requires organization-wide continual improvement and learning,a Domain of Change which includes,

    awareness of and sensitivity to new facts,

    changes in attitudes and beliefs, and developing skills and capabilities.

    The critical evaluation of the situation at each moment and strategic decisions ongoals and actions are important measures in continually increasing the effectiveness ofa companys performance. Implementing measures takes primarily place throughincreasing the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. All this belongs to theoperational side of TQM, i.e. the Domain of Action.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 10

    Figure 3: The overall business excellence development framework for

    Soneras TQM approach


    What do the results look like? When applying an integrated TQM approach, it isdifficult to point out which results are an outcome of measures classified under thequality label. After all, quality is understood in Sonera according to the currentinternational trend, that is in a comprehensive way as excellence of overall businessperformance, and all practical quality measures have been integrated into businessprocesses. The actual expression quality is thus not even used in many connectionsand, indeed, there is no need to use it. Due to these reasons, it is best to examine the

    results achieved in a broad and balanced manner from the entire companys businesspoint of view. A useful framework in this connection is provided by quality award criteria(in Sonera especially the Malcolm Baldrige criteria as used since 1992). Anothermethodology useful and compatible with this is the Sonera Smart Scorecard, which hasbeen used since 1996 and based on well-known Balanced Scorecard principles. Theversion currently in use is the third one tailored by the company. With the scorecardapproach, results are examined from four different perspectives:

    finance, customer,

    processes, and innovativeness for organizational learning.

    The most important business performance data and their development are internaland confidential strategic information of the company. In the last few years, Sonera'soverall performance situation has developed quite favorably (see section belowpresenting views on Soneras business today and in the future).

    In a competitive situation financial results are based firmly on customer satisfactionand value produced for customers through the companys products. Customersatisfaction measurements in various business areas have been performedsystematically in Sonera for several years now, enabling it to follow the progress of the

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    situation in comparison with its competitors. In 1999 Soneras main business (GSMservices) participated in the first Finnish national SFINCSI evaluation study, based onthe European ECSI (European Customer Satisfaction Index) approach. The resultsindicate Soneras leading position. In addition to monitoring customer satisfaction,customer dissatisfaction is also tracked. Soneras mobile, data, and Internet productshave also received internationally renowned awards on the basis of both superior

    product features as well as notably competitive prices.

    Assessing process performance constitutes a central part of operational TQM. Theassessment procedure has been developed on the basis of ISO 9000 auditing principlesand by combining ideas from business requirements and quality award criteria in it. Inassessing process performance, the focus is on the critical evaluation of proceduresapplied in the processes and process results achieved through their implementation.Based on assessment results, Sonera has a corporate-widely used indicator of processperformance with which one can track how the performance of business processes hasbeen developed. The performance results have developed favorably based on effortsfor systematic business process improvements and utilizing companys own process

    management model introduced already about since ten years.

    In order to assess comprehensively the overall development of a company and itsorganizational learning, the best approach is to study this through quality award criteria.Assessments based on quality award criteria have been implemented in Sonera asinternal self-assessments by boards of directors in different business units since 1992.The assessments are based on the American Malcolm Baldrige criteria, which havebeen used in developing Soneras own approaches and assessment tools (e.g. theMBAi software on Soneras intranet). By utilizing general quality award criteria, acompany can be placed on a global map of overall business performance. One candetermine the level at which:

    the business itself is, the competitors are, and

    the best Finnish, European, and international companies are.

    One can also use the Malcolm Baldrige criteria to determine how Soneras mostimportant reference companies are developing and what goals should be set incomparison to these.

    Soneras business units have applied three times the Finnish National Quality Awardin order to calibrate its internal self-assessments with a more general assessment

    scale. Sonera has reached the level of finalists each time. However, even participationin the quality award competition has been understood as a part of self-assessment toimprove business performance.


    Sonera is the leading Finnish telecommunications company. Its most importantbusiness lies still in the domestic Finnish market, but through subsidiaries and jointventures Sonera is already active in 14 other countries. At the end of 1999 Soneraemployed 9,270 people.

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    Pakistan Institute of Quality Control ( ICQI'2000) 12

    In 1999 Soneras revenues grew by 14% from 1998 and totaled EUR 1,849 million.Profit was 27%, totaled EUR 497 million. Revenues from mobile communications hasgrown fastest and surpassed revenues from traditional telephony business. Measured incompanys market value (August 1, 2000: EUR 30,000 million) in the Helsinki stockexchange Sonera is the second most valuable company in Finland after Nokia. Tradingin Sonera shares was also commenced in USA in 1999, in the NASDAQ market system.

    Sonera is the leading telecommunications operator in Finland, the most advancedmobile communications market in the world. Mobile penetration in Finland stands at65% and Soneras share of the digital GSM market in Finland is over 60%. Finlandconstitutes also one of the leading Internet markets in the world, and Sonera is theleading Internet service provider in Finland. Soneras market share of Internet servicesis nearly 40%. Soneras Internet portal,, is Finlands mostpopular net medium with 346,000 visitors per week. Page downloads number at over7,7 million per week (November 1999).

    Soneras goal is to evolve with appropriate business partners into one of the most

    significant mobile and internet communications operators in the world, offering a broadselection of wireless contents and interactive services. In the fall of 1999 Sonera wasthe first in the world to publish information services designed for WAP (WirelessApplication Protocol) compatible mobile phones. WAP is an open recommendationdeveloped into an industry standard enabling Internet-based services to be provided onmobile phones. Sonera also launched an international wireless portal service whichrealizes a spatially and temporally unrestricted personal portal combining features fromthe Internet and wireless communications.

    Sonera has been active in the GSM markets of USA since the fall of 1998. RecentlySonera has strengthened its position in the US mobile telecommunications marketwhich will, in the upcoming years, provide the company with challenging growthopportunities. Sonera has invested heavily into the biggest American cross-continentGSM carriers. Together with its strategic partners, Soneras objective is to introducewireless data transfer, mobile communications portal, and wireless forms of commerceservices including advanced security features to the future telecommunications marketsin the US.

    Soneras all top business leaders are very strongly committed to these new businessviews. This is also the most important challenge to quality experts in developingmethodology to support companys business success. Also concrete business benefitsshould be demonstrated from the use of these methods. Many international studieshave proved that this is possible. Especially questions considered in quality awardcriteria have a clear correlation with the hard business success indicators.


    The development of Soneras business over the last ten years has been dubbed asuccess story by various different sources and TQM has played an essential part in this.The development continues and the potentials of TQM are unlimited.

    Future challenges include the ever more efficient integration of continually evolvingmeans of TQM into an extremely dynamically evolving business with an increasedemphasis on internationality. Once very challenging goals have been set for the

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    companys business, it is the task of TQM experts to follow this path by creating uniqueand superior means with which to realize the benefits of integrating quality. Aninteresting question is related to utilizing the possibilities of the new wireless internet inTQM. Also even greater emphasis will be given to understanding the benefits of TQMand developing it for all company stakeholders in a balanced way.


    The following general conclusions and lessons learnt can be drawn from Sonerascompany-dedicated experiences of TQM implementation. When implementing TQM,clearly recognized TQM principles and effective professional methodology should beemployed in a natural and innovative manner integrated with company-specific businessemphases and management infrastructure. General ISO 9000 Quality ManagementPrinciples and Core Values and Concepts of the quality award models could be usefulwhen creating bases for the approach. When striving for competitiveness good practicalexperiences underscore:

    business performance excellence instead of quality, flexible quality of management and leadership instead of distinct quality

    management, organizational learning instead of continual improvement,

    the systematicity of the quality of leadership instead of formal quality systems, principles and actions of the quality of leadership instead of quality assurance

    requirements, stretched business objectives instead of minimum standard requirements,

    innovative and unique solutions instead of stereotyped systems, internal business performance self-assessments instead of third party audits and

    certifications of quality systems,

    tacit knowledge instead of only records of explicit data and information, and own company-internal expertise instead of external consultants.

    Basically, effective implementing company-dedicated business integrated TQM doesnot call for any extra measures or investments. However general information sourcesespecially ISO 9000:2000 standards and quality awards criteria can be utilized asreference materials for appropriate measures. Experiences have proved that it is alwaysworthwhile to improve the existing quality management systematicity in any companyand organization based on a systematic methodology.


    1. Anttila, J. (1998). Creating a corporate culture that embraces performancemeasurement A case study from Sonera Corporation, Finland. Focus onChange Management, issue 46, July/August.

    2. Anttila, J. (1998). What TQM is and what should it be? The Best on Quality, vol.9, Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press.

    3. Anttila, J and Vakkuri J. (2000). Good Better Best. Helsinki: Sonera Corporation.4. National Institute for Standards and Technology (1999). Malcolm Baldrige

    National Quality Award, Award Criteria 2000. Washington: National Institute forStandards and Technology

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    5. Senge P., Roberts C., Ross B., and Kleiner A. (1995). The Fifth DisciplineFieldbook. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing Limited

    6. Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard. Harvard BusinessSchool Press

    7. European Commission (1995). A European Quality Promotion Policy or TheEuropean way towards Excellence. Doc. Certif 95/1. Brussels

    8. Sonera Home Page:


    Juhani AnttilaVice President, Quality IntegrationSonera Corporation, P. O. Box 110, FIN-00051 SONERA, Helsinki, FinlandTel. +358 2040 2548, Fax. +358 2040 4001E-mail: [email protected]

    Mr. Anttila has been over 30 years in different quality related tasks in the leading

    Finnish telecommunication company, Sonera Corporation, and its predecessors. Nowhe is Vice President Quality Integration of the Corporation. 1984-87 he was alsoPresident of the Finnish Society for Quality, since 1998 Honorary Member of theSociety, 1994-96 Vice President of EOQ (European Organization for Quality), and since1995 International Academician for Quality (i.e. member of the International Academyfor Quality). He has been broadly involved with national and internationalstandardization of telecommunications systems, and quality and dependabilitymanagement and assurance, e.g. since 1980 a member of the internationalstandardization committee ISO TC 176 (ISO 9000) and of the corresponding Finnishnational committee. He was chairman of the technical programme committee of theEOQ'93 Helsinki World Quality Congress sponsored by EOQ, ASQC, Juse and IAQ.