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Juegos de Palabras: Estrategias para el Aprendizaje de Vocabulario Activo An AFTER READING Activity Guatemala Reading Association, February 19, 2015 Quetzaltenago, Guatemala

Juegos de Palabras: Estrategias para el Aprendizaje de Vocabulario Activo

Aug 09, 2015



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  1. 1. Juegos de Palabras: Estrategias para el Aprendizaje de Vocabulario Activo An AFTER READING Activity Guatemala Reading Association, February 19, 2015 Quetzaltenago, Guatemala
  2. 2. Juegos de Palabras: Estrategias para el Aprendizaje de Vocabulario Activo Linda Smetana CSU EastBay [email protected] Thomas DeVere Wolsey, Institute to Advance International Education [email protected]
  3. 3. Literature Review Working with images Unsworth (2001) Sadoski, & Paivio (2007). Lagrange (2013) Repeated encounters with vocabulary Haggard (1986) The Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy: Using Student Interest and World Knowledge to Enhance Vocabulary Growth Technology Generative (Grisham & Smetana, 2011). TPACK (Mishra & Koehler, 2006)
  4. 4. Before During After Leer Antes Durante Despus
  5. 5. Technicas vocabularios Technicas General Organizadores Grfico 10 Palabras (antes) Frayer modelo (durante/despus) Clic y clunk (durante) Cuadrado Vocabulario Enfoque (antes) Vocabulario Revistas (durante) Concepto de Mapa Definicin (durante/despus) Matriz de caracterstica (durante/despus) Vocabulario Cadena Concepto (durante/despus)
  6. 6. 10 palabras ms importantes Antes or Despus de Leer Tema Par Par y par comparar Revisar y finalizar
  7. 7. Haga Clic y Clunk Durante la Lectura Entienden Palabra Palabra Palabra No entienden Palabra Palabra Palabra
  8. 8. Vocabulario Revistas Durante la Lectura Tema Palabra Notas Palabra Numero de pagina
  9. 9. Frayer Modelo Durante y Despus de Leer
  10. 10. 4 -CuadradoVocabulario Enfoque Cuadrado 1 Termino clave compromiso comprometida comprometer Cuadrado 2 Experiencia Personal A veces las personas tienen que conformarse cosas por renunciar a algo que querer. Cuadrado3 Caractersticas No Esenciales No se lleg a un acuerdo entre los dos pases, y as se inici una guerra. Cuadrado 4 Deficion en Palabras Propias Un compromiso es un acuerdo entre personas o grupos en los que ambos deben renunciar a algo. Antes
  11. 11. Concepto de Mapa Definicin Durante y Despus de Leer
  12. 12. Matriz de caracterstica Durante y Despus de Leer Trisico (220m) Del Jursico (213m) Del Cretcico (144m) Comedores de carne Comedores de plantas Grande Pequeo Tyrannosaurus - - + + - + - Coelophysis + - - + - - + Bronotosaurus - + - - + + - Trodan - - + + - _ + Duckbills - - + + - + - Prosauropods + - - - + + - Alosaurus - + - + - + -
  13. 13. Vocabulario Cadena Concepto Durante y Despus de Leer Beautify Environm ent Recycle Reduce Reuse Pollution
  14. 14. What is VSS Plus? VSS Plus (VSS+) asks students to engage with important content-area vocabulary through: Definitions they construct and find online Images they identify that demonstrate understanding of the term Discussion and a co-constructed rationale explaining why the term was selected Graphic organizers showing relationships to concepts and synonyms
  15. 15. Overview 1. Provide a description, explanation, or example of the new term. 2. Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words. 3. Ask students to construct a picture, pictograph, or symbolic representation of the term. 4. Engage students periodically in activities that help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their vocabulary notebooks. 5. Periodically ask students to discuss the terms with one another. 6. Involve students periodically in games that enable them to play with terms. (Marzano, 2009)
  16. 16. Continent Example
  17. 17. Bacteria
  18. 18. Scarcity - insufficiency or shortness of supply; dearth. The acorns of the black and white oak are valued the highest although in time of scarcity those of the water oak and other oaks are used. By: Andres Enrique Paolo Menelik
  19. 19. Preserving - to keep alive or in existence; make lasting This photo shows the method of preserving the acorns from the weather and inroad of wild and domestic animals. By: Mrs. Leona and Jack
  20. 20. Video
  21. 21. Contact Linda Smetana CSU EastBay [email protected] Thomas DeVere Wolsey Institute to Advance International Education, University of Central Florida [email protected]