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jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

Mar 16, 2020



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Page 1: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees


Page 2: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees


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Page 3: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees


THE BANTU WORLDPrinted and Published by

The Bantu World (Pty.) Ltd.Subscription Rates:

9s. For 12 months5s. „ 62s. 6d. „ 3

Special Rates fo r Agents : Full Details obtainable from

The Manager.



Minimum 2s. 6d. Prepaid

SOUTH AFRICA’S ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPERDirectors: B. G. Paver, P. U. Rissik, C. O .’C. Maggs,


Associated with the Bantu Press (Pty.) Ltd.

TELEPHONE NO. 35-4061/2. P.O. BOX 6663



2 6 th May, 1945„

D r,A .B . lu m a , 1 0 4 , End S t r e e t , JOHANNESBURG-.

Dear S i r ,We are r e p e a t e d l " r e c e i v i n g e n q u i r i e s and sums

o f money w i th a r e q u e s t f o r t h e s u p p ly o f t h e p u b l i c a t i o n " A f r i c a n Claims",, I t i s u n d e r s to o d t h a t you rre in a p o s i t i o n t o s u p p ly t h i s book and c o n s e a u e n t l y we a t t a c h h e r e t o l e t t e i s and P o s t a l P r d e r s enumerated b e lo w , f o ryou a t t e n t i o n p l e a s e

A .Z .M e^lw a , Sch&iol^f Agricul FVQ. Tsolq^Transkei

-J.R. MoshoeVte//P.O.K^pella Via Barbers^ari.

■Rev , E . S. /2tfdala /^euningf orh^ inFVO . Devon*

Isaaar Mo Madisha Ltorom Stny Storom S t , B a n tu r ^ L o c a l , K ew cla^e , P r e t o r i a , ,

l / 3 d .

l / 7 d

l / 3 d

l / 6 d „Yours f a i t h f u l l y ,


Page 4: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

N a t i v e A f f a i r s D ep ar tm ent ,P .O . BOCHEM.2 8 t h May, 1 9 4 5 . H S X

</ ' V.Dr. A .B . Xuma, ' 0

1 0 4 End S t r e e t , \D o o r n f o n t e i n , *«#*?**■’JOHANNESBURG.

Dear S i r ,May you p l e a s e be so l^ind and l e t me have t h e b o o k l e t " The A f r i c a n Claims" T h i s b o o k l e t I u n d er s ta n d was adopted a t t h e n a t i o n a l c o n fe r e n c e o f t h e A f r i c a n N a t i o n a l C o n g r e s s , I e n c l o s e h e r e w i t h p o s t a l o r d e r to the v a l u e o f 1 / 3 to c o v e r t h e c o s t o f same.

Yours f a i t h f u l l y ,


Page 5: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

fa*- m r i t * .

THE BANTU WORLDPrinted and Published by

The Bantu World (Pty.) Ltd.Subscription Rates:

9s. For 12 months5s. „ 62s. 6d. „ 3

Special Rates fo r Agents : Full Details obtainable from

The Manager.



Minimum 2s. 6d. Prepaid

SOUTH AFRICA’S ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPERDirectors: B. G. Paver, P. U. Rissik, C. O .’C. Maggs,

/ N N S .

Associated with the Bantu Press (Pty.) Ltd.

TELEPHONE NO. 35-4061/2. P.O. BOX 6663



30th May, 1945»

Dr. A.B. Xuma, 104, End Street, JOHANNESBURG.

Dear S ir 9

We are attaching hereto a letter together

with l/3d in stamps from Isaac Chili who requires a

copy of the publication "African Claims” ®

Yours faithfully,BANTU WORLD (PTY) LIMITED.


Page 6: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees


To a l l Organisations.

P.O.Box 5475, CAPE TOWN,30th May,1945.

Dear Sir/Madam,We have plearure in sending you herewith a

copy of the minutes of the Unity Conference held in Cape Town last^January, We g regret che delay in publishing these minutes but it was due to circumstances outside our control. Would you please make a point of having this document r'ead by as many as possible so as to ensure that the lessons to be drawn from the conference have the ef^ct of laying solidly the foundation on which REAL Unity can be built. Owing to the shortage of funds (which we may say is very acute) we are making a small charge of 1 /- per copy to help towards meeting the printing costs’and we ask you please to send us a remittance for this amount* A limited number of additional copies can bo had for the same price. Please let us know immediately if you require more.

Since we met in January muda has happened not only to justify the course we took, but also to show the extreme urgency of building up the Unity Movement.

VE Day has come and gone. But unlike the VE Day of 1918, on this occasion we are under no illusions. When the fanfare of trumpets, Church bells and sirens, Which greeted the news of the end of Hostilities in Europe,died down, the people settled down to the grim reality that for them the real struggle for freedom from oppression is just beginning. Nazism may or may not have been crushed in Germany and Italy, but we know that the ideologi which gave birth to the doctrines of Hitler and Mussolini still" reign all over the world. Indeed we L'on-^rapeans kwe knew what It meant to live under the tyranny of a herrenvolk long before the Jews of Germany cane under the lash of Hitlerism, and there are no signs that for us this tyranny will end when the new ”Chart$ of Security" sees the light of day.

As a prelude to ’’victory for freedom and democracy”, Gen. Smuts reminded the world that for 300 years he and his ancestors have maintained white supremacy in South Africa, and was perfectly happy to know that there was nothing to fear that it ’would not last for another 300 years because, according to him, the only people who did not think so were people who were quite mad* He drew Inspiration from the knowledge that the whole ruling class, to whatever party they belong, agreed with him on this pointe And as usual made great play of the fallacy that the Non-Europoan ’’problem” was In fact three distinct "problems" - a fal£cy which, in the interests of the ideology of the"Master Race"he did so much to foster and nurture.

And so we see that victory or no victory, the process towards the complete enslavement of the Non-Europeans of South Africa is to go on without a. break. Without a blush the rulers went delirious with joy at the overthrow of Nazism in Europe whilst at the same time they continue merrily to tighten the screw of oppression against: us and for the rest hoped that their piou3 platitudes about "greedom", "The rights of man" etc.etc., which filled the air to harmonise with the Victory Bells would serve to obscure our view of the real situation in this country. We have nothing against Thanksgiving Services, amnesty for prisoners (90$ of whom were in any case in gaol because of our social system) etc., but we do say that these expressions of "thankfulness" would have- sounded less iisis hollow if they were accompanied by loosening the chains which enslaved 9,000,000 Non-Europeans, i.e. Colour Bars,Native Representative Councils, Coloured Advisory Coundils, Asia\tic Boards, Locations,Townships, and the rest.

But as they settle down to prepare for another 300 years of white suprenacy, there is one thing that the rulers are not only nervous about, but indeed fear. It is the Unity of the Non-European groups in the common struggle against oppression.It is not suprising, therefore, to find them using hook or crook

Page 7: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

.. .-./crookto stop It. Their main, method of attack is still

Si campaign of deception by which they hope to play off one section against the other. Their ravings about tha "Influx of Natives Into the towns’” having failed in its object to incite the Coloured people against the Africans, they now come out with a. sop to the Coloured people by offering a QUALIFIED "compulsory" education scheme for Coloured children which nay or may not operate after 10 years. They hope that the Coloured people will be^taken in by this new fraud and thus turn from the path of Unity. Poifct 2 of the IQ Point Programme calls for compulsory education for ALL children up to theage of SIXTEEN without any qualification. Wo stand by this and on it we must not, AND WILL NOT compromise,As unis move will no doubt have no affect on the Coloured people, more sops may be expected In the future, perhaps this time to the Africans or the Indians. The Unity Executive Committee ur*cs you to be on your guard for this form of attack. Let no. section allow themselves to be bought out of the Unity Movement by

_ accepting '‘concessions" at the expense of their partners and fellow sufferers.Bub there is another danger which we would emphasise because

it is important to bear it in mind. Apathy on the part of Non- Europeans is more' dangerous to the Unity Movement than attacks by our common enemies because It tends to rot the movement from ..within, it is fatal to adopt the attitude that because we had a successful conference, adopted a lo Point Programme, passed resol­utions and formed a Unity Committee, the Unity Movement can now be left to look after itself. It is the urgent duty of all those who took part in the conference, indeed all those who wish to get rid of their chains, to translate the decisions taken ab the conference Into political reality. We must use all means at our disposal to explain to the people the real meaning and' implications of the, conference decisions; we must got down to the j.ob of forming local Co-Ordinating Unity Committeesj we must do every­thing possible to speed on the process of federation within the three racial groups thus helping to lay solidly the foundation of the Unity IMbvemont which, as you know, rests on the federal oodies of the three groups. Translate the 10 Point Programme into reality by invoking it whenever opportunity occurs or need arises? explain to the people the real meaning and purpose of Unity and thus give the lie to the stupid, yet poisonous, p3?egaH& propoganda which our enemies spread in order to discredit the movement„ Toll the people the truth viz., that the Unity Movement Is interested only ifl the formation of a common front to achieve th.9 common goal - emancipation from the yoke of a common oppression. And don’t hesitate to counteract the activities of the traitors within our own ranks whenever they attempt their shoddy moves to trick the people into the rulers* traps - there are many of these* notorious Individuals at large in all three -groups.

The Unity Executive Committee has been kept busy translating into practice some of the conference decisions. We are still trying to draw the African National Congress into the Movement and hope soonto be able to report progress In this direction. We have asked the Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees have been formed - one in the Cape and the other at East London.

The Chairman,Rev.Z.R.Mahabane, has summoned the full Committee to meet at Johannesburg In July and, amongst other things, thi3

meetm-vill draw up a manifesto on the question of the Non-Europeaa s and the Peace.

We wish to appeal to you again for funds. The work of building Unity is., and will continue to be, seriously handicapped by lack of funds unless this matter receives iirgent consideration* Please send donations, however small or big, to the Treasurer,Mr.E»C.Roberts,Tasman Street,Claremont,Cape,

Yours fraternally,E.Ram-sdale,S.A.Jayiya


Page 8: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees



O f f i c i a l s .

C hairm an:R f.v . Z. R . M a h a b a n e .

Treasurer:M r . E. C. R o b e r t s .

Joint Secretaries:M r . E . R a m s d a l e . M r . S. A. J a y iy a .


Dr. A .B . Xuma P r e s i d e n t G en e r a l .A .N.C.End St .D o o r n f o n t e i n J o .b u r g

P.O. BOX 3475 Cape Town.,.!945.*l 194

Dear S i r , Rev. Z.R.Mahabane, chairm an o f th e Mon-European Movement h as summoned a m e e t in g o f t h e C e n tr a l E x e c u t i v e Committee o f t h e above o r g a n i s a t i o n f o r t h e 6 t h - 7 t h J u ly , 1 945 , i n c l u s i v e , t o be h e ld i n Johannesburg. I n h i s l e t t e r c a l l i n g t h i s m e e t in g he s t a t e s " War i n Europe i s o v e r . . . . . . i t i s a d v i s a b l e t o ho ld^-^ .^D ec ia l m e e t in g o f th eC e n tr a l E x e c u t iv e Committee o f t h e i io n -E u ro p e a n ^ o v e m e n t . "

We f e e l t h a t i t i s v e r y n e c e s s a r y and im p o rta n t t h a t th e Non-Europeans a s a whole p r e s e n t a u n a n im ity o f o p i n i o n , i n t h e s e d i f f i c u l t t i m e s .

With t h i s i n v i e w , we are d i r e c t e d you and your S e c r e t a r y , Rev. C a l a t a . t o a t t e n dby t h e P r e s i d e n t t o t h e above m e e t i n g . i n v i t e

You w i l l be in form ed o f t h e p l a c e i n due c o u r s e ,

Yours f a i t h f u l l y ,

nt Secretaries.

Page 9: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

$ H ' ftbr- p r o n t o -

It the unaeraigatid ^©fttko ^apogo ^atkgathiO forxaer ^r^eiuent General and now honax?,ixy Life Preeident^Goneral of the African national Congress having heard 4 i h niwmy «horevui‘ X have gone that there ure divisiona In the leadership ana the iv.tika ol the Congreoo in the Tranairaal, do hereby eall upon leaders of thp t » aeetiona of Congreaa and their exaoutivea in the Trbngvaal to at­tend a rjund tifclo conference at Do«ghail iiall, Uarafe&etad 10 k.*i. jlat< 1945, The public aloo invited, i am inviting thePreaident-Ganoral of the A,W .C. Dr. A^B.&uaa to attend*

. ( g m l g d t ’

Page 10: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

Luthuli’s CafeR f o r b e s t m e a l s a t a l l h o u r s .

83, Carlisle Street, Durban.

P H O N E . 2-1197.


(In the struggle for Political Equality and Justice)

I. G. Kuzwayo,B A N T U M U S IC S A L O O N ,

126, Queen Street, Durban.Tengan i am a rak o d i eat Zu lu ko w a k in l W e stock G ram o ph o ne*, R eco rd s , G u i­

ta rs and M a g ic H a ir G ro w e rs

Terabuland Deputation in London 1905. B. T. W. NYOKANA&Co.B ro k e rs and H state Agents.

1. Buyers and sellers of Farms, Houses, Stand, etc., throughout the Union.2. Building Contractors.3. Plan Drawers and Permits applicants4. Debt and Rent Collectors5. Insurance and Financial Agents6. Administrator of Estates.7. Book-keepers and Secretaries8 Livestock Agents and Speculators

Now opening all over the Union-—- - 7 ' ’ —----- —

Head Office: 2Gt>o. B ree S treet,

j P.O- Box 9325,Johannesburg:.

Lands Act Deputation in London.

O r. W . B. R ubu.a Adv. Alfred M angenaThe Lands Act (1913) Deputation in London

Led by D r. JoH" L Dube


B u s Serv ice Ow ner, and Butcher.

C le rm o n t T o w n sh ip , N ew G e rm a n y , D u rb an , N a ta l.

U m a ukude bha le la tin a kuqnta N om a y io i o v i aw elayo bu/.a k it in n njnlo.

A m a b h a s i em a em n\ango n ja lo y ch la ubone ubuze k il l

P H C N E 7 - 1 4 8 1 .


CONTRACTORS.O u r T en Y ea rs Ex p erience in dea ling w ith financ ia l

m a tte rs is a pos itive g u arantee o l ou r honesty w ith ou r c lients.

Loans, In ve stm e n ts . B o n ds , In su ran ce . C o lle c t io n of R en ts and R ep re sen tin g A bsentees u ndertaken

2— 3 Barkley Arcade, Market and Diagonal Streets,

Johannesburg.D irec to rs B , X g ld iC . M Khunou.

African Congress Deputation 1942Led by D r. A B. Xuma

. W . B. R u b u u iu

Colour Bar Deputation in London, 1910.Led by W . F. Schriener, Ex P rim e M inister

EkuphumK ii Hotel(K w a Tsh. b a la la )

We are particulars in providing suitable ac­commodation to all visitors in summer and winter seasons

W rite for full p a rtic u la rs «MANAGERESS,

E k u p h u m le n i Hote l.Clermont Township,

P.O. New Gei'mahy, Durban

Z. K. M a tth ew s R . G Baio> i, A t J . S i l i lo , R . H G od lo , T M . M api- kela. R ev . A . J . Ca la ta , U r A . B . X u m a , (P re s id en t G en e ra l) E .

Q am ata

Um gungundlovu C o-O per. Trading Sty.,Ltd .P.O Box 348, P IETER M A R ITZBU R G

Main Store: Native Market, P.M.burg. Branches: Native Village, P.M.Burg.

Main Road, Macibisa, Edendale.A . M . M A JO L A . M an ag er.


Fort Hare Foundation Committee, 1907.


R. M . C A L U Z A .G enera l C ycle Dealer,

Lo w e r C hurch S t.. P ie te rm aritzb u rgN A T A L

■ Mamba Chief Lchana J . T . Jab* John Knox Bob we Isaac Wauchope

I. Hendorton Colonel S tanford J . W. Sauer

ra Simon C aia I. Bod Mbelle T . M. Mapikela Jam et W eir

Mini ite r o f Native Affair*) Dr. McVicar

Empumalanga Cash Supply Stores,

P ro p . J . S . MA/,1 B U K O .

General Merchants.Clermont Township, New Cermary, Durban

Kangetani C lerm ont School Tuck Shop.

Y lso leal ia itn lo esikonzs ah an tu h a k it i lap a C le rm o n t

Kings’ Road, Clermont Township, New Germany, Durbin. Natal.

________________________ .!• N . N T S IB - X . M a n a g in g D ire c to r

The Native Urban Areas Act Deputation, 1923Led by J . T . Gomede

J. T. T. M. MapikeU R. V. Mope Them. 3 M. Bennett Ncwana


You m ay never ow n a m oto r c a r to yo u r best advan tage, bu t to kno w how to d r iv e la one o f the best investm ents.

W h y w as te yo u r tim e on u n re m u n era tiv e jobs and w o rk under h u m ilia tin g con d ltlon .A t a low fee you can becom e a qu a lif ied m oto r d r iv e r .

No. 1, Von Weilligh St.JO H A N N E S B U R G .

Managing Director A. M. Malatii.

Great War Peace Deputation, 1914— 18.Lad by S o l T . Plaatjie

K. V. T W j T. Ginned. _ t . T. 5* T. P I- , * .H. Ngcayiya

Page 11: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

S O U T H A P R I C A A P R I C A IT F O O T B A L L . A S S 0 C I A I I 0 IT.R E V E N U E A

IlnSzs E X P E S 3 I T U R E A C C 0 U S T.

For t h e p e r io d 1 s t AUGUST 1943 t o 3 1 s t MAY. 1945 .F a r e s : Teams 423 7 11 Gate T akings 1070 5 3F a r e s : O f f i c i a l s , R e f e r e e s , D e l e g a t e s . 98 1 6 R efunds : T ra in F a r e s 32 18 10A l lo w a n c e s : Teams and O f f i c i a l s 9 13 6 D o n a t i o n s 8 9 8P u b l i c i t y , A d v e r t i s e m e n t and B i l l s 90 10 8 A f f i l i a t i o n s 1 1 -

C a t e r i n g f o r Teems and O f f i c i a l s 88 4 3 Sub s c r i p t i o n s 21 - -

A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 72 11' - N a t a l C r i c k e t A s s o c i a t i o n 44 -N e t a l C r i c k e t A s s o c i a t i o n : 25$ 44 - - A pp ea l Fee 5 5 -L oudspeakers ; H ire o f Equipment 17 3 -

Wages : S tew ards and P o l i c e 13 13 10H i r e o f B a l l s and Grounds 10 9 6S t a t i o n e r y , P o s t a g e s & Bank Charges 9 4 7S u n d r ie s 11 19 -

EXCESS OP REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE 289 1 _f o r th e p e r io d 1 . 8 . 4 3 t o 3 1 . 5 . 4 5

Page 12: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

1 «

| ■;< \ ■ S O U T H A F R I C A fl F R 1C A -N

V L A IT C EAo AT 3 lb'I

ACCUMULATED FUNDB a la n c e as a t 1 . 8 . 4 3 92 9 11ADD: I n t e r e s t 5 10 95 19 11Sav in g s Bank

EXCESS of Revenue over E x p e n d i t u r e 289 1- f o r t h e p e r i o d 1 .8 .43" t o 3 1 . 5 . 4 5r">U -----------

^ £385 - 11

><Lr. We c e r t i f y t h a t we h s v e exesi ined t h e books , a c c o u n t s anGIn our o p i n i o n th e above B a la n c e S h e e t end Revenue and t h e t r u e and c o r r e c t p o s i t i o n o f t h e f i n a n c i a l a f f a i r s

Sgd. R .T .i ls imang Sgd. D .R . TwalaBOOKKEEPER S?"RETARY


S H E E__ T^:.1hY. 1945.

CASH a t Bank 385 - 11(Motor-To-wn S a v in g s Bank o f t h e Standard Bank ( S . a ) L im i t e d .JOHANNESBURG.

£ 385 - 11

v o u c h e r s o f t h e South A f r i c a A f r i c a n F o o t b a l l A s s o c i a t i o n . E x p e n d i t u r e Account i s p r o p e r l y drawn up so a s t o e x h i b i t of t h e a s s o c i a t i o n as a t 3 1 s t li-cy, 1 9 4 5 .

...(Signed) R.G. Baloyi TREASURER

Page 13: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees




PRESENT: Mr. J. D. Rhelnallt Jones (in the Chair), Councillor AImmink (Hon. Treas.), Major H. S. Cooke, Mr. J. de Kook,Mr. J. Lewin, Professor I. D, MaoCrone, Mss L. M. MoKenzie, Miss E. Meyer, Mrs. Dora Phillips, Mr. J. R. Rathebe, Mr.W. R. Slater, Miss H. Troughton, Mr. L. I. Venables, Profes­sor Tr* Williams, and the Director.

The Chairman welcomed Miss McKenzie and Mrs. I. Havemann, the latter having joined the permanent staff of the School. Miss K„ Sutherland was, introduced to the Committee as the School Secretary.

APOLOGIES: These were received from Ven. Arohdeacon R. P. Y Rouse and Professor J. L. Gray,

MINUTES: Having beep oiroulated to members, these were taken as read and confirmed.Arising from the Minutes, the Director reported that plans were going forward as rapidly as- possible for the extension of the Sohool course to three years. Disoussions had taken place with Mr. Venables regarding accommodation for the School in a large building to be erected by the Municipality adjacent to the Bantu Men’s Social Centre. The new course in office administration had been held up pending the conclusion of several short-term courses which had completely filled the Time-table.

REPORT ON WORK OF SCHOOL: The Director reported that the work of the ' ScffooT'was proceeding satisfactorily. The student body now

consisted of 27 first-year; 15 second-year, and 1 third-year students. The staff was efficiently at work. He mentioned as deserving of special thanks the voluntary sorvices provided the School by the Municipal Departments of Non-European Affairs and of Public Health.

Sohool students, in their free time, were rendering ser­vice through various organisations. A short summary of these services is as follows:

Organlsatlons Sjtudents engaged.Non-European Hospital Library . Orlando Vocational Sohool . . . Auckland Park Detention House,Orlando Lads' Hostel, .......Child Welfare Creche, Orlando, Demobilisation Committee, . . . Y.M.C.A. Huts in Military Camps, Transvaal Assn. of Girls' Clubs:

Pimville, . . . . . . . 1Alexandra Township, . . 2 Orlando, . . . . . . . 2Crown Reef,....... .2Sophiatown,......... 1Helping Hand Club, . . 2 Howard Pim (Coloured) . 1 Benonl, . . . . . . . . 1Western N, Township, _JL .

Wayfarers and Torohbearors:Newclare, Orlando,.Brakpan,

Transvaal Assn. of Boys •' Clubs: Orlando, . . . . . . . 7Western N. Township , . 2 Central, . . . . . . . 2Sophiatown, Coronation, Vredodorp, . . . . . 3 .




Page 14: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

Bantu Men's Sooial centre, Assistants to Secretary, . . . 4In addition,the students had organised and carried through the Annual Transvaal Inter-High School Athletio Sports Competition on June 2nd. This had been very successful, nine High Sohools taking part.The Director also reported on the work of the graduates of the 1944 class. All but one (Miss Molotto, who was considering several posts) were at work. Special and favourable reports had been received of the work of Mr. and Mrs. B. Masekela, of the Modderfontein Dynamite Factory: Mr. Duma, probation officer with the Dept, of Sooial Welfare; Mr. Mlonyeni, with the Blind Association; Mr. Kotsi at Alexandra Township, and Mr. Nomvete, at Umtata.Four new bursaries had been offered to the School by various Rotary Clubs which were interested in training workers for ser­vice among Non-European blind,

FINANCE; The Hon. Treasurer (Mayor Immink) presented the Financial state- ment to December 31st, 1944 (attached hereto). The balance of Expenditure over Revenue for the year was £400.19.5, which reduced the Accumulated Funds to £577.10.8, Increased grants for the ourrent year of £500 by the Union Department of Native Affairs and of £500 by the Municipal Department of Social Welfare, with an in­crease of student assistance, would probably cover the increased expenditure caused by extension of course to three years. The Cash Income, as at June 4th, 1945, stood as follows:

Grants from City Council of Johannesburg . . £ 500 Native Affairs Department, . . . . . . . . . 2500Sundry Donations and Payments for Students . 465

Total...........................£ 3465

Cash in bank,..........................£ 3,099. 6. 6

It was decided, on the Hon. Treasurer’s recommendation, to plaoe £1,000 on fixed deposit. It was furthermore aggeed that capital expenditure of £102.8.9 for furniture and eaulpment, as authorisedby the School Committee and detailed below, "be confirmed:

Messrs. Ceen & Riohards, ....... . . . . . £ 20. 2. 3Ditto....................... 22. 8. 6

Messrs. W. F. Johnstone & Co.............. 49.18, 0Y.M.C.A. War Work Council,............... 10. 0. 0

Total, ........................ £102. 8. 9

LEAVE FOR DIRECTOR: The Chairman reported that several considerations made It seem desirable that the Director be granted leave for six months to proceed to the United States. " After discussion,it was agreed that the Chairman go fully into the matter with the Director and Mrs. Phillips and make the necessary arrangements.

TRANSPORTSUPERVISOR FIELD WORK: The Director reported that the Super- visor of the field work of the students, Mrs. Havemann, urgently required a motor car to enable her to reach the Townships and other districts in which students were at work. Some little in­vestigation had revealed that suitable cars were available and oould probably be obtained for this purpose. After discussion, a Committee composed of the Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, and Director, were empowered to go into the matter with power to aot.The meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.


Page 15: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

* .



BALANCE SHEET ^ _ 31st _ DECEMBER^ __ .1944.


ACCUMULATED FUNDS: m UIPMENT: 312. 8. 7Loss Depreciation 78. 2, 2 234. 6. 5

Balanoo as pci* BalaneeSheet for year ended STUDENTS’ LOANSDecember 31st, 1943, 978.10* 1Less Exoess of Expen- "fff uro over Income for year ended Decem­ber 31st, 1944.


400.19. 5

Advanced 1941/42 215. 8. 6 Advanced 1943/44 179. 0. 4 394. 8.10CASH:On Fixed Deposit

577.10. 8 Rand ProvidentBuilding Sooiety

3,500. 0. 0 ...... 2,575. 0. 0In Bank, .... 1,442.10. 0

¥,017.10. 0373. 2. 7 195.12. 0

£ 4,646. 5. 3 £ 4,646. 5. 3

J. D. Rheinallt Jones, Chairman, Ray E. Phillips, pp. Secretary.

To the Patrons and Members,Jan H. Hofmeyr School of Social Work,JOHANNESBURG.

vie have audited the Balance Sheet of the Jan H. Hofmeyr School of Social Work dated 31st, December, 1944, above set forth, and have ob­tained all the information and explanations we have required. In our opinion the Balanoe Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct statement of the affairs of the Sohool at 31st. December, 1944, and as shewn by the books *

F. Jennings & Co.,Honorary Auditors.

65/68 Prudential Assnranoe Building,Q O TP o ' Y’ Q f Y i p p f ,

JOHANNESBURG. ’ 29th May, 1945.

Page 16: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees



TRAVELLING EXPENSES : Director. TUITION FEES;Ordinary.Physical Education.

STUDENTS* EXPENSES:Grants.Meals.Board and Lodging.Membership Subs: B .15.S. C .Bad Debts.Work Scholarships.Travelling Expenses.

CLASS MATERIALS:DEPRECIATION:GENilRAL EXPENSES:Accounting Fees.Telephone and Stamps.Bank" Charges.Stationery.Advertising.Sundries.Rent.



BALANCE being deficit on running of school.£

BY GRANTS:Union Department of Native Affairs. 2,000. 0. 0Johannesburg City Council. 750. 0. 0Department of Education. _ 100. 0. 0Balance being excess of Expenditure over Revenue.


670,,19. 0400,. o. 0

379 .13 10236 . 2., 3220 .12., 210.10., 044 . 0., 0425.17.,2)081 .13.,10

24. 0. 053. 4. 13. 2. 131.12. 611.16. 988.14. 038. 5. 0

ECEMBER, 1944.

944. 8. 4 133. 6. 8

1,070.19. 0

1,398. 9.11 268. 4. 0 78. 3. 2

250.14. 5 4,194. 4. 6

210. a. 0179.10. 0478.15. 175. 0, 0

3,250.19. 54,194. 4. 6

2,850. 0. 0400.19. 5

3,250.19. 5

Page 17: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

■ft* :«* * *

• ■•,--? * ■' *> if ui

*m : &<!*•*»'

Page 18: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

i. a c c u u jla t s j run as 51 . 16? U 0 1. U l t t C M I I I

Selene# jotfc June, I9U3: (a ) lfg.OOO Klaasm* Lim ited Share*

-Jonaldson fond 25.000 0 0 at par ra in * U?,OUO 0 0

Senere! fund .1M 0 0 (b ) Sarins? Bank C e rt if ic a te * boo 0 0

Msl>• » ?5 , 7<^ 0 0 (o ) 0. haerboff - Loan *ecared by lo t tfort«a*e

e lth ln te re * t accrued *1? 6 8(* ) Donaldson fund!

Soaatloa by Coloaal J . doaaldaon t # t fviUOof dhare* la klne»«* Lim ited * A «

la tern** o f Deed o f Donation ?5.000 0 0i). fc’ ftiskulu

P r o f it oa Bale o f Blnense* L le lte dShare* ?1? it 0

(b ) Oth*r Uonatton*:111. OBABf FAIO IK &JJ¥A»Ct

Boo. J .1 . I:of»ayr (p a id la to General IOC 0 0Bathan Oor ton ( %etate) P,nd' lo o 0 0 I f . CA8B

Batal C o ll l « r r Owners .... 50 0 c At Banker* 9,683 H 2

• Poet O ffic e Saelar* Bants Account 199 10 0C,HJ1TD»8 7UU * 3

Loan at C a ll - Colonel J . Donaldson(a ) foundry C red ito r* U 8 3 . 8 ettb In te re st acsrued u a u u a .

<b) Unpaid 3rant* - Uonaldeon fond 7¥> 0 0 r

I i I . MTyuJK A»u Sff.l&UlfflBp ACC COM TS

(a ) «fenall*on fundi

Balance )Cth June, 19U3 35 15 10Add: 1MM«» of R*T*mi* oeer Brpandltura

fo r the year 1 .U18 12 0

1,1*5** 7 10( b} <J*n*ral funds

S*c*»* of «<,,T»nu# oeer Sjrpenditare fo r the year -S.JLJL

*53.3*9 3 10

U3,?i3 6 8

15 0 0

250 C 9

«9f*Q0 17 2

*53 . 3*9 3 10

K0*W 0 F U A»U BABOT U fa -lE lU lia K ft ’

X bar* exa* inert the «hOT» Balance Sheet with the book* an i roueherw of the Bantu i el fe re fra * t end beve obtained i l l the Inform ation and explanations 1 boro req u ired , a* A uditor. 1 have « « t l* f l* l myeelf o f tbe existence o f the S e c a rlt le * . In my opinion the ahoee Balance Sheet 41 *-1 ey* a tru e and co rrect view o f the *t*te o f a f f a ir * o f the Tract at 3°tk June. 1<^*«, acoordtiur to the b««t o f my In fo w n tlo n sad the explonp.tlone rle e n to me -»nd a* sheen by the book*.

JOSAMaBSfiqaa. Uth Jane, 19»»5 B .L. CUU.I**.

M i l .

Page 19: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees


Head Office: at theUniversity of the Witwatersrand,Milner Park.

In reply please quote : J 3

Dr. A.B. Xuma, 104, End Street, Doornfontein,J 0.HAJ.M mESBURG.


Telephone: 44-3781. Telegrams: XJbuntu.

i>d • r

r yf


Dear Sir,The Penal Reform Committee has &sked me to thank you

for your kind consent to speak in the discussion on "Best Methods of Prevention of Crime" at the Penal reform Conference on 25-26 June.

lours faithfully,, - r

Jean Schreinera s s i s t a n t s e c r e t a r y;


Page 20: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

/I „ J >Nta6ethemba,


Dear President,Enclosed please find a copy of the letter from the Non-

European Unity Movement. Please let me know what to say in reply,I am afraid the dates are impossible as far as I am

concerned for they clash with the Cape Conference. Anyway we must give them an Official reply.I shall await your instructions. Please los a treat this

matter as urgent as possible. Please give me dates and versue of the National Executive.Xours for Africa, ~

. . . . • •


Page 21: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

/K*- 4 ^0 6 o6 (r

THE BANTU WORLDPrinted and Published by

The Bantu World (Pty.) Ltd.

Subscription Rates:9s. For 12 months5s. „ 62s. 6d. „ 3

Special Rates fo r Agents : Full Details obtainable from

The Manager.



Minimum 2s. 6d. Prepaid

SOUTH AFRICA’S ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPERDirectors: B. G. Paver, P. U. Rissik, C. O .’C. Maggs,


Associated with the Bantu Press (Pty.) Ltd.

TELEPHONE NO. 35-4061/2.



6th June, 19 5*

Dr. A. B. Xuma, 10 , End Street, JOHANNESBURG.

Dear Sir,We are attaching for your attention

letters and money received from the following in connection with the publication "African Claims":

A.M. Nttoedlbe,P.O. Ramokoksstad. l/3a

J. Haskins & Sons, -Francistown. l/3&«

Might we suggest that you insert a small advertisement in the "Bantu World", advising the public where "African Claims" can be obtained..

Yours faithfully,BANTU WORLD (PTY) LIMITED. /


Page 22: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

Rev. J.A.Calata,73 Mofuking Str.,


P.O.Box 347S,Cape Town.

31st Kay, 1945.

Dear Sir,Rev. Z.R.Mahabatte,Chairman of the NON-EUROPEAN MOVEMENT has

summoned a meeting of the Central Executive Committee of thr above organisation for the 6th.-7th. July 1945. inclusive to be held in Johannesburg. In his let Iter calling this meeting he states " War in Europe is ove?$$. is advisable to hold a special meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Non-European Unity Movement.”

We feel that it ia very neaessary and important that theNnn- Suropeans present a unanimity of opinion, in these difficult times.

With this in view we are directed by the president to invite you and Dr. Xuma, President- General of the African National Congress to attend this meeting.

You wil be informed of the place in due course.Yopas faithfully,

S.A.Jayiya,Joint Secretaries.

Page 23: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

A~bK 4 W 6 0 fa

Ref. V C . ABX/ ARK.

P -h J u n e ,

Tip Manager,The Bantu World (Pty) Ltd. Syndlc« t e ,

P. 0 . Box 0663 ,») 0 iAii i &SBU Ru .

De- r S ' r ,

Re; Sa l e o f A f r l c ^ r r Cl "1 "tip B o o k l e t .

I F h n ll be p rp t* = fu l to h ve th e a p r end^d n o t i c e ln p e r t * d I n y o u r n ^w sp ^ p p rp t - r o u r h o u tSouth A f r i c a i n f o u r B u c re B el v c I b p u p p o p e*nh n e w p p a p er. Chr rp*=r f o r °arne ^ bp f o T‘*’a rd * d t o j -

The Hon. ^ r e r R u ^ r G e n e r a l,Af^-1 e »n Tfatlon*>l C-'inprePS.

" I f you ’•pnt A f i 'ic n n p C la in P by th e " A f r i c a n N a t io n a l C o n g r e s s ,"AP1 L Y : -

A f r lC '; n N a t io n a l C o n g r e s s , R o se n b e rg Arcade,

5 8 , M a r< e t S t r e e t ,JOiAN iSBURG.

"NOT The B a n tu W o rld . "

Y o u rs f a i t h f u l l y ,


Page 24: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

fc M 'Ret. 1/ N ^ 11 J,irie» ■ /^‘*"uix/ A RU.

Tie S or' 4r’-vTf''!*n ',r‘'1 ,

,\f*T-1 r-*r Fatlor^l r,onpres«%WN t 6 • to ®r’itor',

P . C. '"’ .P .

De* r S e c r e t a r y - G e n e r a l,

I am e n c lo s in g f o r y o u r in f o r m a t io n a co, y o f a l e t t e r I a d d r e s s e d to toe J o i n t J e c r e t a r i e s o f tn e N o n -iu ro p e fin U n it y Movement w n ico s p e a k s t o r I t s e l f .

v o u r r f o r A^r1 c ,

a b r r faP R F ^ I DFNT GEN"RAL.

Page 25: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

/ffcx- 4 Cflr

P e f. P / r . 9 tn J u n e , / ? / 5.A3<X/ AF14.

T^P J o i n t P,pf»rP tq r l PP ,]?on-E»j’'opp>*'n TTni tv Co’v ittee,

F . 0. Bo? 3*75,CAPL mC ’T.

D e a r b i r o ,

X have to ack n ow led ge , ^ i t i t ia n k p , r e c e i p t of your l e t t e r o f tht- 31s t u lt im o , i n v i t i n g me anu t i e c e c r e ta ry -G e n e r-T l o f t i e A f r ic a n N a t io n a l C o n g re s s to a t t e n d a me. tin,, o f ; 'ihc C e n t r ' l E x e c u t iv Com l i t te e of y o u r o r g a n is a t io n on th e 6 th - 7 th p ro x im o . S in c e we a r e not men be rp o f y o u r E x e c u t iv e i t P h a lt not be p o s s i b l e f o r u p to a t t e n d .

W is h in g yon e-^erv p u c ^ p p s .

Yourp f o r A f r i c a ,


Page 26: jsJlS^ - Historical Papers, Wits Universitythe Anti-Segregation Council of Natal to fill the vacancies left open on the Committee for the Indians. Two local Co-Ordinating Committees

Collection Number: AD843

XUMA, A.B., Papers


Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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