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Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 57 (2015) 20–26 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling j ourna l h om epa ge: Dissipative particle dynamics study on self-assembled platycodin structures: The potential biocarriers for drug delivery Xingxing Dai a,b,1 , Haiou Ding c,1 , Qianqian Yin d , Guang Wan d , Xinyuan Shi a,b,, Yanjiang Qiao a,b,a Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China b Key Laboratory of TCM-information Engineer of State Administration of TCM, Beijing 100102, China c Civil Aviation General Hospital, Beijing 100123, China d School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Accepted 6 January 2015 Available online 15 January 2015 Keywords: Biosurfactant Platycodin Dissipative particle dynamics Self-assembly Solubilization Biocarrier a b s t r a c t Platycodin, as a kind of plant based biosurfactants, are saponins which derived from the root of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC. It has been confirmed that platycodin have the potential to enhance the solubility of hydrophobic drugs and function as the drug carrier, which depends on their micellization over crit- ical micelle concentration (CMC) in aqueous solutions. With the purpose of investigating the effects of influencing factors on the micellization behavior of platycodin and obtaining the phase behavior details at a mesoscopic level, dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations method has been adopted in this study. The simulations reveal that a rich variety of aggregates morphologies will appear with changes of structure or the concentration of saponins, including spherical, ellipse and oblate micelles and vesicles, multilamellar vesicles (MLVs), multicompartment vesicles (MCMs), tubular and necklace- like micelle. They can be formed spontaneously from a randomly generated initial state and the result has been represented in the phase diagrams. Furthermore, deeper explorations have been done on the concentration-dependent structure variation of spherical vesicles as well as the formation mechanism of MLVs. This work provides insight into the solubilization system formed by platycodin, and may serve as guidance for further development and application in pharmaceutical field of platycodin and other saponins. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Saponin is one of the most commonly known plant based biosur- factants. Many of them have the ability to promote the solubility of insoluble drugs besides notable pharmacological activity [1–3], and thus have been proposed as safe and effective adjuvant to enhance the absorption of pharmacologically active components through solubilization in one compound [4,5]. Therefore, an increasing demand for natural products with both surfactant properties (such as emulsifying and solubilizing properties) and biological activities (including anticancer and anti-cholesterol effects) has promised saponins a bright future in successful expansion of commercial applications in the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical fields [6]. Corresponding authors at: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, 100102 China. Tel.: +86 10 84738621; fax: +86 10 84738661. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Shi), [email protected] (Y. Qiao). 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC (Campanulaceae) is a well-known traditional Chinese medicine used as an expectorant for pulmonary diseases and a remedy for respiratory disorders. Its main bioactive substance is platycodin, a kind of pentacyclic triterpene saponins which are comprised of a triterpene aglycone and two sugar chains: one chain links at C-3 of the triterpene aglycone part, the other links at C-28 [7]. This special triblock copolymer-like structure will lead to the self-assembly of saponins above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) in aqueous solutions. Simultaneously, some hydrophobic constituents could be enclosed in [8]. It may explain how these saponins can work as solubilizer in traditional Chi- nese medicine recipes and present their potential in functioning as biocarrier. It has been reported that sugar chains of platycodin have significant effects on their surfactivity [7], however, whether or how does this moiety influence the performance of platycodin working as solubilizer or biocarrier have not been mentioned. According to the architecture and concentration of copolymer, amphiphilic block copolymers can self-assemble into various mor- phologies, such as spheres, rods, vesicles, tubules, multilamellar 1093-3263/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Journal of Molecular Graphics and · 2016-01-06 · Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 57 (2015) 20–26 Contents

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Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 57 (2015) 20–26

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling

j ourna l h om epa ge: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /JMGM

issipative particle dynamics study on self-assembled platycodintructures: The potential biocarriers for drug delivery

ingxing Daia,b,1, Haiou Dingc,1, Qianqian Yind, Guang Wand,inyuan Shia,b,∗, Yanjiang Qiaoa,b,∗

Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, ChinaKey Laboratory of TCM-information Engineer of State Administration of TCM, Beijing 100102, ChinaCivil Aviation General Hospital, Beijing 100123, ChinaSchool of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:ccepted 6 January 2015vailable online 15 January 2015

eywords:iosurfactantlatycodinissipative particle dynamicself-assemblyolubilizationiocarrier

a b s t r a c t

Platycodin, as a kind of plant based biosurfactants, are saponins which derived from the root of Platycodongrandiflorum A. DC. It has been confirmed that platycodin have the potential to enhance the solubilityof hydrophobic drugs and function as the drug carrier, which depends on their micellization over crit-ical micelle concentration (CMC) in aqueous solutions. With the purpose of investigating the effectsof influencing factors on the micellization behavior of platycodin and obtaining the phase behaviordetails at a mesoscopic level, dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations method has been adoptedin this study. The simulations reveal that a rich variety of aggregates morphologies will appear withchanges of structure or the concentration of saponins, including spherical, ellipse and oblate micellesand vesicles, multilamellar vesicles (MLVs), multicompartment vesicles (MCMs), tubular and necklace-like micelle. They can be formed spontaneously from a randomly generated initial state and the result

has been represented in the phase diagrams. Furthermore, deeper explorations have been done on theconcentration-dependent structure variation of spherical vesicles as well as the formation mechanismof MLVs. This work provides insight into the solubilization system formed by platycodin, and may serveas guidance for further development and application in pharmaceutical field of platycodin and othersaponins.

© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

. Introduction

Saponin is one of the most commonly known plant based biosur-actants. Many of them have the ability to promote the solubility ofnsoluble drugs besides notable pharmacological activity [1–3], andhus have been proposed as safe and effective adjuvant to enhancehe absorption of pharmacologically active components througholubilization in one compound [4,5]. Therefore, an increasingemand for natural products with both surfactant properties (suchs emulsifying and solubilizing properties) and biological activities

including anticancer and anti-cholesterol effects) has promisedaponins a bright future in successful expansion of commercialpplications in the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical fields [6].

∗ Corresponding authors at: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, 100102 China.el.: +86 10 84738621; fax: +86 10 84738661.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Shi), [email protected] (Y. Qiao).1 These authors contributed equally to this work.

ttp://© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC (Campanulaceae) is a well-knowntraditional Chinese medicine used as an expectorant for pulmonarydiseases and a remedy for respiratory disorders. Its main bioactivesubstance is platycodin, a kind of pentacyclic triterpene saponinswhich are comprised of a triterpene aglycone and two sugar chains:one chain links at C-3 of the triterpene aglycone part, the otherlinks at C-28 [7]. This special triblock copolymer-like structure willlead to the self-assembly of saponins above the critical micelleconcentration (CMC) in aqueous solutions. Simultaneously, somehydrophobic constituents could be enclosed in [8]. It may explainhow these saponins can work as solubilizer in traditional Chi-nese medicine recipes and present their potential in functioningas biocarrier. It has been reported that sugar chains of platycodinhave significant effects on their surfactivity [7], however, whetheror how does this moiety influence the performance of platycodin

working as solubilizer or biocarrier have not been mentioned.

According to the architecture and concentration of copolymer,amphiphilic block copolymers can self-assemble into various mor-phologies, such as spheres, rods, vesicles, tubules, multilamellar

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Fig. 1. Chemical str

esicles (MLVs) and multicompartment vesicles (MCMs). And theseorphologies have significant impacts on their solubilization and

rug loading performances [9–13]. So do the saponins. However,here are few studies paying attention to the influences of structuren the morphologies formed by saponins either to the underlyingorming mechanisms of them.

Up to now, the self-assembly of saponins have been investigatedy numerous experimental techniques, including transmissionlectron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) ando on [8,14]. These experimental results show that saponins canelf-assemble to various morphologies, which are influenced byheir molecular structure, concentration and the solution envi-onment [15]. However, due to the limitations in both time andpatial scale, it is difficult to observe the details and visualize thevolution process of these morphologies directly at a molecularevel by experimental techniques. With the purpose of clarifyinghe structure-function relationship, dissipative particle dynamicsDPD) method was employed. DPD is an effective mesoscopic sim-lation technique and has been extensively employed in the studiesf self-assembly of amphiphile [16–21]. Recently, our team hasdopted this method in the research of saponins self-assemblynd solubilization and got a sequence of interesting findings8,14,22]. In this study, the self-assembly of saponins with sameydrophobic aglycon while different sugar chains in terms of theumber was studied to make a more comprehensive understand-

ng.What is more, further explorations were made on those impor-

ant micelles, such as vesicles and MLVs, which have been taken ashe ideal carriers in the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical fields.his work is organized as follow. In Section 2, we briefly outline thePD method, then, we describe model and simulation parameters

n detail. Section 3 contains result and discussion, including threespects: comparisons on the morphologies evolving with concen-ration of different saponins; concentration-dependent variationf vesicles formed by platycodin D (PD); forming process analysisf MLVs self-assembled by deapio-platycodin D (D-PD). Our finalonclusions are given in Section 4.

. Simulation method

.1. Description of DPD method

The DPD method has been explained extensively and in detailslsewhere [23], so we only give a brief description here. DPDmployed Newton’s equation of motion to govern the time evolu-ion of a many-body system through numerical integration. Hence,

es of 6 platycodins.

at every time step, the set of positions and velocities (ri,vi) followsfrom the positions and velocities at earlier time.


dt= vi, mi


dt= fi (1)

For simplicity, the masses of all particles are set to 1 DPD unit [24],ri,vi, mi and fi denote the position vector, velocity, mass, and totalforce acting on particle i, respectively.

The sum fi between each pair of beads contains three parts: aharmonic conservative interaction force (FC

ij ), which is soft repul-

sion acting along the line of centers; a dissipative force (FDij ), which

represents the viscous drag between moving beads; and a randomforce (FR

ij), which maintains energy input into the system in opposi-

tion to the dissipation. The drag force (FDij ) and the random force (FR

ij)act as heat sink and source respectively, so their combined effect isa thermostat. All forces are short-range with a fixed cut-off radiusrc, which is usually chosen as the reduced unit of length rc = 1. Theyare given as follows:

fi =∑

j /= i(FC

ij + FDij + FR

ij) (2)

FCij =

{aij(1 − rij)rij (rij < 1)

0 (rij ≥ 1)(3)

FDij == −�wD(rij)(rij · vij)rij (4)

FRij == �wR(rij)�ij


rij (5)

Here, aij is a maximum repulsion between particle i and particle j;rij = ri − rj, rij = |rij|, rij = rij/|rij|; � is the dissipation strength;� is the noise strength; wD and wR are r-dependent weight functionsvanishing for r > 1; �ij is a random number with zero mean and unitvariance, and �t is the time step of the simulation.

2.2. Model, parameters and simulation conditions

The platycodins that have been taken into consideration in thisstudy include deapio-platycodin D (D-PD), deapio-platycodin D3(D-PD3), platycodin G1 (PG1), platycodin D (PD), platycodin D3(PD3), and platycodin E (PE). Their chemical structures are shown inFig. 1. These saponins contain same hydrophobic pentacyclic triter-

penoid aglycone, but different number of hydrophilic sugars in twosugar chains: a links at C-3 and b links at C-28 of the triterpeneaglycone part. Taking the ring-like structure as a unit, the molec-ular structure of platycodin is divided into three types of particles
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Table 1Repulsion parameters aij used in DPD simulations.


G 25.00A 32.92 25.0

ig. 2. Chemical structures and coarse-grained models of platycodin and water. (a)oarse grained details of platycodin D; (b) the platycodin; (c) water.

ccording to the polarity of atoms group they present. The ring-ike structures in the aglycone linked with sugar chain are taken asead A, and the others in the aglycone are named as bead B. Becausehere is no significant difference between different sugars in solu-ility parameter, all kinds of sugar molecules are marked as oneind of bead G (representing glucose) to focus the research targetn the influence of the number of sugar and to expand the applica-ility of the study at the same time (see Section S1 in supplementalaterial). The order of the polarity is G > A > B. The solvent water

articles are represented by bead W [23]. Simple coarse-grainedodels of the components used in this study are shown in Fig. 2.For calculating conservation force, Groot and Warren [23,24]

ave made a link between the repulsive parameter (aij) andlory–Huggins parameters �ij. To maintain the compressibility ofater at room temperature, the repulsion parameter has to be cal-

ulated based on Eq. (6)

ij� = 75kBT (6)

n this equation kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the systememperature. The particle density � = 3 and kBT = 1 have been usedn this simulation. The values of repulsion parameters betweenifferent types of particles are related with the Flory–Hugginsarameters �ij linearly, shown as:

ij = aii + 3.5�ij (7)

he value of �ij can be obtained from Eq. (8)

ij = (ıi − ıj)2V


ere, V is the arithmetic average of molar volumes of beads i and j,i and ıj are the solubility parameters, which depend on the chem-cal nature of species and can be obtained through the molecularynamics (MD) simulation. In this study, solubility parameters arealculated using the Amorphous Cell module in Materials Studio.5 (Accelrys Inc., supported by CHEMCLOUDCOMPUTING) with theOMPASS force field. The repulsion parameters aij used in DPD arehown in Table 1.

Considering the simulation quality and computation efficiency,he three-dimensional periodic box of 20 × 20 × 20 r3

c (which wasroved enough to avoid the finite size in our pre-test (see Fig. S1

n supplemental material)) and the integration time step of 0.05tc

B 57.94 39.93 25.0W 42.16 72.24 99.07 25.0

are taken (rc and tc are DPD length and time unit respectively). Allthe simulations start from a randomly dispersed condition, and thetotal simulation involved 50,000 steps, which is long enough for thesimulation system to reach equilibrium (see Fig. S2 in supplementalmaterial). The spring constant is fixed at 4.0, which will ensurereasonable results in our study system [25].

The average volume of beads is 148 A3 here, and the numberdensity is (�r3

c = 3). Thus, a natural length scale in the simula-tions can be obtained: rc = 3√3 × 148 = 7.63 Å . The time unit tc =rc

√mc/kBT = 0.0054 ns where mc = 130 amu is the average mass

of beads [26,27]. Although the time and length of our simulationscould not quantitatively relate to the physical systems, it can stillprovide a great deal of useful qualitative information, which maypromote the understanding of the solubilization mechanism ofsaponin.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Comparison on morphologies evolving with concentration

In this section, we perform simulations to study theconcentration-dependent morphologies of the six saponins inaqueous solution with concentration ranged from 1.0 vol% to18.0 vol%. These saponins have the same hydrophobic portions, sothe differences in their phase separation behaviors and micellestructures in the equilibrium state will be simply contributed bytheir hydrophilic part, the sugar chains, which are comprised ofsame bead G here. For comparison, the simulation results havebeen presented in morphology diagrams in terms of the saponins’concentration (CP) and the ratio of the solvophilic bead G (RG).All the spontaneous aggregation processes start from a randomlydispersed system.

According to the difference in RG, the transformations of aggre-gation morphologies along with changing concentration of the sixsaponins present different rules. D-PD, D-PD3 and PD, whose RGis less than or equal to 0.5, at low concentration from 2.0 vol% to4.0 vol%, formed into spherical micelles (Fig. 3a), ellipse micelles(Fig. 3b) except for D-PD and oblate micelles (Fig. 3c) in sequence.With CP increasing, both D-PD and PD form into semivesicles(Fig. 3d and e) and spherical vesicles (Fig. 3f). PD, with one moresugar in chain b than D-PD, shows wider concentration span inevery phase than D-PD, especially the spherical vesicles phasewhich lasts from 10.0 vol% to 18.0 vol%. Whereas before the phaseof spherical vesicles, D-PD3 forms into the basket-shaped MCMs.After the spherical vesicles phase, the ellipse vesicles (Fig. 3g) andoblate vesicles (Fig. 3h) successively appeared both in D-PD and D-PD3’s array. And these morphologies, including spherical vesicles,ellipse vesicles and oblate vesicles of these two saponins almosthave the same concentration intervals. D-PD3, also with one moresugar than D-PD in chain A, shows a delay in every concentrationpoint of phase transitions. When Cp increase to 16.0 vol%, D-PDforms into MLVs (Fig. 3i). Among these saponins, only D-PD has thismorphology within or even beyond the concentration range inves-

tigated here. This finding is similar to what Harris has reported,that surfactant with shorter solvophilic chains favor the formationof MLVS for a given solvophobic chains length [28]. The detailed
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Fig. 3. Morphology diagram of platycodins in aqueous solution in terms of ratio of the solvophilic bead G (RG) and the saponins’ concentration (CP ). The same symbolsrepresent similar morphologies, and the different background colors refer to that there are differences in these similar morphologies. Representative snapshots of the micellemorphologies are shown. The labels in the snapshots correspond to (a) spherical micelles, (b) ellipse micelles, (c) oblate micelles, (d, e) semivesicles, (f) spherical vesicles,(g) ellipse vesicles, (h) oblate vesicles, (i) multilamellar vesicles (MLVs), (j) tubules, (k) necklace-like micelle, (l) basket-shaped MCMs, (m) tee shaped MCMs, (n) tetrahedronshaped MCMs. For clarity, structure of (a), (b) and (c) are shown in overall views and section views; morphologies of (d)–(i) are demonstrated by middle section viewsa by tws profii to the



nd views of middle slice of bead G’s skeleton; structures of (j) and (k) are statedtructure from (l) to (n) are separately represented by the frame of bead A, B and thenterpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred

orming process of MLVs will be shown in Section 3.3. At 18.0 vol%,ubules (Fig. 3j) appeared both for D-PD and D-PD3.

PD3, PG1 and PE, whose RG is larger than 0.5, also share thepherical micelles – ellipse micelles – oblate micelles stage at lowoncentration. While beyond the concentration of oblate micelles,hey represent a novel morphology map. It is comprised of MCMsith various architectures, such as basket-shape (two holes dis-

ributioned amesiality), tee shape (three holes with a symmetricalrrangement) and tetrahedron shape (four holes with a symmetri-al arrangement) in terms of the solvophobic profile constructed byead A and B. These hydrophobic shell are both coated and filled byhe hydrophilic bead G. Meanwhile, the inner bead G connect withuter ones through the holes on the hydrophobic shell as showedn Fig. 3l–n. PD3 and PG1 have the same RG, and their dominant

orphologies are basket-shaped and tee shaped MCMs. With CP

ncreasing, the aggregates change in a “basket-shape-tee shape-asket-shape” order. At 18.0 vol%, necklace-like micelles (Fig. 3k)nd oblate vesicles respectively appear for PD3 and PG1. In terms

f PE, whose RG is the biggest, its morphology array is almost occu-ied by the tetrahedron shaped MCMs from 10.0 vol% to 16.0 vol%,he tee shaped MCMs appear at both sides for 8.0 vol%, 9.0 vol% and7.0 vol%, 18.0 vol%.

o section views which are perpendicular to and parallel to the axis respectively;le of bead G. Color scheme in the snapshots: G (yellow), A (blue) and B (roseo). (For

web version of this article.)

At low concentration, almost all these saponins have thethree-step morphology transformation: spherical micelles – ellipsemicelles – oblate micelles. Obviously, an increase in RG will resultin the expansion of concentration range of oblate micelles. It is con-firmed that an oblate micelles is an important intermediate stateto form vesicles, which will minimize the hydrophobic interac-tion energy on the borders of oblate micelles. When the size ofthe amphiphiles is not the same, the number of amphiphiles toform a vesicle is different. It is observed that larger amphiphilesshow slow dynamics and demands a large number of molecules forvesicle formation [29] which is consistent nicely with our result.With CP increasing, saponins with smaller RG prefer the struc-tures like spherical vesicles, ellipse vesicles and oblate vesicles,which possess an intact hydrophobic shell, whereas saponins withlarger RG favor the formation of MCMs, which have the separatedhydrophobic part. The more sugars saponin contains the more com-partments the formed vesicles have. Here, PD and D-PD3, PD3 andPG1, both groups are comprised of two saponins with the same RG

while different allocation of bead G in the two sugar chains. At lowconcentration, they have the same behavior. With CP increasing,however, the differences in their aggregate performance turn upand mainly are reflected in three aspects: the morphologies, the
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Fig. 4. Concentration-dependent diameters variation of PD vesicles. (a) View of middle slice of bead G’s skeleton, (b) diameter of inner hydrophilic core, (c) diameter ofvesicle, (d) ratio of diameter of inner hydrophilic core to diameter of vesicle.






ig. 5. Concentration-dependent end-to-end distance variation of PD vesicles.

oncentration interval of same morphology, and the concentrationt which the same morphology formed.

What can be concluded from the simulation results is that bothhe hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratio and the sugars’ allocation inhe two sugar chains have large effects on the morphologies ofaponins. By changing these factors, morphologies can be tuned.urthermore, the various structures of micelles identified in thisork indicate that saponins can also provide complicated struc-

ures and may contribute more choices in drug delivery system.

.2. Concentration-dependent structural variation of sphericalesicles

In Section 3.1, the structure and concentration-dependentorphology were investigated, a conclusion can be drawn that

pherical vesicles are staple morphology of D-PD, D-PD3 and PDt relative higher concentrations. The core-shell-corona structures

f these spherical vesicles enable them not only to load hydropho-ic drugs but also to carry the hydrosoluble ones. So it is requisiteo operate deeper researches on them. Because the vesicles mor-hology of these saponins share the same variation process with

Fig. 6. Section views of PD vesicles and their schematic drawings. (a) 10.0 vol%, (b)18.0 vol%.

concentration increasing, and PD is dominant in platycodin in termsof its content and pharmacological activity. So, we choose PD as anexample to give some further explanations here. With concentra-tion increasing, the diameter of vesicle hydrophilic core graduallyincreases till 16.0 vol%, and then it changes slightly (Fig. 4b) whilethe diameter of vesicle rises linearly (Fig. 4c). Fig. 4d shows thechange in ratio of diameter of inner hydrophilic core to diameter ofvesicle with concentration increasing. From 10.0 vol% to 16.0 vol%,it rises lineally and reaches its max maximum at 16.0 vol%, after thatit declines. This indicates that the loading capacity of hydrophilicdrugs in vesicles changes with variation of concentration and it has

a limitation.

End-to-end distance is a concept derived from polymers whichdescribes the degree of curliness in polymer chain [30], definedas the distance between one end of the polymer chain and the

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Fig. 7. Snapshots of MLVs forming process.

stem p




Fig. 8. End-to-end distance and sy

ther. Here we adopt it to account for the changes of structuref PD molecules in vesicles. As shown in Fig. 5, the end-to-endistance shows a stepwise growth with concentration increasing,nd it changes slightly from 16.0 vol% to 18.0 vol%. That indi-ates the PD molecules become more and more stretched withhe increase in concentration until 16.0 vol%. After that, the PD

olecules mainly retain their structures at this scale. Further studyn the arrangement of PD molecules showed that, PD moleculesad three different ways to locate inside the vesicle (Fig. 6). Onerrange along the corona, one surround the core, and the othercross the shell, leaving its beads G in core or corona. With theise of concentration, the volume of both vesicles and hydrophilicore area enlarged with the molecules gradually stretched to theirxtreme length on the concentration from 16.0 vol% to 18.0 vol%.hat explained the growth tendency of end-to-end distance. Whenhe concentration is higher than 18.0 vol%, the vesicles enlargedn a one-dimensional radial direction limited by the length of the

olecules, and formed ellipsoidal vesicles as shown in Fig. 3.

.3. Forming process of multilamellar vesicles

Multilamellar vesicles show great potential as controlled-elease carrier for water-insoluble pharmaceutical and personalare products. Compared to unilamellar vesicles, these struc-ures have a much larger hydrophobic volume for encapsulatingydrophobic agents [29]. In recent years, many researches on theynthesis and characterization of MLVs have been done. Almostll of them are obtained by self-assembly of synthetic surfactants31–39]; there is no report about the MLVs formed by saponinset. Due to the limitation in experiment method, the forming pro-ess of MLVs has not been observed either. Thus this section will

ntroduce the forming process of D-PD MLVS in purpose of provid-ng some references in the fabrication of MLVs. The process andhe corresponding change of end-to-end distance and system pres-ure are demonstrated in Figs. 7 and 8. The process of spontaneous

ressure of MLVs forming process.

aggregation starts from a randomly dispersed system. At 3500 timesteps, the saponin molecules gather into micelles and semivesicles.With time going on, the aggregates gradually fuse together, at 9400time steps, there exist only one oblate vesicle and a small sphericalmicelle in the system. This process results in the enlarged volumeof aggregation. Additionally, the saponin molecules become morestretched when the oblate vesicles form. Therefore, the end-to-enddistance increases and the system pressure drops down. At 17,300time steps, the merger happens. Because of the instability of thenewly formed morphology, the hydrophobic shell begins to pit anda bud forms in order to reduce the interface energy and recover toa sphere. The bud becomes bigger at 17,600 time steps and thendetaches from the shell at 18,500 time steps. In the meantime, thenew hydrophobic core forms, and the former hydrophilic core turnsto a hydrophilic shell and the MLVs take shape. During the pittingprocess, the end-to-end distance is decreased because moleculesin the pitting direction are compressed. After that, the compressedmolecules gradually diffuse and stretch within the MLVs to reachits equilibrium stage. The system pressure also has little changesthen.

4. Conclusion

In this work, DPD simulation method is adopted, which can offervaluable microscopic insights and give a preview of phenomenaprior to future experimental studies on the aggregation. The sim-ulations show that the structure of sugar chain has great effectson the aggregation morphologies of platycodin. Saponins that havefewer sugars favor the formation of vesicles while the sugar-richsaponins tend to form as MCMs. With the changes of the struc-ture or the concentration of saponins, a rich variety of aggregates

would appear, including spherical, ellipse and oblate micelles, vesi-cles, multilamellar vesicles (MLVs), multicompartment vesicles(MCMs), tubular and necklace-like micelle. To our knowledge, thereis little research on the morphologies of saponin aggregates, and
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nly spherical, wormlike micelles and spherical vesicles have beenbserved previously [8,40,41].

Vesicles and MLVs have been taken as the ideal carriers in phar-aceutical fields. Deeper explorations have been done on spherical

esicles, which reveals that not only the size and the inner ratio ofesicles will be changed with the growth in concentration. In addi-ion, the arrangement of saponin molecules in vesicles will alsodjust correspondingly. Furthermore, the formation mechanism ofLVs has been illustrated, which can be seen as an inside-toward

ssion process.With the increasing concern for the natural product, saponins

how greater potential in the field of pharmaceutics. Our simulationesults enrich the knowledge of the self-assembly morphologiesf saponins. It also indicates that saponins have great applicationotential in solubilization and biocarrier system.


This work was financially supported by the National Natural Sci-nce Foundation of China (81073058), the National Natural Scienceoundation of China (81473364) and the New Century Excellentalents Program of the Ministry of Education (NCET-12-0803).

ppendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can beound, in the online version, at


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