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2050-750X(2013)1:34;1-S ISSN 2050-750X Materials for biology and medicine Journal of Materials Chemistry B Volume 1 | Number 34 | 14 September 2013 | Pages 4191–4350 PAPER Ali Khademhosseini, Marco Rolandi et al. Chitin nanofiber micropatterned flexible substrates for tissue engineering

Journ oal f Materials Chemistry

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ISSN 2050-750X

Materials for biology and medicine

Journal ofMaterials Chemistry Volume 1 | Number 34 | 14 September 2013 | Pages 4191–4350

PAPERAli Khademhosseini, Marco Rolandi et al.Chitin nanofi ber micropatterned fl exible substrates for tissue engineering

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aDepartment of Materials Science and Engin

WA, 98195, USA. E-mail: [email protected] for Biomedical Engineering, Departm

Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,

harvard.educHarvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences an

Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USAdWyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Eng

02115, USA

† Electronic supplementary informa10.1039/c3tb20782j

‡ These authors contributed equally to th

Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1,4217

Received 3rd June 2013Accepted 8th July 2013

DOI: 10.1039/c3tb20782j

This journal is ª The Royal Society of

Chitin nanofiber micropatterned flexible substrates fortissue engineering†

Pegah Hassanzadeh,‡a Mahshid Kharaziha,‡bc Mehdi Nikkhah,bc Su Ryon Shin,bcd

Jungho Jin,a Simeiqi He,a Wei Sun,a Chao Zhong,a Mehmet R. Dokmeci,bcd

Ali Khademhosseini*bcd and Marco Rolandi*a

Engineered tissues require enhanced organization of cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) for proper

function. To promote cell organization, substrates with controlled micro- and nanopatterns have been

developed as supports for cell growth, and to induce cellular elongation and orientation via contact

guidance. Micropatterned ultra-thin biodegradable substrates are desirable for implantation in the host

tissue. These substrates, however, need to be mechanically robust to provide substantial support for the

generation of new tissues, to be easily retrievable, and to maintain proper handling characteristics. Here,

we introduce ultra-thin (<10 mm), self-assembled chitin nanofiber substrates micropatterned by replica

molding for engineering cell sheets. These substrates are biodegradable, mechanically strong, yet

flexible, and can be easily manipulated into the desired shape. As a proof-of-concept, fibroblast cell

attachment, proliferation, elongation, and alignment were studied on the developed substrates with

different pattern dimensions. On the optimized substrates, the majority of the cells aligned (<10�) alongthe major axis of micropatterned features. With the ease of fabrication and mechanical robustness, the

substrates presented herein can be utilized as a versatile system for the engineering and delivery of

ordered tissue in applications such as myocardial repair.


Engineered tissues require enhanced organization of cells andthe extracellular matrix (ECM) for proper function.1–3 The cellsreorganize according to the interaction with the ECM based ontopography and mechanical properties such as matrix stiffness,elasticity, and viscosity.4 Alignment of ECM molecules andconcentration gradients of immobilized growth factors also playa crucial role in cellular organization.3 To promote cellularorganization, substrates with controlled micro- and nano-patterns have been developed as supports for cell growth, and toinduce cellular elongation and orientation via contact guidancein engineered tissues.5–11 These substrates produce highlyordered and functional cell-sheets that may be detached from

eering, University of Washington, Seattle,

ent of Medicine, Brigham and Women's

MA 02115, USA. E-mail: [email protected].

d Technology, Massachusetts Institute of

ineering, Harvard University, Boston, MA

tion (ESI) available. See DOI:

is work.

Chemistry 2013

the substrate for delivery to the host tissue via enzymaticdegradation or thermal stimulus.12–17 Delivery of the engineeredcell-sheets oen occurs with a support platform because free-standing cell sheets are mechanically weak and difficult tohandle.18 An alternate approach is to create cell-sheets on ultra-thin biodegradable substrates that are implanted in the hosttissue. These substrates need to be thin and exible forconformal contact to the tissue of choice and robust for the easeof handling.19 Robustness of the substrate is particularlyimportant in myocardial tissue repair.16,17 During this repair,the cell carrying substrate is also required to restore themechanical properties of the damaged tissue while the newtissue is growing. To fabricate robust biodegradable substrates,structural biopolymers such as collagen, chitin, and chitosanare particularly appealing for their biocompatibility andmechanical strength.20–22 Specically, chitin and its deacety-lated derivative, chitosan, possess multiple advantages as tissueengineering substrates including nontoxicity, cytocompati-bility, and tunable biodegradability.20,23–28 In addition, the 3-Dassembly of nanobrous structures with chitin and chitosan isknown to mimic the natural ECM and promote cell attachmentand spreading ability.29 While chitin nanobers already exist innature, chitosan nanobers are typically produced by electro-spinning.30–32 Electrospinning is difficult to couple with micro-and nanofabrication to yield micropatterned substrates.However, chitosan nanobers have found broader use than

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Fig. 1 Chitin nanofiber-based micropatterned substrate fabrication process. (a)Chitin/HFIP solution (0.1% w/w) was poured on top of the (b) mold covered witha glass slide to create a supported substrate after drying overnight and substrateoptical image with the diffraction pattern. (c) Thicker films were obtained frommore concentrated solutions (0.2% w/w) to create free-standing substrates,which were robust and easy to handle. The optical image demonstrated thediffraction pattern on the free-standing chitin film.

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chitin due to chitin's intractability and insolubility in commonorganic solvents. We have previously demonstrated the self-assembly of ultrathin (3 nm) a-chitin nanobers from solution33

and the micro- and nanofabrication of self-assembled chitinnanober structures with so lithography strategies.34 Here, weutilize this facile and versatile approach to produce transparent,ultra-thin (<10 mm), mechanically robust, yet exible self-assembled chitin nanober micropatterned substrates fortissue engineering (Fig. 1). With these micropatternedsubstrates, we demonstrated cell sheets of aligned broblasts asa proof of concept. The supported cell sheets made in thismanner were mechanically robust and easy to handle, yet ex-ible and bendable in the shape of choice.

ExperimentalFabrication of chitin substrates

Substrates with micropatterns were fabricated using replicamolding from a “chitin nanober ink” as previously described.34

The chitin nanober ink was prepared by stirring an appro-priate amount of b-chitin squid extract (Industrial Research Ltd-New Zealand) in hexauoro-2-propanol (HFIP) (OakwoodProducts, Inc.) for one week under ambient conditions. Thestarting material had a degree of acetylation dened as n/(m + n)(Fig. 1a) of 84%. Two optical gratings (THORLABS) were used asmasters: GE2550-3263 Echelle Grating with 3.16 mm spacingand 63� blaze angle (G1) and a GE 2550-0875 Echelle Grating,12.66 mm, 75� blaze angle (G2). Replica molds were made withpolydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) from SYLGARD 184 (10% curingagent) and cured at 50 �C for 8 hours. The chitin nanober inkwas drop cast onto the mold (50 ml) to create the micropatternedfeatures. Alternatively, control substrates (no micropatterns)were prepared using a at PDMSmold. The micropatterned and

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control substrates were supported on plasma-cleaned glasscover slips (Ted Pella, Inc.). For supported micropatterned andcontrol substrates, a chitin solution of 0.1% w/w was used. Free-standing chitin substrates were fabricated with a 0.2% w/wchitin solution. Solutions of higher concentrations resulted inthicker lms that were easier to handle. Both types of lms weredried overnight under ambient conditions and peeled off fromthe PDMS mold for further experiments.

Characterization of chitin substrates

A Veeco Multimode V (Nanoscope IV controller) and Veecop-robes Sb-doped Si cantilevers (r ¼ 0.01–0.025 U cm, k ¼ 40 Nm�1, y� 300 kHz) were used for atomic force microscopy (AFM).Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were recorded on free-standing substrates using a Bruker vector 33 FTIR spectropho-tometer (4000 to 400 cm�1, 4 cm�1 resolution). The degree ofdeacetylation (chitin vs. chitosan) was evaluated using the ratioof A1560/A1030 according to a previously reported procedure.28,35

Stress vs. strain data of the free-standing substrates wererecorded with a Shimadzu AGS-X. The substrates were tested drybefore and aer deacetylation as well as aer immersion inDulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS) (GIBCO) for 1 and5 days. Wet substrates were immersed in DPBS for 1 day andtested immediately aer removing from the solution.

Chemical modication of chitin substrates

Chitin substrates were partially deacetylated and coated withbronectin (FN) to improve cell attachment and proliferation.Deacetylation was performed with 5 mM NaOH at 40 �C for 1hour. The substrates were then washed with distilled water threetimes and air-dried. FN (from bovine plasma, 0.1% sterile solu-tion, Sigma-Aldrich) was coated on the substrate by incubatingthe chitin substrates in 200 ml of FN solution (50 ml ml�1. inDPBS) for two hours (T ¼ 37 �C). Aer incubation, the substrateswere rinsed thoroughly in DPBS to remove the non-adsorbed andexcessive aggregates of FN. The substrates were then dried in adesiccator overnight for further biological experiments.

Cell culture preparation

NIH-3T3 broblast cells were used in this work. The cells weremaintained in T-75 asks at 37 �C and 5% CO2 and cultured inDulbecco's Modied Eagle Medium (DMEM) supplementedwith 10% FBS and 1% penicillin–streptomycin. Prior to seedingcells on chitin substrates, the samples were rinsed in NIH-3T3cell culture medium twice. 80% conuent 3T3 cells were tryp-sinized, washed and suspended in fresh culture medium andsubsequently the cell suspension was diluted with cell growthmedium to reach the desired cell concentration. A cellsuspension containing 1000 cells per 500 ml of medium wasthen added to each sample for further testing.

Cell proliferation and immunouorescence for cytoskeletalorganization

Cell attachment and proliferation on the micropatterned andcontrol (without pattern) chitin substrates were evaluated by

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direct cell counting at days 0 and 5 of culture. Immunostainingassesses the actin cytoskeletal organization (F-actin) of the cellsattached to different samples. The samples were washed threetimes in DPBS and were xed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PF)solution in DPBS for 20 min at room temperature. Thesubstrates were then submerged in 0.1% Triton X-100 solutionin DPBS for 30 minutes in order to permeabilize the cellmembranes and blocked in 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) for1 h. The actin cytoskeleton was stained using 1 : 40 dilution ofAlexa Fluor-594 phalloidin (Invitrogen) in 1% BSA. Followingimmunostaining, the cell nuclei were stained with 1 : 1000dilution of 40,6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole dihydrochloride(DAPI) stain (Invitrogen) in DPBS for 5 min. Upon staining, thesamples were imaged using an inverted uorescence micro-scope (Nikon TE 2000-U, Nikon instruments Inc., USA) and theuorescence images were analyzed using NIH Image J soware(version 1.4).

Quantication of cellular alignment and shape index

To quantify cellular alignment on micropatterned and controlchitin substrates, uorescence images were obtained at 5–6different locations of each sample aer 5 days of culture. Theshape of each individual nucleus was rst tted with an ellipseand the normalized nuclei alignment was dened according toa previously published procedure.36 The normalized cellular

Fig. 2 AFM imaging of the supported chitin substrates. (a and b) AFM height imageheight profiles of (a) and (b). G1 pitch¼ 3.0� 0.09 mm and height¼ 193.4� 30.4 nm(b) showing the chitin nanofiber morphology (scale bar ¼ 200 nm).

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alignment angles were nally grouped in 10 degree incrementsto compare the alignment of nuclei on patterned and controlsubstrates. Cell elongation within each sample was evaluatedusing uorescence images of the cells' cytoskeleton stained forF-actin laments (5–6 regions). Cell elongation was determinedas the ratio of cell length to cell width. The cell length wasdened as its longest chord and the cell width was dened asthe longest chord perpendicular to its length. The anglebetween the cells longest chord and the direction of themicropattern grating was dened as the cell orientation angle.

Results and discussion

We prepared the chitin micropatterned substrates by replicamolding of a “chitin nanober ink” (Fig. 1). The chitin nano-ber ink is a solution of squid pen b-chitin that self-assemblesinto 3 nm diameter a-chitin nanobers upon drying.33,34 Tocreate the desired substrates, an appropriate amount of chitinnanober ink was drop cast on top of the mold and allowed todry overnight under ambient conditions. In this work, we usedPDMS replica of different gratings as molds to create thesubstrates. We chose micropatterns with 3.16 mm spacing (G1)and 12 mm spacing (G2) to evaluate the effects of groove spacingon cell alignment, G1 being smaller than the average celldiameter, and G2 being slightly larger than the average celldiameter. Supported chitin micropatterned substrates were

s of chitin substrates G1 and G2, respectively (scale bar: 10 mm). (c) Cross-sectionaland G2 pitch¼ 12.2� 0.2 mm and height 943.3� 62.6 nm. (d) Magnified view of

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obtained by placing a glass slide on the top of the solutionduring drying (Fig. 1b). This simple strategy afforded theattachment of chitin nanober substrates to an arbitrarysupport without requiring additional adhesives, which may betoxic for the cells. Free-standing substrates were typicallythicker than the supported substrates and were peeled offdirectly from the mold (Fig. 1c). The free-standing substrateswere robust and could be easily lied out from the molds with apair of lab-tweezers. Both supported and free-standingsubstrates were easy to handle and stable in cell culture mediafor extended periods of time. The microfabricated substratesprepared in this fashion exhibited the desired microstructure,which is inferred from the diffraction patterns in the opticalimages (Fig. 1b and c) and AFM micrographs (Fig. 2a and b).Micropatterned substrates G1 and G2 closely replicated thespacing and height of the original gratings (Fig. 2c). Both G1and G2 substrates had a saw tooth cross-section that derivedfrom the cross-section of the diffraction grating. The features inG1 were on average 193 nm tall, while the features on the G2substrates were 943 nm tall. For both substrates, uniformfeatures were found in extended areas of up to several cm2 onlylimited by the size of the original master and mold. Withappropriate masters and molds, features of arbitrary shape andsize ranging from a few nanometers to hundreds of micronswere also available with the “chitin nanober ink” expandingthe kind of substrates available for future studies. Over ysubstrates were reliably reproduced from the same masterwithout observing any degradation of the replicated master.Each PDMS mold was reused at most ten times before noticing

Fig. 3 Effect of the post-treatment of chitin substrates for biological testing (deacetprofiles of the chitin substrates obtained from the G2 grating mold. (c and d) Motreatment, respectively (all scale bars ¼ 200 nm).

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some degradation of the patterns due to mold contaminationwith the chitin material. As previously reported, the randommorphology of chitin nanobers was maintained intact in themicropatterns with the replica molding process (Fig. 2d).34 Inthe future, substrates with chitin nanobers aligned along themicropattern direction may be fabricated with directionaldrying.33 This replica molding process was low cost, easy to use,high throughput, and did not require expensive clean roomequipment. With this simple solution processing micro-patterned supported and free-standing substrates were createdin one step for further experiments.

To employ the micropatterned nanober substrates fortissue engineering, NIH-3T3 broblast cells were seeded on thesubstrates with different sizes of grooves and their behavior wassubsequently investigated. We chose broblasts for proof-of-concept because the organization of broblasts within the ECMof native myocardial tissue is critical to cell alignment, whichinuences the electrical and mechanical properties of theheart.37 Fibroblast cell attachment to the as-prepared chitinsubstrates was low, as previously observed for neuronal cells,possibly due to the lack of reactive species and positive chargeson the chitin surface.28 To improve cell attachment, the chitinsubstrates were partially deacetylated and coated with a thinlayer of FN. FN is an ECM protein and plays a major role in celladhesion, growth, migration, and differentiation.38 Deacetyla-tion replaced the acetyl group in chitin (Fig. 1a, n block) with anamine (Fig. 1a, m block) resulting in a more hydrophilic andpositively charged polymer. When the ratio between acetylgroups and amines is lower than 1 : 1 (n < m), the polymer is

ylation in NaOH, fibronectin treatment). (a) FTIR spectra. (b) Cross-sectional heightrphology of chitin nanofiber films after deacetylation in NaOH and fibronectin

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typically referred to as chitosan. This deacetylation process ofthe chitin nanobers allowed ne-tuning of the chemistry of thesubstrates. The degree of deacetylation (m/(n + m)) of the chitinnanober substrates was determined by FTIR analysis (Fig. 3a)using the ratios of the C–O (amide II) peak at 1560 cm�1 and theC–O peak at 1030 cm�1.28,35 The “as prepared” lm was ca. 14%deacetylated, while aer treatment the degree of deacetylationincreased to ca. 30%. Importantly, 30% deacetylation did notsignicantly affect the quality of the micropatterns (Fig. 3b).The deacetylation process to form 30% deacetylated chitinstarting from 16% deacetylated chitin was easier thanincreasing the degree of acetylation of highly deacetylated chi-tosan as previously reported.20 Highly deacetylated chitosandoes not self-assemble into nanobers from solution becausethe nanober self-assembly process is driven by the intra-molecular hydrogen bonding of the acetyl groups in chitin.39

However, reducing the number of acetyl groups from 84% to70% in the self-assembled chitin nanobers did not disrupt thenanober morphology (Fig. 3c) indicating that enough acetylgroups were still present to maintain the hydrogen bonding ofthe nanober structures. Nanobers with a high surface areaprovide abundant adhesion sites and enhance the overall cell–substrate interaction. However, further studies with similarlydeacetylated chitin without a nanober structure are requiredto pinpoint the exact effects of the nanober morphology on cellproliferation, growth, and alignment. Chitin substrates with30% degree of deacetylation were typically more stable in

Fig. 4 Fluorescence images of the actin cytoskeleton of the cells on (a) G1, (b) G2 suarrow shows the longitudinal direction of the patterns. (d–f) Distribution of cell nuclthat have orientation angles within 0–10 degree angles. (h) Cellular elongation functcells on the patterned and control substrates (*P < 0.01 and **P < 0.001).

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culture media than the easier to process highly deacetylatedchitosan. Highly deacetylated chitosan is soluble in slightlyacidic water and oen requires additional chemical modica-tion and crosslinking to retain the structural integrity inaqueous environments.40 Furthermore, coating the sampleswith FN retained the quality of themicropatterns for cell-cultureexperiments. While deacetylation did not affect the nanobermorphology, FN coating was present on top of the nanobers(Fig. 3c and d). In particular, FN formed globules that wereapproximately 20 nm in diameter on top of the nanobersubstrates. It is conceivable that these FN globules mayassemble along the chitin nanobers as it is suggested by thetopography as seen in Fig. 3d. However, further studies arerequired to determine the exact FN–chitin interaction and itseffects on the FN structure.

To evaluate the use of chitin substrates for tissue engi-neering, we cultured NIH-3T3 cells on the micropatterned andcontrol chitin substrates and measured cell attachment, align-ment, and proliferation. On the chitin micropatternedsubstrates, G1 and G2 (Fig. 4a and b) cells with a spindle-likemorphology aligned their cytoskeletal structure along the majoraxis of the micropatterned features (contact guidance). Incontrast, the cells grown on the control chitin substrates did nothave any preferred orientation (Fig. 4c). We further quantiedcell nuclei alignment on G1 and G2 micropatterns aer 5 daysof cell culture (Fig. 4d–f). In G1 and G2, a larger proportion ofthe cells aligned within the 0–10� preferred angle range as

bstrates and (c) control sample after 5 days of culture (scale bar 50 mm). The whiteei alignment angles on the patterned and control samples. (g) Percentage of cellsion of cell orientation angle within the patterned substrates. (i) Proliferation of the

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opposed to the control substrate (Fig. 4f). The degree of cellnuclei alignment on G1 (�45%) and G2 (�55%) samples wassignicantly higher (p < 0.05) than the degree of alignment forthe control sample (15%) (Fig. 4g). In addition, on G1 and G2,cell elongation increased with cell alignment. This increaseindicated that the substrate topography affected the cellmorphology along with cellular alignment (Fig. 4h). Cellattachment and proliferation were also evaluated with the directcell counting method at days 1 and 5 of culture. NIH-3T3broblast cells proliferated at day 5 of culture compared to day1, indicating that the chitin substrates were non-cytotoxic. Inaddition, there was no signicant difference in cell proliferationon different micropatterned samples (G1 and G2) compared tothe control substrate (Fig. 4i). Our observations are consistentwith earlier work in terms of cellular alignment on micro-patterns.41 In general, a decrease in groove width and anincrease in groove depth enhance cellular alignment.41 Weobservedmore pronounced alignment on the G2micropatterns,which are not only wider, but also deeper than the G1 micro-patterns. In G1 micropatterned features, where the cells' size islarger than the groove width and the groove width is decreasedbeyond a threshold, the cells easily bridge the neighboringridges. Such behavior ultimately results in an overall decreasedcellular alignment. On the other hand, on G2 micropatterns,where the groove width was within the range of a single cell size(10 mm), the cells were laterally conned within the grooves inbetween the taller ridges. This connement resulted inimproved cellular alignment (ESI, Fig. S1†). Having the groovewidth in the range of a single cell size, the effect of the width onG2 patterns is expected to be more pronounced on cellularalignment compared to the height. However, some effects on

Fig. 5 Cell seeded free-standing flexible chitin substrates. (a) Stretching and rollingwith 3T3 fibroblasts. (b) Mechanical properties of micropatterned free standing chitin30% deacetylated chitin nanofiber substrates after immersion in DPBS for 1 day (minspection. (Inset) Fluorescence images of the actin cytoskeleton of the cells on G2patterned features. The white arrow on the right corner of the inset image indicate

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cellular alignment from the increased height in the G2 patternswith respect to G1 cannot be completely ruled out at this stage.

The NIH-3T3-seeded free-standing lms were sturdy andeasy to manipulate as well as exible (Fig. 5a) noting that thesubstrates absorb water and expand up to ve fold of theirinitial volume. Absorption of water is not surprising because thechitin nanober substrates themselves are hydrophilic andporous with a density of �1 g cm�3, which is lower than thedensity of chitin (1.44 g cm�3). Water absorption and porosityare desirable properties to afford tunable optimal ow ofnutrients to, and waste from, the growing tissue.1 To gatherfurther insights into the mechanical properties of thesubstrates, we performed a tensile test of the pristine chitinsubstrates, as well as the 30% deacetylated chitin nanobersubstrates before and aer immersion in cell culture media for1 and 5 days. The elastic modulus (E) of the pristine dry chitinsubstrates was 2.5 GPa with a tensile strength exceeding 100MPa (Fig. 5b). As expected from partial removal of the acetylgroups and the corresponding lower degree of hydrogenbonding, the elastic modulus of the chitin substrates aerdeacetylation to 30% decreased to 926 MPa still retaining atensile strength of 60 MPa (Fig. 5b). These values for elasticmodulus and tensile strength are signicantly higher than thevalues previously reported for chitosan electrospun nanobers(150 MPa).42 Even aer deacetylation to 30%, the self-assembledchitin nanobers most likely still have a higher degree of crys-tallinity and stronger intramolecular hydrogen bonding fromthe remaining acetyl groups.39 Notably, only a small decrease inthe elastic modulus was observed for the 70% acetylated chitinnanober substrates aer immersion in DPBS for 1 day (E ¼875 MPa) and 5 days (E¼ 674 MPa) when measured aer drying

(inset) flexibility of the free-standing micropatterned chitin substrates (G2) seededsubstrates before and after deacetylation to 30%. (c) Mechanical properties of theeasured wet). (d) Chitin nanofiber substrates are transparent and afford opticalshowing the entire coverage and alignment of cells within the direction of thes the direction of the patterns. Scale bar 100 mm.

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off the excess water from the substrates for 30 minutes underambient conditions (Fig. S2†). These measurements conrmedthe stability of the 30% deacetylated chitin nanober substratesin cell culture media. The tensile strength of the substratesimmersed in DPBS for 1 and 5 days decreased, however, to�35 MPa. This lower value for tensile strength may be attrib-uted to a higher water content (�25–30%) of the DPBSimmersed substrates with respect to the 30% deacetylated drychitin nanober substrates (�10%). However, some degrada-tion of the substrate material cannot be completely ruled out.To investigate the mechanical properties of the substratesduring cell culture, we measured substrates aer immersion inDPBS for 1 day immediately aer removal from the solutionwhile the substrates were still in the swollen state. The elasticmodulus was 5 MPa with a tensile strength of 1 MPa (Fig. 5c).Incorporation of water made the substrates more exible andbetter suited for tissue engineering applications.19,43 In theseapplications it is desirable for the substrate to have similarmechanical properties of the host tissue.44–46 The substratesformed in this way were transparent, which allows the opticalcharacterization of the cell interaction with the substrate(Fig. 5d). In addition, the cells spread and covered the entirelm and aligned along the micropattern major axis as alreadyobserved on the glass-supported chitin substrates (Fig. 5d).With these favorable properties, the cell-seeded chitinsubstrates were still mechanically robust but more exible thanthe dry chitin substrates and withstood bending and rolling toproduce more complex 3D structures or transfer to the tissue ofchoice. These transparent, robust, ultra-thin, free-strandingchitin substrates covered with aligned broblasts with tunableand superior mechanical properties could make a very prom-ising candidate to form 3D functional tissue and mimic thecomplex hierarchical structure of the ECM.


In this work, we have developed supported and free-standingmicropatterned substrates made of self-assembled chitinnanobers. These ultrathin micropatterned substrates arebiodegradable, mechanically robust, yet exible and easy tomanipulate. The substrates were seeded with NIH-3T3 cells thataligned along the major micropattern axis creating ultra-thin(<10 mm) and free-standing ordered cell sheets. These sheets aresturdy in cell culture media, yet exible and can be easilymanipulated to create more complex tissue structures forregenerative medicine and tissue engineering applications.These applications include myocardial repair where thedamaged tissue could be mechanically supported by the chitinsubstrate while the new tissue is growing. Additionally, thesechitin substrates are optically transparent and may nd use inretinal regeneration.


A. K. acknowledges funding from the Presidential Early CareerAward for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the Office ofNaval Research Young National Investigator Award, the

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National Science Foundation CAREER Award (DMR 0847287),and the National Institutes of Health (HL092836, AR057837,DE021468, DE019024, EB012597, HL099073, EB008392). M. R.acknowledges funding from the Washington Research Foun-dation, the University of Washington Center for Commerciali-zation, the Coulter Foundation, and a 3M Untenured FacultyAward.


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