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Year of the Parish December, 2016 Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School О, хто, хто Миколая любить? Ой, хто, хто Миколаю служить? Тому Святий Миколай, На всякий час помагай, Миколаю! Ой, хто, хто спішить в твої двори, Того ти на землі і морі, Все хорониш від напасти, Не даш йому в гріхи впасти, Миколаю! (2) Ой, хто, хто к ньому прибігає, На поміч його призиває, Той все з горя вийде ціло, Охоронить душу й тіло Миколаю! (2) Миколаю, молися за нами, Благаєм Тебе зі сльозами, Ми Тя будем вихваляти, Ім'я Твоє величати Миколаю! Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School 35 West Deane Park Dr. Humbert Street Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5 Phone:416 393 5413 Fax: 416 397 6044 Principal A.Iwasykiw Vice Principal I.Mandarino Secretary M. Maglietta Clerk Typists S. Shanahan M. Wells Superintendent Doug Yack Trustee A.Andrachuk Parish St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay Entrance and Dismissal: Entry 8:30 am Recess 10:12am Lunch Hour 11:15 am Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm Recess 1:40 pm Dismissal: 3:30 pm

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School€¦ · Святий Миколай буде чекати на дітей о 9:00 вранці у спортивній залі. Першими

Jul 13, 2020



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Page 1: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School€¦ · Святий Миколай буде чекати на дітей о 9:00 вранці у спортивній залі. Першими

Year of the Parish December, 2016

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

О, хто, хто Миколая любить? Ой, хто, хто Миколаю служить?

Тому Святий Миколай, На всякий час помагай,


Ой, хто, хто спішить в твої двори,

Того ти на землі і морі, Все хорониш від напасти,

Не даш йому в гріхи впасти,

Миколаю! (2)

Ой, хто, хто к ньому прибігає,

На поміч його призиває, Той все з горя вийде ціло,

Охоронить душу й тіло

Миколаю! (2)

Миколаю, молися за нами,

Благаєм Тебе зі сльозами,

Ми Тя будем вихваляти,

Ім'я Твоє величати


Миколаю, молися за нами,

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

35 West Deane Park Dr. Humbert Street

Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5 Phone:416 393 5413

Fax: 416 397 6044



Vice Principal

I.Mandarino Secretary

M. Maglietta

Clerk Typists

S. Shanahan M. Wells


Doug Yack

Trustee A.Andrachuk


St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay

Entrance and Dismissal:

Entry 8:30 am Recess 10:12am

Lunch Hour 11:15 am Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm

Recess 1:40 pm Dismissal: 3:30 pm

Page 2: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School€¦ · Святий Миколай буде чекати на дітей о 9:00 вранці у спортивній залі. Першими

Principal’s Message Another busy month has come and gone at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School. Josyf Cardinal Slipyj students have been very busy with the Lego Club, Choir, Family Movie Night, Guest Speaker Paul Davis for parents and students, the Holodomor Bus visit, Holodomor Assembly, Dairy Presentation, Scientists in the School, Anti Bully Magic Show, Parent-teacher interviews, Grade 3 adventure to Crawford Lake, Grade 5’s visiting the Legislative Assembly, Dance Workshops, Volley ball Tournaments, Officer Rich visiting the grade 1 and grade 8 classes, and some great learning on the Growth Mindset. The Christmas season is upon us and with it, we begin to prepare for the festivities of Christmas. We need to remember the true meaning of Christmas. We need to take the time to slow down and to reflect on the wonderful ways in which God has touched our lives and we marvel at the miracle of Jesus; birth in Bethlehem. Let us encourage our children to prepare for Christmas and celebrate the blessing of the season in a thoughtful and prayerful way, that we might focus on and recognize the fulfillment of God’s promise to His people. The grade 1 and grade 2 students are beginning to prepare for this year’s Christmas concert. The concert will be taking place on the evening of Thursday, December 15 at 6:30pm in our school gym. We are all looking forward to seeing all of our families there, listening to the lovely singing and performances of our talented students. On Friday, December 16th, we will have a very special guest visiting all the students at JCS. St. Nicholas will be visiting with his angels in the morning at around 9:00 am in the gym, beginning with our little JK’s and SK’s. This will be a very special day for all of our students! The school would like to thank our Ukrainian Department and our CSPC parents for their dedication and preparation into this magical day. Staff and students are asked to wear their embroidered shirts and blouses on this day as well.

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj staff and students will be attending Liturgy on the Feast Day of St. Nicholas on Monday, December 19 at 10:00 am at St. Nicholas Church. We will be travelling to church by school buses. We invite our parents to join us in celebrating Liturgy with our students. Children are asked to wear their embroidered shirts/blouses on that day. We are all looking forward to celebrating this special day. And finally, it is with sadness that we bid good bye to Mrs. Kostiw, our Educational Assistant. She is a beloved and appreciated member of our school community and we will certainly feel a sense of loss at her departure. We wish her all the best at her new assignment. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Josyf Cardinal Slipyj families a very blessed Nativity season, filled with love, joy and peace. A.Iwasykiw

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Звернення від директора

Ще один насичений місяць у школі Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого здавалося, тільки прийшов, а вже відходить. Наші учні були дуже зайняті такими подіями і заходами: Леґо-клуб, хор, сімейний Кіновечір, гість-доповідач Пол Девіс з презентацією для батьків і учнів, візит мобільного класу-автобусу з лекцією про Голодомор, презентація про молочні продукти, Науковці в школі, вистава, як протистояти знущанню (Anti bully), вчительські інтерв’ю з батьками, мандрівка 3-х класів до озера Крофорд, візит 5-х класів до Законодавчої Асамблеї, танцювальні майстеркласи, волейбольні змагання, зустрічі офіцера Рича з 1-ми і 8-ми класами і те, що ми всі навчилися про ріст нашого способу мислення. З наближенням зимової пори ми починаємо готуватися до Різдвяних свят. Нам всім треба пам’ятати про справжнє значення Різдва, роздумуючи про те, як надзвичайним чином Бог торкнувся всіх наших душ чудом народження Ісуса у Вифлиємі. Заохочуймо наших дітей готуватися і святкувати Різдво у молитовний спосіб, щоб ми всі зрозуміли і оцінили чудовий дар, даний нам Богом. Учні 1-го і 2-го класів вже почали готуватися до цьогорічного Різдвяного концерту, котрий відбудеться ввечері у четвер 15 грудня, о 6:30 в нашій спортивній залі. Ми всі з нетерпінням очікуємо побачити вас там, щоб разом насолодитися прекрасним співом наших талановитих дітей. В п’ятницю, 16 грудня до нас завітає особливий гість. Святий Миколай буде чекати на дітей о 9:00 вранці у спортивній залі. Першими будуть запрошені учні Передшкілля (JK, SK). Це буде дуже спеціальна подія для всіх наших дітей. Ми дякуємо Батьківському комітетові і нашому Українському відділу за їхню віддану працю у підготуванні цього чарівного дня. Звертаємося з проханням до вчителів та учнів одягнути вишиті сорочки та блузки у цей день. Вчителі, працівники та учні школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого будуть приймати участь у Божественній Літургії на свято Миколая в понеділок 19 грудня о 10:00 ранку в церкві святого Миколая. Ми поїдемо до церкви шкільними автобусами. Запрошуємо всіх батьків та опікунів приєднатися до нас, щоб разом відсвяткувати цей чудовий день. Просимо дітей одягнути вишиття також у цей день. Організація Help Us Help the Children дуже вдячна нашій школі за постійну підтримку, яку ми їм надаємо. Щорічний зимовий табір в Карпатах, котрий вони організовують для дітей-сиріт – надзвичайна нагода для цих дітей відчути сімейне тепло і затишок під час святкування Різдвяних свят. Цього року ми вирішили допомогти цим дітям теплими водостійкими рукавицями. Ми заохочуємо наших учнів з JCS принести $5, $10 або більше, щоб дитина в таборі отримала пару теплих рукавичок і могла взяти їх з собою на цілу зиму. На завершення, з сумом повідомляємо, що ми змушені були попрощатися з пані Костів, нашою довголітньою помічницею вчителя, котру, на жаль, перенесли до іншої школи. Ми її любили і шанували, і з її відходом шкільна громада відчуває велику втрату. Ми бажаємо їй всього найкращого з новим призначенням. Я хочу скористатися цією нагодою, щоб побажати всім родинам школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого благословенної Різдвяної пори, наповненої любов’ю, радістю та миром. А.Івасиків

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Message from our Pastor, Father Lobay The Christmas-Epiphany season in the Ukrainian Catholic Church begins with a forty day fasting period which starts on the Feast of Saint Philip. For this reason Christmas Lent is called “The fast of St. Philip – Pylypivka”. The Feast of the apostle Philip is celebrated on November 27, according to the Julian Calendar. Our Ukrainian Catholic church does not traditionally use the term Advent for the Christmas Fast. The word, however, is a perfectly good one, belonging to the common tradition of the Church in the West. It simply means “Coming.” We prepare ourselves liturgically and spiritually for the “Coming” of Our Lord’s Nativity. During this holy time, the Feast of St. Nicholas, the fourth-century bishop of Myra in Lycia is celebrated, who through the ages has become especially connected with the Feast of Christ’s birth. Saint Nicholas is praised for the possession of the “fruit of the Holy spirit…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Gal. 5, 22-23). Saint Nicholas proclaimed the Word of God with zeal, defended the rights of the oppressed and the afflicted, battled against every form of injustice with supernatural compassion and mercy. In a word, he was a good pastor, father, and bishop to his flock, known especially for his love and care for the poor. Most simply put, he was a divinely good person. As we prepare ourselves spiritually to celebrate the joyous Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, may the example and virtues of Saint Nicholas inspire us. His goodness has made a lasting mark on many generations of Christians. We stress the importance of the need to be good, to do good, by giving gifts to children and to each other, on the occasion of the Feast of Saint Nicholas. This simple and at the same profound gesture reminds us, that we are called to truly be good.

O Holy father, St. Nicholas The fruit of your good deeds has enlightened and delighted the hearts of the

faithful. Who cannot wonder at your measureless patience and humility?

At your graciousness for the poor? At your compassion for the afflicted?

O Bishop Nicholas, You have divinely taught all things well,

And now wearing you unfading crown, you intercede for our souls.

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Thank You to our Ukrainian Teachers and student performers in educating our Junior and Intermediate students in Holodomor.

Thank You to our CSPC for arranging the HOLODOMOR Bus to visit the intermediate students.

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Congestion in the Afternoon We continue to experience severe congestion problems with the buses and the parking/stopping of cars at the end of the day. Our neighbours continue to voice their concerns with the congestion and parking problems on West Dean Avenue, especially on the North and East side of the school property. We ask that all parents picking up and dropping off their children DO NOT make 3 point turns using the road or private driveways. This is a serious safety concern and also causes damage to the neighbour’s front lawns. In addition, and this part is new, we are asking for your co-operation in this matter, in that absolutely nobody park their vehicles in and around the Kiss and Ride Zone and West Dean Avenue after 3:00pm. This will enable the buses to park as close as possible to the sidewalk and it will avoid double parking on the street. Parking is available on the side streets. In addition, the school office is inundated with parents and phone calls requesting that their child be dismissed earlier for various reasons. Some parents come to the office at 3:20pm, even 3:25pm to pick up their child when the school and students are preparing for dismissal. This causes a great deal of confusion for both teachers and students. At times, students are not in their classrooms to hear the announcement and as a result some children have gone home on the bus. We ask that all parents do not enter the school after 3:00pm unless absolutely necessary.

Entry and Exit Routines Although there has been a great improvement, we are still asking that all parents continue to drop off and pick up their children on the East side of the school in the little yard, in particular the kindergarten students. We ask that parents do not walk into the school using other school doors as this is a safety concern. School doors are being left open for other parents thus creating a possibility of a stranger walking into the school. This is a serious safety concern and the safety of all students is our top priority. In addition, we ask that parents not drop off your child at the school before 8:10am. There is no staff supervision at the school at this time and the safety of all our children are paramount. We ask that when you drop off your child, the child is to walk around the side of the school and enter the yard area. Students are asked not to walk through the school.

Inclement Weather Students are reminded to dress appropriately for the cold weather as ALL students will be outdoors during these cool temperatures, especially before the morning school bell. Once the extreme weather conditions are upon us (approximately -17/-20C), recess and outdoor play will be shortened and/or held inside.

DRESS CODE at JCS We continue to remind all parents and students that the dress code at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj is in effect. Students are to wear navy and white, as stated in their agenda and as per Board Policy. Many of our intermediate students continue to wear black leggings, black slacks, black track pants. We strongly encourage the intermediate students to be the leaders of the school and lead by example. We also ask for parent cooperation in the enforcement of the dress code. As for the kindergarten students, we ask that if a parent has purchased the uniform to please dress their child in the newly purchased uniform. Some of the kindergarten students are already wearing their uniforms and I must say that they look like part of the Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School community. Navy and white apparel may be purchased online and in stores. It would be very nice if all the students were dressed in uniform as soon as possible.

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Wrong Answers, Great Learning Thomas Edison said that he did not fail at making the light bulb one thousand times, but rather that "the light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps." "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. That is why I succeed." (Michael Jordan) Making mistakes is a natural part of all learning. Those who we consider to be "great" are clear that mistakes lead to learning. The latest research on mathematics shows that mistakes are a very important part of learning math! When a person makes an error in math and they have the opportunity to learn from it, they actually develop a much stronger understanding. In fact, the research states that students learn more from making mistakes than from getting all the right answers. When your child makes an error, it offers insight into what understanding your child has about a mathematical idea. It allows parents and teachers to talk to the child about what they know, and ask questions to stretch their thinking around where they are currently developing their understanding. Parents can ask "How do you know that? What was your thinking here? Is there another way you could solve that? How did you think about X (an element they may be missing or have misunderstood)?" This conversation helps to develop the crucial skills of reasoning and communication and is therefore more helpful than simply showing a child how the math is done. When you support an attitude that values learning from mistakes, you are telling your child that mistakes are a valuable and natural ingredient in learning and lead to deeper understanding. Research shows that this attitude supports stronger achievement!

Holiday Math: Take advantage of math in the world

Holidays are a great time to learn how math relates to the real world. Math is everywhere! Help your child prevent “learning loss” by taking advantage of the many great opportunities to practice math naturally! Below are a few ideas to get you started:

Cooking can involve weighing, measuring, ordering, estimating, adding, multiplying … Restaurants and shopping can involve money, number identification, estimating, adding, subtracting, division … Parties can involve matching numbers of people to plates, cutlery, area of tables, estimation,

multiplication … Trips can involve time, distance, budgeting, speed, evaluating various routes, license plate games (e.g. adding

or multiplying the numbers on the plate) … Home projects can involve estimation, measuring, multiplication …

These ideas all demonstrate how much math is involved in our daily lives and will support your child in his or her basic computation and problem-solving skills in natural, fun and real ways.

Stay tuned for more math tips in the January Newsletter

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Math at JCS

Growth mindset in Ms. Giorgio’s class Ms. Mete’s math class on whiteboards

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Grade 2 Math

Grade 3 Math

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Grade 1 Math

JK/SK Math

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JK/SK Self Portraits

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Grade 5 classes on their trip to Queen's Park

on Monday, November 14th, 2016

A visit with Yvan Baker, MPP Etobicoke

Sports at JCS

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Grade 8 - Cells

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On Friday, November 25, all of the students at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School were entertained and educated by two very popular magicians, Brent and Sarah. Through magic, Brent and

Sarah were able to communicate valuable messages to all of our students. Students learned that anything is possible, believe in yourself, and you’re not alone. You have family, friends,

yourself and teachers to help out.

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An Evening with Paul Davis

On Friday, November 11th, Josyf Cardinal Slipyj parents had an opportunity to listen to award-winning expert and speaker Paul Davis on the importance of social networking safety. He has presented all over Canada and across the United States. He has spoken with students, principals, police, at the Canadian Safe Schools Conference, the Department of National Defense, Canada Border Services and at other key stakeholder events. Please access Paul's website at


Ms. Hunt’s JK/SK students playing with “tegu magnetic blocks” that were generously donated by the Harasymowycz family.

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As we enter the season of Lent/Advent to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus, it is rather suitable that this month’s virtue is CHARITY. Many of us are already engaging in the mad rush to purchase gifts to put under the tree on the 25th, but let us be mindful of the fact that charity is not always about giving material things. Our quote for the month is “Where charity and love are, God is there”. As St. Thomas Aquinas described it “Charity is friendship first with God and secondly with all who belong to God." How can we practice charity and generosity in our community without necessarily giving material things? This month at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School we will be demonstrating charity by donating a monies to help purchase winter mittens, gloves, hats and scarves for children in Ukraine. We are looking forward to all of our staff, students, and parents for their generous support in helping this much needed fundraiser.

Reminder to all JCS parents that the

monthly calendar and newsletter are on the Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School

website. Please access the website for information at


If you would like to have a hard copy sent home with your child, please call the school office and let us


SOME UPCOMING EVENTS: Christmas Mitten fundraiser for Help us Help the Children Dec. 1 – Scientist in the School for Grade 3’s Scientist in the School for Grade 4’s Dec. 2 – PA Day (No school) – Provincial Educational Priorities/Faith Development Dec. 7 – Grade 6 off to Loblaws Dec. 8 – Immunization Clinic for Grade 7 & 8 students Grade 6 off to Loblaws Dec. 12 – JCS School Confession in the gym, from 9:00 to 11:15am Dec. 15 – Christmas Concert, Grades 1 and 2 presenting at 6:30pm in the school gym Dec. 16 – St. Nicholas to visit Josyf Cardinal Slipyj students at the school Dec. 19 – Josyf Cardinal School Mass at St. Nicholas Church at 10:00am Dec. 23 – Last day of School Dec. 31 – Happy 2017 New Year! Jan. 6 – Ukrainian Eastern Rite Christmas Eve Jan. 7 – Ukrainian Eastern Rite Christmas Jan. 9 – First day back from Christmas Holidays

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Book Fair

Our JCS Book Fair was a huge success! Our school’s sales were $8,400 and we raised $5,000 for the

library!! Thanks to all students and parents our library will be filled with many brand new books! Your

support is greatly appreciated!

A special thanks must go out to EVER DEDICATED library helpers: Anna Zariczniak., Anna Klyuchenko

and Sophia Ilchuk from Ms. Giorgio’s class and to wonderful gr. 8 girls who volunteered their time to help

with the Book Fair; Kristina Iwasyk, Christina Paziuk, Teresa Ischuk, Katherine Kolesnik and Orysia

Lubinsky from Ms. Dobrowolska’s class. Last but not least, thank you to Pani Lepki, Pani Klyuchenko and

Pani Marta Masnyj for your help!

2016 JCS QSP Magazine Fundraising Campaign

Thank you to everyone that participated in our 2016 QSP magazine drive.

Our school benefits all year long from any magazine and/or other products ordered through our school site.

If you wish to purchase magazines for gifts, please consider renewing or buying new subscriptions online

at Our school ID is #3718616 or just search for "Josyf Cardinal Slipyj".

2016/17 CSPC Committee


Please note: Registration for the 2017-2018 school year begins January 18, 2017at 10:00 a.m. E.S.T.

Kindergarten Registration for September 2017 The Toronto Catholic District School Board invites families with children born in 2013 to register for Kindergarten beginning

Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 10 a.m. EST. Registration options:

• Online: Parents will be able to complete their application online at:

A follow up with visit to the school to present the required documents will be scheduled following

the online application.

Information: 416-222-8282 ext. 5320 or 5314,

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Warming Hands and Hearts Christmas Fundraiser

Dear JCS Community,

Help Us Help the Children (HUHTC) is very thankful for the continuous support provided by JCS. With the 14th annual HUHTC

Winter Camp just around the corner, we need your help to keep the children warm at our camp and throughout the winter season.

Every January, HUHTC organizes a 10-day camp in the Carpathian Mountains for up to 100 orphaned children from all over

Ukraine. At this camp, the children participate in interactive workshops including psychological and social rehabilitation. Part of

what makes the winter camp so exceptional is that it provides the children with a rare opportunity to celebrate a traditional

Ukrainian Christmas with the HUHTC family.

This year we are fundraising in order to help provide the orphans attending camp with warm waterproof gloves and mittens.

We are started off our drive to keep the children warm with a crazy hat day on

December 1, 2016! We asked that every student brings in a loonie or toonie in order to participate in this day.

In addition, every pair of good waterproof gloves or mittens costs about 10$ in Ukraine. Please consider donating $5, $10 or more

to provide the children at camp with a warm pair of gloves. Each student who donates can bring in the attached cut-out mitten that

they can decorate and that will be hung up on the walls of JCS for the remainder of the holiday season! Please submit your

donation by December 22, 2016. Please help “Warm the Hands and Hearts” of Ukrainian children!

We thank you for your generosity and support! To find out more about our non-for-profit organization please visit our website

( Check out our video from HUHTC Winter Camp 2016:

Lastly, a huge thank you to JCS from our HUHTC Summer campers!

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I, ______________

am warming the hands

and hearts of orphans

in Ukraine this winter season!

Веселих Свят!

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Monthly Update from the Board

December 2016

Kindergarten Registration for September 2017 The Toronto Catholic District School Board invites families with children born in 2013 to register for Kindergarten beginning

Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 10 a.m. EST. Registration options:

• Online: Parents will be able to complete their application online at:

A follow up with visit to the school to present the required documents will be scheduled by the

school following the online application.

Information: 416-222-8282 ext. 5320 or 5314,

French Immersion and Extended French The Toronto Catholic District School Board offers French Immersion and Extended French programs at several TCDSB sites. The

French Immersion program is offered to students beginning in Junior Kindergarten. The Extended French Program is offered to

students beginning in grade 5. Interested parents are encouraged to attend an information evening to learn more about the program. Please note dates, times and

locations for sessions planned for December through to February available on the French Immersion and Extended French sites.

Information: (416) 222-8282 ext. 2540 or

LTAP and LTPP The Toronto Catholic District School Board has launched a consultation on its proposed Long Term

Accommodation Plan (LTAP) and Long Term Program Plan (LTPP). All parents, staff, students and Catholic school stakeholders are invited to participate and provide input into the proposed actions outlined in the draft Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) and Long Term Program Plan

(LTPP). Two separate consultation surveys (one for each plan) have been prepared to facilitate this consultation

process. The links to the online surveys can be accessed by clicking on the links above. The deadline for responding to the surveys is Monday, January 9, 2017 at Noon.

Feedback gathered through the consultation process will help inform the decisions of Trustees regarding final

recommendations for the LTAP and LTPP at the Board meeting in February 2017. For more information regarding the LTPP and the LTAP, please visit We thank you for your involvement in these important discussions.

Year of Parish—Promote Your Parish Project As we continue to celebrate our Year of the Parish we want to know what makes your pastor and/or your parish unique. Students

are invited to create a short video, or piece of original artwork, write a short story, poem or letter, or express themselves in any

way artistically to highlight the relationship that the students have with the local parish and/or the priest/pastor at their church.

“Promote Your Parish” and let’s celebrate the many ways that our parishes and our parish priests contribute to our schools and

communities. Submit the completed projects via email to [email protected]. We will be sharing the submissions via

the board’s website as well as Twitter. In addition, plans are underway for a showcase of student submissions—videos, art and

written pieces—during Catholic Education Week. Watch for more details about that event soon.

Deadline for submissions: April 7, 2017

Visit the website for criteria and other details.

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Toronto Police Service Seeks Crossing Guards Interested individuals should drop in to their local police division to inquire about application.

Advent Has Begun For prayers, liturgies & other resources:

Get Ready for High School Everything you need to know can be found in the Transition Guides for parents and students:



Preparing for Post-Secondary Education? University application deadline: January 11, 2017 College application deadline: February 1, 2017

OSAP information for students--Find more information about the Ontario Student Assistance Program:

New! Free tuition for eligible students

OSAP Presentation

Dates/Events to Note: • Staff Arts Christmas Concert, December 2nd


• System-wide PA Day December 2nd

• International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3rd

• International Human Rights Day, December 10th

Christmas Break A reminder that schools are open through to December 23, 2016. Christmas holidays begin Saturday, December 24 th and continue

through to Sunday, January 8th. Classes resume, Monday, January 9th. Our Eastern rite families will celebrate Christmas on January 7th.

We wish everyone a safe, happy and blessed Christmas.

December Message from Trustee Ann Andrachuk.

The Advent season is the perfect time to reflect on the challenges, successes and achievements our

school communities have come across over the last year. Whether it’s the difficult conversation

around budgets, good news regarding new facilities or the inspiring stories of our students and

schools I’m continually reminded of how proud and lucky I am to represent such a strong and diverse


It is with these thoughts in mind that I wish all of the students, families and educators in these school

communities a blessed Advent season, a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.



Trustee – Ward 2