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Low Vision Brittany Pachouris – 300 Lisa McCaie ECEP- 233
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Page 1: Jose  brittany pachouris

Low Vision

Brittany Pachouris – 300658690Lisa McCaieECEP- 233

Page 2: Jose  brittany pachouris

JoseYou are working as an ECE in a preschool room. Jose (age 4) is a child with low vision who has just started in your room. Jose has just moved to Toronto. He had been in a childcare center in Winnipeg before his father was transferred. Jose in an only child in a two-parent family, both parents work. Jose’s parents ask you about services in the Toronto area.

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Meeting the Needs of the Child

Jose will need to be in an inclusive environment that supports his visual impairment. In order to do that I will provide materials that will fit his needs. I want to ensure that Jose meets other children and can interact during social play just like all the other children. “Can struggle with symbolic and social play, communication and self-confidence.” (Class notes- Children with Physical Challenges Page:2) It is important to make Jose feel welcome when he enters the room and to have activities that will meet his specific needs. It is hard for a child to start fresh somewhere else so having a welcome child care center is very important.

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Meeting the Needs of the Family

I want Jose’s parents to know that they have support at the child care center. Families need to know that they can rely on the educators to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children.

Providing resources to help families will show that you care about that family and that you are willing to help them in different ways.

Coming to Toronto from Winnipeg I want to learn about the help they got there so we can incorporate it here too.

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Defining Low Vision

Low vision can happen to both males and females and it can also happen at any age. Some people may develop having low vision but in most cases it is caused by a disease. “Most people develop low vision because of eye diseases and health conditions like macular degeneration, cataract, glaucoma and diabetes.”(http

:// When people have low vision things such as glasses and surgery don’t help the vision improve all the way because they will always have difficulty doing every day things such as reading the paper, watching TV and doing any daily routines that would take place.

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Defining Low Vision Continued

It is good to make eye appointments annually because you never know when your vision has changed. If you do notice your vision has become less focused it is always important to get it checked out even if it turns out to be nothing. Some signs that you may be losing your vision you had before could be noticed while you are doing tasks you would normally do such as, washing dishes, reading a book, driving, etc…

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Video Link

The lady in this video talks about how the stress you give your eyes can affect how strong or weak a child’s eye can be. When children spend more time focusing on computer screens and TV’s it strains their eyes which could weaken how well they see.

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Visual Testing Tool

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Visual Testing Tool

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Meeting the Needs of Children in the Physical Environment

I will meet Jose’s low vision needs by ensuring I provide a safe and healthy environment. The environment will be inclusive and accessible no matter what the child’s needs are. When you have a child with a special need it is important to provide materials that will help the child learn and feel part of the group. I would plan and incorporate new materials for Jose so that it makes his day easier and he can learn just like everyone else. The environment can be modified to meet Jose’s needs and also during transitions periods. The flow will be simple and accessible.

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Meeting the Needs of Children in the Physical Environment

ContinuedIn the room I want to make sure the materials for Jose are well designed to help him focus better. I know from researching low vision that even glasses and surgeries may not help but by talking to Jose’s parents I could get an idea of what I could do to help and what I could add in the room to help Jose.

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Meeting the Needs of Children in the Physical Environment

ContinuedWhen Jose first starts in the room I would show him around the room so that he becomes familiar with the furniture in the new environment. If he needed any materials that would help him while he eats, uses the washroom or to walk I would arrange the furniture around so it is easy for him to walk around. Safety is important which is why I don’t want him to walk into anything due to low vision. I would watch Jose close at first so I had an idea of what his needs are. Using hand over hand for something may be important in the every day routine. “Physical Prompts are the greatest amount of support most helpful with new skills. It involves using your hands over the child’s hands.” (Class Handout- ConnectABILITY- Prompting and Fading Workshop)

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Meeting the Needs of Children in the Physical Environment

ContinuedSome toys are often small but having larger toys it would be easier for Jose to manipulate. Bringing in bigger paint brushes to do art with would help him when grasping this object. I understand the vision may not be particularly clear but it could help him to find the objects.

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Meeting the Needs of Children in the Physical Environment

ContinuedHaving bright colours and light can attract Jose’s eyes. It is very hard to see and focus your eyes on things that seem dull so by adding in abstract colours it will help it be more interesting. Doing things such as this will help Jose with his needs. Every child deserves to have a fair right in all activities and changing the environment is something that could hugely impact a child. This will allow the child to feel included with the other children and that is so great to focus on.

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Meeting the Needs of Children in the Physical Environment

ContinuedReading may be difficult for this child. It will strain Jose’s eyes and that is the least thing I would want to do to a child or anyone for that matter. Having a recorded book on tape can allow this child to hear the book instead of reading it. Also having a book of felt can help Jose with his sensory. He may not be able to see the cat but he can feel a material of how a cat would feel.

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Meeting the Needs of Children in the Physical Environment

ContinuedPutting soft material around the room on corners could prevent any dangerous accidents. Jose can not see clearly so in case of any fails he will have a safer landing. During transitions times allowing Jose to have enough time to get from one place to another is important. By having Jose at the front you can help guide him so he will adapt to the daily routine. “Inclusive practices build processes that support inclusion.” (Class Handout- Inclusion of Children with Special Needs) Having Jose doing the routines with all the children will help him fit right in and not feeling left out.

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Changes in the Teaching Strategies

The way the room runs could vary depending on how much focus Jose may need. When Jose first starts in the room I will make the initial observations that will help me identify what teaching strategies I would like to use. Since Jose can not see well I would add in different props I use in a daily routine. I need to see how well Jose adapts. Doing research and finding tips that could help me be a better ECE for Jose is important to do. You have to be knowledgeable when dealing with a child with needs.

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Changes in the Teaching Strategies

When working one on one with Jose I will plan activities that Jose will be able to do. When painting I will use bright colours, when reading a book I will try to provide a audio with it. This may not be something you always do but if it helps build Jose’s knowledge and understanding then it is key. “Creating and implementing individual program plans and individual educational plans can happen. This includes providing thoughts, ideas, observations, strategies and solutions”(Class Handout- The role of the early childhood educator) When doing the initial observation it will allow me to see what plans I need to do separately and what plans to do as a group.

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Including the Child in a Group Setting

Having a friendly inclusive environment is important when including a new child such as Jose. “Built on the foundation of respect, fairness, justice and equity.” (Class Handout- Inclusion of Children with Special Needs) Teaching the children that everyone has the right to play and allowing them all to come with ideas that would work for a friendly environment. Having all children together to matter what needs children may have is something to make sure is clear. “Inclusion is the right thing to do legally, morally, effectively, and societally.” ” (Class Handout- Inclusion of Children with Special Needs) Children like to feel accepted which is why it is important to make every child feel special. Allow Jose to get to know the other children and see how he interacts with them. Find out what Jose’s interests are and put things out that will draw his attention.

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Including the Child in a Group Setting

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The Needs of the Family as a Whole

When first meeting the family I would have known they came from Winnipeg. I would want to know what needs were met there so I could try and provide the same support they had gotten before. I want to be able to sit down and talk to the family so that I can have a better understanding of Jose and how he is because not everything you research may relate to the child. The concerns and questions the family should be addressed so that the families needs can be met. I believe that you should try your best to help families especially when they are coming to an unfamiliar place. Providing agencies can help families. Both of Jose’s parents work which can get stressful for them when trying to find agencies that could provide support to them. “Data collection is a key component of skill building. It helps you track the progress, know when to fade assistance and to identify areas that need extra teaching.” (Class Handout- ConnectABILITY- Take Analysis)

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The Needs of the Family as a Whole

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Connecting Families with Agencies in the Local Area

It is important to help families find agencies that could help support Jose’s needs as well as theirs. It not only shows that you care but it helps this family to adjust to a new setting.

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Connecting Families with Agencies in the Local Area


YOUTH SERVICES Name: Ontario Ministry of children and youth services

Service: “The program provides education and support for parents so they can encourage the healthy development of their children. Parents learn to help their children develop the skills they need for daily activities at home and in early learning and care settings.” Process: N/ACost: N/ALocation: 225 Duncan Mill Road, Suite 201,Toronto,Ontario M3B 3K9 Contact:

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Connecting Families with Agencies in the Local Area

Name: Surrey Place Centre

Service: “This family-centred service provides supports to children and their families in natural settings including the home and early learning settings.  The goal of the service is to mitigate the risks of the visual impairment on the child’s development.”–Low-Vision-Program/Pages/Main.aspx

Referral Process: N/A

Cost: N/A

Location: Families living in Toronto - Toronto Public Health

Contact: 416.338.8255

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Connecting Families with Agencies in the Local Area

Name: Finch Avenue Optometry

Service: This is a service that will deal with people who face low vision.

Referral Process: N/A

Cost: N/A

Location: 77 Finch Avenue West, Suite 100

North York, ON, M2N 2H5

Contact: 416-222-7788

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Kids Need to Gear Up for Eye Safety. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 02, 2013, from Out Look:

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Patti Pics™ Colenbrander Low Vision Chart. (2013). Retrieved 03 10, 2013, from Precision Vision :

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Bibliography Soft Play Climbers. (2013). (©2013 Best Price Toys, LLC. All rights reserved) Retrieved 03 10, 2013, from TOYS:

 Stock Photography: Cartoon buildings. (n.d.). (© Peachbite ) Retrieved 03 17, 2013, from dreams time:

 What is Low Vision. (2012). (Optelec U.S. Inc. All Rights Reserved - Sites Powered by Optelec) Retrieved 03 16, 2013, from