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This transcript has been brought to you by David Wolfe’s How to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Joint Function and Flexibility – David Wolfe INTERVIEW WITH: David "Avocado" Wolfe INTERVIEWER: Len Foley DATE: 2007 Part 1 – Joint Health – David Wolfe Len: This program is called "How to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Joint Function and Flexibility," and I think the best place to start, David, is to perhaps describe what the symptoms and causes of varying degrees of inflammation and joint pain and arthritis [00:00:25] are, because some people may actually be suffering from this in a very small way but not even know that this may lead to something even worse down the line. So do you want to want to talk a little bit about some of the symptoms that people need to be aware of, the early symptoms and then the intermediate and then perhaps the later symptoms and what can be done about them? Avocado: I think that's a great place to start. My feeling is, is that most joint problems and

Joint Health - David Wolfe (LNP)

Nov 18, 2014



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Page 1: Joint Health - David Wolfe (LNP)

This transcript has been brought to you by David Wolfe’s

How to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Joint Function and Flexibility – David Wolfe


David "Avocado" Wolfe


Part 1 – Joint Health – David Wolfe

Len: This program is called "How to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Joint Function and Flexibility," and I think the best place to start, David, is to perhaps describe what the symptoms and causes of varying degrees of inflammation and joint pain and arthritis [00:00:25] are, because some people may actually be suffering from this in a very small way but not even know that this may lead to something even worse down the line.

So do you want to want to talk a little bit about some of the symptoms that people need to be aware of, the early symptoms and then the intermediate and then perhaps the later symptoms and what can be done about them?

Avocado: I think that's a great place to start. My feeling is, is that most joint problems and arthritic issues usually begin for people in their mid to late thirties as very minor issues that linger around certain injuries – say somebody broke a bone and it never quite healed properly. There is no question that as time goes on, as we age, that these problems actually increase. And that is a significant and important point [00:01:17] for our whole entire approach to joint health, because we have actually cracked the code of why. You know, why is it that a 3-year-old child is not affected by joint pain and arthritis but say somebody who is 75 is. And we are going to look at that and we are going to start out by first being able to identify a problem.

Here's one issue, is whenever you have an injury in a joint – let's say

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you break a finger – and you start to [00:01:38] lose mobility and it doesn't go away, you never get back a full range of mobility, well that is the beginning of a problem. And this is where we have really got to become aware of all the choices that we have in front of us at a very young stage and nip the thing in the bud before it becomes a more protracted problem.

The symptoms would be either immobility in the joint. It could also be – there is a certain lubrication in the joint, so a lack of lubrication [00:02:09] in the joint. This is affecting people a lot of times with knee problems. They walk for a mile and their knees hurt so bad they have to sit down because they don't have the lubrication in the joint. It can also be an inflammation – so like a retention of water, or it feels like a retention of water around a joint. And when you have had an injury and you have bumps on the injury, on your bone – let's say your broke a finger or toe – and then that bump never goes away, [00:02:33] it becomes a hiding place for organisms that are associated with arthritis, which we are going to get into.

Over time, as time goes on, arthritic pain can become chronic and it can affect you all day long and what will happen is you will have inflammation in the immediate area where there is an arthritic pain. You will have inflammation, you will lose mobility. And this is actually a lot of times what drive people completely out of their old behavior patterns in [00:03:01] terms of their eating, their supplementation, their herbs and all this kind of stuff. Because the pain actually can become quite chronic and just, it just stays on all the time. And when people get into that place they begin to get solution-oriented, just to put it mildly.

Len: And again, what we are about is prevention-oriented, but we are also going to address solutions and prevention. But can we [unintelligible word] specifically what actually is inflammation? I know [00:03:29] there are a lot of definitions on the Internet and in different books, but what is the specific definition of what inflammation – what is occurring when we do have inflammation?

Avocado: That is really a much more difficult question to answer than it sounds. From my research and what I have come across is that inflammation actually that remains, that is chronic, that needs to be separated from inflammation that occurs if you get a giant bruise or


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fall down [00:03:56] the street or you know slip on the stairs. That will go away, because you have an inflammatory response and then your body cools things off, the healing process begins and things go back to normal.

But chronic inflammation is a whole different ballgame, and chronic inflammation appears to be an autoimmune condition. And what that means is, is that there is something in the center of that inflammation that your immune system is not capable of getting [00:04:22] on top of, is not capable of wiping out, eliminating and clearing from your body. And when there is a multiple series of these problems over and over again over a long period of time we end up with say deformed fingers from rheumatoid arthritis or you know severe knee problems or severe back problems. Of course the most unique bone in our body – or actually series of bones and joints in our body – is our spine. And if you look around, [00:04:49] the amount of spinal problems, back problems, it's probably an epidemic.

But there are solutions, and what we have got to do is we have got to get right to the core of what is causing that inflammation. When I say that it is an autoimmune condition it means that there is some kind of an organism or a parasite or whatever you want to call it that is in that area of your body that your body cannot quite eliminate. And we are going to approach it from that perspective [00:05:18] in order to get the – what I believe the most appropriate solution based on all the technology we have today.

Len: So just to clarify: inflammation can happen almost anyplace in the body where there is a joint movement. Perhaps in the hands, in the elbows, in the knees, in the spine, in the neck possibly as well?

Avocado: Yes. Not only where there is a joint. There can be inflammation in other areas, but joint inflammation is the most [00:05:43] common form of inflammation, and the reason why that is, is because the inside of your joint where your two bones meet each other, where the collagen are touching each other, where you have that juiciness, that area is not vascularized. And that what means is it's not – there is no blood flow into that area of your body. Therefore all your immune weapons – your T1 fighter cells, your whole white blood cell armada, may be limited in its ability to [00:06:15] get into the joints.


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And this is probably one of the most key points that we are going to discuss in this particular topic of joint inflammation and how to reduce it and get flexibility back. We have to be aware that inside there can be a – essentially reaction, immune system reaction, that because there is no flood flow into that area there is no oxygen and therefore all the little bad guys, the viruses, nanobacteria which we are going to talk [00:06:51] about, and fungus will root right into that joint and at some point your body goes, "Look, we're putting out too many fires over here. We can't even deal with this right now," and the problem becomes chronic and continues to get worse.

So the lack of blood flow to the joint is the reason why mammals, reptiles and birds in particular break down in that area first.

Len: And does that mean taking supplements as a protocol to eliminate joint pain and inflammation [00:07:20] is not going to be enough – just taking a calcium pill or just taking some type of a vitamin C tablet?

Avocado: Yes. I mean, what we have really discovered in the last 100 years of an incredible and significant amount of research into the area of inflammation and joint pain is that there probably is not going to be a quick fix. However, having said, occasionally it does happen. And where it is going to happen is on a subtle energetic medicines like [00:07:48] homeopathy or bee venom therapy. Where you can trigger off a homeopathic reaction in the human body that suddenly allows your immune system to uncode the intruder or to figure out how to fight off the intruder, and suddenly boom, all the inflammation goes out and your immune system comes out victorious.

Now this does happen, and I want to mention that specifically the approach that I'm recommending as part of the whole program that we are going to be going through [00:08:15] here does include a homeopathic component, which in this case the homeopathic component that I am familiar with is bee venom therapy.

Len: And before we get into any specific remedies, let's just really briefly talk about the consequences of not addressing this early on and what it can mean say if you have had this problem for 2 years compared to


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having it for 10 or 20 years and how much quicker you can alleviate this if we address it quicker.

Avocado: To [00:08:48] answer that question what we are going to have to do to elucidate that particular issue we are going to have to really get into the nuts and bolts of what organisms are causing these problems and then we'll go from there.

The primary organism that is causing these problems in just humans – it's affecting, if a turtle lived long enough it would eventually go down with inflammation of the joints and would actually eventually become stiff and wouldn't be able to move and [00:09:13] it would die. That's what gets every animal in the end eventually, and that's an important point for people to know about, because I didn't know about that. I thought that arthritis was specifically a human problem, and it is not. Therefore there is some kind of an organism in nature that is involved in kind of recycling us back. And if we can't get that organism out of us then we are just going to go the same route. You know, let's say we live to be 100. Great, but we will still eventually go down with a joint problem or some kind of inflammation disease.

Steiner said that there are two types of diseases: inflammation diseases and sclerotic diseases. Like psoriasis is a sclerotic disease. However, modern science in the last 25 years has figured out that both inflammation and sclerotic diseases [00:10:00] have one organism in common, and that organism is a shell-forming organism or a microscopic clam the size of a virus or a barnacle. If you are familiar with boating you know what a barnacle is like, or if you have seen a whale with those little things stuck on them. Or another way of saying it is a little tiny little coral reef. Those little organisms that form that coral reef, they are the primary organisms that cause the inflammation that get in the joints [00:10:31] that start causing flexibility and rotational problems, pain and eventually the breakdown of the entire joint and the collapse of the immune system in that specific area.

These organisms are called nanobacteria. That is how they have been termed. Or now more recently they have been called calcium-forming particles – and they are forming the bad calcium shells right inside the middle of the inflammation.


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Len: Before we talk about the difference between [00:10:57] good and bad calcium also, because I think this is a crucial distinction, we just need to remind everybody we are not here to diagnose or to treat any diseases. This is purely spiritual advice. In fact, if you want to just give that quick disclaimer, Dave, because I think it is really important. Because nobody can hear this discussed in any other way like this.

Avocado: Basically as an Essene Minister and an Essene Bishop now my goal is longevity for everybody, and this is spiritual longevity. That is really the focus of our conversation, and to have spiritual longevity it is really good to be out of pain. Because if you are in pain all the time eventually you know you're, you're gonna, your body is going to crack somewhere, you know, your consciousness is going to crack and there can be a giving up.

If we can get out of pain and get spiritually strong then we have [00:11:42] actually succeeded in being closer to our Creator and our Creator's intent, and that is for us to live healthy, happy, all the years of our life on the planet, and we should have a long life on this planet.

Len: Well let's, let's jump right into it then. Let's talk about the difference between good and bad calcium, because I was taught as a child and as an adolescent and you know now in my forties that, "Hey. You need to eat a lot of cheese and drink [00:12:04] a lot of milk because you need calcium," but then I learned that we are the highest consumers in this country – in the United States – of calcium-based dairy products, yet we have the highest incidences of osteoporosis anywhere in the world. And we eat the most cheese. And Holland I think was #2 or #3 and they also eat the most dairy products.

So what is good calcium, what is bad calcium and why is there this massive myth [00:12:30] around "we can only get calcium from dairy products"?

Avocado: We have all seen bad calcium before in our bathtubs or toilets and we call it scale. And it's a formation of little calcium particles. That kind of stuff is exactly what we are trying to avoid inside our body.

Now of course we have all seen good calcium, and that is any bone


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that is naturally formed by the human body or any animal is good calcium obviously. And we have to differentiate [00:13:00] between good calcium and bad calcium because the organisms that form these little shells that get into the middle of joints that are really the center of inflammatory issues, those organisms form bad calcium as byproduct of their metabolism, or they form a shell that your body does not like. Your immune system doesn't like it.

In fact, to your immune system those little shells are like glass. It's like chewing glass, and it literally [00:13:31] decimates the white blood cells. And that is the specific point of why we have so many joint problems today even though we really have an incredible technology to get rid of the stuff. Because if we don't have the right strategy, if we are not specifically using the right herbs, minerals, superfoods, dietary strategies, lifestyle strategies, exercise strategies, we may not be maximizing the ability of our immune system to deal with this very dangerous organism [00:13:58] that eventually is going to get people. You know, this is what takes people out in the end.

Len: And so what foods to we need to avoid and what foods must we absolutely ingest in order to get this good calcium?

Avocado: Okay. Well, the best calcium sources aren't actually even calcium-containing foods. This is a shocker to some people, but when you look at it [unintelligible word; scientifically?] I think you will realize that there is a deep truth [00:14:28] in it, and of course it has a significant time-proven element to it.

And there are two minerals that are particularly important to build calcium. What I am saying is, is that you don't eat calcium to build calcium in your bones. You need to eat magnesium and silicon in order to get the appropriate calcium formed in your bones, in your joints where you need it. And that violates a big theory that we were taught in school, which is "in order to get sulfur [00:14:56] you need to get sulfur; in order to get calcium you have to eat calcium." This has been proven and has been known in herbalism for thousands of years to be incorrect. And if you understand this, you have a tool.

But some of the lowest calcium-content foods that are eaten by peoples in the world – meaning the lowest calcium diets – these diets


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are actually somewhere you know way below the normal. I think it's – I can't remember quite. It's like 20 – I can't remember what the RDA in calcium is right off the top of my head, but it's about one-fifth of the RDA in calcium. But these indigenous diets like in Africa, Senegal, Sierra Leone, these indigenous diets have high silica, high magnesium and there are no bone problems in people's youth and teeth problems and they [unintelligible phrase] without [00:15:47] the arthritic problems because their bones have been built properly out of the right minerals.

Calcium – again, calcium is coming from dairy products and milk and it certainly comes from green leafy vegetables, which is good, but there is a problem especially with [unintelligible phrase] that contain calcium because they contain – and this has been shown – the organisms that cause the calcification or the joint inflammatory response. And we don't want to be eating more of those guys. Usually we are picking it up from the environment already, and we don't want to overburden our immune system. But this is what is [00:16:25] happening with the huge animal food diet that people are eating, especially with milk and dairy products.

Len: So milk and dairy, do they actually lower our calcium levels [00:16:33] or they just don't deliver any at all?

Avocado: Eventually they lower our calcium levels once our immune system awry [correct word?]. When we are younger we have more enzymatic ability to break down what is there and get rid of what is inappropriate or not needed. As time goes on that is more and more difficult. We know for example that the United States, the Scandinavian countries and some Western European nations lead the world in osteoporosis; they also lead the world in [00:16:59] milk consumption. Milk consumption has been correlated specifically to osteoporosis because the exact levels of milk consumption in correlate exactly to the level of osteoporosis in that nation.

Len: Okay. So we know what to avoid. We primary want to avoid—?

Avocado: Specifically let me just go down a list here. I wanted to give specific foods and we are going to give some, but the key thing is we want to avoid dairy [00:17:29] products and we want to avoid foods that we could be allergic to. I guess that is the easiest way to say it. Now that


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is different for everybody, but the main ones are [1] dairy products, and [2] wheat and grains that have been cooked. Those two lead the world in allergic response. If we have an allergic response to a food that we are eating our immune system is activated. That means our immune system might be trying to fix what is going [00:18:01] on in our pinky finger from a joint problem and suddenly goes, "Oh my God, I've got to fix all the stuff over here" and then just has to leave that alone and go run and try to repair what is going on in the digestive system.

This is really critical, because we are trying to do with the whole diet program as a lifestyle choice and as a spiritual choice is to introduce foods into our body that our body likes, that there is no allergic response, and that is not for [00:18:26] example loaded with organisms that we don't want inside our body – for example meat and especially the blood in the meat has a tremendous amount of these organisms. So meat is very dangerous in that regard. Of course dairy products are very dangerous in that regard.

And so therefore we want to move to less meat, definitely off dairy products if we can do it. If we are going to do it we want to do it raw and organic right from the goat that lives in [00:18:49] our backyard and approach this from a whole lifestyle change.

Len: So when you are saying again organisms, are you referring specifically to nanobacteria? And if so, is nanobacteria a thing in and of itself or is that a broader term for a number of different organisms?

Avocado: I am just talking specifically about nanobacteria. And what happens is, and the reason why – you had stated it is really important that we address this earlier on when these issues are very minor. Nanobacteria [00:19:20] form shells, and when they keep forming shells upon shells upon shells inside your joint for example, eventually you start having mobility problems. And, more importantly, those nanobacteria then help to create hiding places for viruses in the case of rheumatoid arthritis and for fungus in the case of like toenail fungus or fingernail fungus.

Okay. Nanobacteria then are specific to joint inflammation and to inflammation in general. [00:19:51] It has been shown in the last


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25 years that wherever there is a chronic inflammation – wherever it is – it could be a psoriasis, it could be a joint issue. And by the way, you will note that most psoriasis or skin disorders occur above a joint. And the reason why that is, is because that psoriasis, the organisms – whatever they are, the fungus – are rooted with the nanobacteria right into the center of that joint.

Len: And is that why we see a lot of [00:20:16] elderly people who have like strange little growths on their elbows and even on their knees?

Avocado: Yes, it is. In fact, we probably can conclude that the main cause of disability these days in terms of mobility is arthritic pain and inflammation and what ends up happening is you just can't move around anymore and every time you do move there is pain. Fortunately solutions exist.

Len: So, but it doesn't sound like a fair [00:20:41] fight, because these little bacteria, these little organisms are able to get into places where the nutrients that we would take to combat those ailments can't penetrate. So what are some of the solutions that we can use to break these organisms down and eventually get them out of our body altogether?

Avocado: I guess the way that I want to answer that is, we have got to take a preventative approach, as you mentioned earlier. So we are altogether uniquely taking [00:21:09] a preventative approach, and that is what we would like everybody else to do so we never run into problems. However we may be down the road pretty far.

If we are in the preventative mode we can take a few extra herbs, superfoods. We can for example select certain foods like garlic more often. Garlic is a fantastic nanobacteria destroyer, a fantastic anti-inflammatory. One of the best weapons for your immune system is the oils in [00:21:36] garlic. And with a few additions and changes in diet and just changing your lifestyle – and literally it is about probably 5 minutes a day. It's really easy. But over a long period of time the effects are dramatic. We can help – like for example my friend Aaron who has been working with me for 5 years, we got him on a gentle approach. He is not completely raw food, he is not completely superfoods, but he has been able to do certain [00:22:00] specific things. He got his knee inflammation problems which were


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so severe he would walk a mile and couldn't walk. He would be in chronic pain. He would walk a mile and he couldn't go any further.

And literally he spent 8 months in Argentina – no, I'm sorry, Chile – hiking around with no problems at all. And again, he is not a super disciplined guy, but he is disciplined enough to get out of pain. And that's an important point. You don't have to be super-disciplined; [00:22:24] you just have to do the right things, and eventually over time the pain starts going down, the inflammation goes down and your joint is able to heal itself, as it did in his case.

Now he has no knee problems at all, which is a miracle, because when I met him 5 years ago when he started working for me he was, you know – he couldn't walk a mile.

Len: Dave, you have created a very advanced program called the LongevityNOW Program. Can you give us an abbreviated version of things that people can do right now? Foods they can take, some protocols that may only take a few minutes a day that they will be able to see a difference in their joint and inflammation problems within a few short weeks or even months?

Avocado: Absolutely. The way that this works – see, we have to be clever in order to really pull this off and make it work. And what I mean by clever [00:23:16] is, we just can't suddenly just you know stop eating this and then suddenly eat that. We have to be a little bit more sophisticated than that.

We have to take advantage of the most incredible herbs that are available to us now that have a time-proven history as anti-inflammatories and as stone destroyers, meaning they bring down that bad calcium. We have to take advantage of the cleansing technology [00:23:38] that we have today. And we put that all into the LongevityNOW Program. And that's a four-tiered system. It's just basically four stages. It's really simple – very simple. It takes 5, less than 5 minutes a day. In fact you can get so used to doing it that you don't even think about it.

You know, if you can take – if you can brush your teeth in the morning is what I tell people, you can do this. If you have disciplined yourself in your life to be able [00:23:58] to brush your


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teeth every day – and everybody has done this – you literally can do anything. And this is based on that kind of approach. You do a little thing in the morning, a little thing in the evening, you're done, it's simple.

Here is the four-tiered system. One of the, one of the deals is, is we have got to start breaking down the bad calcium in the joint or wherever the inflammation is, and we need specific tools that have been known to help out doing that. [00:24:24] One of the easiest and one of the most common – it's one of the best sold supplements in health food stores is methyl sulfonyl methane, MSM – or Mary-Sulfur-Mary. This stuff, when you take over 7500 mg per day – you don't start there, but when you get to there over a period of say a month or two or three, then you start getting this dissolving factor coming in – meaning it gets in your joints and it dissolves away the shelling of these organisms [00:24:54] and allows that flexibility to come back.

Most people who I talked to who have taken significant amounts of MSM over a long period of time – in fact pretty much everybody I have talked to, who have really done MSM, not just one 500-mg capsule a day but 7500 mg a day – don't start there, you know, that's where you finish – [unintelligible phrase] they have told me that MSM— This [00:25:17] is the phrase I hear: "MSM changed my life." That's what I hear. Because it's so effective at creating that lubrication and dissolving that bad calcium. That is step one. We want a bad-calcium-dissolver.

There are other ones, like zeolites, like DMSO. I don't want to complicate things too much. MSM is real easy. I like the – I used to do the powder. After a while it doesn't taste that good, so now I do the vegetarian capsules whenever [00:25:46] I am doing lots of MSM and it's great – easy. You can do it once in the morning, once in the evening, no problem. Do it with your breakfast or your dinner.

Stage two is we need some of the most powerful herbal antibiotics. And what I mean by that is there is a pharmacopeia of herbs that is available to us now that has never been available in the history of the world, and we can take advantage of the best of the best. And what we do with the LongevityNOW Program [00:26:08] is identity specifically which herbs are the anti-inflammatories. And not just


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anti-inflammatories – the best anti-inflammatories ever. And one of those of course is garlic, as I mentioned. Aged garlic extracts are a great way to go that allow you to be able to get all the goodies from garlic without having to suffer with the garlic breath. But it is specifically [00:26:35] aged garlic extracts, like Kyolic, which is a brand name – a brand that I like. I like the research they do, they put their money where their mouth is, I think they are a great company. And I have no stake in that company, but I support them. I think they do a great job of doing aged garlic extracts.

There is an incredible array of medicines that come out of the mushroom world, and in the world of the herbs and what they can do for us and [00:27:03] how they benefit us, mushrooms are specific to the immune system. Meaning that like you could go eat for example – I don't know, you would go get birch bark and make a tea out of it. And that is good, and it's great for you, but it does not specifically ramp up your T-fighter cells, it does not educate your immune system in how to break down and uncode invasive organisms like virus, like nanobacteria, etc., but the medicinal mushrooms that grow on trees that have [00:27:36] been used for 5,000 years in Chinese medicine and have been used in Native American herbalism and European folk herbalism are tremendous and they have now been extracted for us and simplified for us. Literally we take 5, 6, 7 capsules of that, split it up between the morning and the evening, and I'm talking about a combination of the top medicinal mushrooms – like reishi mushroom, agaricus mushroom, maitake mushroom. You don't even have to know much [00:28:02] about what they are. You just take them and you will figure it out. When you take all those together [00:28:03] you begin over time – and it usually takes about a year – to ramp your immune system up into a place it has never been before to a place where I have experienced in my body.

I never get inflammation ever, for any reason, at all, ever. I never have any sore joints ever for any reason, no pain whatsoever in my body, because I have disciplined myself to take these medicinal mushrooms over a long period time and I [00:28:30] do believe they are a major factor.

Now there is more than that. There is of course the mangosteen rind, which is one of the great fruits of the world. In fact, in Asia it is considered the queen of fruits. If you have ever peeled an orange


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before, there is a rind left over, a skin. Well, of the mangosteen that rind is a super-powerful anti-inflammatory, and when combined with appropriate minerals and just a little bit of alchemy, what can happen is that you can even double or triple its effectiveness. I think that that is one of the greatest things that is out there right now is the organic mangosteen rind extracts. It's unbelievable how powerful that stuff is.

There is one more that I want to name here. It is very popular in South America, tremendous history behind it, and it is literally like the #1 thing for flus and colds and immune system in South America, and that is cat's claw or uña de gato. Uña [00:29:27] de gato is an incredible vine. The root bark shaving can be used to make a tea. It's a divine tea. It tastes good. My good, you know you can heal yourself and drink things and eat things that taste good.

Len: David, can you ingest the bark also, or do you need to make it into a tea to extract the nutrients from it?

Avocado: Well, you don't actually have to ingest it as a bark tea to get the nutrients. You don't have to boil it or whatever. What has been done [00:29:55] in recent years – in the last, pretty much the last 15 years – is they have been taking cat's claw bark and just powderizing it into such a fine powder that your body can absorb it easily, and I have found that those are very effective and a great way to go.

Len: What about taking the tea and putting it into a blender and just blending it up?

Avocado: Sure. You could do that too. You can do it any way. You could also do extracts [00:30:12] where they make, they extract the ingredients of cat's claw either using hot water and/or alcohol or both and then powderize what is left over. And that is a very, very effective extract and it is very, very concentrated so you can get a lot in a little, and that's one of the great things we've got today. You know, everything I am talking about here can just fit right into your purse or your backpack and take it with you when you are traveling.

Okay. Now there [00:30:39] is a third stage to this LongevityNOW Program and that is the wholistic support from various different areas that we can take advantage of. One thing we know about


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inflammation – and the marker of inflammation that is used in medicine today is C-reactive protein. One of the things that we know turns that C-reactive protein straight on the downward spiral is enzymes. Now this is the key thing about the living foods diet, is the living foods diet [00:31:12] shuts off the inflammatory response. And if you are new to living foods, what we are talking about is adding into your diet organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, sprouts, wheatgrass, seaweeds, of course herbs – the common vegetable herbs like oregano and thyme and marjoram and all those things and the more complex herbs that we have been discussing such as the medicinal mushrooms, superfoods like goji berries, like maca and things of that nature.

When [00:31:45] you add these things into your diet you number one create an automatic anti-inflammatory response. And these foods are so rich in enzymes that they actually begin to take that C-reactive protein and just send it right back to where it came from, knock that score right down, and begin to help get us out of pain. I have seen so many cases of people who are in chronic pain for years become completely well with living foods. It's a [00:32:12] joke. I mean I've been doing living foods education for 13 to 14 years now, and I have seen exactly how powerful living foods can be as supplemental support to our lifestyle and what we are doing.

We just do the best we can, learn and educate, get involved with people who are into living foods and go to live food restaurants, raw food restaurants and, and just get into the environment and you will find it's fun, it's easy and it tastes great. I mean, it [00:32:35] tastes better than the other stuff, that's for sure.

Len: So these recipes, we are going to have three drink recipes and a couple of simple protocols at the end of this program within the manual that you are going to be able to easily follow through. You are going to be able to buy these products online. Some of them are sold in bulk quantities very cheaply. And once you get into this habit you are actually going to need to eat less food because you will be getting more nutrition in your body, and you are going to be feeling better and losing weight and your cravings are going [00:33:02] to go away.

I can't even begin to tell you how much it will change your life. So


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this isn't some kind of bland horrible thing you have to do for a while to make the joint pain leave. This is something that you are going to adopt and you are going to fall in love with, I promise you. Everybody I have introduced this system to has ended up loving it – not just for the taste of it but how it makes them feel.

Avocado: Len, I think you are touching [00:33:24] on such an important point, and that is nobody wants to do anything that is difficult. People want to do stuff that is simple and easy. And what we are doing here in this approach to joint inflammation and getting that flexibility back. It's just chunking it down so it's just as easy as possible and it will still work.

And you don't have to be a genius. You know, like talking about my friend Aaron, this guy is amazing but you know he is not [00:33:47] like the most disciplined guy in the world. But I'll tell you one thing: he is out of pain, because he is able to do a few of the right things consistently over a long period of time.

And one more thing. When you mentioned about kids, like getting your kids to do this stuff – and you can, this is all safe for kids. Wonderful. You know, kids' immune systems. Awesome. And it will help them in other ways. Kids don't have joint problems usually unless they [00:34:07] are born with you know some weird you know strange issue. But kids can benefit in other ways, because their immune system will be ramped up and they will start to put in a little bit of reserves into their longevity bank account. Because they are not subtly accumulating this stuff, their immune system is always wiping the slate clean.

Pets. That's the one that I wanted to say. If you have pets, this stuff works on pets too! Pets [00:34:34] can benefit. What takes out the pet, right? What is gonna get the cat or the dog? Like the dog: hip dysplasia. What is hip dysplasia? Joint problems. What causes it? Inflammation. What's the inflammation? An organism that gets into the hip joint.

And you are going to see that it is ubiquitous. It is all over the place, these joint issues. It doesn't just affect humans. But fortunately [00:34:52] we have solutions.


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Okay. So the enzyme piece is the living food diet, and that is really our main support in terms of getting that – just the inflammatory reaction [under control]. Let me just give you one bit of research on living foods and raw foods, especially plant-based foods. Paul Kirchhoff [spelling?] was a scientist back in the 1930s. His research has sense been replicated, and he [00:35:15] was the first guy to demonstrate the immune system reaction to eating food. Before he came along the medical community thought that every time we ate food our body would react to the food as a foreign object and attack it with white blood cells.

But Paul Kirchhoff discovered that that was not the case; that when we ate cooked food, processed food, our body [00:35:39] would attack it like a foreign object. Our immune system would be activated. And that is the key point. When we eat living foods our immune system is not activated to fight off what is in our digestive system, because what is in our digestive system is good for us. Does that make sense?

Len: That is absolutely incredible.

Avocado: That's incredible research.

Len: To think that the body treats cooked food like a disease or like a foreign invader.

Avocado: Like [00:36:05] a foreign invader. And this can – you can actually do this. You can do this yourself. You can just literally get a microscope and eat a giant steak dinner with baked potatoes and everything else and then observe your blood an hour later under a microscope and you will see that the white blood cells are all over the place. They have gone crazy, you know, they have exploded into your blood.

And then you could the same. [00:36:23] You could eat an entirely living foods meal – a beautiful salad with avocado in it and stuff like that, and then look at your blood an hour later under the microscope and you'll see, "Whoa!" There is a massive difference.

And he discovered that in fact when you eat food that is good for you, that is healthy – completely healthy for you – you do not


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activate your immune system, you do not stimulate your immune system to become overactive, and therefore your [00:36:50] body starts to go into an anti-inflammatory state.

Now I want to state this, that if we have eaten cooked food our whole life – and we all you know grew up on that stuff. We all grew up not just on cooked food just garbage, most of us. We are in a place where we have created a little bit of an autoimmune condition inside of our digestive tract, because our immune system has been activated every time we eat something. And so we just need to gently wean ourselves [00:37:13] off those old habits rather than jumping you know whole hog plus the postage and a pickle into the new diet and lifestyle.

You need to just gradually take those steps, because you have got to calm and soothe the immune system and just bring things back down to a normal and natural level.

Len: Okay. So you have gone into specifically different herbs that we can use and some different supplementation that we can take and that is not very expensive, that [00:37:38] is really easy to do. What also are some of the more recommended anti-inflammatory live foods that we can eat?

Avocado: Well, let me just give you one more bit of this whole thing. And I want to mention the superherbs and superfoods. And if we are going to get into foods, we have got to touch on really where the most powerful foods and herbs are. I want to touch on them first. And we call them the superfoods or the superherbs.

In athletics a lot of times they call them adaptogens, meaning there are certain superfoods or foods on the planet that are so powerful [00:38:19] that they help you adapt to any kind of stress, any kind of immune system problem, any kind of pain, any kind of inflammation. Those are well known to us in the category of what we call like ginseng, rhodiola, the goji berry. These are of a category of adaptogens that are so darn powerful that they are where we have got to go first. Because if you are going to change one thing today, I would recommend adding in say those superfoods versus lettuce. I think [00:38:50] lettuce is great, but it's not going to give you the anti-inflammatory response that a goji berry is going to give you.


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You know what I mean?

Len: Sure. Sure.

Avocado: And we can take advantage of these adaptogens. For example Tulsi is a great adaptogen, [also known as] Holy Basil, from India. That is one of the great adaptogens of the world. Nettles. Simple nettles. Nettle powder, nettle leaf tea is an adaptogen, one of the great herbs [00:39:13] of the world. You know I could go on and on, and these are all listed in the LongevityNOW Program. It's all there. It makes it easy for you. And places where you can get it already encapsulated for you. And so it's just the easiest thing ever.

Len: Actually, we'll just mention that these are mentioned in the manual, because we are going transcribe this and have these laid specifically. So these will all be mentioned and spelled out for [00:39:38] you and places that you can get them in the manual, so you want to refer to the manual on these different types of foods.

Avocado: Right. Exactly. And we are going to turn you on to new things like camu camu berry powder which is a vitamin C plant powder, but it's a botanical. It has not been synthesized in a laboratory. It's natural, it's a plant, it's just been dried and powderized. And that way you can start taking advantage of—

I mean, anybody who is listening to this right now, please take infinite advantage of the technological innovations that we have achieved in the field of nutrition and in health. There are so many incredible things out there.

When somebody comes to me and they say, "I've tried everything!" guess what? They haven't tried everything. In fact they have usually tried nothing. When somebody comes to me and they say, "I've tried everything," I say, "Okay, [00:40:29] great. Let's get a blank white piece of paper out, here's a pen, I want you to list everything you have tried." And I have never, in 13 years of doing this kind of work, you know in the public eye, I have never seen anyone get past seven things that they have done. Can you imagine that?

Len: Wow.


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Avocado: Yeah. And I'm talking 150 different things. If you are in serious pain, you know, there is serious stuff going on, you need to go, "I [00:40:52] need to try everything possible," and you know, the only way you are going to do that is by availing yourself of this kind of information. Because this is not going to be found on the nightly news. It's only going to be found on the Internet and in places where freedom of communication still exists.

Part 2 – Joint Health – David Wolfe

Len: And for those of us who aren't suffering with chronic issues, we can try one thing once a week for a month, and at the end of the month we have tried four things. And if they work, if we enjoy doing that and if it is something that makes us feel a little bit better – which we will notice on them right away – then we continue doing it and it doesn't have to be this major lifestyle change or this big dietary shift. It's just a matter of adding a few things, [00:00:33] eliminating a few other things and then watching our progress really accelerate.

Avocado: That's right. That's exactly right. And that can also be not only internally, but what we are going to get into as well, Len, is we are going to get into what you can do topically. Because we know that of course when a joint is affected—

Let's say it's your pinky finger joint. You know, one of the joints in your pinky finger. It takes a lot of energy and a lot of time [00:00:53] and a lot of digestion to get all your food and nutrients and superfoods and everything broken down and brought right to that area of your body.

We need to talk about what the joints are actually made of, where the nutrients for the joints actually are, and where, which foods not only have the nutrients and help rebuild the joints but also have the immune system weapons that can go into that joint, knock out whatever is in there that shouldn't be there, [00:01:22] and restore a natural environment. And the #1 thing in the world in this regard as a superfood or superherb – however you want to define it – is aloe vera. Aloe vera does this trick better than anything in the world. Aloe vera is of a class of plants that are very close to cactus. And it has been noted that cactus extracts can be literally injected right into a joint and completely blow the arthritis out. And that is called


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prolotherapy. And [00:01:55] I just want to mention that, because a friend of mine had it done and it just was like miraculous. And it is still done and it is legal. And it is p-r-o-l-o-therapy. And something just, something to be aware of and to look at.

It depends on how far down the road somebody is. Obviously we want to catch it early and not let it get that far. Aloe vera is a great ally in this regard, and we recommend if you can get it fresh aloe vera. And you [00:02:18] blend it right into your drinks and your smoothies and elixirs that you are making. Very instructions to do that are in all of my books and we will probably provide some materials like that at the end of this program.

Eucommia bark. Eucommia bark is very popular in Chinese medicine. It [00:02:33] is one of the great superherbs. It is spelled e-u-c-o-m-m-i-a, and what it is able to do is get that collagen flexible again. There is what is called a browning reaction in the collagen over a period of time where sugar can oxidize our collagen and start making things stiff and then that becomes a hotbed for an inflammatory process, because you know the little organisms will get in there because you know things aren't moving around and blood flow isn't [00:03:02] getting in there. And the next thing you know we have a problem. Well, eucommia gets that flexibility back. It delivers to the joints and the skin the restoration of flexibility, so that for example let's say if you're pregnant after you have the baby you want to get your skin back to normal, eucommia bark has been recommended in Chinese medicine for several thousand years for that.

Aloe [00:03:25] vera would work of course as well, and pretty much anything that we are saying here is going to help. Even these vitamin C plant powders, etc. Everything is going to help, but aloe vera, eucommia, these things are the top of the field.

Hempseed. Hempseed contains, and hempseed oil, it contains sulfur compounds in the protein that are very important and probably extremely unique and on top of that hempseed comes packed loaded with gamma-linolenic acid, which is [00:03:58] otherwise known as GLA. And if you have ever studied GLA, you have probably found out it is one of the best and most potent anti-inflammatories ever. Easy to take advantage of.


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And spirulina is another one. Very similar to hempseed, it has a high-sulfur-bearing amino acid content. Again that creates flexibility. So it's sulfur. If you recall about MSM. And anytime we get sulfur in our body we can create that flexibility, the motion, the juiciness. [00:04:27] So each joint, right? Like our vertebrae. In between every disk is juicy, starts getting that juice back in it. Spirulina and hempseed, to me – you know every day I eat those things, because that's just part of being healthy forever. You know, if you want to be spiritual, healthy and have a great life, these two foods can really support that.

If you are living in a tropical area the foods you get onto immediately – let's say you are [00:04:52] in Hawaii, Mexico. Let's say you are in the Caribbean. Wherever in the world that you are, noni. One of the greatest foods in the world, if not the greatest. It's a fruit. It tastes awful, but it's so darn good for you it's ridiculous. And if you ever come to one of my seminars in Hawaii, we'll show you how to make the best noni smoothies ever and noni drinks where it does taste good. But you've got to know what you're doing to do that. [00:05:17] And that's more than I can get into right here because it's, you know, it's kind of off the topic. Most people aren't in a tropical nation. But noni is on par with aloe vera as one of the great anti-inflammatory, joint-supporting foods/superfoods ever. It might be even more powerful than aloe vera.

Len: We should also distinguish the noni that you are talking about compared to the fruit drinks that sold in supermarkets.

Avocado: Good one. Thank you for that, [00:05:42] actually. I get so far into my world that I forget what's out there. The noni drinks that are out there, some of them are excellent. Some of them are actually just sugar, you know, they have been putting sugar into it and you know kind of selling it as a little bit of a marketing scam. There is no question that these noni drinks, which are actually more of a noni wine with a fermented product of the noni fruit, have some immune system properties, but they [00:06:09] do not have the joint-affecting anti-inflammatory properties as the fresh fruit has.

In the LongevityNOW Program we have kind of gone through the first step, which is breaking down that bad calcium. The second step


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is coming in there and just kind of frying those suckers, or anything that's, you know, really weighing on our immune system. Right? The little organisms and critters and virus and whatever. And then the third step is we [00:06:32] start getting that superfood support and that enzymatic support of the living food diet, as well as other things. And these things will be listed in the LongevityNOW Program. And you incrementally put them in when you're ready, when you have the disciplines, when you want to. You know, that's how you do it. We just start with the simple.

And then the fourth stage has to do with electronic impulses, and this is something I have been literally working on [00:06:54] tirelessly for years to try to understand this. I'm not an electric engineer by trade, but I can tell you one thing, when you have a joint – like your finger. And I know I broke my middle finger on my left hand a couple years ago and started having the accumulation of a little bump on my finger. What I found out was something very interesting, that is certain electrical impulses will actually drive those little critters right out of the [00:07:21] joint – meaning you can set yourself up with— Either you can lay on a mat that is producing electrical impulses— This is the latest thing, by the way, Len. No one even knows about this yet. There is a mat out there that produces square wave impulses that is a basic zapper that you can just lay on when you go to bed at night. [Note: Check with Avocado if he wants to keep this [00:07:45] in here; since last I heard he felt that grounding was more important at night than zapping, and that grounding rendered the zapping a waste of batteries.]

Len: Huh.

Avocado: And that is huge. What it is able to do, it is able to get electrical impulses where your blood cannot reach in the middle of the joint, and therefore it can drive those little critters out of their hiding places and they cannot survive once they get out in your bloodstream and your immune system is attacking [00:08:03] them.

This is a critical point. Again, the reason why we break down in the joints first, most of the time, in all animals, including us, you know, every mammal, every reptile, bird, etc. I am not saying that we are animals, but we have similar you know immune systems and everything to mammals. We can – we have trouble over time as we


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age getting that immune system into the joint because it is not vascularized; there is no blood flow in there.

However [00:08:30] there is a trick, and that is the fourth step of the LongevityNOW Program, and that is you can get an electrical impulse. It's a kind of a noise that causes these critters to just get the heck out of there. They can't stand the noise. I mean, imagine being in your room and you had like death metal blasting in your ear all day long for a year. You'd probably move out of that room pretty soon. That's kind of how it works.

And this has been simplified [00:08:54] into little devices, including a little zapper that you can wear. I put that on my finger actually when I broke my finger, and it just immediately took that little bump right out of there. Because it had healed, but three months later it still had a bump and inflammation and just there was a – there was a problem. These little critters were going. As soon as I got it onto the zapper, as soon as I got those electrical impulses in there, in and on top of [00:09:13] everything else that I'm doing, it just boom, it just went right away. It was gone like it was never there.

Len: And again, we'll have these resources in the manual and people will be able to find out more about these types of devices in more detail.

Avocado: Exactly. Yeah.

Len: Excellent. This is some amazing, amazing information. What about topical remedies such as MSM lotion or DMSO, and what are some of the things we need to know about these ointments [00:09:43] and how to best administer them?

Avocado: MSM lotion – methyl sulfonyl methane lotion. Methyl sulfonyl methane by the way is a biological form of sulfur that is in all living things. It's especially really highly concentrated in trees and in the ocean, and it's intrinsic to all life. And we don't get enough of it because we have eaten a processed food diet, and processed food contains no MSM. Because once you cook a food, MSM goes right off with the [00:10:09] water. So as you boil something or whatever, the MSM goes right into the atmosphere and you lose it. And therefore we are more susceptible to joint inflammation diseases than even wild animals are, because they can stave it off because


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their immune system is stronger and they generally live about 10 times longer than their maturation age. Our maturation age is about 20. We are living – you know, you can do the math. We are lucky if we live 5 times longer than [00:10:30] that. So we are significantly shortening our longevity by not eating enough sulfur and using enough sulfur on our skin.

Sulfur is an anti-aging substance and MSM is the best form of sulfur that I know of. What we do with MSM lotion – which is dynamite, that stuff is incredible, and it's so cheap! I mean that's the thing about MSM. It's like $15 for the bottle of lotion. I don't leave home without that stuff. That [00:10:54] stuff is amazing. You have poison oak, poison ivy, joint problems, etc., just put it right on the joint. If you need more medicinal support, it's not strong enough – the MSM lotion – then you would jump to an MSM combination with DMSO. DMSO is very closely related to MSM. In fact, DMSO-2 is MSM. So it's just an oxidized form of DMSO. DMSO is found, again, in every tree, it's found in the ocean, it's found in us, and the more of [00:11:24] it we have the more flexibility we have the more juiciness we have in each joint.

Then if that doesn't work then you would just go to straight DMSO, but I always caution people about straight DMSO. You have really got to know what you are doing with DMSO, because it's a solvent and therefore it can burn you. It could also— Let's say you've just gotten out of the shower and you had soap on your skin and then you put DMSO on, well the DMSO takes what [00:11:47] is on your skin's surface area and goes down into your joint with it. You don't want that unless you, you know, you are using a specific approach to get medicines into that joint. So DMSO must be – you must be educated about it before you use it, and I really recommend reading a book on it. That's really the best way to understand and learn what this stuff does.

Beyond that there is some incredible innovations that have occurred recently. I want to mention [00:12:13] magnesium hexahydrate. Out of the Dead Sea it was discovered that you could – this is so fascinating, Len, listen to this – the Dead Sea contains certain substances in what is called magnesium hexahydrate, meaning there is something inside the magnesium hexahydrate that has a very powerful anti-inflammatory instantaneous effect once it touches


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affected tissue; tissue that has been damaged or necrotic tissue or tissue that has been hurt by inflammation in let's say a [00:12:43] bad joint for example. Magnesium hexahydrate can be sprayed on the skin topically and it goes right in there and just starts knocking the inflammation and pain right out.

And it was found that magnesium hexahydrate could be activated if you vortexed it. So this is the thing about ormus, Len, if you recall this. I have said this before, and this is, this is really interesting to discover this. If you take magnesium hexahydrate and you put it in like a blender, [00:13:09] you know, you spin it around and you get it into a vortex, it becomes highly active and more capable of being an anti-inflammatory and being able to get into the joint topically. And this has been researched over the last 25 years and is now available. And that is also going on the list, because like DMSO – unlike DMSO – it's a little easier to use, it's easy to travel with. It's just, I have it in a little bottle and you just, you [00:13:37] just spray it. It's real simple.

Len: And is it something you ingest in your mouth or put it onto the—?

Avocado: No, it's just, it's strictly topical. Strictly topical. It's basically a Dead Sea Salt extract, and you know what that means: it contains certain mineral materials that are specific to the joints. And the mineral materials, by the way, just to put this on the table and just so people are aware – the mineral materials that we [00:13:56] are looking for to repair the collagen in the joint is specifically silicon and the minerals that are naturally bound in with silicon as silicon is produced in its natural state.

And when you are looking at something like aloe vera, you are going to find that there is this stuff in there with the silicon. You are going to find that in noni; you are going to find it in practically everything. And that stuff is not really understood. We call it ormus or strange matter, [00:14:25] and this matter is intrinsic to all life, it's present – it's a mineral just like magnesium or calcium or anything else, but it's not been really understood by science. I'm not gonna get into the nuances of it right now, but this mineral substance or type of mineral can be found in certain foods. We have mentioned them [00:14:42] already – the superfoods, the superherbs and it's also found in certain topicals, like magnesium hexahydrate.


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And one more that I want to mention, which is Orgono Living Silica. Orgono, O-r-g-o-n-o. Orgono Living Silica is meant to be ingested but it can also be used topically. I have seen it remove pain in people's joints and their fingers in seconds. And that is really powerful. Orgono Living [00:15:08] Silica, we are so fortunate to even be able to have it.

Len: Excellent. So the topical remedies that you just mentioned are MSM lotion, DMSO, magnesium hexahydrate which you recommend to have it vortexed first inside a blender, then taking it out.

Avocado: It's already vortexed for you. You don't even need to do that. It's already done for you.

Len: Fantastic. And you also mentioned Orgono Living Silica, which can be taken into the [00:15:36] mouth and also put directly onto the joint. Now there is also a technology where we can combine various things, like for instance taking the MSM lotion and combining it with DMSO to actually deliver it deeper into the joint. Do you want to talk a little bit about that as well?

Avocado: Yes. [00:15:50] Those products are available. In fact, I spent – years ago I spent some time developing those products, and they are available. They are MSM/DMSO combinations with some great anti-inflammatories in there already. It's already done for you, so it's like a linament. You know, you get that menthol coming in. And by the way, the menthols are really good at developing circulation in certain areas, especially when you put them on topically in a lotion. You get that cooling reaction, but what it does also create is a dilation of the capillaries, more blood flow can get in there – which means heightened immune reaction – and so we [00:16:26] have combined the menthols with the MSM with the DMSO, a few other goodies are in there, and that's really great for simple joint problems. You know, where, you know there is some pain but it's not a real major issue.

If it's a major issue then you move on to DMSO and magnesium hexahydrate and Orgono [Living Silica] and stuff that is a little bit more potent.


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Len: Well, Dave, what about zeolites? We have been hearing a lot about this really amazing [00:16:50] substance in the news and there has been a lot of research in the last few years on this incredible substance. Do you have any insights you want to share on how this will help also in alleviating joint pain?

Avocado: Very simply, zeolites are very effective at taking bad calcium and turning it into good calcium – which is a good thing to have. Right? You can take the bad stuff in your body and convert it into things your body can actually use. [00:17:18] And zeolites have been found to be able to do that.

Zeolites are just a mineral compound that is found in the Earth in places where there was a former ocean and where a volcano had poured lava into that ocean. Zeolites are created as a result of that alchemical reaction. Zeolites are of the most powerful Earth substances and fall into the categories of clay, fulvic acid, humic acid and then the zeolites.

Now that might not mean anything [00:17:45] to do, but if you have ever studied indigenous medicine and the way that people lived on the Earth say 5,000 years ago, what you will find out is that people – and of course it's still happening now – ate clay. Now you think, "Clay? I would never eat clay." But actually everybody who has had a McDonald's milkshake has had clay. Everybody who has had Pepto Bismol has had clay; Kaopectate. There are clay in those foods. That's a huge industry. But [00:18:12] it's been hidden now, and people don't even understand why we would take clay or why it's natural for all mammals to eat clay, and birds and reptiles.

And the reason is, is because it pulls out metabolic waste and it helps you live longer because it just helps detoxify you of the waste of metabolism. And in our world today – my God, the industrial waste and the artificial synthetic adhesives and all this kind of stuff, we have got to have tools to get that stuff out. Well, zeolites are the most powerful of those Earth compounds like clay that help pull out the toxins. [00:18:43] And they are so simple to use. It's just a bottle with drops in it. You just put the drops in your water, it doesn't have any taste – or almost no taste – and you can drink your water and you go about your business.


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But if you are using that zeolite technology, the liquid zeolite technology, the activated liquid zeolite technology [00:19:02] you have got a very powerful weapon in your, in your hands. And it has also been known that these zeolites help to deactivate the virus coding, the sequencing of how viruses replicate. When we are dealing with rheumatoid arthritis we are dealing with a combination of two organisms: one of the organisms is nanobacteria, those are those little guys who form shells around themselves; and the other organism is a virus. And so the zeolites are known to be antiviral [00:19:30] and they start breaking down that coding sequence, next thing you know the joint is coming back to normal, the pain is going down. And so we had that in into our overall protocol.

Len: There is another substance we have [00:19:41] been hearing a lot about in the last decade and it is glucosamine and chondroitin. And we see it in almost every pharmaceutical store we go into has bottles and bottles of this stuff. And strangely enough, you didn't mention it in this protocol. Is there a reason why?

Avocado: Yeah. There are a number of reasons why. Glucosamine and chondroitin are made out of shellfish – or they can be made of shellfish. They usually are. And therefore [00:20:08] they can be contaminated, because shellfish is loaded with mercury and has all kinds of problems. I don't know what quality control standards are in place in the chondroitin and glucosamine world, but I am [unintelligible word] they are not up to speed on the most incredible organic certifications and everything of quality.

Anyway, glucosamine and chondroitin are effective because they contain that matter that we are talking about, that strange matter – we call it ormus [00:20:40] – that is found in the shells of shellfish. It is also by the way found in the shells or the exoskeletons of insects and gives insects an advantage in being able to fly. Because this stuff doesn't really behave on the normal laws of matter; it floats on magnetic field. So when you see a fly flying across your room in your house or something like that, or your kitchen, don't just swat that fly. Look at it and you will notice it. It actually is [00:21:07] able to kind of float in the air. It has this strange ability, and I believe that part of that reason is because it can float on magnetic fields – because it contains lots of this stuff in its exoskeleton.


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Well, when in our body that stuff, that floaty stuff, the strange matter, the stuff that really is effective at getting inflammation out, the mineral material concentrates in the joints. Now if we have had a diet that is deficient in those minerals – [00:21:35] and again these are minerals that are not even understood by mainstream science, although alternative science is starting to get a real strong grip on it. What is happening is, is that we are finding out that those minerals are – which are in aloe vera, they're in goji berries, they're in all, all everything pretty much that we have talked out so far – what they do is they restore that juiciness, that buoyancy back the joint, and they make the [00:21:56] joint buoyant in the same way as say like a hummingbird as it kind of hovers across the air. It's almost like it's floating – or a bee has that kind of floaty thing going on. But that buoyancy is what we are looking for, and chondroitin and glucosamine are secondary or tertiary sources for that stuff.

I would much rather go to cleaner sources that are more controllable, because glucosamine and chondroitin are massive industries. I mean they are the second most [00:22:22] sold supplement in a health food store behind calcium.

Len: And I think anything that is that widely distributed – for instance like a McDonald's hamburger – we need to be really careful about how they are so easily distributed throughout the world and in such mass quantities, because it's really hard to make special really powerful substances that readily available. And we need to be really careful, if we are starting [00:22:45] to see things that we take normally and we find those things in a local supermarket, we need to look at really where it is coming from and the quality controls that that particular company is administering.

And sometimes these companies that make remedies such as glucosamine are the same companies that create the foods that created that problem in first place. And we need to know that. I think it's important information for us to know, where we are getting [00:23:05] things from and what else these companies are selling and who owns the companies. Maybe Coca-Cola owns a company that is selling you something that has to do with healing your joint pain. And I wouldn't say that that would be necessarily one of the most trusted sources.


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Avocado: Yeah. I would agree with you. And by the way, in terms of inflammatory foods, soda is extremely inflammatory. And you know we can give you a list if you want of the most inflammatory stuff. If you recall, dairy products probably lead the [00:23:37] list, then grain and wheat products that have been processed, and then when we get into some of these heavily processed foods like refined sugar. By the way, refined sugar is a huge allergic food [sic; allergen]. So many people are allergic to that it's not even funny. And this can cause again an inflammatory reaction. And of course refined sugar is the primary ingredient with phosphoric acid in soda pop. And this is extremely destructive to the immune [00:23:59] system, to tissue health. It's just unbelievably damaging, and eventually what it causes is acidity. And when we get into that acidic environment due to all that phosphoric acid and sugar what ends up happening is, is that our immune system just collapse.

And you know, it's like the immune system just gives up on a whole bunch of battles, and then you see you know this breakdown and people get this really bad rheumatoid arthritis and deformation [00:24:22] caused by rheumatoid arthritis and pain chronically and all this kind of stuff. It doesn't have to be that way, and we have solutions.

Len: And what about just quote-unquote fruits and vegetables we find at the supermarket that may or may not be organic? Does that have anything to do with some of the stuff that gets in between our joints and those little hard-to-reach areas, some of the painful [unintelligible word]?

Avocado: Yes, it does. That's really a [00:24:44] great question, and it's important for us to know that those little shells that those little bad calcium shells that those little guys make, that bad calcium isn't just bad calcium; it also consists of toxins that we have eaten that those little guys like to make shells out of because they know that it is damaging to our immune system. Like mercury for example.

Like where do you find mercury in the human body? Well, if you were exposed to mercury, [00:25:11] where would it end up? Well, it usually ends up in the shelling of these little organisms. So you could have mercury in your joints; you could have mercury in your brain. I mean, there are all kinds of things that could happen if we


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get exposed to mercury, and we have got to be able to be clever enough to kind of get that stuff out, and we have got to do it safely. And that's kind of what we are talking about with zeolites and some this stuff. It's [00:25:37] able to lock up that toxin and get the bad calcium out that is around that toxin safely and effectively.

And therefore you could probably make a jump to the next conclusion, which is, if we are eating a lot of toxins in our diet, then it's likely that these little critters that get in our joints – the virus, the fungus and the nanobacteria – are going to get us earlier than we should be gotten. Right? We are going to expire early. And that is exactly what [00:26:03] is happening to the human race.

Len: When in doubt eat organic food, stay away from anything that has been highly processed, highly sweetened, highly salted, highly really packaged – like packaged food that we find in our local supermarket, we really need to avoid a lot of that stuff. Because mostly everything does contain wheat, sugar and dairy ingredients.

Avocado: Yes it does. You are absolutely right. [00:26:27] And then you can for sure make you know the jump that probably most of the food that's out there, most people are having an allergic reaction to it to some degree. That is creating inflammation, the immune system is activated, on and on and on, and sometimes by the way, sometimes with joint pain and inflammation it's just a food allergy. That's the whole problem. They don't even have nanobacteria in their joints; they have just been eating food that they are [00:26:50] allergic to and their immune system is like freaking out. And as soon as they get off the food that they are allergic to—

Like for example, a lot of people are allergic to the nightshade family foods: potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, eggplant, that family of foods. And once they get off that stuff their joint pain goes away, because it was just a food allergy all along. And I'm so glad that this came up, because I was [00:27:11] thinking last night, "My God, I've got to mention this," because not every case of inflammation and pain is actually the same. Sometimes it's just your body going, "Look," you know, "stop eating this stuff."

Len: That's actually— We are going to have a list of all those things that you just mentioned, like the most common allergic food items. And


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there are ways that we can get tested, but there are also easier ways. Just stop eating the food and see [00:27:36] if your body, if the ailment just kind of reduces it all. I think that's a really powerful approach as well.

But we could get into this in such detail. This is really just a program about giving people some basic tools and basic tips about what they can do right now to make an immediate change in their joint health.

My next question has to do with what we need to drink. For instance the kind of water we drink, the types of juices we drink. You always recommend for any, any condition, even for just improving our health, to drink a lot of fresh organic vegetable juice. What is a good round drink that we could make, a fresh juice that we could make that would really, we'd get the most bang for [00:28:16] our buck.

Avocado: Excellent. Well, let's start with what not to drink first, because that came up and just listening to you right there I was thinking, wow, thank you for even bringing this up. because where we find the bad calcium – right? – the scale, where do you find that? You find that in your kitchen sink or your bathroom sink. It's in tap water, and the bad calcium, we don't want to be ingesting that stuff, and if you ingest tap water there are 75,000 different [00:28:42] toxins that have been found in tap water and then you have the bad calcium right along with it. That is not a good recipe right there. So we have got to do the best we can to get the best water we can get.

If that means distilled water because you don't have any other choice, okay, that's where you have got to start. I really recommend spring water from the source. Find a local spring and visit it and get real, natural water that doesn't have any bad calcium in [00:29:07] it. Well water can have bad calcium in it and therefore it needs to be filtered. Really important stuff here.

Going beyond that, out of the water equation, if you really want to get some incredible hydration, get the juiciness back into your joints from different sources other than water, there is no question that some of the berries – like in the summer I do berry juices. Just raspberries and blueberries and just get the whole thing into a mush [00:29:32] and just drink it. It is so incredible. And the antioxidant/anti-inflammatory properties of that stuff is


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On the vegetable side, which is a little easier for people, you could literally juice celery. Celery is so simple, it's the most basic thing going. And instead of juice carrots – like you have seen guys on TV juicing carrots, that's a little sugary and it's a little sweet. Although it's good, celery is a little bit better for most [00:29:56] people, and it's so alkaline that it increases blood flow. It basically drops the stress level down so that we are not constantly in this tightening stressed-out [00:30:12] kind of mode. Even if on the outside we don't appear to be stressed out, on the inside we might be. And the alkaline substances like celery juice help to calm our system down and help our immune system get into those hard-to-reach areas.

Len: Excellent. In the last bit of this program I wanted you to discuss some of the exercises and ways that we need to be moving our body and strengthening our body and perhaps doing some aerobic exercisers to help with [00:30:38] our joints to get some of those synovial fluids pumping into our joints. Because like you said, there isn't a lot of blood going into those areas, so we need to get something in there to keep it lubricated. What are your top three recommendations?

Avocado: Excellent. And I want to mention in this regard that I am not like a fitness guru, but I have healed myself of a very severe back injury that happened in 1989 where I broke [00:31:03] my back and literally was in some way incapacitated for over 10 years. Just to give you an idea of how severe that injury was. And I had a huge amount of scar tissue, huge amounts of joint problems, pain in the vertebrae, every problem you could imagine, and I completely healed myself. So I am speaking from experience when I touch on this subject, and I definitely want to recommend strongly – because it helped me so tremendously – is practicing yoga, but [00:31:30] practicing yoga in appropriate pace for you. Most yoga classes are like the Yoga Olympics, and it causes more stress.

I get into the neck sometimes. I'm a neck specialist. That's my field in terms of massage therapy, and when I get into people's necks sometimes, even these great yogis, there is all this tension, hypertension, right in that neck. And yoga is about getting that out of you. So when you are doing yoga you [00:31:57] have got to be in a


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relaxed state. And here is the type of yoga that I recommend specifically, and that is inversions.

What the heck is an inversion? It is when your hips are above your heart. When your hips are above your heart. Let's say you are doing a headstand. Your hips would be above your heart. Let's say you were just bending over, right? Just touching your toes. By the way, touching your toes – just that one exercise, practiced three times [00:32:24] a day for 5 minutes each, that one exercise— I don't keep my knees very tight obviously, you know, I just leave them a little bit bent, it's very relaxed, I bend over and touch my toes and I hang. This once exercise completely healed me of that back injury: 3 times a day, 5 minutes a day. Completely. I got completely out of pain. Because what it does is it – your spine is always [00:32:45] being compressed by gravity. When you hang down, when you an inversion, when you go upside down, your spine get elongated by gravity, the blood can get in there, you start getting that juiciness back in there, the pressure goes off the joints, next thing you know the joints are happy in your back, in your spine. And that's the #1 thing that I'd recommend.

#2 is we [00:33:08] have got to get into like a natural environment. I'm not a big gym believer. I think you have got to be out in nature, you have got to be walking around. Because when you are out hiking – just simple hiking, walking – the research into walking and its associate with longevity, its association with great health all the years of one's life and its association with getting exercise but without overdoing it. It was found about 25 years ago that there is a certain [00:33:34] amount of exercise that is good and then if you go over that you are actually hurting yourself a little bit. But walking you could never hurt yourself, because we are naturally designed as walkers. And if you walk outside, you get a nice hike in every day, it's very calming, it's really good for your blood flow, it's good to get some fresh oxygen into your body, get that oxygen to your immune system and then in and on top of that you are using fine motor skills and joint articulations that you will be using on a Stairmaster for example in a gym somewhere.

There are little fine motor skills that you develop from walking that can't be replicated by gym equipment, and I really strongly recommend it, because it's natural, I believe it connects people to the


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natural environment, and it calms [00:34:18] people down. I know it does me. I learned that from my grandfather, and my uncle took that on, you know, his son, and then you know from my uncle I have really picked up this thing about walking and how important it is.

What else? One of the other things is, is that if you do have a severe joint problem, I would really strongly recommend avoiding those exercises that irritate it. And we have got to be— I had to become very sensitive to that myself. There [00:34:42] were certain things that I could not do that would irritate the heck out of my back and would actually inflame the problem for weeks and weeks and weeks, and then I would have to suffer through that until it all calmed back down.

I know there is someone listening who is in that situation, because I was in that situation, and I didn't know what to do. And what I ended up having to do was just avoid those exercises until I could get to a significant level [00:35:01] of the reduction of the inflammation and then after a while my body came to a place where I was no longer in pain all the time. I could start doing those things I couldn't do before. For example, pushups. I could not do a pushup for 10 years. And it just started very slowly, one time at a time, I started doing pushups with knees, with my knees on the ground instead of my toes, and gradually just built up and restored balance [00:35:28] to that area of my body so that I could do things that I couldn’t do before.

You've got to be very sensitive to doing – to not doing – anything that irritating our joints and causing an inflammatory reaction. Because if we get that inflammatory reaction going due to the irritation in the joint where you know we are rubbing for example two surfaces of our joints together and there is a bunch of that bad calcium in between, that's like sandpaper. And [00:35:50] that's not good. That creates more inflammation. Gradually we will be able to get more – we will get some pain out of there and get that joint flexible, but not in an irritating kind of a way. You don't want to overdo it.

Len: In your estimation, though, exercise is important.

Avocado: Oh, it's critical. It's absolutely critical. The main exercise that I am recommending is yoga and hiking. I recommend those because they


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are natural, they are easy, and they are [00:36:17] soft and gentle. Again, when we are dealing with inflammatory conditions we can accentuate or increase the inflammation if we do the wrong thing. For example let's say we have knee problems and we go out running on hard pavement. You know, we have just got to be a little bit sensitive.

I'll tell you another one, and this will be, this will be, we'll count this as the third one. Swimming. Swimming. There is no question that swimming is one of the best ways [00:36:44] to articulate our spine, to move our spine. It's one of the most fun exercises, and I really am a big believer in swimming in the ocean and natural bodies of water. Ice cold lakes and getting in there and getting that blood flowing around. It was found in Russia that the people who cut the hole open in the lake and jump in there in the middle of the winter were the longest lived people along with the beekeepers.

Len: Wow.

Avocado: And so that's good information. Why [00:37:04] is that? Because it creates blood flow. You jump in ice cold, your blood is flowing. You go swimming in the ocean, you blood's flowing. You're in it, you know. You are fully activated.

Len: Speaking of water touching the skin, do we need to be careful about say swimming in public pools, or even bathing in a tub using straight tap water? How dangerous can that be and how much of that stuff actually does end up [unintelligible word] into our joints?

Avocado: That's [00:37:30] a great question. I have a pretty, pretty intimate connection to that due to my good friend who I spoke with yesterday, who was an Olympic Bronze Medalist and grew up in swimming pools and have suffered as a result of that. Because the chlorine can get into your body and it affects your neurotransmitters, it causes depression, it can affect your nutrition. Chlorine is a halogen. It's highly reactive, and therefore it can interfere with your metabolism, [00:37:56] it can interfere with your joints. There is a whole host of problems that come from being in a chlorinated pool.

I am going to assume that people know that, but if you don't know that, that is why I really recommend natural bodies of water and


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staying away from chemicalized pools, because of the danger of chlorine.

Len: And bathwater?

Avocado: I have filtration systems obviously, you know, wherever I am living. Sometimes I bring it with me and [00:38:22] just hook it up to the water. So you can filter off some of those really toxic substances like chlorine gas, which is found in hot water. In standard municipal water you are going to have hot chlorine gas and when you turn that hot water on that gas comes out as a vapor, you breathe it in, you are soaking in it. You have just got to be a little bit careful.

Now if you do the right thing – let's say you have filtered water at your [00:38:42] house or you are on a well that's filtered and you have got a good system going, if you can get into a bath with some of the substances that contain the magnesium hexahydrate – remember these strange minerals substances? That is found in Dead Sea salt, so you put the Dead Sea salt right into your bath and then you will notice it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Len: Excellent. And lastly, what do you recommend as far as like putting ice or, and/or [00:39:12] heat on joints that are really inflamed and they are in a lot of pain – or just as a regular protocol using heating and ice, and/or ice?

Avocado: Both is better than just heat. Sometimes— It depends on the situation. Some people's rheumatoid arthritis is really activated by cold. Some people it's heat. Sometimes it's both the extreme of heat or the extreme of cold, but if you do them both together – hot, cold; hot, cold; hot, cold – in an area [00:39:42] you are creating blood flow and you can get a benefit. If you do one without the other I can't really recommend that because it depends on – it is very specific to the person, and it is really specific to what that person is dealing with.

I really believe that if you have an inflammation condition what you are really dealing with generally is too much heat in that area, so I believe that linaments, things like menthols that cool off the area – peppermint oil [00:40:08] for example – and create blood flow are probably more of a direction that you would want to go. And if you


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know somebody that does the hot/cold therapies, this may be of benefit to you, and it can actually you know be a huge benefit to you, but it really depends on you and your own needs and what is going on in your body.

Len: And David, would you also recommend weekly or even daily massages until the ailment or the pain really subsides?

Avocado: Definitely, [00:40:37] and for no other reason than the power of the hands, you know, the healing touch. This was, this was you know an amazing discovery in the last, maybe it's 10 years, that the most healing thing you can do and the most chosen alternative medicine of all is massage. Why is that? Because it works the best. Why [00:40:53] is that? Because you are getting touched. And if there is one problem in our culture, we don't touch enough. I mean, we are freaked out to touch anybody. And that fortunately is changing – you know, the massage therapy world is massively transformed and it's really, it's really great, and I really think that the power of healing touch is as significant as anything we have talked about, and especially the healing touch of a loved one. Like, you know [00:41:21] like husband and wife trade off massaging each other, right? Or kids and parents trade off massaging each other.

This is – you know, I come a family where, you know, close big family where when I was 7 years old we used to have to massage my 18-year-old cousins, you know, because you know that's how it works. And then they would have to massage the people who were older than them. And I do believe that that really affected me, and I believe [00:41:48] it is a factor in the health that I have now. I think it's important to be touched.

Len: This has been a remarkable interview, and I am very, very happy to be able to present this information to the world at large. And again, there is going to be a manual that is going to accompany this audio CD, so I recommend everybody to really study this manual. Pick one or two of the products. You don't have to go into town and buy everything that we have [00:42:07] listed, but just take a few things that resonate with you and try it out. The most important thing, as David has said, is to start someplace. Try one or two little things.

Again, it doesn't take that much time. It doesn't cost a lot of money.


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It just takes a little bit of effort to actually want to take some preemptive action. And if we are really in dire straits, if our joints are really in a lot of pain, then perhaps we need to take a little bit more of a proactive [00:42:37] approach and actually try three or four things – or maybe everything – and to see how it works. And again, taking Dave's advice, start slow.

Avocado: I think it is equally as great that we try new things and add new things in. I think it's also equally as important as letting certain things go, certain behaviors go. If we discover we are allergic to something, we really need to let that go and, and observe the difference.

Most of [00:43:01] us are not driving the same car we were driving when we were 16 years old, but we are eating the same diet or something worse. Now why? If you are 16 years old and you are driving a car, how come you are not driving that car now when you are 50? And the reason is you probably traded it in for something better, and that's what we're talking about here. You know, in the overall journey of life we are gonna have to take on new things, we are going [00:43:21] to have to let the old stuff go. And we recommend that you let that happen fluidly, but you might find that letting go of a certain food you are allergic to might be more powerful or more significant than other things you are adding, and it's important to be aware of that.

Len: I want to thank you, David Wolfe, for your time in this very informative interview, and I'm sure our listeners have gotten a number of powerful insights that they can apply to their [00:43:47] lives immediately. So thank you again, David, for this really remarkable opportunity.

Avocado: Thank you. Awesome. Thanks, Len. Great interview.