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Volume LXIII No. 56 July 22, 2020 A Publication of First Christian Church of North Hollywood A Congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Rev. Dr. Robert M. Bock, Senior Pastor Louise Sloan Goben, Associate Pastor Jennifer Le’au, Director of Children’s Ministries Jeremy Gillett, Director of Youth Ministries Alfredo Gomez & Loydi Rivas Gomez, Pastors, Spanish Speaking Congregation JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” SERVICE ON JULY 26! PLUS STUDIES AND MORE — ALL ONLINE AT WWW.FCCNH.ORG

JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” SERVICE ON … · of beautiful, inspirational quotes, such as – “With love and patience, nothing is impossible” (Daisaku Ikeda)

Jul 29, 2020



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Page 1: JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” SERVICE ON … · of beautiful, inspirational quotes, such as – “With love and patience, nothing is impossible” (Daisaku Ikeda)

Volume LXIII No. 56 July 22, 2020

A Publication of First Christian Church of North HollywoodA Congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Rev. Dr. Robert M. Bock, Senior PastorLouise Sloan Goben, Associate PastorJennifer Le’au, Director of Children’s MinistriesJeremy Gillett, Director of Youth MinistriesAlfredo Gomez & Loydi Rivas Gomez, Pastors, Spanish Speaking Congregation


Page 2: JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” SERVICE ON … · of beautiful, inspirational quotes, such as – “With love and patience, nothing is impossible” (Daisaku Ikeda)

Page 2 July 22, 2020 First Christian news

I walked into our office the other day and saw a book on Peggy’s desk. I had never seen it before and the title intrigued me – “Expect the Most Wonderful Things to Happen” by Eileen Caddy. I sat down to read for a minute, hoping for some inspiration for my night-ly letter. However, when I opened the book I saw that it was a journal – page after page of blank, lined paper. (Obviously she hasn’t started writing in it yet.) Separat-ing the sections of the journal were several colorful pages of beautiful, inspirational quotes, such as – “With love and patience, nothing is impossible” (Daisaku Ikeda) and “Keep some room in your heart for the unimag-inable.” (Mary Oliver) It was the fastest read in history but one that left me with many ideas. For instance, what would happen to each of us IF we really expected the most wonderful things to happen in our lives? By simply changing the way we think, the way we plan and the way we anticipate could we bring the most wonderful things into our lives?

I think it is worth a try! After all, what could be the harm in such positive thinking? For instance, there is a lot of negative thinking surrounding the expected after-effects of Covid-19. One Harvard professor said that we may never be able to shake hands again. Other author-ities say hugging is a thing of the past. Many people believe we will not, in the foreseeable future, be able to hold worship services as we have in the past.

However, if we study other pandemics, I think we will see that while lifestyles were changed temporarily,

the long-term lifestyle changes were few. The human race is very resilient and our ability to return to health, both individually and as a society is strong. With faith, humor and patience we can overcome anything. When we add love to that formula it is truly without equal in strength. We just need to “stay the course.”

So instead of taking a negative view, I choose to reject the idea of no handshaking, no hugging and no worship as before. I choose to expect wonderful things to happen in the post Covid-19 era. I choose to delib-erately keep my heart open to the unimaginable, know-ing that this is still God’s world and that God is still in charge. Our part, as God’s helpers, is to maintain a strong faith and get out of God’s way instead of filling the world with negativity.

This coming Sunday we will be celebrating Christ-mas in July on our online service of worship. David Rigsby, our Director of Music, has arranged some mar-velous Christmas music. While we won’t officially be kicking off Operation Santa and our Tree Lot, we cer-tainly will keep the future of these two important pro-grams in our prayers.

This afternoon Jeremy Gillett, our Director of Youth Ministries, sent the worship/tech team an out-line for Youth Sunday – 2020. Our seniors have had a really rough year emotionally. None of the traditional senior events happened, leaving an empty place in their hearts. However, our youth are strong in their faith. They are strong individually and even stronger together as a group. All of them were willing to take a leadership role in the upcoming service of worship. The theme will be “Dealing with Change.” It will be a great opportunity to see and hear from our amazing youth and hear how

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First Christian news July 22, 2020 Page 3

We also want to continue to pray for peace, for wisdom for the world’s leaders, and for the people of all war-torn areas of our world.

For those of you who know someone serving in the armed forces, as well as people serving in other capacities, we want to lift them up in prayer... please let us know when they come home!

Chris Diaz • Joshua Bigbee • Steven Zaun

they have been dealing with the many changes they have been facing.

Expect wonderful things to happen in your life. As our dear friend Paul Sorensen used to remind us – “Thoughts are more than things – they are the cause of things.” Let’s cause some things to change – together!

Perge` Pastor Bob

“Just A Thought ...” by REV. LOUISE SLOAN GOBEN

Last week I shared about my friend Robbie and his Facebook posts from the beach. He begins each post with a short quotation, and he even writes a phrase or a few words from that post in the sand, then he photo-graphs it and posts it online. The waves will eventually come and erase the writing, as waves do. But the mes-sage is still permanent for those of us who get to see Robbie’s posts on Facebook. These words are seared into our hearts by Robbie’s love and his commitment to keep up the good fight.

Today Robbie posted words of John Lewis, who

died last Friday of pancreatic cancer. It is difficult to miss Rep. Lewis’ contribution to our nation as he was a prominent figure for so many years. He marched alongside Rev. Martin Luther King and was the open-ing speaker for the 1963 March on Washington. That day is probably best remembered for MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Many of us have parts of that speech memorized, much as we learned the Gettysburg Ad-dress when we were younger. This weekend I learned that John Lewis was 23 years old when he spoke at that event. I could not help but ask myself, what was I doing at age 23?

Let me tell you about another group of young adults who have made a huge contribution when they saw that something needed to be done. Farmlink was begun in March 2020 by a group of college students. Their schools had been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They were aware of food shortages and also saw that large numbers of farmers in California and oth-

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er agricultural areas of our country were either dumping food or plowing crops under because they had no way to get the produce to market. Perhaps you also saw on television dairy farmers pouring gallons of milk down the drains because of problems with distribution.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people were lining up to receive food from pantries, churches, and civic organizations when they had lost their jobs. The students began to research ways they could connect trucking lines with farmers and food pantries or Region-al Food Banks so that the food would not be destroyed. Farmlink is now an established non-profit organization, and as of this writing their website says that 6,523,369 pounds of food have been delivered by their organiz-ing efforts. It was started by college students who saw a need.

There are times when it seems that there are cir-cumstances and issues that are so large, we would have no idea how we might even begin to address them. We might ask what difference can we possibly make in this situation? And if we ever believe that we are on our own in trying to solve huge challenges, we would be correct in our assessment that we cannot tackle it alone. Yet, we are seldom alone, are we?

Methodist minister, Steve Garnaas-Holmes has written:You are a mustard seed of justice.Never mind the smallness of your witness.

The wound is deep, the sickness is awful,the hunger is great. But you are a mustard seed of healing and justice.

“Just A Thought ...” CONTINUED

Immeasurable divine fruit is hidden in the smallest acts of love and courage.It’s not about you. It’s the power you contain.

You are a mustard seed of justice.But only when you are sown.

We don’t have to be the big thinkers or prob-lem-solvers. But we do have to try, and we have to care. In the words of John Lewis, we must “…never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, nec-essary trouble.”

Thank you, John Lewis. And God bless you.

Pastor Louise

We were saddened to hear of the passing of Mary Ann Lynch, mother of Katie Lynch and

Elizabeth Monsour and grandmother of Isabella Monsour. Isabella, before going to college, worked in our nursery and in our church

school for several years. She also was a helper in our summer camp program.

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TOPIC: Bible Study with Rev. Louise

TIME: Tuesdays at 10:00am (PT)


MEETING ID: 495 908 947

PASSWORD: 014283

ONE TAP MOBILE: 16699006833,,495908947# US (San Jose)

BY LOCATION: 1-301-715-8592 US • 1-253-215-8782 US

I wanted to take the time to tell you all how much the lovely expressions of thoughts and prayers, and now especially all the beautiful cards I’ve received at mom’s passing, have meant to me and supported me since we got her diagnosis in early November. Colleen Rigsby was quite the lady. Wish you all could’ve known her. She ended up being not the “quitter” I at first thought she was in refusing any kind of treatment for her cancer, but the bravest person I’ve ever met, facing stage 4 cancer head on and saying “bring it!” Her faith was already strong, but only got stronger over the seven-month journey we walked with her. Her hospice angels (all Christians) were from a Christian-based company called Sacred Journey, and that’s what they provided for us. They always said, “It’s Colleen’s journey... we’re just here to walk beside her as she takes it.”

Her nurse Temika and CNA LaKeysha were literally God’s ministers on earth to all of us the entire way. We couldn’t have asked for better Christian support from those two. Mom lit up every time they would walk into her bedroom.

So all in all, mom’s strong faith on her journey has changed me, and I think my sister Renee and her daughter Olivia, forever. I know when my time comes, God will walk the journey beside me as he did with mom. It’s true. Death has no victory over one of God’s children. Thank you God!

Again, thank you. One’s church family’s love and support at a time like this... well, I couldn’t put a price tag on it. You’re all heroes and saints to me!

In love,David Rigsby

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I greet you in the Wonderful Magnificent name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As the end of summer approaches, I find myself searching for ways to hold onto benchmarks that repre-sent the start of the school year--catching a school bus, attending in person classes, going to the park, attending sporting events, attending scholastic events, or simply just walking outside without a mask. With the an-nouncement that schools will begin online, we now un-derstand these ordinary markers of life are memories of the start of previous school years. I imagine the thought of these experiences and the reality that this year will be very different has given way to new emotions, new ex-periences, and new stories of what it’s like to be a young person living in the midst of a pandemic.

In an effort to help our youth navigate their experi-ences, we are partnering with Sheri Werner to create an online zoom Community Circle. For those who aren’t familiar with Sheri and her work, she was instrumental in helping our youth deal with the loss of their friends by suicide. Also, she and I partnered to lead an anxiety seminar for our youth last year to help them deal with emotional uncertainty. I’m happy to say we’re back to help address the void some might be feeling today. Sheri Werner (MS, PPS) will be our Facilitator for “Commu-nity Circle”. Sheri is a parent, longtime school leader, and credentialed counselor who specializes in working with teens and parents. She is the co-founder of a pri-vate K-8th grade school and a public middle and high

school. Sheri is an expert in dealing with bullying about which she conducts lectures, workshops, and profes-sional development for educators and counselors. Her book, In Safe Hands: Bullying Prevention with Compas-sion for All, was published in 2012.

Sheri and I have developed an outreach program which will help our youth during these times. The “Community Circle” will be an open forum on Zoom and in this space we will open the floor first to find out how our youth are feeling. After listening to their com-ments, we will give them tools to help them stay con-nected to themselves, Christ, and family. Next, we will offer strategies to help manage loneliness. And finally we will share why having a structured day helps in having a positive mental and emotional day.

This event will begin August 6th at 5:30pm. We will meet Thursday of each week. Because middle school and high school youth have different experiences, we will meet biweekly with each group. We will start with the middle schoolers on August 6th at 5:30 and the following Thursday, August 13 we will meet with the high school youth. We will continue this pattern for the month of August and reevaluate next steps for September.

Please RSVP with via email ([email protected]) . I know this experience will be fruitful for us all.

Love,Jeremy Gillett

Director of Youth Ministries

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FCCNH’S Virtual Script to Screen Camp: July 27-31, Hours: 9:30am-12:30pmPrice: $99 per family

No Hollywood budget necessary, no expensive camera equipment needed. An innovative summer camp with a special interest in YouTube and video production is a unique venue for middle school-ers to explore the ins and outs of video production and filmmaking. Not only do kids learn a coveted and useful set of skills, but they can also experience the perfect mix of summer learning via instruction hours from 9:30-12pm, with independent hours afterwards. Open to ages 12+.

*Please Note: camps may be canceled due to low enrollment,

so please spread the word!

Registration is OPEN NOW! Please email Kristina Frost at:

[email protected] with any questions or concerns.

VIRT UA L CA MPS!Virtual Dance Camp by ACE Dance Project: August 3-7 (new dates), Hours: 9:30am-12:30pmPrice: $99 per family

This week of dance will be filled with genres in-cluding ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop and yoga. We will offer beginner/intermediate levels based on age. Every morning will begin with a warm up - stress-ing the importance of waking the body up before a busy day - and end with mind and body calming yoga. Ace Dance Project is so excited to be part of your kids’ summer dance experience!

Virtual Martial Arts Camp: August 3-7, Hours: 9:30a-12:30pPrice: $99 per family

There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker or smarter. Everything is within. Seek nothing out-side of yourself, only the spirit within. We do not use martial arts for hurting people - it’s for pro-tecting them and ourselves. It’s not about fighting, it’s about building character. Let Victory Martial Arts teach you Life Skills first, kicks and punches second! Each camper receives a uniform and belt!

Did you know FCCNH has a Facebook page? Please check it out and Like us on Facebook. It is a great way to keep up with what is going on in the life of the church.

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A Note to the Church Family from Your Prayer GroupsPrayer has always been a fundamental part of the glue binding us

together as a church family. Unfortunately, the current realities of our worldwide health crisis mean that we cannot physically gather together for either worship or prayer in the church that is “home” to so many of us.

We in the Monday morning and Tuesday evening Prayer Groups want to reassure you that, despite temporarily suspending our week-ly gatherings in the Chapel, individual prayers from and for you have continued all along. As part of our covenant, we both corporately lift prayers when we are together, and lift them in our individual daily prayers throughout the week.

There Are Several Ways Your Prayers Can Reach Us• Via direct email to one of our leaders:

Janet Bruce ([email protected]) • Eunice Cox ([email protected]) • Irion DeRouen ([email protected]) • Via e-mail via the church website:

(go to > Worship > Prayer Requests) or click here:• Via phone call to the church office: 818-763-8218• If you are at the church, via prayer cards that are available at the Prayer Cabinet outside the Chapel. Fill one out

and put it in the cabinet slot or drop it off in the church office.

Unless urgent, Janet will compile prayers submitted on Saturday and Sunday and for the weekly list. Midweek prayers will be sent out as received. We will continue to hold you close to our hearts throughout the coming days and weeks.


IMPORTANT NOTEBible Study will be taking a two-week hiatus beginning next week, July 28 & August 4.

The Wednesday Evening service will also be on hiatus July 29 and August 5.

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First Christian news July 22, 2020 Page 9

Pantry Supporters,

The Pantry is in need of one pound bags of rice. Please leave all donations at the office, Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm. Elmer or Tony will then take the donations to the appropriate location. Please hold off on the paper bag donations until Au-gust; that would be helpful at this time.

The pantry is still in need of help moving bags. If interested, please reach out to Barbara at [email protected].

Thank you,Rae Eiklor - FCCNH Food Pantry Liaison

Join us for our Weekly Service ofHealing & Meditation

Wednesdays@ 7:00 pm

For details on joining this service, please email [email protected].

HUMAN NEEDS COMMITTEEWe are in need of summer clothes! Men’s t-shirts,

shorts, and jeans. Socks for men and women. Ladies t-shirts, shorts, summer pants and casual dresses. Under-wear for men and women—plus hats and water bottles.

Donations can be dropped off at the church office during normal business hours. Please contact Deborah Luster with any questions at 323.854.6707. Thank you!

a note f rom the

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8am Wednesdays on Zoom. Interested? Email: [email protected] for Zoom info.

During this ongoing health crisis, several members of the congregation have organized a team of volun-teers available to pick up groceries, prescriptions, med-ical supplies, etc., for our elderly, at-risk, or disabled FCCNH Family. For information, assistance, or to volunteer please contact Shane G. at 818.760.2551 (landline only -- no texts), or the church office during normal business hours.

For those who would like to help support these ef-forts in any way please contact the church office during normal business hours for information.



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Robert M. Bock Senior PastorLouise Sloan Goben Associate PastorAlfredo Gomez Pastor, Spanish Speaking CongregationJennifer Le’au Director of Children’s MinistriesJeremy Gillett Director of Youth MinistriesTyana Parr Director of Children’s/Youth ChoirsDavid Rigsby Music Director/OrganistChristine Karasseferian Director of FinanceChris CarsonChurch AdministratorGabriela Dorantes Administrative AssistantGlenda Morgan Brown Administrative AssistantTerri Burton Church PublicationsMichele Amundsen Wedding Director Elmer Maldonado Building & Grounds SuperintendentMiriam MancillaDirector of Christian Nursery SchoolGreg Kirkland Media Director

VOLUNTEER STAFFJacob Beam, Craig Brooks, Janette Jara, Tom Louie, Susan Marble, Jeff McFadden, Denise Ovaldson, Tiffany TappSound Technicians

Luis Oliart Security

IN MEMORIAMEarle Immel Minister of Music Emeritus

Merle E. Fish, Jr. Minister Emeritus

BY WAY OF REPORTWeek of Sunday, July 19, 2020___________

Total General Offering $3,888.00

Food Pantry $250.00 Ann & Maurice Davis Scholarship Fund $10.00



Articles can also be delivered to the office Monday thru Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Check out our website ( and click on the Donate or Vendor button at the top of the page and select “First Christian Church of North

Hollywood” as your designated charity.

Did you know a percentage of your online purchases can be a

donation to FCCNH?

Page 12: JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” SERVICE ON … · of beautiful, inspirational quotes, such as – “With love and patience, nothing is impossible” (Daisaku Ikeda)

First Christian News First Christian ChurCh oF north hollywood

a Congregation oF the Christian ChurCh

(disCiples oF Christ) 4390 ColFax avenue

north hollywood, CA 91604 - 2898

THINK GREEN! PLEASE RECYCLE!NOTE: If you would like to receive this newsletter via Email, which saves

on printing/mailing costs and is better for the environment, please contact us. Annual subscription cost for first class mail version is $24.

First Christian Church of North Hollywood818/763-8218 • FAX 818/763-8457Web Site: www.fccnh.orgemail: [email protected]

Pastor & Senior Editor Robert M. BockProofreading Glenda Morgan BrownArt Direction Terri BurtonProduction Services Byron Armantrout

EmeritusMary Ann Steuterman Billie KlineLillian Carlson Heather Kenney Margaret Defibaugh Cathy Melendez Fern Donald Chuck Mont Jean Johnson Wanda Kanoy Helen Scarna Kay Smith Betty Van Zanten Shirley McClure Deborah Wheeler Virginia Stebbins Cindy Kaller