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John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley,...

Mar 25, 2021



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Page 1: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,


Page 2: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

€ r>

National Library of Scotland


Page 3: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 4: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

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National Library of Scotland

Page 5: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

This is a Reprint of the First Glasgow Directory^

Only one copy of the original is known to exist. It was

in the valuable collection of the late Adam Sim, Esq., of

Ciiltermains, who, shortly before his death, intimated his

intention of having it reprinted as a great Literary

Curiosity. It now appears by the permission of Mr.

Sim's Executors. The Volume is in every respect a

faithful fac-simile of the original, which may be seen at

the Publisher's, Robert Forrester, 142 Stockwell Street,


(Pl'ice 2/6, post free.) May, 1 871.

Page 6: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 7: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,


Page 8: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 9: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

ADVERTISEMENT.THE Publiftier of this Direftory has endea-

voured to fupply the frequent complaints of

ftrangers, as well as the Citizens, in taking upon

him the arduous tafk of compiling a Complete Guide,

for the eafy finding out every inhabitant, of the

leafl note, in this City and the other Towns and


But, as the difficulty of a private perlon's

knowing every one and his conne6lions, without

the affiftance of the people themfelves, muft be

apparent to every one ; it cannot be expelled, b;iiit

that fome errors and omiffions will appear, which

he hopes the indulgent public will excufe ; not-

withflanding, the publifher did make an a6lual

furvey of a great number of houfes, fhops, ware-

rooms, &c, in Glafgow, with a view to be as ex-

aft as poflible, but many had fcruples of giving

information, as they imagined it was for another

purpofe he was taking up their names.

Therefore, to render this Diredlory complete

there will be an Appendix printed, and given Gratis

to the purchafers of this, about the firfl of Auguft

next, reftifying the mistakes (if any be) wherein

the names of thofe that have been omitted in this

shall be carefully inferted, and the publifher will

take it kind to have written information on this

occalion, that the appendix and the fubfequent e-

ditions may be as complete as poffible.

As this Directory will annually require reprint-

ing, on account of removals, deaths, new part-

Page 10: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 2- )

nerfliips, and other accidents, the publifher hopes,that thefe who are to move will give him propernotice thereof, before the firft May next, that theymay be inferted accordingly.

The publiftier at his fhop High flreet, fells

•wholefale and retail mofl kinds of flationary, as"Writing paper and paper books of all kinds, wrap-ping papers, pens, ink, wax, wafers, letter cafes,

and pocket books.

N. B. As he means to deal almofl: folely in thearticle of paper, he intends to keep a very generalaflbrtment.

Page 11: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

C as3 c



City of Glafgow, Villages of Anderfton, Calton,

and Gorbals ; alfo for the Towns of Paifley,

Greenock, Port-Glafgow, and Kilmarnock,

FROMThe 15th May 1783, to the 15th May 1784.

CONTAINING.Alphabetical Lists of the Names and Places of Abode of

the Gentlemen, Clergy, Merchants, Traders, Mechanics ; and

all other Perfons in public Bufmefs ; where, at one View, you

have a plain Direftion, pointing out the Streets, Wynds,Lanes, Clofes, and other Places of their Refidence in thefe



Separate Lifts ot the Magistrates, Minifters, Procurators,

Phyficians and Surgeons, Midwives, and Meflengers at Arms,alfo the arrival and departure of the Port at and from Glafgow.

Carriers quarters. Stage Coaches, &c. &c. &c.

G L A S G O MV:Printed for John Tait Stationer, the Publiflier, and fold at

his Shop a little above the Crofs, by the Poft Mafter, and

Bookfellers of Paifley, the Bookfellers of Greenock, Port-

Glafgow, and Kilmarnock, mdcclxxxiii.

Page 12: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 13: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,



Alex. Brown, Esq; ) Merchant Bailies

John Riddel Esq; |

J-VAercnant liaiiies,

John M'Auslan, Efq ; Trades Bailie,

James M^Grigor, Efq ; Dean of Guild,

George Buchanan, Efq -, Treafurer,

Robert Auchincloss, Efq ; D. C.













Page 14: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 15: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

A L I S T of the M A G I S T R A T E S and

Town Council of the City of Glafgow.

Patrick Colquhoun, Efq ; Lord Provofl, merchant

Argyle Street.

Alex. Brown, Efq ; merchant Bailie, Horn's court


John Riddel, Efq ; jun. ditto Shortridge land ditto.

John M'Aullan Trades Bailie, feeds merchant

Argyle flreet.

James M'Grigor, Efq ; Dean of Guild, merchant


George Buchanan, Efq ; Treafurer, Brewer Argyle


Robert Auchinclofs, Efq ; Deacon Conveener^

Cooper Trongate.

Alex. M'Call, merchant Millers ilreet.

Richard Marlhall, wine merchant Madeira court.

Waiter Neilfon, merchant Candleriggs.

John Douglafs, merchant Millers ftreet.

Robert Dunmore, merchant ditto.

John Coats Campbell, merchant Virginia ftreet.

William Coats, merchant, head of Gallowgate.

Robert Findlay, merchant. Millers ftreet.

Gilbert Hamilton, merchant, Queens ftreet.

Henry Ritchie, merchant, Adams court.

Jofeph Scott, merchant. Queens ftreet.

Alexander Low, merchant, Adams court.

George Milne, jeweller, Trongate.

William Craig, timber merchant, Clyde ftreet.

Walter Lang, baker, Trongate.

John Miller of Weftertown, Millers ftreet,

James Brodie, fadler, Gallowgate.

John Robertfon, wright, Argyle ftreet.

James Muirhead, fadler, Trongate.

Page 16: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

is)Robert Arthur, taylor, Currie's clofs high flreet.

Robert Smith, wright, Candlerigs.

John Morrifon, wright, Argyle flreet.

Reverend JMinifters of the GofpeL

William Craig, D. D. St Andrews parilh, head

of Candlerigs.

John Gillies, D. D. fouth or College church parifti,

Dunlop ilreet.

William Porteus, wefl or wynd parifh, Dunlopflreet.

Robert Balfour, eaft or outer high church parilh,

Charlotte flreet.

William Taylor, D. D. north or high church pa-

rifh, high flreet.

John M'Caul, fouth weflor laigh church parifh,


William Taylor, St Enochs parifh.

Archibald Bonnar, north wefl or Ramfhorn parifh.

John Burns, Barony parilh, high flreet.

William Anderfon, Gorbals, kirk flreet.

John M*Leod, free presbyterian meeting-houfe,


James Steven, ditto. ditto. high flreet.

George Henderfon, burgher meeting, fhuttle flreet.

Alex. Perrie ditto. Charlotte flreet.

John Jamifon, antiburgher meeting, Anderflon.

James Ramfay, ditto. Claythorn.

Thomas Bell, relief meeting houfe, ditto.

Falconer, Englifh chapel, Trongate.

Robert Lothian, entry to St Andrews church.

ProfeJJors in the Univerfity,

William Leechman, D. D. principal, high flreet.

Robert Findlay, D. D. divinity, new court.

Page 17: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 9 )

J. ClowLogick, new court.

George Jardin, affiftant, Colledge Court.

John Young, greek, ditto, ditto.

William RichaKifon, humanity, new court.

John Anderfon, natural philofophy, ditto.

William Hamilton, anatomy and botany, high


Alex. Wilfon, aflronomy, new court.

John Miller, civil law, ditto.

Patrick Gumming, oriental languages, ditto.

James Williamfon, mathematicks, ditto.

Hugh M'Leod, church hiftory, ditto.

Thomas Reid, D. D. moral philofophy, ditto.

Archibald Arthur, ditto. Colledge court.

Alex. Stevenfon, M. I>. medicine, high ftreet;

Faculty of Procurators.

John Marihall, IherifF fubftitute. Salt market,

John Findlay, park houle.

John Wilfon, one of the city clerks, gallowgate.

Robert Barclay,

James Ritchie, Queens flreet.

James Clark, high flreet.

Thomas Grahame, head of Stockwell Trongate.

Claud Marihall, laigh kirk clofe.

John Maxwell, fenior, Moodies wynd.

George Thomfon, Trongate.

Archibald Givan, oppofite pofl office, Gibfons


John Snodgrefs.

John Robb, Trongate.

George Riddoch, Salt market.

George Smith, ditto.

Robert Crofs.

Jofeph Crombie, Donalds land Trongate.

Tames Buchanan, Saracens head inn.•^


Page 18: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

{ 10 )

Matthew Gilmour, high flreet.

John Maxwell, junior. Horns court Argyle flreet.

James Ofwald, Kirkintilloch.

JamesGrahame, Trongate.

John Wilfon, junior, Salt market foot

Robert Graeme, Salt market.

Robert M'AuUay, Trades land.

Robert Park, gallowgate.

John Hamilton, Salt market.' Archibald Grahame, Thiftle bank, ^

Benjamin Barton, Buchanans land Trongate,

John Scales, head of new wynd ditto.

James M'Lehofe, London.

James Cunnifon, Jerristown.

David Scott, Salt market foot.

Alexander M'CuUoch, Gallowgate.

John Dillon, Salt market.

Archibald Smith, ditto.

John Lang, new wynd.David Hutchifon, Salt market.

John Shells, entry to St Andrews church.

James Mathie, Salt market.

George Crawford, head of Kings flreet.

George Muir, high flreet.

John M*Ewan, laigh kirk clols.

James M'Nayr, ICings flreet.

John Leckie, Trongate.

Alexander Robertfon, Argyle flreet.

William M*Aullay, Trades land.

Robert Grahame, Trongate.

Archibald Simpfon, Cafllepens land high flreet*

John Purdon, Gallowgate.

William Lindfay, laigh kirk clofs.

Thomas Falconer, laigh kirk clofs

Page 19: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

(II )

Officers ofExcife.

Stewart Alexander, CoUedlor of Excife King's


Johnfton George, fupervifor of ditto, Dowhill.

Ogilvy Gilbert, ditto, of ditto.

Bane Donald, officer of Excife, Salt market,

Brifbane Robert, ditto. Adam's court.

Bruce John, ditto. Candlerigs^

Corbet Peter, ditto. Bridgegate.

Coggan Hugh, fenior, ditto, high flreet.

Coggan Hugh, junior, ditto, ditto.

Coggan Alexander, ditto, ditto.

Dempfler John, ditto. Calton.

Gibfon John, ditto. Salt market.

Hogg Selby, ditto. Jamaica flreet.

Harris Robert, ditto. Anderfloun.

Jackfon James, ditto. Gibfons wynd.

Johnfton James, ditto King's ftreet.

M'Donald Angus, ditto. Jamaica ftreet.

M'Farlane James, ditto. Grahamefloun.

M'Farlane John, ditto. King's flreet.

Morifon James, ditto. Gallowgate.

Ofwald Henry, ditto, ditto.

Porteous George, ditto. Jamaica ftreet.

Rutherford John, ditto. Shuttle ftreet.

Rowand Andrew, ditto. Jamaica ftreet.

Rowand Archibald, ditto. Argyle ftreet.

Semple Robert, ditto. Gorbals.

Steedman John, ditto. Anderfton.


Alexander Stevenfon, M. D. College high ftreet

Peter Wright, M. D. Trongate.

Robert Marftial, M. D. Argyle ftreet.


Page 20: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 12 )

Robert Wallace, furgeon, king ftreet.

Hill and Monteith, Trongate.

Alexander Dunlop, Argyle jftreet.

Charles Wilfon, Stockwell.

William White, high flreet.

Mr Simpfon, king ftreet.

John Jamifon, ditto.

James Parlane, Stockwell.

Andrew Morris, Dunlop Street.

Archibald Young, Trongate.

Archibald Stirling, Salt market.

George Cochrane, King's ftreet.

John Cree, high ftreet.


Mrs Campbell, high ftreet.

Mrs Cochran, ditto.

Mrs Henderfon, Gallowgate bridge.

Mrs Hewat, head of Maxwells ftreet.

Mrs Hunter, Gilmors land high ftreet,

Mrs Merry, Dowhill.

Mrs M^Rechten, Maxwells ftreet,

Mrs Miller, high ftreet.

Mrs Parkhill, Dowhill.

Mrs Park, Saltmarket.

eftengers at Arms.Archibald M*Adam, Salt market.

John M*Adam, ditto.

James Park, ditto.

James M'Farlane, ditto.

George Anderfon, ditto.

John Fergufon, Gallowgate.

John Murdoch, ditto.

George Purden, ditto.

Daniel M'Aulay, Tods land high ftreet.

Robert Wylie, Trongate.

Archibald M'Arthur, Grammar fchool wynd.

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DIRECTORYFor the City of GLASGOW, l^c

From May 1783, to May 1784.

A Llans Wilfons and Co. merchants high flreet.

Allan Richard, of Badowie, ditto.

Allan Richard, junior, merchant, Jamaica ftreet.

Allan, Blackie and Co. merchants Bell's wynd.

Alfton John, senior, merchant Argyl's ftreet.

Alfton John, junior, ditto. Trongate.

Alfton James and Co. filk mercers, Trongate.

Aiken Turnbull and Co. merchants.

Armour Robert, merchant, Trades land Salt


Allan Barr and Co. merchants, high ftreet.

Allan Coats and Co. yarn merchants, high Itreet.

Anderfon Jonathan, merchant, high ftreet

Anderfon George, merchant, Argyle ftreet.

Auchinclofs John, and Co. merchants, Gallow-


Auchinclofs William, merchant, beyond Gallow-

gate toll.

Auften John and Co. lawn and cambric manufac-

turers, BelFs wynd.Archibald Robert, manufacturer Gcrbals.

Page 22: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

14 ^-

Arthur Thomas, lawn and cambric manufaflurer,

high jftreet.

Anderfon James, manfafturer high ftreet.

Adam John, manufafturer, Trongate.

Allan James, woolen and linen draper near Crofs


Adam Andrew, hofier, high ftreet.

Aiken William, holier, old Vennel.

Anderfon David, woolen and linen draper Gallow-gate.

Anderfon and Imrie, haberdafhers, Argyle ftreet.

Aiken John, woolen and linen draper Gallowgate.

Allan William, ditto. Trongate.

Anderfon John, ditto, high flreet.

Alexander John, teller, Thiftlebank, Gorbals.

Armllrong William, accomptant in merchant

bank, Argyle ftreet.

Aird James, toy and mulick fhop, Eang ftreet.

Anderfon John, hardwareman, Trongate.

Aitchifon Walter, dealer in foreign and britifh

fpirits, Gallowgate.

Anderfon Thomas, dealer in foreign fp/rits Stock


Angus James, grocer and tea dealer, Trongate.

Auld Peter, grocer and fpirit dealer Stockwell.

Arthur William, grocer and fpirit dealer, Tron-gate.

Angus Mrs, grocer and fpirit dealer high ilreet.

Anderfon James, ditto. Bridgegate.

Allifon Archibald, Au6lioneer, Salt market.

Aiken Robert and Son, taylors, Gibfons wyndArthur Robert, taylor, high flreet.

Anderfon Matthew, taylor, Candleriggs,

Anderfon John, taylor, king ftreet.

Auld John, wholefale tobaconift, high ftreet.

Page 23: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

A 15

Alexander John, tobaconift ditto.

Anderfon William, ditto, ditto.

Anderfon James, wright, Gallowgate.

Anderfon John, ditto. Barrowfield bridge.

Allan William, wright, beyond old toll Gallow-


AUifon James, ditto. Bridgegate.

Adam John, mafon and architefl, Adam's court.

Anderfon John, bricklayef, beyond old toll Gal-


Anderfon James, baker, high ftreet.

Anderfon James and William, manufadlurers,

Virginia flreet.

Anderfon John, tanner and Heftier, old vennel.

Aiken John, maltman, Havanna flreet.

Aiken James, brewer, Gorbals.

Anderfon Adam, copper and white iron fmith,


Adam John, hammerman, new vennel.

Adam Alexander, printer, Gibfons wyndAnderfon John, Grahame fquare.

Alexander Matthew, comb-maker, Gallowgate.

Adam Mrs, tallow chandler and foap maker,


Arthur James, innkeeper, high ftreet.

Aiken John, ftabler, ditto.

Alexander Robert, barber, Gallowgate:

Auld William, Greenock carrier, ditto.

Allan Alexander, gardner, Queen^^s ftreet.

Alexander John, teacher of dancing, Argyle ftreet

Allan John, flefher, king ftreet.

Allan John lint-heckler, old vennel.

Page 24: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

i6 B


ELL Peter, merchant Gallowgate,

Barns John, merchant, Horn's land Argyle


Barbour Robert, north fugar houfe, Candleriggs.

Blackburn Andrew, merchant old vennel.

Bogle and Hamilton, merchants and infurance

brokers , Exchange Trongate.

Blackburn Peter, colleftor of the ftamp duties,


Bogle Robert of Shettleftown, Queens ilreet.

Bogle John, merchant, Adam's court.

Bog le Scott and Co. upholflerers, Trongate.

Bogle and Jack, woolen drapers. Exchange.Bogle Michael, timber merchant. Queen's ftreet.

Bogle and Scott, ditto. Clyde flreet.

Buchanan and Co. merchants, high flreet.

Brown Carrick and Co. wholefale linen printers,

Bell's wynd.Brown James, merchant, Gallowgate.

Brown George, merchant, Stockwell.

Bogle George, brewer and vidtualer, Candleriggs.

Bowman John, merchant, Virginia flreet.

Brown James, merchant, Jamaica flreet.

Brifbane Robert, merchant, Adam's court.

Brown Lowrie and Co. merchants, Trongate.Brown John, mafler of works, ICing's ftreet.

Blackwell Robert, merchant Salt market.

Buchanan Robert, merchant, Jamaica jftreet.

Bnchanan George, merchant, ditto.

Buchanan Andrew, merchant, ditto.

Buchanan William and John, Sun fire infurance

office, ditto.

Page 25: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

B 17

Buchanan John, merchant. Curries clofs high


Buchanan John, of Auchentofhen, Trongate.

Bogle Arcliibald, upholflery warehoufe, ditto.

Brownlee James, merchant, St Enochs burn.

Bailie and Inglis, haberdalhers, Trongate.

Baird Andrew, woolen and linen drapier, high


Barr and Ronald, glovers and hofiers, Trongate.

Brown William, glove-fhop, ditto.

Begg Adam, woolen and linen draper, ditto.

Buchanan James, woolen and linen drapier high


Buchanan and Leckie, flocking (hop, Trongate.

Burnfide John, merchant, Salt market.'

Bell Mifs, harberdafher, crofs high ftreet.

Baxter Daniel, bookfeller, Salt market.

Bryce John, Printer and bookfeller, ditto.

Bell Peter, pocket book maker, Trongate.

Bell William, printer Gibfon's land.

Brown John, pocket book maker Gibfon's wynd.Buchanan Alex, bookleller, high flreet.

Bryce James, ditto, bridgegate.

Brown James, fpirit proof maker, Trongate.

Bell Walter, grocer and fpirit dealer, Salt market.

Buchanan Thomas, ditto, high flreet.

Blair Robert, ditto. Gallowgate.

Borland Hugh, grocer and fpirit dealer, bridge-


Bruce Thomas, ditto, high flreet.

Buchanan Thomas, ditto* ditto.

Buchanan Archibald, ditto. Gallowgate.

Buchanan Mrs, vintner, Saracens head inn.

Buchanan Mrs, vintner. Salt market,

Boyle W illiam, grocer, Gibfon's wynd.C

Page 26: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

i8 B

Buchanan and Duncan, grocers and fpirit dealers,

high Areet.

Bryce Patrick, fpitit dealer, high jftreet.

Barclay John, vintner. Salt market. ^

Barclay John, ditto, high ftreet.

BeveridgeHenry, ditto Trongate.

Brebner Alex, vintner, Currie's clofs high flreet.

Buchanan John, ditto. Trongate.

Buchanan John, ditto. Argyle ftreet.

Buchanan William, ditto, burnt barns.

Bald Peter, dry falter. Salt market.

Buchanan Bernard, ditto, high ftreet.

Black David, tobacconift, Gallowgate,

Birral Robert, ditto, ditto.

Boyle Mr, ditto, king ftreet.

Brown James, yarn merchant, high flreet,

Buchanan Andrew, ditto, ditto.

Barr John, manufa6lurer, bun's wynd,Barr Matthew, ditto, ditto.

Blackwood John, ditto, new wynd.Brock James, ditto, bell's wynd.Buchanan John, lawn and cambric manufacturer,


Burnfide William, manufafturer, high flreet.

Brydfon Thomas and Co. jewellers, Trongate.

Bogle Clark and Co. coach makers, Gallowgate.

Brown Daniel, watch and clock maker, high ftreet.

Borland James, oil and colour man, Trongate.

Brown James and Co. ditto, and painters, ditto.

Buchanan Thomas, hatt maker. Trades land.

Buchanan John, ditto. Trongate.

Blair Mifs, boarding fchool. Trades land.

Blair Mrs, linen drapier, crofs.

Balmanno John, druggifl, Trongate.

Brown William and Co. leeds and nurfery menTrongate.

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B 19

Brodie James, fadler, Gallowgate.

Buchanan William, ditto, high ftreet.

Ballantyne John, copper and white iron fmith,


Bell William, iron monger, ditto.

Baillie Alex, engraver, Trongate.

Begbie John, carver, bridgegate.

Barrie James, land furveyor, Gallowgate.

Barr James, late redlor of the grammar fchool,

high ftreet.

Braidfoot John, one of the mafters of grammarfchool, ditto.

Burns John, teacher of Englifh, ditto.

Bower Mr. preacher of the gofpel Shettleilown

high ftreet.

Burnfide Thomas, fugar boiler, Gallowgate.

Balderllon William, baker, high flreet.

Berrie John, ditto. Salt market.

Blair George, ditto. Gallowgate.

Braih John, ditto, high ftreet.

Brafh John, ditto. Gallowgate.

Brown John, ditto, high ftreet.

Brown Peter, ditto ditto, ditto.

Buchanan William, ditto, ditto.

Buchanan Mrs. flay maker, Argyle ftre^et.

Buchanan John, ditto. Salt market.

Buchanan Alexander, taylor, Gibfon's wynd.Baird James, ditto, high flreet.

Bandochie Alex, ditto, high ftreet.

Blair George, ditto Gallowgate.

Blair Daniel, ditto, high ftreet.

Boyd Thomas, ditto. Trongate.

Bogle Matthew, ditto. Bridgegate.

Brackenridge John, ditto, high ftreet.

Broadley Archibald, ditto, ditto.

Brown John, ditto, ditto.

Boaz Mrs. Stay maker, Gallowgate.


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20 B

Barker George, cordner, Bddgegate.

Barton Henry, ditto. Trongate.

Bryce James, fhoe Ihop, ICing's ftreet.

Brown David, fhoe £hop, Gibfon's wynd.Bryce Andrew, cordner, Dowhill.

Brown James, ditto, blackfriars wynd.Brown James, ditto, new wynd.Brown Thomas, ditto, ditto.

Burns James, leather cutter, high ilreet.

Burns George, ditto. Gallowgate.

Brownlee Archibald, cordner, Salt market.

Buchanan Andrew, ditto. Gallowgate,

Buchanan James, ditto. Trongate.

Boyd William, ditto. Salt market.

Beugo Gavin, tanner, Lancefield.

Buchanan George, ditto, fpout mouth.

Buchanan William, ditto. Salt market.

Braidllite John, toyman, ditto,

Blyth Colin, founder, ditto.

Buchanan John, Hammerman, Stockwell.

Baxter David, miln wright, broom o'law.

Bennie John, ditto. Grahame's fquare.

Barclay John, wright, Virginia ftreet.

Buchanan Archibald, ditto, blackfriar's wynd.

Buchan David, ditto. Argyle ftreet.

Buchanan Archibald, at Mr Craig's wood yard.

Burton Thomas, glew maker, bridgegate.

Brown Robert, barber, Argyle ftreet.

Brown James, ditto. Gallowgate.

Brakenridge Thomas, ditto. Stockwell.

Barr James, hofier. Maxwell's ftreet.

Black John, ditto. Gallowgate.

Black Alex, ditto, wynd head.

Black Matthew, ditto. Gallowgate.

Brown Archibald, ditto. ICing's ftreet.

Brown John, ditto, ditto.

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B 21

Betham James, hofier, Gallowgate toll.

Buchanan William, ditto, ditto.

Begg John, teller, merchant bank, Trongate.

Boyd Andrew, accountant, Thiille bank Max-well's flreet.

Bachop John, porter, Glafgow arms bank.

Bell William, at Mr Houfton's Argyle itreet.

£aillie John, accountant, bell's wynd.Black George, baillie of the N. W. and college

church yards. Salt market.

Bogle Mrs. keeps callender, Bell's wynd.Bogle Robert, book binder. Salt market.

Boag Andrew, china and flone ware dealer,


Bowie Archibald, brulh maker, Gallowgate.

Balcanquhal and Henderfon, cork cutters .Tron-


Baird William, mafon, fpout mouth.

Balloch William, farmet, buckie burn.

Bell William, carter, candleriggs.

Banantine Alex, junior, Inn-keeper, Trongate.

Barr Robert, grocer. Salt market.

Bell Robert, grocer and fpirit dealer, Gallowgate.

Bruce Thomas, ditto, high flreet.

Black James, apothecary, foot of old wynd.Blair Archibald, japaner, Gallowgate.

Bogle John, cotton dealer, ditto.

Bryce William, gardner, Queen's flreet.

Brown John, dyer, Argyle flreet.

Brown and Stephen, yarn merchants, high ilreet,

Bowes John, maltman, calton.

Bruce Robert, bellman, King's llreet.

Buchanan, George, ditto, high ilreet.

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CAmpbell John Coats, of Clathick, merchant,Virginia ftreet.

Campbell and Ingram, merchants and infurance

brokers. Exchange.Campbell John and Co. infurance brokers, Ex-


Campbell John and Co. merchants, Argyle flreet.

Campbell John, ditto. Jamaica flreet.

Campbell John, ditto. Maidera court.

Campbell Colin, ditto. Jamaica flreet.

Campbell Archibald, ditto. Gallowgate.Campbell George, ditto. Gibfon's wynd.Campbell Alexander, ditto, high flreet.

Campbell John, Stockwell fugar houfe.

Carrick Robert, merchant, fhip bank,Carmichael William, ditto. Stockwell.Coulters James, ditto, bridgegate.

Coulters Laurence, ditto, ditto.

Corbet Cuningham, and Co. ditto. Jamaica flrt.

Cowan Andrew, ditto. Grahameflown.Cooper William and Alex, ditto, high flreet.

Colquhoun Hugh, ditto. King's flreet.

Colquhoun Walter, ditto. Millar flreet.

Colquhoun Shiels and Co. yarn merchants highflreet.

Colquhoun John, merchant, Trongate.Clark William, ditto. Queen's flreet.

Connel James, ditto, high flreet.

Coats William, ditto. Gallowgate.Coats John, ditto. Dowhill.Crawford George, ditto. Queen's flreet.

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C 23

Crawford, Robert and Co. foap work, head of


Crawford Robert of Poflle, merchant. Bell's

wynd.Crawford Matthew, yarn merchant, ditto.

Craigie Laurence, merchant high ftreet.

Craig William, timber merchant, Clyde flreet.

Craig William, merchant, entry to St Andrew's


Crofs Hugh, and Co. infurance brokers, Tron-gate.

Crofs David, merchant, Adam's court.

Cuningham William and Co. merchants* Queen's


Currie John, Currie's clofs high flreet.

Chambers Mr, preacher of the Gofpel, Dowhill.Carlyle John, colle(5lor of the cefs, Legat's land,

high flreet.

Carrick James and Alexander, woolen and linen

drapers, high flreet.

Cameron Hecflor, ditto. Gallowgate.Carmichael Hugh, ditto. King's flreet.

Campbell Patrick and Co. ditto, ditto.

Clark Donald, ditto. Trongate.Craig Robert, ditto. King's flreet.

Cuthbertfon and Sym, whole fale linen drapers,high flreet.

Campbell James, manufacflurer, grammar fchoolwynd.

Carmichael Duncan, thread manufadlurer, black-friars wynd.

Chalmers Alexander, incle manufa(5lurer, Dow-hill.

Coats John, ditto. Grammar fchool wynd.Clawfon Jafper, Stockwell fugar houfe.

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24 VJ

Carmichael James and George, grocers and fplrlt

dealers, head of Salt market.

Carfwell Allan, ditto, near foot of ditto.

Campbell Mr feed jfhop, Trongate.

Campbell Andrew, fpirit dealer, ditto.

Chriftie Mifs, grocer and fpirit dealer, ditto.

Chriflie David, ditto, high flreet.

Colquhouns, ditto. Trongate.

Clachan William, ditto, high flreet-

Cochran John, ditto, ditto.

Crum John, grocer and cotton dealer, Gallow-gate.

Chriflie and Smith, tobacconifls, Trongate.Campbell James, fadler, ditto.

Calder John, watch and clock maker, high flreet.

Campbell John, ditto, and billet mafler, Gallow-gate.

Craig James and John, iron mongers. Salt


Craig Andrew, ditto. Trongate.

Connel Matthew, copper and white iron fmith,


Cullen James, filver fmith, back of tontine.

Cullen Daniel, flamp mafter, high flreet.

Collins Edward and Richard, paper makers andbleachers, dalmuir.

Campbell Jofhua, teacher of mufic, high flreet.

Campbell James, ditto, ditto.

Campbell James, teacher of dancing, GallowgateChapman and Duncan, Printers of the Glafgow

mercury, Trongate.

Coubrough Archibald, bookfeller, high flreet.

Colvill Robert, book binder, Trongate.Craig John and Robert, bakers and vi(5lualers,


Craig Robert, baker ditto.

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Campbell Archibald, baker. Bell's wynd.Campbell John, ditto. King's ftreet.

Cuthbertfon William, brewer, calton.

Campbell Daniel, inn keeper, oroom o'law.

Cairns David, ditto Argyle ftreet.

Clydefdale John, ditto. Bun's wynd.Cochran John, ditto. Salt market.

Crawford Charles ditto. Bell's wynd.Chambers Thomas, taylor, gallowgate,

Clark John, ditto. Trongate.

Couper John, ditto, high ftreet.

Currie John, ditto. Gallowgate.

Chapman John, teacher of Englifh, high ftreet.

Chriftie Alex, ditto. Salt market.

Campbell Alex, teacher of fencing, high ftreet.

Carfe John, barber, high ftreet.

Caflels John, ditto, ditto.

Colvill Stephen, ditto. Bell's wynd,Crawford Charles, head of Jamaica ftreet.

Campbell Peter, tallow chandler, King's ftreet,

Campbell James, tanner, dowhill.

Clarke John, tanner, Gallowgate.

Caldwall Andrew, ihoe maker. Salt market.

Calder Robert, ditto, high ftreet.

Campbell John, ditto. Gibfon's wynd.Carmichael "William, ditto. Salt market.

Clark James, dito. Trongate.

Cuningham Charles, leather cutter, gallowgate.

Clark James, coach maker, ditto.

Clark David, ditto, ditto.

Cameron Alex, hammerman. Salt market,Craig John, ditto. Trongate.

Crichton James, ditto, grammar fchool wynd.Crighton John, ditto Salt market.

Craig James, Plummer, clyde ftreet.

Caiton David, wright, Stockwell.

Campbell Alex, ditto, ditto.


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26 C

Cocke Robert, wrIght. Trongate.

Craig Robert, cooper, Stockwell.

Chriftie Thomas, painter, ditto.

Cleland Matthew, mafon. Salt market.

Cleland James, hofier, gallowgate.

Campbell Hugh, ditto, grammar fchool wynd.

Cooper John, ditto, old wynd.Campbell Duncan, gardner, gallowgate.

Cowan William, ditto. Argyle ilreet.

Callan James, high ftreet

Carmichael Robert, lets lodgings, gallowgate.

Craig Robert, keeper of bridewell, drygate.

Crofs Robert, college fervitor.

Cuningham James, Iheriff officer. Salt market,

Crolby John, Hamilton poll, ditto.

Clark Donald, boatman, broom o'law.


DALE David, yarn merchant, high ftreet.

Denniflown James, fenior, merchant.

Queen's flreet.

Denniflown James, junior, ditto. Argyle ftreet.

Dechman James, gallowf^ate.

Dinwiddle Robert, merchant, Germiftown.Donald Robert, merchant.

Donald Thomas, ditto. Stockwell.

Donaldfon and Dinwiddle, ditto, high flreet.

Douglas William and James, ditto. Argyle flreet.

Douglas John, ditto, miller's flreet.

Douglas Colin of mains, Horn's land Argyleflreet.

Douglas William, merchant, ditto.

Dreghorn Robert of Roughill, clyde flreet.

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D 27

Dur^nore Thomas, merchant, horn*s land ArgyleJftreet.

Dunmore Robert and Co. ditto, miller's flreet.

Dunlop James of Garnkirk, ditto. Argyle flreet.

Dunlop Thomas, ditto. Trongate.Dunlop William, ditto. Queen's ilreet.

Dunlop John, ditto, ditto.

Dunlop Robert, infurance office exchange.Duguid John, King's ftreet fugar houfe.

Duguid William, ditto.

Dalziel Mrs, Mr Drephorn's land Stockwell.

Dewar Andrew, cafiiier, merchant bank. Max-well's ftreet.

Donaldfon Alex, teller, fhip bank high ftreet.

Dennifton James, woolen and linen draper, highftreet.

Donald William, wholefale linen draper, gallow-gate.

Dunlop and Wilfon, woolen and linen drapers,


Donaldfon James fenior, keeps a callender, Crofswell high ftreet.

Donaldfon James junior, King's ftreet.

Dunlop and Wilfon, bookfellers, Trongate.Duncan James fenior, ditto, oppofite the guard


Duncan James junior, ditto. Salt market.Duncan Robert, printer, ditto.

Duncan John, bookbinder, ditto.

Duncan John of milnfield, proprietor of fnufFmills &c.

Dalrymple David and Co. hofiers, back of theexchange.

Douglas Andrew, ditto. Salt market.Douglas William, ditto, bridgegate.Dunlop Alexander, ditto. Gallowgate.

D 2 f

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28 D

Dow John, one of the mafters of the grammar

fchool, grammar fchool wynd.Dickfon Gilbert, teacher of languages.

Dickfon William, ditto, of Englifti, gibfon's wynd.

Dick Alex teacher of dancing, Trongate.

Dickfon Robert, iron monger, King's ftreet.

Dalnotter iron work Company's ware houfe Stock-


Dougal James, grocer and fpirit dealer, Salt


Dun James, ditto, oppofite the guard, Trongate.

Drew John, ditto, wynd head.

Dobbie Mr. fugar boyler, Candleriggs.

Dick William and Andrew, tobacconifts, high


Dinning Robert, ditto, gallowgate.

Dick William, gives out tickets for the Edinburgh

fly, Trongate.

Dunbar Andrew, vintner, ditto.

Durie Thomas, ditto, ditto.

Downie Robert, inn-keeper, gallowgate.

Drew John, ditto Argyle ftreet.

Dalmahoy Alex, faddler, bridgegate.

Dalgleifti David, manufafturer, drygate.

Dun Malcom, ditto dilto.

Dun Henderfon and Co. hard wood dealers, gal-


Dallas Alex, wright, Jamaica ftreet.

Duncan William, ditto, high ftreet.

Dun William, ditto. Maxwell ftreet.

Dun William, wheel wright, high ftreet.

Downie Robert, wright Salt market.

Duncan Andrew, baker, Trongate.

Duncan Andrew, ditto. Candlerigs.

Darling William, taylor, gallowgate.

Dow Dougal, ditto. Trongate.

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D 29

Dunlop James, taylor, King's ftreet.

Douglas Archibald, flay maker. Salt marKet.

Dallas John, copper and white iron fmith. King's


Duncan William, ditto, bridgegate.

Dickfon James, hammerman, Candlerigs.

Dick WilHam, ditto. Kjng's ftreet.

Dickie Andrew, ditto. Salt market.

Draper James, ditto, ditto.

Douglas George, plummer, Argyle itreet.

Dick William iron-monger, bridgegate.

DufF John, at Smithfield Company's ware houfe,

broom o'law.

Dinwiddle Laurence, fhoe maker, Bang's flreet.

Douglas William, ditto, new wynd.Dunbar William, ditto. ICing's ftreet.

Dickfon Robert, barber, Argyle flreet.

Dickfon John, clothlapper, Gallowgate.

Drape John, hatt maker, Trongate.

Dainty Captain, Grahame's fquare.

Duncan John, merchant, grammar fchool wynd.Dempfler Anthony, painter, gallowgate.

Dempfter John, porter to the Thiflle bank.

Dillon Lind, plaiflerer, bridgegate.

Donald John, maltman, Argyle flreet.

Douglas Robert, gardner, rottenrow.

Drummond Robert, tallow chandler, high ftreet.

Drummond Alex flax dreffer. Bell's wynd.Durie Robert, reed maker, high flreet.

Dun John, fifh hook maker, Trongate.

Dunlop James, dyer Ipout mouth.

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Edmiflon, Lothian and Co. merchants, highftreet.

Edmond David, fenior, merchant. Salt market.

Edmond David, junior, cotton dealer, ditto.

Erfkine Michael, infurance ofHce, exchange.

Elliot David, merchant, Jamaica ftreet.

Ewing Walter and Co, ditto. Trongate.

Ewing Stevenfon and Co. dry falters, ditto.

Ewing and Galloway, woolen and linen drapers,


Ewing Alexander, ditto, ditto.

Ewing Andrew, ditto, ditto

Ewing Patrick, ditto, ditto.

Ewing James, grocer and fpirit dealer high flreet.

Edgar Thomas, ditto. Trongate.

Eglinton and Wotherfpoon, ditto. Gallowgate.Erlkine Ralph and Co. ditto. Trongate.

Erikine George, preacher of the Gofpel, Bun'wynd.

Ewing Robert, baker and vi6lualer, Trongate.Edmond James, baker Stockwell.

Elder John, cordner and fpirit dealer, gibfon's

wynd.Eadie John, cork cutter and vintner, Trongate.

Eaton William, hofier, grammar fchool wynd.Edgar William, brufh maker, havanna ftreet.

Edwards William, engraver. Salt market.

Edwards Alex, barber high ftreet.

Edwards James, ditto, ditto.

Edwards Thomas, horfe fetter, Candlerigs.

Ewing John, wright, high ftreet.

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FInlay Robert and Co. merchants, Miller


Finlay James, ditto. Bell's wynd.French William, ditto. Queen's ilreet.

Fleming Mrs. Miller's ilreet.

Freeland John and Co. yarn merchants, highflreet.

Falconer Thomas, woolen and linen draper, Tron-gate.

Fergufon Andrew, ditto, ditto.

Fergufon Duncan, ditto, king's flreet.

Fergufon Duncan, ditto, high ftreet.

Fergufon James, ditto, gallowgate.

Fergufon John, ditto, high jftreet.

Forrefl and Steel, ditto, gallowgate.

Forrefler Robert, yarn merchant, high flreet.

Farie Robert, bookfeller. Salt market.

Fleming William, ditto, ditto.

Foulis Andrew, Printer to the Univerfity, highilreet.

Fergufon Hedlor, manufaflurer, new wyndFergus, James, ditto, moodie's yard.

Fleeming John, ditto, dowhill.

Fouls John, ditto, gallowgate.

Freebairn John, ditto, ditto.

Forlong James, ditto, havanna ilreet.

Forlong William, merchant bank.

Fleeming David, junior, and Co. iron mongers,Trongate.

Foreiler and Reid, hardwaremen, ditto.

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32 F

Fifher Alex, tobacconift, Trongate.

Fifher John, ditto, bridgegate.

Fifcftier William, teacher of languages and vintner.

Salt market.

Finlayfon James, teacher of Englifh, high flreet.

Frazer William, teacher of dancing, king's flreet.

Fergufon Alex, grocer and fpirit dealer, gallow-


Foreit James, fpirit dealer, ditto.

Fleckefield Thomas, grocer and fpirit dealer, A-dam's court.

Finlay William, inn-keeper, Trongate.

Foulis John, ditto. ICing's ftreet.

Freeland John, ditto, high ftreet.

Falconer Peter, wright, Stockwell.

Finlay John, ditto, havanna ftreet.

Finlay John, ditto. Stockwell.

Finlay George, ditto, high flreet.

Forrefler Walter, ditto, gallowgate.

Farie John, baker, Stockwell.

Fleeming William, ditto gallowgate.

Farquhar Alex, taylor and vintner TrongateFergus Alex, taylor. Salt market.

Forrefler David, ditto. Trongate.

Foreft Alex, fhoe maker, ditto.

FuUerton William, ditto, high flreet.

Fergus Thomas, dryfalter, Salt market.

Fergus John, Mr Bogle's brewery Candlerigs.

Fleeming William, copper and white iron fmith,


Fulton William, hammerman, Trongate.

Farie Robert, comb maker, gallowgate.

Finlay William gardner, ditto.

Fleeming John, flefher, king's flreet.

Ford John, fifh hook maker, bridgegate.

Forell William, hofier, old venal.

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33 F

Foot Thomas, cooper, bridgegate.

French James, dyer, Dowhill.

Freebairn John, Boatman broom o'law.

GLasford John, of Dougalftown merchant^


Gordon James, ditto Argyle flreet.

Govan Archibald, ditto miller's flreet.

Gray John, ditto Salt market.

Gibfon John, accountant, ditto.

Grahame Archibald, calhier thiftle bank, Virgi

nia flreet.

Grinlay Alex, merchant, high flreet.

Grinlay James, yarn merchant, ditto.

Gardner William and Co. whole fale linen prin-

ters. Bell's wynd.Good, Macbrayne, and Co. ditto high flreet.

Grant, Wood, and Co, carpet manufaftory, foot

of havanna flreet.

Gardner Mofes, manufa6lurer, at Mr Stirling's,

high flreet.

Glen Alex, filk ditto Trongate.

Glen James, whole fale linen merchant. Salt


Glen Zacharias, Stockwell.

Glen James, writer, at Mr Claud Marfhall's, laigh

kirk clofs.

Gould John, manufacturer, havanna flreet.

Goudie John, ditto ditto.

Graham John, ditto high flreet.

Graham James, ditto ditto.

Galbraith Walter, holier, ditto.


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34 GGirdwood Alex, woolen and linen draper, gal-


Gilfillan Thomas* ditto Trongate.

Gilfillan and Galbraith, ditto high ftreet.

Glen William, ditto Trongate.

Govan Alex, ditto King's ilreet

Goudilock William, ditto ditto.

Graham and Wardrop, ditto ditto.

Grieve John and Co. ditto gallowgate.

Grieve Adam, Bridgegate.

Grieve Mrs, makes gum flowers, &c. ditto.

Gray and Donald, haberdafhers, Trongate.

Gait John, teacher of Englifh, Hutchiefon's


Gibfon John, teacher of writing, &c. Trongate.

Gordon William, teacher of the mathematicks.

Gould William, teacher of mufic, high ftreet.

Gardner John, mathematical inflrument maker.

Bell's wynd.Gemmel Robert, tobacco nil!:, Salt market

George James, ditto Bridgegote.

Graham Walter, ditto, high flreet.

Galloway Alex, fpirit dealer. Broom o'law.

Galloway John, grocer and fpirit dealer, gallow-


Galloway and Buchanan, ditto Salt market.

Gardner John, wright and fpirit dealer, old toU.


Galbraith James, ditto, gallowgate.

Gardner Thomas, ditto. Trongate.

Gardner Robert, ditto high flreet.

Gardner Adam, ditto ditto.

Gemmil Hugh, ditto Trongate.

Gilfillan James, ditto high flreet.

Glafs Hugh, ditto Salt market.

Gilmour Allan, ditto Brigdegate.

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^ 3.5

Gilchrift and Go's, china and glafs ihop Tron-


Gray John, fpirit dealer, Stockwell.

Gray James, grocer and fpirit dealer, high flreet.

Grant John, grocer and fait office, ICing's flreet.

Galloway Alex, inn-keeper, Bridgegate.

Gardner Archibald, ditto gallowgate.

Gardner Alex, ditto Candlerigs.

Gardner William, ditto high flreet.

Gourlay Mrs. vintner, Salt market.

Gemmil William, ditto gallowgate.

Gyles Samuel, inn-keeper Trongate.

Graham George, merchant, gallowgate.

Graham Adam, gold fmith and jeweler, King's


Gray Robert, ditto Trongate.

Graham and Wardrop, copper and white iron

fmiths, king's ftreet.

Grant Eaglesfield, wire worker, Trongate.

Gibfon James, wright, gallowgate.

Glen and Scot, ditto Bell's wynd.Gordon William, ditto Salt market.

Graham James, ditto bridgegate.

Gibfon David, clerk to the weighoufe.

Galloway Robert, baker, Argyle ftreet.

Gentles William, ditto high ftreet.

Gibb Archibald, ditto ditto.

Graham John, ditto Candlerigs.

Graham James, ditto Trongate.

Gardner John, taylor, gallowgate.

Gilmour John, ditto Trongate.Graham Mr. ditto Bell's wynd.Gilchrift M. ihoe ftiop, Trongate.Galloway Robert, ihoe maker, high ftreet.

Gillies John, ditto Bridgegate.

Gray James, ditto Salt market.


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}36 G

dlchrifl William, horfe fetter, Trongate.

Greenfield William, ditto ditto.

Gall Thomas, barber, Bridgegate.

Gilfillan John, ditto gallowgate.

Gibfon John, Flefher, Bridgegate.

Gilmour Alex ditto new wynd.Gait James, cork cutter, Trongate.

Gardner James, comb maker, gallowgate.

Galbraith Jofeph, Printer, high ftreet.

Gillies James, bookfeller, ditto.

Gillies Alex, confedlioner, gallowgate.

Glafgow Journal printing office, Gibfon's clofs.

Girvan John, Broom o'law.

Gillefpie John, hammerman, Trongate.

Gilmour Arthur, bottle work. Broom o'law

Gilchrift Robert, boatman, ditto.

-Gilchrift William, ditto ditto.

Gardner James, Paifley pofl, back wynd.


Amilton and Brown, infurance office, Ex-change.

Hamilton James, ditto ditto.

Hamilton and Wilfon, ditto Trongrate.

Hamilton James, merchant, Jamaica ftreet.

Hamilton Gilbert, Carron ware houfe, Queen's


Hamilton John of Barn's, merchant, Argyle


Hamilton Jokn junior, ditto Trongate.

Hamilton Archibald, ditto Stockwell.

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A 37

Hamilton Archibald, merchant, king's flreet.

riardie, Millar, and Co. whole fale linen drapers.

Bell's wynd.Henderfon William, Bottle work. Broom o'law,

Henderfon Archibald, merchant, Argyle ftreet„

Hill James, writer, Trongate.

Hill Thomas, accountant, Trongate.

Hopkirk James, merchant, Argyle ftreet.

Hopkirk Thomas, ditto ditto.

Howfloun Andrew of Jordanhill, ditto ditto.

Howfloun Robert, ditto ditto.

Howfloun Thomas, London porter cellar, Stock-


Hunter James, merchant, Donald's land Tron-gate.

Hunter William, ditto Jamaica flreet.

Hutton James, ditto Queen's flreet.

Henderfon Thomas, timber merchant wefl end of


Henderfon, Dun and Co. hard wood merchant's,


Harper William and fon, lawn and cambric ma-nufadlurers, high flreet.

Hadden John, manufacturer, Gallowgate.

Henry Alex, ditto Bell's wynd.Herdman James, ditto dittc.

Herbertfon John, thread manufacturer. Rotten-row.

Hervey Alex, incle manufa<flurer, foot of the Salt


Hervey William, ditto high flreet.

Henderfon John, ditto grammar fchool wynd.Hall James, hofier, king's flreet.

Hails John, ditto Gallowgate.

Hannah James, ditto Bridgegate.

Hepburn Robert, ditto king's flreet.

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38 H

Houfhold George, fugar boiler, king's St fugarhoufe.

Harvie Andrew, woolen and linen draper, Tron-gate.

Hart Walter, ditto Gallowgate.

Hamilton John, youngeft, ditto ditto.

Hume Mrs, millener, Argyle ftreet.

Harvie Jam^es, grocer and fpirit dealer, Tron-gate.

Harvie Robert, ditto Bridgegate.

Hamilton John, ditto Idng's flreet.

Hardy John, ditto Stockwell.

Hay Barclay and Co. tallow chandlers, king's


Hamilton George, wright, high ftreet.

Hamilton John, ditto. Gallowgate.

Hay John, ditto high flreet.

Horn William, ditto Argyle ftreet.

Hogg William, ditto Grammar fchool wynd.Hunter James, ditto Stockwell.

Houfnold John, cooper, ditto.

Hoods John, ditto Candlerigs.

Hoods Andrew, ditto Gallowgate.

Hamilton John, watch and clock maker, ditto.

Henry David, fadler, ditto.

Heron Peter, vintner black bull inn Argyle ftreet.

Harvie Mrs. ditto Trongate.

Hamilton Thomas, ditto king's flreet,

Hamilton James, ditto high flreet.

Hunter Robert, ditto Salt market.

Hunter Robert, ditto Gallowgate.

Howfl'on John, keeps a livery flable, Argyleflreet.

Hamilton Alex, tobacconifl, Stockwell.

Hardy James, ditto high flreet.

Hardy Robert, baker, ditto.

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H 39

Hatridge Andrew, barber, Trongate.

Haddin John barber and inn-keeper. Bridge-


Henderfon David, barber, Candlerigs.

Hardy John, taylor. Grammar fchool wynd.

Herbertfon William, ditto Bridgegate.

Hutchiefon William, ditto Salt market.

Harvie Mrs. Stay maker, Trongate.

Hay William, hinge maker, Cowcaddens.

Hood Jolin, hammerman, high ilreet.

Hood Andrew, ditto ditto.

Hunter Charles, ditto Candlerigs.

Hutchiefon George, ditto Grammar fchool wynd.

Hannah Robert, hard ware man. Salt market.

Hutcliefon Charles, bookfeller, ditto.

Hutchefon Alex, book binder, ditto.

Heugh Walter, ditto ditto.

Henderfon James, teacher of dancing, Gallow-


Hunter Jofeph, teacher of Englifh, Bell's wynd.

Hardy Andrew, dyer, Argyle ilreet.

Hutton John, ditto Virginia ilreet.

Harvie Alex, ihoe maker, Salt market.

Halliday Arthur, pipe maker, high ftreet.

Hamilton James, confe6lioner, Trongate.

Hogg Andrew, reed maker, Bridgegate.

Hogg John, boatman. Broom o'law.


JAckfon James, Foil mailer, Jamaica ilreet,

Ingram William, merchant, Charlotte ilreet.

Johnilon, Bannatine, and Co. hofiers, Trongate

Johnilon Jofhua, merchant,- Gallowgate.

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40 J

Jack Alex, teacher of writing, Gallowgate.Irvine Dr. chymill, high ftreet.

Irvine and Blackie, tobacconifls. Salt market.

Jack Thomas, manufafturer, new wynd.Jamifon WiUiam, ditto Grammar fchool wynd.Jamifon John and fon, looking glafs makers, king's


Jamifon John, flocking dealer, high ftreet.

Jarvies Robert, woolen draper, ditto.

JafFrey James, wright, Charlotte ftreet.

Jarvie John, vintner, bafon inn weft end of the


Jenkin John, ftioe maker. Bell's wynd.Jenkin John, taylor, high ftreet.

Ingles Thomas, hatt maker, Trongate.Ingles Peter, holier, wynd.Innes William, grocer and fpirit dealer, Tron-


Innes Charles, plaifterer, Stockwell.

Imrie John, tallow chandler, Bridgegate.

Johnfton John, Smithfield, Broom o'law.


Ippen George, merchant, entry to St An-drew's church. Salt market.

Kinnibrugh and Todd, yarn merchants, highftreet.

Kemp Charles, manufa6turer and bleacher, Sauchi-


Kenon James, cotton manufadlurer, Gallowgate.

Kirkland John, manufafturer, high ftreet.

I^rkland James, thread ditto calton.

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K 41

Kennedy Daniel, linen draper, high ilreet.

Knox George, woolen and linen draper, Tron-


Ker John, grocer and fpirit dealer, high flreet.

Kirkwood James, ditto Trongate.

Kirkland John, ditto Bridgegate.

Knox Robert, ditto and gun powder office. Stock-


Ker John, watch and clock maker. Salt market.

Kirkland James, ditto Trongate.

Elirkwood James, fadler, Argyle flreet.

Ker Archibald, taylor, Bridgegate.

Kinnibrugh Thomas, ditto Candlerigs.

King John, flelher, Bridgegate:

Kirkpatrick William, ditto back wynd.Kippen William, inn-keeper, Gallowgate.

Kirkland Matthew, ditto Salt market.

Kay Jahn, wright, maxwell ftreet.

Ker Mifs, lets lodgings, head of old wynd.King Robert, mafon, Gallowgate.

King John, barber, Argyle Jftreet.

Kinnarid George, flabler, ditto.


LAng, Anchinclois, and -Co. merchants, Gal-


Lang William, keeps callander, ditto.

Laird James, merchant, Jamaica, flreet.

Lawrie John, ditto Gallowgate,

Lawrie William, agent, well end of Great Canal.

Leitch and Smith, merchants, Trongate.

Lightbody John and Adam, ditto Bell's wynd.F

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42 L

Lindfay James and Co. timber merchants, Broomo'law.

Lowdown, Craigle, and Co. merchants high ftrt.

Lockhart, Monteath, and Co. lawn and cambric

manufadlurers, Trongate.

Lockhart James, hard ware man, Salt market.

Lockhart James, haberdafher, ditto.

Logans Mifs, milleners, Eang's ftreet.

Lang James, woolen draper, high flreet.

Leitch James, woolen and linen draper, Tron-gate.

Lindfay James, ditto ditto.

Lang William, manufacturer, Dowhill.

Lennox David, ditto Rottenrow.

Leitch John, thread manufa6lurer, Salt market.

Laroch Mr. French teacher, Gibfon's wynd.Laird Daniel, grocer and fpirit dealer. Salt


Lowrie Wiliam, grocer and fpirit dealer. Salt


Lowrie Mrs. ditto Gallowgate.

Lowrie Thomas, entry to St Andrew's church.

Lobon George, ditto Trongate.

Lang Robert, dry falter. Salt market.

Lang William, hatt maker, ditto.

Lang James, copper and white iron fmith, Bridge-


Lang William, hammerman, old wynd.Lamb James, ditto high ftreet.

Leechman William, ditto ditto.

Leechman John, ditto Gallowgate.

Lindfay Patrick, copper and white iron fmith^

high ftreet.

Lumifden James, engraver, Trongate.

Lindfay David, wright, new wynd.Logan John, ditto Adam's court.

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L 43

Lyon Richard, wright, new wynd.

Lillie John, taylor, high llreet.

Luke Michael, ditto gibfon's land Salt market.

Lindfay Walter, barber, Gibfon's wynd.

Logie Robert, ditto high ftreet.

Logie William, ditto ditto.

Lamont John, baker, Gallowgate.

Lindfay Patrick, ditto Candlerigs.

Lang John, flefher, new wynd.Lawfon David, ditto ditto.

Lawfon Thomas, ditto Bridgegate.

Lawfon John, jailor, high flreet.

Lawfon Andrew, mafon, Jamaica ftreet.

Lawfon Ralph, broker, Gallowgate.

Lawfon Mrs, glove maker, ditto.

Lapfley William, inn-keeper, Argyle flreet.

Lockhart John, ditto Stockwell. <

Lang Claud, boatman. Broom o'law.^

Lindfay Andrew, ditto ditto.

Love Daniel, ditto Doghoufe.

Lees James, Ihoe maker, Gibfon's wynd.

Leckie William, Gallowgate.

Lifter James, plaflerer, maxwell's flreet.

Logajj Robert, fadler, high flreet.


MMAxwell Sir James, James Ritchie, and Co.

Thiftle bank, Virginia flreet.

Merchant Banking Company, head of maxwell's


Moores, Carrick, and Co. fhip bank, Argyle



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44 MMarfliall Robert, merchant, Glafgow tanwork,


Mafon John, merchant, Trongate.

M'CauU George and Co. infurance office, ditto.

M'Caull James, merchant, foot of Argyle jftreet;

M'Caull Mr. ditto miliar flreet.

M'Creddy Archibald, ditto ditto.

M'Cerddy and Miller, proprietors of marble ma-nufaftory. Queen's flreet.

M'Come He6lor, merchant, Trongate.

M'Alpine, Fleming and Co. whole fale linen

printers. Bell's wynd.M*Alpine John, merchant, beyond old Gallow-

gate toll.

M'Aiiflan Robert, tan work, high flreet.

M'Dowall John, merchant, Dunlop ftreet.

M'Dowall James, ditto horn's land, Argyle flreet.

M'Gregor James junior, ditto Candlerigs.

M'lntofh Murdoch and Co. merchants, Tron-gate.

M'Indoe John, ditto Gallowgate.

M'Farlane James, ditto Trongate.McLeans, M'Kay, and Co. ditto ditto.

M'Lellan Hugh, ditto Queen's ftreet.

M'Nea John, ditto ditta

Miller John of Weftertown, ditto miller ftreet.

Miller George and Co. ditto Gallowgate.

Miller James junior, ditto Bell's wynd.Miller John of Wellhoufe, Gallowgate.

Miller Andrew, yarn merchant, high flreet.

Mitchel James, merchant, ditto.

Monteath Walter, ditto Horn's land Argyle flreet.

Morton James, ditto ditto.

Murdoch, Warroch, and Co. great brewerie,


Murdoch Peter, merchant Queen's flreet.

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M 45

Murdoch James, merchant, Tenants houfe, be-yond Gallowgate toll.

Munn Alex, ditto Jamaica ilreet.

Monro Alex, ditto Stockwell.

Maxwell and Smith, writers, Argyle flreet.

Maxwell and Grahame, ditto ditto.

Marihall Samnel, woolen and linen draper. King's


M'Culloch John, ditto Trongate.

M'Corkindale Duncan, ditto ditto.

M'Caw Robert, ditto high ilreet.

M'Farlane William, ditto Trongate.

M'Gilvra Malcom and Co. ditto high flreet.

M'Kechnie John, ditto Trongate.

M*Kean Alex, ditto ditto.

M'Lintock Robert junior, ditto high flreet.

M'Indoe Alex, ditto ditto.

M'Indoe Robert, filk mercer and haberdafher,

Argyle ftreet.

M'Kinzie, Matthew and Co. woolen and linen

drapers, Trongate.

M*Vickar John, ditto high flreet.

Muir John fenior, ditto Trongate.

Muir John junior and Co. ditto Gallowgate.

Mutter Thomas, ditto Salt market.

Miller, Shirra, and Co. haberdafhers, Gallow-gate.

Miller George and William, ditto Trongate.

Mudie William, ditto. Trongate.

M'HafHe David, ditto Gallowgate.

Miller and Ewing, woolen and linen drapers,


M*Aulay Walter, hardware dealer. Salt marketM'Donald Angus and Co. jewellery and toy ware

room, head of Salt market.

McDonald Angus, hard ware and toy fhop, ditto.

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46 MM'Kean James, ditto ditto.

M'Nair James, ditto ditto.

M'Ewen James, gold fmith and jeweler, King's


Milne and Campbell, ditto Trongate.

Muir Hugh and George, hard ware men and jew-elers. King's ftreet.

Mair Archibald, upholllery ware - room , Salt


Mann William and Co. ditto Trongate.

Martin Ure and Co. ditto ditto.

M'Kenzie and Co. ditto ditto.

,M^Arthur John, land furveyor, Keppochill.

.M*A rthur William, paper maker, DawjQiolm.

M'Gown Archibald, bookfeller, head of Stock-


M'Nair John, ditto Trongate.

Montgomery Daniel, ditto Gibfon's wynd.Mennons John, printer of the Glafgow Mercury,

Salt market.

Marlhall John, book binder, high ilreet.

M*Nair Robert, ditto Salt market.

M'Pherfon Evan, ditto ditto.

Millar Ebenezer, ditto ditto.

M*Brair Archibald, dry falter, high ftreet.

Maxwell Robert, ditto GallowgateM'Lintock Robert fenior, ditto Trongate.

M'Nair Robert, eafter fugar houfe, Gallowgate.

M'Alafler Robert, manufafturer, new vennal.

M'Kean Andrew, lawn and cambric manufacturer,

high ftreet.

M^Kerow Hugh, thread manufafturer, ditto.

M*Nair Robert, manufacturer, old wynd.Miller Richard, ditto Salt market.

Miller Mofes, ditto high ftreet.

Miller Thomas, ditto Grammar fchool wynd.

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M 47

Monteath James and fons, ditto high flreet.

Morrifon James, lawn and cambric manufa6lurer,


Murdoch and Love, ditto Caftle pens land, high


Muir Robert, manufacturer, ditto.

Murchie William, ditto havanna ftreet.

Mair Charles, hofier, Gallowgate.

McMillan Robert, ditto high llreet.

McMillan Andrew, ditto ditto.

M*Nab Duncan, ditto Trongate.

M^Kinzie James, ditto Galowgate.

Morris Robert and Co. ditto high flreet.

M ^ Grigor Alex, hatt maker. Salt market.

M'Klinlay and Boyle, ditto ditto.

M 'Arthur Daniel, one of the maflers of the

Grammar fchool, Trongate.

M'Eanzie John, teacher of Englifh, hutchiefon's


M'Kinlay William, ditto new wynd.^

M'llquham Robert, ditto broad clofs high flreet.

Monach James, teacher of writing, &c. Tron-gate.

Meickle John, tobacconifl Gallowgate.

-Muir and Kirkland, ditto ditto.

M*Arthur Peter, druggift, Trongate.

Moncrief and Company's laboratory. King's flreet.

Mackie Robert, grocer and fpirit dealer, Bridge-gate.

Mann David, ditto Gallowgate.

Matthie Mrs. ditto high flreet.

Marfhall John, china and flone ware dealer,

'King's fleeet.

M'Allum James, grocer and fpirit dealer, highflreet.

M'Adam William, ditto wynd head, ditto.

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48 MMcDonald John, grocer and fpirit dealer, Tron-


M'Innes Daniel, ditto Bridgegate.

Malcolm and Buchanan, ditto Gallowgate.

Meikle Matthew, ditto King's flreet.

Miller Mrs. ditto Gallowgate.

Miller John, ditto Gibfon's wynd.Miller William, ditto Candlerigs.

Muir James, ditto and hop merchant, high flreet.

Mungal Robert, grocer and fpirit dealer, ditto.

Morton Alex, ditto Gallowgate.

Moore Edward, ditto Salt market.

M'Auflan and Auflin, feed and nurfery men,


M'Alpin and Co. tallow chandlers. Salt market.

M'Allum Mr. ditto high ftreet.

M'Kellar Duncan, ditto Trongate.

M*Nair James, ditto ditto.

Mann Robert wright, Stockwell.

Martin William, wright, Bridgegate,

Martin Alex, ditto ditto.

M'Alafter Walter, ditto Bell's wynd.

M'Aulay John, ditto Jamaica ftreet.

M'Farlane Peter, ditto Bridgegate.

M'Whannel Edward, ditto St Enochs wynd.

Miller David, ditto Garfcube bridge

Morris John, ditto Gallowgate.

Morrifon John, ditto Argyle ftreet.

Murray William, ditto ditto.

Murray Maurice, ditto ditto.

Murdoch Alex, ditto Goose dubbs.

M'Viccar Niel, carpenter, Bridgegate.

M'Kell John, miln wright, Trongate.

Meikle William, plaifterer, maxwell's ftreet,

Miller Alex, fenior. Slater, old wynd.

Miller Alex, junior, ditto ditto.

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M 49

M' Arthur Duncan, cooper, Bridgegate.

M'Kinnon Norman, ditto Argyle flreet.

M ' Alpin Daniel, baker, Bridgegate.

M* Crocket Boyd, ditto ditto.

M'Kinlay David, ditto Salt market.

Meikle William, ditto Gallowgate.

Miller Thomas, ditto high flreet.

Mitchel Alex, ditto ditto.

Maitland James, taylor, Gallowgate.

M ' Alpin Andrew, ditto high jftreet.

M*Allum Robert, ditto Gallowgate.

M ' Allum Duncan, ditto Salt market.

M' Arthur John, ditto King's ftreet.

M*Kay Robert, ditto Gallowgate.

M ' Farlane Orr, ditto fait market.

M ' Farlane John, ditto Trongate.

M * Farlane Patrick, ditto high flreet^

M* Farlane Archibald, ditto King's flreet.

M'llquham Walter, ditto Trongate.

M'Kechnie James, ditto Gallowgate.

M^Kechnie Lundie, taylor and flay maker, ditto.

M'Lachlan John, taylor, Bridgegate.

McLean Lachlan, ditto Trongate.

M*Nea Duncan, ditto Gallowgate.

M'Neil Hugh, ditto Salt market.

M'Phail Hedor, Goofe dubs.

M ' Rea Peter, ditto Gallowgate.

Miller John, ditto King's flreet.

Moncrief John, ditto high flreet.

Muir James ditto Salt market.

Marfhall James, fhoe maker, Gallowgate.

Maxwell John, ditto Trongate.

M'Call J. fhoe fhop, Salt market.

M^Crindell John, ditto Argyle flreet.

M * Ewan David, ditto Bell's wynd.M ' Millan Daniel, ditto King's flreet.


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^^o M -


M'Millan Archibald, fhoe maker, high flreet.

M'Farlane Andrew, ditto Stockwell.

M*Kinzie John, ditto Adam's court.

M'Queen James, ditto Blackfriars wynd.M'Vie John, ditto Salt market.

Miller John, ditto new wynd.Miller William ditto high flreet.

Marihall and M'Rindel, barbers and hair dreflers

Gibfon's wynd.Manwell John, ditto Gallowgate.

M'Culloch Samuel, ditto high flreet.

M'Aulay James, ditto Gallowgate.

M'Kechnie William, ditto ditto.

M'Kean John, ditto ditto.

M'Indoe John, ditto Stockwell.

Moodie William, ditto Trongate.

Morrifon John ditto Salt market.

Murray Charles, ditto high flreet.

Murdoch John, ditto Bell's wyn dMaxwell Stephen, copper and white iron fmith,

Mawell's ftreet.

Maxwell, Machen, and Co. founders, ditto.

Miller Robert, copper and white iron fmith, Salt


M'Neil Henry, ditto Stockwell.

Muir John, ditto Bridgegate.

M'Farlane Patrick, watch and clock maker, Gal-


Miller Arcliibald, ditto ditto.

Mair Peter, ditto Trongate.

M'Cloud William, hammerman, Argyle flreet.

M'Culloch Andrew, ditto Stockwell.

M' Gill James, ditto ditto.

M'Gill Ninian, ditto Trongate.

M'Kendrick Daniel, ditto Queen's flreet.

M'Carthur John, ditto Salt market.

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M 51

M'Racht William, hammerman, Argyle flreet.

M'Vicar John, ditto Trongate.

Martin James, Vintner, high flreet.

Maiklem Finlay, ditto Trongate

Marihall Robert, ditto old vennel.

M'Alpin Mrs. ditto Trongate.

M'Alpin James, ditto ditto.

M'Adam Walter, ditto and horfe fetter, Goofe


M'Coll Duncan, ditto Broom o'law.

McDonald Malcom, vintner, Trongate.

M'Kinlay Peter, ditto Gallowgate.

M'Farlane Duncan, ditto iron rail, Trongate.

M^Farlane Dougald, ditto Broom o'law.

M'Farlane Donald, ditto Goofe dubs.

MF'arlane Thomas, ditto Argyle ftreet.

M'Indoe Hugh, ditto Gallowgate.

M'Indoe James, ditto and ilabler, Gallowgate


M'Kean John, ditto King's ftreet.

M'Fie Duncan, ditto Jamaica ftreet.

M'Kinzie Samuel, ditto high ftreet.

M'Lachlan Henry, vintner King's flreet.

M'Lean John, ditto Broom o'law.

Miller William, ditto high flreet. '•


Morrifon John, ditto Trongate.

Muir James, ditto Salt market.:

Muirhead Robert, flabler, new wynd.

M'Nair John, bricklayer, Gallowgate.

M'Water David, brick maker, ditto.

Muir WiUiam, tyle maker, calton.

M'Donald Donald, comb maker. Bell's wynd.

M'Indoe James, ditto Gallowgate.

Muir James, ditto Bun's wynd.M'Aulay Allan, gardner, near Ram's horn


M'Aulay John, ditto Grahamfton.


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J2 MMilliken John, reed maker, high flreet.

Miller James, ditto ditto.

Menzies and Miller, yarn merchants, ditto.

M^Ewan and Walker, merchants, Gallowgate.

M'Gilchrift Donald, Salt market foot.

M'Nifh John, ditto Gibfon's land.

M*Leod Malcom, ditto Bridgegate.

M'Leod Alex, ditto ditto.

McLean Captain, Salt market foot.

M'Lachlan John, poft office, Gibfon's wynd.M'Latchie William, preacher of the Gofpel,

high flreet.

M'Nair James, cloth lapper. Bell's wynd.Miller William, keeps a Calender, Gallowgate

Miller Mr. ditto high flreet. '

M'Allum John, boatman. Broom o'law.

M'Dougald Hugh, ditto ditto.

McDonald John, ditto ditto.

M'Farlane Peter, ditto toll houfe.

M'Farlane Daniel, ditto Broom o'law.

M'Neil John, ditto ditto.

M'Lelland Hugh, Broom o'law.

Marfhall John in fhip bank.

Marfhall John, flax dreffer, Bridgegate.

Maxwell Alex, heel maker, Bridgegate.

M'Aulay John, painter, Trongate.

M'Farlane Parian, ditto Bridgegate.

M*Farlane Walter, tanner, Gallowgate.

M'Killop Alex, dyer, Bridgegate.

M'Kenrick Robert, maxwell's flreet.

M*Lehofe James, Gallowgate.

M'Laurin Duncan, yarn teller, high flreet.

M'Nair James, incle manufacturer, Gallowgate.

M*Neil Neil, armourer. Salt market.

Mitchell Patrick, Stockwell.

Mitchell Peter, rope maker, Bridgegate.

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M 53

Montgomery James, brewer, Gallowgate.

Montgomery Robert, mafon, Qneen's ilreet.

Murray William, fhuttle maker, Gallowgate.

Murchie William, cambric drefler, high ftreet.

Miller James, in fhip bank.

Murdoch George, porter in ditto.

Munn Archibald, carpenter, Broom o'law.

Mann Duncan, keeper of clerks chamber, high


M'Lachlane John, univerfity beadle.

McMillan Mrs. midwife, Paul's clofs, high ftreet.


'Eilfon Walter, merchant, Candierigs.

Niven William, ditto high ftreet.

Niven Hugh, lawn and cambric manufacturer.

Newlands Peter, merchant, Salt market.

Neilfon John, manufa6lurer, Gallowgate.

Newlands David, ditto ditto.

Norris Alexander, lawn and cambric manufadlur-

er, high ftreet.

Nicol's Accademy, high ftreet.

Niven William, dealer in china and ftone ware,


Nifbet and Thomfon, woolen and linen drapers,

high ftreet.

Nift)et Alex, ditto ditto.

Nift)et Peter, dyer, ditto.

Nilbet John, wright, head of Jamaica ftreet

Napier's auftion room Trongate.

Noble Jofeph, auftioneer, Trongate.

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54 N

Napier and Dun, watch and clock makers, head of


Nafmith WiUiam, hammerman, Argyle flreet.

Nicoll John, iron monger, Salt market.

Neilfon John, grocer and ham curer. Salt


Neilfon Mrs. grocer and fpirit dealer, King's


Neilfon William, rope maker, Jamaica flreet.

Neilfon William, tallow chandler, Gallowgate.

Neilfon Thomas, flefher, Bridgegate.

Neilfon James, ditto new wynd.Neilfon William, horfe fetter, Bridgegate.

Napier William, fhoe maker, ditto.

Nicol John, ditto Gallowgate.

Notman James, ditto Bridgegate.

Niven Archibald, boatman, broom o'law.


Orr John of Barrowfield, Advocate, one of

the City Clerks.

Ofwald George and Co. merchants, Virginia


Ofwald James, ditto ditto.

Ofwald Alex, ditto ditto.

Orchart William, woolen and linen draper, Tron-gate.

Orr Margaret, ditto ditto.

Orr Mrs. bookfeller. Salt market.

Oliphant Francis, ftone ware dealer, King's ftreet.

Ofburn Murray, mathematical inftrument maker,Gallowgate.

Oughter^on Mrs. lets lodgings, Trongate.

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PAgan John, merchant, high ftreet.

Patoun Archibald, Trongate.

Paterfon Peter, collector of cufloms. Broomo'law.

Penman John, merchant Gallowgate.

Peters Alex, ditto Adam's court.

Peat James, at Glafgow tann work Gallowgate.

Pearfton Matthew and John, lawn and cambric

manufa6lurers. Salt market.

Potts Mr. merchant, Gallowgate.

Paul John, manufacturer, Bun's wynd.Peacock William, ditto Havanna flreet.

Peacock John, ditto new wynd.Pettigrew Thomas, ditto new vennel.

Paterfon Mrs. feed and nurfery dealer, Trongate.

Paterfon John, fpirit dealer ditto.

Patoun Andrew, grocer and fpirit dealer, high


Patoun David, ditto ditto.

Park Alex, ditto Trongate.

Park William, ditto StockwelL

Parkhill John, ditto ditto.

Pender John, ditto Gallowgate.

Phillips and Love, grocers and tea dealers, King's


Phillips Andrew, ditto and fpirit dealer, ditto.

Pinkerton William, ditto Trongate.

Pollock Allan, ditto and fpirit and tea dealer,


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56 P

Park Peter, hardware man, Salt market.

Park Thomas, ditto ditto.

Paul Robert and Co. woolen and linen drapers,


Paterfon Robert, ditto ditto.

Purdie, Criim, and Co. ditto ditto.

Paterfon Thomas, brewer, St Enochs wynd.Pearflon John, ditto and vintner. Salt market.

Pinkerton William, brewer, Dunlop flreet.

Paterfon Archibald, tallow chandler, Gallow-


Provan George and Co. dry falters, high ftreet.

Paterfon James, vintner, Trongate.

Paterfon Robert, ditto Argyle ftreet.

Paterfon John ditto Trongate.

Pearfall John, ditto ditto.

Pettigrew Thomas, ditto flockwell.

Pollock James, ditto Trongate.

Pollock Robert, ditto Salt market.

Porteus John, ditto Trongate.

Provan Robert, ditto ditto.

Parker James, baker. Kind's ftreet.

Provan Robert, ditto high ftreet.

Park Alex, barber and hair drefler, laigh kirk


Pollock William, ditto trongate.

Paul John, ftioe ftiop, Gibfon's wynd.Paterfon Hugh, ditto King's ftreet.

Paterfon Andrew, ftioe maker, trongate.

Paterfon James, ditto high ftreet.

Paterfon Adam, ditto ditto. •

Paterfon James, wright, Lenox's clofs Bridgegate.

Parkhill James, ditto Bridgegate.

Perry Charles, ditto trongate.

Potter James, ditto ftockwell.

Purden William, wrights tool maker, high ftreet.

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Paterfon James, cooper, Virginia ftreet.

Paterfon Archibald, plaifterer, high ftreet.

Paterfon James, brufh maker, Galiowgate.

Pattifon Benjamin, plummer, Argyle ftreet

Perry Robert, malt miln maker, flockwell.

Paul Mr. gardner, rottenrow.

Peacock Andrew, cutler, Galiowgate.

Phillips Walter, flefher. King's flreet.

Purden Wihiam, Hinge maker, Cowcaddens.Porter John, grieve to Mr Orr of Barrowfield,

beyond Galiowgate toll.

Poft Office, middle of Gibfons wynd.

siiiiSiiS^la^.^S^ i^t^^#^ .^^f^ s^if^ i^. *2^ !f2s:^^


Itdiie James and Co. merchants Oueen'sflreet.

Ritchie Alex, ditto Horn's land Argyle ilreet.

Ritchie Henry, ditto Adam's court ditto.

Riddel Henry, ditto Argyle flreet.

Robertfon John, cafhier to Cochran, Murdochand Co. Arms Bank, Miller's ftreet.

Robertfon William, fmithfield. Broom o'law.

Robertfon John, merchant, foot of King's flreet.

Ruffell David, ditto Galiowgate.

Riddel Alex, ftamp maker, high flreet.

Richardfon James, wool fhop, ditto.

Rifk William, thread manufacturer and bleacher,greenhead.

Reid Thomas, high ftreet.

Reid Francis, manufacturer, trongate.

Reid and Montgomery, upholflery ware room,ditto.


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58 R

Renny John, manufa6lurer, wynd.Robertfon James, manufafturer. Bun's wynd.Roger Robert, ditto high ftreet.

Rodger James, lawn and cambric ditto Galiow-gate.

Robb David and Co. linen printers, GaUowgate.Robertfon James and Matthew, printers and book-

fellers, fait market.

Robertfon Andrew, printer, St Enoch's wynd.Robertfon John and Co. haberdafliers, trongate.

Roberrfon Lachlan, ftocking ihop, ditto.

Robertfon Robert, hofier, GaUowgate.Rilfo John, makes thermometers barometers, &c.

at Mr Stirlings, furgeon, fait market.

Reid Mark, grocer and fpirit dealel:, high flreet.

Reid John, ditto ditto.

Robertfon James, ditto ftockwell.

Robertfon Robert, ditto Bridgegate.

Ruffel George, ditto Bell's wynd.Reid John and Francis, wrIghts, Candlerigs.

Reid James, ditto Dunlop flreet.

Robertfon John, ditto Argyle flreet.

Robertfon John, cooper, Bridgegate.

Robertfon Robert ditto Argyle flreet.

Roy Walter, cooper, new wynd.Rankine Charles, painter, ftockwell.

Robertfon and Clow, ditto and oil and colour men,trongate.

Reid William, vintner, GaUowgate.Reid John, ditto trongate.

Robb David, ditto GaUowgate. .

Ruffel George, ditto ditto.

Ronald John, flabler, Candlerigs.

Rankin Mrs. tobacconifl, Bridgegate.

Reid John, ditto high ftreet.

Ralflon William, leather cutter, Gibfon's wynd.

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K 59

Rankine John, fhoemaker, Bridgegate.

Robertfon Robert, ditto Trongate. _

Rofs John, ditto Argyle ftreet.

Rofs Angus, ditto fait market.

Riddel Mrs, Baker and paftry cook, Gibfon's

wynd.Riddel William, Baker, ditto.

Rankine David, barber, high ilreet.

Rankine David junior, ditto and perfumer, Tron-


Rennie James, ditto Gallowgate.

Reid WiUiam, ditto foot of fait market.

Robb David, ditto Gallowgate.

Rankine Mr. taylor, high flreet.-

Ruffel James, ditto Bell's wynd.Roger Thomas, ftay maker, trongate.

Reflon Robert, teller, Thiflle Bank, trongate.

Robertfon James accountant, Merchant bank.

Ruthven John, ftockwell fugar houfe.

Rutherford and Miller, druggifls, high ftreet.

Roger William, comb maker, Gallowgate.

Reid James, plaiflerer, high ftreet.

Reid Thomas, trunk maker, fait market.

Rennie David, hammerman, trongate.

Ruflel Thomas, tanner, high ftreet.

SCott Robert, merchant, Dunlop ftre'et.

Scott Robert, ditto Miller's flreet.

Scott Thomas, ditto ftockwell.

Scott James, ditto Queen's ftreet.

H 2

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6o S

Scott James, ditto Gallowgate.

Scott Hugh, ditto Adam's court.

Scott Allan, ditto Adam's court.

Scott Allan and Robert, timber merchants.

Shortridge William, merchant, Argyle ilreet

Shedden John, ditto Adam's court.

Shanks John, ditto high ilreet.

Sommerville, Gordon, and Co. merchants trongate

Sommerville James, merchant. Miller's ftreet.

Speirs Alex, and Co. ditto Virginia flreet.

Stirling William and Co. whole fale linen printerb

and merchants, high ftreet.

Stirling Walter, merchant. Miller's flreet.

Stirling, Bell, and Co. ditto Trongate.

Stephenfon and Jamiefon, ditto ditto.

Stephen Alex., agent for great Canal Company,Argyle flreet.

Steven, Buchanan, and Co. merchants, tron-


Sym Andrew, ditto at Gallowgate bridge

Stalker Samuel, accountant, Gallowgate.

Spence Dr Grammar fchool wynd.Stenhouse Dr. flockwell.

Salmon Peter, manufa6lurer, Drygate.

Sheddon Thomas and Robert, gauze manufa6lur-

ers, high flreet.

Sheddon Thomas and Co. lawn and cambric ma-nufadlurers, ditto.

Smith, Hutchiefon, and Co. whole ' fale linen

drapers, trongate.

Sommervile William and Co. ditto near Bell's

wynd, high flreet.

Shaw William, thread manufa6lurer, high flreet.

Shaw Matthew, ditto ditto.

Simpfon Peter, manufa(5lurer, new wynd.Simpfon John ditto Cafllepens land, high flreet.

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S 61

Small William, manufaflurer, high ilreet.

JSommerville Walter, ditto high flreet.

Speedy George, ditto ditto.

Spence Peter, ditto Bun's wynd.Stirling Archibald, ditto high ilreet.

Stewart Charles, ditto Grammar fchool wynd.Stark Thomas and Andrew, yarn merchants,

high ftreet.

Stenhoufe and Sibbald, ditto high flreet.

Smellie Archibald, feffion clerk, near foot of fait


Smellie Richard, flocking fhop, trongate.

Smith William, lace and fringe manufa^urer,Greenhead.

Shearer Gilbert and Co. woolen drapers, trongate.

Steel William, woolen and linen draper, ditto.

Steven James, ditto high flreet.

Strang and Stevenfon, ditto King's flreet.

Stewart Alex, ditto Trongate.

Stewart Robert, ditto Gallowgate.

Stewart Arthur, keeps a callender, Candlerigs

Sharp James, haberdafher, Trongate.

Salmon William, fpirit dealer, Bell's wynd.Scott James, grocer and ditto near the Crofs lalt


Scott James ditto Bridgegate.

Scouler James and Co. fpirit dealers, trongate,

Sommerville John, grocer and ditto high flreet.

Stevenfon Mrs. ditto ditto.

Stewart James, ditto fait market.

Sword John, fpirit dealer, entry to St Andrew's

Church, Gallowgate.

Struthers John, brewer and malt man, ditto.

Shaw John and William, Bookfellers, Trongate™

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62 S ,

Smith John junior, ditto and circulating library,


Smith William, printer and bookleller, fait


Scott James, copper fmith and tin plate worker,ditto.

Scott James hammerman wyndhead.Smith David, edge tool maker, GallowgateStory John, hammerman, fait market.

Sutherland Patrick, ditto Bridgegate.

Sawers John, iron monger, Gallowgate.

Sword James, ditto and fmith, ditto.

Sword Alex, and Benjamin, ditto ditto.

Sword and Blyth, iron founders, butts.

Smith John, watch and clock maker, trongate.

Stewart James, ditto M'Nair's land ditto.

Steven John, fadler, Gallowgate.

Slofs William, tallow chandler and foap maker,Gibfon's wynd.

Stewart Walter, ditto high ftreet.

Sanderfon William, wright ditto.

Smith Archibald, ditto Candlerigs.

Smith Robert, ditto ditto.

Sommerville George, ditto and inn-keeper, Gal-lowgate.

Stewart Neil, wright, ICippens clofs high ftreet.

Stevenfon William, ditto Gallowgate.Sym James, wright. Bell's wynd.Smith Peter, flater, high ftr et.

Smith John, ditto ditto.

Shaw William, mafon.

Scouler John, ditto and grocer, GallowgateSmellie James, ditto and inn-keeper, Bridgegate.

Sommerville William ditto and ditto high jftreet.

Scott John, Baker, Gallowgate.Scott. Gavin, dito ditto.

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Scott Thomas, Baker, trongatc.

Scott Mrs. ditto ditto.

Smith James ditto fait market.

Smith David, ditto King's ftreet.

Stevenfon David, ditto high flreet.

Steel William, ditto trongate.

Shells Andrew, taylor, Gibfon's wynd.Stirling George, ditto Bell's wynd.

Steward William, ditto Gallowgate.

Smith Alex, ditto fait market.

Smith Mr. ditto high flreet.

Salmon James, leather cutter, ditto.

Scott William, fhoe maker, Argyle flreet.

Scott Robert, ditto Gibfon's wynd.Semple Robert, ditto high flreet.

.Seth Walter, ditto trongate.

Simpfon James, ditto ditto.

Smith William, ditto fait market.

Short James, ditto ditto.

Stevenfon John, ditto high ftreet.

Steven Archibald, ditto Dunlop flreet.

Steven Alex, ditto Bridgegate.

Steven and Wilfon, tanners, old venna^

Smith Thomas, ditto new wynd.Simpfon William, fadler, Charlotte ilreet.

Shearer John fenior, skinner, Bridgegate,

Shearer John junior, ditto ditto.

Shearer John, youngeft, ditto ditto.

Shearer Robert, ditto ditto.

Scott Mrs. vintner, high ftreet.

Scott John, ditto ditto.

Seth James, ditto laigh kirk clofs.

Sheid Mrs. ditto Trongate.

Simpfon Matthew, ditto high ftreet.

Sommerville James, ditto Gallowgate.

Sommerville Walter, ditto ditto.

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64 S

Speirs William, vintner, ICing's flreet.

Strathern Alex, ditto laigh kirk clofs.

Sym John, ditto trongate.

Stewart William, Gardner, Grammar fcliool

wynd.Sym James, ditto Gallowgate.

Scruton James, teacher of writing, &c. Candle-


Sellars James, teacher of dancing.

Scott William, tobacconift, fait market.

Smith James, ditto Gallowgate.

Shaw Archibald, marble cutter. Queen's ftreet.

Shaw William, at Mr Lindfay's wood yard, Broomo'law.

Shaw William, Adam's court.

Scouler Mrs. FlelTier, new wynd.Scouler John, ditto ditto.

Scouler James, ditto Bridgegate

Scott James, porter to the Merchant Bank, Max-well's ftreet.

Semples Mifs, let lodgings, King's jftreet.

Small, ditto ditto.

Stevenfon John, ditto Bridgegate.

Stevenfon Robert, brufh maker, Gallowgate.

Stenhonfe Thomas, coach maker. Queen's flreet.

Sinclair John, painter, ftockwell.

Sheriff Clerks office, entry to St Andrew's church,


TAffie John, merchant, Gallowgate.

Tait William, ditto Trongate.

aylor William ditto Gallowgate.

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T 65

Thomfon and Jack, infurance office. Exchange.

Thomfon Andrew, merchant. Queen's ftreet.

Thomfon Robert, ditto Dunlop ftreet.

Thomfon George, ditto ditto.

Thomfon Robert and Adam, lawn and cambric

manufacturers, trongate.

Thomfon Andrew, ditto ihuttle ftreet.

Thomfon and Purdon, hnen printers, Trongate.

Thomfon Robert, manufa6lurer, new vennal.

Thomfon Robert, merchant, trongate.

Todd, Shortridge, and Co. wholefale linen print-

ers, high ftreet.

Todd CorneUus, Goofe dubs.

Trotter John, wholefale linen draper. Bell's wynd.

Thomfon Alex, woolen and Hnen draper, tron-


Thomfon James, ditto high ftreet.

Tait Peter, Bookfeller and Printer of the Glafgow

Journal, fait market.^

Tilloch George and Alex, tobacconifts high


Thomfon John, ditto ftockwell.

Tinning Francis, ditto fait market.

Tait James, grocer and fpirit dealer, high ftreet.

Taylor Alex, ditto ditto.

Thomfon Robert and Andrew, grocers and bif-

cuit bakers, Trongate.

Thomfon James, grocer and fpirit dealer, Gallow-


Telfer Thomas, ditto King's ftreet.

Turner John, fpirit dealer, trongate.

Taylor and Hamilton, gold fmiths and jewellers.

King's ftreet.

Tait Mrs. fiih hook maker, fait market.

Thomfon Mrs. copper and white iron fmith, high



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')6 TThomfon Alex, hammerman, Grammar fchool

wynd.Turner Archibald, iron monger, near head of

fait market.

Taffie John, Glove fhop. King's flreet.

Taffie William, ditto foot of fait market.Thomfon John, fadler, fait market.

Thomfon William, ditto Gallowgate.

Tait Mrs, vintner, ditto.

Towart William, ditto Howgate.Tennent John and Robert, Brewers and Maltmen

' Drygate.

Todd James, Maltman, Gallowgate.Taylor John, leather cutter, high ftreet.

Taylor John, ihoe maker, Bridgegate.

Telfer William, fhoe fhop, Gibfon's wynd.Tarbet David, taylor, high flreet.

Taylor Neil, ditto high flreet.

Telfer William, mafon, Havanna flreet.

Telfer William, hofier, Gallowgate.

Thomfon Richard, Baker, King's flreet.

Thomfon Thomas, dyer, Ipout mouth.Townend William, tallow chandler. Bell's wynd.Trueman William, Rope work ftockwell

Turner Andrew, boatman. Broom o'law.

TurnbuU John, hofier, high flreet.

Turnbull, Thomas, wheel wright, high flreet.

TurnbuU William, horfe fetter, fait market.

Town Hofpital and Infirmary, Clyde flreet.

Page 75: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

U 67


URE and M^Gilchrift, woolen and linen dra-

pers, high flreet.

tJre John, ditto GaUowgate.

tJre John, merchant, high ftreet.

Ure Andrew, yarn merchant, ditto.

Ure and Galbraith, hard ware men, fait market.

Ure Alex, mafon. King's ftreet.

Ure Walter, fhoe maker, new wynd.

Ure John, grocer, Gallowgate.

Ure John, Baker, Bridgegate.

Ure James, ditto ditto.

Ure John, ditto ftockwell.

Ure Robert, barber, fait market.

Urie William, cooper, ftockwell.

Urie Matthew, cooper, ditto.

Vance John, leather cutter, Gibfon s wyndVaftie Robert, cordner, high ftreet.

Veitch Alex. Trongate.

WWArdrop James and John, merchants, high


Wardlaw William, ditto Charlotte ftreet.

Wallace John, linen and woolen draper Gallowgate.

Warrand John, yarn merchant and linen draper,

Gibfon's clofs.

I 2

Page 76: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

o8 WWarrand Alex, merchant, lalt market.

Wilfon, Cumberland, and Co. ditto Argyle flreet

Wilfon Alex, and Sons, proprietors of the letter

foundery, high flreet.

Wilfon William, merchant, ftockwell.

Wilfon William, accountant, Dunlop flreet.

Wilfon John, writer, one of the city clerks, Gal-'


Whytelaw and Simpfon, fadlers, high flreet.

Whytelaw James, Charlotte flreet.

Whytelaw Thomas, merchant fait market.

Whyte Robert, woolen and linen draper, high


Watfon E. haberdafher, trongate.

Walker Alex. manufa6lurer, ditto.

Wales William, ditto new vennal.

Watfon John, ditto flockwell.

Watfon John, ditto Havanna flreet.

Watfon William, ditto ditto.

Whyte William, thread ditto high flreet. *

White Robert, manufa6lurer, Havanna flreet.

White Robert, ditto new vennal.

White John, ditto Grammar fchool wynd,Weir Andrew, ditto Havanna -flreet.

Wilfon and Clark, filk ditto Anderflown.

Wilfon John, manufacturer, Gallowgate.

Wifon John, ditto old vennal.

White and Gibfon, iron mongers, fait market.

Wilfon John, ditto Trongate.

Wright Robert, hard ware man, fait market.

Wright James, jeweller, King's flreet.

Wright John, junior, merchant, Trongate.

Wright John, au6lioneer, ditto.

Williamfon John, bookfeller, fait merket.

Walker George, grocer and fpirit dealer, Gallow-


Wiflon Archibald, ditto Trongate.

Page 77: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

W 60

Wright John, grocer and fpirit dealer, Argyleftreet.

Wright Archibald, Druggift, Trongate.

Wilfon Walter, feed and nurfery man, ditto.

Waddel William, tobacconifl, Gallowgate.

Watt Mrs. ditto ditto.

Walker James, Baker, high flreet.

Warnock Andrew, ditto St Enochs wynd.Weir James, ditto high ftreet.

White Andrew, ditto Trongate.

White Alex, ditto Reids land high flreet,

Wright John, ditto Trongate.

Wright John, ditto Bridgegate.

Waterflon John, leather (hop, Trongate.

Waddel John, ditto Gallowgate.

Wardrop John, cordner, fait market.

Weil Thomas, ditto Bridgegate,

Weir John, ditto fait market.

Williamfon Gavin, ditto high flreet.

"Wilfon John, ditto Grammar fchool wynd.Wright Daniel, turner, new wynd.Waddel Robert, wright, fait market.

Wardrop John, ditto Argyle flreet.

Wilfon John, ditto Gallowgate

Wright John, ditto ditto.

Wylie James, ditto ditto.

Wilkie James, wheel wright.

Wardrop Daniel, mafon, Argyle flreet.

Wilfon Thomas, ditto fait market.

Watt Mrs. vintner, ditto.

Wardrop James, ditto high flreet.

Winning Robert, ditto Bell's wynd.Wilfon David, ditto Gallowgate.

Wilfon George ditto Trongate.

Wood James, ditto King's flreet.

Watfon Gabriel, Edinburgh carrier, Gallowgate.

Page 78: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

70 WWatfon "William, clerk to the New Caftle waggon,WGallowgate.

alker William, teller in the Glafgow ArmsWBank.Wyllie Broadie, accountant in ditto.

Wardrop William, fhip Bank.

atfon Robert, teacher of dancing, fait market.

right John, teacher of Engliih, high ftreet.

Weir Walter, cooper, Gallowgate.

White David, ditto Bridgegate.

White Peter, ditto fait market.

Williamfon Peter, ditto flockwell.

Watfon William, Flefher, Bridgegate

Watfon Thomas, ditto back wynd.Wingate Thomas, tallow chandler, high flreet.

Wyllie and M'Allum, ditto King's flreet.

Wright Lanchlan, confeftioner, back wynd.Wallace Mrs. makes burying crapes, Trongate,

Wallace Robert, painter, high flreet.

Whytelaw John, barber. Maxwell's flreet.

Wharton Robert, ditto Bridgegate.

Wilfon William, ditto ftockwell.

Wotherfpoon Richard, ditto King's ftreet.

Watfon Archibald, hammerman, Gallowgate.

Watt James, ditto high flreet.

Wright Malcom, wire worker, Trongate.

Wilfon James, gardner, Queen's ftreet.

Wyllie Mrs. lets lodgings, Trongate.

Watfon, Mr. flay maker, Gallowgate.

Watt James, Taylor, ditto.

Wright J. flay maker, Trongate.

Walker William, hofier. Grammar fchool wynd.Walker Robert, boatman. Broom o'law.

Wright Peter, tide officer, Bridgegate.

Page 79: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

Y 71

YOung John, merchant, Argyle ftreet.

Young David, filk mercer and haberdafher,


Yonng James, merchant, Gallowgate.

Young John, auftioneer, high ftreet.

Young John and Son, woolen and linen drapers,


Younger George, Gibfon's land.

Young William, Delft houfe.

Young Mr. teacher of Englifli, high flreet.

Young John, cooper, Candlerigs.

Young Robert, ditto ditto.

Younger Andrew, barber, Gallowgate.

Young Hugh, grocer, high flreet.

Young John, wrigEt, Bell's wynd.

Young James, ditto high ftreet.

Young Thomas, Greenock and Edinburgh carrier,

Bell's wynd.Young David, glover, Bridgegate.

^Toung Peter, diito ditto.

Young William, dyer, Havannah ftreet.

Young Hugh, ftabler, high ftreet.

XJill David, woolen and linen draper, trongate.

Zuill Thomas, ftockwell.

Zuiil James, Baker, high ftreet.

Page 80: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 72 )

An Alphabetical Table of the Arrival and Departures of

the different Pofts at andfrom the Poft office of Glafgo'zv.


Eight morning,




Fort WilliamInverary






Five afternoon,


Eight at night.

Beith, HamiltonPaifley


Eight morningPaifley

Ten forenoon,

Aras, Bonnaw,BowmoreCampbeltonDumbartonDouglafs

Fort WilliamHamiltonInverary, LanarkObanPortnacroifh

Strontian, TarbetTwelve noon,

Ayr, Ballantrea

Girvan, Irvine




Two afternoon,

GreenockPort-GlafgowRothfayNine at night,


EdinburghFalkirk, Kilfyth


MO' N D A YArrivals,

Five afternoon,

Ayr, Ballantrea

Girvan, GreenockIreland, Irvine

KilmarnockMaybole, Neilfton




Early morning,

Carlifle, CumnockDumfriesKilmarnockLondonSanquharThornhiUAll the Weft


Nine at night,

Alloa, Bo-nefs


Edinburgh, &c.Falkirk, Kilfyth


Eleven forenoon.

Edinburgh, &c.Exprefs

Twelve noon,CumnockCarlifle, DumfriesIreland

Kilmamoc kSanquharThornhiil

AU the WeftEnglandEight morning


Two afternoon

GreenockPort Glafgow.

T U E S D A~Arrivals,

Eight morning,Alloa, ArasBonnaw, Bo-nefs


DumbartonEdinburgh, &c.Falkirk

Fort WilliamInverary, KilfythLinlithgow, ObanPortnacroifh

Stirling, Strontian

TarbetFive at night


Eight at nightBeith, HamiltonPaifley


Ten forenoon,

lAras, BowmoreIBonnaw/Campbelton




Page 81: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 73 )

Dumb arton

Fort. WilliamInveraiy, ObaaPortnacroifh

Strontian, Tarbet

Twelve noonAyr, Ballantrea

Girvan, Ireland

KilmarnockMaybole Neilfton


Nine at night,

Alloa, Bo-nefs


Edinburgh, &c.Falkirk, Kilfyth


Eight morning,Paifley

Ten forenoon,

HamiltonTwo afternoon,

GreenockPort GlafgowRothfay


Very early,

Carlifle, CumnockDumfriesIreland

KilmarnockSanquharThornhillWeft of England

Eight morning,Alloa, Bo-nefs

Crieff, DumbartonEdinburgh, &c.Falkirk, Kilfyth


Five afternoon,

Ayr, Ballantrae

Greenock, Girvan

Ireland, (two arriv.)


Maybole, Neilfton

Port GlafgowRothfayStewartonStranrawer

Eight night

Hamilton, LanarkPaifley


Nine NightAlloa-Bo-nefs


Edinburgh, &c.Falkirk, Kilfyth

LinlithgowEight morning,


Ten forenoon,

DumbartonHamilton, Lanark,

Twelve noon,

Ayr, Irvine


Two afternoon,

GreenockPort Glafgow


Eight morningAlloa, ArasBonaw, Bo-nefsBowmoreCampbeltownCriefl^ DumbartonEdinburgh, &c.Falkirk

Fort William


ilnverary, Kiliyth



^Strontian, Stirling

TarbetFive afternoon,

Ayr, GreenockGirven, Irvine

KilmarnockMaybole, Neilfton

Port GlafgowStewarton

Eight at nightBeith, HamiltonPaifley


Ten morning,

Aras, BonnawBowmoreCampbeltonDumbartonFort William

Inverary, ObanPortnacroifli

Strontian, Tarbet

Ten forenoon,

HamiltonTwelve noon,

Cumnock, Carlifle

DumfriesIreland, Irvine



Weft of EnglandTwo afternoon,

GreenockPort GlafgowRothfayNine at night

Alloa Bo-nefs


Edinburgh, Sec.

Falkirk, Kilfyth

Page 82: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 74 )


Eight morning,Paifley


Eight morning,Alloa





Five afternoon,





Port GlafgowRothfayStewarton

Eight night,

HamiltonLanark, Paifley


Nine night,

Alloa, Bo-nels

Crieff, EdinburghFalkirk, Linlithgo wTwelve noon,

Ayr, Ballantrea

Girven, Ireland

Irvine, KilmarnockMaybole, Neilfton


Two afternoon,

GreenockPort GlafgowEight morning,

Paifley, Stirling


Early morning,

Cumnock, Carlille

Dumfries, Ireland

KilmarnockSanquhar, Thornhill

Weft of EnglandEight morning,

Alloa, Bo-nefs

CriefF, DumbartonEdinburgh, &c.Falkirk, Kilfyth


Five afternoon

Ayr, Ballantrea



Girven, GreenockKilmarnockMaybole, Neilfton

Port GlafgowStewartonStranra wer

Eight* night



Eight night,

Carlifle, CumnockDumfriesKilmarnockLondon, SanquharThornhill

Twelve noon,

Ayr, Irvine


StewartonTwo afternoon,

GreenockPort GlafgowTen forenoon

HamiltonEight morning


Arrival and Dpartures of FOREIGN MAILS.


^Wednef. & Saturday.




SpainSwedenDenmarkPortugal, as the

Packet arrives.


Sunday & Thurfday



Page 83: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

75 )






N. B. A mail is difpatched to North America, and the WeftIndies on the Friday before the firft Wednefday of every month.

POSTAGE for a fmgle letter to any of the following places,

and fo in proportion for double, triple, Sec,

fh. d. Holland 8 Portugal 2

Azores or ^ Geneva o 8 Ruflia I

the Weft- ^ 2 z Germany I 8 Sweden i

em Iflands ) Italy I 11 Switzerland ')

Denmark I 8 Madeira 2 2 (except Ge- }- i

France o 8 Minorca I 1


neva.) )Flanders o 8 Poland I 8 Spain 2

Departure to the following towns by Carlifle, on' Monday,Thurfday and Saturday.

ApplebyBarnard Caftle



CockermouthCoventryHenly in ArdenKendal












CARRIERS QUARTEFrom whence. Where Lodged


Aberdeen Ronald's Candlerigs

Ardrie Loudon's GallowgateAuchterarder Brown's Black F. wyndBochlivy Ures High-ftree


R S.



Monu ncTuef.


Wed.uncer uncer


Page 84: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 76 )

Bathgate Loudon's Gailowgate. (fortnigh

Beith M'Alpin's TrongateDitto Neilfon's N wyndBuchanan Williamfon's ditto

Bonnaw Giles's Trongate

Cumnock M'Indoe's Gailowgate

Callander Moor's Salt market (fortnightly)

Carluke Somerville's Gailowgate

CriefF Arthur's High ftreet

Carlifle Fi dlay's TrongateDitto Ditto ditto

DundeeDumfries M'Indoe's Gailowgate

Dumfermline Ronald's Trongate (fotnightly)

Dumbarton Buchanan's Argyle's-ftreet

Ditto Ditto ditto

Dunkeld Findlay's TrongateDrummond Williamfon's N. wyndEdinburgh Watfon's Gailowgate

Ditto Ditto ditto

Ditto Bell's Candlerigs

Fintry Gile's TrongateFalkirk Ronald's Candlerigs

Ditto Gile's Trongate

Gartmore Craig's 0. wyndGreenock Young's Bell's wyndDitto Auld's Gailowgate

Hamilton Somerville's ditto

Ditto Watfon's ditto

Inverary Buchanan's Argyle-ftreet

Irvine Ronald's Candlerigs

Kilfyth Arthur's High.dreet

Kilwinning Ronald's Candlerigs

Kilbarchan Smellie's Bridegate

Kilmarnock Gile's Trongate


Kirkintulloch Marfliall's High-ftreet

Kippen Ure's High ftreet

Lanark Gib's Gailowgate

Linlithgow Gile's Trongate

Machlin N

Newcaftle Watfon's Gailowgate

Newmills Borland N. wyndPerth Ronald's Candlerigs

Paifley Findlay's Trongate


St Ninians Giles ditto

Wed. Wed.Tuef. Wed.Tuef. ThurWed. uncer

uncer Frid.

Thur ThurWed.Tuef.












Wed.Wed.Wed.Wed.Frid. Frid.

Wed. Wed.Tuef. Wed.Tuef. Wed.Tuef Wed.Wed ThurFrid. Satur

Tuef Wed.Wed. Wed.daily daily

Wed. Wed.Wed. Wed.










Page 85: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,




( 77 )

M'Indoe's Gallowgate

Ronald's Candlerigs

Ronald's ditto

Ure's High (treet





'Twixt EDINBURGH and GLASGOW.Three Machines fet out from each place every day, at eight

morning, they ftop on the road and change horles. Tickets, i os.

6d. each, fold by J. Buchanan and A Dumbar, Glafgow, and by

Geo. Warden, and John Cameron, Grafs-market EdinburghAnother from Mr Dick's, Glafgow, every Monday, Wednefday,

and Friday, and from Mrs Montgomery's Grafs-market Edin.

every Tuefday, Thurfday, and -Saturday, at fame hour. Tickets

8s. 6 d. And one from Patrick Heron's Glafgow^, and Robertions

Pleafance, Edinburgh every day. Tickets lo s. 6d.

DUMBARTON DILIGENCE,Sets out from Duries every day of the week in Summer, and onMonday, Wednefday, and Friday in Winter.

PAISLEYDILIGENCE,Sets out from Pinkcrtons and Dunbars, Trongate, twice every

day but Sabbath.

GREENOCK DILIGENCE.Sets out every day of the week, from SomerviUes, Gallowgate, and

Dumbars, Trongat e

KILMARNO-CK DILIGENCE,Sets out from Reids Gallowgate, every Monday and Thurfday.

CARLISLE DILIGENCE,Sets out every lawful day from Buchanans, Gallowgate.

HAMILTON DILIGENCE,Sets out fram M'Indoes, Gallowgate, every Monday, Wednefday

and Saturday.

AYR DILIGENCE,Sets out every Thurfday and Friday from Buchanans, Gallowgate.

STIRLING DILIGENCE,Sets out every Tuefday and Thurfday, from Wilfons Gallowgate.

Page 86: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

( 78 )

This publication having been delayed fomewhatbeyond the time expected, arifing from unex-

pected and unforefeen difficulties, (it being the firfl

of the kind attempted in this place), and from a

defire of having it as complete and correct as pof-

fible. The Publiflier hopes the Candid and Ge-nerous Public, and jiis numerous Subfcribers^

will excufe him.

Notwithftanding his diligence to have all the

people concerned in bufmefs inferted, he mayhave omitted or mifnamed fome of them ; to

make all the amends he can, he will, as far as lies

in his power, in the fupplement he intends to

publiifh about the month of Auguft, rectify any

miftakes, and infert thefe who have been omitted.

For which purpofe he earneftly requefls the Gen-tlemen, &c. who may find themfelves omitted, to

fend their names and places of abode to his ftati-

onary fiiop a little above the Crofs, and they fliall

be properly inferted.

Page 87: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

A LIST of the MERCHANTS, &c. of the

Town of Paifley, 1783.

ALexander James, manufadlurer, caufeylide.

Allan John, merchant, Snedon flreet.

Andrew Matthew, manufacturer, Caufeyfide.

Anderfon John, ditto Orchard flreet.

Alexander Robert Fulton thread ditto bridge itr.

Angelie William, dyer, St marions wynd.Anderfon William, hutt.

Alafon John, baker, high flreet.


Barr Robert, manufacturer, gaufe St. NewtownBarr James, ditto Caufeyfide ftreet.

Barbour John, thread ditto maxweltoun.Barbour John, junior, merchant, ditto.

Barclay Francis, thread manufacturer, James's fir.

Barclay Robert, manufacturer, Caufeyfide.

Barrie Thomas, tobacconift, high flreet.

Barrie Andrew, grocer, ditto.

Bell and Maxwell, hard and foft foap boilers,


Bennet Robert, grocer crofs.

Bennet and Co. MefTrs, filk manufacturers, filk

flreet new town.

Page 88: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

8o B

Birkmyre George, thread manufa6lurer high flreet,

Bisland Alex, wright, high ftreet

Bisland Thomas, wood merchant, ditto.

Biggar Robert, thread manufafturer, Caufeylide.

Blair James, writer. Gauze ftreet new town.

Blackwood Robert, vintner, filk ftreet ditto.

Black John, thread manufafturer, Snedon.

Bowman John, leather merchant, bridgend.

Bowie Henry, manufa6lurer, Gordon's lone.

Browning Gavin, druggift, crofs.

Brown Robert -thread maniifa6lurer, SnedonBrown and Sharp Meflrs. manufafturers, new


Brown Thomas, brewer, Crafthead.

Brown Matthew, ditto ditto

Brodie Robert, grocer, fand holes.

Braid Robert, flelher, moflrow.

Buchanan Herbert and Co. merchants, gauze ftr.

new town.

Buchanan "William, merchant Snedon.

Buchanan James, ditto high ftreet.

Buchanan Robert, manufacturer, gauze Str. newtown.

Buchanan Archibald, calligo printer, nether com-mon.

*^***^^*^^ ''^*^*^^^^*5^'^^ ^"^^ '^^ '^"^'

CArlyfle William, Thread manufadlurer, Sne-


Carlyle James and Co. manufafturers, Snedon.Caldwell John, thread ditto ditto.

Caldwell Thomas, merchant, Caufeiide.

Caldwell George, bookfeller, Mofs row.

Carfon and Hunter, timber merchants, Snedon.


Page 89: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

C 8r

Carfwell Robert, cooper, mofs row.

Campbell Archibald, manufadlurer, Caufeyfide.

Campbell William and Thomas, tanners, St mari-

on's wynd.Campbell William, Fefher, St Marions flreet.

Campbell James, ditto Mofs row.

Chriftie, Carfe, and Co. timber merchants, Craft


Chriflie John, ditto Gaufe ftreet new townChambers James, grocer, Snedon.

Clark John, filk lifh maker, ditto.

Clark James, hedle twine maker,. Cotton flreet

new town.

Clark Robert, fhoe maker, Crofs.

Cochran John, yarn merchant, high flreet.

Cochran John, junior, merchant, Snedon.

Cochran John, manufa(5lurer new flreet.

Cochran James, merchant, Snedon.

Cochran John, dyer, Sawcell.

Crawford John, merchant, high flreet.

Crawford John, vintner, SnedonCraig James, leather merchant, high flreet.

Crofs Robert, merchant, Greenlaw.

Crofs Walter, manufacturer, Caufeyfide.

Crow and Duncan Meffrs, fmiths, Caufeyfide.

DDAlglifli John, broker, crofs.

Davis Robert, grocer, high flreet.

Denniflon Robert, bleacher, Snedon.

Dick Robert, manufaflurer, Cafyfide.

Dick Robert, hedle twine maker, Maxwelton.Dowie David, grocer and feeds man, high flreet.

Dun Andrew, merchant, high flreet.

Dun Mrs. vintner, Bridgend.

Dun Alex, glover, ditto.


Page 90: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

S2 E

EAfton David, baker, Crofs.

Edmifton, Lothian, and Co. ditto new town.

Ellis, filk manufafturer, Snedon.

Elliot and Dibbs, filk manufaflurers, woodfide.

FIndlay John, Minifler High Church, Snedon.

Ferrier, Pollock, and Co. filk manufafturers,


Fergufon John Stay maker, ditto.

Findlay John, Smith and Ferrier, high fi:reet.

Flint William, grocer. Gauze fi:reet new town.

Fouler John, ditto ditto.

Fulton Mefirs, filk manufadlurers Maxweltons.

Fulton Hugh, feed merchant, Crofs.

Fulton Hugh, Surgeon, ditto.

Fulton David, Taylor, ditto.


Gillies Colin, Minifier, Laigh Church Sne-


Gardiner Archibald, thread manufacturer, newfi:reet.

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Gardener John, merchant, high ftreet.

Galbreath John, Smith and Ferrier Mofs row.

Gentles John, Baker, Gauze ftreet new town.

Gerard James, Spirit dealer, Bridgend.

Gibfon Alex, writer, Townhead.Gibfon James, ditto high flreet.

Gibfon William, Surgeon, Crofs.

Gibb James, filk manufafturer. Bridge flreet.

Gibb John, vintner, high Jftreet.

Gilmour Patrick, manufaflurer. Orchard ilreet.

Gilmour James, merchant, ditto.

Gillies Malcolm, Silver fmith, high ftreet.

Giiroy Charles, Baker, Crofs.

Grahame Mrs. vintner, high fti:j^et.

Grahame Rodger, Soap boyler, Snedon.

Grahame James, Cooper, Caufeyiide.

•^S^ ^^^ <«55^ ^'i^ -^^«<!^.^§> .^^ .^^ .^^ *?^ /^s. ^S; «f^t <^S<^ ii^ii^% ;S^ i^ sJgis#^^& ^!5^*^^i^si^ <J^ ^^*^^


TTart James and Son, manufacturers, Cafyfide.

Harrifon Jofeph and Co. tanners Snedon.

Hannah John, vintner, new ftreet.

Hall John, grocer. Gauze ftreet new town.

Hendry and Robertfon, filk manufacturers, ditto.

Hepburn and Watt, ditto ditto.

Heghet John, grocer. Cotton ftreet new town.

Hill Ninian, keeps a Calender, Bridgend.

Holmes Jofeph and Co.filk manufacturers, Townhead.

Hunter Robert, merchant, high ftreet.

Hume William, Engineer, Abbey clofs.


Page 92: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

% J

Amiefon Hugh, manufaflurer. Orchard flreet.

Jamiefon Robert, ditto Caufeyfide

Jamefon and Co. Cotton manufacturers , Abbeyflreet.

Jamiefon William, merchant, Crofs.

Jamiefon William, ditto Smithills.


KER Thomas, Pofl mafler, Mofs row.Ker Thomas, writer. Smith hills.

Ker Thomas, Baker, high ftreet.

Ker Daniel, mealdealer, ditto.

Ker Andrew, wright, Snedon.

Kibble James, writer. Smith hills.

Kibble Thomas, ditto Crofs.

King William, Dyer, Dyers wynd.King John, Rope maker, high flreet.

King David, Plaiflerer, Silk flreet new town.

Knox John, yarn merchant, high flreet.

LOwndes James arid Co. fUk manufa<5lurers,


Love John, ditto new flreet.

Love James filk manufa<5lurer, abbey bridge fire e

Page 93: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

L 85

Lochead Matthew, maiuifafturer, Caufeyfide.

Lochead Robert, vintner, town head.

Lochead Walter, Baker, higrx ftreet.

Lochead John, Meal dealer, Calton.

Liper Andrew, Barber, St marions wynd.


M'Axwell Charles, timber merchant, Mofs


Maxwell and Patrick,thread manufafturersSnedon.

Marlhall Thomas, ditto Caufeyfide

Mann Alex, wright. wellmeadow.

Main Peter, thread manufaflurer Caufeyfide.

M'Errol John, filk ditto Maxwelton.

M'Arthur Peter, Bookfeller, Crofs.

M'Gowan Matthew, merchant, ditto.

M'Grigor Duncan, Gauze flreet new town.

M'Kechney Alex. Ihuttle maker, James ftreet.

M'Kechney William, Victualer, Mofs row.

M'Korkindale David, flefher, ditto.

M'Lellan John, heddle maker, hut.

M'Lellan John, junior, filk lifh maker, well-

meadow.McLean John, manufacturer. Orchard flreet.

M'Lean David, ditto ditto.

M'Murchie Niel, Caufeyfide.

M'Nair Alex, merchant, high jftreet.

Montgomery Matthew, thread manufacturer, Mofsrow.

Moody Matthew and Son, dittp town head.

Morrifon James, merchant, Crofs.

Miller James, foap and candle maker, high flreet.

Mure William, Maltman, high flreet.

ure John, carrier to Glafgow, St Marions wynd.

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'Eilfon and Hunter, manufafturers, Caufey-


Neilfon William, ditto ditto.

Neillbn John, grocer, Crols.

Neilfon Walter, vintner, James flreet.

Niven, Stevenfon, and Pagan, filk manufafturers,

high ftreet.

Nifbet William, meflenger, high flreet.


,RR, Craig, and Stow, Great George flreet.

_ Orr William and Sons, Caufeyfide.

Orr Robert, fenior, manufafturer, Caufeyfide.

Orr Robert, junior, ditto ditto.

Orr William and John, merchants, Gauze flreet

new town.

Orr WiUiam, manufafturer. Orchard ftreet.

Orr James, writer, Bridgend.

Orr and Kibble, Smith hills.

^Aifley James, merchant, Crofs.

Patifon John, manufacturer, town head.

Patifon John, junior, ditto Crofs.


Page 95: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,


Patifon William, wright and glazier, town head

Patton James, grocer, fandholes.

Park Robert, thread manufafturer, Smith hills.

Pollock George, ftamp mafler, Gauze ftreet

new town.

PollockAlex, filk li fli maker, maxwelton.

Purdie Andrew, wright, Snedon.



amfay, Y/illiam, manufafturer, Caufeyiide.

Ramfay Thomas, Baker high ftreet.

Ralfcon Alex. Flefher, St Marions wynd.Renfrew John, manufa6lurer, Caufeyfide.

Reid Fulton, grocer, fandholes.

Ritchardfon John, Smith, Gauze ftreet new townRobertfon John, thread manufa6lurer, Caufey-


Robertfon Robert, ditto ditto.

Robertfon John, grocer, fandholes.

Robertfon William, merchant, Snedon.

Rofs Charles, Greenlaw.

Rule James, baker, Caufeyfide.

b*f ^ v/W X^j^ V^ \'J^ Sc/ Vsi/ Vs'i/ Vi/ Vy'Va,^ Vi/w v<iy \i./ Vi//W VS/ V*-


SNodgrafs John, Minifter, New Church.

Sempill William, Gauze dreUer, Gordons lone

Simpfon Claud, writer, high ilreet.

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88 S

Simpfon James, Surgeon Crofs.

Sim Peter, hardware merchant, ditto


Sinclair James, wright, molsrow.

Smith John, junior, manufa(^lurer Orchard


Smith and Grahame ditto high ftreet.

Smith John, meal dealer, Caufeyfide*

Smith Andrew, manufaflurer, ditto.

Spier Robert, tobacconift, high ftreet

Spier John, Flefher, mofs row.

Stewart John, manufaft urer. Orchard flreet.

Stewart William, Surgeon, high ftreet.

Stewart and Orr, town head.

Stev/art William linen draper & haberdalher Crofs

Stewart John, grocer, ditto.

Stevenfon John and Son, merchants, ditto

Stevenfon William, filk manufacturer, new ftreet.

Stirling William, manufacturer, Gordon s lone.

Stirling James and Co. hardware merchants, Crols

Stirling John, faddler, high {Ireet.

Steel James, manufacturer, Cafyiide.

Storie John, merchant, ditto.

Tarbet John, thread manufacturer Caufeyfide.

Tarbet James, ditto maxwelton.

Taylor Alex. Surgeon, mofs row.

Thomfon James, tobacconift, Crofs.

Train John, merchant, high ilreet.

Twige William, filk manufacturer, bridgend

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w 89

w'Alklngfhaw Hugh, manufa£lnrer, cauley-


Walkingfhaw Robert and John, ditto ditto.

Walkinfhaw James, writer, high flreet.

Walkinlhaw Robert, ditto bridgend.

Wallace William and John, filk manrs. Snedon

Walker Samuel, thread ditto ditto.

Warnock John, grocer, crofs

Waterfton James, Painter, ditto.

Watt William, baker, high ftreet.

Weir Walter, manufafturer, caufeyiide.

Weir Alex, merchant, Crofs

Weir John bookfeller, ditto.

White Robert, manr. cotton flreet new towr..

White John, furgeon, high flreet.

White Andrew, hardware man, ditto

White Andrew, flioe maker, crofs.

White James, heddle maker, fnedon.

Whitehead Thomas, tanner, feedhills,

Whytehill John merchant, high flreet.

Wilfon John, manufadlurer, town head.

Wilfon Hugh, yarn merchant, bridgend.

Wilfon James, merchant, crofs.

Wilfon James, writer, dittt).

Wilfon and Crofs, foap houfe, croft head.

Wilfon Henry, maltman, town head.

Wilfon William, bleacher, gauze flreet new town.

Wood Francis, tobacconifl, high flreet,

Wylie William, merchant, crofs.

Wilkie Peter, grocer, fmith hills.

Wright Robert, tobacconifl high flreet.

Wright Adam, copper fmith high flreet.

Young John, Stamp mafler, mofs row.


Page 98: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

A LIST of the MERCHANTS, &c. of the

Town of Greenock, T783.

AIken Mifs Jean, merchant, laigh flreet.

Alfton Gavin and Co. ditto herring ftreet.

Alexander John, ditto new flreet.

Anderfon, FuUerton, and Co. ditto cathcart ftr.

BAin John, fliip mafter, laigh ftreet.

Bain Alex, and Co. grocers, ditto.

Bartholomew James, fleflier, flefh market flreet,

Bartholomew John, ditto ditto.

Black Archibald, baker, new flreet.

Black John, cooper, herring ftreet.

Black John, flioe maker, laigh ftreet.

Boog Thomas, merchant, ditto. '

Boyd William, Qiip mafler, broad clofs.

Bow William, copper and white iron fmithlaigli fir.

Boyle Mrs. vintner, ditto.

Brown Alex, wright, cathcart ftreet.

Brown Alex, upholfterer, ditto.

Brown William, fail maker, laigh ftreet.

Brownlee John and William, copper and white

iron fmiths, new flreet.

Brown James and Co. painters, cathcart ftreet.

Brov/n John, lliip mafter, laigh ftreet.

Brown Donald, ditto ditto.

Brown Hugh and Co. fait coats rope work.Buchanan Robert, meafurer of timber, cathcart


Buchanan John, fenior, merchant.

Buchunan John, Junior ditto.

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C 91

^'i^=5^sh ^>^^^ csa=^=*^^^"^^ ^1^ s^--^^^*^ ^t?3 "^^^

CAmpbell and Cuthbert, merchants, laigh


Campbell, Lee, and Co. Gourock rope workCampbell John, ditto cathcart flreet.

Campbell John, ditto ditto.

Campbell Dmican, ditto ditto.

Campbell Alex, late comptroller, ditto.

Campbell Pollock, comptroller of cuftoms, ditto.

Campbell Neil, aud Co. merchants, ditto.

Campbell Alex, land waiter, ditto.

Campbell John, grocer, ditto.

Campbell Patrick, writer, cathcart llreet. -

Campbell John, jeweller, long vennel.

Cameron Alex, vintner, laigh ftreet.

Caldwall William, cooper, long vennel.

Carmichael John, watch and clock malcxjr. newjftreet.

Carfweli Robert, mafon, cathcart flreet.

Cathcart John, merchant, laigh flreet.

Carmalt John, ditto cathcart flreet.

Chambers William, flefher, flefh market flreet.

Clark William, hardware man, new flreet.

Colquhoun, Campbell, and Co. merchants.

Colquhoun David, fm-geon, cathcart flreet.

Colquhoun John, wright and cabinet maker,

broad clofs

Colquhoun James, agent, laigh flreet.

Crawford James fenior, merchant, ditto.

Crawford Hugh fenior, meffenger ot arms, ditto.

Crawford Hugh junior, writer, ditto.

Crawford John fenior, cooper, herring flreet.

Crawford John junior, ditto ditto.

Cunningham George, colle6lor of cuftoms, laigh



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92 D

^»:?:** *%* >ii ^^ ^ ^ i<- ^ f6 ^ ^ '^

D^Eas Mrs. milliner, new flreet.

Donald William and Co. merchants, laigh


Douglafs Duncan, fliip mafter, cathcart flieet.

Drummond Alex baker, laigh flreet.

Duncan John, pilot, ditto.

Duncan James, ditto ditto.

Duncan Andrew, hatt maker, new flreet.

«? ^ ^ ^ # # s= # ^& # # m # # ^ 4f € ^ # ^

EEwing James and Co. merchants, laigh flreet.

Ewing Alex vintner, cathcart flreet.


FAirlie John, wright, cathcart flreet.

Fergufon Archibald, cooper, ditto.

Fergufon John, ditto ditto.

Forfyth Mrs. bookfeller, laigh flreet

Frazer James, land waiter, ditto.


GAlt William, baker, new flreet.

Gemmil James, merchant, cathcart flreet.

Gemmil David, merchant, flefh market flreet.

Glafsford Matthew, ditto laigh ftreet.

Gordon and Miller, ditto Cathcart flreet.

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93 ^Graham John, copper and white iron fmith, laigh


Graham WilHam, ditto nev/ ftreet.

Graham Hugh, accountant, cathcart flreet.

Grindlay William, grocer, laigh ftreet.

H'Amllton John and Co. merchants, herring


Hamilton William and Co. ditto.

Hally James, grocer, new ftreet.

Playman John and Co. ditto laigh ftreet.

Harvie James, fmith, ditto.

Herdman James and Co. merchants, long ven-


Hendry Samuel, grocer, laigh ftreet.

Hill Robert, horfe fetter, flefh market ftreet.

Holmes John, grocer, cathcart ftreet.

Hopkins Mrs. vintner, new ftreet.

Humphry William, mechant. laigh ftreet.


Amiefon and Matthie, merchants, laigh ftreet.

Jamiefon Andrew, baker, ditto.

Jamiefon Malcom, grocer, new ftreet.

Johnfton John and Co. merchants, long vennal.

Johnfton Mrs. vintner, laigh ftreet.

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94 K


Ennedy James and Co. merchants, laigh.


Kennedy John, wrIght and block maker, cathcart


Ker Duncan, ihip mailer, long vennal.

Ker Archibald, grocer, laigh flreet.

Key William, taylor, new flreet.

Kippen John and Co. merchants, cathcart flreet.

King Robert, cooper, laigh jftreet

Kilp? trick George, vintner, long vennal.

Kirkwood Hugh, mafon, ditto.

LAird John and Co. rope work, laigh ftreet.

Laird Gabriel, bookfeller, ditto.

Lang William, merchant, ditto.

Lang James, grocer, cathcart ftreet.

Lang James, junior, ditto, laigh flreet.

Lancafler George, vintner, cathcart flreet.

Lamont Archibald, baker, ditto.

Leitch and Mitchell, merchants, laigh flreet.

Leitch John, ditto ditto.

Love James, ditto ditto.

Lyle James, bookfeller, ditto.

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95 M

^^ S^fes i^4 ;!^ !«^ iSSi :*2S* i^^ ;:S& :fir^ #2^ <^^ i?l^ ,J^ <^

MJk/| Alcorn, Ritchie, and Leitch, merchants, new


M'Alman, furgeon, ditto.

M'Alpin William, bookfeller, ditto.

M^Alpin Thomas, grocer, laigh itreet.

M'Aulay John, merchant, laigh ftreet.

M^Aulay Aulay, ditto flefli market flreet.

M'Auflan John, merchant, laigh flreet.

M'Auflan George, grocer, cathcart flreet.

M'Auflan Archibald, cooper, laigh ilreet.

M'Allum Archibald, merchant, long vennal.

M'Callum Dougald, ditto laigh ftreet.

M'Arthur AleK. carpenter, ditto.

M'Arthur Peter, viftualler, ditto.

M'Arthur Peter, cooper, ditto.

M'AUafler, Fleming, and Co. merchants, cathcart


M'Allafter William, oilicer of Excife, ditto.

M'Cunn Thomas, merchant.

M'Donald Alex, merchant, herring ftreet.

M' Gibbon Daniel, ditto laigh ftreet.

M'Gowan Daniel, ditto ditto.

M'Gowan Archibald, corn dealer, new ftreet.

M'Farlane John, jeweller, ditto.

M'Farlane John, baker, cathcart ftreet.

M'Fee Robert, grocer, new ftreet.

M'lver John, merchant, herring ftreet.

M'lntofti William, ditto cathcart ftreet.

M'Kellar Patrick and John, ditto laigh ftreet.

M'Kellar Daniel, ditto new ftreet.

M'Kendrick Robert, grocer, broad clofs.

M'Larty Alex, ftiip mafter, cathcart ftreet

Page 104: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

()G MM'Lauchlane Charles, grocer, laigh ftreet.

M'Lauchlane Duncan, viftualler, dkto.

M'Millan Archibald, baker, ditto.

Miller William, pilot, ditto.

Miller James, ditto ditto.

Miller John, baker, cathcart flreet.

Miller Thomas, furgeon, laigh flreet.

Mitchell Peter, merchant, ditto.

Morrifon William and Co. ditto cathcart flreet.

Morris Quintin, grocer, laigh flreet.

Morris Peter, wright, flefh market flreet.

Moodie John, writer, broad clofs.

Moodie John, grocer, laigh flre^.

Muir James, vintner, ditto.

Munn Angus, merchant.

N'eillbn William, merchant, laigh flreet.

Nimmo, druggifl, ditto.

Noble Janies, fhip mafler, cathcart flreet.


PAgan John, land waiter, laigh flreet.

Paterlbn William, writer, ditto.

Park James, flioe maker, ditto.

RT> Amfay Andrew, merchant, laigh ftreet.

Rankine John, fupervifor of Excife, cathcart


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R 97

Ritchie Duncan, barber, laigh flreet.

Ritchie Dougald, inn-keeper, ditto.

Roy John, fmith, ditto.

Rofs David, merchant.

SCott James, merchant, long vennal.

Scott James, fenior, grocer, laigh ftreet.

Scott James, junior, ditto ditto.

Scott John, carpenter, ditto.

Scott Robert, fhoe maker, flefli market Hreet

Scott John, flefher, ditto. ^Shaw James, ditto ditto.

Shaw Thomas, fugar houfe.

Shearer James, vidtualler, laigh flreet.

Shaw Daniel, merchant, ditto


Sinclair Robert and Alex, ditto cathcart ilreet

Simpfon and M^Farlane, wrights and block makerscathcart flreet.

Smith William, grocer, ditto.

Smith Duncan, carpenter, laigh flreet.

Snodgrafs John, writer, cathcart flreet.

Stewart John, merchant, laigh flreet.

Stewart, Rodger, and Robert ditto cathcart flreet.

TTAylor Malcom, grocer, laigh flreet.

Taylor Archibald, fmith, ditto.

Thomfon Archibald, fhip mafler, cathcart flreet. .

Thomfon Archibald, grocer, laigh flreet.

Thomfon James, tobacconifl, ditto.



Page 106: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

98 J

Townfend Robert, watch and clock maker, catli-

cart jftreet.

Turner John, fmith, laigh ftreet.


wWAlking(haw James, merchant, laigh ftreet.

Walker Peter, tobacconift, new ftreet.

Watfon James, merchant, cathcart ftreet.

Watfon Andrew, infurance brokes, new ftreet.

Watfon William, bookfeller, ditto.

Watfon John, baker, ditto.

Weir Archibald, grocer, laigh ftreet.

Wilfon John, ftiip mafter, ditto.

Wilfon John, ditto cathcart ftreet.

Wilfon Archibald, merchant, ditto.

Wilfon Nathan, writer, laigh ftreet.

Wilfon John, grocer, ditto.

Wilfon John, teacher of Englifli, ditto.

Wilfon John, grocer, new ftreet.

Wood Gabriel, merchant, cathcart ftreet.

Wood Andrew, change keeper, laigh ftreet.

Wright Robert, ftiip mafter, ditto.

Wylie David, watch and clock maker, ditto.

Yuile Mrs, bookfeller, ditto.

Page 107: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

A LIST of the MERCHANTS, &c. of Port

Glafgow, 1783

A Dam and Anderfon, mafons.

Aiken James, merchant.

Anderfon John, hammerman.

BAnnatyne John, merchant.

Barr Patrick, cooper.

Barr John, jmiior, watch and clock makeiBell William and Co. merchants.

Beaton David, flioe maker.

Boyd John, fliip mafter.

Brown, Robert, fenior, ditto.

Brov/n Robert, junior, ditto.

Buchanan Peter, vintner.

Burrows Edward, colle6lor of cufloms.

CArmichael James, Surgeon.

Campbell Colin, fliip mailer.

Clark William, wright.

Cloufton John, ihip mafler.

Crawford, Stevenfon, and Co. merchants.

Crawford, King, and Co. fugar houfe.


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Crawford John, fhip mailer,

Cunningham, John merchant.

Cumming Robert ^nd Son, ditto,

dimming Daniel, merchant.

D^Ougal Patrick and Co. merchants,

Douglas Robert, fhip mafler.

Douglafs Robert and Son, merchants.

Dunlop John, ditto.

Dunlop, I^ng junior, and Co. rope work.Dunnet John, fhip mafler.


Edgar Thomas, merchant.

Ewing John, fhip mafler.

Ewing John, merchant.

FAirie James, fhip maflerFerrier William, grocer.

Fitchet Robert, baker.

Fofler Thomas, merchant.Fofler John, ditto.

Fofler Jam^es, Surgeon.

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Foulis Allan, fenior, wright,

Foulis Allan, junior, ditto.

FuUerton John, fhip mafter.

GGArdner James, fhip mafter.

Glasford James, cooper.

Gordon James, fhip mafter.

H' Ay Francis, fhip mafter.

Hunter James and Patrick, merchants.

Hunter Malcom, wright.

Jamiefon Robert and Co. merchants.

Jamiefon John, fhip mafter.

KER Edward, fhip mafter.

Keith Alex, ditto.

Keir Thomas and Son, merchants.

King James, fenior, ditto.

King James, junior, ditto.

King William, ditto.

King John, cooper.

Kirkland Richard, watch and clock maker,

Kinnier Wiillam fhip mafter.

Kinnier Robert, ditto.^^,.

Page 110: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

I02 L


LAird Alex, merchant.

Laird David, wright.

Livingflon Charles, lliip mafter.

Livingfton John, merchant.

Longmuir James, fhip mafler.

Lnflv: John, ditto.

Lyon Andrew, watch and clock maker.

S^g^V^'^^^-^^ ^2^4S^f^J^ riii* ^S»fm:^- *2^ !J2^^M

TV/f ^Arthur Alex, bookfeller.

M'Dougald, John, lliip mafter.

M'Farlane Duncan, ditto.

M'Farlane Graham, baker.

M^Gill Thomas, ftiip builder.

M'Gill William, jQiip mailer

M'George John and Son, agents.

M^Gie George, fmith.

M'Kechnie Alex, ftiip builder.

M'Kellar John, merchant.

M'Lachlane Alex, and Co. ditto.

M*Mutrie Hugh, copper and white iron fmith

M'Millan Alex, wright.

McMillan Andrew, merchant.

Mack ie William, fhip mafter.

Marlhall Alex, baker.

Milliken, Hunter and Co. merchants.

Milliken Hugh and Co. ditto.

Miller William, ditto.

MoUilbn Alex, furgeon.

Moore Benjamin, fliip mafler.

Page 111: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

M 103

Montgomery John, fhip mailer.

Morris Hugh, ditto.

Murdoch George, comptroller of cuftoms.

Noble James, Ihip mafter.

Peacock Robert, merchant.

RAmfay, Howat, and Co. merchants.

_ _ Ritchie Duncan Hammerman.Robertfon Benjamin, merchant.

Rowand Stephen, ditto.

Rofe John.


SCott William, copper and white Iron fmith.

Shaw James and Co. merchants.

Shearer William, grocer.

Smith and Howat. merchants.

Steel, Jamiefon, Lyon, and Co. ditto.

Steven Alex, grocer.

Stewart John, fhip mafter.

Tarbet John, fhip mafter

Troop Andrew, ditto.

^s m^ ^ %. # ^ # # * # m # * ?f ^ ^ * * * «

W^^^Atfon Alex, writer.

Weir Daniel, merchant.

Wilfon John, ditto.'

Wilkie Thomas, fhip mafter.

Wood John and Co.

Page 112: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,

The Publifher not having received the

Kilmarnock lift, &c. in proper time, is un-

der the neceffity of poflponing the print-

ing of it until the time of printing the Ap-


Page 113: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 114: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 115: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,
Page 116: John Tait's directory for the City of Glasgow also for the ......Cas3c JOHNTAIT's DIRECTORY, FORTHE CityofGlafgow,VillagesofAnderfton,Calton, andGorbals;alfofortheTownsofPaifley, Greenock,Port-Glafgow,andKilmarnock,