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Job search Rights and duties

Job search meeting (kynningarfundur á ensku)

Feb 21, 2017


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Page 1: Job search meeting   (kynningarfundur á ensku)

Job search

Rights and duties

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Right to unemployment benefits

Employees and self-employed individuals aged 18-70

Being domiciled in Iceland, and being in the country

Actively seeking employment

Being fit for work

If your capacity for work is reduced, hand in a medical


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Unemployment benefits

Basic unemployment benefits (100% right) 217.208 kr.Income related 342.422 kr. max.With each child under the age of 18 8.688 kr.

One period of benefits are 2 1/2 years (30 months).

Unemployment benefits are paid the first working day of each month and the pay-period is from the first day to the last day of the month.unið að staðfesta atvinnuleit á milli 20. og 25. hvers mánaðarRemember to confirm job search between 20. og 25. each month.

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Confirmation of job search

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You must notify (tell) about all changes in your personal circumstances that might effect your job search and right to unemployment benefits

Contact information (phone number, e-mail, address Job (part time or full time)Other incomeStudiesTrips abroadIllnessReduced capacity for work / incapacity

If you are in doubt contact Vinnumálastofnun (VMST)!

If you fail to notify it can lead to loss of entitlement or penalties

Notification obligation

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Penalty/waiting period = no payment!

2 months waiting period / 3 months / refusal

Main reasons: rejecting a job or a jobinterviewextra income is not declaredgoing abroad without tellingnot coming to interview, meetings, courses etc.

Remember to still confirm online 20-25 of every month.

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All work pays off

Remember to notify VMST of all work!

Part time / incidental work

Incidental work

Contractural work – de-register

Part-time job– hand in a payslip

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Income under 63.476 kr. does not effect benefits

Notify all income

Example: 84.476 – 63.476 = 21.00021.000 / 2 = 10.500 deduction

Notify ALL income, payments and support through “Mínar síður”

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Study on benefits has to be approved by VMST

Study contractUp to 10 ECTS credit in universityUp to 6 credits in upper secondary schools, must be evening

school or distance learning

Study grant 50% of the fee for the course, maximum 70.000 kr. per year

Icelandic courses level 1-3 paid in full

Must apply before the course startsCourses at VMST - Ask counsellors

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Job search

The first 3 months are very important

Only 33% of all avaliable jobs are advertised

Set your self goals in your job search

Use ALL methods, both traditional and untraditional

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Newspapers and internet

Our website

Send your CV to companies you find interesting

Show up and create your own job interview

Be registered at job agencies

Use your network

Labour unions

Social media

How to find work?

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How to find work – VMST resources

Individual counselling: Help and information about job seeking Job training: You find an interesting workplace., 3 to 6 months contract. Minimum wage or higherDevelop your own business idea: Work on your business idea for up to 6 monthsJob seeking abroad: U2 and U1 within Europe

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EURES, The European Job Mobility Portal

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The most important tool in the job search

Has the purpose of getting you an job interview

Has to look good

Preferably not more than 1 page

Necessary to revise regularly

Link it to “Mínar síður” at VMST

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Ferilskrá Nafn: Antonio Banderas Heimilisfang: Sellandsstígur 28, 101 Reykjavík Sími: 832 0000 Netfang : [email protected] Starfsreynsla 2008-2010, smiður, Ístak. 2007-2008, verkamaður, Myllan 2006-2007, aðhlynning, Elliheimiðið Grund Menntun 2003-2006, stúdentspróf, Escuela Americana í Chile Námskeið 2010, tölvur fyrir lengra komna, Tölvu- og verkfræðaþjónustan 2010, íslenska fyrir útlendinga 2. stig, Retor 2009, íslenska fyrir útlendinga 1. stig Betri árangur Tungumálakunnátta Íslenska, tala mjög vel Enska, tala mjög vel Spænska, móðurmál Önnur reynsla 2010 Rauði kross Íslands, sjálfboðavinna 2005-2009, æfði fótbolta Meðmælendur Jón Jónsson Verkstjóri hjá Ístak 888 5555 [email protected]

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Connecting CV to your registration

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What work do you want?

Mínar síður – Atvinnuumsókn – Óskir um störf

More wishes = more offers

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Good luck in your job search! Overview:• Counselling• Job search• EURES • CV• Job wishes• Aims• Hold your head high!• All information on

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