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HWHJPW,!."" Jsl'gWW J N 'Li-utiHHjjLy iilliii^Mi u pin,i>; 'i 1 1 /IH ipympi wo^'ujgariwwi SPECIAL NOTICES. ITIIE GATE CITY. IJ KAIIilARTKH* FOR T11BKKO XX IMENT OF COI«. JNO. W. RANKlN, Coraerof Third and 1. ml,ago streets, Business of fi»i«nnr Mais *64 * treeta. lljo.'iloro* ...p. Gl/THBIK, frMO-d Acting Ad) ttc|Hlatioai of TrantytrtaUfla M4 Travel. Fioia iinlnfifJS»lurt!»j ; , J»D. no ratifvutcti, •lagecoacb, or vehicle running went or westward!? from Hit Mlsaiaslppl river, or Into North MI»ourl, will bepermitted to carry freight or pansetigrt* from K«« kuk without tbe strictest compliance with the regula- tions of tbe Treesury Department at Washington, Wlilob require thai "all freigbta,'of whatever nature, except such •• Diytw uml«r military order*, shall br 1 covered by a Custom House permit, and that all bag' gage of traveler* sball be carefully Inspected and duly aealed by a Custom House officer." Tbe undersigned will lame ppoBUi for tbc trans- portation of all good* desiitioti for proper persons and places, with the least pvesiMe trouble or Oelay, ami ln- *P«1 aiid seaf all baggage ol travelers leaving lb*city, in a ajanoertu^u.flti« least trout.le cuiwiaieutwitJU lilueilildosired. Theobject aimed atia te prevent any aid or »-M- au«, Or cummantcativfi wtthxnyperiofi, dlreeUj-or Indirectly, disloyal to, or In arms againtlibe Federal Government. JOHK STANNUSj Surveyor, Custom House, Keokuk, Jau. lnw.dtf THURSDAY, MARCH 20. W 7ABl WABM WAR 11! AM person* keeping or having for isle, »i ; j cr a kinds of iiuniUoiis of War,such as Guus, Pistols,K<f vol vera and all kiudsuf A Ui munition are required not t*> eclito any person without an order from tbeunder- eigued This order must be strictly complied wilb underpeuall; olforleitmgall articles mcnliohidlj tbelr possession, JoHB STANK US, J , J r,3a SurveyorPertoI Keokek. r J^11K0AT~AJNI) LIFNOS. " At this season of the year when coughs and colds are troublesome every family sbould kave a safeaad *»rul» rented} at hsud. Ransom's Hm Syrup and I uiu is the vorJ thing. It la not only pleasant for children to trt, bnl is a certain Cure hw Creup, W hooping I ough, tti orchitis, AttLn^a, Coughs, and al Affection* of it© ThroiUdil Sold by all Urugglau. Price Sieents. Orders may be addressed to J. T. Wilklaeon, Whole, eale Agent, No. 61 Main-at., Keokuk, Iowa, decl^llmw^t Several of our low# boys who were wounded at the battle of Fort Donelson were brought up on the HaxmUwl Cit> yeaterday. The tlti BeflHiciit tMl«. Yesterday was a disagreeable, •torniy, gloomy day, the rain, at intervals, coming down freely. It was a bad day for the departure of the 15th, but at 3 p m. they marched down to the boat, escorted by the 17th, and a larp® number of friends and citizens. At 4 o'clock all hands be- ing on board the Jeaonie Deans, she slowly swung round and departed amid the hearty cheers of the spectators. Many sad hearts were left behind, but every one felt tkat^ if £*©r tbe 15th hits the oppor- tunity, it will give a good account of it self, and inscribe its name high on the roll of fame. f£iO TAILORS aPABBZonr PZJA.T: ROI T*I •PRIN# MIA Summer ef 1802, Just remivwl and foraale by Jvhi MtEvilt, - . Ji#. i E»Ui HOIM. ETKubacriptloea rfcelvtii for Tbe Colters'MoBtblr Journal ef J'***, aod N«« York Fwhioue, also Ur lileneioss' or tatitrg. {««r)M>w "J^OK KENT. i wo flni-claM Svallkes Boaaes Cu'julre of A. H. MKA»LIT. m&rll-iMt Corser Tib aad Frai, kliu-ele. UxN ION PAPER AND ENVELOPES j i.i e«lo( fab M AP: MAPS S! ji..; reived, CoUcs's Mapef u>« Kouiberu b la lea. " " I j*a. •* " linuuia. " " Mlesoart. "* " luck and Tesaeeeae. Wcatuii liiatea. Just received a Largs tot of I'IIIob Paper aad Ka> eelope*. Aieo forUvlirt. H. W. WKKTCOTT- feblb-d Maiii-si., Kd door I rose 4ih. Wvt Htai U Pabltakers \>t n*s bi n,« •_ . ClU HOOK SToltB. i - Ko.senate4MM. IS 7 0 TICK \\ feigtrii AdmiDiiitrator of ibe aeiat# of Cbarlea Leo, d*K'*f>"I. oi. Ui« 3Utb day of January. fellT-dlw OtOKbK W LKK. ANTED—1LLINOIS 4 WIS- CONbIS MONICT, By «AM'L POI.J.OCK Vev.ll lib Main-at. J^AGLE MILLS QUINCY FLOUR ror »st#ky •^•Notwithstanding all our <f caut ! Oli," we went quite as far, we believe, in our | praiKt* of Cien. Curtis and his command as dota Gen. Ilalieck in the dispatch quoted by the Gate City.—[Constitution. Ay, but you did nut du that till after we had twitted you for several days; and iu that reluctant and long-delayed notice you assigned as the reason for your pre- vious silence the fact that you could not praise a General who had imprudently, sac- rificed his troops, Ac. STUNS OF THIS TIMES,—Comment enough of the manner in which nearly all branch- es of trade are effected, is the advertise- ment of a prominent New York house, in another column, offering Gold and Silrer Watches at prices which barely cover the coftsi the raw material. - [dAw2w kOABD or SI PERVIIOSS. -Jk "special meeting of the Board was held at Fort Madison, Monday, March! 11 th. President Salomon took the chair. The Hoard is composed as follows : i Green Bay Tp., James D. Gedney. V. T, Brown (abseol) CJeo. E. Stevenson. Joseph G. Street. ))dniel Merritt. E. S. McCulloch. J. A. Davis. Jos. Hullman (absent) II. W. Hughes. II. M. Salmon. ;W. Skinner. A. Donncll. h. Stone. Johnson Meek. Garry Lewis. J. A. Viall, «ni oipal sum. The report of the Committee was adopted. Garry Lewis, from tha Committee on Public Buildings, reported and recom- mended a public sale for the purpose of disposing of panpers on hand, selling the personal property, letting out the Poor House and Farm for ft term of years, and that each Haperviaor look after the poor jn his own township. After some consideration, the Board appointed thrat Directors (Viall, Lewis and Doonell) to take charge of the Poor house, and farm for the present year, and to report their doingar fct aach regular meeting of the Board. The Committee appointed yesterday re- ported that the contract with th« At- torn it-a to defend the Railroad Suits, was Jiuula in «etK>rdstttee with the resolution of Jan'y. 18G1. The Report was adopted, nnd tbe Clerk ordered to put the contract on filet* After a long discussion by Messrs- Lewis, Davis of Keokuk, Skinner, God. ney, Sheet, Salmon and others, on the fi BY TELEGRAPH. Ijaitf Might's Report. Yncey Prakaklf Capiaret. Philadelphia, March 19. It is reported here that the rebel Com mi«ioner Yancey has b^en oaptu'ed whilu attempting to run the block*!*. FBOS KI RMSKDB. " ^ ew March 19. The Commercial states that its oorres- pondent^as Information from Gen. Barn side that an expedition will soon leave Nowbern for B«aufort, sufficiently strong to overcome all rebel obstacles, and that place is probably captured before this. A letter of the 7th state* that Genera] Bailor and staff are still at Hilton Head. XXXVII Congress--First Sesalon0 Washington, March 18. SENATE.—The Senator from Kentucky (Davis) looks upon it in that view entire- ly. He says the negroes to be liberated by this bill will become a burden and a charge on the white population ; they will become criminals, paupers and pests to so- naucial condition of the country, value of J c ' et y, and the power which undertakes county orders, treatment of the poor, Ac.,' t0 lil ! < "? te t j ,eT " L 8l ' al! , relie , vc l ? e white r„i population of such burden, but there are other predictions and facts which show QABI S' BARBER SHOP, Corner Main and 2d Street tNDEH W. THOMPIOK * CO.'I BANK. FjjB A GOOD SHAVE GO TO CAE If you want your Ilair Cut m LATEST FA 111 SI AX S?l%E, CO TO CABU8. Por Taste and those Delicate little, touches that aet off a man's head to advantage CABU8 IS UNSURPASSED !* HEP JJ-MiTLETT, KAYE & 00, no. 99 Dealers Challenges tbe Profession! All who have not tried him are request- ed to eaH and judge for themselves. deelVSldfrn OOCKET, CHESS AND BACKGAM- A MOK BOARDS, J tut ree*i«eil at BKOW>JKI.L'6 BOOK BTOI ('or. 4(h and Ha] afn. tt n n tt tt n t* f » Denmark PI. Kidge Marion Cedar Unrritloo 1'ranktto W'cst Point V\ ashiagtou Madison Itfitrgon \ harleston Van Buren Des Moines Montroee JuckwlT" c p stli E. S. McCulloch, of Harrison, and A Donncll, of Charleston, were sworn in. Daniel Merritt, of Cedar, was elected the three Poor House Directors to draw the following resolution was adopted, in tbe expectation that it would have the ef- fect to increase the value of couuty or- ders. It should be stated, by way of ex- planation, that $23,000 in 10 per cent, warrants have been issued in place of county warrants, leaving about $45,000 in warrant* still afiuaU. Also that the so-called Bridge tax, being OM mill on the dollar, would realize about $8,000, if everybody paid his taxes: Resolved, That we cause and require the Trea«urer of this eouuty to pay upon the certilicate of the Clerk of this Board the interest due oo the 10 per cent, war- rants issued by this Board in lieu of ordi- nary county warrants returned, in cash out of the fund levied as the one mill Bridge tax,—the Clerk and Treasurer to open and keep an account with said fund, to be conducted in like manner, as the common county account. Mr. Davis, of Keokuk, offered the fol- lowing resolutions, which, after some dis- cussion, were unauimously adopted : Resolved, That no county officer shall be allowed to purchase or contract for any article on tbe credit of the county at any price greater than the cash value of the same, except in case* of persons in im- mediate distress, or for the burial of the dead; in which eases the best possible contract shall be made. Resolved, that each and every bill pre- sented to this Board for allowance, shall specify each article separately, with the price or value annexed to the same, prop- erly certified to by the parties claiming the same, and also the officcr by whom the purchase or contract was made. A resolution was passed authorizing different consequences of emancipation. He referred to emancipation iu the Brit- ish West Indies. The Island of Jamaica was the only one that deteriorated in ex- ports since the emancipation, and that bejran long before the emancipation. In Barbadoes the exports have increased more than double suite emancipation, and in what are called the Leeward Islands the exports have increased since emanci pat ion some three million pounds, and the imports still more, the result being an increase uf 215,835 pounds. The oppor- tunity is now presented to the nation to try the experiment in this district. He did not ask that any provision of the Con- stitution be trampled under fooi. The Supreme Court had not decided against the right of Cengress to legislate for the District of Columbia. The inauguratiou of emancipation iu tbe Indies did not lead to any such results as the Sena- tor from Kentucky feared, hut the result fully proved the justice and wisdom of the expediency of the measure. He said nothing was more unkind and unjust than slavery—keep in degradation andignot- ance the black race, ani then abuseand de- ride them because they were not able at once to rise to an equality with their masters. On motion of Mr. Wilaori the subject was postponed till toAnorrow. The Senate went into Executive session, after which it adjourned. KOBXKTSOK A Mttl lcEh, IS EW FISH. Jual received ISO Pact ef « dH««llrwiBilWi. Mackerel Nos. 1 and a, la karreta, hall karteU a*d kits. C*4fiafc—Choice, lu drums and boles. Merriag. inbbla. aod b«xea. AU lor aato at HALf TUH USUAL 1*KICK,by >«M KKLLOOO a Biaoa. pOKTFOLlOS. , A fine aeaortneni Just received at BROW NJkLL'k BOOK Sroat, arn 4 Cor. 4tkaad Mate. B A LED HAY, BRAK, AND CORN IXouaUnll} on kaod.and foraalr low,by | SAM'l. POLLOCK. lOO^EGS NEW CASTLE (S C.) hCvoaui I mrur. Tart. Atid, Sal. Soda, Ext. Logwood, [jdkgu, *»adLl«M,Copperas. Aluui,Winger, MabblU'tSai- alus, Starch,«it.. foraakf bv COXaABLK A SMYTH, HAecISd 57 and MLevae. J£UGAR& |3 4 bhdSiChoicr New Orleans; 10 bbla,clarlHedand rc0ii<-d wbiie; " eraakedand iwrndered:foraalebT HOBKNTFOK FC HCQUKKJTT UiNCV FLOUR, Wsktit al way a ou kaod alary* atoek, la bbia. Id ilia. lit UTS ON A UimJMKB. laacka, froei tbc Kaj^r Mills. Sid 100 TONS ASSORTED BAR AND MUNIil.K IRON: Tons flow SWtl. kegs »as*»rWd Jiallaj (W keeling aad PlIB- ibiititdal: Axi»a, Vices, UlacksmiUiF' Bellow*, n,Caat SUtel, elc., in stort- ami fi r sale low for , by COASABLfc fcSiiYTH. >«!> 37 and iH Lev re, Keokuk. AW BOOKS. I Story on HU la,Story an Partner skip ,Or»«u keel % tUe, iliilou'a iiigcst. Jual reeetvod by ^ld UGUKN. HKt»WKKLL A tlO. SUG AR-CURED HAMS For sale by KOBKBTSOB fc MeqUKBM. LED FRUIT. iOObsgsilHIKU APl'LKH; ise « »» PKACHKH; Juilrecelved and for nla by mLLOOO rfBIKOB. |OLEM AN'S DOUBLE 8U PERFIN E JIUhlAKD. Peail Barley; Pearl Sago; Topioca; Caraway Seedai! e tawra, Kxtract i and Herbal Table salt in koxeat Currauta, Kaialns, and Citron i KOBXKTSOK 4k McQUfcKA, 1 Oroct-rs. *S Watu-at., Keokuk, Iowa. JS1NST _ oxeaM.a. aalilmi iboxes " " l»r sale atriiT 18Lev.#, by tfOBWABLK 4 SkfVTHi tee WMteralMerv* j oa iif by the Board to fill the place of T. G. Stevenson, resigned. Fred Greer was appointed constable of Montrose Tp. in place of O. Bauio, re- signed. The comm appointed under the resolution of January, 1861, to employ counsel to defend the County in Railroad Bond suits, reported that they contracted in May last to pay Hall it Harrington $500 unconditionally, and $1600 in event of success, of which $500 is to be paid to John Van Yalkenburg, Esq. ; also $200 unconditionally to Frank Semple, Esq., and $2000 if the County gains tbe suit. Messrs. Street, Stevenson and McCul- loch were appointed a committee to ex- amine and report if this report was in ac- cordance with the resolution of January, 1861 The Board rescinded the resolution passed at the last meeting remitting intercat on all County taxes if paid within ninety days. The vote stood 8 to 6 on rescinding, and the resolution .takes effect next Satur- John Hoover was appointed Constable for Madison Tp. Official Bonds were then approved as follows : W. V. Derr, Constable of Charleston Tp. Cheiry Pyle, Cleft Denmark M_ E. B. Kellogg, w Van Bureii A. Ball, Charleston P. M. Lowdeft, >; M Tuesday, March 18. Board met. A. Givens was appointed Constable for Montrose in place ofW. Ellis. The Committee on School Fund re- ported that the County owes the Per- manent and Interest School Fund as fol- lows : On orders iasued by Judge Boyles $1870.69 County Warrants put in School Fund for monies taken thcrefrcs:, Sloi.Oi School money borrowed by Board Supervisors, C048.50 ^ $7070.10 The Committee found the amount of interest duo the Fund to Jan. 1, '62 to be 1267.64 $8387.74 The Committee reoonpeitded that the note of the Board as an individual bor- on the Clerk for $300, iu warrants, if necessary, to carry on the farm and pro- vide for the poor. After some otherpro forma basinesa, -the Board adjourned. * :T ""' *" 1 7 . Tfce Battle at Pea R14(e. '•Ifiuebus, what a name!" But » ft seems ig tbe best fought engagement of the war thus far to be styled on the page of history. We say best fought for the reason that wo have superb gen- eralship combined with superb fight- ing. Hitherto tacties on the field of battle have played a small part in securing us a victory. Our success in almost every instance has been due to the hard fighting of the rank and file. Certainly so at Drainesvillc, at Mill Springs, at Roanoke, at Donelson. Perhaps in all these eases the positions and circumstances hardly gave the chance for any superior and dif- ficult maneuvering. But no valor of the soldiers could have achieved the victory in this three day's battle in Arkansas, sgainst overwhelming numbers, without the most consummate skill upon the part of the generals. The official report of General Curtis appears in another col- uimi. His force was att-aeked by—tour combined armies. He had to change bis line of battle no less than three times to meet the surging columns of his antago- nists. The final position of the rebels was in the are of a circle, threatening to inclose our gallant force ; but a general infantry charge at the opportune instant broke their lines, and threw them into a complete rout. General Sigel, who has «1 ready won signal distinction by his dis- play of science, contributed largely to this glorious issue. The official report of General Curtis is brief and modest, and we must wait for full accounts before we can fully appreciate this engagement.*— But we know that Pea Ilidge is "one of the names Illat were not born to dia.'—rN Y. World. L "lKanaaaae la Hlaae*** -1(3^4 tho 11th of ldarch the news was sent over the country that the rebels had evacuated, and that our troops occupind, Manassas. In the Book of Common Prayer, in the Psalter for the evening of the 11th, in the 7lL IB« we read: "Gil<pd is mine, and MANASSBS is MINK, Ephraim also is the strength of my head. Judah is my lawgiver." The Peoria Transcript says that city was flooded with counterfeit money, last week, chiefly of District of Columbia and Michigan bank*. ITALY AND THE SUMTER.—It IN sla- ted by tbe Naples correspondent of this London Tirnee that the Italian geVern- . . , uient has given orders to seiae tbc Saab- rower should be given for the above pria-l^ y sa£^ jf ,|.T .k.n j^eie4,te»iak fear, COMMERCIAL,. DAILT GAT* CITT Omct, j KSOK-K Ma rob lb, '6S. ] PLOUK—Superfine Si Spring Wheal extra SC 00 Pal! Wheat Extra «S SS, BKAJi ANDSHOKTS—S0te4*a 9 100 a«. CORX—17c to 30 9 t*«b. BAKLEV-24C. WUKAT—In good deauufi, Vali C7C7S; Bprlciso to 00c. HVE—SSc to SO. OATS—lie. FOTATOtS—by Uieloa.l, retail85le.30e.* HUGAK—New Or lean a Sir lti#H,tii|irieellxa 12>,; clarified crusbod and loaf IV19|31. MOLASSbS—I'laotakleti tinga rltmi... ^ Golden SyrU|>7l>^"ic. * CUFKht-KioSligjiae; JavaSS^Ju: Lafuyra^t#ae. KICE-»ail0-. SOAP—Pal at (Jc, Family 3>^c, Ceraait (Clo.) 7k CAN DLKS-Slar 15® 16, StlHMflee 13,11 ould 1«. LAKU—i^ toilc; retail flje. BUTTKH—Common 8#7e, Choice 10,retail lS^^lS LKATHtK—Hc,iea.Vj6Sb, tiarn«aa. HIDKS—Dry 10tu Ue, green 4| 6, green sheep pelts 30(al3jc; green bog skins 13c. HA.I—Timothy,new Si Ut**o 00, baled fS OO^flO! Prairte S3 00. SEEDS—Timothy SI 3S;Pla*Seed *1 to fllS.' f ONIONS—3i®40c. KGGe-stoete. > j v 7^ WHITE BKAXS-50o»f 1 00. ^ FEATHERS-20^85. . f " ' , PUU1T— Dried Apple* Si 9NM1 504» Mabel.— Dric-d IVaclie* S2SAgtS9 Mi. Kalslus 9* W>« gj uo. CHKJb.SE—W cstoru ^eaerveOc^ l^mxiak BBKP—U®2 '.jC gross; 9 <juar|«. * SJIKKP— SI 9 head. ; IIOGs—Drcaaed S.SiC£3e» ^ SALT—G. A. Sa.iO f sack; Kanawba f3 K 9 'bar- rel: Liverpool SI 80«#2 00 9 aack; Lake S3 00 * bbl. FISH—Mackerel,No. 1 $1&$^1S 9 bbl.,Ho. 8 SH 4i$16, No. 3 f»«S10. Whit,; Pi.h N.. I ^ 9 katf m. CodPUb &«6 * %. KAGK—Woolen I ; Gotten Ho. OLD I HON—S®&e 9 1. BnUifkglSe 9 fc. Co»- perlO«19Wc» %. - EJLCHAMGEOn Kew Vork, Bankable PnutJ* percent:-for geld uomln«l, Bt. LouU, llule deing and noseUtedxaU. nurl3-d A RNOLD'S WRITING FLUID, * , Warranted the rannlae ertMe. ' This day received by KD. T. BROWNEt®,, man) d Cof. 4tl. and jfib. J DALMER'S CIDER VINEG AR i or sale by BOBBKTSoIl A McrttUliWat/ fansrrd 78 Ms in-at. "YyRITING PAPERS. I bave juat received af»>laa«iiliinn> «# Fooiaeap, •— Legal Cap, Bill Oep. Letter,' indies' Bath, OoMMwrefal Bete. Aieo—Lleyd** Map ef the Southern sutos. M. W. WE SCOTT, marM Katn-at., iddi>«r from4tb. Q UINCY FLOUR, Eagle Mills. Rye Flour,Orahaa Flour. Foranlr ri'Vlld BAV'L POLU Idc X[EW LEMONS, •1.^1 Oerreeta, Citron, Kalslat, Bitmot*, For tale by BOBX&TSOK a HcQrSKK. _ aejSu-4 OODEN WARE. S(io doaeulioline 2 hooi>BuaketS« SS " " oak 3 •' te " " rut.-; 40 neata " Tub*; 80 doa Sine Waabbe*r4*t CONN A dec!3d 37 and SS Levee. DBTJ68 dieniealt, —;-T-- Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Windo# Glsrf, Glaeawsre, Brashes, fte. aplBtadawiy K«eksk,tewa. rpHE BEST THING OUT1 Macaroni's Antiseptic Blacking and Water*Proof Polish PrescrveaLeathvr perfect!j f '>» ersekingi r rotting, audku |;n Itsuftin d Iwpert iuU* to valet. Itootx, BliotH or Harneta Treated * Ith It will do twice tbe neTvlae Utef weald without it. Tbn Antiseptic Ulackiur as a pr*«ervatw* of Lctthcr haa no equal. The 1'OZ.lSH con Wins »<oib- Ing li.Ju'lon* to Lent her. as all otti-r Macr'nrs do. und is not injured b> c<'tutug in cot tact with waler.snow,Stc., anttiey are. MAKirPACTtHKl) AND SOT O."WHOLESALE A»D RETAIL,BT S. A. DIKE, Keakek. Tin' price" ni rcuilare, U r the A i.iUcptic, IB Keif p.nniil hour* ....tSrta. For tbe Water-Proof Polish ...... lSeta, A liberal dlsooantwiU be made if Mid by tfcetoeea orjrosa Jl ft'omBiuDlcaUous hy natt will reealTe paeeipi alteiilion, and roods wlllbe forwarded immediately va reeeipt of remittances. Address S. A. DUKE, JuriDd Kxoara,tow*. TT'rTksh paldrnr B^rwsx an.)T«1l«w. fereale wlewVy BLE fc SMYTH, WANTED—2000 BUSHELS NAVY v T BEANS, Br SAM-L POLLOCK. 1A BOXES FRENCH LEMONS 1V Jaat reoelvedandforsaleby eepM KBI.I.OOO * aTHOR. ANTED. lOOO BCIH. PBIWK {XATYiVHITB BEAKS, For whleh tbahlghett market •aab br de«13d i«(t market price will be paid la COKNABLE kSMYTn, 57 and .%S Lev**, AP. 150 boxea HUl'aOenuanSoap; 50 " Faaiiy 30 " Palm, Caatllc, Variegated, Tranapareat and Shaving Soapa, for sale by CONN A BLR fc SMYTH, dee13d it atidie Levee. QOTTON YARN. So bag» assorted number# Cottefl Vtrtii; 15 do Cotton Twine; 10 baloi Baltinr. CHAS. A WM.McCLEAN, J*»S-d IU3 Main-it. J UVENILES FOR ^^HOLIDA YS NIGHT-CAP SERIES' Nlfliirapjj New Vieht Caps; , Bali Is-Kbl-Cai*, Utile Nigiil-i:a|>a; Pain y Night-Caps; BtgNlgtit-Capa. HOLLO'S TOUR XH EUROPE 1 Rolloon the Atlantle; Hollo In l'arls: Rollo In SwitaarlanA; JLollo lu lx>ndon( Rollo oo the KhiueJ Hollo In Scotland; Rollo In Geneva; Ko llule Co I land; For sale by| deelOd M.W, WBSTCOTT, 'V.^ 1 j. We are now dally bread ot gT ATI ON E R V Hlack Leail PeiylU^ Ht-<1 j/i't blue lea4^e«eit», M . ^J(raa«ira, it lib t»«r Baadt, Water Colore, Pen Kacka, lllll KlUa, Date Calendar* Tbla (laj rueeived by maris d jyjAMBy'6 Baltimore Oysters. receiving the alu va famoui OYSTBHS, Andahall, whoretefore, receiveIbeei iliruueheattke aeaaon. Wewill SELL•BLOW As auy others not ••lllne an Inferior uualltv K ELI.OOQ fc KIMOK, J O. VOOR111ES, ~ (BUCCBSSOB^TO s. p DKAiJtk IB Cupu, Furs, Cf!«re», iff#*. mtery, Jrc., STc. »•. «S Bfata-et., ... KEOKn, ^ 'i lutaubacrtber havlugpurshaaed of S. P. Veertilea *>'• Mitlre Slock of Uats, Eumr4«., wttieouflime *hebeafnesaat the old stand, Ko. if Main st.. where It* la prepared to furnish everything l*i hta line at tbe !riiti°tm raicaa roacasM. J.O. VOOKHIES. HI/*Cash paid for Purs, Wool and Pelts. [ilcS7d ^UGAR. t J uat re c«)Ted»ad foreeletojr tie hHd.,bbi, •r st retail, low, by - ' ' P'"»d SXLLOGOfc B1BOB. sS.».«.w«.uk ith and Main ate. JNSURANCE AGENCY. Springfield Fire aid Marine ln«aranee Compauny, •PRlNOriEU», ...... MASS* WM CONNKfi, 8e«'yk t ^ PRBEMAN. Pre,t. Capital tfM,000. lueta Jttlentic Fire mmd JUmrime jwswrimcc vompomy, raOVIBBNCB, . J. 8. PARISH, See'y. 1. S. MAVBAB, Pree"l. The Mutual Life Insiuaaee Co., or REV laiiir ' : - ASSITS - « 00. Tbe Dadeieigned isdtrlyacthorlxed to acta* agsnt tor the abate Oaeapealss. ADAMt - . KANAWHA <t MAM'L POU-OCK. Cash Assets Jail. 1st 180? S«.1M U0 Losses paid tn 40 years, §14 000.OI4) Ibe Krent public service, prontptoeaa and reliability of ihia wisll trisd Company,recouiueud it to ailwtM want act i. tenaeaiTT. OFFICE—Next to Expreaa Offlee ee Seeond streat, nearMaiu. H B, TKN-EYCK,Ageat. KKOKLK. Jan. S3, lfbS dSm 1 h:A. We bavela ttore 7Seheate efall gradaa—yt» chased before the iRte advance. We desiret o sell, nnd ask persona wanting,to look at our stock. Oar prices will be foend as lew a* theee of any W estern market. We have a few chests of oboiee Imt erlal,for Faatly ase IsqAdl KKLIAitHi # HIHOK. s TARCH. sign men t and for aalelow toeloa* by C HAS. it WM. MCCLBAN. i»ne-d « MS Mete-et. P OFFKE: : : ^ ISO bag* prime Bto Coff**; ttif " «ir OASH by dec! 3d for s«le at lowiiui'iM rot CONN ABLE 4- SJM YTfl. 37 and Levee. ^0 DENMARK CHEESE, SA MILL iPOl£0$K. F«r i ale by maiili-d q^OBACOO. ~7SM boxes and caddie*various brands,fur*»le lb dacHd KKtLOOG A B1BOK. ^RANBI'URIES. S31iarr«lef«iriijile very low by fov«d KEi,ix>oa a auto«* L AW BOOKIS, Story on 1'rouiiasory Kotta, Kent's Coaiuivoterlas, L , Barbeur'sChaeeeryltayertls OGUEB, BltOM'NEM, <k CO.'S* CITV BOOK Sroaa, iSMaiaatnek.. |>ATTING. "ssoolbs.directfroai Beaton , for tale very lowky KELLOGG fc BlltOX. gUGAR. IS hhds. Choloe B, O. Sttgar) 3(1 l>bls. Crushaif,Powdeieu and la store urn Xoi sale b d»eiS<J '^OKMABLKA SMYTH jS^TKW CITRON, •« in, 37 and 3U Leve*. fc.. Por *al«hf decS3^ Layer Kelelee, f " •-* Cematoaai - KOBEBTSOS a M»Q,tIEEN. tja0l>d ** S7 O Y8TER8. l»"wn to M cetiig for Mallby'* La l\fl<'ii.ore. —. .-i . tuarl-d o YSTERSi aXfiTKRfit 1 JnatrwetTed leasee* kUlle rr '* BelUmoee Oyaterdl rsaUby HUNTKXSO.N IKMCACKEB. j^TOTICE. Those havinp sccouuU aj|nln»l me will pl^atepve- a«ui iheiu to Mr. p. H. Huim-s f.;r xctlleu ent. Having beeu ordered off on vary alio it notice 1 Was notable to call upoa each to *etUc. Those, t<H>, who knuw them- aolvas indebted to me will please make immediate f >ayment to Mr. Humes,(who^poe is authorised teaet- U my affairs), thatlhose to wloaa lam indebted may be paid. U. UMcBCGlN. ,ter" "*'• ™'« , J.Xlll''.• l ""• NovOdtf ^L'llS! FURS!! FURS!!I T MKS. I'ke hlgbeat prlflN paM le Cash st 67 Main street, febil-d*m A ' wlLUAMSon k *01. J^iGHT! LIGHT! 1 LIGHT!! I SOOboiaaStar Candlea; 130 " mould " *- so barrel* Coal Oil; Tor *aie hf£ , ! ,Jvi 1 COHKALBFCFKFTFF, 3 dee 13d Ko*. S7 andM Levee. "J^LW RAISINS, Sftbosaa Layer* 85 " . M.,a.jlti^A:i /,/ 11 '«•* reeelved direetfrom K»w Terk, apd forseKky iittoaoastiiroB, .saggff^- BBL8. KANAWHA SALT, uses A* d too for DOvld itioobaareta Kanawba 1 •* , », ... »x. tW » Laker :o imi;»r>airy; in store and for *ale low for cask at: 5 un<i3fl Levee, by Ucciaa CORN ABLE fc JiMYTB. gMOKING TOBACCO. loo barrelaaad Mf %e>*elf 4 vartotA gtilea; i£S »' b T KELLOGG A B111GE. dec 1 H 4 |li IHCY JFLOIIR. >x '•'or sale by BOBS BOBBRTSOW fc XcQUXUf. pJCKLES, III Vinegar, fer sale low by OecSSd KOBEBSBOa A MW Ql'GARS, TEAS AND COFFEES. for nale low, by •ovll-d PI RE CRACKERS. Mbexee fertile by aiji'i. rouAoa. N-MUAHIV EAIB«a. IpiKSH OYSTERS, »f«>rsale-bp BOBBRTSOK fc KcQtUl. saloSf ilccSUd ORESTON K MERRILL'S YEAST .L POWDEB foraaleby nor^l N EW BOOKY. The Shadow In tbe B^nse, by Sa«a««K.A book ter the Umee, at Ieb7-d BKOWN feLL'8 Boek Store, Cor. Main and 1 ovrtfe ele RANTED. 1I1BBOCR1 MOMBY,'oerrent and uooarreeti; sler, IUmei* and Wisconsin. Their value is eatk Wlkl ve peld for awe at 37 end SS Levee, by I f » 1 e aid Setedt Their value is eatk I Levee, by coBMABut a aarra, •MsSSd i .It, f ^ ulto

Jman) d Cof. 4tl. and jfib.

May 27, 2022



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Page 1: Jman) d Cof. 4tl. and jfib.

HWHJPW,!."" Jsl'gWW J N 'Li-utiHHjjLy iilliii^Mi u pin,i>; 'i 11 /IH ipympi wo^'ujgariwwi

SPECIAL NOTICES. ITIIE GATE CITY. IJ KAIIilARTKH* FOR T11BKKO XX IMENT OF COI«. JNO. W. RANKlN, Coraerof Third and 1. ml,ago streets, Business of fi»i«nnr Mais *64 * treeta.

lljo.'iloro* ...p. Gl/THBIK, frMO-d Acting Ad)

ttc|Hlatioai of TrantytrtaUfla M4 Travel.

Fioia iinlnfifJS»lurt!»j;, J»D. no ratifvutcti, •lagecoacb, or vehicle running went or westward!? from Hit Mlsaiaslppl river, or Into North MI»ourl, will bepermitted to carry freight or pansetigrt* from K«« kuk without tbe strictest compliance with the regula­tions of tbe Treesury Department at Washington, Wlilob require thai "all freigbta,'of whatever nature, except such •• Diytw uml«r military order*, shall br

1 covered by a Custom House permit, and that all bag' gage of traveler* sball be carefully Inspected and duly aealed by a Custom House officer."

Tbe undersigned will lame ppoBUi for tbc trans­portation of all good* desiitioti for proper persons and places, with the least pvesiMe trouble or Oelay, ami ln-*P«1 aiid seaf all baggage ol travelers leaving lb*city, in a ajanoertu^u.flti« least trout.le cuiwiaieutwitJU lilueilildosired.

Theobject aimed atia te prevent any aid or »-M-au«, Or cummantcativfi wtthxnyperiofi, dlreeUj-or Indirectly, disloyal to, or In arms againtlibe Federal Government. JOHK STANNUSj Surveyor,

Custom House, Keokuk, Jau. lnw.dtf


W 7ABl WABM WAR 11! AM person* keeping or having for isle, »i;j cr a kinds of iiuniUoiis of War,such as Guus, Pistols,K<f vol vera and all kiudsuf A Ui munition are required not t*> eclito any person without an order from tbeunder-eigued This order must be strictly complied wilb underpeuall; olforleitmgall articles mcnliohidlj tbelr possession, JoHB STANK US,

J,Jr,3a SurveyorPertoI Keokek.


At this season of the year when coughs and colds are troublesome every family sbould kave a safeaad *»rul» rented} at hsud. Ransom's Hm Syrup and I uiu is the vorJ thing. It la not only pleasant for

children to trtk» , bnl is a certain Cure hw Creup, W hooping I ough, tti orchitis, AttLn^a, Coughs, and al Affection* of it© ThroiUdil

Sold by all Urugglau. Price Sieents. Orders may be addressed to J. T. Wilklaeon, Whole,

eale Agent, No. 61 Main-at., Keokuk, Iowa, decl^llmw^t

Several of our low# boys who were wounded at the battle of Fort Donelson were brought up on the HaxmUwl Cit> yeaterday.

The tlti BeflHiciit tMl«. Yesterday was a disagreeable, •torniy,

gloomy day, the rain, at intervals, coming down freely. It was a bad day for the departure of the 15th, but at 3 p m. they marched down to the boat, escorted by the 17th, and a larp® number of friends and citizens. At 4 o'clock all hands be­ing on board the Jeaonie Deans, she slowly swung round and departed amid the hearty cheers of the spectators. Many sad hearts were left behind, but every one felt tkat^ if £*©r tbe 15th hits the oppor­tunity, it will give a good account of it self, and inscribe its name high on the roll of fame.


ROI T*I •PRIN# MIA Summer ef 1802,

Just remivwl and foraale by

Jvhi MtEvilt, - . Ji#. i E»Ui HOIM.

ETKubacriptloea rfcelvtii for Tbe Colters'MoBtblr Journal ef J'***, aod N«« York Fwhioue, also Ur lileneioss' or tatitrg. {««r)M>w


i wo flni-claM Svallkes Boaaes Cu'julre of A. H. MKA»LIT.

m&rll-iMt Corser Tib aad Frai, kliu-ele.


j i.i e«lo(


M AP: MAPS S! ji..; reived,

CoUcs's Mapef u>« Kouiberu b la lea. " " I j*a. •* " linuuia. " " Mlesoart. "* " luck and Tesaeeeae.

Wcatuii liiatea.

Just received a Largs tot of I'IIIob Paper aad Ka> eelope*. Aieo forUvlirt.

H. W. WKKTCOTT-feblb-d Maiii-si., Kd door I rose 4ih.

Wvt Htai U Pabltakers \>t n*s bi n,« •_ . ClU HOOK SToltB.

i - Ko.senate4MM.



feigtrii AdmiDiiitrator of ibe aeiat# of Cbarlea Leo, d*K'*f>"I. oi. Ui« 3Utb day of January.

fellT-dlw OtOKbK W LKK.


By «AM'L POI.J.OCK Vev.ll lib Main-at.


ror »st#ky

•^•Notwithstanding all our <fcaut!Oli," we went quite as far, we believe, in our

| praiKt* of Cien. Curtis and his command as dota Gen. Ilalieck in the dispatch quoted by the Gate City.—[Constitution.

Ay, but you did nut du that till after we had twitted you for several days; and iu that reluctant and long-delayed notice you assigned as the reason for your pre­vious silence the fact that you could not praise a General who had imprudently, sac­rificed his troops, Ac.

STUNS OF THIS TIMES,—Comment enough of the manner in which nearly all branch­es of trade are effected, is the advertise­ment of a prominent New York house, in another column, offering Gold and Silrer Watches at prices which barely cover the coftsi the raw material. - [dAw2w


-Jk "special meeting of the Board was held at Fort Madison, Monday, March! 11 th. President Salomon took the chair. The Hoard is composed as follows : i Green Bay Tp., James D. Gedney.

V. T, Brown (abseol) CJeo. E. Stevenson. Joseph G. Street. ))dniel Merritt. E. S. McCulloch. J. A. Davis. Jos. Hullman (absent) II. W. Hughes. II. M. Salmon.

;W. Skinner. A. Donncll. h. Stone. Johnson Meek. Garry Lewis. J. A. Viall, «ni

oipal sum. The report of the Committee was adopted.

Garry Lewis, from tha Committee on Public Buildings, reported and recom­mended a public sale for the purpose of disposing of panpers on hand, selling the personal property, letting out the Poor House and Farm for ft term of years, and that each Haperviaor look after the poor jn his own township.

After some consideration, the Board appointed thrat Directors (Viall, Lewis and Doonell) to take charge of the Poor house, and farm for the present year, and to report their doingar fct aach regular meeting of the Board.

The Committee appointed yesterday re­ported that the contract with th« At­torn it-a to defend the Railroad Suits, was Jiuula in «etK>rdstttee with the resolution of Jan'y. 18G1. The Report was adopted, nnd tbe Clerk ordered to put the contract on filet*

After a long discussion by Messrs-Lewis, Davis of Keokuk, Skinner, God. ney, Sheet, Salmon and others, on the fi


Ijaitf Might's Report.

Yncey Prakaklf Capiaret. Philadelphia, March 19.

It is reported here that the rebel Com mi«ioner Yancey has b^en oaptu'ed whilu attempting to run the block*!*.

FBOS KI RMSKDB. " ^ew March 19.

The Commercial states that its oorres-pondent^as Information from Gen. Barn side that an expedition will soon leave Nowbern for B«aufort, sufficiently strong to overcome all rebel obstacles, and that place is probably captured before this.

A letter of the 7th state* that Genera] Bailor and staff are still at Hilton Head.

XXXVII Congress--First Sesalon0

Washington, March 18. SENATE.—The Senator from Kentucky

(Davis) looks upon it in that view entire­ly. He says the negroes to be liberated by this bill will become a burden and a charge on the white population ; they will become criminals, paupers and pests to so-

naucial condition of the country, value of J c'ety, and the power which undertakes county orders, treatment of the poor, Ac.,'t0 lil!<"?te tj,eT" L8l'al! ,relie,vc l?e white

r„i population of such burden, but there are other predictions and facts which show


Corner Main and 2d Street tNDEH W. THOMPIOK * CO.'I


FjjB A GOOD SHAVE GO TO CAE If you want your Ilair Cut

m LATEST FA 111 SI AX S? l%E,

CO TO CABU8. Por Taste and those Delicate little,

touches that aet off a man's

head to advantage



no. 99


Challenges tbe Profession! All who have not tried him are request­

ed to eaH and judge for themselves. deelVSldfrn


J tut ree*i«eil at BKOW>JKI.L'6 BOOK BTOI

('or. 4(h and Ha] afn.

tt n


tt tt n t* f »

Denmark PI. Kidge Marion Cedar Unrritloo 1'ranktto W'cst Point V\ ashiagtou Madison Itfitrgon

\ harleston Van Buren Des Moines Montroee

JuckwlT" „ c p „stli

E. S. McCulloch, of Harrison, and A Donncll, of Charleston, were sworn in.

Daniel Merritt, of Cedar, was elected the three Poor House Directors to draw

the following resolution was adopted, in tbe expectation that it would have the ef­fect to increase the value of couuty or­ders. It should be stated, by way of ex­planation, that $23,000 in 10 per cent, warrants have been issued in place of county warrants, leaving about $45,000 in warrant* still afiuaU. Also that the so-called Bridge tax, being OM mill on the dollar, would realize about $8,000, if everybody paid his taxes:

Resolved, That we cause and require the Trea«urer of this eouuty to pay upon the certilicate of the Clerk of this Board the interest due oo the 10 per cent, war­rants issued by this Board in lieu of ordi­nary county warrants returned, in cash out of the fund levied as the one mill Bridge tax,—the Clerk and Treasurer to open and keep an account with said fund, to be conducted in like manner, as the common county account.

Mr. Davis, of Keokuk, offered the fol­lowing resolutions, which, after some dis­cussion, were unauimously adopted :

Resolved, That no county officer shall be allowed to purchase or contract for any article on tbe credit of the county at any price greater than the cash value of the same, except in case* of persons in im­mediate distress, or for the burial of the dead; in which eases the best possible contract shall be made.

Resolved, that each and every bill pre­sented to this Board for allowance, shall specify each article separately, with the price or value annexed to the same, prop­erly certified to by the parties claiming the same, and also the officcr by whom the purchase or contract was made.

A resolution was passed authorizing

different consequences of emancipation. He referred to emancipation iu the Brit­ish West Indies. The Island of Jamaica was the only one that deteriorated in ex­ports since the emancipation, and that bejran long before the emancipation. In Barbadoes the exports have increased more than double suite emancipation, and in what are called the Leeward Islands the exports have increased since emanci pat ion some three million pounds, and the imports still more, the result being an increase uf 215,835 pounds. The oppor­tunity is now presented to the nation to try the experiment in this district. He did not ask that any provision of the Con­stitution be trampled under fooi. The Supreme Court had not decided against the right of Cengress to legislate for the District of Columbia. The inauguratiou of emancipation iu tbe Indies did not lead to any such results as the Sena­tor from Kentucky feared, hut the result fully proved the justice and wisdom of the expediency of the measure. He said nothing was more unkind and unjust than slavery—keep in degradation andignot-ance the black race, ani then abuseand de­ride them because they were not able at once to rise to an equality with their masters. On motion of Mr. Wilaori the subject was postponed till toAnorrow.

The Senate went into Executive session, after which it adjourned.



Jual received ISO Pact ef « dH««llrwiBilWi. Mackerel Nos. 1 and a, la karreta, hall karteU

a*d kits. C*4fiafc—Choice, lu drums and boles. Merriag. inbbla. aod b«xea. AU lor aato at

HALf TUH USUAL 1*KICK,by >«M KKLLOOO a Biaoa. pOKTFOLlOS. , A fine aeaortneni Just received at

BROW NJkLL'k BOOK Sroat, • arn 4 Cor. 4tkaad Mate.


IXouaUnll} on kaod.and foraalr low,by | SAM'l. POLLOCK.

lOO^EGS NEW CASTLE (S C.) hCvoaui I mrur. Tart. Atid, Sal. Soda, Ext. Logwood, [jdkgu, *»adLl«M,Copperas. Aluui,Winger, MabblU'tSai-

alus, Starch,«it.. foraakf bv COXaABLK A SMYTH,

HAecISd 57 and MLevae.

J£UGAR& |3 4 bhdSiChoicr New Orleans;

10 bbla,clarlHedand rc0ii<-d wbiie; " eraakedand iwrndered:foraalebT HOBKNTFOK FC HCQUKKJTT

UiNCV FLOUR, Wsktit al way a ou kaod alary* atoek, la bbia.

Id ilia. lit UTS ON A UimJMKB.

laacka, froei tbc Kaj^r Mills. Sid


• Tons flow SWtl. kegs »as*»rWd Jiallaj (W keeling aad PlIB-

ibiititdal: Axi»a, Vices, UlacksmiUiF' Bellow*, n,Caat SUtel, elc., in stort- ami fi r sale low for

, by COASABLfc fcSiiYTH. >«!> 37 and iH Lev re, Keokuk.

AW BOOKS. I Story on HU la,Story an Partner skip ,Or»«u keel % tUe, iliilou'a iiigcst. Jual reeetvod by ^ld UGUKN. HKt»WKKLL A tlO.




iOObsgsilHIKU APl'LKH; ise « »» PKACHKH;

Juilrecelved and for nla by mLLOOO rfBIKOB.


Peail Barley; Pearl Sago;

Topioca; Caraway Seedai! e tawra, Kxtract i and Herbal

Table salt in koxeat Currauta,

Kaialns, and Citron i


Oroct-rs. *S Watu-at., Keokuk, Iowa.

JS1NST _ —

oxeaM.a. aalilmi iboxes " "

l»r sale atriiT 18Lev.#, by tfOBWABLK 4 SkfVTHi

tee WMteralMerv* j oa iif

by the Board to fill the place of T. G. Stevenson, resigned.

Fred Greer was appointed constable of Montrose Tp. in place of O. Bauio, re-signed.

The comm appointed under the resolution of January, 1861, to employ counsel to defend the County in Railroad Bond suits, reported that they contracted in May last to pay Hall it Harrington $500 unconditionally, and $1600 in event of success, of which $500 is to be paid to John Van Yalkenburg, Esq. ; also $200 unconditionally to Frank Semple, Esq., and $2000 if the County gains tbe suit.

Messrs. Street, Stevenson and McCul­loch were appointed a committee to ex­amine and report if this report was in ac­cordance with the resolution of January, 1861

The Board rescinded the resolution passed at the last meeting remitting intercat on all County taxes if paid within ninety days. The vote stood 8 to 6 on rescinding, and the resolution .takes effect next Satur-

John Hoover was appointed Constable for Madison Tp. Official Bonds were then approved as follows : W. V. Derr, Constable of Charleston Tp. Cheiry Pyle, Cleft „ Denmark M_ E. B. Kellogg, w Van Bureii A. Ball, „ „ Charleston „ P. M. Lowdeft, /» >; M „ „

Tuesday, March 18. Board met. A. Givens was appointed

Constable for Montrose in place ofW. Ellis.

The Committee on School Fund re­ported that the County owes the Per­manent and Interest School Fund as fol­lows :

On orders iasued by Judge Boyles $1870.69

County Warrants put in School Fund for monies taken thcrefrcs:, Sloi.Oi

School money borrowed by Board Supervisors, C048.50

$7070.10 The Committee found the

amount of interest duo the Fund to Jan. 1, '62 to be 1267.64

$8387.74 The Committee reoonpeitded that the

note of the Board as an individual bor­

on the Clerk for $300, iu warrants, if necessary, to carry on the farm and pro­vide for the poor.

After some otherpro forma basinesa, -the Board adjourned. * :T""' *" • 1 • 7

. Tfce Battle at Pea R14(e. '•Ifiuebus, what a name!" But » ft

seems ig tbe best fought engagement of the war thus far to be styled on the page of history. We say best fought for the reason that wo have superb gen­eralship combined with superb fight­ing. Hitherto tacties on the field of battle have played a small part in securing us a victory. Our success in almost every instance has been due to the hard fighting of the rank and file. Certainly so at Drainesvillc, at Mill Springs, at Roanoke, at Donelson. Perhaps in all these eases the positions and circumstances hardly gave the chance for any superior and dif­ficult maneuvering. But no valor of the soldiers could have achieved the victory in this three day's battle in Arkansas, sgainst overwhelming numbers, without the most consummate skill upon the part of the generals. The official report of General Curtis appears in another col-uimi. His force was att-aeked by—tour combined armies. He had to change bis line of battle no less than three times to meet the surging columns of his antago­nists. The final position of the rebels was in the are of a circle, threatening to inclose our gallant force ; but a general infantry charge at the opportune instant broke their lines, and threw them into a complete rout. General Sigel, who has «1 ready won signal distinction by his dis­play of science, contributed largely to this glorious issue. The official report of General Curtis is brief and modest, and we must wait for full accounts before we can fully appreciate this engagement.*— But we know that Pea Ilidge is "one of the names Illat were not born to dia.'—rN Y. World. L

"lKanaaaae la Hlaae*** -1(3^4 tho 11th of ldarch the news was

sent over the country that the rebels had evacuated, and that our troops occupind, Manassas. In the Book of Common Prayer, in the Psalter for the evening of the 11th, in the 7lL v«IB« we read:

"Gil<pd is mine, and MANASSBS is MINK, Ephraim also is the strength of my head. Judah is my lawgiver."

The Peoria Transcript says that city was flooded with counterfeit money, last week, chiefly of District of Columbia and Michigan bank*.

ITALY AND THE SUMTER.—It IN sla­ted by tbe Naples correspondent of this London Tirnee that the Italian geVern-

„ . . , uient has given orders to seiae tbc Saab-rower should be given for the above pria-l^y sa£^ jf ,|.T .k.n j^eie4,te»iak fear,

COMMERCIAL,. DAILT GAT* CITT Omct, j KSOK-K Ma rob lb, '6S. ]

PLOUK—Superfine Si Spring Wheal extra SC 00 Pal! Wheat Extra «S SS ,

BKAJi ANDSHOKTS—S0te4*a 9 100 a«. CORX—17c to 30 9 t*«b. BAKLEV-24C. WUKAT—In good deauufi, Vali C7C7S; Bprlciso

to 00c. HVE—SSc to SO. OATS—lie. F O T A T O t S — b y U i e l o a . l , r e t a i l 8 5 l e . 3 0 e . * HUGAK—New Or lean a Sir lti#H,tii|irieellxa

12>,; clarified crusbod and loaf IV19|31. MOLASSbS—I'laotakleti tinga rltmi... ^

Golden SyrU|>7l>^"ic. * CUFKht-KioSligjiae; JavaSS^Ju: Lafuyra^t#ae. KICE-»ail0-. SOAP—Pal at (Jc, Family 3>^c, Ceraait (Clo.) 7k

CAN DLKS-Slar 15® 16, StlHMflee 13,11 ould 1«. LAKU—i^ toilc; retail flje. BUTTKH—Common 8#7e, Choice 10,retail lS^^lS L K A T H t K — H c , i e a . V j 6 S b , t i a r n « a a . HIDKS—Dry 10tu Ue, green 4| 6, green sheep

pelts 30(al3jc; green bog skins 13c. HA.I—Timothy,new Si Ut**o 00, baled fS OO^flO!

Prairte S3 00. SEEDS—Timothy SI 3S;Pla*Seed *1 to fllS.' f ONIONS—3i®40c. KGGe-stoete. > j v 7^ WHITE BKAXS-50o»f 1 00. ^ FEATHERS-20^85. . f " ' , PUU1T— Dried Apple* Si 9NM1 504» Mabel.—

Dric-d IVaclie* S2SAgtS9 Mi. Kalslus 9* W>« gj uo. CHKJb.SE—W cstoru ^eaerveOc^ l^mxiak BBKP—U®2 '.jC gross; 9 <juar|«. * SJIKKP— SI 9 head. ; IIOGs—Drcaaed S.SiC£3e» ^ SALT—G. A. Sa.iO f sack; Kanawba f3 K 9 'bar­

rel: Liverpool SI 80«#2 00 9 aack; Lake S3 00 * bbl.

FISH—Mackerel,No. 1 $1&$^1S 9 bbl.,Ho. 8 SH 4i$16, No. 3 f»«S10. Whit,; Pi.h N.. I ^ 9 katf m. CodPUb &«6 * %.

KAGK—Woolen I ; Gotten Ho. — OLD I HON—S®&e 9 1. BnUifkglSe 9 fc. Co»-

perlO«19Wc» %. -EJLCHAMGE— On Kew Vork, Bankable PnutJ*

percent:-for geld uomln«l, Bt. LouU, llule deing and noseUtedxaU.



Warranted the rannlae ertMe. ' This day received by KD. T . BROWNEt®,,

man) d Cof. 4tl. and jfib.


or sale by BOBBKTSoIl A McrttUliWat/ fansrrd 78 Ms in-at.


I bave juat received af»>laa«iiliinn> «# Fooiaeap, •—

Legal Cap, Bill Oep.

Letter,' indies' Bath,

OoMMwrefal Bete. Aieo—Lleyd** Map ef the Southern sutos.

M. W. WE SCOTT, marM Katn-at., iddi>«r from4tb.

QUINCY FLOUR, Eagle Mills. Rye Flour,Orahaa Flour. Foranlr

ri'Vlld BAV'L POLU Idc X[EW LEMONS, •1.^1 Oerreeta,

Citron, Kalslat,

Bitmot*, For tale by BOBX&TSOK a HcQrSKK.

_ aejSu-4


S(io doaeulioline 2 hooi>BuaketS« SS " " oak 3 •' *» te " " rut.-; 40 neata " Tub*; 80 doa Sine Waabbe*r4*t

CONN A dec!3d 37 and SS Levee.

DBTJ68 — dieniealt, —;-T--

Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Windo# Glsrf, Glaeawsre, Brashes, fte.

aplBtadawiy K«eksk,tewa.


Macaroni's Antiseptic Blacking and Water*Proof Polish

PrescrveaLeathvr perfect!j f '>» ersekingi r rotting, audku |;n Itsuftin d Iwpert iuU* to valet.

Itootx, BliotH or Harneta Treated * Ith It will do twice tbe neTvlae Utef weald without it. Tbn Antiseptic Ulackiur as a pr*«ervatw* of Lctthcr haa no equal. The 1'OZ.lSH con Wins »<oib-Ing li.Ju'lon* to Lent her. as all otti-r Macr'nrs do. und is not injured b> c<'tutug in cot tact with waler.snow,Stc., anttiey are. MAKirPACTtHKl) AND SOT O."WHOLESALE A»D


Tin' price" ni rcuilare, U r the A i.iUcptic, IB Keif p.nniil hour* ....tSrta.

For tbe Water-Proof Polish ......lSeta, A liberal dlsooantwiU be made if Mid by tfcetoeea

orjrosa Jl ft'omBiuDlcaUous hy natt will reealTe paeeipi

alteiilion, and roods wlllbe forwarded immediately va reeeipt of remittances. Address

S. A. DUKE, JuriDd Kxoara,tow*. TT'rTksh paldrnr B^rwsx an.)T«1l«w.

fereale wlewVy BLE fc SMYTH,


1A BOXES FRENCH LEMONS 1V Jaat reoelvedandforsaleby



For whleh tbahlghett market •aab br


i«(t market price will be paid la COKNABLE kSMYTn,

57 and .%S Lev**, s° AP.

150 boxea HUl'aOenuanSoap; 50 " Faaiiy v» 30 " Palm, Caatllc, Variegated, Tranapareat

and Shaving Soapa, for sale by CONN A BLR fc SMYTH,

dee13d it atidie Levee. QOTTON YARN.

So bag» assorted number# Cottefl Vtrtii; 15 do Cotton Twine; 10 baloi Baltinr.

CHAS. A WM.McCLEAN, J*»S-d IU3 Main-it.


NIGHT-CAP SERIES' Nlfliirapjj New Vieht Caps;

, Bali Is-Kbl-Cai*, Utile Nigiil-i:a|>a; Pain y Night-Caps; BtgNlgtit-Capa.

HOLLO'S TOUR XH EUROPE 1 Rolloon the Atlantle; Hollo In l'arls: Rollo In SwitaarlanA; JLollo lu lx>ndon( Rollo oo the KhiueJ Hollo In Scotland; Rollo In Geneva; Ko llule Co I land;

For sale by| deelOd


'V.^1 j.

We are now dally bread ot


Hlack Leail PeiylU^ Ht-<1 j/i't blue lea4^e«eit»,


. ^J(raa«ira, it lib t»«r Baadt, Water Colore, Pen Kacka, lllll KlUa, Date Calendar*

Tbla (laj rueeived by maris d


Baltimore Oysters. receiving the alu va famoui

OYSTBHS, Andahall, whoretefore, receiveIbeei iliruueheattke aeaaon. Wewill

S E L L • B L O W As auy others not ••lllne an Inferior uualltv




Cupu, Furs, Cf!«re», iff#*. mtery, Jrc., STc.

»•. «S Bfata-et., ... KEOKn, ^ 'i lutaubacrtber havlugpurshaaed of S. P. Veertilea *>'• Mitlre Slock of Uats, Eumr4«., wttieouflime *hebeafnesaat the old stand, Ko. if Main st.. where It* la prepared to furnish everything l*i hta line at tbe !riiti°tm raicaa roacasM. J.O. VOOKHIES.

HI/*Cash paid for Purs, Wool and Pelts. [ilcS7d


t J uat re c«)Ted»ad foreeletojr tie hHd.,bbi, •r st retail, low, by - ' '


sS.».«.w«.uk ith and Main ate.


Springfield Fire aid Marine

ln«aranee Compauny, • P R l N O r i E U » , . . . . . . M A S S *

WM CONNKfi, 8e«'yk t ^ PRBEMAN. Pre,t.

Capital tfM,000. lueta

Jttlentic Fire mmd JUmrime jwswrimcc vompomy,

raOVIBBNCB, . J. 8. PARISH, See'y.

1. S. MAVBAB, Pree"l.

The Mutual Life Insiuaaee Co., or REV laiiir ':-

ASSITS - « 00.

Tbe Dadeieigned isdtrlyacthorlxed to acta* agsnt tor the abate Oaeapealss.



Cash Assets Jail. 1st 180? S«.1M U0 Losses paid tn 40 years, §14 000.OI4)

Ibe Krent public service, prontptoeaa and reliability of ihia wisll trisd Company,recouiueud it to ailwtM want act i. tenaeaiTT.

OFFICE—Next to Expreaa Offlee ee Seeond streat, nearMaiu. H B, TKN-EYCK,Ageat.

KKOKLK. Jan. S3, lfbS dSm

1 h:A.

We bavela ttore 7Seheate efall gradaa—yt» chased before the iRte advance.

We des i re t o s e l l , nnd ask persona wanting,to look at our stock. Oar prices will be foend as lew a* theee of any W estern market .

We have a few chests of oboiee Imt erlal,for Faatly ase IsqAdl KKLIAitHi # HIHOK.

s TARCH. sign men t and for aalelow toeloa* by

C HAS. it WM. MCCLBAN. i»ne-d « MS Mete-et.

P OFFKE: : : • ^ ISO bag* prime Bto Coff**; ttif " «ir

OASH by dec! 3d

for s«le at lowiiui'iM rot CONN ABLE 4- SJM YTfl.

37 and Levee.


S A M I L L i P O l £ 0 $ K . F«r i ale by maiili-d


~7SM boxes and caddie*various brands,fur*»le lb dacHd — KKtLOOG A B1BOK.


S31iarr«lef«iriijile very low by fov«d KEi,ix>oa a auto«*

LAW BOOKIS, Story on 1'rouiiasory Kotta,

Kent's Coaiuivoterlas, L , Barbeur'sChaeeeryltayertls




"ssoolbs.directfroai Beaton , for tale very lowky KELLOGG fc BlltOX.


IS hhds. Choloe B, O. Sttgar) 3(1 l>bls. Crushaif,Powdeieu and

la store urn Xoi sale b d»eiS<J



• •« • in, 37 and 3U Leve*. — fc..

Por *al«hf decS3^

Layer Kelelee, f" •-* Cematoaai -

KOBEBTSOS a M»Q,tIEEN.tja0l>d** S7

O Y8TER8. l»"wn to M cetiig for Mallby'* La

l\fl<'ii.ore. —. .-i . tuarl-d

o YSTERSi aXfiTKRfit 1

JnatrwetTed leasee* kUlle rr '* BelUmoee Oyaterdl rsaUby HUNTKXSO.N IKMCACKEB.


Those havinp sccouuU aj|nln»l me will pl^atepve-a«ui iheiu to Mr. p. H. Huim-s f.;r xctlleu ent. Having beeu ordered off on vary alio it notice 1 Was notable to call upoa each to *etUc. Those, t<H>, who knuw them-aolvas indebted to me will please make immediate

f>ayment to Mr. Humes,(who^poe is authorised teaet-U my affairs), thatlhose to wloaa lam indebted may

be paid. U. UMcBCGlN.

,ter" "*'• ™'«,J.Xlll''.•l""• NovOdtf

^L'llS! FURS!! FURS!!I


I'ke hlgbeat prlflN paM le Cash st 67 Main street, febil-d*m A' wlLUAMSon k *01.

J^iGHT! LIGHT! 1 LIGHT!! I SOOboiaaStar Candlea; 130 " mould " *-so barrel* Coal Oil; Tor *aie hf£ , ! ,Jvi 1 COHKALBFCFKFTFF, 3

dee 13d Ko*. S7 andM Levee.


Sftbosaa Layer* 85 " . M.,a.jlti^A:i /,/ 11

'«•* reeelved direetfrom K»w Terk, apd forseKky iittoaoastiiroB,

.saggff^-BBL8. KANAWHA SALT, uses A* d too

for DOvld

itioobaareta Kanawba 1 •* , • », ... »x. tW » Laker :o imi;»r>airy; in store and for *ale low for cask

at: 5 un<i3fl Levee, by Ucciaa CORN ABLE fc JiMYTB.


loo barrelaaad Mf %e>*elf 4 vartotA gtilea; i£S »' bT KELLOGG A B111GE. dec 1 H

4 |li IHCY JFLOIIR. >x '•'or sale by BOBS BOBBRTSOW fc XcQUXUf.


III Vinegar, fer sale low by OecSSd KOBEBSBOa A MW

Ql'GARS, TEAS AND COFFEES. for nale low, by


PI RE CRACKERS. Mbexee fertile by

aiji'i. rouAoa.



»f«>rsale-bp BOBBRTSOK fc KcQtUl. saloSf ilccSUd



N EW BOOKY. The Shadow In tbe B^nse, by Sa«a««K.A

book ter the Umee, at •

Ieb7-d BKOWN feLL'8 Boek Store,

Cor. Main and 1 ovrtfe ele


1I1BBOCR1 MOMBY,'oerrent and uooarreeti; sler, IUmei* and Wisconsin. Their value is eatk Wlkl ve peld for awe at 37 end SS Levee, by


f »


e aid Setedt

Their value is eatk I Levee, by coBMABut a aarra,

•MsSSd i .It, f ^ ulto