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Page 1: J.J Production
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Overview• Who is a child?• What is child labor?• Causes of child labor.• Child labor in statistics.• Child labor in India.• Regulation and prohibition act.• Conclusion.

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A “child” is not necessarily delineated A “child” is not necessarily delineated by a fixed a fixed age.

According to the scientists, it is According to the scientists, it is impossible to determine the abilities and impossible to determine the abilities and maturities of children by his/her maturities of children by his/her calendar age.calendar age.

Who is a child?

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What is child labor?

“Child labour” is generally speaking, work for children that harms them or exploits them in someway (physically, mentally, morally or by blocking access to education).

It is the work that exceeds a minimum number of hours depending on the age of a child and on the type of work.

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causes of child labor

Overexploitation of population.Decrease of resources.Decrease in literacy.Increase of poverty.Increase of unemployment.Lack of schooling and daily care.Limited choices for women.

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According to certain experts approximately 10 mill ion bonded children labourers are working as dome In South Asia.

Beyond this there are almost 55 mill ion bonded child laborers hired across various other industries.

Less than 5% of child laborers make products for export to other countries.

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Child labor statistiCsChild labor statistiCs

One in every six children aged 5 to 17 One in every six children aged 5 to 17 worldwide is exploited by child labor.worldwide is exploited by child labor.

There are approximately 9 million children There are approximately 9 million children involved in the unconditional worst forms of involved in the unconditional worst forms of child labor.child labor.

In Sub-Saharan Africa around one in three In Sub-Saharan Africa around one in three children are engaged in child labor, children are engaged in child labor, representing 69 million children.representing 69 million children.

In South Asia, another 44 million are engaged In South Asia, another 44 million are engaged in child child labor.

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Child labor in indiaINDIA accounts for the second highest number where

child labor in the world.

Africa accounts for the highest number of children employed and exploited.

According to certain experts approximately 10 million bonded children laborers are working as domestic servants in India.

Beyond this there are almost 55 million bonded child laborers hired across various other industries. 

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regulation and prohibition aCt

This was declared by the parliament on 23rd December, 1986.

It includes Prohibit ion of employment of children in certain occupations and processes .

No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the occupations which are hazardous by its nature.

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ConClusionThe social malady of child labor can be

brought under control, if each individual takes responsibility of reporting about anyone employing a child below the age of 14years.

Thus, instead of ignoring on should find out about reporting child labor and how such children can actually be saved. 

Child labor can be controlled if the government functions effectively with the support of the public.

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