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JEW ELS OF IM AN Benefits of Da'wah 99 Names of Allah Ar- Rabb Issue 4 February 2015 Rabi-ul-Awwal/Akhir 1436 Those Condemned by Allah

Jewels of Iman Issue 4

Apr 08, 2016



jewels of iman

May peace be with you, AAT is pleased to present the fourth issue of Jewels of Iman Magazine. Created to educate and inform people of the authentic teachings of Islam.
Welcome message from author
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Benefits of Da'wah

99 Names of Allah

Ar- Rabb

Issue 4February 2015

Rabi-ul-Awwal/Akhir 1436

Those Condemned by Allah

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Editor ial: Assalamu Alaykum Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

We begin by praising Allah, and Glorifying Him. We testify that none has the right to be worshipped besides Him. We send peace and salutations upon Muhammad the last and f inal messenger sent to mankind.

I hope this magazine has reached you in the best of iman and health. As humans we were created with forgetfulness and a need for constant reminders. Allah says in the Qur?an, ?And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers,? (Surah Dhaariyaat 51:55) As we go about our daily l ives, it?s easy to take the blessings in life for granted, and forget our true purpose on this earth.

When we are reminded, we need to take heed, otherwise it will be of no benefit. We need to implement the reminders in our lives for them to take effect. However, often we are overwhelmed with information to take in and apply in our lives. We set our standards so high, that after two days, we are back to square one. Nothing changed, or improved, all that we were reminded of slipped down the drain. Our iman went from being sky high, to hitt ing rock bottom, once again.

To implement change in our lives, we need to take it slowly, one step at a time. There is no point trying to perform 20 units of tahajjud, when one can barely wake up in the f irst place. Rather, begin with litt le, so that you can keep it up. Aishah reported that the Prophet peace and blessing be upon him said, ?The deeds most loved by Allah are those done regularly, even if they are small.? (Bukhari and Muslim)

Accordingly, we should begin with litt le. Pick one Sunnah that you do not normally do, and begin to implement it. Implement it every day for one week and eventually it will become part of your routine. Then, you can repeat the process with another Sunnah. May Allah make it easy for us to implement His words and the Sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him).


Bibi Zainab Dowlut


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Benefits of Dawah

slam encourages terrorism

Revert Story

l ink with your creator:

99 Names

Asma Was Sifaat # 4

Those condemned by Allah

Signs of the hour # 3

The longest Necks

journey to the hereafter:

Sel f Improvement :

Seeing with our hearts

Good manners with Allah

Non- Mahram : Muharramat # 4

Traversing the realms of culture

sisters section:Women of the Golden Era # 4

Are we oppressed

having fun the halaal way:

Quiz Time?

Jokes of Rasulullah




















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Giving Da'wah has two types of benefits, f irstly, to a Da'ee himself , and secondly for the society. Benefits for the Caller (Da'ee) himself : 1. The Da?ee is saved from Allah's curse, and Allah accepts his repentance as mentioned in the verse below: "Indeed, those who conceal what We sent down of clear proofs and guidance after We made it clear for the people in the Scripture - those are cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse, Except for those who repent and correct themselves and make evident [what they concealed]. Those - I will accept their repentance, and I am the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful." (Surah Baqarah:159-160)

Furthermore, Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever is asked about some knowledge that he knows, then he conceals it, he will be bridled with bridle of f ire." (Jami' Tirmidhi: 2649) The warning against keeping knowledge is severe. In another hadith Hudhaifah bin Al-Yaman narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! Either you command good and forbid evil, or Allah will soon send upon you a punishment from Him, then you will call upon Him, but He will not respond to you." (Jami' Tirmidhi: 2169) However, there is destruction for all who neglect enjoining the good, and forbidding the evil. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said '?If the people see an evildoer and does not take him by the hand [to put a stop to his evil],

soon Allah will punish all of them.? (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 4338; al-Tirmidhi, 2168; and al-Nasaa?i ? with a saheeh isnad. Also classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, no. 2448)

2. He is continuing the mission of the Prophet Muhammad: Narrated Talha bin Musarrif : I asked ` Abdullah bin Abu ` Aufa "Did the Prophet make a will?" He replied, "No," I asked him, "How is it then that the making of a will has been enjoined on people, (or that they are ordered to make a will)?" He replied, "The Prophet bequeathed Allah's Book (i.e. Qur'an)." (Sahih al-Bukhari 2740) Imagine a scenario where we are bequeathed with an expensive, valued item, what do we do with it? We tend to make it known to the world. But, the most expensive and valued item ever bequeathed to anyone is Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). It has been bequeathed to us, and we have to share it with the world.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?whoever calls others to guidance will have a reward like the rewards of those who follow him, without detracting from their reward in any way. And whoever calls others to misguidance will have a burden of sin like the burden of those who follow him, without detracting from their burden in any way.? (Muslim) 3. Sending of Salat (peace) upon the caller: Narrated Abu Umamah Al-Bahili, "Two men were mentioned before the Messenger of Allah.


Da'wah linguistically means "to invite". But it can also mean to try persuading people to follow a particular sect, religion or team. Islamically it means preaching of Islam; the art of

conveying the creed, rules and morality of Islam.

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One of them a worshiper, and the other a scholar. So the Messenger of Allah said: 'The superiority of the scholar over the worshiper is l ike my superiority over the least of you.' Then the Messenger of Allah said: 'Indeed Allah, His Angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earths - even the ant in his hole, even the f ish - say Salat upon the one who teaches the people to do good.'" (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2685) Imagine enjoying that privilege of receiving the salat of Allah, Your Lord and Creator!

4. Endless chain of rewards: Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: A continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit, pious son who prays for him."

(Muslim: Book 7, Hadith 55)

Sharing the deen, is a form of beneficial knowledge, and Inshallah it will be for you on the Day of Accounts.

Benefits for the society:

There is a widespread hatred, immortality, dishonour, communal/ sectarian and chauvinism seen in not only in non-Muslims, but also in Muslim societies. There are many depressed people searching for happiness which would last longer; they want success. We know that only in Islam there is success, contentment, Paradise for whoever lives their l ife according to what the Giver of l ife has commanded. Only by following Allah, can one be satisf ied, and happy in life. Allah says: "And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful." (Surah Aal Imran 3:104)

It is an obligation on every Muslim that he calls people to the good i.e Islam, and informs them about the consequences of following their evil desires. Every soul has the potential to dif ferentiate between the good and bad. The caller (Da'ee) is supposed to make the Mad'oo realize the good in practicing it and leave the wrongdoing. "You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient." (Surah al-Baqarah 3:110) Let?s live up to this description, by enjoining the worship of Allah, and forbidding the denial of Allah or association of partners with Him.

Doctors can help in our physical recovery but the Qur'an will help in your soul's recovery. A Da'ees contribution to the society is valued because they help with our spiritual connection. Let?s use the resources and means before us to continue the legacy of the Prophets.

By Maliha Rahmat

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Islam encourages terrorism. How does that sound to you? Sound like the truth? I think not! How about, absurd? Questionable? Now, that?s more like it. Which religion, way of l ife, and system of government that has had bill ions of followers throughout it?s history, would encourage such ruthlessness?

I appeal to your rationality. Think logically. If Islam encouraged terrorism the 1.6 bil l ion muslims today would be very bad terrorists, unable to ?do the job.? If islam really did encourage terrorism, do you believe that you would be alive today? Do you think Islamic societies would really thrive upon the innocent blood of mill ions kil led? Do you think Islam, really would be able to contain and maintain such a large number of geographically dispersed people through terrorism? The answer is no.

Moreover looking at recent statistics; the majority of terrorist acts, prove that Terrorism is not encouraged in

Islam. Rather as Allah says in the Qu?ran, ?Whoever kil ls a soul, unless it be for murder or spreading corruption in the land, it is as if , he has slain mankind entirely.? (Surah Mai?dah 05:32) Islam takes the kil l ing of innocent human beings seriously. No one no one has the right to take the life of another, unless such a person was a criminal or murderer. Life is not something to be played with.

Even suicidal attempts are condemned in Islam. Suicide bombings are not from Islamic

teachings. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?whoever kil ls himself with something will be punished with it on the Day of Resurrection.? (Bukhari and Muslim) Suicide bombings are among the major sins in Islam and are as such impermissible.

Islam, is not about establishing a great empire, colonising, acquiring lands, and riches, or even destroying people and culture. Islam is here to simply establish the worship of One God alone, without associating partners with him. Allah says, ?And He created you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily the most honoured in the sight of Allah, is the most righteous.? The purpose of nations and tribes, as we understand from this verse, is not for one to overcome the other. Rather it is to create unity and increase righteousness between us; terrorism has no place in Islam.

Moreover, Allah says, ?And We have not sent you (Muhammad)


A terrorist is one who favours or uses terror-inspiring methods of governing or of coercing government or community. (The Concise oxford Dictionary)

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except as a mercy for the Alameen (mankind, jinns, and all that exists),? (Al-Anbiyaa 21:107) Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to teach us good manners, and instruct us in the worship of Allah. His aim was not to establish a large empire by instil l ing fear in the hearts of people, or committing acts of terror against them. If he really wanted an empire he

would have accepted the offer of kingship and wealth from the tribe of Quraysh, if he would stop teaching Islam. But did Muhammad give up his message or accept Kingship? No. Rather, his famous saying was, ?if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, I would not give up this message.? Meaning even if they gave me control over the solar system and the greatest of the celestial bodies, I would not give up preaching Islam. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had no interest in building up an empire like the colonialists, Romans or Persians. His only objective was to preach the Oneness of God.

Islam teaches us to be patient, and peaceable. It teaches us to repulse evil with that which is better. Allah says, ?and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety.? (Al-Ma?idah 05:08) Justice is of high value in Islam, it is not be

neglected even in the most dire situations. To use the mistakes of a few and generalise it to the religion is incorrect. The actions of 9/11, 7/7 and others was an injustice and wrongdoing upon the people. Renowned and obscure scholars across the muslim world, have time and again denounced such actions. Terrorism is a form of transgression, hence it has no connection to Islam.

Allah says, ?Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion, and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily Allah loves those who deal with equity.? (Al-Mumtahanah 60:08) Muslims are to deal justly with neighbours, acquaintances, co-workers, colleagues, and anyone they meet; be they muslim or not.

Islam protects the rights of non-muslims, especially if they live under muslim rule. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?whoever kil ls a mu?aahid, will not smell the fragrance of paradise, although it fragrance can be detected from a distance of forty years.? (Bukhari) What is meant by the word mu?aahid, is a non-muslim, living in muslim lands, or a non-muslim who has a deal or treaty with the muslims. Thus, Islam

protects their l ives, and ensures they are granted safety. How can we claim that Islam promotes terrorism?

Nonetheless, it is only natural that if you are attacked that you defend yourself . Those in Iraq, Palestine, Syria, have every right to f ight back. But as the saying goes, ?one man?s freedom f ighter is another man?s terrorist.? It seems that those who stand up to defend their l ives as long as they are muslims, they are labelled as terrorists. Islam is not a way of l ife that accepts humiliation. The concept of Jihad which has been exploited by the media, is in place to defend and protect muslims, and convey the word of Allah. Jihad was not prescribed to target innocent civil ians, or encourage violence or inspire fear amongst masses. Jihad is not a Holy War, or a form of terrorism. The word Jihad translates as ?struggle? or ?strive? and it can be applied to any situation in which a muslim struggles and strives to practise their religion.

In addition, when muslims are commanded to f ight, they have codes of conduct to uphold. Firstly, they are to f ight those that f ight them. In the Qu?ran Allah says,

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?And f ight in the way of Allah those who f ight you, but transgress not the limits.? (Al-Baqarah 2:190) This is clear evidence that muslims are not on a rampage, destroying everyone and everything in their path.

Secondly, we have no right to target women, children or the old. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?Fight, but do not steal (from the captured goods), commit treachery, mutilate the dead, or kil l a

child, or those who reside in houses of worship.? (Muslim) Lastly, we are to stop, when the opponent stops. Allah says, ?And f ight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostil ity except against wrong-doers.? (Al-Baqarah 2:193)

Now, I ask you, how can jihad be termed as terrorism? Look at the above mentioned rules governing combat in Islam. It

does not infringe upon anyone?s rights. It ensure justice and fairness, amongst combatants. How can Islam be a religion of terrorism or encourage terrorism? Islam is a religion whose followers are increasing daily. Do you honestly feel that 1.6 bil l ion plus people are following a religion inclined to violence? I?ll leave you to be the judge. I ask Allah to guide us all to the truth.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut


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As we began talking, I was surprised how soon we became very fast friends. Often I would ask her about Islam. Why was it so tainted? And why islam, why had no other religion earned such a bad reputation? I asked about oppression of women, polygamy, unfair inheritance rights to women, unfair divorce rights, jihad and all the common questions that I f ind people now asking me.

Alhamdulilah, she was very patient with me. At t imes I would disagree and again at t imes I would argue to satisfy my nafs. Deep within I knew most of her explanations were correct. However, soon she had to move to another city due to her father's work. We stayed in touch through phone and internet. I kept reading more about Islam and she continued sending me ayats from the Qur'an.

Such conversations continued, t il l practically and logically I was convinced that Islam did make a lot of sense. Jesus (peace be upon him) as a Messenger of God sounded

more logical and suddenly the idols in my house started seeming lifeless. Why would man even worship clay idols? It did not take a lot of effort to know that if there had to be a religion at all, it would have to be Islam. I knew, a person could either be a Muslim or an atheist. I believed in one God and I had no doubt that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the last messenger.

It was just another day when we were chatting online. I don't exactly remember the conversation or everything that happened. Our brain works in a weird way, I feel. Perhaps, there was so much going on in my mind that it has been majorly erased. All I remember is gathering courage to f inally accept that "her religion" was right. I remember giving my Shahadah. I remember crying in the shower to realise that there was no turning back from here.

Soon, I learnt my f irst surah - Surah Al Fatiha, I prayed my f irst salah in a short skirt! That

was then and today when as I walk in my hijab, and remember that day, Alhamdulil lah I felt Allah (May He be Glorif ied)?s mercy and blessings. I don't know what I did to deserve being amongst the chosen ones.

I must admit that my journey after that was not void of mistakes, sins or pain. But, did I think I would say I believe and I wouldn't be tested? I faced my days and years of low imaan. Days when shaytaan and my nafs overpowered me, when I believed 'it was too dif f icult for me' or 'we will see in future'. Days when I wanted to enjoy a song, watch a movie, be amongst the rich and f launt good clothes. There were days when I felt proud, when I was rude and harsh. Audhubillah (I seek refuge in Allah)! I learnt Arabic, read the Qur'an but missed its essence. I stopped striving. Yet, Allah, Glorif ied is He, was patient with me. He (Glorif ied is He), gave me another chance.

After my graduation (7 years after my shahadah), I was


I had an easy childhood. A happy child I was Alhamdulil lah. When I was in my 10th standard, (15 years of age), I made my first muslim friend- Zinobia. She was everything I thought a muslim

would never be- soft spoken, kind, patient, emotional, sophisticated and humorous. SubhanAllah.

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suddenly left alone. The so called good friends I made were gone into their own lives. I was back at home, looking for work and getting none. Every plan for career failed. I was suddenly made to feel worthless. Suddenly I felt my 7 years were but a waste. I knew the truth, yet turned by back to it. I turned. Yet again. SubhanAllah. I started reading, striving for knowledge. In the

months that came, I learnt more than I had in the 7 years. I strived for my Maker. I l istened to His words. I tried to understand His Noble Revelation. I tried to know about His Prophet (Peace be upon him) and Alhamdulil lah, I was in love. Love that is so pure in its essence. Love that is everlasting and that never hurts.

Til l date, I am striving and

learning. I know I am being tested at every step and I hope that I am able to earn Allah's pleasure. Today, nothing makes me happier than meeting a practising muslimeen and nothing makes me sadder than seeing the ummah go astray.

May Allah (Glorif ied is He) always grant us forgiveness and mercy. Ameen

Misha, for AAT12

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your creator

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I?m sure we are all in search of short cuts to Jannah. An easy way there, an express ticket perhaps? How easy is it for us to attain paradise? We memorise the names of celebrit ies, tv shows, lyrics and famous quotes? why? To f it in to society! Why not memorise the names of Allah, to f it into Jannah?!

Learning the names of Allah, is a method of getting to know Allah. When we know Allah and understand Him, only then can we appreciate His numerous blessings upon us. It is also a means of coming closer to Allah and Inshallah, tasting the sweetness of Iman. The focus of the hadith is to ?perfect? the Names of Allah. The question arises; how? It is to aff irm them, memorise them, understand them and apply them in our lives. We have to believe in these Names of Allah completely, without doubt or distortion. The application of the

names of Allah can be through duaa, by calling on Him by means of those names, or it can be through knowledge of the names and acting upon them. For example; knowing that Allah is Al-Baseer, understanding the implications of this name, i.e. Allah is All-seeing, He sees everything that is secret or done publicly, and His sight is eternal and unlike ours. A person would act upon this name by refraining from sin in public and private; as they are aware that Allah sees them at all t imes, and in every place. This is how we can apply the Names of Allah in our daily l ives.

It?s not dif f icult to learn the names of Allah, and implement them in our lives. But we have to make the effort. Let?s reserve our place in Jannah, and begin learning the names of Allah.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut


The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?Allah has ninety nine names, one hundred less one. And he who perfects it shall enter paradise.?(Bukhari and


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Ar-Rabb means the Creator (Al-Khaliq), the owner (Al-Malik) and disposer of all affairs who bestows His blessings upon His creatures and looks after His righteous servants by setting their hearts aright. It is from this name that the category of Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah is derived. This is the name of Allah which has multiple meanings. Ibn Jareer Tabree (may Allah have mercy on him) says: ?In the Arabic language, there are many usage of the word ?Ar-Rabb?. The leader of the group of people whose command is obeyed is also known as ?Rabb?, whoever plays a character of peace-maker in any affairs is also called by this name and the possessor of any thing is also called ?Ar-Rabb?. Ibn Atheer (may Allah have mercy on him) says: ?when this name is used to refer other than Allah it is spoken with any regard to it. But when used for Allah it is without any relation.? For example: rabb al-?usrah i.e., the head of the family.

Rabb is the All-able, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner, the all-Modest, the all-Sustainer, the All-Knower, the All-hearer, the Benefactor, the most Generous, the Advancer, and the Delayer who can astray whoever He wills, guide whoever He wills, blesses with happiness and wretches whoever He wills, gives respect to whoever He wishes and gives humiliation to whoever He wishes. (Bad?ii Al-Fawaaid 2/212)

Allah?s Divinity (Rabbaniyyah) and Lordship

(Ruboobiyyah) has three categories:

1. Ruboobiyyah Aammah (common): This includes all His creation. Be it obedient or Promiscuous, believer or non-believer, guided or mislead. This nourishment is for all. He gives provision, formulates, rewards, restricts, elevates, gives life and death, promotes and demotes, l imits and liberates, and hears the helpless. Allah says:

?Whoever is within the heavens and earth asks Him; every day He is bringing about a matter.? (Surah Ar-Rahman: 29)

The above ayah il lustrates that, one day He bestows might upon some people and the other day he ruins them owing to their disobedience and committing sins. One day He bestows health and youth and another day He inf licts weakness upon certain people. One day He removes grief and sorrows from hearts and the other day He causes certain people to feel grief and sorrow.

2. Ruboobiyyah khaassa (special): This is special for His friends only. He strengthens their Iman (faith), keeps them in His worship, gives them food of mercy and forgiveness, takes them from darkness to light, provides them with easiness and keeps them away from dif f iculties, facil itates them in every good and protects them from every evil.


One of the beautiful Names of Allah is ?Ar-Rabb,? which is also one of the greatest names. It has occurred 900 times in the Qur?an which makes it the second most occurred name after

the name ?Allah?. Allah (May He be glorif ied) says:

?Say, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Rabb of the worlds.? (Surah Al-an?am:162)

Asma Was Sifaat # 4

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3. Ruboobiyyah khaass al-khassa (very special): This is for the Prophets and Messengers only. We f ind that in the Qur?an and Sunnah the Prophets and the Believers supplicate Allah starting with ?Rabbana? in hope for this special nourishment. Glory is to Allah!

It is essential that the one who believes in ?Rabb? must also practice pure worship of Allah.

?Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me.?(Surah Al-Anbiya: 92)

?O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous,? (Surah Al-Baqarah: 21)

Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the life to come and keep us safe from the torment of the Fire.

By Maliha Rahmat


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Do you ever remember being desperate, depressed. Everything seemed blue and wretched. Your life was perhaps totally screwed up, and what you desired for or what you really wanted

seemed to be too far fetched or impossible.

Your despondency shrouded you like a cloak of darkness and you craved for at least one ray of hope, one glimmer of l ight that might dispel away your anguish?

Perhaps, dear friends we don?t recall these terrible times, after all isn?t it typical of us to forget the favours that the Almighty has bestowed on us, but I suppose that each and every one of us has had our ups and downs in life, may be the intensity gradient may have dif fered, but nevertheless, we may have been through such turbulences.

When we do happen to be in such travails, isn?t it characteristic of us then to turn to our Lord, THIS is the time we start acknowledging the Might of The Almighty, we fall on our knees in submission, we lengthen our prayers, we hasten to do good deeds to please Him, we pray whilst sitt ing, standing even whilst we are laying, our distress haunts us and we turn then to our Creator.

And Subhan Allah when Allah cures us of our agony, then what do we do, dear brothers and sisters? Do we stick to our resolutions, our promises? Perhaps for a short interval of t ime we may, but don?t we then revert back to our old habits, our old ways?

Dear friends are we aware of the fact that this characteristic pattern of our nature has actually been recorded in the Holy Qur'an;

?And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him! Thus is made fair seeming to the wasteful that which they used to do.? (Surah Yunus 10:12)

Doesn?t it create a ripple of fear in our hearts, dear friends to actually realize that we too fall in the aforementioned criteria?

Allah the most Exalted condemns and crit icizes those who behave in such an abhorrent way or those who have these qualit ies by saying:

?Thus is made fair seeming to the wasteful which they used to do.? (Surah Yunus 10:12)

I plead you all, dear friends, to repent to Al Ghafoor (the Most Forgiving) for all the ungrateful attitudes that we have indulged in, for indeed a true believer doesn?t fall in the aforementioned category and we should also always try to be grateful to The Most Merciful. Moreover it is imperative that we try to remain f irm in the resolutions that we make, I know, ?Old Habit Die Hard? but they DO die. We have to work hard in order to completely annihilate them, please perceive that truly too much is at


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the aforementioned category and we should also always try to be grateful to The Most Merciful. Moreover it is imperative that we try to remain f irm in the resolutions that we make, I

know, ?Old Habit Die Hard? but they DO die. We have to work hard in order to completely annihilate them, please perceive that truly too much is at stake were we to behave in a way

that results in crit icism by the King of the Kings!

O Allah! I beg of you to forgive me, I beg of you to make me among those who are grateful to you, I beg of you to make me among the true believers, I beg of you to make me remember and acknowledge each and every favour that you have bestowed on me for verily each and every thing that we have is undoubtedly a blessing from You, I beg of you to strengthen and

help me, I supplicate to You, Ya Rabb to protect me from anything that may result in obtaining YOUR crit icism.

Indeed, You are the Al-Seeing, the All Hearing Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen.

By Bint Ayesha

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Journey to the hereafter

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In the aforementioned verse, the state of this ummah on that Day is predestined. It is said that the people would be horror-struck. They would be affrighted with the severe torment of Allah (Glory Be To Him). Of course who wouldn't be in a state of intense fear when the time to take their accounts has approached?!My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the life of this world is transient. It is impermanent and momentary. It is an enjoyment of deception.

?And the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.? [57:20]

When the Day of Judgement, or Yawm-al Qiyamah, approaches, the worldly l ife will come to an end and all will be destroyed. Each and every individual will have to account for his/her actions, and their f inal fate will be decided by Allah. Let us discuss and learn some of the minor signs of the Hour.

1- The disappearance of knowledge and the

appearance of ignorance.

This has been reported by Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah and Ahmad. The knowledge of the Qur'an would disappear and ignorance would become prevalent. The hour will not come until ignorance will become widespread. As in, there would not be any single knowledgeable person alive who would enjoin the good and forbid the evil! Allah will not remove knowledge from the people, rather He will remove the knowledgeable people.

2- Honesty will be lost. This has been reported by Al Bukhari. The Hour will not be established until there will be widespread fallacy. The people at that t ime would be deceitful and defrauding. In every single matter, they would be devious. May Allah (Glory Be To Him) make us steadfast upon deen and honesty. Ameen

3- A man will pass by a grave and wish that he was in their place.

Some renowned scholars of Islam say that this sign before the Day will be caused due to the cumbersome life a person would be facing that t ime. Remember my dear brothers and sisters, whatever burdens you might be facing in this l ife, will go one day. They are transient. Wishing for death, if the reason for it is dif f icult ies in worldly matters, is forbidden because wishing for death in that case is indicative of impatience or panic as a result of the calamity that has befallen. In conclusion, the signs of the hour are already beginning to appear. I would like to arouse all of us to prepare for the Day when we all will face our Lord. Make each second count and util ise it for gaining rewards. May Allah make us all among the inhabitants of the highest level of Jannah. Ameen By Bint Nayeem


Allah Says, "The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will

not be drunken, but severe will be the Torment of Allah." (Al-Quran, 22:2)

Signs of the Hour # 3

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Some suggested putting up a f lag, others recommended using the bells l ike the Christians, another person advocated lighting up a f ire like the magians, yet others proposed a trumpet like the horn used by the Jews, but it was Umar (May Allah he pleased with him) who was the f irst to suggest that a man should call (the people) for the salah.

However it was Abdullah bin Zaid (May Allah he pleased with him) who, in his dreams saw a man who guided him as to the wordings of the the Adhan

Therefore, one should realize the signif icance of the Adhan, for verily it is the call to worship the Kings of the Kings, our Creator, Allah.

And indeed the caller to such an important message is rewarded beautifully.

The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: ?Paradise is affirmed for him who pronounces the Adhan, sixty Hasanah (good deed) will be written for him, and for

every Iqamah, he will get thirty Hasanah.?

[Sahih Hadith, reported by Ibn Majah, ad-Darul-Qutni, al-Hakim and authenticated by al-Albani in al-Silsilah al-Sahih no 42]

Subhan Allah! Who would ever think that one would be rewarded with the gardens of paradise just for giving out the Adhan, indeed we should appreciate how important the Adhan is.

In another hadith The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: 

?The Mu?adhdhin (the one who calls for the prayer) will be forgiven, as much as he raises his voice (with the Adhan), and everything fresh and dry that hears him will ask forgiveness for him (in another version will witness for him or attest for him).?

[Ahmed, Abu Dawoud, at-Tabarani and authenticated by al-Albani in Sahih at-Targhib wat-tarhib no 233 and 234]

Dear brothers, it is imperative

that we understand the signif icance of calling out the Adhan, as you can see in the above hadith that everything that hears your voice, by the mercy of Allah will attest for you.

Another beautiful hadith in this regard

Isa bin Talhah said: I was with Mu?awiyah bin Abu Sufyan (May Allah he pleased with him) when the Mu?adhdhin came in and called for prayer. Mu?awiyah (May Allah he pleased with him) said: ?I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) say: ?The Mu?adhdhineen will have the longest necks on the Day of Resurrection.? [Sahih Muslim]

This Hadith highlights the eminence of Mu'adhdhin and Adhan. Adhan means calling people to the worship of Allah. Mu'adhdhin (the caller) gets reward for the Salah of all those who hear his Adhan and in response turn up for Salah.

The phrase "will have the longest necks'' has been given dif ferent interpretations. One


In the early times of Islam, when the Muslims arrived in Madinah, they would guess the time of the salah. Hence, in order to clarify the confusion, a modus was suggested by which people

would be called for the salah.

Ways to Jannah # 4

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of them is that they are those who long for the Mercy of Allah more than anyone else. An alternative interpretation is that their necks will grow longer on the Day of Requital and so sweat will not reach them, for everyone will sweat on that day depending on his deeds: sweat will reach up to one's ankles or knees or waists. In the case of some people, sweat will reach up to their mouths.

Another interpretation is that those who call Adhan will have an honourable and great status on the Day of Judgement.

[Riyad-us-Saliheen (English) Imam An-Nawawi, Published by Darussalam, Hadith 1034] I pray to The Most Merciful to grant my brothers opportunities to call out the Adhan with sincerity and thereby pave a path for themselves to Jannah.


By Bint Ayesha


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Self Improvement

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I never really stopped a moment to truly appreciate the beautiful sun ref lecting off the pure white snow or the dif ferent sounds made and colourful birds outside my window. Before I became Muslim, I would often use my sight for things that added litt le or no value to my spiritual and emotional self . I never appreciated the true beauty around me until I reverted to Islam. Subhana'Allah, when Allah Guides us, He not only opens our eyes but also our hearts! For verily, even though I could see, I never looked beyond anything except for its physical value.

"Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind." (22:46)

I once travelled through the earth as a creature who could see everything yet my heart was full of darkness! When the gif t of Islam touched me, I felt true to Allah's Mighty Words and as I read the Qur'an more and more, I could not believe the truth and Powerful Words of our Lord! The Signs of Allah were everywhere for us to see and to ref lect: 

"Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and We produce thereby fruits of varying colours? And in the mountains are tracts, white and red of varying shades and [some] extremely black." (35:27) "And among people and moving creatures and grazing livestock are various colours similarly. Only those fear Allah , from among His servants, who have knowledge. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Forgiving." (35:28)

It is He who sends down water for you from the

sky, from which comes a drink for you, and the shrubs that you feed to your animals. (16:10)

Everything became clearer to me and I looked at the world in a dif ferent l ight. The things I used to take for granted, were now things I marvelled at with awe and excitement. It is as if I could see for the very f irst t ime! All the colours and the sounds of nature surrounding me were all beautiful creations of Allah the Almighty. How Perfect is our Creator! He Who brings the night into day and the day into night! He, Who Provides us with everything we need. How grateful we should be for all the blessings and bounties! We may not realize just how blessed we are because we often take our health and wealth for granted. We walk about the earth with eyes lowered to our phones or our laptops. When we take a simple moment to lif t our heads from our electronic devices, we will truly realize just how blessed we are. To be able to see the birds f lock together, to be able to turn your head to the sky with eyes wide and bright, ref lecting on the clouds that Allah has held up without any pillars! Glory be to Him the one who made us something out of nothing! What a beautiful gif t it is to be able to see and to breathe and to hear all the beautiful things that surround us. If you never took the time out to explore the Signs of Allah all around you, then, now is the time. Do not let the darkness of the heart take over or the darkness of the grave overcome you. Look with your heart and you will truly see with your eyes all the true Blessings of Allah and it is only until then, you will realise that you are truly a blessed creation by your Merciful Creator.

By Umm Abdur-Rahman25

Born and raised in the West, I never realised the beauty of nature surrounding me. I was always too busy with the fast-paced world called life.

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Good manners with Allah may be dif f icult to understand at f irst, as Allah is not present in front of us, so it may appear confusing as to how we can have good manners with Allah. So we need to understand some important issues regarding it.

What is good character with Allah?

Good character is being pleased with Allah?s legislative, universal rulings and decrees. Legislative rulings being the Do?s and Dont?s in the Shariah. It also means to submit to the legislation, that is to accept everything Allah has said without any complain or dissatisfaction. How many of us have done so every time we learn about something in Islam that is displeasing to our situation? We say it?s ok to pluck our eyebrows, because our husbands say so, we can wear our pants below our ankles as I have to look formal for work, we won?t keep a beard as we don?t want to be recognized as terrorists. We make excuses all the time. This not good manners with Allah, it shows we are displeased with the laws of Allah. If we truly want to be good Muslims with good character we need to accept everything with a smile and remember that everything in Islam is best for us. We can never negotiate anything with the orders of Allah, we can never change the Deen. We cannot make petty excuses for not following the Qur?an or Sunnah. Accepting, and being content with everything with our eyes closed is good manners with Allah. We will come to see that every word that the Prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him) has uttered is 100% fact. Some have been proven by science and some maybe not in the present but in the future we will see them proved. Allah is the Creator and only the creator can know what is good for His creation. We are part of the creation. Who are we to judge what Allah has said? Indeed, can we question if we don?t have knowledge? We have to accept the laws of Allah, who is the All-Knowing, All-Aware, with a content heart.

We cannot question as to whom Allah chose as Prophets, Allah has mentioned them in the Qur?an praising them. We cannot speak badly about the Prophet?s companions as they were the best of people and Allah has mentioned them too in the Qur?an. Moreover, we should always be pleased be with what is written in our predestination (Qadr) and not ask questions, such as ?Why does Allah do this to me?!? Being sad with something that has a bad impact on us is normal, but we have to understand that whatever Allah decrees is a test for us, as to how much patience we exhibit.

How can we acquire good Character with Allah?

We need to start by obeying the rulings of Allah having f irm belief, with certainty and conviction, in one's heart and soul, not tainted by doubt or uncertainty. This will enable us to complete the obligatory actions, Salah, Fasting, Charity etc. and doing them in the best possible manner which includes pure intentions, on time etc...


On the authority of Abu Sa?eed al-Khudree in a narration ascribed to the Prophet: ?The most complete of the believers in their Iman are those who have the best manners, who are humble, who join hearts and their hearts are joined. There is no good in the one who does not join the

hearts nor is his heart joined.?

Our Character # 4

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We can gain more knowledge and act upon all the teachings of the Qur?an and Sunnah trying to act upon hem in the best possible way. We can come closer to Allah, and acquire good character with Him, by engaging in voluntary acts.

We should refrain from questioning the actions of Allah, what He chose and what He has done. We should be grateful and pleased with what Allah has decreed. We always have to make Du?aa to asking Allah to ref ine our character the best, for nothing is possible without Allah?s help.

Lastly we must educate ourselves about good character. We will need reminders to implement it, because it is not easy. Reminders will serve to help us to revive the struggle for attaining good character.

May Allah beautify our characters.

By Fatima Damad


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Let?s tackle this celebration from a dif ferent angle. The occasion of Valentine?s day, runs deeper than a mere celebration. It is a promotion of customs that are prohibited, and alien to Islam. The Western world has embraced the idea of boyfriend/girlf riend relationships; and now many muslims are welcoming it into their l ives and homes. Litt le do they realise the enormity of the sin behind these relationships, and the devastating consequences thereof.

Islam puts an end to a crime before it even occurs. That?s why Allah says, ?and do not approach zina.? (Al-Isra 17:32) Allah warns not to even go close because He is All-Knowing, and knows that

one small baby step leads to the next. It seems harmless, a look, a touch? but Allah knows, that one simple look may be the cause of a later regret. So He tells us to end it from the beginning.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?no man is alone with a (non-mahram) woman, but satan will be the third among them.? (Tirmidhi)

The Prophet has forewarned us that Shaytaan will keep us company in such a situation. And what else is Shaytaan?s aim, except to make you fall? He?s occupied that vacancy for centuries, and he?s perfected his techniques. None is insensitive to his pervious tricks. You may think that you?ve got it under control; but that is also one of Shaytaan?s tricks.

Once you believe you are safe, and nothing will happen, shaytaan has you round his litt le f inger, and he will strike from where you least expect.

In addition, what leads to haram, is haram too. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?if you were to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle, it would be better for him that touching a woman whom he is not permitted to touch.? (At-Tabarani) This is the seriousness of the issue. Imagine an iron needle being driven into your head. Sounds painful right? Extremely painful. You can almost feel the agony, just by imagining it. The Prophet said that was better for you. Subhanallah, touching a non-mahram is a great sin!


With the upcoming so-called Valentine?s Day, I thought it would be important to address the topic, from a different perspective. We all are fully aware, I?m sure, of the prohibition of imitating the disbelievers, and joining in their celebrations, be it Christmas, New Year?s,

Valentine?s or any other invented celebration not from the Sunnah.

Muharramat # 4

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People have become careless about this issue, and do not pay heed to the sayings of the Prophet. Societal and peer expectations have inf iltrated the mind of the youth, so much so that it is necessary to have a 'relationship' to be accepted amongst friends.

If a person does not have a ?valentine? often they are deemed as ugly, or nerdy and are usually ignored. As muslims we have higher standards. We do not need to be accepted by people, friends or society. We do not need to blend in. Rather, all we need is to attain the acceptance of Allah and His pleasure, and Allah will sort the rest out. Allah is our ?Wakeel? (close

protecting friend), and no one else matters. Truth is, we claim Islam, and we call ourselves muslims, yet we try to f it into a non-muslim society! Why?!!! Allahu-Alam!

Be not fooled. Every part of the body is capable of fall ing into zina. For the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?the eyes may commit zina, the hands may commit zina, the feet may commit zina, and the private parts commit zina.? (Ahmad) In another hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) clarif ied this further, he said, ?the zina of the eyes is looking, the zina of the ears is l istening, the zina of the tongues is speaking, the zina of the hand is touching, and the zina of the foot is walking.

The heart wishes and longs and the private part confirms that or denies it.? This hadith makes it clear that every part of the body is responsible for zina. One baby step leads to another. Shaytaan, makes you start small. Shaytaan?s priority is to lead mankind astray, through every means possible. His primary tool is deception, by which he makes sins fair-seeming. On the Day of Judgment we will be held responsible for the actions of our entire body. Then we will have to bear the consequences of our actions, and we will be recompensed for our deeds.

May Allah keep us safe.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut

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Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to the world, he was sent as a mercy to mankind. He was not the prophet of the Arabs, and nor was his message limited to Arabs. Islam is universal; its teachings are meant for everyone from every type of background and culture. Muslims span the four corners of the world and the majority of them do not speak Arabic. Perhaps they know a few words here and there, but religion or clothes does not necessitate ability to converse in any given language, let alone Arabic.

In the multicultural society that is promoted in today?s world, often it is dif f icult to distinguish between the limits of a culture and the religion of a person. That?s not to say religion and culture are not allowed to mix. Rather, people carry a cultural baggage with them, that is so heavy and burdensome, yet they are unwill ing to put it down and embrace the simplicity of their religion. Cultural practices are woven into Islam to such a degree, that some have come to believe that the cultural practice is part of the religion.

Islam allows culture. Allah says in the Qur?an, ?O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has

full knowledge and is well acquainted (of all things).? (Al-Hujurat 49:13) Islam promotes multi-culturism and inter-cultural activit ies; yet Allah makes it clear, that it is righteousness, that is priority. The deen of Allah takes precedence over culture.

Cultural practices that are in accordance with Islamic ruling are fully permitted, however those that are in conflict with the laws and limits of Allah, have to be abolished. We have to let go of the cultural baggage that t ies us down, as it may be the cause of our downfall. Let?s look to the example of the Sahabah, they ensured that Islam reached us in its full purity. They did not tarnish it with cultural practices, or attach extra luggage to it. They abandoned their cultural practices that were not in line with Islamic teachings, in order to preserve this deen and reap the most benefit from it. They stopped the kil l ing of new born girls, the consummation of alcohol, the divination of arrows, music and so many other practices that were part of their culture. They took hold of Islam with a f irm grasp. May Allah be pleased with them all. We ask Allah to help us keep our religion pure, and unite us with the Sahabah in Jannah. Ameen.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut


Isn?t it rather weird, when someone assumes that you speak Arabic, merely because you wear the hijab? Has it ever happened to you? I wish it was true that I could miraculously speak Arabic

when I don my hijab, but sadly it?s not.

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Sisters Section

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For verily Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported, ?I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) saying, ?Whosoever visits an ailing person or a brother of his to seek the Pleasure of Allah, an announcer (angel) calls out: 'May you be happy, may your walking be blessed, and may you be awarded a dignif ied position in Jannah.?? (Tirmidhi)

And what about us, my dear friends, isn't it really a sad reality, that while our Muslim brothers and sisters are suffering across the globe, and whilst our brothers and sisters in Syria scream out of hunger and pain, we covetously f il l our stomachs with all types of savouring dishes; relishing food and not giving a second thought to those moving in empty stomachs.

Ibn Umar narrated that the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, ?The believer eats in one stomach

whilst the kaafir eats in seven.? Narrated by Al-Bukhari (5081) and Muslim (2060)

A grieving mother holds her weak and frail baby daughter in her arms, who may be about to breathe her last breath. Can you imagine what the mother is going through as she sees the fruit of her heart deteriorate with the passing of each day? I ask you my friends, what did that poor child need, just milk, isn't it? Can't we afford to aid them at this time of their distress? To reach out a helping hand to them to bury away their grief? They are out there freezing to death, with no warm clothes or a roof to shelter them from the biting cold.

A man lies dead on the snow, with his shahadah f inger pointing, yet another father carries his dead son in his arms while we lay on our comfortable beds, under the warm comforters, with the heater on and carry on to enjoy a sweet sleep ignorant

to the plight of our brothers and sisters while they cry in ash - sham.

The Muslims are dying, suffering, being persecuted, being tormented!

Is it that our hearts has hardened that we don't stretch our hands out to them in this moment where help is much sought for!

The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, "No one of you becomes a true believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself ." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Why don't we learn from the epitome of goodness, the Mother of the Believers, Zainab bint Khazeemah (May Allah be pleased with her)? She was chosen by Allah to be the wife of the best person to walk on the face of this earth. Shouldn't we try to follow the footsteps of this great lady, who left a marked example in the annals of history? Surely, she is our icon!


She was known as the ?Mother of needy?, even before the advent of Islam, and this beautiful trait of hers magnified even more so after she converted, since Islam strongly advocates giving in

charity. This was because she could not see a person in hunger or in dire need.

# 4 Zainab Bint Khazeemah

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Dear friends, please remember the hadith of our Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) where he is reported to have said: "The Believers, in their mutual love, mercy and compassion, are like one body: if one organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever." [Bukhari & Muslim]

Oh ash ? sham, our heart cries out for you and we make duaa to relieve you of distress and anxiety and we pray that Allah may make you from the inhabitants of Jannatul Firdaus.

?The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is as the likeness of

corn, it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient, for his creatures needs, All-Knowing? (Al-Baqarah 02:262)

Bint Hasan


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First, let?s ask ourselves these questions? ?what is beauty?? ?what symbolises beauty?? ?what is oppression?? and ?what is freedom?. Beauty to me, is what Allah gave me, physically and mentally. My beauty isn?t for the world to see. People say it is sil ly for muslim women to let men oppress them by tell ing them to cover their beauty. Would you call it a freedom when men gazed at you with lustful thoughts and allowing yourselves to be a slave to please men and other human beings? So, is sheltering yourself from being an object of sexual needs and freeing yourselves from being a slave to others, your definit ion of oppressed? If yes, I would rather be oppressed.

I remember during my pre-practicing days, whenever I would go out, it was so tedious. I looked at myself in the mirror a lot of t imes. I spent t ime in front of the mirror, trying to decide what clothes I should wear, f ixing my hair, applying my makeup. For what? Just so that I could justify myself in front of the

creation? Just so I could blend in with the rest? What I didn't realise was that I was slaving myself for other people?s acceptance! I was a servant of magazine, fashion and media. Is that what freedom really is? But now, I look at the mirror and check whether my aurah is showing. I look at the mirror and ask myself ?Is this enough to please Allah?? I do not have to worry about others? acceptance. I do not have to worry about my hair, about my makeup, or how good I look. As long as my Creator is pleased with me, I am f ine. This is my definit ion of freedom.

They say it?s a waste and stupid for muslim women to cover their beauty. Is that so? Does showing your hair symbolise your intellect? Does showing your bosom makes you feel pretty? Does wearing shorts makes you superior? No, to all of that. There are many muslimah who cover themselves and excel in their career. We have doctors, we have lawyers, we have teachers. Are you denying their intellectual abilit ies? Are you calling them stupid or

ugly? Clothing is nothing. It does not imply one?s intellectual capability! Your beauty, is God's gif t to you, only you, not a gif t to everyone else. It?s what makes you unique from others. Why do you want to share it with the rest of the world? Why do you want to show something that sets you apart from others? Let?s ask ourselves again, are we really being oppressed? Give it a shot. Grab an abaya, a loose hijab, cover your feet with socks. Only show your face and hands. Try it for a day. You can feel the freedom.

Whilst the non-muslim, the liberal minded, the media, have gone crazy in painting the image of Islam as oppressing women, they forgot to point out that Islam is a fair religion that gives women their rights. This can be seen in Surah An-Nur:

?Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do.? (24:30)


One of the biggest misconception about Islam is that it oppresses the women by forcing them to cover themselves. Worse, there are some muslimahs (May Allah lead them to the righteous path) who agree

with this statement. They call themselves ?liberal minded muslimahs?.

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?And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except

that which [necessarily]

appears...? (24:31)


The two ayahs clearly show that the men were ordered

to lower their gaze f irst, then the ordered for women came

in next ayah. Both parties need to respect both

genders. Nope. Definitely

not oppression!

By Anisah Matasim

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Zahir bin Haram was a simple man of the dessert. Whenever he would visit Madinah he would bring gif ts for the Prophet peace be upon him. The Prophet cared for him when he was in town and

engaged with him in a friendly manner. Narrated Anas bin Malik:

?There was a man from the people of the desert whose name was Zahir bin Hizam (or bin Haram). And he was loved by the Prophet ? He was (also) not of a pleasant (facial) appearance. The Prophet

(peace be upon him) came to him one day, while he was selling his goods (in the market) and embraced him (from behind) so that he could not see who it was Zahir asked, ?Tell me, who is this??, he turned and found it was the Prophet (peace be upon him), so he continued to rub his back (and

cling) onto the chest of the Prophet. Upon this, the Prophet peace be upon him held him and said in jest to those around him: ?Who would like to buy a slave (from me)?? He (Zahir) said: ?O Messenger of Allah, by Allah you will f ind me to be a poor sell (i.e. I?ll be of no value)?. The Prophet said: ?But

with Allah you are valuable.? (Al-Bayhaqi)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) loved his Sahabahs and would often joke with them. Would it not put a smile on your face to be able to mess around with the Prophet?!

The Jokes of Rasulullah


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Dr. Rayan F. Arab

Editor in chief (Expatriates Division)

Bibi Zainab Dowlut


Bibi Tasneem Boodhoo


Anisah Matasim

Maliha Rahmat

Fatima Damad

Maha Bint Nayeem

Bint Ayesha

Bint Hasan

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