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Top Quali*es of a Great Mentor How to cul)vate a Mentor/Mentee rela)onship

Jerry Novack | Qualities of a Great Mentor

Jan 15, 2017



Jerry Novack
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Page 1: Jerry Novack | Qualities of a Great Mentor

Top  Quali*es  of  a  Great  Mentor  How  to  cul)vate  a  Mentor/Mentee  rela)onship  

Page 2: Jerry Novack | Qualities of a Great Mentor

Why  are  mentors  important?  

Mentors  help  young  professionals  develop  their  own  skillset.    They  understand  that  the  success  of  their  mentees  contributes  to  the  greater  success  of  the  profession.    With  years  of  knowledge  and  experience  to  offer,  mentors  are  a  great  resource.  

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Mentors  are  Teachers  In  the  classroom,  a  student  learns  when  he/she  is  ac)vely  engaged  with  the  material.    He/she  should  be  excited  about  their  work  and  the  opportuni)es  it  will  bring  them,  and  their  teacher  should  match  this  excitement.    The  same  dynamic  is  rewarded  in  a  mentor/mentee  rela)onship.  

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Top  Quali)es  

•  Respects  the  Two-­‐Way  Street  •  Provides  construc)ve  cri)cism  •  Con)nues  to  learn  for  him/herself  •  Embraces  posi)vity  

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The  Two  Way  Street  

•  The  mentor  understands  that  his/her  experience  and  skills  can  influence  many  others.    However,  this  means  more  than  just  giving  lectures  and  presenta)ons.    The  mentor  should  be  ac)vely  involved  with  the  mentee  in  order  to  help  them  determine  their  own  business  philosophy  and  strategies.  

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Construc)ve  Cri)cism  

•  When  working  with  someone  new  to  the  field,  it’s  easy  to  only  see  their  flaws.    Remember  how  difficult  your  own  professional  development  was  for  you  when  you  first  started.    Instead  of  discouraging  your  mentee,  challenge  them  and  advise  them  through  obstacles  specific  to  their  strengths  and  weaknesses.  

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Learning  for  Learning’s  Sake  

•  The  real  estate  field  is  undergoing  constant  growth.    It’s  the  mentor’s  responsibility  to  nourish  their  own  exper)se  in  the  field  by  staying  updated  in  these  developments  in  order  to  educate  their  mentees.  

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It’s  easy  for  the  everyday  working  person  to  become  jaded  their  work,  but  a  good  mentor  will  be  both  upbeat  in  their  personal  and  professional  lives.    Mentees  can  provide  a  fresh  outlook  on  the  field  that  mentors  can  u)lize  in  their  rela)onship.  With  a  posi)ve  aRtude,  anything  is  possible.  

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