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Winter 2013 / Volume 14 jayhawk Inside This Issue: KU CORE & STUDY ABROAD KU INVESTS IN CURRICULUM INTEGRATION THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS DESIGN STUDENTS EXCEL ABROAD NEW STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS The The Newsletter for the University of Kansas Study Abroad Alumni and Friends PLANET Nicholas Castans on a KU Core approved Arabic language program in Morocco. Read more about the new Core curriculum on page 2!
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Page 1: Jayhawk Planet 2013

Winter 2013 / Volume 14

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Inside This Issue:KU Core & StUdy AbroAd KU InveStS In CUrrICUlUm IntegrAtIon

thAnK yoU to oUr donorSdeSIgn StUdentS exCel AbroAdnew StUdy AbroAd ProgrAmS


the newsletter for the University of KansasStudy Abroad Alumni and Friends


Nicholas Castans on a KU Coreapproved Arabic language program in Morocco. Read more about the new Core curriculum on page 2!

Page 2: Jayhawk Planet 2013

this year, two KU stu-dents were recognized for excellence in design after being inspired while studying abroad. leslie montes of houston, Texas, was a finalist for the James dyson Award for her work while she studied at the Istituto europeo di design in madrid. henry lennon, of branson, mo., received the Academic excellence Award for Architecture from the danish Institute for Study Abroad in Copenhagen. montes received the honor for her design of the Arc tap, an easily-operable faucet designed for everyone to use, regardless of ability. the James dyson Award is an international competition that recognizes excellence among new designers. “For the prompt, we had to put ourselves in other people’s shoes—especially people with disabilities—and target products that could be problems for them,” montes said. “we decided on a fau-cet, because they can be hard to use for anyone.” montes developed the Arc tap while studying abroad in madrid. montes wanted to study in Spain because her father is from madrid, but because KU does not current-ly offer a design program in Spain, montes did her own research to find an appropri-ate program. “It was discouraging in the beginning, but I’m the kind of person who won’t stop until

I get what I need,” montes said. her work on the Arc tap demonstrated similar ded-ication. After around three months of planning, montes and her partner created an Arc Tap model, filmed a video showcasing its features and submitted it to the competi-tion. “my partner and I were both really passionate about the project,” montes said. “we felt this energy going

through the whole process; we’d have achievements along the way and get really excited. we were proud of the results.” henry lennon expressed similar feelings, and acknowl-edged that immersing him-self in danish culture helped inspire his work. dIS faculty selected lennon’s design out of 122 other entries and awarded him the Academic excellence Award for Archi-tecture.

lennon said his professor believed lennon’s absorption of danish culture showed in his work. “he told me that he could tell I didn’t just spend all my time in the studio,” lennon said. “that’s what study abroad is all about. the pro-fessor gives you projects that are supposed to reflect you going out and having that cultural experience.” lennon said his class-mates also provided a source

By Courtney Moore

The Jayhawk Planet

KU Students Recognized for Excellence in Design


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Winter 2013 / Volume 14

of inspiration and encourage-ment. “It expanded my mind,” lennon said. “not only seeing europe, but getting the perspective of the students in my classes. they were all so different and brought so much to the table.”

“If you put your focus on your experience, it will subcon-sciously make its way into your work,” lennon said. lennon admits to working hard in his classes, but he

this fall, the University of Kansas launched an innova-tive new curriculum. the KU Core curriculum integrates KU’s educational goals with every undergraduate major. the new curriculum encour-ages students to be creative and think critically, to develop a sense of social responsibili-ty, and to cultivate an appre-ciation for cultural diversity among students. one of the distinctive features of the new KU Core is that experiences such as study abroad, undergraduate research, internships, and service learning can be ap-plied toward core completion. these opportunities increase student knowledge, develop skills, and clarify values. to support the design, devel-

opment, and expansion of experiential learning across the KU campus, the Provost’s office established the Col-laborative for experiential learning, which is comprised of representatives from Civic and Social responsibility (formerly Service learning), Study Abroad, International Programs, the University Ca-reer Center, and Undergradu-ate research. Student mobility through Study Abroad directly sup-ports goal 4.2 of the new KU Core, which seeks to ensure students gain “cultural under-standing and global aware-ness” through their KU educa-tion. Students can meet Core goal 4.2 through a semester or year-long study abroad experience or through a uni-versity approved short-term program.

Study Abroad Integrated into New KU Core Curriculum

By Angela Perryman by placing Study Abroad squarely within the new KU Core, the university has demonstrated the value of an international education. the new KU Core is equipping students to think, work, and lead on a global basis, and through well-crafted and immersive study abroad ex-periences students are able to meaningfully engage with the world’s varied commu-nities, strengthening their academic and career oppor-tunities. these experiences turn a good education into a great one and, as one of only a few public members of the Association of American Universities to recognize the value of experiential learning within an undergraduate cur-riculum, KU is a true leader in this field.

thank you!through the generous support of our alumni

and friends, the Office of International Programs,

the Office of the Chancel-lor, and the Office of the

Provost, 196 KU students received scholarships for their experiences abroad

in 2013. The Office of Study Abroad would like

to thank the following people for their continued

support this year:

Jeff AlexanderJill Allen

Gwendolyn AllenKirk Allison

Nichole David & Aaron AltmanJulianne Jenkins Arendt &

John D. ArendtMelissa Arrowsmith

Laura Arsenault Bruce Osen & Jane Averill

Angela BaierCynthia Baker

Martin BastianPamela Bayless

Carol BecknerJaime Powell Beringer &

Jeffrey BeringerDuncan Billings

Cheryl BornheimerBoone Bradley

Jennifer BradleyAngela Thyfault Brand

Leanne BreibyCatherine Provost Brennan &

Kevin BrennanDavid BrickerPaul Brickler

Carol Ann Adams BrownMary Brungardt Brown &

David BrownDonna Bryant

G. Wayne BurgeLucy Burgert

Emily BurkhalterElyse Calderon

Thomas & Lizbeth CarignanKathryn Carroll

Kelly CarsonJennifer Cassell

Lauren ChaptmanJason Charay

Ayshea Chavez-Charity


“If you put your focus on

your experience, it will

subconsciously make its

way into your work.”

Leslie Montes (pg 1)

during her time in Spain,

where she designed the

Arc Tap (pg. 1, lower

right). Henry Lennon

(above), presents his

award-winning design

during his class in

Copenhagen, Denmark.

also believes that seeking out new opportunities and enjoy-ing his experience abroad was important. “Sometimes the best work comes when you aren’t even focusing on your work and you’re more focused on life as a whole.”

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The Jayhawk Planet

In October, the Office of the Provost and the Office of International Programs each made a significant invest-ment in expanding the scope and prominence of the “map-ping Study Abroad to the ma-jor” Curriculum Integration initiative (CI). Curriculum integration began in 2012 as an effort to fully integrate study abroad programs into the KU college experience. CI is a collaborative initia-tive between KU academic departments; faculty, staff,

and administrators; and the Office of Study Abroad (OSA) that will connect appropriate study abroad opportunities to the academic curricula in every degree program. through CI, the oSA will iden-tify, approve, and promote key international experienc-es which fit well within the curriculum of a given de-partment, thus ensuring that study abroad is accessible to all students, regardless of their majors. In support of this initiative, the Office of International Programs and the Office of

the Provost will fund three new oSA staff members working directly in support of CI, provide travel grants for faculty developing new programs, and provide addi-tional scholarship resources for students. the new CI staff members will each collaborate with KU schools and departments to identify international partners with strong curric-ular match to KU. they will also assess, approve, and map overseas courses to the KU curriculum; develop major-specific outreach and

KU Invests in “Mapping Study Abroad to the Major” Initiative

thank you!

By Angela Perryman

Maggie ChildsAnna CiencialaDr. Angelika Howard Clark & Mr. Dennis ClarkLee ClemonJ. Winfield & Molly ClineDaniel and Jamie ColbertDean and Elisabeth CollinsKerry ComiskeyBridget ComptonFred ConboyChristopher Confer & Allison Ross Richard Cook II & Morgan FeeneyMichael CookLisa CorbinHannah CowellWalter & Judith Cox Lindsey CurtisChristian CurtisPeter & Caroline CurzonDeborah DaviesJennifer De CiccoMary Elizabeth DebickiAllyn DenningSarah DepriestVerla Wichert DickKristine Karban DickinsonBrian Dillon & Amy LebsackStephen DoyelKirsten DrickeyJoseph DuffyMyri DuncanJacob EnlowJanet Schrunk EricksenDonald EvansRoss FarrisMelissa FaucettSarah FettkeBrenda FinnellBarney Hubert & Kathleen Firns-HubertAshley FissSharon & Stephen FloodEmily FrankeJonathan Freed & Jeni PrzytulaHelen Cheng & David FreyKristina GarciaNancy GarnerJ.P. GerritzAaron GillespieCarolyn Weyforth GlanvillePaula GodwinLogan GolloglyJennifer Anderson GongoraGary GossenCathryn Prutzman Gowan Richard GraineyElizabeth Gray


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Winter 2013 / Volume 14

thank you!

advising materials; and pro-mote “Study Abroad in your major” opportunities to KU students. the faculty and staff travel grants will fund site visits to one of KU’s existing international partners or to a potential new partner. these visits are critical in deter-mining curricular fit with KU, assessing health and safety risks, and gaining a deeper understanding of the com-prehensive student experi-ence at a foreign institution. these experiences empower academic units to be partners in the development, support, and promotion of interna-tional programming for their majors. In an effort to support stu-dents both academically and

financially, funds will also be directed toward annual schol-arships to support students on semester and academic year study abroad programs. Curriculum integration seeks to increase student partici-pation in longer and more transformative international experiences, but the cost of these programs is often an obstacle for students. Financial need among study abroad participants is high, with roughly 65% of students utilizing aid. this scholarship fund will address the cost differential between on-cam-pus and off-campus study, ensuring that study abroad is accessible for all KU students. In supporting these three

Carmen Storm Gray & Brian GrayMichael Greenfield

Lisa Embrey Greenwood & James Greenwood

Amy GressSara Griswold

Margaret Beltz Guenther & Jack Guenther

Beth GurneyWendy Haas

Christopher Hamilton & Katharine Smith

Merri HancksSandra Hannon

Sandra Reyes HansenStephen Hardy

Kathryn HarpstriteKelley Hayden

Kelsey HayesJohn Head & Lucia Orth

Amanda Marnell Heather & John Heather

Elizabeth Sterling Helgerson & Ronald Helgerson

Conrad HendersonVictoria Henley

Charles HenryKeri Davis Hess

Daphne HiattHarley Hill

Joshua Hill & Kimberly MarinacciLarry D. & Donna Manning Horner

Elizabeth HorstRonald Horwege Jeremy Howard

Erin HubertStephen & Mary Anne Hughes

Peter HynesBen Isaacson

Jessica JohnsonJulie Jones

James JonesDale Jones

Janet JustusAnna Parrott Kahns

Ryan KerrJeremy Kliewer

Eric & Julie Peters KnudtsonJason KobylarekLucinda Koenig

Michael KonrathJennifer Kosobud

Carl KrehbielTimothy Kresowik

Kyle Krueger & Barbara ClendeningAnn Kuckelman Cobb

Ellen KuwanaDeborah Lake

Andy Larkin, a biology major and participant on the Semester in San Jose, Costa Rica program, captured this photo during a field trip to the cloud forest of Cerro de la Muerte, where his class conducted a field study. Biology was the first department to colloborate with the OSA on the joint effort to integrate the major curriculum with study abroad.

foundational tenets of the Curriculum Integration initia-tive, the Provost’s office and the Office of International Programs have addressed each of the key obstacles to student participation in study abroad: fit of international coursework with academic degree, faculty engagement and promotion of study abroad to students and ad-visees, and student finances. In doing so, it is anticipated that these investments will produce significant and sustained growth in Study Abroad at KU.


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The Jayhawk Planet

thank you!

As an out-of-state student and one of three children, I’m very aware of the costs of my education. I wanted to attend KU because my mom went to school here and she loves everything about being a Jayhawk. I also knew I want-ed study abroad to be part of my college career. As a high school student, I researched programs, attended information fairs, and visited the Office of Study Abroad (oSA). I was probably overly-passionate, but it paid off. my freshman year I began narrowing down program options with the help of the Office of Study Abroad and the Peer re-source library, and I decided to spend a semester at mas-ayrk University in the Czech republic. I knew I would need a substantial amount of scholarships to cover my

expenses during a semester abroad. through the support of the oSA, the KU business School and the College of liberal Arts and Sciences, I was awarded $10,000 for my semester abroad. I was ecstatic when I received the email from oSA because I knew my dream of study abroad was coming true. I used the scholarship money to cover my airfare and tuition. with the little I had leftover, I was able to ex-tend my stay abroad and do a solo backpacking trip across Italy for a month. It was an experience I will never forget. now that I’m back at KU, I’m becoming more aware of how my study abroad ex-perience will benefit me. As a junior, I plan on doing an internship this coming sum-mer. I went through several interviews with many won-derful companies and noticed a common thread: I spent the majority of my interviews

By Emily Farnan answering questions about my study abroad experience and the skills I gained. Studying abroad helped me become flexible, open to new experiences, and cultur-ally aware. It also improved my interpersonal commu-nication skills. As a result of this growth, I was offered an internship with hallmark, Inc., for this coming summer. I am very excited to move to Kansas City this summer and gain valuable work expe-rience. I am certain my study abroad experience made my resume stand out and helped me land this amazing internship. Without the financial support I received, I know my experience abroad would have been almost impossible. I greatly appreciate the con-tributions alumni and friends give towards study abroad scholarships, and I hope I can also give back to KU to sup-port others in the future.

Andrea LanghurstBrian LarkinEllie LasaterAlisa Lasater WailooKerri LeshIan LewisJonathan LinasPaul & Susan LindahlByron Long & Martha RadkeAmanda LuisoGregory LynchMaria Maldonado-MoralesCommander Megan MallarePatrick MartinPatrick MawhinneyMark McBrideMorgan Gray McColloughJoseph Lenart & Renee McGhee-LenartLucas McKeeRobert McKenney & Dr. Jennifer BacaniDianna McKinseySusan Vernon MeierDr. Robert Mettlen & Judith NeilCynthia Ulery MeyerGus & Cheryl MeyerJon MikkelsenDaniel & Jadi MillerWilliam Miller IIISarah MisemerPaul MonsonSteven & Jane MontgomeryMarshall MorrisonCarol Solberg MossKathryn Flaspohlen & Dr. Scott MullenCatherine MurrayHeather MuthMarilee NealeEva NeufeldPhyllis Springer SipahiogluPatricia & Edward O’DayStephen OmanDavid OswaldLouise Page OteroRichard PaegelowTyler PalmerRosanna PandolfoDavid Worley & Elizabeth Parker WorleyRodney ParrChristine PedersonWendy PellowAngela PerrymanCecile & John PetermannPurita Bayon Phearson


How scholarships helped one student go abroad

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Winter 2013 / Volume 14

due in large part to a KU faculty committed to inter-nationalization, the Office of Study Abroad will be offering approximately 60 short-term faculty-led study abroad programs during the win-ter break, spring break and summer of Academic year 2013-14. Short-term study abroad programs fill an important niche in the portfolio of pro-grams offered by the Univer-sity of Kansas. they provide opportunities for internation-al study for those students whose academic, profes-sional and personal com-mitments might otherwise prevent them from studying overseas. these programs may also serve as supported introductions to internation-al travel, paving the way to

future study, internship and research opportunities for students. this year, the oSA and the KU academic units have developed 14 new short-term faculty-led programs en-compassing new disciplines, new destinations, and new collaborations. this winter break, the School of Public Administra-tion and the oSA will offer a 9-day intensive course in South Korea. this program examines how Korean society and government policies are preparing the country for long-term development and sustainability concerns. through this overseas experience, students are challenged to think about the factors that contribute to competitiveness in the global economy. In addition, the School

Jennifer Sanders PhillipsCarrie Gardner Pillsbury

Janet Mark PlattnerMichele Unger Player &

Willian Player Alexzia Plummer

Massimiliano PozzoniBryan Prentice

Zeyna PruzhanovskyChristopher & Jennifer Purvis

Martha RaderStanley Rasmussen &

Teresa Kramer RasmussenTasia RaytonSusan Rehm

Thomas ReidJuliana Reser

James RexfordJanet Marie RiekeJessica Robertson

Jean Hardy Robinson, PhDSennett Rockers &

Akiko ImakawaPatricia Cain Rodewald

Debora RoesslerSusan RomanoChristopher &

Mallory RonnebaumNicolas Root

David Kingsley & Jean Rosenthal

Catherine Bourland RossBarry Rubin

Karen RuckertTom & Jann Rudkin

Cale & Ashley White SadowskiErin Samuelson

Leslie SargentTara Sayre

Tim Schmelmer

New Paradigms for New Programs in 2014of Business and the Office of Study Abroad will be offering our first short-term faculty-led program in Israel in over a decade. In partnership with the tech-nion University in haifa, this two-week program in technology entrepreneurship and Innovation introduces students to Israel’s extraordi-narily successful approach to addressing both the technical and commercial challenges of new ventures. the pro-gram will demonstrate how innovative problem solving has occurred over time. the University of Kansas medical Center, the depart-ment of ecology and evo-lutionary biology, and the Office of Study Abroad have also joined forces to offer a 14-day interdisciplinary learn-ing experience in malawi. this program focuses on the theories of international healthcare and the cultural, ethical and legal issues in-volved in healthcare delivery. by building a team of medical practitioners, clinical faculty, trained and in-training stu-dents, this program seeks to implement a cascade of men-torship that fosters learning and excellence in practice.

By Angela Perryman

Winter BreakArchitecture in Indiaengineering in Indiatechnology & entrepreneurship in Israelgraduate Film in Costa rica Inter-professional global health Initiatives in malawiPublic Administration in South Korea

New Programs in 2014

Spring Break Classics in Italybiography of a City: london

SummerAncient Israel: An Archaeological tourArchitecture and design in ScandinaviaArt in Japaneducation in Cubaenvironmental Film in el SalvadorInternships in Shanghai

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designed by emily grigoneeditorial Staff: Courtney moore, emily Farnan, Jessica rea, & melody Stratton

Financial concerns are often the primary obstacle for students interested in studying abroad. every week, the oSA presents in classes across campus and hosts information tables about international opportunities, and we frequently hear students express concern over the costs of traveling to another country, obtaining a passport and visa, and adjusting to a new cost of living. our most well-attended information session this fall

Norbert & Margaret SchneiderSteven Schnell & Lisa KahnDeborah SchultzSuzanne SchweigGlenn SchwerdtfegerLaura Katherine SmailRyan SmarttDebra SmithShawna SmithKirk SmithAlyson SmithMeghan SmithPatricia Goering Smith & Bill SmithEdith & Donald SnethenSara SpencerAmy Luiso StadlerNathan StangeKelly StewartJoseph StorrsJessica StretzBenjamin TatumJessica Townsend TeagueCarolyn TharpJosef Cunningham & Anne TormohlenEmily TuelLinda Tuller

Tudor & Jenie Van HamptonMegan Thorton VelazquezDaphne VeysStacie Daniels Vincent & Paul VincentJamie von SchaumburgAnne WallaceBrendan WalshTravis Warner

Sandra Warren & Mark MachacJulia WatsonDavid Clarey & Jean WaynePhilip Wedge & Linda DobratzMark & Anne Marie WertinDale WetzelMiranda Wieberholt Myrna WilkinsAllison Williams

Scott WilliamsonMiriam WinstonJuliann Crider WisbrockKathryn Johnson WoodsChole WooldridgeJessica WothkeCasey & Cory WrightJanice McClelland WunderlichMichael Younker

Thank you for your continued support

focused on applying for financial aid and scholarships. It attracted more than 50 students. Although we are proud to send almost one in four under-graduates abroad, we want to make studying abroad a reality for the remaining 75 percent of KU students. to make study abroad accessible for every KU student, we need to increase both the number and size of the scholarships we are able to award to students.

each year, your gifts help stu-dents practice Spanish in Costa rica, learn new design principles in India, build relationships with host families in France, study business practices in hong Kong, and gain valuable work experience in Sydney. we greatly appreciate your financial assis-tance this year and look forward to your continued support in the years to come.

Lippincott Hall1410 Jayhawk Blvd., Rm. 108Lawrence, KS 66045-7515