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Ext JS classes and Scoping

Javascript classes and scoping

Oct 21, 2014



In this class, Jay Garcia describes how classes work on a fundamental level all the way up to the new Ext JS 4.0 class system.
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Ext JS classes and Scoping

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Agenda• Get back to the basics!

• Master references (variables and object keys)

• Learn about the new class system

• Ext.class.Base

• Explore Mixins

• Ext.Loader

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What have I been up to?• Bootstrapping a new company, Modus Create

• Focusing on architecting and building kick-ass Ext JS and Sencha Touch apps!

• Regional and open training on Advanced JavaScript, Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch

• Rapidly expanding and looking for experienced developers (Sencha Touch and Ext JS)


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On the book front...• Early access to Sencha Touch

in Action available.

• Chapters 1-3 being distributed

• Chapter 7 is next to be published

• Chapter 4 will be published in about 2 weeks

• Chapters 5 and 6 are being worked on

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On the book front...• Code for Chapter 1 is being

worked on.

• Expect TOC revisions to cover the latest changes to Ext JS

• Anyone interested in working with me on this project?

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A “variable” reference is a pointer to a chunk of memory where some value or object is stored.

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• Stop saying “variable”!

• Use the word “reference”

• It will remind you of what it really is - a pointer!

• We will use this word from now on

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Global references

• If not scoped with the var keyword, they are treated as globals

• This is dangerous!

• The only globally scoped reference that is sanctioned is a namespace.

• Always lexically scope your references with the var keyword.

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Naming convention

• Reference names should start with a lower case unless it points to a Class (constructor or singleton).

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• Because JavaScript is loosely typed, references can be repointed from one type of value to another.

• This is where “variable” comes from.

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• When one reference is assigned from another, they both point to the same value.

• This assignment does not result in assignment chaining!

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Know thy references!

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References to the same object

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References to the same object

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Pointing to other object members

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No value chaining!

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Passing objects as references

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Defining Functions

• Functions are first class objects

• They have properties and methods

• They extend from Object

• They inherit from Function.prototype

• call and apply methods are inherited

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Know “this"

• In JavaScript, “this” is a magic reference

• It is set upon execution of a function and is accessible inside that function

• “this” defines the execution scope

• Understanding “this” is very important.

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Execution scope defined

•When a function is executed via a var reference, the default execution context (“this”) is “window”.

•When a function is executed via an object key, the execution context (“this”) is the object for which the key belongs.

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Default execution for “var” functions

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Default execution for object-based functions

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What is the execution scope for getName()?

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Execution scope defined

•When a function is executed via a var reference, the default execution context (“this”) is “window”.

•When a function is executed via an object key, the execution context (“this”) is the object for which the key belongs.

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What is the execution scope for getName()?

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It’s easy to mix and match...

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What is the default execution scope for person2.getName()?

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Forcing scope execution

• call and apply can be used to force scope execution.

• In other words, you have full control over the execution scope of any function in JavaScript.

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Take this code...

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Take this code...

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Execute person2.getName();

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A good means to forcing execution scopebut has one major limitation.

You absolutely have to define all of the arguments, which can become a management

nightmare for refactors!

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Function.apply to the rescue

Function.apply allows you to force execution scope, but you pass on a list

of arguments or an array.

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Take this code...

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Execute person2.getName();

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How constructors work

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Objects == root?

• Object is the base “class” for just about everything inside of JavaScript.

• Just about all of the values that you code and interact with extend from Object.

• Strings, Arrays, Functions,etc

• Using the DOM API method document.getElementByID returns an element reference that ultimately extends Object.

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• All objects are initialized with constructors

• Constructors are nothing more than a function that is executed within the scope of a new Object

• It’s that simple!

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Take this code, for example:

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• At this point, this is a normal function.

• Notice the argument.

• What will happen if we execute Person(‘Jay’);?

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• What if...?

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Know when to use new?

• When the new operator is placed in front of an method, that method is treated as a “constructor”.

• Else, it’s treated as a generic function.

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Prototype == reusability

• A “prototype” is an object that is more or less a blue print for future instances of an object

• It allows JavaScript to “stamp out” instances of an object that inherit the same properties

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A prototype in action

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Ext JS 4.0 Class System

•Completely revised from 3.0

•No use for the “new” keyword

•Use Ext.create

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Ext.Base features

• Automatic Namespace management

• Statics support

• Mixin Support

• Built-in override/extension methods

• Plays nicely with the dynamic class Loader system

• Alternate class name (good for deprecation management)

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Creating a class: The Ext.define pattern

Namespaced class reference

Overrides object (methods


Callback method


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Ext.define example

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Auto-generated setters/gettersSetters and getters


Use auto-generated setters!

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Ext JS 4 Class statics

• Provides scope-independent access to static members.

• Applied before constructor is called

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Statics exampleConfigure statics

Access statics

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Ext JS 4 Class Mixin support

• Provides a means for extremely easy multiple inheritance



Mixin Mixin

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Example Mixin class #1

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Example Mixin class #2

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Implementing the Mixins

Mixin instances

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Identifying the cross inheritance

Members from DrivingMixin

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Identifying the cross inheritance

Members from PilotingMixin

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Exercising the mixins

Output from DrivingMixin

Output from PilostingMixin