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Java Basics 1

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 Java Basics 1


    Methods 1 - Introduction to methods

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Basic purpose of methods. Term: call= Execution proceeds to the code in a method. Term: return = Execution of a method finishes and then continues after point of call, possibly using a value form

    the method.

    Term: static method= Method requiring no extra object. Term: instance method= Method that operates on the object before the dot.

    New Java language features

    Static call syntax: className.methodName( arguments ) Instance call syntax:object.methodName( arguments )

    Basic idea - A named group of statements -VerbsBy now you have used a lot of the predefined library methods, and written many main methods. This chapter explains

    methods in more detail.

    Java statements are grouped together in methods. Each method must be inside a class. Every method has a name, which

    starts with a lowercase character and typically is a verb because it does something.

    Other terms: The idea ofmethodis in every programming language, but different terms are used in many languages. You

    might have seen terms like function,procedure, or subroutine. We'll use methodconsistently here, but you will hear

    programmers using these equivalent terms occasionally.

    Business analogy - services provided by anorganizationYou could think of classes as corresponding to departments in an organization, and methods as being the services they

    provide. Let's take an example of calling the telephone information service to get someone's phone number. When you

    make the call, you pass information, the name of the person whose number you want, to the method (information

    service). This called "method" then does something, and returns a value to you (the desired phone number). Just as you

    don't have to know how the information service performs its job, you typically don't need to know exactly how a method

    does its work, unless of course, you are writing it.

    Hierarchical organization. Computer programs are structured in many ways like an organization -- higher levels rely on

    others to do much of the work. They "call" on lower levels to do the work, passing them all necessary "arguments". In a

    similar way, the top level of a computer program, main, often consists largely of method calls, and those methods may in

    turn call on yet other methods.

    Terms: calland returnCall. When a method call is encountered in a program, the program remembers where it was and execution goes to the

    method (calls the method). After a small amount of initialization, the statements in the method are executed starting at

    the beginning.

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    Return. When the end of the method is reached or a return statement is executed, the method returns to the where itwas called from, and execution continues in the calling method from that point. A method may return a value

    (eg, parseDouble) or not (showMessageDialog). The call-return terminology is almost universal.

    Static (class) methodsStatic. This starts with static(also called class) methods because all applications start with the staticmethodmain, and

    many of the early library methods that you use are static methods. Static methods are different thaninstance methods

    because they don't have an extra object passed to them.

    Instance methods are associated with an object (an "instance" of a class).

    Identifying methodsParentheses follow name. You can identify a method name because it is always followed by left and right parentheses,

    which may enclose arguments (parameters). If you see a left parenthesis with a name preceding it, it will be a method call

    or definition, or a constructor(constructors are very similar to methods). In the following example each method name is


    When calling methods outside of the current class, eg, in the Java library, static methods are preceded by the class name

    (followed by a dot), and instance methods are preceded by an object. When a static method is defined, the keyword

    "static" will preceded it. The example below has only static methods.













    // File : methods/ Purpose: Convert kilometers to miles. Use JOptionPane for input /output.// Author : Fred Swartz// Date : 22 Apr 2006

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class KmToMiles {//============================================================

    constantsprivate static final double MILES_PER_KILOMETER = 0.621;


    public static voidmain(String[] args) { //Note1

    //... Local variablesString kmStr; // String km before conversion to double.double km; // Number of kilometers.double mi; // Number of miles.

    //... Input

    kmStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter kilometers.");km = Double.parseDouble(kmStr);

    //... Computationmi = km * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    //... OutputJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, km + " kilometers is "

    + mi + " miles.");}

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    13 }


    1. This defines a method called "main". Everything between the "{" on the end of this line to the matching "}"second from the end is the "body" of the method.

    The above code defines the static main method, which someone (eg, the operating system) will callwithKmToMiles.main(. . .).

    To do its work, main calls on other methods: showInputDialog, which is defined inthe JOptionPane class,parseDouble, which is defined in the Double class, and showMessageDialog,which is also in the JOptionPaneclass.

    Whenever you call a static method in a different class, precede it with the name of the class containing its definition,

    followed by a dot. If you don't specify the class name, it assumes the method is defined in the current class.

    Identifying instance methodsObject precedes. Instance method calls are identified in the following program. Note that they are all preceded by an

    object reference. This object is used by the methods to do their work. In this case, the objects are strings.

    In addition to supplying the object's data to the method, the class of the object, eg String, is where the method is defined.











    // File : dialog/capitalize/ Purpose: Capitalize first letter of each name. Declare with first use.// Author : Fred Swartz - placed in public domain.// Date : 30 Mar 2006

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class Capitalize2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {//.. Input a wordString inputWord = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a


    //.. Process - Separate word into parts, change case, put together.String firstLetter = inputWord.substring(0,1); // Get first letterString remainder = inputWord.substring(1); // Get remainder of


    String capitalized = firstLetter.toUpperCase() +remainder.toLowerCase();

    //.. Output the result.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, capitalized);


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    What's before the dot tells whether it's aclass or instance methodWhat's before the dot? If it's a class name, then it's a static (class) method; if it's an object, it's an instance method.

    Nothing at front when calling methods in same class. When calling your own methods, you don't have to write

    anything before the method name. The compiler assumes the same class or object.

    Commentary: Why use methods?

    For reusable code

    If you need to do the same thing, or almost the same thing, many times, write a method to do it, then call the

    method each time you have to do that task.

    To parameterize code

    In addition to making reusable code that is the same in all cases, you will often want to use parametersthat

    change the way the method works.

    For top-down programming

    A very useful style of programming is called top-down programming. You solve a big problem (the "top") by

    breaking it down into little problems. To do this in a program, you write a method for solving your big problem by

    calling on other methods to solve the smaller parts of the problem. And these methods for solving the simpler

    problems similarly call on other methods until you get down to simple methods which solve simple problems

    To create conceptual units

    Create methods to do something that is one action in your mental view of the problem. This will make it much

    easier for you to work with your programs.

    To simplify

    Because local variables and statements of a method can not been seen from outside the method, they (and their

    complexity) are hidden from other parts of the program, which prevents accidental errors or confusion.

    Methods 2 - Actual arguments (parameters)

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Left-to-right argument evaluation Term: actual argument = value which is passed in a method call. Term: void method = method that doesn't return a value. Term: value-returning method = method that does return a value.

    Terms: actual argument, argument, actualparameter,parameter

    The values that are passed to a method are called actual arguments in the Java specification. However, it is very common

    for them to be called just arguments, actual parameters, or just plainparameters. These terms are so used

    interchangeably so often that even the Java specification isn't entirely consistent. For a value which is passed in a call I'll

    try to stick to actual argumentor just argument, which are generally regarded as the "best" terms.

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    Identifying method argumentsWhen you call a method, you can pass information for it to use. These actual arguments are inside parentheses following

    the method name. Use commas to separate arguments if there is more than one. The previous program is shown below,

    but this time the arguments in the calls are highlighted.














    // File : methods/ Purpose: Convert kilometers to miles. Use JOptionPane for input /output.// Author : Fred Swartz// Date : 22 Apr 2006

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class KmToMilesArgs {//============================================================

    constantsprivate static final double MILES_PER_KILOMETER = 0.621;


    mainpublic static void main(String[] args) {

    //... Local variablesString kmStr; // String km before conversion to double.double km; // Number of kilometers.double mi; // Number of miles.

    //... InputkmStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter kilometers.");km = Double.parseDouble(kmStr);

    //... Computationmi = km * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    //... OutputJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, km + " kilometers is "

    + mi + " miles.");}


    Argument evaluationBefore a method is called, the arguments are evaluated left-to-right. In the example above most arguments are simple

    values, except the second argument in the call to showMessageDialog. Before the call can be made, this argumentexpression must be evaluated by performing the conversions to string and the concatenations.

    Void and value-returning methodsA method may return a value. In the example above, showInputDialog returns a Stringand parseDoublereturns a double value. These method calls can be used anywhere in an expression where a String ordouble value is required. Here they simply provide the value for the right side of an assignment.

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    void. If a method has a "side effect", but doesn't produce a value, it is called a voidmethod.TheshowMessageDialog method shows something to the user, but doesn't return a value, and is a void method.

    When a method is defined, you need to specify the keyword void if it doesn't return a value. You can see this on line 13where the main method definition starts.

    Commentary: Method terminology?

    Method = Function = Procedure = Subroutine= SubprogramThe word methodis commonly used in Object-Oriented Programming and is used in Java. Every programming language

    has this idea, but sometimes uses other terms such as function,procedure, subroutine, ... Many programmers,including

    Java programmers, use these other terms, especially function, but these notes will usemethod, the official Java term.

    Method categoriesThere have been proposals to establish a convention for identifying different categories of methods. This could be used in

    documentation for example. There are two categories that are well established.

    Getter - methods return (ie, get) a value from an object. The value often exists as a simple field in the class, butmay also be synthesized when the getteris called.

    Synonym = Accessor. Those coming from a C++ background will be more familiar with equivalent termaccessor.

    Naming conventions. The Java naming conventions for getter methods depends on whether the returned value is

    boolean or not.

    o Boolean getter names typically begin with the word "is" or "has", as ino if (x.isVisible()) . . .o

    while (y.hasDescendants()) . . .

    o All other type getters have names beginning with the word "get", as inString greeting = z.getText()

    Setter methods set a value orpropertyof an object, which might be implemented as a field, but could beimplemented in other ways.

    Return value. Typically setters return no value, but two useful alternatives to void are (1) return the old value,and (2) return this object so that setter calls can be chained.

    Synonym = Mutator. If you're a C++ programmer, you're probably familiar with the term mutatorfor this type of

    method, although in C++ mutatormay apply to any function that modifies any aspect of an object.

    Naming convention. Setter methods should begin with "set", for example,

    z.setText("Hello Earthling");

    Other categories have been proposed, for example: factory methods, conversion methods, enumerators,listeners, testing, etc.

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    Methods 3 - Defining a static method

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Show how to define a method. Explain parts of method header. Term: formal parameter = variable in method which gets the argument value.

    New Java language features

    Syntax of method header

    Method header syntaxA method header is the part of the method definition that occurs at the beginning. The following definition leaves out a few

    obscure features, but gives the syntax of ordinary method headers.

    SeeSyntax Notationto understand how to read the following.

    methodHeader = [visibility] ["static"] returnTypemethodName "(" [parameterList] ")" .

    visibility = "public" | "private" | "protected" .

    parameterList =parameterDeclaration {","parameterList} .

    parameterDeclaration = typeParameterName .

    returnType = "void" | type

    How to define your own methodThe previous program is rewritten below to define a method to convert from kilometers to miles.

    The method call, and the first line (header) of the method definition are highlighted.







    // File : methods/ Purpose: Convert kilometers to miles using a method. JOptionPane IO.// Highlight call and method definition header.// Author : Fred Swartz// Date : 22 Apr 2006

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class KmToMilesMethod {//============================================================constants

    private static final double MILES_PER_KILOMETER = 0.621;


    public static void main(String[] args) {//... Local variablesString kmStr; // String km before conversion to double.
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    double km; // Number of kilometers.double mi; // Number of miles.

    //... InputkmStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter kilometers.");km = Double.parseDouble(kmStr);

    //... Computationmi = convertKmToMi(km);

    //Note 1

    //... OutputJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, km + " kilometers is "

    + mi + " miles.");}


    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) { //Note2

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;return miles;



    1. Call our own method below to do the conversion. We could have qualified the name with our class name,KmToMilesMethod.convertKmToMi(km), but this is unnecessary when calling a static method in the same class.

    2. Altho this method is trivial, just a multiplication, it is good practice to separate the "model", or "logic", from theuser interface. As programs become larger, this separation becomes essential.

    Anatomy of the convertKmToMi method headerWe'll take a look at each of the parts of the method header in order.

    Visibility -public,private, or package

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    For greatest reliability and flexibility in your programs, you should always give methods the lowest visibility to

    others that you can.

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    When you define a method, you should think about who can use it. Generally you want to choose the lowest level

    of visibility that makes your program usable, either private or the default (package). Here are the fouroptions, from least visible to most visible.

    private - If you don't want any other class to use it, declare it private. This is a good choice. None (package) - If you don't specify anything, the default visibility allows only classes in the same

    package (directory) to see it. This is a common choice. It's common to use public visibilitywhenpackage visibility is more appropriate -- I do it myself. The lack of a keyword for package visibility

    makes it a little harder to read.

    protected - Don't use this protected, except in certain cases to let a child class see it. Eventhen, its use is controversial.

    public - Let's anyone see it. Choose this if you've defined a method that will be used by othersoutside of your project. Note that main must be declared public so the run-time system can call it.

    Class (static) or instance method

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    A method should be declared static if it doesn't user instance variables or methods. A static method must useonly only parameters, local variables, and static constants, and other static methods in the same class. If

    the static keyword is omitted, the method will be an instance method. This example uses static, but soon youwill learn about instance methods too.

    Return type

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    Method name

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    Method names should begin with a lowercase letter. Method names are typically verbs, whereas variable names

    are usually nouns.


    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    Parameters are enclosed in parentheses following the method name. They are also called formal parameters).

    There is only one parameter in this example - kilometers, but if there are more, they must be separated bycommas. The type of each parameter is specified before the name (eg, double). Parameters are local variablesthat only exist inside the method. They are assigned initial values from the arguments when the method is called.

    Method body

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    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    The bodyof a method is the statements which are executed when the method is called are enclosed in braces

    following the the method header. Additional local variables may be defined (eg, miles).

    Return statement

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    A method returns to the caller after it has done what it wants. If the method returns a value (not a void method),

    it must contain a return statement that specifies a value to return. When execution reachesthereturn statement, control transfers back to the calling method, passing a return value to it.

    Returning an expression

    The above example returns the value in the local variable miles. The return statement can be followed by any

    expression of the appropriate type, not just a single value. For example, this method body could have been

    written as a single return statement.

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    return kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;


    Order of method definitions doesn't matterIf you define multiple methods in a class, you don't have to worry about the order of the definitions, unlike some other


    Commentary: Why start with static methods?

    Simplicity is the reason. Methods are a common stumbling block for students, so the introduction to them should be as

    simple as possible.

    Static methods are common, and are familiar to students in the form ofmain. They are easier than instance methodsbecause there is no object passed whose fields can be referenced without qualification.

    My feeling is that throwing a lot of OOP stuff at them at the same time that they're trying to understand method

    parameters and linkage is too much. And it isn't like they don't use static methods (Integer.parseInt(),, Math.max(), System.exit(), ...). Since they need to understand what it means to qualify the method

    with a class name instead of an object, it seems reasonable to do a short intro to static methods.

    Methods 4 - Local variables

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Local variables are declared within a method.

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    Local variable lifetime is from method entry to method return. Local variable visibility is only within the method. Local variables have no initial value. Parameter variables are local variables initialized from the argument values.

    New Java language features

    final modifier to prevent assignment to parameters.Principles / Style

    Don't assign to parameter variables.

    Local variablesNow that we've written two methods, main and convertKmToMi, you should know a little more about the variables inthem.

    Variables that are declared in a method are called local variables. They are called localbecause they can only bereferenced and used locally in the method in which they are declared. In the method below miles is a local variable.

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    doublemiles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    Visibility: Only in defining methodNo code outside a method can see the local variables inside another method. There is no need, or even possibility, of

    declaring a local variable with a visibility modifier -- local variables are automatically known only in the method itself.

    Lifetime: From method call to method returnLocal variables are created on the call stack when the method is entered, and destroyed when the method is exited. You

    can't save values in local variables between calls. For that you have to use instance variables, which you'll learn about a

    little later.

    Initial value: NoneLocal variables don't have initial values by default -- you can't try to use their value until you assign a value. It's therefore

    common to assignment a value to them when they're declared.

    Compiler error. If you try to use a local variable before it's been assigned a value, the compiler will notice it and give an

    error message. But the compiler doesn't really know the exact order of execution in a program, so it makes some

    conservative assumptions. These assumptions can sometimes be too conservative, and there are cases where you must

    initialize a local variable even though you know it will have a value before it's referenced.


    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles;

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    return miles; // Won't compile because nothing was assigned to miles.


    Parameters are preinitialized local variablesMethod parameters are basically implemented as local variables. They have the same visibility (none outside the method)

    and lifetime (created on method call, destroyed on method return).

    Preinitialized. The difference is that parameters are initialized from the corresponding argument values.

    // Both kilometers and miles are implemented as local variables.

    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    doublemiles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;


    Style: Don't assign to a parameterYou can assign to a parameter variable, just as you would to a local variable, but this is often considered bad style because

    it can deceive the casual reader in two ways:

    Unexpected meaning change.. Programmers assume parameter variables represent actual argument values.Assigning to parameters breaks that assumption.

    Doesn't change actual argument. Because formal parameter variables are really local variables, assigning newvalues to them doesn't have any effect on the actual parameters.

    However, in some programming languages assignment to a parameter can assign to the corresponding actual

    parameter (eg, C++ reference parameters). Therefore if you write an assignment to a formal parameter variable,

    it may mislead the careless programmer with a C++ background. Or the reader may pause and try to decide if

    you thought you were assigning to the actual argument. In either case it reduces the readability.

    Example. The example below shows how a parameter could be reused. The overhead of declaring an extra variable is just

    about zero, so this really isn't more efficient, and even this small example is astoundingly misleading.


    private static double convertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    kilometers = MILES_PER_KILOMETER * kilometers; // BAD - Don't do this,altho it works.

    return kilometers;


    Style: final keyword prevents assignmentSome programmers recommend using the final keyword for each parameter. This prevents assignment to theparameter. Few programmers do this because it adds extra clutter, which in a different way reduces the readability. The

    use of self-restraint in assigning to parameters is usually suffcient, but specifying final isn't a bad idea.

    private static double convertKmToMi(final double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers * MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

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    return miles;


    Commentary: Pass by value / reference / name /

    ...By value. There is some confusion about Java parameter passing. Java usespass-by-value and only pass-by-value. Actual

    argument values are copied into the formal parameter variables. There's nopass-by-reference . The confusion comes from

    the fact that, for objects, a reference is passed, but the reference ispassed by value(ie, the reference value is copied into

    the formal parameter variable).

    From the authors of Java: "There is exactly one parameter passing mode in Java - pass by value - and that helps keep

    things simple." The Java Programming Language, 2nd ed. by Ken Arnold and James Gosling, section 2.6.1, page 40, 3rd


    Java's simple parameter passing. Altho there are many possible parameter passing features (see C++ for some), the

    Java authors choose to only include one simple idea - pass-by-value, with no default values or optional parameter

    (overloading often provides a satisfactory alternative), no variable length parameter lists (added finally in Java 5), no

    named parameters, no pass-by-reference, no const (a general Java issue) parameters, etc. Of these, the lack of pass-by-

    reference is the most annoying, now that variable length parameters lists have been added.

    C++ programmers struggle with giving up pass-by-reference. I was upset that this powerful feature was missing, and was

    sure there must be some way to write swap, the standard test for pass-by-reference.

    public void swap(Object a, Object b) {

    ???? // Exchange a and b in calling program.


    But it can't be done. The fact that you may sometimes be able to change values in an object or data structure that is

    passed is not the same as being able to change the value of a variable (l-value) passed as an actual argument.

    I still miss pass-by-reference. There have been frequent proposals to allow multiple method return values, which would

    solve most of these cases, but these proposals have been rejected by Sun, presumably because an efficient

    implementation would require a change to the JVM.

    Some retreaded-from-C++ authors have had a problem giving up pass-by-reference in their texts, and ever more

    astoundingly, some even believe it is in Java (it took Deitel&Deitel 3 or four editions to figure it out).

    AlternativesRuby is a relatively new programming language that has a lot of interesting features. If you think C++ or Java are the end

    points of function evolution, you might be interested in Ruby features, especially what they call "blocks", which are like

    method objects (sometimes called closures or continuations). It's not that the effect is impossible to achieve in Java, but

    that Ruby's simple syntax for it means that it makes the programs more, not less, readable to use them.

    Another feature is Ruby's multiple return values (tuples), which I've also used in an earlier (now extinct) language,

    Prograph. Once you use multiple return values, is makes shoehorning everything into a single return value very annoying.

    I've been occasionally reading Thomas's Programming Ruby, and find it very interesting, but I haven't really done anything

    with Ruby except for a few very simple test programs. What stopped me was that there is no good documentation on

    writing GUI programs. There are a couple of GUI libraries, but neither had sufficient documentation the last time I looked.

    Methods 7 - How call works

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    Purpose of this lesson:

    Examine the method call/return process in more detail. Term: call stack= Memory that is used to save return address and local variables. Term: stack frame = The storage on the call stack that is used by one method.

    New Java language features

    None.The table below shows how the call stack changes as calls and returns in the KmToMilesMethods program are made. This

    shows the first 8 changes to the call stack after main is entered.

    Dynamic changes in the call stack memoryallocationThe table below shows how the call stack changes as calls and returns in the KmToMilesMethods program are made. This

    shows the first 8 changes to the call stack after main is entered.

    There is actually something before main on the call stack, and the library methods that are called call many methods of

    their own, which isn't shown here because we don't need to know what they call.

    Stack frame. Each box represents the information that's stored on the call stack for each method. This block of

    information is often called a stack frame. There is internal information associated with the method, for example, it saves

    the place to resume execution in the calling method. Each stack frame is labelled with the method name and a list of

    parameters and local variables that are allocated on the stack. "???" is written when we don't know (or care) what the local

    variables are that are used by a library method.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8























































    Typical call sequence

    1. Evaluate arguments left-to-right. If an argument is a simple variable or a literal value, there is no need toevaluate it. When an expression is used, the expression must be evaluated before the call can be made.

    2. Push a newstack frame on the call stack. When a method is called, memory is required to store thefollowing information.

    o Parameter and local variable storage. The storage that is needed for each of the parameters andlocal variables is reserved in the stack frame.

    o Where to continue execution when the called method returns. You don't have to worry about this; it'sautomatically saved for you.

    o Other working storage needed by the method may be required. You don't have to do anything aboutthis because it's handled automatically.

    3. Initialize the parameters. When the arguments are evaluated, they are assigned to the local parameters in thecalled method.

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    4. Execute the method. After the stack frame for this method has been initialized, execution starts with the firststatement and continues as normal. Execution may call on other methods, which will push and pop their own

    stack frames on the call stack.

    5. Return from the method. When a return statement is encountered, or the end of a void method is reached, themethod returns. For non-void methods, the return value is passed back to the calling method. The stack frame

    storage for the called method is popped off the call stack. Popping something off the stack is really efficient - a

    pointer is simply moved to previous stack frame. This means that the current stack frame can be reused by other

    methods. Execution is continued in the called method immediately after where the call took place.

    Methods 5 - Example with three methods

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Show definition of multiple methods.Programming ideas

    All code is in methods.

    Style: The main method often consists largely of method calls. Style: Methods should generally be no larger than one page.

    Here is another variation of the program, this time using three methods. Altho there is no real need for these methods in

    such a small program, large programs are in fact composed of many small methods. It is the essential way that all code is


    Each of the user-defined method names, both in the call and the definition, is hilited.

    One method is void, which means it doesn't return a value. Three methods call other methods. The main program consists mostly of calls to other methods.

    Source code// File :methods/ Purpose: Converts kilometers tomiles using two methods.// Author : Fred Swartz - placed inpublic domain// Date : 22 Apr 2006

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class KmToMilesMethods {

    //========================================================= constants

    private static final doubleMILES_PER_KILOMETER = 0.621;

    //============================================================== main

    public static voidmain(String[]

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    args) {double kms =

    getDouble("Enter number ofkilometers.");

    double miles =convertKmToMi(kms);

    displayString(kms + "kilometers is " + miles + "miles.");


    //===================================================== convertKmToMi

    // Conversion method -kilometers to miles.

    private static doubleconvertKmToMi(double kilometers) {

    double miles = kilometers *MILES_PER_KILOMETER;

    return miles;}

    //========================================================= getDouble

    // I/O convenience method toread a double value.

    private static doublegetDouble(String prompt) {

    String tempStr;tempStr =




    //===================================================== displayString

    // I/O convenience method todisplay a string in dialog box.

    private static voiddisplayString(String output) {




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    Hammurabi v0


    This program simulates the functioning of an early agricultural

    society. It is based on the ancient computer game Hammurabi,

    named after a Babylonian king

    ( famous for his laws. He

    also ran a very authoritarian society in which the peasants were

    allocated fixed rations of food by the state, as in this game.

    Goal. The user, who has just become the ruler of a kingdom,

    wants to make a place in history by having having the largest

    population of peasants. The simulation lasts five years or until

    everyone has starved.

    Grain is the basic resource. Each year, ask the ruler how to use

    the grain in storage.

    How many bushels to feed the people. How many bushels to use as seed for planting next

    year's crop.

    The remaining grain, if any, is saved for the next year in case

    of a bad harvest.

    Initial Conditions

    The Kingdom starts with the following resources: an area of

    1000 acres, a population of 100, and with 3000 bushels of grain

    from the previous harvest.

    Food and PopulationRulesEach peasant needs a minimum of 20 bushels of grain per year

    to survive.

    Starvation. If the ruler doesn't allocate enough food for

    everyone, some will starve. The population is then reduced by

    the number of peasants who starved.

    Immigrants if lots of food. If people receive more than 20

    bushels per person, immigrants from neighboring kingdoms will

    be attracted, resulting in a population increase.

    Formula. This simple population computation can be made bydividing the total amount of food by the amount needed per


    k_peasants = food /MIN_GRAIN_TO_SURVIVE

    This is inside the simulateOneYear method,where k_peasants is a static variable representing theKingdom's current population,

    and MIN_GRAIN_TO_SURVIVE is a constant predefined to
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    be 20.

    For example, if the ruler allocates 2400 bushels, this will

    support a population of 2400 / 20, which is 120. This would

    become the new population.

    AgricultureSeed for Planting. Not all grain can be used for feeding the

    people. Some must be used to plant next year's crop. It takes

    two bushels of grain to plant an acre. To plant everything

    therefore requires 2 * area bushels of grain.

    Harvest. There are variations in the weather each year. The

    yield varies from 2 to 6 bushels per planted acre. This number

    is randomly generated each year.

    Continue for 5 years or

    the entire populatinhas starvedThe main program gets information from the user/ruler on how

    to allocate the grain each year, simulates one year, and display

    the results for that year. It should continue in a loop until the

    end of the simulation time period or the peasants have starved.

    The simulateOneYear method, which takes parametersfor how much grain to use to plant the next crop, and how

    much grain to feed the population. Extend it to add population.

    Keep all input/output in the main method.

    Check for legal values, eg, don't allow the ruler to plant moregrain than there is.

    Copy these files to startyour projectIn the spirit of iterative programming, here is a working

    version, but it doesn't implement all features. Some areas that

    must be extended are marked with "TODO" (ie, things

    remaining "to do").

    Hammurabi firstversion// File : hammurabi-noop/ Purpose: Starting point for workingon the Hammurabi program.// Author : Fred Swartz - 2007-05-03 -

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    Placed in public domain.// TODO : * Prompt for amount to feedpeasants.// * Check for reasonablevalues (enough grain, ...).

    import java.util.*;

    public class Hammurabi0 {

    //=============================================================== constants

    private static final intMIN_GRAIN_TO_SURVIVE = 20;

    private static final intMAX_LAND_FARMABLE_PER_PERSON = 15;

    private static final intSEED_REQUIRED_PER_ACRE = 2;

    private static final Scanner in =new Scanner(;

    //=============================================================== variables

    // Everything prefixed with "k_" ispart of the status of a Kingdom.

    // All "k_" variables should bepart of a Kingdom class, but....

    private static int k_grain = 3000;// Bushels of grain in storage.

    private static int k_area = 1000;// Area of kingdom in acres. Note that

    // k_area isn't used yet, but will beif

    // you add a check for the total amount

    // of land that can be planted.private static int k_year = 0;

    // Years since founding of kingdom.private static int k_harvest = 0;

    // Last harvest in bushels.private static int k_peasants =

    100; // Number of peasants.

    //================================================================== main

    public static void main(String[]args) {

    //... Run the simulation for 5years or until everyone starves.

    while (k_peasants > 0 && k_year

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    // Show status of kingdom every food =

    promptForFood(); // How much grainshould be use for food?

    int seeds =promptForSeeds(); // How much grain

    should be used for planting?simulateOneYear(food,seeds); // Simulate effect of feedingand planting.

    k_year++;// Another year has passed.


    //... End of simulation. Showstatus.

    if (k_peasants == 0) {


    } else {

    System.out.println("Congratuations, yousurvived for 5 years!");



    //========================================================== displayStatus

    public static void displayStatus(){

    System.out.println(" Kingdomstatus at year " + k_year

    + ": last harvest = " +k_harvest

    + "\nTotal grain = " +k_grain

    + "\nPeasants = " +k_peasants);


    //========================================================== promptForFood

    private static int promptForFood(){

    //TODO: Ask the ruler howmuch to feed the people.

    return 0;}

    //========================================================= promptForSeeds

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    private static int promptForSeeds(){

    //.. Ask the ruler how muchgrain should be used for seed.

    System.out.println("ExaltedRuler, how many bushels should be

    planted?"); return in.nextInt();//... TODO: Check if not

    enough grain for this request,Reprompt.


    //========================================================= simulateOneYear

    private static voidsimulateOneYear(int food, int seed) {

    //... Calculate new

    population.based on food.k_peasants = food /

    MIN_GRAIN_TO_SURVIVE;k_grain -= food; //

    Reduce grain by amount used for seed.

    //... Calculate new harvest// 1. How many acres can be

    planted with seed.// 2. The yield per acre is

    random (2-6)

    // 3. Harvest is yield *area planted.

    int acresPlanted = seed /SEED_REQUIRED_PER_ACRE;

    k_grain -= seed; // Reducegrain by amount used for seed.

    // TODO: Check that there areenough people and there is

    // enough land toactually plant that number of acres.

    int yieldPerAcre = 2 + (int)(5* Math.random()); // Number from 2 to6

    k_harvest = yieldPerAcre* acresPlanted;

    //... Compute new amount ofgrain after the harvest.

    k_grain += k_harvest; // Newamount of grain in storage.


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    Misc info

    Name. Please change the name from Hammurabi tosomething else. You can also change the basic

    elements of the game, as long as it remains a one-

    player game trying to rule a civilization.

    One player. Do not try to make this into a two-playergame where there are multiple kingdoms. A two-

    player game would best be done using multiple

    kingdom objects, which you don't know how to use

    yet. If you try to build two kingdoms on

    this staticstructure it turn into an ugly mess. The

    Object-Oriented approach to this would be a simple

    way to make multiple kingdomes.

    Cooperating. If you want to pair up with someoneelse on this program, that's fine, but I'll expect a

    more extensive final program. You should try to keep

    from stepping on each other's code by writing

    separate methods.

    Extra credit

    possibilitiesThis above game omits some interesting aspects. After you

    have the simple version of the program running as described

    above, you might want to make it more "realistic" by adding

    some of the following features.

    Better interface. Don't hesitate to make theinterface better, use JOptionPane, better output, ...

    Buying and selling land. Land can be bought fromthe neighboring kingdoms (or sold back to them) for

    20 bushels per acre. The yearly plan that the ruler

    makes should therefore include how much land to

    buy/sell in addition to the food and seed allocations.

    Allowing land to be added is the only way to get the

    population to really grow.

    Farming limits. The amount of land that one peasantcan farm should be limited to 15 acres. If the

    population drops, it may not be possible to farm all


    Revolt. If more than 45% of the population starves,there is a revolt which overthrows the ruler, and the

    game ends.

    Soldiers. My wife's first reaction was to ask about thesoldiers. They could play an important role, but

    exactly what will be left up to you (eg, suppress

    revolts, capture land, etc). But perhaps they must be

    fed better than the peasants.

    Random eventso Rats. Each year, rats eat a random amount

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    from 0-10% of your grain

    o Plague. There is a 15% chance each year ofa plague. If that happens, half the

    population dies.

    Copyleft 2007Fred SwartzMIT License

    Methods 6 - Overloading

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Explain overloading = multiple methods with the samename.

    Programming ideas

    The method name is important to the humanprogrammer as the key to describing an action to be


    It's often useful to do the "same" action, but withdifferent kinds of parameters.

    The compiler can distinguish methods that have thesame name only if they have a different numberand /

    or type of parameters.

    Here is a small program which simply computes the average of

    three numbers. It uses three overloaded methods to read the

    numbers. For such a small program you would not use three

    different methods, of course, but this shows how overloaded

    methods are defined and used. It's very common for one

    overloaded method to call another. another variation of the

    program, this time using three methods. Altho there is no real

    need for these methods in such a small program, largeprograms are in fact composed of many small methods. It is

    the essential way that all code is structured.

    Each of the user-defined method names, both in the call and

    the definition, is hilited.

    One method is void, which means it doesn't return avalue.

    Three methods call other methods. The main program consists mostly of calls to other


    Good practices

    Coherence. It's important that all the methods do the"same" thing, so that the program is human

    comprehensible. All methods sharing the same name

    should return the same value, have the same side

    effects, and all be either static or instance methods.

    The language doesn't require this, but doing otherwise

    is asking for trouble.
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    Call each other. Because all overridden methodsshould be doing the same thing, it is very common for

    there to be calls from one to another, supplying extra

    default parameter values as required.

    Default parameter values. Some programminglanguages allow you to specify default values for

    parameters, and if a the parameter is not supplied,

    the default value is used. Java doesn't have default

    parameters, but you can easily implement them using

    overloaded methods.

    Example of overloading- averaging threevalues// File :methods/avg3/

    // Description: Averages three numbers-- meaningless, but// Purpose: Show an overloaded method,getDouble, with three definitions,// differing in the number ofparameters.// Issues : Input isn't checked forlegality (non-null number) because// the point is to showoverloading.// Author : Fred Swartz - 2007-01-11 -placed in public domain

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class AvgThreeOverloaded {

    //============================================================== main

    public static void main(String[]args) {

    //... Read three numbers usingthe three different methods.

    // Using three differentmethods is only to show overloading.

    double n1 = getDouble();

    double n2 = getDouble("Enterthe second number.");double n3 = getDouble("Enter

    last number.", 0.0, 100.0);double average = (n1 + n2 + n3)

    / 3.0;displayString("Average is " +


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    //========================================================= getDouble

    // I/O convenience method to read adouble value.

    // This version of the

    getDouble method simply calls onanother// version passing it a generic

    input message.private static double getDouble() {

    return getDouble("Enter anumber");


    //========================================================= getDouble

    // I/O convenience method to read adouble value given a prompt.

    // This version of getDoubledisplays the user supplied prompt.

    private static doublegetDouble(String prompt) {

    String tempStr;tempStr =




    //========================================================= getDouble

    // I/O convenience method to read adouble value in a range.

    // It builds a new prompt andcalls another version to get

    // the value, looping until avalue in the range is found.

    private static doublegetDouble(String prompt, double low,double high) {

    double result;String rangePrompt = prompt + "

    Value must be in range "+

    low + " to " + high;

    //... Read and loop back if thenumber is not in the right range.

    do {result =

    getDouble(rangePrompt);} while (result < low || result

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    > high);

    return result;}

    //===================================================== displayString// I/O convenience method to

    display a string in dialog box.private static void

    displayString(String output) {



    Don't confuse overloading and overridingThis two terms are easily confused because they both have to do with multiple definitions of methods. Better terms would

    have been nice, but these are what we have. Overloading is making multiple method definitions which differ in the number

    or types of parameters, as described here. Overriding is redefining a method in a super class, using exactly the same

    number and types of parameters.

    Commentary: Return statements and the singleexit fantasy

    Structured programming purists. A controversial "rule" used by strict structured programmers is that every method

    should have only one return statement at the end. Their reasoning is that it is easier to understand control flow when you

    know exactly where the method returns (the end).

    The single return issue is often called the single exitissue, and it also applies to use of

    the continue and breakstatements in loops, which are forbidden by the purists, but allowed by the simplifiers.

    Simplifiers. Altho a single exit is appealing, code can become quite convoluted with setting and testing additional extra

    boolean variables which are needed to implement a single exit style. Most programmers probably support the idea

    that simple readable code in more important than following any arbitrary rule. If coding to achieve a single return means

    complicating the code, then it's a mistake.

    Exercise: Change this to single-return style

    It's fairly easy to rewrite this to use only a single return; try it. And don't use a breakstatement in the loop because this

    also violates the single-exit style.

    //======================================================= primeFactor// Return a factor of n, or 0 if n is prime.// Uses simple algorithm of dividing by all numbers up to n.// Could improve efficiency many ways.public static int primeFactor(int n) {

    for (int divisor = 2; divisor < n; divisor++) {if ((n % divisor) == 0) {

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    return divisor; // Divisible implies not prime!}

    }return 0; // Must be prime if nothing was able to divide it.


    Variations onmax() showing several possiblereturn strategiesProblem: Write a method to compute the maximum of two double values. These alternate implementations show that

    even this simple problem offers several alternatives on where to return.

    Version 1 - Return immediately

    This is a straightforward example of returning the value as soon as it's known.

    public static double max(double a, double b) {

    if (a > b) {

    return a;

    } else {

    return b;



    Version 2 - Single return

    The orthodox philosophy ofStructured Programming is that every method should have only one return at the end. To

    implement this, use a variable to hold the max value and return it at the end.

    public static double max(double a, double b) {

    double result; // Stores the maximum value until the return.

    if (a > b) {

    result = a;

    } else {

    result = b;


    return result;


    This method is clear in either style, but the rigid application of the one-return rule can make some methods very

    convoluted. The overriding principle that most programmers use is that program flow should be as clear as possible.

    Version 3 - No need for else when the true part returns.

    public static double max(double a, double b) {

    if (a > b) {

    return a;


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    return b; // Only executed if comparison was false.


    Version 4 - Typical hacker obfuscation

    The hard-to-read ?: operator is a favorite of programmers who want to impress others. It does result in shorter sourcecode (but not more efficient execution). Most people don't find this more readable.

    public static double max(double a, double b) {

    return a>b?a:b;


    It could be made more readable with ()s and spacing.

    return (a > b) ? a : b;

    Library. Of course you should use the predefined methods (Math.max()) rather than writing your own!

    Uncaught exceptions moot the issueThe third way to exit a method. The return statement and the end of the method are not the only ways to returnfrom a method. Uncaught exceptions are the other way to exit a method.

    A throw statement exits the method. Calling any method which throws exceptions many be a point at which the method is exited. If it throws

    unchecked exceptions, it may not be easy to determine that they are thrown.

    Any statement which could cause an exception is another potential exit point.

    Editor support for showing method exitpointsSome editors may highlight method exit points. This is perhaps a better solution than trying to bend the code to fit a

    particular rule.

    Additional Discussion

    Multiple return statements( Argues that multiple returns, althosubject to abuse, can make code clearer, especially in handling exception cases at the beginning.

    Multiple Return Statements( BruceEckel argues that multiple return statements can make "cleaner" code. If multiple returns are being used in a bad

    way, enforcing a rule like this probably won't make the programmer write clear code in any case.

    Code improvement guidelines( Arguesfor single return statements on the basis of clarity, which is curiously the same basis that is used for multiplereturn statements. Nice argument for multiple return statements in a response to this blog entry

    (in equals()).

    OOP: Defining Value Classes
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    OOP 1. Introduction to Classes and Objects

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Overviewo Classes combine data and methods.o A class defines a data type.o Advantage: Classes correspond to concepts in the problem domain.o Advantage: Classes reduce complexityby increasing coherence and reducing coupling.

    Introduce classes to store data in value objects.Terminology

    Instance variable = Variable declared in class outside a method. Typicallyprivate. Field= Synonym for instance variable, attribute. Common informal term. Attribute = Synonym for instance variable, field. Often used in the design phase. Property= Synonym for instance variable, field. Common term if field is known publicly.

    New Java language features

    Declaring fields (instance variables).

    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    conceptsClass = data + methods. Everything (data and methods) in Java is contained in classes. So far you've been using classes

    to hold methods (main and perhaps a few other static methods). These methods use local variables, which are completelyprivate to the method, and which disappear when the method returns.

    Historical development. Classes can also be used to store data. Historically, programming languages had something

    similar to classes for grouping data, usually called structs or records. These were used for storing only data, not methods.

    Eventually, advantages of combining both data and the methods to work on that data were recognized.

    Classes model problem. One advantage of encapsulating data and methods in a class is to make programming objects

    that reflect "objects" in the problem domain. If your problem deals with orders and products, then you'll very likely have

    classes called Orderand Product.

    Classes reduce complexity. Another advantage of classes is reducing complexity. Complexity limits the size and

    reliability of programs. Complexity is reduced by increasing cohesion (putting things together that belong together) and

    reducing coupling (interconnections). The proper use of classes can make large improvements in both of these.

    Class, object, OOP. The name class was almost universally adopted for programming language structure which combines

    data and methods, objectis used for each instance of a class that is created, and the practices that developed around

    these ideas is called Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

    Value objects - Data-first approach. We'll start with classes that represent data, and then add constructors and

    methods. Ultimately you will be more concerned with methods than data, and you'll see how (and why) methods are used

    to completely hide the data implementation.

    A class stores the attributes (data) ofsomething

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    Group values. Classes are used to group a number of related, named, data values associated with an entity. By entitywe

    mean something that is typically a noun when you are talking about a problem you are solving. For example, in a

    university computing system, you might have a class to represent a student, an instructor, a classroom, a department, a

    course, a section of a course, ....

    Student example. The information you would store about students, would be their name, id, etc. We'll keep this example

    simple and just save name and id information.

    Declare each field. A class contains declarations of the fields (instance variables, attributes) that hold the data associatedwith a student. These declarations are like declaring a local variable in a method, except that you will also specify

    the visibility. We'll start by using the visibility modifier public, which lets anyone see them. For example, thefollowing Student1 class can be used to represent a student. As you go through these notes, we'll make improvementsto this class.

    public class Student1 {

    public String firstName;

    public String lastName;

    public int id;


    A class is a typeNoun. Classes are usually given the name of a noun, and the fields (variables) in it are attributes associated with that

    noun. Predefined Java classes that you have already used are String, which contains the characters in the string andthe length, JOptionPane, which contains information necessary to produce a dialog box on the screen, etc. Thesepredefined Java classes are used for the programming infrastructure that you need. Many common infrastructure classes

    are available in the 3000+ predefined Java library classes. But, of course, these don't address your problems.

    Business objects. Most classes you define will concern yourproblem domain, where they represent business

    objects (Student, TimeOfDay, Order, ...).

    Declaring business object variables is like declaring any other variable. Use the class name as a type, just as you've

    used String, int, etc. For example, the following declares two Student1 variables.

    Student1 bestInClass; // This variable references a Student1 object.

    Student1 t; // And here is another

    These don't have values yet, but we'll do that in the next section.

    Does your problem require classes or simplevariables?If the data you are working with, for example a temperature, can be expressed as a simple value and the operations on it

    are all defined by operators, then just use a simple variable for it (int, double, String, ...). Often the data

    associated with an entity in your problem is not a simple value, but has multiple attributes.

    Examples showing classes as groups of attributes.

    Instead of working with simple temperature numbers, you might have TemperatureMeasurementobjects, whichhave several attributes: the temperature, the time, and the location.

    A Studentclass would represent information about a student: name, id, address, ... Each object of this classwould have a data about a specific student.

    A Classroom class would have information about a classroom's building, room number, capacity, whether it has aprojector, etc.

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    Object-Oriented Design involves deciding which classes you need to represent the things (entities) in your problem. For

    simple programs, you often use only simple variables, but as programs get larger, you will define more and classes to

    represent the things you are working with.

    Similarity to database tableIf your are familiar with databases, a class is very similar to a table definition. If you're not familiar with databases, don't

    worry because these lessons don't assume you are.

    OOP 2. Data - Student Class

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Classes versus objects. How to create objects and assign values to the instance variables (fields). Good practice: One class per file is the standard.

    New Java language features

    Using new to create an object. Referencing fields using dot notation.

    One class per file is standard practiceHere is the class again that represents information about a student. Typically there is one class definition per file, so this

    would be stored in

    // File : oop/dataclass/

    // Purpose: Information about a student.

    public class Student1 {

    public String firstName; // First name

    public String lastName; // Last name

    public int id; // Student id


    Class versus objectA class is a template that defines what attributes an objectcan have. You make one class definition, then create objects of

    that class using the new keyword. Some analogies might make this clearer.

    Analogy: Cookie cutter and cookies. A cookie cutter is like a class definition. It isn't a cookie, but can be used to create

    a cookie. Each cookie can will have the same attributes (shape), but each cookie can have different values for the

    attributes (type of dough, thickness, ...).

    Analogy: Dog and Fido. The concept of Dog is like a class, but there are many possible instances of this class, eg, my

    dog Fido, or your dog Rover.

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    Analogy: Form stamp and filled out forms. There are rubber ink pad stamps that are used to stamp out a small form.

    These have been used in several places in my passport, where passport control stamped my passport, then filled out the

    fields with the date, how long I could stay, etc. The rubber stamp is like a class, defining the fields. The filled out form in

    each passport are the objects, with specific values for each field.

    Use new to create a new objectA class defines what fields an objectwill have when it's created. When a new Student1 object is created, a block of

    memory is allocated, which is big enough to hold these three fields -- as well as some extra overhead that all objects have.

    Student1 tatiana;tatiana = new Student1(); // Create Student1 object with new.

    "new" and parentheses

    To create a new object, write new followed by the name of the class (eg, Student1), followed by parentheses. Laterwe'll see that we can specify arguments in the parentheses when creating a new objects.

    Default field values - null, zero, false

    Unlike local variables in a method, fields do have default values (like the default values in arrays). Object references are

    null, numbers are zero, and booleans are false.

    Access public fields with dot notation

    The fields (firstName, lastName, id) name data which is stored in each object. Another term for field is instancevariable. All public fields can be referenced using dot notation (later we'll see better ways to access and set fields). To

    reference a field, write the object name, then a dot, then the field name.

    Student1 tatiana; // Declare a variable to hold a Student1object.

    //... Create a new Student1 object for Tatiana.tatiana = new Student1(); // Create a new Student1 object withdefault values.

    tatiana.firstName = "Tatiana"; // Set values of the fields.tatiana.lastName = "Johnson"; = 9950842;

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "One student is named: "+ tatiana.lastName + ", " + tatiana.firstName);

    Awkward?This simple example with one student is somewhat awkward, but we'll get to examples that show real

    advantages soon.

    A class definition is a template for creating

    objectsA class defines which fields an object has in it. You need to use new to create a new object from the class by allocatingmemory and assigning a default value to each field. A little later you will learn how to write a constructorto control the


    It's not very interesting to create only one object of class, so the following example creates a couple of them.

    // File : oop/dataclass/

    import javax.swing.*;

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    public class TestStudent1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {Student1 tatiana;Student1 pupil;

    //... Create new Student1 object with new.tatiana = new Student1();tatiana.firstName = "Tatiana";tatiana.lastName = "Johnson"; = 9950842;

    //... Create another Student1 object.pupil = new Student1();pupil.firstName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "First name");pupil.lastName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Last name"); = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,


    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "One student is named: "

    + tatiana.lastName + ", " + tatiana.firstName+ "\n and another is named: "+ pupil.lastName + ", " + pupil.firstName);


    OOP 3. Constructor - Student Class

    Purpose of this lesson:

    To introduce the concept ofconstructors. Purpose of constructors is both guaranteed initialization and convenience.

    New Java language features

    Constructor syntax - like a method but with class name and implicit type/value.

    Add a constructor for better initializationAvoid bad initializations. One problem with the Student1 class is that the user has to explicitly initialize all fields. This

    requires extra typing, but more importantly, it is error-prone. If we forget to initialize a field, the default value could have

    bad consequences.

    Convenience. Defining a constructor makes creation of an object easier to write.

    Constructor SyntaxSimilar to method. A constructor is similar to a method -- it's called like a method, has parameters like a method, and it

    returns. But it must have the same name as the class for which it is a constructor. Also, the type and return value are


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    Student2 example with a constructorHere is the Student1 class with a constructor which simply initializes the fields (instance variables) from its parameters.

    Often constructors do more work in initialization, including checking for legal values, but for now we'll just simply copy the

    parameter values.

    // File : oop/dataclass/

    // Purpose: Information about a student. Defines constructor.

    public class Student2 {

    public String firstName; // First name

    public String lastName; // Last name

    public int id; // Student id

    //======================================== constructor

    public Student2(String fn, String ln, int idnum) {

    firstName = fn;

    lastName = ln;

    id = idnum;



    Note that a constructor has no return type and the name is the same as the class name.

    Using the constructor

    Here is the first program rewritten to use the above class definition with a constructor.

    // File : oop/dataclass/ Purpose: Tests Student2 constructor.

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class TestStudent2 {public static void main(String[] args) {

    Student2 tatiana;Student2 pupil;

    //... Create new Student2 object with new.tatiana = new Student2("Tatiana", "Johnson", 9950842);

    //... Create another Student2 object.String first = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "First name");String last = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Last name");int studID= Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,

    "ID"));pupil = new Student2(first, last, studID);

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "One student is named: "+ tatiana.lastName + ", " + tatiana.firstName

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    + "\n and another is named: "+ pupil.lastName + ", " + pupil.firstName);


    When you define a constructor, the Java compiler doesn't create a default constructor

    if you define a constructor in a class, the Java compiler no longer automatically creates a default (parameterless)

    constructor. All object creation therefore must use your explicitly defined constructor. For example,

    Student2 someone;

    someone = new Student2(); // ILLEGAL. There is no defaultconstructor.

    someone = new Student2("Michael", "Maus", 1); // OK. Must specify 3values.

    The constructor can check that all fields are defined with legal values. We're not going to extend the Student2 class any

    further to test for legal values, but we will in the next example.

    For the moment we'll leave the Student class, and move to something different to show the same ideas.

    OOP 4. Data+Constructor - TimeOfDay

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Show another example of a class with constructor.

    TimeOfDay1 Example - No constructorLet's say that we want to represent a time of day necessary for representing when an appointment is scheduled. It won't

    represent the day, only the time as hour and minute. Here's a start using a 24 hour clock (00:00 to 23:59).









    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: A 24 hour time-of-day class.// This simple value class has public fields.// Author : Fred Swartz - 2005-05-30 - Placed in public domain.

    public class TimeOfDay1 {public int hour;public int minute;


    Test program



    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: Test the TimeOfDay1 class.// Shows use of dot notation to select public fields.// Author : Fred Swartz, 2005-05-04, Placed in public domain.

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    1. Constructors have no return type, and have the same name as the class.Test program using constructor

    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: Test the TimeOfDay1b class.// Author : Fred Swartz, 2007-02-27, Placed in public domain.

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class TimeTest1b {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    //... Create a TimeOfDay1b object for 10:30 in the morning.TimeOfDay1b now = new TimeOfDay1b(10,30);

    //... Display it.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, now.hour + ":" +



    OOP 5. Constructor Overloading - TimeOfDay

    Purpose of this lesson:

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    Introduce constructor overloading -- multiple constructors differing in number or types of parameters. Typically this is used to provide optional initialization parameters.

    New Java language features:

    Use of "this(...)" to call one constructor from another. The "this(...)" call must be first line a constructor.

    Good Practice:

    Using "this(...)" is much better than duplicating code.

    Overloading constructorsIt's common to overloadconstructors - define multiple constructors which differ in number and/or types of parameters. For

    example, exact hours are common, so an additional constructor could be defined which takes only the hour parameter. You

    can then set to minutes to a default value.
























    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: A time-of-day class with constructor, which provides// a more convenient and conventional way to build objects.// The constructor is overloaded (more than one version) for// more convenience.// Author : Fred Swartz, 2005-05-04, Placed in public domain.

    public class TimeOfDay1c {public int hour;public int minute;

    //==================================================== constructorpublic TimeOfDay1c(int h, int m) {

    hour = h;minute = m;


    //==================================================== constructorpublic TimeOfDay1c(int h) {

    hour = h;minute = 0; // Set minutes to 0.


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    Calling one constructor from another using"this(...)"Default parameters. It's very common for a constructor with fewer parameters to call a constructor with more

    parameters, supplying default values. For this usage, the constructors with fewer parameters will frequently consist of only

    the "this" call.

    "this". Instead of calling the constructor with the class name, use the keyword this. The compiler matches "this" with aconstructor with the appropriate number and types of parameters, and calls it.

    Must be first. The "this" call must be the very first line of the constructor.

    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: A time-of-day class with overloaded constructors.// One constructor calls the other using "this".// Author : Fred Swartz, 2007-02-27, Placed in public domain.

    public class TimeOfDay1d {public int hour;public int minute;

    //==================================================== constructorpublic TimeOfDay1d(int h, int m) {

    hour = h;minute = m;


    //==================================================== constructorpublic TimeOfDay1d(int h) {

    this(h, 0); // Call other constructor.}


    Hidden constructor call at the beginning ofevery constructorThe one essential way in which constructors differ from methods is that the first statement of every constructor is either a

    call on the constructor for the superclass (using super) or a call to another constructor in the same class (using this).

    Hidden call. You normally don't see the super call because the compiler automatically generates a call to the

    parameterless superclass constructor for you, but it's generated at the beginning of every constructor which doesn't

    explicitly call another constructor.

    public TimeOfDay1d(int h, int m) {hour = h;minute = m;


    Is the same as.

    public TimeOfDay1d(int h, int m) {super(); // Call Object constructor.hour = h;minute = m;

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    "Copy" ConstructorsAnother reason to overload constructors is to provide a copy constructor, which builds an object from the values of another

    object of the same class. [Note: Another way to do this is to implement the clone() method.]

    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: A time-of-day class with overloaded constructors.// Implements a copy constructor.// Author : Fred Swartz, 2007-02-27, Placed in public domain.

    public class TimeOfDay1e {public int hour;public int minute;

    //==================================================== constructorpublic TimeOfDay1e(int h, int m) {

    hour = h;minute = m;}

    //==================================================== constructorpublic TimeOfDay1e(int h) {

    this(h, 0); // Call other constructor.}

    //==================================================== constructorpublic TimeOfDay1e(TimeOfDay1e other) {

    this(other.hour, other.minute); // Call other constructor.}



    1. What would happen if you called the following constructor?TimeOfDay1e dentistAppointment = new TimeOfDay1e();

    OOP 6. Validity Checking - TimeOfDay

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Show how constructor can guarantee legal initial values.New Java language features

    Throwing an IllegalArgumentException.

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    A constructor can ensure good valuesBy defining a constructor, all TimeOfDay objects must be created with your constructor. This gives you control over how

    parameters are used, and most importantly it can prevent the creation of illegal TimeOfDay values.

    What to do if there are errors. Errors can be grouped into two general classes:

    User errors. If the user makes an error, the user interface code must tell them what they did wrong, how tocorrect it, etc. This is an issue for the user interface code, not for your basic value objects. Either the user

    interface should check for values before passing them to the model code, or the model code should have some

    way of informing the user interface that there was an error, typically by throwing an exception.

    Programmer errors. You should be very unforgiving of programmer errors discovered during testing There areseveral ways to handle errors (seeError processing). One of the best ways to handle bad values is to throw an

    exception (seeThrowing exceptions) to stop execution if an illegal situation is encountered.

    Crash please. The TimeOfDay class is called by a programmer, not the user. If illegal values are passed to the

    constructor, it's because the programmer isn't doing their job, so the program should be stopped immediately.

    The program below should crash because an illegal number of minutes is passed to the second call on the constructor. The

    result would be an error message something like the following.

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: TimeOfDay:Bad constructor value: 14:99

    at TimeOfDay2a.( TimeTest2a.main(

    TimeOfDay class

    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: A 24 hour time-of-day class to demo intro OOP concepts.// Author : Fred Swartz// Date : 2009-09-18// Issues : Validity checking.

    public class TimeOfDay2a {//========================================= instance variablespublic int hour;public int minute;

    //================================================ constructorpublic TimeOfDay2a(int h, int m) {

    //... Check values for validity.if (h < 0 || h > 23 || m < 0 || m > 59) {

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("TimeOfDay: Bad constructor value: " + h + ":" + m);

    }hour = h;minute = m;



    Test program source

    The following program will produce a dialog box indicating that an exception was correctly thrown, then it will produce an

    error on the console (if run from the console) because the exception was not caught.

    // File : oop/timeofday/ Purpose: Test TimeOfDay2a exception throwing..// Author : Fred Swartz - 2006-09-18 - Placed in public domain.
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    // Issues : When you run this test, it should produce an error.

    import javax.swing.*;

    public class TimeTest2a {public static void main(String[] args) {

    //... First constructor call is OKtry {

    TimeOfDay2a now = new TimeOfDay2a(8 , 35); // OK} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Failure: " + iax);}

    //... Constructor should fail.try {

    TimeOfDay2a never = new TimeOfDay2a(14, 88); // ILLEGAL VALUE.} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Success: " + iax);}

    //... Exception gets passed up to runtime environment to console.TimeOfDay2a never = new TimeOfDay2a(14, 99); // ILLEGAL VALUE.


    OOP 7. Private data - TimeOfDay

    Purpose of this lesson:

    Make dataprivate for reliability. Write getters and setters to work with private data. Instance methods can use the instance variables (fields).

    New Java language features

    private keyword. Methods defined without the static keyword are instance methods. Naming conventions for fields.

    Good Practices

    Only define getters for values that people need to know about. Setters are often not defined so that immutable objects can be created.

    Bulletproofing with private, getters, andsetters

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    To make reliable software, it's essential to protect the data in an object - insure that it is initialized, and prevent illegal or

    inconsistent values. The key to this is to declare the fields private.

    Private data reduces complexity by preventing unintended coupling -- references to fields inside your class from other


    Bad Practice - Excessive CouplingRisk. Public fields put the integrity of objects at great risk. Nothing prevents the following bad statements from being

    executed if the fields are public.

    TimeOfDay3 goodTime = new TimeOfDay2a(11, 11); // Legal values.

    goodTime.minute = 99; // AVOIDS CONSTRUCTOR VALIDITY CHECK

    But who would do that? Of course no programmer would intentionallyset the value to something illegal like this, but

    there could be several reasons to mistakenly set it. Here are two examples.

    goodTime.minute = userValue; // FAILED TO CHECK INPUT VALUE FIRST.

    goodTime.minute++; // WHAT HAPPENS AFTER 59?

    Solution - Private fields, public methods toget/set themPrivate data. The key to making classes safer and easier to change is to declare fields private. Constructors andmethods in the same class can use the field variables, but no one outside the class can see them. However, if they're

    private, something must be done to allow getting and setting the values. This is done with so

    calledgetterand settermethods.

    Getters a