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Japanese Quiz Bowl

Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Dec 17, 2015



Marion Hopkins
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Page 1: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Japanese Quiz Bowl

Page 2: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.


Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan:Permanent

capital at Kyoto

Increased power of emperor & court, but with Japanese modifications:Omission of Mandate of Heaven Officials & monasteries tax exempt

Still a step forward in the development of Japanese state (FC.60)

Turn hereditary nobles into appointed officials

Growing centralization of the state despite resistance

Even bad emp’s ran little risk of revolution

Narrower tax base & greater burden on the poor

Taiho Law Code (702), based on Chinese code, organized govt. w/strong emphasis on court ceremony & ritual rather than military strength

Birth still basis for promotion

Systematic taxation

Census & redistribution of land to peasants

Hereditary nobles kept status in Japan

Yamato Culture (c.300 C.E.) from Asia with horses & better iron tech.:Clans (Uji) who gradually absorb each other through

marriage, relig. ties & diplomacy as well as warShintoism which reveres cleanliness, nature, & head

of Yamato clan as its religious leader

Few resources

Civilization comes later to Japan

Yamato Clan unifies Most of Japan by 400 C.E. Japan more open to Chinese influence: Confucianism Respect authority & strict hierarchy Buddh. scriptures Use writing to keep govt. records

Resourceful traders & craftsmen

Less contact w/Asia Pick & choose for. ideas

Few invasions Less need for strong govt.

Small intensively farmed plots

Cooperative soc.

Japan politically fragmented feudal warfare

Japan mostly mts.Japan being islands

Yayoi Culture (c.300 B.C.E.) importing tech. from Asia

Page 3: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.


hurt state (FC.59)

Decline of central govt. & Fujiwara infl. at court

Rising power of provincial warlords

Growing turmoil & rising power of local warlords (FC.61)

Set up the Bakufu, small efficient milit. Govt. ruling over warrior class of samurai characterized by:The Bushido, a strict code of honor demanding selfless

loyalty, bravery, & willingness to suffer hardships

Hojo regency (1205-1333) which is strong at first

Until 2 unsuccessful Mongol invasions create problems:

Huge cost to defeat the Mongols

Samurai mad at not getting rewarded

Hojo power seriously weakened

Powerful rural nobles (FC.59)

Influence of T’ang Dynasty Powerful Budd. Monasteries

Move capital to Heian-Kyo (Kyoto), modeled after Chin. capital, Ch’ang-an

Fujiwara family intermarries with emperors & rules for them

Lighter armor of lacquered iron scales & proficiency in both the sword & bow, emphasizing flexibility

Peaceful conditions & rise of middle class & money econ

Nobles imitate rich life at court

Inflation cuts into nobles’ income

Poor samurai become ronin (bandits)

Ashikaga Shogunate replaces Hojo Regency (1338-1573)

Civil war which Minamoto clan wins Kamakura Shogunate (1185-1333)

Brilliant court life Influenced later Jap. art & poetry Nobles & court cut off from rest of soc.

Revolts by frontier warlords & native

Ainu Expose govt’s milit. weakness

Rival buddhist sects est. monasteries & own

armies Chronic source of trouble

Page 4: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.


Oda Nobunaga (1551-82 gains control of half of Japan because he:

Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) completes unification Strong Mid. Class develops Flowering of Jap. culture

Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1868) Stable rule & isolation until Japan is forced open by U.S. I 1854 (FC.125)

Encouraged growth of towns & trade

Japanese econ. & culture + fear of foreigners Japan ready to unify

Starts to expel foreigners

Built milit. power through use of firearms adapted from Europeans

Cultural flowering largely centered around Zen:

Rise of provincial rulers (daimyo), many of them lower samurai & even peasants, who fight each other,

but also carefully run estates & encourage trade

Japanese pirates disrupt trade with


Struggle w/Emperor Godaigo & outlying regions

Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98) unites almost all Japan & deals w/changes in Japanese society:

Eliminates the firearms & social mobility that helped him rise to power

Ashikaga Shogunate (FC.60)

Expensive projects cut into Shogun’s estate & tax $

Better tech., especially in agriculture

Rise of constables in provinces whose power grows as shoguns

decline Turbulent “Age of Warring States”

Two unsuccessful attempts to conquer Korea (1592 &1597)

Franciscans preach to lower classes Suspected of encouraging rev’s

Favored Christians vs. militant Buddhists

Flower arranging

Portugal trades Chin. Silks to Jap. & brings

to guns & Chr.

Rise of towns & middle class of moneylenders Tea

ceremonyJapanese gardens

Page 5: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan

Page 6: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation?

Page 7: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

Page 8: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains?

Page 9: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature

Page 10: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains?

Page 11: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

Page 12: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources?

Page 13: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

Page 14: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu?

Page 15: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

Page 16: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji?

Page 17: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

Page 18: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture?

Page 19: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects

Page 20: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami?

Page 21: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

Page 22: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto.

Page 23: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

Page 24: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on?

Page 25: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

Page 26: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion?

Page 27: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion? Budd. Scriptures-> Adopt Chinese writing

Page 28: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion? Budd. Scriptures-> Adopt Chinese writing

10) The importance of Confucianism?

Page 29: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion? Budd. Scriptures-> Adopt Chinese writing

10) The importance of Confucianism? Stressed soc. hierarchy & education

Page 30: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion? Budd. Scriptures-> Adopt Chinese writing

10) The importance of Confucianism? Stressed soc. hierarchy & education

11) What part of Chin. culture did Jap. reject?

Page 31: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion? Budd. Scriptures-> Adopt Chinese writing

10) The importance of Confucianism? Stressed soc. hierarchy & education

11) What part of Chin. culture did Jap. reject? Mandate of Heaven & promotion by merit

Page 32: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion? Budd. Scriptures-> Adopt Chinese writing

10) The importance of Confucianism? Stressed soc. hierarchy & education

11) What part of Chin. culture did Jap. reject? Mandate of Heaven & promotion by merit ECT: Who or what does torie refer to?

Page 33: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Early Japan 1) Two effects of being an island nation? 1. Can pick & choose foreign influences 2 . Few invasions-> less need for strong cent. Govt.-> More feudal

2) Two effects of mountains? Divided Japan politically & ltd farmland-> intensive agr. & coop. nature ECT: How much of Japan is mountains? 72%

3) The role of resources? Few resources-> resourceful artisans & merchants

4) Who or what were the Ainu? Primeval inhabitants of Jap. Driven to far North

5) Who or what were the Uji? Early clans in Japan

6) What was Shinto and its impact on Japanese culture? Primeval religion of Japan centered on natural forces & objects ECT: Who or what are kami? Spirits inhabiting natural objects in Shinto

7) Describe worship service in Shinto. No words or scripture; clap hands to get spirits’ attention; simple offerings to spirit.

8) Two ways China influenced Japan early on? Confucianism & Buddhism

9) The imp. of Buddhism besides religion? Budd. Scriptures-> Adopt Chinese writing

10) The importance of Confucianism? Stressed soc. hierarchy & education

11) What part of Chin. culture did Jap. reject? Mandate of Heaven & promotion by merit ECT: Who or what does torie refer to? Shinto gate

Page 34: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Video Quiz Bowl!

Page 35: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.


The “floating tori-e” near Hiroshima.

What is this?

Page 36: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

1923 Kanto earthquake

Earthquake at noon while cooking lunch

Big fire

Firestorm->high winds

Tsunami Landlside

Helped put out fires

Complete this flowchart

Page 37: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

How many protective statues are there here?


Page 38: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Wedded Rocks Shinto ShrineWhat is this called?

Page 39: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185)

Page 40: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it?

Page 41: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

Page 42: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo?

Page 43: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

Page 44: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo?

Page 45: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South

Page 46: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after?

Page 47: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an

Page 48: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei?

Page 49: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE.

Page 50: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu?

Page 51: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan

Page 52: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu?

Page 53: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended

Page 54: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu?

Page 55: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

Page 56: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why?

Page 57: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

Page 58: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara?

Page 59: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

Page 60: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor?

Page 61: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family

Page 62: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo

Page 63: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo Scratch w/nail of your pinky finger

Page 64: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo Scratch w/nail of your pinky finger ECT: Why did imperial guards twang their bowstrings?

Page 65: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo Scratch w/nail of your pinky finger ECT: Why did imperial guards twang their bowstrings? To drive off demons

Page 66: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo Scratch w/nail of your pinky finger ECT: Why did imperial guards twang their bowstrings? To drive off demons ECT: What was 1 outside activity women at court were allowed?

Page 67: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo Scratch w/nail of your pinky finger ECT: Why did imperial guards twang their bowstrings? To drive off demons ECT: What was 1 outside activity women at court were allowed? Rolling in snow

Page 68: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo Scratch w/nail of your pinky finger ECT: Why did imperial guards twang their bowstrings? To drive off demons ECT: What was 1 outside activity women at court were allowed? Rolling in snow ECT: Name two unorthodox ways women at court made themselves beautiful.

Page 69: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Heian Period (794-1185) 1) Ancient capital of Japan & what modern city is it? Heian-Kyo; Kyoto

2) Reasons for moving the capital to Heian-Kyo? To escape power of Budd. monast’s

3) Layout of Heian-Kyo? Rectangular grid facing South ECT: What city was it modeled after? Ch’ang an ECT: What was strategic about Monast. On Mt. Hiei? It protected capital from

demons that always come from the NE. ECT: Who was Jimmu? Legendary 1st emperor of Japan ECT: Who was Amaterasu? Sun goddess from whom imper. family was descended ECT: What 3 gifts did she give Jimmu? A sword, jewel , & mirror.

4) What was the position of the emperor through most of Japan’s history & why? Mainly ceremonial since he headed the religion.

4) Who were the Fujiwara? Family that ruled Japan for the emperor

5) How did they maintain their influence over emperor? Marrying into imper. Family ECT: How did you knock at Heian-kyo Scratch w/nail of your pinky finger ECT: Why did imperial guards twang their bowstrings? To drive off demons ECT: What was 1 outside activity women at court were allowed? Rolling in snow ECT: Name two unorthodox ways women at court made themselves beautiful.

1) Blacken their teeth; 2) shave eyebrows & draw them in higher on forehead

Page 70: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature?

Page 71: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

Page 72: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time?

Page 73: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

Page 74: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author?

Page 75: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

Page 76: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about?

Page 77: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

Page 78: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court?

Page 79: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

Page 80: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji?

Page 81: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

Page 82: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court?

Page 83: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court? Tolerated since it was the only way he could see a potential girl friend.

Page 84: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court? Tolerated since it was the only way he could see a potential girl friend.

ECT: Importance of the 6th generation at court?

Page 85: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court? Tolerated since it was the only way he could see a potential girl friend.

ECT: Importance of the 6th generation at court? Members of imper. Family removed 6 generations from emperor had to leave court for frontiers

Page 86: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court? Tolerated since it was the only way he could see a potential girl friend.

ECT: Importance of the 6th generation at court? Members of imper. Family removed 6 generations from emperor had to leave court for frontiers

8) Two factors-> the decline of the Fujiwara?

Page 87: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court? Tolerated since it was the only way he could see a potential girl friend.

ECT: Importance of the 6th generation at court? Members of imper. Family removed 6 generations from emperor had to leave court for frontiers

8) Two factors-> the decline of the Fujiwara? Powerful Buddhist monasteries & rising power of warlords fighting on frontiers

Page 88: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court? Tolerated since it was the only way he could see a potential girl friend.

ECT: Importance of the 6th generation at court? Members of imper. Family removed 6 generations from emperor had to leave court for frontiers

8) Two factors-> the decline of the Fujiwara? Powerful Buddhist monasteries & rising power of warlords fighting on frontiers

ECT: What were sohei?

Page 89: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

6) What was kana & its importance to Japanese literature? Easier script used by women at court-> Better able to write about court life

7) Name of the epic romance written at this time? Tale of Genji

ECT: Its author? Lady Murasaki Shikibu

ECT: What was it about? One man’s search for perfect love

ECT: Funny head gear did men have at court? Hats that made them look like quails

ECT: How long was one commentary on The Tale of Genji? 54 volumes

ECT: Attitude toward “peeping Toms” at court? Tolerated since it was the only way he could see a potential girl friend.

ECT: Importance of the 6th generation at court? Members of imper. Family removed 6 generations from emperor had to leave court for frontiers

8) Two factors-> the decline of the Fujiwara? Powerful Buddhist monasteries & rising power of warlords fighting on frontiers

ECT: What were sohei? Warrior monks

Page 90: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Video Quiz Bowl!

Page 91: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Kinkaku, also known as the Golden Pavilion, near KyotoName this building

Page 92: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What are these women doing?

Taking a cherry blossom viewing tour

Page 93: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

A messenger delivers a letter into the anxious hands of her lady’s lover. Such servants often played a vital role in getting two lovers together.

What is going on here?

Page 94: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What are these women doing?Reading a love poemAt what stage in a relationship was such a poem sent?Preliminary stage

Page 95: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What building is this, its significance, and its location?

Daibatsu temple, the world’s largest wooden building in Nara, Japan’s first capital until 794

Page 96: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What are these monks doing?

Demonstrating in the streets of Heian-Kyo

To further intimidate the populace, what have they done?

Brought out their mikoshi, a sacred image rarely seen in public.

Page 97: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai

Page 98: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira?

Page 99: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

Page 100: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won?

Page 101: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

Page 102: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it?

Page 103: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

Page 104: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean?

Page 105: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

Page 106: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from?

Page 107: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

Page 108: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido?

Page 109: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

Page 110: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to?

Page 111: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

Page 112: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai?

Page 113: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

Page 114: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye?

Page 115: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye? He’d rather die than have a comrade step on his forehead to extract an arrow from his eye.

Page 116: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye? He’d rather die than have a comrade step on his forehead to extract an arrow from his eye.

5) How did samurai armor compare to that of Eur. Knights?

Page 117: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye? He’d rather die than have a comrade step on his forehead to extract an arrow from his eye.

5) How did samurai armor compare to that of Eur. Knights? Lighter & more flexible

Page 118: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye? He’d rather die than have a comrade step on his forehead to extract an arrow from his eye.

5) How did samurai armor compare to that of Eur. Knights? Lighter & more flexible

6) How did samurai weapons compare to that of Eur. Knights?

Page 119: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye? He’d rather die than have a comrade step on his forehead to extract an arrow from his eye.

5) How did samurai armor compare to that of Eur. Knights? Lighter & more flexible

6) How did samurai weapons compare to that of Eur. Knights? Bow & sword vs. lance

Page 120: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye? He’d rather die than have a comrade step on his forehead to extract an arrow from his eye.

5) How did samurai armor compare to that of Eur. Knights? Lighter & more flexible

6) How did samurai weapons compare to that of Eur. Knights? Bow & sword vs. lance

7) How did samurai attitude towards money compare to that of Eur. Knights?

Page 121: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

The Emergence of the Samurai 1) Who were the Minamoto & Taira? Two families fighting for power in 1180s

2) Who won? At first the Taira, & then the Minamoto

3) What office did they create & what in essence was it? Shogun; military dictator

ECT: What did shogun mean? Barbarian suppressing generalissimo

ECT: Who or what was Bakufu & where did it come from? Term for the shogunate’s govt.; it meant tent govt., mor more literally the screen around gen’s tent for holding conferences with his officers

4) Who or what was Bushido? Way of the warrior; samurai code of honor

ECT: What was it analagous to? Western Europe’s code of chivalry

ECT: Meaning of samurai? He who serves

ECT: Story of a young samurai with an arrow through his eye? He’d rather die than have a comrade step on his forehead to extract an arrow from his eye.

5) How did samurai armor compare to that of Eur. Knights? Lighter & more flexible

6) How did samurai weapons compare to that of Eur. Knights? Bow & sword vs. lance

7) How did samurai attitude towards money compare to that of Eur. Knights? Both saw it as beneath their dignity to worry about.

Page 122: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Describe a typical combat b/w two samurai.

Page 123: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Describe a typical combat b/w two samurai. Announce lineage-> Fire arrows at each other-> Fight with swords from horseback-> Wrestle opponent to ground & kill him with a dagger

Page 124: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Describe a typical combat b/w two samurai. Announce lineage-> Fire arrows at each other-> Fight with swords from horseback-> Wrestle opponent to ground & kill him with a dagger

9) Two Econ. & military problems-> decline of the Kamakura Shogunate?

Page 125: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Describe a typical combat b/w two samurai. Announce lineage-> Fire arrows at each other-> Fight with swords from horseback-> Wrestle opponent to ground & kill him with a dagger

9) Two Econ. & military problems-> decline of the Kamakura Shogunate? 1)Peace-> Prosperity-> Inflation & overspending hurt samurai-> Many lose lands-> Unrest 2) Mongol invasions-> Shoguns can’t reward samurai for service from their exhausted shogunate’s treasury-> Unrest

Page 126: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Describe a typical combat b/w two samurai. Announce lineage-> Fire arrows at each other-> Fight with swords from horseback-> Wrestle opponent to ground & kill him with a dagger

9) Two Econ. & military problems-> decline of the Kamakura Shogunate? 1)Peace-> Prosperity-> Inflation & overspending hurt samurai-> Many lose lands-> Unrest 2) Mongol invasions-> Shoguns can’t reward samurai for service from their exhausted shogunate’s treasury-> Unrest ECT: What does kamikaze mean & what was it used to describe in this unit?

Page 127: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Describe a typical combat b/w two samurai. Announce lineage-> Fire arrows at each other-> Fight with swords from horseback-> Wrestle opponent to ground & kill him with a dagger

9) Two Econ. & military problems-> decline of the Kamakura Shogunate? 1)Peace-> Prosperity-> Inflation & overspending hurt samurai-> Many lose lands-> Unrest 2) Mongol invasions-> Shoguns can’t reward samurai for service from their exhausted shogunate’s treasury-> Unrest ECT: What does kamikaze mean & what was it used to describe in this unit? Divine wind, describing typhoon that destroyed Mongol invasion of Japan

Page 128: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Video Quiz Bowl!

Page 129: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Testing a new sword on a condemned men

What did one such convict say he'd have done if he'd known his fate?

Swallowed stones

What is happening here?

Story of a contest between two famous sword-smiths?

They set swords up in a stream to see which was sharper.The first sword cut any wet leaves that hit it.Leaves avoided the 2nd sword, knowing how sharp it was

Page 130: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What is on the backs of these samurai & why?

Sashimono for identification in battle

Page 131: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What is going on here?

A head viewing ceremony, to confirm a samurai’’s deeds in battle and qualify him for a reward from his lord.

Page 132: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What does this depict?

Usually to avoid capture by enemies.

Jigai was the female samurai’s own version of suicide.

Under what circumstances was it usually done?

Why are her legs tied together?

To ensure she maintained a dignified posture in death.

Page 133: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560)

Page 134: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start?

Page 135: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

Page 136: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo?

Page 137: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

Page 138: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called?

Page 139: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

Page 140: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result?

Page 141: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

Page 142: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China?

Page 143: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

Page 144: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese?

Page 145: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks

Page 146: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan?

Page 147: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths

Page 148: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits?

Page 149: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China

Page 150: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits?

Page 151: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

Page 152: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori?

Page 153: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori? Zen enlightenment that sees the unity of all things

Page 154: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori? Zen enlightenment that sees the unity of all things

7) What are koans?

Page 155: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori? Zen enlightenment that sees the unity of all things

7) What are koans? Illogical riddles designed to shake us out of our rational thinking

Page 156: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori? Zen enlightenment that sees the unity of all things

7) What are koans? Illogical riddles designed to shake us out of our rational thinking ECT: Why would Zen monks say there is no Buddha?

Page 157: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori? Zen enlightenment that sees the unity of all things

7) What are koans? Illogical riddles designed to shake us out of our rational thinking ECT: Why would Zen monks say there is no Buddha? Because that would say he exists as a separate entity from the rest of the universe.

Page 158: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori? Zen enlightenment that sees the unity of all things

7) What are koans? Illogical riddles designed to shake us out of our rational thinking ECT: Why would Zen monks say there is no Buddha? Because that would say he exists as a separate entity from the rest of the universe. ECT: “What is the meaning of Bodhidharma’s coming from the West”? Explain.

Page 159: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Chaos & Culture in Japan (1333-c.1560) 1) Problems besetting the Ashikaga Shogunate from the start? Struggle w/emperor Godaigo & expensive bldg. projects

2) Who or what were daimyo? Warlords who expanded their power at govt’s expense

3) What was this period called? Age of Warring States

4) How well did the daimyo manage their estates & the result? They took care of econ., roads, trade, etc.-> Larger tax base

5) Who or what were Wako & how did they affect Jap’s relations with Europe & China? Japanese pirates who raided China-> China cut trade w/Japan-> Daimyos welcomed Portuguese who could trade with China & bring its goods to Japan

ECT: What impressed the Jesuits about the Japanese? Their manners, cleanliness, tea ceremony, & skill with chopsticks ECT: What didn’t they like about Japan? Samurai’s combativeness, public baths ECT: What did Japanese like about Jesuits? Disciplined & right to trade with China ECT: What didn’t Japanese like about Jesuits? Their music & lack of cleanliness

6) What is satori? Zen enlightenment that sees the unity of all things

7) What are koans? Illogical riddles designed to shake us out of our rational thinking ECT: Why would Zen monks say there is no Buddha? Because that would say he exists as a separate entity from the rest of the universe. ECT: “What is the meaning of Bodhidharma’s coming from the West”? Explain. The cypress tree in the garden since everything is related to everything else

Page 160: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why?

Page 161: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

Page 162: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony?

Page 163: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony? To focus on & appreciate the simplicity of nature

Page 164: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony? To focus on & appreciate the simplicity of nature ECT: What does conversation often focus on during the tea ceremony?

Page 165: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony? To focus on & appreciate the simplicity of nature ECT: What does conversation often focus on during the tea ceremony? A simple object such as a cup or flower

Page 166: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony? To focus on & appreciate the simplicity of nature ECT: What does conversation often focus on during the tea ceremony? A simple object such as a cup or flower

10) What is ikebana & how does it compare to its Western counterpart?

Page 167: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony? To focus on & appreciate the simplicity of nature ECT: What does conversation often focus on during the tea ceremony? A simple object such as a cup or flower

10) What is ikebana & how does it compare to its Western counterpart? Japanese flower arranging that emphasizes empty space & a sparse arrangement instead of a full bouquet

Page 168: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony? To focus on & appreciate the simplicity of nature ECT: What does conversation often focus on during the tea ceremony? A simple object such as a cup or flower

10) What is ikebana & how does it compare to its Western counterpart? Japanese flower arranging that emphasizes empty space & a sparse arrangement instead of a full bouquet

11) What is the purpose of the Japanese rock garden?

Page 169: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Who in Japan esp. liked Zen and why? Samurai for its emphasis on discipline & facing death with calmness

9) What is the purpose of the Tea Ceremony? To focus on & appreciate the simplicity of nature ECT: What does conversation often focus on during the tea ceremony? A simple object such as a cup or flower

10) What is ikebana & how does it compare to its Western counterpart? Japanese flower arranging that emphasizes empty space & a sparse arrangement instead of a full bouquet

11) What is the purpose of the Japanese rock garden? To create a tranquil environment like the sea to help in meditation

Page 170: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Video Quiz Bowl!

Page 171: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What is this an example of?

Ikebana, Japanese flower arranging

Page 172: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Who are these and what Chinese word does this term come from?

Vikings, since they settled down in areas they raided: the Philippines, Thailand, Java, Malacca Strait, Indonesia, & Indo-China. Once settled, they used a combination of peaceful trade & meddling in local politics & wars to enhance their influence.

Who were they like the in Europe and how?

Daimyo gave them protection and supplies in return for part of the loot.

Deal they made with many daimyo?

Wako, from the Chinese word for dwarves (for their small ships?)

Page 173: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What building is this?

He spared the surviving defenders.What uncharacteristic thing did Oda do when it finally surrendered?

It was the final stronghold of the Ikko-ikki. It took 4 years for Oda Nobunaga to reduce it. What is its importance?

Osaka castle

Page 174: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Who was the first daimyo to really use firearms as an integral part of his army?

Nagashino, 1575At what battle & when?

Oda Nobunaga

Page 175: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the man who, despite his peasant origins, rose to power and unified practically all Japan.

Who is this & what did he do?

Page 176: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What is going on here?

Christianity’s exclusive nature would put Christian samurai in the difficult situation of having to choose between loyalty to Japan or the Church.

What aspect of Christianity did many samurai either fail to grasp or accept, & what dilemma would it cause?

A Catholic priest is giving his blessing to a Christian samurai

What kind of helmet is he wearing?A Spanish morion

What city was the center of Christian worship in Japan?


Page 177: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

A Japanese townsman surprises a samurai with his open hands (karate).

What is happening here?

When & why was karate developed?

As a means of commoners to defend themselves after they were disarmed in the Great Swordhunt

Page 178: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

What is happening here?

Korean turtle ships are beating an invading Japanese fleet.

Page 179: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Who is this?

Tokugawa Ieasu, the daimyo who completed Japan’s unification & established the Tokugawa Shogunate which gave Japan 250 years of stable rule.

Page 180: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600)

Page 181: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan?

Page 182: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

Page 183: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he?

Page 184: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.)

Page 185: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants?

Page 186: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

Page 187: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations?

Page 188: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare

Page 189: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki?

Page 190: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out

Page 191: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death?

Page 192: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces

Page 193: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated?

Page 194: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

Page 195: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background?

Page 196: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

Page 197: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result?

Page 198: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost

Page 199: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him?

Page 200: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him? Turtle ships w/cannons & incendiaries

Page 201: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him? Turtle ships w/cannons & incendiaries

6) What was the “Great Swordhunt” and its purpose?

Page 202: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him? Turtle ships w/cannons & incendiaries

6) What was the “Great Swordhunt” and its purpose? Confiscation of all weapons from non-samurai to maintain position of samurai in Japan

Page 203: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him? Turtle ships w/cannons & incendiaries

6) What was the “Great Swordhunt” and its purpose? Confiscation of all weapons from non-samurai to maintain position of samurai in Japan

7) The main difference b/w Jesuits & Franciscans?

Page 204: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him? Turtle ships w/cannons & incendiaries

6) What was the “Great Swordhunt” and its purpose? Confiscation of all weapons from non-samurai to maintain position of samurai in Japan

7) The main difference b/w Jesuits & Franciscans? Jesuits preached to the nobles, hoping they would influence the lower classes; Franciscans preached to the poor

Page 205: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him? Turtle ships w/cannons & incendiaries

6) What was the “Great Swordhunt” and its purpose? Confiscation of all weapons from non-samurai to maintain position of samurai in Japan

7) The main difference b/w Jesuits & Franciscans? Jesuits preached to the nobles, hoping they would influence the lower classes; Franciscans preached to the poor

8) How much of Japan did Hideyoshi unite?

Page 206: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

Reunification of Japan (c.1560-1600) 1) Who started the process of reunifying Japan? Oda Nobunaga (1551-82)

2) How good a ruler was he? He promoted econ. prosperity (roads, trade, etc.) ECT: How did he treat his servants? Executed maid for missing a twig on floor

3) What were his military innovations? He used peasants in his armies & effectively applied the use of firearms to warfare ECT: Who were the Ikko-ikki? Order of warrior monks Oda wiped out ECT: How much of Japan did Oda control by his death? 32/66 provinces ECT: Why was he assassinated? He sent a follower’s mother into an enemy castle as part of a hostage exchange & then murdered his hostages-> Enemy killed their hostages, including that follower’s mother-> That follower killed Oda in revenge

4) Nobunaga’s successor & his background? Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-98); peasant

5) Hideyoshi’s foreign policy and the result? Invaded Korea 2X-> He lost ECT: Weapon the Koreans used vs him? Turtle ships w/cannons & incendiaries

6) What was the “Great Swordhunt” and its purpose? Confiscation of all weapons from non-samurai to maintain position of samurai in Japan

7) The main difference b/w Jesuits & Franciscans? Jesuits preached to the nobles, hoping they would influence the lower classes; Franciscans preached to the poor

8) How much of Japan did Hideyoshi unite? All but Tokugawa Ieyasu’s lands

Page 207: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians?

Page 208: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

Page 209: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi?

Page 210: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616)

Page 211: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him?

Page 212: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it.

Page 213: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara?

Page 214: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan

Page 215: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought?

Page 216: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600

Page 217: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t?

Page 218: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto

Page 219: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle?

Page 220: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

Page 221: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world?

Page 222: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year

Page 223: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree?

Page 224: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

Page 225: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line?

Page 226: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

Page 227: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital?

Page 228: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital? Edo & Tokyo

Page 229: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital? Edo & Tokyo ECT: What was the “floating world”?

Page 230: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital? Edo & Tokyo ECT: What was the “floating world”? Middle class subculture of nightclubs & fun under the Tokugawas

Page 231: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital? Edo & Tokyo ECT: What was the “floating world”? Middle class subculture of nightclubs & fun under the Tokugawas

12) Who were Hokusai & HIrosige?

Page 232: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital? Edo & Tokyo ECT: What was the “floating world”? Middle class subculture of nightclubs & fun under the Tokugawas

12) Who were Hokusai & HIrosige? Two famous block print artists

Page 233: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital? Edo & Tokyo ECT: What was the “floating world”? Middle class subculture of nightclubs & fun under the Tokugawas

12) Who were Hokusai & HIrosige? Two famous block print artists ECT: What did Hokusai do 53 times?

Page 234: Japanese Quiz Bowl FC.59 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY JAPAN Taika Reforms (645 C.E.) to adapt Chinese govt. techniques to Japan: Permanent capital at Kyoto.

8) Why were there more problems with the Christians? Franciscans preaching to the poor-> Hideyoshi suspicious they were trying to stir up revolution

8) Who succeeded Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu (1598-1616) ECT: Saying about Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, & him? Oda kneaded the bread, Hideyoshi baked it, and Tokugawa ate it. ECT: What was Sekigahara? Decisive battle whereby Tokugawa unified Japan ECT: In what year was it fought? 1600 ECT: Why did he take the title of shogun while Oda & Hideyoshi didn’t? You had to be descended from the first shoguns, the Minamoto ECT: How did he take Osaka Castle? The old “If you tear down your fortifications then I’ll leave” trick, and it worked!

9) Tokugawa policies toward the outside world? Cut Japan off from outside world except for a few ships each year ECT: What year was the Exclusion Decree? 1639

10) How did the Tokugawas keep their samurai in line? They kept their families at court as hostages and made them spend half their time at court as well

11) Ancient and modern name of Tokugawa capital? Edo & Tokyo ECT: What was the “floating world”? Middle class subculture of nightclubs & fun under the Tokugawas

12) Who were Hokusai & HIrosige? Two famous block print artists ECT: What did Hokusai do 53 times? Painting of Mt. Fuji