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Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #12- The Cub's Triumph

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #12- The Cub's Triumph


    -^p -TJWJapanese Fairy Tale Series, No. \2.THE CUB'S TRIUMPH.TOLD IN ENGLISH BY /&RS. J. j?-

  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #12- The Cub's Triumph




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  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #12- The Cub's Triumph



    upon a timethere lived in a for-est, a badger, and a

    mother fox with one little cub.There were no other beasts in

    the wood, because the huntershad killed them all with bows

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    The deer, and the wild boar, thehares, the weasels and the stoatseven the bright little squirrels hadbeen shot, or had fallen intotraps. At last, only the badger,and the fox, with her young onewere left. And they were starving,for they dared not venture fromtheir holes for fear of the traps.They did not know what to do,

    or where to turn for food. Atlast the badger said,

    "I have thought of a plan.I will to be dead. You

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    must change yourself into a man.and take me into the town, andsell me. With themoney you get '


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    you must buy food, and bring itinto the forest. When I get achance, I will run away, and comeback to you, and we will eat ourdinner together. Mind you waitfor me, and don't eat any of ituntil I come. Next week it willbe your turn to be dead, and myturn to sell, do you see?"The fox thought this plan would

    do very well: so, as soon as thebadger had lain down, and pre-tended to be dead, she said toher little

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    "Be sure not to come out of thehole until I come back. Be verygood and quiet,

    and I will soonbring you some nice dinner."

    She thenchanged her-self intoa wood-cutter,

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    took the badger by the heels, andswung him over her shoulders, andtrudged off into the town. Thereshe sold the badger for a fair

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    price, and withthe moneyboughtsome fish,some tofu*and somevegetables.She then ranback to the forestas fast as she could, changedherself into a fox again, and creptinto her hole to see if little cubwas all right. Little cub was there,

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    t in upon the tofu atonce.

    "No, no," said the mother fox."Fair play's a jewel We must

    wait for the badger"

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    Soon thebadgerarrived,quiteoutof breath with running

    "I hopeyou haven't

    been eating any ofthe dinner/' he panted. "I couldnot get away sooner. The man yousold me to, brought his wife to

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    he had bought me. You shouldhave asked twice as much. At lastthey left me alone, and then Ijumped up, and ran away as fastas I could."The badger, the fox and the cub

    now sat down to dinner, and hada fine feast, the badger taking careto get the best bits for himself.

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    Some days after, when all thefood was finished, and they hadbegun to get hungry again, thebadger said to the fox;"Now 'tis your turn to die."

    So the fox pretented to be dead,and the badger changed himself Jjinto a hunter, shouldered the fox, ||and went off to the town, where he ji

    .made a good bargain, and soldher for a nice little sum of money.You have seen already that the

    badger was greedy and selfish.What do think he did

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    He wished to have all the money,and all the food it woulcj buy forhimself, so, he whispered to theman who had bought the fox."That fox is only pretending to

    be dead; take care he dosn't runaway."

    "We'll soon settle that," said theman: and he knocked the fox onthe head with a big stick, andkilled her.The badger next laid out the

    money in buying all the nice thingshe could think of. He carried them

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    off to the forest, and there eatthem all up himself, without giv-ing one bit to the poor little cub,who was 'all alone, crying for

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    its mother, very sad, and veryhungry.Poor little motherless cub ! But

    being a clever little fox, he soonbegan to put two and two together,and at last felt quite sure that thebadger had, in some way, causedthe loss of his mother.He made up his mind that he

    would punish the badger; and ashe was not big enough, or strongenough, to do it by force, he wasobliged to try another plan.

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    r~ ""how angry he was with him, butsaid in a friendly way.

    ''Let us have a game of chang-ing ourselves into men. If youcan change yourself so cleverly thatI cannot find you out, you willhave won the game; but, if Ichange myself so that you cannotfind me out, then I shall havewon the game. I will begin, ifyou like; and, you may be sure,I shall turn myself into somebody


    very grand while I am about it/'

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  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #12- The Cub's Triumph


    ; ,A

    instead of changing himself at all,the cunning little cub just wentand hid himself behind a tree, andwatched to see what would happen.Presently, there came along the

    \?^ '^^^JWmKW^mr^^

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    bridge, leading into the town, adaimio, seated in a norimonoj a

    great crowd of servants and menat arms following him.

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    The badger was quite sure thatthis must be the fox; so, he ranup to the norimono, put in hishead, and cried. "I've found you

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    out! IVe won the game!""A badger ! A dadger ! Off with

    his head," cried the daimio.

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    So one of the retainerscut off the badger's headwith one blow ofhis sharp sword.The little cub, all thetime laughing unseenbehind thetree.

  • 8/14/2019 Japanese Fairy Tale Series 01 #12- The Cub's Triumph


    JAPANESE FAIEY TALE SERIES,1. Momotaro or Little Peachling.2. The Tongue Cut Sparrow.3. The Battle of the Monkey and the Crab.4. The Old Man who made the Dead Trees Blossom5. Kacht-Kachi Mountain.6. The Mouses' Wedding.7. The Old Man and the Devils.8. Urashima, the Fisher-boy.9. The Eight-Headed Serpent.10. The Matsuyama Mirror.11. The Hare of Inaba.12. The Cub's Triumph.13. The Silly Jelly-Fish.14. The Princes Fire-Flash and Fire-Fade15. My Lord Rag-o'-Rice.1 6. The Wonderful Tea-Kettle.17. Schippeitaro.1 8. The Ogre's Arm.19. The Ogres of Oyeyama.20. The Enchanted Waterfall.2nd Series No. i. The Goblin-Spider.

    " "2. The Wonderful Mallet* * " 3. The Broken Images.

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