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Page 1: January 2013 Cultural Fuel Trend Report




Page 2: January 2013 Cultural Fuel Trend Report


Inspiration"Some creative ideas to inspire you !

Trends"Hot trends and interesting marketing strategies!

Insights & Opinions"Research news about target groups and market insights!

Page 3: January 2013 Cultural Fuel Trend Report


Page 4: January 2013 Cultural Fuel Trend Report

TREE OF BOOKS"An e-book has many outstanding advantages when compared to regular books. Still many people tend to prefer „real“ books because of the feeling and the flavor of new paper when browsing through a book. The fact that an educated person reads one tree of books per year leads Sony to grab these peopleʻs attention by increasing sustainability of the woods when using an e-book. The implementation of this insight is presented in a simple and clear visual. Great piece of work!!Via:!

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BEFORE IT GETS ANY FURTHER..."This print ad uses an unusal humorous way to raise peopleʻs attention on a serious topic like Alzheimer is. At the first glance itʻs kind of funny seeing the old woman knitting on an endless glove, but at a second view nobody wants to be in place of the woman. Definitely an ad that you keep in mind.!Via:!

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RENT A HOMELESS PERSONʻS BED"In Gothenburg over 3.400 people are homeless. To raise peopleʻs attention on this problem, an agency created a website where people can „book“ a night for 10$ at one of ten different places homeless people might have to stay for a night. Every spot is featured in a picture and can either be booked for oneself or as a gift for a friend via Facebook. The money is donated to Faktum and thus increases the support of homeless people.!Via:!

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LYNX/AXE LETS YOU BLAST INTO SPACE"AXE offers 22 fans around the globe a golden opportunity to become an astronaut and flying into space. Everybody can participate and the candidates with the most community votes in each country are invited to the AXE Space Camp. There the candidates have to show their skills by passing different qualification tests. Finally a jury consisting of experts and former astronauts selects the winners that will go into space. This campaign reminds somehow on the RedBull Stratos campaign in 2012, but this time ordinary people have the big chance to let their dream come true.!Via:!

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THE INTERACTIVE COKE CHASE"Within the context of this yearʻs Super Bowl, Coke created a big interactive social campaign and thus letʻs you decide the ending of its big game ad. The Story: A race between Cowboys, Showgirls and Badlanders with only one goal – being first at the big coke bottle. Pick your team and sabotage your competitors by delaying their run. When sharing on Facebook or Twitter more ways of sabotaging are unlocked. The ending of the big game ad will then be shown on TV. !Via:!

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LITERALLY A SMALL DEMONSTRATION"A simple but nice idea to promote the easy usability of the new Windows 8 in a store in Portugal. To demonstrate that itʻs easy to use for everybody the store employee giving a „small“ demonstration surprisingly is a small boy. The end is just great! Look at the peopleʻs reactions – they are priceless.!Via:!

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BON VOI AGE"Using different flight stickers to form a message in a print ad is not new. Bayer already did almost the same 2 years ago. Anyways the visual is pretty catchy and has a nice insight!!Via:!!

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MAKING MONDAYS GREAT DAYS"Mondays are probably the most hated days. Getting up early after a relaxing weekend, having a stressful job can be so gruesome. Thereʻs mostly one thing people need when facing this challenge. Coffee. Therefore Starbucks came up with a new „Monday can be Great Days“ campaign. To make mondays more comfortable for people they introduced the 1,50$ Monday coffee at Starbucks to ensure that people have at least a little thing they can look forward to.!Via:!

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TAKE A RIDE – GET YOUR DISCOUNT"Within the context of a summer sale, the brazilian furniture retailer Lar Center came up with a „mechanical sofa“ built with the innards of a mechanical bull. The longer people stand the challenge, the bigger is the discount they get on furniture at Lar Center. !Via:!

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DOVE: SCRATCH CARD"Not sure if the statement that Dove is the only body wash that prevents chapped skin, is that credible. But anyways the idea of using a scratch card to let people experience what happens when not using a Dove body wash is pretty catching.!Via:!

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THE JACK DANIELʻS DRUM"In terms of an online competition Jack Danielʻs manufactured a unique handmade drum from an old whiskey barrel. Check the video below to have a look at the manufacturing process.!Via:!

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FINDYOUR7"To promote its new seven-seater car Santa Fe, Hyundai announced a mobile social experience challenging people to build their personal football team consisting of 7 team members in Facebook. The winners will get seats to the big game in 2014. Additionally the „FindYour7“ campaign is supported by a funny TV Spot that you can find below.!Via:!!

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CONVERT TIME INTO MONEY AND BACK TO TIME"TimSpend is a Facebook application that allows people to convert the time they spend on facebook into real money. This money can then be donated to the „SOS-Kinderdörfer“, converting the money back into real time for the children in need by hiring new mothers and fathers. Nice insight to „trade“ time for people that are really in need of it.!Via:!

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YOU DECIDE"In Russia exists the problem that there are more charity foundations supporting children than adults. Currently 90% of all charity work is only for the help of children. To raise awareness on adults being neglected spreaded a video in social media, challenging people to make a decision whom they would help in case of an emergency.!Via: !

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MORE LIFE-CHANGING TECHNOLOGY"Professor Stephen Hawkings has a vision of people creating more life-changing inspiring technology for everybody, especially for disabled people to make their daily life more comfortable. Definitely a video to start one thinking.!Via: !

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PROBLEM SOLVED"One major problem when traveling to a country and arriving at the home airport with other currency is: What to do with the money that canʻt be used anymore? To provide people a feeling of home wherever they are, Coca-Cola developed a „worldwide vending machine“ accepting any currency. Since Coca-Cola is spread all over the globe and represented in almost every country,thatʻs not only a consumer-friendly and consumer-caring but also a profitable idea.!Via. !

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THE ALTERNATIVE"This looks like a very ironic dig at the Volkswagen „the one thing“ campaign. By setting up the whole scenery in a very old fashioned way, Toyota declares the „the one thing“ attitude as inappropriate and questions the sense of focusing on only one thing in a world full of alternatives. !Via: !

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BACK TO THE ROOTS"In these days it is so normal to be connected to all social media and WiFi all the time. Thus KitKat came up with an idea using their slogan „Have a break, have a Kitkat“ literally. They created a „No WiFi Zone“ blocking any signals within a radius of 5 metres so that people can read newspapers or books or have a real face to face conversation. !Via: !

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DOUBLE CHEESE BURGER"At a first glance this print ad looks like a regular cheeseburger. But it isnʻt. In fact the burger is a piece of cheese on a tray covered by a glass bowl on top. It only looks like a burger because of the refelection. Great artwork and insight!!Via: !

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GYMS DO NOT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT"Many people avoid going to the gym, because they feel embarassed in front of people with almost perfectly shaped bodies talking about their „problematic areas“ or how much weight they lifted.!Planet Sports rebuts the prejudices that every gym is like that and positions itself as a different kind of gym. !Via:!

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MISUNDERSTOOD"Many people in brazil think that British Airways only offers flights to the UK. To work against that, British Airways came up with a very unique ambient idea by manipulating a barcode reader in a book store. Those barcode readers have been placed within the „Travel Guides“ section and when scanning a travel guide of a certain location, flight offers from British Airways to exactly that location are displayed on the reader. Not only a very unique and creative, but also a very effective idea to target the people planning to book a flight.!Via: !

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WHAT DO YOU SEE?"What do you see when looking at the new Garnier Fructis Shampoo print ad from switzerland? Looks like a man with a long beard? Attention, itʻs an optical illusion! „For every type of hair“. Nice insight.!Via:!

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THE MORE SHARES THE BIGGER SHOW"The rockband Tin Tings hold the first interactive/mobile/digital concert at the Place du Palais in Paris. A digital billboard counted the number of shares in Social Media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) using the Tin Tins concert hashtag. The more shares the more spectacular became the concert. Reaching different levels like 200, 500 or 1000 shares brought different entertainment groups such as dancers, acrobats or even astronauts onto the stage.!Via: !

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INTERACTIVE NEWSPAPER"These times itʻs difficult to motivate children reading newspapers. They are old-fashioned. Reading is boring, nothing „happens“. Itʻs so static and the content is too complicated for children. To solve this problem the Tokyo Shimbun created a newspaper thatʻs for both. Adults and children. While the content for adults stays the same, the content for children turns into an interactive experience when scanning a specific „content-box“. This technology allows to transfer the adult content into children-friendly content displayed on the smartphone screen. Thus reading the newspaper is more like a big capturing exploration for children. Learning by interactive experience. Great idea!!Via: !

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THE WRONG IMPRESSION"Truly unlimited data from Sprint, Official Wireless Partner of the NBA, might cause some unusual changes due to all the access to so much NBA coverages. To promote this insight Leo Burnett Chicago turned a Chinese family man into the NBA star player of the Oklahma City Thunders, Kevin Durant. The son predicts that his dad was up late to look NBA on his phone again. His wife claims that she doesnʻt see any difference to make use of his height and lets him clean the roof gutter. !

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A SECRET IS DISCLOSED"The Samsung clip shows a crew making a new advertising spot for the ecobubble washing machine in a winter scenery. Suddenly a brown bear appears and the crew escapes to a safe spot observing the brown bear straying through their camp. The bear seems to be very familiar to human technology... With more than 9.8 million clicks the video became a big viral hit on YouTube.!Via: !

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UNBELIEVABLE"When the clip starts all you can see is a ordinary scene that happens all over the world in our daily lives. There are two cars parked on the roadside, both drivers get out of their vehicle and start to argue. The suspectors donʻt get any information what they argue about. It could be little accident or one of them could disregard the right way- there are a lot of different possibilities. But thatʻs not the point. In fact thereʻs something else that becomes even more shocking when only watching the two men argueing.!Via: !

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LISTEN TO YOUR HEART"Zoosk is an online dating portal claiming in itʻs ad that dating is about listening to your heart. To visualize this insight, Zoosk created a speaking heart-shaped pillow searching for a date on the Zoosk dating website while sitting on the couch right beside the woman it belongs to. Funny idea.!Via: !

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THE ROOMATE"The online travel agency „Kayak“ is famous for its bizarre ads. Hereʻs another weird one. The key message stays always the same: „Kayak compares 100 travel sites at once. Search one and done“.!Via:!

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RECORD BREAKING YEAR FOR DIGITAL ADVERTISING"Here we got some interesting facts and figures about the development of digital advertising within the next years. According to eMarketer the global digital advertising spendings in 2012 topped 100$ billion for the first time. Compared to 2011 the total spendings climbed by 17.8% and the share of total advertising increased to almost 20%. This trend will be followed by another noticeable growth in over the next few years.!Via:!

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LOCATION BASED CONTENT"Li Horowitz developed a digital book that unlocks specific content only when readers are in a certain location. Therefore the application uses a GPS technology to locate the reader. Thus users can explore the novelʻs world which is allocated all across the United States. The concept provides users with a very interesting and new user experiences that could really be a trendsetter for future applications that connect specific content and locations.!Via:!

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TRACK WHERE THE INGREDIENTS OF YOUR BURGER COME FROM"In Australia McDonalds launched a pilot project taking customers „behind the scenes“. With the help of the TrackMyMaccaʻs App people can scan their burger and check where the single ingredients come from. The „story“ behind each burger is based on individual data like GPS to track where the burger has been bought, purchasing time and of course the packaging to identify which type of burger it is. Then the burgerʻs individual story is visualized into the scan on your smartphone including features like the specific local suppliers introducing themselves to the customers by giving insights on their farm and production.!Via: !

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ANOTHER „QUANTIFIED SELF“ TOOL"„Quantified Self“ is an increasing movement putting oneʻs daily life into measureable and evaluable data in terms of input, such as food consumption, calories burned etc. The „bluetooth headset-lookalike“ is another new fitness gadget to observe and control oneʻs fitness levels during the training. The earphones monitor real-time physiological data better than any fitness trackers so far. Additionally a supportive app will be published soon to control and visualize the fitness levels. !Via: !

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WE NEED A MODEL TO MEASURE SOCIAL MEDIA ROI"When brands start planning a marketing campaign costs and the return are calculated to measure the campaignʻs return on the investment. According to that, KPIs such as the thousand-contact-price (TCP) are established measurement tools within the above-the-line advertisement. Still we are missing similar KPIs, such as the money value of a facebook fan or a youtube click, in social media. Ingite came up with a 7-step model to calculate the ROI of your social media. Of course those models have to be considered carefully since they are not validated in practice yet. Anyways itʻs only a matter of time having an accepted model for the rating of different types of social media contacts.!Infographic:!

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CRUCIAL CONSUMER TRENDS FOR 2013"The infographic below from summarizes the upcoming top ten consumer trends for 2013. Among the top trends are consumers participating in the funding and launch of new products and brands; and increasing mobile moments with a trend to the so-called „hyper-tasking“. Besides that health apps, so-called „Appscriptions“ are going to hit the market in 2013.!Check the infographic:!

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MOBILE AD MARKET 400% GROWTH OVER NEXT 5 YEARS"In terms of the rapidly growing mobile ad market , experts expect an increase of 400% over a five year period, starting from 2011. The segment is expected to reach 24,5$ billion in total in 2016. Early adopters are Asia / Pacific / Japan and North America. The numbers are based on a Gartnerʻs research. The research also contains some interesting trends following from Gartnerʻs facts and figures such as a noticeable decrease of print formats within the coming years.!Via:!

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THE SPECIAL ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS"Eventually a psychological study from the University of Warwick attests the suspicion many people were sure about before: Facebook posts can be better remembered than faces or sentences from books. The reason behind is the style post are written in. They are short, clear, easy to understand and less polished. The study claims that the posts are „mind-ready“. With and thus easier to remind. An insight many were aware of before but that is finally approved by a study.!Via: !

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Released by Planning Department FrankfurtJanuary 2013 For submission of interesting news, inspiration and comments please submit to [email protected]