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January 2012

Mar 26, 2016



Yesmin Negron

2012 _ "Our Year of Excuseless Maturity
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: January 2012
Page 2: January 2012

"Focus can never truly be lost, only redirected to things of

lesser importance."

This next year will be a time of unprecedented gains for the body

of Christ in the advancement of kingdom purposes worldwide.

Many of the dreams, visions, and revelations from the Lord that

have seemingly been "pending" will begin to unfold with a veloc-

ity that the earth has never seen.

For the individual, one of our greatest needs is to bring our lives

completely into God's order, and focus. That is, narrow in on

God's will, God's way, for every aspect of our personal and cor-

porate lives.

We must eliminate things which seek to steal our momentum,

and cause us to deviate in our thinking and behaving. We must

align ourselves with sure moves of the spirit; lending our gifts,

talents, and resources to the advancement of kingdom causes.

This is our year of EXCUSELESS MATURITY!

Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr.

Page 3: January 2012
Page 4: January 2012

Happy New Year to All Readers, from ―The Voice‖!

For 2012, ―Our Year of Excuseless Maturity‖, VOM Newsletter re-

mains focused on the vision of reaching partners and the community. In

essence, the vision includes evangelizing, encouraging, building & lift-

ing up. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit continues to impart in the life

of the reader through each page. We will continue to go across the country and around the world spread-

ing the gospel. We will continue speaking in the lives of an audience

that have open hearts; continuing to hunger for the Word of God. It’s

not only door to door; but e-mail to e-mail. We are designed to touch

someone’s life, thereby giving God all the glory and honor, and doing

all unto Him. If you are interested in joining the newsletter’s team or would like to

communicate with the community or partners, please email Yesmin

Negron at [email protected] or call 813-775-5381. In this issue, we celebrate 2012 CFM’s Leader of the Year, Pastor

Eddie Boles. Additionally, enjoy the Words of Reflection from Dr.

Jones. Also, remember, this is the beginning of the chronological bible read-

ing. Teacher Eva Johnson, using ―Where in the World Is….‖ Page,

provides background information for each book of the Bible.

This helps us gain a better picture and insight into each book

we will be reading. Be sure to check out the ―Flash Back‖ pages and SMILE!!! Moreover,

if you are a parent, please read ―Teaching Champions‖ page. Sister

Felecia King provides parents tips to help our children during the

school year.

Lastly, we invite you to visit page 10, ―Redemption‖, where a simple

prayer accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior will lead you to re-

ceive eternal life. What’s more, you can reconcile your life with Him.

For God desires intimacy with the saints. VOM Newsletter encourages you to be a partner in this great work by

sharing with your friends, coworkers, & family. Simply email the

newsletter link, its FREE!! ...And remember; someone plants, someone waters and God gives the


Till the next time, Manifest!! Yesmin Negron

VOM Newsletter Dept Leader

Page 5: January 2012

It's a new year with twelve months to complete

The past shall no longer beset me

As I wipe the dust from off my feet

For now the enemy I can defeat

Looking forward with great expectation

Living by the WORD brings restoration

Knowing that I am able to do

Just what my God will bring me through

Conquering all negative mindsets

With discipline and determination

Canceling all doubts and fears

While welcoming a new year

Prayer and fasting brings consecration

For now I have forgotten the former things

Neither considering the things of my past

Opening for change for only in Christ I shall last

So as I am renewed and restored

I give God thanks, honor and praise

Recognizing His mercy and grace

For through HIM is our lives made new

Written by Sis. Jennifer Cole

Page 6: January 2012

As we prepare to close out the year of

2011, many believers complete an assess-

ment of their lives. Typically falling short

in some areas, believers then resolve to do

better. Resolution lists abound all around


Notwithstanding, some resolutions re-

main on lists for years and years, thereby

indicating no change. I surmise that there

is no growth within these areas because

there is no root.

In chapter 4 of Mark, Jesus expounds

upon a parable of the sower. Of specific

interest, he noted that the seed upon stony

ground sprang up rather quickly. How-

ever, since there was no root, it withered


Consequently, some believers have

good intentions; resolving to do better.

Yet, this resolve only settles itself upon the

lips. It is never settled at the heart level

through Christ Jesus.

The root, or foundation is Jesus. Until

one is founded upon this Rock, no growth

is evident. It’s time to grow up!

The Word also tells us that believers

should be no more children; being tossed to

and fro and carried about. It’s akin to a

roller coaster. Believers are being shaken

and rocked by trials and circumstances; by

offences; by men’s cunning words; by false

prophetic doctrine. And, because the sure

foundation has not been laid, some believ-

ers fall prey. Subsequently, they mentally

―fall apart‖, thus walking as zombies

through life.

Therefore, before this year ends, take a

careful assessment of your heart! Ensure

that you’ve surrendered and completely

submitted to Him. Similar to a tree’s root,

grab hold and firmly plant yourself in

Christ. Ensure that you’ve kept accounts

current and there is no aught in your hearts

with anyone1 Ensure that you are walking

and living in the Spirit, moment by mo-

ment, day by day.

Consequently, the seed will germinate

within you and flourish to produce change,

growth and fruit.

By: Wilma Weems

Page 7: January 2012

While walking through the house this week, I experienced an overwhelming sense

of gratefulness overtaking me. I started thinking about the things God through

Christ has done for me over the years. Frankly, it was a bit much to handle. I was

grateful for this feeling I believe the Holy Spirit graced me with it. For I’d gotten

to a point of being a little stressed because I wanted to do some things for the kids

this year that I just wouldn’t be able to do. I know Christmas isn’t about all the

rushing to the stores and paying for a bunch of things I can’t afford. It’s not about

getting in debt either. But, every father wants to be able to do more for their kids

than perhaps their parents were able to do for them.

I quickly snapped out of that stressed state, though. God was showing me that I

had nothing to feel worried about. I allowed myself to sit back and bask in His lov-

ing and giving nature. My children are wonderful and simply happy that I’m with


As a man, it’s easy to give, but so hard to receive. This is a human flaw. Some

of the best things in life can’t be purchased with money. Some of the best things in

life are free.

Consequently, I thank God for the free gift of eternal life that he gave us

through Jesus. It’s not just a future hope, but a present reality. I encourage men

everywhere this holiday season to open themselves to receive the unconditional

love of God, and the love of family and friends. Let’s take our hearts off the things

that will soon fade away. Let’s set our hearts on the things that truly matter in life.

From one brother to another, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Page 8: January 2012

Eddie Lee Boles Jr. was born in

Gainesville, Florida and was raised in High

Springs, FL; he attended Santé Fe High

School in High Springs. He was very active

in many sports such as football, basketball,

baseball, track & weight lifting. After high

school, he attended University of South

Florida where he received his BA degree.

On June 9, 2002, Eddie Boles gave

his life to Christ, being invited to CFM by

his sister-in- law. Consequently on Septem-

ber 8, 2002, he married his beloved wife

Gail Boles, and they’ve been married for 9


Life began to change years before

he joined CFM when the Holy Spirit started

dealing with him about his sinful life. The

majority of all of Apostle series have had an

impact on his life in one way or the other

because God is always dealing with him in a

progressive tense. Being under the leader-

ship of Apostle has affected him mostly in

three different ways:

1 Taught him how to be a man by example

2 Taught him how to be a husband by exam-


3 Taught him how to conduct himself as a

minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ

His prayer is to be used by God to

have a positive impact on every individual

he comes into contact with. For the year to

come, his prayer is to be positioned in such

a way as to alleviate more of the day to day

responsibilities from Apostle. This will help

Apostle to concentrate solely on Kingdom

building and strengthening the pastors, lead-

ers, and churches all over the world.

From a wife’s perspective, he is

fueled by a passion to fulfill God’s mandate

and he readily and candidly shares, ―It’s not

about platforms; it’s about people.‖ He’s

like David ―a man after God’s own heart‖

Psalm 16: 2 “I said to the Lord, “You are

my Lord; apart from you I have no good


David recognizes that the only good in him

was the God in him. I believe great godly

leaders are willing to step aside from their

own need for ego building and self-

confidence and humble themselves before

an almighty God.

Eddie walks in the power of quiet

confidence in God “In quietness and in con-

fidence shall be your strength.‖Isaiah


He’s totally committed to his assignment in

assisting Apostle here at CFM; he’s simply a

servant of the most High God.

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3 4

5 6

7 8 9







6. Throw Me a ____________ 7. Agents of _________ 10. ___________: Mastering the

Art of Accuracy 11. ___________ Operandi 13. The Art of _____________ 14. ____________ for the Call


1. U n d o i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________

2. Losing My _________ 3. __________ of Power 4. Life in the ____________ 5. Pul l ing Down the _______

________ of Compromise 8. The ____________ Work of Christ 9. Finding Your _____________ 12. Breaking _____________


Page 10: January 2012

A new year has come in, but our problems & issues have not disappeared. Many unre-

alistic goals & plans have been made that was never accomplished. Then; from time to

time the question of ―why‖ comes to mind with no answer.

Do you know the plans God has for you?

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD,

thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Take a step of faith to first know God. Receive Him as your Lord and Savior with a

simple prayer. Then, as your relationship with Him progresses, He will reveal His

plans. I assure you that you will agree with Him!

Pray with me,

Father, I believe. I recognize that I am a sinner and that I have sinned against you. I

repent, forgive me. I believe Jesus Christ died for me. Come into my heart. Wash me,

show me your ways, teach me your status. I want to be like you, fill me with your

Spirit, make your ways my life, In Jesus name, Amen

Page 11: January 2012


Legacy Church

2702 Causeway Center Dr

January 14, 2012

Dr. Mark T. Jones

New Hope International

3426 Crawfordville Road

Tallahassee, FL

February 3, 2012

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Upcoming Crusades

March, 2012 Haiti Crusade

April, 2012 Missions to India

Genesis Worship Center

2711 E. 18th Avenue

March 15, 2012

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Page 12: January 2012

I love this time of the year. A new year represents a

new beginning. It’s another opportunity to start over,

to leave behind all the things that did not serve me in

the previous year. It’s another chance to walk

through new opportunities and new possibilities.

As one year comes to an end and another year be-

gins, many people participate in the tradition of

making New Year’s resolutions. I have a question,

one that I want you to consider, as well. How many

New Year’s resolutions have you made over the

years about food, career, ministry, weight loss, exer-

cise, budgeting, and a host of other things, only to

resolve, ―I’ll do better the next year‖? If you are like

thousands of other people, years have come and

gone, taking with them our best made plans and our

good intentions. This year before you get started,

and I want to stop you before you go down the same

path again. ―Listen to me, daughters,‖ God pleads.

―For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are

your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the

heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways

higher than your ways and my thoughts than your

thoughts‖ (Isaiah 55:8-9). Sisters, God is telling us

that our old way of thinking is not going to give us

the results or the successful resolutions we desire.

What this means is you must make a different type

of resolution this year. Not about food, money, ca-

reer, or weight loss, but about YOU –the real you who was created in the image of God. This, my sis-

ters, is the most important resolution you could ever

make: resolve to be transformed from within by the

renewing of your mind through God’s Word

(Romans 12:2). When you do, you will find that

sticking to your plans in life; such as losing weight,

going back to school, or saving money, comes much

easier. Because the truth of the matter is this, noth-

ing lasts without Christ as the center. So if you want

something new in your life this year, then you must

seek the newness within Christ, first and foremost.

There’s no way around it.

I can sense that you agree with me. However, an-

other thing that I see happening over and over again

is that we repeat the same behaviors and expect to

get different results. Now I know you have heard all

of this before. But have you really taken the time to

reflect upon what it really means? Doing the same

thing and expecting a different result has been said

to be insane. And I agree. We will never move our

lives forward in the new year or the next new year, if

we don't change our beliefs...our mindsets. Your

current beliefs have created the life you are now ex-

periencing and if you plan on experiencing some-

thing different in 2012, you will need to change


One of the major beliefs that tend to follow God’s

Daughters is how they view themselves. The way we

see ourselves and love ourselves comes from the

love we see reflected towards us in our father's eyes.

And for most of us, that did not happen. Many of us

didn't have our dads around as we were growing up

and others whose dads were there, were still absent

in our lives. So what shall we do? We can begin to

retrace our identity, our beliefs about ourselves, be-

yond our mother's womb. We can start by connect-

ing with the most powerful, loving force in the uni-

verse and for me that force is "God." God is the very

essence of true love. As we learn to identify our be-

liefs with a loving, forgiving, always present God

and stop focusing on the love, protection or support

we didn't receive from our fathers, then and only

then can we move forward to a new year, a new life

and a new world.

So what steps will you take this year to retrace your

life beyond your mother's womb in order to form a

new set of beliefs?

As always, thanks for reading until next time…

Happy New Year to Your New Life !!!!!!!

Page 13: January 2012

Where we develop and encourage our children to know God intimately, love Him passionately, and serve Him


Happy Birthday to our Students Cele-

brating their Birthday in January!!!!

Tell Your Children of God's Faithfulness In Deuteronomy 4, Moses is talking to the children of Israel about the importance of keep-ing God's commandments. And then he speaks directly to par-ents and grandparents: "Only take heed to yourself, and dili-gently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchil-

Help Your Children Discern God's Will Let's look again at Proverbs 22:6: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." The phrase, "in the way he should go," is not speaking of the way you want him to go. Rather, it's the way God wants him to go. In other words, taking into account that child's gifts, his emotional makeup, his personality, his intel-lect, his calling, you help him dis-cern the path God has for him.

Page 14: January 2012

In preparation for those who will be starting the

Chronological Bible Reading for the New

Year, I will give background information for

each book of the Bible to help you get a better

picture and insight into each book you will be

reading. For January, we start with the books of

Genesis and Job. These books actually flow to-

gether and are historically around the same time,

interestingly enough.

Here is a Quick Insight into the Bible itself:

The Bible is a Unit – Its parts conspire to form

a unified whole, bound together by the theme of

God and His relationship to mankind. There are

66 books collected in 1 volume – written over a

period of more than 1600 years by over 40 au-

thors from a wide variety of backgrounds. Each

book, section, paragraph and verse work to-

gether with the others to reveal God’s Truth.

The Bible is God’s Revelation (meaning

God’s unveiling) - God has revealed things that

would otherwise not be known. He has unveiled

that which is absolutely true. His truth is entirely


The Bible is Inspired by God (meaning God

breathed) – When the Bible speaks, God speaks

(II Timothy 3:16-17). It is the very words that

God wanted communicated. God breathed out

the scriptures and God used human authors to

pen the words, without compromising the per-

fection, integrity or purity of the finished prod-

uct. (II Peter 1:21)

The Old Testament is divided as follows:

The Law or Pentateuch : Genesis – Deuteron-


Historical Books : Joshua – Esther

Poetical Books: Job – Song of Solomon

Major Prophets (determined by length of book):

Isaiah – Daniel

Minor Prophets (determined by shortness of

book): Hosea – Malachi

Genesis-Genesis is a Greek word meaning

“origin, source, generation or beginning.”The

original Hebrew title is “Bereshith” which

means “In the beginning.” It is the foundation

for the entire Bible in its History and Theology.

It is the book of beginnings and is the first in a

series of 17 Historical books of the Old Testa-

ment. It is also first of the 5 books of the Penta-

teuch (A Greek word meaning five scrolls).

Other names are Torah (meaning Law) or 5

Books of Moses. Genesis moves from General

(Chapters 1-11) to Specific (Chapters 12 -50).

Genesis can be divided as follows:

Creation 1:1 – 2:25; Fall of Man 3:1 –

5:32; Flood 6:1 – 9:29; Nations 10:1 -


Abraham11:10 – 25:18; Isaac 25:19 – 26:35;

Jacob 27:1- 36:43; Joseph 37:1- 50:26

Its authorship is attributed to Moses. Several key

verses are Genesis 3:15; 12:3. Genesis covers

more history and time than all the books of the

Bible combined (around 2100 or more years).

Look up Genesis in a good Bible Dictionary to

find more information about the book.

As you read Genesis, think about:

1. What you have learned from the lives of those


Page 15: January 2012

2. What you have learned about God, His

character, attributes, and the way He

moves in people’s lives?

3. Remember Genesis when you get to the

New Testament and note where Jesus re-

fers to some of its events,

affirming them.

Job – Job is one of the Poetical books in a

series of 5 Old Testament books as fol-

lows: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,

Song of Solomon. The name Job has 2

possible meanings. The Hebrew name is

“Iyyob” which means “persecuted one.”

The Arabic meaning is “to come back or

repent or repentant one.” Jewish tradition

suggests several authors including Moses

(since the land of Uz is next to Midian

where Moses lived for 40 years), however,

the author of Job is unknown. The dating

for the book of Job is somewhere around

Abraham’s time (Genesis 11 & 12). Job’s

life span was close to 200 years. So how

can we tell the book of Job happened

around the same dating as the book of


Note several things:

The amount of livestock a person had

measured his wealth (Job 1:3)

Job is the priest and patriarch of his

family and offered sacrifices

There is no reference to events after

Abraham such as the Exodus or

Mosaic Law

The Chaldeans who kill Job’s servants

are nomads not city dwellers yet.

(Job 1:17)

Some key verses are Job 13:15; 37:23-24.

As you read Job 26:7, you will note an

interesting fact about the earth. See if you

notice it as well. I wonder if Christopher

Columbus ever read this scripture. He

would have known that the earth was not

flat! The book of Job is divided as follows:

Job’s Dilemma: Chapters 1 -2 Job’s

Debate: Chapters 3 – 37

Job’s Deliverance: Chapters 38 – 42

Read also James 5:11; 1:12 for compari-


As you read Job, think about:

Job’s beginning compared to his end

and his response to suffering.

What you have learned about satan

and his relationship with God.

Next month: background information on

the books of Exodus and Leviticus.

Page 16: January 2012

Happy New Year CFM Family! We are begin-

ning 2012 with excitement and expectation anticipating

all the New Year has to offer us individually and col-


As we enter in and look forward to our de-

clared season of excuseless maturity, I believe it is also

important for us to reflect on time past. I am not talking

about reminiscing [though it has its place]—I am talk-

ing about purposeful reflection.

All growth has a starting point—and that be-

gins with an accurate assessment of where we really

are and how we arrived here. We should ask ourselves

questions that require us to consciously process

through the growth and success we did or did not see

this past year and the choices, decisions, and actions

we made or did not make that contributed to the out-

comes we experienced—using God’s Word as our stan-

dard. Once these questions are answered, we can learn

from the choices we made by either being encouraged

by the ones that propelled us forward or by avoiding

the ones that hindered our growth. Thus, the outcome

of the reflection is to initiate the changes required to

entering into the fullness of the next season of maturity

and success our loving Father has for us.

What does this have to do with Teaching

Champions? Simply put, don’t forget about the chil-

dren! The same effort and attention that we, as adults,

are exerting towards moving forward into this next

season should be utilized to help support our children

to do the same. Consequently, the previously men-

tioned is applicable to them as well.

This is a process that we can guide middle and

high school aged children through as well as elemen-

tary. By doing so, it provides an opportunity for us to

learn about our children as individuals and what mat-

ters to them. Personally, this is a process that I have

gone through with my son, Joshua [age 16], and the

students in my classroom [ages 9 and 10] at the start of

each school year. Understandably so, the effectiveness

varies by individual based on their commitment to the

necessary changes to obtain their expressed desired

outcomes. This process is important because it actively

engages us in the lives of our children and provides

opportunities for accountable conversations. With that

being said, sit down with a child that needs your sup-

port and begin the process that will guide them on the

path that they too can take to excuseless maturity!

Point to Ponder—When we know better, we

[should] do better. Until next time…

Best Regards,

Felecia L. King

Page 17: January 2012

Father, we come before you in the

Name of Jesus Christ. We lay claim on the

blood of Jesus Christ which is our key over

Satan and every demonic agent. Through Je-

sus, we possess the gates of the enemy in the

nations and cities. Lord, release battering rams

against the gates of hell. We declare and decree

that the gates of hell cannot prevail against us.

Lord, you are the God of the city; we bind and

eradicate every goliath of the city NOW. We

declare and decree that the gates of our lives

and city are NOW closed to uncleanness,

witchcraft, drugs, perversion, violence, wick-

edness and every evil work. We call forth the

apostolic gatekeepers of the city. ARISE and

take your place now! Lord, raise up apostolic

gate churches in the city now that usher in

God's presence and revelation. Father, as a pro-

phetic voice, release the prophetic supernatural

apostolic miracles. We open the Eastern Gate,

and let the King

of Glory come In! Come In! Amen

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