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"s®$te \ / l/ I News tf t5& Town Monday The Degree of Honor will hold the district convention at the Odd. Fel: lows hall Oct. 28th. O. L. Teaton left this morning on a business trip to South Dakota. The Dickinson Elks will celebrate their first anniversary Dec. 10 and x expect, a big time. We sell \ guns and traps cheap. Northwestern " Hide and Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. "Banna" white ash splint is the best.soft , coal for cook stoves. ABk your dealer. J. Ai Buchanan left for ' Fargo to- day to attend a meeting of the trus- tees of the Fargo College board of which he is a member. 'Albert A. Clemens had. a wide smile on his countenance today and also passed cigars to his friends on the strength of the new arrival in his family—a girl, Saturday last. Erskine McCullooh spent Sunday in Fargo. He also received a short visit from his father, who came in from Minneapolis'last week on a trip of inspection of his North Dakota lum- ber yards. Mrs. Hans Madeson has returned from a trip to Minneapolis where she set a notable example to residents of that city and to occupants of houses where burglars pay visits by fright- ening off a burglar as he was at- tempting to enter her room. Marriage licenses have been grant- ed to Constant Hote of Eldridge, N. D., and Miss Eva Ganleany of Tex- Ico, I1L, and Melvin E. Dorson and Miss Lois M. Davison, both of Spirit- wood. The two first mentioned were married this morning by Coun- ty Judge Conktin, witnesses being Miss Deborah Lyman and Atty. A. W. Aylmer of this city. Three two year old cream colored colts were bought by Thomas Pen- dray at one. of the city sale 'stables and one of the animals refused to lead behind a wagon to the farm. Several hours were spent by Mr. Pen- dray and numerous volunteers trying to get the colt to follow the wagon without success. He threw himself repeatedly and did the stubborn stunt to perfection on Front street. Miss Minnie Kastner entertained twenty-live young people of James- town at her home last week at a sur- prise party, In honor ofMiss Jennie •Johnson of Marshalltown, Iowa, who bits been spending the summer with friends here and who expects to re- turn home soon. The evening 1 was spent in playing games and music in* ' eluding a solo by Miss Mildred Mirks. A delicious supper was served at midnight by the Misses Kaptner. Supt. Burt, Mayor Blewett [and D. <3. Band made a long drive Into northern Kidder county Saturday on * duck shoot They visited Haggart Xi&ke and several other lakes former- ly the resort of many wild fowl at this time of the yejur, but found few birds. Most of the lakes were with- out any sign of either native or northern ducks. A few . geese made their appearanoe yesterday, the first that have been seen in that part of the state this fjdl. Hans Nelson, one of the pioneer residents near Courtenay, was in the city on his way to LaMoure, accom- panied by his son, Carl, to attend a large auotlon sale of horses to' be held Wednesday, at the Ellefson place. He expects to purchase if possible, thorough bred mares. He Is one of the pioneer farmers of the county, having taken up land near Courtenar 28 years ago and believes in improv- ing the breed of farm animals as well as adopting modern farm methods in the cultivation of the soil. TuMday : Bob Waiters came in from Mqlvllle tbday. -, r A young son of Thomas Canan, who accidentallyhsd the point of a knife runinto his knee and which was' not considered serious at first, ifH^operat^d upon at the oity hqspi* Ul y«sterdftj, tlie Injur* having proved more serious than anticipated. The surveyors for the Midland Con- tinental areatill actlveln detallof the work being done on.that line and the fteatbttr beioggood for gtadlng operations oontraotors arestiU busy. Work io oonstruotlQ^ of brldges Js going oh andsomebrldgetlmbers baye been reoelved. : v A shipment of scrap iron gathered up by dealers Ur this violnityftbows * mleeeUaneoos lot ofoidlronlllling * big N. P. flat car. Among Our <x>n- tents are several old threshing. tiKln* boilers, an old stationary boiler. Mv «ral ojd radiators, stoves and various "U iujal4 that with the new N. P. ley City. The new <lepot at that station will and; read/for toosihepsat tbetime tb»: new tlmii D. J. Hull has gone to Chicago on rallKAd business: : < W. L. Leasare and w^fe of Melville are in the city. r Sam. Stewart and wife of Medina are at the Gladstone. . The new power house for the city pumping machinery on 6th avenue will be built of brick throughout. \ Pat White, who has one of the largest territories of any of the North Dakota traveling men, is looking af- ter his triade In thecity today. r City Auditor Thompson is on the sick list today. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have just returned from Duiuth. •••••. The ladies of the Missionary Soci- ety or the Presbyterian church will hold their, annual bazaar and supper Friday, Nov. 19 in the lecture room, of the church. Mrs. Kate Blewett returned yes- terday from attending , the Degree of Honor meeting at Grand Forks at which a large number of state dele- gates were present. Dr. Kendrick of St. Paul and Atty. Thompson of Pittsburg were in the city yesterday the quests of Dr. De- Puy. Dr. Kendrick is visiting Da- kota expecting to take in his annual duck and goose hunt. Mrs. George Purchase who has been spending several weeks In the city is rapidly recovering from a long illness and expects to leave for her home in Beach in a course of a few days. Mr. Purchase, who has been looking after some land inatterB in ^Bismarck, Is also in the city for a short time. Miss Eileen Fitzgerald was given a most pleasant birthday surprise by about 25 young girl and hoy friends at her home on 3rd avenue north last night. The young folks Bpent the evening music and games setter which refreshments were served. Miss Fitzgerald was presented with a handsome ruby ring as a souvenir of the occasion. Ambrose Walsh has returned from a house moving trip to Steele where he moved a. house for Banker Bobin- son. As soon as the outfit can be secured from the railroad yards the old Knowles house on 3rd avenue will be moved to its new looatlon in.the southeastern part of the City. The work of building moving keeps the Walsh force pretty busy these days. A number of girl friends gave a surprise shower for Miss Cleo Mitch- ell at her home, south Fifth avenue, last evening, and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present. A dainty luncheon was served and the guest of honor was presented with a shower of kitchen utenBlls and preserved articles in preparation for a certain, event to occur in the near future. Ludvlg Sohlicter, who was feared to have been lost or to have received some Injury on account of not ap- pearing at' his home last week, has turned up all right. It seems that in driving along the road the team became frightened and got away from Mr. Schlicter, returning home late at night without the buggy. The ovtaer appeared the follbwlng, night no worse off for the delay. He had been, attending a sale in the northern'purt of the county. - Wedoasgav. ;•* Fred Hart and J. E. Wilson left for a goobe shoot at Oberon and Minne- waukon yesterday. Miss . Anna Sohmitz left last even- ing 'or Minneapolis and Sleepy Eye from where Bhe leaves soon for Den- ver, Col. Pres. B. H. Kroeze has returned from a short trip to the northern part of Stutsman county where the financial Interests of Jamestown Col- lege were suooessfully advanced. Dr. Kroeze delivered two addresses while In Courtenay Sunday. OttoWonnenberg §nd A. P. Grant returned yefterdajr Itoom a trip to Madison. S* I>. They spent a few; hours at Aberdeen and saw the first pf thelanddrawing held in the opera hoipe. 'Aberdeen hotels have been crowded during the registra- tion period. Mrs. W, B. DeNaa^t basreturned from atoroweekatrlp ,td Michigan where abewaacalled by the serious Illness of her tether, Bev; a F. Tay- lor. He had greatly improved be- fore Mrs. DeNault's return. Dr. Slfton, Harry Waseer and others, who went to 8tump Lake on a shooting trlphavereturned and; report little gamp. J>wnortl*rn ducks were there and the native have mostly gone. Nogobse shooting waa found- The James Blver Motor Co." have added another automobile to ithelr list oi cars handled by this agenoy, the "Hudson, " and today received a demonstration machipe, which puts up a Clasey appearanoe. It Is a 4- l; " Iphg^heei. The regular meeting of the WO' man's Guild of Grace churoh will be postponed until Thursday, Nov. 4. Mrs. Pat Moran' and little' nelce, Eldora Fergus, left last night for a visit with relatives in Omaha, Ne- braska. Lost—Brown hand grip between Jamestown and Windsor, Monday evening. 910 reward if returned to I. G.' Olson, Medina. Mrs. Ellen Frawley, mother of Mrs. Ed McCurry, left last' night for her home at Stillwater after a three weeks visit in the city. F. E. Stott, the .Montpeller mer- chant, returned home this morning after a short business trip to James- town. Mrs. D. C. Wood has gone to Min- neapolis to visit her daughter Miss Winnifred Wood who is attending thp University of Mlnneota. ' County commissioners were in ses- sion yesterday and today and spent the morning Inspecting four of the new county bridges, the asylum bridge and bridges at the Beaver, and Buffalo creeks and Lenton's. i. . ADVERTISED LETTERS List of letters remaining uncalled for at the Jamestown,N.D.,postofflce tor tbe week ending Oct. 16, 1909. Mr* Peter Anderson, George Black, Louis Born, Joe Bozie, Elbrldge Campbell, Mrs M Carter, C M Chris- topberson, Miss ^Tracey Clemens, Daniel Couch, Frank Davidson, Ira Dobbins, 2, W F Enright, Ray Fitch, Tom Fitzgerald, Miss, Ellen M Fos- ter, George Foster, Lein L Foye, W H Gammell, Mrs Anna Gilbert, Har- ley Horn, James Hyman. Leonard Hunt, Sidney Jackson, 2, William Kelly, Harry Lambart, Walter Lam- phlere, Thos D Leddell, Henery Lee, Lee Leslie, , M G McDonald, Miss Alice Perry, Edward Ounesby, Jake Betzel, Sarah E Bublson, Samuel Schaffer, Chas W Scott, Messrs L Neninan and D Simmons, Miss Isa- bell Smith, Wm Thereau, Grant E Tipton, Chas Trombly, Roy Uin- stead, John Weber, &rs Katherlne Welsh, Walter Wiser, Postcards wholly written: Ernest Allen,. Joe Bennett, 2, Miss Anna M Bishop, Herman Bodiqe, Dr. J O BlackbeK, B Bolder, Erick Carlson, Tom M Calvert, Gene Calvert, A Clzzer, Mrs Minnie Clark, Ralph Darling, E C Davis, Levi E Davis, fti8s Lois Davison,, 2, Mrs Lizzie Deitzel, Mm Christine Bakker, Wil- liam Evans, Miss Elian Foster, Edd Gagnon, Mrs Fred . Gallagher, Jos G Heyn, Harley Horn, Wilson ;Hughes, Genige Hundeby, Mrs D W Jackson, Mary Jeffrey, Elmer - F 'Johnson,, 2, Miss Mollle Johnson, Miss Lottie Johnson, Mrs Kllnger, Chas Knoty, Mike Kuiar, Mrs Ed Leonard, Miss Mable Lucas, Jesse Lynch, F L Miles, Bobert. Miller, J W Myers, Fred Oblandt, Carle Olander, Albert Ol- son, Arthur Parker,. John Pamar, Fred Plkering, Edward Blttenhouse, Chas Beid, Carl Bost^e, James Sar- kins, Misses Etta Rose Hattle Schaffer, John Shearn, Walter Shep- herd, red Sibley, 2, Dennis Slick, Riley Smith, Mrs Anne Sorento, Bay Southern, T J Thicker, E C Thompson, 2, Harry, Weber, Mrs B Winston, Miss Eva Wirtz, Harry Wood, Jake Woods, D D Zerby, Thomas Zimmer, Miss Leone Boene. These letters will be held 21 days after wblob they will be sent to the dead letter office. - When calling for these lettera always .say: advertised and give date, of tills list. John Severn. Acting Postmaster ONE MONTH AGO Preshfent of Bank Looting litsWutloa Denver, Oct 27.—C. H. Bowlde, president of the Bank of Grand Coun- ty at Sulplrar Springs, Colo.,, la under arrest by order of State Bank Com-, tfi^Bloaer Penlfer o* a duu^e of loot- ing the bank of 120,000. Mr. Bowlds luux oeen operattng tbe baak only a month. ''•'•V?- •, Bringiag : excellent refereaoee tram bpaka and bosineee houaee of ltapta IV, N. M.;: Birmingham, Ala., and elt- fap/' MIspisslpiA and Kentucky Bowlds purchased the pohtrofflng In- terest of the bank .from F. ' N. Briggs of 'Denver for f 10,000 and took pos- MMlon on Aug. 29. The laifer por> ^ tton' of the amount was remitted to Is the form of a draft on the Bank^ and Trust oosipaiijr of Bir- nsihgham. B<mlds la ipiiid to have cpme from a prominent Kentucky bun. ; : i t ; S : , ^ MimeMnir. f!P|ihll|f;Sli %:^ in.rrTSUOf 9. irpenter,^ eajphfsr, of ; the . Qveen* County Savings bank, committed sol- dde' by .shooting >lmaeU ,1a the Bank oficlal* Jald; after » hvnted ex- aadntm SENATOR'SFU NERAL Continued from PSge 1 man Thomas Marshall, Oakes; A. I. Hunter, J. G. Hamilton, B. G Skulasonj J. D. Bacon, Mayor J. D. Taylor, Dr. H. H. Healy, Dr. A. A. Westeen, B. F. Brockhoff, A. M. Lodmell, O. G. Hanson, J. D. John- son, Iver Johnson, A. A. Bruce, James Collins, Hugh Byan, F. Y* Kent, A. G. Schultheis,T. J. Hagen, Guy C. H. Corliss, John Dlnnie, James Elton, and C. F. Temple ton, Grand Forks; W. S. Lauder, E. Myhra, W. E. Purcell, Wahpeton; Col. B. H. Hankinson, Hankinson; J.J. Erlendson; Hensel; E. Erlend- son, Edlnburg; J. L. Cashel, T. D. Casey, Thomas Tharaldson, J. H. Fralne, Grafton; Geo. Duis, Grand Forks; C. N. Frick, A. A. Toftha- gen, H. Barrett, Lakota; W. T. Ward, Wahpeton T. O. Hellstrom, Bismarck; Oliver Knudson, J. P. Lamb, Michigan City; J. G. Gunder- son, T. Qoamme, A. Shirley and Fred Llndvig, Aneta; F. T. Gron- vold, Rugby; J. H. Matthews, S. O. Bondelid and Edgar Rlchter, Larl- more; Ferd Lucke, McCanna, and James Johnson, Mlnot. SENTENCED BLIND PIGGER Tony Alex of Kensal was arraigned Tuesday by States Atty. Thorp and plead guilty to thg sale of liquor. He was sentenced in the county court to a term of 90 days in jail and a fine of $200. He was also arraigned on the charge of not publishing his government license. FINANCES IN BAD SHAPE Portugal Said to Be on Verge of Bankruptcy. Lisbon, Oct. 27.—The minister of finance has called the attention of the cabinet to the financial condition of Portugal and a star chamber session of the ministry is considering the sit- uation. With the country already on the verge ot bankruptcy the present ses- sion of parliament has resulted in the outlining of a financial programme that will leave it, under the most favorable calculations, $7,700,000 far- ther In debt at tho end of the prerent fiscal year. , What makes the outlook particular- ly grave, however. Is not so much the Increase In the International indebt- edness as the proof that the recent cabinet changes have not been effec- tive. It Takes a Good"" ' Heat a House Properly But you'll have no trouble keeping warm with a G A BLAND HEATEB. You'll get more solid comfort out of a GARLAND HEATEB than from any other investment of double the amount. Our long cold winters makes it necessary to buy the best stove you can get. A cheap stove'is the more expen- sive in the loag ran. It's like buy- ing a"Gold Brjek." Appears good f ro^ tbe '^utiM<lci but Mien yoa epme to pat it to the test yoa find it's only an Imitation. The MA N OFAOTUBBB'8 written goftrantes cow with GAB- LAND. :.Oax esq? terms saakM It e«qr for you to own a GABLAND. Ask us about it. We make no eztnt charge for delivering and setting ap new stovesboughtof as. 0YAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Makes the finest, most deli- cious biscuit, cake and pastry; conveys to food tbe most healthful of fruit properties ^oJuiehrP^ AN EDMUNDS COOK BOOK The Ladies Aid society of the Con- gregational church at Edmunds have compiled a cook book containing re- cipes for cooking. The cook book is said to be a perfect treasury of vajuable recipes which have been prepared by ladies from the results of their own experience and as the result of the experience of others in the art of cooking. The book con- tains 108 pages with blank pages left fur additional recipes, also a table of weights and measures. The con- tents contains recipes for baking of bread, pies, cakes; for cooking of meats, tish, soups and vegetables, etc. The whole range ol the culi- nary art seems to be included in these recipes which were contribut- ed by some ol the prize cooks of Stutsman county. N umerous copies of the book were printed and are for sale by the ladies of the church so- ciety at Edmunds, Mrs. T. VV. Lusk having charge of the sale of the book. The names of each of the ladles con- tributing recipes are given with each recipe. The ladles who contributed recipes for the Edmunds cook book are as follows: Mrs. F. Archbold, Mrs. A. E. Scott, Mrs. W. G. Wescom, Mrs. H. B. Wescom, Mrs. M. A. Mullery, Mrs. Frank Wescom,. Mrs. John Bruhn, Mrs. T. W. Lusk, Mrs. John Lutman, Mrs. S. Heacock, Mrs. Nicholas Gremm, Mrs. Tom Yee.Mrs. J. L. Leoboldt, Mrs. August Zlnk, Lucy M. Strohman, Mrs. Thomas Lusk, Minnie Fenske, Ethel Martin, Mrs. Victor Peterson, Mrs. E. S. Dodge, Mrs. B. W. Schossow, Mrs. Boy Schossow, Mrs. Isiah Mclllonie, Mrs. S. Wannamaker, Mrs. W. L. Hall,. Mrs. Jesse Dunwoody, Mrs. Jaok Fylken, Mrs. Ida Hyland, Mrs. Sam Yee, Ada Smith, Mrs. M. E. Wescom, Mrs. E. Simpson, Mrs. Henry Berg, Mrs. Dora Wescom, Mrs. Charieson, Mrs. M. Callaghan, Miss Ward, Mrs. G. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Peele,. Mrs. D. S. Baker, Mrs. T. E. FJeliand. Mrs. A. N. Davis, Mrs. Angle Cole, Mrs. Ed Alfsen, Mrs. McLeery, Mrs. Effle Hall, Mrs. K. Sanderson, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Eva Buchesneau, Mary Scott, Mrs. J. A. Baker, Mrs. C. Ferguson, Mrs. Peter Schafer, Mrs. J. J. Seldage, Mrs. May McCleery, Mrs. Isiah Mclllonie Sr., Miss Mable Hanft, Mrs. H. C. Hanft, Mrs. Margie Peele, Mrs. M. J. Lutman, Mrs. H. E. Sunday, Mrs. W. H. Chapel, Mrs. O. U. Baker, Mrs. Geo. Willows, Miss Tinney, Carrie Dunwoody, Mrs. H. N. Lunde, Lola Lusk. Mrs/ Annie Peterson, Mrs. D. H. Gennung, Mrs. J. V. Huff, Miss Marlow, Mrs. D. M. Lusk, Emma Holmberg, Mrs. B. (P. Goln, Mrs. B. B. Richardson, Ethel Thompson, Mrs. Orlie Davis, Wanda Seldage, Agnes Kavanagh, Clara Saylor, Mrs. A. J. Baker, Mrs. J. Huff. DRUGS; 1111 Get tbe Best RemeJIes Specify the next time you buy "A. D. 8." RKMKDIK8 "A. D. S." Kidney Pills—A GUAR- ANTKED Cure for Kidney Trouble, SOothe box "A. D. S." White Pine Cough Syrup with Tar, 25c and 'SOo -bottles- CLEMEN'S DRUG GO. V. Advertise in the Alert If I Were Your Wife "I'd see to it that you stopped at Powers' Lumber Yard the very next time yoa went to town and gob an estimate on the material for that new ballding that you've so long been thinking of putting ap—and which goodness only knows! yoa need bad enough." You will perhaps never meet up with a better time to buy material for it than right now, as we are speolaUelng bills at this time and we are prepared to make you exception- ally close prices. It will pay to drive out of your way to buy from POWERS ELEVATOR COMPANY I v . 1 "

Jamestown weekly alert (Jamestown, Stutsman County, D.T ...

May 27, 2022



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Page 1: Jamestown weekly alert (Jamestown, Stutsman County, D.T ...






News tf t5& Town Monday

The Degree of Honor will hold the district convention at the Odd. Fel: lows hall Oct. 28th.

O. L. Teaton left this morning on a business trip to South Dakota.

The Dickinson Elks will celebrate their first anniversary Dec. 10 and

x expect, a big time. We sell \ guns and traps cheap.

Northwestern " Hide and Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.

"Banna" white ash splint is the best.soft , coal for cook stoves. ABk your dealer.

J. Ai Buchanan left for ' Fargo to­day to attend a meeting of the trus­tees of the Fargo College board of which he is a member.

'Albert A. Clemens had. a wide smile on his countenance today and also passed cigars to his friends on the strength of the new arrival in his family—a girl, Saturday last.

Erskine McCullooh spent Sunday in Fargo. He also received a short visit from his father, who came in from Minneapolis'last week on a trip of inspection of his North Dakota lum­ber yards.

Mrs. Hans Madeson has returned from a trip to Minneapolis where she set a notable example to residents of that city and to occupants of houses where burglars pay visits by fright­ening off a burglar as he was at­tempting to enter her room.

Marriage licenses have been grant­ed to Constant Hote of Eldridge, N. D., and Miss Eva Ganleany of Tex-Ico, I1L, and Melvin E. Dorson and Miss Lois M. Davison, both of Spirit-wood. The two first mentioned were married this morning by Coun­ty Judge Conktin, witnesses being Miss Deborah Lyman and Atty. A. W. Aylmer of this city.

Three two year old cream colored colts were bought by Thomas Pen-dray at one. of the city sale 'stables and one of the animals refused to lead behind a wagon to the farm. Several hours were spent by Mr. Pen-dray and numerous volunteers trying to get the colt to follow the wagon without success. He threw himself repeatedly and did the stubborn stunt to perfection on Front street.

Miss Minnie Kastner entertained twenty-live young people of James­town at her home last week at a sur­prise party, In honor ofMiss Jennie •Johnson of Marshalltown, Iowa, who bits been spending the summer with friends here and who expects to re­turn home soon. The evening1 was spent in playing games and music in*

' eluding a solo by Miss Mildred Mirks. A delicious supper was served at midnight by the Misses Kaptner.

Supt. Burt, Mayor Blewett [and D. <3. Band made a long drive Into northern Kidder county Saturday on * duck shoot They visited Haggart Xi&ke and several other lakes former­ly the resort of many wild fowl at this time of the yejur, but found few birds. Most of the lakes were with­out any sign of either native or northern ducks. A few . geese made their appearanoe yesterday, the first that have been seen in that part of the state this fjdl.

Hans Nelson, one of the pioneer residents near Courtenay, was in the city on his way to LaMoure, accom­panied by his son, Carl, to attend a large auotlon sale of horses to' be held Wednesday, at the Ellefson place. He expects to purchase if possible, thorough bred mares. He Is one of the pioneer farmers of the county, having taken up land near Courtenar 28 years ago and believes in improv­ing the breed of farm animals as well as adopting modern farm methods in the cultivation of the soil.


: Bob Waiters came in from Mqlvllle tbday. -,r

A young son of Thomas Canan, who accidentallyhsd the point of a knife runinto his knee and which was' not considered serious at first, ifH^operat^d upon at the oity hqspi* Ul y«sterdftj, tlie Injur* having proved more serious than anticipated.

The surveyors for the Midland Con­tinental areatill actlveln detallof the work being done on.that line and the fteatbttr beioggood for gtadlng operations oontraotors arestiU busy. Work io oonstruotlQ of brldges Js going oh andsomebrldgetlmbers baye been reoelved. :v

A shipment of scrap iron gathered up by dealers Ur this violnityftbows * mleeeUaneoos lot ofoidlronlllling * big N. P. flat car. Among Our <x>n-tents are several old threshing. tiKln* boilers, an old stationary boiler. Mv «ral ojd radiators, stoves and various

"U iujal4 that with the new N. P.

ley City. The new <lepot at that station will and; read/for toosihepsat tbetime tb»: new tlmii

D. J. Hull has gone to Chicago on rallKAd business: : < •

W. L. Leasare and w^fe of Melville are in the city. r

Sam. Stewart and wife of Medina are at the Gladstone. . The new power house for the city pumping machinery on 6th avenue will be built of brick throughout. \

Pat White, who has one of the largest territories of any of the North Dakota traveling men, is looking af­ter his triade In thecity today.

• r City Auditor Thompson is on the sick list today. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have just returned from Duiuth. •••••.

The ladies of the Missionary Soci­ety or the Presbyterian church will hold their, annual bazaar and supper Friday, Nov. 19 in the lecture room, of the church.

Mrs. Kate Blewett returned yes­terday from attending , the Degree of Honor meeting at Grand Forks at which a large number of state dele­gates were present.

Dr. Kendrick of St. Paul and Atty. Thompson of Pittsburg were in the city yesterday the quests of Dr. De-Puy. Dr. Kendrick is visiting Da­kota expecting to take in his annual duck and goose hunt.

Mrs. George Purchase who has been spending several weeks In the city is rapidly recovering from a long illness and expects to leave for her home in Beach in a course of a few days. Mr. Purchase, who has been looking after some land inatterB in ^Bismarck, Is also in the city for a short time.

Miss Eileen Fitzgerald was given a most pleasant birthday surprise by about 25 young girl and hoy friends at her home on 3rd avenue north last night. The young folks Bpent the evening music and games setter which refreshments were served. Miss Fitzgerald was presented with a handsome ruby ring as a souvenir of the occasion.

Ambrose Walsh has returned from a house moving trip to Steele where he moved a. house for Banker Bobin-son. As soon as the outfit can be secured from the railroad yards the old Knowles house on 3rd avenue will be moved to its new looatlon in.the southeastern part of the City. The work of building moving keeps the Walsh force pretty busy these days.

A number of girl friends gave a surprise shower for Miss Cleo Mitch­ell at her home, south Fifth avenue, last evening, and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present. A dainty luncheon was served and the guest of honor was presented with a shower of kitchen utenBlls and preserved articles in preparation for a certain, event to occur in the near future.

Ludvlg Sohlicter, who was feared to have been lost or to have received some Injury on account of not ap­pearing at' his home last week, has turned up all right. It seems that in driving along the road the team became frightened and got away from Mr. Schlicter, returning home late at night without the buggy. The ovtaer appeared the follbwlng, night no worse off for the delay. He had been, attending a sale in the northern'purt of the county. -

Wedoasgav. ;•*

Fred Hart and J. E. Wilson left for a goobe shoot at Oberon and Minne-waukon yesterday.

Miss . Anna Sohmitz left last even­ing 'or Minneapolis and Sleepy Eye from where Bhe leaves soon for Den­ver, Col.

Pres. B. H. Kroeze has returned from a short trip to the northern part of Stutsman county where the financial Interests of Jamestown Col­lege were suooessfully advanced. Dr. Kroeze delivered two addresses while In Courtenay Sunday.

OttoWonnenberg §nd A. P. Grant returned yefterdajr Itoom a trip to Madison. S* I>. They spent a few; hours at Aberdeen and saw the first pf thelanddrawing held in the opera hoipe. 'Aberdeen hotels have been crowded during the registra­tion period.

Mrs. W, B. DeNaa^t basreturned from atoroweekatrlp ,td Michigan where abewaacalled by the serious Illness of her tether, Bev; a F. Tay­lor. He had greatly improved be­fore Mrs. DeNault's return.

Dr. Slfton, Harry Waseer and others, who went to 8tump Lake on a shooting trlphavereturned and; report little gamp. J>wnortl*rn ducks were there and the native

have mostly gone. Nogobse shooting waa found-

The James Blver Motor Co." have added another automobile to ithelr list oi cars handled by this agenoy, the "Hudson, " and today received a demonstration machipe, which puts up a Clasey appearanoe. It Is a 4-

l; " Iphg^heei.

The regular meeting of the WO' man's Guild of Grace churoh will be postponed until Thursday, Nov. 4.

Mrs. Pat Moran' and little' nelce, Eldora Fergus, left last night for a visit with relatives in Omaha, Ne­braska.

Lost—Brown hand grip between Jamestown and Windsor, Monday evening. 910 reward if returned to I. G.' Olson, Medina.

Mrs. Ellen Frawley, mother of Mrs. Ed McCurry, left last' night for her home at Stillwater after a three weeks visit in the city.

F. E. Stott, the .Montpeller mer­chant, returned home this morning after a short business trip to James­town.

Mrs. D. C. Wood has gone to Min­neapolis to visit her daughter Miss Winnifred Wood who is attending thp University of Mlnneota. '

County commissioners were in ses­sion yesterday and today and spent the morning Inspecting four of the new county bridges, the asylum bridge and bridges at the Beaver, and Buffalo creeks and Lenton's. i. .

ADVERTISED LETTERS List of letters remaining uncalled

for at the Jamestown,N.D.,postofflce tor tbe week ending Oct. 16, 1909.

Mr* Peter Anderson, George Black, Louis Born, Joe Bozie, Elbrldge Campbell, Mrs M Carter, C M Chris-topberson, Miss ^Tracey Clemens, Daniel Couch, Frank Davidson, Ira Dobbins, 2, W F Enright, Ray Fitch, Tom Fitzgerald, Miss, Ellen M Fos-ter, George Foster, Lein L Foye, W H Gammell, Mrs Anna Gilbert, Har-ley Horn, James Hyman. Leonard Hunt, Sidney Jackson, 2, William Kelly, Harry Lambart, Walter Lam-phlere, Thos D Leddell, Henery Lee, Lee Leslie, , M G McDonald, Miss Alice Perry, Edward Ounesby, Jake Betzel, Sarah E Bublson, Samuel Schaffer, Chas W Scott, Messrs L Neninan and D Simmons, Miss Isa-bell Smith, Wm Thereau, Grant E Tipton, Chas Trombly, Roy Uin­stead, John Weber, &rs Katherlne Welsh, Walter Wiser,

Postcards wholly written: Ernest Allen,. Joe Bennett, 2, Miss Anna M Bishop, Herman Bodiqe, Dr. J O BlackbeK, B Bolder, Erick Carlson, Tom M Calvert, Gene Calvert, A Clzzer, Mrs Minnie Clark, Ralph Darling, E C Davis, Levi E Davis, fti8s Lois Davison,, 2, Mrs Lizzie Deitzel, Mm Christine Bakker, Wil­liam Evans, Miss Elian Foster, Edd Gagnon, Mrs Fred . Gallagher, Jos G Heyn, Harley Horn, Wilson ;Hughes, Genige Hundeby, Mrs D W Jackson, Mary Jeffrey, Elmer - F 'Johnson,, 2, Miss Mollle Johnson, Miss Lottie Johnson, Mrs Kllnger, Chas Knoty, Mike Kuiar, Mrs Ed Leonard, Miss Mable Lucas, Jesse Lynch, F L Miles, Bobert. Miller, J • W Myers, Fred Oblandt, Carle Olander, Albert Ol­son, Arthur Parker,. John Pamar, Fred Plkering, Edward Blttenhouse, Chas Beid, Carl Bost^e, James Sar-kins, Misses Etta Rose Hattle Schaffer, John Shearn, Walter Shep­herd, red Sibley, 2, Dennis Slick, Riley Smith, Mrs Anne Sorento, Bay Southern, T J Thicker, E C Thompson, 2, Harry, Weber, Mrs B Winston, Miss Eva Wirtz, Harry Wood, Jake Woods, D D Zerby, Thomas Zimmer, Miss Leone Boene.

These letters will be held 21 days after wblob they will be sent to the dead letter office. - When calling for these lettera always .say: advertised and give date, of tills list.

John Severn. Acting Postmaster


Preshfent of Bank Looting litsWutloa

Denver, Oct 27.—C. H. Bowlde, president of the Bank of Grand Coun­ty at Sulplrar Springs, Colo.,, la under arrest by order of State Bank Com-, tfi Bloaer Penlfer o* a duu^e of loot­ing the bank of 120,000. Mr. Bowlds luux oeen operattng tbe baak only a month. ''•'•V?- •,

Bringiag: excellent refereaoee tram bpaka and bosineee houaee of ltapta IV, N. M.;: Birmingham, Ala., and elt-fap/' MIspisslpiA and Kentucky Bowlds purchased the pohtrofflng In­terest of the bank .from F. ' N. Briggs of 'Denver for f 10,000 and took pos-MMlon on Aug. 29. The laifer por> tton' of the amount was remitted to

Is the form of a draft on the Bank and Trust oosipaiijr of Bir-

nsihgham. B<mlds la ipiiid to have cpme from a prominent Kentucky bun.

; :i t ;S: ,

^ MimeMnir. f!P|ihll|f;Sli %: in.rrTSUOf 9. irpenter, eajphfsr, of ; the . Qveen*

County Savings bank, committed sol-dde' by .shooting >lmaeU ,1a the

Bank oficlal* Jald; after » hvnted ex-aadntm

SENATOR'SFUNERAL Continued from PSge 1

man Thomas Marshall, Oakes; A. I. Hunter, J. G. Hamilton, B. G Skulasonj J. D. Bacon, Mayor J. D. Taylor, Dr. H. H. Healy, Dr. A. A. Westeen, B. F. Brockhoff, A. M. Lodmell, O. G. Hanson, J. D. John­son, Iver Johnson, A. A. Bruce, James Collins, Hugh Byan, F. Y* Kent, A. G. Schultheis,T. J. Hagen, Guy C. H. Corliss, John Dlnnie, James Elton, and C. F. Temple ton, Grand Forks; W. S. Lauder, E. Myhra, W. E. Purcell, Wahpeton; Col. B. H. Hankinson, Hankinson; J.J. Erlendson; Hensel; E. Erlend-son, Edlnburg; J. L. Cashel, T. D. Casey, Thomas Tharaldson, J. H. Fralne, Grafton; Geo. Duis, Grand Forks; C. N. Frick, A. A. Toftha-gen, H. Barrett, Lakota; W. T. Ward, Wahpeton T. O. Hellstrom, Bismarck; Oliver Knudson, J. P. Lamb, Michigan City; J. G. Gunder-son, T. Qoamme, A. Shirley and Fred Llndvig, Aneta; F. T. Gron-vold, Rugby; J. H. Matthews, S. O. Bondelid and Edgar Rlchter, Larl-more; Ferd Lucke, McCanna, and James Johnson, Mlnot.

SENTENCED BLIND PIGGER Tony Alex of Kensal was arraigned

Tuesday by States Atty. Thorp and plead guilty to thg sale of liquor. He was sentenced in the county court to a term of 90 days in jail and a fine of $200. He was also arraigned on the charge of not publishing his government license.

FINANCES IN BAD SHAPE Portugal Said to Be on Verge of

Bankruptcy. Lisbon, Oct. 27.—The minister of

finance has called the attention of the cabinet to the financial condition of Portugal and a star chamber session of the ministry is considering the sit­uation.

With the country already on the verge ot bankruptcy the present ses­sion of parliament has resulted in the outlining of a financial programme that will leave it, under the most favorable calculations, $7,700,000 far­ther In debt at tho end of the prerent fiscal year. ,

What makes the outlook particular­ly grave, however. Is not so much the Increase In the International indebt­edness as the proof that the recent cabinet changes have not been effec­tive.

It Takes a Good"" ' Heat a House

Properly But you'll have no trouble keeping

warm with a G A BLAND HEATEB. You'll get more solid comfort out

of a GARLAND HEATEB than from any other investment of double the amount. Our long cold winters makes it necessary to buy the best stove you can get.

A cheap stove'is the more expen­sive in the loag ran. It's like buy-ing a"Gold Brjek." Appears good fro tbe ' utiM<lci but Mien yoa epme to pat it to the test yoa find it's only an Imitation.

The MA N OFAOTUBBB'8 written goftrantes cow with GAB-LAND. •

:.Oax esq? terms saakM It e«qr for you to own a GABLAND. Ask us about it.

We make no eztnt charge for delivering and setting ap new stovesboughtof as.


Absolutely Pure Makes the finest, most deli­

cious biscuit, cake and pastry; conveys to food tbe most healthful of

fruit properties


AN EDMUNDS COOK BOOK The Ladies Aid society of the Con­

gregational church at Edmunds have compiled a cook book containing re­cipes for cooking. The cook book is said to be a perfect treasury of vajuable recipes which have been prepared by ladies from the results of their own experience and as the result of the experience of others in the art of cooking. The book con­tains 108 pages with blank pages left fur additional recipes, also a table of weights and measures. The con­tents contains recipes for baking of bread, pies, cakes; for cooking of meats, tish, soups and vegetables, etc. The whole range ol the culi­nary art seems to be included in these recipes which were contribut­ed by some ol the prize cooks of Stutsman county. N umerous copies of the book were printed and are for sale by the ladies of the church so­ciety at Edmunds, Mrs. T. VV. Lusk having charge of the sale of the book. The names of each of the ladles con­tributing recipes are given with each recipe.

The ladles who contributed recipes for the Edmunds cook book are as follows: Mrs. F. Archbold, Mrs. A. E. Scott, Mrs. W. G. Wescom, Mrs. H. B. Wescom, Mrs. M. A. Mullery, Mrs. Frank Wescom,. Mrs. John Bruhn, Mrs. T. W. Lusk, Mrs. John Lutman, Mrs. S. Heacock, Mrs. Nicholas Gremm, Mrs. Tom Yee.Mrs. J. L. Leoboldt, Mrs. August Zlnk, Lucy M. Strohman, Mrs. Thomas Lusk, Minnie Fenske, Ethel Martin, Mrs. Victor Peterson, Mrs. E. S. Dodge, Mrs. B. W. Schossow, Mrs. Boy Schossow, Mrs. Isiah Mclllonie, Mrs. S. Wannamaker, Mrs. W. L. Hall,. Mrs. Jesse Dunwoody, Mrs. Jaok Fylken, Mrs. Ida Hyland, Mrs. Sam Yee, Ada Smith, Mrs. M. E. Wescom, Mrs. E. Simpson, Mrs. Henry Berg, Mrs. Dora Wescom, Mrs. Charieson, Mrs. M. Callaghan, Miss Ward, Mrs. G. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Peele,. Mrs. D. S. Baker, Mrs. T. E. FJeliand. Mrs. A. N. Davis, Mrs. Angle Cole, Mrs. Ed Alfsen, Mrs. McLeery, Mrs. Effle Hall, Mrs. K.

Sanderson, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Eva Buchesneau, Mary Scott, Mrs. J. A. Baker, Mrs. C. Ferguson, Mrs. Peter Schafer, Mrs. J. J. Seldage, Mrs. May McCleery, Mrs. Isiah Mclllonie Sr., Miss Mable Hanft, Mrs. H. C. Hanft, Mrs. Margie Peele, Mrs. M. J. Lutman, Mrs. H. E. Sunday, Mrs. W. H. Chapel, Mrs. O. U. Baker, Mrs. Geo. Willows, Miss Tinney, Carrie Dunwoody, Mrs. H. N. Lunde, Lola Lusk. Mrs/ Annie Peterson, Mrs. D. H. Gennung, Mrs. J. V. Huff, Miss Marlow, Mrs. D. M. Lusk, Emma Holmberg, Mrs. B. (P. Goln, Mrs. B. B. Richardson, Ethel Thompson, Mrs. Orlie Davis, Wanda Seldage, Agnes Kavanagh, Clara Saylor, Mrs. A. J. Baker, Mrs. J. Huff.

DRUGS; • 1 1 1 1

Get tbe Best RemeJIes Specify the next time you buy

"A. D. 8." RKMKDIK8

"A. D. S." Kidney Pills—A GUAR-ANTKED Cure for Kidney Trouble,

SOothe box

"A. D. S." White Pine Cough Syrup with Tar, 25c and 'SOo



Advertise in the Alert

If I Were Your Wife "I'd see to it that you stopped at Powers' Lumber Yard

the very next time yoa went to town and gob an estimate on the material for that new ballding that you've so long been thinking of putting ap—and which goodness only knows! yoa need bad enough."

You will perhaps never meet up with a better time to buy material for it than right now, as we are speolaUelng bills at this time and we are prepared to make you exception­ally close prices. It will pay to drive out of your way to buy from



v . 1 "