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N o 1 Mars 2012 1 MRS. MICHELE LIONNET EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JAM When JAM started its operation in May 2010, we did not imagine that within eighteen months, we would reach 11,000 students. For 2011, 8,000 Mauritian youth have followed our Programs: JA Notre Quartier, JA More than Money, JA Company Program and have taken part in our two events: You can B Inspired Camp and JA Job Shadow. In 2011, for the first time a JA Mascareignes team has participated in the JA Company of the year Competition. Over hundred young people aged between 15 and 19 and coming from 17 different countries of the region met in Accra, Ghana, for this high profile event. This was a most exciting and enriching experience for our young citizens. We are also proud to announce that JAM has won the HSBC Best Practice Award 2011 for the African Region and that in the forthcoming months, JAM will be introducing an additional program to its actual offer, namely JA Our Nation. This program highlights the concepts of globalization and resources. All this would of course not be possible without the unfailing support of our sponsors who we see more as partners. They not only provide financial assistance but also human resources by allowing their staff to go within their working hours to schools and community groups to deliver JAM’ programs. We would like to thank all our sponsors and all those who in one way or another help us in our endeavour. Last year, 289 teachers and 32 volunteers have been awarded a certificate of Achievement, acknowledging that they have successfully implemented JAM’s programs in their classrooms or within the community. We strongly value our partnership with you all and we are confident that together we are striving for the advancement of our youths. Your dedication and enthusiasm are key to the success of our programs. Our common goal is to help our youth become productive and responsible citizens, well prepared for the challenges of the world of work and entrepreneurship in an ever changing global economy. We thank the rectors and directors of educational institutions for the trust they place in our action, which is highly motivating to us. Finally, I would like to thank JA Worldwide for its continuous support, JAM Managing Committee for its commitment and guidance, and my staffs for their dedication and for the passion they put in their work. It is a great pleasure for me to introduce to you the first edition of JAM newsletter. Junior Achievement is the global leader in providing cutting-edge, hands-on financial literacy, entrepreneurship and work- readiness education. By enhancing the relevancy of education, Junior Achievement prepares and empowers young people to own their future economic success in the 21 st century global economy. Its programs provide the youth with tools that will help them better understand their economic and social environment, give them the taste of entrepreneurship and prepare them to the world of work. JA innovative delivery methods foster job creation, improved employability, and financial literacy and micro-enterprise creation. J J U U N N I I O O R R A A C C H H I I E E V V E E M M E E N N T T M M A A S S C C A A R R E E I I G G N N E E S S N N e e w w s s l l e e t t t t e e r r First Edition, Jan 2012- Mar 2012 Highlights: o Interview of Mr. Mario Radegonde o Experiencing JA Company o The Winning Team 2011 of JA Company Competition, Optim Alliance o JAM, the Organisation Tous droits réservés. © Copyright 2012

JAM Newsletter JAN-MAR 2012

Aug 29, 2014



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Page 1: JAM Newsletter JAN-MAR 2012

No 1 Mars 2012




When JAM started its operation in May 2010, we did not imagine that within eighteen months, we would reach 11,000 students. For 2011, 8,000 Mauritian youth have followed our Programs: JA Notre Quartier, JA More than Money, JA Company Program and have taken part in our two events: You can B Inspired Camp and JA Job Shadow.

In 2011, for the first time a JA Mascareignes team has participated in the JA Company of the year Competition. Over hundred young people aged between 15 and 19 and coming from 17 different countries of the region met in Accra, Ghana, for this high profile event. This was a most exciting and enriching experience for our young citizens.

We are also proud to announce that JAM has won the HSBC Best Practice Award 2011 for the African Region and that in the forthcoming months, JAM will be introducing an additional program to its actual offer, namely JA Our Nation. This program highlights the concepts of globalization and resources.

All this would of course not be possible without the unfailing support of our sponsors who we see more as partners. They not only provide financial assistance but also human resources by allowing their staff to go within their working hours to schools and community groups to deliver JAM’ programs.

We would like to thank all our sponsors and all those who in one way or another help us in our endeavour.

Last year, 289 teachers and 32 volunteers have been awarded a certificate of Achievement, acknowledging that they have successfully implemented JAM’s programs in their classrooms or within the community. We strongly value our partnership with you all and we are confident that together we are striving for the advancement of our youths. Your dedication and enthusiasm are key to the success of our programs. Our common goal is to help our youth become productive and responsible citizens, well prepared for the challenges of the world of work and entrepreneurship in an ever changing global economy. We thank the rectors and directors of educational institutions for the trust they place in our action, which is highly motivating to us.

Finally, I would like to thank JA Worldwide for its continuous support, JAM Managing Committee for its commitment and guidance, and my staffs for their dedication and for the passion they put in their work.

It is a great pleasure for me to introduce to you the first edition of JAM newsletter.

Junior Achievement is the global leader in providing cutting-edge, hands-on financial literacy, entrepreneurship and work-readiness education. By enhancing the relevancy of education, Junior Achievement prepares and empowers young people to own their future economic success in the 21st century global economy. Its programs provide the youth with tools that will help them better understand their economic and social environment, give them the taste of entrepreneurship and prepare them to the world of work. JA innovative delivery methods foster job creation, improved employability, and financial literacy and micro-enterprise creation.



First Edition, Jan 2012- Mar 2012


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MMrr.. MMaarriioo RRaaddeeggoonnddee

oo EExxppeerriieenncciinngg JJAA CCoommppaannyy

oo TThhee WWiinnnniinngg TTeeaamm 22001111 ooff JJAA

CCoommppaannyy CCoommppeettiittiioonn,, OOppttiimm


oo JJAAMM,, tthhee OOrrggaanniissaattiioonn

Tous droits réservés. © Copyright 2012

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No 1 Mars 2012







Mr. Mario Radegonde, from the beginning, ENL Foundation has always been supporting JAM. Could you please tell us more about this involvement?

One of the focuses of ENL Foundation is youth development and it was therefore quite normal that JAM retained our attention. JAM proposes programs with pedagogical concepts and notions that go far beyond the academic environment of the Mauritian youth. JAM programs prove to be efficient as they provide the young person with the appropriate tools to better understand his/her social and economic environments. As a result, the youth is projected beyond his/her bookish concept of the world and thus becomes more mature and responsible.

What motivated you to be one of the board members of JAM?

ENL Foundation is a major partner of JAM and it was natural that its representative gets involved on the Managing Committee of the association. This position gives us the opportunity to follow and be part of the development of JAM.

Apart from being a board member, you personally engaged yourself as a volunteer for JAM and implemented JA Notre Quartier in the community of Pailles. Why and how this engagement?

ENL Foundation’s implication goes far beyond the financial support. Since the beginning, we mobilized human resources of the group to become volunteers of JAM. More than twelve employees coming from different subsidiaries received training for JA

programs and brought their contribution when and where possible. Moreover, the experience of JA Notre Quartier in the community of Pailles was on a pilot basis and proved to be a real success. JA Notre Quartier was chosen because it matches the reality of the region and allowed us to adapt our message to the audience.

How do you consider your commitment with JAM in the future?

Community based programs are and will be privileged. I have decided to renew the experience in implementing JA Notre Quartier in two more communities: Petite Rivière Noire and Rivière Noire. I have suggested to JAM to develop a new program aiming at helping young employees and trainees to better understand their working environment.

We thank you Mr. Radegonde for your time and unfailing support. Our Sponsors

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No 1 Mars 2012


We were pleased to note that the group was still a Team as affirmed by one member, “the program enabled us to build ties that resisted time”. JA Company brought and still brings a lot of positive changes to the lives of these youngsters. JA Company enabled them to develop their personality, their communication skills, their critical and analytical thinking and facilitated integration as the group included one newcomer to the school and a physically handicapped student.

Most of the participants were very proud to say that this experience changed their perception of the world, “ JA Company helped me broaden my vision and I am now more confident to discuss about a greater number of topics with my family members and friends. Before as a science student I was only discussing about what I learned from my studies.”

7 Teens Team agreed that at school most of the concepts learnt are on a theoretical basis whereas JA Company Program helped them in putting into practice all the different aspects of a business.

If you want to help JAM, please contact us:

Suzor Lane, Botanical Garden St Curepipe T: 291 7913/63, F: 675 1357 [email protected]/ [email protected]

audience. The majority approved that teamwork is now preferred to individual work.

Concerning the impact participating in the program had on their studies, the majority argued that the program made them more mature, smarter consumers and helped them understand better the concepts learnt in class.

We left the school with a real feeling of satisfaction. These students are now better equipped to face the challenges of an ever-changing world as they have been provided with the necessary tools to understand their social and economic environment and become responsible citizens.

Junior Achievement Mascareignes Team.

They feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to create their company and to assume their responsibilities towards their colleagues and shareholders. One student said, “This has been an invaluable experience”.

Considering the future, the majority of them feel more confident now to develop their own business. Most of them asserted that the program offered by Junior Achievement Mascareignes, “helped us develop our management, entrepreneurial skills. With this acquired experience we feel stronger”.

Were the concepts applied in their day-to-day life? The answer was Yes. All of them approved that these concepts were very useful and could be replicated in their own lives. As argued by one participant, “during the Program we realized the importance of time management. We now use the concept in our revision work and this proves most useful and profitable”.

One team member participated in “The Quality Control Circle” an international competition held in India, and asserted that JA Company helped him to be more confident to speak and perform before a large


Six months later, the 7 Teens Team received the visit of JAM, at their school, MGSS Moka. JAM wanted to evaluate the impact the program has had over the lives of these young people.

Experiencing JA Company

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We were most welcomed at Mr. S. Gangoo’s place by the members of Optim Alliance, the winning Team of JA Company Competition 2011 in Mauritius, and were pleased to notice that these youngsters look more mature and confident than when we met them a few months ago when they entered the program. Decision making process, problem solving, event organization, time management are no more a secret for them. They all agreed that now, they see the world in a different way. As we talked, we get to know that unfortunately, one member of the team had to stop school due to financial constraints and had to get a job. She argued that JA Company experience had prepared her for the world of work. She no more apprehends interviews and can prepare her CV much more easily. She feels more confident and is ready to face the new challenge, which is to work and to study at the same time. Furthermore, teamwork helped the members of Optim Alliance to realize the importance of developing good communication skills. They agreed that “creating good relationship and developing a good communication system” are very important. One male member argued that his experience enabled him to less discriminate people according to their gender, age etc…He realized that what is more important in work are qualifications, competences and the right attitudes.

Regarding their experience in Accra, Ghana, they argued that it was an enriching experience. Apart from creating long lasting relationship with youth of different African countries, this experience enabled them to be exposed to different cultures. “This exposure helps us to realize how our educational system in Mauritius is very bookish compared to other countries where personality development and hands-on programs are promoted”. JA Company Competition in Accra, Ghana, was also a very good experience for the Mentor of Optim Alliance, Mr. S. Gangoo. Being a Business Studies teacher, he argued that now in classes, he uses concrete examples to illustrate all the concepts explain to his students. He argued that JA Company experience made him become more alert and more in touch with the international news as he said proudly, “I now listen to RFI as it is important to know what is happening in other parts of the world”. This experience of JA Company has been beneficial for all the members of Optim Alliance. They are all in a fighting spirit to face life and its challenges and for sure are now better prepared for work.


Feedback about their experience and participation in Accra, Ghana

OOOppptttiiimmm AAAllllll iiiaaannnccceee iiinnn AAAccccccrrraaa,,, GGGhhhaaannnaaa

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No 1 Mars 2012


MMeessssaaggee ttoo JJAAMM oouuttggooiinngg pprreessiiddeenntt,,

MMrr.. SSuunniill BBaannyymmaannddhhuubb

Dear Sunil,

In the name of JAM, we would

like to thank you for your

dedication, support, strong

leadership and guidance during the

years you have presided the

association. We shall do our upmost

to live up to the standards you have

established so that in the future

when you hear about JAM, you will

feel proud that you were the

inaugural chair of the organisation

which empowers the young people of

Mauritius and leaves no stone

unturned to improve the quality of

their lives.

Michèle Lionnet, Executive Director,


President: Mrs. Audrey D’Hotman de


Vice-President: Mrs. Valérie Rochecouste

Secretary: Me. André Robert

Treasurer: Mrs. Kim Guého

Members: Mr. Mario Radegonde

Mrs. Cécile Henry

Mrs. Renuka Jeerakun


Mrs. Amélie Desvaux de



“Education is the foundation of success. No one can take it

away from you, no matter what happens. With a good education, even if you lose everything else, you will be

able to rebuild what you lost.” Ralph de la Vega, President

of JA Worldwide.


JAM New Office in Curepipe, Mauritius

JAM Team:

Mrs. Michèle Lionnet Mr. Kumar Cheetoo Mrs. Pascaline Ammais

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No 1 Mars 2012


Photo gallery (Jan- Mar 2012)

Period: 12 January to 31 March 2012


Plan Actual Projection

Program Yearly Target Students Classes

Educational Institutions Teachers Volunteers

2nd term (Apr- Jul)

JA Notre Quartier 6,000 3,765 150 41 123 2 3,000

JA More Than Money 1,800 625 17 6 17 0 1,200

Program Status as at 31 March 2012

JA Notre Quartier in Cote D’Or Training Centre

Training of JA More than Money with teachers

Training of JA Notre Quartier with


Session of JA More than Money in SKJ Training Centre

Best Practice Award 2011 received from HSBC on

February 2012

1st training in our new office