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- ?V:. I) !:--- K .- - (' Of i The revelations regarding fraudu- lent paiat materials which have been eade by the Agricaltoral Experiment Statioa of Fargo, N. D and published by Prot E. F. Ladd, state commis- sioner, have occasioned almost as Much of a sensation as the exposure of adalteration in food products did when the latter first began to appear. It has been shown that kegs marked Tare White Lead" often contain other mbstances each as chalk, barytes, silica, etc, and that oil supposed to he linseed often contains petroleum adulterants, to say nothing of water in large proportions. Sometimes, so-calle- d "White Leads" contain not an iota of genuine White Lead. The fanner is a large user of paint. No one is more interested than he is, that the label should enable him to get what he supposes he is paying for. There should be a law in every state requiring that all paint packages be labeled exactly according to their con- tents. That would enable every paint-buye- r to buy intelligently. The Thunderer.1' Judge Rentoul's reference on the bench to the Times as the "Thunder- er" reminds us how remarkably this nickname has persisted. The Morn- ing Post is no longer "Jeames;" the Standard has not been "Mrs. Gamp" since the decease of the Morning He- raldthe "Mrs. Harris" to whom it would allude as an independent au- thority, and the two represented the same proprietor. But the Times is still the "Thunderer." It owes that name to Captain Edward Sterling, who is said to have begun a Times article with the words: "We thundered forth the other day an article on the subject of social and political reform." Lon- don Chronicle. BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. Rash Covered Face and Feet Would Cry Until Tired Out Speedy Cure by Cuticura. "My baby was about nine months old when she had rash on her face and feet. Her feet seemed to irritate her most, especially nights. They would cause her to be broken in her rest, and sometimes she would cry until she was tired out. I had always used Cuticura Soap myself, and had heard of so many cures by the Cuti- cura Remedies that I thought I would give them a trial. The improvement was noticeable in a few hours, and before I had used one box of the Cu- ticura Ointment her feet were well and have never troubled her since. I also used it to remove what is known as "cradle cap" from her head, and it worked like a charm, as it cleansed and healed the scalp at the same time. Now I keep Cuticura Ointment on hand in case of any little rash or insect bites, as It takes out tho inflammation at once. Per- haps this may be the means of help- ing other suffering babies. Mrs. Hat-ti- e Currier, Thomaston, Me., June 9, 1906." Phonograph Advertisement. An enterprising German has patent- ed a device for fitting phonographs to doors. As the customer enters the door of a shop, a voice will call out: "Flour is cheaper to-day- ." "New con- signment of special quality mince- meat just received; try some," and similar invitations. Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces- sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear- ing quality of the goods. This trouble can be entirely overcome by using De- fiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great- er strength than other makes. Photographs Sent by Wire. Prof. Korn, of the Munich univer- sity, has greatly improved his appara- tus for transmitting photographs over telegraph wires. He has succeeded in sending photographs and sketches six or seven Inches square in this manner from Munich to Nuremberg, a distance of 100 miles, in from 10 to 15 minutes. PROVE EVERY CLAIM Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a Specific For Anaemia and a Safe Family Medicine. When the body becomes run down, either as a result of overwork, worry or a severe illness, an examination of the blood would show it to be weak end watery. This condition is called anaemic, which is the medical term for "bloodless." The common symp- toms are paleness of the lips, gums and cheeks, shortness of breath and palpitation of the heart after the slightest exertion, dull eyes and loss of appetite. Mr. Louis L. Clark, a painter, of 19 Lincoln Place. Plainfield. N. J., says: "Last May I was obliged to undergo an operation for appendicitis and while the operation in itself was suc- cessful, I did not recover my strength and health. I was confined to my bed for over a month and was under the doctor's care. When I was able to get up my legs were so weak and un- steady that I could only walk with a cane with difficulty. "I was getting no better and could not think of going back to work. I was discouraged, when a neighbor told me that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured her and advised me to try them. 1 began taking them about the middle of June and soon felt so much better that I kept on and was cured. Dr. Williams Pink Pills have cur- ed rheumatism, chlorosis, after-effect-s of the grip and fevers, and, as the health of the nerves depends upon the purity of the blood, they are invalu- able in neuralgia, nervous debility, sleeplessness, dizziness and even lo- comotor ataxia and paralysis. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of price, SO cents per box. six boxes $2.59. by the Dr. Williams Med- icine Co- - Schenectady. N. T. I lEADEtS agarfifp I Bam 'mAba Mtskisr; nMHtx tut HHr Baa MUCH. When PROPER SERVING MEANS Dishes Are Merc Palatable Made Attractive. A plain lettuce salad assumes a dif- ferent aspect when served in ruddy tomato cup or shining green 'pepper cases, and a rosy ring of tomato jelly may inclose a plain celery or endive salad. Salads can be decorated with chopped green herbs, hard boiled eggs, radishes, cut to represent little tulips, olives and. nasturtium leaves and blossoms. Potatoes can be most decorative. Mashed potatoes are pressed in the form of tiny pyramids with flat tops, rhese are dipped in the white of an egg, then in fine minced parsley, giv ing the effect of small green pyramids, through which the white of the pota- toes gleams temptingly. These may be used with small pyramids cut from stale bread and fried a delicate brown in hot butter. They are ar- ranged about a dish alternately with stars or cubes of lemon between. Curries, ragouts or fricassees are more ornamental if served in a border of rice or mashed potatoes. These tire molded in pretty fluted forms and decorated by brushing the rims and raised points with the white of a raw egg, and then sprinkling with chopped parsley. Small baskets about the size of a teacup are made of mashed pota- toes to hold creamed chicken, fish or oysters. The potato is forced in a rotary motion through a pastry bag. brushed over with egg white, and placed in a cool oven to dry. Handles are emulated by sprigs of parsley arched to meet above, and green rims are given with chopped parsley. FOR A SIMPLE MENU. Best Dishes to Serve at Ordinary Afternoon Affair. When a menu is limited to three articles, and it Is for an afternoon af- fair it should include one substantial article, one sweet, and sandwiches. A salad like green peppers scooped out and filled with all kinds of vege- tables cut up and dressed with may- onnaise is popular, and with this sar- dine sandwiches. As a sweet, fruit telly with whipped cream. A pretty Idea for the jelly Is to use orange, apple, and banana skins and serve the jelly in these, having the dish when passed look like a dish of fruit Have the whipped cream sauce passed with the jelly. If you do not wish the salad you could have a hot dish, like scalloped crab or lobster, served in individual dishes; or you could have jellied chicken sandwiches. The chicken is pretty if made in individual molds, us- ing hard boiled eggs in the molds so that the slices of egg are on top when the mold is turned out When entertaining eight guests in .the evening a good repast would be bouillon or consomme served in cups; creamcd sweetbreads in little indi- vidual dishes; salad, and jellied chick- en or thin slices of ham; dessert, ice cream or ices or a rich chocolate cake with chocolate sauce and whip- ped cream. If you have trouble in procuring fish you can use canned lobster with success. Danish Dumplings. One cupful of suet, chopped fine, one cupful bread crumbs, one cupful-flour- , one-hal-f cupful sugar, one-hal- f teaspoonful baking powder. little nut- meg, pinch of salt, two eggs and one pint of milk. Sift together powder and flour, add the beaten eggs, grated crumbs, sugar, suet and milk. Make into a smooth batter and drop by spoonfuls into a pint of boiling milk, three or four at a time. When cooked pour over them the milk they were cooked in. Here is one more recipe: Beat un- til light the yolks of three eggs and one teaspoonful of sugar; add one-hal- f cupful of suet chopped fine, one-ha- lf cupful of currants, one cupful sifted flour, into which has been sift- ed one heaping teaspoonful baking powder and a little nutmeg and salt, and. lastly, the egg whites, well beaten. Flour the hands and make into balls the size of an egg. Boil in separate cloths for an hour or so and serve with a rich sauce. Wine sauce is great Two Table Suggestions. Aspic jelly is a valuable aid in garnishing salads, cold meats, game pies and so on. It is refreshing to tho eye always, and may be made to as- sume any form or color. Cubes of pale aspic laid in rings or green pep- pers have an exceedingly pretty ef- fect; or the aspic is chopped to pre sent a rough surface. Slices of bread cut in fancy shapes, rings, stars, diamonds and so on. browned in butter, make a simple and pretty decoration. They can be tipped with parsley or decorated alternately with chopped parsley and grated egg yolk. To Try a Cake. One of the best plans for ascertain ;ng whether a cake has been cooked snough is to very lightly insert in the center one of the common wooden skewers that butchers use for meat If this comes out clean and dry the cake is done; if the skewer is sticky the cake needs a little more cooking. This Is a much better test than the common one of v inserting a broom straw, as the latter is so small it is not always easy to judge properly of its condition. Orange Sponge Pudding. Cut five oranges in small pieces and place in pudding dish. Pour over them one cup of sugar, then make a boiled custard of one pint of milk, yolks of two eggs, one-hal- f cup sugar, one large teaspoon corn starch. Pour this over the oranges Make a meringue of the beaten whites of the eggs with two tablespoons of powdered sugar, and put over the top of the pudding and brown it slightly in the oven. Coffee Caramels. Take one pound of brown sugar, one capful of strong coffee, one-ha- lf capful of cream and a tabMspoonful. of butter. Cook until brittle when-droppe- d la cold water, then pour into haltered tins, and when-nearl- y cold mark iato squares. For Stains en Marble. Rub with a piece of eat scour with a crystal soap. ,V?.vy, iu-$&- ,- - V PINE TREE 'BREAD. KAMSCHATKANS USE THE' INNER BARK OF PINE TREES. Macerate It la Water and Bake Gee, Wholesome Bread The Mae Keeps the Blood Pure and The Body Healthy. In Kafflf1 the people live ia earth-covere- d pits. Mr. Kennan com- pares the sound of their language to that of water running out of a narrow-mout- h jug. Their bread -- is made from the inner bark of the Pine.Tree, mace- rated in water and baked without flour. They are a hardy race, the Piae keep- ing the blood pure and the various or- gans of the body in a healthy condk tion. Consumption is unknown among; them. A noted specialist in throat and lung trouble, who established a camp for consumptives In the. Pine Woods of Maine, and whose remarkable cures there have attracted great, attention from the medical world, says that one-ha- lf ounce of the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, mixed with two ounces of Gly- cerine and one-ha- lf pint of good Whis- ky and used in teaspoonful doses, will heal and strengthen the lungs, break up a cold in twenty-fou- r hours, and cure any cough that is curable. The ingredients can be secured from any prescription druggist at small cost Inquiry at the prescription depart- ment of a leading local druggist elicit- ed the information that the Pure Vir- gin Oil of Pine is put up only in half-ounc- e vials for dispensing. Each vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case, with engraved wrapper, showing the nameVirgin Oil of Pine (Pure) guaranteed under the Food and Drug act. June 50, 1906. Prepared only by the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. plainly printed thereon. There are many rank imitations of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), which are being put out under various names, such as Con- centrated Oil of Pine. Pine Balsam, etc Never accept these as a substi- tute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, as they will invariably- - produce nausea and never effect the desired results. Ola Neilson, the Danish Duse, who has come to this country to fill a number' of engagements under the auspices of the Scandinavian societies, is celebrated as an interpreter of lb Clover Grass Seeds. Everybody lores lots and lots of Clover Grasses for hogs, cows, sheep and swine. WK& 'firLn We arc known as the largest growers of Grasses, Clovers, Oats, Barley, Corn, Po- tatoes and Farm Seeds in America. Oper- ate over 5,000 acres. FBEE Oar mammoth 148-pag- e catalog is mailed free to all intending buyers; or send 8c IN STAMPS and receive sample of "perfect balance ra- tion grass seed," together with Fodder Plants, Clover, etc., etc., and big Plant and Seed Catalog free. ' John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, La Crosse, Wis. ONE WAY OUT OF DIFFICULTY. Match Twins with Twins, Was the Fond Mother's Idea. A little woman entered a drug store and asked the proprietor if he had "an- other picture." "What kind of a picture do you mean?" the druggist asked. "One like this," said the woman, holding up an attractive advertising print "I may have one or two of them left" the proprietor said, "but I haven't many of them." The woman said she only wanted one, and her tone indicated that she was anxious for that one. She. ex- plained that the one she had with her had been given to one of her children. Another child, she stated, was sick, and was crying for a picture such a3 his brother had. "That's a bad way to bring up your children," ventured a woman customer in the store. "Do you try to give a child everything he cries for just be- cause his brother is more fortunate?" "But" said the mother of the chil- dren, "you don't know. The children are twins and what one has the other wants." "Suppose," objected the moralist, "when your children get older, they fall in love with the same girl, what will they do?" But the mother was ready. She promptly replied: "Find twins and fall in love with th DREADED TO EAT. A Quaker Couple's Experience. How many persons dread to eat their meals, although actually hungry near- ly all the time! Nature never intended this should be so. for we are given a thing called appetite that' should guide us as to what the system needs at any time and can digest , But we get in a hurry, swallow our food very much as we shovel coal into .the furnace, and our sense of appetite becomes unnatural and perverted. Then we eat the wrong kind of food or eat too much, aad there yon are Indigestion and its accompanying miseries. A Phila. lady said, the other day: "My husband and I have been sick and nervous ,for 15 or 20 years from drinking coffee feverish," indigestion, totally unfit a good part of the time, for work or pleasure. We actually dreaded to eat our meals. "We tried doctors and patent medi- cines that counted up Into hundreds of dollars, with little if any benefit "AccidentUy, a small package of Postum came mto my hands. I made some according to directions, with sur- prising, results. We both liked, it and have not used any coffee since. The dull feeling after meals has left ns and we feel better everyjway. We are so wen satisfied with Postum that we recommend it to oar friends who have been made sick and and miserable by coffee." Namest by Postum Co, Battle Creek. Mich. Kead the little book "The Road to Wellvnie," im pkgs. "There", a Ren- - . . NIA.'- - Read the Experience of a Minnesota and Take Heart. Woman If your back aches, and" you feel sick, languid, weak and miserable day after day. don't worry. Doan's Kid- ney Fills have cored thousands of women in the same condition. Mrs. A. Heiman of Stillwater, Minn., "says: "But for Doan's Kidney Pills I would not be living now. They cured me in 1899 and I've been well since. I used to have such pain in my back thatTbnce I fainted. The kidney secretions were much disor- dered, and I was so far gone that I was thought to be at death's door. Since Doan's -- Kidney Pills cured me I feel as if I had been pulled back from ' the tomb." ' Sold by all dealers. ,50 cents a box. Foster-Mllbur- n Co. Buffalo, N. T. ' SOME NEW FRENCH KNIGHTS. Queen ef Holland Has Agreed te Rec- ognize Vatican Titles. Among the lucrative sources of rev- enue of the pope before the separa- tion of church and state in France was the toll or tax onrtitles of nobility and decorations. Since the rupture ij the French government no longer rec- ognizes the ennobling titles and dec- orations of the holy father. To have the right to wear the Vatican ribbon, or to be called count, it was necessary to obtain a confirmation of title. This gave much' perplexity to the candi- dates. The .question has just been settled. Queen Wllhelmina has consented to validate such titles and distinctions. The result has been an amusing pil- grimage to The Hague and also in an increase in, the price of these pon- tifical favors. In the last few weeks the French Knights of the Golden Spur, of the Holy Sepulcher. of Christ, of Gregory the Great, of Pius IX. have greatly in- creased. HOME-MAD- E CATARRH CURE. Sufferers Should Make This Up and Try It Anyway. Any one can mix right at home the best remedy of its kind known. The name "Cyclone" is given to the fol lowing prescription, it is supposed, be- - j cause of its promptness in driving from the blood and system every ves- tige of catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and dread disease, no matter where located. To prepare the mix- ture: Get from any good pharmacy one half-ounc- e Fluid Extract Dande- lion, one ounce Compound Kargonand three ounces Compound Syrup Sana-parill- a. Shake well and use in tea- spoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. This is a harmless, inexpensive mix- ture, which has a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, assisting them to filter and strain from the blood and system all ca- tarrhal poisons, which, if not eradi- cated, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore or ca- tarrh is the result. Prepare some and try it, as it is the prescription of an eminent catarrh specialist of national reputation. Two Rules for Good Carriage. If you are walking, along the street and wake up to the fact that you are carrying yourself poorly take the men- tal attitude of standing straight, as well as the physical one. Look at the men you meet and imagine that each of them owes you a dollar. Put even a suggestion of arrogance into your position. Hold your head well back; look people squarely in the face. This will not only give the impression to others thct you possess the power you want, but it will actually tend to bring that power. Keep the neck against the collar. World's Work. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- E. A powder. It cures painful, smart- ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Slakes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub- stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad- dress A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy. X. Y. He Shut Her Up. Mm. Cuttinc Hint Will we go te the Jamestown Exposition this sum- mer? Mr. Cutting Hintz Don't know. I haven't paid for the Christmas pres- - ents you gave me yet Top Prices for Hides, Furs, Pelts. Write for circular and catalogue No. 9, N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis. A young man always sneers at th love affairs of a widower. '""S&isrsSK&l fwlor. W. Wirt Panthers and Grizzly Bearc Ship Far Felts McMillan Fur & Wool Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Write for price?. Often do the spirits of great events stride on before the events, aad in to- day already walks Cole- ridge. vwy kettle of CASTOnTA, ..-a- ad jmm far ta,,cBUra, that lt SSgaataner i the && M Dm -- Par Oftr'S Ya Tea Bam hnc fioaxat. Much Arid Land Reclaimed. During the four years since its or- ganization, the reclamation service has rendered productive 280.000 acres of desert being one-fourt- h of an area that' has been mapped out for irriga- tion under 23 projects. Harper'i Weekly. ., How's This? Wa offer Om HaBdrwTDollara Reward for as. ewe of C-t- tbat caaaot be cored bj Bail Catarrh Care. T. J. CHEXET CO., Toledo. O. We. tbe have known K. J. Cbcney for the last IS Tears, and bellere blm perfectly hon- orable la all buala--M trans-ctl- ot aad naacla7 able to cany out -- ay obltgatloea made by bit firm. Wi'--- . Kia irc, Wholesale Druclw. Toledo. O. Hall Catarrh Care la ufcea latemaUr. actine directly upon tbs blood and mucon anrfacea of tbe syauna. Teitlmontala teat free. Price 73 ccsta per buttle. Sold bT all Drnsxtata. Tate Hall' raUy PilH for constlwUJon. ' Laws of Health. Tramn Thankee kindly, mum: Td : r . . i. . . no nope oi gerxin sicn a nne supper today, mum. May heaven bless ye! Housekeeper As you've had a good supper, I think you might chop some wood. "Yes, mum: but you know the old adage: 'After dinner rest awhile; after supper walk a mile.' I'll walk the mile first, mum." N. Y. Weekly. Sheer white goods. In fact, any fine wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau- ty. Home laundering would be equal- ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to soften, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improved appearance of your work. Prickly thistles have their uses without doubt, but that doesn't justi- fy you In becoming, one. One of the Ardent Words Truth WITTS US RIELT aal fr-ai- dy, la strictest conficr, teams J" tnabks. andstanaj your age. Wa wal send yam RB AD vGXp in phun amfed envelope, and a vat-ta- hfe 64-p-- ge Book on "rkaTr-bant- fr Waaan." Address: Ud- - Ad-a- wry Dmrfiat. The ica.. caattMaxaa. Te "I walk across Dd every w recommend restores fitedbyiUuse. ?SsssSb: , IMrr is like friendsala ia show bet set la trait . Peers tea. . ---- Money for each package of PUTNAM FADELESS if aasatia-factor- y. Ask your dreggjat. A good housekeeper keeps her ket- tles and her temper from boiling over. Take Garfield Tea,, the mild Herb lax-atir- e, te pnrify the blood. .MdieaU un- ease, and maintain Good Health. The soubrette has the" laugh on the comedian who gets none. Lewis' Single Binder Cigar has a rich taste. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria. 1U. Clothes do not make the they have the. first crack at naaklag lmpressloas of the cufci-- S ix a ts i sira Pizil nlXTMKNT is -- naranur- to eare an of H- - mr. Blind. Bierdintf r ITotmtfia. Pile la CtollifcijraoraioDe. refandc- -. We. Some men blame their wives every time it rains. LYDIALPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE Is acknowledged to be the most suc- cessful remedy in the country for those painful ailments peculiar to women. For more than 30 years it has been curing- - Female Complaints, such as and Ulcera- tion, Falling and Displacements. aad consequent Spinal' Weakness, Backache and is peculiarly adapted W wits Kuaugc --us. Records show that it has eured I t 0, Jgfr j;-- ' I - , Smrawaw. Bat ttst m mfc CMM mjte "r ITUK-I- B liTOL --hey more eases of Female Ills than any other one remedy known. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound dissolves and expels Tumors at an early of development. Dragging headache are relieved and permanently eared by its-ne-e. It corrects Irregularities or Painful Functions, Weakness of the Stomach. Bloatinp, Nervous Prostration, Headache, Gene- ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Faintness Extreme Laesitade, "Don't care andwanttobelcft alone" feeling'. Irritability. Flatulency, Melancholia or the "Blues." These are sore Isoieationa of female or some organic derangement For Kidney Complaints of either sex Lydia E. Vegetable Compound is a most excellent remedy. Mrs. to Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham, Mass. for advice. She is the Mrs. Ffnkhaai who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-la- w Lydia E. Pinkhaan in savisins. nns sae is well qualified to guide sick health. Her advice is free and always helpful. the of the is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur- ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians arc tbe most careful. as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and the Well-Inform- ed generally that the California Fig- - Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND appeal to the Well-inform- ed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc- cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what- - is best each hour-o- f of enjoyment, of and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be irv-iluab- le if. taken-tthe- v proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present Cal. A. ---- Uya .. Dm r ISaSiel SalMI fnjf. IBmWn. nc-om- m BJaamw ealy C.C.BMf Cjt W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. New York, N. Y. am weL ham a! as , 099 the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wid- e acceptance of the because Important of San Francisco, U S. London, England. SICK HEADAGK IwwslHlsrrasagjr HtfTTLC dbjeaamaadTSeBaway IVER mmSS PILLS. Sensatioasca-aia- a: pain,weight.and Pinkham's Standing Invitation Women WeU-Inform- ed Worn QUALITY contemplation Duties SmtqitL SMatiMg, ruLim e-L- lunt inmwm; KFIUCE $TMtt-l-- 7: 1M7. vlrS"Os? Physicians and WaaTS Weil-Inform- ed of the excellence of the combination, known, to all, and the original method of manufac- ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wid- e acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-inform- ed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fullj descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for of Figs cr by the full name of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Was Given Up" Eva Bashere, of Wapakorteta, 0-- , "fay ten (10) doctors, hope they offered was an operation, for an abscess of months growth, measuring about six Inches long, on my weighed only 90 pounds and was so weak I could hardly the floor. The trouble began by my taking cold at my stopped the flow. doctored for nearly a year without relief, until, as I dreaded an operation, began to take Louisville, Ky, writes Mrs. and the only four (4) ovary. I period, which obtaining work you need Cardut sex. It U purely reliable. surngw AT refunded DYES Iniamtnation. stage Indigestion, weakness Pinkhama Lynn, blessings, recreation, Nov I .J r tt S, IVniA SP ft truthfully favorably .Syrup Syrup Syrup I I CARDUi crytideiit(8)ottkolCrduL day. Wloa of Cardut saved my Mfe. 1 cannot say eocwh for it mat it whenever I can." Netting coik be irKvecermba if you suffer from soy of tbe dtariarspecutar to the fecaale vegetable, strictly medidnal. larmless, ha-mb-- and per- fectly Card-- d reg-jat- ea Irregular rune-kin- g, n&mtwmm. ftmtlt M airi hjrlgoraie tbe system, rir mfln-- i sni-- ae lnn lnu, ji Try It ALL DBUGGCTS Dl $LM BOTTLES ' tt t: Tr ' 4UK .- Cmfs-i- i &&'!&& .;.VS;-- .r,. ... fcri,'-j- . kgJg ' .O . 5tr j .rt, -- ? . -- ?0fr,.V?-;, y - - sxi -- .v . -- .i l -- A s. afl ;jf 1 1 1

J r fnjf. - Nebraska Newspapers · 2019. 1. 15. · -V:. I)!:---K.--(' Of i The revelations regarding fraudu- lent paiat materials which have been eade by the Agricaltoral Experiment

Jan 24, 2021



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  • - ?V:.








    The revelations regarding fraudu-lent paiat materials which have beeneade by the Agricaltoral Experiment

    Statioa of Fargo, N. D and publishedby Prot E. F. Ladd, state commis-sioner, have occasioned almost asMuch of a sensation as the exposureof adalteration in food products didwhen the latter first began to appear.It has been shown that kegs markedTare White Lead" often contain othermbstances each as chalk, barytes,silica, etc, and that oil supposed tohe linseed often contains petroleumadulterants, to say nothing of waterin large proportions. Sometimes, so-calle- d

    "White Leads" contain not aniota of genuine White Lead.

    The fanner is a large user of paint.No one is more interested than he is,that the label should enable him toget what he supposes he is paying for.There should be a law in every staterequiring that all paint packages belabeled exactly according to their con-tents. That would enable every paint-buye- r

    to buy intelligently.

    The Thunderer.1'Judge Rentoul's reference on the

    bench to the Times as the "Thunder-er" reminds us how remarkably thisnickname has persisted. The Morn-ing Post is no longer "Jeames;" theStandard has not been "Mrs. Gamp"since the decease of the Morning He-raldthe "Mrs. Harris" to whom itwould allude as an independent au-thority, and the two represented thesame proprietor. But the Times is stillthe "Thunderer." It owes that nameto Captain Edward Sterling, who issaid to have begun a Times articlewith the words: "We thundered forththe other day an article on the subjectof social and political reform." Lon-don Chronicle.


    Rash Covered Face and Feet WouldCry Until Tired Out Speedy

    Cure by Cuticura.

    "My baby was about nine monthsold when she had rash on her faceand feet. Her feet seemed to irritateher most, especially nights. Theywould cause her to be broken in herrest, and sometimes she would cryuntil she was tired out. I had alwaysused Cuticura Soap myself, and hadheard of so many cures by the Cuti-cura Remedies that I thought I wouldgive them a trial. The improvementwas noticeable in a few hours, andbefore I had used one box of the Cu-ticura Ointment her feet were welland have never troubled her since. Ialso used it to remove what is knownas "cradle cap" from her head, andit worked like a charm, as itcleansed and healed the scalp at thesame time. Now I keep CuticuraOintment on hand in case of anylittle rash or insect bites, as It takesout tho inflammation at once. Per-haps this may be the means of help-ing other suffering babies. Mrs. Hat-ti- e

    Currier, Thomaston, Me., June 9,1906."

    Phonograph Advertisement.An enterprising German has patent-

    ed a device for fitting phonographs todoors. As the customer enters thedoor of a shop, a voice will call out:"Flour is cheaper to-day- ." "New con-signment of special quality mince-meat just received; try some," andsimilar invitations.

    Laundry work at home would bemuch more satisfactory if the rightStarch were used. In order to get thedesired stiffness, it is usually neces-sary to use so much starch that thebeauty and fineness of the fabric ishidden behind a paste of varyingthickness, which not only destroys theappearance, but also affects the wear-ing quality of the goods. This troublecan be entirely overcome by using De-fiance Starch, as it can be appliedmuch more thinly because of its great-er strength than other makes.

    Photographs Sent by Wire.Prof. Korn, of the Munich univer-

    sity, has greatly improved his appara-tus for transmitting photographs overtelegraph wires. He has succeeded insending photographs and sketches sixor seven Inches square in this mannerfrom Munich to Nuremberg, a distanceof 100 miles, in from 10 to 15 minutes.


    Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a SpecificFor Anaemia and a Safe Family

    Medicine.When the body becomes run down,

    either as a result of overwork, worryor a severe illness, an examination ofthe blood would show it to be weakend watery. This condition is calledanaemic, which is the medical termfor "bloodless." The common symp-toms are paleness of the lips, gumsand cheeks, shortness of breath andpalpitation of the heart after theslightest exertion, dull eyes and lossof appetite.

    Mr. Louis L. Clark, a painter, of 19Lincoln Place. Plainfield. N. J., says:"Last May I was obliged to undergoan operation for appendicitis andwhile the operation in itself was suc-cessful, I did not recover my strengthand health. I was confined to my bedfor over a month and was under thedoctor's care. When I was able toget up my legs were so weak and un-steady that I could only walk with acane with difficulty.

    "I was getting no better and couldnot think of going back to work. Iwas discouraged, when a neighbortold me that Dr. Williams' Pink Pillshad cured her and advised me to trythem. 1 began taking them about themiddle of June and soon felt so muchbetter that I kept on and was cured.

    Dr. Williams Pink Pills have cur-ed rheumatism, chlorosis, after-effect-sof the grip and fevers, and, as thehealth of the nerves depends upon thepurity of the blood, they are invalu-able in neuralgia, nervous debility,sleeplessness, dizziness and even lo-comotor ataxia and paralysis.

    Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold byall druggists or sent, postpaid, on re-ceipt of price, SO cents per box. sixboxes $2.59. by the Dr. Williams Med-icine Co-- Schenectady. N. T.

    I lEADEtS agarfifp IBam 'mAba Mtskisr; nMHtx tut HHr Baa




    Dishes Are Merc PalatableMade Attractive.

    A plain lettuce salad assumes a dif-ferent aspect when served in ruddytomato cup or shining green 'peppercases, and a rosy ring of tomato jellymay inclose a plain celery or endivesalad. Salads can be decorated withchopped green herbs, hard boiledeggs, radishes, cut to represent littletulips, olives and. nasturtium leavesand blossoms.

    Potatoes can be most decorative.Mashed potatoes are pressed in theform of tiny pyramids with flat tops,rhese are dipped in the white of anegg, then in fine minced parsley, giving the effect of small green pyramids,through which the white of the pota-toes gleams temptingly. These maybe used with small pyramids cut fromstale bread and fried a delicatebrown in hot butter. They are ar-ranged about a dish alternately withstars or cubes of lemon between.

    Curries, ragouts or fricassees aremore ornamental if served in a borderof rice or mashed potatoes. Thesetire molded in pretty fluted forms anddecorated by brushing the rims andraised points with the white of a rawegg, and then sprinkling with choppedparsley. Small baskets about the sizeof a teacup are made of mashed pota-toes to hold creamed chicken, fish oroysters. The potato is forced in arotary motion through a pastry bag.brushed over with egg white, andplaced in a cool oven to dry. Handlesare emulated by sprigs of parsleyarched to meet above, and green rimsare given with chopped parsley.


    Best Dishes to Serve at OrdinaryAfternoon Affair.

    When a menu is limited to threearticles, and it Is for an afternoon af-fair it should include one substantialarticle, one sweet, and sandwiches. Asalad like green peppers scooped outand filled with all kinds of vege-tables cut up and dressed with may-onnaise is popular, and with this sar-dine sandwiches. As a sweet, fruittelly with whipped cream.

    A pretty Idea for the jelly Is to useorange, apple, and banana skins andserve the jelly in these, having thedish when passed look like a dish offruit Have the whipped cream saucepassed with the jelly.

    If you do not wish the salad youcould have a hot dish, like scallopedcrab or lobster, served in individualdishes; or you could have jelliedchicken sandwiches. The chicken ispretty if made in individual molds, us-ing hard boiled eggs in the molds sothat the slices of egg are on topwhen the mold is turned out

    When entertaining eight guests in.the evening a good repast would bebouillon or consomme served in cups;creamcd sweetbreads in little indi-vidual dishes; salad, and jellied chick-en or thin slices of ham; dessert,ice cream or ices or a rich chocolatecake with chocolate sauce and whip-ped cream. If you have trouble inprocuring fish you can use cannedlobster with success.

    Danish Dumplings.One cupful of suet, chopped fine,

    one cupful bread crumbs, one cupful-flour- ,one-hal-f cupful sugar, one-hal-f

    teaspoonful baking powder. little nut-meg, pinch of salt, two eggs and onepint of milk. Sift together powderand flour, add the beaten eggs, gratedcrumbs, sugar, suet and milk. Makeinto a smooth batter and drop byspoonfuls into a pint of boiling milk,three or four at a time. When cookedpour over them the milk they werecooked in.

    Here is one more recipe: Beat un-til light the yolks of three eggs andone teaspoonful of sugar; add one-hal-f

    cupful of suet chopped fine, one-ha- lfcupful of currants, one cupful

    sifted flour, into which has been sift-ed one heaping teaspoonful bakingpowder and a little nutmeg and salt,and. lastly, the egg whites, wellbeaten. Flour the hands and makeinto balls the size of an egg. Boil inseparate cloths for an hour or soand serve with a rich sauce. Winesauce is great

    Two Table Suggestions.Aspic jelly is a valuable aid in

    garnishing salads, cold meats, gamepies and so on. It is refreshing to thoeye always, and may be made to as-sume any form or color. Cubes ofpale aspic laid in rings or green pep-pers have an exceedingly pretty ef-fect; or the aspic is chopped to present a rough surface.

    Slices of bread cut in fancy shapes,rings, stars, diamonds and so on.browned in butter, make a simple andpretty decoration. They can be tippedwith parsley or decorated alternatelywith chopped parsley and grated eggyolk.

    To Try a Cake.One of the best plans for ascertain

    ;ng whether a cake has been cookedsnough is to very lightly insert in thecenter one of the common woodenskewers that butchers use for meatIf this comes out clean and dry thecake is done; if the skewer is stickythe cake needs a little more cooking.This Is a much better test than thecommon one of v inserting a broomstraw, as the latter is so small it isnot always easy to judge properly ofits condition.

    Orange Sponge Pudding.Cut five oranges in small pieces and

    place in pudding dish. Pour over themone cup of sugar, then make a boiledcustard of one pint of milk, yolks oftwo eggs, one-hal-f cup sugar, one largeteaspoon corn starch. Pour this overthe oranges Make a meringue of thebeaten whites of the eggs with twotablespoons of powdered sugar, andput over the top of the pudding andbrown it slightly in the oven.

    Coffee Caramels.Take one pound of brown sugar,

    one capful of strong coffee, one-ha- lfcapful of cream and a tabMspoonful.of butter. Cook until brittle when-droppe- d

    la cold water, then pour intohaltered tins, and when-nearl- y coldmark iato squares.

    For Stains en Marble.Rub with a piece of eat

    scour with a crystal soap.

    ,V?.vy, iu-$&-

    ,- -V



    Macerate It la Water and Bake Gee,Wholesome Bread The Mae

    Keeps the Blood Pure andThe Body Healthy.

    In Kafflf1 the people live iaearth-covere- d pits. Mr. Kennan com-pares the sound of their language tothat of water running out of a narrow-mout- h

    jug. Their bread --is made fromthe inner bark of the Pine.Tree, mace-rated in water and baked without flour.They are a hardy race, the Piae keep-ing the blood pure and the various or-gans of the body in a healthy condktion. Consumption is unknown among;them.

    A noted specialist in throat and lungtrouble, who established a camp forconsumptives In the. Pine Woods ofMaine, and whose remarkable curesthere have attracted great, attentionfrom the medical world, says that one-ha- lf

    ounce of the Pure Virgin Oil ofPine, mixed with two ounces of Gly-cerine and one-ha- lf pint of good Whis-ky and used in teaspoonful doses, willheal and strengthen the lungs, breakup a cold in twenty-fou- r hours, andcure any cough that is curable. Theingredients can be secured from anyprescription druggist at small cost

    Inquiry at the prescription depart-ment of a leading local druggist elicit-ed the information that the Pure Vir-gin Oil of Pine is put up only in half-ounc- e

    vials for dispensing. Each vialis securely sealed in a round woodencase, with engraved wrapper, showingthe nameVirgin Oil of Pine (Pure)guaranteed under the Food and Drugact. June 50, 1906. Prepared only bythe Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O.

    plainly printed thereon. There aremany rank imitations of Virgin Oilof Pine (Pure), which are being putout under various names, such as Con-centrated Oil of Pine. Pine Balsam,etc Never accept these as a substi-tute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, asthey will invariably- - produce nauseaand never effect the desired results.

    Ola Neilson, the Danish Duse, whohas come to this country to fill anumber' of engagements under theauspices of the Scandinavian societies,is celebrated as an interpreter of lb

    Clover Grass Seeds.Everybody lores lots and lots of Clover

    Grasses for hogs, cows, sheep and swine.

    WK&'firLnWe arc known as the largest growers of

    Grasses, Clovers, Oats, Barley, Corn, Po-tatoes and Farm Seeds in America. Oper-ate over 5,000 acres.


    Oar mammoth 148-pag- e catalog is mailedfree to all intending buyers; or send

    8c IN STAMPSand receive sample of "perfect balance ra-tion grass seed," together with FodderPlants, Clover, etc., etc., and big Plantand Seed Catalog free.' John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, LaCrosse, Wis.


    Match Twins with Twins, Was theFond Mother's Idea.

    A little woman entered a drug storeand asked the proprietor if he had "an-other picture."

    "What kind of a picture do youmean?" the druggist asked.

    "One like this," said the woman,holding up an attractive advertisingprint

    "I may have one or two of themleft" the proprietor said, "but Ihaven't many of them."

    The woman said she only wantedone, and her tone indicated that shewas anxious for that one. She. ex-plained that the one she had with herhad been given to one of her children.Another child, she stated, was sick,and was crying for a picture such a3his brother had.

    "That's a bad way to bring up yourchildren," ventured a woman customerin the store. "Do you try to give achild everything he cries for just be-cause his brother is more fortunate?"

    "But" said the mother of the chil-dren, "you don't know. The childrenare twins and what one has the otherwants."

    "Suppose," objected the moralist,"when your children get older, theyfall in love with the same girl, whatwill they do?"

    But the mother was ready. Shepromptly replied:

    "Find twins and fall in love withth


    A Quaker Couple's Experience.

    How many persons dread to eat theirmeals, although actually hungry near-ly all the time!

    Nature never intended this shouldbe so. for we are given a thing calledappetite that' should guide us as towhat the system needs at any timeand can digest ,

    But we get in a hurry, swallow ourfood very much as we shovel coal into.the furnace, and our sense of appetitebecomes unnatural and perverted.Then we eat the wrong kind of foodor eat too much, aad there yon areIndigestion and its accompanyingmiseries.

    A Phila. lady said, the other day:"My husband and I have been sick

    and nervous ,for 15 or 20 years fromdrinking coffee feverish," indigestion,totally unfit a good part of the time,for work or pleasure. We actuallydreaded to eat our meals.

    "We tried doctors and patent medi-cines that counted up Into hundreds ofdollars, with little if any benefit

    "AccidentUy, a small package ofPostum came mto my hands. I madesome according to directions, with sur-prising, results. We both liked, it andhave not used any coffee since.

    The dull feeling after meals hasleft ns and we feel better everyjway.We are so wen satisfied with Postumthat we recommend it to oar friendswho have been made sick andand miserable by coffee." Namestby Postum Co, Battle Creek. Mich.Kead the little book "The Road toWellvnie," im pkgs. "There", a Ren--



    NIA.'- -Read the Experience of a Minnesota

    and Take Heart.Woman

    If your back aches, and" you feelsick, languid, weak and miserable day

    after day. don'tworry. Doan's Kid-ney Fills have coredthousands of womenin the same condition.Mrs. A. Heiman ofStillwater, Minn.,

    "says: "But for Doan'sKidney Pills I wouldnot be living now.They cured me in1899 and I've been

    well since. I used to have such painin my back thatTbnce I fainted. Thekidney secretions were much disor-dered, and I was so far gone that Iwas thought to be at death's door.Since Doan's --Kidney Pills cured me Ifeel as if I had been pulled back from'the tomb." '

    Sold by all dealers. ,50 cents a box.Foster-Mllbur- n Co. Buffalo, N. T. '


    Queen ef Holland Has Agreed te Rec-ognize Vatican Titles.

    Among the lucrative sources of rev-enue of the pope before the separa-tion of church and state in France wasthe toll or tax onrtitles of nobilityand decorations. Since the rupture ijthe French government no longer rec-ognizes the ennobling titles and dec-orations of the holy father. To havethe right to wear the Vatican ribbon,or to be called count, it was necessaryto obtain a confirmation of title. Thisgave much' perplexity to the candi-dates.

    The .question has just been settled.Queen Wllhelmina has consented tovalidate such titles and distinctions.The result has been an amusing pil-grimage to The Hague and also inan increase in, the price of these pon-tifical favors.

    In the last few weeks the FrenchKnights of the Golden Spur, of theHoly Sepulcher. of Christ, of Gregorythe Great, of Pius IX. have greatly in-creased.


    Sufferers Should Make This Up andTry It Anyway.

    Any one can mix right at home thebest remedy of its kind known. Thename "Cyclone" is given to the following prescription, it is supposed, be-- jcause of its promptness in drivingfrom the blood and system every ves-tige of catarrhal poison, relieving thisfoul and dread disease, no matterwhere located. To prepare the mix-ture: Get from any good pharmacyone half-ounc- e Fluid Extract Dande-lion, one ounce Compound Kargonandthree ounces Compound Syrup Sana-parill- a.

    Shake well and use in tea-spoonful doses after each meal and atbedtime.

    This is a harmless, inexpensive mix-ture, which has a peculiar action uponthe eliminative tissues of the Kidneys,assisting them to filter and strainfrom the blood and system all ca-tarrhal poisons, which, if not eradi-cated, are absorbed by the mucousmembrane, and an open sore or ca-tarrh is the result.

    Prepare some and try it, as it is theprescription of an eminent catarrhspecialist of national reputation.

    Two Rules for Good Carriage.If you are walking, along the street

    and wake up to the fact that you arecarrying yourself poorly take the men-tal attitude of standing straight, aswell as the physical one. Look at themen you meet and imagine that eachof them owes you a dollar. Put evena suggestion of arrogance into yourposition. Hold your head well back;look people squarely in the face. Thiswill not only give the impression toothers thct you possess the power youwant, but it will actually tend to bringthat power. Keep the neck againstthe collar. World's Work.

    In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- E.A powder. It cures painful, smart-

    ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails.It's the greatest comfort discovery ofthe age. Slakes new shoes easy. Acertain cure for sweating feet Soldby all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub-stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad-dress A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy. X. Y.

    He Shut Her Up.Mm. Cuttinc Hint Will we go te

    the Jamestown Exposition this sum-mer?

    Mr. Cutting Hintz Don't know. Ihaven't paid for the Christmas pres--ents you gave me yet

    Top Prices for Hides, Furs, Pelts.Write for circular and catalogue No. 9,

    N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.

    A young man always sneers at thlove affairs of a widower.

    '""S&isrsSK&lfwlor. W. Wirt

    Panthers and Grizzly BearcShip Far Felts McMillan Fur & Wool

    Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Write for price?.

    Often do the spirits of great eventsstride on before the events, aad in to-day already walks Cole-ridge.

    vwy kettle of CASTOnTA,..-a- ad jmm far ta,,cBUra,

    that lt

    SSgaataneri the &&M Dm --Par Oftr'S Ya

    Tea Bam hnc fioaxat.

    Much Arid Land Reclaimed.During the four years since its or-

    ganization, the reclamation servicehas rendered productive 280.000 acresof desert being one-fourt-h of an areathat' has been mapped out for irriga-tion under 23 projects. Harper'iWeekly. .,

    How's This?Wa offer Om HaBdrwTDollara Reward for as.

    ewe of C-t- tbat caaaot be cored bj BailCatarrh Care.

    T. J. CHEXET CO., Toledo. O.We. tbe have known K. J. Cbcney

    for the last IS Tears, and bellere blm perfectly hon-orable la all buala--M trans-ctl-ot aad naacla7able to cany out --ay obltgatloea made by bit firm.

    Wi'--- . Kia irc,Wholesale Druclw. Toledo. O.

    Hall Catarrh Care la ufcea latemaUr. actinedirectly upon tbs blood and mucon anrfacea of tbesyauna. Teitlmontala teat free. Price 73 ccsta perbuttle. Sold bT all Drnsxtata.

    Tate Hall' raUy PilH for constlwUJon.

    ' Laws of Health.Tramn Thankee kindly, mum: Td: r . . i. . .no nope oi gerxin sicn a nne supper

    today, mum. May heaven bless ye!Housekeeper As you've had a good

    supper, I think you might chop somewood.

    "Yes, mum: but you know the oldadage: 'After dinner rest awhile;after supper walk a mile.' I'll walkthe mile first, mum." N. Y. Weekly.

    Sheer white goods. In fact, any finewash goods when new, owe much oftheir attractiveness to the way theyare laundered, this being done in amanner to enhance their textile beau-ty. Home laundering would be equal-ly satisfactory if proper attention wasgiven to starching, the first essentialbeing good Starch, which has sufficientstrength to soften, without thickeningthe goods. Try Defiance Starch andyou will be pleasantly surprised at theimproved appearance of your work.

    Prickly thistles have their useswithout doubt, but that doesn't justi-fy you In becoming, one.

    One of the



    aal fr-ai-dy, la strictest conficr, teams J"tnabks. andstanaj your age. Wa wal send yamRB AD vGXp in phun amfed envelope, and a vat-ta-hfe

    64-p-- ge Book on "rkaTr-bant- fr Waaan."Address: Ud- - Ad-a- wry Dmrfiat. The

    ica.. caattMaxaa. Te


    walk across

    Dd everyw recommend


    ?SsssSb:, IMrr is like friendsala ia showbet set la trait . Peerstea. .


    Money for each package ofPUTNAM FADELESS if aasatia-factor- y.

    Ask your dreggjat.

    A good housekeeper keeps her ket-tles and her temper from boiling over.

    Take Garfield Tea,, the mild Herb lax-atir- e,te pnrify the blood. .MdieaU un-

    ease, and maintain Good Health.

    The soubrette has the" laugh on thecomedian who gets none.

    Lewis' Single Binder Cigar has a richtaste. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory,Peoria. 1U.

    Clothes do not make thethey have the. first crack at naaklaglmpressloas of the cufci--S ix a ts i siraPizil nlXTMKNT is --naranur- to eare anof H-- mr. Blind. Bierdintf r ITotmtfia. Pile laCtollifcijraoraioDe. refandc- -. We.

    Some men blame their wives everytime it rains.


    Is acknowledged to be the most suc-cessful remedy in the country forthose painful ailments peculiar towomen.

    For more than 30 years it hasbeen curing-- Female Complaints,such as and Ulcera-tion, Falling and Displacements.aad consequent Spinal' Weakness,Backache and is peculiarly adaptedW wits Kuaugc --us.

    Records show that it has eured


    0, Jgfr

    j;-- 'I - ,

    Smrawaw. Bat ttstm mfc CMMmjte"r ITUK-I- B liTOL --hey

    more eases of Female Ills than any other one remedy known.Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound dissolves and expels

    Tumors at an early of development. Draggingheadache are relieved and permanently eared by its-ne-e.

    It corrects Irregularities or Painful Functions, Weakness of theStomach. Bloatinp, Nervous Prostration, Headache, Gene-ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Faintness Extreme Laesitade, "Don't careandwanttobelcft alone" feeling'. Irritability.Flatulency, Melancholia or the "Blues." These are sore Isoieationa offemale or some organic derangement

    For Kidney Complaints of either sex Lydia E. VegetableCompound is a most excellent remedy.

    Mrs. toWomen suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to

    write Mrs Pinkham, Mass. for advice. She is the Mrs. Ffnkhaaiwho has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twentyyears, and before that she assisted her mother-in-la- w Lydia E. Pinkhaanin savisins. nns sae is well qualified to guide sickhealth. Her advice is free and always helpful.

    the of theis to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur-ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians arc tbe most careful. as tothe uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is wellknown to physicians and the Well-Inform- ed generally that the California Fig- - SyrupCo., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character ofits product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles whichis accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of theCompany has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.

    TRUTH ANDappeal to the Well-inform- ed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc-cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who wouldenjoy good health, with its to the fact that it involves the question of rightliving with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what-- is best each hour-o- f

    of enjoyment, of and of effort may be made to contributeto that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, butas in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be irv-iluab- le if. taken-tthe-vproper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present


    ---- Uya.. DmrISaSiel SalMI fnjf.IBmWn. nc-om-m BJaamw


    C.C.BMf Cjt

    W. N. U, OMAHA, NO.

    New York, N. Y.

    am weL ham a! as ,


    the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has wonthe appoval of physicians and the world-wid- e acceptance of the because

    Important of

    San Francisco,U S.

    London, England.

    SICK HEADAGKIwwslHlsrrasagjr

    HtfTTLC dbjeaamaadTSeBawayIVER mmSSPILLS.

    Sensatioasca-aia- a:pain,weight.and

    Pinkham's Standing Invitation Women

    WeU-Inform- ed Worn




    SmtqitL SMatiMg, ruLim

    e-L-lunt inmwm;

    KFIUCE $TMtt-l--7:



    Physicians and


    Weil-Inform- ed

    of the excellence of the combination, known, to all, and the original method of manufac-ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.

    This valuable remedy has been long and known under the name ofSyrup of Figs and has attained to world-wid- e acceptance as the most excellent offamily laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are wellknown to physicians and the Well-inform- ed of the world to be the best of naturallaxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir ofSenna as more fullj descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always becalled for by the shorter name of of Figs and to get its beneficial effects alwaysnote, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for ofFigs cr by the full name of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs andElixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig SyrupCo. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has givensatisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughoutthe United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of whichis fifty cents per bottle.

    Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with theSecretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated ormisbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.


    Was Given Up"Eva Bashere, of Wapakorteta, 0-- , "fay ten (10) doctors,hope they offered was an operation, for an abscess of

    months growth, measuring about six Inches long, on myweighed only 90 pounds and was so weak I could hardly

    the floor. The trouble began by my taking cold at mystopped the flow. doctored for nearly a year without

    relief, until, as I dreaded an operation, began to take

    Louisville, Ky,

    writes Mrs.and the onlyfour (4)ovary. I

    period, whichobtaining


    you need Cardutsex. It U purely











    Nov I

    .J r



    IVniA SP








    day. Wloa of Cardut saved my Mfe. 1 cannot say eocwh for it matit whenever I can." Netting coik be irKvecermba

    if you suffer from soy of tbe dtariarspecutar to the fecaalevegetable, strictly medidnal. larmless, ha-mb-- and per-

    fectly Card-- d reg-jat- ea Irregular rune-kin- g, n&mtwmm. ftmtlt Mairi hjrlgoraie tbe system, rir mfln--i sni-- ae lnn lnu, jiTry ItALL DBUGGCTS Dl $LM BOTTLES

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