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POLITICAL ADVKRTISEMKNT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITIC Al , Anvn' -'JTISFMKNT pillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . i ¦ w * ^i^MHvn ^^H j _______ WB _____ wm * $ * t * ' "v^?- ? y *ss$ ®^ i^^ x^SKRSiQ^S^^TT^^ST^^N^II^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^H^^^^^H^^ft I ^ '^^^ - -^BPH J ^^^ H SSZ ai^^^^^lH^^P^^^^^^ K ' "'^ Si^f- * *^ ' * ¦ - - / ^^^^BtmmmmmmT T BB- WB KS K! si j VIGOROUS \ _w£**¥^mA CAPABLE ( | DYNAMIC life*" UPV PROVEN | LEADERSH IP ^_ U ____ J^_ W EXPERIENCED | H=§ ^MBk, BmmWEe ^^ H P =3 =£¦¦ I THESE ARE OUR GOALS / I I 1. ACTUALLY - , I iMiMTi Tnuiini f mill—ii liimmrrid ¦iiiniwiiiBittMi i iiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiMiinii mm | z= a= 1 2. KEEP TOWN OWNED BEACHES , | i iniiiUMimwiMiiiiii. ii jmiij .j i u IU ^ WCT _ , I MARINAS AND LANDS FOR YOU ! 1 ^ ssa __ ^ 8 § | | MB _ WM M __ __ \ -Wm-. Warn. H S 1 4. PLAN FOR PRESEN T AND FUTURE NEEDS I ___w MBHIHM^H^BB^^^HBHH HIHHHBBHB H » ——_^_—___^^^ E = •S3 ¦== ss s ¦=3 ==: I ftfcr | =a as H ^^^ | | M> S^^^^^^l ________ mmWrnmrnT ^H ^^^^^ ^^9^& ^Hw^^^ Hi JBH flH ^H JEnH^Hflu H HR^Hk^H ^BBr ^ I SUPERVISOR ( s ******* CS 3= US ^— 1 I 1 i I WEISSBERGER 9 Councilman ARNZEN , Town Clerk I ' GIUFFREDA ' | HUUuH , Councilman I ARSFN Justices of the Peace BARRAUD , Supt. of Highways | I FUCHS , Councilman PROIOS , Receiver of Taxes § a §*§ I LOW ER TAXES VOT E REPUBLICAN HOME RULE 1 Pifflim^ Activities of Interesf In Patchogue Mrs. Carmella Cardamone of )0 Gibbons Street was gu'*st-of-ho tor at a surprise housewarming Sun- day at her home. Hostesses wee her daughters, Miss Joanna C-u* - damone and Airs. Joseph Arabia, of the same address. Airs. Carda- mone formerly resided at 33 Jen- nings Avenue. About 50 friend * and relative s attended the affair. The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher League of Hman- uel Lutheran School took p lace Friday with the annual pot luck supper which was well attended. The league hopes to secuie a mo- vie projector for future u. ^e. The social-business mfH>ting * last Thursday of the Original Golden Age Club of Patchogue , preceded by a baked-bean supper proparod by the men ' s committee , b id ;i large membership attendance. In addition to the October birthday party celebration fur several mem hers , Air. and Airs. Willis I) . Cal- kins of 94 Pine Neck Avenue , Fa- *f Patchogue , who we re married Oc- tober 22 , 1911. and are celebrating their Golden wedding anniversary, were honored and presented witn a bouquet of beautiful golden chrysanthemums and a gift b y the club members. The Delta Delta Sorority of Pat- chogue held its annual dinner at the 112 Lounge on October 8 for the purpose of installing new members into the soroiity. A candlelight ceremony was held be- fore the dinner. The new member- are Patricia Ardolina, Lynn P»i anca , Jacqueline Diet/. . Judy Dio guardo , Doris Goll , Kath y AJul- hern , Lorraine Ni/./. a , Joan Pun fieri , Diane Stein and Libb y S. -i- bele . The members who attended the dinner were Sharon Si fie it. president , Rita Crocitto , vice pres- ident , Karen Perry, recording sec- retary, Josephine Simecek , corres - ponding secretary, Dorothy Seitei* . treasurer , Gail Vocht , Linda Lang, Marie Chiuchiolo , scrap book , Ann Ardolina , Ruth Ann Safranek. Carol Bonanno , Cared Cardamone. Nikki Maninno. Frances Brand! Donna Benincasa , Andria Minard i . Lois Schwinge , Alicbele Funa * e , Geri Merkin and Joann Rathner. Approximatel y 100 Air Fo-v" recruiters, including local Air Force recruiters . Master Sergeant Louis C. Lucas and Staff Sorgoan ' . George T. Graham , held th' ir semi-annual recruiter ' s conference last Friday at Fort Totten in Queens. These 100 recru i ters 'ir- responsible for Air Force person- nel procurement in New York City, Westchester County and Long Island. The "Three Al" Club of tl < * Baptist Church met October IT it tlie home of Air. and Mrs. Wayne Alarshall on Circle Drive. Pr". sont were Air. and Airs. Alarshall , Air. and Mrs. Clen Norcross , Robert Merwin , Miss Margnret Wilsbire. Miss Judi Williams , AIiss Shirley Fetter , all of Patchogue; Air . and Mrs. Edward Olsen , Jr., of Port Jefferson; Air . and Airs. Roland Penney of Center Alorichos; Air. and Mrs. Edward Reinmuth of Medford , and Air. and Airs. Edward Hazard of Lake Ronkonkoma. Th" Marshalls , Penneys , Olsens and Hazards were on the refreshment committee for October , AIiss Judi Williams had charge of games and Wayne Marshall gave a . short de- votional. The November meeting- will be held at the church. Charles Al. Gerardi , son of Air. and Mrs. Salvatore Gerardi of 91 River Avenue , is now enrolled as a freshman student majoring in pre-medicine at Taft College , Taft , Calif. A graduate of Patchogue High School , Air. Gerardi was the reci pient of the Suff olk County Science Award and a past presi- dent of the high school Advanced Science Club. A coot is an aquatic bird found principall y in South American. Bellport N ews Items Mni-Knret Warner . AT G-0G. " >S A surprise luncheon party was given for Air. -. Albert Butier of Blown '- , Lane in e ' ebration of her birthday last Wednesday by her daughiei , Air- . Vino-nt Holland of South Howell' - Point Road. All-. Oh.ulc- Gould of North Brew-tor Lane visited for the w eek- end with her brother-in-law and i fer , AL*. and Air. -. Putnam Drake of Elmira. On Saturday, she at- tended the wedding of her nep hew , Peter Diake. Mi- - . Gould' s father , .1. D. YanHu-en . r' Hirned home with her for the winter. He had -pent th" Summer month. - with the Diakes. Air. and Air.- . George Houston of C- untry Club Road and Air . and AIis . Harold Aloger of North Iloweli ' s Point Road motored to Bethlehem , Pa., Saturday. They attended Fie. -hman Parents ' week- end at L( high Univer-ity wb"i*e An. and Air. - , flou. -ton ' s t^on , George , is a student. Before re- turning home , they trave ' ed to Le-wisburg. Pa., and toured the Pennsy lvania House Furniture Facto'-v and . -howroom. The Rev. and Airs. Elliott Travalee and children , Cameron , L J wrence , Phillip and Gloria , of Beaver Dam Road , motored to Schenectady Sunday to visit their -on and daughter-in-law* , Air. and Ah* - . Cecil Traval and family. A birthday party, with a Hallo- ween theme , was given for Chris- tine Hamlyn in celebration of her ninth birthday Friday by her par- ent. - , Air. and Airs . Roger Hamlyn , Jr., of Station Road. Those present were Jo-Ann Aleo of Patchogue; Wcndlyn Smith. Christine Auletti , Wendy Wayte. Jane Potter , Susan Wein-tein. Xani y Jo Roberge , Louis Perino . Frank Pascavelli , John Relethford . Bill y Alirahelli , of Bellport. Christine received r-any lovly gift- . « Mrs. Harriet Fellman AT 6-1.127 « Airs. David E. Alburger retur- ned home with her son , Andrew Kees. from the Brookhaven Meni- oiial Hosp ital last Fi iday. Ai rs. Alburger will convalesce at home. Air. and Al. r. - - . William I) . Alur- dock of Alott Lane announce the birth of their first grandchild. Their son and daughter-in-law. Air. and Airs . Donald A. Alurdock id' Bellport. are the parents of a son. Alan David, born October 21 . weighing 8 pounds . 2 ounces, at the Brookhaven Alemorial Hospi- tal. For vour Insurance Needs Call Pat Raimond , YAphank 4-3849. —Adv. Guests of Air. and Airs. A. J. Sauter. Jr., of Shields Court for the weeke nd were Mr. and Airs . Rudolph Price of South Strath- more , Manlris-et. The' Brookhaven Parent-Teacher A- - -oi ' at ion is sponsoring a spa- ghetti dinner tonight in the school gymnasium. Dinner will be si-rvod tioin . " > p. m. until the kitchen e ' o- s*e- at 8 p. m. Tickets mav bi> -obtained at the door. Dennis Puleston recently led a field tri p of 11 people from this area to the Hawk Mountain Sanct- uary in the Kitatiney Mountains. near Hamburg, Pa., to watch the migrating hawks and eagles. The g roup left on a Friday evening and drove to Hamburg, where they camped in a shale pit at the foot of the mountain. They climbed the 1 mountain to view the birds as they traveled from their Summer habi- tat to the warmer climes for the Winter. Every year the birds use th' s "fly way " instinctivel y. As many as 10 species of hawk and eagle were seen , including a Gol- den Eagle and a Bald Eagle . The group returned home the follow- ing Sunday night. Brookhaven Brownie Troop 71 have an exhibition at the Brook- lyn on Free Library, in honor of t' m ' ted Nations wee k. The girls, at tlu'ir meeting-- * , discussed the function of the U.N. and the loca- tion of the pai tici pating countri'-s. They planned to exhibit articles sent from the countries - belonging to the U.N. The girls had an extra meeting to arrange the exhibit which displays items from 17 U.N. countries. The members in the troop are Sharon Andors , Rebecca Church , Helen Gelband , Alichelle Gillespie , Peggy Jo Irons , Ninon Lacey, Lorraine Licata. June Loh- mann , Toni Pizzichemi , Mary Pon- ivonis . Joan Scanlon , Donna Lee Smith , Aleg Sylvester , Joan Win- ters. The Brookhaven Democratic Club held its monthl y meeting October 17 at the Brookhaven Firehouse. Frank Craven , president , opened the meeting. Committeemen James Kinsella and James Martin presen- ted the nominees on the Democra- tic ticket to the club. Nominees who addressed the organization were : Martin Metzner , for super- intendant of highways ; Robert A. Coone y, for town clerk ; Wilfred J. Paquette , Jr., re-election for re- ceiver of taxes; John A. Young, re-election for councilman; Ray- mond Batt , for justice of the peace; and Robert Cedar, for jus- tice of the peace. The members were also addressed by Council- man Howard Rowland. Refresh- ments were served , buffe t style, by the ladies of the club. The chief hostesses were Airs. Le Roy E. Griffing and Airs. Una Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Alilton Fellman had as their guests this weekend Mrs. Fellman ' s sister , Airs. Theo- dora Martin of Rosedale and her nephew, Frederick W. Martin. The Women 's Association of the Brookhaven-South Haven Presby- terian Church will hold its month- ly meeting November 2. at the home of Airs. Schuy ler (Bud) Cor- win of Private Road. At this meet- ing the women will conclude the study of the Book of John. The Calorie Club met at the home of Airs. Richard Lyons of Chapel Road last Friday. The members of the club , Airs. Le Roy E. Griffing and Airs. Sidney J. Kelly of Arthur Avenue , Airs. Bud He rmus and Airs. Theodore Ar- thur of Bellport , Airs. Anna Aloon- ey of Robinson Boulevard and AF . rs. Thomas J. Lyons of Locust Road , turned the meeting into a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Richard Lyons . Clifford Brown , son of Mr. and Airs. Richard Brown of Stillwood - Road , celebrated his tenth birth- day October 2.3 with his family. Mrs. Brown ' s mother , Airs. Lillian Sengstack , returned to her home in Miami , Fla., last week after visiting the Brown Family for three months. This year for the first time , the South Haven School will have a Halloween part y sponsored by the Brookhaven Fire Department , in the school. Previous years the children attended the party at the Brookhaven School. The party will be held at 7:30 p. m. October 31 for the children pre-school through sixth grade. William Tobin will pick the South Haven children up and bring them home on the school bus. A meeting of Brookhaven Brownie Troop 71 was held Alon- day at the home of Toni Pizzi- chemi , so the girls could" work on their cooking project. The girls baked and ate chocolate chip cook- ies under the supervision of Airs. John Floyd , leader , and Mrs. Henry Lohmann. assistant leader. Corinthian architecture is char icterized by colums , usually elabor ¦tel .y fluted and carved. Brookhaven - South Haven MEDFORD FIRE DEPT. By George llorst There was one fire Ibis past week , a we oil- lite on Cedailmi-t A\-( m* e neai Granny Roa<l again. Thi- fire was Inrg- r in size than the- last few we have had , which we're all up there , and it caused the men much mure effort to put e>tli . Now flint Fall i- hi re and th- . -ap is receding, a fire wi'l build up quickly. Our siren- will NOT sound the take cover signal at 5 p. m. on the last Frida . \ of each month. It seem- that a few obstacles niu-t be cleared away !'i'* -t. We- are hop- ing this can be done soon so we' will be aide to co-opeiate with this . -e. 'wico to the peop le of Brook- haven Town. Our chit f . Jack' Condon , is . -fil l on the disabled list, but be and his two deputies attended the Brookhaven Town Chiefs ' Council meeting* at Aliddle Island last Fri- day night. Wilbur Pedrick , erne of our lieu- tr nant. - , has been ill for the past week. We hold our fire school at 8 \i. m. today. On Tuesday night , our band has been chosen to lead the pa rade in Patchogue. It has been their cus- tom to have a Halloween parade each year and hold a teen-age dance after the parade. Our ban 1 will parade- in uniform , not cos- tumes , and most members of the band will attend the dance that will be held in the Bay Avenue School gymnasium afterwards. A memory book of girlhood dates and other happy occasions could be rounded out to perfec- tion with your choice of one of the numerously styled wedding invitations on display at The Advance always at budget prices. —Adv. " * y^^K s^%mW& ituiMm ^ntf l ^ A V X 1 # -JL J Relax and enjoy yourself on washday ... let FLAMELESS Electricity do the work. You can have more time to do other things on washday when you have an automatic Electric Laundry. Wash and dry your clothes faster , cleaner and better . . . Electricity does it inexpensively, too. INQUIRE ABOUT PELCO'S LOW NIGHT RATE ON WATER HEATING ^^%N. See Your Electric Appliance Dealer /^^^vK AV UOHI * v^\ I ^f 4mfr POWER \ tZ>\ H C \\ THE PATCH OGUE ELECTRIC LIGHT CO . SOUTHERN SUFFOLK [ >>0WER SYSTEM j 448 E. MAIN STREET , PATCHOGUE :: GRover 5-3000 IN BACK for tow n receiver of taxes under Republican banner is .\lc- v G. Proios of Lake Ronkonkoma . who i-s pictured with his v. ife , Dorothy; son , Gregory ; daughter , Angelica ; and Pepe , their male cocker spaniel. —Photo bv H. Howard Frye

j J^^^ H SSZ - filePOLITICAL ADVKRTISEMKNT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITIC Al , Anvn'-'JTISFMKNT pillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Apr 11, 2019



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Page 1: j J^^^ H SSZ - filePOLITICAL ADVKRTISEMKNT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITIC Al , Anvn'-'JTISFMKNT pillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

POLITICAL ADVKRTISEMKNT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITIC Al , Anvn'- 'JTISFMKNTpillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

. i ¦ w * i^MHvn ^ H j _______ WB_____ wm* $ * t * '" v^?- &¦ ? y *ss$ ® i x SKRSiQ S TT^ ST^ N II ^ ^ ^ ^ ^I ^ ^H^ ^ ^H^ ft I ' ^ --^BPHJ^^^H SSZ

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I 1. ACTUALLY — -,I iMiMTiTnuiini f mill—ii liimmrrid ¦iiiniwiiiBittMi i iiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiMiinii mm |z= a=

1 2. KEEP TOWN OWNED BEACHES,| i iniiiUMimwiMiiiiii.iijmiij .j i u IU^WCT _,


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mmWrnmrnT H ^ ^^ ^ 9 & Hw^ Hi JBH flH H JEnH^Hflu H HR Hk^H BBr ^

I SUPERVISOR (s *******

CS 3=US ^—1 I1 iI WEISSBERGER9 Councilman ARNZEN, Town Clerk I' GIUFFREDA '| HUUuH, Councilman I ARSFN Justices of the Peace BARRAUD, Supt. of Highways |

I FUCHS, Councilman PROIOS, Receiver of Taxes §a §*§


Activities of InteresfIn Patchogue

Mrs. Carmella Cardamone of ) 0Gibbons Street was gu'*st-of-ho torat a surprise housewarming Sun-day at her home. Hostesses weeher daughters, Miss Joanna C-u*-damone and Airs. Joseph Arabia,of the same address. Airs. Carda-mone formerly resided at 33 Jen-nings Avenue. About 50 fr iend *and relative s attended the affair .

The monthly meet ing of theParent-Teacher League of Hman-uel Lutheran School took p laceFriday with the annua l pot lucksupper which was well a t tended.The league hopes to secuie a mo-vie projector for fu ture u. e.

The social-business m fH > t ing * lastThursday of the Or ig ina l GoldenAge Club of Patchogue , precededby a baked-bean supper proparodby the men 's commit tee , b id ;ilarge membersh ip a t tendance. Inaddition to the October b i r t h d a yparty celebration fur several memhers , Air. and Airs. Wi l l i s I ) . Cal-kins of 94 Pine Neck Avenue , Fa-*fPatchogue, who we re married Oc-tober 22, 1911. and are ce lebra t ingthei r Golden wedding ann ive r sa ry,were honored and presented witna bouquet of beaut i fu l goldenchrysanthemums and a gift by theclub members.

The Delta Delta Sorority of Pat-chogue held its annua l d i n n e r atthe 112 Lounge on October 8 forthe purpose of in st a l l i ng newmembers in to the soroiity. Acandlelight ceremony was held be-fore the d inner . The new m e m b e r -are Patricia Ardol ina , Lynn P»ianca , Jacqueline Diet/ .. Judy Dioguardo, Doris Goll , Ka th y A J u l -hern , Lorraine Ni/./.a , Joan Punfieri , Diane Stein and Libb y S.-i -bele . The members who a t t endedthe dinner were Sharon Si f i e i t .president , Ri ta Crocitto , vice pres-ident , Karen Perry, recording sec-retary, Josephine Simecek , corres -ponding secretary, Dorothy Seitei* .treasurer, Gail Vocht , Linda Lang,Marie Chiuchiolo, scrap book , AnnArdolina , Ruth A n n Saf ranek .Carol Bonanno , Cared Cardamone.Nikki Maninno. Frances Brand!Donna Benincasa , Andr ia Minard i .Lois Schwinge, Alicbele Funa *e,Geri Merkin and Joann R a t h n e r .

Approximately 100 Air Fo-v"recruiters, inc luding local A i rForce recruiters. Master SergeantLouis C. Lucas and Staff Sorgoan '.George T. Graham , held th ' irsemi-annual recrui ter 's conferencelast Friday at Fort Totten inQueens. These 100 recru i ters ' i r -responsible for A i r Force person-nel procurement in New YorkCity, Westchester County andLong Island.

The "Three Al" Club of tl <*•Baptist Church met October IT itt l ie home of Air. and Mrs. WayneAlarshall on Circle Drive. Pr".sontwere Air. and Airs. Alarshal l , Ai r .and Mrs. Clen Norcross , RobertMerwin , Miss Margnret Wilsbire.Miss Judi Wil l iams , AI iss Shir leyFetter, all of Patchogue; Air . andMrs. Edward Olsen , Jr., of PortJefferson; Air . and Airs. RolandPenney of Center Alorichos ; Air .and Mrs. Edward Re inmuth ofMedford , and Air. and Airs. EdwardHazard of Lake Ronkonkoma. Th"Marshalls, Penneys, Olsens andHazards were on the refreshmentcommittee for October , AIiss JudiWilliams had charge of games andWayne Marshall gave a .short de-votional. The November meet ing-will be held at the church.

Charles Al. Gerardi , son of Air.and Mrs. Salvatore Gerardi of 91River Avenue, is now enrolled asa freshman student majoring inpre-medicine at Taft College , Taft ,Calif. A graduate of PatchogueHigh School , Air. Gerardi was therecipient of the S uf f o l k CountyScience Award and a past presi-dent of the high school AdvancedScience Club.

A coot is an aquatic bird foundprincipally in South American.

BellportNews Items

Mni-Knret Warner . AT G-0G.">SA surpr i se luncheon par ty was

given for Air .-. Albe r t But ier ofBlown '-, Lane in e' ebrat ion of herbir thday last Wednesday by herd a u g h i e i , A i r - . V ino -n t Holland ofSouth Howell' - Point Road.

A l l - . O h . u l c - Gould of NorthBrew-tor Lane vi s i ted for t he w eek-end with her brother- in-law and

i f e r , AL *. and Air .-. P u t n a m Drakeof Elmira . On Saturday, she at-tended the wedd ing of her nep hew,Peter Diake . M i - - . Gould' s fa ther ,.1. D. YanHu-en . r' Hirned homew i t h her for t h e win te r . He had-pen t th " S u m m e r m o n t h .- wi th theDiakes .

Air . and Air.-. George Houston ofC- un t r y C lub Road and Air . andA I i s . Harold Aloger of NorthI l o w e l i 's Point Road motored toB e t h l e h e m , Pa., Saturday. Theya t t e n d e d Fie .-hman Parents ' week-end at L( h igh Un ive r - i t y wb"i*eA n . and Air.-, f lou.-ton 's t ^ o n ,George , is a s tudent . Before re-t u r n i n g home , they trave 'ed toLe-wisburg. Pa., and toured thePennsy lvania House Furn i tu reFacto'-v and .-howroom.

The Rev. and Airs. E l l i o t tTravalee and chi ldren , Cameron ,LJ wrence , P h i l l i p and Gloria , ofBeaver Dam Road , motored toSchenectady Sunday to visit their-on and daughter- in-law*, Air. andAh*-. Cecil Traval and family .

A b i r thday party, with a Hallo-ween theme , was given for Chris-t ine H a m l y n in celebration of hern in th bir thday Friday by her par-ent.-, Air. and Air s . Roger H a m l y n ,Jr., of Stat ion Road. Those presentwere Jo -Ann Aleo of Patchogue;Wcndlyn Smi th . Christ ine Au le t t i ,Wendy Wayte. Jane Potter , SusanWein - t e in . Xani y Jo Roberge ,Louis Perino . Frank Pascavelli ,John Rele thford . Bill y Alirahelli ,of Bellport . Chr i s t ine receivedr - any lovly g i f t - . «

Mrs. Harriet Fellman AT 6-1.127 «

Airs. David E. Alburger retur-ned home wi th her son , AndrewKees. from the Brookhaven Meni-o i i a l Hosp i t a l last Fi iday. Ai rs.Alburger wil l convalesce at home.

Air . and Al. r.- - . W i l l i a m I) . A lu r -dock of Al ott Lane announce thebi r th of the i r f i r s t g randch i ld .T h e i r son and daughter- in- law.Air. and Air s . Donald A. Alurdockid' Bellport. are the parents of ason. Alan David , born October 21 .w e i g h i ng 8 pounds . 2 ounces, atthe Brookhaven Alemorial Hospi-t a l .

For vour Insurance Needs CallPat Raimond, YAphank 4-3849.—Adv.

Gues t s of Air. and Airs. A. J.Sauter. Jr., of Shields Court fort h e weeke nd were Mr. and Airs .Rudo lph Price of South S t r at h -more , M a n l r i s - e t .

The ' Brookhaven Parent-TeacherA-- -oi 'at ion is sponsor ing a spa-g h e t t i d i n n e r ton ight in the schoolg y m n a s i u m . D inne r w i l l be si-rvodt i o i n ."> p. m. un t i l the ki tchen e'o-s*e- at 8 p. m. Tickets mav bi>

•-obtained at the door.Dennis Puleston recent ly led a

field tri p of 11 people from thisarea to the Hawk Mounta in Sanct-uary in the K i t a t i n e y Mountains.near H a m b u rg , Pa., to watch them i g r a t i n g h a w k s and eagles. Theg roup lef t on a F r iday eveningand drove to Hamburg, where theycamped in a shale pit at the footof the mounta in . They climbed the

1 m o u n t a i n to view the birds as theytraveled from their Summer habi-t a t to the wa rmer cl imes for theWinter . Every year the birds useth ' s " f ly way" ins t inc t ive l y. Asmany as 10 species of hawk andeagle were seen , inc lud ing a Gol-den Eagle and a Bald Eagle . Thegroup re turned home t h e follow-ing Sunday night .

Brookhaven Brownie Troop 71have an e x h i b i t i o n at the Brook-lyn on Free Library, in honor oft ' m'ted N a t i o n s wee k. The gir ls,at t l u ' i r m e e t i n g --* , discussed thef u n c t i o n of t h e U.N. and the loca-t i o n of the pai t ic i p a t i n g countri'-s.They planned to exh ib i t articlessent f rom the count r ies- b elonging

to the U.N. The girls had an extrameet ing to arrange the exhibitwhich displays items from 17 U.N.countries. The members in thetroop are Sharon Andors, RebeccaChurch , Helen Gelband , AlichelleGillespie , Peggy Jo Irons, NinonLacey, Lorraine Licata. June Loh-mann , Toni Pizzichemi , Mary Pon-ivonis . Joan Scanlon , Donna LeeSmith , Aleg Sylvester, Joan Win-ters.

The Brookhaven Democratic Clubheld its monthly meeting October17 at the Brookhaven Firehouse.Frank Craven , president , openedthe meeting. Committeemen JamesKinsella and James Martin presen-ted the nominees on the Democra-tic ticket to the club. Nomineeswho addressed the organizationwere : Martin Metzner, for super-i n t e n d a n t of highways; Robert A.Coone y, for town clerk ; WilfredJ. Paquette , Jr., re-election for re-ceiver of taxes; John A. Young,re-election for councilman; Ray-mond Batt , for justice of thepeace; and Robert Cedar, for jus-tice of the peace. The memberswere also addressed by Council-man Howard Rowland. Refresh-ments were served , buffet style,

by the ladies of the club. Thechief hostesses were Airs. Le RoyE. Griff ing and Airs. Una Randal l .

Mr. and Mrs. Alilton Fellmanhad as their guests this weekendMrs. Fellman's sister, Airs. Theo-dora Martin of Rosedale and hernephew, Frederick W. Martin.

The Women 's Association of theBrookhaven-South Haven Presby-terian Church will hold its month-ly meeting November 2. at thehome of Airs. Schuyler (Bud) Cor-win of Private Road. At this meet-ing the women will conclude thestudy of the Book of John.

The Calorie Club met at thehome of Airs. Richard Lyons ofChapel Road last Friday. Themembers of the club , Airs. Le RoyE. Griff ing and Airs. Sidney J.Kelly of Ar thur Avenue , Airs. BudHe rmus and Airs. Theodore Ar-thur of Bellport , Airs. Anna Aloon-ey of Robinson Boulevard Thomas J. Lyons of LocustRoad , turned the meeting i n t o asurprise bi r thday party for Mrs.Richard Lyons .

Clifford Brown , son of Mr. andAirs. Richard Brown of Stillwood -Road , celebrated his tenth b i r th -day October 2.3 with his f ami ly .

Mrs. Brown's mother, Airs. LillianSengstack , returned to her homein Miami , Fla., last week aftervisiting the Brown Family forthree months.

This year for the first time , theSouth Haven School will have aHalloween party sponsored by theBrookhaven Fire Department, inthe school. Previous years thechildren attended the party at theBrookhaven School. The party willbe held at 7:30 p. m. October 31for the children pre-school throughsixth grade. William Tobin willpick the South Haven children upand bring them home on theschool bus.

A m e e t i n g of BrookhavenBrownie Troop 71 was held Alon-day at the home of Toni Pizzi-chemi , so the girls could" work ontheir cooking project. The girlsbaked and ate chocolate chip cook-ies under the supervision of Airs.John Floyd , leader , and Mrs.Henry Lohmann. assistant leader.

Corinthian architecture is charicterized by colums , usually elabor¦tel .y f luted and carved.

Brookhaven - South Haven

MEDFORD FIRE DEPT.By George llorst

There was one fire Ib is pastweek , a we oil- l i t e on C e d a i l m i - tA\-( m*e neai G r a n n y Roa <l aga in .Th i - f i r e w a s I n r g - r in size t h a nthe- last few we have had , whichwe're all up there , and it causedthe men m u c h mure e f f o r t to pute>tli .

Now f l i n t Fall i- hi re and th-.-ap is receding , a f i r e w i ' l buildu p qu ick ly .

Our si r en- wi l l NOT sound t h etake cover signa l at 5 p. m. onthe last Frida .\ of each month . Itseem- tha t a few obstacles n i u - tbe cleared away !'i'* - t . We- are hop-ing t h i s can be done soon so w e 'wi l l be a ide to co-ope ia te w i t ht h i s .-e.'wico to the peop le of Brook-haven Town.

Our ch i t f . Jack' Condon , is .- f i l lon the disabled list , but be andhis t w o d e p u t i e s a t t e n d ed theBrookhaven Town Chiefs ' Counci lmeeting* at Al iddle I s l and last Fri-day n igh t .

Wilbur Pedrick , erne of our lieu-tr nan t .- , has been il l for t h e pastweek.

We hold our f i re school at 8\i. m. today.

On Tuesday night , our band hasbeen chosen to lead the pa rade inPatchogue. It has been the i r cus-tom to have a Halloween paradeeach year and hold a teen-agedance af ter the parade . Our ban 1wil l parade- in u n i f o r m , not cos-tumes , and most members of theband wi l l a t t e n d the dance t ha twill be held in the Bay AvenueSchool gymnas ium afterwards.

A memory book of girlhooddates and other happy occasionscould be rounded out to perfec-tion with your choice of one ofthe numerously styled weddinginvitations on display at TheAdvance — always at budgetprices.—Adv.

" *•

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IN BACK for tow n receiver of taxes under Republican banner is. \ l c -v G. Proios of Lake Ronkonkoma . w h o i-s p ic tured wi th hisv. i f e , Dorothy; son , Gregory ; daugh te r , Angelica ; and Pepe, thei rmale cocker spaniel. —Photo bv H. Howard Frye