Top Banner
r I 1 Ij I ti 1 Ib j I J k TL1 < q 1i tit 0 r Io q s 1 f1i t Yot s < f 4 fiG > t r t j h j < c i > k T ib 1t Jj r 11t < I ii I A < rl > 4 t JI J = 1 I TJ e J 7 I 1 n k T4L VOL XXVII OWINGSVILLE KENTUCKY THURSDAY MAY 31 1908 tJ 46 f II L Lano delivers ice i1 7 Clothes fir everybody at Brother A Brothers d Now u tho time to got your suit at lleflins Racket Store vi Brother t Brother handle ib Starboard shoes None better < EsUll Honakcr Co guarantee jjj thelr buggies and make their gunr- J 0 an toe good Remember that Brother Broth i e i hayo ft bobby line of clothes from 500 up eef look at Brother t Brothers 26o dC e i f 175 Preston to Louisville an SundltYM > Estill Honaker Co fell every thing in the buggy tine at the low est prices Frank Brown has been appointed postmaster at Stepstone to succeed < t Hk S Bittingera M B F Shrout lwugtitotDWvisi Jrout four > 7to heifers for 68M 1i Omar V Barber Attorney at Law and Surveyor OfUce In Court bouso June t iNearly everybody but you has avis DUgIY Let ua sell you one chen ErriLLi HONAKER k Co Miss Walter Mae RatliflT enter ColiuI gressive euchre Friday night k nev Elbert E Dawson will be j t meetings at Harper P1eclioothouse next June4wil Prof Allan de Cou Meuller beI > gan teaching class in dancing in tho Circuit Court coomt Mend tugI l EstHI I Honakrr do evetvthing in blacksmith work at the lowest price Break carts atfigures that will ttmpt jou M Those living in the timber belt report that the iventeeryear lo ii tiet nplOlt teal jvn I n 1110 rl > i itwAiw4rforInforna r al ffloleut to convict Jhpae iN 2 r breakhlA Intorny > ohil nrIn I n p WNEY TO JOiNI will loan yr d inoneyb tUr IlIn InOlI at 1ovrive rr ts lBtiireiitVfrtrthreeilveor t nJ Sgra > r l citli oiior nddress JJJ3 WooD 4rt Mt rlhtg K > plnD1cnratiut f liI11k ri4 r4 1J wreiiadior othejcthiin print B I 1rvacen nrtbedaj in ti torjint B ttIx i i Cnuntf Surveyor P1q4AJ t Shraut bnught ofICy cre farm I tWrllJlitIIHii41 whrrq fen Jon a me y arl lit fO er aereI < SpitiFor 30 dayI wei- it re iI fl1 t surriee you 1Iw1f rtsrrcgu1ar 8 p iR a5r i8 regular 6 0the wens suits for 5SjUut prices on all clothing v E W HEFLnt Racket Store < Gobi PRICEAt the sale of t A oe of the perronaltyofde late npi urday aiature mule sold for 125 C aaiare125 cow and calf 51 dry + eDw30 80htrdwood lumber aud 3 b tooI9iOldweU COT lloLfn OurOn Wednes tdY oNlt week Dr Isaac Jonma cat out of James Stephens t little to the left of the Adams twupjtthe bullet that John Burns of color lied Into Stephehs back c If ayer a year8jo The bullet had t f worked out under thseklnto i i pTHE > ka eorretpoBdent at Sherburne and one at WyoiIngthat will get upc The real sews and cend It in reg ularjyi Acopy of the paper It and MatioBary will be supplied to the right parties Especially do fl t we wish correipondents that will S Interesting and ittYC1dereTl r hs between nelili J < JOB FutnxiiKeiaiernber that TRI OoTLOoKi is prepared to printI ti Jet erhead t1o teheads bill statemelate eavelopes = ardlIabelI V1I reeelpH iBvitatioBS a 1 I bMaeH etatIury on the L meat S mostA wflrk with that turned out by anya Jofce4ic > iid you will find it yetir k advaeUge to have us do yourt llffaM prIt poatari dodgenj p nphlet and everything usually turBedoHt ya country job office We kave oniiand for sale in ° k quaRtlty blank eedamortlalel > eHleae i thef blanks 0 j Buy your spring outfit fro- mQBro f tkpr k Brother P f i BAKCAimTaWeiuake a break r Yr cartwjfial IB every respect to the 4H faBipUs SeUle cart and if you want ifpjt onept them You take ndriiskf In bHyirijj them as they are Made te wear IIONAaERi Sold by f fChef ltpt Mt Sterling it Jf t1 udy bmcoa Sharpsnurgv Ky R 1 I ri b iJI c J i P 1 t L t 1 iA t > i i r > 4 i Jit2 c rl < 5S r i1 I rY ir > > w f r > Ii 0 J I 1 1 < 1 1 f ol q 1 J W PERSONAL Oscar Palmer was In Carlisle Sun day Charley Brother is getting betti of his attack of fever IIIe County Judge Win Craigof Men fee county wnv hero Tuesday Mm Jns W Einmons returned Monday from a visit nt Stnnton Jtlss Stella Dnwson is improving from her Illness caused by nil ace I dent 1188 Ednii ByrOn will return from flIbeII Ilagerinan Collwgu this k Elder Robert Campbell went Mon tiny to visit his family in Oarrard cuti litthio iiiI tflW Iyfl Lexliiftoti last week Jerro Corbett wife and two chil dren of Eddy ville came lust week to visit Mrs Belle Allen Earl Ford who line been attending college atGeorgetowncame thlswoek to visit Mrs E H Guodpasterwa tickok Iflf lIO Institute Nlchojasvilie ani Lathrutn and Win Mauley ted in Lathram and attended rt lit FlemiiiKsburg Mondaymi rti M D Farls continues to im prove wilHoepitat 8it rs Nntlianiel arkland and mCO Vilash t to Air Muttio Moore In Clark county rEturnodFrldllY relatives In Winchester undo Clark lity ors C W Honaker and little sons rlduyfor son uf Spencerthe onhis returnhome James Pendlcton nnd wlfo of Paris arrived Saturday to visit the latter her Betsy Crouch aiii home Sunday M enoR Sterlingwii8 tho guest of Horace L Lane and wire from < until Monday afternoonvn J- Limi seacotu homeSutunhlJ Cinclnnadneaday pho pos abone ittrn Morehead returned to theH 1iR Uoa CoriFr of near John wed J > S1r JalIy lfFr1tIir evening Thr I- iea h at Triton TlmnI ctinanie t his Utttason llolltx I F IIC41ctitttNho lilliiIfw1rk Ins MP n telipliniii com pliny In Vpist ofeCnbe Uaev wnt to Wlnrhostprto lipnr thoU > ri Luon Bnltlmoro Sunday Walter C yle tina acceptod a pnsl ruIlilir Allen will Join him nS soon na they cnn procure residence there Ford Patterson ancV wile nttenned grint it t lnhaving Ernest Gnrhnin noooinpnnled hy ptnTnIlIInoll1 th eprn Illinois will nma np from Mr Gorhama at Millersburg on i visit this week T S Shront wife and son Ew alt beIn MIs May was graduated nt Hamll College Thursday Mies May reII lned as thn ptieBt of Miss Graco Appletdn until Monday when she returned homean 1ArtSntl1ldns W H DnlzflIofMoruOeld Prol srotoChlcngo of the vacation at the Normal de rtinent of thc Northweatern Unl Wi Nsll eiate from Hazel Green havlne been graduated at the Academy there in tlio Entrllsh course nnd typewriting of eathe C chollege jt gton No Is a fine young man thkely chosen profeSilonI How TO KILL RATS Elder B n Ross quotes Samuel Davisof Flem g county as saying that Ito hasI deund strnying rots to bo thoroughly ere fe fiottvo gle smooth onono side and smear the smooth side with thick molas motice entrated lye nc the molasses andit lot the bTard where the rats can get at it The rats lick the ID- O1e8 and the lye does the rest Sharp8burgKy r Miss Mary Shrout to Mr Willis Lindsey will take place ut thet Christian ChuroteWcdnesday el Ing June 6nt 8x clocRv J Harriott officiating TMattend eybrotberor Miss Bertie Donaldson mind of honor Misses May ShoutMatildn ParkerNellio Allen RI hartbrl des cnHids Messrs T J Knight low ¬ ard P Moffett Paul It Brown and ProfIra Harrison ushers After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Lind sey will leave for North Carolina on their bridal tripCor Louie vme POst s A i r 4 < y J C f THE DuoiiTii HKOKEN The long est spring drouth that has occurred in man many years was broken by a gentle rain that began about erbit oclock Friday night and lasted until between ttn and eleven oclock Saturday morning It sprinkled sot uewitttt later in the tiny bu not enough rain roll to amouilot- hing any Never did n more wel- come ¬ rain como hereabouts The condition of farm nod pardon crops was desperate since no rain of consequence lint fallen since the first week in April Bluegrass was was so checked in growth that stockgrazing was failing and some farmers were selling off their stock Tho springeown omits und ver were seriously injured and meadows almost ruined Ear plnnted corn wits coming up very une venly or had rotted in limo ground and been replanted The- n cor that had come up bolero the ped froFt nipbesides Co e up A promising wheat crop- s so Directed that the earlier le were heading out tow with short head The rain was too late to repair most of the injury to the crops antI it may bo expected that s clover and tucadowK will be mcasureably failures while there see bluegrassd ground was unprepared which l delay transplanting where th enoughFurmers Sat I tirday morning to engage hands to sel tobacco securing all the color ed people that were willing to work nt 2 to 2GO per day When the ruin ccated the work of transplant went on rapidly throughout country wherever ground and everrIndivlduul t said hehnd plants and was going to plnntllI j his neighborhood Howcvrr 4 ugh was learned to justify the S estimate that onethird to onehalf till projected crop in the county 4 utd bo transplanted with the sons of Fridays attd Saturdays rai ns Those who mnvestigned said the t earth was wet dowir only five or six inches by Saturdays rain bUI ut half past 12 oYlnck uldllI ti r heavy rain came from the iouthalld liuted abnut tVo hume doing more good and prolonging tobiico scasorr Some faVuif considering ita caPe of nrctii nt to tobacte JTSundays l vqIt to the C jprlf ot thereixt- der cit on IIII IJ tributaries wnFhvl away a nti saw logs ciiUccted by J Hampton for mnkiiig Into hC his saw mill i uxcnioum CUUNTUY I1ow go U Hampton of near Iry hRs provided his resident mcito nimg spring water by ravity ing had a one inehmyanizetI in pipe laid twenty In Uc under ground from a never Hog spring 3300 feet distant u ne farm to the residence whir is piped met row I pipedelivcrs ing is cemet1und arranged that the water j i icopt clean be elegonthome high of tasteful architecture and Of autifully situated on a command of g eminence which is reached by pi Stake sort of outbuilding for comfort shiHe proving It so that It bids fair t- one cm or be of the prettiest in the co timeuny LOCUSTS AND CRAWFISH Com T5The locusts that came upon A Peeds farm near town therplnved a trick on George or adoptedan unusual way to make a their advent on the surface 3 br whought nli like small ordinary crawfish B imneys and declared that ins crop of locusts each used one of ose tubes in emerging from ti lieag He said ho was puzzled know how they got time water to mix the mud for the tubes Con eidering time fine offer for his farm George declined recently it would be almost libelous to suggest that that the locusts bimply used craw sh chimneys to make their call SPURLOCKHAII Mr Simpson Spurlock and Miss Emma Hum tiere t the home of Oscar Cnnyers on White Ouk Creek Thursday after- noon The attendants were Chan > Conyert and Miss Annie Spurlock sister of the bridegroom Robt S> Anderson and Miss Nellie Lee My e erra maind he bridegrooms lather Ju Spur ock the wellknown f biackBmlthLiti Wyoming Tho oed a very pretty and worthy young lady rho bridegroom Is said to bOA nice and deserving young Oman 1Os 1 owners of mail boxes on the R F D routes must display signals on the boxes when there is mail in them to bo collected by the carrier as the latter is instructed to not open the box unless such sign l is dispTnyed C < k T I l i T rfu i < 2- 0 + a J f j t 4 1 i t f j 5 t For Men None better Few as good S I x < ANOTHER DROOTII SunE who reside in have a certain n liquors to nest fw sure of thuir supplies before Ji li if they expect to procure th I h tXPI i I < r I f ct C 1 < I i FIy t L 0 tT 11iay r 10 1906 > Agents or Sprcial insiriict inc regard to handling spirilu us vinous or molt liquors to Local vi lion towns in the State of I7i tucky effective June 11 100C On and after June 11 J9061Iip rlliquors towns in Kentucky sIpped fr m points outside the State of I cnI urky CO D or otherwise Jay delivered if addressed to oona Ode consignee of lawful agehe Agents at points Kentucky must refuse phipiaints spirituous vinous or malt liquors consigned to points within the te of Kentucky where Local OpI laws are in force Agents muft refuse to accept pments for points within the te of Kentucky from distillers known denier or in any case where the shipper when asked if shipment contains liquor ref rUles to answer satisfactorily Agents at such Local Option points are instructsd not to deliver euoh shipments when shipped from point in the State of Kentucky These instructions will pot apply en shipments of liquors are con neti to a licensed physician or druggist to whom such shipments may be delivered in unbroken > ee in quantities not to exceed five gallons at any one time Yours truly K SA FORD Superintendent THE SPRING sThe Olympian prings Co has secured the services of J C Shropshire of Fayette county this season and will open for tho entertainment of guccls June 1 The company is also pa r- cularly fortunate in enlisting the cervices of Col Bob Hazelrigg as erkand general entertainer We have met Mr Shropshire at tit found him a very agreeable gentle 4 man who doubtless will help too win for this resort the share of business to which its tine toedic at waters and uptodate im provements entitle it Col Hazel rgg has rare qualifications for his position and knows thoroughly well how to welcome guests and make thorn feel at home Theta is ho good reason wllwitb hit vari ¬ OlympianSprings t ime limit with guests DISTRICT C0NFEKENcRFrepltin ntions have the visiting ministers who vi Uat tend the Loxtngtfin District Con ference of tho MB ChurohSonth I which will meet here nut week fr r H J1 F C r xx sssi IMENS BOYS CUltiDRENs CLOTHING A look at our stock will convince you flint I We Lead the Way in This Line WE CAN DRESS YOU FROM TIP TO TOP We have some NEW STYLE HATS I Just iud I SHOES 400FLORSHIEM 350WI SLESSEROwi iexx Prllhihitlllndnm1j r- tt9i4g > 1 Do you know where The Pocket T Well ask for Glllons if 6 yim pay lither ashu has a larHockof i > ETC I jst be sld this firand see lila goods and i l1ndt1 wdllfu f I 1 t to fn Ihe j OwisacviritE GRADED = thuBI1urd of Education Ow cvilie wi vth 1the OwingsviJIo Graded Schiiols tot the year ending June 30 J906 ppilsfor mnc of Jilust imn Cr bused on enrollment was about 85 per cent The increasing it V of the schools insures m ih crease in nil the department ieii ye ar The average cost to the child per ad for a nine months term based on average uttenlanee was 1616 The wisdom of the Board of Ed I uration in increasing the number teachers for next year huts been widely commended by till thinking pcoplj In the grade nil year or even the greater part of the have been pr which speaks well for both teacher and Probably the most commendable thing about our schools is the cour teous bearing of the pupils Ictwari the teachers and each a cultivate this has been one of our t he art of living together in har m any In teaching force we believe our a betn conscientious and hard ing ready nt all times to do any mount of work when the best in terestR of the schools demanded it theI un forraly intelligent and cordial sup port of my efforts to raise the stand urd of time Owingsville schools Vfp have now a splendid Bystom of schools which I trust will contin schools It must either retrograde r Tho success of lire schools is largely due to the coop eratian of tbe patrons nnd we ap predate their hearty cooperation In life is to make time Owingsville schools the best With your continued Support and the cooperation of one of the most intelligent corps of teachers to be found in any small town thre Is no reason why this cannot bo done Very respectfully C F MARTIN Principal of School Shoes for everybody at Brother U > > f 10 oC 01 w tor Ladies Skirts SlJirt1 We arc aistsI line of ir goods We ure jnd guarantee the Carpets UtI Pt = o MW tv c rxxx THE RQCKET hoi111hnnllt LfKrnnro SHOES HI ATSV season prlces GitetoNS Pocket I duringthe year pomoted pupilsS beIi toverage work tihing yearMy ilnimtbevuS < Hattings fiLl t 0 o1 TyphoiD FJIERWelllty C nton aged 25 years died of n morningnbo H L3 Judycvati nWto Miss Sue Davis who sur > I ohkhdn j Curringtnn deceased of the ariflgtOflB Rock neighborhood on upper jn1t Lick Creek The bnqy was taken through here Mpn ft before noon fur burialat the d nmoon JSalt Lick Tho beg re itwztve ey tnImpthyin Fh4PLrED ehMarsu me Saturday afternoon He to theh lod of tithe town and secured Ueis professilln hewllpopcrbultiIIls sloJuuiollg our IIJoNgSHic Kayfl Ollice Sunday alternoon by Elder Robert Campbell The brldia the at e Suldest who lives on Jeff Dawsons farm on Upper Slate Creek She is only about 15 or 16 years old She is said to bu a very industrious good girl Mr Jones is n son of John M Jonep of Kendalls Springs and is said to be a working buy mind very lemorving He anti bride have TOE OUTLOOKH tnId wishes DODBIK FDDlNQA doublo Owedding place in the Wyoming Christian Church Wednesday of this week Mr Thop Conyers to Miss Nellie Lee Myore and Mr Robert S An I ConyersTho I firidearo son and dau hter of Jack Conyers Miss Myers is u dauch ter of Joseph Myers Mr Aflder son is a son of E < O Anderson Alloro of Wyontlngor vicinity arid alt afo very young They are nice folks LICENSED TO WXDIn addition to the weddings elsewhere report relicense thJaL Miss Malinda EHen Spurlock of Fleming county John LL Richardson of Rjcfriird sons store beyond the Glympfan nce11r I S i > I 7 S J 7t f d < rJ > W y J S 77I II Harness Buggy Whips and Lap Rob s o falt kinds I have 3 large stock to select from i j4jI EUGENE MlNlHAN mr > Owingsviiteyky > tv i T l RACKET STORE 1 We have our SpHilg Goods iidV OnS Call and get our prices and v will save you money i Masons quart fruit jars doz 50o Stone Jon gallon 80 Milk Crocks gallon 80 4gal Ash Churn 7So Curtain Stretchers 1 Pratts Poultry Foot 20c 12 inch Glass Vaso lOc Chambers 20c Jelly Glasses each2e Vinegar Cruets lOc 6 inch Glass Berry Bowl 5c China BpvI and Pitcher 98o Vegetable Bowls 18 15 lOo FOR 1 ir j tit ll1 Lsit > c t ei iv 5 AXVTHER RAT STORT John Ed ¬ M inn and eight others to while ay the time during the rain Sat fly mon ing removed an old rut pm itt Seth BOlts barn on t C rekilmig omit und killed htyeighmi T1c hut eleven ng big ones filer were some twobarreliof cobs under the pen show how much corn the ruts had eaten CrAiMR iiAMPioNStitf Myers Secretary claims Farmers baseball club the champi ¬ onship of Rowan and Bath coun ¬ ties since ho fay tho club has challenged every team in those counties and has not got a game any Huh wants a came nddrera m or unit Joe Elau Farmers 4White nday was about equal to that of last year though not no largo as it used to he As it was not more than hate the people could get into the church Elder It H Ross preached Probably most of the people hud reached home before till rain came up COLORED VEDDinti The crowd1 made a break for the County Clerk rf ffice Saturday afternoon to see lder Robt Campbell unite in mar riiijje Thoe fancy and Lucy Razor I colored people of Lick j THROWN Odt OF CART Doe Shrout was thrown out of his cart harkingtog week while he was going home from town He wits pfinfcen tip some bat not hart mt1cIiWIStEffA AotWER nameless winfer came SUnday nfght and on Monday mofnittg heatlAg fires and overcoats were brought into quisith It was vftry favorable tobacco both fof e laborrfs Hfftd ttsv plants that ere sot out MynOmE horned with leather natter on iberal IMae fhtne UtMt Srelt ay r t I 7 Pamntptcah ilfc T5 i Tin Sifters 10 r t Mens Lihen HaUl 20c ICU tsdies Canvass Slprspr 125 1 i Lawns yd 12f 10 5o Heavy Shbe Stringp >prx Ic Ladies NIght Gowns v j 49d Ladies Slippers prI60T2575o Comb ahd Brush Rack 60 1 Corset Clasps ir 5S Remnant Rhbops Cheap CASH PAID EGGS E UrTDJxz II r4Ju fr POWERt r Watchmaker X 1 r and Jeweler < till 4iS ItyJIaf F5S fRHrrtIf s rjj Clarencec Salt transplanffrtg Graphopiiones and I For Sale at Bargain Prices W t R = cpaifiii = a Specialty 1 S WRIf i NGContplninthaflnlf 5 j been made to me of stock running at large in the town of 1 yor are hereby notified that un ICSK said stock is immediately put Up I will be compelled to put sairf stock in time stmarjme5 I City Marshal Fnnst Thero was frostin the 1not Han Conner aged 2J yedru whileh J plying dislocated ber shoulder Monday night V WONKY TO LoA10OO to loan ott fiath County farm land fur three tir five years Lowest ihtorent Call ou or address US WOOD J 52t Mt Sterling Ky 1 Prdf Bleullef gavo a dance tos the society folks at tbcQBurthous Monday flight L To Whom It Hay Concerns Notice is hereby given that hay ing been elected arid qualified alt Treasurer of Batfr county 1 Ia4J established tity oflSce 1a offlceof the Owingsvnie1 Birning rT Company BtyBCff Of y tfpeftffanf i t wilt be at aHJm fJ at if c1C Ik- 5 r ready to dfscnalgfo tfrer rfuttea ott ii cnmbnt opon me as f ressflref < J8 1 SnAtAi i Treasure of Bt II County 1r OwinRsviire KyfJLtftt IflOd 5fF T13DL > 4 Pfc ± iffioti Druggist r f = jfocerfes f z I1OtIOflE4S Fresh Confectioneries > Fresh Vegetables T< i6ds Delivered promptly t Telephone No 8 OWIffiv1T T J tTl J1t Yff t 1tY k t a f 4 c 0 < S 1

j f1i Yot q Jj 11t TJ e 7 A I k f xx sssi 77I j4jI

Dec 18, 2021



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: j f1i Yot q Jj 11t TJ e 7 A I k f xx sssi 77I j4jI




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i1 7 Clothes fir everybody at BrotherA Brothers

d Now u tho time to got your suitat lleflins Racket Store

vi Brother t Brother handle ibStarboard shoes None better

< EsUll Honakcr Co guaranteejjj thelr buggies and make their gunr-J0 an toe good

Remember that Brother Brothi e i hayo ft bobby line of clothes

from 500 upeeflook at Brother t Brothers 26odC e

i f 175 Preston to Louisville anSundltYM>

Estill Honaker Co fell everything in the buggy tine at the low

est prices

Frank Brown has been appointedpostmaster at Stepstone to succeed

<t Hk S BittingeraM B F Shrout lwugtitotDWvisiJrout four

>7to heifers for 68M1i Omar V Barber Attorney at

Law and Surveyor OfUce In Courtbouso June

t iNearly everybody but you has avisDUgIY Let ua sell you one chenErriLLi HONAKER k Co

Miss Walter Mae RatliflT enterColiuIgressive euchre Friday nightk nev Elbert E Dawson will bej t meetings at HarperP1eclioothouse nextJune4wilProf Allan de Cou Meuller beI

> gan teaching class in dancing intho Circuit Court coomt MendtugIl EstHI I Honakrr do evetvthingin blacksmith work at the lowestprice Break carts atfigures thatwill ttmpt jou

MThose living in the timber belt

report that the iventeeryear loii tiet nplOlt tealjvn I n 1110 rl>i itwAiw4rforInforna r al

ffloleut to convict Jhpae iN 2r breakhlA Intorny> ohil nrInI n

p WNEY TO JOiNI will loan yrdinoneyb tUr IlIn InOlI at 1ovriverr ts lBtiireiitVfrtrthreeilveor t nJ Sgra> r

l citli oiior nddress JJJ3 WooD

4rt Mt rlhtg K> plnD1cnratiut

f liI11k ri4 r41J wreiiadior othejcthiin print B I

1rvacennrtbedaj inti torjintBttIxi

i Cnuntf SurveyorP1q4AJ t Shraut bnught ofICycre farm

I tWrllJlitIIHii41 whrrq fen Jon ame y arl lit fOer aereI <

SpitiFor 30 dayI wei-itre

iI fl1 t surriee you1Iw1f rtsrrcgu1ar 8

p iR a5r i8 regular 6 0thewens suits for 5SjUut prices onall clothing

v E W HEFLnt Racket Store

< Gobi PRICEAt the sale oft A oe of the perronaltyofde latenpiurday aiature mule sold for 125

C aaiare125 cow and calf 51 dry+ eDw30 80htrdwood lumber aud

3 b tooI9iOldweU

COT lloLfn OurOn WednestdY oNlt week Dr Isaac Jonmacat out of James Stephens

t little to the left of the Adamstwupjtthe bullet that John Burnsof color lied Into Stephehs back

cIf ayer a year8jo The bullet hadt f worked out under thseklntoi

i pTHE> ka eorretpoBdent at Sherburne andone at WyoiIngthat will get upcThe real sews and cend It in regularjyi Acopy of the paperIt and MatioBary will be supplied tothe right parties Especially do fl

t we wish correipondents that willS Interesting and


hs between neliliJ<

JOB FutnxiiKeiaiernber thatTRI OoTLOoKi is prepared to printIti Jet erhead t1o teheads billstatemelate eavelopes =ardlIabelIV1I reeelpH iBvitatioBS a

1 I bMaeH etatIury on the LmeatSmostAwflrk with that turned out by anya

Jofce4ic >iid you will find ityetir

kadvaeUge to have us do yourt

llffaM prIt poatari dodgenjp nphlet and everything usuallyturBedoHt ya country job office

We kave oniiand for sale in °

k quaRtlty blank eedamortlalel >

eHleae i thef blanks0j Buy your spring outfit fro-

mQBrof tkpr k Brother

P fi BAKCAimTaWeiuake a breakr Yr cartwjfial IB every respect to the4H faBipUs SeUle cart and if you wantifpjt onept them You take

ndriiskf In bHyirijj them as they areMade te wear

IIONAaERiSold by

f fChef ltpt Mt SterlingitJf t1 udy bmcoa Sharpsnurgv Ky

R 1

I rib iJIc Ji P

1 tL t

1 iAt >

i i r>

4 i Jit2 c rl< 5S r i1I rY ir> >

w f r > Ii 0 JI 11 < 1

1 f ol q 1J W


Oscar Palmer was In Carlisle Sunday

Charley Brother is getting bettiof his attack of feverIIIeCounty Judge Win Craigof Menfee county wnv hero Tuesday

Mm Jns W Einmons returnedMonday from a visit nt Stnnton

Jtlss Stella Dnwson is improvingfrom her Illness caused by nil ace I

dent1188 Ednii ByrOn will return fromflIbeII Ilagerinan Collwgu thisk

Elder Robert Campbell went Montiny to visit his family in OarrardcutilitthioiiiItflWIyflLexliiftoti last week

Jerro Corbett wife and two children of Eddy ville came lust weekto visit Mrs Belle Allen

Earl Ford who line been attendingcollege atGeorgetowncame thlswoekto visit Mrs E H GuodpasterwatickokIflf lIO Institute Nlchojasvilie

ani Lathrutn and Win Mauleyted in Lathram and attendedrt lit FlemiiiKsburg Mondaymirti M D Farls continues to im

provewilHoepitat8it rs Nntlianiel arkland and mCOVilasht to Air Muttio Moore In Clark


rEturnodFrldllYrelatives In Winchester undo Clark

lityors C W Honaker and little sonsrlduyforson uf SpencertheonhisreturnhomeJames Pendlcton nnd wlfo of Paris

arrived Saturday to visit the latterher Betsy Crouch aiiihome Sunday

MenoRSterlingwii8 tho guest of Horace LLane and wire from < untilMonday afternoonvnJ-

LimiseacotuhomeSutunhlJCinclnnadneadayphoposaboneittrnMorehead returned totheH1iR Uoa CoriFr of near JohnwedJ>S1rJalIy lfFr1tIir evening Thr I-


at Triton TlmnIctinanie t his Utttason llolltx I

F IIC41ctitttNho lilliiIfw1rkIns MP n telipliniii com pliny In Vpist

ofeCnbeUaevwnt to Wlnrhostprto lipnr thoU> riLuonBnltlmoro SundayWalter C yle tina acceptod a pnslruIlilirAllen will Join him nS soon na they

cnn procure residence thereFord Patterson ancV wile nttennedgrint it

tlnhavingErnest Gnrhnin noooinpnnled hy

ptnTnIlIInoll1theprnIllinois will nma np from MrGorhama at Millersburg on i visitthis week

T S Shront wife and son Ew altbeInMIs May was graduated nt HamllCollege Thursday Mies May reIIlned as thn ptieBt of Miss Graco

Appletdn until Monday when shereturned homean1ArtSntl1ldnsW H DnlzflIofMoruOeld Prol

srotoChlcngoof the vacation at the Normalde

rtinent of thc Northweatern Unl

WiNslleiatefrom Hazel Green havlne beengraduated at the Academy there intlio Entrllsh course nnd typewriting

ofeatheCchollegejt gton No Is a fine young manthkelychosen profeSilonIHow TO KILL RATS Elder B n

Ross quotes Samuel Davisof Flemg county as saying that Ito hasIdeundstrnying rots to bo thoroughly ere

fefiottvogle smooth onono side and smearthe smooth side with thick molasmoticeentrated lye nc the molasses anditlot the bTard where the rats canget at it The rats lick the ID-O1e8 and the lye does the rest

Sharp8burgKy r

Miss Mary Shrout to Mr WillisLindsey will take place ut thetChristian ChuroteWcdnesday elIng June 6nt 8x clocRvJ Harriott officiating TMattend

eybrotberorMiss Bertie Donaldson mind ofhonor Misses May ShoutMatildnParkerNellio Allen RI hartbrl descnHids Messrs T J Knight low¬ard P Moffett Paul It Brown andProfIra Harrison ushers Afterthe ceremony Mr and Mrs Lindsey will leave for North Carolinaon their bridal tripCor Louievme POst s


ir 4

< y J Cf

THE DuoiiTii HKOKEN The longest spring drouth that has occurredin man many years was brokenby a gentle rain that began about

erbit oclock Friday night and lasteduntil between ttn and eleven oclockSaturday morning It sprinkledsot uewitttt later in the tiny bunot enough rain roll to amouilot-

hingany Never did n more wel-come


rain como hereabouts Thecondition of farm nod pardon cropswas desperate since no rain ofconsequence lint fallen since thefirst week in April Bluegrass waswas so checked in growth thatstockgrazing was failing andsome farmers were selling off theirstock Tho springeown omits und

ver were seriously injured andmeadows almost ruined Ear

plnnted corn wits coming up veryune venly or had rotted in limo

ground and been replanted The-ncor that had come up bolero the

pedfroFt nipbesidesCo e up A promising wheat crop-

s so Directed that the earlierle were heading out tow with

short head The rain was too lateto repair most of the injury to thecrops antI it may bo expected that

s clover and tucadowK will bemcasureably failures while there

seebluegrassdground was unprepared whichl delay transplanting where

th enoughFurmers Sat


tirday morning to engage hands tosel tobacco securing all the colored people that were willing to worknt 2 to 2GO per day When theruin ccated the work of transplant

went on rapidly throughoutcountry wherever ground and

everrIndivlduul tsaid hehnd plants and was going toplnntllI j

his neighborhood Howcvrr 4

ugh was learned to justify the S

estimate that onethird to onehalftill projected crop in the county 4

utd bo transplanted with thesons of Fridays attd Saturdays

rai nsThose who mnvestigned said the t

earth was wet dowir only five orsix inches by Saturdays rain bUI

ut half past 12 oYlnck uldllIti r heavy rain came from theiouthalld liuted abnut tVo humedoing more good and prolonging

tobiico scasorr Some faVuifconsidering ita caPe of nrctii

nt to tobacte

JTSundayslvqItto the C jprlf ot thereixt-

dercit on IIII IJ

tributaries wnFhvl away a ntisaw logs ciiUccted by J

Hampton for mnkiiig Into hChis saw mill i

uxcnioum CUUNTUY I1owgo U Hampton of near IryhRs provided his resident mcito

nimg spring water by ravitying had a one inehmyanizetI in

pipe laid twenty In Uc underground from a never Hog spring3300 feet distant u ne farm tothe residence whir is pipedmetrow I

pipedelivcrsing is cemet1und arrangedthat the water j i icopt clean beelegonthome

high of tasteful architecture and Ofautifully situated on a command ofg eminence which is reached by

piStakesort of outbuilding for comfortshiHeproving It so that It bids fair t-

onecm or

be of the prettiest in thecotimeunyLOCUSTS AND CRAWFISH Com

T5The locusts that came uponA Peeds farm near town

therplnved a trick on George oradoptedan unusual way to make atheir advent on the surface 3brwhoughtnli like small ordinary crawfish B

imneys and declared that inscrop of locusts each used one of

ose tubes in emerging from tilieagHe said ho was puzzled

know how they got time water tomix the mud for the tubes Coneidering time fine offer for his farmGeorge declined recently it wouldbe almost libelous to suggest thatthat the locusts bimply used craw

sh chimneys to make their callSPURLOCKHAII Mr Simpson

Spurlock and Miss Emma Humtieret the home of Oscar Cnnyers onWhite Ouk Creek Thursday after-noon The attendants were Chan >

Conyert and Miss Annie Spurlocksister of the bridegroom Robt S>

Anderson and Miss Nellie Lee Myeerramaindhe bridegrooms lather Ju Spurock the wellknown fbiackBmlthLitiWyoming Tho

oed a very pretty and worthy younglady rho bridegroom Is said tobOA nice and deserving youngOman1Os1 owners of mail boxes on the RF D routes must display signalson the boxes when there is mail inthem to bo collected by the carrieras the latter is instructed to notopen the box unless such sign l isdispTnyed

C <k

T I l i T rfu i<2- 0











t For Men

None better Few as good



ANOTHER DROOTII SunEwho reside inhave a certainn liquors to

nest fwsure of thuir supplies before Jili if they expect to procure th



tXPIi I< r I f

ct C1

< I

i FIyt

L0 tT 11iay

r10 1906 >

Agents or

Sprcial insiriict incregard to handling spirilu us

vinous or molt liquors to Local vilion towns in the State of I7itucky effective June 11 100C

On and after June 11 J9061Iiprlliquorstowns in Kentucky sIpped fr mpoints outside the State of I cnIurky CO D or otherwise Jay

delivered if addressed to oonaOde consignee of lawful ageheAgents at points

Kentucky must refuse phipiaintsspirituous vinous or malt liquors

consigned to points within thete of Kentucky where Local OpI

laws are in forceAgents muft refuse to acceptpments for points within thete of Kentucky from distillersknown denier or in any case

where the shipper when asked ifshipment contains liquor ref

rUles to answer satisfactorilyAgents at such Local Option

points are instructsd not to delivereuoh shipments when shipped from

point in the State of KentuckyThese instructions will pot applyen shipments of liquors are conneti to a licensed physician or

druggist to whom such shipmentsmay be delivered in unbroken >

ee in quantities not to exceedfive gallons at any one time

Yours trulyK SA FORD

SuperintendentTHE SPRING sThe Olympian

prings Co has secured the servicesof J C Shropshire of Fayettecounty this season and will openfor tho entertainment of gucclsJune 1 The company is also pa r-

cularly fortunate in enlisting thecervices of Col Bob Hazelrigg aserkand general entertainerWe have met Mr Shropshire attitfound him a very agreeable gentle 4

man who doubtless will help toowin for this resort the share ofbusiness to which its tine toedic

at waters and uptodate improvements entitle it Col Hazelrgg has rare qualifications for hisposition and knows thoroughlywell how to welcome guests andmake thorn feel at home Theta isho good reason wllwitb hit vari ¬

OlympianSpringst ime limit with guests

DISTRICT C0NFEKENcRFrepltinntions havethe visiting ministers who vi Uattend the Loxtngtfin District Conference of tho MB ChurohSonth I

which will meet here nut week


J1F C r



CLOTHINGA look at our stock will convince you

flint I

We Lead the Way in This LineWE CAN DRESS YOU FROM TIP TO TOP

We have some











Do you know where The Pocket T Well ask for Glllonsif

6yim pay lither ashu has a larHockof

i >ETC

I jst be sld this firand see lila goods andi l1ndt1 wdllfu f I

1 t

to fn Ihe j

OwisacviritE GRADED =thuBI1urd of Education Ow

cviliewivth1the OwingsviJIo Graded Schiiols totthe year ending June 30 J906ppilsformnc

ofJilustimnCrbused on enrollment was about 85per cent The increasing it

V of the schools insures m ihcrease in nil the department ieiiye ar

The average cost to the child perad for a nine months term based

on average uttenlanee was 1616The wisdom of the Board of Ed I

uration in increasing the numberteachers for next year huts been

widely commended by till thinkingpcoplj

In the grade nil year or even thegreater part of the have beenprwhich speaks well for both teacherand

Probably the most commendablething about our schools is the courteous bearing of the pupils Ictwarithe teachers and each acultivate this has been one of our

the art of living together in harm any

In teaching force we believe ourabetn conscientious and harding ready nt all times to do anymount of work when the best interestR of the schools demanded ittheIunforraly intelligent and cordial support of my efforts to raise the standurd of time Owingsville schools Vfphave now a splendid Bystom ofschools which I trust will contin

schools It must either retrograder Tho success of lire

schools is largely due to the cooperatian of tbe patrons nnd we appredate their hearty cooperation

In life is tomake time Owingsville schools thebest

With your continued Supportand the cooperation of one of themost intelligent corps of teachersto be found in any small townthre Is no reason why this cannotbo done

Very respectfullyC F MARTIN

Principal of SchoolShoes for everybody at Brother

U> >


oC 01 w tor

Ladies Skirts SlJirt1

We arc aistsIline of irgoods Weure jnd guarantee theCarpets

UtIPt = o MW

tvc rxxxTHE RQCKEThoi111hnnlltLfKrnnro SHOES HIATSV


GitetoNS PocketI







t 0 o1 TyphoiD FJIERWellltyC nton aged 25 years died of


L3JudycvatinWto Miss Sue Davis who sur >

Iohkhdn j

Curringtnn deceased of theariflgtOflB Rock neighborhood

on upper jn1t Lick Creek Thebnqy was taken through here Mpnft before noon fur burialat the

d nmoon JSalt Lick Tho begreitwztveeytnImpthyinFh4PLrEDehMarsume Saturday afternoon He

tothehlod of tithe town and securedUeisprofessillnhewllpopcrbultiIIlssloJuuiollg ourIIJoNgSHicKayflOllice Sunday alternoon by ElderRobert Campbell The brldia the ateSuldestwho lives on Jeff Dawsons farm onUpper Slate Creek She is onlyabout 15 or 16 years old She issaid to bu a very industrious goodgirl Mr Jones is n son of JohnM Jonep of Kendalls Springs andis said to be a working buy mindvery lemorving He anti bride haveTOE OUTLOOKH tnId wishes

DODBIK FDDlNQA doubloOweddingplace in the Wyoming ChristianChurch Wednesday of this weekMr Thop Conyers to Miss NellieLee Myore and Mr Robert S An I

ConyersTho I

firidearo son and dau hter of JackConyers Miss Myers is u dauchter of Joseph Myers Mr Aflderson is a son of E < O AndersonAlloro of Wyontlngor vicinityarid alt afo very young They arenice folks

LICENSED TO WXDIn additionto the weddings elsewhere report

relicensethJaLMiss Malinda EHen Spurlock ofFleming county

John LL Richardson of Rjcfriirdsons store beyond the Glympfan


i >I7


J7t f d <rJ >W

y JS77I II

Harness Buggy Whips and Lap Rob s ofaltkinds I have 3 large stock to select fromij4jIEUGENE MlNlHAN mr >

Owingsviiteyky > tviT l

RACKET STORE 1We have our SpHilg Goods iidV OnSCall and get our prices and v

will save you money i

Masons quart fruit jars doz 50oStone Jon gallon 80Milk Crocks gallon 804gal Ash Churn 7SoCurtain Stretchers 1

Pratts Poultry Foot 20c12 inch Glass Vaso lOcChambers 20cJelly Glasses each2eVinegar Cruets lOc6 inch Glass Berry Bowl 5cChina BpvI and Pitcher 98oVegetable Bowls 18 15 lOo



tit ll1 Lsit > ct eiiv


AXVTHER RAT STORT John Ed ¬M inn and eight others to while

ay the time during the rain Satfly mon ing removed an old

rut pm itt Seth BOlts barn ont C rekilmig omit und killed

htyeighmi T1c hut elevenng big ones filer were some

twobarreliof cobs under the penshow how much corn the ruts

had eaten

CrAiMR iiAMPioNStitfMyers Secretary claimsFarmers baseball club the champi ¬

onship of Rowan and Bath coun ¬

ties since ho fay tho club haschallenged every team in thosecounties and has not got a game

any Huh wants a came nddreram or unit Joe Elau Farmers

4Whitenday was about equal to that oflast year though not no largo as itused to he As it was not morethan hate the people could get intothe church Elder It H Rosspreached Probably most of thepeople hud reached home beforetill rain came up

COLORED VEDDinti The crowd1made a break for the County Clerk rf

ffice Saturday afternoon to seelder Robt Campbell unite in mar

riiijje Thoe fancy and Lucy Razor I

colored people of Lick j

THROWN Odt OF CART DoeShrout was thrown out of his cartharkingtogweek while he was going home fromtown He wits pfinfcen tip somebat not hart


AotWER namelesswinfer came SUnday nfght andon Monday mofnittg heatlAg firesand overcoats were brought into

quisith It was vftry favorabletobacco both fof

e laborrfs Hfftd ttsv plants thatere sot out

MynOmEhorned with leather natter on

iberal IMaefhtne UtMt Srelt ay




Pamntptcah ilfc T5 iTin Sifters 10 r tMens Lihen HaUl 20cICUtsdies Canvass Slprspr 125 1 iLawns yd 12f 10 5oHeavy Shbe Stringp >prx IcLadies NIght Gowns v j 49dLadies Slippers prI60T2575oComb ahd Brush Rack 60 1Corset Clasps ir 5SRemnant Rhbops Cheap


E UrTDJxzII r4Jufr

POWERtrWatchmaker X

1r and Jeweler<


4iSItyJIaf F5SfRHrrtIf

s rjj





I For Sale atBargain Prices W




a Specialty 1S

WRIf i NGContplninthaflnlf 5 jbeen made to me of stock runningat large in the town of 1

yor are hereby notified that unICSK said stock is immediately putUp I will be compelled to put sairfstock in time stmarjme5 I

City MarshalFnnst Thero was frostin the1notHan Conner aged 2J yedru whileh Jplying dislocated ber shoulder

Monday night V

WONKY TO LoA10OO to loan ottfiath County farm land fur three tirfive years Lowest ihtorent Callou or address US WOOD J52t Mt Sterling Ky 1

Prdf Bleullef gavo a dance tosthe society folks at tbcQBurthousMonday flight L

To Whom It Hay ConcernsNotice is hereby given that hay

ing been elected arid qualified altTreasurer of Batfr county 1 Ia4Jestablished tity oflSce 1aofflceof the Owingsvnie1 Birning rTCompany BtyBCff Of y tfpeftffanf i twilt be at aHJm fJ at ifc1C Ik-


rready to dfscnalgfo tfrer rfuttea ott iicnmbnt opon me as f ressflref <J8 1 SnAtAi iTreasure of Bt II County 1rOwinRsviire KyfJLtftt IflOd

5fF T13DL >4Pfc ±iffioti Druggist r f=jfocerfes f z

I1OtIOflE4SFresh Confectioneries >

Fresh VegetablesT <i6ds Delivered promptly t

Telephone No 8

OWIffiv1T T JtTlJ1t Yff t

1tYkt a

f 4c

0 <
