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i~;Watson, Mr. McCa~ts Are Wed riday i Pretty Church Ceremony a ceremOD:Ycharactertzed by I the bride, were the bridesmaids. and digmty,. MISS Doris I Tpeir dresses were of orchid- of Winnsboro :and' pmk net over taffeta, .made simi-, became the bride of: lar to that of the honor attend- McC:ants, also of ant, and, their flowers were also on Fnday evening, i similar but tied with aqua satin I 7,. at seveI?--thirty o'clock, I ribbons, and they wore matching FIrst Baptist church with I pins and earrings gifts of the pastor, the Rev. Ollin J. Ow-. bride. ' officiating, using the doublet . service. 195-v-' .The bride entered the church white backgr d with .her uncle, Hardy L. Bailey, ith oun. v.: as of Wmnsboro, by whom she was hP-1.<;trIpr"•• W rl l wi sorther~ PI~e 1I~- given in marriage. She was love- asparagWr{~:J..le IT'd ,!~!:Il:y in her wedding gown of Vell'e- . ,a """"""'--li1"'ct1I lace over satin, made with 5~ClU!UU m a tall floor basket and fitte bodice buttoned down ~h m seven-branched I were. used in decora- . McDl\NIEL-,-HEYW ARD. family pews were I with white gladioli and. . satin ribbons. Of interest to friends here is the . W. P. Bennett, organist, I announcement of the marriage or Wmnsboro, and Miss Jane In- Miss Mary Ethelyn McDaniel and soprano, of Hartsville cou- ~ Th the bride, furnished the, f .o~as Savage Heyward by' the music. Mrs. Bennett; bride s parents, Mr. an.d Mrs. W. T. oresenten a nuptial program be-j McDaniel, of Leeds. The young COIl- and used the [. ple were married August 8 in Co- pr()c.essi";"~I(~~llll n a , P nd m~h~h~~c~~~t 'Ilumbia. /9J/ Miss Ingram sang '" 1,. I The bride is the attractive daugn- Mystery of Life," "S,> ,t- t,lter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McDaniel ~tory ¥.ver Told," "At D·'.'·''1- I of Leeds but for the past three years and The Lord's Prayer" as ~ , benediction. 1 she has made her home here. The Usher-groomsmen were C" -,'les ~ bridegroom is the son of R. C. Hey- ~gram,. cousin of the brid '" of t ward of Rock Hill. At present the ~~lumbIa, and John Heustess oft couple will make their home in Den- Wmnsboro and Clemson College. l Miss Helen McCants of Winns- t mark where Mr. Heyward holds a ooro and the University of Southr- position with the state highway de- :::arolina, Columbia, sister of the ~ partment. bridegroom, was the maid of ~--,c:..;.;..;;,;,;,; __ ~~~-,-~_-,-,--~- nonor. She wore a strapless ~ gown of aqua net over taffeta, . [,E'aturing a very full gathered skirt, fitted bodice with net rut-t iles around the neck, and used a' matching stole. Her ornaments were matching pin and earbobs s '" gifts of the bride, and her fan- shaped bouquet was of mixed spring blossoms tied with wide orchid-pink satin ribbons. Misses Joanne and Jeanette Watson, identical twin sisters of Miss Laura Faye McCants became the bride of Paul Conway Carter III, on February 26, Vows were exchanged 'Vi{ the She I by Presbyterian Church, Shelby, N.C" at four o'clock in .the afternoon. The Reverend James Holderness officiated at the d ou b le v r i n g ceremony, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Glenn McCants of Shelby, Her grandparen- ts are Mr. and Mrs. L.A.w. McCants of Winnsboro. The bridegroom is the son.of Mr. and Mrs. P~ul Conway Carter, Jr. of Shelby, Armfield -McC-ormick Th flower m . ,/'{{'-II McCrackan -Shull. e ower girls were Betty :su~ Of cordial interest 'throughout . Brabham, who wore a dress of I .,. ,the Carolinas is the announcement A ddi I '1 pink taffeta, fashioned SImilar to b M D' G iffith A fi ld f we mg, ovely in its sim- h . y, zs. Ion ri 1 rm e 0 plicity and dignity, was that of t ~ther ~resses, and carried a New York City of the marriage ponquet 0 pmK buftij'fi-ch~ . . Miss Nina Mae McCrackan and th ti d ith t hi ib of her only daughter, Dion Grif- Lieut. Edwin L. Shull, which took emums me :VI ~a c mg 1'1 - fith, and Sam Charles McCor- 1 .h '1 bons; and Juamta Swindler, dress- .k hi h Iernni d . I p ace at erg t 0 cock Friday ev- . ,. mic , w IC was so emmze in ening in the First Baptist church ed UL white ~affeta, who scattered that city in "The Little Church . W' b . rose petals m the path of the A d th C " St d m mns oro, m the presence of b id roun e orner on a ur ay, a large assemblage of relatives nThe. brid '. June 28, at high noon. The Rev· e 1'1 e was gIven In mar-, and friends. The .Kev. H. Floyd riage by her mother, Mrs. L. B. eprend b t D .. W. hHathhaway,of thhe Surles, pastor, of the church offi- M C k H bl d 1 li res y erian c urc, usmg te c rac an. er on ove mess .. '. ciated, using the ring ceremony. was enhanced by her weddin beautiful rmg ceremony, off~clated Smilax, ferns, white chrysan- ' ' ., g and the vows were spoken III the th gown of Ivory satin, charmmg m" f th' di t f emums and many lighted can- it . licit f hi d .presence 0 e imme 13 earn· dIes in candelabra, effectively dec- I s SImp ICIy" as ione along ilies and clos friends of th ou princess lines. The basque bodice 1 e ec . orated the church tor ~ occasion. molded the body, ending in points II p e. Mrs. L. C. Brabham, pianist, as- back and front, over a full skirt, Following the ceremony a lovely sisted by a vested choir, furnish- with long train. The long fitted [.reception was held in the private ed the wedding music. Before the sleeves pointed over the wrists, dining room of Hotel 1:;eorge ceremony, Mrs. Brabham played and t h e flattering sweetheart Washington. "To a Wild Rose," (McDowell); neckline was adorned with. seed Mrs. McCormick, a young wo- "My Wonderful One" (White- pearls. The veil of bridal illusion man of great charm and attrac- man) and "Traumerei" (Schu- was banded with a wreath of or- tion, is originally from Grensboro, mann). The choir rendered "0 ange blossoms, and her flowers North Carolina, where her family Perfect Love." Mrs. George Craw- were a showered bouquet of is an old and prominent one. She, ford, soloist, sang "Calm As The b . h h I' d' 1\., Yk N" h (B ride's roses and lilies of the val- owever, as, ive m New or' ig ~," . ohm) a~? Mr. Herbert ley. for several years, Her mother S. Sinclair sang .The Sweetest Captain A. H Carter United before marriage was Miss Dion C Sthory,Ever Told." T~e "Bridal, States army, wa~ the bridegroom's I Griffith of Lexington, North (Jar- orus ' from Lohengrin was used best an olina. as the processional and "Wedding Mr~ McCrackan mother of the The bride was graduated from March" f~:n ~endelssoh~'s "Mid- bride,' wore a gow~ of blue crepe Salem Academy and Salem Col· :umm~r 19h~s Dream, as. the and a shoulder corsage of Talis- lege of Winston-Salem, North recessional. / (Liszt) I man roses. Mrs. Shull, mother of 'Carolina, and was a member of was played softly during the cere- the bridegroom, was also gowned the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. mony, in blue, with a corsage of pink I Mr. McCormick is the son of After. the ceremony and prayer, rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. .Sarn Mc(Jormick 01 d t~et'choirThsanLgsd~ttplYas ~ be~e- Immediately after the ceremony Ereat Falls. He was boifi in CO· IC lOn" e or s rayer" whil .' h h ,e an informal reception was held at un So '. Carolina, but at t e us er-groomsmen f~rmed an the home of the bride's mother, for ~arly ~ved with his par- arch of sabers for the bridal party th brid 1 t d th b I nt:ifTh a a """"'-' '- h e rr a par y an e mem ers u+-v- " niurma: rue to ~ass t rough as they were of the two families. ' bridegrom is a graduate of the leavmg the church. During the evening, the bride ~Iatka High school of Palatka, The usher groomsmen were and bridegroom left for a weding-] orida, and of the University of Lieut. L. A. Hobbs, Lieut. Jack trip of unannounced destination,j FI~rida, at Gainesville, .F"lorida. Hutchinson, Lieut. George Hagood and after December 2nd, they will WhLl e ,there he was a member or and Lieut. T. D. Christopher, all be at home to their friends in the PI Kappa Phi social fraternity. of the United States army. Winnsboro. Mr. McCormick IS connected Misses Margaret Pope and Ella For traveling" the bride wore wit,h the general office of the Rae Boulware, of Winnsboro,! an olive green suit, with brown Union Bag a~d Paper company of Edith Beard of Langley and Ros- accessories. Mrs. Shull is the only New York City as an accountant. alie Shull of West Columbia sis- daughter of Mrs. Lewellyn B. Mc- M;r. and Mrs. McCormIck are ter of the bridegroom, were the Crackan and the late Mr. Mc- no,: on a wedd~ng trip South, after bride's maids. Crackan, She ,received her educa- which they WIll be at home at They were gowned alike in ice tion at Mount Zion institute and 1.~7th East 28th St., New York Q 1u e moire taffeta, fashioned graduated from a Columbia bus- Cny. ' ~ princess style, with sweetheart iness college. ,HARPER.M'ILROY III. '.I. ( necklines and carried arm bouquets Lieut. Shull is the son of Mrs. I 1.~ of deep rose chrysanthemums, tied IEdward W. Shull and the late Mr. I Mr. Roibert 'MbIlroy, of Woodward, with matching ribbons. Shull, of West Columbia. He grad- .S. ,C., and Mrs. Edna Hanper, of Jack- The matron of honor, Mrs. Ed- uated, from the University of 'sonville, Fla., were married OR March gar ~ohnson, of .t;dg,efield, wore I S?uth Carolina where he received 1,0, at 8th Street Presbyterian Church, American Beauty moire taffeta, hIS B. S. and C. E. degrees. He .Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. David Mdl· made similar to the bridesmaids' has ~een co~nected, with the Soil ,roy, ,Mrs. L. M. Moe and 'Mliss Ruth dresses and carried light pink ErOSIOn service for several years'M Il tat th:~ chrysanthemums. but at present is stationed with .0 roy were pres en cs Miss Mary Lee McCrackan, of the United States army at Fort rI~~ ceremony. . Richmond, Va., was her cousin's I Jackson. ' 1. and Mrs. M~Ill'oy, on t?elr re- ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Rose Marie taffeta and carried m the Springfield section of Jackson- deep rose chrysanthemums., ...:v..::i::ll::::e~. ~~~---'------~-~-"""':

i~;Watson, McCa~tsAre Wed riday i Pretty Church · nonor. She wore a strapless ~ gown of aqua net over taffeta, . [,E'aturing

Jul 23, 2020



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Page 1: i~;Watson, McCa~tsAre Wed riday i Pretty Church · nonor. She wore a strapless ~ gown of aqua net over taffeta, . [,E'aturing

i~;Watson,Mr. McCa~tsAre Wedriday i Pretty Church Ceremony

a ceremOD:Ycharactertzed by I the bride, were the bridesmaids.and digmty,. MISS Doris I Tpeir dresses were of orchid-

of Winnsboro :and' pmk net over taffeta, .made simi-,became the bride of: lar to that of the honor attend-

McC:ants, also of ant, and, their flowers were alsoon Fnday evening, i similar but tied with aqua satin I

7,. at seveI?--thirty o'clock, I ribbons, and they wore matchingFIrst Baptist church with I pins and earrings gifts of the

pastor, the Rev. Ollin J. Ow-. bride. 'officiating, using the doublet .service. 195-v-' .The bride entered the church

white backgr d with .her uncle, Hardy L. Bailey,ith oun. v.:as of Wmnsboro, by whom she was

hP-1.<;trIpr" ••Wrllwi sorther~ PI~e 1I~- given in marriage. She was love-

asparagWr{~:J..le IT'd ,!~!:Il:yin her wedding gown of Vell'e-. , a """"""'--li1"'ct1I lace over satin, made with

5~ClU!UU m a tall floor basket and fitte bodice buttoned down ~hm seven-branched I

were. used in decora- . McDl\NIEL-,-HEYW pews were I

with white gladioli and. .satin ribbons. Of interest to friends here is the

. W. P. Bennett, organist, I announcement of the marriage orWmnsboro, and Miss Jane In- Miss Mary Ethelyn McDaniel and

soprano, of Hartsville cou- ~ Ththe bride, furnished the, f .o~as Savage Heyward by' the

music. Mrs. Bennett; bride s parents, Mr. an.d Mrs. W. T.oresenten a nuptial program be-j McDaniel, of Leeds. The young COIl-

and used the [. ple were married August 8 in Co-pr()c.essi";"~I(~~llllna,Pndm~h~h~~c~~~t 'Ilumbia. /9J/

Miss Ingram sang '" 1,. I The bride is the attractive daugn-Mystery of Life," "S,> ,t- t,lter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McDaniel

~tory ¥.ver Told," "At D·'.'·''1- I of Leeds but for the past three yearsand The Lord's Prayer" as ~ ,

benediction. 1 she has made her home here. TheUsher-groomsmen were C" -,'les ~ bridegroom is the son of R. C. Hey-

~gram,. cousin of the brid '" of t ward of Rock Hill. At present the~~lumbIa, and John Heustess oft couple will make their home in Den-Wmnsboro and Clemson College. lMiss Helen McCants of Winns- t mark where Mr. Heyward holds a

ooro and the University of Southr- position with the state highway de-:::arolina, Columbia, sister of the ~ partment.bridegroom, was the maid of ~--,c:..;.;..;;,;,;,; __ ~~~-,-~_-,-,--~-

nonor. She wore a strapless ~gown of aqua net over taffeta, .[,E'aturing a very full gatheredskirt, fitted bodice with net rut-tiles around the neck, and used a'matching stole. Her ornamentswere matching pin and earbobs s '"gifts of the bride, and her fan-shaped bouquet was of mixedspring blossoms tied with wideorchid-pink satin ribbons.Misses Joanne and Jeanette

Watson, identical twin sisters of

Miss Laura FayeMcCants became thebride of Paul ConwayCarter III, on February26, Vows were exchanged'Vi{ the She Ib yPresbyterian Church,Shelby, N.C" at fouro'clock in .the afternoon.The Reverend JamesHolderness officiated atthe d o u b l e v r i n gceremony,

The bride is thedaughter of Mr. and Mrs.James Glenn McCants ofShelby, Her grandparen-ts are Mr. and Mrs. L.A.w.McCants of Winnsboro.

The bridegroom is theson.of Mr. and Mrs. P~ulConway Carter, Jr. ofShelby,

Armfield -McC-ormickTh flower m . ,/'{{'-II

McCrackan-Shull. e ower girls were Betty :su~ Of cordial interest 'throughout. Brabham, who wore a dress of I.,. ,the Carolinas is the announcement

A ddi I '1 pink taffeta, fashioned SImilar to b M D' G iffith A fi ld fwe mg, ovely in its sim- h . y, zs. Ion ri 1 rm e 0plicity and dignity, was that of t ~ther ~resses, and carried a New York City of the marriageponquet 0 pmK buftij'fi-ch~ . .Miss Nina Mae McCrackan and th ti d ith t hi ib of her only daughter, Dion Grif-Lieut. Edwin L. Shull, which took emums me :VI ~a c mg 1'1 - fith, and Sam Charles McCor-1 . h '1 bons; and Juamta Swindler, dress- . k hi h Iernni d .I p ace at erg t 0 cock Friday ev- . ,. mic , w IC was so emmze in

ening in the First Baptist church ed UL white ~affeta, who scattered that city in "The Little Church. W' b . rose petals m the path of the A d th C " S t dm mns oro, m the presence of b id roun e orner on a ur ay,a large assemblage of relatives nThe. brid '. June 28, at high noon. The Rev·e 1'1 e was gIven In mar-, •and friends. The .Kev. H. Floyd riage by her mother, Mrs. L. B. eprend

btD.. W. hHathhaway, of thhe

Surles, pastor, of the church offi- M C k H bl d 1 li res y erian c urc, usmg t ec rac an. er on ove mess .. ' .ciated, using the ring ceremony. was enhanced by her weddin beautiful rmg ceremony, off~clated

Smilax, ferns, white chrysan- ' ' ., g and the vows were spoken III theth gown of Ivory satin, charmmg m" f th' di t femums and many lighted can- it . licit f hi d .presence 0 e imme 13 earn·dIes in candelabra, effectively dec- I s SImp ICIy" as ione along ilies and clos friends of th ouprincess lines. The basque bodice 1 e e c .orated the church tor ~ occasion. molded the body, ending in points II p e.

Mrs. L. C. Brabham, pianist, as- back and front, over a full skirt, Following the ceremony a lovelysisted by a vested choir, furnish- with long train. The long fitted [.reception was held in the privateed the wedding music. Before the sleeves pointed over the wrists, dining room of Hotel 1:;eorgeceremony, Mrs. Brabham played and t h e flattering sweetheart Washington."To a Wild Rose," (McDowell); neckline was adorned with. seed Mrs. McCormick, a young wo-"My Wonderful One" (White- pearls. The veil of bridal illusion man of great charm and attrac-man) and "Traumerei" (Schu- was banded with a wreath of or- tion, is originally from Grensboro,mann). The choir rendered "0 ange blossoms, and her flowers North Carolina, where her familyPerfect Love." Mrs. George Craw- were a showered bouquet of is an old and prominent one. She,ford, soloist, sang "Calm As The b . h h I' d' 1\., Y kN" h (B ride's roses and lilies of the val- owever, as, ive m New or'ig ~," . ohm) a~? Mr. Herbert ley. for several years, Her mother

S. Sinclair sang .The Sweetest Captain A. H Carter United before marriage was Miss Dion

CSthory,Ever Told." T~e "Bridal, States army, wa~ the bridegroom's IGriffith of Lexington, North (Jar-orus ' from Lohengrin was used best an olina.

as the processional and "Wedding Mr~ McCrackan mother of the The bride was graduated fromMarch" f~:n ~endelssoh~'s "Mid- bride,' wore a gow~ of blue crepe Salem Academy and Salem Col·:umm~r 19h~s Dream, as. the and a shoulder corsage of Talis- lege of Winston-Salem, Northrecessional. / (Liszt) Iman roses. Mrs. Shull, mother of 'Carolina, and was a member ofwas played softly during the cere- the bridegroom, was also gowned the Alpha Delta Pi sorority.mony, in blue, with a corsage of pink I Mr. McCormick is the son of

After. the ceremony and prayer, rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. .Sarn Mc(Jormick 01

dt~et'choirThsanLgsd~ttplYas ~ be~e- Immediately after the ceremony Ereat Falls. He was boifi in CO·IC lOn" e or s rayer" whil .'h h ,e an informal reception was held at un So '. Carolina, but at

t e us er-groomsmen f~rmed an the home of the bride's mother, for ~arly ~ved with his par-arch of sabers for the bridal party th brid 1 t d th b I nt:ifTh a a """"'-' ' -

he rr a par y an e mem ers u+-v- " n iurma: rue

to ~ass t rough as they were of the two families. ' bridegrom is a graduate of theleavmg the church. During the evening, the bride ~Iatka High school of Palatka,The usher groomsmen were and bridegroom left for a weding-] orida, and of the University of

Lieut. L. A. Hobbs, Lieut. Jack trip of unannounced destination,j FI~rida, at Gainesville, .F"lorida.Hutchinson, Lieut. George Hagood and after December 2nd, they will WhLle, there he was a member orand Lieut. T. D. Christopher, all be at home to their friends in the PI Kappa Phi social fraternity.of the United States army. Winnsboro. Mr. McCormick IS connectedMisses Margaret Pope and Ella For traveling" the bride wore wit,h the general office of the

Rae Boulware, of Winnsboro,! an olive green suit, with brown Union Bag a~d Paper company ofEdith Beard of Langley and Ros- accessories. Mrs. Shull is the only New York City as an accountant.alie Shull of West Columbia sis- daughter of Mrs. Lewellyn B. Mc- M;r. and Mrs. McCormIck areter of the bridegroom, were the Crackan and the late Mr. Mc- no,: on a wedd~ng trip South, afterbride's maids. Crackan, She ,received her educa- which they WIll be at home at

They were gowned alike in ice tion at Mount Zion institute and 1.~7th East 28th St., New YorkQ 1u e moire taffeta, fashioned graduated from a Columbia bus- Cny. ' ~princess style, with sweetheart iness college. ,HARPER.M'ILROY III. '.I. (necklines and carried arm bouquets Lieut. Shull is the son of Mrs. I 1.~of deep rose chrysanthemums, tied IEdward W. Shull and the late Mr. I Mr. Roibert 'MbIlroy, of Woodward,with matching ribbons. Shull, of West Columbia. He grad- .S. ,C., and Mrs. Edna Hanper, of Jack-

The matron of honor, Mrs. Ed- uated, from the University of 'sonville, Fla., were married OR Marchgar ~ohnson, of .t;dg,efield, wore I S?uth Carolina where he received 1,0, at 8th Street Presbyterian Church,American Beauty moire taffeta, hIS B. S. and C. E. degrees. He .Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. David Mdl·made similar to the bridesmaids' has ~een co~nected, with the Soil ,roy, ,Mrs. L. M. Moe and 'Mliss Ruthdresses and carried light pink ErOSIOn service for several years'M Il tat th:~chrysanthemums. but at present is stationed with .0 roy were pres en cs

Miss Mary Lee McCrackan, of the United States army at Fort rI~~ ceremony. .Richmond, Va., was her cousin's I Jackson. ' 1. and Mrs. M~Ill'oy, on t?elr re-~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Rose Marie taffeta and carried m the Springfield section of Jackson-deep rose chrysanthemums., ...:v..::i::ll::::e~.~~~---'------~-~-"""':