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I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECORD If if* News, Ads^ ei | Job Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we are always glad tef serve JOB 55" Home Made Pure Pork Sausage lb. 48c rloin Stetk or Roast, lb. /I Qc ound St^jUt or Roast, Vbr*y 36c of kquartet ef Ll«b, fc. - iagaa's Cash Markets JNST. ROAD IK. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. MT. TABOR, N. J. Loan ption STATES UB- lBth, u d iu- l wlU be jtlmaed to U- tapowe to 7011. Attend to fBtSBamitBjr i n a p t l y to avoid k m of Jnter- - •:>•-• THE f P NATIONAL BANK Rockaway, N. J. . . S«i?hiB$375 I 0<)O r v* * - ational Union Bank --.-.' Dover,-N. J. ' ~ 3 % Interest Reserve Bank Sole Deposit Boxes Swpto $375,000 - f,".••-. •••' -i ROCKAWAY, N. J.. THURSDAY, OGTOBER4,1928 $1.00 PER YEAR Grand And Petit Juries Drawn October Term OfCeart Btgiat Tee*. d*y, Oct. *tk The grand and petit Jurors for the October term of the Morris County courts were drawn before Judge Al- bert H. Holland by the Jury Commis- sion. The grand Jury will be sworn in at the opening of the court term, Tuesday,. October 8. by Juitice Park- er. The grand Jury panel follows: Wil- liam H. DeWltt, John R. Eichlin, War- ren Barber, Robert C. Caikey, Morrto- town; Emil Heller, lira. Irene Breoks, William C. Batten, C, E. Hard, Doeer; Edward I. Connelly, Morris Malas; Davld S. Ely, HanoTer Township; George R. Coslett, Mine Rill; William T. Swackhammer, I n . Edith Colllaa, Washington Township; Herman P. Coe, Mr*. Margaret Tiger, Township; John Vanderhoof, vllte Township; Pail Molitor, nngh Speer, William 8. Htggins. Chat- ham Borough; Mrs. Lena Mills, Urn. Florence TOBII, Morris Tow*shh>; Hn. Addle Curtis, Whartoa; Fredtr- Ick R. Guerln, Ileadham Bora**; Rae Cook, Mt. Arltagton Borough: Marcus Canflrid, lira. Ida L n m , Austin W. Thompson, Chester; WU- )iam D. Jardlae, Roxbnry Township; George W. ToM, William Sntton, Mrs. Jeanette Taylor, Boonton; Boy Btaap ley, Natcong; Prestos King, Jefteretof Bay 8e«»lea Arranged With later, mtleg Program PwhUc Serrlee Line* «Mast" Crw» Order Kedaeed From FiNces T« Ser- T. JL 0. A. Camp j ea P«r Cent For Morris Ceuuty The Public Service has notified the j Proposed tax increases throughout j rhe Thlr(! A"""" 1 Convention of Trustees of the State Association of! the State were sliced in half under a! the Morr 's County Religious Kdoea- tae Young Men's Christian Associa- j final State Equalisation Table issued I tion Awodation will be held in the- tions of the State of New Jersey, that j Friday by the State Board of T*xen | ^"Jf^" ity eburcll > Mountain H proposes to run its high tension >-->-..-- transmission feed line* across Camp Wawayanda and its beautiful lake practically at its widest point. The Township: Elisabeth Montalth, sale Township; WilHam James, Bock' away Township. Among those who will serve. vicinity. Danville; Elisabeth font, Mary Row* man, Sally Husk, Mt. Lakes;~ Samuel Gilbert, ttta Davey, ABB Pevey, Bochr/ away Boroagh; Xmest WeHtagteai Roekaway Township. ' Bteond Panel-William I* farah Hayes, ComoU«s YMBM***, Hwjn r. * . ; - ; - - « , Barton, Jen, A. Cirtooa, Dover; Bar- eld Matthews, Jeoaph * : * * e a » , WH- Imm Rogers, entries faylnr, fteeka- way Boretjgh; Btiphiu Kispfcr, OSMT B. Larson, Daniel JwaUerMlt. Walter H, Brown, RookawaV Township; Beat- rice Jones, Hyman Freeman, Mary Walters, Wharton. Conspirators Were Feiow Workers t ta iMfcraqr Av«M MM KneaUat Kadler, of naaklin Hoad, wai hapnUy nrpriMd Tawday erenlng with * pre-naptlal which was raiiM BPOB her home of her sister, Mrs. Philip O. Bach, oa Roekaway A m i s ' Thbty- two young ladies, mostly tm«w work- er*, were th« coaspirators, aad after Interferes With Work Of Association Tax Increases By Religious Educators State Board Cut To Hold Meeting and assessments. The original ten- on Friday, Oet. 12th. This also fa- erlgiual sarvey crosses the Hird Mem- j State Board of Taxes and Assessments j ii tatiTe increases ranged from, four tol ln **_the sixty-sixth annual eonv«u- fifteen per cent. Dnder the new law requiring the tion of tae Morris School Association. Coaaty Sunsay The coaveuUpai eftal Swimming Dock and the school j to inquire into and determine the gen- BBttdtng. Slight adjustments have «ral "tio e( full valae at which real proposed which take In the Hem- Cottage, the summer home and headquarter* of the camp director. The Basinets Committee of the , property within each county is as- sessed, aad increase and decrease as- sessments accordingly, the Bute Board Issued a tentative equalisation Hate T. M. C. A. and the Trustees | <**»• «» August 1. increasing county 1 both feel that this proposal of the Futile Service Interferes with the ejerk of the Association and greatly depreciates the property. It is pro- fated by the Public Service to erect •pel towers on either tide of the lake j •JM apan tbe lake at Its most beaati- §m potat It Is ateo proposed to cat ttfouch the adjoining Hemlock and 4mk grove, a right of way, 16* feet in width. Negotiations have been proceeding raUUsa from four to fifteen per ceat. la the table the asaesMd value of real property Unoagtont the State was theme will be: "Fitting Our Teackmc to Modem Problems." ' Xeralaa* fUetsJeB 8:45-10:00 Registration. -lt:«O-l»:os Welcome. By Mr. K. £. Wadtham, President Boonton District COOBCU or Religious Education. 10:05-10:85 Devotional and Service. By Rev. Richard E. Mr. John L. Houston, Bone; Leader. 14:25-10:36 Greetiagt. Mr. B. B. ppy Unoagtont the State was I gs. Mr. «.,». placed at $S^70,<5S,S75, while tbe trae | ConkIil1 . Vice-Pres Morris Coaaefl «t value waa represented at »5,52S,1« - ' Beli « to w Bducattoa. To reach the true value, the I M: »*-U:»» Adsjrese. -fitting djar State Board tenUUvely Increased TMchin u" to Modern Problems." Jar oounty ratebles la all couaties wkh ! R * T T - E - v ***r. <* Neteong, K. J. the exception of Atlantic aad Patsaic, which were held to be IH%. Approval of the final equalisation table followed a series of hearings t»r one aad a hatf years between the i held d - Brtn « August and the early part djfatte T. I t C. A. and the Public Ser-! <* September, at which a majority of the counties protested agaiast any farther increase In ratables. The ap- proved increase assessments oa real •fee with the hope of persuading the j$lciam ef tbe PabHc Serviee to eoo- ajnot their lines eroand the Uke or at lout above the Barrows where the damage to the property of the T. M. '.«. A- and tarrvaadlag property would en- property throaghoat the State by $51,- mKS45 fnWIc Service has declined to follow ffcis twggestioa and hat proceeded to Require property or right of way la 4k« immediate vtelaity of Camp Wa- wayaBda, BBtfl the T. M. C. A. has felt wnpelled to employ eonaeel in the •ereoa of Jndge Harry V. Ocbome. PorSteminrOtf i <Hrtsa««l lw MBB* rrtoen r t r Theft Of Ai •atablee in Paseaic Coaaty will be lowered twain per ceat at the remit «r the aparwal 6 the State Board to a decrease. Although the tentative 11:M-»:M Address. By Dr. S. G. Mylraa, Missionary of Kawfatfr Arabia. T^' »:M-U:M Departmental W ea«es with Leaden: Begfaaers' antt Primary,Miss Ella Borcbert, Oaaujtr ChUdrea's Dlvisioa 8apt; Dally ajb> aad WeHr-Day Schoais ef f e ^ •Mac, Mms Cthel M. Bjafer, Jaaior aad Intermedmte, Ser. CntUr B. Oeyer. Paster 8t Man's K •; ', CkBreh, Wharton: StaJer People. Rev. Harry Honk Miaister of Christian Ida by.'Church, MorrMewn; -•"A equalisation table filed the true and j Xn - °- H " D ** ia > ••>*• astussed valae of Pasaalc County real M:••"•:•» Bmaer Me property at |47»,«M7S, which was CMVHMIOB Church, held to have heea 1M%, the •tote Board found that real aiaawrtv-ia that coanty had been ovir lapMed hy Janet J. Marner, secretary telhe couwty tax beard, oa the groaad that BteitiUes In Paasase Caan- - ! » : ! « : « AdWreec, **-i:\t Derotlaaal aad • vtoj. By Rev. Benjamia L. R*ctor St ~ - — -glirinl Lakes. Mr. John U A state** year eld Wharton boy waa oommltted to the Home for boys at Jamesbarg by Bhertff Wm. N. Beach on Saturday. The lad Is the yovgest hootleaier «vfr before the court. He reeetnH tea cents from a Ban to la}p;tfcj0hB*age» to a cer; tain corner ft tk**, tut be was stop. pal before. rsaeUag bis dettinatlon and polite foMd hit aeckages con- talBed Jags of akohoi. Wm. P. Cartis, Sapervising Pria- shower dpal ef^the Wharton schools, said the at the | hay was tacerrlglMe aad always caus- ing distorbances. He was suspended treta scheel last May. The lad a long Svenlng of hilar- ity, left the «rlde-to-ttt With aa wean Of splendid gifts to wade/through in her fatare nest la Saath Jersey. Dec- orations by P. O. and theMrs. v *oasist- ed oT plak and bin* creje ribbon, orist-crosted overnea* with ttt-foll •noodles" for the "shewn". Ferns, aspidistras, bowtaets «( roee-lwds and jladiolas, and sprays -of aatunin leatet'hdded wore color aad complet- ed the beaaitttl satttog. The ataal delleadH *M rerrealUB»nts were served, and all". "a good time was had by KMsty MriM At (IMI«M Bnakiac 0»e wMom <rf Ow o»y Oarage,*ad *taater < » *«•• «» Main atrett 4w( ThBraday Bight, thieves eaterad>ad stole snau of a w W t n s a feata placea. At the Deon- ovy Oarage «4M« waslakea and at Ifeaurw Oaraci '»»*•• HotMag else w^'dMarbeTia either ylaea, Aere )• reason to; htfleM that Mne one wkh 'the jaragas stole the ay-tlte MUMT token, had heea hMlM'jQsd not placed la the safes. to. LTMB tUafc* Mr«U-Mw naked pretty well, aa tla> jhi atwat the atath his alas*, has beta btolna iato,' 'i is*d to be good fas the ftrture, bat the Owart thaaght be woald receive prop- er training if seat te the State Home to hers. , ' Join O, Brandt, ef New York City, ftead gBUty tt theft of an aatoaw- Wie frost am eaiBloyer aad was seat atetd to a e m O H year la the State Prfton at Treatom. Brandt had been amptayed at Kalpfer's Hotel la Berk- jhtre Vallty, frem whom be took the •tr aad WM appreheBded in Jenasyl- vaBia. Aaedrtr Whartea boy, was also la cant,' this one for larceay, having JbMaM Iato a store in Dover sad ataalihf JIM*. The school authori- ties iaW had prevtoms tremble with )Ms MtTahjo, so that he had to be sas- yeaded from school. The eoart sus- his seBtoace. el Ceanaarw . "A swimming pool for next 8am- B*er» was the sletan adopted at the laet metttni of the Chamber of Com* BMrot. BUvle O'dierao, ekairaan of .-Vkys aad Means CommHtee, has heeaautheriaedtoraiaetheneceauanr Hands to tarry oat the project. He has already aaaoaaotd that a mla- •JrelihowwrnbestaawdtBthenear d f (Mm MMe has i a saeeete of ani baalaeai, he hetped make thg dam \akssFMccess, a»d there It little fee*. »f,the tttlseas of the Borotgh of the Clamber ef Coaw mm work in conjunction with Ma A aojrt aad gtritef the Borough Wfll aid have a dMnr CoBBly, whkh waa ahm «s- asssed at lsw%, aoeeMmfftothe toa- Utlve otnaliaaliea table, did net re- quest a redaction in ratables. Hsdsen and Bergwt Cotmtlet were each ordered to increase the county ratables t%. to Hudson, this weald boost assessments on real property to 7%, increasing ceaaty ratables meats by 15%, was given a redMUoa from |ttM»,M4 to, IMtVr.lK. whUe in Bergea County ratables will lie jumped from $ » M M ^ * to MM,- •71.M1. Morris County, which was BonfcWaVkit New, (OeatJaasd OB Page i) « LaigeAttefldaoce Of Educators Fall Aachen IastHate aUU la Badi- •e^Vomaay The annaal fall instttate of the teachers of morris Ontmty was held in Madison High School on Monday and was attended by over eevea hand- red teachers. The institute was con- sidered the best of recent yean and also had the largest attendance. Senator C a m Raited States I Us, Repab'Heaa canatdet* for PresMeat, wfll spend two days : eimpalgn la New Jersey, the lead of Herbert Hoover, be la Camden County, October lt.'w|lt\.. a alght meeting in Cu«d»a, foUowIng day wUl attend a : plenic of the Sasaes, Warren and ttm-i terdon Republicans. The not been Blade public. In announcing the Cartfe B. Bertram Hott, chairman, stated Dalted William H. Borah also will: New Jersey daring the latter natt' October. The outstanding <satare of the In- itttnto was aa address given by Mr. Thomas Skeyhill, Dramatist and Stud- ent of Wtold affairs, who spoke at the afteraooa sesston. His tahject was "Mussolini and the Black Shirts." Mr. SkeyhUI, held his aBdienee spellbound as he described in his dramatical maner the life of Mussolini aad how he had developed his .power until he became the dictator of Italy.. Principal William A. WeUet of the Trenton High School also gave aa In- teresting address to the high school teachers and principals at a Roand TaUe talk daring the afternoon ses- sion. The morning session was devoted mainly to departmental sessions and eoaferencee according to grades. Tbe commaatty stngtag was led by Principal Chest L Curtis, et Soeka- way schools, and wai greatly eajoyed by all. Mk From what we can lean there la little donbt at Reckaway Park Lakes, Inc., belBg nlaeed in the hands of a reoetvaf • The It solvent, it is cota- BKTC been maairly an faawe} Cfeambaref The regular monthly meeting of the Roekaway Commerce, convened at Bowl Coffee Shop, Mala day eveaiag, Sept- members who partictoatod at the ner hoar, appreciate the effect* tie manner in which It was aad congratulate the Yellow After the repast aad social hoar, iness transaction followed wttfc Vice President, Edward chair. Baaiatea of hnportanet transacted. The committee an oad Meant reported oa the essay net proeds being tlH.ll. The lag President appoJated to ascertolB what mad wan tor factory sites. The WBJB*JB« Coouatttee was aathortrnd for a nUaatM play, and the _ be "A SwbBmlug Peol for the It Is boned that the Chamber WwJ the hearty eeoperatkn of all tomakcHatncceet. The merly tmatayed w «w Sheriff Charles B.-Butler, Baaak to Soerbo, et'Bseatoau' T*» 1 n»J wea eaH ier^Un.

I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If

Mar 12, 2020



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Page 1: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If


and OUboth •gets

XL No. 13

ROCKAWAY RECORD If if* News, Ads^ e i |Job Priming, BboMB#eluiw«y 2J(»; weare always glad tef

serve JOB

55"Home Made Pure

Pork Sausagelb. 48c

rloin Stetk or Roast, lb. /I Qcound St jUt or Roast, Vbr*y


kquartet ef Ll«b, fc. -

iagaa's Cash MarketsJNST.


MT. TABOR, N . J .


STATES UB-lBth, u d iu-

l wlU be jtlmaed to U-tapowe to 7011.

Attend to fBtSBamitBjr i n a p t l y to avoid k m of Jnter-

- •:>•-•


. . S«i?hiB$375I0<)Or

v* * -

ational Union Bank--.-.' Dover,-N. J. ' ~

3 % InterestReserve Bank

Sole Deposit Boxes

Swpto $375,000

- f,".••-. •••' - i


Grand And PetitJuries Drawn

October Term OfCeart Btgiat Tee*.d*y, Oct. *tk

The grand and petit Jurors for theOctober term of the Morris Countycourts were drawn before Judge Al-bert H. Holland by the Jury Commis-sion. The grand Jury will be swornin at the opening of the court term,Tuesday,. October 8. by Juitice Park-er.

The grand Jury panel follows: Wil-liam H. DeWltt, John R. Eichlin, War-ren Barber, Robert C. Caikey, Morrto-town; Emil Heller, lira. Irene Breoks,William C. Batten, C, E. Hard, Doeer;Edward I. Connelly, Morris Malas;Davld S. Ely, HanoTer Township;George R. Coslett, Mine Rill; WilliamT. Swackhammer, I n . Edith Colllaa,Washington Township; Herman P.Coe, Mr*. Margaret Tiger,Township; John Vanderhoof,vllte Township; Pail Molitor,nngh Speer, William 8. Htggins. Chat-ham Borough; Mrs. Lena Mills, Urn.Florence TOBII, Morris Tow*shh>;Hn. Addle Curtis, Whartoa; Fredtr-Ick R. Guerln, Ileadham Bora**;Rae Cook, Mt. Arltagton Borough:Marcus Canflrid, lira. Ida L n m ,Austin W. Thompson, Chester; WU-)iam D. Jardlae, Roxbnry Township;George W. ToM, William Sntton, Mrs.Jeanette Taylor, Boonton; Boy Btaapley, Natcong; Prestos King, Jefteretof

Bay 8e«»lea Arranged With later,mtleg Program

PwhUc Serrlee Line* «Mast" Crw» Order Kedaeed From FiNces T« Ser-T. JL 0. A. Camp j ea P«r Cent For Morris Ceuuty

The Public Service has notified the j Proposed tax increases throughout j r h e T h l r ( ! A""""1 Convention ofTrustees of the State Association of! the State were sliced in half under a! t h e Morr's County Religious Kdoea-tae Young Men's Christian Associa- j final State Equalisation Table issued I t i o n Awodation will be held in the-tions of the State of New Jersey, that j Friday by the State Board of T*xen | "Jf^"ity eburcl l> MountainH proposes to run its high tension > - - > - . . - -transmission feed line* across CampWawayanda and its beautiful lakepractically at its widest point. The

Township: Elisabeth Montalth,sale Township; WilHam James, Bock'away Township.

Among those who will serve.

vicinity.Danville; Elisabeth font, Mary Row*man, Sally Husk, Mt. Lakes;~ SamuelGilbert, ttta Davey, ABB Pevey, Bochr/away Boroagh; Xmest WeHtagteaiRoekaway Township. '

Bteond Panel-William I*farah Hayes, ComoU«s YMBM***,

Hwjn r.

* . • ; - ; - - • « ,

Barton, Jen, A. Cirtooa, Dover; Bar-eld Matthews, Jeoaph *:**ea», WH-Imm Rogers, entries faylnr, fteeka-way Boretjgh; Btiphiu Kispfcr, OSMTB. Larson, Daniel JwaUerMlt. WalterH, Brown, RookawaV Township; Beat-rice Jones, Hyman Freeman, MaryWalters, Wharton.

Conspirators WereFeiow Workers

tta iMfcraqr Av«M

M M KneaUat Kadler, of naaklinHoad, wai hapnUy nrpriMd Tawdayerenlng with * pre-naptlalwhich was raiiM BPOB herhome of her sister, Mrs. Philip O.Bach, oa Roekaway A m i s ' Thbty-two young ladies, mostly tm«w work-er*, were th« coaspirators, aad after

Interferes WithWork Of Association

Tax Increases By Religious EducatorsState Board Cut To Hold Meeting

and assessments. The original ten- on Friday, Oet. 12th. This also fa-

erlgiual sarvey crosses the Hird Mem- j State Board of Taxes and Assessmentsj i i

tatiTe increases ranged from, four tol'«ln**_the sixty-sixth annual eonv«u-

fifteen per cent.Dnder the new law requiring the

tion of tae MorrisSchool Association.

Coaaty SunsayThe coaveuUpai

eftal Swimming Dock and the school j to inquire into and determine the gen-BBttdtng. Slight adjustments have «ral "tio e( full valae at which real

proposed which take In the Hem-Cottage, the summer home and

headquarter* of the camp director.The Basinets Committee of the ,

property within each county is as-sessed, aad increase and decrease as-sessments accordingly, the ButeBoard Issued a tentative equalisation

Hate T. M. C. A. and the Trustees | <**»• «» August 1. increasing county 1both feel that this proposal of theFutile Service Interferes with theejerk of the Association and greatlydepreciates the property. It is pro-fated by the Public Service to erect•pel towers on either tide of the lake j•JM apan tbe lake at Its most beaati-§m potat It Is ateo proposed to catttfouch the adjoining Hemlock and4mk grove, a right of way, 16* feet inwidth.

Negotiations have been proceeding

raUUsa from four to fifteen per the table the asaesMd value of realproperty Unoagtont the State was

theme will be: "Fitting Our Teackmcto Modem Problems." '

Xeralaa* fUetsJeB8:45-10:00 Registration.-lt:«O-l»:os Welcome. By Mr. K. £.

Wadtham, President Boonton DistrictCOOBCU or Religious Education.

10:05-10:85 Devotional andService. By Rev. Richard E.Mr. John L. Houston, Bone; Leader.

14:25-10:36 Greetiagt. Mr. B. B.p p y Unoagtont the State was I gs. Mr. « . , » .placed at $S 70,<5S,S75, while tbe trae |C o n k I i l 1 . Vice-Pres Morris Coaaefl «tvalue waa represented at »5,52S,1« - ' B e l i« t ow Bducattoa.

To reach the true value, the I M:»*-U:»» Adsjrese. -fitting djarState Board tenUUvely Increased TMchinu" to Modern Problems." Jaroounty ratebles la all couaties wkh ! R*T T - E - v***r. <* Neteong, K. J.the exception of Atlantic aad Patsaic,which were held to be IH%.

Approval of the final equalisationtable followed a series of hearings

t»r one aad a hatf years between the ih e l d d-Brtn« August and the early partdjfatte T. I t C. A. and the Public Ser-! <* September, at which a majority of

the counties protested agaiast anyfarther increase In ratables. The ap-proved increase assessments oa real

•fee with the hope of persuading thej$lciam ef tbe PabHc Serviee to eoo-ajnot their lines eroand the Uke orat lout above the Barrows where thedamage to the property of the T. M.'.«. A- and tarrvaadlag property would


property throaghoat the State by $51,-mKS45

fnWIc Service has declined to followffcis twggestioa and hat proceeded toRequire property or right of way la4k« immediate vtelaity of Camp Wa-wayaBda, BBtfl the T. M. C. A. has feltwnpelled to employ eonaeel in the•ereoa of Jndge Harry V. Ocbome.


i <Hrtsa««l lw MBB* rrtoen rtrTheft Of Ai

•atablee in Paseaic Coaaty will belowered twain per ceat at the remit«r the aparwal 6 the State Board toa decrease. Although the tentative

11:M-»:M Address. By Dr.S. G. Mylraa, Missionary of KawfatfrArabia. T ^ '

»:M-U:M Departmental Wea«es with Leaden: Begfaaers' anttPrimary,Miss Ella Borcbert, OaaujtrChUdrea's Dlvisioa 8apt; Dally ajb>

aad WeHr-Day Schoais ef f e^•Mac, Mms Cthel M. Bjafer,

Jaaior aad Intermedmte, Ser. CntUrB. Oeyer. Paster 8t Man's K • ; ',CkBreh, Wharton: StaJerPeople. Rev. Harry HonkMiaister of Christian Idaby.'Church, MorrMewn;


equalisation table filed the true and j X n - °- H" D**ia> ••>*•astussed valae of Pasaalc County real M:••"•:•» Bmaer Meproperty at |47»,«M7S, which was CMVHMIOB Church,held to have heea 1M%, the •toteBoard found that real aiaawrtv-iathat coanty had been ovir lapMedhy Janet J. Marner, secretary telhecouwty tax beard, oa the groaad that

BteitiUes In Paasase Caan-- ! » : ! « : « AdWreec,

**-i:\t Derotlaaal aad •vtoj. By Rev. Benjamia L.R*ctor St ~ - — -g l ir in l

Lakes. Mr. John U

A state** year eld Wharton boywaa oommltted to the Home for boysat Jamesbarg by Bhertff Wm. N.Beach on Saturday. The lad Is theyovgest hootleaier «vfr before thecourt. He reeetnH tea cents froma Ban to la}p;tfcj0hB*age» to a cer;tain corner ft tk**, tut be was stop.pal before. rsaeUag bis dettinatlonand polite foMd hit aeckages con-talBed Jags of akohoi.

Wm. P. Cartis, Sapervising Pria-shower dpal ef^the Wharton schools, said theat the | hay was tacerrlglMe aad always caus-

ing distorbances. He was suspendedtreta scheel last May. The lad

a long Svenlng of hilar-ity, left the «rlde-to-ttt With aa weanOf splendid gifts to wade/through inher fatare nest la Saath Jersey. Dec-orations by P. O. and theMrs.v*oasist-ed oT plak and bin* creje ribbon,orist-crosted overnea* with ttt-foll•noodles" for the "shewn". Ferns,aspidistras, bowtaets «( roee-lwds andjladiolas, and sprays -of aatuninleatet'hdded wore color aad complet-ed the beaaitttl satttog. The ataaldelleadH *M rerrealUB»nts wereserved, andall".

"a good time was had by

• KMsty MriM At (IMI«M

Bnakiac 0»e w M o m <rf Owo»y Oarage,*ad *taater<» * « • • «»Main atrett 4w( ThBraday Bight,thieves eaterad>ad stole snau ofawWtnsa feata placea. At the Deon-ovy Oarage «4M« waslakea and atIfeaurw Oaraci '»»*•• HotMag elsew^'dMarbeTia either ylaea, Aere)• reason to; htfleM that Mne one

wkh 'the jaragas stole theay-tlte MUMT token, had heea

hMlM'jQsd not placed la the LTMB tUafc* Mr«U-Mw nakedpretty well, aa tla> jhi atwat the atath

his alas*, has beta btolna iato,''i

is*d to be good fas the ftrture, bat theOwart thaaght be woald receive prop-er training if seat te the State Hometo hers. • , '

Join O, Brandt, ef New York City,ftead gBUty tt theft of an aatoaw-Wie frost am eaiBloyer aad was seatatetd to a e m O H year la the StatePrfton at Treatom. Brandt had beenamptayed at Kalpfer's Hotel la Berk-jhtre Vallty, frem whom be took the•tr aad WM appreheBded in Jenasyl-vaBia.

Aaedrtr Whartea boy, was also lacant,' this one for larceay, havingJbMaM Iato a store in Dover sadataalihf JIM*. The school authori-ties iaW had prevtoms tremble with)Ms MtTahjo, so that he had to be sas-yeaded from school. The eoart sus-

his seBtoace.

el Ceanaarw

. "A swimming pool for next 8am-B*er» was the sletan adopted at thelaet metttni of the Chamber of Com*BMrot. BUvle O'dierao, ekairaan of

.-Vkys aad Means CommHtee, hasheeaautheriaedtoraiaetheneceauanrHands to tarry oat the project. Hehas already aaaoaaotd that a mla-•JrelihowwrnbestaawdtBthenear

d f( M m MMe hasi

a saeeete ofani baalaeai, he hetped make thg dam\akssFMccess, a»d there It littlefee*. »f,the tttlseas of the Borotgh

of the Clamber ef Coawmm work in conjunction with MaA aojrt aad gtritef the Borough Wfll

aid have a dMnr

CoBBly, whkh waa ahm «s-asssed at lsw%, aoeeMmfftothe toa-Utlve otnaliaaliea table, did net re-quest a redaction in ratables.

Hsdsen and Bergwt Cotmtlet wereeach ordered to increase the countyratables t%. to Hudson, this wealdboost assessments on real propertyto 7%, increasing ceaaty ratablesmeats by 15%, was given a redMUoafrom |ttM»,M4 to, IMtVr.lK.whUe in Bergea County ratables willlie jumped from $»MM^* to MM,-•71.M1. Morris County, which was


(OeatJaasd OB Page i)


LaigeAttefldaoceOf Educators

Fall Aachen IastHate aUU la Badi-•e^Vomaay

The annaal fall instttate of theteachers of morris Ontmty was heldin Madison High School on Mondayand was attended by over eevea hand-red teachers. The institute was con-sidered the best of recent yean andalso had the largest attendance.

Senator Cam

Raited States IUs, Repab'Heaa canatdet* forPresMeat, wfll spend two days :eimpalgn la New Jersey,the lead of Herbert Hoover,be la Camden County, October lt.'w|lt\..a alght meeting in Cu«d»a,foUowIng day wUl attend a :plenic of the Sasaes, Warren and ttm-iterdon Republicans. Thenot been Blade public.

In announcing the CartfeB. Bertram Hott,chairman, stated Dalted

William H. Borah also will:New Jersey daring the latter natt'October.

The outstanding <satare of the In-itttnto was aa address given by Mr.Thomas Skeyhill, Dramatist and Stud-ent of Wtold affairs, who spoke at theafteraooa sesston. His tahject was"Mussolini and the Black Shirts." Mr.SkeyhUI, held his aBdienee spellboundas he described in his dramaticalmaner the life of Mussolini aad howhe had developed his .power until hebecame the dictator of Italy..

Principal William A. WeUet of theTrenton High School also gave aa In-teresting address to the high schoolteachers and principals at a RoandTaUe talk daring the afternoon ses-sion.

The morning session was devotedmainly to departmental sessions andeoaferencee according to grades.

Tbe commaatty stngtag was led byPrincipal Chest L Curtis, et Soeka-way schools, and wai greatly eajoyedby all.

M k

From what we can lean there lalittle donbt at Reckaway Park Lakes,Inc., belBg nlaeed in the hands of areoetvaf • The It solvent,

it is cota-BKTC

been maairly

an faawe}


The regular monthlymeeting of the RoekawayCommerce, convened atBowl Coffee Shop, Maladay eveaiag, Sept-members who partictoatod at thener hoar, appreciate the effect*tie manner in which It wasaad congratulate the YellowAfter the repast aad social hoar,iness transaction followed wttfcVice President, Edward Dtsnad.auchair. Baaiatea of hnportanettransacted. The committee anoad Meant reported oa the essaynet proeds being tlH.ll. Thelag President appoJatedto ascertolB what mad wantor factory sites. The WBJB*JB«Coouatttee was aathortrndfor a nUaatM play, and the _be "A SwbBmlug Peol for theIt Is boned that the Chamber WwJthe hearty eeoperatkn of alltomakcHatncceet.

Themerly tmatayed w «wSheriff Charles B.-Butler,

Baaak toSoerbo, et'Bseatoau' T*» 1

n»Jwea eaH ier^Un.

Page 2: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If

Too LateFor our Unloading Sale


All OvercoveredJacquard

Living-ing Filled Resemble Cltsfiions

Sides and Backs Covered same as front

X..X / j

As we are overcrowded and must disposeof these suites at once, we have slashedthem to the unheard-of price of



It doesn't tire a flapper verj modi,to iweep a room—with her eyes.

now commercialized publicity dif-fers from popular acclaim 1

This fuelless motor would come Inmight; bandy (or some political ma-chines.

Baa drivers ought to take up air-plane flying; they could make morenoise.

The sun shines, but there doesn'tseem to be any beat-giving poser Inthe rays. •

No Individual has ever been able toperfect a t many aliases as a radioorchestra.

Some people Insist on trying to findthe lost art of conversation at atrldge table.

The foreign cartoonists usually plc-'tare Uncle Sam as an Individual with41 large waste. .

- ftobably • reason why aviators la4 M mala have an easy literary style la.that they have a story.

Attar all, there ara few greater joysi Jast golag oat aad boylog soae-


And the greatest of these—meaningthe' Intelligence questionnaires—Is. asmall boy who Is beginning to read.

- Generally speaking, a thriving busi-ness Is one whose stock la as far abovepar aa the boss' best round of golf.

There ha) been a lot of talk abouttho two Parisians who have Inventeda player-violin. Bui nothing Is done.

. It Is said that physicians live lung-er than the average person. Possiblybecause they seldom take medicine

Labrador, as we understand It, laone of those places where, upon land-Ing, the question still Is, Where arewe?

Diseased ueryes may excuse you of murder; but try that pleaafter forging a check and see whathappens to you. ' '

The reputed fad for male balr curl-Ing—at a price, of course—gives thebaldbeaded man a chance to pose aathe apostle of thrift <

We suppose there comes a time,after the ocean flyer has traveledabout 1,800 miles, when a silo or ared cow would look dandy.

Greenly Isle came Into prominence"a .few months too early to achieveworldwide reputation as a' summerresort. j

One. reason why Inefficiency Irritatesthe boss is because there Is alwaysdanger that he may have to go towork himself.

The airship baa abollihed the needof large supplies of gunklroni to b«presented to Bsklaot by visitor! tothjfert ta

Costless fuel for operation of air-planes Is now said to be discovered,and may this continue until we havecostless fuel for our hungry furnace.

Mow we are told that the brain ofa whale weighs GO pounds, from whichwe'dedaia Miat pure Intellect Isn't thesole requirement" of biological prog-ress. ' " -

' Marines are needed In Nicaragua toInsure a bloodless election. Ton see,nobody, down 'there has enough moneyto bay an office In a fair and orderlyway.

Somebody is going to make a totof money some of these days In Inventing a silencer for saxophones

Machinery Is said to be makingwork scarce for human bands. Up tothe present time It remains difficult tofind enough human hand! to keep thmechlnery In repair.

• Mussolini .excels as an athlete aswell as a statesman. His swordsman-ship has won him applause. The artof "giving the public what It wants'Is not tbe theater.

Men and women, according to,Doctor Dunlnp of Johns Hopkins unlversify, "first took to wearing clothesto ward off flies and other Insects."Now only the men seem to mind theInsects much.

A railway station said to have lesstraffic than any other In the world-one train In two weeks—Is Oodnadat-ta In Australia; Sounds like an an-nouncement of some kind of an Amer-ican brakeman.

The holy war In Arabia U led byAbdul Amis Iba Sand. Be has 20,000fanatical tribesmen behind Him whojaaU* Oat atosiand Uara th* country

Oiford university has presentedPresident Coolldge with a copy of toefamous dictionary on which scholarslabored for 78 yean. Critlca of thelaainaga In hla retirement

FIRST NATIONAL BANKMorristown, New Jcrtey

CHARTESED IMCResources over tT,OW,**#

3% Intereston Checking Recount of $500 and aTer

4% Interestpaid on Savings* Account of $5.00 • » * Mfward

Credited January, April, July *«d Oototoer(3 yeara of Financial Succeasaa* COBSWTMIW »aWUng

Acts as Executor, Tnwtae aad Oaarilast ,aTrawlers' Checks and Letters of CM«t oa all *">*•<* * • Worfo 1

Fire-Proof Storage Rooms OTm v.-u. 1Safe Deposit Boxes

x Night Depository0FTICE»8

H. WARD FORD « l ' - £ ! e 8 W « » t |FRANK D. ABBLLWAED CAMPBELL - •"rr:HBNHY CORY •• •• i";*%Sw *iT«.7—'ROBERT C. CASKEY Aag t CaaMy. Tlraat Otfic«r-FRANK Q. MILLBN fJSfi?** Caal'l»DAVID JP. WILLIAMSON »Ba1«BBl Cuhtar j

The Morris ySavings Bank

South Street corner DeHart tjtont,'_ a





Interest Paid Since 1921/'ASSESS OVER TWELVE MttUOlT"

tlatloaal and SUM Bankaand Trust Compaaloa a—<OT Safltai jBanki, and SiTlnga or Thrift Depositors In sMa JtaflBMlMs h m "NOT the special protection of th . Bnringa Baak U W i s t i l l * Stall.of New Jersey.


Best Grades of Old Compair'a

j h and PlymouthLed Ash Goal'

TeL 216 and 4S« KoekawarPROMPT DELIVERIES


Main Street, near First National Bank

Cleaning and PressingOur work is done thorough and clothes made tq took new.

We also dye any kind of garment and do mendingWe cover Buttons with cloth to match" garments

Telephone Roekawa? 421

PAINT half your house with D*n»lm4& Zinc Paint and the other naU w l h an»

other paint you choose. K Dwr&itkt&MZinc Paint does not take fewer /Hitwr:awdcost less money per job, we wiff 'USSUf' tocharge for Devoe. .- t.

H Devoe Lead & Zinc Paint doesn't wearone or two or three yean longer—loariAr aadbetter, we wiH agye you free ofefaaria earnDevoe Lead ~ " "tire house.

These.are not claims-they'r* facto! And

ye you free olofaariseaoinC Paint to repaint your

J. H. Jackson Lbr. Go.Tel. 225 Rockaway, % J.


TeL SM.ftBMk.wi,

Page 3: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If



WASHINGTON.—Addresalaga data-ntlon of veterana regrstaatlat the

,06 war service orgaataatiOM afDistrict ot Columbia, Baikalt

Sorer declared against Mdaettea Itupenditures lor tbe care of vatafjm*.Be approved the policy of •epahtleaallalnlstrations during the last eWVwa

i is showing ex-service BMB theiteoet liberality.

Kr. Hoover's remarks to the deMigSrHOB were as follows:

1 believe all of America rseogalssaMr national obligation toail. The country todaytuitions and compensation-teaen and women, withidjnsted compensation- t o ,Billion more. The total en, _oi tbe Eovernment In 'thw>- qfavJUasuwexceed ?5V6,943,0WaaaaaJlir,,aad.npreunt the one impertatt dhrmteaD( tie government where the Belterku been justifiably to Increase netherlam to reduce expenditures. TUKkeailio been tbe one importaat dtvMaarfthe government where tka drtfefarmJDctioD of expenditures has beea ap-tUed only tor economy la IU admJSk>UiUoB-Dct against tka ve^BapV' | ti On one division where largw 'ama-in of increased espaa4liaWrafr4|e.nuermneiit has taken phM1« past seven yean. Tmaibould be. This goverameat• frtraragant but It mast ae Jaat"

Women school teachers la•o* Dumber more than

About one-third of th« MBdtnta laHie University of Parle ara

It has bees estimated that faTSew of M cases tb» imam aeakt- tki

Broree. . •' > i .


WASHINGTON. — The Americantariaer under Republican admlntatra-Uoa ku had practically a monopolyof hi* home market. In this protected•arket he dhpo»«i ot »i per cent ofhia prodacti at prices higher than arepaid alsewfaera In the world tor ilkaproducts. This Is pointed out In theBaaakUcaa canpalgn textbook.

The convlete book is being printedla lastaUmenU ot which the trst Isderotad entirely to agriculture, aadtaetadea pertinent extracts from Her-kart Boorer's accepUnc* addrats, th*acrlcaltiral plank ot the Kansas CitytUtfons aad other pertinent data rela-ttra to the farm situation.

ta addition to this, there is a recitalof the RepuMkaa party's ooastruetli*laglalatlon In behalf ot agriculture•tae* 1»», a proTUIon Intended toshow that the promlaes BOW Minetaaaa to ths farmers by Mr. Hooreraa« fenator CirtU spring from a sym-aataetlc attitude and therefore wUI•a taUUtd la good faith by the Repno-

Tha probleau of agricultora aramated froat aa aconomie rather tkaaa aotttlcal viewpoint, and essphasU laHU «a th* fraedost frosi ec«a»aUcfaUadn of the agr'cult«ral lagUlatloaUnMaVriaMed kr Rapablfcaa com-

which laelaaae » awasurtaMarch, Mil, when the Republi-

cans eaau Into office. .

Mature proda'cea rabblu falter than|i«aa because of their greater rasarde,ant i n jet too early for the pedea-trlan class to show reanlta,—Birming-ham Hewa.


as^gek _ f


. , ! • • ; •

, .*fbW»

-. * : -

}y '

•'•• T .

- irilptst •**#' sfflaaw-i1 fcitoli«

\ \ \I ' •* ' . * * 1 '

•*"' • MJftdal lalB*"'wlOl*«n-*J'4<D, 1

- '•» right. .wliMP" ^ -^^BB^mk^aaaakSI^BB^^Bwa^BwaMBwftBwkBW ' **~



orlDown!Xo Introduce

JTtoit HOOS1ER BeautyIn Four Charming Colors—Each Beautiful ly Decorated

Special Introductory OfferEnds Tuesday, Oct. 9th

In order to introduce the new Hooeler Beauty,the Hooeler Company la co-operating with asIn the moat remarkable sale we have ever helfl.

Never have we been able to offer so mnchquality, twenty and convenience in a kttchencabinet at anywhere near this remarkably low -price. The cabfaet contains the essential labor aad Urne-saving feat-ures resattfOeT from yean of caiffnl study of tbe reqalremeata ofhousekeepers. Ton. have a choice of four charming oelors, each beaa-tinlly decorated.

Low GashPrice Prevails

No Extra Ckanrc UiTerm

No Charge for AhMtranor EasyTerns

To introdace the Usgaat eahlaat valae ever ottered la tkwcommnnlty we are iariadlag this Me, «-»ieca set of ktjk-grade alamtaam with a limited namber of tkeae naasawrBcaaty caMaeta at ao extia coat to yoa.

The low eaah price ftaed by the factory, IU.7B, apjltm.Tea pay aaWaa- far ike slassmam or to* tie artvitesja «f kay-

ing oa the moat liberal terms we have ever offered.A single dollar delivers the Beaaty and the alamlaam set to jaar

home Immediately. Tbe balance of tfce low •arehaaa price may bepaid' la small amouats' weakly.

Our ABotraent of Cabinets and Aluraoua is Limkcd—ComeE^fy

NE3^AryTONS Norristown, N. J.


Ottklal a»« ttaesHclal Washliiataa,tag aeraMialHy. tha la alsa k*a*»

like Mrs. Heaver well, Mil ker ejraeleae. eapaale. ajaamrtety ef lirtsreeta. We waa NaUaaat CaaMeea

, kfiewiW ara. He ,h«r wMe variety •» lirtsreeta.

M ta•tMStag aeraMialHy. tha la alsa k*a*» fr h«r wMe variety •» lirtsreeta. We waa *MVh. girl samits; haalravellea wltk kec baskaaa- all aver tbeja«rM; ta a gN«Mte mWaatraaSater wHh air. Haavar af a medieval w»nMfi mialaf »e»« fcaek; the keMer af aweralaae m reeejnbed aa aa Meal Jraabma, wHa, ana metter.

en|laaer; la ce-

k. Bytmttm

When Bobble waa ate hea raal wateh, whlen, MfanHew4Ba)lty or accaraey, had a lead tiSararaBy, tha little feUew t uproud, aad be woaM atMl a|>aewa tk* atreefc Btaf«tt« avtryaient or two te draw tta tlmafrom hla po«kat and Ngard It tra

rby smile* at BebMaMiat taw, ettrnu


BebHe re*jidtd..alaflatrtk par.• ^ w ^^^m^^^^^y J £ ^ J AcwimwB a g V

_ • * am^mTampmWjj r'*Ssm«i wgapmml B W ,

pUed with djgattjri -Twa

TU atraage Ideaa galaed by «WI-data tnmgb ovcrhearta* tkelr eMeraara always mterUlalac IJttleMhaay. accompanying hla. mother to(tare* he* btart, fast befata the affltfitf, eack Baadey, Ike mlnmtbiaad remark: "H m better to glv»than to receive."

Oaa day, aft« be had been aaaghty.htamotharezciaimed: ' -abas t ao with »««r

After a • — « f iJakaM replied: , -Whea 1 feat IktMarah (bt man fa the lOgOgcmm *we** « H ' K V M > aa (siflve tkaAI* wk taaeja."

llother bad pat tbrce-TaaroM Bathla the yard where a gate seed bytradesmen on this pertkalar meralag.baoTbtea left eeea.

Rath, accaateased ta asdar thegate deaadLtfaaasd ever teftat math-a aad m a state whisper waiaad:

emswe^Hvgj- f ip/^>^ mr ™ • • •

th' mist 10 Ka«a caat art eat I"

«M»t that U weald ate** e**> aaa-

A Battle Creak ak]sttaattoa i« rasfuaatt#y tkaa any ather i

A tablet called Reaal .lies haa been discovered. Thisattracts water tram the 'the lair, dry, evacaaUa* hew*) <theeeloa. The water leaatool waste and eaaaei a •

nataral muiamsiforming; a habit or everthe deae.

Stop satfertBK tramChew a Kexall Oraeittaat iday bright. Get M or Me today at Inearest Rexall Drac Store.

• • - - , • *


MCaUvTAV-aUllat aUatt aVajplwith ar wttta-* ' - - — ;

aS'-Meda at-fat* '- , .-r ' aamLJaCBL^ib mwt . i n • • ^ "K »'

Page 4: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If

ForEconomybuyjMHatSMMsr WUBBSSiF ^ -mmm**


1ft Imt, CMUe

Voishire Owtur


"The Grip of the Yukon


Site rf S-ffBC W l


LEWIS A. STaadYanfe


Page 5: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If

Mr. ROSOO W*M4 «•* ** •« Bo«,(hine Co., Hft jaaurlayemT a bual-

tTip to Plttatmrgsv V*e Jama* H- MlKeW Xwae a s ^ o t

*r*s* he*Mr Edwara*. o» Bo*o i»clud«i * • # » * • • •


'aoM Jo. Tk* Ml*thai** has

«* her home with tllneg*.Mr, and Mm. Frank I osier, of Ely.'

erojt Are., nj>ent the week-end atPleasant Bey. j

Hackaway s»«nue, It aeema, Ua< b«-!com* the home of educators. Nine • B y H e v - S a l n u * 1

school teachers live o a the street i Secretary. "

Refigkws Educators f N E W P L A Y H O U S ETo Hold Meeting

(Continued from Page 11

Hamilton, GeneralJersey Council of Re-

George Metier, Jr., of Beach st" was i ! i s i o t t 8 Bd«M*M°»-attack by » car driven by Ernest Kim-S 2 : 4 5 3 : 1 5 Question Box Problemsbte, of BranchvHle and guttered lao-lW l U b e a n B*'« r e d «* &"• Samuel. L,oration* ot hla body.

egular moathtr maetlng ot tbe

frontage of fifty **** '">V*^_*^ t-

e State Highway P—rtmnat thereonly one 8taU highway ia Morris

k)Ulltv being o»to« tU.-w.ek. Th.

reedom and throat* .lha rHUge •. oiled.The

i? r. T. Room af tha Fiaaftftarta* Chmrch, Wednesday afjanwaa. On*. Mth,three o'clock. MM. Hurry * . O1U,Dover, will he tha speaker. The

dies in charg* ata-jtspiit for a, „•-• attendance .1* , °Tl.e Pare«t-Timii# Mjirlitloa at.nviile wfll h**a a* raoenthm onu,.s,iay evening*, Out Mm, at • T. M., the DenTtfle ssaiaaT. Thla meetingesrius the Prlaji titi^pQgt far ttsjt Metttendance of aftMHmV Jan.-1Waliaavl g program hartwe* Vrangad. Re-•(w!.menti wUl h* **rvsd.Corporal Victor Kowdrap . of the

Uonard Willis, ot Lake Hopateong i 3 : 1 5 - 3 : S* Address. "Home Bepart-wa% foaad wandering about the bor-'I fe"'o( ™ * r " By Uia- E ' 3 B r o o k :

o»t* aad v u returned to the StateHospital at Morris Plains.

Turkish Towels and Dish Towels-teats each. One day only, Saturday,

at the Anotlaoaer's Outlet, Dover, seven.

Mr. and Mrs.' Byron" Freeman, of the,entertained their daach.-ldrd F f Rtd

Police, who,tor jr*ar«.,„ been station** at* Ketooag, ha*

„ traiurferraa » tha trainingchco1 near Trestoa. Oafpaca} O*or**

Cat$millace, of MorrM*: been named to I

ouilrup at N*toosg> ^ .Mr. Joseph EtlsfrltaiBT mbungalow on tha Mt Boa*> iiclng the old Tfcmaarroi'i'iiy, adjoining-or fralnjaaa. jre->uil>' owned by M».'. ' « l»«mrl* fi, i, 1, he sold_to'na^6WmMv Mr.'mi Mrs. KlleradorfW mM» baft Hv-iR for dome UsW If •

'lie Mor:ers seven Kdvc-Hojmt ^tin- men and WflBS.*tt"'.Of 11 vicinity-< riptlve foldere ';u^t or f ' _fti by telepkoaws,.*»-:

mi. Theas- is free ICm Sunday, L. ...•• Friends yearly j |

elil at the':road brtwwjf _„ ,.

ml renter Qrov* t^^ltosfc. ;lio aretttf-;'l. Thei lifter knownliurcli.On Sunday, OcWatr M,.ltov. Dr. 8.ark's Cailman, w.lli bagta fc» rallg-ni - irograrn over th* radio, on a net-,'ork of forty or mor* stations, ao-onling to an ann.oaa«*aa*A raeaatly:lade by Frank C. OaoAfsDV ekesnUtaeoretary of the Ra4^ OomnlttM ofhe Federal Coancll of Churches In

Presbyterian^ Baoday Schoole;tdiors Confemtoo w|lKe«nvene on

day evening, Oct. jtth at the horn*Mrs T. H. a Itaay. Hoagmnd

ve It Is reqnesUd/that «lt°T*aoh>-rs endeavor to be pratent The Sen-

meeting con«st>e* at <*Srhon»Suot.,

Devo roaei,ter, Mis* Mildred Freeman' of Ridge-wood, over, the week-end.

Mr*. Mary Hinschka, of Wharton,has gone to Memorial Hospital, Mor-liatown, where she will undergo anoperation. She has been ill for somemoatts.

Mrs. Ada Matthews, left Tuesdaytor Albary Park when she will at-tend th* 8Ute Assembly of Bebekahs.Mis. Matthew* was a delegatr.fromth« Jlackaway lodge.

Oa accoaat of oanstrnction workat HiberaU, which wilt contlaa*about a year, famished rooms InSockaway are greatly In demand.Laara word at Bacord office.

White playlag at Qookaway Park«kM Ust Moaday. Patsy CUrdi, son

of Mr. aim Mrs. Sam Ciardl. of Mainatraat, atnmtleo and Ml, breakinghi* right arm below th* eUiow.

Th* Her. Joseph Edward Vklah,irrnwriy piaator at the ri>*t .Presby-terian Charch at Whipaany, wlH *ebstalled a* pastor of .Morris PlainsPrashytarlut Ck*Jrc*v- on , Tharsday

Avo. at which tbarc w*W a goodf.enilance. ' ' --•=,, , , ' " • » /Tlie Rockaway firKJ^Tl'ajNrrmllriok [>art in tha

Mnrrlstowny f!,iot stldworthr „ r

nt chiefs—D. jQotMl' Itehtar:

ppearanee in thf'oluroliia Band ofheir marching m*s)sk-|*W fl»*T » • »

nie summer home ef f;Pia.vhouse Park,-l^tfe*

completely 4mti&ml fcrifcjtJto-asay afternoon.roiiii-! H5,ooo partQ;-urance. Mr. Back*


n the winter at MountaMl fjikm. Tha<t. Arlington, RoibfrjOaad Mlaa Bill'Ire Hepartmeata tp.'the


ins, State Home Department Sapt.3:30-3:35 Offering tor County Work.3:85-4:00 Address. "New Ideas in

Vacation and Week-day Church

g. oetobar inkt • o'eiotk.WHflaa.Joaaaea, of

died from a heart attack white work-logon the sew "bridge ta Franklin

Mr, Johnson vpi 41 years«1d *mt leave* a wife sad in* <*«*-

Monday erea lag, the Odd FV*ow*•XaatMl the Flrwneo at o**v<s by astow of 8 to T. K*tth»a4ar*ra*Ja%,

rta, agatoiioetober 1»,play the^iMal ChasuUers. '

The -tualwilsjril whothe vtadaet « w J t h * D. U * * -M. J. Cwtml rallroeMts. aOd also* th*Btekswajr.rbrtir for m ^ the new

Jersey School of Methods". By Mr*.Roaella Clark Hunt, Recording Sec-retary. Morris Co.'Council of Relig-ious Education.

4:16 Bntineaa Session.(:OO-7:1E Supper, 50c. Served to

Contention Church.

7:15-7:«S Patriotic Bong gerrtee.Accompanied by 8r. Department Boys'Orchestra, Community Church School.

Devotional Service. By Rev. M. Ar-thur Workman, Pastor M. E. Church,Booaton.

7:4*-7:W> Report EnrollmentMitt**. •

7.-SM.M Offering for County Work.Offertory Solo by Mr. E. A. Llghtaer:

8:M Address. "America'* Fatareand the Present Oeaeration." By Mrs.Minnie K h. Karnell, one ot tb* boatkowa womea speakers in America.

BenedlcUon.8hleld». ' "•

Rev. Richard «.

raa«ral tmktMt Taker, kteld

Funeral services for Mrs.,Anna hf.Patter, who died at her horn* ia TttaVtty circle, Mt. Tabor, oa. Watgefday,was held tram bar late home fridayafteraom at 4 •clack. Rrr. part M*lTB«UitoB: r the DeavUle M. st'Chnrtiaid Rev John- i raatar of rslsiaw.Offlt4gt*«. The deieastdBrocmwharst, BngfMd, and we* mat*-,*Ma before coating to this adwitrrwMh Mr. Patter ln'lS7*v Tke,«MD|«

tke. 0 K fWfowt will Wsy tte> P. 0, «. parted 1» Mraty City for th*rty-On»Wf»a..«l Daarllk at ' Tknw <-flnl± m n .»«« tweaty-three year* t W

resided at Mt. Tabor dariag the aaia-nKjr. For (he hurt all yaara thejr h»p»nude their Mane here the year lomd.'lUement took place in the Roeka-way Ceaietaty.

S«*away.,«*$Ht -to fc*« tha +«t*eomatstad hsfaf* DeceaAer 1st. , *

The. arrival of a baby Mr at tW'iw.V • H t r . a*< VMM.' Chart** , t .BUachard. Sapt lOtn, has mad* nitpareats about th* happiest family InRockaway. Since the 0*ath of hi*father, Joseph Blanebard, Charley hat;bees, living with his mother on rrank-lin i w u .

A Wi»*a'* Rally for Hoover willbe held Priday afternoon in the Mor-rlatown High School. Mr. WlH Ir-win, noted author aad Journalist, willha the prlacifal speaker./ Mrs. IT.Reginald Baker. National Committee-woman, will also speak. All Inter-ested Republican women and theirMead* are Invited. Speaking will be-gin at 3 o'clock.•. Tfc* *e*thMr held by the WosWaRepuWlcan Clab Monday night w*aaddressed by. Fletcher L. Frttts, di-rector of tha Board of Freeholders. Alarge number flf woman. attenSad the;BB«*U«« whkb was hold at the horn*«f Mrs! Ptoyd 1. Crans, Rockawayarena*. Another meeting Is , to Uheld Mrly in Nanr#mber at « e : homeo* Mrs. Sidney OsBlm. '- tha patch basket factory owned br.N. Bowell Mltckell, of drwn VRtai*was davtreyed by f in ' Sunday BOOBa&d ithe damage set at aboat |10,am>:Jthe building was a'bugs'two storyframe struoUre, formerly owaad byWUHaaj DeMott, who Tjttond«d mil'eondaeted the bastaaaa -until his.death. The Oreen Tillage aad LongDill fin nepartmetits answered thealarm, but' were handicapped da* totha lack of water. '

Ta* d*a«h of Joseph B. Baker, of•arm hut wer* lniifl|iia»» flan to «• !* ffllUb*ttvllle, became known 1«o i-ick of water, • ';• -1 :.n \ , / , Rookaw«r''ear1ir thtt 'w«*k. H« hadOn Sunday, October Tthi tbafianl paased away at th* bom* of.reiatlraa'rs Methodist, Cbwrcfc rtt«' oMeat »• Conmtotlent some weeks ago.

st Church tn":-tSa'"»at«, willf its 13Btb aan|v«rMry.

pecial program '" — — ' - - ' -ialorical and'lias been ' arrangai;'uromlnent

r8<"i liadlo oholr ]!"'«'s and nli

*i> invited.R«r>r,iCT Duncan|

ccnsL. Of a hitp^^gjj

d Johnson. Wednsasmy l"Imposed a H ^ i P ^h° was formerly, 'a>ke Hopateong, :)n- He had ran I

Ouenther'*gi,l|ui||wasalmoet I


"e the'P Rnrlok.


«««ftawaf Mda« O»«J Ca. ,

Yuur last oppunaoity io *ee the :greatest yietttre of the Northlands, j"The f.'rip of the Yukou." taken placttoday and tomorrow.

Nell Hamilton is the star ot this 'unique picture. Tbe location takesplace in the Yukon district as you can ;readily tell by the title. The theme !is au unusuai triangle, i< revolves jaround two men &nd a girl.

Beginning on Saturday, we will pre->nt a very clever drama of intrigues,

strategy and Intense love set against ja background of society.

"Lady Rafles", the plcwre at stake,irnishes Batelle Taylor one of the>est roles of her career.

There are many surprises In "LadyRaff leu". The plot revolves around a.skillful young woman, who has wonthe title which gives tbe picture Itsname. Tbe awaking of love suddenlyterminate* her career but not until thegirl through strategy and skill bringsa dangerous pair ot Jewell thieves toJastice.

Coming on Monday and Tuesday, weate to present a Mg two in oae show.two features for one admission.

The first feature Is the "Isle of For-gotten Women." Conway Tearle Isthe star of this super Columbia pre-

irlton.The second'feature is a most hum-

orous comedy called "Alex the Great."It la an PBO special directed by Dud-ley Murphy aad deals with tbe adven-tures of • firmer boy who InvadesMew York with a high opinion ot Him-self and a thirst tor (access.

On the two Bight* that we are show-Ing this wonderful doable feature pro-gram we 'are gwing ia gtve away freeU> every lady natiwn, a place of an-tique chiaawar*. Regular attendantat this theatre will secure you a comflete set tree., fa* tha set now oa disflay In oar.loW;., Every lady, iaclws oacpiaet jtvary week.

We also wish to-announce htatInve some «srj*gpod- pictures oominisoon. Astati aaVmaar. Mg specialeomlag «r* '-TrW'Wnaeaaack of Notrpame" and "The J8»bnuiri»o",

Let ua b*«f,i |anfortanate fallow cltlatas

of oaA Uttl

gift matted to them, « tmUI'ear* o« word of cheer seat by letter, we ari*ure will be gladly received. GeorgBturtevant am) 'Vairen Wean b *anable to w*rk'bicaaae of cripplelegs, and perbaa* old age. are at thAlms House. Morris Plains.

The work of concreting the n»ihighway between the Dover road anDenville was began Monday. Throad it «aw belag graded and rolteipreparatory to ttying the eeaereie.

Special! Special! Special!TODAY—FRIDAY—SATCBDAY

— Entertainment Uayond Compare


A Musical Comedy in E tbt SftKs

W Peppy, Fast Stepping IVpple 25ProdifcUon staged under direct JOB of Ooo. L. Spaulding

No Advance In Prices— • • The »tt»em—

MONDA*—XCrtHKAi—ing to Dearllle-obont ton year* apt,


Mr. Baker boilt a hnnKe oa the hign-•st point at Bald Hilt, over)oakiajr.Oeaar Lake, Ha had lived alone ataeethe death ot hfe Wife who paseed away

ttva yearseontributea articles for th*

th»f* w«r**a» i»ani for.aU.

ror^ks* mmjagasBakt Only

***&*;.? m••-->' ,% ' f i > ' , "fe""..#'i'S^* SfttSi

The HuntingSeason is here



Our Equipment Is Complete

"L. C. Smith" QunsThe Largest Assortment in Northern New Jersey

Remington Game LoadsHunting Clothing

Wo«4coek Ftrmlts sad Haatlatr XIMBUM I«IM*)

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.lSE.Blackwell St., Dover Tel. 947

Open Saturday Evenings

ROCKAWAY LEtWSH COAL CO.• * JOS. M. RBaeSC—Faaau Rflckaway Mt

Stylish Silk Dressesto Crepes and Satins

. A sixes '

$12.50Easy Payments or Cash

Jay Brothers ".'30 W. BUck wefl St. Dover, N.J


School SuppliesStationery * Sport Qoods

Athletic Goods for School Children

Newsletters- 1';

ManaratW Or a

M. WHaajr.

aWtarlaaa I<agl**Lovama* la th* WarK<M*t nan* at Baa '~* M w a iiiatlst at Jt»s

«?§*«*'}.''iyv<' •'". •

Page 6: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If


•vetywum la antiquity to tome ex-'SMt BBlmuli enjojed panliular cun->tJt>raUuu ttiid [.lujvd a lu moral conceptions. The Iran-,JMU hud ttic cow, dog und cock; theSGreeks had the serpent, U.e uut, theStork itutl the woli; the Uuiiiuus had

't.tbu wolf iuU tht- wuodpvrker; theJBfyptlsafc liud the iat <uu) several

of birds ouU Hie bull, uudCIiimith

jkluils of b d s ouU.bail Its drdgun. S<mie rum-s nuve the

I t l l syinddgn.•B»h a prominent |iiiire In tlulr syin-itols. All Uicao civutttri'S were eon-!lid«r«d (u b>! iimoin; tut! uii ilml be-tinge—It HIWII.VS si'i'imil lu lit! apnre-iheudttf Hail man had ilevcloiicd froinj« lower form of life—tint] (he uu-'dents thus hold In great respect those| forms of ttuliim) life t tint luid be«u

i g l to the original chaos.Aulinnl cults wore ilot'ti imlhs for

the religions of (he tuiclent clrlllza-itlous und us nun) progressed downithrontili I hi' centuries und the ills-i tluctlnii between wan, iiuimul, it nilnbstrnct gods develoiied, the dlspluce

Juivut of Hiihimls by more ethereal e.viu-uiils was a slow mutter. Kven todaynuuiklu.l In nearly every stnk'e of de-veloimieiit flntte llviug and breathing»yi>iliols of ideals preferable to more;abstract ones, such as Ihe orb of uvast [miillu'lsui or (lie nickering lampof knmvl«lt'i>—Detroit News,

f• CrMMsW >i* AjfA Teww woman..*™, N*UW Miller,

Mjft sow* tutexestliig things about tbefinest art of all—tbe art of living. "Tolive finely," the says, "Is to CBOOMbetween thlnga of passing interest andthose ot lasting vulue; to be glttJtuwork because It Is milking a life rathertlmn a living." . . . We bave It wltli1Q US to wake life rich, If wblle facingour difficulties we can see the beaut;there Is la tlu world. Ttie Texaswoman expresses this idea when (slidsnys, "Whatever of beauty the heartIs feeling, whatever of beauty themind is thinking, whatever of beautythe hand Is doing—this Is art—and tolive In conscious co-operation withthe music of a living and Joyous uni-verse la to iiuiko life Itself the finest

I of nil line arts."—Capper's Weekly.

Up to Cat*The members of the International

Conference to War Against Uats InParis unanimously agreed that cat?were the best medium to exterminatethe enemy. They have decided torecommend the establishment ofranches to mlse nnd train cats to at-tack ruts according to the acceptedscientific methods of cat and rat war-faro.

What Do YouMean Service?Real service is something we feel more thansomething we do.

We feel this way: we want you to get the best wecan give you: the best merchandise possible, thebest value for your money: the greatest amountof satisfaction possible.

Even- customer who chooses this store fromamong all the others pays us a compliment.

We want to justify that confidence in us; to deal-with a friend as he should be dealt with.

Hart, Schaffner & Man Clothes




Browta $25 Slatteaart Dk IV


$«M Exctesfttlj

Eagle Shirt*




mm, H. J .

LABORS FRENDSympathy for Worker* Prompted

by Memory of Hit OwnEarly Toil.


Indued Manufaetunrt lo EstablishIndustry on That Baals Attar

30 Yur Struggle.

,1 th« I H U I I Iitrmf, <«

WASHINGTON.—The tatsuttaa otHerbert Hoover to keep to a high 'evelthe standards ot the American h4n>eand to do BO by continuing hi* (CertsIn behalf of labor Is shown la apamphlet, "Hoover and Labor,** re-leased by the Hoover tor PresidentLabor Council of the Republican Na-tional Committee.

During his entire career, beginningit tbe age of 13 when be was tottedinto the world to earn bis living, Hr.Hoover has worked whole-heartedly intbe cause of tbe working man. --As alaborer himself, as t worker In, themines In his youth and, sine > 1S8I, asSecretary of Commerce, Mr. Hooterhas studied the problems ot Americanlabor and bas aided in the solutlos otmany ot them, tbe pamphlet thews.

Aided Long Floht In Steal Mill*Mr. Hoover's labor .record It an

open book. Policies that have bene-fited labor have won his unwaveringsupport in every instance, the leafletreveals.

"in supporting Mr. Hoover," It states"American workers will be voting torone ot their own kind."

The brochure further goea 6a tochow that Mr. Hoover's support of thoprinciple ot collective bargaining Isnot mere theory. Prior to U U theworkers in the steel Industry wereworking 12 hours a day. This condi-tion Mr. Hoover deplored, as he be-lieved that a shorter working daywould not only be ot untold benelt t"the'steel worker, but would result Inthe long run ln-a greater output'modbetter craftsmanship.

To thii end. In 1931, be brought to-gether the steel manufacturers otAmerica and induced them to estab-lish eight hours throughout the eotiresteel Industry.- For thirty years.organ-Ited labor had been fighting to thisend and the pamphlet Just Wnirtshows that Mr. Hoover's efforts net*successful In bringing to a clow Uutlong fight ot the steel workers,

Mr. Hoover bas always believed. Incollective bargaining and In additionhe has constantly upheld the rights otworkers to select their own represent-atives without Interference, loftor coercion from any source. Healways opposed the seven-dayonce general In many Industries.

Is Hlsh Wage AdvocateIn 1910 he said: "In fUlag hoars ot~.

labor In industrial establishments at1!a point consistent with the health otemployees and with proper opportu-nity tor rest and recreation, thereshould in all cases be provision forone day's rest In styea.*

"Mr. Hoover believes thai the surestroad to prosperity hi that which leadsto prosperity tor tae tBasse*," thepamphlet says. "While advocating.mass production and the ate ot laborsaving machinery, he has earnestlyadvocated that labor share in the in-creased production through higherwages and the adoption ot the bestconditions ot emplormeat In theworld. His record In the Departmentot Commerce and his public utter-ances demonstrate the earnestness^and euacerity ot his interest In tbeworkers ot our country, who have al-ways looked upon bin as a friend."

Digging into the public utterancesot the Repabllcan candidate for presi-dent, the pampaW reveals that la hisdealing with the owstion ot the re-ttrtction ot foreign immigration, Mr.Hoover believes that oar Brat concernIs to provide employment tor our ownpeople and others already here beforewe permit the adsnlsuon of many fromother countries lo compete with Amer-ican labor. At tht saaw Usae, in hitaddress ot acceptance at Palo Alto,CaUt, la August, he promised lo dohit utmost to aawnd the IsuaigraUonlaws to relieve unnecessary hardshipsupon tamlliea.

As a basis ot protection tor theAmerican working man Mr. Hooverbelieves Irmly in the ProtectiveTariff, the booklet reiterates In acitt-lag out the danajexa ot a change iaadminbtraUok policies at the pretestcrucial period.

weekly, at BeefeawsrOctober, IMS.State of New JerseyCounty'ot Morris, )

Before me, a Notary Punlic in andtor tbe State and county aforesaid,personally appeared Sidney Collins,who, having been duly sworn ac-cording to law, deposes- and saysthat he is the editor of the RockawayRecord and that the following is, tothe best ot hi* knowledge and belief,a true statement of the ownership,management, etc., ot tbe afore-said publication for that date shownin the above caption, required by theAct of August Si, 1912, embodied insection 443, Postal Laws and Regu-lations, printed on the reverse of thisform, to wit:

1. That tbe names and addresses ofthe publisher, editor, managing edl-or, and business managers are:

Publisher, News Printing Co.. Inc.,Rockaway, N. J.; Editor, Sidney

ollins, Rockaway, N. J.; ManagingEditor, Sidney Collins, Rockaway, N.

Business Manager, Oscar Peer,lockaway, N. J.

That the owners are:Cews Printing Co. Inc. Stockhold-ers, Oscar Peer, Hattle Peer, Mattie


EditorSworn to and subscribed before mehis first day ot October, 1928.

F. 0 . ENGLEMAN,Notary Public.

Uy commission expires Msy 1, 1929.

TaWFJMBerc b a gead csamfle ef what

frequently happens ia the polyglotBalkans. A saaat asuscd Pavel, thatto. ¥*&, had ITS a m O M settledhi Athens) sad calkd ataattt Pavle-•otjio, tht Greek Hos et PavJaeo;the second west u Btignde and culled

tvtfcft; the third, ta 8»BBsctf PuvMT; the lesmh

his SMSH In Bathtmst usAr the

One* o WfkCustomer—Didn't "you tell me that

you had got as many ss twelve eggs Inone day' from those eight hens yogsold me?

Poultry Seller—Yes, ma'am?Customer—Then why is It that I'm

never able to get more than two eggsfrom them, and sometimes none atail in one day?

Poultry Seller—1 don't know, ma'am,unless It's because yon look for eggstoo often. Now, if yon look for themonly once * week I feel, quite posi-tive that yon will get just as manyeggs as I did.—Exchange.

Imiimm Nmmt?That Idaho Is an Indian word Is

generally accepted by authority, andit may well be, as Joaquln Miller says,that Colonel Craig, who had been lathat country several years before thediscovery of (old, and who bad leanedto speak Nes Perce luently got the.meaning ot tbe word from his Indianfriends and Imparted It to others. In-cluding oeaabeM of tte Washingtonterritorial legislature, before he gavethe information to Joaquln Hitter.

For The Entire Faauly

Easy Payments or Cash

Jay Brothers30 W. Blackwell St. Dover, N. J

Because it's new • • • • Because tftindividual- • -Because its the mottbeautiful automobile of the dthis new Buick -^ - the car ois enjoying the year of years

Dnwing the greatestwining the mwt enthusiastic.praiae-rolling up the biggest <fc-

*;tatai1 ia aD 6ne-emr history-theS3vw .Anatversary Buick withNwltattwpicoeBodiMbyPUber

v Si tooriag themost sensational »uc-:: «est ever won by anyjuew quality,t ear! • ' • . ' " • •

Uffiau d tpectatori throngingN H showrooms in all parts of thesotoitry! Tens of thousuids ea-thnutically pladag their ordershr the Bokk of Buicki and or ofa n ! ,

Aad aB bmause U is not only aleading engineering achienmat of

. the p«t twcaty-Gv* n

bodying perfontaact I ^matched aaywbsM la tht) WuiM-hot alto bnasts it staVam ia M ea-tircly new ttylt-e JattasktiKnew mode-ol sslustslll* tsttstyandlnnryl . ;

The motorists ofto the leader Corautomotbe design.twend with tkisapispublic U d

has forced the gnst ssS9stl|s«rtoproduetioal t H l l j f t i |iniUeatirchitUwylTHE

BUJN. Essex St.

BIBCH £ BIRCH, Hit .r, N. J.


^oi®m<xM^^HUDD itfitftlM


T N oamt to afford residents of Morris and Sussex Countie* a _ _ - _I went, rapid and comfortable mode of travel beMten Morrn&wa atxf

Newton and the various summer resorts in this locality, Psfclie •'•Service will extend in present Morristown-Lake Hopatcong U e to ^dod* hlewton, Budd Lake and Bertrand Island. , ' - " r,' ' \ ^ ^

mmr^- <x>MroiaiABLE — : a i | ^- w;. ?;•; SUPER SERVICE : B U S E & # ; ; | : ^

'_•• aWSffi LEAVE WALL STREET, ROCKAWAY ' ' V ^For Newton: 7:36 A. M and every two hours until 9:36 P,M^; t^ |For Badd Lake: 6:36 A M . and every hour until 8:36 AM.; nW

every two hours until 2:36 P. M; then every hour until 8:36 P .M; tfaa11:06 P. M. Sundays: 8:36 A M. and every two hours until 8:36 P. M ithen 11:1; P.M. - - . , .^'%:i

For Bertranl Island: 11:06 A M. and every hour until 8:06 P. M.SuntJayr 9:06 A M . and every 30 minutes until 8:36 P.M. • ":. -

" ' • ' . • . " • • • • * • • • • • • • , . • • • ' - ' / • y . < 7

- ; . 'BUSES FOR ROCKAWAY . :\ :r.J^|"From Ncwtoa: 7:» A M . and every two hours until 9:25 Plltt^

then 11:15 P.M. Sowiavs: First bus 9:25 A M . *

FitjatBoddLake: 6:45 A M , 7:50 A M , 8:45 A M . aade^eryls«k m onril 2:45 P.M; then every hour until 8:45 P.M.; thssvIO:^P.M. (Change in Dover). Sundays: 8:45 A M . and every *+hm*mti 10:45 P.M. (Change in Dover). ^ ^

From Btgttaad IOaod: 12:35 P. M. and every hour until M S P.Uithen 10:25 P.M and 12:10 A M . Sundays: 10:05 A.Hjm$mW•anw usml o.}5 P.M.; then 10:25 P.M-'MJ ttlfiSDf™^



Page 7: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If


One Day SaleTurkish and Dish




; A^atfctt far beyond the ordinary. Every house-wife wflt want some of these fine furkish dr dish towelsat this junaziri* price.

«ze, heavy weight Turkish Towels of aquality tfaftt will exceed your fondest expectations. Reg-ulation «af diih towels with double striped blue or redbbrom '

" On sole for one day only, as we are sure that bySaturday nigfrt the entire 200 dozen in stock will be gone.

34 WestBbckwcH Street, Dover; N. J.

Hygeine Courted CanCure Speech Defect*

In the multiplicity of den-ires de-signed to promote the health and wel-fare of children. »i>eech Uu» been sore-ly negleiied, claiiiiij Dr. John A. Glass-burs, who writes In Hygeta MagazineOf overcoming vicious speech liuMts.

Inferiority complexes, nhut-iu per-sonalities, shyness, timidity, maladjuetineut, tuiddul tendencies, emo-tional instability, criminality and anilsocial characteristics are nouie of theresults of toe disturbances of speech,he says.

Doctor Glassburg warns that babytalk, if prolonged beyond the age otInfancy, produces many of the lisps,Ineffectual control ot breath, natality,harshness due to overenervation ofspeech muteles and tbe overanxletyttal leada to coofusion of thought andt i e many negligences, of ordinaryAmerican speech. Meager vocabulary,taexact and poorly expressed Ideas,slovenly diction, ail tend to mold tkeWind Into acceptance of Inferior IdeasMd to prevent straight thinking.

Speech defect* are curable, DoctorCUaMborg Insists. Be-educatlon IDspeech la a course In mental andphysical hygiene. Speech specialistsbelieve that by overcoming a speecbdisorder they can change the attitude,behavior and personality of a person•nd readjust btm properly to his en-vironment.

Tit* Pert"We bad a wonderful trip j We saw

Mow-crested'summit* leaping towardsthe cei-fllesa heavens; we saw foam-ing torrents raging through the bot-toms of sbadowy eanyooa; we lookedOVWD from beetling crags into thedepths ot limpid lakes; we traversedsjylvao glades shot with Bashes ofgolden sunlight; we—"

'How nusy mile* to the gallon didyon getl"


Withla the heads of sosse of mypatients, Mid tbe old physician, therei s * Jumble ot half knowledge nod fal-lacies and fads aad fandea stored•way In the wetloa labeled diet—Woman's Hoase tioMoaaMsE

as ••

You Can Buy V

Cumulative Pr^^jtesi(No


Public Service Corpomtlt&p *of New Jersey :

er 0ur Popular Ownership Plan

JtftORE than 77,000 individual stock-holders, most of whom have acquired theirholdings during previous offerings of theCumulative Preferred Stock of Public Serv-ice Corporation of New Jersey, testify toconfidence felt by the people in this attrac-tive security.

ogqnitwiially increasing volume of business, reflecting growthg in the community served; splendid physical properties,

f ffiianfepgresg in y pmaintained in a high state of efficiency, soAS to meet all present and prospective re-cpiiienients for service; a far-sighted policyof expansion and development, and theessential character of the facilities provided,assuring continued demand, have givenPublic Service securities a high standing withinvestors.

Rock Drills AuomobfleLawn Mowers Sharpened

• A T » slABT

GeaefaJ RepalriagleplaMM feecaBlwsi

Aall Unds ot toots groand and

flwpi Cor. TJaioa St. HIberalaaWCSAWAT, K. & -

present offering of $5 Cumulative Preferred Stock (nopar value), under our Popular Ownershipplan, offers an excellent opportunity for in-m

vestors, large and small, to purchase under.terms which permit the investment of savingsas they accumulate, of a safe and attractivepreferred stock of one of the country'sgreatest utmtyenterpriBCS, '

WASHINGTON.—How Herbert Hoo-ver as Secretary of Commerce wageda light on foreign monopolies whichbad been controlling raw materialsessential to industry, agriculture andhomes ot the United States Is de-scribed in a pamphlet Just Issued byU s Republican national Committee.

This straggle was one which affect-ed every bomi. for tbe foreign monop-olies not only levied a tax on certainproducts nsed In the borne bat also oaother important articles of commerce.If It had been lost, it would have seri-ously menaced many branches ofbusiness, which made extensive useof these raw materials, thus affectiagconsumers.

•aved America MllltensTbe victory which Mr. Hooter

achieved by peaceful means resultedIn sariags of hundreds of millions ofdollars to the American consumer, thepamphlet points out.

"Gorenuaentally-controlled foreigncombinations had beea aet ap. ia anumber of raw materials which, he-caase of our inability to prodace. « •must depend upon purchasing abroad/naya tbe pamphlet. "Among them arerobber, cotes, nitrates, potash, sisal,camphor. Iodine, merenry aad *>ng-ataple eottoa. These eembtaatjonsflzed both prodnctloaead prices.'

Mr. Hoover's campaign was wagedby showing business how te kaadle

I problem largely by Itself. Heasked Congress for toads-to fswasfl-gate the foreign control, aad-slso-ob-ttlaed authorisation to ase sciaatiaUfrom other Government departments.

Laboratories made studies ef recla-asatlon and development of sabatltateswhile scientists soaght new soarcesof these smateriaia. it is skews. OtherInvestigators gathered fall data eaavailability of other territory te (re-dace these essentials

aad others, toldtries of their

aw time.


Hoover Saved American Con-sumers Many Millions by

Peaceful Resistance.


Reduced Crude Rubbtr Cast to Coun-try by Mare Than WO Million


Ooverameat odselala. Mr. HfcnrI the tatereWa*as»V

t>e aatlaas efJ TJaMed

• e a t thisl

bar "«sssh 'with'or agency. M

of the mas cited hp tbe paaufelet. are;


Bared American ratherapwards of ltoS.eW.0H feybreaking the British control of rajhaerprodactien and prices. This coalrolis being abandoned aad new aaarceief rubber development promise tohold the prices down.

Bared the American people aboatf1M,0W,0W ia its bUl for coffeethnmgfsUftmg purchaser from BrasHto othersosrees to s snmclent degreeto effect the decline.

Urged the growing of long-staplecotton In the United States to breakthe control exercised, in Egypt overacreage and supplies.' Bacouraged exploration for aatlvebeds of potash aad aided la promotingthe fixation ot free nitrogen of theair to help relieve the American farm-ers from the levy Imposed by Chileand the Franco-German potash trust.

By demoastra'lng to tbe ether na-tions that the United Statea s deter-mined not to tolerate foreign control,and by the example afforded ia thecase of robber, the signal has beengiven for abandonment ot others of-the more deleterious controls.

. Mr. Hoover, the pamphlet pointsoat, has consistently clang to ths posi-tion "that economic progress anst de-pend apon the driving force of com-petition." He Us reiterated that:

"The problem should be met ontbe ground ot what la the leag raawill prodace good will and prosperityto the entire world, for BO single na-tion can dissociate its prosperity fromthe prosperity snd good will of allot them. • • • "

Aad his method has soaght to feringthis about, rather than to developtrade wars, la whlci there lie theseeds of International frictloa aad aaeaace to friendly relations.

Prosperity'* Voice


Cod Liver (MEmulsion

WeA TalaaMe food tonic fortbe treatment of general s'lebltity aad loss of flesh. ''




A.Sn.fVv.y ur « .Wharton let). UZ:tt sa i l


Week days. SaitaraaysaM

W«ek days aad BatardaniA.JL. »:St A-M. |t:st A/at teT»u>r>, S:I4 A. a \ u i eTerTteB U S uatll 1:MP.JL; tttsa kuntil »:&< P.M.; then 1I:U r(For art Tabor T:M. f:tl , *-M. i10:!« F.1L).

Snndaya: i:Io A.H. (f:O A . ] _Mt. Tabor). S:54 A.M. (TA* tst 1Tabor), 7:61 A. M- and erery I"utei until l:(4 P.M.; t*«»until »:SI P.M.; tbeB 11:1* _.(For Mt. Tabor »:*< aad 1«:M r.i

WaUKTOS BCB :Dareraad TiTaailsai

W«ek 4ay» and Butardara:. ^ ^ «n« .vwy M mlaites

BOSKSFOittmgPwUic Scrritt Dt least asass

b f i f /



Use Ante lWaflas; aad TlSigns sad Lettering ot • * • * *

DeecrtptloaiTel. 1481 It l E.

Page 8: I've OU ROCKAWAY RECORJob Priming, BboM B#eluiw«y 2J(»; we … · I've and OU both • gets XL No. 13 ROCKAWAY RECOR If

DcnviUeVi»- Krlwli, Tliurmont,

bor, H»vt lake" i>u*titimii wlih «WJT. W Wwlwoit t i t\>mi»»»y at novii'

J. C. Ni'Uvmh. «J <i»>' KwkawnyH»»<l. I* tmr i>( » iiuuiHi-r wtn> lmvt>

Vi>iirtunl d' it"''' iuMju-a with III-

Mr. HIUI Mm. f »• Wlu'l'l'". »•'Churt-Ii 8<rM, af* liavlins » »** •*>'•

A goodly immlH r fwm hoi1* «td>mt<«ttfo# W»l«> K»1r nt Tr*mim. »M<I (li« Al-J#»«mn. ivmts.vlvmila, Fair. l*s><

JUr. ml Mr* Krttert iMmtwW. ut.I Mr* . s*"ht>"

«t <Xh*r r»la<lve« l*«t Wwt-

»«l* » l-.v«v>>. «'f T»l«»-. »»•ttu- ! .H*I W, ( \ T, V. »l «»


tmmtttl}- n w i i nNr, ttml Mv* Claud* 11 Miller and

Mm have r « W » e d to l>«Y»lle »«<•* »l»y l«> »Vnu*cllv»t- M r * l u l

». M<n*r'».l«» hat


Huth «»<)' • * « «r»ttd-

tuicttltt ruusrd h«r death. Service!w*ic li»lrt from the home with Btv .Karl I,. Hampton, uMtutatiitf. Mr- •»<*Mrs. Maban «uet familj: r«c«atly mo>-»il her* frtun Virginia.

At H«»at»«To Meet

On Urlol«-r »(ii, s u afternoon lawnm«t*in« will I* hold B! the »>««• ' l t

,Ml»» Mary l*Csmu, ISO William St..H.wuuui, al S P. M.. at wnlcU time all

Mr. 1- K. liodtl will «l>e«k tor Mr.iHivfr ami Mr. ("urll*.Millie «tulKvvrybody w»l««n»».Th* yrofMum follow* :

lnvoe»tlmi~R»v. Cb»». I*Ur#etinr--Mm. rr»d ft Hammond.S:05 -K. B. Molt.a :!•—'**. r . ]iS»rito.3:1S--A. S.8:20—m*W Youivt.

) M v>tt Orchard Slrwt to the |l>tvk»mon |«ro|»«rly o t t * • •



3;jfl tianilltun F. K « n ,i>r»«» P.

F. Port*,:4& Krnest R

MHi—Johu«v. John W. Ol«n«lt.

Uc.i. Mr*.». M r . H«»t. of

d».v. ItM K, i-Kun-h. IKiwr. lull;

«H*«vU-i Both Mrs.»»d Mr*.

TU» »»tUwai#d wwrth of th* produceKlt^n tar th* IVacowtw* Howe Ifi New-ark, and whivh was dt$pla,v¥d Iu the iM, K. Church. Sunday. •«»* *»«. S i t - it«#u dollars and fifty c*»ls * K K KI*-

\t Rich-

\«c«(K»tt (« Itt!o4t. X. Y..Sh* was

! by Mrs. Vv*d rtourl*y. JStaatoy SksfVM ot th* Flvt Hill road, j

Vntwrstty ]in IV*-j

»III*V |A tttttuN-r f» «his i\w«wa»t!y taw!

already ivjMriUutisI to ta* disaster

win iK>

wilt atWad tW Tfclifvl < » « • * ! Cvwwu- j

Sa« **tt» »ke W%*» W Mr. ami Sir*.

»fr. *»4 Mrs. Rustw* awt da«gtit*r.

»:W A. M. Church School wi l l hare•pecial services. Cants««itt to all scholars,h w n invited. Mr. Paul Tra*i». ofClifton, a pm»ln*nt worker in charchschool work, will speak.

H>:« A. M. Morning Worship. Jun-ior sermon. Kai l ; service tor »ea>-h*whip. Special musical program.Mis* Roberta Campbell, soprano, willslug, a l so Mr. O«d*B CVlllus. teaor, ofReekaway.

The Pastor will speak on a Rally

T P. M. Kt>««nh U a t t t *

DoverThe annual banquet of tb« Friendly

Circle will be held in the church par-lor* of the IFrst Methodist Ctarch to-morrow nighl.

Hi>v. L«wis H. Knlgllt was lnat»l) f ( 1

«« pustor of the Presbyterian Caurctoon Thursday evening. A )««*• *u»l-tetice con^t^iug of members yt the

and their trieada wlt-

Mr. »n« Mr». J o b * Tmif »ooom-PMltS by Mr, « n * Mr». l o k a PM»I«yhave returned trom « motor t r l j toWashiiiftou, D. C. On their way theyslopped at Gettysburg Atlantic Cityund Asbuiy Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orchard ure *n-the latter's M

\V«rren Suruburger and Jofca Koe-ft>rl. left l»»t Saturday, by aato for

i, r ia . , and from there by boatto represent John C. Dick-

C«m». No. *$. «f Dovsr, aa dele-to the thirtieth national ea-

of Spanlsh-Amert<*» "WarVetsraas, at Havana, Cuba. OctoberT to 11. They expect to «tsK NewOrleans on their return trip.

Miss niadys Swackhamer an4 Har-ry St ruble were married at the koineot the bride's grandparents last Sat-urday night, by R«r. Will iam Kfcox,pastor of Grace Methodist Oksrch,Miss Helen Hagen, ot DeoTttl* andRobort Prye. were the aU«atants .The bride w a s atttred In pink «Uttouand carried a bouquet o t Awtamn(lowers. The bridesmaid wor t «t>lruse satin and v»>tv*t. A we<Mlar*»P-per followed tbe peremony and follow-ing a wedding trip they wil l aviketheir hoa>e wtth the brldegrooat'a par-ents . Mr. and Mrs. WlJUam Stnible .ot Mount Hope Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Darst. o t Fros-l>ect street, hare returned troaa a via-tt with ralatlves In Columbas, Kan.

Mr. aad Mrs. Leo Totten. o t Onhardstreet, recently had as their *aest .JJBss lAtta Madden, oi New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Mart**, ofukdolph araaue. speat the week-end

with the Utter1* brother aad a*st?r-ia-taw, Mr. aad Mrs. Kohert & Jenk-ins, at Westtteld.

Charlotte Trewirow, of Flint, Mich.Mrc. Trevarow was accompanied onthe trip with her son and hit family.The trip was made by automobile.

Mrs. Martha Spargo, ot South Mor-ris street , Is confined \o her homewith i l lness.

The public is invited to attend aWhist in. Arcanum Hall tonight a t

t w s of Liberty.

A nine pound daughter arriTed a tthe home ot Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dol-say, of Bloomingdaie recently, Mrs.Dohay was formerly Miss Louise Mc-Peek, of th

M r s R e u b e n r. Ayr**, and libs Sar-; a h H rjataan, of Myrtle Avenue, ae-l e o B I0M l t o l | b y M t e s G r a M Kut«», ofggj., Blacfew ll Street, left Sunday tor

j: N e w Orleans, La., by aato.

A detogalion of Am«rfc»a Lesionmember* Journeyed to .Butler, Mon-

, d * y »'«*t " d »t»""^ *•»• iw*aM»r

tion of ottkers at that place. Comaty', l'halrman. Robert O. Hoch, of Dover,conducted the installation ceremoniea.

H. Vanderbuah. a freshsaanat Lafayette College, was among theIT members ot h is c lass to receive an"A" rating in t h * physical tratalag

< examination held recently and i s ex-empt from physical tralalng. Mr.

, Vandf rbash is the soa o f Mr. aad Mrs.j Walter Vanderbash. ot Crass Stnet,;and a re«eat gradaate aa4 football' star ot Doter High

«k«ch wttt »»h»M ia th* CvxitUMiisily Ctiun-k at Mt.Lake*. «w« »>«*«.*.

X r astt V r * Stretch aavlry* -«&o ttaxy «M4* t»*itat t t« l \ R SirfWM k«aw « • »k*

Y. M. C A. tarlnner» R»>m. Yoasg womena»««t with spwial yv«Mnt woawa Had- j*r ta J«»K-r Roon. At th* same ttat*the IPwstvr will k«ld a FVrtua oa U V (

T:« P. M. Yona* tV>pi«s Rally IXtgltt. KM y«ar« kaat Jw <ai» ateet-tag. Wire Loag serrk* lead ky l*»-»wr wttk *»rue«. Orckeetta. Ss»«ciai»a*K'. M*. Jacofcy Ass«. SWeretarj- T. iM. C. A. will bt ta* ayiejker ot

MVVMUJ $ P. V. Official Baant

T*f«J»y $ p. j | . Kjuworta l«ataefc**iw*ss au«ttag ta Jita.Hr rtwav

W>ftw**iy $ p. M. » * • « * *>« J»*Uw ram with 9ecial tr«4-

Tae local schools were cMaal enMoaday while the teachers n w at-tending the coaaty tall taatttaa* at

Tke regalar atoathly aMetiaf at titeDov*r General Hospital AaxiUaty isbeing held this afteraooa ta WaeseHall. Mrs. Ftoreac* Eastoa. win ten-der several T«C*1 soios awl Sfra. V. 0.DaTeaport. will giira a rtaJtag.

Mr. and Mrs. T t m t « * Laagteag, otOsik street. c*le*rate<l their HnMtr-ttttk w«*tiag.aaare»rssiry SaaAv at

i The thirteenth aaaaal whist aad! dance ot the Borer General Hospital! will b* aeW. Moatey eTcatng, Octo-t ber Stk, at S:M sharp, ia the Moaae) Hall. Good atssic aad prises. TalBeswill k* semrty-tm rats. A good at-teaaaa** ia daatved* as tfce attxiaedsare lor a worthy oatsse.

Kaaeral sentees w«re h*W MOB-day eTealag far Mrs. Mary J. RMer,who died Saaday at the hone at hersjn-ia-law aad daughter. Mr. aad Mrs.Cfcartat K. Kty> «t Htocaaaxa Afame..ReT. P. X Bakack, lail ir at thenrstM. K. Chart* eoadextad tk» acrrieea.aad the raawdas war* takea aa Ttaea-

A daushtejc waa tanlo Mr. « i ef the Ftnt M. S. CMtttk win a*eetMR. U«rd L. Ptwdua. «t New street Moadar «^jat at the haaw «t » s s

Qiana>hsr tl^at Dr. MUfcV Myjarte Saartag. » Park A i e m .ta HMrrbtawa. , All aisaakars are aiaid to s* pvtscat

at tkto a»Mta»' the aewwat hr tanned aad efactia* at officers

i s m s tkc tandrr» tar the Red Ooss far the

ta« tuti ia t iv irtvrtt^Vtt :; wasy Swi- v :

wSt«r# s i * y



Waaa»»a—a;—s—s«^^^^"" —__ i._JJ^^l____^a^^^MB^wwiig«wgWg»»WWW»aT^aa»y»»awa^a»Baj»sa»pswiajaaaaaia»a»^^MM^


"Pride of Lake Land CentreQuality Always— —Tetephwe 73

Rib Roast, lb.

Sirloin Steak, lb.Round Steak, lb.

Fresh Fancy Fowl, lb. •Fresh Fancy BfQilers, lb.


Chuck Roast, lb. • •Fresh Ground Hamburg, lb. 35cLegs of Spring Lamb, lb.Shoulder of Spring Lamb, lb.Breast of Spring Lamb, 2 lb.Rib Lamb Chops, lb.

Smoked Hams, lb.Fresh Hams, lb. •Loin Pork, lb. -Fancy Mealy Potatoes, \2XA ib. -2Scl

Sweet Potatoes, 6 lb. for 2Se6 lb. Granulated Sugar for 33cA full score June Dairy Creamery.

Butter, print or tub, lb. • -_.,.. 57c]

Tonkin & Hoffman StonGENERAL MER<2Reg.

Ivory Ffadow, 50cOne 10c iTory F l k M

FRKEToar Cost 3«c Pa.

Oudity Goods i t RosoMfcfeftkTbese are present regokur prices. Chaage Vttfc ma

value only.C«ra Beef, A r r n m , «»• "....•,Xwuurfh Cats**, l*r*t WMte f t * mmiI t u n k CUtU 8*w»T large UHU « .K*y»I Am Cherries, Ke4 Star, large aaa. . .Saakfct DeLuce nmms, large canCaetker Peaches, half or sUe*4, haig* caa. . .»»jal Scartet Whhe Cherriea, h«g* aaa.K«yal Scartrt CalUvniia Sarttoem, 1 * . «w.. .White B«»$e «ariea Peas, aew, « n . . . - . . . . „White K»se lAmm Beans new, canFresh *% Bars, i Iks. forfresh CJafer Snaps, 2 As. far ,X.«.

Hibernia Ave. TeL 101

XS8S Jtarw Kefir, ef TOarroa ht«.-~i—-» -*-i —T-tijag T'rknrt f n mi aw' 1« ta» «ik>M£ s»xwt «e bast w**k tS« •ac A5t 3M&- ttiscftat Jforvswcwv |aanc *t LatES* Canyon as a ««aryr-

ii "»-3sVwr»Dancing Glass


Class will mbo meet next ThursdurOCTOBER Uttk 1SQ8

•!*» «•*» Sax afcks <«a\ Mte

* «aw»r-* ctnfiws-a»t tern; m, t

aaaw- tmt: t Uttt iWaBaiataw tw

'^ai nBargain


Used Cars$25 and tip


Main St.