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WI UTS Thursday, .March 18 Dinner—Our Lady . of Mount Carmel Parish hull , West Main street C p. ro. Dinner Patchoguc Lions club at ¦ Felice 's Recreation 7 p. m. Friday, March 1!) Convocation—Suwassolt Chapter 195, Royal ' Arch Masons at Masonic Temple 8 p. m. Saturday, March 20 Story Hour—Patehogue library, Lake street 10:30- a. in. Monday, March 22 Inspection Patclioguc Commandery C5, Knights , T-cmplar , in Masonic Temple 8 p. in. Tuesday, March 23 ' Luncheon. - Patchogue Round Table club at Bi"iidi' s hotel 12 noon. Dinner—Fatchoguc Kiwanis club at Link's Old Oak hotel 0:15 p. m. Wednesday, March 21 Meeting—Brookhaven Town board at Town hall , South Ocean avenue— 10:30 a. m. ' Luncheon—Patchoguc Rotary club at Putchoguc hotel 12 noon. PSG Hears Further Testimony Relating To Burk' s Bus Line The Public Service commission heard testimony from Burkhard Sei- denschwar.-, Larry Knoh l and Archie Kapla n Mo nday in connection with its inquiry into the operation of Burk' s Bus company. , , .< The hearing,' being held in the PSC' s . offices ' .in '" New Vork , will bo , resumed on ,Friday- at 10 a. m. ¦ . ' ¦ " : 'A ' "A A ; - - v ' . . ¦ ¦ ¦: I ' ¦ ¦ I Ifarold Ashore, _?at _ ho£ue stttorney wlo is covering the ! hearing- ori be- half bf the Brookliaven , Town board , reported Tuesday that* Mr. Knofil to*Id, , the PSG. that bis and Kaplan ' s interestf' in the ¦ ' matter ' ' ,:>vas ¦: limited to five tax icnbs , and' the v reah estate hi Honkonkoma ,, a.nd that'hc had no hand a in the ' operation of B«i" k, ' s ; biises.A ,; - i :r:/ \ZZ 'i /Zy . Z ; > - , Mr. Seidenschw4irz ' testimony re- grartling the stoppagivof 'bus- ' -Service .Here , ' last January was ' not 'completed art last Monday ' s session.""' fi . ' - ¦ ? ¦ , . M-MUM OKI AM -In loving mi-mory " of riiy mother, Mn; Sorali.. 11. SterlinB, wh o passed away March 10.\ M- H. ' ¦ /.:., .:. ¦ ¦ . . ' . ¦ ¦;- ¦ -"' ' ¦ ¦ "Tliey say ' - - , time . Ileal- nil sorrow ,;¦ ¦ ¦y Anil liilps : lit ito torifct. \ . - - , lint timo hhs ~ ' c. niy proved to! me How mudi 'I' mlas- you." ; ¦// '"¦ - . ¦ ¦ .: ¦ a i - . ' ' ' . . ¦/ ' ¦ - ' /' -"3* - ; ' Mrs, v O. : C. * Kelly 'A* 13 Indicted Last Week Plead Not Guilty on Tues Most of Cases Will Probably Be Set Down for Trial at April Term of Court All 111 defendants named in pub- lic indictments re turned lust Thurs- day afternoon hy the March Grand fury entered pleas of not guilty upon - trrtiiginiient Tuesday morning before County " Judge -D. Oa-monde Ritchie at Riverhead!. Most of the cases will probably. Tic pet ' doVii. for tfinl at the April tci'Qi . of /:burt. * _ - " ' The grsinci -jpry, ' headed 'by Fore- man Walter . A. ' George ' of, Babylon , 1 also handed up 10 secre t anil 7-yoii th -: ful offender iiidt ' ctinents to Supreme Court Justice Cortland A. Johnson. On the ewstonmry ' motion , -made by District Attorney Lindsay R. Henry, all indictments were transferred to tbe County Court. The list of public true bills includ- ed one for first-degree grand lar- ceny rbtitrncd against Edward A. Duffy, 36, who is alleged to have de- frauded Emil Stakey, Riverhead ser- vice .station owner , of $4, 000 on the promise tliat Stakes* would receive the sales franchise for ' tlie new Tucker rear-drive automobile. The Tucker corporation disclaimed all knowledge of thc transaction . .and in- formation _furnished liy Stakey led to Duffy ' s arrest in' Miami beach , Fla. According to the district attorney ' s office ,. " DuCfy Ms waiving: extradition and will lie returned to this county in th« . custody of Assistant District . -At- torn ey Jacob - Bendeisky anil Inves- tigator William H.. Gardiner. ' . ' . , . . An indictment charging first-de- gree assault was returned against \y5lliain Condos, 44 , of Elwood , Hunt- Higtori. Corados allegedly had lined up f$s wife, -Anna , and their children mid wsjs'in-fenacing them with a load- ed " -shotgun. ' <wben , abate police - . burst into : his libiiie ^witli draiVn revolvers last February 1 ' 5. ' :Jffe . 'Allegedly had threatened "to wipe ' - out liis ' -entire family and was apparently about to coa'ry ' out the threat- when t„e troop- ers arrived- . - The law-Tweaking activities of Jul- ius P. Haiinirier, 27, -of Central Islip, hiLve been- numerous and varied , ac- co_. "ding., to the indictments. He was bound ovei v * 'fdi" . trial * for . ' thirdl-'degrc - i burglary, tarrying arid, use of a dan- gerous weapon . . and five counts of second-degree; forgery. The one-man crime wave is said "to have ¦ - started pn/December 8 , the day he is alleged to, have passed ;five cliecks, drawn for* amounts up 'to §150 , ; aiid r ib-iirin' g the foi'ged ' sigmature ./of-v ' -his. brother-in . law, -Vincent-P: Miller - of..Central Is- lip AOn- Jlinuary : 10 , - he is -alleged to hnve bi'ok-en ' ,-; into * thc home' of . a neighbor , Leonard Rado ,. - aiid on Jan- uary 22, he -was, arrested at. Sayville " jimd charge d with-possession of an ' " ini- , licensed uatomatic;pistol, ; .0_i . Tiles- ' day,;. Atorney TSliaS : . 'H. , Avram , *6f JRIverlic ' iiil was , , * assijpied to defend hiaa-a ' . - .f ,.:?; . : rr ' A' " . 'AAA ' ; ; ' . : /Y 'l- y ¦/ ¦lh ' y l-Jofusiiig- a. " drink entails certain risks,' judging " froni the- ' experionle of JoliTi;3A, ,Kuhii ,. ,Jj * ., :6f 75 3 North street, ' Hiimthigtoh Station , coinplaiit- ing witness , in .the .first-degree^ assault case . agaliist; William: J. Furirian , 27, of. .48 ,;Er6 : spQCt:, street ,; Huntington. Fu-'niah vivas so; enraged by Kulih' s rofTusiil to " - Lririk" with hiin that he left the bar , . went homo and return ed with a- shotgun ' , which : he ' allegedly fired at Kulm ; as the ¦ ¦ latter, emerged from the; tavcin Foi Innately, hl _ nun Mas bad - und Kuhn Aus not hurt. Thc episode allegedly occmied Inst Feb- lua-iy 2fi nb 1:30 a. in, , ' 111011111*1 Leo Walters , 10, of Noitli Amity. illo, -\ v«i- indicted for fhbt-do- grco , attempted robbery. The indict- ment charges that °\Va%rs , amied with ::a-hammer , "did unlawfully take personal property froii. John Thonias against hia;will . ' 1 ' The alleged offense was committed at North' Amityville l ast . December , 24.. - -; ' . ' : ' Z 'Other public iiidicti.ien.ts : Rodman It. Brojer ,; .,10, ¦; West Babylon , ' third*- degree bu rgbuy, in connection witli the breaking and entering-of the buildlnfi:* of Ifiland Cleaners , Inc,,.Ut West 'Babylon , Jmiuary 10; Edwnrd A. Wiclf, ;ID,; Patchope, socoml-do- gri'eo Fapej for an allbffod assaalt on a girl under 18 yenvB of -aficlast Jan- uary . * ; 27; Harold Roth , 2U,v «King- Park , two counts of second-degreo assault, for* allosed attacks on' Cecil Hi Sharper and Jamoa J. Wells ut Kings Park : on January .29; Stanley H. Smith , 10 , Port Jolfcrsoiv po ' saoa*- sion of barbitti . ttte drugs. AlHo:3E*/erott T. . Griflith, 28, San- dusky, "O., first'ilcgrrco ¦ grand larceny, in, cohhoction " with . the theft of a 1047 Mdycury ' :¦: sedan valued at $1 , - 800 helongiti g to JSlbort , G. " Arthur of Blue .Foint'vat' . . Yttptyunk. oiv Feb- ruary Jl; Harry Fi-oorti linj 10, Con* trn l . Ife-li p, soeond-tleiiroo grrind lar« ceny, |fc bdiTiff charged iho stole; ?328 from Frank Bfedbi'ifiini' i of Brent- wood bit F^bV ' itary -7j. Louis B, ; Elea- -or , 2?;, Siiyvillo. fiocond-detooo grand luTcony P 'ih coiiiioric ' tibh >vith the th eft oiv Fobrnnvy>17 at "Sayville of,ii i lOatl Ford ebriVetHMo ' eoupo owned by Borj iiiwl Jj atigJiliiif 'Amnt' o Mifcodonlo , 1 28, East Northii-i't; flrat'dogroo'gmnti larceny, , foi* , allesodly : giving ' ii ^l j- O30.B0 teliopk tAVtlio - Smitlmtopo Kou- ppl Supply• ' ¦ , Co) ,:D^bllniiPiu ,-la pay- liicnt foV; i)unp))o' a/' |{n6\Wng ;tliat lllB ^ecoiiat -{- -lh hvxb i FlrUt ;> Njitbnnl i Bapl^ of; Farrtihigdalo ' >. - wiis •¦: lnBti ' (Bclonfc f ' * .to covov lWo eheek.) 5 Y'l'ii - * '- ; ; ' ' ¦ ¦ .' BAYPOET—- About 122 members land 'friends,; attended the Dianlond Jubilee banquet held in the church rbohis" ; of the Bayport Methodist church last Tuesday, evening. ' ->' ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ' ; ; : : AVal tbr Cornell, toast-master , . pre- sciitbd the Rev. Robert CA Carlson arid Mrs. Carlson of -Brook lyn iind the Rev. and Mrs. A; T. Tedcastle of East . Norwalk, Cohh., former' pastors of the church , who spoke briefly, The Rev. ;The0dowj Bennett spoke , wel- coming everyone. ; Walter . Ormsbyi chairman of .the anniversary drive, gave* a. Toport of- .the 'Success ' of 'his committee;' and 4 . 'its' woik. ; Marviii Witte ' of ' Manfiattaxi played , a pro- gram of popular ainusic oai the *acc6V dion .an d led im«ommumty3 'ising ing. Mrs!' ; William ;^|c.MantKi= -and Mrs. Joseph . 13. Jackson were in charge " of th e 'banquet. '. Mrs.; R. . Stuart Piatt, in Charge of?the serving, was assisted by. Mrs.- . HAGarfcon^liewis , Mrs. Bus- sell LecRher, Mrs. Quentin a Beitel and Mrs;; Frank*Ki ' n^ey. < , ' . ' . * . - . . Friday evehintg* ¦ Community ; nij ^ht was - held 'ih the -church . ,robins witb about 1 70 people present. ; Everett Trb- cheliiiati , *maslcir; Si" ceremonies, ' pre- bented tlie f Eev. . J. H. Joldeismaj the Eevi Dewey.J, Hbitenga of West Say- ville;, the " Rev. Joseph H. Bond , the iRev. Joseph R. Bogle, and the Rev. A, Iiansoh' Gfatifter- of Sayville ' and tlie Rev. Harry S. Crossett oi . Patchbgtie. Mrs. .. Freoerick * : Merdes ' , accompanied herself and rendered two songs and Miss , Grace Sm5th gave two mono- logues . Ior :i \vliic_i' . : she is , .well knowi, Eefrcshmehts ivere served -by the Coupler-dub. '; ;?¦ " . . ' -; " ¦ ' -: ' ¦ ~ ' ¦ '" / ' ¦ At; the Siindiay" morning, services Di* . Karl Moo ' rfe' .gave ..; an inspiring sermon va^id the, choir , sanff 'special music. , Hrs . Gail Aggers sang two solo^; "The Lord is My Light" and "Lift up lYour, Heads. " . .. , 4 ; , TheMveek-lono . celebration , ended with a beautiful . program of muiiic aa follows: Mr_v ; Muriol Keller, oi- ** gan recital j sopiwho solo, "Tlie liord' - Prayor, " . Mrs. utaby Ennis Haggerty j clioii" , Gounod's . "Sanctus , "' tenor solo, Robert , " Ij[owell* ;b»ss solo,. Addison Ward ; violin solo ' , "Romance. , Concer-j to , No. 2, " ,. Lawrence Hayford ; ;so- praao nolo, "Cdriio Yo Blessed , " Mrs. Haggerty j : choir,; "Tho .Voice in the •^ildornees," ' .yitli a solo by Mis. Gail Agigoral* linsa Dolci "Hcai* us.O Pat' n- eir. '? Adclisoh Fai-fl ; choir, "0, Divine Rodceinerj " baas solo, "Pro Pcccatia" (Kossini), A(|di-o ' ii Ward p violiri* solo tic-bmpiiniod by Mrs. . Fayo Wine - at the brgaii^and. Jti;s. ; Mui'i cl Koller at the ^iaihb ,:' "Mc ' <litatioii, " ' Lawrence HayfoWj chbiv;. A'For Tfcino ie tlio Kingdom, '' froin the "Holy - City. " . lli^!||l|ili;: ;; Diamond Jubilee If&l- tmip^orl ' Two pe rsons wore slightly, injured in"n. licafl-oh .collision of . twoA ' auto-. jpbbllos J tir\ , Bdrwhii'O ; di-Iye, J •S6W011; last Wotlaosday, 3t * V'iiB Vevbalbd: 'IWB w«ok by .BVookhpivop Tov/n jnplico. ; ,, ¦ ' .; ' Putvolraan- 'B.;EviiiuJodvaliuch : ret ported tliat'Harcy E||lon of- Seidell suffered -shie ' clc. ' an' Jh jurod^rig ht * knee arid ¦ .otitB on t jo l icit hnnd whim ,;hlB automobtlo .; and . ' .a " taxi -driven' . ' My Jaiior B.; v :B6t-iig.-of, Soldon l : eollTdoa. MlKs^ Bctaag aufTe rcil ai 'contusion oii .ner . foi' oliflad .. .A: y .riyy : y" y- ,/ " ¦>• ¦ zh Mj. .V( Elilon tolil ii ppl leia lie. " i ; was cgining oyer tlie i tbp* .of :o¦ ¦: hill oii |H» -own tildo of, tho i'oftd- .when iho collision occurred .; Miss iBbtzaff ; said that 1 alio had uwoWod 'to thbv vteht to ^ nyo d• a :hplo;Un ^h*> i'^y«cl jupfc be- fore the , ; eroelif (riTKft ?! front oW(te ' "io£ botlv' pars woreadliihriagod;'v " ' ,, A Both Mr. Elilon and -Miss Bot'/ig .S^^^t«*Jj 8J.*t hiiihtiiiiotio hy/ Dr. JuliuH II. RlORolluiunt' of Selden anil t a1 «o>V;feMa%v: Memo^al hospital, ^f-i^!Ml_fe ¦ ¦ ; R|?|8- ; K^I^S . ^UfJICOyiJl . I^G -A . ,, ; ^<l^rd (iconj|)iui»r», V pn ; A . o imuiti lino , ofi tlie ^ . Xotig Island ARajl - lload <|»ye i missod i thp.qlieerfiil fitob ell ono of tlioh^ f ellowftiwyollora; Mips Clara Rplufi;*t)| ,Wtfd . _o ' .d, wli o has :bc' on con* , ' n S^te* ,i , )o>:^(l > lh ; "' pWstov, cant ovoi' .. ,. R|ii<.O . , 3)^bm»ry ' , -20. .when, aha WB*\ . IMiirt0, : '?Jir.. i9' ' .f«ll v-6n ' - ' *>tJio . ' ,Jco; Prlcnds* . report, tlvnt 'aho ¦ is :rot!ovor- liitr * rabidly, und-Will 'stitm bo "riding the ' trains again. T^ P ^^^ Injured in Collision 4-H Oub Leaders . ' * .r. ,. ' . -;,* , -; i -j* -:y'frry-iri^a j jf:r;3?v; . " - .;• ' Hbiic^P^^ Recognition Dinner Given at Smithtown ; to Form Coun- ty Leaders' Group > ;SMlTJHTOWN In spite of the ice storm 93 attended! the 4-H Club local r leiaders recognitibnL dinner at Priede' s "inn , ' * .h«r« _, last ' . ' . Thurasday night. In his talk , Edward tV. Alton, field agent ' of the Extension Service, United States D-parttnent. of Agri- ' euIturQ,.,j. ointed . out.that. 174' , 000..inen and ' women, were serving as loaders) for .1 , 700, 000; , 4-H members and give 74 hours ' a yciir of service per .lead- er. "4-H Club - .york , " said Mr. A.itoa , l "dignifies work, teaches skills as >vell as facets , : gives, ihomber - . ¦ feeling bf belonging ahd -opportunitie s to learn to do by doing, " . ; lieailership cei'li-ficatc - " were . pre- sented leaders by Mrs. -Heiiry* Do Graff , Liaiirel , raad J. C. ' . Corwith , Water, Mill , ' . riieinbers-of the county 4-H club ' execiitive committee. Toast- master Was' Frank D. , Reed , Matti- tuck , chairman '' of the committee. Mrs. L' e-ter Dawis, Cbmni, also a member of the committee-; prdsetitod door ' awards ' . to Mrs; Vera Lutzi Mat- tituck, and Edward .Frariiptoh, Jr., Ccnteroach , The awards' wore books entitled , ' . Life ' Werth cWhi lei"; 6y Dr; C. * B. Smith, for nearly. 80 years boh- neeted , with ' tho United ; States - Ex- tension . aervico. ;; - ,' . - ¦Mrs. MaVthii ' ThoisJ> Medford , a leader for 12 yeflre , and Boyd Wi- nansi ' Rivcrliead- i who .has oBen a lendor .fo r five years, were proseiitod bouquets. Tho ltowest 4-H leaders alsono h-onot-ed were' MiW. Carl Leon- ard and Mrs . ; Fnihk ' Carter , Haiiip- ton Biiys , and ; Donald Wagnor , Northport, ' •Daring' u,short disciiKsion period, the Ipitdora ' voted to form a 4-H leaders * a-ssoeiutlon in - tlio county to promote , fellowship: tti provide a moans of helping build tho 4-H pro- graw ; ahd to provide ; bbttei* training fotf - loade i-s.. " ; _ :• ¦ ¦zny/. z zz- y- 'i ¦ Sp ecial Services f or Palm Sunday Scheduled Here Palm Sunday will be observed with fitting services, masses aud special music in the churches of Patchogue, when the triumphant enti;y..of Jesus into Jerusalem will be celebrated. ¦Congregational church ¦ At the Palm ' Sunday service at ll a. hi., the Sacrament of Baptism will take place. The sermon topic will be , "A Burden Transformed by a Bear- er, " and will he delivered by the Rev. Gerald E. Boyce , minister. Miss Edna Jaekslon , organist , will play the prelude , "Hyinne a Sainte Cecile, " hy Gounod and the postlude; "Laiida- mus Te, " by Armstrong. The ebon- under the direction of Alvah ^- Nichol s will sing the anthem> - "Kide On! Ride On!" , fcy Scott , and "The Palms, " Faure. . Methodist church The Rev. Harry Sanford Crossett will give a special Palm Sunday message and the choir will render selections. - ¦ l -"' _ St. Francis de Sales It. C. church At 11 a. m. High Mass will be celebrated. The music will include the "Mass in F , r ' by Theodore von La Haehe. "Partis Angelicusi" by Franck, mil be tlie offertory. "Palm Branches" will be sung. Talms will be blessed at 7 a. m.a and will be distributed at all masses, 7,. 8, 9, 10 , 11 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. The ' Rev. James V. Walsh is pastor of St. Prancis de Sales. . . ' .*' St. Paul's Episcopal church At St. Paul' s , with the Rev. Han- ington Wilson , rector , Holy Com- munion -will be celebrated at 8 and 11 a. m. A special musical program wil l be presented - at the latter serv- ice including: organ prelude With Mrs. Michael DeSanto, organist , "Come Saviour of the Gentiles" ; pro- cessional, "All dory, Laud , and Honor "; introit , "The Palms. " The singing of the C-iildren ' s Eucharist will follow. The oifertory, "Ride Oh! Ride On!" (Scott } will precede . the post Communion , "O Jesus Lord , Remember, " and tlie postlude will be, paraphrase of "The Palm?," arrangfe- ment by Noble. The dhildren * (jt , ; the Sunday school will participate-m the processional and the, service. Church of the - Nazarene - . "The Triumphal Entry , and It- Lessons , " will be the topic of the sermon by the . Rev. Stanley : Dixon of the Church of the Nazarene. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel R.C. church Palms will be .Blessed at 7 a. ' nf. and will be distributed at all the masses; 1, 8 , 9, YO, 11 a. ml and 12:15- p. - . m. at Our Lady of Mt. Garniel with the Rev. Cyrus Tortora , pastor. Emanuel Lutheran church Palm Sunday service at the Eman- uel Lutheran ' church . 'will , , take place at 10:30 . a. iu; In the evening, the Heiinion Sei-vice ¦ . , will, be held at 7:30. At , the" morriing service the solemn r rite of coafirmation will be adrninistered by -the Rev. , Carl G. Gefhaniit j ' pastor. Twenty-two, ybiihg peop le a WJU be ^corifivrned. . The guest preacher Iat the Reunion SeTOce , will be the Revi Williain Rush of River- head. ,' ¦ ' ¦ ' "A' " / j Fdllowiii g the choirs . of the church the . young people of . the confirriia- tion class will be led , to their pews by. niembers . of . tie : church council , deacons ' and trustees ' off- the church -iJohh Makela, - Karl Erhoi-dt, Sr: , MartinABeck , . George Buehler ,. Sr., * Herbert Wehrenberg, Frederick Hut . tenlbcheiy * Henr y. Seiter, George Heimroth , Harvey Gehrig, Karl Er- hardt , ; Jr., Otto Brauner , George Ne ' uholJ' ,. Jo ' s Yablonski, Emil Prae- torius , Harry Sienien , Henry Geert- sema, William Priihl , - Jr., Gottlieb Gbll , "Harry Gobdiei- , Louis Potter and Douglas Daniels. The pastor ivil! speak; to the Youh-g People and con- gregation on the topic "Follow. On. " The. senior choir lander the direction of , iMiss Hazel. Prahl will- siiig "Hb- sanha in the High-cst" (Walter) and the juriior choir , uiitler the direction of Mrs. O,, Brainier will sing , "I Will Be True , To Thee " (Morris); The organist will - play "The : Palms" (Paurc) and "I'he Holy City " (Adams). ' . After : the , service a Bible aiid Prayer Book .will be presented to ' the ybung pbbple byAtho Senior .Ladies Aid .and Junior Iiudies Aid , of. the church;/ Mrs. ; Martin ! Bioek . aiid Mrs. William, Ciii'l, presMeiits of those so- cieties, ;\vill make the flroseritatbiis. ,, The;!*-Reunion ! Service . will , ' * be in* charge of the Young People. Clebrgc Moger,, , ' Louis Potter ! ^Robert; Luff and , Robert , Williama - . .will , be tho ushers. ' After the, seryiccl u motion pictu re, "Rcachliig: From Ha' avoii, " Will;; bo shown iin Athe parish, hall , followed , by. n-h social get-togothor with refreshments. The committee -in charge is ; Miss ; Gritco . Sionieii ,,Miss Marion , Mogor , : M|s8 , Agathit Wil- liaiiia, M-iSH , 'Vera Tonn . and . Mitia Audroy-:Httcgi, ;, ; ; ' ¦ - ,. . ,: _ .;-!- ,, ,, - . *., ¦ ¦ . *l The .following , ' youhg pobplo will be ebJiflrroeU at tlie morning, . SOTV- icb: , Misaos/ Bottle ; Ai' ih Brauner; Irene Cabre, '; Barbara Hahri, ' Gloria Hanson; Evelyn; Harding, .-Jacqueline E. Hbernig, Janet- Janis , Amy Koas- ler, Doroth y Moqdy, Norono- Potter, Barbara - Soitov. r ninl John Shnw - bi Patchogue; Jos - He. ppo, Jr., of Eau t Patchogue, ' ) -: . Gubntlior Raddata ot Br6okhA, v<5ii , ¦ Lftwroiico' Hanioa; - Nor- man . Htihschol; .•Wnllof'.Jbscliko , Mat- 1 thow : Maddea, ' DonutldfRo th' c, Ricliurd W. Rothe, Richard Salzer and Gcoi^ "Williams of Patcbogue. 8i - The Lutheran Church of Our Savi». The Holy Rite of Confir mj ,tii! traditionally celebrated from earl. years by the Christian church nl Palm Sunday,, "will be observed k* thej Lutheran Church of Our Savio By this sacred rite tlie followind children will make their vow arid unite in - full . membership with tb congregation: Miss Gloria Bogeuri-! dere , Miss Evelyn Klinger, Mis s Jans Rebmann , Arthur Kottman , Jr -„ Siegfried Peter. ' m One infant and six children will be received into the Church of Jesu Christ by the Sacrament of H0Baptism. They are: Robert Stuart Szmala , ^ Henry Bostelman , Leroy Bostelman , William Bosielman , J caii Bbstelman , Siegfried Peter , and Bimnhilde Peter. Six adults will also be received into membershi p by let ter of transfer and vote of th( vestry. A special v feature of this seivi« will be the dedication of a Baptismal Font , the . gift of Pastor Otto Ger* bich. and the congregation of st Peter ' s in the Bronx Lutheran church . The choh' wil l rentier the traditional Palm Sundsiy anthem "The Palms" with Leroy Petct-soii at the piaxo. At 8 p. m. a reception , sponsored by the Lutheran Ladies guild , will be.held for the Confirmaiids and all the new . members received on Palm Sunday and . on anniversary Sunday December 7. Presentations Avill bt made to Confirmation Class. In turn the Confirmation Class -will present the congregation with a certificate representing a gift which will be pre- sented when the _ie\v church edifice is ferected. Obituary Kfo - LTE R F.' GALE , aged 42, ol 291 Fishel avenue, ' Riverhead , as- sistant trust oflicer of the Suffolk County Trust company, died Monday night at his hohie. - *He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary Stnr- chak Gale ; four ch_ldren , Pctei' Gale , Thomas : Gale, Walter , Jr., and Susan Mary Galej : his mother , Mrs . Anna Gale; three brothers , Benjamin , fd- ward and Stanley Gale , and a sister, Mrs. Michael Hynes of Yonkers. ' , GUSTAVE BA- VSLABEN , aged 63,r af , Cariaan drive , North Patch- ogue, died ' Monday at King' s hospital , Bay Shore., after a short illness. Mr. Banslaben, ' who operated a watch repairing business on West Main; street , Patchogue, was born in Lithuania and , resided in this vici- nity for '; ' l(i years. .Surviving" , are a . daughter , Mrs. Robert - Faliey;¦ three sisters , Mis. John Schlosser , Mrs. John W. Noyes and Mrs. .Fred Hunjj erford , a brother , .; John , and , two grandchildren , all of Waterbury, Conn. -Services -will be held at 2 p. in. " to- day, at the Robertaccio find Sharp Funeral chapel , Patchogue, with the Rev. Carl Gernannt , pastor of thc Enianuer Lutheran chu rch , ofliciatiair. Interment will be in Cedar Grove cemetery. , ARTHUR- L. TERRY , aged 11 , died at Waterbury, Conn.. Saturday, after an illness of several years. Born in Sayville, lie had lived there until 1923, when he moved to Con- necticut; A Mrs. Alberta Terry, his wife , sur- vives , *, also , ' oho sister , Mrs. (icorce Reevfe bf Sayville; one brother , Ells- worth 'Terry ,of Astoria; a half- brother , Charles Terry of Islip. ' Funeral services wore held nl Raynor ' s, Memorial chape l , Sayville, yesterday at . 2 p. m. The Rev, Jos- eph R. Bogle, pastor of tlie Snyville Mbtbodist church of -which Mr. Teriy was a member for many years , offi- ciated, Interment was in Union ceme- tery, Sayville. r AIRS. IDA SClCUTTIi, aRcd W*. died-Monday at hor home, 20 Roose- velt avenue ,.Sayville , after a long ill- lioss. - .- ' . - " , ¦ "-, ;>.;- ' Borii iii New ; York city, she luj tj lived in Siiyville for the past ' « years. A uiibmboi' ' of the Lndies aux- iliary to. Siiyville Post 4!l«, Veterans of Poveign Wars , slic was the color- lioarer. - . * ; !She, is survived by hcr imsbaro. Frederick J.; two sons , Frnder icK, J;y, :, of : Baldwin , Arthur .1, of . Sor* villo* . * ' one . dii u gliteiv Mrs, Ida KcJins bf . Sayville? liwo .bi-olhow , Willi*" Poeach of Now York city and hnm PooKclr of Northport ; ono sister, i «*;» i . Louise Holland of Wakefield , J " and _ throo grandchililren, . ,, . ; Tlio VbtoranK of Foreign Wars heW Horvicos at Rayiior ' s Memorial t'lmP' oii , Sayville , . ;yostbnluy nt 8 ji. •»• Fuheral ; sorvicoH will bo licit , «* , " P.; . iii. .today , at the chapel , with » Rev. : Joabpli, II.! Bond , rotrlor of o* Ann ' s; Epiacbpal church, Stiyvillo , f* ncinting.Tiiterinont will follow In tif ¦fumlly* - i>Iof. In Atlio ' 'Blue Point cem- etery, Bldb Point. ^0H^ :fescnwi5«DKL 'HoO'Sf; tprdfay at! .Ms, voBidence , 11« M<# avonuo. ", 'Hb . 'wiis bofn ' in Gruiwtaai. Gqriiiany, fig yours ' ag'o nixl t,|inl f, '! this country, 'in 1000, . Ho hns resign iiv i Patelibguo for; »(l yours iiniMJ 1 ')i iuiy . years was bin ployed in l«" iter ' s •Butchoi' slion. , ,„,, AThb funeral wllf be hold SntngW ut' /iS "p. m; -. ' in C. W. Hu li" . »!, 'K Fimevnl ¦ ¦ libnte.wlth the llpy* - < - M^ feisfa'BOv; pf the* Lull ojtin ¦ Ch | Wm\'i Savlqr ' odlclnting. ' HUuviiicnl Will 'bo in 'Coddr "Gi-ovo coniotery* . A lio loaves his,widow , Mrs. "<««« go werdoli. one hrothor , ^X Sclwvovdol ' f f>f . -. Bi i oolc)yn ! ono I J IUK " tbr, AM . 8, : , Sophie Nlipiot of P»M oguoj .; , t\voA.;HopSi , Johii a»« ' ,' Sehwdr'dol' v <if , - lliu ' e Point; i>«« " grahdiidti , - " ' .: ' ,;¦ ' - ¦ ' , , ,.i 'W.Mr;>; ScIiw<ir<|©i was a me""" 11 ," the Lutheran - Churcli of Our WW and nu oxoinpt 'iuouilibt ' uf ll'« ^0l Ptttclioffub Firo doriiirtiiie- Ji t. zZw ;W U WU^^ *:' ?. a : ' ,cwifti-s* of - iiivwaiite(l Jfep- Ji'^' -^ !ItIM!fe^PI!tel«Sli!; ¦AA^tp.^nB]^ I ' ''' '- - " i ':^. j *' - , ' .' - ' , V ¦( ; ,(v ¦ ,. , ¦•''. '(, ¦ *'. '-( i* j - ) 'i ' ' . -i ' * "*. . , -¦•. i % *. ¦ '^^"JTv ^^* - T'T" , " " ' * W®WM WEl^Riiliil I J_ _ ii£!Jg!_ _ffl - : , * ¦ * Auditorium Is Packed Friday For Concert Another impressive ex ample of musical progresi in thc Patchogue publii schools was the amiud Elementary Scliool con- cert , presented Friday eve* ning in the Patchogue High scliool auditorium undei the direction of Wrs, Marion. . . Christian , super* visoi-" <. f music. A p a. cked), 'auditorium saw thc children perform , both in groups and in- dividually and the prevail- ing opinion was that mar- vels are bein^ worked by •the member - of the school music staff. The high point of the evening was reached when the 90-voicc Combined Glee club , , representing the River , Medford and Bay Avenue schools, performed under three members of the elementary school music teaching staff. Miss Anne Dickerson, River Avenue school , ' conducted the group in "Sometimes 1 Feel Like a Motherless Child"; Mrs. Eileen Eiler , Medford Avenue school, led them in "She'll Be. Coram' 'Round' the Mountain " ; and Eugene Romeo., Bay . A"ve- huo school , directed , "Rib- bon Dance. " Among the other groups which performed were : Combined Elementary band of 35 . pieces , composed, of the beginners' , group and a - group with a little ex- perience;- the . Elementary orchestra , " - now in its sec- ond year; a . boys ' choir and a girls ' . , . choir from the Medfoi' d Avenue school ; a group of first grade vocal- ists from the River Avenue school ; ¦ and r tt " ' - group of singers from : the third grade at the Bay a Avenue "- dibbl; ¦: ' ' ' ; - . AA " rLiated at ; right - is ! tb. personnel *of ; the various groups which , perfbrhnec iii the annual concert. PERSONNEL GLUE CLUB - BAY AVENUE ; SCHOOL, AbrariH, ' . Helen Diwni, -T OMI . M.Inlty, Jaiic Boblriso-. _ Smlfe f!f v £!! so t^ .t? omB ' Baker, H«3 3a _ ¦ Oouli-i. Tit^clft Mo-tiltio. Jean . ... . . . fiditaldt , Edtlh SUnta, Joyce. Rcrttcr. Mawai-t Port , Lawrence McDcrinott, Lnivrpnce Schult-. Welda . ¦ |uii«l, Pe«rl . Bi -nco, Prea Gillette, Otice Mooic, Jacqueline Shan^, Ethel TJbbetttr Carolyn BUu, Bev ' ecly . Goldbcrg_ _, wmi-m Nagle, Florence Shan^, ;. Roberta Wilson, Nane-y B-jearta, JotepMne HahHhfr. Evelyn Price, . Dorothy . - Stein . Marilyn . i ' t BVrra , Marion Hendrlks,. Marjorie Reich, Carol An_i . Stephani , Dorpt-jr Gt^E C LUB MEDTORD AAVENUE SCH OOL ' A-vlario , Fra1 )C« Pirrell , . . T-OiM- i Kre«», Doris Pell-treau,. Robert Staudlinpor, Loncc Brown, .Tn_j- Plachbr, Diane Laugh- *-) , Kathryn Jetrallia, Joyca SmhllinR. Fansuna ,, . Butler, Waila-m Gnrdher, IBonaia Luff. , Arlo- B ; P/elfle, Atincs . Wnde. Neil Cfita-epy, Rob-rt Gr-eMhow, 'Ttnth McWiUiBms. Mary PfeiHc, Rlchnrcl . Wajdn , Walter 5 Co - Mln. Mfldre- . Hart. " Wniiam MiUHidinl, , Peter Remey, Wllnanii - ¦ Ool-man. Call Hafer, Msron Mcrkln, Barry Bc«n3lt, Meta c Davit!, Curtis ' Kattau, Thomas Parker, Carol Robinson, - Alien* . 1 , A GLEE CLUB RIVER AVENUE SCHOOL . Amsterdani. Ezra Chiuchiolo,. Robert .Tones , Sarah Morclllno, WeoaoVc 'Palmer, -Ann Anfreloro, Cernliiiie Contitto, JDolorc- Kin. . Cjeil.. . Murray, Anna Plsoiit , Paul Benincasa, Wary Lou.Contlno, -Elaine Levy, Raymond Musso, Wary Porto. Michael , Bfa- rtcn. Marilyn Ferrante . Sammy LoUto, Kathleen Myers, Biehal'd BoelolTs. Knrt 1 Bright, Carole Ferris , RJcbard Lncln, Carolyn Oliverl , Shirley Schordine, Joan Billiard, _ o_in Oeracltano, Alfred Madden, Matthew Paiaro, Mamicl - Watthews, THomas GLEiB CLUB EIGHTH GRADE ' AbraYnii, Mary Ann Farrell, June Kllniter, Lois . Nol), Jane . , > Skinner, •Muriel Boiteni-cMer , Glorii Garritnno ^ : Matilda Kottmaru Arthur Panewich,; Joyce Staplcton, . oinas Bowden, Joseph Hollaman , Elizabeth Ladue, Jule Louise Pares. Diana Tholnpson, Richard 'Carroll , Cherrlc Hubert, Natalie Maginnes, Beverly Pntrli*no, Phyllis Tobin. Sluart ! Dayia, Janet Jachowdilc, Dorothy Malkus, Edward Potter, Norenc Towlen, Janet D-tislnu, Daniel Ja<«er, Katherine McGroary, Stella ' Sarre»t:co, Bose 'Dorn, Juno Janetkn; 2telon Monnco, Lillian Seiter, Barbara Edwards, Thelma ' : Kwiti . Catherine . Nettles, Elvin , Shaisr . Jeanne ¦zi ' , -ELEM- 3NTARY. ORCHESTRA , ' ., - ¦ . VIOLINS Morlay, Barbara CELLO ' Goldstein, Ira ' ' FRENCH HORN Hh^ iin ^ MaS ' ¦Sff i- 'gSF * fih.-d , ^a - - „. ,. OBOE f PIANO Chfero, Mars , W_fl2' vS' -a. Bianca, Florence Palmer, Kay Do-wns! Joan ' md *' Nlel CLATHNferS . T-RCMPET_I . „„ ¦ „„_ Gillette, Grace VIOIAS 3)enincnsa, Mary Lrf)u Liirsou,.Lucille . . DRUM-. * Hardinp, Evelyn Srown, Ju4y <!nrdncr. Donald , Hart, William Alilt-ieli , Jack Luclo, Carolyn 3tebma„- ( Jane Coldbcrger, WiUia_n Both, Donald Mnhntno. John ELEMENTARY BANDS . FLUTES 3fd -a, Wallr CORNETS Schleiter. Richard TKOMBONE Kaplan, Allan Stov S" ' , W*«Hiim j\|brecht...Robert Smith. Edward Carfora ' , Franl- Shand. - Roheita S^S 1 * 'S"S r . to Biaiiea. Daniel . «t*i»ai.iifii_ ' - .I ' AB iKrpi - fl S?*^ 9 . Klrt . . Butler, Willlhm M-_LI<pPH0-«E . . - , _ ¦ DRU « S CLARIKETS Jfeiffer, VJinnett Bobvian. Jo^ Felice. Francis i- ., ' - ¦¦ «fw Benincasa, Mtiw Uu S&-nd-p, _ S*inley "farrell. Thomas „i™„WIi a Maile Stephen DeCamp, Hotter ¦ Watthews , Thomas Ferris, Carol . BARITONES Paghao, Joseph Gardner, Donald . -' ' ^,. - _._ ' .,„ Gilderslceve, Cary * Draf-one, Vincent ».,_» ] Gi>idbetRcr. •VfiWam ., 'SAXOPHONE i>B _ nro, Manuel Peter-on , Peter IUBA Goldstein, Ira TSctiri, WOllam Palermo - . Anthony- Walsh. ., Raymond; Dietz, WDliant , , GRAi>E I - 6 RlVER'AVElilUE SCHOOX Ambrose, Jo-Ann Tcrria , IreJe Marielln, Maria E- Bright, Carolo Moody. Evelyn Arcuri , Janet , "Foley. Pataicia IMcCormack, Jnmes Cohen. Carol - Myers, Donald , Bright, Fay Tranco, Salvatore Zaffuto, Josephine D-Sgone , Vincent Pajaro , Manuel Brochstcin; Sonya . Garbarini , ' June ' . . .. Figuerin, Gloria Palermo, Anthony i Caputo, Carol Ochrig, Harvey . Albreeht, Robert Hirst, . Gale Palmer, Ann , * Cook, Vit-jlnia ' Coonan, jTSibmna Amsterdam; .Earn Hoffman. Catherine Plotkin, Bcrnaid , ' CufTee, Gloria fianson, Joseph AnBclora, Geraldine Hiniter, Lois ' Porto, Michael Earle, Diann« ' Hedges, Genrold Avel(ino, Shirley Lotko, Kathleen Rate; Richard Felice, Patricia Sosiceo, Victoria Benincasa, Edward Lucia, . Carolyn . Valentino, Josephine Felice, Paul ' tulrert, Sanara Bianca, Marilyn MorolIEnb, .Theodore Watthews, . Tliomas ' ¦ ¦; . ' : GRAil. E 3 . 7 BAY AVENUE SCHOOI, ' J Baur. Karen Nasie. AIvin a Wal ter, Nancy Gillette, Grace* NaRJe, Florence Becker, Ida O'Brien,. R-obert Wylllns, X,awrencc Goldberger, Wllltnm Rogers. Delphirie Cochrane, Ruth Ferry. 3Dlaje , ' * ' Hardins, Evelyn - Ruegger, . Jack - ] De _ .ucia , *rArlene Ratcliff , Larry Bcrkoivitz, Sam ' Hoder, Wallace - Sanaano, Vii-ginin ' Fariiles , Brenda RpBcrt; Charhs Blanch Janies , Homer . ; "William - Sawyers, James Fort, " Bon ' ald Etosain, Meatha Bianca, Florence ' Hunimel , Richara Schultz, Melda Greene , Linda Sarrocco, :C«thcrine Bucarln, Josephine Jackson, Frank Shand, Roherta. Hooley, Barbara Schnetaler, ' -Joseph Conwell , Gladys Justh, Dorothy Stein, Evelyn Hylan, Chart«ne Stevenson,. JROtert C. DeCamp. Roger Ligouri, Joseph Stephani. Dorothy i Jones, Henry* Ste ' viehson, .ltobert S. Dbwns, -. Joan - Maiskr, Jane * Sugnl, Pearl; Leahy. Sharon - , Stumme , ' J" =San Doukai, /Patricia Moore , ' Jacqueline Troyer, Bruce KeDermott , ; "WUliam Vofn Khee " , >Coxrii,c Ganon,, Joseph ' ¦ ' . -.. Morler.- Barbara* Tully, Richard BOtS' VCBiDIR ' -- MEDFORD . AVENUE;SCHOOL * i ; Butler, Williani Gardner , Donald Kelly, Donald - Porter, Jan .; , ' Rothe, Gene - : Cherepy, - Robert Hsfit;* Hyroii : Magradini , peter . Raynor* , -Robert Saperstein. Michael " Davis, . Curtis Hammer , Jaba Merkln. i . BSrry . Remey. ¦ William Smith, Edward , Dobiiaa, John, Bitt , ; WiUiaixi -PelUtreau. .Robert Rotelen , Donald Wallace, William > ' - Farrell , ' Thonaas Kattau, Thomas: r Pfcifle, Richard Rothe, ' Donald ; Wade , Neil . , > . G^ i - Aviano, Frances Bf-i ' -isbh,-Carol . Hansen, *Judy McWiHIams, - Mara Staudfnger , Lorice ' i Bennett,*;Phyllis DoVito, yjto- jri. - ' .Tohnwn , Paula Mendelson! Barbara Sieger, Hilda I Bri nley, - Barbara Ehman, . HoJe - -Keller, - Jean 1 : ; . Parker, Ciirol SmijUinB, Faustina Brown, Judy- , Elias, ;C_r£in . Kress, - . Doris ' Perry, Mary " Aim Smith, Carolee Conklin , Mildred Fischer, Diane Lange , : Rose Marie Petrallia,, Joyce Smith . Sheila Coleman, Gan Godjr, FjaScea , XevernwnV Carol PfeiBcAgries " Usher , I«on ' ore Coupe , ' Jap«t , Grueschdw, "s. Ruth E.auKhllh, ' KWherlne Rebmaii, .Jane : Walters^ Carol Ciifti , Harriet , Ghbpl>oso , ; i jean ¦ ¦;¦ . ¦ :3tof l, .Arlene; . .:. ' Resnikl Meta . Maay Enjoy Music bfji^ Elem YOUR LOVE' Give Your Lovfe a Beautiful Diamond Ring ' j Be sure to see our wide , ' s-eiection of , fine quality t j diamond rings tliat Br6 ' I exquisitely * d ei . igned. j And in , spite of increaa- j ing costs our prices are ; reasonable. Corne in and see for yourself. •' f t ' EiiBtigomrnt Ilipg i 9160.0(1 \ ^ Wcddluir Ring ' . i /$ 4S.00 - : ' " ¦ ' ' —' ¦Pi jA. |t . K -A-LL'EJir ty JEWELRV STP 'RE ; ! t IS-lnhll8lml,i?09 * 1 ; * .HO 'E IM I Pliiin . Sl, , * I- ulcliotruo !•¦ ' W\' r i &' v ' , ; - ' ' RIGHT FOR SPRING j , -U&HT FOR SPRINGI i rn MKllh ] a, - , lj -fetel>t-5»|| !. Rut nay your lie*yy winter ; ' , hat-It s time to 8t«t> ;! out in w li ghtweight 1 Hit ;l I Malloty . Overland, for in* !! stance , atyleil for goliijf > ' , ' ¦ olww, with o. ttlati bound ! j bViin naid - m-tchi«5 narrovr i < \ I baml, We' re showEugUhov . ]; in iho ncw gfuyj Mid tuin * j; Crnvflicire ^ shoWriiroofcd * j I of cp iu^j c, Come in totlayl , j! i- ; Qthi ^O.«€,&. IMtf ' ti i r 'J H-Ilt^ I'^en ' s ' Wd YiuhB^en'i' J ;I CIothi«ig,\Hftbi -irda8lt\«y ! I ' s and Shbe^ ! ^ ! j -.l)) t?ii«l *l«lirsl-- ^/ Hi( ' «U»ii6 J W\««> VM>»V« %t> *tV\V V .VM>\«> . %>%V f ' 1 , * Tho aonilnpr of (Hiring 116 ; Pntcli- onriio \V IIB :}io_«lddd liy two ¦ei*R«B' flrds this ¦wo6k. '; A' v ' ' i , , ; ( ! .i' - .^. -; :, ': v :-. ' : 'f ry :' ^ ; ¦<T-io ' ' ' : ; Rr3t; . \^ mornliifir,.; in ' ,thp ;-, voajr off l|hpYl?tttch . ^ ff , u ^!?] ort ? _ ?K'z" ' , ' ,1 «x 3f' r^ 8 ^l t _;in?: i tho7;nw aM(>*);^%.MoW|^ thfialov;, ns iwlipl W#$'i ppMy ifoSv/i- ov» , " cpninrnJiipt] tpj .!f io'fflm '^dbAi*, ' moht M ;t .W d . ci'Qpit com t onV'ftfj tlio nrotepnt 1 ; , oiio;: mm- my iimiYm "pon ' . tho .;-8oiivco• ot I humoVoi!ia;tti l i- ' 8a Urdu,' ; \-Y .AA ' ,;;; , - ; ; . -y ,; - - A 'Y' yy i ; ,fho hit^yti j. ,; $,&. if wYiMeif U Hblll nlni-ni ,mw , aouiuloil .ypalwdttyi nftor- rioon, oQoimctl >in .rt^Vf»tr«iifciJ</t a(; tlio corner : of , frwdh ,)ir wtd 'Nottliir»*iim atrootB , IIIKI waa oxiliiffuisliedr by tlio time, tho'ftvomoii toivodr , i v ¦; I ' ¦ .;• ;¦: GKASS Vpiiiiss V j 'ij ^aU'r; ; 1 "'' *;

IUBA - NYS Historic · WI UTS Thursday, .March 18 Dinner—Our Lady .of Mount Carmel Parish hull, West

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Page 1: IUBA - NYS Historic · WI UTS Thursday, .March 18 Dinner—Our Lady .of Mount Carmel Parish hull, West

WI UTSThursday, .March 18

Dinner—Our Lady .of Mount CarmelParish hull , West Main street —C p. ro.

Dinner — Patchoguc Lions club at¦ Felice's Recreation — 7 p. m.Friday, March 1!)

Convocation—Suwassolt Chapter 195,Royal ' Arch Masons at MasonicTemple — 8 p. m.

Saturday, March 20Story Hour—Patehogue library, Lake

street — 10:30- a. in.Monday, March 22

Inspection — Patclioguc CommanderyC5, Knights , T-cmplar, in MasonicTemple — 8 p. in.

Tuesday, March 23 'Luncheon.- — Patchogue Round Table

club at Bi"iidi's hotel — 12 noon.Dinner—Fatchoguc Kiwanis club at

Link's Old Oak hotel — 0:15 p. m.Wednesday, March 21

Meeting—Brookhaven Town board atTown hall , South Ocean avenue—10:30 a. m. '

Luncheon—Patchoguc Rotary club atPutchoguc hotel — 12 noon.

PSG Hears FurtherTestimony Relating

To Burk's Bus LineThe Public Service commission

heard testimony from Burkhard Sei-denschwar.-, Larry Knoh l and ArchieKaplan Monday in connection withits inquiry into the operation ofBurk's Bus company. , ,.<

The hearing,' being heldin the PSC's . offices '.in '" New Vork,will bo , resumed on ,Friday- at 10a. m. ¦• . ' ¦ ": 'A '"A A;- - v ' . .¦¦¦: I '¦ ¦ I

Ifarold Ashore, _?at_ho£ue stttorneywlo is covering the ! hearing- ori be-half bf the Brookliaven , Town board,reported Tuesday that * Mr. Knofilto*Id,, the PSG. that bis and Kaplan'sinterestf' in the ¦•' matter '',:>vas ¦: limitedto five tax icnbs , and' thev reah estatehi Honkonkoma,, a.nd that'hc had nohand a in the ' operation of B«i"k,'s

; biises.A ,;- i :r:/ \ZZ 'i /Zy . Z; > - ,Mr. Seidenschw4irz' testimony re-grartling the stoppagivof 'bus- ' -Service

.Here,' last January was 'not 'completedart last Monday 's session.""'f i . '*¦- ¦ ? ¦

, . M-MUM OKIAM-In loving mi-mory "of riiy mother, Mn;

Sorali.. 11. SterlinB, wh o passed away March10.\ M-H. ' ¦/.: ., .: . ¦¦. . ' . ¦ ¦ ; - ¦-"' ' ¦ ¦

"Tliey say'- -, time . Ileal- nil sorrow ,;¦¦¦y Anil liilps : lit ito torifct. \ .- - ,lint timo hhs~ 'c. niy proved to! meHow mudi 'I ' mlas- you."; ¦ / / '"¦- . ¦ ¦. :¦a i - .'' ' .. ¦ / '¦ - ' / ' -"3*- ; ' Mrs, v O. : C.* Kelly 'A*

13 Indicted LastWeek Plead Not

Guilty on TuesMost of Cases Will Probably

Be Set Down for Trial atApril Term of Court

All 111 defendants named in pub-lic indictments returned lust Thurs-day afternoon hy the March Grandfury entered pleas of not guilty upon-trrtiiginiient Tuesday morning beforeCounty " Judge -D. Oa-monde Ritchie atRiverhead!. Most of the cases willprobably. Tic pet 'doVii. for tfinl at theApril tci'Qi .of /:burt. *_ - "'

The grsinci -jpry, ' headed 'by Fore-man Walter . A. 'George 'of, Babylon,1also handed up 10 secret anil 7-yoii th-:ful offender iiidt'ctinents to SupremeCourt Justice Cortland A. Johnson.On the ewstonmry ' motion , -made byDistrict Attorney Lindsay R. Henry,all indictments were transferred totbe County Court.

The list of public true bills includ-ed one for first-degree grand lar-ceny rbtitrncd against Edward A.Duffy, 36, who is alleged to have de-frauded Emil Stakey, Riverhead ser-vice .station owner , of $4,000 on thepromise tliat Stakes* would receivethe sales franchise for ' tlie newTucker rear-drive automobile. TheTucker corporation disclaimed allknowledge of thc transaction ..and in-formation _furnished liy Stakey led toDuffy 's arrest in' Miami beach, Fla.

According to the district attorney'soffice ,." DuCfy Ms waiving: extraditionand will lie returned to this county inth« .custody of Assistant District .-At-torney Jacob - Bendeisky anil Inves-tigator William H.. Gardiner. ' . ' .,. . An indictment charging first-de-gree assault was returned against\y5lliain Condos, 44, of Elwood, Hunt-Higtori. Corados allegedly had lined upf$s wife, -Anna , and their childrenmid wsjs'in-fenacing them with a load-ed "-shotgun. '<wben, abate police -.burstinto : his libiiie^witli draiVn revolverslast February 1'5.' :Jffe .'Allegedly hadthreatened "to wipe '- out liis '-entirefamily and was apparently about tocoa'ry 'out the threat- when t„e troop-ers arrived- . -

The law-Tweaking activities of Jul-ius P. Haiinirier, 27, -of Central Islip,hiLve been- numerous and varied, ac-co_."ding.,to the indictments. He wasbound oveiv* 'fdi" .trial *for .'thirdl-'degrc-iburglary, tarrying arid, use of a dan-gerous weapon .. and five counts ofsecond-degree; forgery. The one-mancrime wave is said "to have ¦- startedpn/December 8, the day he is allegedto, have passed ;five cliecks, drawn for*amounts • up 'to §150, ; aiid rib-iirin'g thefoi'ged 'sigmature ./of-v'-his. brother-in .law,-Vincent-P: Miller - of..Central Is-lip AOn- Jlinuary : 10,- he is -alleged tohnve bi'ok-en ' ,-; into * thc home ' of . aneighbor, Leonard Rado,.- aiid on Jan-uary 22, he -was, arrested at. Sayville"jimd charged with-possession of an '"ini-,licensed uatomatic;pistol, ;.0_i .Tiles-'day,;. Atorney TSliaS :. 'H. ,Avram,*6fJRIverlic'iiil was ,,* assijpied to defendhiaa-a' .- .f ,.:?;. :rr ' A'".'AAA ' ; ;' . : /Y 'l-y ¦/ ¦lh 'y l-Jofusiiig- a." drink entails certainrisks,'• judging" froni the- 'experionleof JoliTi;3A, ,Kuhii ,.,Jj *., :6f 75 3 Northstreet,' Hiimthigtoh Station, coinplaiit-ing witness, in .the .first-degree^ assaultcase . agaliist; William: J. Furirian , 27,of. .48 ,;Er6 :spQCt:, street,; Huntington.Fu-'niah vivas so; enraged by Kulih'srofTusiil to"-Lririk" with hiin that he leftthe bar, .went homo and return ed witha- shotgun ' , which : he 'allegedly firedat Kulm ;as the ¦¦ latter, emerged fromthe; tavcin Foi Innately, hl_ nun Masbad - und Kuhn Aus not hurt. Thcepisode allegedly occmied Inst Feb-lua-iy 2fi nb 1:30 a. in, ,'

111011111*1 Leo Walters , 10, of NoitliAmity. illo, -\v«i- indicted for fhbt-do-

grco , attempted robbery. The indict-ment charges that °\Va%rs, amiedwith ::a-hammer, "did unlawfully takepersonal property froii. John Thoniasagainst hia;will .'1' The alleged offensewas committed at North' Amityvillelast .December , 24.. - - ; ' . ' • : 'Z 'Other public iiidicti.ien.ts : RodmanIt. Brojer,;.,10,¦; West Babylon,' third*-degree burgbuy, in connection witlithe breaking and entering-of thebuildlnfi:* of Ifiland Cleaners, Inc,,.UtWest 'Babylon, Jmiuary 10; EdwnrdA. Wiclf, ;ID,; Patchope, socoml-do-gri'eo Fapej for an allbffod assaalt on agirl under 18 yenvB of -aficlast Jan-uary . * ; 27; Harold Roth , 2U,v «King-Park, two counts of second-degreoassault, for* allosed attacks on' CecilHi Sharper and Jamoa J. Wells utKings Park : on January .29; StanleyH. Smith , 10, Port Jolfcrsoiv po'saoa*-sion of barbitti .ttte drugs.

AlHo:3E*/erott T. .Griflith, 28, San-dusky,"O., first'ilcgrrco ¦ grand larceny,in, cohhoction "with . the theft of a1047 Mdycury' :¦: sedan valued at $1,-800 helongitig to JSlbort , G." Arthurof Blue .Foint'vat'. . Yttptyunk. oiv Feb-ruary Jl; Harry Fi-oorti linj 10, Con*trn l .Ife-lip, soeond-tleiiroo grrind lar«ceny, |fc bdiTiff charged iho stole; ?328from Frank Bfedbi'ifiini'i of Brent-wood bit F^bV'itary -7j. Louis B,; Elea--or, 2?;, Siiyvillo. fiocond-detooo grandluTcony P'ih coiiiioric'tibh >vith the theftoiv Fobrnnvy>17 at "Sayville of,ii i lOatlFord ebriVetHMo ' eoupo owned byBorj iiiwl Jj atigJiliiif 'Amnt'o Mifcodonlo ,128, East Northii-i't; flrat'dogroo'gmntilarceny, , foi* , allesodly : giving 'ii ^l j-O30.B0 teliopk tAVtlio - Smitlmtopo Kou-ppl Supply•'•¦, Co),:D^bllniiPiu ,-la pay-liicnt foV; i)unp))o'a/' |{n6\Wng ;tliat lllB^ecoiiat -{--lh hvxb i FlrUt ;> Njitbnnl i Bapl^of ; Farrtihigdalo '>.- wiis •¦: lnBti'(Bclonfc f '* .tocovov lWo eheek.) 5 Y'l'ii - * '- ; ; ' '¦ ¦• .' ;¦

• BAYPOET—- About 122 membersland 'friends,; attended the DianlondJubilee banquet held in the churchrbohis"; of the Bayport Methodistchurch last Tuesday, evening.' ->' ¦-¦ - ¦' ;;::AVal tbr Cornell, toast-master, . pre-sciitbd the Rev. Robert CA Carlsonarid Mrs. Carlson of -Brooklyn iindthe Rev. and Mrs. A; T. Tedcastle ofEast. Norwalk, Cohh., former' pastorsof the church, who spoke briefly, TheRev. ;The0dowj Bennett spoke, wel-coming everyone. ; Walter . Ormsbyichairman of .the anniversary drive,gave* a .Toport of- .the 'Success ' of 'his

committee;' and 4.'its' • woik. ; MarviiiWitte 'of ' Manfiattaxi played , a pro-gram of popular ainusic oai the *acc6Vdion .and led im«ommumty3'isinging.Mrs!' ; William ; |c.MantKi= -and Mrs.Joseph. 13. Jackson were in charge" ofthe 'banquet. '.Mrs.; R. .Stuart Piatt, inCharge of?the serving, was assistedby. Mrs.-. HAGarfcon^liewis, Mrs. Bus-sell LecRher, Mrs. Quentin a Beitel andMrs;; Frank*Ki'n^ey. < , • • '. '. * .-. .

Friday evehintg* ¦ Community ; nij ^htwas - held 'ih the -church .,robins witbabout 1 70 people present.; Everett Trb-cheliiiati, *maslcir; Si" ceremonies,' pre-bented tlief Eev. . J. H. Joldeismaj theEevi Dewey.J, Hbitenga of West Say-ville;, the" Rev. Joseph H. Bond, theiRev. Joseph R. Bogle, and the Rev. A,Iiansoh' Gfatifter- of • Sayville' and tlieRev. Harry S. Crossett oi.Patchbgtie.Mrs. .. Freoerick *: Merdes ', accompaniedherself and rendered two songs andMiss, Grace Sm5th gave two mono-logues . Ior:i \vliic_i'.: she is ,.well knowi,Eefrcshmehts ivere served -by theCoupler-dub.'; ;?¦ "..' -; "¦ '-:'¦ ~ ' ¦'"/

' ¦ At; the Siindiay" morning, servicesDi*. Karl Moo'rfe' .gave ..;an inspiringsermon va^id the, choir , sanff 'specialmusic. , Hrs. Gail Aggers sang twosolo^; "The Lord is My Light" and"Lift up lYour, Heads." . .. , 4; ,TheMveek-lono .celebration , endedwith a beautiful . program of muiiicaa follows: Mr_v; Muriol Keller, oi-**gan recital j sopiwho solo, "Tlie liord'-Prayor,". Mrs. utaby Ennis Haggerty jclioii", Gounod's ."Sanctus,"' tenor solo,Robert ," Ij[owell* ;b»ss solo,. AddisonWard; violin solo', "Romance. , Concer-jto , No. • 2,",. Lawrence Hayford; ;so-praao nolo, "Cdriio Yo Blessed," Mrs.Haggerty j : choir,; "Tho .Voice in the•^ildornees," '.yitlia solo by Mis. GailAgigoral* linsa Dolci "Hcai* us.O Pat'n-eir.'? Adclisoh Fai-fl; choir, "0, DivineRodceinerj" baas solo, "Pro Pcccatia"(Kossini), A(|di-o'ii Ward p violiri* solotic-bmpiiniod by Mrs. . Fayo Wine- atthe brgaii^and. Jti;s.; Mui'icl Koller atthe ^iaihb ,:' "Mc'<litatioii,"' LawrenceHayfoWj chbiv;. A'For Tfcino ie tlioKingdom,'' froin the "Holy - City." .

lli^!||l|ili;:;;Diamond Jubilee


' Two persons wore slightly,injuredin"n. licafl-oh .collision of . twoA'auto-.jpbbllos J tir\, Bdrwhii'O; di-Iye,J •S6W011;last Wotlaosday, 3t * V'iiB Vevbalbd:'IWBw«ok by .BVookhpivop Tov/n jnplico. ;, ,¦' .;' Putvolraan- 'B.;EviiiuJodvaliuch :retported tliat'Harcy E||lon of- Seidellsuffered -shie'clc.' an' Jh jurod^rig ht * kneearid ¦.otitB on t jo l icit hnnd whim ,;hlBautomobtlo .; and .'.a " taxi -driven' .'MyJaiior B.;v :B6t-iig.-of, Soldon l : eollTdoa.

MlKs^ Bctaag aufTe rcil ai 'contusion oii.ner . foi'oliflad .. .A: y .riyy : y" y - ,/ "¦>• ¦zh Mj. .V ( Elilon tolil ii pplleia lie."i; wascgining oyer tlie i tbp* .of :o¦¦: hill oii|H» -own tildo of , tho i'oftd- .when ihocollision occurred . ; Miss iBbtzaff ;saidthat1 alio had uwoWod 'to thbv vtehtto^ nyo d• a :hplo;Un ^h*> i'^y«cl ju pfc be-fore the , ; eroelif (riTKft ?! front oW(te'"io£botlv' pars woreadliihriagod; 'v " ' ,,A Both Mr. Elilon and -Miss Bot'/ig.S^^^t«*Jj 8J.*t hiiihtiiiiotio hy / Dr.JuliuH II. RlORolluiunt' of Selden anilta1«o>V;feMa%v: Memo^al hospital,f-i^!Ml_fe¦ : ¦ ¦ ;R|?|8-;K^I^S .^UfJICOyiJl .I^G -A .

,,; <l^rd (iconj|)iui»r»,Vpn; A. o imuitilino , of i tlie

^.Xotig Island ARajl - lload<|»yei missod ithp .qlieerfiil fitob ell onoof tlioh^ f ellowftiwyollora; Mips ClaraRplufi;*t)|,Wtfd._o'.d, wlio has :bc'on con*,'nS^te*,i ,)o>: (l> lh ; "' pWstov, cantovoi'..,.R|ii<.O.,3)^bm»ry ',-20. .when, ahaWB*\ . IMiirt0,:'?Jir.. i9''.f«ll v-6n ' -'*>tJio . ' ,Jco;Prlcnds*. report, tlvnt 'aho ¦ is :rot!ovor-liitr* rabidly, und -Will 'stitm bo "ridingthe ' trains again.

T^P^^Injured in Collision

4-H Oub Leaders.'* .r. ,. ' .-;,*, -;i -j*-:y'frry-iri^ajjf:r;3?v; . "- .;• '

Hbiic^P ^Recognition Dinner Given at

Smithtown; to Form Coun-ty Leaders'Group >

;SMlTJHTOWN — In spite of theice storm 93 attended! the 4-H Clublocal r leiaders recognitibnL dinner atPriede's "inn , ' *.h«r«_ , last '.'.Thurasdaynight. In his talk, Edward tV. Alton,field agent 'of the Extension Service,™United States D-parttnent. of Agri-'euIturQ,.,j.ointed .out.that. 174',000..inenand ' women, were serving as loaders)for .1,700,000; ,4-H members and give74 hours' a yciir of service per .lead-er. "4-H Club -.york," said Mr. A.itoa,l"dignifies work, teaches skills as >vellas facets,: gives, ihomber- . &¦¦ feeling bfbelonging ahd -opportunities to learnto do by doing,".; lieailership cei'li-ficatc- " were . pre-sented leaders by Mrs. -Heiiry* DoGraff , Liaiirel, raad J. C.' . Corwith,Water, Mill, '. riieinbers-of the county4-H club 'execiitive committee. Toast-master Was' Frank D. , Reed, Matti-tuck, chairman'' of the committee.Mrs. L'e-ter Dawis, Cbmni, also amember of the committee-; prdsetitoddoor 'awards'. to Mrs; Vera Lutzi Mat-tituck, and Edward .Frariiptoh, Jr.,Ccnteroach , The awards' wore booksentitled, '. Life ' Werth cWhi lei"; 6y Dr;C.* B. Smith, for nearly. 80 years boh-neeted , with ' tho United ; States - Ex-tension . aervico. • ;; - ,' . -¦Mrs. MaVthii ' ThoisJ> Medford , aleader for 12 yeflre , and Boyd Wi-nansi ' Rivcrliead-i who .has oBen alendor .fo r five years, were proseiitodbouquets. Tho ltowest 4-H leadersalsono h-onot-ed were' MiW. Carl Leon-ard and Mrs.; Fnihk' Carter, Haiiip-ton Biiys, and ; Donald Wagnor,Northport,

' •Daring ' u ,short disciiKsion period,the Ipitdora ' voted to form a 4-Hleaders * a-ssoeiutlon in - tlio county topromote , fellowship: tti provide amoans of helping build tho 4-H pro-graw ; ahd to provide ;bbttei* trainingfotf - loadei-s.. " ; _ :• ¦¦zny/. z zz-y - 'i ¦

Sp ecial Services f or PalmSunday Scheduled Here

Palm Sunday will be observed withfitting services, masses aud specialmusic in the churches of Patchogue,when the triumphant enti;y..of Jesusinto Jerusalem will be celebrated.

¦Congregational church ¦At the Palm ' Sunday service at ll

a. hi., the Sacrament of Baptism willtake place. The sermon topic will be,"A Burden Transformed by a Bear-er," and will he delivered by theRev. Gerald E. Boyce, minister. MissEdna Jaekslon, organist, will play theprelude, "Hyinne a Sainte Cecile," hyGounod and the postlude; "Laiida-mus Te," by Armstrong. The ebon-under the direction of Alvah ^-Nichols will sing the anthem> -"KideOn! Ride On!", fcy Scott, and "ThePalms," Faure. .Methodist church

The Rev. Harry Sanford Crossettwill give a special Palm Sundaymessage and the choir will • renderselections. - „ ¦ l -•"' _St. Francis de Sales It. C. churchAt 11 a. m. High Mass will be

celebrated. The music will includethe "Mass in F,r' by Theodore vonLa Haehe. "Partis Angelicusi" byFranck, mil be tlie offertory. "PalmBranches" will be sung. Talms willbe blessed at 7 a. m.a and will bedistributed at all masses, 7,. 8, 9, 10,11 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. The' Rev.James V. Walsh is pastor of St.Prancis de Sales. . . ' .*' •

St. Paul's Episcopal churchAt St. Paul's, with the Rev. Han-

ington Wilson, rector, Holy Com-munion -will be celebrated at 8 and11 a. m. A special musical programwill be presented - at the latter serv-ice including: organ prelude WithMrs. Michael DeSanto, organist,"Come Saviour of the Gentiles"; pro-cessional, "All dory, Laud , andHonor"; introit, "The Palms." Thesinging of the C-iildren's Eucharistwill follow. The oifertory, "Ride Oh!Ride On!" (Scott} will precede .thepost Communion , "O Jesus Lord,Remember," and tlie postlude will be,paraphrase of "The Palm?," arrangfe-ment by Noble. The dhildren *(jt ,; theSunday school will participate-m theprocessional and the, service.

Church of the -Nazarene -. "The Triumphal Entry , and It-Lessons," will be the topic of thesermon by the . Rev. Stanley : Dixonof the Church of the Nazarene.Our Lady of Mt. Carmel R.C. church

Palms will be .Blessed at 7 a. 'nf.and will be distributed at all themasses; 1, 8, 9, YO, 11 a. ml and12:15- p.-. m. at Our Lady of Mt.Garniel with the Rev. Cyrus Tortora,pastor.

Emanuel Lutheran churchPalm Sunday service at the Eman-

uel Lutheran ' church .'will , , take placeat 10:30 .a. iu; In the evening, theHeiinion Sei-vice¦., will, be held at7:30. At , the"morriing service thesolemn r rite of coafirmation will beadrninistered by -the Rev., Carl G.Gefhaniitj ' pastor. Twenty-two, ybiihgpeople aWJU be^corifivrned. . The guestpreacher Iat the Reunion SeTOce, willbe the Revi Williain Rush of River-head. ,' ¦' ¦' "A'"/

jFdllowiiig the choirs .of the churchthe . young people of . the confirriia-tion class will be led , to their pewsby. niembers . of . tie : church council,deacons ' and trustees 'off- the church-iJohh Makela, - Karl Erhoi-dt, Sr:,MartinABeck, . George Buehler, . Sr.,*Herbert Wehrenberg, Frederick Hut .tenlbcheiy * H e n r y. Seiter, GeorgeHeimroth , Harvey Gehrig, Karl Er-hardt, ; Jr., Otto Brauner, GeorgeNe'uholJ',. Jo's Yablonski, Emil Prae-torius, Harry Sienien , Henry Geert-sema, William Priihl, - Jr., GottliebGbll, "Harry Gobdiei-, Louis Potterand Douglas Daniels. The pastor ivil!speak; to the Youh-g People and con-gregation on the topic "Follow. On."The. senior choir lander the directionof , iMiss Hazel. Prahl will- siiig "Hb-sanha in the High-cst" (Walter) andthe ju riior choir, uiitler the directionof Mrs. O,, Brainier will sing , "IWill Be True , To Thee" (Morris);The organist will - play "The :Palms"(Paurc) and "I'he Holy City"(Adams). ' .

After : the , service a Bible aiidPrayer Book .will be presented to 'theybung pbbple byAtho Senior .LadiesAid .and Junior Iiudies Aid , of. thechurch;/ Mrs.; Martin ! Bioek .aiid Mrs.William, Ciii'l, presMeiits of those so-cieties, ;\vill make the flroseritatbiis.,, The;!*-Reunion ! Service .will ,'* be in *charge of the Young People. ClebrgcMoger,,,' Louis Potter! Robert; Luffand , Robert , Williama - ..will , be thoushers. 'After the, seryiccl u motionpictu re, "Rcachliig: From Ha'avoii,"Will;; bo shown iin Athe parish, hall ,followed , by. n-h social get-togothorwith refreshments. The committee -incharge is ;Miss ;Gritco. Sionieii,,MissMarion, Mogor,: M|s8, Agathit Wil-liaiiia, M-iSH, 'Vera Tonn . and . MitiaAudroy-:Httcgi, ;, ;; ' ¦ -,. .,: _ .;-!- ,, ,, - . *. , ¦¦.*l The .following ,'youhg pobplo willbe ebJiflrroeU at tlie morning, .SOTV-icb: , Misaos/ Bottle ; Ai'ih Brauner;Irene • Cabre,'; Barbara Hahri, ' GloriaHanson; Evelyn; Harding, .-JacquelineE. Hbernig, Janet- Janis , Amy Koas-ler, Dorothy Moqdy, Norono- Potter,Barbara - Soitov. r ninl John Shnw - biPatchogue; Jos - He. ppo, Jr., of Eau tPatchogue,')-:. Gubntlior Raddata • otBr6okhA,v<5ii, ¦ Lftwroiico' Hanioa; - Nor-man . Htihschol; .•Wnllof'.Jbscliko, Mat-1thow : Maddea,' DonutldfRoth'c, Ricliurd

W. Rothe, Richard Salzer and Gcoi^"Williams of Patcbogue. 8i-The Lutheran Church of Our Savi».

The Holy Rite of Confir mj,tii!traditionally celebrated from earl.years by the Christian church nlPalm Sunday,, "will be observed k*thej Lutheran Church of Our SavioBy this sacred rite tlie followindchildren will make their vow aridunite in - full . membership with tbcongregation: Miss Gloria Bogeuri-!dere, Miss Evelyn Klinger, Miss JansRebmann, Arthur Kottman , Jr -„ •Siegfried Peter. ' m

One infant and six children willbe received into the Church of JesuChrist by the Sacrament of H0]»Baptism. They are: Robert StuartSzmala, ^

Henry Bostelman , LeroyBostelman, William Bosielman, JcaiiBbstelman, Siegfried Peter, andBimnhilde Peter. Six adults will alsobe received into membershi p by letter of transfer and vote of th(vestry.A special v feature of this seivi«will be the dedication of a Baptismal

Font, the . gift of Pastor Otto Ger*bich. and the congregation of stPeter's in the Bronx Lutheranchurch. The choh' wil l rentier thetraditional Palm Sundsiy anthem"The Palms" with Leroy Petct-soiiat the piaxo.

At 8 p. m. a reception , sponsoredby the Lutheran Ladies guild , willbe.held for the Confirmaiids and allthe new . members received on PalmSunday and . on anniversary SundayDecember 7. Presentations Avill btmade to Confirmation Class. In turnthe Confirmation Class -will presentthe congregation with a certificaterepresenting a gift which will be pre-sented when the _ie\v church edificeis ferected.

ObituaryKfo-LTER F.' GALE, aged 42, ol291 Fishel avenue,' Riverhead, as-sistant trust oflicer of the SuffolkCounty Trust company, died Mondaynight at his hohie.

-*He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary Stnr-chak Gale; four ch_ldren , Pctei' Gale,Thomas: Gale, Walter , Jr., and SusanMary Galej : his mother , Mrs. AnnaGale; three brothers, Benjamin , f d-ward and Stanley Gale, and a sister,Mrs. Michael Hynes of Yonkers.

' , GUSTAVE BA-VSLABEN , aged63,r af ,Cariaan drive, North Patch-ogue, died 'Monday at King's hospital ,Bay Shore., after a short illness.

Mr. Banslaben, ' who operated awatch repairing business on WestMain; street, Patchogue, was born inLithuania and , resided in this vici-nity for ';' l(i years.

.Surviving" , are a . daughter, Mrs.Robert - Faliey;¦ three sisters , Mis.John Schlosser, Mrs. John W. Noyesand Mrs..Fred Hunjj erford , a brother,.;John, and , two grandchildren , all ofWaterbury, Conn.

-Services -will be held at 2 p. in." to-day, at the Robertaccio find SharpFuneral chapel , Patchogue, with theRev. Carl Gernannt , pastor of thcEnianuer Lutheran church, ofliciatiair.Interment will be in Cedar Grovecemetery. ,

ARTHUR- L. TERRY , aged 11,died at Waterbury, Conn.. Saturday,after an illness of several years.

Born in Sayville, lie had lived thereuntil 1923, when he moved to Con-necticut;A Mrs. Alberta Terry, his wife, sur-vives,*, also ,' oho sister, Mrs. (icorceReevfe bf Sayville; one brother , Ells-worth 'Terry ,of Astoria; a half-brother, Charles Terry of Islip.

• ' Funeral services wore held nlRaynor 's, Memorial chape l , Sayville,yesterday at . 2 p. m. The Rev, Jos-eph R. Bogle, pastor of tlie SnyvilleMbtbodist church of -which Mr. Teriywas a member for many years , offi-ciated, Interment was in Uni on ceme-tery, Sayville.

r AIRS. IDA SClCUTTIi, aRcd W*.died-Monday at hor home, 20 Roose-velt avenue,.Sayville, after a long ill-lioss. - . - ' .- ", ¦"- , ;> .;-' Borii iii New ; York city, she luj tj

lived in Siiyville for the past '«years. A uiibmboi' 'of the Lndies aux-iliary to. Siiyville Post 4!l«, Veteransof Poveign Wars, slic was the color-lioarer. - . *; !She, is survived by hcr imsbaro.Frederick J.; two sons, Frnder icK,J;y, :, of : Baldwin , Arthur .1, of .Sor*villo* .*'one .diiugliteiv Mrs, Ida KcJ insbf . Sayville? liwo .bi-olhow , Willi*"Poeach of Now York city and hnmPooKclr of Northport ; ono sister , i«*;»i.Louise Holland of Wakefield , '» J"and _ throo grandchililren , . ,,.; Tlio VbtoranK of Foreign Wars heWHorvicos at Rayiior 's Memorial t'lmP'oii , Sayville,. ;yostbnluy nt 8 ji. •»•Fuheral ; sorvicoH will bo licit ,«* ,"P.; .iii. .today , at the chapel , with »Rev. : Joabpli, II.! Bond , rotrlo r of o*Ann's; Epiacbpal church, Stiyvillo , f *ncinting.Tiiterinont will follow In tif¦fumlly*- i>Iof. In Atlio ' 'Blue Point cem-etery, Bldb Point.

^0H^ :fescnwi5«DKL 'HoO'Sf;tprdfay at! .Ms, voBidence , 11« M<#avonuo.", 'Hb .'wiis bofn ' in Gruiwtaai.Gqriiiany, fig yours ' ag'o nixl t, |inlf, '!this country,' in 1000, . Ho hn s resigniiv i Patelibguo for; »(l yours iiniMJ 1')iiuiy . years was bin ployed in l«"iter's •Butchoi' slion. „ , ,„,,AThb funeral wllf be hold SntngWut'/ iS "p. m; -.' in C. W. Hu li".»!, 'KFimevnl ¦¦ libnte.wlth the llpy*- <-M^feisfa'BOv; pf the* Lull oj tin ¦ Ch |Wm\'i Savlqr ' odlclnting. ' HUuviii cnlWill 'bo in 'Coddr "Gi-ovo coniot ery* .A lio loaves his,wid ow, Mrs . "<«««go werdoli. o n e hrothor , ^XSclwvovdol 'ff>f .-. Biioolc)yn ! ono IJIUK "tbr,AM .8, :, Sophie Nlipiot of P»Moguoj .;,t\voA.;HopSi , Johii a»« ','Sehwdr'dol'v <if , - lliu 'e Point; i>«« "grahdiidti ,- "' .:' ,;¦'„- ¦ • ' , , ,.i'W.Mr;>; ScIiw<ir<|©i was a me"""11 „,"the Lutheran - Churcli of Our WWand nu oxoinpt 'iuouilibt ' uf ll'« ^0lPtttclioffub Firo doriiirtiiie-Ji t.

zZw ;W U WU^^ *:' ?. a:',cwifti-s* of-iiivwaiite(l Jfep-Ji' '-!ItIM!fe PI!tel«Sli!;¦AA tp. nB]^

I ' ''' '- -" i ': .j *' -• ,' .' - ', V ¦( • ; , (v ¦,. , ¦•''.'( , ¦ *'. '-( i* j - ) 'i' ' . -i ' !¦ * "*. . , - ¦ • . i % * . ¦

'^^"JTv * • - T ' T " ," " ' *

W®WM WEl^RiiliilI J__ii£!Jg!__ffl - : ,*


Auditorium IsPacked Friday

For ConcertAnother impressive ex

ample of musical progresiin thc Patchogue publiischools was the amiudElementary Scliool con-cert, presented Friday eve*ning in the Patchogue Highscliool auditorium undeit h e direction of Wrs,Marion ... Christian , super*visoi-"<.f music.

A p a.cked) , 'auditoriumsaw thc children perform,both in groups and in-dividually and the prevail-ing opinion was that mar-vels are bein^ worked by•the member- of the schoolmusic staff.

The high point of theevening was reached whenthe 90-voicc Combined Gleec l u b , , representing theRiver, Medford and BayAvenue schools, performedunder three members ofthe elementary s c h o o lmusic teaching staff. MissAnne Dickerson, R i v e rAvenue school,' conductedthe group in "Sometimes 1Feel Like a MotherlessChild"; Mrs. Eileen Eiler,Medford Avenue school, ledthem in "She'll Be. Coram''Round' the Mountain"; andEugene Romeo., Bay . A"ve-huo school, directed, "Rib-bon Dance."

Among the other groupswhich performed were:Combined Elementary bandof 35 . pieces, composed, ofthe beginners', group anda - group with a little ex-perience;- the . Elementaryorchestra,"- now in its sec-ond year; a. boys' choir anda girls'., .choir from theMedfoi'd Avenue school ; agroup of first grade vocal-ists from the River Avenueschool; ¦ and r tt" ' - group ofsingers from : the thirdgrade at the Bay a Avenue

"-dibbl; ¦:'' '; -. AA "rLiated at ; right - is! tb.

personnel *of ; the variousgroups which , perfbrhneciii the annual concert.


AbrariH,'. Helen Diwni, -TOMI . M.Inlty, Jaiic Boblriso-. _Smlfe f!f v£!!sot .t?omB

'Baker, H«33a_ ¦ Oouli-i. Tit clft Mo-tiltio. Jean . ... . . . fiditaldt, Edtlh SUnta, Joyce.Rcrttcr. Mawai-t Port, Lawrence McDcrinott,Lnivrpnce Schult-. Welda . ¦ |uii«l, Pe«rl .Bi-nco, Prea Gillette, Otice Mooic, Jacqueline Shan , Ethel TJbbetttr CarolynBUu, Bev'ecly . Goldbcrg__, wmi-m Nagle, Florence Shan ,;. Roberta Wilson, Nane-yB-jearta, JotepMne HahHhfr. Evelyn Price, . Dorothy . - Stein . Marilyn . i '

tBVrra, Marion Hendrlks,. Marjorie Reich, Carol An_ i . Stephani, Dorpt-jr

Gt^E CLUB — MEDTORD AAVENUE SCHOOL' A-vlario, Fra1)C« Pirrell, . .T-OiM-i Kre«», Doris Pell-treau, . Robert Staudlinpor, LonccBrown, .Tn_j- Plachbr, Diane Laugh-*-), Kathryn Jetrallia, Joyca SmhllinR. Fansuna , ,

. Butler, Waila-m Gnrdher, IBonaia Luff. , Arlo-B ; P/elfle, Atincs . Wnde. NeilCfita-epy, Rob-rt Gr-eMhow,'Ttnth McWiUiBms. Mary PfeiHc, Rlchnrcl . Wajdn, Walter

5 Co-Mln. Mfldre- . Hart." Wniiam MiUHidinl, , Peter Remey, Wllnanii -¦ Ool-man. Call Hafer, Msron Mcrkln, Barry Bc«n3lt, Metac Davit!, Curtis ' Kattau, Thomas Parker, Carol Robinson, - Alien*.1 , A GLEE CLUB — RIVER AVENUE SCHOOL. Amsterdani. Ezra Chiuchiolo,. Robert .Tones, Sarah Morclllno, WeoaoVc 'Palmer, -Ann

Anfreloro, Cernliiiie Contitto, JDolorc- Kin. . Cjeil.. . Murray, Anna Plsoiit , Paul• Benincasa, Wary Lou.Contlno, -Elaine Levy, Raymond Musso, Wary Porto. Michael, Bfa-rtcn. Marilyn Ferrante. Sammy LoUto, Kathleen Myers, Biehal'd BoelolTs. Knrt1 Bright, Carole Ferris, RJcbard Lncln, Carolyn Oliverl, Shirley Schordine, Joan• Billiard, _ o_in Oeracltano, Alfred Madden, Matthew Paiaro, Mamicl - Watthews, THomas

GLEiB CLUB — EIGHTH GRADE' AbraYnii, Mary Ann Farrell, June Kllniter, Lois . Nol), Jane . , > Skinner, •Muriel• Boiteni-cMer, Glorii Garritnno^ : Matilda Kottmaru Arthur Panewich,; Joyce Staplcton, ™.oinas

Bowden, Joseph Hollaman, Elizabeth Ladue, Jule Louise Pares. Diana Tholnpson, Richard'Carroll , Cherrlc Hubert, Natalie Maginnes, Beverly Pntrli*no, Phyllis Tobin. Sluart

! Dayia, Janet Jachowdilc, Dorothy Malkus, Edward Potter, Norenc Towlen, JanetD-tislnu, Daniel Ja<«er, Katherine McGroary, Stella ' Sarre»t:co, Bose •

'¦'Dorn, Juno Janetkn; 2telon Monnco, Lillian Seiter, Barbara• Edwards, Thelma ' : Kwiti . Catherine . Nettles, Elvin , Shaisr. Jeanne

¦zi ', -ELEM-3NTARY. ORCHESTRA , ' ., - ¦ .VIOLINS Morlay, Barbara CELLO ' Goldstein, Ira ' ' FRENCH HORN

Hh iin MaS '¦Sff i- 'gSF* fih.-d ,^a - - „.,. OBOE f PIANO

Chfero, Mars , W_fl2' vS' -a . Bianca, Florence Palmer, KayDo-wns! Joan ' md*' Nlel CLATHNferS . T-RCMPET_I . „„¦„„_Gillette, Grace VIOIAS 3)enincnsa, Mary Lrf)u Liirsou,.Lucille . . DRUM-. *Hardinp, Evelyn Srown, Ju4y <!nrdncr. Donald , Hart, William Alilt-ieli, JackLuclo, Carolyn 3tebma„-( Jane Coldbcrger, WiUia_n Both, Donald Mnhntno. John


Kaplan, Allan StovS"', W*«Hiim j\|brecht...Robert Smith. Edward Carfora', Franl-Shand. - Roheita S S1* 'S" Biaiiea. Daniel . «t*i»ai.iifii_ „

'- .I 'AB iKrpi- fl S?* 9. Klrt .. Butler, Willlhm M-_LI<pPH0-«E . . -, _ ¦ DRU«SCLARIKETS Jfeiffer, VJinnett Bobvian. Jo^ Felice. Francis • i- ., '- ¦¦ « f wBenincasa, Mtiw Uu S&-nd-p,_ S*inley "farrell. Thomas „i™„WIia Maile Stephen

DeCamp, Hotter ¦ Watthews, Thomas Ferris, Carol . BARITONES Paghao, JosephGardner, Donald . -' ' ,.-_._'.,„ Gilderslceve, Cary * Draf-one, Vincent ».,_» ]Gi>idbetRcr. •VfiWam ., '• SAXOPHONE i>B_ nro, Manuel Peter-on, Peter IUBAGoldstein, Ira • TSctiri, WOllam Palermo-. Anthony- Walsh.., Raymond; Dietz, WDliant ,

, GRAi>E I - 6 — RlVER'AVElilUE SCHOOXAmbrose, Jo-Ann Tcrria, IreJe Marielln, Maria E- Bright, Carolo Moody. EvelynArcuri, Janet , "Foley. Pataicia IMcCormack, Jnmes Cohen. Carol - Myers, Donald ,Bright, Fay Tranco, Salvatore Zaffuto, Josephine D-Sgone, Vincent Pajaro, ManuelBrochstcin; Sonya .Garbarini, ' • June ' • .. . . Figuerin, Gloria Palermo, Anthony iCaputo, Carol Ochrig, Harvey . Albreeht, Robert Hirst, . Gale Palmer, Ann , *Cook, Vit-jlnia ' Coonan, jTSibmna Amsterdam; .Earn Hoffman. Catherine Plotkin, Bcrnaid , 'CufTee, Gloria fianson, Joseph AnBclora, Geraldine Hiniter, Lois' Porto, MichaelEarle, Diann« ' Hedges, Genrold Avel(ino, Shirley Lotko, Kathleen Rate; RichardFelice, Patricia Sosiceo, Victoria Benincasa, Edward Lucia, . Carolyn . Valentino, JosephineFelice, Paul ' tulrert, Sanara Bianca, Marilyn MorolIEnb, .Theodore Watthews, .Tliomas '¦ • ¦;.': GRAil. E 3 . 7 — BAY AVENUE SCHOOI, ' JBaur. Karen Nasie. AIvina Walter, Nancy Gillette, Grace* NaRJe, FlorenceBecker, Ida O'Brien,. R-obert Wylllns, X,awrencc Goldberger, Wllltnm Rogers. DelphirieCochrane, Ruth Ferry. 3Dlaje ,' * ' Hardins, Evelyn - Ruegger, .Jack - ]De_.ucia,*rArlene Ratcliff , Larry Bcrkoivitz, Sam ' Hoder, Wallace - Sanaano, Vii-ginin 'Fariiles, Brenda RpBcrt; Charhs Blanch Janies , Homer.; "William - Sawyers, JamesFort, " Bon'ald Etosain, Meatha Bianca, Florence' Hunimel, Richara Schultz, MeldaGreene, Linda Sarrocco, :C«thcrine Bucarln, Josephine Jackson, Frank Shand, Roherta.Hooley, Barbara Schnetaler,'-Joseph Conwell, Gladys Justh, Dorothy Stein, EvelynHylan, Chart«ne Stevenson,. JROtert C. DeCamp. Roger Ligouri, Joseph Stephani. Dorothy

i Jones, Henry* Ste'viehson, .ltobert S. Dbwns,-. Joan - Maiskr, Jane * Sugnl, Pearl;Leahy. Sharon - , Stumme,' J"=San Doukai, /Patricia Moore, ' Jacqueline Troyer, BruceKeDermott, ;"WUliam Vofn Khee", >Coxrii,c Ganon,, Joseph ' ¦ '. -. . Morler.- Barbara* Tully, Richard

BOtS'VCBiDIR' -- MEDFORD. AVENUE;SCHOOL * i; Butler, Williani • Gardner, Donald Kelly, Donald - Porter, Jan .; , ' Rothe, Gene -: Cherepy,- Robert Hsfit;* Hyroii : Magradini, peter . Raynor*, -Robert Saperstein. Michael "

Davis, . Curtis Hammer, Jaba Merkln. i.BSrry . Remey.¦ William Smith, Edward, Dobiiaa, John, Bitt,; WiUiaixi -PelUtreau. .Robert Rotelen, Donald Wallace, William > '- Farrell, 'Thonaas Kattau, Thomas: r Pfcifle, Richard Rothe, ' Donald ; Wade, Neil ., > . G i- Aviano, Frances Bf-i'-isbh,-Carol . Hansen, *Judy McWiHIams,- Mara Staudfnger, Lorice 'i Bennett,*;Phyllis DoVito, yjto-jri. - ' .Tohnwn, Paula Mendelson! Barbara Sieger, Hilda •I Bri nley,- Barbara Ehman, . HoJe - -Keller, - Jean1 : ; . Parker, Ciirol SmijUinB, FaustinaBrown, Judy- , Elias, ;C_r£in . Kress,-. Doris ' Perry, Mary" Aim Smith, Carolee

Conklin, Mildred Fischer, Diane Lange,: Rose Marie Petrallia,, Joyce Smith. SheilaColeman, Gan Godjr, FjaScea , XevernwnV Carol PfeiBcAgries " Usher, I«on'oreCoupe,' Jap«t, Grueschdw,"s. Ruth E.auKhllh,' KWherlne Rebmaii, .Jane : Walters^ CarolCiifti, Harriet , Ghbpl>oso,;ijean ¦¦; ¦ .¦ :3tof l, .Arlene; . .:. ' Resnikl Meta .

Maay Enjoy Music bfji^ Elem


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